Christ-Centered Kabbalah Illustrated


Born of Jewish parents, Sheila R. Vitale became interested in the study of Scripture at a young age and now serves as the pastor and teacher of Living Epistle Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. Since launching the ministries, Sheila Vitale has provided a diverse range of educational materials on spiritual principles, particularly for Christ-Centered Kabbalah.


Visual learners can benefit from Christ-Centered Kabbalah's Illustrations of Spiritual Principles, which help bring to life messages on various aspects of Kabbalah in the Bible. These illustrations come from several different artists, including Cecelia Bryant and Fidelis Onwubueke, and can be found online.


Through words and imagery, the artists portray in clear and simple fashion the relationship of philosophical principles of Christ-Centered Kabbalah. Studying these images can help offer a deeper understanding of topics such as Christ's relation to the physical universe, the world of creation, and intangible realities such as wisdom and grace.


To view the digital images, which can also be sorted into a list directly linked to messages of Christ-Centered Kabbalah, visit

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