The founder of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah, Sheila R. Vitale has for four decades studied the Torah and the New Testament, teaching her insights on these texts since 1988. Apart from her ministries, Sheila Vitale is a longtime supporter of the American Center for Law and Justice.


For more than 25 years, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) has committed itself to the mission of protecting religious and constitutional freedom. Through its work, the ACLJ has litigated cases at all levels, all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States, as well as at international tribunals.


ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow has personally argued cases involving various issues such as free speech, the rights of students to form and participate in religious groups, marriage law, and laws related to patriotic expression.


Based out of Washington, D.C., the ACLJ works worldwide with affiliated partners in Israel, Russia, Kenya, France, Pakistan, South Korea, and Zimbabwe to help ensure religious freedom for all people.

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    Selden, NY 11784 USA

    All correspondence to:
    544 Jefferson Plaza #562,
    Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776-0562 USA
  •   631-331-1493
  •   631-536-2089

Christ-Centered Kabbalah is a part of Living Epistles Ministries, a not for profit corporation. As such, we do not: 1. Endorse or oppose either directly or indirectly any candidate for public office. 2. Donate or contribute to any candidate's campaign. 3. Participate or engage in political fundraising events, or otherwise solicit contributions for any candidate's campaign. 4. Distribute statements for or against a particular candidate. 5. Engage in any other activity that may favor or oppose a candidate.