The founder of Living Epistles Ministries, Sheila R. Vitale ministers as a pastor and teacher. Complementing her work, Sheila Vitale contributes to numerous charitable organizations, including World Vision.


A global Christian organization, World Vision works to end poverty through its network of more than 46,000 people in nearly 100 countries. Striving to follow Jesus’ example and show unconditional love, the organization collaborates with children, families, and communities to address the causes of injustice and poverty.


World Vision began in the 1950s when Bob Pierce donated $5 to a young girl in need. Over the subsequent decades the organization grew to have an impact on the lives of people around the globe, from helping Vietnamese refugees and victims of the Ethiopian famine to those with AIDs and individuals whose lives were devastated by the Asian tsunami.


To learn more about World Vision and its work around the world, visit



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