Pastor Sheila R. Vitale has a series on Hebrews.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale invited Anthony Milton to preach his message entitled Come Now And Do What I Say. Topics include: Motived & Behavior, Secure Foundation, Witchcraft, Rebellion, Sin, Tomorrow Is Not Promised, and much more.
Join Pastor Sheila R. Vitale for Part 2 of her series on Romans, Chapter 3 - Alternate Translation
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale has returned to her series on Enmerkar & The Lord Of Aratta with the 5th part in the series:
Enjoy "A Serious Discussion of Life Issues" with Pastor Sheila R. Vitale. Topics include: Communion, Pentacost, Judgment, Holy Spirit, Immortality, the Carnal Mind.
Watch the video on our YouTube Channel:
Related book by Pastor Vitale: Corinthian Confusion (available on Amazon)
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale provides new revelation on forgiveness and faith in her message, "Adam Is The Female."
Fidelis Onwubueke was recently invited by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale to speak to Living Epistles Ministries. His discussion, called "Deception," explains about the ways the enemies of God's people try to deceive them.
View the video on our YouTube channel:
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale continues her informative discussion of Conscience, The End Of The Law.
Watch the video on our YouTube channel:
In Pastor Sheila R. Vitale's most recent video, A Body He Hath Prepared For Me, she discusses such topics as: Sacrifice; Suffer the Loss of the Body; First Adam Had Died; Soul Personality; Jehovah Attached to Earth; Second Adam is King; Purified Soul; Conscience; Ransom; Jesus Purified; Lake of Fire; Carnal Mind Burned Up; Secret Place; Idolatry.
View the video on YouTube:
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale's book (Published by Living Epistles Ministries), A Study In Unconscious Mind Control, is now available on in both English and Spanish. A Study In Unconscious Mind Control discusses vicarious mental and spiritual experiences in Christ Jesus.
English: A Study In Unconscious Mind Control
Español: Un Estudio En Control Mental Inconsciente
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