Approaching The 7th Day - Sabbath Eve is the latest video message from Pastor Sheila R. Vitale. Topics for this series videos include: Primordial Kings; Root & Branches of Tree; Produce Leaves; Proof of Jesus; Birth Male Child; Seed of the Lord Jesus; Female Soul; Male offspring; Christ Jesus Unification; Breath; Fist of Connection; Earthen Vessel; Military Power of Soul; Human Spirit; Elohim Imparted His Essence; Evening of 7th Day; Stages of Development; National Israel sinned; Forgiveness; Hidden in Christ; Power in Humility; Limit God, David’s Crime, and much more.
The video can be viewed on our YouTube Channel:
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale, Living Epistles Ministries, has added a third part to her series called "Another Look At Daniel, Chapter 8." There is a wealth of important information in Daniel, Chapter 8 and Pastor Vitale has been delving into the mysteries and message in this profound chapter of the Old Testament.
View the video on our YouTube channel:
Continuing on with her messages about Daniel, Chapter 8, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale has a new video entitled, "Another Look At Daniel, Chapter 8." Pastor Vitale explores topics including: 4 grades of soul, national Israel, Soul Attached to Lord Jesus, Language & Speech, Satan, Leviathan, and more.
To view the full video:
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale's latest video, Conscience, The End Of The Law, is a fascinating discussion of morality. Topics include: God Conscience; End of the Law is Righteousness; Jesus is not God; Sign of righteousness is to cease from dying; Resurrection v. Immortality; Morality rising in Us; Spiritual Understanding of the Law; Adultery; Test for Adultery; Moral Consciousness; Maturation of the Nefesh; First and Second Adam; Common Salvation; Human Spirit, Soul and Personality; Character of Christ; Stages of development; Seed; Unification of Jesus/Shekinah with Christ in us
View the video on YouTube:
The soul of Messiah seized Mary’s womb when Gabriel announced the event, thou shalt conceive in your womb, (Lk 1:31).
November was a busy month for publishing new books. The following five books written by Pastor Vitale were published during the month of November:
Adam And The Two Judgments
Eagle Ascended
Mind Of The Spirit
The Woman In The Well
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