Thank You For Answering My Questions
Sent: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 18:57:28 -0500
Thank you Pastor Vitale.
I appreciate the time you took to answer my questions. I was very moved by some of the responses. At times I felt like a familiar presence was speaking.
I hope that this me finding my way back to God again. Thank you for keeping my name anonymous when you post.
I have always thought that every time I think of Jesus when I was young, I thought of him as being healthy and uninjured and relaxed. When I got older, the only images that I see in the media or at every church is that of him being punished or crucified. I always tried to picture him free from all this pain.
I guess who am I to try and save someone that does not need saving. I guess I will understand one day.
Thanks again Pastor Vitale, you are a kind soul that really cares and thanks for giving me those words of power and meaning. May you find what it is that you working towards.
Respectfully, XXX.