846 - Part 1

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.



OK. Yeah, good afternoon everyone. It is good to be back.




Traveling is so strange. It is such a strange experience for me. When I am here, it is like I have never been gone, and when I am someplace else, it is like I have never been here. It is, like, I just -- I just so meld into my surroundings it is like I had been there forever, so it is a very -- it is almost like a double life, you know. How very strange. Ve- -- it was very enjoyable. I really enjoyed it. Everybody out in Minnesota is so gracious and happy to see me. It was just very, very -- a very blessed visit.


And you all partook of the -- of the message that I preached, and it was just really nice seeing everybody, and I did have some time for myself. I was away from the office work. I dumped it all on Susan again. I love to preach and to talk to the brethren, but this office work, if I could get out of it, I would, but the Lord has not done that yet. So, anyway, it is good to be back. It is good to see you all. I am glad you are all here, and you all look well and prospering.


OK. I am going to read a Psalm because I do not relish the idea of being choked, you know. So where -- there has been some choking going on, and I just want to explain to you all that when I get choked from within, OK, it is a spiritual event. It does not mean -- whoever it turns out to be, it does not mean that they hate me. It does not mean that they want me to die. Most of the -- as far as I know, anyone who has ever been responsible for choking me would have been horrified if they found out that it came from them. They would have been absolutely horrified. It is a s- -- it is a spiritual reality. I -- well, I am going to just go with what I am preaching before I read the Psalm.


You see, brethren, when you become spiritual to the point that you are awake and -- the expression is you are awake and asleep at the same time. When you exist in two worlds -- while you are conscious -- when -- what -- when -- what -- while I am conscious in this realm, OK, I am also aware -- consciousness means awareness -- I am also aware in the spiritual realm. I have a presence in two spiritual worlds.


Excuse me. So there are powers and principalities that dwell in the people. We all have powers and principalities that dwell in us. Christ dwells in you. The Holy Spirit dwells in you. So -- and there are powers that dwell in you, and Jesus is a principality. He is the prince. So there are powers and principalities on the other side that dwell in us also. All of the worlds are s- -- are inside of -- they are -- they are circular. The spiritual worlds are circular, and they are all concentric circles inside of one outer circle, which is both this whole universe and our bodies because everything exists in the microcosm and in the macrocosm.


So when you have a presence in a spiritual world, that means that there is a [sic] interaction between the principalities in you, which i- -- which is Jesus in Christ -- the Spirit of Christ is in me, but I am also -- I also have a presence in Yetzirah, which is the astral plane. So there is a continuous hostility between the powers of the astral plane and the powers of the World of Creation, which is which -- which is where Christ is, and they are all operating inside of me, and the powers from the astral plane would like to kill me.


Why would they like to kill me? I am not paranoid. Why would they like to kill me? Because, brethren, the conflict between the powers and principalities of the two sides is that they want to -- is that the victor will ha- -- will inherit the use of my body. I know. I speak as an example to you. We are all going through this. The struggle between the World of Creation, which is where Christ is, and the -- and the World of Yetzirah, which we call the astral plane sometimes -- the struggle between the two worlds is to determine which world will be revealed through the visible plane, which is this visible world, and my body is the visible world, and my conscious mind is the visible world.


So because I am so given over to -- I am completely committed to the Lord Jesus Christ, they would rather kill me than see him lay hold of the full use of my body because he does not have the full use of my body. If he had the full use of my body, I would be perfectly healthy, and I would no longer be aging. Although I have to admit, I look pretty good for my age, I am still aging. I see the signs of aging in my body, see. So the war is over me, and the war is over you. The war is over all of humanity, but mostly over the people who are open to the spiritual world and, therefore, candidates to become vessels that will reveal spiritual intelligence -- vessels that will reveal spiritual intelligence.


What does that mean? That means that we are yielded to the higher consciousness. The more carnal you are, the less you are yielded to the higher consciousness. That means whether it is Jesus or the other side, any spiritual consciousness or intelligence that wants to speak through you can be screaming at you, yelling at you, knocking on your door, and the person that is carnal just keeps on doing what the flesh desires to do. It does not hear or ignores it when it hears it, you see.


So the people who are sensitive to higher -- the higher intelligen- -- what is the higher intelligence? The intelligence that is not associated with the body, see. I -- each of us has an intelligence that is associated with our body, but there are higher -- there are intelligences that are in existence that have no body, so, no, they want to use our body, and in order to use our body, they have to -- they have -- well, the word really is defeat. They have to defeat the intelligence or the consciousness of the body, and the example is a horse that needs to be broken so that it will submit to a rider sitting on its back, and that is the reality of our existence.


So because there are -- there are two -- at least two worlds inside of me of which I am conscious on -- actually, it should be three worlds because Jesus said where he is, we too shall be. So he is in the -- he is in Atzilut. He is in the highest -- he is in the God world, but I think that the God world is -- I am not permanent. I do not have a permanent presence on the God world. Why? Because Jesus is not fully joined to Christ in me yet. When I have a f- -- when the God world is fully, permanently manifested in me, it will knock out all of the powers or overcome all of the powers of the astral plane, which is the Hebrew World of Yetzirah.


So there is still a struggle because the highest power in me comes from the World of Creation, which is Christ, and the principalities in the astral plane are p- -- s- -- or let me say -- let me put it this way. Christ is still -- is still not mature to the poin- -- oh, how do I say this [UNINTELLIGIBLE]? Christ Je- -- Christ is not yet mature to the point that he has no enemies, see. The entities and the principalities on the astral plane are the enemies of Christ.


What does it mean to have an enemy? It means that someone can -- it is -- your enemy hurt you. If there is a person who cannot hurt you, they are not your enemy. They may think that you are -- that you are their enemy, but talking about us, the only reason we have enemies is that we are too weak to overcome the forces that would harm us. See, this is how Jesus can forgive everybody, because nobody can hurt him, see. Why would you hurt the person that you have total power over, see?


Although the consciousness or the intelligences that are not attached to God -- the intelligences that are not attached to God are the complete 180-degree opposite of the Lord Jesus. When they have power over vessels that have no recourse whatsoever to defend themselves, the powers that are not attached to God abuse those vessels now, but the Lord Jesus Christ and anyone that is attached to the Kingdom of God has nothing but mercy and compassion for the worst sinner because when you look through eyes that know without a shadow of a doubt that the most evil human being on the face of the earth cannot hurt you, -- there is nothing they could do to hurt you -- there is nothing left but compassion.


Now you need to understand that compassion does not negate the judgment, [?see?]. We can have compassion as we see the person executed, have compassion -- how terrible that they are in that state, how terrible that they are so far away from God that they have committed crimes that justify their destruction, that there is -- according to the rules that God has set down, there is no redemption for them. How sad. We can feel that way as they swing from the gallows, see. So I know that Christ in me is immature -- is still immature because I have enemies that would like to kill me, and there has been at lea- -- two or three attempts to choke me in the last week, see.


What does that mean? Well, I must be doing something right, you see. What would I be doing right? I must be in submission to the Lord Jesus Christ to the degree that the union of the Lord Jesus and Christ in me must be getting closer or getting stronger. I personally believe that spiritual unions can take years. So to say that the Lord Jesus is not joined to Christ in me, or if you can say that about yourself, is not really accurate. So it is a present participle. If Christ is formed in you, the Lord Jesus is being joined to him, but is not completely joined to him, see.


So I am sitting here. I did not die, but it is not a pleasant experience, you know. Actually, it happened in front of Sandra for the first time, and she was quite upset, and I had to tell her that the choking -- that choking episode was very mild. Even though I was struggling, I knew that I would be OK. A few years ago, Margaret was here, and she saw me really choking. Sh- -- and it was very upsetting for her. She said my eyes were bugging out of my head. So I am supposed to be praying against that every day, but I do not always do it every day. So I am trying to remember to do it every day because the Lord has given me the prayer that prevents it, you know, and it is all by the placement of worry angels, et cetera, et cetera.


So that is the reason that I want to read a Psalm, and I picked a Psalm arbitrarily without actually reading it through. So I want you all to -- I want to tell you all once again that you -- more often than not I pick Psalm -- I think it is 91 or the Psalm -- that really powerful Psalm that says let your children be cursed, et cetera, et cetera. The Lord told me a long time ago that he knows my heart, you see. When your heart is not of --


I have no desire for vengeance against anyone, you know, but I -- my position is I cannot let you hurt -- I cannot let you kill me, you see, and if I have anything to say about it, I will not let you torture me, OK. So I have to stop you -- if you are trying to hurt me, I have to stop you, you see, but I have no desire to harm you in any way other than what is necessary to stop you from cursing me because the Lord has shown me -- the Lord showed me a long time ago that sometimes when people are dead set against hurting someone, the only way to stop them is to hurt them.


In other words, if they are praying con- -- if they are praying constantly and consistently, then -- because they think you are evil, you know, and they are -- and they are praying consistently, how -- whatever prayer they are praying, that is going forth as a death curse because sometimes we pray prayers; we do not think they are death curses, but they are death curses, you see, that the only way to stop them from do- -- God speaks to them. He speaks to them in a dream. He speaks to them when they are awake. He speaks to them through the Scripture. He speaks to them through their pastor when they go to church on Sunday, but they never apply it to what they are doing to me or to y- -- God forbid it should be you, you know. They do not -- just do not get it.


So the o- -- and I am here screaming and yelling, you know, and whatever. S- -- usually it is my body that is attacked, you know, and I am here screaming and yelling, well, Lord, where is my deliverance, Lord? So he has to do something. They will not stop, you see. So he hurts them, and they -- well, usually they get sick or they have some kind of an accident that hurts their body that -- you see, when you -- when your body is afflicted, then you forget everything else that you are doing, and you take care of your body. That is just a kneejerk reaction, you know.


So since the Lord knows how I feel, you know, that the -- ho- -- my whole purpose of praying these prayers is to preserve my health so that I can continue doing what I am doing for God, he does not take my prayer and use it to hurt the physical person because the reality is that our enemies are not physical. The Scripture is clear. Our enemies are spiritual -- powers and principalities, wickedness in high places that have laid hold of someone with a fallen mind who is doing their bidding -- ignorant people, you see.


The on- -- the only -- the only entity that -- the enemy that is the enemy of God, brethren, is the spiritual enemy for whom there is no redemption. You see, when we read about the unforgivable sin, the King James translation and what the church believes is so unfortunate. That any poor soul should be told by their pastor or their church that they have committed a sin that is unforgivable and they will not be forgiven in this world or the next, how absolutely sad because it cannot possibly be true because Jesus died for everyone, you see. He did not die for Satan. He did not die for the spiritual principality that is causing all this trouble. He died for humanity, see, and anyone that calls out to Jesus -- or calls out to God through Jesus shall be saved. So how can you tell anyone that they have committed an unforgiveable sin?


And not only that, but how silly, brethren, that if somebody in a bad moment said something bad about the Holy Spirit that that is this -- and they did not murder anybody. They did not rape anybody. They did not steal the life savings of some poor little widow. They did not do -- oh, no, in a -- in a bad moment, they cursed the Holy Spirit, and now they are not forgiven. They will never be forgiven in this world or the next.


Brethren, we have to start using our intelligence. You need to understand that the Scripture that we read is a translation -- OK, it is a translation of a Word of God that can be -- that can be interpreted in a multiplicity of ways, and the only one that can tell you what this book really means, especially in a crisis where you are considering telling somebody that they have done something so bad that they can never be forgiven in this world or next, see, you better find out from God what he meant when he said that, you see. You better find out from God what he meant when he said what you are reading the translation of before you condemn anyone that Jesus died for, see.


So the enemy -- the enemy of God and our enemy is the runaway Malchus -- you know, the runaway spiritual female, the higher spiritual principle that became evil. See, she was not evil to start with. When she was a part of Adam -- when she was a part of the whole Adam, she was just a brat, you know. She was just ma- -- she was -- do you not see Satan in the Book of Job right there amongst the sons of God, see? She was just a brat that she was a part of the creation, and she thought that she should have a higher position than she had. She was not a terrible person, but she acted upon what was -- what was a sin that at the moment was not doing any real damage. She was just rebellious in her mind, you see.


But once she separated from the whole, she became wholly evil, and now she is the enemy of God, and she is the enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the -- is the viceroy that ministers the life of God to humanity, and she is the enemy of you, and she is the enemy of me. And all of her minions -- what does that mean? That her -- she is a spirit, so she -- excuse me -- she can be in many places at the same time, and she is in each and every one of us. So our enemy is in the midst of us, and sometimes the enemy in the midst of us joins with the higher consciousness of the same spiritual entity that is manifesting on multiple real- -- planes of consciousness.


Jesus is manifesting on multiple planes of consciousness. Jesus is in the God World of Atzilut. He stands in front of the Keter of the God World of Atzilut, who was a manifestation of Adam Kadmon, which is a higher world than the God World of Atzilut, and then who knows what goes beyond? Of course, there is the Ein Sof beyond that, and then Jesus is manifesting as Christ. He is manifesting as Christ Jesus. Multiple planes of consciousness -- some in people and some not in people. 


Well, the other side is parallel. We can understand the other side when we understand Jesus, see. So the enemy is inside of us just like Christ is inside of us, and the enemy -- these days I am calling -- I am calling her Cain. I do not know as what her name will be in the future. It is Cain inside of us. For now let us call her Cain. When she manages to make contact with the higher consciousness that is disembodied like Jesus is disembodied today. He does not have a body, you see. We are his body, but we are not his, see. We are his wife, but he has no access to us. He has lost the use of our service. He does not have a -- he does not have the use of our service except here and there.


I have told you all this before. You know, that is a law that is on the books of most states. If you harm a man’s wife and he has no sexual access to her, he can sue you because he has lost the use of her service. He can still kiss her. He can still talk to her, but he has lost the use of her service. So Jesus kisses us and he talks to us, but he does not have full access to us, see. If he did, we would not be dying anymore. We would not be aging or dying or sick anymore. So we know that that is true. He does not have full access to us.


So if you understand what I am teaching you about Jesus in Christ, then you can understand the other side, even though I may not have the names right all the time. So let us say it is Cain in us. When Cain in a human is accessed by the higher consciousness, that would be parallel to where the Lord Jesus is. Now, a disembodied intelligence on the other side, OK, and they get together and have a union -- Cain in you and the higher consciousness, which we are calling Sophia now [INAUDIBLE] -- that is when -- that is when a higher -- I am sorry, brethren. I lost my train of thought, you know, so I am just going to fudge it. That is when a higher power from the other side is manifesting through you. It is, like -- because when the Lord Jesus joins with Christ in us, it becomes Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man.


So we now know that the name of the higher consciousness on the other side is Sophia. I have called her a pharaoh. I did not know what to call her for years. What -- why is she called So- -- I guess I started to preach [INAUDIBLE] why do we call her Sophia? Because Sophia is the Greek word for wisdom, and we found out that the way we recog- -- how -- brethren, we need a way to recognize an [sic] disembodied intelligence. How do we recognize a disembodied intelligence? We recognize them. Does anybody know how we recognize a disembodied intelligence? Does anybody know?


By their words.


By their words, absolutely. By their words, but primarily -- well, you have to try the Spirit. If they are lying -- we are not talking about lying words by what [?they are saying?they say?]. That was how -- that was how two of Jesus’ disciples determined that he was the Messiah. They met him on the street. They had reason to test him. They spent the night with him. They listened to what he had to say, and they determined by his words that he was coming from a high spiritual plane that identified Messiah to them -- that it identified him as Messiah to them.


So we identify Sophia by her words, see. So what does that mean? It means when you meet somebody that has some degree of esoteric doctrine, you need to determine whether that is the Lord Jesus Christ speaking through them or whether it is Sophia speaking through them. So you know -- you know that a hum- -- another human being, OK, is accessing the higher consciousness. You may not know which side they are on right away, but as soon as they start talking esoteric doctrine you know that you are talking to somebody that has a s- -- has a significant power manifesting through them, and you better find out who they are before you form a soul tie with them. You better find out who that power is that is giving them these high words, you see.


We are told in Daniel 7 that the anti- -- well, we are told according to the church doctrine that the anti-Christ stands up the little horn, and he speaks great and proud things. Well, that is true, but so does Jesus stand up and speak great and pow- -- proud things. What we are preaching here today is so mindboggling that sometimes I just sit back and I just do not know what to do with myself. I do not know whether to laugh or to cry or to jump up and down. It is just so awesome, and that is happening on both sides, except the other side is a corruption of what the Lord Jesus is teaching us, see.


And for this reason, God’s people should not be engaged in esoteric doctrine, unless the Lord, number one, has permitted them to go on to perfection, and then if he has, they have to recognize and find the teacher that he has put them under because you cannot do that by yourself until you are raised up to the level where you can. And if you are raised up to the level where you can, you are going to have students studying under you because Jesus will not waste you. If you have no one studying under you, you need to be under a teacher because it is getting pretty dangerous out there, see.


Kindergarten is over. Nursery school is over. Christ is growing up, and he is not growing up in every -- he is not growing up in every member of humanity, and he is not growing up in every member of the church, and he is not even present in every member of the church, but I believe his seed is present in almost every member of the church. His seed is found in the Holy Spirit, his beginnings, see, and you do not have to speak in tongues to have that seed. What you -- what you need is a passion for Jesus and a passion for his Word. The sign that you desi- -- that you desire him, that is the sign that the seed is there, but, brethren, all seeds do not grow.


Anyone that gardens knows that every seed that you plant does not grow, see. If you have heard the Word of God preached under the anointing, the seeds have fallen on you. The seeds have fallen on many, but they do not all grow. They have to mix with the good earth, and what is the good earth? We are the earth. The earth is the person that desires God and desires truth. That is the good earth, the person that desires the truth of God, you see.


So this ministry, we are so honored with the assignment that the Lord has given us. We are so honored because it is -- it is our job to rescue God’s people who are -- who -- well, it is starting now, but it is go- -- there is going -- brethren, there is going to be a -- there is a big blitz coming. I do not know what else to call it, but what is coming upon the church is a -- is a spirit that is going to produce a desire for esoteric doctrine amongst God’s people, and the majority of them are going to choose the counterfeit doctrine. How do I know that? Because that is the way it works.


I have been -- brethren, I am teaching here for almost 28 years. With a few exceptions, you know, everyone that comes here leaves and runs to the witch, and there are people here today who can give you that testimony. Well, they came back, you see. They come here and they get frightened. What frightens them? What frightens them is that -- is that Cain in them recognizes the true anointing, and he is terrified, and he goes running to his mother, which is the higher wisdom on the other side. You see, brethren, we humans apart from Jesus we are like sheep. We are not capable of taking care of ourselves. We need to understand this.


Listen, I just got back from Minnesota, which is like another planet for me. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] born and raised in New York City, OK. All of my food comes from the supermarket already chopped up, OK. I am -- they are out there in the outdoors, and they are hunting, and they are fishing, and they are -- it is another world to me, you see. So we are driving along the road one day, and this flock of wild turkeys goes running across the road, and Jesse says to me, “Look, the --.” Because I did not even know what they were. I knew they were some kind of bird, but I would not have recognized them as a turkey, to tell you the truth. So Jesse said, “Look, Sheila, those are wild turkeys.”


So in my New York naiveté I said, oh, that is interesting. How do you catch them? Because he said something about eating them, I said, well, how do you catch them if you are going to eat them? So -- he was very gracious. He said -- “Well,” he said, “you get a -- some kind of tool that sounds like the turkey and you hide, and you make this noise, and it goes ‘gobble-gobble.’ And it comes up, and then you just shoot it, and you have to shoot it in the head so that you do not destroy the flesh.”


Brethren, do you know how profound that is that this man, a higher species -- the highest in the animal realm -- hides -- I am not saying there is anything wrong with it -- hide because -- hides and -- because God said we can eat all the food. I am applying it to us -- hides in camouflage and makes a noise that sounds like he is the guy that is -- the turkey that is out of -- the turkey thinks it is another turkey, see. And he gets up close enough so that the man, which is the higher species, shoots him in the head and eats him.


You have got to hear this, brethren, because there is a species that is higher than us, and they are out there hiding in camouflage going “gobble, gobble, gobble,” and all of the sheep of God’s pasture are going closer to see what is making that noise, see. It is happening just here and there right now, but there is a big seduction coming upon the whole world, see, but mostly we are -- upon God’s people.


Oh, but desire for esoteric doctrine. See, it has already started. The way it is manifesting right now -- excuse me -- is by -- as an acceptance of so-called aliens and the books that talk about love affairs with aliens, yeah. It started with that, but it is all f- -- it is still fantasy, you see, and there are some people that will be -- will be resistant towards that. People in the chur- -- we are talking about the church now, brethren. We are talking about why we are -- is God a respecter of persons? No. We are talking about the people who have been elected to manifest the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of all these people that are g- -- responding to the gobble-gobble sound, see. If we do not save the Savior, there is no hope for anybody. We have to save the Savior, if you can hear -- if you can hear what I am saying.


So there are people in the church that will resist this concept of accepting all aliens and marrying them and having love affairs with these winged angels. The people in the church will re- -- the g- -- the true church will resist that lie. So it is the false church -- what is the false church? People that think they are saved but they are not for whatever reason, and then the rest of the world -- actually, the rest of the Western world -- because I do not think the Third World people are going to buy that. I do not think the people that Western culture looks down up and calls them backward or uncivilized or whatever words they have for the natives of the Third World who know all about demons and would never get caught having a love affair with a winged angel, see.


Life is so interesting, brethren, you see. We become so educated that we become a fool, see. You can become so educated that you become a fool. So all the people that cannot read or write, that had never been to school, see, they are not going to get mixed up with the winged angels, you see, but all the educated people, you know, going to Harvard and Yale, they think they are so smart, many of them will get caught if they are not already caught, see. They heard the “gobble-gobble,” and they responded and they have been shot in the head, and they do not even know it, see.


So God’s people, the true church -- the true church is not going to get caught having an affair with a winged angel, you know, or an unwinged angel. They know evil when they see it. Where are they going to get caught? They are going to get caught -- where are they going to get caught? Where are they going to get caught? Where are God’s people going to get caught? In their intellect. They are going to get caught in their intellect, you see.


Actually, it has been going on already for years, but the Lord cuts it off before anyone gets really hurt. It started years ago with ultimate reconciliation. There are people today still preaching ultimate reconciliation, but they are not possessed by evil angels. You know, God says, “All right, kids, play your game. I have -- I have -- my truth is out there now.” And if you are still so full of pride, whatever the consequences are of believing false doctrine, you know, the Lord is winking at it, you see, but there is a big wave of seduction coming, brethren, see.


Some people, they are already interested in what some preachers are preaching about giants, you know, and all this. People are interested in spiritual things, you see, and there is going to come a group of people from within the church that are going -- and they are already looking into higher doctrine. Brethren, it has been going on for years, but it was just one or two, see, and what came out of it was ultimate reconciliation -- false doctrine, you see.


So I have shared with you the Kab- -- the Kabbalah -- Kabbalistic parable of Pardes. Pardes, it is an acronym the letters of which describe the four levels -- the four ways of understanding the Scripture -- the literal, the [?sormonic?], the moral and the esoteric, you see. So what does that mean? It means that when you understand the Scripture on four levels you enter into the garden. What garden?  The Garden of Eden.


What was there, Sheila? You are saying there was no Garden of Eden on the earth? Well, I do not know. There probably was. See, I tell you this all the time, see. I do- -- I am not looking -- I mean, maybe it is true; maybe it is not. I do not care if there was or is a Garden of Eden in the earth. I am looking for the spiritual core. I know that when I find the spiritual core or the spiritual root -- when I find that in my mind, in my understanding, it will lead me to the reflection in this image -- in the -- this world, which is an image. I will be led to the correct image. I do not go -- if you look for the image first, you may not be able to tell the difference between the image of the reality or the image of the seduction. They are going to look the same. They are going to sound the same. It may not even be possible for you to tell the difference.


So I am not looking for that. If I heard that the Garden of Eden was for sure located, I would not get on a plane and run. I want the core of it. I want the root of it. I want the knowledge of it through the Lord Jesus Christ. If he directs me there, so be it; if not, I am not running. Did not [sic] Jesus say, “Do not look here and do not look there”? “They are going to tell you ‘He is coming here,’ ‘He is coming there.’” He said, “No, behold the Kingdom of God is within you.” Do not go running, see, but God could send you. Do not be a fool and refuse to go because God did not send -- because you think God did not send you.


If you hear that there are miracles in the church down the street, I would say, “Lord, can I go? Do you have a miracle for me there?” I have needs that have not been met. I do not have -- I do not have a full -- a full array of spiritual power. You have all heard my testimony about casting out demons. I cannot cast out demons anymore. We went to that conference in May, and one of the brethren who really, really needed deliverance, got deliverance in that church, and she was afraid. I do not believe she was aware of it or not, but I was. She did not want to hurt my feelings, so she was saying, “That woman who prayed for me, she was really powerful. Oh, and you were powerful too, Sheila.” No, I was not. No, I was not. I do not have any authority to cast out demons, you see. That woman had a Pentecostal anointing.


All of my energy today is going into esoteric doctrine. So if the Lord tells me, Sheila -- or anyone here in this ministry that needs deliverance that there is a j- -- a preacher down the street that has that anointing, if the Lord says you can go, I will go with you, see, but I am going for the core. I am going in. I am going in. I am not running here and running there. When I get that core, I cannot fail, you see, and when I am fully merged with that core, all power will be here, but there is no pride here. I am not there yet. So if the other guy has it, and the Lord says I can partake of that preacher, I am going.


So there is a -- there is a group of people -- members of the church that have been interested in esoteric doctrine for years. They went to sonship. They went to reconciliation. I -- you know, I think there are still a couple of ministries preaching reconciliation, but basically it is fallen flat. Esoteric doctrine in the church, as far as I know, has fallen flat. Why? Because God was not in it, you see. So it was like -- sort of like God let us test the waters, but he had a ceiling there. He says, “You cannot go any further. I am not going to let you go any further, because I am not about to turn my people who are sheeple [sic] over to the intelligences of the other side. I am not going to do that until --.”


You have to hear this, brethren. Jesus said, “I am not going to open the door that would let my curious and spiritually hungry people go into the waters where they -- where they could actually be caught by these higher intelligences until --.” Does anyone know until what? Anybody? Until what? 




No. No.


Can you say the question again?


Yes. I said Jesus -- well, I said that aspects of the church has been dabbling in advanced -- I will not say esoteric, but advanced doctrine for years now, but the Lord put a ceiling on it. He said -- it is -- “You can test the waters, but I am not going to let you go far enough, my people, that you will be captured by these intelligences that literally want to possess you until -- I am going to -- I am not going to -- I am going to seal you off, OK, from the height that will expose you to the intelligences from the other side.” I said the Lord said that, that that is -- he is sealing the door until -- because he is about to open the door -- until what? “I am going to keep you protected from your own curiosity until --.”


Until the time of the new age when it is time to move on? [CROSSTALK]


Well, no. It is a -- it is a specific answer. What would make them safe? “I am not going to open that door until I know that --.” Well, OK, I am going to tell you.


Until he comes?


No. No. “I am not going to open the --.” Well, that is close. “I am not going to open that door to the real spiritual plane where you can really get hurt until my truth is available on a parallel level so that you can choose. I am not going to let you go out into that spiritual world when the only esoteric doctrine is Sophia’s doctrine,” --




-- see. “So I am raising up the truth for you, you see, and everyone that calls up on my name --.” The Scripture says everyone that calls upon his name will be saved. Everyone that claims that they are going on to esoteric doctrine in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be brought to the ministry or the work of the ministry that has the truth, see, and now God cannot be condemned. The truth is out. We are on the Internet. We are on YouTube. We have books. We have websites. And the Lord is faithful. He will bring you to the truth, but he will not force you to choose the truth, and he will bring you when you are right on the cusp, you are right on the verge of making that big mistake of choosing the wrong intelligence. 


Brethren, no matter what kind of mess we get into, God is righteous. It is always our fault. It is always our fault. He is faithful. He said if you call upon his name, you will be saved. That is an ongoing principle. It is not a -- you are not saved one time. Every mistake you are about to make we hope to get saved from. I hope to get saved from every misstep, see. If you call upon his name, you will be saved from it, but if you think you know the answer all by yourself, if you do not need him, he is not responding. If you do not call, he is not responding. You have to call, see.


So it is already started, but it is just a trickle, see, but it is coming very soon, the floodgates -- the Lord is opening the door. He is opening the door. He is no longer going to be restraining the curiosity for spiritual doctrine within his people, see, and he is going to be bringing people who are -- who love him and who he loves but are making a mistake -- he is going to be bringing them to the truth, and whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved from Sophia. And how do you call upon the name of the Lord? You have to say, “Lord, I cannot tell the difference. Is this spirit you,” you see. “I cannot do it without you.” And then when he tells you, “No, that is not me. The other guy that you had this really bad reaction to --.”


What is their name? Oh, something like Christ-centered. Something like that, you know. I do not know. I went into that site or I met that person, and, I do not know, Lord. I had this really bad feeling. People have told me “I feel such fear when I read your material,” you know, so I do not know, Lord, yeah, see. Everyone who truly calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Everyone else is going to respond to the “gobble-gobble” and be shot in the head and become dinner.


So today -- the message for today is the fruit of an encounter that I have had with a man who is embracing the false doctrine of the other side, and what is the other side? It is his own higher consciousness, you see. We have a conscious mind, a subconscious mind, an unconscious mind and a superconscious mind, a mind -- a consciousness that does not come from within ourselves, but that descends into us from a higher principality. The superconsciousness of the Christian is the Lord Jesus Christ, see, but there is another side out there, and we are calling her Sophia now, meaning the Greek word for wisdom, who would like to join with God’s people saying, “I am Jesus. Let me join with you,” and then when she joins with you, when you believe the false doctrine, she kills Christ in you.


Well, first she joins herself to Cain. Well, actually, she joins herself to -- I have to get my names straight. I think it is -- Satan and Cain are really one. Cai- -- Satan is Cain’s mother. It is just a -- I am -- I do not really have it straight, but it is, like, Satan -- it is, like, Cain is likened unto Christ, and Satan maybe would be Christ Jesus. I am not really sure, but Satan is within the individual. Cain is within the individual. Then the higher principality comes and joins with Satan, who is joined to Cain, and they are all one, see. And then when they are to- -- when the -- when the person is deceived and that union takes place, they kill Christ, see. They kill Christ in that person.


So the Lord Jesus is raising up his army of teachers and spiritual warriors to try and save his people who are being seduced. Now, part of the problem is that they have not been taught properly in the church, but nothing is perfect, you know. God is always our source of the truth, and I have to believe if anybody gets caught that God has done everything to save them, and they have not listened because of their pride.


So, you see, we are talking about spiritual pride. We are talking about Christians that most likely are not in any kind of sin. Although today the church is in a lot of sin. Let us give them the benefit of the doubt. OK, they are not in fornication. They are not in adultery. They are not stealing. The big sin in the chur- -- in that group of people is pride, spiritual pride, that they think that they have arrived. It will destroy us, see.


We need to know who we are, brethren. We are the horse, but when we -- when we -- when we finally get it straight in our head who we are -- Jesus said it this way. “You can do nothing without me.” He said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Without me you can do nothing.” So who do you think you are? What makes you think Jesus is your copilot, you see? So when you believe the words of our Lord and you know that we can do nothing without him, then we have the opportunity to stay very humble and be brought to the place where we can do everything, see.


But you cannot make -- fool yourself and maybe you could fool me, but you cannot fool Jesus. He is the discerner of the intents of your heart, of your motives, and if it is not true that you know that you can do nothing without him, which means whatever power you might appear to have at this time, you can lose it in one second if he takes it away from you, or if he departs from you, it is all over. You not only can lose it, but you can die.


If you know that and you walk in that -- in the humility that that knowledge will reduce you to, he will give you everything. He will give you eternal life. He will give you power over life and death. He will make you great in his Kingdom, but if you forget this truth, that the only reason you can do anything is because he has attached himself to you and he can remove himself at any time that he wants to, you are in great danger, you see. And I -- the church does not seem to have this revelation. Maybe one person here or there, but it is not being taught. Is anybody here being taught? No. 


So the message today is about an encounter that I had with a man who was dabbling in esoteric doctrine. He is a very nice man, and his wife is a very nice lady, and I like both of them. He is very friendly, appears to be kind from what I have seen so far, but he is having a lot of problems believing what I am telling him, that the esoteric knowledge that he has is not coming from the Lord Jesus, see, and the principality, the intelligence that is teaching him and enabling him to speak esoteric doctrine has tried to kill me more than once. Now, the truth of the matter is if that principality could succeed, God forbid, in killing anybody through that man, that he -- the man would be guilty of murder. He would have that sin on his -- on his conscience.


Years ago there were -- I heard about a situation where someone with a true multiple personality disorder one of the personalities murdered somebody, but it was not the primary personality. The primary personality was put on trial, and his defense was that it was -- a doctor confirmed multi- -- other -- an alternate personality that did the murder, but it was that body, those hands that did it, and the man was punished. The success -- the defense was not successful. So if -- this very nice man who claims to love the Lord Jesus, if the principality that has laid hold of him would have succeeded in killing me, the sin would have been on his shoulders, you see.


So, brethren, we are entering into a very interesting time in the history of the church. Now I started to tell you about -- to remind you about Pardes because I preached about it a lot. There are four possible -- well, let me s- -- let me pick it up. Pardes meaning the four different levels on which we can understand the Scripture. When you can understand the Scripture on all four levels --


And none of them can be separated. You see, you cannot understand the esoteric or the spiritual understanding or the -- of the Scripture or the mysteries of the Scripture if you do not know the letter or if you do not understand the moral laws or the way the Scripture is used to give us good character. You cannot separate your spiritual understanding of the Scripture from your moral understanding of the Scripture, from the history of the Scripture, from the parables of the Scripture, [?no?], or just from the deeper understanding of the letter. You cannot separate it. If you have esoteric knowledge or esoteric doctrine and you do not have the other three, the chances are, like, ni- -- like, 99 percent that you are not hearing from the Lord Jesus because he represents the Word of God to us. Actually, Adam Kadmon is the Word of God, you know, and the Lord Jesus reveals Adam Kadmon to us. He is -- Jesus is the Son of God. Adam Kadmon is the Word of God, you know.


So I encourage you all, you know, to abide in the Word. Nobody knows the whole Word. We need to stay in the letter of the Word, you see, because you cannot separate them, and everybody loves the spiritual teaching of the Word, but you cannot separate it. You will be caught. You will respond to the “gobble-gobble,” and you will be shot in the head and consumed by a higher species that is now flooding into the earth.


So back to Pardes. Pardes means the garden. It is the return to the garden. The garden is spiritual. It is in your mind. The garden that the Lord -- that the Lord enters into according to the Book of Solomon, it is the mind of the individual. It is the whole individual. We are the garden, primarily the mind. He wants to enter in and eat of our sweet spices. He wants to partake of his union with us however he experiences that. It is likened unto -- it is likened unto a marriage or a f- -- or a feast or a -- he said, “You have to eat my flesh and drink my blood.” We become -- I become him, and he becomes me, [?OK?].


So the Garden of Eden is spiritual. Now, maybe it did have a material manifestation, they say in Africa. You know, I have no problem with that. It is going to have a material manifestation in the future, probably right here, but that is not the real garden. That is the image of the garden. Brethren, you cannot get into this garden from the outside. You have to rise up from the midst of it. You see, there are those Cherubim with flaming swords on the outside. You cannot get past it. You could only enter in through the spiritual door which is in the midst of it. You have to go down under. Or you -- if you try to get through the perimeter, which would be the image on this world, you cannot get through.


You see, we have been talking somewhat about the flat earth in this ministry recently, and we are told that the perimeter of the -- of the earth is a -- is a -- is a -- an ice mass, that the earth is a disc, and it is surrounded by a mass of ice that you cannot get to the other side. You cannot get to the other side from the image. You have got to go down into the spiritual waters and come up in the -- on the other side, you see.


The Lord was talking to me last week. To be honest with you, I do not recall what -- how we got into the subject, but he reminded me, and I could see the image that I drew. I drew it when we still -- when I was still drawing on the white board all those years ago. The Hebrew children at the peak of Mt. Sinai, they -- the ones that were still in the Egyptian mystery religion. In that image there were two -- I drew two peaks. You cannot cross over from Egyptian mystery religion -- from a high place in Egyptian mystery religion to a high place in God. You have to go down to the base of the mountain and cross over on the land and then rise up into the high peak in the -- if you want to get to the high peak of God, you see. When you are at the high place of God and you fall, you cross right over to the high place on the other side, but when you are coming from the other side, you cannot just cross over from peak to peak. You have to go down to the bottom. You have to start getting educated God’s way, and you have to deal with your sins, and then you rise up, you see.


So Pardes means the garden, and the parable talks about the four possible experiences that we can have. One man -- and these were all rabbis, of course. These were rabbis. These were deeps scholars -- Bible scholars. This parable is not for the baby Christian. This parable is for the mature Christian that is interested in esoteric doctrine, see. One person died. What happened? He was so spiritual, he was reaching so high for the esoteric doctrine that he left his body and could not get back. And as the Lord was telling me to start the message this way this morning, it just struck me that that was what happened to Lazarus.


Now, when I first -- there wa- -- actually, it was quite a few years ago I had this revelation about Lazarus, that -- I mean, it had to be at least 5 to 10 years ago because it was before the Lord -- brethren, he -- I do not know where each of you are, but what the Lord has done with me these last few years, the spiri- -- the degree of spirituality that he has brought forth in me is mindboggling, and it is analogous to the spiritual knowledge that has come forth. You have all heard it. So wherever your growth is, I do not know. I do not measure you, but the opportunity to become highly spiritual has been awesome in this ministry for the last couple of years [INAUDIBLE].


So I remember at that time when I was thinking about Lazarus -- what, 5, 10 years ago, who knows? -- and I said, I bet you -- I bet you Jesus had his disciples meditating or something like that, and Lazarus, he just got into some high spiritual place, and he could not find his way back, you know. So I had that revelation years ago, you see, and now it comes home. He must have been, Lazarus. That is what he was doing. He was so -- brethren, spiritual experiences and spiritual knowledge is a -- is ad- -- almost -- it is addictive. If you do it in Christ, it is O- -- it is addi- -- for me it is addictive, but if you do it in God, it is OK because nothing bad comes out of it. If you are doing it to build your own ego, then you have got a problem. If you are doing it because you love Jesus and you love the truth and you want it only from him, have at it. You can never be satisfied, [INAUDIBLE]. There is always something new and fresh for you.


So that was Lazarus. He was -- he was so excited over what Jesus was teaching them that either he was meditating or he was -- howe- -- whe- -- he was studying, however he was pursing it, he just got so high that he left his body, and he did not get back in time, and his body died because his soul did not get back in time. You can only stay out of your body so long, and then it starts to die, and then you cannot get back in. Or to get back in, you have to -- in this realm it appears that you were raised from the dead. So it is very hard to get back in. It is a whole different ballgame to get back in while the body is alive as when the body is dead, see. So that was what happened to Lazarus. He died.


See, any Kabbalist reading the New Testament would recognize that immediately, and it is such a tragedy for these ca- -- these e- -- spiritually educated Jews that they just -- they j- -- they just -- that they cannot find Jesus. It is just a tragedy. The New Testament is all Kabbalah. You see, it is all eso- -- it is all esoteric. It was what happened to Lazarus. He was studying the esoteric doctrine that Jesus was teaching them, and he was not grounded, and he could not get back, you know. See, there has to be something that calls you back. And you -- in this world, it is a -- it is a -- it is the family, you see. Now, it could be a natural family, but I think it is supposed to be a spiritual family.


What is -- what grounds me? I have to preach here twice a week. It completely grounds me. I have obligations in this world. If you do not have obligations in this world, and you just study and study and study and have spiritual experiences, you can actually leave your body and not get back in time to stop it from dying. So we need obligations in this world. You cannot just be spiritual and flying around out there because your body will die.


And supposedly, according to the Kabbalists, that is what happened to Nadab and Abihu, and the Bible says that they offered strange fire. And the Kabbalists say what that means is that they went beyond the instruction of the Lord. See, they were high priests. Nadab and Abihu, they were Aaron’s son -- sons, and they had instructions and responsibilities to the congregation of Israel, but they were chasing after this esoteric doctrine. It is just enthralling, you know, so exciting, OK, and they did not res- -- keep their responsibility to the congregation of Israel, and their bodies died.


Now, as the parable goes, I do not have any problem with believing it. I believe it. Unless the Lord would tell me it is not true, I believe it, that their soul -- that their bodies died, but their consciousness was floating around in a disembodied state. What does that mean? It means their personality were saved and that it joined with the personality of Phineas, and they came together and eventually became Elijah -- acquired the office -- we were told that Elijah is an office, you see. So they were so attached to God their personality were saved -- their personality being the Nefesh, the lowest grade of soul that is in your blood. So Lazarus was floating around outside of his body, and he could not get back in until Jesus raised his body from the dead [INAUDIBLE].


So you could die, you know, or one of the other rabbis lost his mind. He went crazy [INAUDIBLE]. Some of these truths are very hard to deal with, you know. You have to be able to le- -- to -- you need to be able to cleave to the reali- -- you see, to the reality of this world. What does it mean that he went crazy? It means that his consciousness so was involved in the spiritual world that he could not function in this world anymore.


So when I tell you that I look like a fool to the world -- I sit here and I preach these incredible messages [INAUDIBLE], and then I get up from behind this desk, and I look like a fool to the world. I cannot remember what I did. Stupid things come out of my mouth. I forget things. I forget something that I just told you. I -- it is -- I am having a problem functioning in the -- in this world with my mind in this high place. I am in two different places at the same time, and I look like a fool sometimes with the things that I say or do in this world.


So you cannot be deceived by the silly things that I do and say sometimes because it does not change who I am, and I am a heavy-hitter in the spiritual plane of the Lord Jesus Christ, you see. Do not be deceived by the -- by the foolish veneer that surrounds me, which is really a protection for me. [INAUDIBLE] it is a protection for me. The Lord does not want anyone to know who I am other than the few that are here. See, maybe even you [INAUDIBLE]. It is a challenge for you. Do not stumble over me, you see. Be careful not to stumble over me.


So one died, OK. One got s- -- is -- got his mind so involved in spiritual things that he could no longer function in this world, and this world recognized him or diagnosed him as being insane, and the third guy was a heretic. He came away and -- with false doctrine, see. Most likely, I think his pride was in there, that he had all of this esoteric knowledge with the wrong motive, and that is what happens to you when you ha- -- lay hold of all of this esoteric knowledge with a wrong motive. When you -- when you -- when your motive is to make yourself great, then you cannot possibly -- brethren, neither you nor me, none of us, we cannot possibly hold onto the truth of this doctrine if our true motive is to glorify ourselves. It is not possible to have a wrong motive and speak the truth of God because Jesus is the truth.


So Christ is the truth in us. When we are -- when we are exalting ourselves, it is no longer Christ speaking through us, but our fallen nature, OK -- Satan, Cain, whatever the right word is these days, OK, and when it is Cain or Satan preaching knowledge that we have acquired -- we may have legitimately acquired it, and then one day there is a switch in our nature, and Satan starts preaching the doctrine. She cannot possibly get it straight. Only Christ can preach the truth. So when you see that someone is preaching esoteric doctrine and it is twisted, you know that it is not coming out of Christ.


But how do you know that it is twisted if you do not know the true doctrine and if you do not know the true doctrine out of the Spirit of Truth in you, which is Christ? So the only person that can discern the man who is preaching esoteric doctrine from the wrong spirit, is the person who is co- -- who is manifesting Christ in their consciousness -- in their conscious mind. When Christ is manifesting in your conscious mind, you are the only person that can look at esoteric doctrine that sounds just like -- sounds really good and say, “No. No, that is not what Jesus taught me, and I know what he taught me, and I am approved of God to do this, and that is not true, and only a false teacher could have given you that,” you see.


So there are -- we may be the only ones here -- I keep telling you. I looked for years for other people learning this doctrine, and the best that I found was someone here or someone there that knows this point or that knows that point. I have not met anyone that has received the unfolding revelation that is available here, see. If there are other people doing it, it is fine with me. I just have not found them, have not found a website that revealed it, have not been led to a person. So I believe we are the only ones because it is God’s choice that we should be the only ones. We have been elected to this min- -- to this function. Jesus can do that if he wants to [INAUDIBLE].


So -- and the fourth person that went into Pardes, he came out -- he came back. He came back with his mind intact, and he had true doctrine. Never -- and I am told that he opened up yeshivas. That is the Hebrew word for s- -- for schools of learning. He opened up yeshivas and had thousands of disciples, OK, but years later -- years later -- he failed. What happened years later? I think he had thous- -- I am sorry. I do not remember the number -- thousands of disciples -- 42,000, something like that -- and they all died in one night. All of his disciples died. And this is -- this is legend, whether or not it is actually true or not. Something like that I would think was probably true. I heard -- I heard this from the rabbi, OK. They all died in one night, [INAUDIBLE]. Some plague came on them, and they all died.


So what does Kabbalah say the reason was that for they all died now? And what they will tell -- what -- well, the story that the rabbi tells -- and I think it really happened because it is a holiday. They fast and they mourn for all of Rabbi Akiva’s disciples who died in one night, and the st- -- as the story goes, they did not treat each other kindly, see. So what are you talking about, Sheila? The -- as the story goes, they did not treat each other kindly, and a judgment was made in a high spiritual place. You cannot possess esoteric doctrine and mistreat other people, especially other students of the mysteries. And they all died in one night. Judgment fell, and Rabbi Akiva was martyred. He was skinned alive by the Romans, I believe.


So there was still something wrong, even though one came out. He survived with his mind intact and with true doctrine and became a great teacher. Something still went wrong. All of his students died, and he was skinned alive, see. So what that says to me -- I do not -- I do not know what the rabbi would say. What that says to me is that Rabbi Akiva and his students, they went a lot further than the other three rabbis that entered into Pardes, but for all intents and purposes they failed also because it does not really matter whether you enter into -- what is entering into Pardes? You enter into the study of esoteric doctrine.


What is the difference between the person that enters -- if you start in a class -- OK, let us say there are two people in the class. What is the difference between the person -- one person in the class sins and the Lord removes them from the class within a year or within a day or a week or a month, and the other person stays in the class for 20, 30 or 40 years and then they sin and God removes them? From a spiritual point of view, brethren, there is no difference. From a spiritual point of view, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] time -- God is not affected by time. Righteousness is not affect by time, see.


So for all intents and purposes, there is no difference, you see, and the only way that we can enter into this class -- enter into this garden and not end up like -- our best hope would be Rabbi Akiva. Why would our best hope be Rabbi Akiva? Because he came out alive. He was -- he was sane, and he had true doctrine, see. So that is our best hope of the four rabbis that entered into Pardes, see, but I do not like their end, you see, especially the part about being skinned alive. I do not mind too much dying in one night from a plague, but I would be the one that is skinned alive, see.


So we are -- we cannot do it without Christ, you see. That is what it says. You cannot do it without Christ. You cannot do it without a righteous nature. You cannot do what? You cannot return to the garden without a righteous nature. Even if you make it for 20, 30 or 40 years, justice will catch up with you. So maybe the angels do not cast you down for 20, 30 or 40 or 50 years because you look good, but the day of judgment will come. What day of judgment? When the motives and intents of your heart are tested and when they are found unrighteous. And everybody is unrighteous. No one is good. No not one, and you are all going to die, and I am going to be skinned alive for teaching you all. So you better all not -- you better all pass the test because I do not want to be skinned alive.


So, brethren, we are on a spiritual journey, but I -- what the Lord really wanted me to emphasize to you today was the enormity of what he is doing here, and this is how he asked me to explain it to you. What I would say to a Jewish person if they asked me or if I had the opportunity to say to the- -- to talk to them -- what I would tell them about the New Testament is this, that the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament -- excuse me -- is that the Old Testament -- the Old Testament was the foundation -- the foundation that prepares a person to -- how do I say this? It is the foundation that prepares the mind to be restored to the immortality of innocence.


The Old Testament is a book of righteousness, a book of requirements, a book of the law, a book of examples of people who were righteous and people who were unrighteous. It is a schoolbook for spiritual life, see. It is an introduction to spiritual life and a schoolbook as to what God requires and how to recognize -- how to distinguish between righteousness and unrighteousness within people, but you really cannot understand it without a teacher because anybody just picking -- I was that -- one of those people. I just picked up the Bible, and I said, what in the world is this? And I only understand it to the degree I do because I have a teacher. I have a spiritual teacher. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. I could never have learned this by just -- you do not learn this by just reading the Bible, you see.


Now, the New Testament is so exciting if you understand what it is. The New Testament is about the first man -- the first man -- the first descendent of Noah since the Fall -- the first man that was restored not only to the immortality of innocence, but to invincibility. He could never die again. He is the f- -- the New Testament is about a man who experienced the Old Testament. Jesus is a man born of a woman and a father -- he had a father. Joseph was his father -- was the father of the s- -- of that physical body, you see. Jesus was a man who experienced what is taught in the Old Testament. He experienced the perfection of righteousness, and when righteousness was perfected in him, he was rescued from this prison planet where everybody dies. How absolutely exciting, you see! And his mind escaped before his body escaped. He started with the escape of his soul -- the escape of his mind, and then his body -- the escape of his body followed [INAUDIBLE].


And now what is happening now 2,000 years later? What Jesus is doing now is he is opening this process to the masses. Well, Sheila, did he not do that 2,000 years ago? What are you talking about? No, he did not do it 2,000 years ago. He opened the reception area 2,000 years ago. He opened the first step. He opened the possibility to put your toe in the water and start to experience the righteousness of the Scripture because men do not have to experience unrighteousness.


We are born unrighteous. We are all unrighteous, but because of Jesus, men everywhere now by his name have the opportunity to begin to experience true righteousness. There was no true righteousness in the earth before Jesus was glorified after the Fall. There was no true righteousness. I -- let me put it this way. No true lasting righteousness that could never be unraveled in a -- in a man, in a human body -- no permanent source of righteousness. God touched people, and they had moments of righteousness. We all experience that now, moments of pure righteousness, but it comes and it goes for God’s purposes, see.


Jesus was the first man to have the Old Testament fully manifested in his life. He is a, when he wants to be, walking, talking, breathing, thinking expression, an image of everything -- of the entire spiritual principles upon which this book is written. And when he was resurrected, he made it possible for people to enter into the reception area because all of this growth, which is likened in the Scripture to a ladder by which we can climb up into heaven, is manifested through mind. So the beginning has to be an understanding of the textbook.


Brethren, there is no return to immortality, to the only legal immortality which is in Christ Jesus -- there is no access of that immortality apart from the knowledge of the Word of God, and you start with the letter of the Word. So anyone -- brethren, we do not really know what kind of a seduction is coming upon the earth. Anything is possible. You need to know that anyone that tells you that they have immortality and they do not -- they do not acknowledge this Bible and they do not know this Word and they -- and you do not have reason to believe that they are coming out of this Word, they are phonies. There is no immortality; there is no spiritual excensio- -- ascension; there is no esoteric knowledge -- nothing that is real other than that which arises out of this book, but you need to know this book on all four levels.


So now 2,000 years later, God is opening the door to the same experience that Jesus had, and, no, it was not available 2,000 years ago. The only thing that was available 2,000 years ago was the reception area because ascension -- spiritual ascension and immortality arise out of a mind -- a mind that can experience the spiritual source that wrote this book. There is a Spirit that wrote this book. There is a power -- a power that we could never fully comprehend in our present state that manifested itself down here in this world in the form of a book, and if you want to reduce it to the lowest common denominator, what this book is, a hand- -- it is a hand- -- it is a handbook in righteousness and a handbook that contrasts righteousness against unrighteousness so that we can tell the difference.


Jesus became a living, walking, talking, breathing expression of the man and how he acts and what he does when he is fully imbued and controlled by righteousness. That is who -- that is who Jesus was in the days of his flesh, an example of how we act, behave and think when our inner man is the righteous one, OK, and the church has not seen that. The church has done good things, but righteousness in the church? No. How do I know? They still died. Everyone still died.


So a new age is beginning, and the Lord is now making it possible for members of his church to go further and pursue the course that Jesus pursued, the end result being, if we make it, return to immortality, OK, and it is all through doctrine and all through understanding. It is all through the mind, and it is about doctrine, and it is specifically about esoteric doctrine.


And the fallen woman who has made herself god -- who is in fact the god of this world is appearing in this world as esoteric doctrine, and she is appearing in the church as esoteric doctrine, and we have been raised up to preach the true doctrine and to -- and to do everything that we could possibly do to rescue God’s people who have embraced the false doctrine -- or the false wisdom of the woman because we are talking about wisdom. Esoteric doctrine is wisdom. It is called wisdom -- spiritual wisdom.


So that is what this message is about. All this was an introduction. I never prayed my warfare prayer, but I guess what we all need to know is that when we approach people there is going to be great hatred, see -- great hatred and great rejection from people that would never knowingly allow themselves to hurt you. This was my introduction there.


The -- I have ha- -- I have ha- -- I have had an experience with a man, a believer who is walking under the authority of Sophia and he does not know it, and I tried to tell him, and he did not get it. I told him once, and that is -- and he did not get it, and I wrote him another letter, and I do not -- I think he got it. I think he knows that I am telling him that he -- his doctrine is false and that it was given to him by a wrong spirit, and I think he is very angry. Now, is he angry in the natural? I do not know, but it -- the -- Sophia is very angry, you see, and maybe he himself is very angry, OK.


So the Lord made me -- the Lord told me -- I have to think it was the Lord because I spent almost two days doing nothing but working on the an- -- writing to this man, and I have made it into a book. This book is not finished. You know, it needs more work, so I have sent you a copy of it. We will be looking at what I had to say to him. I have called it “Sophia: Experiencing 2nd Thessalonians, Chapter 2” because what the Lord had me do was translate 2 Thessalonians 2 for this man, and it exactly -- exactly -- expresses this ministry of a son of God trying to rescue him by showing him the true doctrine and being up against his pride. And either he is going to take the victory and destroy the principalities in himself or --


I do not know what is going to happen to him, but what I am trying to tell you is that we are entering into a new stage of ministry. We are entering into a stage of ministry that, as far as I know, only Jesus and maybe the disciples -- the apostles experienced. We are going -- I think -- I know Paul experienced it. I do not know about the others. We are going to be sent to individuals, and they are going to reject us and hate us, and the powers behind them are really deadly because --


The point being, in order for them to have the false esoteric doctrine, we are dealing -- we are not dealing with their carnal mind anymore. The carnal mind is Satan, Leviathan and Cain in an individual. We are not dealing with their carnal mind anymore. We are dealing with a unified power. We are dealing with a disembodied power joining to the carnal mind of a man. We are talking about -- it is a heavy spiritual power here. So it is no longer the carnal mind, so that is why I am saying Sophia. It is no longer the carnal mind that we are dealing with when we come up against something like this. We are dealing against real spiritual power.


And so I would like to go through the book with you. I am just hesitating now because I think there is more that I am supposed to say to you, but I do not know what it is at the moment. So I am sort of just treading water with you. This book is going to be a LEM book. We will pu- -- be publishing the book. It is a LEM book, but this message is a CCK message, OK. Is that not -- is that not cute? I like that. I love doing these covers. My pride and joy doing these covers.


OK. Lord, what else did you want me to tell the brethren before we start actually looking at the book? Yeah. Yeah, I wanted to give you a brief exhortation on the principle that I found here. Now, this is 2 Thessalonians 2. This is talking about the Man of Sin being revealed and Jesus coming and destroying him with the brightness of his coming. It is a very dramatic chapter, and I am not satisfied with the word “dramatic.” I just cannot find the word that I want to use. I find that -- and I have told you this before. I have never really emphasized it, but I have told you this before that when we deal with esoteric doctrine or dreams the language is so dramatic and intense that it is almost on the one hand shocking and on the other hand almost undiscernable [sic] the way it plays out in the natural.


Those of you listening to me, even if you have to look it up, you should have some idea of what I am talking about, 2 Thessalonians with the Man of Sin being revealed, you know, the -- all of the wickedness and Jesus coming and destroying him and -- the way that whole chapter, Thessalonians 2, is playing out in my life today and in the life of this man, whose name, obviously, I will not put on the message -- the whole way that it is playing out is through an exchange -- an exchange of some words and some letters based upon doctrine. Calm, peaceful in the natural. He is writing me a letter telling me he was celebrating his first wedding anniversary and making light of it, you know, and just -- you know, just two people having an exchange of ideas either by word or by letter is the outplaying in this world of the dramatic and dynamic events that are described in 2 Thessalonians 2. How could that possibly be?


Now, I have known for years that esoteric doctrine and dreams and the way things are written -- maybe I am not even saying it right -- the way things are written in the Scripture -- the way things are written -- OK, the -- it does not have to be esoteric doctrine -- the way things are written in the Scripture where they actually play out in our lives. They are so mild compared to the terminology used in the Scripture that without the mind of God it would -- they would never be recognized. So this message today is really important. We are going to see a man and his interaction with me that is actually ex- -- is the experience of Thessalonians 2.


So what I tried to tell you -- I do not think I got it out -- that Jesus, he was the first man to experience the Scripture. He personally experienced what is written in this book, and that is what God is starting to do here now, that we should personally experience what is written in this book. [?OK.?] And I am personally -- and you with me -- personally experiencing 2 Thessalonians 2 through my correspondence with this man, which on the surface is mild and friendly, but in the spiritual plane there is b- -- a contract been put out on my life.


Now, I had a memory this morning of a man who really -- who I -- who verbally told me that he hates me. At the time, he verbally said it. It was not a discernment that he hates me. As far as I know, he and his wife prayed against me for years. He told me that if he had anything to say about it I would not be allowed in the house, but it was not his house. Told his children -- forbade his children to talk to me all based upon my doctrine. Never did anything to the man, OK. And I think that he let up, you know, when his mother died. OK. I think as long as his mother was alive he and his wife, both of them, were praying against me every day, and she died a couple of years ago.


Well, he came to my mind this morning telling me that he hates me, and I said, Lord, you know, why should that man be coming to my mind? And I did not realize until I sat down here that it is not him, but it is somebody that is hating me to the degree that that man hated me, and he verbalized it more than once. So is it the man that I am having this dialogue with or is it somebody else? I do not know, but I know that I have not done anything to anybody. It is all spiritual, see. So we see that the disembodied conscious -- consciousness in the invisible planes can be very violent and very peaceful and -- well, it is very peaceful in this world until you die, you know, or until they succeed in smiting you and you become ill, see.


So I said to the Lord -- and I got the answer, you know. These last couple of days I said, Lord, I do not know -- I do not know how to deal with this, that this kind of dramatics and intensity in the Scripture or in dreams or in esoteric doctrine, that it could be so violent, and yet it is playing out in this world as a simple dialogue and a s- -- as a simple exchange of ideas. When I keep that in mind and I look at other portions of the Scripture that are all about murder and violence and destruction and -- how am I supposed to believe that? Am I supposed to believe that it is really going to play out that way, or is it going to play out in a mild way such as this dialogue between two people, see? I -- what am I to expect?


And then I see -- I look at the world today, and I had -- I had wanted to give you some time for the political -- to discuss the political situation, but the Lord did not let me do it today. I look at the world and all of these preachers talking about, you know, a third world war and atomic bombs coming to America and all of these really bad things happening. They seem to be getting this information from what they read in the letter of the Word. So I have questioned that for a long time. I have told you what the Lord told me, that we are to believe the message that God gives us that the Kingdom of God is coming and that spiritual ascension is in the works, and I am -- and everything that I am telling you here, that we are to focus on the positive doctrine, and yet every day I read the news, and all of this other bad stuff -- we are being threatened with all this other bad stuff, specifically nuclear war, see.


I do not know what to do with that, and then the question was -- well, I do -- I have that understanding that we are supposed to focus on God’s message and hope that Christ Jesus will stand up in us in time to implement his vision or to impress his vision in the clay in this world, which would wipe out the vision of Sophia. That is Sophia’s vision for the world, see. So we have to hope that because we do not seem to have the power to do it, although I see changes coming in the country -- exciting changes coming in the country. I believe that we have something to do with that, but I do not see any power here at this time to completely change the whole dynamic of the world into -- in the direction that it is going.


So I said, well, what do I do? And then I said, well -- because I just read in Isaiah the other day -- I read in Isaiah that the earth was going to be burned and very few would survive, and I said, Lord, that is Isaiah, and here I am receiving instruction from you to believe your message and your doctrine. Well, what do I do with that, that the earth is going to be burned and very few will survive? And I looked it up in the interlinear text, and that is what it said, see. And I believe that he said to -- I say -- said -- I said, let us say your vision comes in and everything -- and the Kingdom of God comes in; everything quiets down. What do we do with those scriptures? I mean, the -- God cannot lie. The Word of God cannot lie.


Now, I asked him that a couple of days ago. This morning he spoke to me and he s- -- he told me although I did not see it, when I checked out that verse in Isaiah -- it was one of the early chapters of Isaiah that there was go- -- the earth was going to be burnt and very few would survive. Although I did not see any other possible translation when I looked at the interlinear text, the Lord told me that in the event that Christ Jesus stands up and impresses his image upon the clay of this world and wipes out the existing image and we avoid nuclear war and everything straightens out -- in the event that that should happen, I would see -- the mind of God in me would see in those very same Hebrew words a different translation, although I could not see it at the time that I looked. I am going to tell you again because I do not think -- somebody here does not understand what I just said.


I read in Isaiah that there is going to be fire and the world is going to be destroyed by fire and very few would survive. I read that in English. I looked at the interlinear text, and that is what it seemed to say, see. So I said to the Lord, following what you have been telling me our hope is that Christ Jesus will stand up and change this -- change the direction that the earth is going in. He will stop the nuclear attack, and there will be -- he will stop World War III, and the Kingdom of God will come.


Well, then if that happens, what do we do with the verses that say the world is going to be destroyed by fire and very few will survive? What do we do with those verses? And his answer to me this morning was this, that even though I looked in the interlinear text and that is what it said -- the earth will be burned with fire and very few will survive -- that was what -- all I could see today. In the event that Christ Jesus stands up and changes the whole image of the world, I would look at those same Hebrew words and see a different translation in the same manner that I look at the interlinear text today and I see the Doctrine of Christ and nobody else sees the Doctrine of Christ when they look.


That is what the Lord told me. In the event that the world changes because of the appearance of Christ Jesus, those very same words would produce a different effect because the Word of God is liquid. The very same words -- those very same words -- I found time and time again those very same Hebrew words have both positive and negative meanings, but my mind -- when I looked at the interlinear text, my mind only saw “burnt with fire, very few left.” I did not see anything else because the world is still in this state, but should Christ Jesus appear and change things, my -- the mind of God in me would see the other side of it that I could not see when I looked last week. Does anyone not know -- understand what I just said? OK.


So for some reason I still feel there was something else I was supposed to tell you, but I cannot think of what it is. So we are going to take a break, and then we are going to go through this book. It is -- basically it consists of two letters that I sent to the man, and I did not reproduce his one letter to me. I did not reproduce it, but I commented on points of it because I have no desire to identify this man. And then the really exciting part of it is the Alternate Translation of 2 Thessalonians 2 turned out to be exactly what is going on this -- about false doctrine and what Paul is warning people about.


So that is why I called this message “Sophia: Experiencing 2nd Thessalonians, Chapter 2.” I am experiencing it, and this man is experiencing 2 Thessalonians 2. We are supposed to be experiencing the Scripture. That is the whole -- I do not know if I got my point out. Jesus was the first man to experience the Scripture to the fullest degree, which is that he was translated from the death of this world into the eternal life of the God world.


Experiencing the Scripture where it stops being a book, and it stops being a hope, and it starts to be an actual experience, that our relationship with God -- although I fou- -- there is nothing wrong it, and I thank God for it, it is more than God giving us a better job or a better place to live or a husband or food to eat if we are hungry or healing our bodies. Those are all good things, but that is not what it is about. That is not what it is about. That is not what this book is about. This book is about returning to immortality. This book is about deliverance from death, not just a healing so that you could get sick again.


This book about -- is about deliverance from death. It is about ascension over all of the authority that the god of this world has. It is about becoming so powerful that nothing can hurt us. Which power gives us now the option -- that is how I started this message -- to forgive everyone because they cannot hurt us? Of course, we are supposed to forgive them even when they can hurt us, but the forgiveness from a person who cannot be hurt is he- -- is a different spiritual power.


That is a redemptive power. When you forgive people, it is a redemptive power, and when you are s- -- when you are powerful enough to not be hurt by them, the redemptive power is the fullness of the power to redeem them. What is happening here is very exciting. This book which outlines the experience we are having as a ministry right now is a milestone in the program of God and of the church, and the Lord has announced to us that the doors are opening. He is going to allow esoteric doctrine in the church.


See, I want to -- maybe this was what I was supposed to tell you. I want to give you s- -- the form of a testimony. I -- and this woman that I know, OK, recommended this book to me. Brethren, I do not read novels. There is nothing wrong with novels. I just do not have enough time to read all my Kabbalah books, and so I do not read novels, but this is a woman that I ministered to, and she was telling me, oh, all of her -- all of her peers are reading this book, and I have to read this book. I have to read this book.


So she is a widow. I know her from the synagogue, and when we go out together, I have to pray that our conversation remains godly. So she was so pressing this book, and I said to myself, well, maybe I will read the book, [?and?] the next time I take her out we could talk about it, and it will help us keep the conversation godly. So I bought the book. I have not finished it yet.


It is about a man who was a member of an ultraorthodox cult. Now, the people that I have a relationship with, they are called Chabad, and they are known -- they are “black hat” Jews. They are known as “black hat” Jews. There are several different groups that are “black hat” Jews. This Chabad are known as liberal amongst the “black hat” Jews. The man who wrote the book was a member of maybe the most rigid group that you could find, and I do not even know how to pronounce the name. I had never heard of the name before, although from the way he described them, they were the group that lived up near where my sister lived before she died up in there. That is where they come from, Monsey in Rockland County, and he is a man who left the cult -- completely left the cult.


So there was one page that I read that just left me so sad, and this is the point I would like to make to you. This was his experience, OK. He realized that he had been raised in this religion, and everything that he believed, he believed because he was taught that as a child, and that if he had been born into a Muslim family or a Christian family, he would have believed that. He re- -- he is -- he realized that he did not believe anything because he had investigated and found out for himself. He believed because he was taught.


And according to the book, it was a -- it was really -- it was a cult. He was really trapped and locked in, and they had morals squads watching you. You know, [?it was -- you?] were not allowed to watch television or read books or listen to the radio. It was illegal to listen to the radio, you know. So it was really extreme. So he found out -- he was -- he let himself be challenged. He broke the rules of the cult, and he let himself be challenged, and that is what he was told. “You just believe this because you were born into this,” and he realized it was true.


So the bottom line of the whole story is that he came out of the cult, OK, and he ca- -- and he left -- he threw out the baby with the bathwater. So when I read the page where he said that he no longer believed that the Jews came out of Egypt or that Moses split the Red Sea or that God existed, he did not -- he came out the cult not believing in God. He gave up everything -- everything -- and it just made me so sad, all the things that he said about the Scripture that he now did not believe, and I felt my heart going down into my chest. And then the Lord said to me, “Sheila, it had to be.” You see, he would have never crossed over from that ultraorthodox cult into a knowledge of Jesus. He would have never gone from pinnacle to pinnacle. He had to come down to the bottom. He is now at the bottom of Mt. Sinai. Now, I do not know if this man will find Jesus or not, but people that are trapped in these Jewish cults that they are not -- they are not allowed to listen to the radio. Do you believe this? They are so wrapped up af- -- and that is the teaching. If you listen to the outside world, you will leave, and people leave, you see.


So this is -- this is the message that I am trying to get across to you, that in the New Testament we say we have faith, but we are instructed and we are taught and we are allowed to think, although in some Christian cults, you are not allowed to, but what we do here, and this is what Jesus would have for us, see, we have experience, see. There is nothing that I know of -- let God correct me if I am wrong -- in the Jewish religion -- I am Jewish -- in the Jewish religion that gives you experiences that you might get to know God. Everything is ritual, see. If you want to get to know God in the personal way that produces immortality, we have to give up the ritual because the ritual is -- opposes your relationship with God, see, but we cannot do it without him. This is what -- this -- but this is what is coming upon the church -- giving up everything that is -- that is not a personal experience of yours and embracing the reality of Christ. So there are going to be a lot of people who are going to be lost, you know, that somehow God is going to strip the people that he is calling.


I do not want -- I do not want anyone hearing this to say I am pronouncing destruction on any religion. That is not what I am saying. Whether you are Christian or whether you are Jewish or whether you are a Hindu, if you are called -- if you are called to experience the reality of Jesus Christ, you have to have an experience in your life where you give -- you give up everything that is an intellectual knowledge of him, and you begin to experiencing hi- -- experience him on a personal level, and that is the New Testament, you see -- a personal experience. Well, I have heard it taught a personal experience of Jesus, but today what I am trying to tell you is that it is more than a personal experience of Jesus. When you have your personal experience with Jesus, then you sp- -- you start to experience the Scripture. What is written here -- the -- everything that is written here can be a personal experience for anyone of us.


So this man, he gave up everything -- of course I did not finish the book, but I do not think he -- as far as the time that the book was written, I think he was -- just became an atheist. He became an atheist, see, and that is what happened to a lot of Jews that -- after Hitler, Jews that survived the death camps, they became atheists. So on the one hand, I thought, how sad they do not believe in God anymore, but this is what the Lord told me. Do not be sad for them. Better that they should be an atheist than should be a phony, that they should be someone who thinks they believe in God but they do not because it was just a -- it is just an intellectual concept of him. Let them believe in nothing. Then he will find them. When he is ready he will find them, and he will reveal himself to them, and then this particular man, everything -- all of his years of learning the Bible will come back if he is the one that is called. If he is in fact called, it will all come rushing back to him, see.


So we have to have a pers- -- we have to personally experience the Scripture. What you have heard in all of your years is that we need to per- -- have a personal relationship with Jesus. That is true. We are up to the next step. The Lord wants us to have a -- to personally experience the Scripture. That is what Jesus did, and wh- -- and Jesus’ personal experience of the Scripture was a precursor. That is what happened to him before he was glorified, see. That is what happened to him before he ascended above the powers of this world and was eventually glorified. He began to experience the Scripture.


And I want to tell you one more thing because it was a surprise to me. This book -- I am really glad that I bought the book actually. It is a description of what life was like inside of that cult. It was pretty rough, but what he talks about that I did not know about was that one of the things that they learn is that the an- -- Jews in the ancient days, they -- according to this man, according to what he was taught -- they experienced what we experience. They had miracles. They had spiritual experiences. They had -- they had -- they had records of rabbis that did miracles, that spoke in tongues, that did all kinds of -- I am pretty sure I read something about speaking in tongues.


So when national Israel was -- what God was doing at that time, they experienced a lot of the things that we are experiencing in the church today, and then -- and then they lost it. They departed from God, and then the Lord raised up the church, and they did not come, and they became a cult, and now they are just ritual, and many churches are just ritual. But I thought you might be interested to know that according to what this man was taught that the -- there were ancient rabbis that did the same kinds of miracles, that fed the poor and healed the sick and raised the dead.


And I need to tell you that because I asked the Lord for truth and to correct every mistake that I have made every day, and I believe that I have said from the pulpit that the problem that the Pharisees had with Jesus was that when he started to experience the Scripture, he was feeding the poor and healing the sick and casting out demons, and they -- and the Pharisees never expected the power of God to manifest that way. They expected the power of God to manifest as a military power.


So I do not know what those particular Pharisees knew 2,000 years ago, but I have to bring this correction because when I said that to you I was coming from a motive that believed that healing the sick and feeding the poor and deliver- -- and casting out demons was not something that the Jews had ever experienced, see. That is where I was coming from. They had never experienced that before. They never read about rabbis doing that. So when Jesus started doing it, they did not recognize it as the signs of the anointing on him.


And now I find out that that is probably not true, that -- the man who wrote this book, that he was instructed -- in his intense instruction in Jewish studies, he was instructed about -- and they called them saints actually -- these rabbis and saints of God, which surprised me too that they called them saints, that they cast out demons. They healed the sick and whatever else -- and did miracles. I thought -- I thought he said something that sounded like speaking in tongues, although he would not have said those words.


So I was incorrect when I told you that the Pharisees did not recognize the power of God in Jesus because they -- the Jews had never experienced that. I was incorrect, see. Now, whether those Pharisees knew that history of Judaism, that that had happened in the past, I do not know. If they did recognize what Jesus was doing as the power of God that had manifested in the Jewish saints of previous generations, then their sins are even more serious, [?you know?]. So we do not know to what degree they recognized who he was. We just know that they -- that the -- and not all of the Jewish people, brethren, but the government, the Sanhedrin, the Jews in -- running the show wanted to get rid of him because he was a threat to their power, [?you know?]. So I wanted to correct that.


OK. Before we take a break, you want to say something?


I was just wondering, when you talked about Isaiah, could not it mean the [INAUDIBLE] the fire burning the land, us -- purging us?


It could, but it sounded like it was national, but -- it could -- yes, it could, but that is the way it sounded, you know. [?Yeah.?] So this is where all these carnal preachers are coming from, all of their prophecy. I mean, that is what it looks like, and now Iran raises [sic] up threatening to use an atomic bomb on Israel and on the United States. So it is all -- it is all out there, you know, so -- which means that it is a legitimate translation of the Scripture because it is manifesting, but it is not God’s will, you see.


This is the whole issue, that the power -- and it is really at the very top. It is a single power that is ruling this world. This is a prison world, and there is a god. Now, the Scripture says “the” god of this world, so there is one god of this world, OK, and I go back and forth as to whether it is Satan or Leviathan. I think it is Satan, but it is one of the two, the god of this world, that -- I just lost my train of thought.


What was I trying to say? Yes, that the god of -- yes, it is Leviathan. The god of this world -- this world is clay, and there is a high principality who imagines the events of this world, and they come to pass. So if Leviathan is the prince of this world, he is the male. Satan is the female [INAUDIBLE]. Satan -- Leviathan is the -- is the -- is the static power, and Satan is the dynamic power. She goes out and does all the dirty work, you see.


So this whole world is -- the image -- this world is an image that exists because of the Leviathan -- because of the pri- -- of the -- of the imagination of the principality called Leviathan. So when Christ Jesus overshadows Leviathan -- and that is what the Scripture is talking about -- “the sun will turn to sackcloth.” That is the Lord Jesus overshadowing Leviathan, and the moon, which is Satan, turning to blood, that is the blood -- or the blood or the energy of Jesus overshadowing the dynamic energy of Satan. When that happens this world is going to roll up like a scroll. What that means is a new image is going to appear.


So how -- the question is how fast will it happen? Will it happen in time to stop crazy Iran from getting an -- from getting an atomic bomb and killing everybody that they can? I do not know, but I have to have hope, you see. I have to have hope that God has everything under control, and he is never late, and he is raising up saviors that are going forth to s- -- first save the church, to first save the people who are called to be the saviors of the other people, and we must have time.


But also what is interesting is that a couple of years ago, well, I watched this series called “Fringe,” and I thought it was interesting for the spiritual principles. I really do not care for the horror part of it, but I sort of fast-forwarded through that, and I -- the spiritual principles were very interesting, and then for some reason I started watching it again. It could not be more than two years ago that I watched it, and I realized that I really did not understand a lot of it that I am understanding now. What I did see now that I found so very interesting -- I think -- I think it started in 2008 or 2009. It ran for about five years, and it ended I think in 2011 or 2012. It is everything that is happening now.


Now, remember how the Illuminati published everything that they were going to do in plain sight, OK. It is a lot about what is going on now, and they said that the world was going to be overrun by this superior race in 2000 -- it was either 2015 or 2016. Now, this was an old TV series, and they are saying that our planet is going to be overrun by a superior race which will enslave us. I think it was in 2015, yeah. [INAUDIBLE] So the Illuminati -- this is all a plan. It is all the plan of this -- of the Illuminati, which are probably run by reptilians. The people in the Illuminati are probably reptilian.


So what am I saying? Well, the Lord does not seem to be very rushed in raising up Christ Jesus when you look at it from that point of view because Christ Jesus is not here yet. The match for the -- for the reptilians that are -- that are running the world and preparing to really invade us -- openly invade us. Not really invade us, but openly invade us. We are not ready for them. Christ Jesus is not here yet from what I could see, and now I am ta- -- I am going to be preaching to you about one man who the Lord is trying to save from Sophia, who is feeding him esoteric doctrine.


And, of course -- I do not know if I made it clear. Well, what is the wor- -- what is so bad if Sophia feeds him esoteric doctrine? Well, brethren, she wants to take -- she wants to fully possess him. The Lord Jesus wants to fully possess us, and Sophia, who is the p- -- the power that is analogous to the Lord Jesus -- she is of the same height on the other side. She is the enemy of the Lord Jesus. She wants to possess the vessels now.


So all of these wicked people that are -- want to bomb the world and reduce our population to 500 million and whatever else. They are poisoning the air. They are poisoning the water. They are poisoning the food. All these people -- evil people that are doing this, they are not fully possessed by Sophia yet. I think they are more advanced than the church because they seem to have a lot of power to be doing all this, but -- maybe it is one or two, but it is not a -- it is not a wholescale possession of them or they would take over the world now. 


So Jesus is -- well, maybe I am wrong about that. Maybe they do exist, but Jesus is preventing it. He is holding it ba- -- brethren, these people -- the plan was for the year 2000 to take over humanity -- the year 2000. They are already 15 years late. So how had Jesus been hindering them? Simply by the spiritual ministry that comes forth from this kind of preaching [UNINTELLIGIBLE] [?might be?] coming forth. We are the -- we are the only people [?on high?]. It is this kind of preaching that is hindering the plan of the other side because --


Yeah, listen. The plan of the other side is the image of this world, and we ha- -- we are preaching a different image. So it is hindering -- it is hindering the ongoing pl- -- image of the side. It is -- first it is going to hinder it. Then it is going to stop it. Then it is going to completely reverse it, you see. So it is probably the preaching here, at least in part if not -- if not fully that is -- has now made their plan 15 years late, but he had every -- we have slowed it down, but we have not stopped it, and that TV program, which is -- which is spiritual truth written -- hidden in plain sight, says it is all -- that we are going to be invaded by the other side in the year 2015. So I f- -- I just thought that was very interesting.


So what are you talking about, Sheila? I am just telling you what is going on, that we are waiting for Jesus to bring Christ Jesus into existence. When Christ Jesus comes into existence that means that the people that he is in existence in are above -- stand above the powers of this world. Christ Jesus comes into existence when the Lord Jesus joins with Christ in the individual, thereby joining heaven and earth. And that -- the man that has that experience has power that is higher than the powers of this world, and that is what we are waiting for because it is the powers of this world that are planning all of this evil.


And maybe I was wrong just a minute ago. Maybe the people at the very top that are doing all this, maybe they are fulfilled in Sophia, see, but Christ Jesus will be stronger than Sophia. And in the meantime, they are being hindered, but I do not -- they -- it is just getting closer and closer. You know, the world is turning upside down. The image of the evil one is appearing in Christendom very powerfully, see.


So all that I was saying was -- well, you know, the Lord just does not seem have -- to be nervous about this. He is just taking his time -- you know, just taking his time raising us up. So I do not really see how this is going to happen -- how the world is going to be overrun by whatever it is that is going to overrun us. In this program it is people from the future, aliens, whatever they are, you know. I do not see how it is going to happen in 2015.


Here is the question. Is the Lord going to let it happen before Christ Jesus is set in place? That is the question in my mind. At what point is Christ Jesus going to stand up and change the image of the world? How far is it going to go before Christ Jesus stop it? You know, are we going to have an election in 2016, or will there be martial law that will cancel the election? I do not know. Are we going to turn into a full police state before Christ Jesus shows up? I do not know. I do not know. I do not know.


So we just keep doing what we are doing here. We just keep going forward and doing the best that we could do, being faithful to what he has given us to do, and if we have one man that we are helping right now, I wish I had more hope that he would take the victory, but I do not have much hope that he would take the victory, you know.


I had -- I had a word of knowledge this morning from the Lord. It was -- it was not words. There was -- I have to describe it to you. It was sort of like -- it was a memory of Stephen preaching to the Jews in the Book of Acts after they crucified Jesus, convicting them of what they did wrong, and this is the Jews. They were pricked -- they were pricked in their heart with guilt, you see. And the word of knowledge was something like that, that Christ Jesus is going to appear in power, and there will be people who try to stop the work here that will be pricked in their heart, [?you know?].


But -- that is nice, but it really -- I mean, that is God’s business. It really does not matter to me whether there are people that admit they were wrong about us or not. I really do not care about that. What I care about is that everybody here should make it. I care about people that are sick -- hurting because they are sick, that they should be healed. I care about that, but we should not lose anybody who has dedicated years of their life to doing the work of the Lord here, that we should not lose anyone and that we should overcome the problems in our life that we might be better equipped to serve God and do what we need to do. I really do not care about whether people get punished or not. I really do not care. And I do care that they cannot hurt me, that they have to be stopped from hurting me [UNINTELLIGIBLE] or anybody here, but aside from that, I do not care, you see.


And I am looking forward to the day that we can actually help people, see, because I would be really surprised if this man takes the victory. I think his pride is very high. And not only -- not only that his pride is high. He does not understand. He simply does not understand, you see. I wrote my first letter, and his response was really to chastise me saying that he hears people out before he makes a decision, and he could not comprehend that on the little bit that he told me that by the power of Christ in me I cut right to the chase, and I knew exactly what he was talking about. He chastised me for not hearing him out. I do not have to hear him out. I know what he is and who he is. He does not understand, you see. And then my second letter to him, I made it clear to him that it is undeniable that I am telling him that he is got that wrong spirit, and I said bad things happen to people that embrace the doctrine of the woman. 


So he is perceiving this -- he is perceiving me as being disorderly. He is perceiving me as someone who -- first of all, he thinks we are equal, and he thinks he is just looking for a dialogue on doctrine, OK, and because I am coming from a higher place, he is thinking that I am out of order, that I am -- that I am trying to foist my -- that I am trying to raise my doctrine up above his doctrine when wha- -- the do- -- which is what I am doing, of course, but according to him the doctrines are equal, and I should not be doing that. We should be able to talk to each other on an equal [UNINTELLIGIBLE].


And the truth of the matter is that he wants to teach me his doctrine. That is what the truth of the matter is. So he does not understand that he is in pride. He does not understand that -- he does not recognize the authority here. He just does- -- he does not understand that he is in danger. He just does not have a clue. He just does not have a clue, [?you know?].


So I look forward to the day that the power of God is recognized so that when God approaches somebody they will -- they will understand and run to the Lord and be saved, that this -- I look forward to the day that this lack of understanding, that this blindness in the church will be -- that -- let me say it this way, that the -- that this -- the veil will come off of their eyes so that they could recognize the true authority of God and run into his arms and be saved, that they should believe what they are being told and not be -- and not see themselves as equal -- actually he does not even see himself as equal to me. He sees himself as higher than me.


So this man, I think he has been -- I know he has been around for years. The Lord brought me to him in this same conference more than five years ago. Strangely enough, the Lord brought me to him when I was just starting to get into this -- into the -- into Israel and this doctrine, and I took his card, asked if I could call him to be -- to answer questions for me, but I never called him. And now all these years later we met again, and in, what is this, five or 10 years, the Lord has raised me up above him, and now I am here to help him. So he had been around for a long time, and he thinks that he is a teacher.


Let me tell you, brethren, if you are a teacher, you have a following. His wife is his only following. He has no following, see. Something wrong. If you are a teacher of God, you have a following. If you do not have a following, you need to be under another teacher, OK. That is the sign. So he thi- -- he is a very nice man. Brethren, he is a very nice man, but he is looking -- he is looking for students, but, you see, only God can give you students. You cannot gather up your own students, see.


And what he said in his letter was “I am very comfortable with what I believe.” So, in other words, he was telling me “I am not -- I am not threatened by what you say” because I warned him -- my first letter warned him about Sophia, and he writes -- and because he -- I am trying to tell him he has Sophia, but he did not get it that he is -- that the one who is teaching him is Sophia. So he sends me back a letter saying [INAUDIBLE] -- well. So I do not care if he recognizes himself if he ever hears this message. I am not naming his name.


He said, “My wife and I went out to dinner. We went out to celebrate our first anniversary, and we wound up having dinner in a restaurant called Sophia, and I did not catch anything.” So he recognized what I was telling me, that you are in danger -- that there is a danger of Sophia, but he did not get it that he has it, and he is making light of it that he did not catch anything. So he does not have a clue, does not have a clue, see. The man does not have a clue.


I mean, God has been sending people to me and having me send books to people for years now, people with ministries, and they do not get it. So I look forward to the day that the veil is lifted off of God’s church and that we can have some positive experiences -- people hearing what God is doing here and saying, “Wow, I have found the Kingdom of God. Can I study with you?” [UNINTELLIGIBLE] I am looking forward to -- not as a matter of pride, just that people should get help and the Word of God should go forth, see, and that day will come. I do not know when, but that day will come.


So right now we are still in training, and as long as we are in training we can expect to be rejected because people cannot recognize us -- cannot recognize us, and their pride -- the pride of the people is through this guy, you know, but Jesus is full-well able to do this job. He is full-well able to raise up the church out of the ashes. He is full -- because the church is dying right now. He is full-well able to save all of the Jews that he wants to, to get them out of their cults and rescue them. He is able to save the world. He is able to overcome Sophia. He is able to restore the whole world because, brethren, this --


Brethren, this whole world is going to disappear, see. You need to understand that this whole world is a paradox. Do you know what paradox is? A paradox is a puzzle. It is -- a paradox is a contradiction. A paradox is a contradiction. Another word to describe it is an accident. The Kabbalists say --


I have talked to you about a spiritual accident. Anything that exists that God did not will into existence is an accident and, therefore, temporary. It is actually a paradox. It is a contradiction because if God did not call it into existence, how could it exist? God is the only creator. So if God did not call it into existence, how could it exist? It cannot exist, but it is here, see. So that is what a paradox is, something that exists, but it should not exist, yet it is here, see. This whole world is a paradox. God never called this world into existence, see. This world is an accident. Anything that God did not do is an accident.


The woman -- the fe- -- not the woman, but the spiritual -- the female foundation of Adam departed from him and set up her own kingdom, see. We read about that. I believe it is in Zechariah, you know. She set up her own base out there, see. The woman in the ephah, she set up her own base. It is only temporary. This world cannot continue because God never made it, and it is an accident in Kabbalistic terms. In New Age terms it is a paradox. It cannot exist. There is no death in God. How could this world exist? There is no death here, but a world of death exists, but God did not do it. How can -- how can -- how could anything exist that God did not make? It is a paradox. It cannot continue. It must be erased, deleted. This whole world is going to be deleted.


That is what the Scripture is talking about when it says the sun and the moon and the stars are going to fall and the world is going to roll up like a scroll. It must be dis- -- it must be deleted. There is no ifs, ands or buts about it. This world is coming to an end, and the only people that will survive are the people who are internalized with Christ Jesus. But it is coming to an end, see.


Now, it does not mean that it is going to blow up, and we are going to Mars. This image is coming to an end. The world is going to be reconfigured. There is no -- brethren, there is no destr- -- nothing disappears in this world. Everything is energy. It just changes form. So when I tell you this world has to be deleted, it means it is going to change form. It cannot continue in the way it exists. It is a paradox. It has to go, and that is just the truth, see. The question is when, and the Lord does not seem to me very nervous at all. He is just taking his time moving us forward, steadily forward, see.


So whoever is hearing this message, wherever this is going, you need to have your personal -- you need to be experiencing the Scripture. You need to be experiencing the Scripture. You need to be experiencing the Scripture, not just experiencing Jesus. First you experience Jesus. He is your ability to experience the Scripture. So let us start having spiritual experiences, everybody.


So I have to stop anyway because the tape is running out. So we are going to take a brief break, maybe 10 minutes, and then we are going to take a look at the Alternate Trans- -- well, I will show you the two letters. We will talk about it, and -- but I really would like to share this Alternate Translation with you because it is a very exciting Alternate Translation. And how did I get to 2 Thessalonians 2? God gave it to me, OK, for this man, but I better stop and take this break. OK, I will talk to you more about how I got to 2 Thessalonians 2 when we come back. OK.


OK. The question is how did I come to 2 Thessalonians 2. Well, I came to it as a part of my second letter to this man. Excuse me. And I was just trying to make my point. I am going to read the letter to you. I was just trying to make my point that it was very dangerous for him to be s­porting or playing around with the doctrine of the female, and then, as a second thought, I said, well, let me translate it and see what it is really saying.


And it turned out to be an exhortation on this exact situation, that if he cannot understand this Alternate Translation, if he cannot understand what God is telling him -- in other words, that was God's witness. The Alternate Translation of 2 Thessalonians 2 was God's witness, the second witness to what I told him from -- with his eyes. It was just me, just a pastor at the conference giving him my opinion that his doctrine was wrong, OK. But the Alternate Translation of 2 Thessalonians 2 is God being the second witness, saying you better wise up, son.


So let us just take a look at this, and that is how I came to 2 The- -- seth- -- Thessalonians 2. Let me read it to you in the King James. The n- -- the page numbering is all wrong, brethren. I did not -- I took the template that we have, and I did not work on the page numbering at all, so it is all wrong.


OK, on -- but on page 9, the page that is numbered 9, we have the King James version, which says, "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him. That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."


"Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now liveth will let" -- oh, he -- I am sorry. "Only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall the Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."


"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: whereunto h called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ."


"Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the tradition which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts, and establish you in every good word and work."


So I had given him, I think, from verse 8 through verse 14, trying to tell him that he was under a seduction which would turn into a delusion. And then the Lord -- after I sent out the letter, the Lord moved on me to translate the chapter, so let us just start with his letters, so -- now, remember, the situation is that I met him at a pastors' conference in Connecticut. He was there with his wife, and he is a man that has had -- he has -- I guess, compared to the traditional church, he has some revelation. Some of it is interesting, and some of it is just plain error.


You see, we should be able to have a dialogue as long as his doctrine is based on found spiritual truths. When he goes off into error, I cannot have a dialogue with him. I can speak to other preachers that have different opinions about Israel and other a- -- and other revelation in the Scripture. I can have a dialogue with you, and I could be corrected by what you believe if you know something that I do not know. But if you are talking to me about a completely wrong spiritual principle, there is no dialogue; I know that you are wrong, and that is the problem that he is running into with me. I am taking this position with him, that he is absolutely wrong. He makes several points that I can agree with, but he draws wrong conclusions.


So I met him. I knew that it was a divine appointment that I met him. He thought it w- -- knew it was a divine appointment too. He thinks he is supposed to teach me. He is looking for students. That is what I told you. So he had dinner. He sat at our table one night, and he said a few things, and I said a couple of things back, and there was no response. What I said back to him, there was no response because he never heard what I said to him before. He never heard what I said to him. I am very encouraged that he said in his letter to me that he fully intends to study everything I have sent him and try to understand what I am saying, and he says that because he wants me to understand what he is saying, and there is nothing wrong with that except that I have to tell him that he is in error, and that is the fly in the ointment.


So that is how I know the man. I sent him a couple of books when we got back to New York, and he called me. He called me without an appointment one day, and I was able to take the call. So I wanted him to tell me what the main points of his doctrine were, and he really refused to do it and seemed to think that he had to tell me every -- that he had to actually teach me his doctrine and tell me every step of the way, if I were to understand it. So I do not know if he thought I could not understand it if he did not actually teach it to me or if he was struggling to synopsize the main points of his doctrine, which sometimes I do have to struggle to make it simple.


But after a whole hour of listening to him, I sh- -- within the next few days, something attacked my body. I do not even remember what, and I wondered. I asked the Lord if he had a wrong spirit, and I was very concerned about having anything else to do with him because my body is just, like, up for grabs, it appears. So I j- -- was just waiting on it. I had agreed that -- when I spoke to him, I had agreed to meet with him again on the telephone. He is in Massachusetts. I think he is in Boston. I had agreed to meet with him on the telephone again, and he called, and then I fell ill, so I think I had Susan call up and tell him that I was ill. I would call him -- I would get in touch with him when I recovered.


And when I came back from Minnesota last week -- and what I did -- that was what I told him. I would -- I was ill, and I would get back to him when I recovered, and then because I was so concerned, I did not know. Several events had happened, and I was smitten once again, and I thought that my encounter with him might have been a factor. So I was praying and asking the Lord what to do because I really did not want to cut him off if he was OK. And also the truth is that I was very curious about his doctrine; I wanted to know what he believed. But I did not -- I know curiosity killed the cat, and I know that I could not go on curiosity, so I left it in God's hands. Mary, could you open the door, please, [?Mary?]? That I could -- that I w- -- I would do whatever God told me to do, and I knew that it was a possibility that he had a wrong spirit. Oh, that bird is going crazy again, OK. That I had -- that there was a possibility that the spirit on him contributed to my becoming ill.


So I wrote him a letter. In the meantime the Lord told me that he had the female spirit, and I wrote him a letter, and I sent him a whole bunch of books, and I am going to read the letter to you. And then when I came back from Minnesota, he had responded to my letter and apparently did not get my message that I was telling him that he had the spirit of Sophia. He did not get it. So this was the letter that I sent him.


You know, Susan, when everybody was outside, the air conditioning went on, and I turned the thermostat up to shut it off, but since the door is closed, could you put it -- it was on at 77. The air conditioner was running, and I put it up to 79, so I put it back to 77. Thank you.


So this is the letter that I sent to him after I had that telephone conversation with him where I let him instruct me for about an hour. The Lord did tell me that I was -- I had made a mistake, that -- I cannot say that I sat down and I said, well, all right, you can instruct me for an hour. I was willing to listen, and I tried to interject a few points, but he really was not listening to me. He just wanted to get his message out. So the Lord told me that I had let him instruct me and that I am spiritually male and he is spiritually female and that I should not have let his instruct me, so I could not do that again, so I wrote him this letter instead, and I changed his name in the letter.


I said, Dear John, I have been thinking about our recent telephone encounter. When he answered me, he said, "I hope that you -- that when you use the word, encounter, that you meant it as a noun instead of a ber- -- verb. I do not know what he meant. It is a noun. "I have been thinking about our recent telephone encounter. How would that be used as a verb? I do not know.


I say encounter because you were preaching to me. It appears to me that you are seeing a female deity or a female side of God in your doctrine. The doctrine of Christ and Kabbalah teach that God is androgynous, but that, in his wholeness, he is male. His female aspect is just that, a female aspect of his male self. In the process of creation by spiritual cell division, God's female self lost sight of the male reality of which she is a reflective seed and declared herself to be god. Indeed, she is the god of this world in that it and we are the illegitimate, adulterous fruit of her seed, which was energized to produce by -- to reproduce by the snake rather than by Elohim. She is called Sophia, which is Greek for wisdom.


Now when I said to him -- because I am not going to read you his letter. I do not want to identify him to that degree, so [?I want?] -- when I said to him, it appears that you are seeing a female side of God, he took it to believe -- to think that I was thinking that God is female or something like that because later on you will see he said, "I disagree with you," so he did not understand what I was saying. Maybe I did not make it clear. It appears to me that you are seeing a female deity or a female side of God in your doctrine. You see, I said "your doctrine." This was what I meant: Your doctrine is revealing a female side of God, but he did not understand what I said. Maybe I did not make it clear. Does anybody have anything to say about that?


His doctrine came out of Sophia, so I said to him it appears to me that you are seeing or seeing with or seeing with the eyes of the female side of God. That was what I meant, but he thought, by his response, that I was saying that he thinks God is female. So he said we do not agree, that -- so maybe I did not make that very clear to him. Is that clear to anybody, what I am saying? Yeah, it is, OK.


I want to read this again. In the process of creation by spiritual cell division, God's female self lost sight of the male reality of which she is a reflective seed and declared herself to be god. Indeed, she is the god of this world in that it and we are the illegitimate, adulterous fruit of her seed, which was energized to reproduce by the snake rather than by Elohim. She is called Sophia, which is Greek for wisdom.


So I am just seeing a couple of places where I might have confused him. I said that Sophia -- in my next letter I said that Sophia is not the seed, but she w- -- she is not the Malchus. I meant she is not the seed out of which creation grew. She is the reflective seed and declared herself to be god. Maybe seed is the wrong word. Indeed, she is the god of this world in that it and we are the illegitimate, adulterous fruit of her seed. Well, I guess she was a seed, which was energized to reproduce by the snake rather than my Elohim. She is called Sophia, which is Greek for wisdom.


The female aspect of God is in full submission to the image of his wholeness, which is called Adam. Any doctrine that arise -- that  raises the female above the male or equates the  two is the poisonous fruit of the adulterous woman who abandoned her husband and married the snake. Such a doctrine is spiritually unclean because the spirit the teaches it is the enemy of Christ and the Holy Spirit. This means that the Christian who is taught by Sophia will eventually experience spiritual death, which is the death of Christ within himself because the adulterous woman and righteous Adam cannot live in the same house or in the same man. One must eventually kill the other to possess the mind of the man he or she is seeking to live through.


This life or death battle between righteous Adam, who is appearing as the Lord Jesus Christ and his sons today, and his runaway adulterous life is revealed in the Book of Revelation where their undressed souls appear as Michael and the harlot." Undressed souls meaning souls that are disembodied, and then I gave him Revelation 12:7. "And there was war in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought against his angels. So I am saying that Michael and his angels are the -- are souls which are not -- which are disembodied; they are not dressed.


And in Revelation 17:1, "And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will show unto you the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon the waters." And that asterisk means that the word, waters, signifies souls, so there is one harlot that is controlling all of the souls. And, once again, those verses were witnesses to this paragraph: "The life or death battle between righteous Adam who is appearing as the Lord Jesus Christ and his sons today and his runaway, adulterous wife is revealed in the Book of Revelation where their undressed souls appear as Michael and the harlot. The dragon, rather than the woman, appears across from Michael."


Revelation 12:7, "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels." So the dragon, rather than the woman, appears across from Michael because each of them impregnated the whore with a company of souls, so that is the warfare we see.


Galatians [sic] 3:14-15, "And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."


So that is the conflict that we are experiencing today, the enmity between the woman, which is Sophia, and between her seed, which is -- her seed is Satan and Leviathan, and your seed and her seed, and, of course, as opposed to the seed of Christ. "It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heal." So in other words, that means, in the process of Christ putting Leviathan underfoot, we are going to be bruised. It is not going to be without a warfare, to put Leviathan -- or to put whatever the right word is, for the seed of the serpent, to put that under the foot of Christ will be a warfare and that we will suffer pains. We will be hurt. But the two protagonists are the man and the woman. The snake and his illegitimate offspring will eventually disappear, and those are the reptilians that we are talking about.


It appears that you are drawn to esoteric doctrine, so I am sending you, under separate cover, two video DVDs and some books that feature esoteric translations. It is my hope that the Lord Jesus will help you to distinguish between esoteric doctrine of the Spirit of Christ and the spiritually corrupt doctrine of the woman. May the Lord bless you and your wife abundantly in all things.


So I just hope I did not confuse him by calling Sophia a seed. I guess, she is a seed. What I said to him in the next letter was this: Hi, John. I am in receipt of your letter of the above date. I can understand that you are looking for someone who you think can understand your doctrine, and you believe that I may be that person. I agree with you; I am able to understand your doctrine. See, I said that because he is obviously pursuing me, you see. The way y- -- the truth is he wants to teach me. He is not -- the truth is he is not looking for dialogue; he wants to teach me.


The way you laid out the points of your doctrine in your letter may work if we take them one point at a time. Clarification of definitions is essential if we are to understand each other in any meaningful way, so I will start with your statement that we disagree on how womanhood fits into the creation story.


Response: What I told you about Sophia in my letter is only the beginning of how the doctrine of Christ portrays the female aspect of the androgynous creation. Sophia is the spiritual, psychological root of the androgynous man, Adam, which came into existence before Adam was ever formed. So I am saying Sophia was here before Adam was ever formed. She is the potential for sin that existed in the otherwise perfect and immortal creation, but she is not the seed, so she is a seed, but she is not the seed that produced Adam.


Although, I can -- I really have to think about that. She is -- you see, Adam himself is a seed. He was supposed to go forth and multiply, right? She is the potential for sin that existed in an otherwise perfect and immortal creation, but she is not the seed, although I called her a seed. We are the fruit of her seed, huh, so I really did contradict myself. I had been preaching for mo- --


Susan, I am really sorry, but this is blowing right on my back. Let us try 78, right in the middle, please. Thanks.


I had been preaching for months on the role of the female aspect of the androgynous creation, which I call Malchus, the seed that came into existence in a high spiritual place and descended in the worl- -- into the world of creation where Adam was formed. The subject matter is extensive. Only the Lord knows the full depth of his -- this infinite doctrine that he calls truth.


So, I guess, I should not have called Sophia a seed. I keep going back to that because I want to correct it if it is wrong. In the process of creation, by spiritual cell division, God's female self lost sight of the male reality of which she is a reflective seed. She is not really a seed. I should not have called her a seed. Of which she is a reflective part. In the process of creation by spiritual cell division, God's female self lost sight of the male reality, of which she is a reflection. Do I have a pen here somewhere? Of which she is a reflection, and declared herself to be god. Indeed, she is the god of this world in that it and we are the illegitimate -- we are her -- I am not going to say seed. We are her illegitimate, adulterous fruit, so -- which was energized to reproduce by the snake rather than by Elohim. She is called Sophia, which is Greek for wisdom.


The female aspect of God is in full submission to the image of his wholeness, which is called Adam. Any doctrine that raises the female above the male or equates the two is the poisonous fruit of the adulterous woman who abandoned her husband and married the snake. Such a doctrine is spiritually unclean because the spirit that teaches it is the enemy of Christ, OK.


So then in my second letter -- I guess, I am going to have to write to him again to straighten this out. So he thinks that we disagree on the creation story. I do not know what he believes on the creation story, but based upon his understanding of what I said, he said we disagree on the creation story. So my response is: What I told you about Sophia in my letter of -- is only the beginning of how the doctrine of Christ portrays the female aspect of the androgynous creation. Sophia is the spiritual, psychological root of the androgynous man, Adam, which came into existence before Adam was ever formed. She is the potential for sin that existed in an otherwise perfect and immortal creation, but she is not the seed.


I have been preaching for months on the role of the female aspect of the androgynous creation, which I call Malchus, the seed that came into existence in a high spiritual place and descended into the world of creation where Adam was formed. The subject matter is extensive. Only the Lord knows the full depth of this infinite doctrine that he calls truth. So, you see, it is not true that we disagree on this subject. The truth is that I have told you only a fragment of what I believe about the female aspect of the androgynous creation of God, and I do not know what you believe. I do not even know what you mean by womanhood.


Number two, I do not know why you would think that I do not believe that God, Elohim, is not pure spirit and is not male and female. I do indeed believe that God is pure spirit and both male and female, androgynous. Three -- so in the quotes, I have reiterated his questions to me. Eve fell away and separated herself from the true seed of God. Things become complicated here because the female, which is a spiritual principle, did not become Eve until Adam appeared in the material world. The falling away originally happened in a high spiritual realm, which is invisible, and then played itself out and is playing itself out today in this material world.


Four -- so, so far, there is really no big disagreement here. The woman spiritually fornicated with Satan, and her seed was corrupted. We can agree on this, other than to say that Satan did not exist at this point. The female foundation of the androgynous man, Adam, committed adultery with the primordial snake. The two were spiritual principles at the time of the adultery. This material creation is the fruit of that adultery between two spiritual principles.


Five, Adam was corrupted because of their disobedience. I agree, other than to say that more than being corrupted, he actually died. Six, Adam, man's position, was restored by our Lord Je- -- Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. I agree that Adam was regenerated and his authority restored in the Lord Jesus Christ. I would only add that Jesus is the head of the body and that his spiritual body, which is the other part of him, resides in his church.


And I do not know if I made that very clear. What I am saying is that he really was not fully restored. He was fully restored by potential. Jesus' restoration is still going on because his body is not restored to him yet. His body w- -- is Christ in the church. The body of the Lord Jesus Christ is Christ, the spiritual child that is gestating in the church, OK, so Jesus is not fully restored yet.


So -- and, of course, he is a paradox, OK. He is able to send forth a seed. He is able to reproduce himself. He is able to produce and send forth a viable male seed, OK, which he is planting in humanity, in the part of humanity called his church, but yet he does not have any body. So what is the suggestion there? That the seed is not coming from his loins, but the seed is coming from his mind, so Jesus is completing himself by a spiritual male seed that comes from his mind, OK.


Seven, Jesus Christ redeemed all mankind, male and female. I agree that Jesus Christ redeemed all physical men and all physical women, but only those who appropriate his spiritual work will inherit full salvation. So right there I do not know whether he believes in ultimate reconciliation or not.


Therefore, womanhood could not -- this is number eight. Therefore, womanhood could not be equal or superior to Jesus. Now he is getting into error. I mean, we can have disagreements on doctrine, but now he is getting into error. Therefore, womanhood could not be equal or superior to Jesus Christ, and, of course, his major error is that he does not understand that all humanity is spiritually female. He is looking at the physical body. Again, I do not know what you mean by womanhood. Perhaps you mean physical women. All of humanity, physical men and physical women, are spiritually female. Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, is the only spiritual male. Our physical bodies are the garments that cover him. This is the reason that Paul could say that there is no male or female in Christ Jesus, so he is -- now he is stuck in the physical.


Galatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: ye are all one in Christ Jesus."


And what is really interesting about that Scripture, brethren, is that I had a word of knowledge when I was in Minnesota that I will sh- -- I will take this minute to share with you. "There is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." I never realized that that verse was saying that all of humanity is spiritually female, but even more than that, when it says, "Ye are all one in Christ Jesus," Paul is saying that you are all one soul. All of humanity is one soul. Some of us are dressed in a male garment, and others -- well, that single soul is broken up into sparks, OK, and these sparks are dressed in human bodies, you see, and some sparks are dressed in male bodies, and other sparks are dressed in female bodies. But the bottom line is that all of humanity is one soul.


So whether we look like a male or whether we look like a female is an illusion, you see, because the reality is that all of humanity is one female soul. Down here, at the bottom of the triangle, OK, because we are looking at creation as a triangle. At the bottom of the triangle, there are many millions, billions of human beings that each have a spark of that single so- -- of that single female soul, and anything that is material is an image. The reality is the soul; the image is an illusion. So this way we can say that whether you are physically male or physically female, you are still spiritually female because what you look like is an illusion.


If you remember "The Matrix," OK, there is no spoon. You want to know why the little boy could bend the spoon with his mind, Neo -- and Neo could not do it, so the little boy said to him, "Your problem is that you do not understand that there is no spoon." Everything that you can see with your eyes is an illusion. When your mind is high enough and it understands -- I mean, it could understand and then not be high enough, but when your mind is high enough and it understands that everything that is material is an illusion made out of spiritual clay, OK, when you really believe that and then your mind attains to that particular place, you can bend a spoon or change anything that you want to.


And now we are getting into alchemy. You can make anything that is solid into anything that you want it to be, when there is a combination of you believing that this world is all malleable clay and your mind is high enough to form the clay, you see. So, first, you have to believe it. No matter how spiritually high your mind is, you will never be able to change what appears to be solid in this world. It appears to be solid; it is not solid. The atoms of this table are actually very far apart, you see. So, first, you have to believe that the world is not solid, that the image is not solid. Then you have to believe that it can be changed by the mind, and then, when your mind becomes powerful enough to do it, you can change anything. You can make food appear. You can heal bodies because the body is just clay. It is just an image. That is how Jesus healed the body, you know. You just need a mind that is strong enough to mold it, you see.


So, if you can hear what I am going to say now, all of the peoples of the world together are one soul, you see, and some of them, the person who created the world, the person who formed the world, OK, said this group is female, and that group is male, and we received bodies to demonstrate that fact. But underneath the image of the body, everything is female, you see. That means that that which appears male in this world, the balance between that which appears male in this world and that which appears female in this world can change.


Think of it like a seesaw. Here is my gla- -- well, here is the book, OK. There is one soul; it is this book. This side is male, and this side is female. It is possible for the seesaw to rise this way, and then you have more females in the world and less males, or the seesaw goes the other way, and you have more males in the world and less females. But even more than that, let us talk about authority. When the seesaw goes this way, the auth- -- spiritual authority in the world goes to the females, and when the soul moves this way, the spiritual authority in the world goes to the souls that are dressed in male garments, souls that are all the same. Some are dressed in male garments; some are dressed in female garments, and the w- -- souls dressed in the male garments, Jesus said, Jehovah says, have the authority in this world, the authority over the family, OK, have the leadership role in the world.


And you can have -- I do not want to get into that again today. Of course, there can be a woman that can rise up and have a leadership role, but never in the family, OK, because male is an office in the family. The man is the office, and even if he is an inadequate man or an inadequate male, he still has the office. We have had inadequate presidents; we have had inadequate kings in Europe, OK. The physical body determines the authority in the family and, by and large, the leadership in the world. Well, it used to be male. The women are -- now that the -- things are changing in this culture because the mind is becoming more powerful than the body. I am talking about the traditional role, OK.


Everybody is the same. God said, if I put a male dress on you, you have authority, or a male suit on you, you have authority. If you have a female dress, you are subject to the male in the family, OK. And in most instances -- brethren, even today -- listen, even today, all you women that are manifesting over what I have been saying, even today with all of the women in law -- they are lawyers; they are anchors on TV. Women -- we have a woman running for the nomination -- for the Republican nomination for the presidency.


 When you get down pu- -- when you get down to push -- what is the word? From push -- when push comes against shove, OK, there are men running this world, OK. At the top of the Illuminati, at the top of the 300 families, at the top of the people running the world, they are all male. I am telling you they are all male. So I have no problem with a woman taking authority. I am talking about spiritual principles, and I am trying to tell you that the spiritual reality is that the male takes the leadership role. That is the spiritual paradigm. If you have a different experience, I am happy for you. I am talking about spiritual experiences. I have not made my point yet. You do not know what I am talking about.


Listen, there is on soul, and it is female, but the person that designed the world divided that female soul up into male groups and female groups, and it said, this group, you have the authority, and I am going to show the authority by putting a male suit on you. That is on the surface, the male suit and the female dress, but underneath, everything is female, so it could change. The guy that is wearing the male suit, that is -- the seesaw is up this way now. He is wearing the male suit, and that means that the cul- -- in the culture, the male has the authority. And then -- and who did this? Who said the male has the spiritual authority, OK? That is Jehovah, OK. Another power is coming into the Christian world.


Another power is coming in and changing that paradigm and saying I want the female to have the spiritual authority, in the family, in  world affairs, in everything. And another power has come in and changed the balance of power, and what happens when a female power came in and changed the balance of power and she is raising women up more and more every year -- more women are having power. What happened to the souls, the soul fragments, dressed in a suit? Did they stay equal? Did the men -- did the soul fragments wearing a suit, did they stay strong and in authority when the female started to get power? Can you see what I am saying? It is impossible because they are all one soul. One side has to be up, and the other side has to be down. As the females are raised up, the male side goes down, and we see a preponderance of homosexuality and transgenderism and a lack of having children, you see.


So I am trying to tell you, again, if anybody is still upset with me, what I am saying about the male-female thing. I am coming from a place that is way higher than your life in this world, you see. This is what God says: We are all one soul. Somebody has to be -- brethren, I am just like you. Maybe I know a little bit more because God has anointed me, but I am just like you, but the Lord made me the leader. Why? Because he just -- somebody had to be the leader, so for whatever -- on whatever reason he based it, I am the leader. I am the leader of the pack, right, but we are all the same. We are all fallen. We are all struggling. We all have our battles in life. We are all hurting on some area, and we are all going to die some day if the Lord does not raise us up to longevity, you see.


What I am telling is that men and women, they are all one soul. It is just the dress that they are wearing, the garment that they are wearing. So when women that -- when that -- and the balance of power that Jehovah made was this. This was the balance of power, that the male -- that the f- -- that the soul fragment in the male suit has the authority. That does not mean that a woman cannot come up and prevail, but, by and large, when a woman comes up and prevails, it -- she is really becoming a man. She is becoming a man because God said that the male garment is the leadership group, you see.


So now what is happening in the Western world is another power has come in that is contradicting Jehovah's authority and strengthening the group of soul fragments that are wearing the dress, and the seesaw is starting to move, you see. And for a brief season, they are equal, but it cannot stay equal because there is a momentum that has come in. When you throw a ball, it will keep on going until it runs out of momentum. A female power has come in and strengthened the female side, and the seesaw is moving, and unless something stops that spiritual power -- unless another spiritual power comes in and stops this shift, we are going to see women at the top in all areas and men, large -- at the bottom, a large homosexual population and many physical males that are not men in their mind. And when that happens, the whole culture goes whammo.  Women stop having babies. Witchcraft becomes common.


So the revelation that I got from God, brethren, just really excited me. He said there is no male and female. There is no spoon. There is no male and female; it is an illusion. We are all the same. We are all fragments of the one soul that died, and the w- -- and when the soul died, it became the woman, so we are all fragments of the woman. There is no male and female; it is an illusion. So in order to keep society from corrupting and destroying itself, it is really important that we live a lifestyle that lines up with the garment that we are wearing because, when we live li- -- since we all have the potential to be male. All the woman, you have the potential to be male, and all of you men, you have the potential to be females because we already are female. It is just the dress you are wearing.


So when we start living a lifestyle that does not line up with the garment that we are wearing, OK, the whole society goes out of whack, and when it goes out of whack, out of whack is equivalent with death. When we start living a lifestyle that does not line up with the garment that we were born with, OK, everything -- the whole plan, the whole balance by which society lives peacefully in relationship with God and with enough food to eat and shelter and blessings in our life, the balance that produces that lifestyle starts to revert to chaos. The opposite of right order is chaos.


So, ladies and gentlemen, I know there was a time that I was really focusing on the women, but the men too, OK. Men, you have no excuse before God to becoming female in your mind and to capitulating to your wife, in all areas of righteousness and morality, which includes anything. There is no excuse before God for you to be a female in your decisions, in the way you relate to your wife. You are supposed to relate to her with kindness. If you disagree with her or if there is a conflict, you are supposed to deal with her in kindness, OK. There is absolutely n- -- it is absolutely unacceptable to God for anyone -- any soul fragment wearing a male garment to act like a woman. That is in your family, with your wife, with your children and your job, with your mother, with your relatives. Everything you do should come out of a male mind, and anything less is sin.


That means you have to learn how to be a man, all you males. All you female soul fragments wearing a male garment, you have to learn how to be a man because everything you do that comes out of a female mind is sin unto you. The woman could do it and get away with it, and you cannot. and all of you women, everything that you do -- now there has to be a line because we live in a modern society, so -- and I told you I believe you can go to sh- -- if you want to get educated, you want to be a cop, you want to be a fireman, I d- -- I am not sure where the line is, but I know that I am looking at the family.


So no matter what you want to do out there that has to do with your physical strength -- you want to be a cop, you want to be a fireman, you want to be a green beret and a -- OK. When you come home, OK, if you are a green beret, OK, or a ranger, and when you come home, are you still relating to your husband as a woman? That is the only thing I am talking to you about because there is a line, ladies, that you go over, and there is a line, gentlemen, that you go over when your behavior and your mentality does not line up with the illusion of the body.


This body is an illusion. Your mind has to line up with the image, and when it does not, you are now contributing to the whole society headed for chaos, which ends in death and destruction. So you have to find where the line is for you, but the very -- the one line that I can tell you about is your home life. I do not care how smart you are, ladies. I do not care how educated you are. I do not care how much money you have, OK. You need to relate properly to your husband, to your father and to all of the males in the family. I am not talking about the business world because I do not know where the line is over there.


And all of you gentlemen, if you have a wife who happens to be very smart and who is successful in this world -- or maybe she just thinks she is very smart. Maybe she just thinks -- maybe she is smarter than you. You sh- -- you are not supposed to sit down and let her take over because you have the office, even if she is smarter than you are, OK. You have to find a way to benefit from her intelligence without becoming a woman and letting her be the man, so you should not be marrying a woman that is smarter than you are, overall. So that is what the Lord taught me when I was in Minnesota. And when we start living a lifestyle that does not line up with the image, we are headed for chaos, confusion, destruction, death, disease, and then what does not die from the pestilence and the wars, God comes in and kills us because we had become a perversion.


I do not want anybody saying that I said women have to sit home and be chained to the house. I never said any such thing. What I said is the more successful you are, in what have been traditionally male enterprises, the more danger you are in of losing the ability to relate to your husband in a godly manner. Does anyone not know what I just said? Do you know what I just said?




OK. You can be anything you want to be, anything that God lets you be. You go ahead, and you do it. The question is how is it going to affect your relationships with other people. OK, so that -- I could not h- -- resist telling you that one, OK.


So back to this letter. Jesus -- I am at the bottom of page 3. Jesus -- am I in the right place? Jesus said that his disciples can be as perfect as he was in the days of his flesh, and Jesus had physically male and physically female disciples. It is Christ Jesus in the midst of them that makes the difference. So what this gentleman is saying is he is imputing male and female roles to spiritual people based upon the body that they dwell in, which is an image, you see.


So let me say this: We are all spiritually female, physical men or physical women, but when Christ starts maturing in us, that is the true spiritual manhood that is arising in us, so there is a spiritual manhood in the flesh, but it has -- it is not determined by your physical body. So as I understand, what this man is saying, J- -- I have been calling him John -- is that physical women are relegated to a secondary position forever, for all eternity, you see, and I do not believe that is what Jesus teaches. Jesus said -- Paul said there is no male or female in Christ Jesus. Jesus said there is no marrying or giving in marriage in heaven. What does that mean? And then the -- in Corinthians, it says, "And Jesus will defeat every enemy, and when every enemy, even the last enemy, which is death, is defeated, he will offer up the creation to the Father."


Brethren, we are all s- --  a spiritually female soul, but we are destined to become male, physical men and physical women, which is just an image, OK. We are going to be equalized. The female soul, which we are, is going to become -- how is this female soul going to become male? The core of the female soul, which is the Malchus, will be reinstituted. She will be restored to her as -- to be restored to her relationship with Adam. She will be a part of the whole Adam. So there was a whole Adam. He fell off the wall, and he died. He broke up into two pieces, the female who has her own descendants and the residue of the male who has his own descendants. The female who has her own descendants is the seed of the serpent.


This whole perversion of division of the male and female aspect of the creation of God, which is called Adam, has got to cease to exist. It will be erased. The creation of God is whole, is one whole consisting of male and female, but God relates to the whole. Right now, it is divided. There is the female aspect and what is left of the male aspect, which is pretty weak. It cannot continue. God never intended it to be this way. It is a paradox. We have no right to exist in this condition, and we are about to be deleted because the female is going to merge back with the half a male that exists because the -- it is not really a male. It is the residue of the male, which is female, so we are left with two females.


And we have had quite a few teachings on that. Actually, the two Sunday that I was in Minnesota, the teachings were powerful. The female foundation cannot be divided, so even though the creation broke in two pieces, the female remains strong, but the manhood was only in the whole in the whole broken half, so the residue of the whole was another female. Do you know what I just said? Do you understand that?



We have two females today. Everything is female, but the Lord is going to put them back together again, and it is a great mystery, but the fe- -- the two females, when you put them together, you get a male, when you put them together and Elohim joins the creation. This world is deleted. This condition of male, female will be deleted. There is no male, female. There is only the creation of God, Adam, and God relates to the whole. Whatever your or my role happens to be in the whole, God relates to the whole. He does not rate -- relate to the partial aspect of it, you see.


So this whole condition of men and women that this man is focused on, it is not even a reality, you see, so that is what I am trying to tell him here, that Jesus said that his disciples can be as perfect as he was in the days of his flesh, including the disciples wearing a female garment. And Jesus had physically male and physically female disciples, and then I give him Luke 6:40, "The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master." So now we are not just disagreeing. Now I am telling him that his doctrine is wrong, you see.


Number nine, Jesus Christ restored God's highest visible idea of manhood for all eternity. That is true. Ten, Jesus' bride restores womanhood and Eve's pre-corrupted position by reflecting her bridegroom for all eternity. I said, well, this is true, but the question is who is the bride. The bride is the whole church, physical males and physical females. The creation is spiritual. Any -- see, this is the danger of getting into esoteric doctrine while your mind is still carnal. This is what you do: You just see -- you just -- you are dealing with the image. You cannot -- this is the same thing as me saying, if I heard that the Garden of Eden was out there, I would not go. You cannot get in from the outside. You have to get in from underneath; you have to come in from the root, you see. There is no way you cannot get into trouble by entering into spiritual doctrine, focusing on the physical creation. You have to get into trouble, you see.


Ephesians 5:23, "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body." He is the savior of the physical body, you see. Eleven, there will be no fight between righteous, restored redeemer, Adam, and righteous, restored Eve. This is true, but restored Eve is not a physic- -- is not physical women. Christ is the indwelling male, and the physical men as well as the physical women of the church are the collective bride of Christ. The male-female relationship between physical men and physical women is brought to the peace you describe above when both the man and the woman submit to the indwelling Christ within themselves. There will be peace between all physical men and physical women when Christ Jesus inhabits all of us and we all submit to Christ, our husband.


And that goes for any authority, in a ministry, in your job, any authority. There is peace when everybody is in submission to Christ. There is no hope -- see, what I perceive this man to be seeing is a time when physical men and physical women do not argue anymore, but you cannot -- that will never, ever happen before we get our new nature, and our new nature will connect us to Christ, you see.


And then he says, 12, there is a new spiritual creation as the offspring of the union. I do not know what he thinks that is, but I said, I agree that there is a new spiritual creation, but he is the offspring of the union of Christ in the individual both men and women and the Lord Jesus Christ. His name is Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man. Christ Jesus is the manchild of Revelation 12. You have not told me what you think this new creation is. I believe that the new creation man will first appear as Jesus did in the days of his flesh, and after that, we too shall receive spiritual bodies and never die again. I wrote to you about Sophia to let you know that you are receiving an esoteric doctrine from a female spirit that is counterfeiting the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, and she is lying to you, that is, giving you false revelation.


The Lord Jesus Christ loves you very much and is trying to save you from the troubles that fall upon men who embrace the doctrine of the fallen female, whatever name you choose to call her. In other words, the Lord Jesus is telling you that you are being taught by a fallen, female spirit who is seducing you in your mind., just like the snake seduced the woman in the garden. So the Lord sent you to a ministry where he is teaching us the truth by the male spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.


And from there I got to 2 Thessalonians, verses 2 -- chapter 2, verses 7 through 12. "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that wicked, fallen female be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy, with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of woman who married Satan," and I said Satan [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- the woman who married Satan "with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in the doctrine of the fallen female."


And I did that wrong. That should really say, "They all might be damned to believe not the truth, but had pleasure in the unrighteous doctrine of the fallen female." I need to change that. Wherefore, you are invited to study with us if you choose to do so, so that you can be saved from the lies of the fallen spiritual female who has laid hold of your mind. He has not acknowledged the receipt of the email yet. I think he is probably -- if anyth- -- if nothing, he is very shocked, you know, because, see, he thinks he is going to have -- he thinks I am his -- well, I go back and forth between saying he thinks I am his colleague and he is going to have a dialogue. The truth is he wants to teach me. That is the truth.


So in hi- -- to his mind, you see, if it was not true that the Lord has given me the doctrine of Christ, if it was not true that he has error in his doctrine, if none of this was true, if I was truly his equal, then I would be in a high position of pride. I would be in very high pride talking to him this way, you see, and the issue is that he does not see the authority on me, you know. So I think -- I do not know what he is doing in his conscious mind, but his unconscious mind is very upset with me, OK, and I think that, in his conscious mind, he is probably upset with me too.


Why is he upset with me? Brethren, he is pursuing me. He could just go away. He is the one that is pursuing me. He wants someone. He is lo- -- brethren, he is lonely. When you have -- I thank God for every one of you, that I have people to preach to, you see, or even when I do studies on my own, you want to share it. When God gives you something like this, you want to share it. You want people to share it with you, you see. He is spiritually lonely, and I think he is been out on this limb for many years, you see. I do not know what his whole story is, but I do not think he is eve- -- from he has told me, he has never had any students, you see. So he wants someone to share spiritual doctrine with, so that is why he is pursuing me. We will see, you know. We will see what he is [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- we will see what is going to happen.


So, look, it is getting late. What I want to do -- I really did not plan on this being a two-part message. I would like -- I am going to read the Alternate Translation of 2 Thessalonians 2 to you, and then [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- I just have one or two footnotes. Everything -- most of the footnotes are Scripture references, so there is just one or two footnotes, and I am going to try and finish this today. Who knows what is going to come out of my mouth as I read it.


So I am not going to read the King James version again. I will read -- starting on page 11, I will read you the unannotated Alternate Translation, and then we will go to the annotated Alternate Translation, and I will -- we will see how long -- we will see how far along we get.


Alternate Amplified Translation, 2 Thessalonians 2. Now I am going to try not to comment on this. I am going to try to read right through. "Now we ask you, brethren, concerning the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ and his gathering together with Christ in us, that the letters that you received from us declaring the spiritual truth of the word of God should not cause you to shake with fear or to reject the judgment of your sin nature because the day of Christ is at hand. So do not let anyone deceive you in any way because unless you forsake the lawless one first, the Son of Adam or the Son of man who has the whole doctrine of God which opposes the wisdom of Sophia, the fallen woman, who either elevates herself above Adam, her husband, or sits down in the temple of God to prove that she is God so that she is worshipped as if she were God."


I do not think I read that right. "So do not let anyone deceive you in any way because unless you forsake the lawless one first, the Son of man who has the whole doctrine of God" -- I think there is something missing here, "which opposes the wisdom of God, the fallen woman who either elevates herself above Adam, her husband, or sits down in the temple of God to prove that she is God so that she is worshipped as if she were God." So there is something wrong with the translation.


"So do not let anyone deceive you in any way because unless you forsake the lawless one first, the Son of man will not appear." That is what it is supposed to be saying. You will not see the Son of man. Christ Jesus will not appear in you unless you forsake your fallen nature first, you see. So I have to see how that is going to fit in there. You will not see God unless you first believe that he is, you see. So everybody that is saying I do not have to judge my sin nature -- I am just not going to comment on it. I am just going to go right through, OK.


Verse 5, "Do not remember -- do you not remember that, when I was still with you, I di- -- I told you these things? Well, now that the doctrine of Sophia, the wisdom of the fallen woman, that I told you about has appeared, it is time to see Satan, the unconscious part of your carnal mind and force her under the authority of Christ within you." That should be within yourself.


"Because the Egyptian mystery tradition of the past is operating again, except that Christ is suppressing it, and the Lord Jesus is suppressing it at this present time until Christ Jesus comes into existence in the midst of them. And then the Lord Jesus, God's mouthpiece, shall reveal Satan, the wicked, dynamic energy of Sophia, the female wisdom who is recognizable, when she arrives, through the false doctrine by which Satan, Sophia's dynamic energy, consumes the spirit of God's people. But the Lord Jesus Christ shall render Satan, the dynamic energy of Sophia, the female wisdom who descended from a higher world and is appearing in this present world as the devil, the whole power of the false prophet who produces the miraculous signs that witness to the doctrinal lies of Sophia, the higher consciousness of the carnal mind and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, inactive and useless."


So what we are saying is all of verse 9 is parenthetical. What we are saying is, "But the Lord Jesus shall render Satan" -- that is the last phrase of verse 8a. "But the Lord Jesus Christ shall render Satan" -- go down to 8b -- "inactive and useless." The whole of verse 9 is a description of Satan. "But the Lord Jesus Christ shall render Satan, the dynamic energy of Sophia, the female wisdom" -- those are all definitions. "Satan is going to be rendered inactive and useless to the end that the devil that is deceiving humanity and Satan, the unjust mind of Sophia, the whole fallen woman who is the higher consciousness of their carnal mind, might rest in the place of God within them who loved the truth, but do not believe that it is Sophia, the higher consciousness of their carnal mind, that is teaching them so that they might be saved."


"This decept- -- and this deception is the reason that God sends Christ, the dynamic energy of the Lord Jesus Christ, to persuade those who love the truth, that the doctrine of Sophia, the higher consciousness of their carnal mind, is a lie, so that they who do not believe the truth about the wisdom that they have received, that is from Sophia, the whole fallen woman who is the higher consciousness of their carnal mind, but think that this wisdom is from God, the only one who is good, might recognize that the wisdom of Sophia, the higher consciousness of their carnal mind, cannot replace the righteous judgment of the Lord Jesus Christ."


"Wherefore, we are obliged to continually express our gratitude to God for you, brethren, who the Lord has attached himself to because God has chosen you to be the first humans to sacrifice your fallen nature to save Christ, your higher soul, by separating your human spirit from the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, which is what happens when you believe the truth about your fallen nature, which spiritual sacrifice of your carnal mind the Lord Jesus called you to when he arranged for you to hear our gospel so that you might acquire the opinion of our Lord Jesus Christ, that his wisdom is superior to the wisdom of Sophia, the fallen woman who is the higher consciousness of your carnal mind."


"Wherefore, brethren, be immovable when it comes to retaining the truth that was transmitted to you when we taught you, whether by expounding on the word of God or through our letters about Sophia, the female wisdom that is higher -- the is the higher consciousness of your carnal mind, and her relationship to your sin nature. Indeed, our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God, our Father, who loved us and has consoled us in this age, has given us the confidence through the divine spirit that influences our heart to anticipate that the next age will be good. Hallelujah. So let your hearts call forth good motives that move you towards Christ in all the work that you do."


We have a promise that the next age will be good. The same spirit that has consoled us in this age that has been so hard and painful has given us reason to hope and believe that the next age will be good. So call forth good motives that move you towards Christ in all -- everything that you do because what you sow in this wo- -- in this age, you will reap in the following age. Do good, brethren.


So, well, let me see how far we get with this commentary because I am on page 15, starting with the commentary. As I said, most of the footnotes are Scriptures, but I do have a couple of footnotes that I will talk to you about.


Verse 1, "Now we ask you, brethren, concerning the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ and his gathering together with Christ in us."


So the topic -- the introductory topic, Paul tells us right away, is we are talking about the coming marriage or union between the Lord Jesus and Christ in ourselves, OK, and that union will fulfill us. We are already completed. If you have Christ, you are already completed. What makes you complete is that you are both male and female, so Christ completes you. He is the male to your -- even though -- Christ is male to your female soul, OK. When the Lord Jesus marries Christ in us, we will now -- heaven and earth will be joined in us, OK. We will be -- we are one with the mediator. Christ Jesus will be in us, and we will be the skin of the mediator, and for all intents and purposes, we will be the mediator, you see. In this encounter with this man, we are the mediator between Jesus, who is trying to save him, and the man. So that is what this is all about.


"Now we ask you, brethren, concerning the appearance of our Lord Jesus and his gathering together with Christ in us."


Well, we do not know what he is asking yet, but we know that it is about the gathering together or the ingathering. The church talks about the ingathering, but they do not understand that the ingathering is spiritual. Everything is spiritual, brethren, the Lord Jesus to Christ in us. So now let us see what his question is concerning the topic of the coming marriage between the Lord Jesus and Christ in you, which will catapult you into longevity and immortality. We have a question concerning that. Here is the question. Well, he may not be asking us a question. He is now going to talk to us about that topic. Paul has declared the topic, the ingathering, the marriage of the Lord Jesus to Christ in us.


"That the letters that you received from us declaring the spiritual truth of the word of God should not cause you to shake with fear, but to reject the judgment of your sin nature because the day of Christ is at hand."


He is speaking to the church at Thessalonica, and he says do not be afraid of the judgment. Do not quake with fear at the thought of having your sins revealed, and do not reju- -- reject the judgment. Do not quake with fear, and do not reject the judgment because the day of Christ is at hand. It is coming in your lifetime. If you reject the judgment of your sin nature, no matter how smart you are, no matter how much money you give to the church, no matter how many good works you do, no matter how much -- well you know the doctrine of Christ, you will not ascend into immo- -- into longevity, brethren, and that is what we read in a subsequent verse. Unless you first reject your fallen nature -- you have to reject him first. Christ Jesus, your ability to go into longevity, will not appear in you unless you first reject your sin nature.


I mean, we have had people here that wanted to get Christ first, and then they would let go of their sin nature. You know, that is like the person that is unhappy in their marriage, so they says, well, I have an idea. I am going to go out and find a new husband or a new wife before I get divorced. You know, well, that makes sense, does it not? Why should I be alone and suffering, and I will just find someone new first, you know. I hope you all know that I am kidding, OK. So Paul is saying you -- there is no way that the Lord Jesus will marry Christ in you unless you first reject your old man.


Verse 3 -- so now -- so that is the topic, OK. That is -- number one is the topic. Verse 2 is the counsel. Number 3 is now the explanation of what might happen in your life that might cause you to reject the judgment of your sin nature.


"So do not let anyone deceive you in any way because, unless you forsake the lawless one first" -- I will just read ahead so you can have some sense here. "The Son of Adam or the Son of man who has the whole doctrine of God, which opposes the wisdom of Sophia, the fallen woman who either elevates herself above Adam, he husband, or sits down in the temple of God to prove that she is God so that she is worshipped as if she were God."


So there is something wrong with that -- with the English there, but that is what -- that is a description of the behavior of Sophia. So let us get back there to the lawless one. That is our first footnote, the lawless one. Who is the lawless one? The lawless one -- and if you want to see how I got these words, brethren, that is in the -- I am not going to go over it with you, but starting on page 27 is the breakdown with the alternate words that I picked, and the lawless one, that is a translation of perdition, OK, so you could do that on your own, if you want to, starting on page 27.


The lawless one is Adam's female foundation who committed adultery with the primordial snake and caused Adam's spiritual death. He departure from God's creation resulted in her translation from being part of the creation of God to an individual to an individual spiritual entity who became the god of this fallen world. Now I have been p- -- I preached on that a lot, so, hopefully, you all understand that. She is known by many names, but we call her Sophia, the Greek word for wisdom, because in Thessalonians 2, Paul teaches us that the invisible presence of Adam's runaway wife is revealed through the deadly doctrine called the female wisdom.


So the core of the message here is Paul warning the saints at Thessalonica that the way you recognize this invisible deity that wants you -- I just had an interesting thought. The way you recognize this deity is that she will preach esoteric doctrine. I want to tell you what just popped into my mind, brethren. You know, it is been a long time. It is been years since anyone on the Internet has sought to disciple me, but when I first started -- when we first appeared on the Internet with the Living Epistles website, before the -- CCK ever came into existence, there were several -- who knows who they were or what they were, that -- because I never saw them. They just approached me through the Internet -- that wanted to bring me under them. They recognized the esoteric doctrine of the Living Epistles, and they wanted to bring me under them


And there was one person that wrote to me. I thought she was a woman, but who knows. And I -- whatever she said I rejected, and it was a whole big thing, how I would never force myself on you and blah, blah, blah. I just rejected the whole thing, and she actually came into one of our meetings when I was still preaching in front of that -- when I was sitting over there when I used to preach. She came in. She actually took over the meeting. I actually saw an image of a plane and someone with -- that looked like a World War -- I think World War I pilot with the -- I think it was World War I pilot with the -- like, the leather cap and the goggles on, came out of the plane and let down a string that even- --


I sat in the meeting. I do not know what message it was, but I sat in the meeting, and I said, what is this image that I am seeing? And they wound up turning the whole message, and aft- -- the Lord did not tell me until afterwards that it was that deity through that person that wrote to me through the Internet, that I rejected them. They said, you can reject this offer if you want to, and I will leave you -- and I will not bother you, OK, and I rejected them, but they bothered me. They were praying, and they came right into the meeting, and I saw that spiritual entity entered into the meeting to try to capture me, and if they captured me, they would have captured you all.


And the wa- -- the image that I saw was that they came in this plane, and the guy was hanging out of the plane with the leather cap with the strap hanging loose, trying to catch me, like, as if there was a magnet at the end of the cord to catch me to draw me up into that plane, you see. But it failed, so I do not know who they were. They never came back again. So -- but it is been a long time since anyone tried to capture me or to bring me under them, but there were quite a few incidents of people contacting me through the website.


Now this man, I do not think in his mind, he wishes me any harm, but this is what the Lord just said to me, that he is carrying -- he is a carrier for Sophia, you see. Now, listen, how am I going to s- -- well, I am -- give me a minute. I will get this out. My tongue is twisting. All these other people, maybe there was many as five or 10 of them, not more than 10 if that, over the years, came in to try to seduce me to submit to their doctrine. None of them were in God. They were all New Age or worse. Who knows who they were [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. This is the first time a man, who was a Christian carrying Sophia, has come to me to try to bring me under. Do you understand what I am saying?


He is out there looking for disciples, but he picked the wrong disciple, you see. He is out there. He is a Christian. I believe, in his mind, he is a Christian, the Lord Jesus his savior. He says all the right words, and I think he is a Christian. I do not think he is a phony. I think he is a Christian, but the spirit that is making him think that he should have disciples under him is not the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is -- and from his point of view, another Jesus. Maybe he is put off that I say Sophia. Another way to say it -- Paul said it, it is another Jesus. But we always relate it -- that term, another Jesus, to the Catholic Church, who preaches another Jesus.


Well, here is a man who sounds like he is fully Christian, and he has high doctrine. Brethren, it is something like this that happened to that preacher in Texas. I do not want to put his name on the tape. God sent us to him, gave him books, told him this is the message that is going to launch the next revival. And who does he wind up with? Who does he wind up with, in the lap of who? The witch over there that calls himself Christian, you know. So this man has false doctrine. Now the witch that the guy from Texas wound up with, he has a following. I am on his mailing list, you know. He travels. People host him. He has people come into his meetings. This guy is a beginner. The Lord must really love him because he has not been able to get any followers, you see.


So he is pursuing me. He is actively pursuing me, so, in his mind, he wants dialogue. He wants someone to teach. He wants someone to listen to him, OK, but there is a deeper motive that he himself does not know about, that the spirit that is teaching him is Sophia, and she is coming into the church in this subtle way. It is no longer easy to discern, well, that person is New Age, or this person is that or that person this. He looks like a really nice Christian, and now he has got himself a really godly woman that he married.


He looks really good. Am I telling you that he is evil? No. I have no reason to believe that he is evil or that he knows what he is doing, but God just told me that the spirit that is motivating him is looking to put me under, that this is more than just someone who is in pride that has some esoteric doctrine and they want to teach me. It is more than that. There is a spirit that is teaching him, that is driving him, that would love to take over the one that is teaching the doctrine of Christ. There is a higher consciousness that he does not even know about. That is what the Lord just told me. OK.


"So do not let anyone deceive you" -- I am in verse 3 of page 15 -- "in any way because unless you forsake the lawless one first, the Son of Adam will not appear in you."


The lawless one is your fallen nature, Satan and Leviathan, your fallen nature. The Son of man -- Jesus said, I am the Son of man, and I am the Son of God. The Son of man is Christ Jesus in you. He will never appear in you. He is your longevity. He will not appear in you unless you first forsake the lawless one. You may not be able to get rid of him or her, but you have to recognize her. You have to hate her. We are told in the Book of Revelation they are going to hate her and burn her with fire. You have to hate everything about yourself that is not Christ if you want Christ to come forth in the fullness in you.


So now we are told, in verse 4, that it is the Son of Adam who has the whole doctrine of Christ, so this man, he has doctrine, but he does not have the whole doctrine. You see, that is the danger of anti-Christ. It has -- they -- anti-Christ has aspects of truth to what it is saying. I was able to agree with the first several points that he had with a little change, but I was able to agree with it until the f- -- real error appeared, and I have taught on anti-Christ, how the danger of anti-Christ is you -- they are right on one thing. They are right on two things, and some people stop thinking, and they just believe everything, and they swallow the lie with the truth.


So it is the Son of man, Christ Jesus, who has the whole doctrine of God, and I have a footnote over there, verse 3, that is a -- how did I get past this? I missed footnote 2. Oh, OK, I am sorry. Next the -- footnote 2 goes after the Son of Adam, and that is Matthew 16:13. "When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, asked his disciples -- the coast of Caesarea Philipp, he, Jesus, asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?"


And now footnote #3. We are talking about Adam or the Son of man who has the whole doctrine of God, footnote #3, John 6:35. "And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." He has the whole doctrine of God. When you have the whole doctrine of God, you are bread. When you have only partial doctrine, you are wormy bread.


So he has the whole doctrine of God who -- which doctrine opposes the wisdom of Sophia, the fallen woman, who either elevates herself above, her husband, or she sits down in the temple of God to prove that she is God so that she is worshipped as if she were God. Well, that verse is OK, I just was not -- I was not reading it right properly. So the Son of man has the whole doctrine of God. He is the bread from heaven which opposes the wisdom or reveals the error of the wisdom of Sophia, the fallen woman and the fa- -- listen, now we are defining the fallen woman, the fallen woman who either elevates herself above Adam, her husband, or sits down in the temple of God to prove that she is God so that she is worshipped as if she were God.


And that is -- footnote #4 is a note. To sit down is a scriptural euphemism for the marital connection. Sophia wants to have a spiritual, marital connection with the carnal mind of God's people. And that is what is going on with this man that he is -- I believe he is completely ignorant of. So we are being told that Satan or [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Sophia herself is going to be coming to us in an even more subtle way than ever before, and what she [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- and this is how you reco- -- brethren, this whole chapter is how to recognize Sophia because she is invisible, you see. How do you recognize Sophia? She elevates herself above Adam, her husband, OK. Now that is what he is doing because sh- -- this man is elevating himself above Adam or Christ Jesus in me. He does not recognize him. Or -- she either elevates herself above Adam, her husband, or she sits down in the temple of God. We are the temple of God, you see.


And that is footnote #5, 1 Corinthians 3:16, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"


So either she is raising herself up above Christ Jesus in the people that have Christ Jesus, which is me, or in the people that do not have Christ Jesus, she will sit down in the temple of God. She will sit down in your mind and prove to you that she is God so that you worship her as if she were God. So how is she going to prove to you that she is God? First, she has to sit down in your mind before she can prove that she is God, and sit down means the marital connection. That means Sophia, the disembodied spirit that is on a paral- -- on a -- that is analogous to the level that Lord Jesus is at on the other side, it means she wants to join with Satan in you, Satan and Leviathan in you. Like the Lord Jesus wants to join with Christ in us, she wants to join with Satan and Leviathan in you. That is the sitting down, you see. And once she can do that, which I think she has done with this man, then she convinces you that she is God either by doing miracles in your life or by giving you this doctrine with -- which lets you exalt yourself over your fellow believers.


Verse 5, "Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things?"


So this was a future visit with Paul. He had been there previously and told them these things. He says, well, I told you about it in the past, verse 6, but now that the doctrine of Sophia, the wisdom of the fallen woman that I told you about, has appeared -- so what this means to me is that something happened in [?Sethalonica?] that Paul came and -- that came to Paul's understanding that someone -- that this false doctrine was appearing in S- -- Thessalonica.


So now that the doctrine of Sophia, the wisdom of the fallen woman that I told you about has appeared, it is time to see Satan, the unconscious part of your mind -- carnal mind and forcer her under the authority of Christ Jesus within you because, if you do not do that, your carnal mind is going to agree with Sophia, and then you will be fulfilled by Sophia. And then she is going to come and sit down in you, and you are going to be in trouble.


So Paul is s- -- Paul i- -- might just as well be saying I have got a message that a false prophet is here in Thessalonica, and he is raising himself up above what I taught you. Paul is saying, I am the one that Adam is dwelling in.


Oh, I lost my microphone. Is it recording? Oh, here it is [INAUDIBLE], OK.


He said, I am the one, Paul speaking. Christ Jesus in me, I am the husband of the spirit that is bringing you this false doctrine, whoever was bringing it. I do not know who was bringing the false doctrine in Thessalonica. So she is exalting herself. That person who is teaching you the opposite of what I taught you, they are exalting themselves above their husband, Christ Jesus, who is in me, Paul, you see. And that -- if they cannot do that, then they want -- the next thing they want to do -- if they cannot do that in you -- if Christ Jesus is not in you -- because I am the -- Paul is saying I am the elder. She is exalting herself above me, and what she wants to do with you, whether it was a man or a woman preaching, that spirit wants to sit down in you. This person that is teaching you the opposite of what I taught you, the goal is that that spirit that is teaching should sit down in you and marry you and give you false doctrine too or even worse. That is what Paul I saying.


This is not doctrine; this is very personal. This is experiencing the Scripture. So Paul is saying this -- the doctrine of Sophia, the wisdom of the fallen woman, that I told you about has appeared. That was verse 6. Did I read you that? No.


Verse 6 -- Revelation 2:20, "Notwithstanding I have a few things again you, because you sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and the eat things sacrificed to idols."


What does that mean? Thou sufferest that woman Jezebel. She is a spiritual woman. She appears under -- from behind a garment, either a male or a female garment. And she calls herself a prophetess, but she has false doctrine, and she wants to teach and seduce my servants to commit spiritual fornication with her. She wants to sit down in the temple of God, which you are, and convince you to have a spiritual, marital connection with her rather than the Lord Jesus Christ, or rath- -- even more so, rather than with Paul, rather than with Christ Jesus in Paul.


You see, the preacher is the husband of the church. Christ in all of you, today, is having a spiritual, marital union with Christ Jesus in me. So if you walk out of here and you are being fed doctrine by someone else that is not the doctrine of God, the person that is doing that is exalting themself [sic] above Chri- -- wa- -- Christ Jesus in me and trying to marry you. So if you let them exalt themselves above what is being taught here, then the next step is that they sit down in you and marry you.


So am I a cult leader now, that  you have to believe everything that I say? Absolutely not. But if you have any questions like that, you need to come to me and tell me that someone is telling you something different. You need -- we need to talk about it; we need to pray about it. And you need to decide whether or not God put you under this teacher or that teacher, and you have to trust God to deliver the truth and to bring the -- most likely a judgment of condemnation against the other teacher, but that is -- goes without saying, talking about the brethren here. If someone ever is teaching you something other than what you are learning here, you need to come and talk to me about it, or it is just a matter of time until you are seduced out of here.


I want to say it again. You do not -- you are not forced to believe what I believe, but you should believe it in faith and ask God to help you to believe it, if you do not understand it. If you do not believe it, well, if it is just one issue, you put it on the shelf, you know; you work it through. But if, overall, you do not believe it, you should leave. But we are all challenged to believe that if there is something that I am preaching that you really cannot believe, that either God has to change your mind, or he has to prove me wrong because we are supposed to be of one mind, of one accord.


I want to say it again. Either he has to change your mind and help you to believe it, or he has to show me that I am wrong. One of us has to change, you see, and most likely it will be you, but I have been corrected by the brethren in the ministry, you know. So [UNINTELLIGIBLE] so any disagreement that we have needs to be only temporary. It can only be temporary. One of us has to change, you see. Does anyone not know what I just said? OK.


Verse 7, "Because the Egyptian mystery religion of the past is operating again, except that Christ is suppressing it, and the Lord Jesus is suppressing it at the his time, until Christ Jesus comes into existence in terms midst of them."


I thought that was so exciting, so because I added -- everything in brackets is amp- -- are amplifications. I added that in. "Because the Egyptian mystery religion" -- when I looked up the Greek word that meant mystery, it meant, you know, mystery religion or rites, so that is a legitimate amplification. "Because the Egyptian mystery religions of the past" is a translation. You could find it if you looked in the notes under verse 7. You will see which English word that is an alternate translation of, but if it is not in brackets, then it is a legitimate alternate translation.


"Because the Egyptian mystery religion of the past is operating again, except that Christ is suppressing it, and the Lo-" -- the reason the Lord Jesus is in brackets is because the Greek word that means suppressing it appeared twice, but it was only translated once. Whenever you see that, if you are ever working in the interlinear text where you see a word repeated and the King James translators, they just do not translate it, it is because they do not know what to do with it. But if the word appears twice, it means there are two subjects, so the two subjects are Christ in you are suppressing it, and the Lord Jesus above is suppressing it. Even though they are not married yet, they are working together to subre- -- suppress the operation of Egyptian mystery religion, and he is working to suppress it in you. Your fallen nature is being attracted to Egyptian mystery religion. Well, maybe not here, but I do not s- -- think I am -- well, even I am attracted to it, but God sublimates it, you see.


We are in the middle of a message called "Malchus in the Egyptian Pantheon." I had a real conflict about what to preach today because I really wanted to preach the next part of that message, you see. So it is OK if we are attracted to mystery religion, if the Lord is taking us through it and giving us the -- that experience in himself. Does anyone not know what I just said? But the people of the -- of God's people that do not have what we have here that are now starting to feel attracted to esoteric doctrine and they do not know where to go or they do not trust us, they are, like, just out there, just hanging there. They are just, like, ready to be plucked off the vine. They are in a lot of danger.


So the Egyptian mystery religion of the past is operating again, and it is all around us. Surely we know it is out there in the world again. Except that Christ is suppressing it, and the Lord Jesus is suppressing it at this present time until Christ Jesus comes into existence in the midst of them. And I have a footnote next to Christ Jesus. That is #9. Did I not read -- I guess, I did not read 7. Let us go back.


Verse 7, Satan, the unconscious part of your mind, you need to force her under the authority of Christ within you right now, or if your carnal mind is on top of Christ, it is going to attract Sophia. And when Sophia comes in and joins with your carnal mind, they will kill Christ in you, and that is footnote #7.


The Greek word translated tribulation -- and I have to look up the Strong's number -- means to force down under. This is the reality of the tribulation: It is spiritual -- it is a spiritual experience, a spiritual warfare. I had a misspelled word there, a spiritual warfare that forces Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, under the authority of Christ within the believer. When bad things happen to you in the natural, I am sorry they are happening to you, but that is not the tribulation. The tribulation is what you suffer in your emotions and in your mind when Christ in you struggles to overcome your carnal mind. That is the tribulation, the emotional and spiritual, probably, upheaval and the headaches and the other things that the brethren suffer.


Mary, maybe you could open that door. I think the bird stopped chirping. Everybody is hot, including me. Thanks.


Verse 7, "Because the mystery Egyptian religion" -- thank you Mary.


And that is footnote #8, Exodus 22:8 [sic], "They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them: they have made them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt."


So the Egyptian mystery religion of the past is operating again. Both Christ and the Lord Jesus have repressed it until Christ Jesus comes into existence in the midst of them. And what does that mean? I explained that to you before. Christ Jesus is the mediator that attaches heaven to the -- to our earth, where Christ is. When Christ Jesus comes into existence, he is more powerful than Sophia's attachment to your fallen nature. It will not be a fair fight; Christ Jesus will repress her, will actually destroy her. So we are waiting for Christ Jesus to come into existence in the midst -- I do not know whether it is in the midst of them or in the midst of us. I think it should be in the midst of us.


Verse 8a, "And then" -- did I verse -- do footnote 9. Where is footnote 9? Christ Jesus, I did that. Did I do that? Nine, Christ Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, is born in a man when the Lord Jesus Christ joins with Christ in that man, OK.


And footnote 10, when he comes into existence in the midst of us, 10, Revelation 12:5, " And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up into G- -- unto God, and to his throne."


Brethren, this battle is going on in the midst of us. When Christ Jesus is completely born in us, then when we will -- sorry, we will be out helping other people who are having the same conflict. That is what the apostle Peter was doing for Ananias, but the battle is within us. It is a spiritual battle, OK, and we -- the -- as a result of it, we usually suffer in our body or in our emotions or in our mind, OK. It is not a car accident or a war; that is not the tribulation, or some anti-Christ ma- -- leader who has s- -- concentration camps. That is not the tribulation, you see.


Verse 8a, "And the nothing Lord Jesus, the Father's mouthpiece" -- footnote 11, John 14:9, "Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long a time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?"


So Jesus speaks for the Father, and then the Lord Jesus, the Father's mouthpiece, shall reveal Satan, the wicked, dynamic energy of Sophia. And I think I explained this before, but I will read you the footnote, footnote 12. There are two kinds of energy, called dynamic energy and static energy. Static energy wills the action to be done, and the dynamic energy performs the action. For example, Jehovah is static energy, and Elohim is dynamic energy. The Spirit of Christ is the dynamic energy of the Lord Jesus, and Satan is the dynamic energy of Sophia, the fallen woman.


So we are reading verse 8a, "And then the Lord Jesus, the Father's mouthpiece, shall reveal Satan, the wicked, dynamic energy of Sophia, the female wisdom who is recognizable when she arrives through the false doctrine by which Satan, Sophia's dynamic energy, consumes the spirit of God's people."


So we see that false doctrine consumes our spirit. Brethren, this happened to me years ago when I was just starting out, and I did not even understand what God was doing here, but I was in Florida, and I was just very drawn to spiritual things, which is what Paul is talking about here. He calls it an Egyptian mystery religion. I was just looking anywhere. I -- the Lord had not brought me to Kabbalah yet. I was just hungry for spiritual things, and I wound up in a shop. It was actually a bookstore of this Chabad organization, the Jewish people that I have actually taken a course with for the last five years or so, and the place was filled with all of these books. I did not know at the time, but it was metaphysics.


Metaphy- -- what are metaphysi- -- what is metaphys- -- m- -- what is met- -- sorry. What is metaphysics? Metaphysics is spiritual doctrine that does not [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- that does not include the Lord Jesus Christ, which is all of the Jewish literature. That is why we have Christ-Centered Kabbalah, and I walked out of that store. All I did was leaf through the books. I was exhaus- -- every drop of energy in me was just pulled out of me. I had to go home and go to sleep, and at that time, I had to seek the Lord and ask him what it was. I did not even know.


So when I -- and I believe that I am typical, OK. When we approach esoteric doctrine that -- let me put it to you this way. When we seek out ethot- -- esoteric doctrine, one of two things happens to us. Either -- if the Lord Jesus is in it, it feeds us, and we receive energy and spiritual growth, or, if the Lord Jesus is not in it, the spirit that that writes that book pulls the energy out of us, and we get tired, you see. It strips [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- it stripped me of every drop of energy that I had. When I read esoteric doctrine that is not the doctrine of Christ, it is death unto me, you see. So that is what this is here. I am trying to explain this to you.


"Satan, Sophia's dynamic energy, consumes the spirit of God's people."


Now if this man, whoever he f- -- I do not think he has really found anyone that is listened to him yet. He is -- from what I heard, he is, like, very frustrated, but anyone that would submit to his teaching would be stripped of their energy, you see. If you are wielding spiritual power or studying esoteric doctrine and the Lord Jesus is not in it, you get sick, and eventually you die. That is where the prohibition against astrologists and having your astrology chart read and all of that. It used to be illegal to do that in this country, OK. I drive down the road here. There is a woman that reads your palms. It used to be illegal. That is the wielding of spiritual power that excludes Jesus, and it -- and curses come on people, and you get sick and die, eventually. No -- people do not put two and two together. So that is how Satan, Sophia's dynamic energy, consumes the spirit of God's people.


I have to tell you. I have to add this in here. I am not watching Glenn Beck very much anymore, but I turned him on the other day. He looked absolutely terrible. I do not know what was wrong with him. His hands were all bandaged. I suspect that his hands were swollen, and he is very sick. He is a very sick man. He looked absolutely terrible. So what am I trying to tell you, and why would I tell you this now? Because it is coming to my attention. I am starting to believe that it is a real possibility that even though he has sounded very -- he has g- -- he has sounded very good. He has actually preached on his program messages of love.


I have believed for years that the anointing was on him and that it was possible to preach with the anointing even though you are a Mormon. I [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- my opinion was that, at some point, you have to find the truth and come out, whether you are in the Catholic Church or the Mormon Church. You have to serve God, but it is possible, until God forces you out, that you could be in a false church, and I believe the Mormon Church is a false church, and preach by the Spirit of God, but maybe I was deceived.


I also believe, and I have also told you, that the Holy Spirit can be easily counterfeited. Maybe the Lord did not tell me. See, it says -- I believe it was Elijah. There was a woman that Elijah helped to get [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- he prayed for her, and she became pregnant and had this child, and the child died. And the woman came looking for the prophet that gave her the -- through whom God gave the blessing, and I hope I do not have it backwards. It was either -- maybe it was Elijah. I think it was Elijah. It may have been Elijah, but I think thing was Elijah. And he said, oh, the Lord ha- -- he said, why did I not know? Why did I not know that that child died? The Lord has hid this thing from me. So sometimes -- brethren, we have to understand there is no such thing as your discernment. If God does not want you to see it, you do not see it.


So maybe the Lord did not -- let us just assume. I am not s- -- I have not really decided, unequivocally, that he is not of God. I have not decided that, but I am questioning it. So let us say all of those exhortations that he gave, all of that preaching that he gave, let us say it was not the true spirit. Let us say it was a false spirit. Why did the Lord not tell me? Maybe he wanted me to figure it out for myself, you see. And I have told you before, and I am telling you now that unless the Lord tells you, you cannot tell the difference between the true spirit and the false spirit. What gives you the d- -- the key that it is a wrong spirit is the words that come out of their mouth, and I heard words come out of his mouth that I do not believe came from the true spirit.


So now I am questioning everything, and now that I am questioning everything, I look at this man. He is very -- I am telling you, he is very sick. I do not know what it is, and I am not saying that it is incurable, but I am telling you that I looked at him the other day, and he is a very sick man. He -- well, first of all, he went on TV. He went on his program about a year ago to tell everybody that he had been sick, but he looked OK for -- after that. And then I must have watched him a few months back, whenever it was, and he was out for two weeks. They said he lost his voice, but who knows if that is true. He was out for two weeks. Then the next time I saw him after that, I looked at his eyes, and his face was all swollen, and his hands were all bandaged with ACE bandages. I am telling you the man was very sick, OK.


Why -- Sheila, why are you telling me this? I am -- what I am telling you is that, if all of these years that he is been preaching by another spirit, that if it is not the true spirit, then that spirit that he is preaching by is stripping him of his energy. What happens when you get stripped of your energy is that you get sick, and then you die. Does anyone not know what I am talking about? If it is the true spirit, it gives you life. It energizes you. I am healed. I am stronger every day because I preach by the true spirit. If he has been preaching by a counterfeit spirit all of these years, it is killing him.


And when I first heard he was sick, it was before I saw his anti-Christ message on homosexuality. I thought it was witchcraft coming against him. I knew that what he was describing was spiritual power attacking him, but I thought it was witchcraft. Maybe it was the judgments of God falling on him. If it is true -- and I do not know that it is true. If it is true that he is not God's man and that he has got -- he has all of these Christians following him, waiting for the day that he is going to come in like a Manchurian candidate and kill them all, which he started to do with his homosexual position, then God is after him, OK.


When I say God is after him, I mean the so- -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- there is not a -- God is not a man that goes after you. The sowing and reaping judgment is starting to fall on him, and I want to tell you something, brethren. If all of this is true, that he has been preaching all of these years by the false spirit and that he has an agenda that, when the time is right, he is going to pull the cord and all of the people that follow him, he is going to try to do what Oprah did -- you all know what Oprah did. She had all of these people following her for years, and then she comes in with this false religion, of course, in miracles, and she tried to take all of her followers with her. And now do you hear abou- -- who hears about Oprah today?



OK. So, if it is true that he has been preaching by a false spirit all of these years and he has an agenda and he knows what he is doing and he was waiting for the moment to try and capture all the Christians, from the day that God revealed him to this ministry, through that message that he gave on homosexuality, he started going down. I am telling you he looked absolutely terrible. We will see if he recovers. I do not wish him any harm. I am watching. I am a watcher on the wall because God has not told me anything, you see. God has not told me one word about Glenn Beck, good or bad. This is all Christ in me discovering, whatever, and weighing and looking and judging, and that is what we are supposed to do, as long as it is by the Spirit of Christ. You are supposed to judge when it is by the Spirit of Christ.


Oh, I cannot really keep you here any later. I really did not want to go to a second message. Let me see what we could do here. It is really just another couple of verses. Everything after verse -- the last few ver- -- well, let me -- let -- give me another 10 minutes. Let us see what we can do here.


And then the Lord Jesus, the Father's mouthpiece, shall reveal Satan, the wicked, dynamic energy of Sophia, the female wisdom who is recognizable when she arrives through the false doctrine by which Satan, Sophia's dynamic energy, consumes the spirit of God's people. But the Lord Je- -- do not be upset because the Lord Jesus Christ shall render Satan, that dynamic energy of Sophia, the female wisdom who descended from a higher world and is appearing in this present word as the devil, the whole power of the false prophet who produces the miraculous signs that witness to the doctrinal lies of Sophia in the higher consciousness of the carnal mind --


Wow, I cannot. there is no way I am going to finish this. I guess, there is going to be a part two. I mean, that whole thing takes all -- so much explanation, OK. So there is going to be a part two. We will pick up with verse 9 of the exhortation, Lord willing, on Thursday. Any questions? No comments right now, just questions please. Any questions? Let us just give a minute for the people on the phone. Any questions? Please, ask your questions now. When you ask after the cameras go off, you -- Brook gets very mad at me. Let us be fair to Brook. She works very hard. Yes, June?


I do not know how to express it, but when you are talking about the marriage            of Christ coming down, you said there is no male or female [INAUDIBLE] --


In Christ Jesus. There is no male or female in Christ Jesus.


[CROSSTALK] and that is when [INAUDIBLE]

When you go to heaven?


What -- that is what he was speaking about, when there is no male or female in marriage.


No, he did not say in marriage. He said in Chri- -- in other words, when Christ Jesus is formed in you, it does not matter whether your body is physically male or physically female; it is spiritual. There is no male or female in Christ Jesus, which means, if you are a physical female and God decides to anoint you, spiritually speaking, in the kingdom of God, you can do anything that a physical male can do if God calls you to do it, OK. But as I have described here many times, and I even talked about it today, that it is a- -- it is illegal to behave in a manner that does not line up with your physical form, you see, but if God decides to give you a spiritual job, such as me preaching here, which is a male job, OK, although my form has not changed, I -- it becomes illegal for me to function phys- -- sexually, as a woman. I could not sit up here preaching in a male role because I am an apostle. There is no female apostles. There is no spiritually female apostles, so I am in a male role, and to use my body as a woman would be a perversion, OK. God would not allow it, OK.


So that is what you were speaking about in this very lesson, you know. That is what I thought.


That there is no male or female --



-- in Christ Jesus, yes.


[CROSSTALK] that you will be a male once --

Yes, everybody becomes spiritually male. That is what Jesus meant, right.




Right. When Jesus --


-- confirming.

Yes. When Jesus said there is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven, what he -- what is heaven? Heaven is when the Lord Jesus marries Christ in us. We are in heaven. Heaven comes down to earth, and we are in heaven. At that point, there is no more sexual activity, you see. When Jesus said there is no more marriage, that does not mean that you leave your wife or you leave your husband. You continue to live together, but there is no more sexual activity, OK. At that point that Christ Jesus is formed in you, when you get spi- -- to that spiritual height, Moses left his wife and his children, and he never married again, and he was a great prophet, you see. So when you -- when the spiritual life of God in you matures to that depth, you cannot use your body.


Men can use their body sexually longer than women can because it is a perversion to be male in your mind and be -- and, of course, brethren, in the -- this goes without saying, that in the sexual act, the woman is supposed to be in submission. I have preached a lot about that too. Assuming your sexual relationship is in right order, it is a perversion to sit up here and lead and then be the passive person in the sexual act. It just does not make any sense. If you are the active person in the sexual act, then you are perverse on another level.


So it just -- brethren -- you know, brethren, sex is under the curse. You know, here I go again. Listen, it is something that exists under the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- all of mankind is cursed. You know, I just know I am going to be killed on this, every time I want to talk about it, you know. Y- -- if you are living at the l- -- if you are existence is at the level where marriage is appropriate for you, you can enjoy -- and your married, enjoy sex, and have your children, and enjoy family life. But if you want to ex- -- to mature spiritually and to ascend spiritually, you need to know that, at some point -- you should not give it up until God takes it. At some point, your spiritual walk is going -- or your sex life is going to interfere with your spiritual life because you are pulling in two complete different directions.


But until God calls you to that high spiritual life, if he gives you a husband or a wife, get married. If you are married and you want to have sex, have sex. I am not stopping you, but the day might come that God might stop you, and the only reason he would stop you is that he wants to give you an exalted position in his kingdom, and doing both is a perversion. It is as much as a perversion as me sitting here in a male role and going home to a marriage, which I do not have, and being in the passive position in the sex act. It is a homosexual act, you see. To be male in your mind and behave as a spiritual female, whether you are a physical male or f- -- spirit -- or a physical woman, is a spiritual, homosexual act, OK. Did I answer your question?



Yeah, OK. Anybody else, any questions? OK.


[?We are all done?].


OK. Everybody is slain in the spirit or in shock or whatever, OK. We will do some comments, and then we will go.


10/29/15 Transcribed by Verbalfusion


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