Pastor Sheila R. Vitale continues her series on the Five Stages of Messiah's Descent. Topics include: Tree of Life, Word of God, Unification, Moses, Jesus, Shimon bar Yochai, Isaac Luria, Incarnation, Right Order, Nukvah, Unholy Satanic Unification and more.
In Part 4 of her series, Mary & The Melchizadek Priesthood, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale explores topics including:
In Part 3 of her series, Mary & The Melchizadek Priesthood, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale discusses topics including Feast of Passover, Dying Shall Die, Sin of the Soul, Character of God and Object of Faith.
When Adam of creation sinned, his spiritual body fell apart into many soul pieces, or soul sparks, which were eventually gathered together in the nation of Israel that Moses led out of Egypt, and Israel became a supernatural nation.
In Part 4 of Pastor Sheila R. Vitale's series entitled, A Tale Of Two Cities, Pastor Vitale discusses such topics as: Adam, Solomon, Shekinah, Elohim, Pagan Gods, Levi Priests, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Promise, Righteous Mind, Spiritual Law, Root Seed.
View the video on our YouTube channel:
It appears to me that your dream is for me. The Lord has healed me of so many things that I am having a difficult time accepting that I have high blood pressure and need a doctor. My doctor retired and I have a new doctor who I am not getting on with too well. I gave my testimony on Sunday. If you want to hear it, it is on the CCK YouTube channel. The name of the message is: “The Beast and the Beast System.” It is about 1 hour long.
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