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Praise the Lord everybody. We are in our notes which is a translation of Rabbi Isaac Luria's Gate of Reincarnations, Chapter 1, Section 5, literally reading form the text, of course this is the commentary. Literally these words embryo, suckling and brains or as we learned in part 6; embryo, suckling, suckling can also be called childhood and brains can also be called adulthood. Embryo, childhood and adulthood, or embryo, suckling and brains. The first term refers to a stage where the Sefirot Netzach, Hod, and Yesod are pulled up on top of Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet, and in this posture of three within three, they are curled up within the womb of Binah. In this way, Binah provides a direct transference of light to them as a mother does to a fetus when the fetus is inside the womb. This direct light that is coming from Binah is the influx of the light which is the brains of Ze'ir Anpin.
I remind you that Ze'ir Anpin is born without his brains, he is born with an empty hole in the middle of him and fallen Adam, humanity that we are, we are in the image of fallen Adam, and that is why so many people have compulsive problems, and they know that there is an emptiness inside of them that they cannot fill up, we are lacking our spiritual brains, and our spiritual brains is what connects us to the eternal world, because the influx of the light of the Keter, Chokhmah, and Binah that flow in to the empty space within us, not only gives us wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, but this light is not given to us and then separated from the one who is giving it, this light that is given to us permanently connects us to the one who is giving it, and the one who is giving it is anchored in heaven and can never fall down out of heaven again.
The impartation of our brains is much more than the receiving of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, it is the re-connection to immortality. So Lurianic Kabbalah says that in order for Binah to impart this light, because although the Keter and the Chokhmah are a part of it, Binah you may recall is the only one that actually interacts with Adam or with Ze'ir Anpin. In order for, Lurianic Kabbalah says, in order for this light or this influx to touch the Netzach, Hod, and Yesod (which are the three Sefirot closest to Malkhut, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod), in order to touch them with her light, because the three Sefirot that are closest to Binah are...The brains I have drawn in black, three black circles, Keter, Chokhmah, and Binah, and the next three circles, should be Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet. So the suggestion of Lurianic Kabbalah is that Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet will get all of the light and there really will not be enough light to filter down to Netzach, Hod, and Yesod. Therefore, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod pull themselves up over Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet, and get real close to the mother, and get that light, that is the suggestion, that is what Lurianic Kabbalah says. And Lurianic Kabbalah calls it the 1st stage of pregnancy or embryo. Praise the Lord any questions about that? Let us read on.
The 2nd term which is suckling, or childhood, refers to the stage when these Sefirot have left the womb of Binah, that means they unfold. The Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, go back down to be closest to Malkhut, and the Chesed, Gevurah, and Sefirot are closest to Imma again. That is the 2nd stage, unfolding.
But like a newborn child, they still require direct nourishment of light from their mother, that is Binah, and this stage corresponds to the Sefirot of Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet, because the size of the partzuf is now equal to all 6 Sefirot from Yesod to Chesed. Let me comment on that. We did a whole message on this part 11 of message #570, Pregnancy, Suckling, and Childhood, where we describe that there are two kinds of suckling, that in the early stage of development, Christ who is represented by these Sefirot is suckling on Satan, the unconscious part of the mind, and then in the later stages, he is suckling on the glorified Jesus Christ. So if you need to review that, please listen to part 11 of Pregnancy, Suckling, and Childhood.
We are told that this stage of childhood and suckling corresponds to the Sefirot of Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet, because the size of the partzuf is now equal to all, what partzuf, Ze'ir Anpin, Ze'ir Anpin, the size of the partzuf Ze'ir Anpin is now equal to all 6 Sefirot form Yesod to Chesed. Does everybody understand that? This is the development of Ze'ir Anpin, and I think what it is saying is that the first three Sefirot that come out from Imma are Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet. And then when the next three come out, well I am not sure about that, I better not say that, I am not sure what it is saying, other than before the fetus of Ze'ir Anpin is in this condition of pregnancy, when Netzach, Hod, and Yesod wrapped up over Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet, before that condition, Ze'ir Anpin only has three Sefirot.
The Sefirot are emanating from Imma one at a time, just like baby comes out first, the head comes out, then the shoulders come out. So I am thinking, it does not say this in our notes, but I am thinking that Netzach, Hod, and Yesod must come out first, unless I have it backwards. It is not clear in the notes, but we know that Malkhut is in the outermost ring. It sounds to me like they are saying, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod push out and then Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet push out, and for some reason, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod have to come back closer to the mother to get nourished. That is what the notes sound like to me. My question would be, why are not Netzach, Hod, and Yesod nourished when they first push out? Sometimes the Lord answers me while I am preaching, Lord I would like to know what the Kabbalists would say in response to that question, why do not the Netzach, Hod, and Yesod get nourished when they first push out? Why do they have to back track and cover over the Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet in order to be nourished? Does anyone not understand the question?
As of now I do not have an answer but I will show you what the Lord showed me, which is Christ Centered Kabbalah, as soon as we get through this paragraph here. The stage of suckling or childhood corresponds to the Sefirot of Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet, because the size of the partzuf is now equal to all 6 Sefirot from Yesod to Chesed. We are being told that the 2nd stage suckling or childhood is when the Netzach, Hod, and Yesod fold back out into their natural position after Tiferet and now the partzuf of the Ze'ir Anpin is a full 6 Sefirot, he still does not have his brains yet, although I drew it with brains on the board. The last term Mochin, which means brains is another way of referring to the Sefirot of Chokhmah, Binah, and Dat, not Keter, but Dat. That is interesting, which function as the brains of a partzuf, this stage is also called adulthood or maturity, and the size of the partzuf is correspondingly enlarged. The partzuf is now grown to its full size of 10 Sefirot, it is now complete and whole. Once the partzuf, once Ze'ir Anpin receives its brains, completely receives its brains, is in adulthood and it is complete and whole. We are told all partzufim develop towards completion through these 3 stages and we are being taught here that all the levels attained in the growth of the soul, also go through the same 3 stage process of spiritual development. That was a commentary. I have to explain to you why it is Dat instead of Keter. I am going to have to draw another diagram to show you why it is Dat instead of Keter, so let us stop and take a picture of this for now. I decided not to draw a demonstration of what Dat is, I will just tell you briefly, that Dat is not a Sefirot, it is called a quasisefirot, it acts like a Sefirot, but it is not a Sefirot, Dat comes into existence in overlapping worlds, you may recall from that teaching that whole purpose of overlapping worlds, or the whole purpose of the stepping down of the light of God into creation, is for the light of God to descend low enough to become visible, to form a visible image of God, and the trick, and the catch, the difficult aspect of this, is to keep the degrees of light that keep stepping down more and more into the earth, to keep them attached to the light that is in heaven which is immortality, because when that connection between the light that is stepping down, and the light that is in immortality, is severed, the light that has stepped down into the earth dies.
The Adam Kadmon is assigned with the responsibility of filtering the light on continuously incremental descending grades for the purpose of forming a visible image while at the same time keeping each of the grades that are established every time the light steps down another grade, another increment or another link is established. Adam Kadmon is responsible for keeping all of those links, all of those grades or all of those aspects of light connected to each other and connected to the Godhead above. And in those overlapping worlds, at some point where Keter should be, there is no overlapping Sefirot to overlap Yesod and a quasi-sefirot comes into existence to take the place of the lower worlds. I am just going to leave it at that right now, it is the best I could do for you right now.
The Lord did show me something in Christ Centered Kabbalah concerning this, so we are going to stop in our notes, there is just one more paragraph in these notes, but we are going to stop here to show what Christ Centered Kabbalah says about the 1st stage of pregnancy where the NHY, the Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, according to Isaac Luria, I am saying supposedly overlap the HaGat. Let us see what the Lord has to say about that, and I will draw that for you on the board. Praise the Lord, we are looking at Drawing #2. This the Christ Centered version of the diagram or the atom showing the 10 Sefirot of fallen Adam. See the problem that I perceive that the Rabbis have is that they do not, and this is my perspective, it seems to me that they just do not recognize the fallen condition of man, and I think that Rabbi Luria saw a vision, I think that he probably got this vision from God, but he, I do not know whether it was Rabbi Luria or whether it is the translators, but it is interpreted backwards, it is interpreted with the carnal mind, and this is in many other cases, they see the vision assuming that the man that this represents is whole, and I guess the bottom line is that the Rabbis today, they believe that because they are Jewish, that they are still whole, that is the perception that I see, it is the equivalent of someone in the church saying, once saved always saved. They see themselves as whole. The Lord has shown us quite a while back that fallen Adam and I am reading up in the upper left hand corner there, fallen Adam has only 4 Sefirot, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, which is Abel and Malkhut, which is Cain, that is all that there is left of fallen Adam. Cain and Abel are the residue of fallen Adam, but when I looked at drawing #1 which Lurianic Kabbalah's explanation of this diagram, of what diagram, of the pregnancy stage of fetal development of either Ze'ir Anpin or of the Christ, whatever you want to call Him, they draw Him with 7 Sefirot and only the brains to be added to Him, but I do not see it that way. This is what the Lord has shown me, and He has reminded me that fallen Adam only has 4 Sefirot, and the powers and principalities that are at the center, the powers and principalities that are the brains, the spiritual brains of mankind are not Dat, Chokhmah, and Binah, they are the Serpent, Satan, and Leviathan. Adam if fallen and the Jew in today's world is just as fallen as fallen man.
I do not believe that they are in any kind of special configuration. I believe where they are coming from is that, they believe they still have what they call the Jewish soul, which is what we understand to be the seed of promise that was passed to Isaac, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, they perceive themselves to have this Jewish soul which we call Christ, so they interpret this image as if it at the very least, that they have 7 Sefirot, and hopefully they are going to get the 10, but the Lord has told me clearly that fallen Adam only has 4 Sefirot and the HaGat, the Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet, that Rabbi luria talks about does not exist, it is not present in present day Jewry.
Was it present in the days of Rabbi Luria? I do not know, but the Lord is telling me that right now the condition of fallen man is that not only is his empty space the black area which is Dat, Chokhmah, and Binah, but the empty space in fallen man is the black area and the red area. He has no Dat, Chokhmah, Binah, Chesed, Gevurah, or Tiferet. All that he has is the Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, and he has got a big empty space in the midst of him. So the reason the diagram, the Kabbalistic diagram comes up with the HaGat outside of the Netzach, Hod, and Yesod is not because Binah has drawn Netzach, Hod, and Yesod closer to her for the purpose of nourishing the Sefirot, but the reason for that is that fallen Adam has no Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet. Before Christ grafts, there is no Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet in the fallen man, and it is the Netzach, Hod, and Yesod that are right up against Leviathan, Satan, the unconscious part of the mind, and the Serpent, because the truth of our existence is that Leviathan, Satan and the Serpent feed off of mortal humanity in the flesh.
The reason, these red rings, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, they are not supposed to be right up against the center, the blue rings and the red rings are supposed to be reversed, so the explanation that Lurianic Kabbalah gives you is, oh it is a good thing, the situation is reversed, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod is close to Binah, Chokhmah, and Dat because Binah is feeding and nourishing Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, it is a good thing, and I am saying, No, the reason Netzach, Hod, and Yesod are so close to the center Binah, Chokhmah, and Dat of the other, because it is Binah, Chokhmah, and Dat of the other side, we are fallen, and there is no Netzach, Hod, and Yesod. It is completely lacking and the Serpent and Satan and Leviathan are feeding off of Abel the substance of God in fallen man.
When Christ comes in, Christ grafts to Abel, and according to this diagram gets in between Cain and Abel, you were saying, well why does Christ not go to the inner circle, where Abel is being fed off of by Satan, Leviathan, and the Serpent? Because when Christ is grafted, He is not strong enough to do that, He would be destroyed. So Christ is grafted to the lower part, of Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, from where He starts waging a warfare against the powers and principalities in the center of that man. And this is what the doctrine of Christ preaches. Christ is grafted to Abel, starts waging warfare against Satan, this warfare boils Satan, and when the water aspect or the spiritual aspect of the spiritual blood separates from the impurities because of warfare, Christ swallows up that energy. And when that begins to happen, Christ is now in the 2nd stage of fetal development, he is in the stage of suckling, where He is suckling off of Satan's energy. Some people get very upset over that, they say, why would Satan feed Christ? It is not like that, it is not that Satan is feeding Christ, it is that Satan, the unconscious part of the mind, is being destroyed, she is being broken down and as she is burned, as she is boiled, she is discharging the energy which is the substance of God which is in the original creation, and Christ is swallowing up that substance of God and discarding the impurities.
I will just read what I wrote along the bottom, fallen Adam has only 4 Sefirot, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, which is Abel and Malkhut which is Cain. Christ Centered Kabbalah says, Abel the substance of God in fallen Adam is close to Binah of the other side, and Binah of the other side is Leviathan, so that the powers of this world can feed off of Abel's substance. Cain is the visible physical world, Cain is Malkhut. Christ grafts to Abel's lower side and begins to wage war against Satan, the spiritual blood of the man that he is grafted to. So Abel which is Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, is close to the powers of the center. Abel is close to the brain, and that is the Chokhmah and the Binah of the other side.
Abel is close to these powers, so that these powers can feed off of Abel, Abel is not close to the power so that they can nourish him, Abel is not close to Leviathan so that Leviathan can nourish Abel, Leviathan is feeding off of Abel, and we see this relationship in Revelation I believe Revelation 17, with the harlot riding on the beast, the harlot is Abel, Abel has become the harlot, Abel is trapped in a white slavery situation, he is chained to a bed and he is in spiritual sexual servitude, because it is the spiritual sexual servitude that keeps this fallen world in existence. We see that Christ is the overlapping aspect. I do not know, maybe it is true in a man who is not fallen, that the Netzach, Hod, and Yesod overlap the Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, to be nourished, I cannot tell you that that is not true, because I do not have any information about the man that is complete, I only have information about the man that is fallen, that is incomplete, and so I am going to stick with what the Lord has told me. In other words, I cannot say that what Lurianic Kabbalah is preaching is not true, what I am saying is that the Lord has shown me the reality of this teaching with regard to fallen man. Everybody that I know is fallen.
Maybe I will find out some day that the Jewish people, maybe they do have a Jewish soul and it is not true for them. I am not inclined to believe that right now, but it may be true, but that is not what the Lord is focusing on here. What the Lord is focusing on here is that we should find out the truth so that we should be set free.
I have Christ, I think everybody here has Christ, but you are supposed to be the equivalent of the Jewish soul, and I am not going to pursue this line of thought, I am really not, I am just going to stick with what the Lord showed me, this explanation, what did the Lord show me? The Lord has, what I am talking about here? We are talking about the explanation that Christ Centered Kabbalah gives for the fetal stage of the development of Ze'ir Anpin, I am going to believe that Rabbi Isaac Luria saw this fetal stage of development in the spirit, he saw it in the spirit, and the Lord has given us the explanation for the overlapping, for the displacement of the 3rd triad, of the reversal of the position of the 3rd and the 2nd triad. The Lord has given us the explanation for fallen Adam. Whether or not Rabbi Luria's explanation is correct for a man in a different spiritual condition, I am not going to deal with that tonight. Praise the Lord, does anybody not understand what I am talking about here?
Christ is the overlapping aspect, and Christ is given to Abel to strengthen him and deliver him from bondage and servitude to the Serpent's crowd or to the Serpent's family. I am going to have to do a 3rd drawing and just spell it out for you. Drawing #3, embryo or pregnancy, the first stage of fetal development is the NaHiy, the Netzach, Hod, and Yesod are pulled up over the HaGat, the Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet. The question is why? Lurianic Kabbalah says, the NaHiy is pulled up close to the center so that Binah can nourish him with a direct influx of light. Eventually the NaHiy unfolds and the adult or the complete Ze'ir Anpin is revealed. And that complete Ze'ir Anpin has 10 Sefirot. The NaHiy is 3, the HaGat is 3, the Dat, Chokhmah, and Binah, the 1st triad is 3 and Malkhut is 1, so that is 3, 3, and 3, and 1, is 10, Za is completed with 10 Sefirot. However Christ Centered Kabbalah says, fallen Adam has only 4 Sefirot. That is the Netzach, Hod, and the Yesod, which represents Abel and the Malkhut which represents Cain.
Fallen Adam does not have a HaGat, which is Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet. Wherefore the NaHiy, the Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, are next to the 1st triad of the other side, which is the Serpent, Satan, and Leviathan, the negative aspect of Da’at, Chokhmah, and Binah. The grafted Christ, Lurianic Kabbalah says, they change places, but Christ Centered Kabbalah says, No they do not change places, the HaGat is not there, the Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet are not there, there is no exchange of places, and then somewhere along the line, Christ grafts to fallen Adam, and the grafted Christ becomes the righteous HaGat, the righteous Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet, that wages war against the 1st triad of the other side, which is the Serpent, Satan, and Leviathan, until Christ unseats that man of sin.
The Dat, the Chokhmah, and the Binah of the other side is that man of sin and the Christ defeats that man of sin and seats Himself on the throne which is the heart of the man having this experience. Christ comes to us as a seed, but His assignment is to unseat the powers and principalities which are the very foundation of mortal humanity. And this foundation, this mortal foundation dwells in the heart of man, that is why the heart of man is desperately wicked, who can know it, it is because the Serpent, Satan, and Leviathan, dwell in our heart. So when Christ grafts to us His assignment is to start attacking that stronghold and to take down that man of sin and replace him.
Also, this is the exposure of our sin nature, and if we do not cooperate with this exposure of our sin nature, Christ will never prevail. Christ will never take down the Serpent, Satan, and Leviathan without our help. So if you are one of these people that think that you are just going to lay back and do nothing except sit in church, and that Christ is going to fight your battle, you will find out that you are mistaken. You must fight the battle by the power of Christ, and then He will back you and fight with you, and unseat that man of sin, and replace your desperately wicked heart with His righteous heart. The problem is that, a lot of people just cannot seem to deal with the reality of what is in their heart. And if you do not do anything, Christ cannot overcome your sin nature, and you are most likely, you know live out your life and pass out of this world.
So, that is the issue, I wrote it out for you on drawing #3, what Lurianic Kabbalah says about the 1st stage of fetal development known as pregnancy or embryo, and what Christ Centered Kabbalah says about it, and the major difference is that as I could see it, is that Lurianic Kabbalah does not recognize that fallen man does not have an HaGat. And well maybe Christ, maybe the Rabbi Luria does recognize that fallen man has no HaGat, but he thinks that Jew does have an HaGat, which would be that Jewish soul, and maybe they do, even if the Jew does have an HaGat, even if the Jew does have a Jewish soul, it still does not make the Lurianic explanation accurate, that the reason that the NaHiy is close to Binah is to be nourished, the Lurianic explanation that the NaHiy has changed places with the HaGat, so that the NaHiy can be nourished, even if the Jew does have a righteous HaGat, they do have their Jewish soul, the truth still is, that the reason that the NaHiy is close to Binah is not to be nourished, but because the powers and principalities at the heart of all men, even the men that have either Christ grafted or that Jewish soul, we still have a mortal foundation which is the Serpent, Satan, and Leviathan, which is feeding off of our NaHiy, which is Abel.
Did I make it clear, do you understand what I am saying? I think I did not even have that myself when I was speaking about 10 or 15 minutes ago, I just, we are under some kind of an incredible, something is hanging all over us here tonight, I do not know whether it is the anointing of the Lord, or whether it is something ungodly, but there is just such a confusion here tonight, but the Lord, I believe that the Lord has prevailed over my carnal mind, my carnal mind was just fighting me so hard tonight, and this is the principle that the Lord has brought tonight, even if the Jew does have a Jewish soul, this explanation that the Netzach, Hod, and Yesod is close to Binah for the purpose of being nourished is not true, because even if the Jew does have a Jewish soul, they still have a mortal foundation, they still die like everybody else, it means they have a mortal foundation which means that the Serpent, Satan, and Leviathan, is at the center of the Jew as well as he is at the center of the Gentile and of the Christian. We are all mortal and we are all dying, that means it is the man of sin that is sitting on the seat of our heart, the Serpent, Satan, and Leviathan.
Therefore, the NaHiy within us, the Netzach, Hod, and Yesod within us whether we have a Jewish soul or whether we have Christ or whether we are a Gentile and we do not have either one, the reason that our NaHiy is close to the center, is close to the Binah of the other side which is Leviathan is so that they can feed on us, and this concept of the NaHiy being close to Binah and this exchange of the NaHiy and HaGat for the purpose of nourishing the NaHiy, is simply not true, the Lord has said it is simply not true.
I do not like to openly challenge these teachers that have thousands and thousands of followers, but the Lord has told me, it is simply not true, and I do not know whether it was Isaac Luria or whether it was his student or whether it was the translator, but whoever is responsible for this teaching, they saw the vision, they saw a correct vision of a series of concentric circles representing 10 Sefirot with the HaGat and NaHiy reversed, they saw that vision in the spirit, but their explanation for it being in that condition is not true. This is the word of the Lord to me. Are there any questions or comments? This was a short message tonight, God bless you all.