Pastor Sheila R. Vitale continues her series entitled Phinehas Is Elijah.
Ephraim, Man Of The Earth by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale include the topics: Prophecy, Ephraim, The Natural Man, Creation Is A Process, Imputed Righteousness, The Second Over The First, The Spiritual Mirrors The Natural, Two Nations Inside Of Us, Recognizing A Spiritual Elder, An Illegal Kingdom, Idolatry, Stages Of Spirituality, Correction & Understanding, Fusion, The Right Moral Order, The Fruit Of The Carnal Mind, Spiritual Education, Pressure, Thoughts Have Spiritual Power, Hosea, Chapter 11, Out Of Egypt, Graven Images, He Healed Them, He Drew Them With Cords, The Assyrians Shall Be His King, The Sword Shall Abide, Backsliders, The Will Of God, God Is Not Man, He Will Call Them Forth, Coming Into Right Order, A Place For Everything.
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