Pastor Sheila R. Vitale presents part 4 of her series, Hebrews, Chapters 8 & 9 - Exhortation.
Tony Milton continues his series, The Three R's: Race, Racism & Racist. Topics include: Self-Assessment, Discrimination, Prejudice, Church, God, White Privilege, Declaration of Independence, and much more
In Part 2 of her series entitled As In The Days Of Noah, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale of Living Epistles Ministries speaks about Sodom, Homosexuality, Noah, Jehovah, Lot, and much more.
A Spiritual View Of The Fall is a new message from Pastor Sheila R. Vitale in which she discusses topics including Higher Soul, Lower Soul, Hybrid Soul, Gilgul, Ibur and much more.
In Part 4 of her series called About Adam, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale explores topics including Saved Through Judgment, Higher Soul, Lower Soul, Hybrid Soul, and much more.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale speaks on politics and current events in her latest video, Politics & Dreams. View the video:
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale presents "The Re-Emergence Of Israel," a video based on Ezekiel, Chapter 39.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale presents a timely discussion of current events in the political climate of the United States.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale comments on the current political state of the United States and the world in her latest exhortation.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale continues her series on Gog, The Land Of Magog. Topics include the evils of our world (i.e. child trafficking, brainwashing, etc.)
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