The Meaning of Hadassah


Sheila R. Vitale is a teacher and expert in biblical teachings who serves as the pastor of Living Epistles Ministries in New York. Sheila Vitale is also involved in the support of movements such as Chabad, a mainstream Jewish tradition that originated in the 18th century, and the Hadassah organization.


Hadassah, also known as the Women's Zionist Organization of America, was founded in 1912 to provide medical and emergency care to those in need. The organization has grown substantially in the last century, and is now a nongovernmental organization member of the U.N. Economic and Social Council.


The name of the organization, Hadassah, is of biblical origin, as it was one of the names of Queen Esther. The name was first cited in the Scroll of Esther (2:7) and is derived from the term hadas, a myrtle tree. The name Hadassah also represents righteousness. This can be seen in Zechariah 1:8, in which the righteous are referred to as myrtles. In addition, myrtles are known for their sweet scent, and “sweet,” good behavior was also a characteristic of Queen Esther.

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