822 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.



Good morning, everybody. I have a report, a testimony, an encouragement, to you this morning. There has been some talk recently about standing in the pain, that Satan tries to control us with pleasure, or if she cannot control us with pleasure, she controls us with pain. Brethren, we are all in training to be a son of God, and a son of God is a male spirit, a spiritually male human being. Spiritually male human beings, who are spiritually male in Christ Jesus, judge sin, and that is the bottom line. We are sent out to be the two witness company to those that the Lord selects. We are not sent like the Holy Spirit, like the Holy Ghost preaches. We are not sent to large crowds where you just sow your seed and whoever receives it, receives it. We are sent to specifically called people, on a personal level, to present this message to them, and people get very upset when they hear this message. If their conscious mind does not get upset, very frequently their conscious mind gets upset. The Word actually upsets them. If the Word does not upset them, Cain inside of them, gets hysterical because Cain sees what is coming.


What does Cain see coming? Cain has to be circumcised away from Leviathan. She is that woman that we have talked about recently, that will be taken in battle, that her mother and father will be killed, and she will be taken into the household of Christ Jesus. She will shave her head and mourn for her parents for one week, and then she becomes the concubine of the Israelite soldier that has now taken her as a concubine. This is what is happening to Cain. Even if the message does not upset the person, Cain inside of the person gets very upset. I am here to give you a witness to what has been preached over the last couple of weeks that we simply must learn to not be controlled by pain. That means that you do not withdraw to any degree. If you do withdraw, you need to know that it is sin, that the pain has controlled you, and caused you to withdraw from the person that you are sent to minister to. You need to know that. Satan wants to divide you, or separate you, from the person that you are sent to minister to. Pain will arise in that relationship, and you need to not be moved by that pain, but go right back into that relationship, and face it. This is what the Lord requires of you, and anything less of it, I am here today to tell you, is sin. It is the sin of pride.


Yesterday, I was tested. God did not send me a test. What I mean by I was tested, the ministry that God has given me resulted in great pain for me yesterday. I am still in pain this morning, right here in my gut. I will admit to you that I was not completely victorious. I was moved, you see. This kind of emotional pain, or mental pain that comes, the tendency is to destabilize you. One of the human tools that we can employee, to not be destroyed by this call on our life, is to understand the stress. Brethren, you need to understand the stress of a son of God who is mature and who is in the field. The stress is incredible. You need to understand that there is no way to escape this, other than to not be a son of God, to go back to being a female. This is what you are called to, emotional and mental pain, and stress, and we have to learn to not be moved.


I have not attained to it a hundred degree. One of the tools that helps us to survive this life is discipline. Make your bed every morning. Do not leave any dishes in the sink. Get to the gym on time. Whatever you are doing, be honest, be disciplined in your life. I admit I get thrown. One of the first signs that I am struggling, and not taking one hundred percent victory, is that I do not make my bed in the morning. I am telling you the truth. The truth of the matter is that I have not recovered since May. Since that May convention, I have not gotten back on my schedule. I go up and down, up and down, depending on what is happening in my spiritual life, which is a continuous, ongoing warfare. I become more or less disciplined. I got sick, so I have not been in the gym. I have gained weight, and I am not taking one hundred percent victory. Where I do take the victory is that I do not withdraw from the ministry that God has given me. I do not withdraw from that. That is the one compromise that I will not make, and I pay the price in every other area of my life.


This testimony is really an encouragement to you who may be suffering out there. You need to know that I have not perfectly attained. You need to know that what you are suffering is normal for the life that you are called to. The emotional pain that you are experiencing is because of your pride, because this is all pride. If I did not have pride, I would not have this problem. Pride is the intrinsic nature of the fallen man. Number one, I am reiterating to you today that this is the life of the son of God, and if you want to leave, you had better leave now. That is what the Lord said to Gideon’s army. If you are not willing to accept this life, then you should leave now. Why are you even suffering today? You should just go away.


I am here today to rip out the fantasy in your minds because I know that there is a lot of denial. Our human side denies it a lot, and says this cannot be the life of God. Years ago when this ministry first started up, and I, myself, did not understand what God was doing here, one of the people, who were here from the beginning, used to say that all the time. This cannot be God. All of this pain and stress cannot be God. We are supposed to be happy, happy, happy in the Holy Ghost. All this fighting, and all this struggling, cannot be God. There is something wrong. Yet they must have had a witness to the ministry because they are still here. Well, they used to tell me that all the time, that this cannot possibly be God. Then we had a visiting minister from Nigeria who said this cannot be God, but it is God. It is the male side of what God is doing in the earth and with His people. He is bringing discipline.


The bottom line is this, that mankind is a race of speaking animals. We are a race of speaking emotional animals that are being trained to tolerate possession by a spiritual life form that is not emotional like we are. The emotions of God are completely different. To live His lifestyle, without being destroyed is a continuous attack on your nervous system and your mind. We are a race of speaking, intelligent animals that are being trained to tolerate the lifestyle of the spiritual life that we were created to be a house for. We are the exact opposite of these emotions that are deadly and stressful in every way. I am here today to remind you that this is truth. If you are all upset, or if you are having dreams, or if you are tumultuous in your emotions, you need to know that what is happening to you is normal. It will not last forever, but it is normal for now. The deliverance, as I understand it, from the turmoil of the soul, is this marriage of the Lord Jesus coming down to marry Christ Jesus in us. The harvest which cuts us off from the earth is this attachment to the earth. That is where all the emotional turmoil is.


There is deliverance from this lifestyle, from the pain of this lifestyle, but only after a long, very long pregnancy, brethren. It could just be years and years and years. Although, maybe once the Lord Jesus makes that first connection that we are waiting for today, it will change. This is the next move of God, as far as the sons of God who are pursuing God on the inside are concerned with, as opposed to the outside. It is not our call to be feeding the hungry, not that it is a bad thing, but that is for the women to do. Our call is to minister to Christ inside of us. There is a deliverance in the marriage. I am hoping that it is possible, but I do not know. What we are waiting for right now is for the Lord Jesus to descend permanently, into at least one vessel to start with, at which point He would be described as established in the earth. That is what the Zohar says about Abraham, that the earth was wobbly, and unstable, until Jehovah joined with Abraham, and then the earth calmed down and became stable. That is a spiritual event.


We are waiting for the Lord Jesus to become permanently domiciled, in at least one person to start with, in the earth. That permanent attachment to the soul, which is a fallen soul, will stabilize things. Maybe once that happens, when He is permanently domiciled here, this period of pain and difficulty will not continue that long for other people. Maybe it will shorten the amount of time. Maybe that is what that Scripture in the books of Matthew and Mark is talking about; unless the Lord cut short those days nobody would survive. Brethren, I have a very high tolerance for pain. Not many people can tolerate what I have been going through for years and years, more than half of my life. I was talking to the Lord about it the other day, that it is more than half of my adult life. Not many people can tolerate that kind of pain. The Lord has not told me this, but I am hoping that once the Lord is permanently domiciled in the earth, it will be less difficult for the other sons coming in. I was talking about that scripture where it says unless the Lord cut short those days no one would survive.


That which is being cut is Cain. Cain is being circumcised away from Leviathan. I hope you all know that we do not have a revelation, or a clue, or a hint, as to what the Scriptures mean unless the Lord speaks to us. We do not have a clue as to what the letter of the Word means until we either experience it and then see it in the Scripture, or the Lord speaks to us. Unless Cain is cut off from Leviathan, the circumcision, and the Lord Jesus is permanently domiciled in the earth, the rest of the sons who are destined to come into spiritual manhood would never survive the pain. How about that? Can anybody deny that what I just said fits into that Scripture, and that it can really be interpreted that way? Unless the Lord Jesus cuts Cain off, no one would survive the pain. Instead of Abel and Cain tearing, Cain is being cut off from Leviathan. Unless that happens, in at least one person to start with, which implies the permanent domicile of the Lord Jesus Christ, none of the other sons of God would ever attain to that marriage, because they could never tolerate the pain of the fusion.


Now, maybe you cannot grasp it right now, as I am preaching it, but I am telling you that would be a legitimate interpretation of that Scripture. No one could ever have that interpretation if you do not know that this is what is happening. If you do not know that it will happen, or it is happening to you, and you still have not grasped what is happening to you, because you are so caught up in the pain, it is all you could think about. This is not an indictment. I am just telling you the truth. You are so caught up in the pain, that all you can think about is yourself and your pain. Your carnal mind interprets the pain as a personal pain that is happening just to you and yours, in your little life, but it is much more than that. It is not a personal pain. It is not about you, you see. Our fallen nature is all ego. It is not about you. It is about you becoming the son of God that the Lord is calling you to be, so that you can be an integral part of the salvation or the rescue of the whole world.


You know, I really just started saying this in the last couple of messages. I listen to my messages, which are now going up on U-stream, but now they are going to be on You Tube. I am saying, my God, people are going to say I am a nut. I am talking about the salvation of the world. We are just a small handful of believers, and I have to risk being called a nut because that is the truth. That is the truth that the carnal mind cannot comprehend, that the whole world needs to be saved. Saved from what? From hell, death, destruction, pain, torment, and everything that is going on here in continuous, unending reincarnations. The whole world needs to be saved, and the Lord Jesus is doing it, at least initially, through just a handful of people. The last big move of God, was started with twelve. What is going on here in this ministry, today, is lending towards the Lord’s work of the salvation of the whole world.


What is happening to you is way beyond your own little ego. I am never trying to hurt your feelings, brethren. Everything I talk to you about I have been through myself. For years I thought it was about me. It is not about me. It is not about me. It is about the salvation of the soul that died, that belongs to God, Ancient Adam, the Ancient of Days that we read about in the book of Daniel. That is who Adam Kadmon is. I am changing my terminology again. I went from Adam Kadmon, which is the Hebrew, which means Primordial Adam, to the English, Primordial Adam. Now I am switching to Ancient Adam, because we have to reach Christians somehow. Where do you find that in the Bible, Sheila? The Ancient of Days is in the book of Daniel. That is who we are talking about; Ancient Adam. Mankind belongs to him. We are his wife, and he is separated from us, and we need to be saved. He is doing it through people, and we, in this ministry, are a big part of it today, maybe because no one else would come.


I am never telling you that we are special. We are never special. God is special. We are never special. God is the special One. He gives us the privilege of being His hands and His mouth. To that degree we are special, so long as we do not forget that we would not be anything, special or anything else, if He was not doing this through us. That is the great danger. The day that we think that it is us, we are dead men walking. He will throw us off. He will have to throw us off. He will throw us off, and we will die. It took me a long time to walk that middle line. I listen to my own messages and I am amazed. I am a great teacher, but I could not teach you one word if it was not Him teaching through me. The day that I forget that, and think that I am the teacher, I am a dead man walking, and He will already have someone else lined up to take my place. I could not do it for years. If you cannot do that yet, if you cannot say in whatever degree He is actually living His life through you, that you are great only because He has given me the privilege of being His partner. But I know if He should withdraw from me, I could do absolutely nothing. If you cannot live like that, then you are still in the stage where you need to be saying, I am not great, and everything is Him. Your walk has to be balanced.


It is not that He gave me the gift and He went away; He is the gift. I could not preach for one minute if He did not open my mouth. Some of you may remember several years ago when I still did not understand. Maybe I do not understand today. Who knows what God was doing here? I still thought He had to be reaching out to thousands, and millions of people, and I had to do something to make this ministry grow. I had an opportunity to be on one of those Jon Lutz focus groups on Fox News, and I was all excited. I thought I was going to have an opportunity to say something on television to reach thousands of people. Brethren, I could not talk. I was like the father of John the Baptist. I could not say a word. Jon Lutz was so frustrated with me. He had put me in the front row. I guess he was impressed with my background, that I was a teacher of Judea-Christian philosophy. I looked pretty good, you know. He put me in the front row, and then he moved me to the back. I have never seen him do that to anyone else. I opened my mouth, and nothing came out of my mouth. I could not talk. I was utterly humiliated. When I prayed about it, God told me, I never told you to go there. You got the invitation. You assumed it was me and you went, but I never told you to go there, and I had nothing to say to those people, so nothing came out of my mouth.


Yesterday there was a major manifestation from this woman that I have been ministering to. I have told you about her. I call someone in this position a hostile member of the ministry, and the Lord told me that she was in the ministry. I had given her several books, and I know her from another organization that God sent me to. If you would know this woman, if you had the opportunity to meet her, you would say that she is one powerful woman in the Holy Ghost. She is extremely powerful in the Holy Ghost, very strong, a spirit of righteousness, and excellent discernment. She has told me that the minute she saw me that she knew I was going to be working with her. She thinks I am her disciple, you know. She had asked for my books, and she actually had said she wanted to see me preach, so I gave her a video. She read a couple of the books.


One of the first ministries I had for her was material on Easter and Christmas, showing how that Easter and Christmas was not balanced. Immediately after she got that material she wound up in a wheelchair. She went through a lot. The bottom line is that she rejected it. She got the material just before Easter, and she rejected it. She did not want to shake the boat with her husband, and she went to church with him on Easter. She wound up in a wheelchair and went through all kinds of hell and pain for several months. I gave her a couple of books then. She was in the hospital, and I just delivered them to her. She had told me a couple of months ago that she was going away on vacation, and she wanted to take those books with her and read them on vacation. When she got back, I said, how did you make out with the books? She said, I forgot them. She was all upset that she left them home and of course I knew it was spiritual.


After that something happened. I did not say anything to her because I know I cannot push. I knew that she was called. She had even told me about dreams that she had. I had dreams here too. She is called to this ministry, you see. She even told me that she does not understand what God has for her, or what it is that He is doing in her life, which is a strange thing to say because the woman has to be at least in her 60's. She has all of these women that she ministers to, and she prays every day. She does not go to a church. She is out of the church, so I think that she has an obvious ministry. Now, why would she even be saying that she does not understand what God has for her? There is something in her heart that knows that there is something more, you see. I asked, have you read any books? Did you listen to the DVD? She said no, and I knew something was already wrong. She said, I will read it when God makes me read it.


She has an interesting relationship with the Holy Spirit. She fights with him. When she wound up in the hospital, she was really mad because she was demanding that she wanted to know what He was doing to her. She had a supernatural healing from cancer, if you recall. I do not want to put her name on the message. She had a cancer that the chances of her surviving were almost nil, but she had the surgery anyway. She had a visible visitation, where the woman in the next bed in the hospital room actually saw something come down on her. When the surgeon opened her up, all of the cancer cells were dead. Then she got cancer again a few years later, and it was treatable cancer. You know, God only does things like that when the doctors cannot help you. That is where we are today. He only intervenes supernaturally if there is no help for you in the medical community. She got cancer again, and she went through the whole radiation thing, and she was healed. You know, some people go to the whole radiation thing and they die, but she survived. She has had miracles in her life, and supernatural interventions. I never really thought of it before yesterday, but I guess she boasts about her relationship with God, that she is really tight with him.


The last I had heard was I will read the books when God makes me do it. She has this revelation that God is in full control of her life. Then she calls me about a week ago and said, well, I read your books. I do not know if she read all of them or not. I read your book, and I have some questions. I said, you can call me anytime. For a whole week, we could not get in touch. Either I am missing her phone calls, and I am not here when she calls, or she is not there when I call back. I knew it was supernatural interference. The wildest part of the whole thing, brethren, is that it turned out that when she calls my cell phone number, it does not ring. When anybody else calls my cell phone, it rings. She calls me from her house, and my cell phone does not ring.


I finally figured this out. I was working in Starbucks the other day, and I had my cell phone right next to my computer because I was waiting for her call. After about an hour, I said that is strange that she did not call me back, because I had called her and she was busy. I pick up the phone and there is a message from her. I said, this is crazy. My cell phone was right here, and then as I went forward to test it, I finally got in touch with her. She hung up and she called me. It did not ring. It went right to voice mail. I called Susan and said, call me from your cell phone, please, because I have called my cell phone from the land line in the office here and the call went through. Susan called me from her cell phone, and the call went through. Everybody else calls me; the call goes through. She calls me, and voice mail comes on, and the call does not go through.


I said, look, that is your land line. Call me from your cell phone. She called me from her cell phone, and the call went through. I said, is there something wrong with your land line? She says no. Everybody else that I call gets the call. So Satan and Leviathan, in her carnal mind, were already putting up that block from it. Who knows? Maybe it was God. I do not know. Finally, when we got together in Starbucks the other day on the phone, I said, what was your question? She could only remember one. She had multiple questions, but she could only remember one question. Maybe that was the way the Lord wanted it. I do not know. I do not know what book she read. I had just pulled books. We had bins of printout books that were laying there. I would like to give them all away. I do not want to throw them out, but if there is anybody that wants them, you can have them. We printed those years ago. They are just lying there. I would like someone to have them. So I had just pulled about six books for her.


She said, what makes you say that Jesus is Michael the Archangel? That is not a major principle that I preach, brethren, that Jesus is Michael the Archangel. I do believe that, that he is Michael in the book of Revelation 12. I do believe that, but it is not a major thing that I preach, so how would she even get a book like that? I said to her, I believe that he is the main guy that is coming down to marry Christ that is developing in all of us. In Revelation 12 he is the one that is going to get us up to heaven. She was very calm, but she did not sound too convinced. I had no idea until yesterday that she was a Jehovah’s Witness at one point. I never heard that testimony from her. The testimony that I heard was that she had a born again experience. She went to the Smithtown Tabernacle over here for a couple of years. She was a fanatic, giving out tracts, and she was in the music ministry. After a couple of years she decided that there was not enough depth there for her. She started going to this other organization where she deals with her sins, and she ministers to all of these people. She has gone deeper than the church world, but she departed from that Holy Ghost anointing because she felt that she needed to be in this arena where sin is dealt with more, which is a deeper walk. I had never heard that she was ever a Jehovah’s Witness.


When I was talking to her on the phone two days ago, I said to her, well, I know the Seventh-Day Adventist say that too. I did not know that the Jehovah’s Witnesses said that also. I explained to her, that Christ is in all of us, and the Lord Jesus is coming down, and joining with Christ in us, and that is why we see Michael the Archangel with his angels fighting in Revelation 12. I had a perception that she had never heard anything like that at all, and then I said to her, something like, that is what it is all about. We are getting a new righteous nature to replace our sin nature. That was the only thing she could relate to in my whole conversation. She was saying, well, I know all about sin. I can talk to you about sin. Out of all that I said to her, that was the only thing she could relate to, that we agree that sin in in the church, and she was fine.


I said, what are your other questions? She said, I cannot remember. She is not the first person this happened with. I stop to think about how am I going to answer a person, and they want to get off the phone because they think I cannot answer them or something like that. I said, if I can think of anything else to tell you, I will let you know. I called her yesterday to tell her that Jesus is not just Michael the Archangel; he is everything. In Kabbalistic terms I would tell you that he is the Sefirot of all. He is the Partzuf of all of the 10 Sefirot of the God World of Atzilut. He is everything to us, and the Scripture describes him in his function as being the leader of Christ, in all of us, that is fighting our carnal mind. The Scripture describes him as Michael the Archangel, but he is everything. Do you all know what I am saying, that he is everything? He wears a lot of hats.


I called her up to tell her that. In a million years I never expected this manifestation. She completely blew up at me. She is a very nice lady, who prides herself on having the gift of unconditional love. The only really provocative thing she said to me was, the things you say. I do not know what else offended her, except she was upset about me saying that Jesus was Michael. I tried to tell her that he is everything, at which point she just blew up at me. It started small, and she said, I am a simple person. I just read the Bible. I believe in Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and the trinity. She was spouting all these false doctrines. When we talked on the phone two days ago, she said, well, I know I am not where you are, and that you study a lot. She was really trying to deal with this without condemning me. She sounded very politically correct before the manifestation came.


Yesterday on the phone that was what she was yelling. I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I Believe He Is God! I did not say anything. I knew that I was not going to be able to get much in because she was all manifested, but I tried. I said, listen, you read the Bible, but there is all these false doctrines in the church. I said, you know, there is no trinity. What do you mean there is no trinity? I said, the Holy Ghost is not God. She said, what do you mean he is not God? She could not even think of a scripture. I said to her, he is the comforter, but there is not one scripture that says that he is God. Very arrogantly, she said to me, well, I will ask Him. I hope He answers her. I need backup here, Lord. I hope You answer her. At that point I could not say anything without it turning into a fight. She said, you know, I was a Jehovah’s Witness once. No, I did not know that. She said something about me being very strong. I said, I know I am very strong, and a lot of people cannot take it. I told her that once before, really trying to put her on notice.


I am continuously misunderstood, brethren. When I say something like that to you, a lot of people cannot take it. It really is a warning, and you may have an eruption in your emotions. Warning, warning, warning. You may have an eruption in your emotions. People cannot take it. Nobody understands me. It is very rare for somebody to understand me. I made a joke out of it. I said, I hope you still love me, and she blew up over that. She said, I love you unconditionally. She is raging, saying these words, I love you unconditionally, and all of these arrows are coming at me while she is saying these words. She went on, we do not have to agree on everything. I figured I had better get off the phone before a big blow up came. I got off the phone, and I am filled with her arrows, and it destabilized me, brethren. I did not take a hundred percent victory. I took the victory, in that I said something that she needed to hear. I have to believe that was what God wanted me to say about the trinity not being true. It is something that he could work with her on.


Maybe Michael the Archangel is too hard. It is too hard to try to work with her on Michael the Archangel because you really have to believe that by faith. I would never pick out that Jesus is Michael the Archangel as a point to convince her that this doctrine may be true because I really cannot prove it. I stand on much better ground with the trinity, and that the Holy Spirit is not God. What really stopped her was that I said, there is no scripture that says the Holy Spirit is God. John says it is just the Father and the Son. She stopped, and said, I will ask Him.


I got off the phone, and could not shake the distress. I followed my own advice. I did everything that I knew how to do. I had been reading the Alternate Translation of the New Testament to prepare it for publication, which is deep reading. That should have brought me into another dimension of the mind of God, which should have delivered me from this pain. I should have been able to separate from it. I could not separate from it. Then it turned out that two of the brethren had powerful dreams yesterday morning which were prophesying this event, but I did not know it until it happened. I was talking to them about their dreams, and I came to realize the conversation got me all upset, brethren. I broke all the curses and I could not make it go away. The word came to me that a dream that I had had a couple of days ago was about her. I had thought it was June’s sister, but it was not.


In the dream someone brought me this baby, and it was sitting in a baby seat. It was the kind of seat that you either use as a car seat or you can take it in the house, also. Sometimes they just feed the baby while they are in that seat. The baby had an adult face on it. Now, this is also a lesson for me because this particular dream I did not know if it was of God. It was not real. Sometimes God gives you dreams that do not make you feel good, but I did not particularly think or know that was of God. I thought maybe it was somebody’s carnal mind, but it was God. The dream was from God because there is this baby in this seat. Someone brought it to me and said, here, I want you to babysit it. I knew the dream was strange because it was not like someone gave me a disciple. It was like I was a hired daytime worker taking care of the child that was about 2 years old. Then the child got up out of the seat, and started walking, and it looked more like a 7-year-old, and then their back was to me. Who knows what I actually saw in that dream, but in retrospect, I could see it was this woman from behind. She was walking on crutches, and she had no right leg.


Now, I should have been able to interpret that, but I did not. She had no right leg. What would no right leg mean, brethren? Right away we need to be thinking of the Sefirot. No right leg meant she had no right side. See, I actually, I did think of it. She had no right side. She did not have the love of God, but I did not say, no right side, that Christ is not in her. I never related it to Christ not being in her. I thought she did not have the love of God. That was how it registered my mind. That was the dream. The Lord told me that she was tested. She was sent to this ministry, because the Lord wants to bring her into higher doctrine, and she was tested. She was tested with that stumbling stone that the Pharisees stumbled over. What was proven by this whole encounter was that Christ was not in her. That is what Jesus said to the Pharisees; If you were Abraham’s children, you would have rejoiced to meet me. On the one hand, she discerned the anointing on me, but when it came to the things of the male, it was proven that Christ was not in her, and she walked away.


She rejected what I was saying, and she was trying to not let me know. She was trying to say, we do not have to agree on things, and the Lord just completely exposed her. That was one of the dreams. The person who had this dream said, in the dream the caps of their teeth were coming off, so God completely exposed her. Maybe she was lying to herself thinking that she has this unconditional love, and that she never thought that she could get upset with me over something that I believe. Why would she be upset over it? Maybe she was completely lying to herself, and the Lord had to expose her. She had to see what was really in her heart, which was complete aggression.


What came out when we analyzed the dreams really helped me. Let me tell you the rest of this. The thought that came to me was that her cancer was going to come back, and she was going to die. Brethren, I am not without feelings. It just upset me. The whole thing just upset me, to get that word from the Lord that she is primed to go on, and that the Lord is calling her to go on to perfection. She was tested, and now we know Christ is not in her. Her back was to me walking away, and she is going to come out from under that anointing, and her cancer is going to come back, and she is going to die. If that sounds familiar, it happened right here to someone else in the ministry. I had that on top of everything else, and I just could not shake the distress in my gut and emotions. After I spoke to the brethren that had the dreams, I realized that I did not know that she was a Jehovah’s Witness. That was the whole thing that was upsetting her. A lot of the things that the Jehovah’s Witnesses say are right. They are true, but they do not have the Spirit there, and they are all indoctrinated. There is no Spirit there.


She is hearing what she heard from the Jehovah’s Witnesses. She gave up the Jehovah’s Witnesses to become a Spirit-filled Christian, and she left all the good doctrine behind and picked up all the lies from the Pentecostal church. Then here I am, somebody whom she has a witness to that I am of God, telling her things that she already rejected from the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Of course, the conflict in her emotions really upset her. I have been in positions like that, so I can really understand. There have been times when I have struggled to make a decision in the ministry, and then I make it, and then one of the brethren comes and makes a suggestion, or witnesses to that which I had already rejected, and it caused great distress in me trying to find out what was from God. It was a big upheaval in my emotions. That is what I think happened to her. She had already given up all that doctrine, and here I am telling her it is true, and she could not deal with it, so she could not have a conversation with me.


I was thinking she is one more person that is going to die. What kind of a life is this that God sends me to people and they die? All of you have made it, but too many people are dying here. There are four people that died in the ministry because they rejected the revelation of their sins. I do not think that is the reason Margie died. I do not count her in that. I really think she could have lived if she would have had the faith to not take all that chemotherapy. I think the chemotherapy killed her, especially the experimental drug that she took. I think it killed her. I do not believe that she died because she would not deal with her sins. That was a different situation, so I do not count her in this. The first person to die because they rejected this exposure of sin was Edith, Margaret’s sister. She was the first one, and then Hazel died. Hazel did not reject the revelation of sin. She just never really got deep into the ministry. She could never make the commitment, so I really should not count her.


It was Edith, then Ceilie, and then it was Aurelia, who could never deal with her sins. I thought this woman is going to be the fourth one, and it is distressing to me. I have to live with this, but it is distressing to me that I bring you a message, and give you my book, and the next thing I know, you are dying. After discussing the dreams with the brethren that had the dreams I realized that she was really upset. Like I said, I never knew that she was a Jehovah’s Witness. She was just all upset, and it does not have to be the end of it. I have to believe that. I have to stay positive and believe that she has this intense relationship with the Lord, and that He is going to speak to her. He is going to tell her that the Holy Spirit is not God. I have to believe that. That whole blowup yesterday had to be because she was not facing her own aggression towards me, and she was just saying, we do not have to agree on everything.


I felt better last night, and I am just staying positive. I am still destabilized. It is like you are on a boat, and you do not really have your sea legs on. I woke up this morning with a pain in my gut. It starts in my heart center, and it goes all the way down, like when you have surgery. When you have internal surgery, they cut you open, from up here to all the way down. That is what it feels like. That is what is going on this morning. If any of you have had turmoil in your dreams or bad dreams last night, that was why. I was having trouble hearing your testimony, but that is probably what you were experiencing. It was very strong. I just want to tell you this before I go on to today’s message, that it could not possibly have been all me because I was dealing with it. I was breaking the curses. I felt better after my conversation with the brethren. I was thinking she is finished, and I am going to wait for her to tell me the cancer came back and she is going to die.


But I came away from that conversation with hope that she is a strong believer and that the Lord had to produce that blowup. We had to have that talk. I had to know what was going on, and she had to know what was in her own heart. Now after that blowup all of her defenses, all of the caps came off of her teeth, which was in one of the dreams. Now she will be able to hear from God. I also told her that you say you do not know what God has for you, but I think He wants you to go on with doctrine. It must be horribly shocking to her, having rejected the doctrine of the Jehovah’s Witness, to think that God wants her to go back to doctrine. It must have been absolutely devastating to her, which I did not realize. Now I am believing that God produced this blowup because He could not deal with her, brethren. God cannot deal with you when you have this political correctness up, that we can disagree. There is no agreeing to disagree, brethren. There is no such thing as agreeing to disagree. The only thing that we agree on is that we are not going to discuss this issue because we are so completely divided that we cannot hear the other person’s side, so I said we are not going to discuss it.


There is no agreeing to disagree. There is only one truth. How can a strong Christian be saying we can agree to disagree? There is only one truth. There is one right, and there is one wrong. Is this such a deep message that two of you are sleeping here? Is the anointing so heavy? Now many believers can understand the truth of God in different ways. We can understand it in relation to our experience, but there is only one truth. The truth has to be the root of our understanding. There is no such thing as agreeing to disagree between people who are honest. Believers are supposed to be honest. There is no such thing as agreeing to disagree. One of us is right, and the other one is wrong. The only exception being that the two of us might be in the truth, but understanding it a little differently. We need to understand that people can understand it a little differently as long as the root is correct.


This morning I have hope that God is going to minister the truth to her. Now you all know about it, so she is in your heart. I cannot tell you her name, but she is a very serious lady, devoted to the Lord, and right now she is probably terrified. She is terrified because we think that we have all the answers. One of the great things that God has given me over these last years is that I do not think I have all the answers. As a matter of fact, I know that I do not. I cannot possibly have all the answers, because if I did, the Lord Jesus would be descending into my vessel, and marrying Christ Jesus in me. I do not have all the answers. The Lord can come to me with any revelation that I have, and tell me, Sheila, that is wrong, and this is the right way, and I will be okay with it. I thank God that He has worked that into me.


That is a form of idolatry, brethren, to think that your doctrine is so right that when you find out that it is wrong your whole world falls apart. That is idolatry, your idolatry for your understanding of the Scripture at that level. We have to be able to follow Jesus anywhere, and make any change that he asks us to make. He is the only truth. He is the truth, and anything else is our ability to understand it at that particular level of maturity. Now it makes it easy if when he wants to refine the understanding that we have, with the new level of understanding, if we can see the relationship between the new level of understanding and the old level of understanding. Then it should not be that painful. We just migrate into the higher understanding. But when He comes and tells us that something that we believed is wrong, and has to be completely rejected, that is absolutely traumatic. If you believe that the trinity is the trinity, and God says it is not true, it is devastating. It rips your soul apart, and that is idolatry.


That is the true idolatry, brethren. Bowing down to an idol is just a symbol. The true idolatry is in your heart and in your mind, anything that you cannot change from, other than what violates the principles of the Bible that we shall not sin. We should not be doing anything that is sin. Nobody should be able to convince you that fornication is not sin. That is a real seduction. It is sin under any circumstances, but when it comes to doctrine, to believe so strongly in a doctrine that if someone tries to tell you it is not true, that your whole world is falling apart, that is idolatry, and that is the smashing of your idol. The Lord smashed her idols yesterday. He sent her to somebody, so she really has hope. She had a lot of respect for me. She recognized me as a woman of God, a powerful woman of God, to the point that she said, I would like to hear you preach. I mean, she recognized the anointing on me. He used me, someone that she already respected, to smash the idols in her heart, or at least one of the idols in her heart, and she is in terrible pain. The pain that I am feeling is not all my pain. Maybe it is 97 percent her pain. She had idolatry in her heart, and she was resting, and feeling secure. She had given up the Jehovah’s Witness doctrine, and she was feeling secure in her belief in the Holy Spirit, in the trinity and whatever else she is believing, that Jesus is God, and whatever else. She was secure in her doctrine, brethren.


We need to be secure in Jesus. Jesus is like the center of our universe. He is that rock. He is that stone that is the center of our universe, and doctrine is fluid. Doctrine is fluid. It flows around us, and it can be developed. Doctrine can be developed. We can understand it in a higher and higher, or a deeper and deeper way. Sometimes I actually have this perception, brethren. I know he is just a Spirit, but I have this perception of actually wrapping my arms around him, and clinging to him, to him, to that spiritual man that is in here, that I have a relationship with, that I can go to him with the Word and say, is it true?


For people that do not have that depth of a relationship with the spiritual man, they make the written Word, or the Word as they understand it, at that moment, their rock. The Word of God is not a rock, except at its root, and its root is Ancient Adam. When we have that relationship with Ancient Adam, we can never be deceived by the Word of God. We can grow with it, and mature with it, and understand it in a variety of depths, when we have a relationship with the Rock, out of which the Word is emanating. He is the Word. Ancient Adam is the Word. If your stability is not grounded in the spiritual man, but in the understanding of the Word, then you are sure to be disappointed, because the Word is infinite, and it changes. The understanding of it changes as we mature. We are taught in church to be grounded in the Word, but not in a doctrine. You have to understand what that means. Ancient Adam, he is the Word of God. You have to be grounded in the root source out of which the understanding flows.


To put it Kabbalistically, you cannot be grounded in Binah. You cannot be grounded in the understanding because understanding changes. You need to be grounded in the Father, which is wisdom. You need to be grounded in Keter and Chokhmah, which is Ancient Adam, in you, and then out of him emanates the understanding which can change. It is fluid. The Mother is fluid. One day she is with Jehovah; the next day she is with Elohim. One day she is alone; the next day she is with her son; the next day she is with her daughter. The Mother flows, and you need to have her grounded and bound to Wisdom. He is the only thing that does not change. The wisdom of God does not change. He is the rock. The rock is the wisdom, not the understanding. If you make the understanding your rock, you are destined to be disappointed, and you are destined to stumble. The problem with that is, that it is not that easy to get a relationship with the Rock. It is not that easy to penetrate deeply enough into the spiritual realm to have the kind of relationship that I am describing to you.


Until you penetrate deeply enough to have that personal relationship with the Rock, not with the understanding of what you think he is, but of the reality of his life, until that happens to you, you really have no choice other than to have the relationship with the understanding of the Scripture as you understand it. I just had an interesting thought. That puts you on a very wobbly foundation. That is what the Zohar said, that until Jehovah joined with Abraham, the whole world was wobbling, meaning Abraham’s cosmos, the whole world was wobbling. What does that mean? I just found out what it means. The Lord just told us what it means. To base your understanding, or your faith in God based upon your current understanding of the Word of God, is very wobbly, because it is changing. You cannot have a strong stand on the Word of God that is changeable, so your world is wobbling. Wake up, wake up, wake up. The whole world is wobbling, but when the Lord Jesus comes down, and joins himself permanently with Christ Jesus in you, you now have the Rock in you, the stability of the core foundation out of which your understanding emerges.


Wake up everybody. This is really, really important, and I want to tell you something. What it is saying to me is that the Lord Jesus may already be married to Christ Jesus in me, and what I am waiting for is the harvest because I know I have it. I told you over the past months, I could actually could feel myself just wrapping my arms around him saying, I do not want to go anywhere or do anything without you. You, not my understanding of the Word, but this spiritual entity that is my life, my wisdom, my everything, he is deeper than understanding. He is the core out of which understanding emerges. Christ Jesus, in me, may even be married already, but not harvested. Maybe I am waiting for the harvest. Here I am with all of this wisdom, and I minister to this woman, and her emotions explode, and I am splattered all over the universe. With all of this wisdom, that I have, I am splattered all over the universe. Why? It is because my roots are still in the earth, and we have a soul tie, and the emotional trauma of her soul is affecting me. Does anybody not know what I just said? I am all excited. I think that Christ Jesus, in me, is married and waiting for the harvest. That is really exciting. Let us just pray a prayer for this woman, and then we are going to take a five minute break. I need a different spirit, and we are going back to the Noah Chronicles today.




Father, in the name of Jesus, I am so humbled by what just happened here, what you just revealed here, and so terribly excited. I just thank You for this lady, Father. I thank You that you speak to me. I thank you that you have given me the privilege of having a relationship with the core, out of which every understanding emerges. You are my safety, my everything. We pray for this woman, Lord, that you open up her ears and her heart. She is just terrified, Lord. I can fully relate to what she is going through.


We pray that you speak to her, and that you be the second witness to what I have told her, Lord, because my witness is no good without your witness. Even Jesus said that he had a second witness, even the Father Himself. I never understood that. He did not mean the Father in himself. He meant the Father in you is his second witness. I could never succeed with these people if you do not give them the second witness, Lord. How would they ever believe me? I fully understand their position.


Even though she is already out of the church world, she is just terrified. We just rebuke her terror, and we give her peace, and we open up her ears in Jesus’ name, and we pray that you speak to her, Lord, and witness to the truth that I have given her, and give her peace, and calm, and help her to fulfill the call in her life that she does not have to get cancer again and die. Please let somebody that you call succeed. I mean, somebody outside of this group who are committed here. It has been eight years since any new people have come in. Let somebody come in, and not die, after being presented with this word, please. We pray for her life.


I pray for everybody here, Lord, in this ministry that has been laboring here with me for all of these years, believing me for all of these years. I just rebuke infirmities. I rebuke death and destruction. I cancel death, and every bad plan for anybody here. I pray, Father, that you should preserve us all that we might continue to serve you. We are so close to going over this line, Lord, where we will be protected to the point that we can go out, and minister to larger numbers of people, that your plans should be accomplished, and that many should be saved from destruction.


We pray for this great country, Lord, that this great country should be saved from destruction, and continue, or return to being the hammer of the Lord. We rebuke the evil that has captured the reins of government, and we pray that you return it to the hands of the spiritual men who are going to put this nation back on its right course. Of course, that is not going to happen unless the hearts of the people change. We pray for the hearts of the people, Lord, that they should rise up, and return to righteousness, and that all those that have received the mind of the beast, that they should recognize it, and humble themselves before you and ask for deliverance.


We pray for complete restoration. We confess the sins, Lord. We confess our own sins, the sins of the church, the sins of the Jews, the sins of the nation, and the sins of the world. We confess them, Lord, and we most humbly pray that the Savior manifest and save us. Lord, save us on every level, individually, nationally, globally, the whole human race, our families, and the ignorant people that do not know any better, Lord. We just ask for your great mercy, Father. I am just so humbled by what you just told me. I never know what to do with myself. The things that you tell me are so awesome, I usually cannot even get excited. They are just too awesome. Sometimes I laugh like Sarah laughed when you told her she was going to have a baby. We just thank You, Lord, and we pray that you bless the rest of the meeting in Jesus’ name. Amen.


The Lord has changed our message. He has given me the understanding of that enigmatic verse in Zechariah 14:4-5.

Zechariah 14:4-5

And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach until Azal:  ye shall flee, like as you fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah:  and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. KJV


Azal means joined. You shall be joined to the mountain. This is obviously what Jesus was referring to when he tells everybody, in that day that you see the abomination of desolations sitting in the temple of God, flee to the mountains. The Lord just gave me an understanding of this verse, which I have prayed about for years. Actually, I have preached it, and given you drawings about it. I did not want to take the time to dig out the drawings. I just did not realize what I was preaching when I preached it. I am just going to start a brief exhortation actually starting with Chapter 13, Verse 6, just to clue you in, about what the prophet is talking about is the days, or the generation, that began with Jesus' resurrection.

Zechariah 13:6

And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. KJV

Now remember, Jesus had nails put through his hands. Hands mean your mind. This whole life experience that I was talking to you about in the exhortation, before I started preaching now, is the wounding of the mind. When God sends you with this message to people, no matter how devoted they may be to God, they are still in their carnal mind. It is a conflict. It is a conflict of minds. The two minds come together, and both minds are wounded. The carnal mind is wounded, and the Christ mind is wounded. I do not know if it is the Christ mind that is wounded, or the carnal mind in the son of God, that is sent to the other person. You are both wounded, and it is a severe wound. What are these wounds in your hands? Then he shall answer, those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. Who is the friend of God? The friend of God is the one who does as God says. We are sent to the faithful. We are not sent to the sinners. We are sent to the faithful people of God, and we both get wounded from the contact.

Zechariah 13:7

Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts:  smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered:  and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones. KJV

He is talking about the false shepherd there. The shepherd has to be smitten so that the sheep can be freed. Now, I see that on two levels. At some point we have known, for a long time, that these pastors, and the leaders of the Jews, and the leaders of the Christians are holding the Israel of God in their hands. They make these little ones afraid to hear a doctrine that is unfamiliar to them. Also, the false shepherd, exists in the mind of the individual. I may have to make that exhortation public, which was a part of this early message, to make this make any sense to you. There is a false shepherd, in the mind of the woman I was ministering to, telling her that the doctrine I am teaching her is false, that the trinity is true, and that Jesus is God, and all the false doctrine in the church is true. There is a false shepherd in her mind, and that shepherd has to be smitten, so that the sheep, so that Abel in her, can be released to join with Christ Jesus in me, and be raised up as a son of God in that human vessel.


The human vessel feels the pain because it is the fallen mind. Brethren, we are so joined to fallen Adam, that when he is smitten, we are smitten because we are him. The smiting of the shepherd is talking about smiting the believers that have been serving God, probably for years. Brethren, this experience that we are preaching here is not for young believers. We have a couple of young people here, one not following too closely, and a young person attending all of the meetings. She is very unusual. If the Lord calls you at that young age, He calls you, but by and large, we are a chronologically mature group of people here. This message is not for young people, and it is not for people that are new to the Lord, by and large. It has to do with conflict. This ministry is characterized by conflict. It is the conflict of the mind of God with the carnal mind, that is in people who, to their mind, are serving God faithfully, and should not be hurt this way.


Well, there is no other way. The shepherd in your mind has to be smitten, so that Abel or Christ, who is being formed in you can escape, so that Abel can be awakened. If Christ is already being formed in you, because you are hearing this message, or maybe you have an imputed Christ which comes from the Holy Ghost, you cannot go on until the shepherd in your mind is smitten. Look at the church, nobody wants this message. Even the Jews that are deep in esoteric doctrine do not want this message about their sin nature. The only way they are going to get it is to have the shepherd in their minds smitten. That is what has to happen. This is the day of Jacob's trouble. It involves great pain, both to the person being smitten, and the person wielding the hammer. It is pain. We are sacrificed for them, brethren. Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my friend, says the Lord of hosts. Smite the shepherd. That is the carnal mind in the person who is claiming dominion over both Cain and Abel. Cain is of his own household, but Abel is kidnaped. The sheep, Cain and Abel, shall be scattered, and I will turn my hand upon the little ones. Then the Lord Jesus is going to take Abel, and make Christ out of him, and he is going to take Cain and adopt him.

Zechariah 13:8

And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. KJV


What are the three parts? The three parts of the mind; the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the unconscious part of the mind. Satan, being the unconscious part, Leviathan being the subconscious part, they will cease to exist. Satan is being boiled into separation of vapor and particles. Leviathan, when he is boiled, who exists in her seed, is going to be consumed, and eaten by the High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ. Only Cain will survive. Cain is being adopted, but Cain has to be purged. He is all full of bedbugs, and smitten, and dirty, and he needs a haircut, and he needs to be cleaned. The third part that shall be left therein is



Zechariah 13:9

And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried. They shall call on my name, and I will hear them:  I will say, It is my people:  and they shall say, The Lord is my God. KJV

Brethren, that means they are going to recognize that He is the truth. He is the Word of God. For the people to say the Lord is my God, it means they are going to accept his truth, which is coming forth in the form of the doctrine of Christ and the divine doctrine. In this hour, that is the form that it is coming forth in. The church rejects Him. They have their own concept of what the Word of God means. They have the letter of the word, and they have the interpretation of the shepherd, Leviathan, the false wisdom, and they do not want the truth. They do not want the truth. They want to be rescued without any pain, and it cannot be.

Ezekiel 14:1

BEHOLD, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. KJV

The day of the Lord is coming. This will not continue. It cannot continue; carnally minded, intelligent, speaking animals, wielding an understanding of the Word of God that does not accurately reflect the Word of God. It simply cannot continue. Behold, the day of the Lord comes, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of you. This is speaking to the false shepherd. You are going to be divided, Satan and Leviathan destroyed, and Cain, adopted into another land, another spiritual dimension, another world.

Zechariah 14:2

For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. KJV

Who is Jerusalem? Jerusalem is the Holy City coming down from above. That is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is a new spiritual city coming down to join with us, to join with the Christ Jesus in us. And the city shall be taken. Jerusalem is coming down from above, the new city, and the old city is going to be taken captive. We are a city; each one of us is a city. One at a time, God takes us. I have even used that expression in this ministry. You are taken. God took you. There is no place to run, and the people do not understand. People are getting hurt because they think that they can walk away or do whatever they want. They do not understand that they are taken, that God has joined Himself to you. And the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity. Well, this is coming forth as a negative thing, but it is God raiding the city that belongs to Satan and Leviathan, and He is ravishing the women. He wants to have sex with the spiritual women, which is Abel in us. We, as human beings, coming from another point of view, are also spiritual women.


I thought we were going to pick up with Noah again today. Hopefully we will do that on Sunday because it is a really good message that I did not finish. We stopped at the point where I was telling everybody that there are good Nephelium and bad Nephelium. The word Nephelium simply means that the human being, mankind, has produced the offspring of a supernatural, internalized man, the occupant of the house. We know it in this dispensation as either the man of sin or Christ Jesus. We are to give birth to the fruit of the intercourse between the spiritual inhabitant of the house and ourselves. It is true, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming, and he is ravishing the women. In my exhortation earlier, which I am probably going to put together with this message, we talked about the rule about the women that is taken as a result of war. Her parents are killed, her husband is killed, and she is taken into the house of the Israelite and has become a concubine of the Israelite. That is all of us, brethren. That is what is happening to all of us that have not come willingly. Those of us who have not come willingly are going to be taken as a spoil of war by the Lord Jesus Christ.


The houses are going to be rifled, the women ravished, and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. They are going to be left with Leviathan and Satan. It says here, if I am understanding this part correctly, half of the people are going to be joined to the world above, and the other half are going to be left here. Remember the five virgins that got in, and five did not make it in. You know, brethren, this is just so amazing because, in the exhortation, it was revealed that the development of God's program for us, is far more advanced within me than I thought that it was. What is so amazing, brethren, is that this all comes imperceptibly. That is what Jesus told us. It is coming imperceptibly. When did it happen? When did it happen? I am just working, and laboring, and preaching, and teaching, and somewhere along the line, it just happened.


The sign was there for six months or a year. I do not know how long the sign was there. I did not know how to interpret the sign. I had a revelation that I had an experience that I did not understand, and that I was cleaving to the spiritual man in the midst of me, and not to the understanding of his word. The understanding of the word changes depending upon my ability to comprehend that I had actually been joined by the very core that produces the word. I had that revelation, but I did not understand what it meant. I just knew that I was cherishing it, and did not want to lose it, but I did not understand what had happened to me. For the majority of the church, he is going to come like a thief in the night, but I am in submission to him. What is going to happen to the people that are not in submission to him? Is it going to be as dramatic as it is in his Word, or is it going to be less painful?


This woman that was in my testimony from the exhortation this morning, she is experiencing Zachariah 13 and 14. Her city has been broken into and ravished. The Lord broke into her city, and for all I know, she got the seed. He ravished her, He ravished the woman, but it cannot continue one person at a time. There has to be some kind of mass ravishing of the city. How could it be one person at a time? It cannot. Well, maybe it can. Maybe once Christ Jesus in me is harvested, and will not be destroyed by the upheaval of the turmoil of the soul that is being taken, it can happen. Maybe that is why the Lord cancelled our plan, and asked you to wait while he gave me this message, because he is announcing that is what is coming. What is coming is the harvesting of Christ Jesus in this ministry, so that I, or we, will not wobble when the soul that we are sent to hit heads with, is in trauma. We will be separate from that, and maybe he is going to hit them all very hard all at once.


Either they are going to wake up in the morning, and everyone that has been exposed to this word, and have just passed through our website, and rejected it, or however, are just going to wake up in the morning with a revelation that the word is true. They are going to be rocking, and rolling, and are going to be in conflict. All of the turmoil that this woman is going through, because of her personal contact with me, and all the people that have any contact with this word, at all, are going to wake up in the morning, and that conflict will be there. They will be brought into the website, and that conflict will be there, and it will not affect us here. Maybe this is what the Lord is announcing. Maybe He is announcing the harvest. We have all been saying it cannot go on much longer. Behold the day of the Lord cometh. It is coming to a man at a time.


Your spoil shall be divided in the midst of you. Cain and Abel have to be divided, or is it going to be Cain and Abel divided from Leviathan and Satan? Where is the tearing going to be? Cain and Abel divided from Leviathan and Satan, in the midst of you, while you are still conscious and alive? Your whole inner man is going to be divided. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to the battle. Jerusalem is the holy Jerusalem that is coming down from above. We are talking about the Lord Jesus Christ. All the nations are going to be fighting against the Lord Jesus descending, in this particular form, to enter personally into their vessel through this word, and that is the battle.


All of you that say you love God, here is the test. You made that protestation that you love him, and now he is coming to prove you. He is entering in, and if you do not welcome him, you are going to be raped. That is what it is saying. And the city shall be taken. That woman was taken yesterday. I had that wrong revelation that something terrible was going to happen to her. No, she was taken yesterday, and she will have no peace until she submits to this word, however long it is going to take her to understand what God is telling her. And the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity. Satan and Leviathan, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.


Zechariah 14:3

Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. KJV

I guess he is calling us. Even though we say we claim we are sold out to God, he is calling us the nations, because we are not acting like God's people. We are acting like we do not want him. We are acting like we are a separate nation from him. Now here is the key verse.

Zechariah 14:4

And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. KJV

Now brethren, I have looked at this verse, and I have recognized the inconsistency of; And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of olives. Feet means the carnal mind. Why is this Scripture talking about Messiah's carnal mind? Because it is not talking about Messiah's carnal mind. It is talking about our carnal mind. It is just the way that it is translated. In that day, the carnal minds of the people shall stand upon the Mount of Olives. Where is the Mount of Olives, brethren? The Kabbalists, for whatever their reason, they call it the orchard of apples. I do not know why. I cannot explain the inconsistency to you. What is the orchard of apples? It is Pardus. It is the four grades of understanding the Word of God, all integrated and operating in the mind of the person. We have talked about how we are ascending to Pardus. Three did not survive. Only one entered in peace and came out in peace. All three of the other rabbis that tried to enter in were destroyed in one way or another. So we are talking about the mountain of olives as opposed to the orchard of apples.


I do not know how to explain the inconsistency, but I am telling you it is talking about spiritual ascension. It is talking about spiritual ascension based upon the integration of the four degrees of understanding of the Word of God. In that day, the carnal mind of the believer is going to be elevated to the degree, or to the Sefirah that is called the mountain of olives. Maybe I just do not know which Sefirah is called the orchard of apples and which Sefirah is called the mountain of olives. I do not know what the difference is. I guess they are two different Sefirah. I just do not know what they are. In that day, the feet of the believers, the carnal minds of the believers, are going to ascend high enough to be joined to the mountain of olives. The mountain of olives is the olive oil. It is the anointing of the SON. The anointing of the Son is where the oil is. In that day, the people serving God will be ascended to the place of the Son, the Sefirah of the Son, which is the sixth middot, the sixth Sefirah in the midst of the 10 of the axis, or of the array of the 10 Sefirot. Are you all with me?




The carnal mind means the carnal person. It can be saying the carnal mind because Cain is the carnal mind, and he is being elevated. In that day, it is not the feet of Messiah, but the feet of the believers, through Cain. Satan and Leviathan is going to be destroyed. We were told in the previous verses, Cain is going to be elevated along with Abel to the grade of the Son, the mountain where the olive oil is, the Son of God. It is Tiferet. It is Tiferet in the midst of the Sefirotic array. You cannot understand this without Kabbalah. You simply cannot understand it. It is impossible to understand it without Kabbalah. I am declaring to you that this mountain of olives is Tiferet. That is what I am telling you. I think it was in the message of the Lamb where Tiferet came down and joined with Malkhut. Do you remember that? I have drawings of it. The Tiferet came down and joined with Malkhut. That is exactly what this is talking about.


In verse 4, in that day, the believer's feet shall stand, shall be elevated to the place of the olive oil, which is Tiferet, which is before Jerusalem on the east. Now that word, before, we always translated it personality. It is going to be elevated to the personality of Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is the Lord Jesus Christ. The New Jerusalem is Messiah, and the personality of Jerusalem is Jesus. In that day, the carnal mind, the Cain of the believer is going to be ascended all the way up to Tiferet, which is where the olive oil is, which is the personality of Messiah, which is the personality of Jesus. We are going to be ascended to where Jesus is, and that is what we are invited to, that we should come up to the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ. In that day, we are going to be raised up to where the personality of the New Jerusalem is, which is Jesus, the place of the olive oil.


The Mount of Olives, or that Sefirah which is being called the Mount of Olives, which I suggest to you is Tiferet, shall cleave in the midst thereof, toward the east and toward the west. I drew you a picture. An artist I am not, brethren. Just let me show you this one. This is Tiferet. It is going to cut from the east to the west. There is going to be a cut from the east to the west, right across the midst of Tiferet. What does that mean? Then the lower part is going to move down. What are we talking about? Keter, Chokhmah and Binah of Tiferet will remain in its place, and the lower seven Sefirot are going to descend. All of Tiferet is not coming down. I have it in my beautiful drawings with color and everything. The lower seven Sefirot are coming down, and they are going to join with Malkhut. This is Malkhut down here. That is what it is talking about.


The Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof, toward the east and the west. There is going to be a horizontal cut made, and there shall be a great valley. There is going to be a great valley. Here is the valley up here. Of course, in the valley is Netzach and Hod. There will be a great valley. Half of the mountain shall move toward the north and the other half towards the south. The seven lower Sefirot are coming down to the south, and the other part is going to move up to the north, or it is just going to stay in its place, or it is going to rise up and join with the Keter. I do not know. Maybe that is another aspect that I do not know about. That is what it says here.



Zechariah 14:5


And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal:  yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah:  and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. KJV



Jesus says, flee ye to the mountains. Zechariah says, Ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains, which means we are going to flee as high as this area in here. You see, brethren, we are down here in the earth. I noticed that there is references to more than one heaven in the Scripture. The whole 10 Sefirot of Atzilut that is hovering over us and the person of the Lord Jesus Christ is heaven unto us. Of course, in the midst of that heaven is the Son of God, the Tiferet, and the six Sefirot of the Son. But the whole 10 Sefirot of the Lord Jesus that is hovering over us like a constellation in the sky is heaven to those of us that live in the earth down here. Can you see this at all from here? We are in the earth, and we have communication with the Lord. We are communicating with the mother ship up here. The mother ship is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is hovering wherever Christ is being formed in an individual.


This mother ship called the Lord Jesus Christ is hovering over you, waiting for the opportunity to join with Christ, or Christ Jesus, in you, permanently. This is us down here on the earth, where all these bad things are happening on the earth, and this is heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ, the whole Sefirotic array of His 10 Sefirot. It is our consciousness that is ascending. Now we are told that we are ascending into the great valley. We are going to be ascending into Malchut of Atzilut, and then into the lower Sefirot of Tiferet, of the Atzilut? Then we are going to pass through into this great valley, and we are going to be insulated between the upper Sefirot and these lower Sefirot. If I understood it correctly, when I preached it previously, these seven Sefirot of Tiferet will be inside of Malchut; Malchut being the spiritual earthen part of the Lord Jesus' personality. His personality is the earthen part of Messiah, so we are going to escape beyond his earthen part. We are going to escape into the lower Sefirot of Tiferet and into that big empty space.


Actually, I am even seeing it a little differently right now. This outer realm would be Malchut, and this inner circle would be the seven middot of Tiferet that have descended into Malchut. When we are running into the empty space, we are running into the middle right here. You know what it is? It is a new empty space. When the Ayn Sof first started this creation, there was an abyss. There was an empty space, and we were supposed to be formed on the surface of the empty space. Somehow we fell into the empty space, so there is a new or a renewed abyss being formed, an abyss that is the kingdom of God. We are going to be running into a different empty space. We are going to be escaping. This whole empty space here is Tiferet. This is Malchut and Tiferet of the God World of Atzilut. It is in the midst of the fallen abyss, and all the demons and entities are outside of it. We fell into the abyss, and we are surrounded by demons and other entities. They are all through our consciousness. God is making a place of escape for us. Now listen to me, brethren. I am going to help you to understand this.


Is not Abel inside of us? Is not Christ rising inside of us? Is not Christ Jesus coming into existence inside of us? What is coming inside of all of these entities? What is coming inside of us is a new abyss, a new soul. The abyss is the soul realm. Malchus fell into the soul realm, right? Malchus fell into the soul realm. She fell into the abyss, and the abyss is now polluted because Malchus committed adultery with the personality of the abyss. Then they produced all kinds of demons and entities, and the whole soul realm is corrupted, so God is making a new abyss, a new heavens and a new earth. This Malchut with Tiferet in the middle of the God World of Atzilut, that is John 1:1; And He entered into the world, and the world did not corrupt Him. This is the essence of the


Lord Jesus Christ in our abyss, insulating us. We are going to be in the middle over here. Outside will still be all the dirt and the filth, and we are going to flee into the center of our ship, Malchut, out here. I may have that backwards, but I do not think so. Malchut is out here and the half of Tiferet is in the middle. That is our ship that can navigate us through the dangerous waters of Yetzirah, which is the emotional realm.


Can you hear this? That is where we are fleeing to. This is our ship. We are fleeing into the midst of the safety net which is in the middle of all of the chaos going on out here. We have known for a long time that our safety is in the midst of us, but I never understood it like this. Yes, our safety is in the midst of us. Yes, our safety is Christ Jesus in the midst of us. How do we get in there? How do we get in there because our body is not being raptured? It is not a rapture of our body. There is a rapture of consciousness. I do not know what will happen to our body. I had that revelation about Noah a year or two already. I do not know what happened to his body. Maybe our body will cease to exist until the transgression is over. I do not know, but our soul, our consciousness, everything that we are, is entering into this ship, and we cannot enter in until that ship enters into us. The ship has to enter into us before we can enter into the ship. Does that make any sense?


That is what it is, half of Tiferet, is coming down to Malchut, and then we, who are in the earth down here, through our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, we are going to flee into the mountains of the mother ship that has been hovering over us for years, waiting for this opportunity. We are fleeing into the mother ship. Now our body is still going to be down here. I do not know what that means for us. I know that Watchman Nee has a testimony in one of his books that he was in a Chinese prison for years. They tortured him every day, and one day he told the Lord he just could not take it anymore, and he astral projected out of his body. He looked down, and he saw a man, and it was him, screaming and yelling from being tortured. He was hovering above his body and could not feel any pain, so I do not know what is going to happen to our body. This is the deepest revelation I have ever had of the rescue that is going to be made available to us.


This is the whole mother ship, the whole 10 Sefirotic array of Jesus. We are down here, and we have been communicating all of these years. The door that is going to open for the 10 virgins, is coming into existence. Half of Tiferet is descending into the Malkhut of the mother ship. Half of the Sefirot of Tiferet is descending into the Malkhut of the mother ship over here, and we are down here. Through a union of mind, through this doctrine, we are going to be fleeing to the mountain of olives. It is happening as we speak. We are fleeing to the mountain of Olives, and we are going to go as high as the Son of God. We are going to go as deep as Malchut. I am so excited. We are going to go into the depth of this Malkhut, Malkhut of Atzilut, through the Lord Jesus Christ. We are going to go into the depth of her, as far as the Son of God, and then we will be in the middle. We will be insulated from what is going on out here by this, our ship.


Continuing with verse 5:  And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal. I looked that up. It means joined. And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains, and shall reach unto Azal. You shall flee deeper, and deeper, and deeper, until you are joined with the Lord Jesus Christ. When we are joined with Him, we are going to be joined in his inner parts, the part labeled the Son, which is the 666 of Jesus Christ. Now we have a clue pertaining to the beast whose number is 666. The beast are the people who have this parallel experience, but they are not joined to the Lord, to the mother ship of the Lord Jesus. They are joined to the mother ship of the snake, and they have penetrated to the degree of the Son, 666.


You shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal. You shall reach higher and higher until you are joined to those mountains. Yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Uzziah was a righteous king. In other words, there will be an urgency. There will be an urgency to flee. What that is saying is, you will flee when you get a revelation of the urgency. That is when you are going to flee. Brethren, God's people do not want to leave. They do not want to leave this world. They do not want to leave their comfort. They do not want to leave their TVs. They do not want to leave their I-Phones. They do not want to leave the comfort of the relationships that they have, that are positive at this time. They do not want to leave. This scripture is saying, you need to get a revelation that you are in danger. You are in as much danger as you were in when that great earthquake was coming, and everybody fled that geographical area.


When you get the revelation that you are in that much danger, you will flee into these higher centers, and realize there are things that you have to leave behind. Again, it is not that God takes it from you, just to take it from you, but as you penetrate deeper and deeper into the kingdom of God, certain things fall away. You do not have room for everything. Certain things fall away. And the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. Jehovah and Elohim will be there, and all the saints that make it in, will be there, into that ship, and that inner place. Your body will be out here, whatever that means, however that will play out. Your body will be out here, or whatever is going to happen to it.



Zechariah 14:6


And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark. KJV



Now the King James says that the light shall not be clear, nor dark, but the word nor is not in the interlinear text. It should read; It shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear. It shall be dark. It is a dark day, brethren, seeing people get hurt, and get sick, and die. It is a dark day.


It is the exact opposite of Pentecost. You come into Pentecost, and see people throwing their crutches away, and getting out of wheelchairs, and all the joy that is going on. We now understand where that joy comes from. We now understand that the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ, is in the people that are rejoicing like that. The seed of the Lord Jesus Christ has penetrated through their carnal personalities, and touched the Malchus in them, and this is the great celebration. This is the fetus of Jesus, and the fetus of John, recognizing each other before they were born. But once they were born, there was warfare. Once Jesus and John were born, they were both in a warfare. John was beheaded for telling the truth to the ruler. Jesus was crucified. So the joy is before you are born. When you are born, the warfare comes. The reality comes. But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night. It is going to be one day. There is not going to be a carnal mind and a Christ mind. Cain is going to be blended into the whole consciousness of God; no more separation.



Zechariah 14:7


But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night:  but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light. KJV



There will be no more darkness, brethren.


Verse 8; And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem. Now we now know that Jesus is the New Jerusalem. Jesus is the New Jerusalem. The mother ship is the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven. It is the mother ship. The whole mother ship wants to enter into our bodies. Whatever is going to be happening out there, whatever bad stuff is going to be happening out there, our consciousness is going to be so deep in peace. Brethren, I do not know if any of you have shared this experience or not. This is taking me back to years ago, where I did not go out for days, because I was working on the Word of God in this deep doctrine. This Saturday, I am going to be at the synagogue for the rabbi's birthday. When I experience going out there, I have a real presence of departing from this inner place where I am dwelling. I am in this inner place because my mind is so completely stayed on the word, that when I go out to a place where people are not where I am, I have a definite perception of having departed from the depth, and the safety of the cave, that I dwell in.


I was trying to say something about our bodies. Whatever is going to be happening out there, I do not know whether our bodies will continue to exist here as some shadow of who we really are, because our true consciousness will be in the depth of the mother ship that will be in the midst of us. We will be in the depth of the Malkhut of the mother ship. There has to be this union between heaven and earth, because we are going to be running into the depth of Malkhut of the mother ship, and half of Tiferet will have descended into that place because the Malkhut alone is the daughter, so we need the Son. We need the male. Half of Tiferet will be descending into the Malchut. Otherwise we would just be female, and that would not be any good. We are not ascending above Malkhut. We are ascending to the grade of Malkhut, but half of the Son is coming down to join us.


We are going to be so in the depth of our consciousness that I do not know if we are going to be out there helping people in great disaster while not actually being affected physically. That would be my guess. Just a month or so ago, the Lord started talking to us about the possibility of going into another dimension. I had that experience when I went to Minnesota that I wound up in another dimension. I do not know what happened to me. I do not know whether I time traveled, or I was just in another dimension. I do not know, but I was in another place. A part of me was not happy because it was really a rapture mentality, and I do not believe in the rapture. I think we are supposed to be here to help the people. I saw a movie called The Hiding Place, about the experiences of Corrie Ten Boon, her sister, and family, during about the holocaust. They were not Jews, but the sisters were arrested and placed in the concentration camp because they had helped to hide and protect some of the Jews. They were called out into the yard in the morning, and one of them said, My God, we are in hell. Every chance they got, they were whispering, preaching Jesus to the individual members in the concentration camp. One of the sisters died, but before she died, she shared her experience of being translated out of her body and escaping into another place. Corrie Ten Boon was the surviving sister who escaped from the camp to tell the story.


When I had that experience about a month ago, where I was translated somewhere, I was excited that I was translated. It was such a beautiful place, brethren, but part of me was not happy. I have never run in my life. We are supposed to being helping people. I think that it is a real possibility that we are going to be out here in our body, but our consciousness is going to be so deep, that we will be invulnerable, and we will not be able to be hurt. That may not be true. Maybe we will go to another place. I do not know. I think Noah was in another place. Now whether his body was down in the earth while his consciousness was in another place or his body dissolved, I do not know. I think Noah was not like we are. Jesus said I can take on the flesh, or I can divest myself from the flesh. Jesus could come into this world, and take on the flesh, or He could go back. If the beings on the other side of the flood had that ability, then it would have been no problem to just divest themselves from the flesh and go into a higher dimension.


Noah sent out the dove and the raven. He found out that it was safe for the dove to live, which meant it was safe on the earth for his higher consciousness to dwell there. The raven would be his material being, and it was safe for the raven to live there, so he reappeared in the earth in whatever form he took on. Maybe Noah was a shape shifter, but we are not shape shifters. We are fallen. We are fallen a whole degree lower than where Noah was, so I do not know what is going to happen to our bodies. What I am seeing right now, and I do not know that this is the Lord or the final word. There are three parts to us, our conscious, our subconscious, and our unconscious mind. It is our unconscious and our subconscious that is going to be anchored in this innermost place. Just our conscious mind will be out here with our physical body, or something like that. We will be able to help people, while not being hurt ourselves. We cannot deny the bad stuff that is going on out there. It is getting worse every day, so we cannot deny that. We are going to be in the world; the wheat and the tares together.


This is our protection, getting in the ship. Brethren, the way we get in the ship is through an agreement of mind with what Jesus believes. Jesus does not believe in the trinity. I am sorry. Jesus does not believe in the rapture. He does not believe he is God. I have learned so many things, but one thing I have learned is that I think it is impossible for the human mind to conceive how these supernatural words are going to play out in this world. It is impossible for us to conceive of it until we experience it, or until the Lord shows it to us, because the flesh man, which we are, is simply not creative beyond this world. I cannot imagine how the spiritual commandment is going to play out in my life. I am just not capable of it. I do not think any human being is. It seems to come out so strong and powerful in these words, and yet, behold, the kingdom of God comes without observation. Everything that has happened to me, from the day the Lord called me, has been without observation. Again, here I am.


People that know me outside of the ministry do not have the best opinion of me. My mother would be very upset to see the way I am living here. It is just the truth. All those ladies from the synagogue came to visit me, all waiting to see my beautiful home. All they see is that big office in there. They like me, so they stay quiet about it, but they do not have a good opinion of me on that level. Where is Sheila's position in society? Look at how she lives. They probably think I am a miser and I am not spending the money. I do not know what I was trying to say when I told you that. The way high spiritual things play out in this world is never the way you think it would play out. I have had a lot of experiences with God, and it has never played out the way I expected it to play out. It never has, so it comes out so strong here. When you get a revelation that you are in as much danger as the people were in the days of the earthquake, in the reign of King Uzziah, when you get that revelation, you are going to flee to the higher centers.


The church world does not have that revelation. They think they are just going to be raptured, and there is nothing for them to do, so they are not worried about it. They are going to be eating and drinking until the last minute that the Lord takes them up into the mother ship. When you get that revelation of the kind of danger that is headed our way, you will be running to the higher centers, and hopefully it will not be too late for you, whoever you are. I do not think that applies to anybody here. The people who will be hurt the hardest will be the people who were introduced to this message, or rejected it, or did not follow up on it. There was a woman and her husband, but it was basically the woman that was called here, and for whatever their reason, they departed from the ministry. Now I have spoken to her after 10 years, and she is telling me about the terrible financial crisis that they went through. I am convinced it was because they departed.


They made a commitment here. They departed without even saying goodbye, but the Lord had called them. They recognized the anointing on the message, and they departed for whatever their reason was, and the whole family lost their jobs; the mother, the father, and the two adult children. She was describing what kind of chaos was in their life, and I am listening to what she is telling me. Basically, the reason that they departed had to do with money. I had said to them you cannot be taking and giving nothing. You cannot do that, so they just went away, and then they all lost their jobs. She is giving me this unbelievable testimony. First, so-and-so lost his job, and then so-and-so lost his job, and I was the only one working. Then, would you believe it, I lost my job. People like that, who recognized the word, but went away because they would not do the right financial thing, then went into financial chaos, and do not even understand what happened to them. Those are the people who God is going after.


What I am trying to tell you is that there is so much that I do not understand. I do not understand it until it happens to me. Why does the Lord not tell it to us before it happens to us? Because we do not understand. He did tell us. He said the kingdom of God comes without observation, but we did not understand what that meant. I have been here for about 27 years in this ministry, laboring in doctrine. People are looking at me, especially years ago, saying, why do you not get a job? They were accusing me of all kinds of irresponsibilities in life. Do you not think you should get a job, and have your own home, instead of living in your office? All of these things I was accused of, and in the meantime, I am probably the most advanced person in the world, today, with regard to the program of God. Outside of this ministry, nobody sees it or understands it, and they have a bad opinion of me because of the way my life looks out here.


At least, today, I have a few dollars. Years ago, I was in poverty without an extra dime. So the kingdom of God comes without observation. It does not look, on the outside, like it looks in the word. In the Word of God, it looks like it is going to be very strong and obvious. How could you not recognize an earthquake coming, but you do not. The earthquakes are under the ground, and they are so hidden that when you feel them, you do not relate them to your experiences in God. You think it is some natural thing that is happening out in the world.


No one in the church world, except the few people called to this ministry, have a clue as to what is happening to me. There are still people that speak bad about me, that I have a false doctrine, or whatever else they are saying about me. Nobody has a clue, because out here I do not look the way one expects someone who is serving God to look. I do not look that way to outsiders. I do not fit the stereotype. What I am trying to tell you is how could I have possibly come this far and not even known it myself? I did know it, but I did not relate my experience to what I was reading here. My main point is what we read in the word is so strong. Not only does my life not line up with the perception of people, as to what someone who is having this experience should look like, but the trauma, and the earthquakes, and the trouble are all under the ground, and they are spiritual. They are emotional trauma. I do not advertise it to the world that I am in an emotional trauma, and that I have been backslidden since May, with regard to my weight and my diet. I was keeping up my exercise program until I got sick a couple of weeks ago. I am backslidden since May.


Nobody sees that because I am still out here. I am never backslidden, thank God, on my commitment to God, or my commitment to minister to you. I am out here twice a week preaching no matter what I feel like. That is all that you see, but I am struggling because of the conflict between the minds that are being attacked, as the Lord sends me to be His battle axe, to smite the shepherd in the people that He wants to give this message to. If you take the intensity of Jesus' word about what is going to happen in the last days, wars and rumors of wars, and earthquakes in diverse places, it sounds so traumatic. If that is what you are looking for, you are not going to find it, because when it actually happens here, it is not going to look like that. Although, there are wars, and rumors of wars, and earthquakes happening out there, the people that do not believe in the Bible will tell you all this has happened before. What is different about now as compared to before, they say.


Then they are out there preaching there is going to be this tremendous earthquake. There is something in the Book of Revelation that sounds like that. Here in Zechariah, he is talking about a great earthquake like in the days of Uzziah, but he is not talking about the physical earthquake out there, so Satan is paralleling it. Satan is mimicking it with what is happening out there, but that is not what the Word of God is talking about. What the Word of God is talking about comes without observation. People out there cannot see it, and you would not see it either, if you did not hear me preaching about it. I did not know what happened to me. This last year, I think, since I have had this perception that I am just clinging to the person of God inside of me, I never stopped to say, I wonder why I did not feel this way last year, or I wonder why I did not feel this way before. What happened to me that now I feel this way? I do not think like that. I barely get through every day. I do not stop to think about why I just started feeling this way, or if I have had a spiritual experience. I do not think like that.


We are being told, that when you get a revelation that the danger is as great as the days of the great earthquake, then you are going to start doing everything you need to do to flee to the higher mountains. I do not know about you, but I got that revelation in the message that I preached last Sunday, about how really wicked this country, and the people, are becoming. The people are becoming very wicked, and the mind of the beast is spreading. You want to know where it is spreading, primarily, brethren? It is spreading, primarily, in the highly educated people that are rejecting God. How is that corruption manifesting? It is manifesting in an inability to distinguish right from wrong, in an inability to distinguish authority from the common man, or of the adults from the children. That is how it is manifesting. It is totally wrong thinking with regard to any kind of righteousness, or hope for raising your children properly, to give them a chance in life. That is how it is manifesting, and it is largely spread in academia with all of these people that are rejecting God. When you reject God, brethren, something else comes in, and what comes in is the corrupt mind.


Continuing in verse 5; And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains. You shall flee to the valley of the mountains until you are joined to them. That is what it means. You will flee deeply enough until you join to them. Yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah:  and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. When you get there, when you get into that inner place, Jehovah and Elohim are going to be there, and all the other saints that made it in, are going to be there. We are going to know each other. When we pass somebody on the street, we are going to know that they are in that inner place. We are all going to know each other.

Verse 6

And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark. KJV


But it shall be dark; a dark day of trouble.


Verse 7

But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night:  but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light. KJV

That is a blending. Cain is going to be blended into the consciousness of God. Verse 8; And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem. The Lord Jesus Christ is the New Jerusalem; living waters. That is His seed. That is His sperm going forth. As a matter of fact, that woman on the testimony part of this message said to me; the things you say. One of the books I gave her was The Doctrine of the Ox, which is all about the semen of Jehovah going forth. That is what the Bible says in verse 8.

Zechariah 14:8

And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea:  in summer and in winter shall it be. KJV

In that day, the living waters shall go out from Jerusalem. The Lord Jesus Christ is the New Jerusalem, and his semen is going to go out from him. His reproductive force will be going out from him.


Continuing verse 8; Half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea. I am not really sure what that means, but I know that the Kabbalists told me that Malchut is the sea. Actually there are two seas. The Malchut is the sea, and I think there is an upper sea. I am not sure which Sefirah it is. Continuing verse 8; In summer and in winter shall it be. That means people that are in the winter are still going to be able to receive seed. I am going to assume that it means they are going to be able to conceive; people that are open to the Word of God; people that when the Word of God is in them; or people with the Holy Spirit that are all excited for God; that they are open to anything God is going to do. They are the people who exist in the winter time, where there is no excitement, no move of the Spirit, but the seed will fall on them, also. We have people in this ministry right now that have experienced that. The seed fell on them in the wintertime without the watering of the Holy Spirit, but somehow the seed fructified anyway. They were fertile anyway, without the Holy Spirit, without the water of the Holy Spirit. The seed still took in the summer and in the winter.

Zechariah 14:9

And the Lord shall be king over all the earth:  in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one. KJV


The king is Messiah. Brethren, Messiah is king, and Malkhut is king. Here is the earth. Here is the mother ship hovering over the whole earth, and the Lord Jesus Christ is descending from the high place into the Malkhut. Do you remember reading that Jesus got in a boat and separated Himself from the people to teach them? Here is Jesus in the boat right here. He is in Malkhut. His consciousness ascended into Malkhut, and the people are down here in a separate place. Now their bodies were all together, but Jesus' consciousness ascended into Malkhut of Elijah's Sefirotic array. The common people were down here, and that was the separation that is described in the King James Version as Jesus getting into a boat because Malkhut is the boat. And the Lord shall be king over all the earth:  in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one. That is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ joined to Christ Jesus. That is a personal experience that everybody is having. Salvation is a personal experience; your initial contact with the Spirit of God; the day that you first heard; the day you were first enlightened; the first day of creation for you; your contact with the Holy Spirit, is a personal experience. This is a personal experience with God that the mothership has to join with you.


All of these aliens out there are counterfeiting what God is doing. They are all counterfeiting what Jesus is doing. What do you think these kidnappings are? Where do you think these people are taken? They are taken into an inner dimension of their own body. They are not being taken out there. They are kidnaped and being drawn into an inner dimension of their own consciousness, not their own body, but their own consciousness. There are testimonies of people being taken to these places, and seeing a whole society of babies being incubated, and all kinds of activity. The scientists, at this point, are saying they go to another dimension. Where is that other dimension? It is within your own consciousness. It is a whole inner world, and Jesus is telling us that there is a whole inner world on his side, where we can hide from what is going on out here, and be protected.

Zechariah 14:10

All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem:  and it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from Benjamin’s gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the king’s winepresses. KJV

I am not sure what that means. And it shall be lifted up. We are being lifted up, and who knows what else? I just had a thought. I wonder, if once we get inside of this mother ship here, in this inner place, it is really this. This is half of Tiferet that is going to descend into Malchut. Maybe it is going to go back up. Maybe after we get inside the ship, it is going to take us back up, because we can get no higher than Malchut. Tiferet is coming down to Malchut, and when we get into the ship, maybe it is going to take us up to the height of Tiferet. Maybe this is what Jesus was talking about with the five virgins that did not get into the ship. There is definitely a ship. Jesus talked about a ship, and it was not just a question of getting inside. The implication was the ship was taking off. Maybe we are on the ship right now. Maybe with this message, we are on the ship right now, but we have not started to go up yet. I do not know. I can say I will not know until it happens to me. I will not even know when it happens to me, unless the Lord explains it to me. I would not even know that it happened to me. Continuing verse 10; And it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place. The place that we are ascending to, it is going to be inhabited. We are going to be inhabited by the Lord. And inhabited in her place, from Benjamin's gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the king's winepresses.

Zechariah 14:11

And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited. KJV

Now I do not know what Hebrew word has been translated men. It could mean mankind, or it could mean the righteous Adam. My guess would be that righteous Adam will dwell in us. We will now be eligible to be indwelt by righteous Adam, and it will not destroy us. His dwelling in us will not destroy us. Continuing with verse 11; And there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited. That is us. Once the New Jerusalem descends into us, we are the skin of the New Jerusalem, and we partake of everything that she is partaking of. The New Jerusalem is Jesus, and he is joining with Christ Jesus in us, and we are becoming one.

Zechariah 14:12

And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. KJV

Jerusalem, being the Lord Jesus Christ. We have a whole church world saying, oh, I love you Jesus, but when he comes to enter in, they fight against him. They do not recognize him, largely because He looks different than the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit is not Messiah. The Holy Spirit is not Messiah, and Messiah is not God. We are all confused. Messiah is coming to us so that God can dwell with us; Emmanuel, God with you. When we look like this, at some point, Adam Kadmon is going to come and sit on the throne in the middle. We are the outer darkness. Humanity is the outer most realm. Nobody knows anything, which is no shame, but the problem is they will not be taught. They refuse to be taught. They will not be taught. They have idolatry for what they believe at the present time.


I preached about the idols in our hearts before, but I have never preached like this. The idol in your heart is your car, your TV, etc. It is not even any of those things. The idols that the Lord is concerned about are the spiritual idols, that which we believe about our salvation, that which we believe about God, that which we believe about doctrine that we will not give up. He really does not care if you love your car. He really does not care that I love my I-Phone or my computers. The idols He is concerned about is our refusal to be taught. As long as we are going forward, and developing, and learning, and He is satisfied with our progress, He does not care if you love your I-Phone, your computer, your car, or whatever it is that you like to do out there. He is not mad at me because I watch movies. He does not care about all that as long as you are making progress in your spiritual walk, because we are not yet in a condition where we could be 24 hours a day in this Spirit of God. Not many people can do what I do. I could be spending, depending on what I am doing, many, many hours, with the Lord. Even then, I can only do it for a few days, and I need to take a break. I go and watch a movie because I cannot take any more. He does not care about this other stuff unless it is interfering with your progress. If it is interfering with your progress, at some point, you are going to have a confrontation with God, if He has taken you. If you are a taken one, at some point, you are going to have a confrontation with God, and it will not be pretty.


Continuing with verse 12:  And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all of the people that have fought against Jerusalem:  Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet. While they are in their carnal mind, their flesh shall consume away. And their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. Their eyes, or their spiritual world view, shall consume away in their holes. That means the mind of the beast is coming to them. And their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. Understand now the concept of the tongue. The Scripture is really not talking about the physical tongue in our mouth. The tongue is that which speaks, spiritually, within us. It is either the carnal mind or the Christ mind. Their tongue, their Christ, their ability to speak out of Christ, shall consume away. The Word of God will depart from their mouth. Their world view will corrupt and become the world view of the beast. Their flesh, Adam, the male organ of the Lord Jesus Christ, will consume away. You are going to lose your spiritual manhood. You are going to lose your spiritual manhood, and your carnal mind is going to take it over. Your world view of God is going to become the world view of the beast. Your tongue, that which produces your spiritual speech, that which gives you the ability to speak the Word of God, is going to consume away. God calls that a plague. It is a plague that is destroying your whole inner man.

Zechariah 14:13

And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour. KJV

I did not really check this out in the interlinear text, brethren, but I know hand means mind. And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them; and they shall lay hold everyone on the hand of his neighbor, on the mind of his neighbor, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor. Maybe we are going to be raising other people up, because our mind is going to be able to touch the mind of the other person and raise them up. Right now I fail. I have not been able to raise up anyone that has not come to me, and said, raise me up. Every one of you that sit here, and listen to me, you have come to me and said, Sheila, raise me up. I want to be where your mind is, and I am going to listen to you. I have not been able to influence one person in 27 years, and that is this ministry. I was in God before this. I have not been able to influence even one person, that I know of, that was not willing to cooperate with me, that was not coming to me, and saying teach me. So this is the change. Everyone shall take hold of the hand of his neighbor. Everyone will take hold of the mind of their neighbor, and the hand of the believer shall raise up the mind of their neighbor.

Zechariah 14:14

And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the heathen round about shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance. KJV

I do not know what that means, but when I read about the wealth of the heathen round about, I am thinking about my physical body that is round about my whole spiritual life. So I am not even going to try that. I know silver is salvation. Gold is judgment. It must mean the melting, and the ingestion, and the blending of the physical body. That just came to me. Brethren, these bodies are considered great wealth. These bodies are slaves, and we are the wealth of the spiritual life that owns us. So Judah, the government of God, shall also fight. Judah is also going to fight against Jerusalem, who is the Lord Jesus Christ. Even Judah is going to fight against Jerusalem. Are not the Jews fighting against Jerusalem? Did not Jerusalem, the Lord Jesus, send me to the rabbis? Are they not fighting against me? Nobody wants this truth. It is not even a question of not wanting to be possessed. They do not want the truth. It is really just quite mind boggling, but it should not be mind boggling, when we understand that all these people, even those who are in God through the Holy Spirit, that every human being on the face of the earth is possessed of the fallen Adam.


When you understand that, it is not mind-boggling. The fallen Adam, the Malchus from the beginning of time who married the snake, and their offspring, Cain, live inside of us, and they influence us greatly. They are of the mind that is inside of us. The animal has a mind, but this is a spiritual mind, a higher mind than the animal mind that rules through us. The animal mind has no power over them unless he is joined to another mind, which is the Lord Jesus. So that is the answer. The houses are inhabited, and they are not about to let the slaves, which are the human beings that they live in, get involved with Jesus Christ. They are just not about to let it happen, so there is going to have to be a big warfare. The warfare is between the Lord Jesus, and the inhabitant of the house, that is a squatter, and has no right to be there.


Even Judah, the government of God, is going to fight against the Lord Jesus. The wealth of all the heathen, that is round about the kingdom of God, shall be gathered together; the judgment; the salvation; the apparel; the outer skin; the clothing; and it is going to be very valuable to the spiritual life. It is going to be gathered together, and blended into the Lord Jesus; the wealth of the nations, the wealth of the heathen, the physical bodies of men. The latest movie that I am watching is called ROME. There was some slavery in the movie, and it just showed you how the inhabitants of Rome, that had any substance at all, had slaves. If they needed money, they sold a slave.

Zechariah 14:15

And so shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents, as this plague. KJV

There are different people, described in different ways, or different aspects of our spiritual being, that are going to be subject to this. Every aspect of humanity is going to be effected by the fact that the male organ of Christ Jesus is going to consume away, and their carnal mind will take its place. I am back in verse 12 now. The world view of the Lord Jesus will consume away. They will be replaced with the mind of the beast, and that the mind of Christ will be consumed away, and the Word of God will no longer be in their mouth. It is going to affect every aspect of human being and the animal world. Brethren, when mankind becomes very evil, they torture animals. Very disturbed people tend to torture animals. I never really had any experience or heard of a tormented, mentally ill man, going out and torturing a tree. Did anybody ever hear anything like that? I do not mean to be facetious. If they are going to torture because they are sadistic, they want to torture something where they can witness the individual's pain. A tree does not have any feedback, so they torture people and animals.

Zechariah 14:16

And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. KJV

The King is Messiah. The feast of tabernacles is when you leave your body to go live in the lean-to outside. We are saying here that everyone that is left of the nations, everyone that is not now permanently abiding outside of their body, you are going to have to, at least once a year, go up and have this experience with the King. It sounds like everybody is not going to be permanently joined, and in this deep place, even where we are now, but they are going to have to keep the feast of tabernacles. At some point, they are going to have to witness to, or reconfirm their attachment to God, at least once a year, however that would play out.

Zechariah 14:17

And it shall be, that whosoever will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. KJV

Brethren, if you do not worship the Lord Jesus Christ, if you do not come up into a higher mind to worship the Lord Jesus Christ, you will not experience His life. He is not punishing you. You just will not have what you would get if you went up.

Zechariah 14:18

And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; and will not have the life of God. "There shall be the plague, wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. KJV

No rain means they will not have the life of God. What is the plague that is going to smite the heathen that will not come up to keep the feast of tabernacles? They will not have the benefit of the male organ of the Lord Jesus Christ, back in verse 12. They will not have the benefit of the world view of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they will not have the benefit of the Word of God. Now maybe it is not going to be inside of them, but they will not have the benefit of hearing it. These heathens that the Lord is talking about are the first group of people. We are going to be experiencing that. We are preachers, so the Word of God will be taken out of our mouth. This group that has to come up once a year, they are the ones that will be the people listening to the preachers. If you do not go once a year, typifying if you do not make that commitment. I do not know what that once a year means. If you do not go to church, you will not hear the Word of God.

Zechariah 14:19

This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. KJV

You will not have the benefit of the Word of God, or the world view of God, or you will not experience spiritual sexual intercourse with the male organ of the Lord Jesus Christ, which will impregnate you, and bring you to a higher place in God.

Zechariah 14:20

In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the Lord’s house shall be like the bowls before the altar. KJV

Judah is the horse of the Lord. I am not sure what the bell means, or there shall be bells upon the horses saying HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD. Judah shall be made holy. The pots in the Lord's house shall be like the bowls before the altar. Human beings are the pots. We are the vessels. The vessels in the Lord's house shall be like the bowls before the altar. We are going to be holy enough to be a part of the altar.

Zechariah 14:21

Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the Lord of hosts:  and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein:  and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts. KJV

Every pot means every vessel, every human. Jerusalem, that is the Lord Jesus Christ, and in Judah, those are the Jews, shall be holiness unto the Lord of hosts. All they that sacrifice, are all those that sacrifice Leviathan within themselves. Shall come and take of them. In order to partake of the Lord Jesus and of Judah, of the Christians and the Jews that are holy, you have to sacrifice Leviathan in yourself, because the two lives are not compatible. You see, you can take of the Holy Ghost while you are still carnal. You can even take of the Holy Ghost while you still have some degree of sin, but if you want to partake of the holiness of the Lord, which is the male ministry, do not have active sin in your life. Brethren, I am telling you the truth. If you come to a prophet of God, or if you come to me seeking help, and you are in some kind of sin, you are going to come under judgment. Before the oracle of God speaks out of me, you are going to come under some kind of judgment because you would dare come that close to the one that dwells in me with open, active sin in your life. You are coming for a blessing, and for help, and you are going to get smitten with a judgment instead.


In the church, they teach you about communion, that you should not eat the little cracker if you have sin. Well, I do not know that eating a little cracker while you have sin would cause you any problem, but the true communion is to draw near to God. If you draw near to God's prophet, seeking access to God through that prophet, that is the reality of the communion. If you come with open, unconfessed sin, all you are going to get is judgment.


Continuing the ending verse of Zechariah 14:21; And in that day, there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts. Canaanite really is signifying the Nephilim. The reason why God whipped out all the Canaanites were that they were all Nephilim. They were powerful spiritual angels of the other side, evil angels that were harming the human race.


Brethren, I do not know about you, but I am so excited after the Lord announced to everybody that he had already given me that experience of the Lord Jesus being married to Christ Jesus. The only thing that we are waiting for now is the harvest. He gave me this understanding of Zechariah, parts of chapter 13 and chapter 14, which as far as I know, is a mystery to the whole church. It has been a mystery to me for years, and we now have this understanding of it. It is just very, very exciting. Things are coming down very fast. Right now he is getting this household ready, and when we are ready, we are going to be going out. When our mind touches someone else's mind, they are not going to be able to reject us anymore. It is not a rejection of us. It is a rejection of the Word of God that is given to serve their life. They will be having a Godly response, and accepting the Word of God, and that is what we have just been told. It is not us. It is the one in us.


We are being prepared to not be destroyed, when the person who this happens to, gets all upset, and they do get upset. We are told that the analogy, that a human mind might be able to understand, with regard to what God is going to be doing to the people of the earth, is likened unto their city being invaded, and their women being raped. It is going to be an upsetting experience for the people. We are going to know the people that we go to, so there is going to be a soul tie which is going to destabilize our soul life when they manifest over this word, and that cannot continue. Stress kills the body. We are waiting to be harvested. We are waiting for our full dependency to be above the earth. We want our full dependency for existence, and having every need met, to be up here above the earth in heaven, and then cut away from the dependency on the earth down here. That is the next step that we are waiting for.


I do not know how long it is going to take. The Lord does not tell me things like that. Personally, I would be surprised if it goes more than a year. I think those last two blood moons are very significant. There is going to be a mass attack starting with God's people, those who have already been exposed to the word. We have no idea who has come into the website and gone out, you know. He will be bringing many into the website, and they are going to be going through this experience without so much as a personal contact with us. It will probably be through the books, and the website, however He is going to do it, but we will be stabilized. Otherwise, we would not survive.


I am so excited to find out what the Zohar means when it says that about Abraham, that the world was wobbling until Jehovah attached Himself to Abraham. It meant Abraham. Did you know that Abraham was a preacher, and he went out and made converts? It was in one little corner of a verse there. When I first heard the Jewish teachers preaching that, I said, really? Abraham was a preacher? It is right there in one little verse in the King James Version. If you look at it, and you want to ask what that means, it can mean that Abraham went out to make converts. He went out to teach the world about monotheism. Jehovah had to stabilize him. Abraham had that stabilized relationship with God. He was dependent upon Jehovah for everything. That is what the circumcision signified. That was why Abraham had to be circumcised. He was circumcised in his flesh, but he was also circumcised in the spirit. Otherwise, he would not have survived the retaliation from the souls that he converted.


That is what we all are waiting for here, to be cut off from the flesh, to have our flesh circumcised, to be cut off from Leviathan. According to Jesus, we will not survive the trauma that the Israel of God first, and the rest of the world next, are going to experience when the Lord takes them without their being prepared. Jesus is going to be taking the Israelites of God, without their being prepared, and he is going first to the ones who have already been exposed and rejected this word. This thought just came to me, that the way it is going to work is that he will be taking those that are not prepared, but everybody that he takes by force will have been exposed to this word, and rejected it. He is not going to people that have never heard this word and taking their city. He is not doing that. He is sending the word to them, either by website, or by books, or something like that. Those that accept that word will come. He will penetrate them slowly, as they become educated, and study. Those that reject it, he is going to take them by force.


Now that is interesting because there is a scripture that says that the kingdom of God suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. That was always an issue in the church that I was raised up in, about what that means. Up until this very minute, I would have told you that it meant that the carnal mind tries to take the kingdom of God by force, because we see the Pharisees coming out to see John's baptism, to see what was going on, but that is not what just came out of my mouth. Now, of course, the King James translation is the kingdom of God suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Well, Jesus is not the violent one, so now I have to go back in and look at the interlinear text of that. I expect that what it means is that the violent ones are the one that is resisting the Lord Jesus, and trying to somehow wrest it away from the Lord Jesus. He will be taking the brethren by force, the ones that will not yield to him, and it will be likened unto the raising of a city, and the raping of women. The Lord Jesus can do it because he is a spiritual man, and he is perfect, and because we belong to him. If we will not come, he is going to take us back.


Somehow, everybody will first get a book, or they will get something that will introduce them to the doctrine of Christ. They will have an opportunity to say I will submit to you, Lord, before he takes them by force. This message, you know, is not going to be well received, brethren. Praise the Lord, we are streaming publicly on U-stream now, and the message is going up on YouTube. I would have to believe, if the Lord is letting these messages go up on YouTube that the harvest must be very soon. When we are discovered on YouTube, and we could be discovered in a negative way on YouTube. There are going to be evil things said, and you know what is going on in the world today. It could be a storm coming against me, basically. We have not been discovered yet, so I would think that the harvest, this protection that we are talking about here, is coming soon. Thank you for staying with me, brethren. I see we are really late today. Any questions?


COMMENT:  We are overwhelmed with all the information. It is so awesome. I am happy to learn all of this stuff.


COMMENT:  You were talking about personal experiences and wounds. Years ago the Lord showed me that I was in a cleft in a rock like cave, and arrows were zooming by me. Some of them just whizzed by my eye. Another arrow cut me across my arm. I could see the blood, but I did not feel a thing. Then twelve years later, I was injured on my right leg, where it was actually flayed right to the bone. I never felt a thing. They put me in the ambulance, and I was talking with the ambulance men very calmly. They could not believe that I never went into shock. At the hospital, the only thing I did feel was just a prick or two when they were stitching my leg. I did not feel any pain, not even during the healing process. I do have a real deep scar in my leg to remind me of the accident, but never felt any pain. That tells me we are going to go through some things, but He is our protective shield. He is never going to give us more than we can bear.


PASTOR VITALE:  I remember that. No, He will not give us more than we can bear.


COMMENT:  That was an excellent message. How faithful the Lord is to stop the other message, to give you revelation on something else. It amazes me, and I am very excited about the upcoming harvest, because you have taught about it. We have been expecting it, and now it feels like it is right there. It is so exciting. There is so much to come, and it all is going to come very quickly. You were speaking about the blood moons, and I do believe there is something significant that has to come soon.


PASTOR VITALE:  Yes, it is very close. The Lord just announced it today, so it is close, maybe within the next year. I have a feeling it may be sooner than that.


Anybody on the telephone?


COMMENT:  It was just an incredible message today. To hear you say that you really think the Lord just showed you that you are married to, is it Christ Jesus? You are married to Christ Jesus, or is it the Lord Jesus?


PASTOR VITALE:  Yes, the Lord Jesus married to Christ Jesus. Well, it is both. Christ Jesus marries the personality, and then he is the mediator. He is in the middle, so on the lower end, he is married to the personality, and on the higher end, he is married to the Lord Jesus. That is how he is the only mediator. Christ Jesus, in us, connects us to the Lord Jesus Christ, and in order to do that, he has to be married to our soul. He is married to our soul. Christ Jesus is literally growing out of our soul, and then the Lord Jesus marries him, and he is in the middle, between our soul, or our personality, and the Lord Jesus, and we are all one.


COMMENT:  You preach something that is going to happen, and then all of a sudden when you say, I really think it happened, I do not even know what to say. It is just so huge. We are just that much closer to what is coming next in the harvest. When you gave the image of the space shuttle overhead, that was just huge for me. I am such a visual person, and it gave me such a great image. I am beyond excited.


PASTOR VITALE:  That is what I mentioned to you a couple of times. The things that the Lord says are so overwhelming that you cannot even jump up and down. They are just too overwhelming, and you just sit there and go, huh?


COMMENT:  I have to recall what it means. You have preached it over and over again what it means, but it is not real until it is here, and now you are saying it is here. What does that mean for me? What does that mean for the ministry? When I am not connected to it, speaking as something that is going to happen in the future, you do not have a connection, but now when you are starting to preach it from a position of it is here, it hits you upside the face. Now what do I do? How do I live with this? My mind is just spinning.


PASTOR VITALE:  The way I express it is how do I live with this knowledge? It is so overwhelming. How do I live with this knowledge? I just thank God that you are all here because it would be horrible to not have anyone to share it with, who could believe what you are saying. It would be just horrible, especially for those of us that do not live in New York. You have a group in Minnesota. There are several people here who do not have other brethren locally, but we are connected by the Internet, by the phone and all that. We can actually express, if we can find the words to express it, what our reaction to this information is. It is a great blessing. I thank God you are all here.


COMMENT:  I like that analogy of the New Jerusalem and the mother ship.


COMMENT:  What was it again that you said was split in half from east to west?




COMMENT:  Yes, Tiferet. Half went north and half went south. It reminded me of that scripture in Matthew 24:27 where it says, as the lightning comes out of the east and shines to the west, so will the coming of the Son of man be. I thought, maybe, this is what it is talking about, you know, the coming of the Son of man. I wonder what the lightning would mean.


PASTOR VITALE:  Oh, that is interesting. Well, the lightning would be the power that would split Tiferet. The lightning came out and split Tiferet so that it could descend into Malkhut. I really receive that. It is very interesting. Thank you.


COMMENT:  Maybe it is the power of His mind?


PASTOR VITALE:  We could say the power of his mind or the power of his spirit. The question is what does it mean? I guess, the east typifies the eternal realm, so I would say it is the revelation coming out of the eternal realm. It is this revelation that is coming forth that is splitting Tiferet. What does it mean to split Tiferet? It means what is actually happening is that we are pulling down, by pursuing this revelation, and believing it, we are like a baby suckling on a mother's breast. We are pulling down, but we cannot pull down the whole Tiferet because the upper triad of Tiferet is connected to Chokmah in Binah, and that never descends. As we pull, as we want more and more doctrine, as we are pulling down, as we are sucking it down. I am sorry if that word sounds vulgar, but even a nursing baby sounds vulgar to some people today. That is the word. As we are sucking at the breast of the Lord Jesus, we are literally sucking at Tiferet. Tiferet is the high place, that we are literally sucking the milk down from, because the food comes from Binah. Binah has migrated, and she is blended with the other Sefirot inside of Tiferet, so we are literally sucking on Tiferet through the middle column.


As we are sucking, and sucking, and pulling down, and pulling down, that tears Tiferet. It is the revelation coming out of the east into Tiferet that we are sucking on, and sucking on, and sucking on it, and it tears, and the lower seven Sefirot come down. We can even look at that as the ladder that we are climbing up on. You can put a whole lot of that together from there, in a parable. It is just really so exciting.


COMMENT:  It is very exciting. And you said something about we would be entering in and dwelling in the middle, right? Is that a place of protection?




COMMENT:  You know, I was thinking about your experience where you went into another dimension. I was thinking, maybe you penetrated into another dimension by going within to a certain depth. I was wondering if this is what is coming. As we penetrate in, if we press into this inner place in Jesus, that we will be able to go back and forth. You will not necessarily stay there. Like you said, we will be helping people out here. I mean that we will be able to penetrate into these other dimensions and go back and forth.


PASTOR VITALE:  You know, that is so interesting what you are saying. For years, I actually was asking the Lord this, and I finally stopped asking. Is there really another place that would be a real place that we would go to? I was fascinated with that movie, THE MISTS OF AVALON. Avalon which of course is on the other side. They take a boat out into the middle of the lake, and then the woman who was a white witch, waves her hands, and it actually becomes another location with green fields, and a house, and a whole life there, that cannot be seen by the people in this world. In one scene, they actually show you two people that are in this heavenly place, for lack of a better word. They are sitting by the roadside, and people walking along cannot see them. They could see everybody in this realm, but the people walking along cannot see them. I asked the Lord for years, is there really a place like that in God? Does it really exist? I stopped asking a couple of years ago. I sort of just gave it up, and I stopped asking. Now, I think that could really be the answer.


That place that I went to was so beautiful. I was on the Internet the other day, and I saw a picture of golden fields, and I said that is where I was. It was like golden fields. It was such a beautiful place. I wanted to go into the farmhouse, and talk to the people, but I was too concerned that I did not know where I was. I guess it was not what the Lord wanted me to do. What this is saying to me, if I have got it right, is that when we go all the way in, that there really is another world, and when we get in there, it becomes as real as this world to us, another place with fields, and a farmhouse, that you could walk into. There were people in this movie, THE MISTS OF AVALON, that live there all the time. She had a housekeeper, and people that were there all the time. She was a pagan high priestess witch. She went back and forth between the two realms. When she went into the other realm, she literally died to this realm.


I experienced that on my first trip to Nigeria. I was in Nigeria for five weeks, and it was so different. I do not think it would have that effect on me if I went today, but when I went for my first trip to Nigeria, in Africa, I thought it was going to be like here, only in reverse. I thought that the majority of the people would be black, and there would only be some white people. I am told that there are a lot of white people in certain sections of Nigeria, but the place where I was, I was the only white person around. For five weeks, I was completely transplanted into another world where everybody was black. It was shocking to me. I have to tell you that it was shocking to my psyche and my nervous system. I really had to pray my way through. I was alarmed. Nobody threatened me. Everybody was nice to me. I was just alarmed to find myself in that position, and I got over it after a few days. Then when I came back to the United States, I realized it was just a complete culture shock. I have been to Nigeria about four times. I did not experience that when I went back after that. It was just that first trip.


Getting back to my farmhouse experience, it was so beautiful. There was such a peace there. I wonder if I got out of the car, and went into the farmhouse, if there would have been somebody in there. What I am thinking now is that there really may be a place where, when we get into that deep place, it materializes into a world like this one, and we literally die. That is why I am telling you about Africa. When I went to Nigeria the first time, I actually died to everything that I ever knew in this world. It was not only the color of people's skin, it was the way they lived. I was out in the villages, and it was just a completely different life. Maybe when we get into that deep spiritual place, it really will materialize as a world, but in order to get there, we have to die to this world out here.


We are told in Ezekiel, that we will go back and forth, that the sons of Zadok will go back and forth. I asked the Lord for years, is it really a place where we will go to? I never got a clear yes, and I finally gave up on it. Now it looks like it is true, that it is going to be another realm, that when we get there, it will materialize as another place, and that we are going to stay there until the storm is over. Oh, I am just so excited. I cannot really contain myself.


COMMENT:  In some of your notes you were saying Adam is going to take his wife back, so he is going to be raised from the dead, the Adam of Beriah, is that correct? I am just wondering if that experience is happening in you, and as Adam is being raised, this could be a witness that you are being raised from the dead, that Adam is being raised from the dead in you, and he is seeing this other dimension in Beriah that belongs to Adam. Is that right?


PASTOR VITALE:  Yes, I am just excited out of my mind.


COMMENT:  One of the brethren, Brett I believe, said there is no round road where you had that experience. Right?


PASTOR VITALE:  I had to drive from Brett's house to Jesse and Sandra's house, so on the way back I stopped there myself, but it was not there. It just was not there. I was in a completely different area.


COMMENT:  There is the proof. He mapped it and said it is not there. You went back to look for it, and it was not there. That has got to be the proof that it really existed, and it was really there, and something was completely different. When you went back, you could not see it.


PASTOR VITALE:  Either that, or I traveled back in time. Either I entered into another dimension, or I traveled back in time. As of yesterday, I was believing that I had traveled back in time, and I guess I chose to believe that. It was nothing conscious, but maybe my mind could not cope with this reality that we are talking about now, that I was actually in another dimension. I think the reason I chose, in hindsight, to believe that I went back in time rather than I was in another dimension, was that I could not understand or think of a reason why I would have been translated into another dimension. Now it is making sense to me. I could not understand the reason for that other dimension, but now that I am understanding it as an inner place, that I have been praying about for years, asking whether or not it exists. If someone is coming at you with a gun, or they are going to harm you, or anything, you just have to go in, and you wind up in another world.


I ran out of time this morning. You must be tired of hearing that, but I ran out of time this morning. I wanted to look for that scripture. I know there is a scripture in the New Testament where the Pharisees were coming for Jesus. It is John, Chapter 8:59; Then took they up stones to cast at him:  but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by. The scripture says he disappeared in the midst of them. When I had researched it, it came out that he went in, into an inner place, and he disappeared. His body disappeared. It is the same thing as when he ascended, when he left this world. As his disciples watched him, his body disappeared. He went into an inner dimension, and his body disappeared, so where did he go to? When he disappeared in this world, did he enter into a formless place where he was just consciousness, just thought, or did he enter into a visible place? He said I go to prepare a place for you. Maybe that was the place he was talking about.


COMMENT:  It sounds right. I think we had a conversation where we were talking about THE MISTS OF AVALON. You were saying, you believe it could be Beriah. Is that correct?


PASTOR VITALE:  It could be Beriah, but according to the Kabbalists, there are no forms in Beriah. Maybe the Kabbalists are wrong. What I understand is that Jesus is doing a new thing. Maybe he is bringing into existence a dimension of Beriah that has forms, that is formed.


COMMENT:  Jesus said that no man can take my life, so if he entered into that place, he was saying the place of protection could actually be another dimension that we will enter into. He said no man can take my life, and that was before he was glorified.


PASTOR VITALE:  That is true.


COMMENT:  He may have been entering into those places all that time when he disappeared from the crowds. Maybe He entered into that place.


PASTOR VITALE:  Right, and he ascended to a high mountain to pray.


COMMENT:  Does it make sense that they could not see him all of a sudden? No, except for something like that.


PASTOR VITALE:  Well, that farmhouse place was so beautiful. If I was not in such shock that it appeared suddenly, I would have wanted to get out, and go into that farmhouse. I wonder who I would have found there. It was just so beautiful. The fields was like I was in a painting.


COMMENT:  It definitely was another dimension because, both you and Brett said it does not even exist in the physical realm. I would guess to say if there is a farmhouse there, that there was somebody living there.


PASTOR VITALE:  There was somebody in there. Well, it would not have been Jesus. I do not know. Up until this point, I have been believing what the Kabbalists say, that there are an infinite number of dimensions, but this is the only visible dimension. That was the conclusion I came to, when I stopped asking God if there was another place where there would be a visible world for us like this.


COMMENT:  Maybe the movie, THE MISTS OF AVALON came out because they say that the children of darkness are sometimes wiser than the children of light because they know that themselves.


PASTOR VITALE:  It may be true that they know about it on the other side. I believe that they believe it.


COMMENT:  I will tell you, when I first heard you tell me that story, I had a hard time believing it myself. The ability to understand it just seemed to come forth this morning because I could not understand it.


PASTOR VITALE:  My experience about the farmhouse?


COMMENT:  Yes, I had a hard time believing it. The Lord told me just now through that explanation coming forth, it was because I could not understand it, but I am starting to understand it now. I could not understand why the Lord would take you to the past. I guess that was the main thing I had a hard time believing. Why was he taking you into the past? This explanation makes sense to me.


PASTOR VITALE:  Yes, it did not make any sense. I could not make any sense out of it at all. It does make sense now. So the question is why did it happen then? I do not know why it happened then.


COMMENT:  Unless you say that it really looked like the past. Did you see a horse, and buggy, and all that kind of thing?


PASTOR VITALE:  No. It was just the fields, and the gravel road, and the farmhouse. It was just absolutely beautiful, and there was such a peace.


COMMENT:  Such a beautiful scene sounds like it would be from another dimension.


PASTOR VITALE:  I guess I rejected it because I could not make any sense out of it. Now the Lord is making sense out of it.


COMMENT:  You were rejecting it, and I was having a hard time believing it, but now I do not. Now it is really starting to make sense.


PASTOR VITALE:  I knew that it had happened to me, so I drew the conclusion that I was catapulted into the past, because that made more sense than anything else that I could not understand, but now I am getting an understanding. Apparently the answer is yes to that question that I had asked for years. It is true that there is another dimension we pass into. I do not know if we would have the same form as this physical form, but it would be as real to us as this world is when we are out here, and there really is such a place.


COMMENT:  I wonder if it is related to what I asked you before about Tiferet being split from east to west? For us, who shall the coming of the Son of man be. What if this place in the middle is Beriah, that you experienced?


PASTOR VITALE:  Maybe that is the valley. I sort of forgot about that for the moment. The Lord just gave me this on the fly. Remember, we are going to penetrate all the way into the valley. We are going beyond Tiferet that descends into Malkhut. We are going into the valley. I showed the valley. The valley is the innermost place because the sefirot are all within each other. It is really going to look like this. The valley is going to be a place opening, similar to when the Ayn Sof started the creation. He opened up the empty space. It is going to be like another empty space opening up that is not polluted. That was the revelation that I had when I was preaching it to you. This empty space that is not polluted is going to be in the midst of Tiferet. We are in the empty polluted space right now. The Lord is doing it again.


COMMENT:  Nothing is polluted. There is only life there, everything alive and beautiful. I hope that we all experience this, Sheila. I guess we just keep on killing our carnal minds.


PASTOR VITALE:  I am looking for that scripture that says all the saints are going to be there. It is Zechariah 14:5; And the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. Adam Kadmon is going to meet us there in that inner space, and Jehovah Elohim will come. Of course, that is not Adam Kadmon. That is actually Binah and Elohim, will come, and all the saints with him. So I am believing God for every one of you. I just really encourage you to put your sins before God. If you have hurt feelings, please get over it, and rebuke your hurt feelings. It is just pride. I just encourage all of you, because I am believing God for every one of you to come with me. Your job is to get past your sins.


Other scripture verses referring to the Lord’s coming with his saints are; Jude 1:14; Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints. 1 Thessalonians 3:13; To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. 2 Thessalonians; 1:10; When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe because our testimony among you was believed in that day.


COMMENT:  Thank you for the revelations in the message. I like what you said about Mark 13:20; And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved:  but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days. Does this scripture in Romans 9:28 also talk about the cutting of Cain from Leviathan, the circumcision, and the harvest? Romans 9:28; FOR HE WILL FINISH THE WORK, AND CUT IT SHORT IN RIGHTEOUSNESS:  BECAUSE A SHORT WORK WILL THE LORD MAKE UPON THE EARTH.


PASTOR VITALE:  My guess, off hand, I would say yes. It is talking about the same thing, but that is without studying it out. It just sounds like the same thing to me.


COMMENT:  Just a couple of questions. A couple of years ago you preached a message about a prophet in the Old Testament. I cannot remember the name. He had the ability to chase after someone else in another dimension.


PASTOR VITALE:  It was not a prophet. That is in the Zohar. It was about a man from the tribe of Dan. Balaam escaped by going into another dimension. Out of the whole Israel army that was trying to kill Balaam, there was just one man from the tribe of Dan, that was able to chase him down, and that is in the Zohar.


COMMENT:  It seemed to be a witness to what we are saying here that there are other dimensions, and that we would be able to have the ability to do that. The other thing is that we hear about things that are to come. I know many of us have had visions that have been real life experiences, just like what you experienced. You know I have seen visions of mountains and green pastures, and all these different things, even a degree of seeing spiritual places in the heavenlies. I guess the thought that just kind of went out of my mind is what I experienced is things to come. It is a vision, but it is not happening yet, but you are preaching it as a proclamation that it is coming upon us, and that we will be entering into that place, that dimension where we will be able to get into it. I guess it is just fascinating. It is awesome that we will be able to have that opportunity to get in there.


PASTOR VITALE:  What I am thinking as you are talking is that this is the place that Jesus went to prepare for us. Prior to whenever it got ready, it did not exist. It is a visible dimension of what he is bringing into existence. The issue is this. In order to create a spiritual visible place, the power that is doing it has to have access to the earthen part of the creation. The whole earthen part of the creation, which is in the female, has run away and married the snake. On the God side, there has been no visible world, anywhere, on the God side up until now, because God did not have access to the earth. The snake had all of the possession of the earth, so what I am hearing in the Spirit is that there have been other visible dimensions that can be accessed on the other side. At least when I was in Africa, I heard from a couple of people that believe in that, that there are highly spiritual people that would go to different places in the spirit, and have meetings. They would go to universities.


I asked the Lord about that too. I heard that in Africa on my second trip there. I met Rex and his other friend that gave me that book suggesting such things like that, that highly spiritual people travel in the spirit. They go to other planets. They call it other planets, where they have meetings and conferences in hotels, and everything like that. I questioned the Lord about it at that time too. Now what is coming to me is that, that is all true, but it is all on the other side, because the other side possessed all of the earth. You need earth to make a visible world. Now that the Lord Jesus is penetrating as deeply as he is into our earth over here, we are getting his Spirit, and we are drawing down his Spirit, and he is drawing up some of our earthly qualities, and that is his ability to build this place that he said he was going to build for us, and it is a new thing on the side of God. That is so exciting. It is a new thing. It is a visible dimension of Beriah. That is what it is. Wow! A new thing. A new thing. Amazing.


COMMENT:  This talk about the different dimensions made me think that every sefirot has a different dimension.


COMMENT:  My spiritual feet are dancing.


PASTOR VITALE:  What an exciting day this turned out to be. I am just really happy. I had a really hard time last night and this morning. I was in a lot of emotional pain from that other event, and look at what the Lord turned it into. God bless you all. I just love you. As far as I am concerned, you are all coming with me. I am not willing to leave any one of you behind. Just all of you, please get your acts in order, please. I love you all. God bless you. Have a great day. Amen.


11/13/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

11/14/14 1st Edit CAS

01/31/15 2nd Edit MJS


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