The founder of Living Epistles Ministries, which publishes free Christian literature through its website and via special lending libraries established across the globe, Sheila R. Vitale has authored more than a dozen publications. Away from her work with the publisher, Sheila Vitale also supports World Vision, a global charity focused on improving children’s lives.


World Vision recently announced a partnership with the World Food Programme, which will allow it to provide much-needed food assistance to 500,000 children currently affected by the South Sudan’s famine.


World Vision notes that over 5.5 million people will face shortages by July 2017 if nothing is done to alleviate the issue. The organization is appealing, alongside the international community, for at least $1.6 billion in aid to help provide food to those in need.


The famine declaration comes during a period where much of East Africa faces drought, which is affecting crop growing. Combined with the ongoing conflict in South Sudan, the issue has the potential to escalate, leaving the most vulnerable at risk of starvation.


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