879 - Part 1

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.


This Message is an exposition on the Alternate Translation of 1 Corinthians 11.


            Rom 11:28

28As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the father's sakes.  KJV


The issue of this message, is that the Corinthians are confused because they do not understand, or want to accept the fact, that the perceptions of Christ are superior to the perceptions of the Holy Spirit. The perceptions of the Holy Spirit come to us through our emotions. When we feel bad; we are distressed in our emotions. The tendency of the fallen mind is to draw a negative intellectual conclusion, but it is deadly to do that because negative thoughts are curses. I can hurt someone who never did anything wrong, by drawing a negative conclusion.


The perceptions of Christ Jesus are intellectual. They are not emotional. The perceptions of the Holy Spirit are and can be very valuable, but if you lack the information that I am giving you now, and you let bad feelings control your intellectual perception, it will turn your conclusions upside down, and life will not go well for you. But the perceptions of Christ bypass your emotions, and they are truth to a righteous mind.


In the past, I did not understand why Paul would warn us against despising prophecy. But today I understand why, and have been saying for years that the Holy Ghost is dangerous.


            1 Thes 5:20

20Despise not prophesyings.  KJV


We should not despise prophecy because it is the Word of the Lord. But, Paul warned spiritual women not to prophecy unless they were under the authority of a spiritual male, because prophecy  can be harmful if it is not delivered properly.


When I was a disciple in Pentecost we were taught about the eagle, that the mother eagle at some point kicks the baby eagles out of the nest, saying, You better flap your wings kids, or you will crash. The Lord throws us out of the plane, saying, That ring opens your parachute. You better pull it, because if you are too scared to pull it, you will die.


When the Lord gave us the gifts of the Spirit, He threw us out of the nest, and it is up to us to learn to use them properly or we will die, because the gifts of the Holy Spirit are dangerous. Bit I do not know of one church where the pastor teaches that the gifts of the Holy Spirit can be unsafe if they are not handled properly.


The closest thing to it happened was when I was in Gospel Revivals Ministries. We had a sister church from Delaware, and the people used to come up and stay overnight with the people from our church. Apparently they were getting into trouble with the gifts, prophecy, in particular, because an announcement was made from the pulpit, Rent a motel room. Do not stay with other people. They were vague referrals to kitchen prophecy, or prophecy by another spirit, but there was no real teaching on it, and certainly no teaching on how to avoid it.


Is the Lord irresponsible? Does He not care that people die spiritually in churches where the pastor is not up to par? I cannot say that these pastors are not called, because if the Lord only called pastors that were up to par, there would not be many churches. So, is the Lord evil? Does He hate us? No. The Lord does not hate us, and He is not evil, but look at what He has to work with. We are all, spiritually inadequate to attain to the ultimate purpose of our calling. The fivefold ministry does some good, but in the scheme of things, considering the ultimate goal of God, which is overcoming our carnal mind, we are all totally inadequate. We do not have what it takes. Overcoming the carnal mind is the work of Christ, and only He can do it.


How can I sit here and talk like this? I have the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit has congealed into Christ, the intellectual mind that refuses to be controlled by my emotions. Christ is the mind that understands that the emotional utterances of the Holy Spirit and the intellectual perceptomes of the Christ mind are, more often than not, antagonistic towards one another. The perceptions of the Holy Ghost oftentimes need to be interpreted, but the perceptions of the intellectual mind of Christ do not need to be interpreted. They are truth.


The Lord is throwing the Church off the cliff into the water below, saying, Sink or swim, and if you do not swim, you will die.  


The endgame for the Lord is the salvation of all humanity. A remnant, the souls that do not die after being thrown off the cliff, will survive and go on. It is just the formation of the flesh, which is very precious to us, because it is the only personality that we have, that dies. If our personality dies, it does nor rise again. Our spirit rises again with another personality, but we, as we know ourselves and are known to others, will be gone forever, unless our soul is saved through union with the Lord Jesus Christ. That is our hope in this ministry, because only the spirit of the average Christian is saved, not their soul.


There is an existing Alternate Translation of 1 Corinthians 11, which was worked up in the message entitled 1 Corinthians 11, Alternate Translation (The Truth About Communion), Message #877,  Parts 1 & 2, but the Lord has given me an extended Alternate Translation.


When I begin annotating an Alternate Translation, I am impacted by the referencing and the footnotes that I write, and it frequently gives me a deeper insight into the depth of what was being said by the apostle who wrote the Scripture that we are dealing with at the time. What I have here is a layer of understanding that is even deeper than my final Alternate Translation, which appears at the end of the message entitled, 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11.


It appears that Paul was having a problem with the Corinthians, who were really stuck on the Holy Spirit. My experience with the Church is very similar. They do not understand that there is a difference between Christ and the Holy Spirit, or even between Christ and Christ Jesus, and they do not appear to be interested in learning what those differences are. They only want the outpouring of the power. I can understand that they want to be healed, and they want to feel good, and they want to dance, but salvation is not about what we want.


We were saved to be a home for the glory of God in the earth, a home for the Messiah, a spiritual man that wants to dwell in our flesh; and God wants to dwell in Messiah, who is dwelling in his flesh. We do not live for ourselves anymore.


There is a great misunderstanding in the Church about the purpose of the Holy Spirit. The name of this message is The Corinthian Confusion, because the Corinthians were confused about this very issue.


The Problem


Paul begins 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11 by saying, You should follow me as I follow Christ.


            Verse 1 - AT

[My beloved brethren at Corinth], you should follow me as I follow Christ.


In other words, the Corinthians were not willing to follow him; they wanted to teach him. I personally experienced this with a member of our congregation, someone who I was, and still am very fond of, but who made it impossible for them to be a part of this fellowship.


The Lord starts conversations with me at unusual times, and yesterday was one of those times. He started talking to me about marriage.


I had just left the house when I saw that one of my neighbors had called the police. At first I saw one police car, and then another police car drove up as I was walking by. My neighbor was standing outside with his arms crossed across his chest, and another young man was resisting the police officer. I could not hear what the officer was saying, but the young man was walking away. I did not know that this neighbor was gay, but it appeared that he had called the police because he wanted his lover evicted.


That was my perception when the Lord started talking to me, saying, This is what happens..., because it was very offensive that someone should have to call the police to remove their lover from the house. It was offensive that the man was in fornication. It was offensive that his homosexuality was now splashed all over the condominium complex for anyone who saw it.


I kept on walking, and the Lord continued to speak to me, saying, It is very grievous that even married couples call the police today. The whole culture is, from a sexual point of view, in disarray.


            1 Cor 7:2

2Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.  KJV


The Scripture says that every man should have a wife. If you are a woman, get a husband. If you are a man, get a wife, so that you can live an orderly lifestyle, because a disorderly life is offensive. It is bad for your soul. Conflict is bad for your relationship with God,. It is bad for your soul. It is bad for life. It is bad for the culture. It is bad for the population at large. Conflict is disorderly.


I could hear Paul speaking through the Scripture about being orderly and living a godly lifestyle. Let each man have his own wife, and make a life. Of course, that includes women too. Find yourself a mate, and do everything you can to make that marriage work, to live in peace. Respect and honor each other because that is an orderly lifestyle.


It was a peaceful, sunshiny day, but I saw my neighbor’s distress. His arms crossed, as if he was saying, I called the police to intervene in my personal, sexual life, and I prevailed over my lover. What a shame. It is a disgrace to need the police to intervene in your personal life. We should live an orderly life, so that such a thing will not be necessary.


I have been preaching for years that human sexuality is very, very, dangerous because it has the potential to bring a person down to the depths of immorality, disgrace and disgust. On the othe hand, it can be a very positive experience if you pursue it within the Lord’s guidelines. Sexual experiences are that diverse. They can go from a tremendously great experience to being an experience of extreme humiliation and degradation. At its worst, human sexuality is associated with torture and human sacrifice.


Let every person find their own mate, and if you do not have a natural mate, then you should be married to God. You should have one or the other. You should be married to God or be married to a human mate. Make a life together. Respect one another, and do everything you can to live in peace. Then the Lord went on to say to me how difficult, if not impossible, it would be for a young couple, in their 20s, or even in their 30s, to be able to deal with the reality of caring for and having sexual feelings for somebody that they know they could never live with.


One puts the toothpaste cap on the toothpaste. The other squeezes the toothpaste from the middle. People fight over the silliest things. One person is messy. The other person is neat and cleans up. One person likes one kind of food, and the other person likes another kind of food. One person likes one kind of friends, and the other likes another kind of friends. They do not like their in-laws. All of these things that people fight over can destroy a marriage.


This was the issue the Lord put to me: How many young people (He did say young people although I think that it is true for people of any age) have the maturity to say, I really care about you. I have sexual feelings for you, emotionally care for you, but I know that we could never live together in peace, and for that reason, I am not going to marry you? How many people have the maturity to say that? The answer is, Very, very, very few.


That testimony applies to the household of God, as well. Paul is saying, There will be no peace in the household of God until we learn how to live together. We must find out what God teaches about getting along with each other, and follow those guidelines, if the churches of God are to live together in peace.


Wherever there is contention in the Church, or between churches, we have to do everything possible to bring peace, or the day will come that the Lord separates you.


This ministry is a spiritual household. We cannot live together if you believe that the Holy Spirit is the greatest experience that a person can have in God.


To be a part of this ministry, you must understand that Christ is in me, that He is the head of the ministry, and that the intellectual mind of God is superior to the Holy Spirit. The believer with the Holy Spirit still lives out of their carnal mind, but Christ, our new man, has a new mind.


No matter how much you love one another, no matter how many positive experiences you have, the relationship or the marriage cannot survive if you have irreconcilable differences. There must be an authority; someone must be one in charge; there must be a senior partner and a junior partner, or a separation is inevitable.


A spiritual marriage, as well as a natural marriage can became intolerable when he conflict between a congregant who believes that the Holy Spirit has the preeminence, and the Pastor who believes that Christ has the preeminence, clash. The relationship can only end in a separation when the one with the lesser anointing will not yield to the one with the greater anointing.


My message today, like the Apostle Paul’s message to the Corinthians, is an attempt to teach you how to be spiritual Christian. There are teachers in the Church that have memorized Scriptures, and can quote Scripture and verse to you I know the Word in my heart, but sometimes I have to look up Scripture references.


There are people who have a greater knowledge of the Letter of the Word than I do, but my message comes from the living Christ within me. My message has the ability to build Christ in you, to build a new man who has a mind that is made after the mind of God, which will eventually establish you as an independent person in the earth. Your sole dependence will be on the world above..


The Corinthians were telling Paul about the law, while he was trying to explain to them that he had a whole new way of ministering to them. He was saying, Yes, you need the letter of the law, and you need the Holy Spirit, but there is no eternal life in them.


I am sent to teach you how to be spiritual, because the Lord wants to give you His mind and His honor, which is His testimony. The Lord wants to give you eternal life in the flesh, so that you do not die anymore. But first, you must receive His glory, which is His opinion, or His mind.


What is not understand is that when you receive the mind of God, you become a spiritual person, and the whole world changes for you. You have to learn how to function as a spiritual person. You can fall into traps that a carnal person does not fall into because the spiritual temptation goes right over their head. You, also, have spiritual power now, and yu can hurt people.


Witches usually leave the carnal Christians alone. They just go after the spiritual people. It is like the showdown at the OK Corral. Spiritual people, if they see you are spiritual, want to defeat you. It is a whole new world that you have to learn how to function in, but I cannot teach you these things if you insist that you know more than I do.


In 1 Corinthians 11, Verse 1, Paul is really pleading with the Corinthians, saying, What you need to do is follow me as I follow Christ. I am not asking you to follow me. I am trying to explain to you that the same spiritual man that was inside of Jesus is now inside of me, and He wants to be inside of you. I pray that you should be reconciled to God through the ministry of reconciliation that I am equipped to give to you through the indwelling Christ. You do not have that in the Holy Spirit, and you do not have that in the law.


            Verse 2 - AT

2          I praise you for reminding me of all the traditional ordinances that you were given to keep,


Paul goes on to say in Verse 2, I praise you for reminding me of all the traditional ordinances that you were given to keep.


Paul is saying, I praise you for reminding me of all the traditional ordinances that you were given to keep, so the believers at Corinth must have been Jews who were clinging to the Law.


This message is not only about the confusion of the Corinthians, it is a textbook exhortation for those of us who are becoming the Son of man. There is a difference between the Son of God and the Son of man. You become the Son of God when you receive the Spirit of God, but you become the Son of man, that is, the son of Adam, when Adam is raised from the dead in you.


We are all experiencing the resurrection of Adam, because Christ Jesus is Adam in this dispensation. When righteous Adam is raised from the dead in us, we become the Son of man; and the Son of man (Adam) is the one who is our potential for eternal life.


Jesus was the Son of God and the Son of man in the days of His flesh. It was the Son of man within Jesus that received eternal life. It is the Son of man that submits to Adam Kadmon, the Ancient of Days in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 7.


This message is for the sons of Adam, or the Sons of man. Adam and man are two translations of the same Hebrew word, This message is for us. It is for you, the sons of Adam, who will have to deal with stubborn Christians that do not want to give up the power and prestige that they have in the Holy Ghost. The enemies of the sons of Adam (which we are), are the very people that we are sent to minister to. The Lord is teaching us how to deal with them as brethen. We cannot deal with them as enemies.


Paul said that Israel was his enemy for the gospel’s sake.


            Rom 11:28

28As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the father's sakes.  KJV


Paul refused to see the Corinthians as personal enemies, even though they were trying to kill him. Moses had the same problem with the Hebrew children in the wilderness. They were his enemies, and he treated them as enemies and, for that reason, he did not enter into the Promised Land.


Moses was denied entrance to Canaan because Adam did not rise in him to deal with the rebellious Israelites. God said to Moses, it is time for Israel to enter the Promised Land where many enemies will try to destroy you; and, since Adam did not rise to deal with the enemies in your own people, it is evident that he will not rise to defeat your enemies in Canaan Land either: Wherefore, I will not allow you to enter when your defeat. Is assured


God was not arbitrarily punishing Moses. The question is, Why did Christ Jesus not arise in Moses to deal with the enemies amongst his own people? The answer is found in the New Testament in the Book of Jude, Verse 9, where Satan is fighting to possess the dead body of Moses. The Alternate Translation says that Adam had not been raised from the dead in Moses. He had an imputed, unrooted, anointing, and his carnal mind was still very strong because he would not deal with his sin nature.


Jude 1:09 - AT: Indeed, when Michael, the Archangel, verbally distinguished [between] the Devil, [Moses’ emotions, and Christ], Moses’ living, [spiritual] body, he dared not bring an official judgment of blasphemy against [the fallen Kings within Moses], but said [to them], the Lord charges you [with blasphemy]; (AT)


I can just hear all the Jews screaming at me, but that is what the Alternate Translation says; that is what the Lord told me. Moses could not believe that he could have the power that he had and still be a sinner. He could not believe that he parted the Red Sea and was still a sinner, but he was. The first Adam, the source of all our sims, was still conscious within him.


I find it hard to believe that Moses did not know about the sin nature, but, apparently, he could not, or would not, deal with his sin nature to the point that Righteous Adam could prevail over it. We must resist our own sin nature so that Christ Jesus in us can prevail over it and make us untouchable.


Moses failed to adequately deal with his sin nature, and therefore, Righteous Adam failed to rise above it. When his own people attacked him, Moses responded out of his fallen nature because he could not, or would not, deal with the sin of anger, which is pride. Moses did not enter into the Promised Land, but his personality was saved, and he entered in through Jesus.


This message is more than just about the Corinthians. It is a message for our ministry and for all the sons of Adam who are going to be dealing with Christians and Jews, the Israel of God, who simply do not want to receive God’s message from the messengers that God sends to them.


We are not to struggle or fight with them. We are to teach them. It is emotionally painful to teach someone who is not open to your teaching and rises up against you when you try. You feel the stress right here in your gut. You have to be very self-disciplined. When somebody relates to us in an ungodly manner, we have to put our own emotional distress aside and teach them.


I had a recent experience with a woman that I minister to., but does not come to the meetings. She is obviously different, a cut above the rest of the Church and sold out to God in her own way. But she is very carnal and stubborn. Her idols are Christmas, Easter and Halloween. I gave her all the literature about these holidays, but she refuses to give up her idols. There is a difference between not knowing the truth about Easter, Christmas and Halloween, and knowing what they are about, saying, I will celebrate them anyway. She justifies celebrating pagan holidays by insisting that they are of God.


I had not spoken to her about pagan holidays in over a year. Actually, I had arrived the point where I was saying, Lord, what am I doing with this woman? We have nothing to say to each other in the natural, we do not talk about Scripture and could not be, spiritually, any further away from each other than we are now. Immediately after that, the Lord opened up ministry by giving her the word harvest to preach about in her women’s group.


I prophesied to her at that meeting, but she did not understand the word that I gave her, and had so much pride that she would not even ask me what it meant. I had to go after her to explain it to her. You cannot minister as a son of Adam if you have pride. You will not be able to do it. I had to feel the distress in my emotions, which turned out to be her own distress, because she did not understand what I was saying. My emotions perceived the distress as her rejecting the Word, but I refused to accept it. She finally admitted that she did not understand what I said, and we agreed to meet so that I could explain it to her.


Throughout the whole lunch I could hardly eat, while I explained the spiritual principle of the harvest, while using hand demonstrations.


You try explaining a spiritual principle to someone that does not know hardly anything! I was amazed that, as I tried, the Lord gave her Scriptures that witnessed to what I was saying. When I finished teaching,, I said to her, This teaching went very well. I want you to know that if ever you do not understand anything, you should feel free to discuss it with me.


But to my absolute amazement, after that incredible ministry that I gave to her, which I hope gave her the seed, she told me that she was very concerned for me because I was a the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I said, First of all, everybody has some truth, and frequently I preach something that another group preaches, and some think that I received it from that group, but I did not. Everything that I preach comes from God, with some rare exceptions. So, I asked her, What are you talking about? She said, Christmas. You do not celebrate Christmas. I can see what Paul was going through with the Corinthians! After I gave her a personal exhortation on this incredible concept of the harvest, she rebukes me for not celebrating Christmas. Amazing!


Well, I thank God that the anchor held. Christ Jesus was firm in His place. I did not even feel distress. Under other circumstances, I would have felt distress in my gut. I was completely in Christ Jesus. I did not feel anything negative. We had just had the most incredible conversation. It was remarkable, and then she tries to teach me that I should celebrate Christmas. Amazing!


My first reaction was, Oh, no. I am not going to have this conversation with you. We will just wind up fighting. Christmas is not anything to be debated. Christmas is idolatry; it is the worship of other gods. She said, Well, I do not think it is, and I said, We cannot have this conversation.


Even after I that, I said, Do you remember the blue laws, that you could not go shopping on Sunday? She said, Yes. I said, Did you know that Christmas was illegal in this country at one time? She was shocked. I said to her, You cannot say that not celebrating Christmas is my doctrine, because there are Christian ministries all over the internet that know that Christmas is the worship of other gods.


She kept going on with her own opinion, though, saying, But Sheila, I do not think it is the worship of other gods. I do not believe that it is idolatry, until I looked at her and said, You have to repent. This is sin. I could not even believe I said that to her. I never told her before that Christmas was sin . Then she just stared at me, and I said, I do not know how you can repent when you are not even convicted that you are doing something wrong, but you need to repent. That is what you need to do.


I marvel at that whole conversation. She did not get mad, and I did not get mad. It was really amazing. As we left the restaurant, she said, I love you, and I said, I love you, too. Her rage went right over my head, but there was another time that I would have been all crunched up here in my gut. Bat after the anointing left me, I could perceive her mind penetrating me, and it continued to attack me for the next couple of days.


I remember her saing to me, Christmas is Jesus’ birthday. And I said, It is not His birthday. He was born in the spring. She had no answer to that. Then she said, Well, the Bible talks about a manger. You should never try to answer a statement or a question like that, Well, the Bible talks about a manger, because the answer is spiritual. I said, No, we are not going to have this conversation. We will just wind up in a fight.


That is exactly what the Apostle Paul is telling the Corinthians: Stop the conversation before it turns into a fight. Paul, who has written a large part of the New Testament, came to the Corinthians with an incredible message about the second Adam, the opportunity to become spiritual in Christ Jesus, and ultimate immortality, and they only wanted to teach him about the law. It is the pride and the arrogance of the Israel of God. That is what you will come up against as you proceed in your development as a Son of man.


You are called to teach. You may not be called to have a public ministry like I do, but there are people out there who are in need, and if you have something, some knowledge or ability, you are obligated to do whatever you possibly can to help them.


Recently, my neighbor needed something from the internet. I invited her in, sat her down in my office, and looked for the information that she needed on the Internet. I did the whole thing for her because we have to help people. You are a teacher because you have all of this knowledge. The day that the Lord brings you to somebody that He wants to speak to, you have to teach them. He might even want you to have a relationship with them, even though you might not like them, or feel that they are not someone that you would be friends with. But, the Lord wants you to have a relationship with them anyway, so that the Lord can talk to them through yourt relationship when He wants to.


Once you receive this knowledge, your life is no longer your own. It no longer belongs to you. You become a holding place, or a storehouse, where the knowledge of God is kept; and when He brings someone to your storehouse to feed at your trough, you need to open that door and let them feed. Salvation is not free. You do not belong to yourself anymore. We are given to the people of God and to the nations. We are the bread from heaven.


This message is not about mocking, or laughing at, or criticizing the Corinthians. It is about the experiences that we will be having, if you are not having them already.


Hopefully the information in the Alternate Translation will help you to deal with the people, because I have just told you what the fallen mind is like. You try to teach people from this spiritual height, and what comes out of their mouth? Oh, I know someone else who says the same thing. Can I give you the name of that person? Or, Can I send you their material? Or, maybe you want to listen to this DVD of theirs that I have. That is what the fallen mind does when you try to teach them. They respond by trying to relate you to another preacher who says the same thing, They make themselves the knowledgeable one, who can direct you, as a student, to another teacher. But God did not send you to that person to be directed to another teacher.  


This is good teaching for the sons of Adam, who need to know that when you hear something that reminds you of another teacher, that thought is a second witness to what I am teaching. It is not the Lord telling you to teach the teacher.


It is very hard to live this life because the day might come that the Lord actually tells you to give me something, from, another teacher. So, you need to check your motives when the thought comes into your mind. You should know that when you send me material from another teacher, I am obligated to ask God if there is anything in it for me. I have to look through the material and pray over it. If God did not tell you to give it to me; if you are giving it to me because of your pride, you are putting more work upon my poor back. I do not mean to complain, but to remind you that my workload is overwhelming and, at this point, impossible to do.


This exhortation is also about giving my material to other people, as well. You should be sure that it is God telling you to give another person my material, because everybody that is living this spiritual life is responsible to God for everything they do with this message. Ask the Lord, Is there anything for Pastor Sheila in this book, or is it just a second witness to what she is teaching? The truth of the matter is that someone in this ministry handed me a book on Kabbalah, and it changed my whole life, and the lives of all of you, so, in that case, it was God.


The Problem


            Verse 1 - AT

[My beloved brethren at Corinth], you should follow me as I follow Christ.


            Verse 2 - AT

2          I praise you for reminding me of all the traditional ordinances that you were given to keep,


Paul is saying in verses 1 and 2, My beloved brethren at Corinth, you should follow me as I follow Christ. You are not supposed to be following after your carnal mind. I praise you for reminding me of all of the traditional ordinances that you were given to keep. I commend you for honoring the law, but you need to follow me. I am not supposed to be following you.


Some brethren that are new to this ministry get all excited over the concept of Alternate Translations, and try to do their own Alternate Translations, which they bring to me to check out. Then, I tell them, as kindly as I can, that I am not here to follow their research. They are here to follow my teaching.


I have whole books of Alternate Translations, so why are you doing your own Alternate Translations? . You are to follow me as I follow Christ, and learn from my Alternate Translations. I cannot review, comment or check out your Alternate Translations, because I only take my lead as to what I study from the Christ within me, and you need to follow my lead.


On the other hand, if you have a question about a particular Scripture, you should ask the Lord at home, and He might give me that study. But if you come to me directly, to check or comment on your personal studies that have nothing to do with what I am teaching, I must decline, because to do so would be following your lead, which would make me guilty of idolatry and spiritual fornication. I follow the Lord inside of me, and you need to follow Christ that is inside of me. You may have a very commendable desire to study a Scripture, but I cannot follow your lead; I have to take the lead from the Lord above.


If you pray about it, He may lead me into that study, but the Lord has an agenda. This is not a game, it is not just about studying, and studying, and studying just anything. There is an endgame to this. The Lord is trying to accomplish something in us. He wants to stand up in us.


The right order is that you follow me as I follow Christ. I do not follow you. Sometimes the Lord can change that order if He wants to., but, by and large, the rule is: You follow me as I follow Christ. I do not follow you.


That is what Paul is telling the Corinthians. He says, I commend you, and I would say, I commend you for doing these Alternate Translations. I commend you for all the studies and all the reading that you do on your own, but………..



Male & Female Souls


            Verse 3 - AT

3          However, I prefer that you should know that [the Lord Jesus] Christ is the head of [Righteous Adam], the whole [spiritual] male, and [that Righteous Adam, the whole spiritual] male, is the head of [your] female [soul], and God is the head of [the Lord Jesus] Christ, and


Verse 3, However, I prefer that you should know that the Lord Jesus... who is up there ...is the head of Righteous Adam (Christ Jesus) in me, who I am asking you to follow. The glorified Lord Jesus Christ is up above, and Christ Jesus, or Righteous Adam, is here in me (Christ Jesus or Righteous Adam, they are similar). Christ Jesus is the Righteous Adam that is resurrected out of the Lord Jesus Christ.


However, I prefer that you should know that the Lord Jesus Christ is the head of Righteous Adam, the whole spiritual male... The whole spiritual male is the Lord Jesus Christ joined to Christ Jesus in me (I am interchanging Christ Jesus and Righteous Adam). The whole spiritual male comes in two parts: 1) the Lord Jesus above, and 2) Christ Jesus in me. Christ Jesus in me is not the head of the Lord Jesus Christ up there; the Lord Jesus Christ is the head of Christ Jesus in me.


The whole Adam is in two parts, one part is in heaven, and one part is in the earth. Christ Jesus in us is Adam in the earth, and the Lord Jesus is Righteous Adam above, and that is the whole man, Adam.


This whole exhortation is about right order. I have been preaching about right order in this ministry for 29 years. God started me out with a small group of women that did not know the right order, and I had good days and bad days. I was not who I am today, I screamed, and I yelled a lot. The women were Pharisees who rebuked me for not having a kind attitude towards them, even though they provoked me continually.


I remember the day I went before the Lord, saying, What do you want me to do with these women? Then the Lord told me to tell them, Look, sometimes I am not in the right spirit, and I apologize for that. But every word I have ever told you is the truth, and you should follow me, because the Lord is giving me teachings for you.


Verse 3, However, I prefer that you should know that the Lord Jesus Christ is the head of Righteous Adam (Christ Jesus in me), and together they make one whole spiritual male (the Lord Jesus together with Christ Jesus in me make one whole spiritual male), and that whole spiritual male is the head of your female soul, and God is the head of the Lord Jesus Christ (who is the Son of God).


Paul is telling the Corinthians, You have a female soul, so you should follow me as I follow Christ. It is the wrong order for me to follow you.


Male & Female Head Coverings


           Verse 4 - AT

4          Every [spiritual] male who prays [to another god] or prophesies [by the spirit of another god] covers [Christ, his] head, and dishonors him,


What is the definition of a spiritual male? Footnote 4 has the answer:


Footnote 4

4  Every individual that is pregnant with, or has birthed a spiritual child, is spiritually male, but every spiritual child is not sired by the Lord Jesus Christ. Some spiritual children, called Lucifer, are sired by Sophia, an illegal female deity.


Every individual where Christ (Righteous Adam) is being born again, is spiritually male. Christ is recognized by wisdom.


Verse 4, Every spiritual male who prays to another god... It should really say, every individual where a spiritual child is being born ...or prophesies to another god, covers Christ, his head, and dishonors him.


Every individual where a spiritual child is being born... Every human that is pregnant with a spiritual child is spiritually male. If you are in righteous standing with God, the spiritual child is the offspring of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His name is Christ. The seed is called Christ, and when He matures, He becomes Christ Jesus. There are other people in this earth that have a spiritual child that is not the child of the Lord Jesus Christ, but the child of Sophia, and his name in this dispensation (in the western world today) is Lucifer. In Egypt, he was called Horus.


Every spiritual male... For our purposes, to be a spiritual male means you are pregnant with Christ.


Everyone who is pregnant with Christ... In other words, you could be in a fellowship like this and be pregnant with Lucifer.


I remember telling a friend of mine that it was possible to hear two voices, and I scared her half to death. The Hebrew children, when God called them out of Egypt, were pregnant with Horus. Paul is talking to the Corinthians who were in Greece. They had contact with pagan gods, and could easily have been pregnant with whatever the name of the child would be in the Greek culture.


Every spiritual male who prays to another god... I do not pray to another god. What is prayer? Prayer is submission.


There was a man in the church that I was raised in that was casting out demons for years. Then went to Win Worley’s church, and they told him that he had false tongues, that there was another spirit speaking through him. Speaking in tongues by a spirit that is not the Spirit of God, is prayer. It is worship; it is submission to another god.


For a spirit to speak through you, you have to submit to that spirit, which is worship. If you say something that another spirit wants you to say, that is worship. If you do something that another spirit wants you to do, or if you go a place where another spirit wants you to go, that is worship. It is possible to worship another god and not know it. You may think it is the God of the Bible, so you have to test yourself.


Every spiritual male who prays to another god, or prophesies by the spirit of another god, covers Christ, his head... is putting an authority over Christ within him ...and dishonors him... When you pray to another god, obey another god, expose yourself to another god, speak by the spirit of another god, that god becomes an idol, and you place him over the authority of Christ in you, which dishonors Christ.


That is what I told the woman I minister to, If you celebrate Christmas, you are worshipping another god, and you are dishonoring Christ. It is not just a simple issue of worshipping another god; you are putting Christ in you in submission to someone other than the Lord Jesus Christ, which is only sealing your own doom, and it dishonors Christ.


It Is Better To Submit


            Verse 5 - AT

5          Every [spiritual] female who prays [to another god], or prophesies [by the spirit of another god], dishonors [the Lord Jesus Christ], the head of the spiritual male [that God gave to be an authority over the female soul], which puts [that female personality] in the same spiritual condition as one who is still enslaved by the powers of this world, [that influence them through their carnal mind]


Every spiritual female... It is possible to be spiritual by the female spirituality, to be spiritual without producing a spiritual child. The female spirituality understands spiritual principles and communications, and respond to them. This means that your human spirit is active, but you do not have a spiritual child. The male spirituality arises out of the manchild.


Every spiritual female who prays to another god... who submits to another god. If you prophesy by a spirit that is not the Holy Spirit, you are praying to another god.


Or prophesies by the spirit of another god, dishonors Christ... If anyone in this ministry does that, you dishonor Christ in me. ...Christ, the head of the spiritual male that God gave to be an authority over your female soul, which puts the person... that is prophesying by another spirit ...in the same spiritual condition as one who is still enslaved by the powers of this world.


Paul said, Do not become entangled again in the powers of this world.


             Gal 5:1

1Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. KJV


When the Lord calls you out of the world and puts you in a ministry that is under a spiritual male, you come under that ministry's spiritual covering and protection. The woman I taught that incredible teaching about the harvest (who turned around and tried to teach me, and actually rebuked me for not celebrating Christmas) came under my spiritual covering and protection, but became open to any spirit that wants to take advantage of her, when she stripped off that spiritual cover by rebuking me for not celebrating Christmas,


Take advantage of her in what way? She is naïve, evens more than naïve, because she has all the teaching about Christmas, but is being very stubborn. She refused to give it up when the Lord asked her to, so she became open to free-flying spirits that are looking for someone to speak, prophesy or express themselves through. They want to deceive you, make you think that they are the Holy Spirit, and ultimately possess you. 


Every spiritual female who prays to another god, or prophesies by the spirit of another god, dishonors Christ, the head of the spiritual male... which is me ...that God gave to be an authority over your female soul, which puts you... whoever might be doing that ...in the same spiritual condition as someone who is not under a male cover, because everyone that is not under a male cover is enslaved by the powers of this world.


Really, Pastor Sheila, what are you talking about? Who do you think you are? Are you saying that everyone that is not under your male cover is enslaved by the powers of this world? Everyone in the Church who is not under a spiritual male is still a slave to their carnal mind and the powers of this world that operate through the carnal mind. When you have only the Holy Spirit, your mind is the carnal mind, because the Holy Spirit is not a mind.


You have a relationship with, and are reconciled to God, but you are still abiding in the carnal mind, which enslaves you to this world, and convinces you that it is okay to celebrate Christmas, Easter and Halloween. We are entangled by the things of this world through the mind of the flesh. Everyone in the Church that is not under Christ, either themselves, or through another person, is still entangled in the thinking of the bestial mind of this world. This is why there are so many Christians that do not understand who God’s candidate is, or who to vote for, because they are still enslaved by powers of the carnal mind of this world.


            Verse 6 - AT

6          Because [the judgment upon] a spiritual female who will not submit to [the wisdom of] the spiritual male who is in submission to Christ, his head, is to lose the gift of the Holy Spirit:


Because the judgment upon a spiritual female... all of you who do not have Christ; you are spiritual, but you do not have Christ.


Because the judgment upon a spiritual female who will not submit to the wisdom of the spiritual male, who was in submission to Christ... This does not mean that you submit to any spiritual male. who is pregnant with a spiritual child, or who has birthed a spiritual child. You only submit to the people who have birthed Christ.


The judgment upon a spiritual female who will not submit to the wisdom of the spiritual male, who is in submission to Christ, his head, is to lose the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Wherefore, it is in your own best interest... it is better for you, the spiritual female ...to be in submission to a spiritual male who is in submission to Christ, his head, than to be without the Holy Spirit. In another verse it says, because the Holy Spirit is a covering. If there is no spiritual male in your life, the Holy Spirit is definitely a covering, but it is not comparable to the covering of the spiritual male.


If you think you are going to separate from the spiritual male and still have the Holy Spirit, you are mistaken. You better think twice, because once the Lord has assigned you to a spiritual male, if you are in rebellion against that cover and separate, either willingly, or because the spiritual male says the contention is intolerable at this point, you will lose the Holy Spirit. You are better off submitting, because once you have been tied to a spiritual male, and then separate, you lose the Holy Spirit also.


             Verse 7 - AT

7          Indeed, the spiritual male who is in submission to Christ, his head, should not be in submission to the spiritual female, because Christ, who is the image of God, has the opinion of God, but the spiritual female can only reflect the opinion of God by learning from [the wisdom of] the spiritual male that she submits to,   


Indeed, the spiritual male who is in submission to Christ, his head, should not be in submission to the spiritual female... I am not supposed to be in submission to anyone who disapproves of what I teach, and demands that I change my doctrine and teach what they say is truth.


Indeed, the spiritual male who is in submission to Christ, his head, should not be in submission to the spiritual female because Christ, who is the image of God... that is Christ in me, who is the image of God ...has the opinion of God. The other opinion was the opinion of the flesh carnal mind because she was not talking out of Christ. Her opinion came out of her carnal mind.


The whole point is that Christ cannot be telling me one thing and another person something else. Either I am speaking by Christ, or the other person is speaking by Christ, and if the other person is speaking by Christ, then they should be the pastor, and I should sit down.


But Christ in me said, Either me or her. Either Christ Jesus in me stays in the ministry through me, or the person who refuses to submit, and the god that she serves, which is her flesh carnal mind must  leave. If it was Christ speaking through the other person, this ministry would not be standing today. Everyone would have followed her.


Indeed, the spiritual male who is in submission to Christ, his head, should not be in submission to the spiritual female, because Christ, who is the image of God... I am the spiritual male that God placed over Living Epistles Ministries. I have the mind of God and the other person, the one with the Holy Spirit, has the carnal mind.


Christ, who is the image of God, has the opinion of God, but the spiritual female can only reflect the opinion of God by learning it from the wisdom of the spiritual male that she submits to. Whoever refuses to learn from me, the spiritual male who is in submission to Christ, my head, will be separated from this ministry. Whoever refuses to learn from me, and tries to force their beliefs on me in multiple areas, will be separated from us.


Woman Out Of Man/Woman Is the Companion


Both the natural and the spiritual translation apply to verses 8 and 9, so I translated those verses twice. Verses 8 and 9 are indented. The first translation is the natural understanding, and the second translation, which is the main translation of the book, is the spiritual understanding.


            1 Cor 11:8-9

 8Because the man was not taken out of the woman, but the woman was taken out of the man, and


9the man was not created to be a companion for the woman, but the woman was created to be a companion for the man.  KJV


Verse 8, Because the man was not taken out of the woman, but the woman was taken out of the man... You should submit to the spiritual male, and learn from him. This verse relates to Jehovah taking the rib out of Adam.


Verse 9, And the man was not created to be a companion for the woman, but the woman was created to be a companion for the man. This is true of the natural as well as the spiritual life. It is possible, but, admittedly very difficult, for a married woman to hold the highest job in the land, and still submit to her husband in the home.


I am told that, in Nigeria, even in the event that a wife earns more than the husband, the man continues to be respected as the head of the household. But in America, income ability determines the headship of many families, and the trend towards house-husbands, even if they work at home, is alarming. The bottom line is American social thought today, is that whoever makes the most money, whether they are a doctor or a lawyer or they are sweeping the streets, however they earn that money, superior income ability determines the headship of the family, and lifts the woman above the physical male in the marriage. I do not, personally, know any woman in this country who makes more money than her husband, and is in a Godly submission to him. Under the best circumstances, the two appear to be equal, but true equality is a myth, because no two people are ever truly equal. One always has the edge over the other, and the social trend in America is towards the diminishing of male authority in the family, which is sin according to the Scripture. But when I was in Nigeria, I was very blessed to see professional women in submission to their husband.


The fact that you make more money than your husband, or have more education, does not mean that you can usurp his authority, because the authority of the man in the marriage is not based upon his ability to earn money. It is based upon his physical body. There is nothing a woman can do to legally overtake her husband, there is no amount of money that she can make, no education that she can secure, and no wisdom that she may acquire. The only way a woman can acquire authority over the male in the family is through his spiritual or emotional destruction, or if, God forbid, he is physically too ill to be the head of the family.


Because the man was not taken out of the woman, but the woman was taken out of the man. Paul calls the woman the weaker vessel. This does not mean that a woman has to be weak. It means that she is in a weaker position because the man has the God-given authority.


For example, consider the relationship between a general and a captain. Should the general ask the captain to do something ungodly, the captain’s power to resist the order is weak, because of the general’s authority. If the captain stands up for righteousness, he could lose his commission, or worse. The woman is the weaker vessel because she is subject to the mortal male, who is imperfect. Subjection to the authority of an imperfect mortal is a weak position to be in, under any circumstances.


You are all in a weaker position in relation to me, because even if it turns out that I am wrong (and of course, I could be wrong), and you do not pursue your complaint in a Godly manner, the Lord will not even listen to you. Neither will I listen to you, if you come at me in a hostile manner. Let us say that you have a complaint that I have the ability to resolve. You would probably lose your opportunity to have the complaint dealt with if you approached me with the wrong attitude. For example, if you were hostile we you registered you spoke to me.


The person that has the power to meet your need, is the person that you are to submit to, unless they are asking you to do something ungodly. That makes you the weaker vessel in any situation. You are the weaker vessel with regard to your parents. You should be a weaker vessel with regard to your older siblings (although I do not see that principle operating in this country at all).


Because the man was not taken out of the woman, but the woman was taken out of the man... therefore, the man has the preeminence in the home and in the marital relationship.


And the man was not created to be a companion for the woman, but the woman was created to be a companion for the man. Jehovah said, I will make a helpmeet for you. Ladies, no matter how much money you have, or how smart you are, or what you do for a living, you are the companion to the man in the family, and that means you yield to his career priorities.


The propriety of the man’s career in a marriage can become a real problem if the husband has a 9-to-5 job, and the woman, who has the big, professional job, travels for business purposes, and make lots of money, has the professional opportunity to move to another state.


Look at this possible scenario: Your husband has a 9-to-5 job; he is a fireman or a policeman, and he makes good money. It is a career position, and he likes his job. He has a lucrative pension, and will be able to retire after a certain amount of time. The woman is a lawyer, or a doctor, or an Indian chief, or anything else, and she is offered the opportunity to teach in some big university on the other side of the country, or maybe in another country. The woman’s increase in salary is tempting, and this change includes the opportunity for her to make a name for herself. She might even become famous. One of you will have to sacrifice your career, if you want to stay together.


This situation was addressed in the TV series, Friday Night Lights. The man was a high school football coach who had the opportunity of a lifetime, to coach at a famous university which would make him famous. His wife, on the other hand, was a guidance counselor at a high school, and she did not want to give up her job, so the man agreed to a separation. This case it is different than the scenario that I just laid out, because it was the wife that would not move. The man went along with his wife’s decision, and did not put any pressure on her. He moved without her, but as soon as he left, she fell apart, and then the marriage fell apart. The man was trying to be an enlightened male, but it did not work out. The whole family fell apart after he left town. Well, you say, what was he to do? He could not force her to go. He should have exercised his God-given authority and tried in every way possible to convince her. If, after all his efforts, she would still not join him, he would at least be justified before God, and the Lord would have moved on behalf of the family. Well, he was not a Christian, you say. God’s moral laws are spiritual principles upon which all life and culture are based. The man abdicated his moral authority over his wife and children, and Satan decimated them all.


In the situation where the man has a good 9-to-5 job, and the wife has a great career opportunity, should the man give up his job to keep the family together? I would not want to have to make that decision. But I will say that it would be wrong order for that man to give up his job, especially since it is not likely that a vested policeman or fireman would be able to find a comparable job in another city.


What if the man had a career that made it possible for him to find a good job in another city? Or, what if the man had such a poor paying job that following his wife would help the whole family? I do not know all of the answers, but I am telling you that, spiritually speaking, it is wrong order for the man to give up his job and follow his wife. Every decision that we make has spiritual consequences. One wrong spiritual turn, and from that day forward, everything falls apart. They had a great family, until it all fell apart. His wife fell apart. His daughter fell apart. The whole family went down the tubes after that one decision to submit to his wife without any significent resistance.


If a man has a good, stable job that he likes, and he has a future in it, but his wife has a different kind of a job which provides expansion that the man’s job would never have, where she could become famous or very wealthy, a tremendous opportunity, you should ask the Lord what He wants you to do. I do not know what the answer is, but I am telling you that one wrong decision that moves you out of God’s natural, established order, can result in your life falling apart. I am telling you the truth.


Something similar happened in a family that I know. They had a family until one bad decision was made, and then the whole family fell apart. One wrong turn and Satan does not waste any time destroying you.


It is wrong order for the man to give up his job for the woman. It is a wrong spiritual order. So, what do you do? The problem is solvable if God is sought after for the solution. Where God is not a part of the family? That is not a good place to be, in my opinion.


Because the man was not taken out of the woman, but the woman was taken out of the man.


The man was not created to be a companion for the woman, but the woman was created to be a companion for the man.


Man Existed First


In order to have the correct continuity of the spiritual understanding, I had to reverse the order of the verses. We will read Verse 9, and then Verse 8:


             Verse 9 - AT

9          Because [the last Adam], the spiritual male [who is] the creation [of God], did not come into existence after [the Church, which is] the spiritual female, but [the Church, which is] the spiritual female, came into existence after [the Lord Jesus Christ], the spiritual male [who is the head of the Church], and


            Verse 8 - AT

8          Neither did the spiritual male [who is the second Adam] come into existence from [the Church, which is] the spiritual female, but [the Church, which is] the spiritual female, came into existence from [the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ], the spiritual male [who is the last Adam];


Verse 9, Because the last Adam, the spiritual male, who is the creation of God, did not come into existence after the Church... which is the spiritual female. The last Adam is the Lord Jesus Christ. The first Adam is the natural man. The second Adam is the spiritual man in the Church with the Holy Spirit (we are still part of the spiritual man when we have Christ). The glorified man is the last Adam.


...but the Church, which is the spiritual female, came into existence after the Lord Jesus Christ, the spiritual male who is the head of the Church... wherever Christ is, He is the authority.


The problem is that everyone I have ever met in the Church thinks that, because they speak in tongues and have words of knowledge and an Holy Ghost anointing, that they are experiencing the ultimate aspect of God’s program. As far as they are concerned, there is no more opportunity for growth or expansion in God. They think there is nothing higher than what they are experiencing now. They are either waiting to be raptured, or to die and go to heaven. There is wrong teaching in the Church, and they refuse to be instructed.


Verse 8, Neither did the spiritual male, who is the second Adam, come into existence from the Church, who is the spiritual female, but the Church, which is the spiritual female, came into existence from the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ, the spiritual male, who is the last Adam. The female is last no matter how you look at it, that is what Paul is saying. If you want the very best you can possibly have for your life, for the life of your family, for the life of your mate and your children and everyone that comes after you, if you want the very best, what you need to do is stay within God’s natural order, because as soon as you break God’s natural order, Satan comes in and destroys your life to the fullest extent that she is able.


Spiritual Marriage


           Verse 10 - AT

10        Wherefore, if a spiritual female is not under the authority of a spiritual male, whose head is Christ, one of the evil angels will marry her, and she will be [neither a spiritual male nor a spiritual female in Christ, but the concubine of an evil god];


Verse 10, Wherefore, if a spiritual female is not under the authority of the spiritual male, whose head is Christ, one of the evil angels... we read about this in Revelation, Chapter 12 ...will marry her, and she will be neither a spiritual male nor a spiritual female in Christ, but she will become the concubine of an evil god... who very well may impregnate her with his own child, and then it is possible that she will become a spiritual male who is pregnant with Lucifer.


The Whole Adam


           Verse 11 - AT

11        So, because of the difference between a spiritual male and a spiritual female [which I have previously explained], the Lord does not desire that the spiritual female should separate from the spiritual male,


Verse 11, So, because of the difference between a spiritual male and a spiritual female, which I have previously explained, the Lord does not desire that the spiritual female should separate from the spiritual male.


Paul says, If a woman cannot live with a man, she should leave.


            1 Cor 7:10-11

10And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:

11But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.  KJV


If she finds living with the male intolerable, she should leave, but she should not marry again. She should separate, not divorce, but that is not the Lord's desire in a natural marriage, or in a spiritual marriage (because the pastor is married to the Church). The Lord is never in favor of a separation, which is an absolutely last resort to preserve the integrity of the marriage or the fellowship. The parties should separate only when the contention becomes so bad and, is causing so much trouble, that separation is the only path to peace.


The Lord does not desire that the spiritual female should separate from the spiritual male, because the spiritual female... the female that is not pregnant with Christ ...is also a part of the whole Adam. The Lord Jesus above and Christ Jesus in the members of this ministry is the whole Adam.


            Verse 12 - AT

12        Because the spiritual female is a part of the whole Adam, even though the spiritual female receives the opinion of God through the spiritual male, [who is the son of God];


Verse 12 continues from Verse 11:


Because the spiritual female (who is in the Church) is also a part of the whole Adam, even though the spiritual female receives the opinion of God through the spiritual male, who is the son of God.


How is the spiritual female a part of the whole Adam? The Whole Adam is the Lord Jesus, above, joined to either (1) the pastor, who is married to the congregation, or (2) the physical male head of the family, who is the husband of his wife.


She has (what we call here) the imputed opinion of God; at least she has the opportunity. I hope that everybody here has the opinion of God, and that if there is something I teach that you really cannot receive, that you have put it on the shelf, waiting for the Lord to help you to understand it.


The female is a part of the whole Adam because she does have the opinion, in most of the cases here in this ministry you have the male opinion, though you receive it secondhand. That is why it is so much easier for me to learn from the Lord than it is for you to learn from me, because you are getting it secondhand. I get it directly from God. I broke through years ago.


The messages that I get are glorious. They are not difficult for me at all; I just have to put in the physical labor and the hours, but spiritually speaking, I do not have to fast and pray and agonize. I have more than I can process. The windows of heaven have opened, and the glory is pouring down on me . I understand it, but you get it from me. You get it secondhand, so it is harder for you to learn and understand it than it is for me. We are not in the same place.


Authority In The Church


            Verse 13 - AT

13        [The carnal mind] is not in submission to [Christ], the [spiritual] male, and worships [another god; Wherefore, brethren], judge for yourselves: Is it proper [to allow] a spiritual female [to express the opinion of the carnal mind when a spiritual male is present?]


Verse 13, The carnal mind is not in submission to Christ, the spiritual male, and worships another god. The carnal mind is a corrupt mind that worships another god. The god of the carnal mind is Satan.


The beast is the corrupt mind of the mature natural man. 666, the mind of the beast, is Lucifer, the sixth Sefirot of the spiritual child that is living, or existing, through multiple human beings. Just like Christ (not the Holy Spirit) has many-members, cannot be divided and can exist everywhere at the same time, Lucifer is the many-membered, evil offspring of humanity. He is the spiritual child that has matured to the sixth Sefirot, which prepares him for marriage to the spirit that planted his seed in the human womb that birthed him in the first place.


We must receive the seed that prepares us to have a spiritual child before we can be impregnated with that child. We receive the seed of the Lord Jesus, and then Christ Jesus, the spiritual male, comes forth. Everyone that is pregnant with, or has birthed Lucifer, must have first received a female seed from a  mature entity that is capable of spiritual reproduction.


When Lucifer is fully matured, the spirit that generated him, marries her own spiritual child, and the Beast of Revelation comes into existence. On the other side, the Lord Jesus Christ marries Christ Jesus within the Sons of Adam, and the Lamb of God is born.


The carnal mind is not in submission to Christ, the spiritual male, and worships another god... The carnal mind worships the god of this world. Whoever submits to the thoughts of their carnal mind is guilty of idolatry. They are guilty of worshipping another god, the god that gave them the thought that opposed the thought of Christ in the mind of the true authority.


Wherefore, brethren, judge for yourselves... In other words, now that I have taught you all of this, answer me. Make a decision: Is it proper for a pastor, or for someone that leads a fellowship, to allow a spiritual female to express the opinion of the carnal mind in our meetings? Is it proper? A member of this ministry interjected the thoughts of her carnal mind into our meetings for years because her true desire was to teach. Sometimes she would contradict me outright, but, when I corrected her, would claim to not understand that she was doing anything wrong. Finally, I rebuked her to the point that she stopped her verbal intrusions, but her carnal mind continued to sabotage the meetings until I asked her to leave the ministry..


            Verse 14 - AT

14        Has not the engrafted Christ taught you that it is a disgrace for a spiritual male to submit to the [emotional] opinions of [the brethren who have received the Holy Spirit, which is] the long hair of the spiritual female?


Verse 14, Has not the Christ, who is engrafted to you... those of you who have the grafted Christ ...taught you, that it is a disgrace for a spiritual male to submit to the emotional opinions of the brethren who have received the Holy Spirit, which is the long hair of the spiritual female?


My question is: Is Paul saying, Has not the Christ that is engrafted to you, or, Has not the Christ that is engrafted to me (meaning himself)? I am not sure what he is saying. Has not the engrafted Christ (who is engrafted to you)... In other words, Christ Jesus in me teaches the grafted Christ in you, so if you have any questions, you are supposed to ask your husband at home; you are supposed to pray about it yourself.


            1 Cor 14:35

35And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. KJV


If you cannot get an answer from the Christ within you, then you come back to me. James tells us to humbly receive the engrafted word. The seed is the Word of God.


            Js 1:21

21Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.  KJV


Paul is saying, Has not the Christ, who is engrafted to you, taught you that it is a disgrace for a spiritual male... that would be me ...to submit to the emotional opinions of the brethren who receive the Holy Spirit... The woman who I asked to leave the ministry thought that, because she had the Holy Spirit, Christ in me should submit to the opinion of her Carnal Mind, which she thought was the Holy Spirit. It would have been a disgrace for me to submit to the opinion of her Carnal Mind ...which is the long hair of the spiritual female.


I explain about long hair in the message 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11.


Footnote 15

15Hair signifies spirit. Long hair signifies a wave, as opposed to a fixed point. A wave vibrates and moves here and there continuously. The Scripture says that we can hear the sound of the Spirit, but we cannot tell where it is coming from or where it is going (Jn 3:8).


The woman that I asked to leave the ministry had a bad feeling when I told you all that the Lord wanted us to start standing for the person who brings the Word of God, not for me in particular, but for anyone who would preach here, or who will preach at our conferences. When we go to the conference in Tennessee, whether we are asked to do it or not, I intend to stand for the person who heads to the altar to bring the Word of God. That was what the Lord asked me to ask all of you to do. The Lord wants you to do it, but she had a bad feeling about it, and interpreted that bad feeling to mean that I was asking you all to do something wrong.


PASTOR VITALE: Is there another possibility? She had a bad feeling about the congregation rising when the person bringing the Word of God comes into the room. If it was not the Lord telling her that I was wrong, what else could have been causing that bad feeling?


COMMENT: Could it have been her old man being forced to do something righteous?


PASTOR VITALE:  What do you think was making her feel bad? Name a sin.




PASTOR VITALE: Pride, yes, but something else. Pride and envy. I feel it was envy, but of course, it was also pride. It was sin. I guess that is what you were saying in the first place. She was being asked to do something that made her feel bad. The sin in her made her feel bad. Ask yourself, if the issue was pride, why would her pride not want her to rise for the Word? Because she would be honoring the pastor, which she did not want to do. This has been going on for years. Why would she not want to honor the pastor? Because she is in competition with me. Why is she in competition with me? Because she would like to ge the teacher and is jealous of my position.


Do you see the progression? It is pride, but the very root of the problem is envy.


Verse 14, Has not the Christ, who is engrafted to you, taught you that it is a disgrace for a spiritual male to submit to your emotional opinions... This woman had an emotional response, interpreted it with her carnal mind, and assumed that she had the authority to correct me. The name of this message is The Corinthian Confusion, she was confused!


            Footnote 15, paragraph 2

In other words, believers who have the Holy Spirit make decisions based upon what they feel or perceive in their emotions at any given moment, but Christ makes decisions based upon an intellectual knowledge (Eph 3:4) of established spiritual principles, the perceptions of a spiritual mind (1 Cor 2:16) and spiritual experiences (Rom 5:4).


My opinions are not based upon the emotional perceptions of the Holy Spirit. They are based upon the perceptions of my spiritual mind, which is Christ, established spiritual principles, and the spiritual experiences that I have had. I used to make negative decisions. I used to interpret my emotional perceptions with my carnal mind, but the Lord has taught me to do otherwise. You are now entering into my labor and benefitting from everything that I have experienced in this area.


The Holy Spirit is wonderful when it sets your feet a-dancing, and it is nice if you speak in tongues, or you prophesy from the floor of the church. But once you become spiritual, once you get past prophesying on the floor of the church and speaking in tongues, and start getting spiritual perceptions in your emotions, when you start interpreting emotional perceptions, you are on dangerous ground. When you start feeling distress in your emotions, you better get hooked up with a spiritual male, or a spiritual male from the other side will pick you up, and make you the concubine of the spirit that he serves. I am telling you the truth.


Again, the effect of the Holy Spirit in your life is that you speak in tongues, you prophesy, and you have words of knowledge, but after that you start becoming spiritual in a more mature way. You start perceiving things.


I remember the day that I was on my face before God because I was suffering from negative emotions that were not even mine I was begging God, What is this? What is wrong with me? I do not want to feel bad anymore! Then the Lord spoke to me through another person. He said, Sensitive to sin. Another possibility is that this woman had a bad feeling because the Holy Spirit within her was wounded from the envious reaction that she had to a godly request.


            Verse 15 - AT

15        But, [on the other hand, the brethren who have the mind of Christ should not despise the emotional opinions of the believers who have received the Holy Spirit, because] the spiritual female has been given the [emotional] opinion of the long hair of [the Holy Spirit] as a covering, until a spiritual male is sent to teach them;


Verse 15, But on the other hand, the brethren who have the mind of Christ... you, who have Christ ...do not despise the emotional opinions of the believers who have received the Holy Spirit, because the spiritual female has been given the emotional opinion of the long hair of the Holy Spirit as a covering, until a spiritual male is sent to teach them.


God can use a bad feeling from the Holy Spirit to warn you, but Holy Ghost people cannot tell the difference between a bad feeling that says, Danger, danger! Do not go there!, and a bad feeling that is envy within themselves; Both spiritual communications make them feel bad.


Doctrinal Disputes


I have reversed the order of Verses 16, 17 and 18 for continuity and order, so we will be reading Verse 18 first.


            Verse 18 - AT

18        First of all, I hear that when you gather together, there are divisions among those of you who have different opinions [about who has spiritual authority], and about [how you should relate to one other, because of] your different roles in the Church,


At this point, the whole tenor of the chapter changes. In the first 15 verses, Paul has bent over backwards to explain about the spiritual male and the spiritual female, and the right relationship between the two. He has not condemned the spiritual female. He said that she has her place in the body of Christ, but nevertheless, the spiritual female has to submit to the spiritual male to be in right order.


Now that he gets that out of the way, he goes on to say, I hear that there is trouble in your churches, which means you are not in right order.


Verse 18, First of all, I hear that when you gather together, there are divisions among you. We used to have fights in the ministry. The woman that was put out of the ministry used to fight with me. I hear that there are divisions among you, who have different opinions about who has spiritual authority, and about how you should relate to one another because of your different roles in the Church. That is exactly what happened here, exactly!


We are both important. This woman and I, We are both important. The husband and the wife are equally important before God as human beings. But God requires there to be a head of every institution, and the husband is the one with the authority in the institution called the family, I cannot say that he is more important, but he has the authority.




Because of your different roles in the Church... It will cause contention, dissention and tribulation in your marriage when the woman is in a male role in life. It is not as simple as the man saying, She has the more important job, or She makes more money, and I will yield; the man sacrifices his spiritual manhood by doing that.


I watched a movie the other day It was about some hotshot Wall Street-type people, investors, wanting to buy up the land that belonged to Peruvian farmers. the contrast between the cultures is almost as vast as between us and the cavemen. You see people living on a simple farm, without a lot of machines, doing a lot of things by hand, contrasted with some hotshot investors in this big, high-rise building looking out over Wall Street, or Madison Avenue. The developer had a plan for the whole land mass, but because one farmer would not sell, it could not go through. There was a conflict between one farmer and all of the other farmers, because one farmer who was holding out (who was not educated at all), had an internal revelation that if he gave up his farm, he would be losing his spiritual manhood. He would then have to work for the other person and become their slave.  It turned out that the investors buying up the land were not honest, and would not have given them jobs, or pay them as employees). But, aside from that, this farmer had the understanding in his heart that he would be giving up his sovereignty. He did not want the money; he wanted to be his own man. He did not want to give up his sovereignty.


That is what is going on in our country today. There are powers that want us to give up our sovereignty, to stop being the nation called the United States of America, and become a part of the North American Union. Then we would come under the authority, or the spiritual manhood, of people that do not even live in this country.


One of the laws in the Bible for Israel is that you never take as a king someone that is not of your own people as a king. Never submit to the rule of someone who is not one of you, because they do not care about you. That is what happened with Obama. He was born in America, but he lived his first ten years in Indonesia. He is not an American in his heart, and he has destroyed us.


You do not give up your sovereignty. You do not give up your sovereign nation, and the man should not give up his sovereignty, or his male position in the family. He does not want to be unreasonable, but I am not talking about being unreasonable. You need to think these things through before you get married. Do not give up your sovereignty in your job, in your business, in your life, or in your family. In any relationship that you have, never give up your sovereignty.


When God gives you authority, you better hold onto it with all your strength, because if once you give up your authority, you try and get it back! I have been telling you that for years. This is just another way of saying it. When God gives you something, if you have it legitimately, do not ever give it up.


That goes for women, too. Do not give up sovereignty over your children, even if someone comes to you and says, I want to take your child. It will be good for him. Do you know that America was actually advertising in Central America and other places, Send your children to America. Do you know how many parents sent their very young children across the border with no one to watch them, except the crooks and the criminals that were bringing them across? God only knows where they are now. Thousands of children have disappeared.


            Verse 17 - AT

17        Wherefore, it is my understanding that you are better off not gathering together because of [your disagreement over whether Christ or the Holy Spirit is the superior anointing], and for this I do not applaud you,


Verse 17, Wherefore, it is my understanding that you are better off not gathering together because of your disagreement over whether Christ or the Holy Spirit is the superior anointing, and for this I do not applaud you.


I was in a church service once; it was in Gospel Revivals Ministries where I was raised up. I do the other fellowship, but I distinctly remember hearing someone in charge say, Do not discuss doctrine. We are not to discuss doctrine.


I did not understand it at the time, but it struck me as wrong because I have always loved the Word, Apparently they were taking it from this verse. Some of the believers think that Paul is saying, When you gather with other believers, you should never discuss doctrine. That is not what he is saying. He is saying, If you cannot discuss doctrine civilly, then do not talk about it. But we should be able to talk to each other.


I was at the synagogue on one of the High Holy days, and I was talking to a woman who said she heard a rabbi on television saying that no one should talk about politics; that it is not ethical to talk about politics. I said to her, I do not think that is what he meant - that the word was not ethical. What he meant was that the rabbis cannot talk about politics or they will lose their 501(c)(3) tax exemption. The instruction was not for the average person. It was for the rabbi.


I said, Besides, Trump said that if he wins, he is going to fix that. And she said, Oh, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. I said, That is what he said: If he wins, he is going to fix it. And she just looked at me with eyes big like saucers. My interpretation of her reaction was that in all of these months that she has been bashing Trump, she never once considered his policies. I will not talk to her about politics because I cannot have a sane discussion with her She is all in her emotions.


I hope I helped her, that I did something for her. I do not think she will vote for Trump, but I hope that I awakened something in her. I said, I love to discuss politics. I do. I love to discuss politics. She said, Everyone in my condominium is fighting over it. I said, We are not supposed to fight, but we should be able to listen to each other. Maybe you will learn something from me, and maybe I will learn something from you. It is a communist doctrine that says, Do not communicate. Do not talk.


Paul is saying, You should be ashamed of yourselves that you cannot have a civil conversation, that you cannot listen to the other person’s point of view without getting hysterical and abusive.


             Verse 16 - AT

16        Because the people who quarrel over the issue [of whether the believers with the Holy Ghost should submit to the believers who teach out of Christ, or, if the believers who have Christ should submit to the believers who have the Holy Ghost], cannot share the friendship and positive relationships based upon [their] mutual [belief in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of sin, the promise of immortality in the flesh, and other] shared interests that [Christ], the Lord, intends for the churches of God to have,


Verse 16, I do not applaud you, Because the people, who quarrel over the issue of whether the believers with the Holy Ghost should submit to the believers who teach out of Christ, or, if the believers who have Christ should submit to the believers who have the Holy Ghost, cannot share the friendship and positive relationships based upon their mutual belief in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of sin, the promise of immortality in the flesh, and other shared interests that Christ, the Lord, intends for the churches of God to have.


It does not glorify God to not be able to discuss doctrine. We should be able to discuss what we have in common. The whole problem is that we see it differently. The Holy Ghost people see the letter of the law, and the Christ people see the spiritual meaning. They cannot talk because they have different opinions, and the spiritual females will not submit to the teaching of the spiritual males. The result is, you have nothing. You stay in your ignorance and have nothing.


Wisdom, The Male Anointing


            Verse 19 - AT

19        Indeed, wisdom identifies the spiritual males among you, who are approved to make you strong by speaking the Truth, which destroys heretical doctrines,


Verse 19, Indeed, wisdom identifies the spiritual males among you, who are approved to make you strong by speaking the Truth, which destroys heretical doctrines. I spoke the truth to the woman in the synagogue and I hope that I strengthened her. But you should have seen her face; She was shocked to hear the word policy.


            Verse 20 - AT

20        So, when you gather together, you should not share the Word of God,


             Verse 21 - AT

21        Because [the believers who have birthed Christ believe that the Holy Ghost brethren] are starving for the Word of God [and want to teach them] doctrine, and [the believers who have received] the Holy Spirit and are lusting for emotional [experiences, think that the brethren who have birthed Christ, are backslidden, and] everyone has decided what he believes before you come together;


Verse 20, So, when you gather together, you should not share the Word of God,


In Verse 21, Paul is going to rebuke both sides:


Verse 21, Because the believers who have birthed Christ believe that the Holy Ghost brethren are starving for the Word of God, and want to teach them doctrine, and the believers who have received the Holy Ghost are lusting for emotional experiences, and think that the brethren who have birthed Christ are backslidden, and everyone has decided what he believes before you come together.


The Christ believers have a lust to teach the Holy Ghost people that do not want to be taught, and the Holy Ghost people think that the people who have birthed Christ are backslidden because they are not emotional and jumping around. There is no communication at all.


            Verse 22 - AT

22        Is this not true that you have your own local churches where you can [either] share doctrine or experience the Holy Spirit? Why must [those of you who are in Christ] disrespect the other members of the Church of God who do not believe [esoteric doctrine] like you do, and [why do those of you who have the Holy Spirit] shame [the brethren who do not want to participate in the emotionalism] that you have [in your services]?




Verse 22: Is this not true that you have your own local churches, where you can either share doctrine, or experience the Holy Spirit? Why must those of you, who are in Christ disrespect the other members of the Church of God who do not believe esoteric doctrine like you do? And why do those of you, who have the Holy Spirit, shame the brethren who do not want to participate in the emotionalism that you have in your services?


Why do you tell us that we are backslidden, or that we are stick-in-the-muds, or whatever else you are calling us,? Why can we not respect each other and understand that people have different roles in the Church?


Those of you that have Christ and feel the need to teach other people have a lust to minister, which means that you are starving for the Word of God. ,and think that the solution to the problem is for you to teach others.


In other words, this lust to teach other people, is really is a driving need to have your mind engaged in the Doctrine of Christ. Some of you have such an insatiable need for the Word of God that you listen to the messages a second and a third time but are still not satisfied. You still have a driving need to teach others what you have learned, so you lay hold of the teaching in the Holy Ghost church, that you need to go out and convert the world, But you have misinterpreted your spiritual hunger. It is not you, but Christ in you who is starving.


What you need is more of the Doctrine of Christ. You need to either attend more meetings, if it is possible, or listen to the messages over and over, or do your own research.


You need to identify this drive that push you outward to minister to someone that does not want to hear it this message, or is not ready for it. You need to recognize it and understand that teaching other people satisfies your pride. When you try to teach people that do not want to be taught, you are abusing them, and are guilty of the sins of pride and witchcraft, for which Satan will execute the Sowing and Reaping Judgment against you. You need to recognize that drive and sublimate it, do not do what it wants you to do, but lay hold of that energy and use it to either listen to a message, or do your own research, because you are starving for the Word of God.


At this point Paul goes into another phase of instruction, This is the really exciting part of this message, where we learn about what Jesus was really saying about communion. Jesus nevereven conceived of the ritual that the Church engages in, Jesus never told anybody to do any such thing. The accepted translation of verse 23, is a complete fantasy.


Immortality & The Carnal Mind


            Verse 23 - AT

23        Now, I passed on to you what I received from [Christ], the Lord [within me]: That the Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scripture, and


Verse 23, Now, I passed on to you what I received from Christ, the Lord within me: That the Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scripture.


Some say that the word Shekinah is not in the Scripture, but the concept of the divine influence comes out in this section, The Shekinah, the divine influence. The Divinne Influence is not called the Holy Spirit, or even the Spirit of Christ. The Divine Influence is El Shaddai, the Breasted One, the Name of Jehovah translated, the Almighty, in Ezekiel 10:5. Shaddai is the plural of the Hebrew word for breasts.


Now, I passed on to you what I received from Christ, the Lord within me... We have to distinguish between Christ in me, Christ in you, Christ Jesus, and the Lord Jesus.


Now, I passed on to you what I received from Christ, the Lord within me: That the Supernal Mother... that is Imma, the Supernal Mother who is the third-degree of power ...seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scripture. I explained about this in Footnote 20 of 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11.


Footnote 20

20  Adam received reproductive ability on the third day of creation as indicated by the phrase, whose seed was within itself (Gen 1:2).


The Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus... on the third day. Jesus overcame His fallen nature and received the ability to reproduce the spiritual life that was within Himself. You all are the proof that I am experiencing the third day of creation, that I have seed within myself.


Paul said to the Galatians, You are the proof of my apostleship.


             1 Cor 9:2

2If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I am to you: for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord.  KJV


The Church says that you are an apostle if you plant several churches, But that is incorrect. You become an apostle when the living Christ is revealed from the inside of you. I have a living Christ inside of me, but I cannot take any credit for it. He has taken up residence in me, and therefore, I have seed. I can take credit for the labor, the study and the preaching that I do, but I could not do anything if it was not for Him. The seed that comes out of my mouth is His seed.


I passed on to you what I received from Christ, the Lord within me... Paul is telling them, I am instructed by the Christ within me, and you can have this experience too. But you have to give up the Holy Ghost.


Now, I passed on to you what I received from Christ, the Lord within me, that the Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scripture. The point is not that the Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, but that He actually received the seed. The seizing and delivering up of the carnal mind means that the Christ in Him became the primary man that was living through Him, at which point He received the seed.


We do not have seed when we are a double-minded man. I am still a double-minded man, but my carnal mind was devastated years ago with regard to the Word; that is why I am able to receive this Word. I am still carnal in other areas. The Word of God is not that the Supernal Mother seized Him and delivered up His carnal mind. The Word of God is that Christ, Jesus’ inner man, prevailed over His fallen nature, and the result of that spiritual victory is that Jesus became capable of spiritual reproduction.


Christ, A Higher Soul


            Verse 24 - AT

24        [Christ within Jesus] said, I am glad that my [spiritual] body will be broken [into many soul sparks] which will be formed into [higher souls for humanity], which will reflect [the mind of Christ within] mankind, and


Verse 24, Christ within Jesus said, I am glad that my spiritual body will be broken into many soul sparks, which will be formed into higher souls for humanity, which will reflect the mind of Christ within mankind. Right now we have the mind of humanity, which is a female soul with a carnal mind. Mankind is Righteous Adam.


In Verse 24, Christ within Jesus is speaking, and in Verse 25, Jesus, the man, is speaking.


An Immortal Body


             Verse 25 - AT

25        [Jesus] said, the New Testament is in [the spiritual] Blood of [Christ Jesus], my [spiritual] body, [so] whosoever absorbs [the Spirit of Life which is the Blood of Christ Jesus, will receive a soul that is] reminiscent of me, [and will receive an immortal material body] made from [the substance of] that [soul],


Verse 25, Jesus (the man) said, the New Testament is in the spiritual Blood of Christ Jesus, my spiritual body, so, whosoever absorbs the Spirit of Life, which is the Blood of Christ Jesus, will receive a soul that is reminiscent of Me... it is not my soul, but it is similar to mine ...and will receive an immortal, material body made from the substance of that soul.


This very important message tells us how to attain to immortality. We have been given the opportunity, but if we do not do the work, it will not happen. We receive the living seed through this doctrine, when it is preached by someone who has a living Christ in them.


Immortality comes when the body of Christ Jesus is built in us. The Lord Jesus Christ is the garment of the Supernal Mother, the third degree of power. I am waiting for Him to come down, seize my carnal mind and deliver it up to destruction, according to the Scripture. I am waiting for the whole Adam to come into existence within me, so that I can have spiritual seed for the rest of the Church.


At this time, I have spiritual seed only for those of you who want me. But when the Lord Jesus seizes my carnal mind and forces it fully under Christ Jesus who will be living through me,  seed will go out for people that do not want it.


That is a very radical thing to say, and some people get very upset when they hear it. But I am not saying that I will be doing it. I am saying that the Lord will be doing it. The Church will never survive,  humanity will never survive, if the Lord leaves it up to them, because they cannot understand this message, they cannot give up their carnal mind, and they cannot give up their idolatry.


 You may not think you are needy, but we are all so needy. That was the whole message behind Jehovah turning Job over to Satan. Job did not understand that he was needy, because he had everything that life could offer. We are all desperately needy and naked in this world, but we just do not know it because we are in The Matrix.


I have the mind of God which is still being developed in me, because we receive it, initially, as a seed. Nowt I am waiting for Him to seize my carnal mind and fill me with His life. I am waiting for Him to inhabit me.  


Paul is explaining to the Corinthians, The New Testament is in the spiritual Blood of Christ Jesus, my spiritual body. The Holy Spirit is not His Blood. There is no eternal life in the Holy Spirit. Your soul, which is your personality, will not be saved by the Holy Spirit; your human spirit will be saved. I can see them screaming and yelling, but it is the truth. The spirit of all those who have gone on before you, was saved, but their soul was not saved.


Do you want your soul saved? Do you want a spiritual body? The clay of your earth (your humanity) needs to absorb the Spirit of Life, but we do not have that yet. The Spirit of Life is called Chayya, or the fourth level of soul. Jesus has Chayyah, life, but we do not have it yet, maybe you have it, but I do not.


You have to absorb that Spirit of Life, which is in the Blood of Christ Jesus, if you want longevity and ultimate immortality. If you want to be healed of everything that is wrong with your body, your earth needs to lay hold of and absorb that Spirit of Life. Right now the Lord visits us, He gives us a little sprinkling of that Spirit of Life, and He withdraws, a little sprinkling of it, and He withdraws. But we are waiting for that permanent unification that will heal everything that has ever been wrong with us, spirit, soul and body.


Jesus said, the New Testament is in the spiritual Blood of Christ Jesus, my spiritual body, so whosoever absorbs the Spirit of Life, which is the Blood of Christ Jesus, will receive a soul that is reminiscent of me. We do not receive Jesus’ soul. We receive a seed that comes from His Jesus’ soul, that becomes our soul when it is rooted and grounded in us. A seed, or a piece of His soul, becomes our soul when it is grafted to us .


When someone donates an organ, a heart, for example, once it is sewn into the new person, is it the other person’s heart? No. It grows into the body and becomes a part of the recipient. We are going to get a soul that is like Jesus' soul, which comes from His soul, but it will not be His soul anymore. It is going to be ours. The Holy Spirit is a gift, and she takes back, but this soul is going to become ours. We are going to possess it, and no one will ever take it away from us.


We are going to receive a soul that is reminiscent of Jesus, and we will receive an immortal, material body made from the substance of that soul, because it is the soul that forms the body.


The Orthodox Jews believe that the soul does not enter into the embryo for 40 days, but I must most respectfully disagree with them, because it is the soul that forms the body. What I do not know is, whether the soul enters into the female egg, or waits until a zygote is formed before it enters in. This is how Jesus was conceived. The soul that came from God (most likely) entered into Mary’s womb before she married Joseph, and then, afterward, entered into the zygote that was formed when their marriage was consummated. The gilgul soul entered in before the egg started to cell divide and reproduce itself. To justify abortion for 40 days because, they say, the soul does not yet entered in is not a valid argument. The soul is there before the body is formed. The soul forms the body.


The body dies because the soul that formed this body dies. The soul that formed my body is the Nefesh soul, which is in the blood, and the personal name for that soul is Cain, who is a part of the dead Adam. The soul forms the body out of the zygote that is formed from the egg and the sperm. The egg and the sperm are like a tree in the forest. The soul cuts down the tree and builds a house.


This new soul forms a body out of the spiritual substance of that soul. The body is made from the tree in the forest, which is the egg and the sperm, or the zygote, formed from the egg and the sperm. It is the carpenter that builds the house, or has the vision. I never thought of it that way before. It is so interesting that Jesus was a carpenter. Years ago, people did not go to an architect. Our forefathers that came to America took stones out of the field, cut down some trees, and built a house. The carpenter builds the house according to his own emotions and mind. The soul that enters into the zygote, the fertilized egg, makes a body out of that zygote in accordance with its own will. The soul we receive from Jesus forms a material body that never dies.


The Appearance Of Christ


            Verse 26 - AT

26        Provided that [Christ Jesus], their [new soul that is similar to my immortal soul], consumes [the spiritual understanding of] the Scripture and absorbs [the Spirit of Life which is the Blood of Christ Jesus] often enough so that [Christ], the Lord, [the second Adam], appears in their physical body, [which appearance] proclaims the death of [the first Adam who he has replaced];


Verse 26, Provided that Christ Jesus, their new soul, that is similar to my immortal soul, consumes the spiritual understanding of the Scripture... Our new soul is Christ in us, and He grows up into Christ Jesus. He will become immortal if He is fed enough food, and if He receives the spiritual Water of Life.


 We just published a book called The Woman in The Well, which is based on a message that I preached in the year 2000. It is the most incredible message about Jesus and the Water of Life! We have not received the Water of Life yet, which will quench our spiritual thirst forever. I am that woman at the well, waiting for Jesus to seize my soul and satisfy me to the point that I never thirst again. The word thirst is associated with reincarnation.


We are going to receive an immortal, material body, provided that Christ Jesus, their [sic] new soul, that is similar to my immortal soul, consumes the spiritual understanding of the Scripture and absorbs... Obviously, we do not have the whole thing, but we do have a lot of spiritual understanding of the Scripture. We are lacking ...the Spirit of Life, Chayya, the fourth degree of soul, ...which is the Blood of Christ Jesus, often... we have to do it often enough. The Lord drops a few sprinkles on us, but we need that permanent unification. We have to get it ...often enough so that Christ the Lord, the second Adam, appears in their [sic]  physical body.


We are waiting. I am waiting for Him to appear fully in my physical body.


We need to drink in this Spirit of Life often enough, so that Christ the Lord, the second Adam, appears in their[sic] physical body, which appearance proclaims the death of the first Adam, who he has replaced. This is so important. Both the first Adam and the second Adam cannot be appearing in you, or in me, at any one moment in time.


Footnote 27

27  Only one nature can appear at any one point in time. So either Christ Jesus or the first Adam dies each and every time we have a thought, show an attitude, or speak a word (2 Cor 4:10-11). Every time we choose the thought of the carnal mind over the thought of Christ, we crucify Christ (Heb 6:6).


The fact that I can preach like this is advertising to the whole world, to whoever has ears to hear and eyes to see, that the old man in me is dying, and, for the moment that I am preaching like this, he is dead. He is on his way out for sure.


Spiritual Death


             Verse 27 - AT

27        Wherefore, whosoever consumes [the spiritual understanding of] the Scripture and drinks in [the Spirit of Life which is in Christ, our] Lord, with a wrong motive, shall be responsible for [aborting Christ], the soul [of their new man], and [polluting the waters of] the Spirit of [Life which is in Christ], the Lord [that is destined to be born within them];


Verse 27, Wherefore, whosoever consumes the spiritual understanding of the Scripture and drinks the Spirit of Life, which is in Christ, our Lord, with a wrong motive, shall be responsible for aborting Christ, the soul of their new man, and polluting the waters of the Spirit of Life, which is in Christ, the Lord, that is destined to be born within them.


The lady who was put out of the ministry wanted this message so that she could teach it. She did not believe anything else that was being taught here. If your reason for listening to this message is that you want to be great teacher, you are destroying Christ in yourself. This is what happened to that lady, because her motives for being here were wrong. For all we know, the Lord moved her out when He did to save what was left of Christ that was being formed in her.


Verse 27 has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the bread of the Passover, or the grape juice, or the wine. Jesus never told us to take those elements as a ritual.


The Catholic Church takes the scripturally unfounded doctrine of Communion to an even greater error through the Doctrine of Transubstantiation. The Lutheran Church believes in  Transubstantiation, which teaches that the cracker and the grape juice turn into the physical flesh and blood of the Lord Jesus Chris. If this were true, taking communion would make them cannibals. But if really were the actual flesh and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. What would that do for you?


Test Yourself


             Verse 28 - AT

28        Indeed, test yourself in this way: Has the Second, [Regenerated] Adam, [your new soul, been formed] out of [the spiritual understanding of] the Scripture that you have consumed? And has your physical body absorbed [so much of the Spirit of Life, which is in Christ, that it no longer gets sick and cannot die]?


Verse 28, Indeed, test yourself... we should all test ourselves. This is how you test yourself: Has the Second, Regenerated Adam, your new soul, been formed out of the spiritual understanding of the Scripture that you have consumed? Is Christ being formed from that spiritual food? Or are you just listening because you want your ears tickled, or you want to teach other people? Why are you here?


And has your physical body absorbed so much of the Spirit of Life, which is in Christ, that it no longer gets sick and cannot die? I think that I have consumed so much of the Scripture, that I believe the Regenerated Adam, or Christ Jesus, is formed in me, but obviously I have not absorbed so much of the Spirit of Life, which is in Christ, that I no longer get sick, let alone, not die.


We are way ahead with the bread. We are getting the food here. Christ is being formed in us, and we are waiting, but we have just a few drops of that rain that keeps us going, because if He poured out a greater measure of the Spirit of Life on us right now, it might kill us. We might not be able to tolerate it.


Separate From Adam


             Verse 29 - AT

29        Because, [whosoever] consumes [the spiritual understanding of the Scripture] and drinks in [the Spirit of Life, which is in Christ, must eventually] pass judgment upon himself [as to whether or not] he is consuming [the spiritual understanding of the Scripture] and drinking in [the Spirit of Life, which is in Christ], without thoroughly separating [the spiritual] body of [Christ, which is] the Lord [within himself], from [the first Adam within himself],


Verse 29, Because whosoever consumes the spiritual understanding of the Scripture and drinks in the Spirit of Life, which is in Christ, must eventually pass judgment upon himself... We must judge ourselves. I just assist you, but you have to have the baby.


We must judge ourselves as to whether or not he is [sic] consuming the spiritual understanding of the Scripture and drinking in the Spirit of Life, which is in Christ, without thoroughly separating the spiritual body of Christ, which is the Lord within himself, from the first Adam within himself.


You need to test yourself. Are you separating from the first Adam? Are you growing? Are you living out of Christ Jesus, or are you still in your carnal mind, fighting with the mind of Christ that is here?


Recognizing Christ


            Verse 31 - AT

31        Because, if we separate ourselves thoroughly from [the carnal nature of] the first Adam, we would be able to recognize [Christ, the second, spiritual Adam, within ourselves and within others];


Verse 31, Because, if we separate ourselves thoroughly from the carnal nature of the first Adam, we would be able to recognize Christ, the second, spiritual Adam, within ourselves and within others.


Sickness & Death


            Verse 30 - AT

30        [But, not separating Christ, the second, spiritual Adam within yourselves from the first, earthen Adam who is also within you], is the reason why so many among you are sickly, and many have died;


Verse 30, But not separating Christ, the second spiritual Adam within yourselves, from the first earthen Adam, who is also within you, is the reason why so many among you are sickly and many have died. That is not a condemnation. It is just the truth. The more we separate from our fallen nature, the healthier we get, and eventually we will stop dying.


That is pretty scary. We have all of this food, Christ is born in us, but I have been struggling for years. I have a pain right now that I have before the Lord. I have had it for a few days. It is one thing today, and another thing tomorrow.


The body will not be permanently healed until God’s Name is unified. You are healed of one thing, and then you get something else. It will not stop until the Lord Jesus joins with Christ Jesus permanently. I will be healed of everything when the two become one Name, when they are no longer divided for any reason .


There is some healing, though, while we wait for unification. I have a measure of healing, so I must have separated from my sin nature enough for that. Not many people are healed today, but I am waiting for more.


Discipline & Recognition


             Verse 32 - AT

32        Indeed, [Christ], the Lord with[in us], disciplines us so that we can recognize [him when he is still lying down] under [the first Adam, so that Satan, the enforcer of the Sowing & Reaping Judgment], will not [be able to carry out the death] sentence [that all the inhabitants of this] world [are subject to];


Verse 32, Indeed, Christ, the Lord within us, disciplines us so that we can recognize him while he is still lying down under the first Adam... When Christ enters into our spiritual universe, we are told that He is lying down under the first Adam. Christ is lying on a pillow in the boat, and the disciples are screaming and yelling, Save us, Lord! Their fear was covering over Christ within themselves, so Jesus came and saved them. Christ within them had the ability to save them, except He could not get up above their carnal minds, which were terrified.


Mk 4:38

38And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?  KJV


Indeed, Christ, the Lord within us disciplines us so that we can recognize him...


Stay In Your Own Spiritual Space


            Verse 33 - AT

33        Wherefore, brethren, when you come together [to fellowship], each one of you should stay in the [spiritual] place where you are when you consume [Scripture, your spiritual food], and not try to influence others, but


Verse 33, Wherefore, brethren, when you come together to fellowship... Paul is back to fellowshipping again ...each one of you should stay in the spiritual place you are when you consume Scripture, your spiritual food, and not try to influence others. You are never going to satisfy that drive in you; you are going to go out and afflict people for your own purposes.


The Lord gave me that instruction at the very beginning, in the first couple of months that I ministered. He said, Sheila, you are not to minister to anybody for self-gratification or youwill lose this ministry. It was one of the first things He taught me. You cannot minister for self-satisfaction. It will destroy Christ in you. The Lord is challenging you to recognize that if you have a desire to do that, what you really need is more of the Word of God. You need more of the esoteric doctrine for Christ within you.


Wherefore, brethren, when you come together to fellowship, each one of you should stay in the spiritual place where you are when you consume Scripture, your spiritual food, and not try... You should not try to influence others... it is not coming out of a right spirit. You only minister when God sends the person to you; when they ask you the question.


Lust To Minister


             Verse 34 - AT

34        If anyone is [so] famished [for the esoteric understanding of the Word of God that they are lusting to minister to the brethren who believe that the Holy Spirit is all that there is], let him consume [the esoteric understanding of the Scripture] at home, [and] not abuse the brethren who believe that the Holy Spirit is all that there is, which] would result in [Satan, the enforcer of the Sowing & Reaping Judgment, destroying him, because] he would be guilty [of the sin of pride],


If anyone is so famished... if you cannot get your mind out of the Word of God, if you want to talk about it all the time, and you think the way to deal with that need is to minister to others.


If anyone is so famished... that they are so starving for this Word of God ...for the esoteric understanding of the Word of God, that they are lusting to minister to the brethren who believe that the Holy Spirit is all that there is, let him consume the esoteric understanding of the Scripture at home and not abuse the brethren who believe that the Holy Spirit is all that there is, which would result in Satan, the enforcer of the Sowing and Reaping Judgment, destroying that person because he is guilty of the sin of pride.


In other verses, Paul admonished both the Holy Ghost believers and the believers with Christ. He told the Holy Ghost believers that they should not shame the believers with Christ for not jumping around and being emotional, but the believers with Christ received two rebukes, because they have the authority, we are the elder, which means that we can do more damage to them than they can do to us. They can only hurt our feelings or annoy us, but we can hurt them spiritually.


In this Alternate Translation, we legitimatize the use of the word Shekinah, which word is appropriate to describe the divine influence, the grace of God. The Church believes the grace of God is the Holy Spirit, but there are different degrees of spirit. The divine influence is not the Holy Spirit. Footnote 6, the sixth paragraph, explains this.


Footnote 6

6  The Spirit of Christ delivers the female seed of the Lord Jesus Christ to the pierced human spirit, and the human spirit with a female seed is called the Holy Spirit. If Abel, Adam's root system, is present, the Holy Spirit resurrects him. The person who has both the male and female seed is capable of spiritual reproduction, and is experiencing the third day of Creation.


The Spirit of Christ delivers the female seed of the Lord Jesus Christ to the pierced human spirit... The common salvation is the salvation of the human spirit. When the Spirit of Christ pierces it, the spirit is saved. Everybody that has an experience with Jesus has their spirit saved. When the Spirit of the Lord Jesus pierces our human spirit, we receive a seed.


...and the human spirit with a female seed is called the Holy Spirit. The human spirit that has received the female seed is called the Holy Spirit.


If Abel, Adam’s root system, is present (when the Holy Spirit pierces that human spirit), the Holy Spirit resurrects him. That is what happened to me. Christ was resurrected at the same time that I received the Holy Spirit, when walked into an Assemblies of God church where the anointing was falling. The Spirit touched me and Christ within me rose from the dead and prophesied. I know that Christ was raised in me because He prophesied.


Some people have the male seed of the spiritual female. (In human genetics, the woman has a double female seed, i.e. an XX seed, and the man has a male/female seed, i.e., XY. In spiritual reproduction, the female has the YX seed, and the male has a YY seed, that is, male only.) Whoever has the male seed of the spiritual female, which is called, Christ – even if He is dead, or stunned -- is an Israelite; because the only way to have inherited this seed is from an Israelite ancestor.


The Lord Jesus gives you the male side of the female seed, if you do not have it, when He pierces your human spirit. If you already have the male side of the female seed, which is Christ, Jesus raises Christ in you from the dead, which prepares you for spiritual reproduction.


The male side of a female seed can also be received from someone like me, who is preaching to you by the Spirit of Christ. Whoever has both the male and female side of a female seed (YX) can now produce Christ Jesu, the manchild.


The human spirit is the female side of the female seed that became unclean when she was captured by the evil powers of this world and joined to Satan, a part of the fallen nature. She was an unholy spirit before she received the male side of the female seed of Christ, but became holy again (the Holy Spirit) when she received the male side of the female seed, which is Christ.


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