Displaying items by tag:CIA

Friday, 05 October 2018 13:32

Judge Kavanaugh - 3

Join Pastor Sheila R. Vitale for the third part in a series on Judge Kavanaugh.

Published in Latest news
Wednesday, 07 February 2018 13:11

Mueller Vs Trump

Pastor Sheila R. Vitale provides a fascinating look into the current political topics in her latest video, Mueller Vs Trump. Pastor Vitale touches on such subjects as: Nationalism & Globalism; American Intelligence Media; Russian Collusion; Luciferians; CIA; FBI Comey Advisory; McCabe, Russian spy; Government people guilty of treason; Hillary & Russia Uranium; Mueller Prosecutor; Corporate Intelligence Agency; Trump Transition Team; Resistance against Trump; Trump Published Memo


View this timely video on our YouTube channel: 

Published in Latest news
Friday, 29 December 2017 13:47

The Restoration Of The Republic

Pastor Sheila R. Vitale presents an interesting topic on current events including: Treason of Obama, George W. Bush, Etc; Executive Order on Child Trafficking; Obama & Clinton Wealth Seized; Shadow Government; Q-Anon Clearance; Fake News; Corrupt Judges; CIA Exposed; Marine Core; Eliminate Fear.


View the YouTube video: 

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