The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.
Good morning everybody. I just gave an exhortation that is on a separate file that you probably did not hear, in which I said there was a couple of years in my life that I could not cry. I had told everybody that I did not cry anymore, and all of a sudden, the floodgates have been opened, and I cry at the drop of a hat. Usually I cry when I hear of the goodness of God. I am not crying for my own pain. I should have made that clear. When I hear about the goodness of God, or decency coming forth from another human being, it brings me to tears. When people do the right thing, even when there is nothing in it for them, it brings me to tears.
Whilst we were switching files here, the thought just came to me that this might be an outplaying of the concept of the terrible ice of Binah. In the Zohar, or esoteric literature, you will read that Binah, the 3rd sephirot of the upper triad of the 10 sephirot of the world of Atzilut, whose personality is mother and whose attribute is understanding, is known as the terrible ice. The esoteric doctrine says (I believe it is in the Zohar) that when that ice melts, compassion goes forth, but I never really understood it.
It just occurred to me that that is what I have been experiencing. The terrible ice in me was what made me not able to cry for a couple of years. Nothing made me cry. That was Binah in me. I do not know how she would have come into that state.
Normally I would pray this through, but it just fell on me, and I am sitting here preaching to you. So I am literarily speaking to you as I would be speaking to God. Why did he drop it on me now? What does he want me to tell you, since I do not understand it myself?
I found myself in a place where he was feeding me all this esoteric doctrine, and one of the initial responses that I had to receiving all of this incredible wisdom was that it bound up my emotions. Emotions have to be dealt with, whether you are in Christ or you are not in Christ. Everybody knows that you cannot live out of your emotions. If you live out of your emotions you are a very vulnerable person. If your emotions are stronger than your mind, you are a very vulnerable person.
All of that wisdom fell on me. Wisdom comes from the father Chokmah, which is higher than the mother. All that wisdom was being poured into me. There is a principle in Rabbi Luria’s doctrine that talks about how the sephirot relate to each other. When the sephirah underneath is receiving from the sephirah above, in other words, when mother is receiving from father, wisdom, her face is turned up towards Chokmah. Then when she receives the full amount for that day, or time period, she rotates (she is a sephirah) downwards and starts depositing what she has received to the sephirah below, which is the son.
In all that time that I was saying there are no more tears left in me, what I was really saying is that there were no tears left in me with regard to this world below. No tears would come out no matter what happened. Even if somebody died, I felt bad but I did not cry. I had no tears for this world below. The reason for that is because I was rotated upward receiving wisdom from the father.
However, something has changed in me. Now I have rotated downwards, and it is now time for what I received from the Lord through father, wisdom, to be poured out upon the world below, and that is why I am crying now.
I have asked (many times when I experienced this) how this is affecting other people. What comes to mind is, years ago (I have given you this testimony before) when I had a secular job in the city, I went out in my lunch hour (there are thousands of people walking around during lunch hour) and this little old lady asked me to help her across the street. I ended up walking from 42nd street all the way down to 33rd street with her, listening to her story, how she hurt her hand, how she was being abused by an insurance company in a court case, and so on.
It was years ago, and I did not know what I know now, so I thought I had to talk to her about Jesus. I thought it had to be an overt ministry to her. But she was not interested in that. As we parted, after she told me all her woes, (I guess I said something about Jesus to her because she must have known I was in Jesus) she said, I just have one question to ask you, why would God help you and not me?
I knew that God was standing there right in front of her, behind the veil that I am, and that she could not see it. I had no answer, and she did not want my prayer. I turned around to go back to work. I was walking back to 42nd street, and I cried like a baby all the way back to 42nd street, asking God why I could not help her. She would not listen to me: she would not let me pray for her. He told me that those tears that I was shedding were more valuable than any carnal prayer that would come out of my own mind.
I think what he is telling me for the first time, in front of all of you (I never heard this before, brethren) is that the ministry of God to men that is coming through this ministry has just rotated into a new phase.
The moon goes through phases. There is a full moon, there is no moon, there is a quarter moon. We are the moon down here. Christ Jesus is the sun, we are the moon. So we go through phases. Christ in the individual goes through phases. The Christ in me is in a new phase, and the phase is now turning towards this world. Of course we are still receiving, but by and large, Christ has turned away and is now prepared to pour out the compassion and the mercy of God upon the people-I cannot even say the Church. It is upon the people that he brings us in contact with.
Concerning my recent crying, who knows? Am I just crying empathetically for this widow? Am I crying because I am feeling her feelings? Or is it Christ crying with her? And what is it doing for her? I do not know the answers to these questions, except that the thought just occurred to me that this is the terrible ice of Binah melting. But we need to know that with that compassion and mercy, comes judgment.
Binah has 2 sides to her. She is judgment and, mercy and compassion. When she is not crying, when the water is not flowing, she is all judgment. When the judgment comes with compassion and mercy, the Kabbalistic expression is the judgment of Binah is sweetened.
That is very exciting. This may be the beginning of the appearance of Christ Jesus on the earth. This may be a sign of the beginning of the marriage. I am convinced that this marriage is not going to be a one-time event. I mentioned it in a recent message that it is going to be a slow union of the Lord Jesus Christ with Christ in the individual, and that means a slow emergence of Christ Jesus.
Christ Jesus is the one that has the compassion actually. It is the son who has the compassion. Jesus was crying all the time in the Scriptures. We hear about him crying. He had compassion, he cried. Christ Jesus in us is the one who has the compassion. So this could be a sign that the marriage is in progress and that Christ Jesus is beginning to appear. Who knows how long it is going to take for him to appear in his fullness, to the degree that he appeared in Jesus of Nazareth? Who knows to what degree he has to appear before we start seeing miracles? I do not know.
Can you think of any other questions? Think of your questions, and ask him. That is how you enhance your relationship with him. He wants a relationship with you. You have to humble yourself and ask the questions.
That is a very exciting word, that the marriage is in progress, and the hard judgment of Binah is starting to soften and the compassion of Christ Jesus is starting to flow.
What would be the hard judgment of Binah? What comes to mind is the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit. The Church is empty in many instances. In some Churches the Holy Spirit is still there; it depends on how God is dealing with the people. But in many, many cases, at least across this country, the Holy Spirit is gone. The people have no food; they have no water, no spiritual food and no spiritual water. The brethren are backsliding.
That is judgment, brethren. That is judgment on the Church, and who knows, maybe the political judgment that is on this country is a part of this. Brethren, I am just learning like you are. It is just very exciting to think in these terms, that, yes, the political judgment that is on this nation would be coming from Binah, because this nation is Israel, and Israel is under judgment. We have been bad kids. The Church has not done its job and Judaism has not done its job. So the country is being turned over, politically, financially, and certainly spiritually. That would be the hard judgment of Binah. She has turned her back.
The name of God, Jehovah, is associated with the sephirah Binah. Jehovah is the one that called down the flood in the previous age. He is the one that called down the flood, and the Scripture says that it repented him that he made man.
Genesis 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
That does not mean that Jehovah was sorry that he made man and that if he had to do it all over again he would not make man. It does not mean that. The Scripture means that Jehovah was grieved in his spirit as to what was happening to his son.
God forbid it should ever happen to anybody here, but it is just as if you raise a child that winds up in jail, or something terrible happens to them. You are not sorry that you have the child; you do not regret that you have the child, but it grieves you that this is how they turned out. That is what it means that Jehovah repented that he had made man. However, his grief did not stop him from bringing judgment because mankind on the other side of the flood had turned evil.
Here, today, Israel is turning evil again. Brethren, Israel is turning evil again. We need to face it, individual Israelites, citizens of the United States, and the government, are turning evil.
I am just hesitating because I have 2 other messages to give you, but I will tell you this. I just read an article that came in the mail from The Heritage Foundation.
I put it out over there on the lampstand if anyone here in New York wants to read it.
I had heard something about a sex week going on in the colleges, I guess a few months ago, maybe during the summer, but I did not really pay much attention to it. I felt they were just exalting sex and promiscuity amongst the college students, which is nothing new.
This article is about Yale. Yale was started by Christians. Most of the Ivy League colleges (I cannot say all, simply because I do not know) were started by Christians. They were Christian colleges. The article was talking about how these universities have become antagonistic towards God and towards the politics that is associated with the mentality of God (I cannot go into the whole thing now; I have 2 other messages to preach). It was talking about that and how they had the sex week.
I did not realise what sex week was. I thought it was just a week promoting free sex and promiscuity. According to this article, this college actually permitted people (I do not know what to call them) who came in and were demonstrating sadomasochistic techniques. According to this article (and I trust The Heritage Foundation), I think they had women, prostitutes, come in describing the devices. I am not going to mention them in this message. They had devices for causing pain in sex.
According to the way this article was written, that was the overriding theme of the sex week. It was not just free sex, but sadomasochistic sex. Brethren, it is getting very bad. You need to see what is happening here. You need to see the seduction of the people that are not rooted and grounded in God through the Lord Jesus Christ. It is getting very bad. Young people that are not in a relationship with God are going to be swept away. It is going to be a spiritual Tsunami. It is a spiritual Tsunami. Where do you go after sadomasochism? Where do you go after sadomasochism, brethren?
You go into vampirism and witchcraft. You get to the point that sex does not thrill you anymore. Once you have done all the things, and you have tried everything, and there is no more kick in it, you go to witchcraft. That is what you do. That is the descent.
The article said that there were students that complained about it but the administration refused to do anything, calling it freedom of speech. It said this event was repeated in other Ivy League colleges. I do not know if it was just the Ivy League colleges, or all colleges. Of course from what I read, all the devices causing pain was to the woman. I did not read anything about causing pain to the man, which is very interesting.
How did I get to discussing this? I was talking about Binah, the terrible ice. My whole point was Jehovah repented that he made man. He was grieved at what was happening to his creation, but he did not withhold the judgment, because mankind had become evil.
Jehovah is the name of God associated with Binah, the terrible ice, and that terrible ice has turned on the Christian world, and we are sinking into a spiritual, emotional, political and economic morass, and we would be destroyed if something different from what happened last time, does not happen this time.
What is happening this time is that the ice is melting. Things are happening differently this time, the ice is melting. Christ Jesus, the one who has compassion, is coming into existence.
I believe this is the spontaneous message that is coming forth to everyone that can hear my voice (and maybe those who cannot hear my voice).
I do not know the exact form that it will take, but I think it will start touching the hearts of people to turn them back towards God, and then everything else will play out of that. I do not have a clue how long it will take, or how fast it will go, but it is a positive word. It is a positive word for today.
Abuse of women as mankind becomes evil
I have a message for you today. This message is The Woman who conceives Seed. In the middle of part 2 of this message The Woman who conceives Seed, the Lord just dumped something on me with regard to women and foot binding in China, which really made no sense to any of us. We did not know why the Lord would do that, but it was an interesting discussion.
It is also interesting that the beginning of my message The Woman who conceives Seed had to do with the abuse of women, and the end of my exhortation has to do with the abuse of women. Apparently, when mankind becomes evil, one of the directions that that evil manifests is the abuse of women. This is like the 2nd or 3rd time that I am getting this message. I do not know what the Lord wants me to do about it. I do not see that there is anything to do about it. But it is a message that is going forth in my heart that as mankind descends into evil, women are amongst the victims.
Understanding the various degrees of revelation
Part of the reason that the Lord dumped that apparently inconsistent message in The Woman who conceives Seed is that I was about to continue to preach on a degree of revelation that the Lord did not want me to preach on yet. This would not be the 1st time that I looked into the Zohar and received the revelation of those words in a series of degrees. I would bring it forth in one way the 1st time, then in the next message I would see it deeper, and in the 3rd message I would see it even deeper, and we finally would get to the depth of the message that the Lord would have for us today.
Each esoteric principle is bottomless; there is no ultimate or final revelation. The only limitation of understanding spiritual things is our own mind. It is ordained, for whoever is attached to this ministry and is hearing this teaching, that the highest degree of revelation that we are capable of in this ministry today is the ultimate. Tomorrow or next year, it could be at a different level. However, based upon the level of ability that has been granted to the best of us today, I could say that this is what the Lord wants me to tell you. Yet in part 1 and 2 of the previous parts, I was not really wrong. It was an interesting message, but today we understand it deeper, and we understand it more perfectly.
So I think I have the revelation on several of those verses in the Zohar that we were looking at, and I believe that today I have it to the ultimate degree that the Lord wants me to present it to you today.
Continuing with ‘The Woman who conceives Seed’ from the Zohar
I brought out my book. You may have your notes from part 2, but I did not want to preach from my notes because apparently the comments that I put in there have been rejected by the Lord. That is why I brought the actual Zohar with me.
This is where we were in part 2, when we stopped. If you have the Soncino Zohar, this is volume 5, and I am on page 5. We are going to read the last paragraph that we dealt with. Maybe I would go back a little further.
Then the spirit goes down to earth along with a certain form which bore its image above, and in that form it is created and goes about in this world; and so long as that form is with a man, he retains his form in this world. We interpreted that to mean… Because we do not have the original Hebrew, the only way that I can find out if the Lord is saying something different to us with the same words (which is very possible) is by discernment, because I do not have any Hebrew words. So this is what the Lord had said to us. When that spirit goes down to earth along with a certain form which bore its image above…
This translation is not exactly the way God would have it, for our own purposes, anyway. The Lord told us that the form that bore its image above is talking about the form, the personality of Jesus of Nazareth that was born or carried above. He was carried into another world. When the spirit goes down to earth along with a certain form, an aspect of the image of the Lord Jesus Christ which bore its image above and in that form it is created and in that form the spirit that goes down is created, in the form of the personality of Jesus, and it goes about in this world, and in this world is called Christ or Christ Jesus depending upon his degree of maturity.
And as long as that form is with a man… what form? Christ. And as long as that form is with a man he retains his form in this world. As long as Christ is present in at least one man the Lord Jesus Christ who is up above in Atzilut continues to have a form or a presence in this world. No matter how hard the enemy tries, he would never, ever, wipe out the image of the Lord Jesus Christ in this world.
The plan has been set in place by Jehovah. The Lord Jesus Christ is now glorified and has the ability to send an aspect of himself in every incarnating spirit, and with all of the billions of people in the earth today, the Lord Jesus Christ will always find one person who will receive his spirit. Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ, and with him, Jehovah himself, and Ancient Adam, and all of the household of God will always be attached to this lower world, and that is the beginning. It is likened to a human sperm attaching itself to a female ovum.
All kinds of physical enemies afflict that zygote after conception. There are storms inside of the woman’s body. The zygote could fail to implant itself in the womb. Anything could happen that could destroy that zygote in the woman’s body. That is what is happening in the earth today. All of the possible spiritual, emotional and physical storms are trying to dislodge and destroy that zygote, but it will never happen because the zygote of the Lord Jesus Christ, that spiritual zygote, will cleave to another person if you kill one person. You cannot wipe him out. He has cleaved unto the earth, and Satan cannot destroy him. That is good news, brethren, but the war is raging.
I want to talk to you about this word, spirit. I did not have this revelation the last time we talked. The Lord is telling me that this spirit is the spirit of life that comes out of Binah, the mother. Sometimes it is called the Chyah level of soul, or it is associated with the Chyah level of soul. That spirit of life in the form of the Lord Jesus’s clothing goes down into the earth and incarnates.
That is just another way of saying the Lord Jesus Christ is in the earth. We say it the short way. He is talking to his people; he is doing everything he can to bring forth the marriage. He is working with believers to marry the Christ in them. Now we know who that is, it is the spirit of life that comes from Binah, who is dressed in the garment of the Lord Jesus. That is what the Zohar is talking about here, although no Kabbalist would ever agree with this. That is okay, because God agrees with this. This is his word to us, brethren.
Then the spirit goes down to the earth the spirit of life from Binah along with a certain form the personality or shape or image of the Lord Jesus Christ which bore its image above, and in that form in the form of the Lord Jesus, or in the nature of the Lord Jesus it is created…. What? The spirit of life that goes down in the form of the Lord Jesus becomes a creation and goes about in this world. It cleaves unto a man and therefore becomes a creation.
Jesus said, I am the beginning of the creation of God. So we know that a man can be the creation of God. That spirit of life which comes from Binah dresses herself in the personality or the shape or the form or the nature of the Lord Jesus. It comes down, joins itself to a human zygote, or actually joins itself to the sperm of a man, and goes about in this world, spiritually (I am not talking physically).
That spirit that comes from Binah dressed in the personality or the nature of the Lord Jesus becomes a man. The Scripture says he was made flesh, and dwelt amongst us. This is what it is talking about. I had looked it up. The translation is not really good because it makes it sound like God himself became flesh, and now Jesus is God and he is a man. That is how the Church has gotten into trouble.
So the translation is poor there. Brethren, we need to know that God is the final arbiter of his word. The translation is not the final arbiter of his word. By way of example, in preparation last night for the next message which is on forgiveness, I was really shocked when I read in the book of Leviticus, about a man that lies with a woman who is a bond servant. The end of the verse says that they will not be executed, killed, because the woman was not free but the woman shall be scourged.
Leviticus 19:20 And whosoever lieth carnally with a woman, that is a bondmaid, betrothed to an husband, and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her; she shall be scourged; they shall not be put to death, because she was not free.
I read that verse in the King James Version, and I said that that does not make any sense. The woman is a slave, and there is no one to redeem her or save her from this fate of the man lying with her. They would not be killed because she was not free. The man would have to bring an offering of a ram but the woman would be scourged. I read that verse in the King James Version and I said that does not make sense, Lord.
I want to tell you that if the interlinear text supported it I would still say that it does not make sense Lord, but that is not what the interlinear text says. The man is the guilty party. First of all, the Hebrew word translated scourged, which means that she would be whipped, does not mean scourge. It means that an investigation should take place to prove whether or not the woman was truly innocent. The man would have to bring an offering, and she shall be scourged, investigated. But what is more is that it does not even say that she shall be scourged.
There were 5 negatives in the interlinear text-if she is not redeemed, if she is not rescued, if she is not…, if she is not…, if she is not…. There were 5 nots, 5 negatives in the interlinear text, but there were only 4 negatives in the King James translation. Why was 1 negative left out, and where should it have been placed? How about, she shall not be scourged?
She was a slave. There was no one to rescue her. There was no one to stand up for her and save her. There was no one to redeem her; therefore she shall not be scourged. She shall not go to trial; she shall not be investigated or examined. But the man shall bring an offering.
Brethren, what an abomination! The more I look into the Old Testament the more I see that this is where the Catholic Church was coming from in the times of the inquisition. You get carnally minded people punishing a woman who was the victim. The Scripture is talking about being raped. The woman had to have had sexual intercourse against her will, and you find people in a society beating or whipping her for that. There is a satanic rage in fallen mankind against the female. There is a satanic rage against women.
Anyway, that is not today’s message. Let us get back to today’s message.
The spirit that comes down that we read about in the Zohar is the spirit of life that comes from Binah, clothe in the form or nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. It joins itself to a human being, and that is called creation.
In that form it (the spirit of life) is created. I have talked to you about how we all have to experience the 7 days of creation. If you do not know anything at all about the Lord Jesus you are not created, you do not even exist. There was a time I did not even exist. In the day that someone comes to you and names his name and something in you is touched, that is the day that (spiritually speaking) it was spoken over you, Let there be light, and you have experienced the 1st day of creation.
So that form is created and goes about in this world in the form of a man, and so long as that form is with a man, any man, a man, he the Lord Jesus Christ, the garment that covers the spirit of life which is Binah, retains his form in this world, not a physical form, but the spiritual form of Christ. Christ is appearing in this world, anytime, any hour, anywhere, in at least one man, and probably many more.
That more or less corrected what I said in part 2 of this message. The next paragraph we also touched on. I would just read it again.
In the book of the sorceries of Asmodai, we find that one who knows how to practise magic from the side of the left, that is the left column of the sephirot, should rise by the light of the lamp, should rise by the light of the left side which is Satan and utter certain incantations and call the unclean side by their names and prepare his forms to form his nature, the nature of the serpent for those whom he invites for the people whom he invites to wield his power, talking about the serpentine side, and say he is ready for their commands for the people that the left side….I am not sure whether to say Satan or Leviathan or Cain here, it is just the man of sin. I am not really sure, but it is the satanic or serpentine side for those whom he invites and say he is ready for their commands and for the people who say, who respond by saying command ye me.
It says here in the Zohar, For those whom he invites and say he is ready for their commands. There is a parallel experience happening in human beings that look just like you and me. They are having a parallel experience to the one that we are having, and the man of sin is being formed in them instead of Christ Jesus. Then that man passes out of the dominion of his Master, he passes out of the dominion of his true master which is Christ and places himself in charge of the unclean side.
What this is telling us brethren is that you could have Christ formed in you and pass over to the other side. The second message for today is a message on forgiveness. It is very powerful and very important. I trust I would get to it today, Lord willing.
If we are not in the right spiritual state, if we are not dealing with our sins in every aspect we are in danger of passing over to the other side. The way it is written in the Zohar, you may think that this is an active decision by believers, to say I am going to leave Christ behind and I am going to serve the other side. This is not talking about an active decision. It is talking about seduction, people who justify their sins. They think it is okay to sin.
Brethren, human beings do this all the time. We justify our sins. Yes it was wrong but… Christians do that all the time. Christians sin all the time and justify their sins, or refuse to recognise that certain behaviour is sin. Everything that does not come out of Christ is sin. If you have bad manners it is sin because Christ would never have bad manners. We sin every day. This is warning us; we must recognise that sin or we are in danger of passing into the service of the other side through seduction.
God loves us. He is not into condemning us. He is not into punishing us. He wants us to ascend spiritually because we are his army in the world. He wants us to overcome. He wants us to achieve, he wants us to become powerful spiritual warriors, but we cannot bring our sin with us. That is what this whole ministry is about. It helps us to understand that we are cleaving to our sin nature through pride. It is almost always pride.
We need to understand that when he tells us that we are doing something wrong or when I tell you that you are doing something wrong, it is not to hurt you. It is to prepare you for ascension. You cannot ascend if I have stated to you that you are doing something wrong, and you have not received it, instead you justify it in your mind. That is a stumbling block in your path to ascension.
Once it is recognised, when I see it, or when Christ in me sees it, especially when I bring it to your attention, and it has been stated, if you do not take it before the Lord and ask him to help you to do whatever you have to do to not do that anymore, to remove that sin, you have placed a stumbling block in your path of ascension. He is not out to get you. I am not out to get you. You must understand this if you are to go forward.
Then that man passes out of the dominion of his Master which is Christ, and places himself in charge of the unclean side, you could not wield power over Christ. Christ would not do anything that is ungodly. No matter how you justified it in your mind, you could not seem to rev up any power to get that man to marry that woman or whatever it is, you could not get someone to admit that Christmas is wrong, or whatever you are trying to do. It did not work for you. So while you were sleeping, when you were not looking, the subconscious part of your mind migrated to the left side and you came under the authority of the man of sin where you acquired power.
Then that man passes out of the dominion of his Master and places himself in charge of the unclean side, and now you have power that you did not have in Christ. Now you can feel like a big shot. And through his incantations those are prayers two spirits appear in the shape of men. Two men appear to him who are emissaries of the other side which show him how to confer certain benefits or do certain kinds of harm at specified times.
Brethren, you are not deceiving anybody but yourself. God sees what you are doing. Satan sees what you are doing. All the brethren with discernment know what you are doing. You are the only one who is deceived. You are like the woman whose husband is adulterous and you are the last one to know. I want to tell you that, that is such a reality. Years ago, I sat at a table, having dinner with about 10-15 people, and the man’s wife and his girlfriend were on the same table. The only one who did not know it was his wife. Everybody at that table knew what was going on except his wife. You are the only one that does not know what Satan is doing in you, if you are in denial.
It is a subtle thing when you pass over to the other side. The positive example of passing over to the other side and not even recognising it is the testimony that I gave at the beginning of this message about having the ice of Binah inside of me, the hardness, the hard judgement that came from God. Years ago, some of the brethren here had a problem with me. The judgment that came forth from me was hard, and they could not believe it was God, but it was God.
It is forbidden to a man to abandon any vessel of his house into possession of the ‘’other side’’, for many emissaries are in wait to punish such an act, and from that time blessings do not rest upon him- the anointing does not rest upon him all the more if he assigns to the ‘’other side’’ the most precious part of himself which is Abel, the spirit, that part of us which has the ability to increase into Christ. For from that time he belongs to it the other side. That moment that you cross over you belong to the other side.
I believe that you could be delivered but you would have to admit it, and cry out to Jesus. There are different ways to deliver you depending on how far gone you are. You should always have hope in Jesus to do it. For from that time he belongs to it the other side, and when the time comes for the celestial form that is the image of the Lord Jesus which has been given to him to depart from this world that is the spirit of life from Binah clothe in the Lord Jesus. The doctrine of Christ would call it the zygote of the Lord Jesus Christ and when the time comes for the celestial form which has been given to him to depart from this world why would the zygote of the Lord Jesus Christ depart from this world? It is possible to have the zygote of the Lord Jesus touch us, have Christ increase into 30 and 60 fold, but for the body to die before a 100 fold is reached. The 100 fold is the full spirit of life flowing through the vessel. That is at least longevity, if not immortality.
Sometimes, there comes a time when people that are on the path, depart from this world. My understanding today is that if that should happen to somebody in whom Christ is in the process of maturing but is not yet mature enough to preserve the life of their body when Satan has legal ground to take it according to the rules of this world, in that event I believe that God has told us that the personality will go with Jesus. When the time comes for the celestial form which has been given to him to depart from this world… I believe that their personality will go with Jesus. After that I do not have any information.
The personality survives the death of the body, and exists for a period before it eventually dies. The issue is what happens to the personality from the time it separates from the body, until the time that it dies? It can be a very unpleasant experience. I do not know how long (by our time) it takes for the personality to die. I just know that it could have an unpleasant experience.
However, with regard to Christians (I do not know about Jews) who have the only Holy Spirit, I believe that God has told me that Jesus is compassion, that when the personality separates from the body, it will go into a place of safekeeping until it dies. I believe that there is a place of safekeeping that the Lord Jesus provides until it dies, but it eventually dies. You cannot tell people in the Church about this because they will never believe it, but it is true. If you do not have Christ, the personality will die.
It is only the personality that is joined to Christ that survives. This celestial form is Christ. When the celestial form leaves, the personality goes with it. But if you never received the celestial form, if you do not have the spirit of life, if you just received the Holy Spirit which comes from Malchut of Atzilut rather than Binah of Atzilut, then there is nothing that is leaving your body that you are attached to. You cannot be attached to the Holy Spirit. You can only be attached to the form, to Christ the zygote. That is a hard word, and the Church world will never believe it. But it is true.
I prayed about this for a long time, and I believe the kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ (if you are a Christian who has served him in the Holy Spirit) will protect your personality until it dissolves on the other side. But your personality cannot be saved if it is not joined to that spirit of life, that zygote that comes from the Lord Jesus, in this life time.
If you do not want to believe me, that is up to you, but that is the truth that God has given me today. It is not really today’s message, so let us just go on. That is a hard thing to hear. I think that is the hardest thing I have preached since I preached that you would not see your loved ones on the other side. This is the hardest thing that I have preached since then.
When the time comes for the celestial form which has been given to him to depart from this world, the evil spirit, to which he clung comes and takes it, and it is never again restored to him. The one that he clung to is Cain, and Cain is attached to Satan and Leviathan. Cain comes and takes the energy of that celestial form. I do not think that Satan can come and actually capture the spirit of life but he will come and take your energy and that would be the same experience that happened when Adam sinned. Tevunah clave unto the serpent, and the spirit of life in Binah, the mother, departed, and went back up into the world of Atzilut.
So, if you have that celestial form in you, when you die, the mother Binah would depart and return to Atzilut and the part of the zygote that is Tevunah would be captured by Cain, Satan and Leviathan. It would be a repeat of the death process all over again. There would be a separation. The zygote is the spirit of life that comes from Binah, and spiritual intelligence, Tevunah, that comes from Malchut, both covered in the garment of the Lord Jesus Christ. There would be separation of the two. That is the separation.
Now we are getting to the point where the Lord did not want me to preach any further because I did not have it right. The union and the separation is the spirit of life in Binah, and Tevunah, spiritual intelligence in Malchut. That is the separation. In the next couple of paragraphs we are going to hear the Zohar talk about when the male and female seed enter into the world.
When we look at the Jewish teaching about incarnation (it is here in the Zohar) it says that all souls are male and female, and as they prepare to enter into this world for incarnation (this is Jewish teaching), the male and female aspects of the soul separate and incarnate in 2 different human beings, one a physical man and the other a physical woman. Then, God willing, this physical man and physical woman would find each other and get married, and then the soul would be complete again. That is the Jewish teaching that is taken out of what we are dealing with right now in the Zohar.
I am here today to tell you that that is a wrong understanding of what the Zohar is saying. The spiritual zygote that comes down is Binah, understanding, and Tevunah, spiritual intelligence. They come down as one entity and cleave unto a human being. Their assignment is to awaken Abel so that he becomes Christ, and then develop Christ in the individual to 30, 60 and then to a 100 fold, which is the spirit of life, thus saving from death the personality and the body. That is their assignment.
But if they do not complete their assignment, if Satan has legal grounds to take the body before the male/female zygote of the Lord Jesus Christ can save Abel, and the physical body, then the male and female aspects separate. That is the event. If Satan exercises her legal ground first and takes the body, if the person dies, the male aspect of that zygote which is Binah, the spirit of life, departs and goes back to Atzilut, and the female aspect of that zygote which is Tevunah, spiritual intelligence, Malchut of Malchut of Atzilut that is swallowed up, becomes one with Abel who goes back into captivity under the dominion of Cain, Satan and Leviathan. It is the death process repeated.
For many emissaries are in wait to punish such an act, and from that time blessings do not rest upon him - all the more if he assigns to the ‘’other side’’ that most precious part of himself which is his human spirit. For from that time, he belongs to it, the other side, and when the time comes for the celestial form which has been given to him… that is the zygote in the nature of the Lord Jesus, that is Binah the spirit of life and Tevunah the spiritual intelligence covered in the garment of the Lord Jesus, that is what the celestial form is.
For from that time, he belongs to it, and when the time comes for the celestial form which has been given to him to depart from this world, the evil spirit to which he clung… which is let us say, Satan… comes and takes it. He takes that spiritual intelligence part, and it is never again restored to him. It is that spiritual intelligence, that Malchut of Malchut that is captured here under dominion of Satan, Leviathan and Cain, and it dies. When Satan acquires it, it dies. That is why most people are born with a dead human spirit.
Most people are born with a dead human spirit, because it died when it separated from the spirit of life. We can only be alive when we are attached to the spirit of life. When the spirit of life departs, Tevunah, the spiritual intelligence that is left behind, dies. It does not cease to exist, but it dies and comes under dominion of the other side and becomes the devilish wisdom that James talks about. You can only be alive when you are attached to life. You can be conscious and not alive. That is the mystery that carnal people stumble over. This existence is not the equivalent of life.
…and it is never restored to him again. When the soul is about to descend into this world, it first goes down to the terrestrial garden of Eden and sees there the glory of the souls of the righteous, and then it goes down to Gehinnom and sees the wicked who cry, ‘Woe, woe’, and find no compassion. That is a spiritual experience of the descending soul. He is given a spiritual view of existence in this world. He sees that there are 2 sides that we can go to. Of course there is an in-between (it does not say it here), but we have to be primarily in one place. It is either a place where we are receiving compassion, or a place where we are not receiving compassion.
We are either born into a family that will teach us about the Lord Jesus and how to have a relationship with God, or we are not. It also has to do with the sowing and reaping judgement that is on our family line. There are people that receive no compassion in this world. They are really in a form of hell. Everything they touch goes bad, nothing works. You may have two people with the same exact disease, one dies, and one lives.
Did it ever happen to you, or anybody that you know? Whether you are looking for a job, looking to get into college, in love with a man or a woman, or you have an opportunity, a business opportunity, you are in the exact same position as somebody else, and the other person gets it and you do not. That is what this is talking about. Where is your place of spiritual residence? Which side are you on? That is determined before you are born. It can be changed in Christ Jesus, but it is determined before you are born.
So the soul descends and sees the 2 sides, and that holy form stands by him… now we have a soul and a holy form. The holy form is in the nature and image of the Lord Jesus. The holy form stands by him until he emerges into the world. I suggest to you that the soul is the zygote of the Lord Jesus. It is the spirit of life attached to spiritual intelligence. That is the soul that descends into this world in the form or nature of the Lord Jesus. And that holy form (the nature of the Lord Jesus) stands by him until he emerges into the world. That is, until he incarnates, until the zygote, the spiritual life of Binah and spiritual intelligence from Malchut, until that 2 sided soul in the nature and image of the Lord Jesus incarnates, until it is born.
The holy form stands by him until he emerges into the world, after which it keeps him company and grows up with him. This is talking about a gilgul incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Who am I to say that it cannot happen from birth? All that I know is that it is not commonly happening from birth. It is happening by Ibur. As far as I know, it is happening by Ibur. But if God wants it to happen it can happen, but it is not happening in a wholesale way today, by birth. But it will happen at some time in the future. This is what it means to be born alive.
You may recall my testimony. In the first few months that I preached, in one of the messages, I preached that from a Scripture, in that day everyone will be born alive, and I was so upset after I preached it that I wanted to edit it out of the message, out of my message. The Lord told me not to, but I did not understand it, how everyone will be born alive, which means that today everyone is being born dead. If in the future we are all going to be born alive, that means people are born dead today. How do we define death and life? It is whether or not you are joined to the spirit of life or you are not.
So it is very rare if it happens at all for a baby to be born already joined to the spirit of life. We are told that when Bill Branham was born, the whole room lit up with light, or he had an aura over his head or something like that. I do not know whether it is true or not, that was his testimony. That is what they say about Bill Branham. That is what the Jewish sages say about Moses. It is the same testimony, that when Moses was born there was an aura about him and the whole room was filled with light. I may not be saying it exactly. He was a gilgul.
Conception and incarnation of Jesus
Brethren, this is what happened to the baby Jesus. Jesus was a gilgul, of an exalted soul, Elijah. It was not the nature of Elijah that was born in the baby Jesus, but it was in the image of Elijah. Elijah was the form that was covering the spirit of life from Binah and spiritual intelligence from Tevunah. It was that exalted form that the Magis worshipped. They did not worship a little human baby. They recognised the soul that had incarnated within him. The Magis were not Jews; they were Zoroastrians, astrologers, highly spiritual beings.
There is such a lack of understanding, and lack of understanding will kill you. It will kill you as dead as if someone put a bullet in your head.
The holy form stands by him until he emerges into the world, after which it keeps him company and grows up with him. Observe that all spirits are compounded of male and female, and when they go forth into the world they go forth as both male and female. In this instance the Zohar is saying spirit: it is just like a woman takes the name of her husband. The spirit includes Tevunah. The spirit of life, when it comes into the world, passes through Malchut, and enters into the world with Tevunah. That spirit is male and female. That spirit of life is male and the spiritual intelligence is female.
Observe that all spirits are compounded of male and female, and when they go forth into the world they go forth as both male and female, and afterwards the two elements are separated. This is where the Jewish doctrine comes in and tells you the male and female incarnate in 2 separate human beings, one male and one female. But the Lord is telling us that, that is not true. It says it a little further down that this separation happens because of the sin of our ancestors. In other words, the spirit of life part of the spirit never fully incarnates because the vessel that is prepared is filled with sin.
This is what I am seeing in this. The spirit from God comes down desiring to incarnate but the whole zygote will only incarnate if the baby that has been prepared for it has an awakened Abel that has matured to the necessary degree. Let me say that again.
This is where I was not going to preach that night because I got confused by the wording here.
The zygote comes down. This is the spirit of life plus the spiritual intelligence clothe in the Lord Jesus. It descends into the spiritual ground. It looks at the spiritual dimension of the baby being formed and investigates to see whether or not Abel is awakened and in the process of maturing into Christ, 30 and 60 fold.
When the investigation determines that the baby is not in that spiritual condition, the male and female separate. The male spirit of life goes back up to Atzilut, and the spiritual intelligence enters in. So we see how the Jewish sages understood this to mean that both elements incarnated in different people. This is not so, and the reason they separate (we are going to read it a few sentences down) is because of the sins of our ancestors.
This has been happening for, only God knows how long, 6000 years or more (I do not really take a position on how long it has been since creation came into existence-I think that is a fruitless argument, but let us say 6000 years). For 6000 years since the time of the fall, a zygote of God (even before the Lord Jesus Christ came into existence), the spirit of life from Binah plus spiritual intelligence from Tevunah, a spirit, has been going down to attempt to incarnate every time a human child is conceived.
Since the time of the fall Binah has been trying to incarnate in human beings and foetuses, and has failed every single time, because when the zygote came down (the spirit that is the spirit of life and the spiritual intelligence together), it did not find a regenerated Christ to join to. As it approached the spiritual place where it could join itself to the foetus, that which it needed to join itself to, an activated Abel, Christ, was not there. It did not find an activated Christ (at the moment I do not know what the Old Testament word would be, it is not Christ). It did not find an activated Christ increased to 30 and 60 fold, waiting for the union with the spirit of life, the 100 fold from Binah.
The zygote (the spirit of life and the spiritual intelligence together), did not find the regenerated Christ. They did not find an erect Christ waiting for them, a Christ increased into 60 fold. So Binah turned around and went back up, and spiritual intelligence entered in, because God ordained that the fall will not result in mankind becoming a real animal equivalent to bears and cats and dogs. Spiritual intelligence entered in, that we should still be a man.
However, the Lord Jesus Christ has made it possible for those of us down here to have Abel regenerated in us, and increased into the 60 fold, so that when the spirit (which is the spirit of life, Binah and the spiritual intelligence, Tevunah) comes down in an attempt to incarnate, they will find an erect Christ regenerated to the point of 60 fold. That is the point of marriage. God in his wisdom created this opportunity for a fallen man, a descendant of our fallen ancestors to have an erect Christ prepared for marriage, separated in mind from the Satanic side and increased to the 60 fold.
God made it possible for one man to have this, by God’s ministry to Elijah. That spirit of life which contains spiritual intelligence came wrapped in the personality of Elijah. The way that mechanism was made, it could only have saved one man. The personality of Elijah covered over that spirit of life joined to that spiritual intelligence, and entered into the foetus that was eventually born as Jesus of Nazareth. It could only happen because of a human personality that was supernaturally taken out of this world. Elijah did not die a natural death, and because of that he was prepared, as God prepared him, to be the garment, the form, that covered that spirit of life, that entered into the foetus of Jesus of Nazareth.
This is the reality behind the false doctrine of the virgin birth, and the false doctrine that Mary herself was sinless. This is the truth behind it, that God took a man born of a woman, named Elijah, from the earth without experiencing death, and somehow brought that soul to a place where it could be the form of the spirit of life that entered into the foetus of Jesus. That is the place of sinless-ness that has been corrupted into a doctrine of Jesus being born sinless and Mary being born sinless.
That which was done in order to provide the ability to overcome death was God’s taking of Elijah out of the realm of death without experiencing death. It was beyond human nature. That was the miracle that made it possible for the foetal Jesus to be born alive. Jesus was born alive. The miracle of the birth of Jesus was that he was born alive, not sinless but alive. This happened because the angel Gabriel got inside of Mary, after he made the announcement to her that she would bear a son, and awakened Abel in the foetus. He regenerated Abel and brought him to the point of 60 fold supernaturally. He did it within 6 months. When the spirit of life clothed in the personality of Elijah descended into the foetal Jesus, it was able to cleave unto him.
There is no way that the spirit of life can enter into and cleave unto a human being unless that human being is spiritually prepared through an erect Christ that is no longer lying down. Abel is lying down under the authority of Cain who is empowered by Satan and Leviathan. Abel is in the position of a homosexual male prostitute in relation to Cain, Satan and Leviathan. The spirit of life will not cleave to Abel in his bed of prostitution. He must be delivered to the degree that he is standing upright. The significance of him standing upright is that his ear is open and he has the ability to respond to the descending spirit of life.
The foetal Jesus had an erect Abel, who when he stands up has his name changed to Christ (the Lord will have to tell me how to call it in the Old Testament). For 6000 years the spirit of life descended, trying to incarnate in a human being and failed every time, because Abel was lying in a homosexual position in relation to Cain. That spirit of life that descended would be destroyed. That Cain that was lying on top of Abel would lay hold of the spiritual intelligence that was trying to attach to Abel. As soon as Cain captured the spiritual intelligence, the spirit of life would flee. This is what has happened since the fall, until Jesus.
That is the position that the Jews are today. Abel cannot stand up in them to the 60 fold. Abel stands up in the practicing Jew that seeks God through the Scriptures and prayers to the degree of the 30 fold, Malchut, faith in God. They do not have the wherewithal to produce the 60 fold which is the male, the first 3 sephirot of the male, Yesod, Netzach and Hod.
The miracle of the conception is that God took a man born of a woman, Elijah, and took him from this earth without experiencing death, and that personality clothed the spirit of life, which was attached to the spiritual intelligence, that descended into the foetal Jesus who had a 60 fold erect Christ because Gabriel the archangel entered into Mary after he made his announcement and raised up Abel. And Jesus of Nazareth was born alive, not sinless but alive. He had the spirit of life. He was born alive; he was born with the spirit of life. By the spirit of life, the spirit of holiness, he overcame his sin nature, and was glorified. Now, the way it is set up, Jesus is in a position to do the same thing that was done for him by Elijah, for anyone who asks.
The foundational miracle was that God took a human being born of a fallen woman and extracted him from this world without death. Then, at the same time Gabriel the archangel entered into Jesus and rescued Abel from the grips of death of Cain, Satan and Leviathan. If you want to look at it that way, the union was really between the angel Gabriel and Elijah, Gabriel from below, Michael from above.
That should not shock you because I have told you when we studied Rabbi Cordovero, that he says, the whole of the- I do not know what the right word is- universe (for lack of a better word) of God is continuously engaging in yehud, in interactions, in unions with each other. He said that even the angels do that. I remember teaching you that when we studied Rabbi Cordovero. Everything is forming a union and producing fruit, including the angels.
At the time that I preached that to you, I received it that the angels too were joining in yehud, unification, but to be honest with you, I really did not stop to question or think about what the result of that would be. Now, here we have by revelation an example of the union of Gabriel and Michael, Gabriel in the person on the earth supporting Christ, and Michael in the spirit coming down from Atzilut, Michael representing the Lord Jesus. They joined within the vessel of the foetus that was born as Jesus of Nazareth.
That is how Jesus received a miracle of ascension and glorification. Now he is doing the same thing for us. How is he doing the same thing for us? Christ in me or the imputed Christ Jesus in me is entering into everyone that has really ever touched me, certainly those who study under me. He is getting inside of you. The imputed Christ in me (I am not sure whether Christ in me or Christ Jesus in me, I get confused), the one that is inside of me, the one that has the ability to reproduce (it must be Christ Jesus, the imputed Christ Jesus in me) is getting inside of you when you submit to this ministry, and is raising up Abel in you.
He is raising him up to the 60 fold. So that in the day that we are hoping will come very soon, that the spirit of life in the form of the Lord Jesus descends into our vessels, the marriage will take place. We now know that the marriage will not take place in one minute, or one hour, or one day. It is a gradual process of the yehud, of the unification of the erect Christ in us and the glorified Jesus Christ.
It is a joining together of the 3 lower sephirot of the son that is in Christ (Yesod, Netzach and Hod), and the 3 highest sephirot of the son, Chesed, Gevurah and Tiferet. They are joining together to bring into existence a fully formed and fully powerful son of God, called Christ Jesus. I do not know how long it is going to take: it is not going to happen overnight. This is because as the unification takes place and the son of God, Christ Jesus, comes into existence in a man, that human being must make emotional and mental adjustments to the change in his inner universe.
If it is too fast we could lose our mind or die, I am telling you the truth. The animal, the horse that is being ridden, the horse that is having a saddle put on his back, must adjust mentally, emotional and physically to the event taking place in their inner universe. Education and understanding is the name of the game, and that is why you are here. It appears that it is happening to me first by way of example for you, but we are all in this together.
Observe that all spirits are compounded of male and female, and when they go forth into the world they go forth as both male and female, and afterwards the 2 elements are separated. Now we understand that separated means the spirit of life goes back up, and the spirit of intelligence descends into the vessel that is not prepared to receive it.
I guess what the Lord is saying now, is that sometimes, more often than not, that spiritual intelligence comes under the dominion of Cain, Satan and Leviathan, and Abel stays as dead as he was when he was born, but sometimes depending on many factors, the spiritual intelligence that enters in is not completely destroyed by Cain, Satan and Leviathan.
Depending on the child’s birth, the child’s heritage, the will of God, the sowing and reaping judgments, sometimes the spiritual intelligence that enters in is not completely destroyed by Cain, Satan and Leviathan and that person will be a person who would have a proclivity towards God from an early age, and/or a person who the Lord Jesus Christ would single out to serve him in this earth. This is not because they are special or their skin is a certain colour or they have been raised in a certain religion, it is nothing like that. It is because they are spiritually prepared to receive him. Then he takes care of all the other problems.
He is going after people who are spiritually prepared to receive him, and then he works out the other problems. As I tell you, from the beginning I was a prophet, from almost the day I walked into the Church I was a prophet. Then very soon thereafter I was in training to be a teacher, very quickly. The Lord raised up this ministry with a prophet and a teacher. I was not a pastor or an evangelist; neither was I a business person. As at this point I have received all the spiritual offices, and I am in training to be a business person. The ministry cannot grow beyond my ability to administer.
So the male and the female separate. If a man is worthy, they are afterwards united... This means if the spiritual intelligence that entered into you succeeded in liberating Abel, and Abel is now standing erect in the 60 fold position, then the male spirit would come and join with him. But the male spirit is not in another human being. The male spirit is in the world of Atzilut. So if a man is worthy, they are afterwards united but not in the way it is taught in the Jewish circles. …and it is then that he truly meets his mate.
In other words, we have a lot of people in the Church in whom Christ is in the process of being regenerated, they know him, Christ, but do not know the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus comes with judgment. The Lord Jesus is the form that is covering Binah, who is judgment. Christ in you, when he is being developed, is all love and mercy, and that is what we learn in the Church, all love and mercy. When the time for the wedding comes, and Binah the spirit of life comes down, he comes with judgment, because if he joins with Christ in you and your sins are uncovered, you would die, because death is the judgment for sin.
If a man is worthy….What makes you worthy is if Christ is increased in you to the 60 fold and you are ready for marriage they are afterwards united and it is then that he truly meets his mate. At this point I am saying that we the personality and Christ are one and we meet our true mate, the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ in us meets his true mate the Lord Jesus and we the personality meet our true mate. In other words, Christ in us is not our true mate. Christ in us is like the servant that went forth. We begin to meet our true mate when the corrective judgment begins. That is when we begin to meet our true mate.
The unification only takes place through judgment. The word to meet means to have knowledge of. Receiving his mind and his understanding only comes through that unification with simultaneous judgment upon your other side. There is no other way. Your carnal mind would swallow up everything if judgment does not fall. You have to understand that once you get to this point you are not your carnal mind. You must agree with Christ to bring judgment upon your carnal mind.
If you defend yourself it means that you still do not understand that you have an enemy in the midst of you. You do not understand that you are Christ and there is an enemy in the midst of you that must be exposed and die, spiritually die, not the death of your body. There is a fallen soul in the midst of you, and when you defend yourself it means that you still believe that you are that fallen soul.
Observe that all spirits are compounded of male and female, and when they go forth into the world they go forth as both male and female, and afterwards the two elements are separated. If a man is worthy they are afterwards united and it is then that he truly meets his mate, and there is a perfect union, both in spirit and in flesh. There is a union between the erect Christ and the Lord Jesus, and we the flesh.
We are the flesh, the personality which we are; we also form a union with the Lord Jesus. It is a dual union. Hence it is written here: ‘’when a woman conceives seed and bears a male…’’ We know that, that Hebrew word translated conceives means to sow seed. When a woman ovulates, when she lies with her husband at the point of ovulation and she bears a male’’, and not ‘’male and female together’’, since on account of the ways of the world they are not united (at birth)…
I was stumbling over this, because it is really not written clearly. I had to get it by discernment. When the woman lies with her husband and she is at the point of ovulation, she cannot conceive the male and the female. She does not conceive the spirit of life and the spiritual intelligence. The foetus that she conceives is not formed with the spirit of life and the spirit of intelligence, because there is no spirit of life in fallen mankind to give to the foetus. We can only give to the foetus what we have. A woman can only give to the foetus what she has to give.
…when a woman conceives seed and bears a male and not a male and female together, since on account of the ways of the world they are not united (at birth) as they were when they issued from on high, because the first man and his mate sinned before God. When a human woman conceives, the writer says here the child is only male, but we know it is a spiritually female child. …since on account of the ways of the world they are not united (at birth)… the spirit of life is not united to Abel.
The woman who conceives can only give Abel to the child, Abel under the dominion of Cain and Leviathan. I would imagine that if you are a woman who is in the process of having Christ raised in you, it has to have some effect on Abel in you, but I am not prepared to discuss that right now, because up until this point there are very few people that would have Christ raised to 30 or 60 fold. I do not really know anybody that is having that experience except the people here, and I may be the only one, I do not know. You may be up to me, you may be ahead of me, I do not know, but it seems that I would be the one to have the experience first.
Outside of this ministry I do not know of anybody that is even preaching this message. As I tell you all the time, there could be, I do not claim to be exclusive. I am just telling you that I do not know of anyone else that is preaching this message. And as far as this ministry goes, I believe that I am the most spiritually matured. I would not be the teacher if one of you is more spiritually mature than me. That person would be the teacher and I would sit down and listen to them. Since I am the teacher and most spiritually matured here, it is only reasonable to assume that the actual experience that is happening is happening to me first, but it is for all of you. God wants it to happen to all of you.
I have no way of knowing, if I were to become pregnant at this point, how it would affect the foetus. I have no idea, and it is not really today’s message. When that time comes, we will find out.
If a man is worthy they are afterwards united with the spirit of life from above, which has to come down again, and it is then that he truly meets his mate, and there is a perfect union, between Christ and the Lord Jesus, both in spirit and in flesh both in spirit, Christ and the Lord Jesus, and in flesh, the personality meets the Lord Jesus also and joins with him. Hence it is written here: ‘’When a woman conceives seed and bears a male’’ that is what it says in the King James version, and not ‘’a male and female together’’, since on account of the ways of the world they are not united (at birth) the male and the female are not united at birth as they were when they issued from on high, and came down and the spirit of life could not cleave to the foetus because there was no erect Christ there, and this situation exists because the first man and his mate sinned before God.
Therefore they are separated until… therefore spiritual intelligence and the spirit of life are separated until if a man is worthy, it pleases God to restore to him his mate. So we see clearly that no matter how prepared we are, it is up to God. Whether or not we shall be married to the Lord Jesus is a personal decision on his part. There is no guarantee, I make you no promises. I do not have any promises.
Paul said that he might be ship wrecked and not receive the promises. We are all fallen, brethren, we are all fallen. If and when we experience the marriage it would be a gift from God, by the grace of God. It would not just happen because we are prepared. It is just like saying that a man can lie with his wife, but just because he lies with his wife there is no guarantee that there would be a child.
Every conception is a miracle and a gift from God, likewise our marriage. The Lord just flashed a thought on my mind, that we can liken this to Esther who is the queen, but unless the King held out his sceptre to her she could not enter in. Unless the Lord Jesus tells us that he will join with us… We are Esther and the sceptre we are holding out is the erect Christ in us, and the Lord Jesus has to say whether we would live or die. If he joins himself to us we live, and if he does not we die.
Therefore they are separated until if a man is worthy it pleases God to restore to him his mate. We know that what makes him worthy is if he has an erect Christ. Worthy is not a good word. I would say eligible. But if he is not worthy, if he is not eligible, if Christ is not raised or standing erect in him…
This is the principle behind Jesus being the cornerstone. If you study that word cornerstone, what it means is, it is the stone that forms the right angle, so when Christ stands up erect, he stands at a right angle to Cain who is still lying down. He stands at a right angle to the fallen man. Jesus is the cornerstone because he was the first man, the first begotten from the dead, he was the first man in whom Abel stood fully upright by which he was prepared for the marriage to Binah from above who was clothed in the garment of Elijah. We all enter into his victory. When Christ stands up in us, the cornerstone is standing up in us. But we cannot do it without the Lord Jesus so he is THE CORNERSTONE. He is not only the first one to have that experience, but we all have that experience through him. So he is the only cornerstone but we experience the cornerstone when Christ stands up to the 60 fold in preparation for the marriage. That is the mystery of the cornerstone.
Therefore they are separated until if a man is worthy it pleases God to restore to him his mate. But if he is not worthy, if he is not eligible through an erect Christ, she is given to another. What does that mean? It means that spiritual intelligence in him is given to the other side. Did Jesus not say that if you do not get any increase in your seed (30 fold, 60 fold) but just saved it then you would lose what you had? That is what this means. It is given over to the other side and you lose it. We were told in a previous sentence you would never see it again.
But if he is not worthy, she is given to another, that is the new female seed, Tevunah, is given to another, and they bear children whom they should not. The conscious Tevunah…. We are born with a dead Tevunah; we are born with a human spirit that is dead because she is lying under the dominion of Cain, Satan and Leviathan. We receive a new Tevunah either at birth or… The Zohar is talking about at birth. Maybe in national Israel this was happening at birth. I do not see it happening at birth today, but maybe in national Israel it was happening at birth. The people received a zygote, a fresh female seed of Tevunah, that would cleave unto the dead Abel and raise him up.
It says here that if he does not attain to the 60 fold which prepares him for marriage, she is given to another, that spiritual intelligence would go into captivity under the dominion of Cain, Satan and Leviathan.
This is the spiritual intelligence which national Israel received and we see in the sages (they were brilliant). It is that spiritual intelligence which they received at birth through the genome that was given to Jacob on his way to find a wife with his uncle Laban, We preached on that encounter that Jacob had with the angel and the ladder that he saw going from heaven to earth. We preached on how he received something spiritual that changed his genetic make-up (Message C.691.1 THE SOURCE OF THE SEED Part 1 preached Wednesday 04 January 2012)
The 12 sons, national Israel, received this gene that is different than the rest of the world. That gene was enlivened, quickened in national Israel at Mount Sinai, where Jehovah made a covenant with them. We see that even in Israelites today. There are Jews today that have that testimony. One of the greatest sages today was born in the sixties. He was a hippie and somewhere along the line he received the call. He returned to his God (without Jesus). He returned to Jehovah through the Jewish discipline, and learned to speak Hebrew, and became a great scholar.
I have had a similar experience. How did I get here, preaching what I am preaching? How did this happen? I was born with a spiritual intelligence (because of my Jewish heritage) that had 2 opportunities. It could have gone under Cain, and come to nought, or it could have stood up and served God. I was born with an extra gene. I was born with spiritual intelligence which is a living Tevunah, whereas everyone else that does not have that experience is born with a dead Tevunah, dead human spirit.
I was born with a living human spirit, and it could have gone under Cain, and come to nought, or it could have stood up and served God. I had an experience where the Lord came to me and told me that I would serve him. So spiritually speaking, he came to me and laid hold of that spiritual intelligence in me, and raised it up.
If you are not born with it today, you can receive it through the Lord Jesus. That is what the zygote of the Lord Jesus is all about. You can get it through the Lord Jesus today, and this the Jews do not understand. You can get it in the same manner that you can convert to Judaism.
If the natural born Jews received the change in their genetic structure, how can it be that a convert can be a full Jew? How is it that God can say that converts are equal to natural born Jews? The answer is that when God receives the conversion (not when the rabbi receives it), the convert receives spiritual intelligence. They receive what the Jew got at birth. It is a spiritual experience that enters into the person, and that is how they can say that they are a Jew. They have that same spiritual intelligence that the natural born Jew had.
You can get that from the Lord Jesus if you follow the path that he sets you on. It is not the Holy Spirit; it is beyond the Holy Spirit. Today the Lord is prepared to give it to anyone who seeks him with a right heart. However, the Jews do not believe that.
But if he is not worthy, if for whatever reason that seed that he is given does not prosper, it does not increase to 30 or 60 fold, she is given to another, and she goes into the same captivity that the human spirit that you were born with is, under the dominion of Cain, Satan and Leviathan. And they (Cain and Abel) bear children whom they should not. I could look at that in 2 ways. They bear human children which are not alive, or they also bring into existence spiritual children, which is sin in their mind.
Rabbi Eleazar said: This is not so… He has a different opinion. This is not so. All at first comprise both male and female, and they are separated afterwards. He is talking about human children. The 1st Rabbi said that the woman just bears physical male children but the rest of the teaching is all spiritual. That is why it really had me confused, and that is why the Lord stopped me from teaching in Part 2.
The part that we just got through says that when a woman bears a male child, and then it explains why…. It is still confusing me. Hold on.
‘’When a woman conceives seed and bears a male’’ and not ‘’male and female together’’, so it sounds like he is talking in the natural but it turned out to be a whole spiritual teaching that I have been talking about for the last 15 minutes.
Now Rabbi Eleazar says that this is not so. Everything we just studied is not so. All at first comprise both male and female, and they are separated afterwards. But if the woman bears a male, in other words, the 1st one said as the soul descends into the body the male and the female separate and incarnate in 2 separate people. Rabbi Eleazar says that is not true. All at first comprise both male and female, and they are separated afterwards. What does that mean? It sounds like they incarnate in the foetus and separate afterwards. Let us see what he says next.
This is what Rabbi Eleazar is saying. The male and the female both enter into the foetus. But if the woman bears a male they are then united from the side of the right… The Doctrine of Christ is saying you only get the Tevunah because the spirit of life departs. That is the doctrine of Christ. The 1st Rabbi is saying male and female go in to 2 separate people. Rabbi Eleazar says, no, both the male and female aspects of the soul enter into the foetus.
He says, then if the foetus is born as a male child, if the physical product of this union is a male child, if the physical product of the entering in of this male and female seed is a male child, that is a physical sign that it has achieved its union with the right side. Now remember, the form has to line up with the function. So if a male child is born, that means that this zygote, this male and female that entered in, has achieved its union with the right side. That means it is going to be a spiritual male as well as a physical male. That is what he is saying.
This is not so. All at first comprise both male and female, everybody gets the male and female seed. He is talking about Israel. He is not talking about non-Israelites. He is talking about Israelites that have a special gene that comes from God. He says that gene that comes from God does not separate when it hits the body, the foetus. It enters into the foetus, both male and female, and they are separated afterwards. But if the woman bears a male, they are then united from the side of the right, and if she bears a female, from the side of the left, this side being then predominant.
If the woman bears a male child, this means that they are then united from the side of the right, and if she bears a female child, that means that they are united with the side of the left, this side being then predominant, the left side not being good.
Maybe this was true of natural Israel, however, it is not true today, that the complete zygote, the spirit of life and spiritual intelligence, entered into the foetus, and depending… it does not say what it depends on. I guess the will of God, curses, whatever. If a physically male child is born, that is the sign that the zygote which is both male and female, clave unto the right side, and that person will be a spiritual male. They would be a physical male and a spiritual male. But he says, in the next sentence which I did not read to you yet, if that zygote, male and female cleaves to the left side, if the spiritual location of the complete seed cleaves to the left side, and a male child is born, that physical male child would be effeminate.
Hence, if the male child issues from the side of the left, he is effeminate, but if from the side of the right, he has mastery over the female.
How do we get from effeminate to homosexual? It is not clear at this point, but this is what he says.
All at first comprise both male and female, and they are separated afterwards. But if the woman bears a male (a physical male), they are then united from the side of the right (it means that the seed that entered in is united with the side of the right), and if she bears a female (female child), from the side of the left, this side being then predominant. This side is then predominant. Hence, if the male child issues from the side of the left, he is effeminate, but if from the side of the right, he has mastery over the female.
So Rabbi Eleazar was bringing in a whole different dimension. He says in national Israel, at least in its heyday (who knows what is happening today), the total zygote, the spirit of life and the spiritual intelligence enters in to the foetus. If everything is working properly, and that zygote joins to the spiritual right of the soul that is going to enter into that child, then the child would be a physical male and a spiritual male.
Let me say it again. If the child is physically formed as a male and that zygote cleaves to the spiritual right side in the foetus, then he would be a physical male and a spiritual male. If the child is a physical male and the zygote cleaves to the right side, then he would be a physical male and a spiritual male. He would be powerful and he would rule over his emotions, and every aspect of himself that is female.
If that zygote cleaves to the spiritual left side of the soul that is entering in to the child and the physical child is female, then the physical child would be physically female and spiritually female. But if somehow, the zygote cleaves to the left side of the soul, and the physical child is male, that male child would be effeminate. I would be curious to know (may be the Lord would tell me) if that is a nice way of saying homosexual or it just means effeminate.
So we see here a description of homosexuality, which is interesting because we have been talking a lot about homosexuality these days. We have been told that homosexuality proliferating among the population is a sign of what is happening spiritually. Here we have more information than we have ever had before, about what produces a homosexual.
So it very well can be from birth as many of them say. It can be from birth, but it is a spiritual error. I have been saying all along that it is a curse. I am not saying that the people are bad; I am saying that what happened to them is a curse. A male–female zygote came to that foetus which had the potential to produce a powerful male spiritual being, both in form and function, and instead of producing that good fruit, that spiritual zygote that had that potential clave to the left side of the soul and produced a physical male who is effeminate. It is an error in the production, a curse.
I believe it is a curse that can be broken in Christ Jesus. However, once you start acting on that… He was saying the child is effeminate, that means he would have effeminate tendencies. That is why it does not say homosexual. The male child would have homosexual tendency but he is not homosexual until he acts on it. A man is not homosexual until he acts on those effeminate tendencies.
That means he could still lead a godly life but he would be challenged to overcome those inclinations, to rebuke them, to recognise that they are wrong, that God says that your form must line up with your function. Even if you take the male role in a homosexual act, it is the same thing. Your form must line up with your function. I am saying it is the same thing, but it is not the same thing, however, that is not today’s message, and I have another message for you so… And I do not even know what God would say about it.
I do not know what God would say about the difference between the homosexual that takes the male role and the homosexual that takes the female role. Obviously you are in deeper spiritual trouble if you take the female role than the male role, but I do not have any more information about that right now. What the Lord is telling us right now is that if you are a man and you have effeminate tendencies, if you are attracted to other men, something went wrong in the union between the seed that came from God and the soul that you were born with. Something went wrong with the connection.
The next sentence says Many myriads are brought forth at every hour, but they are not called souls until they are settled in a body, and this is only after thirty-three days. What are these myriads talking about? These myriads are talking about the soul that comes from fallen Adam, the soul that is in your blood, the nefesh. Many myriads are brought forth at every hour… fallen Adam is sowing seed continuously. Babies are being born continuously but they are not called souls until they are settled in a body, and this is only after thirty-three days.
I want to wind this up.
We are being told that fallen Adam sows and sows a seed and a human foetus is born, and a zygote attempts to join with every human foetus that is formed, that is in the womb, because we are a cut above the animals. A zygote of the Lord Jesus attempts to join with every human foetus that is formed. All of humanity belongs to him. We are his property. He is trying to acquire us.
That zygote of the spirit of life and spiritual intelligence tries to join with the fallen soul of Adam in every foetus that is being born. If the erect Christ is not found, the spirit of life departs and goes back to Atzilut, and the spirit of intelligence enters in, and that is what makes us a cut above the animals. It is because we have that spirit of intelligence that we are a cut above the animals. The animals have the nefesh but they do not have the spirit of intelligence.
The animals have the many myriads that are brought forth every hour. But they are not called souls until they are settled in a body, and this is only after thirty-three days, the thirty-three days being the spiritual intelligence coming from Tevunah plus the three days which is the 3 lower sephirot of the Yesod, Netzach and Hod.
Why am I winding down like this? This is difficult to explain, but hold on, I will get it.
Many myriads are brought forth at every hour, from fallen Adam but they are not called souls until they are settled in a body, and this is only after spiritual Tevunah and….
I just went dead over here. My whole mind crashed. I do not know why. Hold on; let me try one more time. Father I break these curses in Jesus name.
There are 2 different things being said here. Although it is in one sentence, it is really 2 different things. The many myriads of Adam’s fallen soul come forth and they are not called souls until they are settled in the body. This is not talking about….
This is not coming out of my mouth (lol).
Many myriads are brought forth at every hour… that is one thing; put it over there on the side. The next thing is …they are not called souls until they are settled in a body, and this is only after thirty-three days. The many myriads that come forth are that which wind up as the nefesh in the blood, that which gives existence to human beings. Then the next part of the sentence is talking about the zygote that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ, that spiritual zygote that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not called soul. It is talking about the neshemah level of soul.
There are 5 different levels of soul. The Zohar is really not calling the myriads that come forth which is the nefesh in your blood, soul. That which gives animation to the animal is the nefesh and the ruach, which is the breadth. The writer of the Zohar is not actually calling the nefesh a soul. He is saying the myriads; he is not saying the myriads of what.
The myriads of the soul of fallen Adam which we know as nefesh and ruach, the blood and the oxygen in your body, are being sowed continuously by fallen Adam. But the neshemah, the spiritual soul that comes from God is not called a neshemah until that zygote, the spirit of life plus spiritual intelligence, enters in to us. And this only after thirty-three days, only after that spiritual intelligence stands erect, becomes our faith, and increases into Yesod, Netzach and Hod, the 3 lower sephirot of the male.
You do not have a neshemah, or at least a complete neshemah, until you have an erect Abel who is awakened, an Abel who knows that he is different from Cain, and is resisting the thoughts of Cain and has now become your faith, malchut of the regenerating Christ. He is your faith, and then increases into the 1st three sephirot of the male, which is actually the 60 fold. Thirty-three days…. 30 is the 30 fold, that spiritual intelligence becomes your faith, and then the 3 days is just another way of saying 60 fold, Yesod, Netzach and Hod, the lower half of the male.
Did I get it out? I just want to wind this down. I will read you the whole thing.
This is not so. All at first comprise both male and female, and they are separated afterwards. But if the woman bears a male, they are then united from the side of the right, and if she bears a female, from the side of the left, this side being then predominant. The side that the soul joins to determines the spiritual sex of the child as well as the physical sex of the child.
Hence, if the male child issues from the side of the left, he is effeminate, in other words, if that spirit comes down and clings to the left side and a physical male is born, there was a mistake and he is effeminate but if from the side of the right, he has mastery over the female. This is talking about the whole spirit coming down, the spirit of life plus the spirit of intelligence. We are talking about national Israel, or people in the Church, although I do not know that anybody is having this experience yet. I do not know that the whole spirit of life is entering into anyone yet.
I am still struggling but I think I got it out. Is everybody okay?
In Part 4, I will pick up with this section, because I do not feel I have adequately expressed it, but I do not seem to have anything more to tell you at the moment. There will be a Part 4, Lord willing, and we will pick up with that part.
I do not know what God is going to have us do in this short amount of time that we have left, but I really wanted to get to this Ethics of forgiveness with you. I am going to preach for as long as the anointing is here. If you have to go, you have to go. I do not know, but we will see what happens.
I need to take a 10 minutes break right now, and then we would come out and start with this Ethics of forgiveness. My initial plan was to let you listen to the lecture that I heard last night, which came from these notes, but I do not know if we would do that today or not since we are so short of time. I will try to hear what the Lord wants me to do.
COMMENT: Is it true that if you try to ascend and it is not Christ, you will fall down? I remember you saying something about the angels of Pardes casting you back down?
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that is what I have preached here.
04/19/13 Transcribed by MML
04/19/13 1st Edit MML
The Zohar Volume V Translated by Harry Sperling & Maurice Simon Printed by The Soncino Press
From Page 5
Observe that when a man goes to unite with his wife in sanctity, his holy thought awakens a spirit compounded of male and female, and God signals to a messenger who is in charge of the conception of human beings and entrusts to him that spirit and informs him where to deposit it, and also lays various injunctions on the spirit itself.
Then the spirit goes down to earth along with a certain form which bore its image above, and in that form it is created and goes about in this world; and so long as that form is with a man, he retains his form in this world.
In the book of the sorceries of Asmodai, we find that one who knows how to practise magic from the side of the left should rise by the light of the lamp and utter certain incantations and call the unclean sides by their names and prepare his forms for those whom he invites and say he is ready for their commands.
Then that man passes out of the dominion of his Master, and places himself in charge of the unclean side. And through his incantations two spirits appear in the shape of men which show him how to confer certain benefits or do certain kinds of harm at certain specified times.
It is forbidden to a man to abandon any vessel of his house into possession of the ‘’other side’’, for many emissaries are in wait to punish such an act, and from that time blessings do not rest upon him-all the more if he assigns to the ‘’other side’’ the most precious part of himself. For from that time he belongs to it, and when the time comes for the celestial form which has been given to him to depart from this world, the evil spirit to which he clung comes and takes it, and it is never again restored to him.
When the soul is about to descend into this world, it first goes down to the terrestrial Garden of Eden and sees there the glory of the souls of the righteous, and then it goes down to Gehinnom and sees the wicked who cry ‘’Woe, woe’’, and find no compassion. That holy form stands by him until he emerges into the world, after which it keeps him company and grows up with him. Observe that all spirits are compounded of male and female, and when they go forth into the world they go forth as both male and female and (page 6) afterwards the two elements are separated.
If a man is worthy they are afterwards united, and it is then that he truly meets his mate and there is a perfect union both in spirit and in flesh. Hence it is written here: ‘’When a woman conceives seed and bears a male’’ and not ‘’male and female together’’, since on account of the ways of the world they are not united (at birth) as they were when they issued from on high, because the first man and his mate sinned before God. Therefore they are separated until, if a man is worthy, it pleases God to restore to him his mate. But if he is not worthy, she is given to another, and they bear children whom they should not.
R. Eleazar said: This is not so. All at first comprise both male and female, and they are separated afterwards. But if the woman bears a male, they are then united from the side of the right, and if she bears a female, from the side of the left, this side being then predominant. Hence, if the male child issues from the side of the left, he is effeminate, but if from the side of the right, he has mastery over the female.
Many myriads are brought forth at every hour, but they are not called souls until they are settled in a body, and this is only after thirty-three days.