In Part 2 of her series entitled As In The Days Of Noah, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale of Living Epistles Ministries speaks about Sodom, Homosexuality, Noah, Jehovah, Lot, and much more.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale provides an interesting discussion of philosophy as it exists today. Topics include Greek philosophers, modern philosophers, corrupt thinking.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale takes a serious and enlightening look at a very delicate subject in her latest video.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale continues her series on The Re-Emergence Of Israel.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale presents Part 3 in her series entitled, "The Sins Of Sodom."
In "The Fall Of The Black Magicians," Pastor Sheila R. Vitale discusses who the Black Magicians are and how they are being defeated.
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