917 - Part 3

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.



Today's message is the Book of Colossians, Chapter 3, and I also included the first six verses of Colossians, Chapter 4, because everything after the sixth verse is Paul sending greetings to other people.


This turned out to be a very interesting message. We have some review work to do at the beginning, but I would like to tell you what the Lord told me about us, about me as your teacher, and the people who follow this doctrine. The Lord is still enlightening me from two primary messages, The Gadarene Demoniac and Gilgamesh. He keeps going back to those messages, so today I am here to tell you that we are all spiritual male hogs. That is what we are in this ministry. We are spiritual male hogs, and I realized that when the Lord told me to start teaching from the New Testament, and how light the message of the New Testament is compared to what we have been doing for a very long time.


The term spiritual male hog is not really an insulting term, although it sounds like it is. We are spiritual male hogs in that we cannot get enough of this esoteric doctrine. If you are reading this and you do not fall into that category, that is OK, but I think that to be studying with me on a regular basis you have to fall under that category, because no one in their right mind would put up with these deep studies, which are anywhere from six to eight hours a week of lecture, plus however many times you have to read the message to understand it. We are the spiritual male hogs, and the spiritual male hogs are saved from destruction by receiving the privilege of the Doctrine of Christ, the true doctrine. Some people are so hungry for spiritual truth that they will eat anything, although they may not realize that is what they are doing, but that is the crux of the matter.


When I first started teaching the epistles, the Lord told me there were people out there in the world who were spiritual black belts, and at least two people in this ministry have a testimony, the Lord told them that if He did not bring them here, they would have been drafted by Satan and gone into heresy. I do not know if it would have been doctrinal, but their spirituality would have gotten them into trouble.


Now that we are in Christ-Centered Kabbalah, the Lord is telling us we are spiritual male hogs, which in and of itself is not a bad thing, because lusting after God and His doctrine is just about the only legitimate addiction in the universe. You can lust after God and after the things of God. You can lust after the Word of God and you will never, ever be satisfied. So, keep on lusting after the things of God and He will always have enough food to satisfy you, at least for the moment. There are no negative consequences for this lust, or this addiction, as long as you are in a congregation that is under the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. The teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ requires you to deal with your sin nature coincidentally with swallowing down this esoteric doctrine. As long as you are in submission to the Lord Jesus, and in submission to the teacher, dealing adequately with your sin nature, and going forward in the process of refining that nature, there will be no negative consequences to being a spiritual male hog. It is the only safe addiction in the universe.


The  Lord is bringing the Scripture to life for us; He is bringing all the parables to life. Everything in the Scripture is about humanity; it is about us. The whole Bible is for us, when we are ready to receive it and to hear it. It is all about us, what our fallen condition is, what His plan is to solve the problem that has us trapped down here in this material world; and all about Him, that we should be able to understand Him, and acknowledge Him, and follow after Him. That is what the Bible is all about; it is for us.


Out of all of humanity and the Church, we are a congregation of spiritual male hogs who are under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to give you an example without naming any names;  I do not even know if I should say they are members of this ministry. Let us first understand what makes you a member of the ministry. Does tithing make you a member of the ministry? I do not think so. I think your participation in the ministry makes you a member of the ministry. It is possible for you to tithe here and not be a member of the ministry.


There is a very well-meaning woman who tithes here. At least, she sends in monthly donation. If it is an actual 10 percent of her income, I do not know, but I believe in her mind she thinks she is tithing here, but she does not study with us. I received an e-mail from her recently laying out confused esoteric doctrine that she picked up, a little bit from me, a little bit from here, and a little bit from there. I had to tell her that you cannot mix this doctrine with what you find on the internet because it produces an antichrist message in your mind.


What I am trying to tell you is that she is a spiritual male hog, so she needs to be in this ministry. Sending money is not enough. Her soul needs to be in this ministry because she is a spiritual male hog. She cannot get enough of the doctrine of God, but for whatever reason, maybe she has not had time, or maybe she has been ill. I know she has had a lot of problems in her life, so I am not criticizing her, I am giving you an example. The reality is that she has this desire and need for esoteric doctrine. She has not applied herself to the message of Living Epistles Ministries, and she is walking around with an antichrist message in her mind. She is a spiritual male hog that is in trouble. She has to come under the cover of this ministry and start applying herself to the message. I am here to help her. We will see what happens.


For those of us here that are in submission and doing all we are supposed to do, we are a congregation of spiritual male hogs, and that is what the message of the Gadarene Demoniac is all about. It is about a category of people in the Church (maybe they are not in the Church, although, as far as the Gadarene Demoniac goes, they were Jews) that seek to satisfy their spiritual hunger through the Scripture, and amongst those people is a category that are spiritual male hogs. They cannot get enough of this word, and if they cannot get enough of the letter, eventually it should lead them to the esoteric word (I would think), although I know there are teachers of the letter that really know the Word of God, and they never seem to get beyond it. It seems to me that at some point you start going up, instead of around and around and around.


Something very interesting happened after we did Chapter 2 of the Book of Colossians. In the beginning of Chapter 2, Paul is speaking to the Colossians, and he says, Make sure that this letter gets to the Laodiceans. I remember thinking at the time, Why the Laodiceans? What about the other churches of God? Why just the Laodiceans? It was just a fleeting thought, and why I did not pursue it, I do not know. Maybe I unconsciously thought, How would you check something like that out? I remember I did not address it; I just let it go.


I was on the internet recently, and Google is always recommending videos for me, and what came up was a video by Chuck Missler. Normally I would have never clicked on Chuck Missler because most of the time, but not all the time, I do not have the patience to listen to the letter of the word. I am sorry if that sounds arrogant. I did find a preacher that I really enjoyed listening to the other day, but a lot of the time I do not have the patience for their preaching.


Normally when I am on the internet I am not looking for other preachers, I am looking for current events and news, but I clicked on Chuck Missler, and would you believe it, he actually talked about the Laodicean Church and explained why the Laodicean Church is different from the other six churches. I was so amazed that the Lord would do that when the question just fleetingly passed in my mind, but it was not an issue where I asked the Lord specifically about the Laodicean Church; it was just a fleeting thought.


This is the answer:  The Laodicean Church, which is the seventh church, is different than the other six churches (there are a total of seven churches of God). In the first six churches, Jesus addresses the Church as a collective body, inasmuch as Jehovah would address National Israel as a collective body; as a nation. But in the seventh church, the Laodicean Church, He addresses the individual. He says, If you knock, I will come in, and I will sup with you. The offer of a personal relationship is given only to the seventh church.


The seventh church of Laodicea is the end-time church. When He comes in, He is coming with esoteric doctrine, but Chuck Missler did not know that. I thank God that the man has an intense knowledge of the letter of the Word. I was thinking about him this morning because I think about the Church a lot, especially teachers that I believe are sincere, and I believe Chuck Missler is a very sincere man. He has a sterling background as a human being. He is greatly accomplished in his profession; he was a military man and became this really great Bible teacher after he retired. It looks like he may be in his 80s; he is definitely on in years, and he has all this knowledge.


I had this same thought when I was at a service in a local church. Actually, it was the church with the pastor that came against me so badly that he drove me out of his church because of the spiritual attack on me. I do not want to put his name on this message. This pastor (the last I heard) had a stroke and he could not teach anymore, but he was really an excellent teacher of the Word. These teachers go to Bible college and have all this information about the Word. They know there are seven churches of God, and that the seventh church is the only church that addresses the individual? That is how preachers that focus on the New Testament teach. It is all about the letter, and there are quite a bit of words in the New Testament, so they find all this information about the letter of the Word.


Is that bad, Pastor Sheila? It is not bad, but it is called being in the wilderness. It is what they are taught in Bible college, and the Bible teachers that do that are doing the same thing that the Jews do. The Jews have acquired an incredible body of knowledge. Some of the greatest minds in the last 2,000 years have been rabbis, and they have racked up all this incredible knowledge. The teachers of the Church are doing the same thing. The question is, What good has all this knowledge done for you? What has it given you? It has affected you in this life; it has made you intelligent; maybe it has drawn you closer to the Lord. I honestly do not know if it has or not. It may have. And then what?


These Bible teachers are all going round and round and round in the wilderness. Somebody has to start going up. Somebody has to start teaching a message that will reconnect humanity to Jehovah, that will reconnect humanity to life so that we stop dying. But they are not even praying along those lines because they have been fed a lie that tells them immortality is after death. This is how dangerous it is to make up your own answer when you do not have the answer. I have been talking to you about that for years. This is what the whole Church has done. The answer is not evident to them, so they make up the answer. The Church says that the reason we are still dying, the reason we are not appearing like Jesus appeared after physical death, is because it happens after death. Why, then, if it is after death, are they not appearing? I do not know, and the Church has just left it at that and taken it for truth, but it is a lie.


We have the incredible privilege of teaching the message that goes up. It goes up, but not very many know we are here, and if they do know, they say we are not Christian or that we are not Jewish because we believe in Jesus. Those who look at us usually do not like the message, or they reject us for one reason or another, because Satan lies to them and has a roadblock in there somewhere. We will just continue to bring forth this Word, which just gets more and more incredible.


The Lord has revealed to us who Melchizedek is, which was so overwhelming to me, I actually started to cry. The degree of the revelation, and what God is doing here, just keeps coming forth. At some point, it has to go public because God is not doing all this work for just me or you. He is doing it for the Church. He is doing it for the Israel of God, and He is doing it for all of humanity, so it cannot stay within these four walls.


Our job is to keep on working. You are a part of what I do, because when I preach the message, it is a whole different method than when I study alone, and both are necessary. You are as important as I am, from that point of view, to listen to it and believe it. If you can hear this, the arrangement that we have is according to the blueprint in the Mount. We see this arrangement throughout the structure of the whole creation. We see the Lord Jesus Christ relating to the Church; we see the Shekinah, the Mother, relating to her Son; we see Ancient Adam relating to the God World of Atzilut. There is always a head and a body.  As far as this ministry goes, I am the head and you are the body. As long as everybody knows who they are, we are in good shape. This lady that I just mentioned to you does not understand that yet, that I am the head and she is the body. She has to find out, and I pray that I can help her to find out because that is my job. We are the spiritual male hogs of Port Jefferson, not really, but the spiritual male hogs of the Church today, because we are way beyond Port Jefferson.


I have to tell you that I thought the Book of Colossians was so weak. I was very unhappy about preaching this message today because I had leafed through it and I did not see anything that would lead to esoteric doctrine. It seemed that the whole epistle was advice on how to behave, so I put it before the Lord because I am a spiritual male hog, and I did not really want to preach it. I said, OK, Lord, I will preach it, because I understand that not only is dealing with our sin nature absolutely a pre-requisite for going forward with this message, but living the Christian life is very important. The reason we deal with our sins is to equip us to live the Christian life, so I really do have to preach about the Christian life. That is the way I resolved it in my mind: that I had to do this for any of the New Testament books (which may be quite a few) that the Lord wants us to take a look at, and preach on.


I started doing the Alternate Translation; it was very mild. I did see some Kabbalah in it, which we will talk a little bit about, the Microprosopus. The first few verses were a little interesting, and those last few verses where Paul is naming the sins and saying, Do not do this, do not be angry, and do not do that, and then saying, Instead, be filled with love: I want you to know that I was in pain translating those verses. I was actually telling the Lord, Translating these verses is killing me. Not that I am against being in love, and not that I am against showing you your sins, I am a spiritual male hog, and I was just so bored, it was killing me.


I had it in my heart that I would do Chapters 3 & 4 in one message, and then when I got to Verse 25, the last verse of Chapter 3, I said, It is too much to do both Chapters, but let me take a look at Chapter 4. I realized Chapter 4 had only the first six verses that could be translated, and everything after that it was Paul sending his regards, at which point I had a very interesting experience of understanding.


When I first came to the Church, I had no spiritual or church background at all. I was raised up in an unusual church: it was a deliverance ministry, and not many Christians did deliverance ministry, although there were deliverance ministries all over the United States (I do not know the rest of the world). My point was that I was in the Church world. My understanding of the New Testament, which is mostly what was taught, was a Church world understanding. Then the Lord started me on Kabbalah, and in the last 10 years I have been so immersed in the Jewish mindset (Kabbalah is the Jewish mindset) that now that I am back in the New Testament, I am like a stranger. In my mind and my understanding of the Word, I am not a church person anymore. If there is anyone out there listening to me preach, aside from the understanding of the revelation, I am just not a copy of the mindset of the Church world. I lost that somewhere in these last 10 years. I do not know if you can relate to what I am saying or not, but there is a way that Christians think about things. There are favored Scriptures that they all use, that have been beaten into your brain, that the evangelists and the pastors of the day have made an issue out of, and all that got swallowed up in the last 10 years, so now when I come back to the New Testament, I am looking at it like a stranger.


So I looked at Chapter 4 of the Book of Colossians, and said, This is just a letter. It is like a teaching e-mail that I have been sending out. I have been sending out teaching e-mails for years that have been lost because I did not have the staff to process them. Just recently, with Xxxx and Xxxx, we have been getting these teaching e-mails up on the blog, but I have been teaching for 30 years and sending out teaching e-mails to the brethren for at least 20 years. They are all lost somewhere. God only knows if they will ever show up. Maybe 100 years from now they will turn up in a cave somewhere. Instead of the Deep Sea Scrolls, it will be the Deep Port Jefferson Scrolls, or something like that. All of these profound teaching letters (e-mails) that I sent out; I knew they were being wasted, and I just did not know what to do with them.


I said, It is just a letter. I do not mean that to diminish it in any way, but I found that my mind was liberated from the mold that the mind of the Church people is in. Their mind is in a mold; they cannot hear, see, think, recognize or taste anything that is different than the way they have been taught in the Church. They are in a box and cannot get out. Anything that is not familiar to them, they reject. That is my whole point.


I looked at this epistle; I know that epistle means letter, but somehow, I never put two and two together. These are just letters that Paul wrote to the local churches. It is like me writing to the church at McGregor or the church in Lagos, and it was very liberating to me to understand that. Not to diminish it in any way though, but the epistles are almost the whole New Testament. We are not talking about the gospels, but the part of the New Testament written by the apostles are almost all letters that they wrote to the churches that were not local. We have churches associated with us that are not local, as well as local fellowships that are part of this ministry. We are doing the same thing, and whatever you want to say or think about me, I think you cannot deny it anymore that we are doing what Paul did, and the most incredible message is coming forth here. You all need to understand that, even when nobody recognizes it, what an incredible privilege it is.


I really like those YouTube videos; I do not listen very long, I just get the latest news and I click off. I am as bad as the millennials, but I am not a millennial. I listen for two minutes and I click off, and recently I saw a prophecy by Kim Clement (normally I do not listen, and I am sorry if I sound arrogant. I do not think that I am arrogant; I do not want to be arrogant). Pentecostal prophecy is interesting, but usually it is just too general for me. The Scripture says, Do not despise prophesying. I have to be careful to not despise prophesying because I do not like anything general. If I cannot understand what it means, I do not want to spend my time on it, and that goes for esoteric literature that I am reading. I have been reading the Book of Enoch again, and some of it blessed me, but the last few paragraphs that I read, I said to the Lord, It is all a parable. I have no idea what it means. I do not want to be reading something that I do not know what it means. I warned you all about reading passages of esoteric doctrine, and reading the Zohar, when the Lord is not revealing the Doctrine of Christ to you. Because when you do not know what it means, your carnal mind, knowingly or unknowingly, starts filling in the answers to what it means, and that is very dangerous.


I was telling you about Kim Clement. I do not usually listen to Pentecostal prophecy. I do think it is of God and it is edifying; we are told prophecy is for the edifying of the saints. If it edifies you, you should listen to it. It is fine, but for me, that is who I am. My mind is like a vice. I just cannot get enough of the esoteric doctrine. I am a spiritual male hog, and I do not want to waste my time reading or listening to things that do not mean anything to me, and yet I clicked on Kim Clement. I clicked it open, and there he is: he is giving forth that prophecy about the woman who is going to appear coincidentally with the President that he is prophesying about.


When I first heard this prophecy a couple of months ago about the woman that is going to bring oil to the Church and to the whole population, I sort of blew it off, saying, The woman is the Shekinah, because he is talking about big eyes, meaning the eyes of the understanding. That is what was in my heart when he was talking about big eyes; not physically big eyes, but he was describing the understanding that the woman would have. I said, It is the Shekinah, and I pushed it off. But the Lord said to me, in the preparation of this message, It is not the Shekinah. It is a human person. Kim Clement was prophesying about a human person whose ministry would be characterized by oil, which is different than the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is likened to water, and water dries up. It is very, very hard to dry up oil. I do not know if it is even possible to dry it up completely. It might be, but we definitely have the oil of the Word here. I was talking to the Lord the other day about the anointing here, how it is different than the Pentecostal anointing. It is like oil, it is just so smooth; it is silky. Can you relate to that at all? It is like oil.


I think the woman in this prophecy is me, and I cannot throw it off anymore because he is talking about a human woman, not a Spirit. The Shekinah is a Spirit. Let us see what Kim Clement is saying. He is talking about the President (that everybody now knows is President Trump), and the woman with a ministry characterized by oil. First, they are going to hate her, and then they are going to love her, and it will be spread over the world. It went beyond the Church, if I remember correctly. I should listen to it again.


This will happen in the middle of this President's presidency. If he has a four-year presidency, it would be in two years; if he has an eight-year presidency, it would be in four years. The thought that came to my mind was, In the middle of his presidency does not have to be exactly in the middle, but that is when the ministry will become public. It will go public in the middle of his presidency, which is probably going to be an eight-year presidency. About four years in, it will be publicly recognized. He said they will hate her, and then they will love her. First, they have to hate her, but before they can hate her, they have to know about her, so there is great persecution coming when this message goes public. The Lord will make this message public in the very near future, but it will not be largely accepted until halfway through President Trump's presidency. I had no intention of telling you that this morning, but I guess the Lord wanted me to tell you.


That is my introductory exhortation. The Lord is saying we all need to walk worthily of this call of which we are a part. We are all part of an incredible move of God. It is so incredible that I do not deal with it very much, because it overwhelms me, and I think that I am not up to the job. And I am not up to the job. No one that God calls is up to the job; everybody is inadequate. When God called Saul, Saul said, Me? I am from the smallest tribe, and the least prominent family in the tribe. That is God's M.O. So I am not up to it, but He and I together, we will be up to it, and you also, whatever your part is in it, because I need other people around me too. We and He will be up to it. It is coming, and we should walk worthily in this call.


We will be talking today about the Book of Colossians, Chapters 3 & 4; about how the Lord expects us to relate to each other and to other people, and other New Testament epistles that will be talking about the same thing. Let us put our voracious appetite for esoteric doctrine on hold when we talk about these issues. Then, at the very, very end, the sixth verse of Chapter 4 (I am telling you, I was in pain translating these verses, I was so bored); because those six verses should really have been a part of Chapter 3, the Lord just blew up with this incredible Kabbalistic understanding that resulted in the revelation of who Melchizedek is, which just blew me away.


We have a mixture today of Pentecostal doctrine and Kabbalistic doctrine, and that is just a sign of things to come, because the Kabbalists (we spiritual male hogs) have to mix with the Church. We are about to publish (for the third time) 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11. I keep making changes to it, and it is all about mixing with the Church. We are the teachers in the Church. The Church cannot rise up to where we are, so we have to humble ourselves and suffer the loss.


This woman that I just told you about, I sent her a godly, loving, humble e-mail explaining to her that she is supposed to be following me and not going out on the internet and getting information and bringing it back to me, asking me what I think about it. It is one of the best letters, (e-mails) I ever wrote, and she sent an e-mail back. She was enraged. How do I know she was enraged? I had to get into bed and start praying because I was having heart palpitations, and I knew it was her. I started my e-mail with, Please understand, and her e-mail started with, I completely understand. You do not want to be bothered with me or make time for me. You are very busy; You do not want to answer my questions, and you are this, you are that; it was not very nice.


The old me would have said, So long (or whatever I would have said; I was not the subtlest person 30 years ago). That is not what the Lord requires of us. I had to humble myself. I answered her e-mail, saying, I do have time for you. I will be happy to answer your questions, but you did not ask me any questions. You told me what you believe. What do you want me to do?


I got a positive response from her. I saved her by humbling myself. The Lord wants to save her. I said, You have all this understanding in your mind. You have to get this straight. You cannot be walking around with this antichrist message in your mind. You are called of God. Why are you not listening to the messages here? Her answer was, They are not clear. They have an echo. Maybe one message had an echo, so I think that she could not understand what I was saying.


I used to tell people that years ago. Someone would call me with an issue, and I would point them to one of the messages and say, Read that transcript or listen to that message. No, they needed a verbal answer right away. When someone has an issue on their heart, they are not going to listen to a whole message or read a whole transcript. They need a verbal answer from Christ in you, right now, face-to-face.


There are going to be people coming here to me, and to you, and they are going to need that answer. It happened for the first time a couple of weeks ago with the lady who was called to this ministry, but she got here and she left. She lives in this condominium complex. She is the one who went to the synagogue with me on the holiday, and we opened the prayer books of one of the prophets, and she said, That is Jesus. I said, That is not Jesus. Jesus was only born 2,000 years ago. She said, Well, who is it? Brethren, do you know how many people would have never said, Well, who is it? They do not ask the question. It is not Jesus. He was born 2,000 years ago. He is dead. But this woman asked the question, Well, who is it? I had to ask her to wait until we left the synagogue, because she kept saying, It is Jesus, and I am telling her, They are going to throw us out of the synagogue.


When we got out of the synagogue, she said, Well, who is it? I said, Adam. That was all she could handle at the moment, and she was supposed to come back, I saved her. I talked to her about what I am talking to you about right now, that I understand there will be people like her that will not come to the meetings, will not listen to the messages, will not read the transcripts, but will come with a question as God puts it in their heart. That is what they need at the moment for their spiritual development, which could be working in them for the next six months. Can you believe an answer like that, which is a living seed, spoken by a believer that has Christ, could be working in that person for six months?


Some people are not capable of keeping up with the messages. This woman I was talking about  has a lot of problems in her life right now. She cannot do what you are doing. You are the teachers, and you are the ones who are eligible to be of the Melchizedek priesthood. Jesus is the High Priest, but there is a priesthood. Jesus is parallel to Aaron in the Aaronic priesthood.  Aaron was the High Priest, and then there were all the other Levitical priests. Jesus is the High Priest. The Scripture says we are kings and priests. You are not a priest because you read it in the Bible. When you read it in the Bible, it means it is a possibility for you. Everything you read in the Scripture, you can say, Lord, I read it in the Bible, so I know it is possible; I know that You have done it before. Will you do it for me? It does not mean that you have it because you read it in the Bible.


There will be a priesthood. Right now, there is a High Priest. The Lord told me years ago that I was a priest. He gave a dream to Xxxx before she died, and in the dream, the Lord said, There is a priest in your life doing blah, blah, blah. I said, Xxxx, that is me. Can you not see that that is what I do for you? That is how I found out I was a priest.


To be a priest, you have to perform the functions of a priest. To be a Son of God, you have to have the Spirit of the Son. If you have the Spirit of the Son but you do not function as a Son of God, what good is the Spirit? You cannot be a king unless you have a kingdom. You could call yourself a pastor, but you are not a functioning pastor if you do not have a congregation. You have to act, perform; you have to live in the function to be what the name says you are. And to be a priest, you have to be in a particular spiritual condition to be a priest after the order of Melchizedek. The spiritual condition you have to be in comes as a result of everything we are studying here.


We have a mixture in this message today. The message is going to clarify, make very clear, what the Lord expects from our behavior, how we relate to each other, and how we relate to people that are not in the kingdom. No matter what they do, we are not to be angry out of our emotions. There is an anger against sin. You want the Lord to forgive you for the things you do wrong. Brethren, we sin every day, at least in our thoughts. If you tell me you do not, you are a liar. Everybody sins every day. You want the Lord to forgive you? You have to forgive others. That does not mean you let them abuse you; it means you do not condemn them, nor hold it against them. If they want to rob you, you do not let them into the house. You say, God bless you, and you close the door and call the police, but you do not rail against them, retaliate against them, or hate them. We have to stop the behavior. We have the power to stop the behavior. We have to stop the verbiage, what comes out of our mouth. When we do that, Jesus will ultimately stop Satan from giving us those thoughts in the first place, which come from the unconscious part of our mind. We can only do what we can do. We must stop acting on it, and say and do the right thing.


My introductory exhortation is going to end with this last testimony. At the point I could not take it anymore with those verses, I stopped to take a break and watched a Netflix movie. Again, I usually do not watch Christian movies because they usually bore me, but I tried a Christian movie. It was really, really, really good. Production-wise, it was the best Christian movie I have ever watched. It was good enough to be an A-movie for me. The name of it is Victor, and it took place in the 60s. There was a big move of God in the 60s; a lot of drug addicts and hippies were saved. Victor is the story of one of those hippies. He was a hopeless heroin addict that the Lord saved and gave a ministry to, and he is still alive and ministering today. It showed how the ministry the Lord saved him through was functioning. There was this rough neighborhood with all these gangs with their Sig guns. They were shooting each other and killing each other, and this preacher came into town and started up a storefront church. There were a couple of scenes of the church where he was preaching to people off the streets, and one verse from the Book of Colossians was his message.


I said, Lord, how does a spiritual hog, who needs all this spiritual food for themselves, and all the studying that goes into it,  find time? How do we go from this to helping people? Because, brethren, we have to help people. What we are doing here eventually must come forth in a form that will help people that know absolutely nothing, that are desperately in need of help from God. It has to be refined at some point. How do we go from this to a church where you preach on one verse? How would I ever be able to do it? I can see myself helping these people, and by the grace of God, finding a way to say what they need to hear simply. I said, Lord, how could You ever put me in a church like that? How could I do it? How could I live without all this studying, and all this food and opportunity to talk to you all like this. How could I ever do it? He did not answer me, but I am telling you this to emphasize (one more time) the radical divide that exists between us and the traditional Pentecostal Church, which has a very simple message, which is there to help drug addicts. That is how it was when I came into the Church in the 70s.


I am not exactly sure how it is going to play out, but we need to know that this anointing, if not this message, has to go to the poor, and not just the materially or the financially poor, but the poor of heart. It is a terrible world out there with hurting people that have given up on God or have never heard of Him.


There is one more thing that the Lord wants me to say, which is probably not going to be appreciated. Going back to our roles in life: our roles are supposed to line up with our bodies. You have heard me say many times that what we have in many families today is two men, and that the women of this generation are largely rejecting the female role. Many are biologically having children but they are going out and behaving like men in the world and turning the children over to nannies, if they have nannies for them at all.


This movie, Victor, which took place in the 60s, was the story of a traditional Puerto Rican family that moved to New York. The father worked; the mother lived for the children. I am not telling anybody what to do; I am telling you what has happened to the culture. The children are being sacrificed on the altar of careers for the women. I am not telling you not to have a career, but you have to go before God and find out what He has for you. Maybe you can have a career and still be a mother. Maybe there are people that just need their consciousness raised. I am trying to raise your consciousness by telling you, Have a career, but do not forget that you are a mother, that you are a woman, and women have different potentials than men. Women have emotional potentials that most men do not have and they do not want to have because those emotional potentials would destroy their manhood. The traditional role of mother is that she lives for the children and the family. She is the stay, the foundation of the family. In this movie, the whole family revolves around the mother, and she saved this boy's life. Both the mother and the father loved him. They were heartbroken to see that he had become a heroin addict. But it was his mother, that would not give up on her son, that prayed, that believed the pastor, that believed God. The father was stoically silent and sad, but it was that mother's love, that female softness which is really hard to find today, that would not give up on that boy. She would not let go of God until He saved her son. That is the female role in culture. Can you have a career and still fulfill that role? I do not know. I am just telling you the way God set it up. The man's primary goal is providing. His worry is getting a job and providing for the family. The mother worries for the children. That is the traditional role. Where are all the mothers? Where are the mothers?


Ladies, if you work and have a career, I hope that I have raised your consciousness. Do not forget your biological role is to be the nurturer. Do not become a man. Have a career, but do not become a man. Your children need you. Even your adult children need you. Even your married children need you. Do you know that your married children need you? Just because they are married does not mean they have all the wisdom and experience you have learned over the years. Your married children need you. Your grandchildren need you, and they need you in a way that the males in the family cannot meet those needs. The women are capable of meeting those needs if they decide to be women. If you can be a male at work and be a woman at home, praise the Lord. I am trying to raise your consciousness of what the tendency is to happen to women that have a career. Do not let it happen to you. I am not telling you not to work. I am reminding you of your God-given role in your life, in your family, and to your husband. A woman supports a man in a different way than a man supports a woman.


Seek God. Men, if there are males out there reading this that are not fulfilling the male biological role: if you are letting your wife support you, if you are letting your wife rule the family, if you are letting your wife rule you, you need to seek God, and you need to have a conversation and a dialogue with your wife about fulfilling biological and natural roles through Jesus Christ in your family. The Lord wants to save this country. He wants to save the Church. He wants to save humanity. He wants to save the world, and that is where it starts, with the individual fulfilling their proper role in the family. I have just told you the truth. I hope you are not mad at me. In Jesus' Name.


What about you, Pastor Sheila? I am just like you. I have a daughter and two grandchildren. We are estranged right now. It would be my great pleasure to try to mother them if the Lord would give me that opportunity again. I believe that I can do it in Christ Jesus.


Beginning with our message today, we have two introductory exhortations. The first one was a question from Xxxx which did not get to my ears, so I did not answer it. This will just take a minute. Her question is, Would observing the Jewish holidays and all of their laws that say, 'Do not eat this or touch that,' be included in what Paul is referring to; things we should not be doing if we are living out of Christ?



If I understand Xxxx's question correctly, she is asking me, Is it wrong to be doing that? Every year I usually go to a Seder at the synagogue, or if somebody invites me to a Seder, I would go. I think that is what she is asking, Would it be wrong to do that? Xxxx, the answer is always the same, it has to do with your motive. Why do I go to the Seder at the synagogue? Because I am planted in this synagogue, and I have given the rabbi a couple of my books, or for whatever God wants to do with my being there. You know what I am? I am a stent. Unfortunately, when you get chemotherapy, or something like that, they will put a stent in your arm so that every time the doctor has to give you your medication, they do not have to go looking for a vein. They just have to connect to that port. That is why I go to that synagogue. I am God's connector in that synagogue, and I do not try to preach to them, or to control them, or influence them. I am not in any kind of deep prayer about them. I just fellowship there in the same manner that the rabbi, the leader of that group, has sent out missionaries to open Chabad houses all over the world.


What is a Chabad house doing in Nigeria, practically down the street practically from Xxxx? I do not remember seeing one white person in the whole area (not that they cannot minister to black people, but basically they are a white organization). The people that call themselves Jews today, are white. Right? They are white. So, what is a Chabad house doing down the street from Xxxx in Nigeria? They are there just in case, for whatever the plan of Chabad is. I am not going to start talking about their plan today.


I am there, in the Synagogue, just in case. I may be used, or I may never be used. I am just there. I am a missionary. I am just enjoying the people. I do not have any agenda in their midst. If God gives me an opportunity to say something or to give them a book, I am excited to do it. But when I go there, I go for the day because I am a part of that fellowship. I am going to be spending the day with the rabbi's wife. Why? Because I like her, and she suggested it. We are going to the Bronx Zoo. I like her, and I am going because I am a part of that fellowship. I have no agenda, that something has to happen when I am there. That does not exist. I am not a phony. If you ask one of them why is there a Chabad house in such-and-such a place, they will say, The rabbi sent them. That is why the Chabad is there. Why am I there? The Lord sent me, and whatever happens, happens.


It is not wrong for me to go to Seder, but if someone is going to Seder because they think it is required by God, that if they do not go they will be in wrong standing with God, or that going there will be a factor in their salvation, then they should not be doing it, because it is idolatry. I think that is pretty clear.


I had a problem reviewing a Kabbalistic principle with you in Part 2 of this message about Adam's structure. I have it all written out, but I would like to tell you (without reading it) what my problem was and why I was getting stuck. This is really important. This is what happened: I read about the spiritual principle that I have been teaching you about, of the unification of the names of God (that is the name of the principle) in an article that used different terminology, and that was what confused me.


I read about it in an excerpt from a book by MacGregor Mathers (if you are in the Kabbalistic community, it is a well-known book called The Kabbalah Unveiled).  MacGregor Mathers wrote what we call Christian Kabbalah. The author is dead now. He wrote what we call Christian Kabbalah. The book is rooted largely in Catholicism, and I do not recommend that you read it. It is Catholic Kabbalah. I found an excerpt of it online, and it was talking about Arik Anpin, and that threw me off to the point that I could not even remember the name of Atik. Xxxx had to help me remember the name of Atik, and I got all confused with the Atik and the Arik and trying to relate it to what I had taught, and I got stumped, so I would like to deal with that right now.


This is where I got stumped. The Lord Jesus Christ is the name of God. He is the one name of all of the Sefirot. For Jewish Kabbalah, each of the Sefirah has a name associated with it. It is either Chesed, Gevurah or Tiferet, etc. Every Sefirah has a name, and every Sefirah has an angel associated with it, an angel being an aspect of God that is capable of manifesting through that Sefirah alone. And when we have a manifestation of a particular aspect of God, take Jehovah for example, when it is not Jehovah Himself who comes down, He will send His angel. Say that it is me, I have authority, but I cannot go, so I send Xxxx, who calls up on the phone and says, This is Xxxx, and I am calling for Pastor Vitale. So Jehovah, or any of the names of God associated with the Sefirot, can send forth an angel of themselves to accomplish the goal. It is not Jehovah Himself, but His angel. The Scripture calls it the Angel of the Lord. You cannot say it is Jehovah, because it is not Jehovah. It is like His finger goes forth, an angel with a particular function to accomplish.


Ever since Jesus was glorified, there are no longer 10 names of God associated with the Sefirot, there are no longer 10 angels associated with the Sefirot, and there are no longer 10 attributes associated with the Sefirot. Jesus is all of those things, and that is how I got confused. When the Supernal Mother manifests in the New Testament, she goes as Jesus, but Jesus has different manifestations of Himself. We now know that the Mother is the Spirit of Grace. If you read the New Testament, any Christian will tell you that all these spirits are a part of Jesus; they all come from Jesus. Jesus is the one name for all of the 10 Sefirot, but He also has attributes. The glorified Jesus will go as the Mother; He will go as the Father; He will go as loving kindness; He will go as judgment, etc. He is all 10 Sefirot, and that is what was confusing me.


Who joins with Christ in us? For people that are spiritual male hogs that need all these details, it is not adequate to say that Jesus joins with Christ in us, because if Jesus joins with Christ in us, then who is going to come down and join with Jesus? That was exactly where I got stuck. We spiritual male hogs cannot say it is Jesus that comes down and joins with Christ in us. We have to say it is Ze'ir Anpin. It is not all 10 Sefirot coming down. It is the six Sefirot of the Son within the name Jesus, and the name of the Son in the God World of Atzilut is Ze'ir Anpin. The Sefirot from Chesed through Yesod is the Son. That is what is coming down. But if I am speaking to a Christian who does not know anything about what I am talking about, I have to say, That is right. Jesus joins with Christ, and the average person would never ask another question. They would be satisfied. Jesus joins with Christ in me, and that makes Christ in me, Christ Jesus. Most people would never ask another question. But the next question is, Who is going to join with Christ Jesus? I mean, Jesus just joined with Christ in me to make me Christ Jesus, so now who is going to join with Jesus? Spiritual male hogs cannot think in those terms. They have to say Ze'ir Anpin joined with Christ in me, and then we have to say that Chesed of Ze'ir Anpin joins with Jesus, the Supernal Mother.


We are actually dealing with an inner dimension of the name Jesus. When you want to get as technical as we are getting, if you say Jesus, Jesus is everything. Well, Jesus joins with Christ, then how can Christ join with the Mother? Confusion. So, we need to deal with the inner dimension, the names of the Sefirot. Jesus can appear to us as a single Sefirah, or any combination of the Sefirot that He wants to, and every time He does it, we have to say, it was Jesus Chesed that just did this, or, it was Jesus Gevurah that just did that.


It is sort of the same principle that we find in the Old Testament, and most people would never mention it, but I mention it all the time, that the word Lord is usually Jehovah. But you will find in some instances that Lord is a translation of Adonai. It will say LORD Jehovah or something like that. I may not have that exactly right, but the Hebrew word Jehovah appears along with the Hebrew word Adonai: Jehovah Adonai. It means that Jehovah, the name of God associated with the third degree of power, is in unification with Adonai, which is the name of God associated with Malkhut. It is a unification of an aspect of Jehovah (the third degree of power) with Malkhut to produce a particular degree of power, to accomplish the will of God through that person, in that instance. Adonai is the name of God associated with Malkhut. It is always associated with a person. It is the power of God being revealed through a person. It is an aspect, a finger, an angel name of Jehovah coming out and joining with Adonai, which is Christ in me. It is another way of saying, The Lord Jesus joins with Christ in me. It is Old Testament language.


PASTOR VITALE: Did I answer that for you? That is good.


COMMENT: Yes, Amen.


It is very good that you let me know. I will never forget the day I was talking about Elijah, and five of you jumped on me, but I thank God for it, because whenever I ask the Lord, we all learn something. I was one of those people that never asked, How come? The Lord said it to me, I wrote it down and preached it you, and I never asked, How come? But you all asked, How come? We are supposed to be asking questions. That is what they used to teach in college, to have an inquiring mind. Now they just indoctrinate you. Very sad.


So, I just told you about the second issue. I will read you what I have written down here, just to make sure I got everything. The problem I had in explaining this in Part 1 of this message arose out of my failure to apply the following understanding about the spiritual function of the Lord Jesus, which I did possess. I had this understanding; I just got confused because of the reason I just told you. The Lord Jesus Christ is the name of the spiritual garment that covers the 10 Sefirot of the God World of Atzilut. He can manifest Himself to humanity as any one of the Sefirot, or any combination of Sefirot as He chooses. It is Ze'ir Anpin, the Son of the God World of Atzilut, that joins with Christ in the individual, who then becomes Christ Jesus in the individual. After that, the Lord Jesus Christ, manifesting as the Supernal Mother, joins with Himself. That is so common in the Scripture. If you look at the interlinear text, He is joining with Himself, or He is speaking to Himself. His self, the other self of the Lord Jesus Christ is Christ in you. He has many other selves. It is Himself in you.


After that, the Lord Jesus Christ, manifesting as the Supernal Mother, joins with Himself, Christ Jesus in the individual. This is the impartation of the Spirit of Life to the individual, and also the delivery of the male seed to the creation. Just to remind you, who are spiritual male hogs, who to hear these fine differences: There is a female seed, and the female seed has both a male and a female chromosome, but there is a female seed that produces a viable female egg, which is called the manchild, and the manchild manifests in people. That viable female egg is Christ, and that viable female egg has the ability of receiving the male seed of the creation, or the male seed of the Father. God created a female creation to give birth to His child.


This whole creation is female, it is a spiritual female that the Lord brought into existence for the sole and specific purpose of giving birth to His child. I am talking about the Ein Sof, the Unlimited One. The Infinite One has brought forth the creation, which is everything that exists, for the sole purpose of producing a child, an offspring, a hybrid offspring. The male seed is the Ein Sof Himself, but the aspect of the Ein Sof that is in the empty space, which is the Ancient One (Atik), is the male seed, and the whole creation is the female seed.


There is a hybrid offspring coming forth, which is the manchild. The manchild is not the final birth. Because spiritual things are backwards from natural things, the female egg is pre-programmed to produce a male child. That is the manchild, the female egg that is pre-programmed to produce a male child, and then the male seed from the Father comes down and joins with it, and there is going to be an ultimate birth in the creation. Jesus of Nazareth experienced this, and as far as I know, He is the only one that has experienced it. A new creature is going to be born, something we have never heard of before; a hybrid. Not just the seed of the Father with the earth, because His seed is not just joining with the earth; He is joining with the manchild. The manchild itself is a hybrid of the earth and the female seed.


It is a hybrid joining with a hybrid. We are talking about genetics here. There is a new creature coming forth, something never seen or heard of before, and it is much more powerful than the manchild. The manchild is powerful. The manchild saved my life. The manchild saves people every day from destruction. The manchild is very powerful, but there is a new creature coming forth. The manchild is going to become a whole new creature much more powerful than himself, and that creature is a spiritual hybrid that needs a body to live in, and is going to be born in the corporeal bodies of human beings.


That offspring of God is going to be so powerful that he will reform the flesh body that he dwells in. The reason he is going to reform the flesh body is because currently this flesh body is in the image of the one who first formed it, which is the Snake. The Snake, married to the female Adam, formed these bodies, and what we are right now is a hybrid. We are a hybrid of the female Adam. The female seed is attached to the material substance, so the female seed that is attached to the material substance formed this body, and the Snake is the carnal mind inside of us, the permanent resident of this body that dies. From the first minute it is born, it begins to die.


When the offspring of the Ein Sof, which is actually the offspring of the Ancient of Days (the Ancient One), is born inside of this corporeal body, he has to change the body. How could this exalted being that I just described to you live inside of a body that is formed by a fallen Woman and the Snake? He has to reform the body. We now see that the creation is a process of births; it is more than one birth. It has to produce a body which has an environment that is conducive to its own nature, in other words, a body that stops dying. A living one cannot live in a body that continues to die, and this body is pre-programmed to die. There will be a physical change that will take place. Because Jesus is glorified and we have His seed, I do not believe we have to physically die. At one point not too long ago, I was saying we might have to die, but I no longer think that. The death process is internal.


The impartation of the Spirit of Life to the individual that comes from the Supernal Mother (who is the Shekinah), also delivers the male seed of the creation. This male seed actually comes from the Ancient One, that thin stream of life that entered into empty space. In Hebrew, He is called Atik Yomin (Atik meaning Ancient, Yomin meaning days). In the Book of Daniel He is called the Ancient of Days, and in Kabbalah (in Hebrew), He is called Atik Yomin. The Shekinah holds His seed. He passes that seed to Arik Anpin, which is the Keter, who passes it to the Father, who is Wisdom, who gives it to the Mother, who is Understanding. She holds the male seed that joins with the manchild to produce the new creature that is in the image of Atik Yomin, the Ancient of Days, not in the image of the Snake. (In the Zohar, I recently read it expressed as the Ancient of Ancients, the most Ancient One.)


The manchild of Revelation, Chapter 5 appears in two stages: 1) His birth in the individual as the six male Sefirot produced by the female Christ, and 2) He is caught up to the throne of God when Ze'ir Anpin marries Him. Revelation 12:5 says the manchild is being born, which is the first stage, and in the same verse it says, He was caught up to God; that is the second stage.


Rev 12:5, And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. KJV


The manchild is the viable female egg of the creation. When fertilized by the male seed of the creation, which the Shekinah carries, the creation of God is born. This is a new creature never seen before. He is a spiritual being. Kabbalah calls him the permanent resident of the corporeal body. The Scripture describes him as a living Spirit. When this living Spirit appears within the Second Adam, he reshapes the corporeal body to reflect the nature of the permanent resident.


For example, Xxxx's children are moving today, and there is a statue of a pagan god in the yard of the house they rented, so they had to negotiate with the landlord and say, We really do not want the statue of a Japanese pagan god, because now, even though you own the house and we have signed the contract with you, for all intents and purposes this is our house for three years. Please remove the statue of the Japanese god. We are Christians. When the living Spirit is born inside of a human, he is going to get rid of the statue. It is a statue of a pagan god. It is a statue of the Woman that is married to the Snake.


When the living Spirit appears within the Second Adam, he reshapes the corporeal body to reflect the nature of the permanent resident. At the very least, the corporeal body will be perfectly healthy and incapable of death. It may become very large; I do not know what other changes will take place. In any event, it will be a eunuch, not able to reproduce after its own kind. The body that the offspring of Atik dwells in will not be able to reproduce itself. The body that the Snake dwells in must be able to reproduce itself, or it would be the end of all flesh, because the Snake cannot keep even one image of itself in existence.


Did you know that the whole reason for human reproduction, for sexual activity, is to keep humanity in existence so that the Snake can have a house to live in? That when the true male of the creation inhabits the female, which is humanity, there will be no reason to reproduce the house because the house will be made immortal, a reflection of the immortal one that dwells in the midst of her? The problem with the whole thing is that it feels good. The reason it feels good is because, when the creation was formed by the First Adam, he had to make you feel good to perpetuate the species. Sometimes that good feeling gets out of control. The whole purpose for making it feel good is that you should do it so that humanity does not die.


When Christ in you starts maturing, and you start thinking with a mind like this, it will become less and less important to you. Marriage is acceptable to God. Sex is acceptable to God in marriage. I am in no way putting it down, but when you start to ascend and you start thinking with the mind of God, you see it for what it really is, an activity of the First Adam who is in a fallen state. If that is your state, then it is good and acceptable to God, but when you start rising to a higher state, you will start to reject it. When you start to reject it with your mind, it will not be so difficult to reject it with your body, if and when you have that experience. If you never have that experience and you continue to be a First Adam, praise the Lord. Have at it. That is what the Bible says, Have at it. Just make sure you marry the man and that you are not engaging in any unacceptable, or unclean acts, which we will read about in Colossians, Chapter 3.


Ultimately, the Ancient of Ancients (called the Ancient of Days in the Book of Daniel, and Atik Yomin which is Hebrew by the Kabbalists) will descend into this man, which is the last stage of Adam's creation, and dwell there. The Ancient of Days will never blend with Adam (mankind). Mankind is His throne and He will dwell there, both inside and outside of him, because not even the creation of God can contain the Infinite. The Infinite cannot be polluted, so the Infinite will never blend with mankind, but He will fill him, and be inside of him and outside of him.


Are there any questions before we start looking at Chapter 3? You have all got this, right?


Colossians, Chapter 3, King James

1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:

6 For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:

7 In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.

8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.

9 Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;

10 And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:

11 Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;

13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

14 And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.

15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

20 Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.

21 Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

22 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:

23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

25 But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.  KJV


Colossians 3:1-5, King James, If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence and covetousness, which is idolatry.


I think that that is a poor translation. I do not believe the Scripture is saying that covetousness alone is idolatry. He is saying all these things are idolatry because they are offerings to the body, which is an idol, doing deeds that God says should not be done. God says you should not do it, so when you do it, it is a sacrifice to this body, and the god of this body is the Serpent. That is why it is idolatry. What is so terrible about it is that these behaviors bring the body into a state that makes it uninhabitable by a holy God, and the whole purpose for your (our) existence is that God should inhabit you. Therefore, you should not engage in any behavior that would hinder His inhabiting you.


Verses 6-8, For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: in the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them. But now ye also put off all of these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.


There are six items in Verse 5. The first three things are physical, and the second three are spiritual motives, those motives being in the unconscious, or at least starting in the unconscious part of the mind. In Verse 8, Paul says, Put off all of these: anger, wrath, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Usually you know when you are angry; you know when you are doing these things. These are not motives. These are the fruit of the motives. We have talked about this, that Satan is your evil motive, and she will make suggestions of thought in your mind. You do not have to do it. Once your conscious mind agrees to do it, it is like an act of spiritual intercourse between your own conscious mind (your will) and Satan in you who is making the suggestion, and that is how demons are born. Demons are born from agreeing with the suggestion: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.


Verses 9-17, Lie not to one another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds. Meaning, stop acting like the old man. And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering, forbearing one another, (putting up with one another) and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any man: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body, and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.


Verses 18-25, Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. Servants, (that includes employees) obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God. And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath don:, and there is no respect of persons.


Colossians, Chapter 4, Verses 1-6, King James

1 Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.

2 Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving;

3 Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds:

4 That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.

5 Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.

6 Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.  KJV


Colossians, Chapter 4, Verse 6 is the verse that blew up into a whole Kabbalistic teaching. These last few verses came from Colossians, Chapter 4, and they really should have been a part of Chapter 3. They should all be read together. Are there any questions before we start on the workup?




Verse 1, King James, If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.


If you are risen with Christ, this one who is above (not just anyone who is above, this Christ who is above). In other words, the Scripture says there is another Jesus. You should worship in the place where Christ, who is married to the right hand of God, resides. Not any old Christ, not the Christ of the New Age, but this Christ, the Christ of God who is above.


We frequently translate the word sit as marrying. If ever you see a Strong's number in a workup, it is because there is another word that is the same English word, but a different Greek or Hebrew word. This word sit, which is Strong's #2076, we are translating married, but there is an untranslated word that means sit, and it is Strong's #2521. We are going to translate one sit, married, and the other sit, to sit.


Verse 2, Alternate Translation, If you are risen with Christ, this one who is above (not the Christ who is below, but this one who is above), then you should worship in the place where Christ, who is married to the right hand of God, resides.


If your personality has risen with Christ, if you have realized what happened to you, you are supposed to rise with Christ, but if you continue to act like you are the First Adam, you have not risen in Christ. It is similar to what I said earlier in this message. You can have a title, but if you are not moving in the function of that title, what good is the title? If I am a pastor and I do not have a congregation, who am I pastoring?


If you are risen with Christ, this Christ who is above, then you should worship in the place where Christ, who is married to the right hand of God, resides. In other words, your prayers should be on a higher level, and we will read in the next few verses, that Paul is saying that Christ that is above is not concerned with the things of this world, He is concerned with the things of His Father's Kingdom. As you mature in Christ you start to be concerned about the Kingdom of God; the family of God. Of course, you have to be concerned somewhat with the things of this world, but your primary priority, the sign of maturity in Christ, is that your priorities are the Kingdom of God and what God is doing. Everything else is secondary, including your husband, your wife and your kids. That is a sign of maturity. You cannot force it. If you do not feel that way, then you need to confess to God that you do not feel that way, and say, Pastor says that should be my priority, so I guess I am not mature in Christ. Lord, would You help me? What do you say about that? You do not just say, Well, OK, I am not mature yet, and just drop it. That is not your ideal state. You need to do something about it; you need to talk to the Lord about it.


COMMENT: The right hand of God is the right column of the Sefirot, and more specifically, the head of the right column, which is Chochmah/wisdom revealed through Chesed/loving kindness.


Verse 2, King James, Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.


That word affection has to do with mind. It actually means mind. The word above, I translated high.

Verse 3, Alternate Translation, Because the high mind of Christ is not concerned with what is happening on the earth; other than God is involved in it. God is involved with the politics. God is concerned with the government, God is concerned with the people, but the events of the earth itself, God is not in that. It does not mean you cannot watch a ball game if you want to, but God is not in that.


Verse 3, King James, For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.


Verse 3, Alternate Translation, Since you died to your carnal mind so that the life of Christ, which is hidden in God,


The first three verses go together:


Verses 1-3, Alternate Translation, If you are risen Christ, who is above, then you should worship in the place where Christ, who is married to the right hand of God, resides, Because the high mind of Christ is not concerned with what is happening on the earth, Since you died to your carnal mind so that the life of Christ, which is hidden in God


Verse 4, King James, When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.


Verse 4, Alternate Translation, Might enlighten you, until the opinion of Christ, who is our life, appears in you, also,


For Verse 4, once again, I gave you the Strong's numbers. In the King James, the word appear appears twice. The first appear is Strong's #5316, and it means enlightened, and the second appear is Strong's #5319, which simply means to appear. The word glory is a great mystery. The Lord revealed to me years ago that it means the opinion of God, and in almost every instance where I have seen it, it can be translated the opinion of God.  You need to be enlightened from the outside, until the mind of Christ appears in you also, then the enlightenment comes from within you.


Colossians, Chapter 3, Verses 1-4, Alternate Translation


3.1 If you are risen with Christ, this one [who is] above, then [you should] worship in [the place] where Christ, [who] is married to the right hand of God, resides,



3.2 [Because] the high mind [of Christ is] not [concerned with what is happening] on the earth,



3.3 Since you died to [your carnal mind so that] the life of Christ [which is] hidden in God



3.4 Might enlighten you, until the opinion of Christ, who is our life, appears in [you] also,



When you become enlightened, then the mind of your flesh agrees with the mind of Christ. That is what so many Scriptures in the Book of Revelation are about, And the Spirit said, Such-and-such, and everybody said, Amen. It is all about getting the mind of the flesh (which sounds impossible) to agree with the Christ mind.


Verse 5, King James, Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:


Mortify means to put to death, and when I looked up the word members, I found that it means limb, and I instantly remembered that Rabbi Luria talked about limbs. I never got very involved with it because I know that the terms limbs, tendons, and all that has to do with what the Jewish Rabbis call the mitzvah (mitzvot is plural). I do not go along with that. They say there are 365 negative mitzvahs; mitzvahs meaning good deeds that are required of you. There are 365 good deeds that are required of you, and there are negative deeds and positive deeds. The negative deeds are 'Thou shalt not'. There are 365 commandments that you should not do, and 248 that you should do, and collectively they are called the mitzvot, they are called the limbs and the tendons of the body. I have given you an exhibit, and I am not going to read the whole thing. It is called 248 Limbs: Who Says So? It explains it somewhat.


It is really interesting because the man that wrote this claims that every problem that you have in your life, in particular, if you have an infirmity in your body, it means you are not doing one of these negative or positive mitzvot. The Rebbe, Menachem Schneerson, has been dead a long time, and his followers still think he is the Messiah, and that he is coming back. If one of his followers were to contact him and tell him they have a particular disease, he would be able to tell them which mitzvah is defective. The Rabbi that I know claims that nobody can do them all; it is not possible to do them all. If the Rabbi knows what is wrong with you, he would be able to tell you that a particular mitzvah is defective, you did not perform this one properly, or you are doing something that you should not be doing, and if you correct it, you will be healed. In this article, he gives two examples of that happening, and one of them did not make much sense to me. Let me see if I can find it.


There are 248 limbs and 365 tendons. I must have read it someplace else where they gave two testimonies. In one testimony, someone contacted the Rebbe and said, I have this physical ailment, and I have gone for three opinions. Two doctors say that I should not have the surgery, and one doctor says I should have the surgery, so I have decided to not have the surgery, and I just wanted to run it past you. It does not say anything about the Rebbe praying. He checked them out spiritually, and said, No, you should not do that, even though two doctors said that you should not have the surgery, you should have it. And the person had the surgery, and everything worked out fine. I do not understand how that had anything to do with not performing a particular mitzvah. I do not see how that corrected a mitzvah.


In other words, you are telling me I am sick because I am not supposed to be drinking chamomile tea, and I am drinking chamomile tea, but I stopped drinking chamomile tea, and I am well. I can understand that. I cannot understand how you can say that the Rebbe told me that I should have the surgery and everything is fine. What does that have to do with a defective mitzvah? Either I did not understand it because they did not explain it properly, or it is not explainable.


The rabbi that I have a relationship with believes all this, that if you keep up with these mitzvahs, it has a direct effect on your physical body so you should be healthy. He is in his 40s now, and he has six children. His oldest daughter is 16 or 17, so he is not a kid anymore. A year or so ago he discovered that he had high blood pressure. I never really gave it a second thought because today a lot of people have high blood pressure. I was having dinner at his house one night, and he was talking about his high blood pressure. He was not directly talking to me, he was talking to somebody else; he always has a crowd over there on Friday night. He said (and I cannot quote him, but in so many words), I am in right standing with God, and I am not doing anything wrong that I should have something wrong with my physical body, so therefore, it is not of me. It is just an issue of the body. That is how he justified having a common illness today, as a part of an organization that believes that if you are keeping all these mitzvahs, that your body should be in perfect health. That is as much a delusion as the Church saying that, Because we do not see anyone walking around with eternal life, eternal life must be after you die. Jesus received eternal life after He died. Jesus showed Himself to us, and everybody else does not show themselves, but they are alive on the other side. Does anybody know the error in that rational? Let me tell you that again. I never really thought if it this way before.


The Church's justification for saying that you only receive eternal life after the death of the body is that Jesus received eternal life after the death of His body, and then He showed Himself to everybody that He was alive. And just because my father, mother, uncle, wife, husband, brother does not show themselves to me after they die, does not mean that they are not alive, because Jesus was alive after He died, so every believer that moves on must be alive on the other side of the veil. Here is the key: The Church reasons that eternal life is after the death of the physical body. Who can answer, or obliterate that lie?


The Church says that eternal life is after the death of the physical body because Jesus is our example, and we saw that He had eternal life after the death of His body. Jesus showed Himself alive, but the fact that my relatives do not show themselves alive does not mean that they are not alive on the other side of the veil, because Jesus entered into eternal life after the death of His physical body. How do you expose and destroy that lie? The lie is, we enter into eternal life after the death of the physical body.


COMMENT: They did not find Jesus' body.


PASTOR VITALE: Not really.


COMMENT: We are dead already before we die physically.


PASTOR VITALE: The issue is eternal life, not death.


PASTOR VITALE: The Church says that we enter into eternal life after the death of the body, and that is a lie. What have I taught here that proves that that is a lie? In the Scripture? When was Christ raised from the dead? First Corinthians, when was Christ raised from the dead? He was raised from the dead in Jesus of Nazareth before Jesus of Nazareth died. Christ, in Jesus of Nazareth, received eternal life before Jesus' body died. He was raised on the 3rd day. If Christ was not alive in the physical body when the physical body of Jesus died, Jesus' soul would not have been raised from the dead. Jesus' personality (His nefesh soul) would not have been raised from the dead if Christ was not first risen from the dead before His body died. Brethren, this is so important, this blind spot in the Church; they are dealing with just about everything in the natural. The Bible is all about the soul and the spirit. It is spiritual. God is Spirit, our soul is spiritual. We are not this body, we are this soul. We are talking about the salvation of soul. I do not read anything about the salvation of the body in the Scripture at all. It is the salvation of the soul. It is spiritual. Christ was raised from the dead in Jesus of Nazareth before His physical body died.


PASTOR VITALE: Where is the soul? Where is the nefesh soul?


COMMENT: In the bones.


PASTOR VITALE: The nefesh soul is in the bones, in the marrow of the bones. What has to happen to save that soul?


COMMENT: The nefesh has to be pulled out of the bones.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, it has to be pulled out of the bones. What happens to the body when the soul is pulled out of the bones? It dies and turns to dust. The soul gives form to the skeleton, and the flesh just hangs on the skeleton. For Jesus' soul (His nefesh, His personality) to be saved, it could not have been saved while the body was still in form. His spirit was saved. Christ rose from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth before His soul was saved because saving His soul would mean the end of His physical body. There was a living Christ inside of the man Jesus of Nazareth when His body was crucified, and that living Christ sucked the soul, the personality of Jesus, right out of His bones. The spirit breathed Himself out of that body before it died (Jesus breathed out, it is right in the Scripture, there is nothing esoteric about that). Christ breathed out of the body, and when He breathed out of the body, He took Jesus' soul (personality) with Him, He yanked it out of the body, and within three days and three nights, the body had turned to dust.


Eternal life is NOT after the death of the body. Eternal life is in Christ. Eternal life is in the resurrection of Christ in us. Christ is growing out of our human spirit, which is attached to our soul, so when the Christ went back to the Father, He took the soul with Him. He ripped the soul out of Jesus' body, and the body turned to dust within three days and three nights, and Jesus' spirit and His soul survived. Hallelujah! Thank God.


Let me give this to you again because it is so exciting. The First Adam died. The female chromosome died when she married the Snake. Humanity is the residue of the First Adam. Our rescue requires us to receive another female seed that will produce a Savior because we are saved in childbearing. The Father has been delivering female seeds like unto Seth. In the Scripture the woman said, God has given me another seed. The Father has been giving a new, viable seed on multiple occasions since the fall, and humanity is still dead. Why? Because the husband of the First Adam, the Snake, kills that new female seed before it can become the manchild that will save us in childbearing. That goes back to our studies in the Levirate law, that there is a spirit of the Snake inside of us that kills the spirit of the new husband every time he tries to come in. The reason the Father is sending us a new female seed now, and that the Snake (in the form of the carnal mind) cannot kill it, is because this new seed is encapsulated in, or insulated by the soul of the glorified Jesus Christ.


That seed that is delivered to us (that I will get to eventually), I found out that it is not the Holy Spirit. It was the Shekinah that came down on the Apostles on the day of Pentecost. The Shekinah carries the male seed. When she deposits it with our human spirit, and Satan comes to destroy it, Satan does not come up against the new seed of the Father, Satan comes up against the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ that the new seed is encapsulated in. And the soul of Jesus already overcame death. When Jesus rose from the dead He defeated powers and principalities; He made an open public show of them; they could not take His life. And brethren, if there is just one cell of us, one scraping of our skin, it could technically reproduce a whole human. That aspect of the soul of Jesus, that is now encapsulating the new female chromosome from the Father, has already overcome death, so when Satan comes to kill that seed, Jesus' soul, which has already overcome death, just kills Satan over and over and over again in every single one of us. And that seed can graft, and grow into Christ, and go forward and have the same experience that Jesus had. What a wonderful message!


I will never forget my reaction in Gospel Revivals when I heard Pastor Holzhauser say, He did it! He did it! He did it! And everyone was yelling, Yeah, yeah, yeah! And I did not know anything. I was saying, What did He do? He overcame death! The message is all about eternal life; do you hear anyone preaching about eternal life? THE MESSAGE IS ALL ABOUT ETERNAL LIFE! WHO IS PREACHING ABOUT ETERNAL LIFE TODAY? I hear them preaching about my new car, but eternal life? No. The message is about eternal life! Eternal life without sorrow. Eternal life with joy.


Let us go back to Verse 5. I looked at Verse 5 and saw the word limbs, and I could not resist going into Kabbalah to check it out. This was not an area that I knew much about. I know more about it now. I reproduced from this exhibit this short paragraph so that we could include this concept in the Alternate Translation of Verse 5, which I believe is what Paul was talking about. I have given you the URL right above this paragraph.


Verse 5, King James, Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:


There are 248 limbs in a person. 30 in the foot (six in each toe). And I thought it was really interesting that there were six items that Paul talks about: fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, covetousness, and idolatry. They are all idolatry. The sixth one contains them all. Paul is referring to the foot in Verse 5. We are the feet of Christ in the earth, so technically, all these sins are in our toes. I never understood the rituals of the Levitical priesthood very much. I am more into it now than I have ever been at any time, but there is a ritual that when they shed blood, they have to put blood on the big toe. I think it is the right foot. What are they putting blood on the big toe for? I am going through the Bible in a year, and I think the last time I went through that passage in Leviticus, I said, Lord, What does that mean? It has to mean something that they put the blood on the big toe. Well, here it is right here. We are the feet of Adam in the earth, and our sins are at least symbolically resident in the toes of the right foot. That is what Paul is talking about.


There are 248 limbs in a person. 30 in the foot (six in each toe). We know that the giants had 6 toes. (I actually had a friend, when I was 12 years old, that had 6 toes.) The giants had six toes on their feet and six fingers on their hands. According to this article, there are 5 sins in each toe, so each of the sins that are named here has 5 different manifestations. For example, fornication includes adultery and every unclean work. I do not want to get into this too much.


It goes on to tell you what all of the limbs are, and it says, These transmit ritual impurity by touching, carrying, and under a canopy when they have sufficient flesh attached to them.  In other words, these sins are ritually impure. The Jews believe they cannot be ritually pure until they reconstruct the temple. We are ritually pure through our relationship with Jesus, but there are two stages of ritual purity. We are only ritually pure by faith because we are not really ritually pure. The whole purpose of ritual purity is so that we can have a relationship with God; that we can be reconciled to God. Through our relationship, we are reconciled to God. We are ritually pure for the purpose of reconciliation with God through Jesus. He is the spokesperson. We cannot get near God, we are too dirty, but through Jesus we can have a relationship with God. We are not really ritually pure, but God expects us to be ritually pure. We are under amnesty right now, and what the Church does not understand, or rejects when they hear that amnesty will come to an end, and is coming to an end. We have had 2,000 years to purify ourselves by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, to deal with these sins; to purify our conscience and our behavior, and the door is closing right now. Amnesty is over. If Christ (who is the atonement) has not been formed in you by now, and all you have is the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is drying up and you do not have the atonement, and you are ritually impure. It means you are no longer reconciled to God. What is the consequence of no longer being reconciled to God?


COMMENT: The Sowing & Reaping Judgment?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, we become subject to the Sowing & Reaping Judgment. No more amnesty. It is just a lie, and I am not a preacher of judgment, but these preachers are going to have to pay for their crimes, these lies that they are telling the people, especially the people that are truly trying to live for God. They are telling the people that Jesus paid the price, that their sins are forgiven, and there is nothing more for them to do about it. No, you are forgiven by faith until you do something about it. Do what? Get the atonement, Christ, on the inside of you, because amnesty is over, the door is closing, and you have no more atonement. That means you are subject to the Sowing & Reaping Judgment, which almost always ends in death.


These transmit ritual impurity... This is really interesting, because we are being told that you can transmit ritual impurity, spiritual impurity, by touching, carrying, and under a canopy (I do not know what under a canopy means; maybe it means a soul tie) when they have sufficient flesh attached to them. We are talking about transference of spirits. If you are a Christian, you should know about transference of spirits. It is catching. Do you want to know why homosexuality is spreading like crazy? One of the reasons is that people that are not homosexual are accepting it and are having relationships with people that have that spirit. It is spreading like a plague.


You can say anything you want about me; I have just told you the truth. Wash your hands if you come in contact, but more than that, you really need to break the curses. I went through that not too long ago with the shampooer at the beauty salon. I cannot tell you this person was a practicing homosexual, but he was really weird looking. And I prayed for him not to be the one to shampoo my hair. Twice I managed to get away from him, but the third time I could not. I said, Lord, do you want me to change salons? And He said, No. And within another visit or so the guy was not there anymore. I was covered because I recognized it. Did I have anything against this man personally? Of course not. I did not even know him. He washed my hair. I had nothing against him personally, but he was unclean. Do you realize that in another country I would be in jail for saying this? He was unclean. Does it mean I hate you if I tell you that you are unclean?


I happened to listen for a few minutes to a preacher (maybe I will send him some books), and I was really impressed with his preaching, the little bit that I heard. He was asked about homosexuality, and his response was, The problem with homosexuality in the Church is that the Church makes it bigger than all the other sins, and it is not. Fornication is a sin, stealing is a sin, homosexuality is a sin, adultery is a sin. We have the adulterer calling out the homosexual for sin. God does not appreciate that. They are all a sin, and this same preacher said, these are his words, Divorce is a sin. You leave your wife for some young chippie, it is a sin. I have never heard any preacher say that before. That does not please God.


Homosexuals carry an unclean spirit. If you form a soul-tie with people like that, and hang out with them, it can get on you. You say, Oh, I would never be a homosexual. It clings to you, and then jumps on somebody else, and you never know. Do not be such a bigshot thinking you will never be a homosexual.


I have not talked about this in a long time, but there was a movie that impacted me so much that I never forgot it. Al Pacino was in it; he was a cop in this movie, and he was drafted to be an undercover agent in the homosexual bars. There was a murderer killing homosexuals, and he was drafted by an officer of detectives to be an undercover agent. He was interrogated as to whether or not he had any homosexual experience or inclinations, and he said, No, I have never had anything to do with that. There is nothing about me that is homosexual.  They sent him undercover into this homosexual community to find the murderer. To make the story short, the end of the whole movie is that he becomes a closet gay. He was in gay bars, picking up men, and dancing with them, and at one point, he went to his officer in charge and said, You have got to get me out of here. Something is happening to me, and I do not like it. I want out. The officer that drafted him said, No, we do not quit. This is the police force. You will finish your assignment. And he finished and became a closet gay.


These spirits are transferable. You should not be pals with a murderer. I am not telling you what to do; this is just wisdom I am giving you. You should not be hanging out with prostitutes. If you are a young lady (or a young man), and you know that someone is promiscuous, they are not the right friend for you. If you happen to be a young person, the rules should be the same for the men and women, but the women seem to be primary. If you are a still a virgin, you should not be hanging out with other women that are in fornication. It is transferable. It is a spirit. It is a mindset that says, This is OK that gets on you.


If you are in fornication and you are a single person, you have two solutions to be in right standing with God: you either get married or you get out. You drop the relationship. You are not going to convince them to get married unless they really want to get married. You are not going to convince them that they should get married because what they are doing is wrong. If anyone is influenced, it will be you. It has been proven over and over and over again. The Scripture says, Do not befriend an angry person; you will become an angry person. Do not hang out with angry people. Do not hang out with homosexuals; do not hang out with fornicators; do not hang out with adulterers; do not hang out with murderers or thieves, or you or your children will turn out just like them.


These transmit ritual impurity by touching, carrying, and under a canopy (soul ties) when they have sufficient flesh attached to them. Without sufficient flesh, these sins transmit impurity by touching, carrying, but not by canopy. I am assuming canopy means soul tie. If there is no flesh, if it just a spirit hanging on you, it can be transmitted by touching. You hang out with someone like that and you go home and hug your kids, you hug your little 10-year-old, your little 5-year-old, that spirit can jump on them. I think this is what the Lord is telling me a canopy means. If you are not a homosexual, if you are not in fornication, if you are not a murderer, but you hang out with someone like that, the spirit can get on you. You go home and hug your kids, and it jumps on your kids. That is when you are not under a canopy. There is no soul tie. But if you are a murderer yourself, or a homosexual yourself, it can be transferred by soul tie. In other words, it does not have to be hanging on you externally, but the fact that you have a relationship with somebody, it can transfer to them. You just wake up one day and have the same desires. It transfers through the canopy, through the soul tie. It does not have to be a free-flying spirit hanging on you that gets it by being touched. It travels through the soul tie.


Everything goes today. The whole population has been lied to. I remember, a long time ago, I think 30, 40 years ago, there was a movie (Hollywood is corrupting everybody) about a man that was in love with a prostitute. He was having an affair with a prostitute. Aside from the fact that they were having an affair and were in fornication, she was a prostitute. So, they made love, and that night she went to work with some other guys. The mentality is, What, are you prejudiced or something? What is your problem? It is just my job. That was the whole movie.


This is the mindset through the whole Christian world. Are you all crazy? They are insane. They are under delusion. Their minds have been corrupted. The truth is not in what the majority believes. The truth is in what the Scripture says. Paul is talking to us about morality, primarily sexual morality, and cleanliness of the mind. It is not what the majority says or does; it is what God says or does. And because judgment does not fall suddenly or swiftly for the unbeliever, do not be deceived. Only disaster can come out of welcoming and embracing these behaviors and having open relationships; unhindered relationships with people that practice these things. If you work with them, all you can do is pray about it. If it is your family, all you can do is pray about it.


One last thing I am going to say about this. If it is a family member and you cannot get away from them, you need to hear this. The danger is when you do not understand that you have a higher mindset. When you think you are equal, and you talk back and forth and give each other advice, the spirit transfers. You have to know that the whole time you are in a relationship with a relative that you love dearly, that in this area of homosexuality, fornication, adultery, or whatever is manifesting, they are in sin. You do not condemn them. I am not telling you to try to save them. I am concerned about you, your mindset. You must never forget that they are in sin. That is how you do not get trapped. As soon as you forget that they are in sin because you love them, and that relationship becomes completely equal in your mind, you are in danger.


That goes for everything in life, including your politics. My whole family is liberal. I am the only conservative in my family, which is very small these days. If you cannot talk about it, you cannot talk about it. Do not ever forget that they have a corrupted mind. That does not mean you have to try and change them. You need to protect yourself with the knowledge that you are different, that you have God's mind, and that they do not have God's mind. Even if you are not actually discussing the topic, that knowledge that you are different than them puts a wall between you. You say, I do not want a wall between me and my relative. Well, then, you will pay the consequence.


Verse 5, King James, Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:


Fornication is harlotry. I have taken these definitions right out of Strong's lexicon. Fornication is harlotry, including adultery and incest, uncleanness, specifically sexual intercourse during a woman's menstrual cycle (that was in Strong's), and in general, the illegal use of blood, including the drinking of blood for witchcraft ritual, and other hygienically unclean and immoral acts, including oral sex, anal intercourse, and sex with animals. The Scripture specifically talks against bestiality, sex with animals. Uncleanness means, gentlemen, putting your body in a place that is unclean, such as in anal intercourse.


Inordinate affection: the Greek word is pathos. I have been talking about pathos lust for a long time, although the definition I have been using may apply more to concupiscence than inordinate affection, but I will read what I have here. Uncontrolled passion is talking about driving addiction. Inordinate affection is uncontrolled passion, including lust manifesting as a compulsion that can never be satisfied, including compulsive sexual behavior, all-consuming jealousy, lust to dominate, control and possess that which does not belong to you; addiction in general, alcoholism, drug addiction, food addiction, gambling addiction, stealing, kleptomania, anything that drives you to do things that are destructive is an inordinate affection.


Concupiscence means lust, longing (especially for that which is forbidden). It is that longing, and pathos lust, in particular, means that you are longing for it and you are never satisfied.


Covetousness is avarice, the excessive or insatiable desire for wealth and greed, which is idolatry. And I thought, why would that be idolatry, the excessive or insatiable desire for wealth? It is idolatry because what is really behind that lust, that excessive, insatiable desire for wealth, is really a desire to protect yourself, that you think your money can protect you. Brethren, your money cannot protect you. Your gold cannot protect you. It cannot save you from disease or death or destruction. Only Jesus can save you.


Is it wrong to have extra food for what may be coming? No, I do not think there is anything wrong with it. Again, everything is motive. Nothing can save you. Only Jesus can save you. You may have 25 years of food stored up, and then robbers will come and steal it, and you will starve to death. Only Jesus can save you. Now, if you pray about it and Jesus tells you to buy back-up food, that is different. Everything is motive. There is nothing wrong with anything if your heart is right, and if Jesus is telling you to do it. Even if He is not telling you to do it, as long as you do not think that what you have stored up is going to save you, and you think it is just a wise thing to do, then you can do it.


Verse 5, Alternate Translation, Therefore do not let your corporeal body engage in any of these physical activities, or let your soul engage in any of these mental or emotional activities of the First Adam, the foot of the Whole Adam that is upon the earth, that Christ who is above would not participate in, such as: fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, concupiscence, evil and covetousness. And I think idolatry should have its own place there. So that makes six. One, two, three, four, five -- oh no. It is six without idolatry. Why did I think it was five before? One, two, three, four, five, six. I thought, when I read it to you before, it was only five. Maybe I left one out. Let me just check that.


COMMENT: Evil. You left evil out.


PASTOR VITALE: I left evil out? And that was where?


COMMENT: Back in King James, Verse 5, evil concupiscence. I believe the word is one term.


PASTOR VITALE: Oh, is that what happened? Page 2, Verse 5. I must have counted it here. One, two, three, four, five. Fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection. Oh, I see. I put evil concupiscence together. They are not together, but that is in the King James. I am not going to change it. There are six, so we will leave idolatry where it is.


Verse 6, King James, For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.


Verse 6, Alternate Translation, For which things God's passion is coming upon his disobedient children. It is very similar.


COMMENT: The Greek word translated wrath can also be translated passion, a desire for the object of one's love, as well as anger or punishment. In other words, God's anger is rooted in His passion to consummate His marriage to the Lamb of God. The Greek word translated wrath, in Verse 6, is Strong's #3709, a different Greek word than the Greek word that appears in Verse 8. I just told you about the Greek word that appears in Verse 6. It could mean anger or punishment; it merely means passion. It can be a passionate desire for your wife or a passionate desire to punish. But in Verse 8, we will find out that it means something else. It simply means passion of the emotions. It is Strong's #2372 in Verse 8, and Strong's #3709 in Verse 6.


Verse 7, King James, In the which ye also walked some time when ye lived in them.


Verse 7, Alternate Translation, Which lifestyle you also followed in the past, and


Verse 8, King James,  But now that ye have put off all of these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.


Now that you have put off all of these bad behaviors that comes either from actual physical behavior or out of motives, stop doing these things. You cannot get rid of your motives, because Satan is bringing forth your motives: fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection (these are all behavioral), concupiscence, evil and covetousness, they all come from Satan in the unconscious mind in the form of suggestions. At this stage in our development, we cannot stop Satan from inputting these thoughts into our mind: lust, injurious thoughts, or covetousness. It is when we agree with them that there is a form of spiritual sexual intercourse that takes place between our nefesh soul and the unconscious part of our mind, which is Satan, and brings forth demons that are called anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication.


Usually these are expressed verbally, but it is the fruit of the union between our soul and the thought, thinking, She deserves it. She is no good, she did that to me; that is the conscious mind. Agreeing with the ungodly thought produces something that is usually expressed openly; if not to the person's face, to someone else behind their back. Anger (passion of the mind), wrath (passion of the emotions), malice, malignity (evil intention): She did that, and I just pray the worst thing in the world could happen to her, those are evil intentions towards someone. I have heard people say horrible things like, They should get cancer. Have you ever heard anybody say anything evil like that?




PASTOR VITALE: I have heard people say things like, She did that. She should get cancer. It is a malignant, evil thought.


Filthy communication is base conversation, also base reasoning, which is the reasoning of the carnal mind. Of course, we are not supposed to say bad words (I am not justifying saying bad words. Sometimes people say bad words in a fit of anger. We should not be doing that), but this means much more than that. Communication initially begins with your soul. What comes out of your mouth is the last stage of communication. We are talking about base conversation, in other words, speaking in low sexual terms about somebody. Years ago, men used to do that a lot. Today, if they do it, they do it in hiding, but it used to be macho for men to say base things about women. Unfortunately, that happened in the news recently regarding someone in public office. Base conversation should be avoided, talking about base things, talking about the activities of base people. An example of a base person is someone that is a hopeless drug addict; someone who's soul is lost, who steals to get money for drugs.


Base reasoning is the reasoning of the carnal mind; reasoning that comes out of a base emotion that you have. You really have an evil intention, so you justify it in your mind with base carnal reasoning, He hurt my father, so I should kill him. Do you know what was in the news recently? Talk about base reasoning. Brethren, these are the people we are letting into the country without any restrictions. Actually, there are people walking right into the country without any restrictions right now. In Pakistan, a man was convicted of raping a 13-year-old-girl. What do you think his punishment was? The court in Pakistan declared that the judgment for this man raping a 13-year-old was that his 13-year-old sister should be gang-raped. These are the kind of people we want to let into the country, and they are all over Europe raping like crazy (not necessarily coming from Pakistan, but this is the mentality from multiple countries in the world). Why would you let them in here? Either you hate the country and you want to see it destroyed, or there is something wrong with your mind.


Verse 8, Alternate Translation, It is now also time to renounce ungodly responses to these sins, such as: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication.


Verse 9, King James, Lie not to one another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds.


Stop lying to one another. Just tell the truth. If someone invites you somewhere and you cannot go, say, Thank you for inviting me, but I cannot go. Or, I do not want to go. Or, It is not my thing, but thank you for thinking of me. This country is falling down into such a base state. They do not know how to say no. It seems to be a very hard thing for some people to do today. More and more people do not know what to do. They do not know what they are supposed to say, Thank you for thinking of me, but I cannot, or I will not, or I have other plans, or it is not my thing. Stop lying to each other.


Verse 9, Alternate Translation, You should stop lying to one another now that you have stripped off the former, First Adam who died in the previous age, together with his evil actions.


If you have stripped off the old one, when you receive Christ... When you receive Christ, not the Holy Spirit, brethren. Once you receive Christ, technically or by faith, you have stripped off the First Adam, although we all know that it has not happened yet. If it had happened already, Paul would not be saying to the Colossians, Stop lying to one another. The problem is that you have received Christ, and you are still lying to one another, and you are still angry, and you are filled with malice and wrath. Paul is saying, You should not be doing that, because you have received the new man by faith. As I said earlier, you do not have the power to stop Satan from inputting evil motives and evil suggestions into your heart. What you do have power to do is to not listen to them. Stop fornicating with the evil thoughts that come from the First Adam who is trying to destroy you. You now have a new husband, and His name is Christ. You need to turn your back on the first man, and stop doing these things, and start to relate to your fellow man with the love of God. Not with an emotional love; with the love of God. The love of God does not condemn you, but tells you the truth. I cannot let you hurt me, but I will try to help you.


The Lord just convicted me of something along those lines recently. We have not talked about gold dust here in a long time. Someone from the internet called me a couple of years ago. They found a message on my webpage where I talked about gold dust, and they just assumed that I liked it. It was a woman that called me, and she was going on and on about the wonders of gold dust. I finally said to her, Excuse me, but I am against gold dust. I do not think that is of God, so we have nothing to talk about. God bless you, and I hung up because I did not want to fight with her. But that was not the right thing to do. The Lord just convicted me, a couple of years later. I should have tried to engage her in conversation, and tried to help her. She was shocked, so she said, God bless you, and hung up. I should have asked her, Why do you think it is good? And then, if it started to turn into a fight, I would have gotten off the phone.


You know who does that really well? Rush Limbaugh. He does that when people call him up on a political level, and they are saying something he does not agree with. He is usually right. Not all the time, but he is usually right. He will try to engage them in conversation. He will ask them questions that make them think, and even if it does not help them when they are on the phone with him, that question is a living thing. It will stay in their mind, and maybe they will start thinking in a different way, and it will help them.


When all you do is say to the person, I do not believe that. You believe that, and I believe this, you are in a power play, and it is a spirit of pride. You do not want to fight, so you get out because your pride is up. What God is challenging us to do is to not have our pride up, but to have Christ raised in us to see if there is not some question, or just one thing we could ask them that will start a thought process in their mind that might end in their deliverance. The Lord is bringing me to that next stage, and what has to go first is a fear of confrontation or of having big fight. It is a fear of either being overtaken by their thoughts, or it turning into a fight, or something like that. You can try, just ask one question, and if it does not work, and they are hostile, then you have to go. I am asking the Lord to help me to learn how to do that.


Sometimes you cannot do it. I was attacked by my great-niece and her friend over the Fourth of July. There is no way I could have done anything like that with them. They were just all over me, and my reaction was wrong. I made two wrong statements on behalf of President Trump, because that was my reaction to them attacking me, and I tried to get out of it, at which point my great-niece zeroed in for the kill, and Christ in me rose and said, That is enough. I did not have the right answers for you; I did not help you, but I am not going to let you trample me.


Verse 9, Alternate Translation, You should stop lying to one another now that you have stripped off the former, First Adam who died in the previous age, together with his evil actions.


By faith, you have stripped him off, the First Adam that died in the previous age. You should stop doing these things, now that you have stripped off the First Adam, together with his evil actions. You should not be doing that anymore, even though everything in you might be screaming to do it, because that is not who you are anymore. Your behavior has to line up with your new mindset, the mindset of Christ, which is peace. I used to be a warmonger; today I am a peacemaker.


Verse 10, King James, And I have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.


Renewed means renovated; I am translating it rebuilt. The word man is not in the Greek. There are two words that can be translated man:  Strong's #444, which means Adam, and Strong's #5100, which really means anyone; sometimes it is translated man. The word man does not appear in the Greek for Verse 10, but I amplified in Adam. The word knowledge, we are translating recognize.


Verses 9 & 10, Alternate Translation, You should stop lying to one another now that you have stripped off the former, First Adam who died in the previous age, together with his evil actions, and have merged with the regenerated Adam, who has been rebuilt so that the image of the one who created him can be recognized.


I talked about that earlier in the message, that when the creation of God is born in us, he will reform our flesh so that it reflects the righteous image of the permanent inhabitant of the house. Having merged with the regenerated Adam, who has been rebuilt so that the image of the one who created him can be recognized.


Verse 11, King James, Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.


This is interesting. That phrase is so commonly used in the Church, even by me, that Christ is all, and in all. I think it means something a little different than what I thought.


Barbarian means foreigner; foreigner means someone that is not an Israelite. Scythian means a savage person. The first all we are translating whole, which is the legitimate translation of the word: the Whole Adam. Actually, we are translating the second all, whole also.


Verse 11, Alternate Translation,  In whom there is no difference between the Greek and the Jew, or the circumcised and the uncircumcised non-Israelite, or the non-Israelite and the savage, or the bond servant and the free man, because Christ is in the Whole Adam, and the Whole Adam is in the Father.


That was what the Lord gave me. There is now no longer any difference between these different kinds of people. With regard to God's mercy and how God deals with people, it used to be that God dealt with Israel differently than how he dealt with other people. Now, when Jesus looks to minister justice, or to answer somebody's prayer, there is no longer any difference between the Israelite, the non-Israelite, or who you are in life. There is no difference because Christ is the Whole Adam, and the Whole Adam is in the Father.


What that means (and it comes up next) is that mercy is in the earth. That is the whole principle of the Microprosopus. It means God is in His Christ, and mercy is reigning everywhere. I took this out of the Zohar for you.


COMMENT: Paul is speaking about the principle of the Microprosopus, the state that Adam has been in since Jesus was glorified. There are only two passages from the Zohar that talk about the Microprosopus, and I have reproduced both of them for you.


The first passage we had in a previous message. It says, We have learnt that, when the priests hold their hands outspread in blessing, the congregation should be in fear and awe, and realize that it is a time of favor in all the worlds. We now know that favor means grace, and I have a section coming up where we have an even deeper understanding of grace and favor. Grace  and favor means righteous judgment. It means the dealings of sin, that Jesus gives us an opportunity to have our sins revealed so that we can repent and deal with those issues, overcome them, and not be destroyed by them. That is the ultimate meaning of grace, which is the favor of God. It is the favor of God that we are no longer being destroyed by the Sowing & Reaping judgment; that He will show us our sins so that we can bring the correction, by His grace and with His help. That is the ultimate meaning of grace, and it is the Shekinah.


We have learnt that, when the priests hold out their hands outspread in blessing, the congregation should be in fear and awe, and realize that it is a time of favor in all the worlds, when the upper and lower worlds are being blessed, and there is everywhere an absence of rigor, an absence of harsh judgment.


It is a moment when the undisclosed aspect of the Ancient of Ancients... The Ancient One, Atik Yomin, is undisclosed. He is in such a deep place of potential, and we see Him in Daniel, Chapter 7, with the Son of Man coming to Him. It is a moment when the undisclosed aspect of the Ancient of Ancients is being revealed as Microprosopus, the lesser figure, and thus peace prevails everywhere.


It does not say it here, but the Atik, the Ancient of Ancients, is revealed through Ze'ir Anpin, and Ze'ir Anpin is attached to Christ in us. We are waiting for Him to be revealed through Christ, and that is going to be the outpouring that is going to be here for the needy people in the world today. That is the whole purpose of the Microprosopus. It is Ze'ir Anpin, the highest manifestation of the Holy One, the Ancient of Ancients; when He comes down and reveals Himself through Christ Jesus in me (or in you) and through Christ, then the miracles start flowing from the human being that this is happening in.


We are up to the second passage on the Microprosopus. The middle bar in the midst of the board (this is talking about the tabernacle) shall pass from one end to the other, uniting them. Apparently there were two boards in the tabernacle, and there is a middle bar that passes between, and unites them. Jacob was perfect in regard to both sides. It is really talking about the Lord Jesus above and Christ below (in our dispensation). Jacob was perfect in regard to both sides, the Holy Ancient and the Microprosopus. Those are the two passages, so we now know the Microprosopus is Ze'ir Anpin, and the Atik is the Ancient of Ancients. It is the unification between the Atik (the Supernal Mother holds His seed) and Ze'ir Anpin; and Ze'ir Anpin is attached to us. The whole creation is being unified so that it should be immortal.


Jacob was perfect in regard to both sides, the Holy Ancient and the Microprosopus, and also to the supernal Grace and the supernal Power harmonizing the two. What does that mean? I already mentioned the supernal Grace to you. The supernal Grace is the Sefirah Chesed, and the supernal Power is Gevurah, which is harsh judgment. Gevurah is under Binah, and Chesed is under Chochmah, and they meet in the middle, in Tiferet. That is the mercy of God, in Tiferet. It is the balancing, the blending of the unlimited kindness of God with the harsh judgment, which is the Sowing & Reaping judgment of Jehovah; they come together.


The supernal Grace is the blending of the two. The Kabbalistic term is the sweetening of Gevurah. It is the sweetening of harsh judgment, and it becomes the judgment that reveals the sins of your soul, which gives you an opportunity to confess them, and ask the Lord to help you to overcome them. That is what repentance is, it is resisting and overcoming the character flaw. Repentance is not a word. Repentance is a change of opinion, that you believed what you were doing was OK, but you have changed your opinion and you now know that it is wrong. You are going to ask the Lord to most humbly remove the character flaw from you, and you will do your best to stop doing it. It is an opportunity to save you from the Sowing & Reaping judgment, and that is the harmonizing of supernal Grace and the supernal Power, Chesed and Gevurah.


Rabbi Simeon said further, I perceive that Wisdom (Chochmah) is the totality of the holy Sefirot, (wisdom is the foundation of everything) and that supernal Grace (Chesed) (right underneath him) emanates from Wisdom, and Power (Gevurah), which is the prompter of severe judgment, from Understanding (Binah). Jacob harmonized both sides. We are talking about harmonizing. We have Chochmah on top, and Chesed underneath (the kindness of God), and Binah (harsh judgement) under Chesed. These four are coming together in the balancing of Tiferet, which they are calling Jacob.


Jacob harmonized both sides: (the left and right)  the Fathers (Abraham and Isaac) signified the totality of all, and Jacob signified the union of the Fathers. All of these names: Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, and the union of the Fathers, are talking about the Sefirot. The Kabbalists assign the names of the forefathers to particular Sefirot to help people to understand that the unification of the names of God is what it is all about. The unification of the parts of the creation, the reunification with God, is what it is all about. We now know that Atik, the Ancient of Ancients, has to join with Ze'ir Anpin, who goes by the name the Lord Jesus Christ, who has to join with Christ in us, so that the whole creation can be linked together in proper order; so that the whole creation will be in the image of God and inherit eternal life.


Included in that is the salvation of our souls, which is the preservation of our personality as we now know it, because the object of salvation is the female seed, which is a part of the Godhead. The soul comes from the clay; the soul is made from the earth. So, the soul is being adopted, and it is the great mercy of God that our soul (personality) will continue to live, because the way the creation is set up right now, we could just be smashed like a clay vessel and then reformed, because our whole function is to be a house for the spiritual life of God. Technically, if you can hear this, it does not really make any difference whether it is our soul or someone else's soul that is the house for the living God, as long as there is a house for the living God, but the Lord has had mercy on us because He knows that our soul is important to us, and that we would like to live, so He is adopting us.


We got into that whole study because of the Alternate Translation of Colossians, Chapter 3, Verse 11: In whom there is no difference between the Greek or the Jew, the circumcised or the uncircumcised non-Israelite, or the non-Israelite and the savage, or the bond servant and the free man, because Christ is in the Whole Adam (Christ is in Ze'ir Anpin), and the Whole Adam, (Ze'ir Anpin) is in the Father (which is Chochmah). I told you the Father is in Atik, and therefore everybody (the whole world) has the benefit of the supernal Grace, the mercy of God, which is righteous judgment, as opposed to the Sowing & Reaping judgment.


This whole concept in the Church, that you answer an altar call, and you do not have to answer for your sins, is criminal. It is a criminal abuse of God's people and the people who are seeking God for deliverance and help. It is a criminal abuse by the fivefold ministry. We must all answer for our sins. The question is how we answer for them. Do we answer through the Sowing & Reaping judgment, meaning that, even if that judgment does not kill us (well, eventually it will kill us), but even if we do something simple, we pinch somebody and they pinch us back, the mercy of God tells us that it is wrong. I pinched you, you pinched me back, and tomorrow I pinch someone else, and they pinch me back; we continue on down here in hell. So the supernal Grace, the favor of God, will tell us, No, that is wrong, and this is what you need to do to stop doing it. You need to understand that it is wrong, and you need to replace it with the godly counterpart, forgiveness.


Verse 12, King James, Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;


The words put on is a Greek word that we see a lot, and what it means is that you immerse yourself in something. You do not just put it on the surface, for example, the surface of your body; you immerse yourself in it. It would be like being covered with memory foam, and the suggestion is that when we put on a new soul (we take on the soul of the new man), he is not just on our outside, that soul is penetrating from the innermost point of our being to the outermost point of our being. Literally, we are like a pomegranate; every individual part of us is covered. If you look at the seeds of a pomegranate, every seed has its own covering. That is where the fruit is. The seed is covered with the fleshy fruit, and the whole fruit has a thick covering around the outside of it. That word that means put on covers every cell of our body. That is what it is talking about, but I did not know how to express it in one word so that I could use it in the Alternate Translation, so I chose to say merged with.


Verse 12, Alternate Translation, Wherefore you, who are the elect of God, should merge with the agape love of the Holy One.


The Holy One is Ze'ir Anpin, who is the Lord Jesus Christ, and  in this verse, He is the whole 10 Sefirot to us). You should merge with the agape love of the Holy One. Agape love is not an emotional love; it is a love that has bowels of mercy, pity, and sympathy that comes from the inner man. It is not a sympathy that comes from the fallen man that makes the other person weak, and I am surprised that Strong's said sympathy, but it is really talking about the compassion that comes from Christ, which is a compassion that will heal you.


Brethren, when you see someone in need, you may want to give them charity and help them, but the ultimate mercy is to set them up on their own feet so that they do not have to be recipients of charity anymore. Every man should have his own self-respect and be self-energizing and self-supporting. What is going on today in our country is called the welfare state. Those that say they are doing people a favor by putting them on welfare, and giving them a check every month so that they can live without having to earn it, are actually destroying that person's own self-esteem and self-integrity. Socialism and communism are the destruction of the individual. When Christ has pity or sympathy on you, He will give you immediate help. He will alieve you immediately, but then He will assist you in getting up on your feet so you can take care of yourself again. The sympathy of the First Adam keeps you dependent and takes care of you like a child or a pet animal.


Kindness is tolerance and excellence of character and behavior. That does not mean you tolerate sin; it means you tolerate people's character flaws as they are trying to overcome, which is excellence of character, and your own behavior which sets the example for them.


Humbleness of mind is the humiliation of the carnal mind, which produces the true humility of the person. Your carnal mind must be humiliated. The carnal mind is really bad news. It really has to be defeated. It has to find out that it has no power, and it has to be humbled so that Christ, the true humble one, can rise and be your nature.


Meekness means humility. Longsuffering means fortitude and endurance. That means you will last for a long time.


Someone had a dream (I believe the dream was about someone in this ministry), and the final line of the dream was they were bleeding from every orifice, ears, nose, eyes, mouth, and they were still standing. What does that mean? It means the judgment was not having the desired effect on them yet. They had to fall down.


Verse 12, Alternate Translation, Merge therefore the agape love of the Holy One of God and Israel, his elect. The agape love of God is the love that shows you your sins.


Our witness is Isaiah 42:1, Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth. I have put my Spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. That is Jesus, Messiah.


Isaiah 45:4, For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me. So we see that the elect one is Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is a spiritual being. The people that He reveals Himself through, called Israel, are also called elect. The elect are the people that reveal the Lord Jesus Christ. They reveal Christ Jesus. The election is no longer determined by your physical birth.


Verse 12, Alternate Translation, Wherefore you, who are the elect of God, should merge with the agape love of the Holy One, which manifests as: pity, sympathy that comes from the inner man; tolerance and excellence of character and behavior; humiliation of the carnal mind, which produces true humility, which is Christ; and fortitude and endurance when it comes to overcoming sin.


Verse 13, King James, Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any. Even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.


Forbearing means to put up with. One another means yourselves. Quarrel means to have a fault, or to find a fault with someone.


Verse 13, Alternate Translation, You should put up with one another's faults, and forgive the grudges that you have against each other, as Christ forgave you, and you should also forgive yourselves. Putting up with one another's faults includes being honest to your brother, telling them if they have a fault that really annoys you, and if they can easily correct it, you should definitely tell them. We are talking about good communication between the brethren. There is no way we can live a godly life without good communication.


I was thinking about one of the women in the synagogue that I had a problem with a couple of years ago. For some reason, she came to my mind yesterday. She is the one who became paralyzed, and then died. I remember the night she became so upset with me. I did something that I realized afterwards I should not have done, but I did not do it with an evil intention. I was ignorant, and I really, really hurt her feelings. She walked by the table I was sitting at and told me off, and kept on walking. She did not even give me an opportunity to apologize.


I called her up that night, and a couple of times after that night, but she did not answer the phone. Finally, a few days later, I got her on the phone, what happened when I got her on the phone was that she wanted a fight with me, and I would not fight with her. I really wanted to reconcile with her (that happened was a few years ago), and it just came to me the other day that she did not know how to reconcile with me. She did not know how to do it. That was why she told me that I hurt her feelings, which she certainly had a right to tell me. She walked past the table and did not let me respond because she did not want a big fight. And she did not answer the phone call because she did not want a big fight. When I would not leave her alone (I kept calling because I wanted to reconcile), she finally took the call, thinking, I guess I have to have a fight with her. She was fighting with me on the phone, and I was not saying anything. She did not know what to make out of me; she did not know how to reconcile. Is that one of the saddest things you have ever heard of in your life?


Finally, I guess she got the idea that I was not going to fight with her, and I think she said something like, A few of us go out to dinner once in a while. Would you like to come? I said, I would love it, and that was the end of the conversation. After all these years, and she is dead probably a year or two already, the Lord brought that incident to me and told me, She did not know how to reconcile with you because a lot of people in that community fight terribly. They get into fights over things they should not get into fights over, so she thought I was calling her up to have a big fight with her.


That was what happened with the woman that tried to force me to celebrate Christmas. I tried to talk to her reasonably, and she was screaming at me like a lunatic on the phone. She tried to deal with it by saying, We will just forget about it. But I could not forget about it because she was telling me I had to celebrate Christmas. When I tried to talk to her about it, and she realized that I was not going her way (because I could not drop it like that), she started screaming at me like a lunatic. In her mind, she did not want it to get to that point, but because I did not say, It is OK that you are trying to force me to celebrate Christmas, and I understand that you are just doing it because you love me, so now I am going to celebrate Christmas, she did not know what else to do, so she started screaming incoherently.


People do not know how to talk to each other. Can you imagine being in a marriage like that? I think a lot of people are in marriages like that. Can you imagine being in a family like that? It goes one of two ways: people are either fighting continuously, or they just do not deal with it, and then they get sick. They get all kinds of diseases because it goes underground. That is where we live; it is called hell. Hell begins in the mind, it flows out into our behavior and our relationships, and then it flows out into the world. You find whole extended families, cultures and tribes, even some nations being more communicative than others. This is hell, brethren. It starts with the mind.


When Paul is naming these activities, these characteristics, it is no small thing. You cannot live like that anymore. If you want the promises that are being preached in this ministry, you must learn how to communicate in a godly manner, for yourself first, and then for others, because there is no inheritance of the promises with a mind that cannot communicate. There is no inheritance for people that cannot say, I am sorry. There is no inheritance for people that cannot listen and realize that they really did make a mistake. Either they did not mean it, like I did not mean it with the woman I just told you about, or they did mean it, but now they are sorry.


There is no inheritance of these promises without learning how to deal with yourself, with your own ungodly emotions, and to deal properly with other people through communication. There is no escaping it, because this is how the mind of Christ operates, not by screaming and yelling; by reasonable talk, communication. Anything short of that is not of God, and it will hinder you at every step of your walk. If you cannot do it, you must admit that it is sin and learn how to communicate in truth and honesty. You must learn how to negotiate with people in fairness, in equity, and in justice, admitting when you are wrong, and telling the people their sins without condemnation. You should put up with one another's faults, and forgive the grudges that you have against each other, as Christ forgave you, and you should also forgive yourselves.


Verse 14, King James, And above all these things, put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.


But above all these things, love the brethren. That word charity is the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the love that tells people, I cannot take what you are doing anymore. It is really bothering me. Do you think we could somehow work this out? Is there anything I can do to help you to not do what is irritating me so much?


Verse 14, Alternate Translation, But above all these things, love the brethren with the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ, (love them with truth and honesty and humility) the one who binds you to himself to complete you. We are complete in Him. Jesus told Peter, Whatever you bind in the earth, I will bind in heaven. This is the ultimate binding. If you bind your personality to Christ, I will bind Christ to Ze'ir Anpin.


But above all things, love the brethren with the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ, to deal with people, relate to people in truth and honesty of the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who binds you to himself to complete you.


Verse 15, King James, And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body, and be ye thankful.


Verse 15, Alternate Translation: Let the peace of God, by which you are called to be one body, govern your hearts, and be thankful.


Do not let the carnal mind govern your heart. Do not let Leviathan (your pride) govern your heart. Do not let Satan, evil intentions, or rejection, govern your heart. Let the peace of God, which is Christ, by which you are called to be one body, govern your hearts, and be thankful. That means there is no unresolved issue; every issue must be resolved. Whoever is guilty has to confess that they are guilty. If you were ignorant but you were guilty, you need to confess it. You need to apologize. You need to genuinely seek to reconcile so that you can help the other person to forgive you, because it is very hard to forgive someone when they are in pride. When someone is genuinely repentant (sorry), it is much easier to forgive them.


Verse 16, King James, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.


COMMENT: We have learned previously that grace is the favor of God. We learned today an expansion of the idea from the Zohar, which teaches that the Supernal Grace, the Grace that comes from the God World of Atzilut, is actually the Sefirah, Chesed, loving kindness.


Grace is the Supernal Mother revealing herself as loving kindness.


Supernal Grace is the Supernal Mother revealing herself through Tiferet, which is the perfect balance between Chesed, loving kindness, and Gevurah, harsh judgment.


Supernal Grace, the ultimate favor of God, is the diminishing of harsh judgment by sweetening it with loving kindness in Tiferet, which reveals sin without condemnation.


So the ultimate purpose of grace, the favor of God, is to destroy sin in a manner that does not destroy the sinner.


Verse 16, Alternate Translation, Let the word of Christ dwell in you abundantly, teaching and warning one another gently with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, and singing to the Lord from your hearts about the favor of God.


Warning one another gently means that you gently tell somebody they are doing something wrong, but you have to tell them. Of course, you should discuss it with the Lord first, and wait for the right moment.


Verse 17, King James, And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.


Verse 17, Alternate Translation, Whatsoever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.


Verse 18, King James, Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as is fit in the Lord.


This Greek word, submit, means subordinate. It does not mean that you submit in any ungodly way. It means subordinate. It means the wife should acknowledge that the husband is the head of the family. It is an attitude that you carry in front of your children every day, every time. You should always respect the head of any institution: the head of the family, the head of the marriage, the head of the ministry, the head of the school. You should always respect the person in authority and know that you are not equal to them. No matter how much they befriend you, you are not equal to them.


Wives, subordinate yourselves... understand that you are a subordinate, that your husband has the ultimate authority ...to your own husband. That word own is not there. The Scripture actually says, this is very interesting, subordinate yourself to one husband. There is another Scripture that says, To serve God in the ministry, a man must be the husband of one wife. Here we see the same principle. Submit yourselves to one husband. That means you should not have two husbands at the same time: you cannot be having an affair when you are married, and it also means that divorce is not acceptable to God, except in the most extreme circumstances, after which you should not marry again. I have a whole book about that. It says it is OK to marry again when the Lord releases your soul. The name of the book is About Marriage, and in that book I said I had never seen it happen in less than 10 years, where the soul tie broke, and the Lord said someone could get married again. But since I wrote that book, I found out the reality behind what Paul is saying. If you divorce your husband or your wife, you make them an adulterer or an adulteress.


The only exception is if you never had any children. Once you have a child, that child is a hybrid soul, a cross between your soul and your wife (or husband's) soul, tied in a knot together inside of that child. The souls of the two parents tied in a knot, which knot has become the soul of the child. There is no way you can break that soul tie as long as the child is alive and the mate is alive. The Scripture is not going to say you are an adulterer or an adulteress until the child dies, because it is a curse to have a child die before the parent, but I am telling you the truth of the matter, you are spiritually married to that mate as long as your souls are tied. If there has been no children from the marriage, in 10 years (maybe less) that soul tie will dissolve and you can marry someone else, because the man and his wife are one soul. Once you have a child, and that hybrid soul exists, you are married to that person. Your soul is tied to that other person so long as both the other person and the child are alive. The only way to break that soul tie and make yourself eligible to marry again is either through the death of your mate, or through the death of the child, which we hope will never happen.


Marriage is about the body and the soul, but primarily about the soul. A man and his wife become one flesh, and fornication and adultery affects the soul. What you do with your body affects the soul. Yes, marriage is about sex, but sex just brings you closer (though it is possible to not have sex in a marriage and to still have your souls merge because you live together, you are so close together that your soul becomes one soul). When you divorce and start living separately, it takes a long time to dissolve that soul tie. For some people, it never gets dissolved. Some people go to their grave mourning over their first love or the one they were married to.


This is the issue: As long as you have a child, there is no chance of your souls being separated, because they are joined in that third party until either your mate or the child dies, and that is the spiritual reality behind the judgment, or the commandment that divorce is not legal as long as your mate still lives. You make the other person, who wants to get married again, an adulterer (or adulteress), and you make yourself an adulterer or an adulteress, spiritually speaking. Nobody wants to hear that, but it is the truth of the Scripture. These are the last days, brethren. I have to tell you the truth.


Verse 18, Alternate Translation, Wives, subordinate yourself to one husband, as is proper in the Lord.


Because if you are divorced and you married again, you have two husbands. Proper is a translation of the word fit in the King James. Wives, subordinate yourselves to one husband, as is proper in the Lord. You should not be married to two people.


In this culture, people are out there having sex with all these different men and women, and their souls are just ripped to pieces. I am not condemning you, but I am telling you your soul is all over the place. Someone once asked me, What do you do about it? When we were in Old Order deliverance, we would talk about calling the pieces of the soul back, but those are just words. As far as I know, the only thing you can do about it is live for God. Give your soul to God, and pray for restoration. I do not know what else to tell you. Things do get better as you give your life to God, but the spirits of all the men you have been with are in there fighting in every way to cause division between you and your present husband. If you look at the Levirate law, the spirits of all these men that you have had sex with are in there trying to possess you through your mind, which interferes with your sex life with your present husband, and interferes with the whole marriage.


Verse 19, King James, Husbands: love your wives, and be not bitter against them.


Verse 19, Alternate Translation, Spiritual males and husbands, in particular: agape-love the spiritual females, and wives, in particular, and do not resent (be bitter against) them.


Husbands, you should emotionally love your wives, but the commandment is to love them with honesty and truth and faithfulness, to love them like Jesus loves, and to tell them their faults in a kind way without breaking their heart. Why? Because Paul says they are the weaker vessel. It means, as soon as they open their mouth to you, they are in sin. So be kind to them. And if they are doing something wrong, ask them kindly to make a change, or discuss it with them intelligently and take it before the Lord, because they are at a disadvantage. You should never yell at your wife, but if (God forbid) you yell at your wife, you say you are sorry. If a wife yells at her husband, it is a sin. If you yell at me, it is a sin. If I yell at you, I should not do it, and it is wrong, but it is not the same sin as you yelling at me. You need to have extra compassion on them and understand that they are in a difficult position, having to submit to you, an imperfect man.


Verse 19, Alternate Translation, Spiritual males, (that is me) and husbands, in particular: agape-love the spiritual females, and wives, in particular.


Love the spiritual females. The reason I am saying that is because we have to love the Church. We have to love the Pentecostal Church. We came up with this whole teaching in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11. That is what Paul was talking about in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11. Spiritual males (you are all spiritual males in this room): we have to love the female Church. We have to tolerate them until the Lord enlightens them. When they reject us, or come against us, or curse this message, or speak against this ministry (I got thrown out of that local church), whatever they do, you have to forgive them. They are ignorant and afraid.


Spiritual husbands and physical husbands: 1) I am talking to physical husbands as you relate to your physical wives; 2) I am talking to spiritual males like me as we relate to a congregation; and 3) I am referring to spiritual males (which is everyone in this ministry) as we relate to the Pentecostal Church. Agape-love the spiritual females, especially your physical wife, if you are a physical male in particular, and do not resent (that is a translation of being bitter against) them.


I always wondered, Why would a husband be bitter against his wife? Bitterness means having a bad taste in your mouth, or a bad feeling. I have talked about this before. It is very, very hard being a spiritual male in a country like this, where the women are so out of order, that you cannot discuss this with them. To be a spiritual male, you have to fight. To be a husband today, you have to fight every day to not let your wife overtake you. I see women overtaking their husbands everywhere I go. You have to fight to hold onto your masculinity in your mind and in your own soul, so do not be bitter against your wives because they are ignorant, and they are a product of the culture of this time. You need to submit yourself to God, gentlemen, and find the grace of God to approach your wife and discuss this issue with her. Hopefully, she is a woman of God and will agree with you, and start to bring your relationship into order so that the whole family can come into order, because if the marital relationship is out of order, it has to be affecting the children negatively. The same thing goes for a spiritual male (like me) in the congregation.


Now, between the spiritual males and the Pentecostal Church, that is a real challenge because the Lord has not started to explain that yet, although I heard the Lord speaking to someone, one male pastor that I have a relationship with, in the Spirit the other day. I was saying to him, Come on, you heard the Lord telling you that I am an apostle. That means you can study from me. The Lord is speaking to people, but it is very hard. That is what Paul is talking about here, being a spiritual male (I just named three levels): 1) a physical male in a marriage, 2) a physical male or a physical male to a congregation, and 3) all of us spiritual males relating to the Pentecostal Church. Do not condemn them. I am frustrated with them a lot. Have I condemned them in the past, I need to repent, and I do repent. We are in the place of the Savior to them. Paul said, Be reconciled to God. We come in Christ's stead. Be reconciled to God. We are Christ to them. We carry the message of Christ to them, and they do not want us, so they reject us and are hating us, and they will hate us more as we become more visible to the public eye. Our job is to minister to them.


Verses 18 & 19, Alternate Translation, Wives, subordinate yourself to one husband, as is proper in the Lord. Spiritual males and husbands, in particular: agape-love the spiritual females and wives, in particular, and do not resent (be bitter against) them.


It is our job to educate them and humbly ask for their cooperation. Gentlemen, we do not beat our wives into submission. We love them. We love them and educate them and ask them to submit to us, so that all parties will benefit. You request that submission. You request that they honor the Scripture, so that the Lord will be honored, and the whole family will be honored. That is how you relate to your wife, just in case you did not know it. You ask her to help you.


Verse 20, King James, Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.


The Lord told me something interesting this morning. I did not always know this, but I learned a long time ago when I started working in some pretty high places in Manhattan, that you always thanked everybody for what they did for you. In those days, as my daughter would say, in the olden days, they actually had elevator operators. You would get in an elevator in an office building, and there was a man that ran the elevator. He would open and close the door, and ask you what floor you were going to, and everybody thanked him. When he stopped the elevator at the second floor for you, you got off, and you said, Thank you.


So I learned, as I entered into the business world, that you have to thank everybody for everything, but I never understood why, because my thought was, If you come to my house and give me a service in my home, and I am paying you, why should I thank you? But I did it because it was the right thing to do to have right relationships with people. And out of the clear blue sky, the Lord spoke to me about that today. He said, Do you know why you thank people? It is because money cannot buy everything, and if that person was not there giving you that service, you would not be able to have it done for you no matter how much money you had. What good would your money do if there was no one willing to do the work? You thank them for doing the work, because if they did not do it, you would have to do it. And you pay them because you should pay a man for his labor. So it is no longer a formality that I say, Thank you when someone does something for me, but I really mean it, because if they did not do it, I would have to do it. There would be no amount of money that would prevent me from having to do it if there was nobody to provide a service that would take my money to do it. I therefore thank you for doing it. Even though I pay you to do it, I thank you to do it. That is what the Lord taught me today in the shower. Jesus, help us.


Verse 20, Alternate Translation, Children, obey your parents in all things, because this pleases the Lord.


That does not mean, if you have a reprobate father that tells you to kill somebody, you do it. It means you should obey your parents. Most parents will tell their children to do what is best for them, and that is what we are talking about. We are not talking about abnormal situations. If your father is incesting you, of course you do not go along with it.


Verse 21, King James, Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. The word anger is not in the Greek.


Verse 21, Alternate Translation, Fathers, do not provoke your children, so that they are not discouraged.


You do not have to provoke them to anger; you can provoke them to having a bad self-esteem. Do not stir them up in any negative way. Do not provoke them to be rejected. Do not provoke them to feel bad. Do not provoke them by being unfair to them. Do not provoke resentment in them.


Verse 22, King James, Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God. Eyepleasers means for appearance's sake.


Verse 22, Alternate Translation, Servants, obey those who have authority of the flesh over you in all things, not just for appearance's sake (eyepleasers) to make yourself look good to other men.


That sort of goes along with what I just told you about thanking people who perform services for you, services that you either do not know how to perform or would rather not perform. Do not do it just to make yourself look good, but thank them because it is the right thing to do. Do not do it for a wrong motive.


Verse 23, King James, And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men.


The word men is Strong's #444, which is Adam, and that word heartily has to do with the mind.


Verse 23, Alternate Translation, Whatever you do, do it out of your mind, not out of your emotions.


You will be destroyed if you live by your emotions. No matter what you are feeling, make a decision with your mind, and follow your mind, not your emotions. Whatever you do, do it out of your mind, not your emotions, as if you were doing it for the Lord and not for the First Adam.


Verse 24, King James, Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.


Verse 24, Alternate Translation: Knowing that you will receive the reward of your inheritance, which is Christ the Lord (Christ is our reward), the one who binds you to the Lord Jesus Christ.


You should do all these things, knowing that you really need to please Christ, because He is the one that is your inheritance, your ability to be bound to the Lord Jesus Christ, who joins you to the Supernal mother, who gives you the Spirit of life.


Verse 25, King James, But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.


And that is not being taught in the Church today, brethren. You are not forgiven for everything you do. You have to make right everything that you do that is wrong if you want to be in right standing with God. The fivefold ministry is extremely remiss, and I rebuke everyone that is doing that, in Jesus' name. The fivefold ministry is supposed to be equipping the saints.


Verse 25, Alternate Translation, But whosoever is unjust shall receive a just recompense for what he has done, and there is no respect of persons with God.


Colossians, Chapter 4:1-6


These next six verses in Colossians, Chapter 4 should have been a part of Chapter 3.



Verse 1, King James, Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal, knowing that ye also have a master in heaven.


I sort of mentioned this earlier. That word equal means a just recompense. If someone works for you, you have to give them pay that is equal to their labor. Give every man what he deserves for what he does for you. Do not try to shortchange, cheat people, or get away with paying less because you can, because they need the job. God does not approve of that. You have to make an honest judgment as to what a particular job is worth, and you need to be willing to pay a fair and decent price that is equal to the energy, the expertise, and the knowledge that they have expended. You need to give them their just due.


Verse 1, Alternate Translation, Those of you that have authority over others, be righteous in your dealings with your servants.


That includes employees or workmen that come to your house. Do not try to chew them down and pay them as little as possible. Make a fair deal. Strike a fair bargain. Be righteous in your dealings with your servants, and pay them an amount equal to their labor, knowing that you have a master in heaven.


Verse 2, King James, Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving.


Verse 2, Alternate Translation, Continue in prayer, watching out for yourselves.


That word watch means watch yourself that you do not violate these commandments, because you are in charge. In some area, you are in charge. If you are an employee, or in your home, you are in charge. You are in charge somewhere. Everybody is a master, a boss, somewhere, on some level, at some time in your life. Watch yourself. Do not make it necessary for somebody to come to you and tell you that you are mistreating someone that you have authority over.


Continue in prayer, watching out for yourselves, that you do right by your servants, while giving thanks for all that you have. Because if you do not do right by your servants, you are going to lose what you have. That is a guarded threat. Do right by the people you have authority over so that you do not lose your position in life where you have authority. Because having authority is a big responsibility, but it is a liberated place to be. It is a blessing and not a gift. It is a blessing of God, so make sure you treat everybody that is under your authority with honesty so that you can stay where you are, because you have a master in heaven. That is what the Lord is saying.


Verse 3, King James, Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds.


The Greek word translated utterance means intelligently.


Verse 3, Alternate Translation, At the same time praying that God will open a door for us to speak intelligently about the mystery of Christ, for which cause I am bound.


We all know that Paul was a slave. He was bound to Christ, and his commission was to preach this Doctrine of Christ, as I am bound with my commission to preach this Doctrine of Christ. I find that so interesting that Paul is asking the brethren to pray that he can take this involved, difficult message, and present it in an intelligent way to people that might not have any knowledge of anything at all. He must ask them for their prayer, for his ability to speak it intelligently.


When Moses said to Jehovah, How could you send me to the Hebrew children? I do not speak well. There are people preaching that Moses stuttered. No, Moses did not stutter. Moses was saying, I have all this esoteric knowledge. You want me to speak to the average person in Israel? I do not know how. How do I give them this message? What do I tell them? Moses did not stutter. He said, I do not know how to talk to people.


Brethren, do you realize that you are all intellectuals? This is a congregation of intellectuals. That is what you are. You can be an intellectual in many different spheres of study, but the great danger of being an intellectual is that you get up in your ivory tower and cannot relate to normal people anymore.  Brethren, we are not normal people. When I walk out that door, I cannot talk to my neighbor about the meeting today. If she were to ask, How did your meeting go? What did you preach on today? What am I supposed to tell her? We are not normal, so we have to learn how to relate to other people on their level; otherwise we will die all by ourselves in our ivory towers.


Verse 3, Alternate Translation, At the same time, praying that God will open a door for us to speak intelligently about the mystery of Christ, for which cause I am bound.


Verse 4, King James, That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.


Verse 4, Alternate Translation, That I may speak in a way that clearly sets forth what I am supposed to say.


Paul is acknowledging here that he is not to speak about the whole Doctrine of Christ, but he needs to understand and speak clearly about what he is supposed to say, for that congregation, at that time.


Verse 5, King James, Walk in wisdom towards them that are without, redeeming the time.


This is a famous verse. You hear a lot of Christians talking about redeeming the time, whatever they think that means. Let us take a look at what it really means. Walk means to deport yourself, carry yourself, behave in such a manner, behave as wisdom would encourage you to behave. The word translated time is talking about a particular season, and the word translated redeeming means to rescue.


Verse 5, Alternate Translation, Relate to others with wisdom, because this is the season for those who are strangers to the Kingdom of God to be rescued.


Them that are without, strangers. Relate to others with wisdom. We cannot be talking to everybody about this message, or every aspect of this message. Use your brains. Relate to others with wisdom: know what you can talk to them about, and what you cannot talk to them about, because this is the season for those who are strangers to the Kingdom of God to be rescued. Make sure you do not say something that is going to scare them so badly that they will never come back.


Verse 6, King James, Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.


The Greek word translated speech is talking about motives. Salt is a preservative. This word seasoned means spices, and it is specifically referring to the anointing oil of the Old Testament.


Exodus 37:29, And he made the holy anointing oil, and the pure incense of sweet spices, according to the work of the apothecary.


Verse 6, Alternate Translation, Let grace and the anointing oil preserve your motives so that you always know how you ought to speak to everyone.


Let grace... Let the favor of God upon you, knowing that you must have favor towards others  ...and the anointing oil preserve your motives so that you always know how you ought to speak to others. In Verse 4, Paul is saying, Pray for me that I should know how I should speak to these people, and now he is telling us that we should always be under the anointing that we should know how to speak to each person individually.


COMMENT: Grace is the Shekinah, the Supernal Mother, and the spirit of Grace is the Shekinah in the earth, the daughter. Verse 6 suggests that the anointing oil, which is the Old Testament incense, is the Spirit of Grace, i.e., Let the Shekinah and her daughter, the spirit of Grace, preserve your motives.


I started to look up information about the anointing oil, and it turned into this whole revelation, which ends with us finding out who Melchizedek is. According to my notes, I am supposed to review the teaching of the incense and the burning coal. I remember the last time we talked about the incense and burning coal, I did not really understand what it was all about. I can even see it in the Spirit now, that the incense is placed right upon the burning coal, and gives off that great odor. I remember telling you that it facilitated the prayers of the saints, that the odor of that incense carried the prayers of the saints up to, I do not know exactly where it was going to, higher up,  to the Keter, I guess, who could answer the prayers.


Review of the Teaching of the Incense & the Burning Coal


I am very happy that the Lord had me write this out. If I had to do this from my memory, I do not think I could do it today. But I did write it up, so I am just going to read it to you.


This is what the Lord has taught us:


  1. The Shekinah delivers the female chromosome
  2. The female chromosome grafts to the human spirit,
  3. The female chromosome grafted to the human spirit becomes the Holy Spirit,
  4. The Holy Spirit engages Satan who is also attached to the human spirit in warfare,
  5. The Holy Spirit engages in warfare against Leviathan and the sin nature.


Do you all remember, that Satan is one with our human spirit right now, and therefore our human spirit is corrupted? The new female seed grafts to the human spirit, and that seed with the human spirit becomes the Holy Spirit. It is like saying the Holy Spirit and Satan are in the same place. Then they start fighting, each one trying to knock each other out. Then the Holy Spirit engages in warfare against Leviathan and the sin nature. We understand that the female chromosome is in a war against the sin nature, which is trying to prevent her from joining with the male chromosome, because when the female and the male chromosome come together, they produce a viable female egg that is capable of being fertilized by the male seed of the creation. I explained all of that earlier.


  1. The male chromosome
  2. Is acquired through the foolishness of preaching by someone who has the male chromosome, or
  3. Is resurrected by the Holy Spirit in someone who inherited it from a relative that was present at Mount Sinai.
  4. The unified male and female chromosome form a spiritual egg that can be fertilized by the male seed of Atik Yomin/Ancient Adam to produce a spiritual offspring that reforms the clay of the human body into a spiritual vessel in the image of Ancient Adam.
  5. The heat of the unification of the male and female chromosomes burns the fallen soul of the First Adam, which includes the human spirit.


The unification is the burning. That is the fly in the ointment that makes it difficult for the male and female chromosomes to join, because the sin nature of the First Adam is trying to prevent that unification. It is very hard. Even the male chromosome joining together with the female chromosome to produce that viable egg (which is actually the manchild) is difficult because the sin nature is in the way. So that unification of the male and female chromosome produce a heat, a burning, that moves to destroy the sin nature. It is not completely destroyed until the body dies, which I explained at the beginning of this message.

  1. The fallen soul of the First Adam becomes a lump of coal (half-burnt wood), and the human spirit in the midst is the fire of the half-burnt coal.


 The fallen soul of the First Adam becomes a lump of coal. The coming together of the male and female chromosomes is the Second Adam. The Second Adam is burning the First Adam, not to destroy it completely, but to make inactive the elements of the sin nature that are trying to stop the creation in the image of God from going forth. The fallen soul of the First Adam becomes a lump of coal (that is half-burnt wood), and the human spirit in the midst is the fire of the half-burnt coal. The fire in the midst of that burning ember is the human spirit.


  1. The Shekinah descends in the form of incense that is placed upon the burning coal, and joins with her daughter, the human spirit, who is being released from Satan as the fallen soul of the First Adam burns.


The Shekinah descends in the form of incense. When I preached this previously, I do not think I knew it was the Shekinah. I just told you about the incense coming down, and I did not know what it was. I know that I ended that teaching without a full understanding, so today I am telling you that the Shekinah descends in the form of incense that is placed upon the burning coal, and joins with her daughter, the human spirit, who is being released from Satan, as the fallen soul of the First Adam burns.


  1. The sweet-smelling odor that is released from the incense is the unified Supernal Mother and her daughter.


  1. We have already received the understanding that the sweet-smelling odor is an intercessory spirit that carries the prayers of the saints all the way up to the Keter, but we did not understand it on this level, and we did not understand why the odor of the incense would be considered to be prayer.


I have told you previously that the Spirit of Christ descends into the earth and delivers the female seed to the human spirit to form the Holy Spirit in the individual, but we now have been taught that the Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of prophecy, which is a gift of the Holy Spirit. (That was in a recent message.) So it appears that the Spirit that delivers the seed to the human spirit is the Shekinah. The Shekinah operating in the earthen sphere is called the spirit of Grace. The Shekinah in captivity, then, is the female seed that died when she married the Snake.


The female side of Adam that died when she married the Snake is the Shekinah in captivity. If you recall the teaching, going all the way back to when the creation first started, the Shekinah sent forth an aspect of herself called her own seed, or her daughter, and attached her to this material substance of the creation. We have good insight into that in Message #18, A Place Teeming With Life, which depicts some of the agony that female seed experienced, being attached to the earth and separated from her Mother. She is the one that fell prey, and was seduced. That is the Shekinah in captivity, the seed that the Mother sent out, which is actually the beginning of the creation, which is built around the female seed. The male came later.


The attribute of the Shekinah is fire. I have known for a long time that the Shekinah is the Lake of Fire, but there must be a Lake of Fire above and a Lake of Fire below, because everything that is below is above. It has to be in both places. I now realize that the Lake of Fire below (that the beast and the false prophet are thrown into) comes into existence when the female and male chromosome integrate to form the spiritual egg of creation, which is called the manchild, in Revelation, Chapter 5, and Metatron, in Kabbalah. That spiritual egg is the unified female and male chromosome that burns the beast (the fallen soul of the First Adam) and the false prophet. It is the unification of the two that produces the heat that causes a holocaust, a death by burning of the First Adam.


2 Peter 3:12, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?


The Church is hysterical about that verse, calling it a World War III. I do not know what is going to happen in the natural, but this Scripture is talking about the holocaust of the First Adam; the burning of the First Adam to destroy the sins. Who is the First Adam? The First Adam is the female side of Adam joined to the Snake. That burning is a liquefying fire which releases the female side of the First Adam from the Snake. Brethren, they have been locked in an act of spiritual sexual intercourse for God only knows how many thousands of years. Spiritual intercourse is a permanent union; there is no separation. The burning is of the First Adam, and that burning cannot take place until the Second Adam is in place. It is the Second Adam that burns the First Adam, as I have just described to you.


The holocaust is of the First Adam. The holocaust that Peter describes is the liquefying of the First Adam, who appeared in a solid form in a lower dead world after he committed adultery with the Snake. This liquefaction makes the separation of the good from the evil elements possible, so that the good elements can be rescued, and the evil returned to their latent, inactive state. That is the purpose of the holocaust of the First Adam.


In 2 Pet 3:12, the word elements is Strong's #4748, and it means something orderly in arrangement. I do not know whether it is the same word or not, but there are Hebrew and Greek words that have this definition; it usually means world. I think it is cosmos in the Greek. It means an orderly arrangement. It is a world. Each one of us is a world, an orderly arrangement.


The word translated melt is Strong's #5080, and it means to liquefy. The elements shall be dissolved. The orderly arrangement of the First Adam is being dissolved by liquidation. It is being liquefied.


Jeremiah 6:26-28, O daughter of my people, gird thee with sackcloth and wallow thyself in ashes: make thee mourning, as for an only son, most bitter lamentation: for the spoiler shall suddenly come upon us. I have set thee for a tower and a fortress among my people, that thou mayest know and try their way. They are all grievous revolters, walking with slanders: they are brass and iron; they are all corrupters. This is the condemnation of Judah as Jehovah was destroying them. This is coming from Jeremiah, this is the indictment of Judah.


Jeremiah 6:29-30, The bellows are burned. The lead is consumed of the fire; the founder melteth in vain (liquefies in vain): for the wicked are not plucked away. Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them.


The whole purpose of the holocaust of the First Adam is to have the sins removed. Brethren, we are experiencing that right now. This message is the male chromosome joining with your female chromosome. If you are not taking advantage of dealing with your sins, and asking the Lord to purge you of your character flaws at this time, this indictment is for you. This is the hour; this is the time of deliverance from the sins of the First Adam, which has caused us to die, and keeps us abiding in death. Do not let the opportunity go by.


The corrupt First Adam is being returned to his proper state in the form of the Second Adam as the male and female chromosome of the Second Adam blend, bringing the Lake of Fire below into existence, which reduces the fallen First Adam to a lump of coal.


After that, the Shekinah, symbolized by the incense, descends upon and joins with her daughter, the fire of the burning ember, which is the material substance that her daughter, the female element that sacrificed her liberty to be buried in the earth, is attached to; that was formed as Adam; that Jehovah breathed the breath of life into; that was seduced by the Snake and died.


The unified Mother and daughter are the fulfillment of the Levitical priesthood, whose function is to facilitate the prayers of Israel by the shedding of blood. I was told that by a rabbi. I tried to tell him the Levitical priests were mediators, and he said, Oh, no. The job of the priest is to facilitate the prayers of the individual by offering the sacrifice for them. And I submit to his wisdom. I believe that is true.


The unified Mother and daughter are the fulfillment of the Levitical priesthood, whose function is to facilitate the prayers of Israel by the shedding of blood, which shedding of blood is satisfied by the destruction of the beast and the false prophet. That is the sin nature, which is the soul and spirit of the First Adam.


Both the soul and the spirit of the First Adam survive, however, in a purified state, symbolized by a burning ember. The purified (separated from the Snake) soul of the First Adam is the material substance of the creation in a harmless form, and the Spirit, which is the Shekinah below, is the part of the Shekinah, the intercessor, in the earth. The residue of the First Adam is bound underneath the Second Adam.


Matthew 16:19, And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. The First Adam does not disappear; the evil element is destroyed, and he is bound under the First Adam as one. And this is who Melchizedek is.


The reunification of the Supernal Mother and her daughter, the fulfillment of the Aaronic priesthood, is a new, eternal kind of priesthood. Paul tells us that the name of this new kind of priesthood is Melchizedek. The Mother and the daughter are now offering the sacrifice, which is what the Levitical priesthood did, but they are offering spiritual sacrifices.


Genesis 14:18: And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. KJV


Psalm 110:4: The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. KJV


Paul teaches us that the name of this new kind of priesthood is Melchizedek, and that Jesus is the High Priest.


Hebrews 6:20: Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedec. KJV


The sons of Adam become priests after the order of Melchizedek (not the sons of God, the sons of Adam, the sons of Man; they are spiritual priests) when they die to the nature of the First Adam, and the prayers of the people are facilitated through the unified Shekinah, which has become a part of their spiritual universe.


I have been telling you for a while now, but I did not realize that that was what the story was, that if you have an issue and you want to put it before me, if I do not have an answer, I will pray to the Lord for you. I have been asked, Why do you think you get the answer, and the Lord will not answer me directly? The only reason I have had so far was to tell you that it is the anointing of the ministry. If the Lord answers you directly, praise the Lord. If you want the anointing that is in this ministry, I will be happy to help you. Today I understand that the anointing that is here is an intercessory anointing. I have been telling you that all along. I will intercede for you; I will facilitate your prayer; I will put it before the Lord, and that is the Melchizedek priesthood. Jesus is the High Priest. That is the Melchizedek priesthood. I told you that the Lord told me a long time ago that I was a priest, but I did not realize it was the Melchizedek priesthood operating here in this ministry.


Revelation 5:10, And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. KJV


            1 Peter 2:5, Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.  KJV


Melchizedek is the unified Supernal Mother and her daughter in a man, offering spiritual sacrifices. 1 Peter 2:5 says that we offer spiritual sacrifices today, and I have told you before that the spiritual sacrifice is Leviathan, and today I understand it in a deeper way: the spiritual sacrifice is the whole First Adam. The whole First Adam has to burn. Whatever is metal will survive in a purified form; whatever is wood will burn. That means that everything that is not of the nature of God will burn. Everything that is of the nature of God that is sturdy will be purified, and that is the human spirit.


Alternate Amplified Translation

Colossians, Chapter 3 & Colossians, Chapter 4:1-6

3.1 If you are risen with Christ, this one [who is] above, then [you should] worship in [the place] where Christ, [who] is married to the right hand of God, resides,

3.2 [Because] the high mind [of Christ is] not [concerned with what is happening] on the earth,

3.3 Since you died to [your carnal mind so that] the life of Christ [which is] hidden in God

3.4 Might enlighten you, until the opinion of Christ, who is our life, appears in [you] also,

3.5 Therefore, do not let your corporeal body engage in any of these physical activities, or let your soul [engage in any of these] mental or emotional [activities of the first Adam, the foot of the whole Adam that is] upon the earth, that Christ [who is above would not participate in], such as

Fornication, which is harlotry (including adultery and incest);

Uncleanness, which is, specifically, sexual intercourse during a woman’s menstrual cycle and, in general, the illegal use of blood, including the drinking of blood for witchcraft ritual, and other hygienically unclean and immoral acts, including oral sex, anal intercourse, and sex with animals (bestiality);

inordinate affection, which is uncontrolled passion, including, lust manifesting as a compulsion that can never be satisfied, including compulsive sexual behavior, all-consuming jealousy, lust to dominate, control and possess what does not belong to you, addiction, in general, alcoholism, drug addiction, food addiction, gambling addiction, etc.;

concupiscence, which is lust, that is, longing (especially for that which is forbidden);

evil, which is injurious behavior or thoughts;

covetousness, which is avarice, the excessive or insatiable desire for wealth, and greed, which is self-preservation, which is idolatry,

3.6 For which things God’s passion is coming upon his disobedient children,

God's passion is a combination of His passion to be united with you and His anger against sin in you, that wants to purge you of the sin. So, it is the same word.

3.7  Which lifestyle you also followed in the past, and

3.8   It is Now also time to renounce [ungodly responses to these sins, such as]:

anger = passion of the mind

wrath = passion of the emotions

malice = malignity (my opinion: malignant intentions)

blasphemy = vilification, evil speaking (especially against God)

filthy communication – base conversation, also base reasoning, which is the reasoning of the carnal mind

3.9   [You should] stop lying to one another [now that] you have stripped off the former, [First] Adam [who died in the previous age], together with his [evil] actions, and

3.10  Have merged with the regenerated [Adam, who] has been rebuilt [so that] the image of the one who created him can be recognized, 

3.11  In whom there is no difference between the Greek and the Jew, or the circumcised and the uncircumcised [man], or the non-Israelite and the savage, or the bondservant and the freeman, because Christ is in the whole [Adam, and] the whole [Adam is in the Father]; 

3.12  Wherefore, you, who are Israel, the elect of God, should merge with the agape love of the Holy [One], which manifests as:

bowels of mercy = pity, sympathy that comes from the inner man

kindness = tolerance and excellence of character and behavior

humbleness of mind = humiliation of the carnal mind, which produces humility

meekness = humility

long-suffering = fortitude, endurance,

3.13  You should put up with one another’s faults, [and forgive the grudges] that you have against each other, as Christ forgave you, and you should also forgive yourselves,

3.14  But above all these things, love [the brethren with the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ], the one who binds you [to himself] to complete you, and

3.15  Let the peace of God, by which you are called to be one body, govern your hearts and be thankful, and

3.16  Let the Word of Christ dwell in you abundantly, teaching and warning one another gently with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, and singing to the Lord from your hearts [about] the favor of God, and

3.17  Whatsoever you do in word or deed, do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him,

3.18  Wives: subordinate yourselves to one husband, as is proper in the Lord;

3.19  Spiritual males and husbands, in particular: agape love the spiritual females, and wives, in particular,  and do not resent (be bitter against) them, but teach them;

3.20  Children: obey your parents in all things, because this pleases the Lord;

3.21  Fathers: do not provoke your children, so that they are not discouraged;

3.22  Servants: obey those who have authority in the flesh over you in all things, not just for appearance sake (eyepleasers), to make yourself look good to other men, and

3.23  Whatever you do, do it out of your mind, [not your emotions], as if you were doing it for the Lord, and not for Adam

3.24  Knowing that you will receive the reward of your inheritance [which is] Christ, the Lord, [the one who] binds you [to the Lord Jesus Christ], and

3.25  But, whoever is unjust shall receive [a just recompense for] what he has done, and there is no respect of persons [with God],

4.1  Those of you that have authority over others, be righteous [in your dealings with] your servants, and [pay them an amount] equal [to their labor], knowing that you also have a master in heaven, and

4.2  Continue in prayer, watching out for yourselves [that you do right by your servants, while] giving thanks [for all that you have], and

4.3    At the same time praying that God will open a door for us to speak intelligently (utterance) about the mystery of Christ, for which [cause] I am bound, and

4.4  That I may speak in a way that clearly sets forth what I am supposed to say, and 

4.5  Relate to others with wisdom, [because this is] the season for those who are strangers [to the Kingdom of God to be] rescued, and

4.6  Let grace and the anointing oil, which is the Shekinah, preserve your motives so that you always know how you ought to speak to everyone.


08/15/17 Transcribed by Verbal Fusion


09/26/17 1st Edit, rh


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