754 - Part 1

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.


Good morning everybody I have no idea what I am preaching today. I stood before the Lord and checked the Scripture and I checked the Zohar and saw some interesting passages. I could pick up the Bible or Zohar and preach pretty much on anything but the only thing that I have in the spirit is one verse, Isaiah Chapter 9, verse 6.


Isaiah 9:6 

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.



The way I came to this verse… I never know how the Lord is going to lead me into the message that he wants me to preach, and I am not even sure that this is it. I was working on the new website and I found a transcript in which I say that Jesus is God, and we now understand that Jesus is not God.


I understand that I probably have that error in many transcripts. We just do not have the manpower to have somebody check every transcript where I say Jesus is God. Then I had to decide what to do about it when it is found. What I have to do is write in a disclaimer. I cannot just remove it from the transcript. I have to give an explanation. I have to explain how the Lord has taught us that Jesus is not God, that he is the name of God. I have to figure out how to do it in a couple of sentences, in the most harmless way.


When you speak to people that do not have the depth of revelation that you have, you should tell them as little as possible, and that is not being deceptive. They just cannot deal with the depth of it. You have to start with the surface of it. The challenge for all of you who at some point will be facing people, no matter where you are or what your understanding is of the Doctrine of Christ, the day is coming and probably may have already come for you, that someone would ask you a question that you know the answer to.


The challenge is to tell them in the simplest way and in the fewest number of words, because if you give them too much it would be over-kill. If they try to swallow it they would vomit all over you. Or the will just walk away and think that you are a cult. Your opportunity to touch them, your opportunity to plant a seed will just flow through your fingers like water.


Therefore I did not do it. But what happened was that I was in my Bible program looking for Scriptures to put down for them, Scriptures where it said that Jehovah is God, because Jesus is not God. Jehovah is God. Jehovah is the substance that is in the sephirot, and Jesus is the sephirah, the firmament, the earthen creature, that surrounds and contains and gives form to the nebulous, the unformed essence of God. That is the concept of name.


When we say Jesus is the name of God, that is what that means. Jesus gives an identity to God, otherwise how do we know what God is, who is God? We are the creature, the created one, we cannot comprehend God. So God is humbling himself, as low as he has to, so that we the created ones can recognise him. That is the whole purpose of joining heaven and earth.


The purpose is that the creature should recognise the creator, and that we should dwell together, the creature knowing that the creator is the authority over the creature. The tendency of the creature (which is mankind) is to make himself the boss. That is the tendency of fallen mankind.


I sat before the Lord and asked him how I could do this. I was typing Jehovah and God into my Bible program in the hope of demonstrating that Jehovah is God, Jehovah signifying the Tetragrammaton, meaning the complete synthesis of all of the 10 sephirot. I remind you that Jehovah is not the pronunciation recognised by any authority, it certainly is not any Jewish authority.


It is said that the correct pronunciation of the 4 Hebrew letters (that we pronounce as Jehovah) is lost because nobody knows what the vowels are. Nobody knows how that word was pronounced in the days when the actual vocalisation of that word would produce tremendous amount of energy or power coming from the Godhead. That is what we are told.


We are told that today Christians speak about God, we name the name of Jesus, we name the name of Jehovah and we do not think anything of it; we speak it and do not think anything of it. The Jews do not name that name because in the ancient times, in the olden days, the naming of the names of God (God has many names) or the naming of the names of angels will realises energy, positive or negative energy into the atmosphere. 


They still believe this and think it is blasphemy to name the name of God and release that energy into the atmosphere without his authority, and that it is dangerous to release the negative energy by naming the names of angels.


The name of God is the 4 Hebrew letters Yud-Hei-Vav-Hei (YHVH) and the Jew would not even say that. They changed the H to a K. This YHVH that we (Christians) pronounce Jehovah is the name of the synthesis of the… how do I say this? I have to go back to the beginning. Let me remind you of what the sephirot of the world of Atzilut are.


Before the creation ever began, there was Ayn Sof, the eternal. He wanted a creature that would recognise his greatness. But he is infinite, so there cannot be anything outside of him. Therefore he opened up an empty space in the midst of him, as a womb (so to speak) in which he could form a finite creature. So God is infinite and the creature, which we are, is finite. He sent into the empty space which is in the midst of himself, just a thin stream of his own light. He is infinite; there is nothing outside of him.


That thin stream of light that entered into the finite arena so to speak is the thin stream of light (although it is still infinite at that point)out of which the finite world would emerge, and it is called Adam Kadmon, ancient Adam, or primordial Adam. The King James translation calls it the Ancient of Days, the oldest Adam, the oldest creature, the oldest element of mankind that ever existed.


The only formation that he had was the border of the empty space. It was the nebulous essence of God that was within the empty space. Nebulous means unformulated, indefinable, hazy, like a cloud, like water. Water has no form. It takes the form of the vessel you put it in. The essence of God is nebulous, it has no form. It is not even a liquid, it is like a haze. It is likened to a cloud; it fills in every area of the border.


From that point in the process of bringing forth the finite creation, Ancient Adam or Adam Kadmon descended. He brought into existence a state of existence (we call it a world) that was darker (so to speak) than the light of the Ayn Sof that appeared in the empty space. The Kabbalist sometimes call it a curtain, or sephirah.


The job of Ancient Adam was to dim the light of the eternal one, because the creature that was being formed would be destroyed by the light. His job was to descend into a darker (when the Kabbalist say lower the mean darker) series of veiled grades or degrees of light, until the light of the eternal is veiled into such a point that the creature can survive existing with it.


Mankind is in outer darkness. Mankind as we know it today could never exist in a relationship with God. It would destroy us. That is why we need a mediator, and that is who Jesus is.


The 10 sephirot of the God world of Atzilut are the next grade down, or the next grade darker than the light of the Ayn Sof in the empty space. There is the world of Adam Kadmon, which is his light. In the midst of himself (the descent is not a high to low as we know high and low), he darkened his own light another degree, and that is the God world of Atzilut.


In the God world of Atzilut, there are 10 spheres. In the world of Adam Kadmon, there are no spheres. It is just himself, and he is formed by the border of the empty space. In the God world of Atzilut there are 10 spheres or borders. That same nebulous essence that exists outside of the empty space and in the world of Adam Kadmon, that essence that flows into and fills every area, flowed into the God world of Atzilut and filled the 10 sephirot.


There are 10 sephirot (plural) and each sephirah (singular)) is defined by its attributes such as wisdom, understanding, knowledge, kindness, severity or judgment, grace, victory, glory. The attributes are associated with the firmaments. In my early days of studies, I saw in the book of Genesis that firmament is plural, firmaments, and heaven is plural, heavens, and I could not understand it.


Firmament means earth. So we have a mass of the essence of the eternal, and that essence, that cloudy nebulous essence is divided up by interjecting curtains, otherwise it all flows together, just as if you pour water into a lake,  the water that you pour into the lake disappears. So this essence of the Ayn Sof was divided into 10 categories by the firmaments, by the earthen spheres that were interjected into that God world of Atzilut, and this is one of the ways that we can identify God.


When we talk about grace for example, or loving kindness or understanding, or knowledge, we know that God who is everything is relating to us in that manner- understanding, wisdom etc. otherwise we would have no ability to communicate with him at all.


I had to tell you this because I did not know how to tell you who Jesus is without telling you all that.


Jesus is the personification of a firmament. That is who Jesus is. He is a firmament.


We have all this esoteric doctrine coming from the Kabbalists, brilliant teachings. But brethren, God wants to bring that teaching to the human realm.


Our physical body is made out of the spiritual earth, and part of the plan of God (which the brilliant Kabbalists do not have - I am not putting down their brilliance, they did not receive the information) is to bring into existence a firmament made out of mankind. Mankind is the firmament.


Let me remind you, there are 2 Hebrew words translated Adam, Strong’s #120 and Strong’s #121. Strong’s #120 means mankind. It is not the personal man Adam, who did not come into existence until later on. Mankind is a mass of spiritual clay. Mankind, Strong’s #120, is a mass of spiritual clay.


The division of that clay into a multitude of human beings (each one of us is one of those human beings) is that mass of clay divided into many members by the use of firmaments. The outer skin of each individual human being is a firmament that contains within it, not only our human organs, but spiritual life. It contains spiritual life. It contains the consciousness of God in addition to the animal consciousness.


Each human being is a seed that can grow into a whole tree, just as an apple seed has all that it contains to produce a whole apple tree if you deal with it properly. A simple apple seed can produce a whole tree if it is dealt with in such a manner and under such conditions that would produce that tree.


Each and every human being on the face of the earth is a seed. There is a spiritual seed in the midst of us, and that spiritual seed is contained in a firmament. Each one of us is a firmament. It is the same God in the midst of everybody but different firmaments. Each firmament has different abilities. We are not only different nationalities that speak different languages, and come from different cultures, but we have different abilities as well. Some of us are artistic, some are intellectual, some of us are more loving than others. We are all different.


So, who is Jesus? Jesus is the first human firmament (each human being is a firmament) that God processed to the point that he was able to use him to veil the entire God world of Atzilut.


In the God world of Atzilut, there are only 10 firmaments or 10 sephirot that contain the essence of God. God uses those firmaments to relate to the creature that he created because the creature is incapable of relating to God. We have absolutely nothing in common. We cannot even recognise him, so he contains himself within a border that has an attribute, love, kindness, that we can perceive, experience, and respond to.


However, it is the same God in every sephirah. It is the same God in every human being. The whole point is for God to relate to the creature. If he wants to bless somebody, he would find a human being through whom he is manifesting the kindness of God, or the generosity of God. It all depends on how he wants to relate to people.


Then there are vessels of dishonour. God is in control of everything. He sent Nebuchadnezzar against Jerusalem. I read last night how he said he will send the Assyrian against Judah. The Assyrian today is Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, that whole area. Assyria was a very great empire.


Jesus is the first human firmament that God processed to the point that he was able to use him to veil the entire God world of Atzilut, the purpose being that we the creature down here in this world should be able to relate to the God world of Atzilut, where eternal life is. In order for us to receive eternal life we must be able to recognise the giver of eternal life, but we cannot recognise the sephirot, they are way too high and there is too much sin in us.


I am going to give you a very gruesome example, it is a horrible example but the Lord just gave it to me so I will give it to you. Everything in this world is an example of something spiritual. Sometimes, very evil things in this world are examples of something spiritual because the evil one takes the principles of God and tries to manifest it himself.


One of the abominations of Hitler’s Germany was the skinning of Jewish people and using the skins to make lampshades. If you can get past the gore of that, hear what I am saying. Jesus was a man born of a man and a woman. He grew up under the law. He had the righteousness of the law, and he was processed. Just like I said, an apple seed under the right conditions can produce a whole tree. Jesus was processed as an apple seed would have been processed, and he was changed.


God changed him so that he could fulfil God’s purpose, and he produced the whole tree, so to speak. Jesus was the apple seed that produced a whole tree. That is the metaphor. Jesus the human being was glorified, that means his whole person, spirit, soul, and body, every aspect of him was changed so that he could function in the God world of Atzilut. Whichever world we go to we need a different garment to wear. There is a different atmosphere in each world, an atmosphere made of energy.


Jesus was processed so that he could survive existence in the God world called Atzilut. When he got up there he found out that his job was to be a veil. That is what a firmament is. It is a veil or a border that stands between the essence of God, which is energy which can kill us, and the human being that the energy of God that is standing behind the veil wants to speak to. The energy of God that is standing behind the veil wants to speak to a human, and the veil is between them so that the human being is not destroyed by the communication.


So Jesus was processed, his whole body including every aspect of his person. He was changed. We are told in 1Corinthians 15:51-52 that we shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.


1Corinthians 15:51-52

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.



We shall be changed and forever we shall be with the Lord. It is talking about what happened to Jesus. He was changed, and that change resulted in his body becoming a shape shifter, for lack of a better word. He is no longer confined to a human form. He can take any form that he wants. His skin is now stretched out and is covering the light. 


That is why I am likening it to what happened in Hitler’s Germany. His skin is covering the light that shines from the God world of Atzilut. However, Jehovah did not have to kill him to bring him into this state of a lampshade, so to speak. What had to die was his sin nature; the rest of him lived, and will live forever.


Brethren, I am sorry for this metaphor, it is what God gave me. The most important thing is that you all, and people that are not even as schooled as you are, can understand this.


Jesus, a human being, born of a man and a woman, who loved God and had a relationship with God through the law, was processed. He was changed in a spiritual moment, in the twinkling of the eye of Adam Kadmon, not our human eye. He was changed and is no longer confined to a concrete form like we are. He has been stretched out to become a veil.


Our destiny is to be the garments of God, the house of God. That is our destiny.  Our destiny is to be the veil that covers or houses the energy of God so that other human beings who have not been privileged like we have been to have the relationship with God that we have, can hear from him. All they would see is us, but his wisdom can be imparted to them. His love can be imparted to them. His education, his schooling, his knowledge, can be imparted to them, until they are raised up to the point where they too become a firmament that reveals the life of God from behind that curtain.


The Jewish sages tell us that Elijah went to a certain height; I do not recall what it was. It is talking about climbing the sephirot, the malchut of Atzilut, the Yesod of Atzilut. We are told that Elijah went to a certain height. Then Moses went even higher. I hope I do not have it backwards. One of them went higher than the other.  We are climbing the mountain. We are climbing that ladder that will bring our consciousness up to the highest grade of the God world that the Lord would let us attain to.


Jesus said that you are where I am, if you believe in me.


John 14:3 

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.



But my body is not there. But he said that our spirit is up there where he is. That means we have access to him. We are not up there but we have access to him with the possibility of joining him up there some day.


Jesus’s sin nature was killed and his skin was taken out of the hands of the Serpent who has possessed it ever since the fall. Out of the skin of Jesus of Nazareth… this is the metaphor; do not shut off the message. I want to remind you that when Jesus said to his fellow Israelites that they must eat his flesh and drink his blood, many departed from him because they did not understand what he was saying. Do not shut off this message. I agree with you that it is offensive, but that is what God gave me so listen to the metaphor, please.


Jesus was changed, processed, so that he could tolerate the air at the height of the God world of Atzilut. This is a metaphor. When he got up there his skin became a curtain or veil that covered the whole God world of Atzilut, and that means God can speak to you and me through any one of those 10 sephirot because Jesus now stands in front of them. Anyone of those 10 sephirot can be revealed through him to you or to me. That is what we are experiencing today, the wisdom of God, Chokmah, and the understanding of God, Binah, is coming through this skin called Sheila Vitale, to you today.


It is the skin of Jesus (he is no longer Jesus, he was Jesus of Nazareth) which now covers all 10 sephirot. God can speak to you and me from any height through Jesus. In addition to that, because his skin covers the whole God world of Atzilut, he also covers Tiferet which is in the middle column and is associated with the heart centre. That is where the name YHVH exists.


We do not know the true pronunciation but the Church says Jehovah. The Jews do not say Jehovah. The Jews pronounce the letters but they have changed the H to a K because they would not say a holy name. They say Yud-Kei-Vav-Kei, YKVK, instead of Yud-Hei-Vav-Hei, YHVH.


It is called the Tetragrammaton, because that area of the sephirot of the God world of Atzilut is the heart of the whole 10. It is like the nucleus of an atom, the core, the centre. It is the place in which the undifferentiated power of God goes forth.


Tiferet and the name YHVH, Tetragrammaton, is the place in the God world of Atzilut from where the undifferentiated power of God can flow forth. In other words, when the power of God flows through Chokmah what you get is wisdom. That is a differentiated aspect of God. You are only seeing his wisdom. You are not seeing his judgment.


You are not seeing his understanding. You are not seeing his grace. You are not seeing his mercy, only wisdom. When the Lord moves upon us through Gevurah, we see judgment, just judgment, especially if it is the sowing and reaping judgment. No wisdom, no understanding, just judgment.


The homogenous, simple, undifferentiated, integrated, completely merged power of God flows forth from Tiferet. The word undifferentiated means it is all together, like the cake batter. You mix in the flour, eggs, water, sugar and milk (and everything else that you put in there), beat it up and you get a cake batter. You cannot take the sugar out; you cannot take the flour out.


The eggs, flour, sugar are the differentiated ingredients of the cake. Once you get the cake batter, you now have undifferentiated cake batter. It is all one. Whether you scoop up some from here or there, it is all one and the same, integrated, completely merged, completely synthesized.


When you can access the sephirah called Tiferet, that is the place from where the undifferentiated power of God flows forth. It is all of the sephirot. It is wisdom, understanding, knowledge, grace, judgment, mercy; everything integrated as one. That is where the river that flowed out of Eden flows from. That is the river that flows out of Eden.


The man who was Jesus of Nazareth, who was changed into a form whereby he could tolerate the atmosphere, the existence in Atzilut (whatever that experience is in the God world of Atzilut), is up there and his function is to be the firmament that covers the Tetragrammaton.


He covers the undifferentiated power of God. He is that filter to you and to me. He is wisdom, he is understanding, he is knowledge, he is loving kindness, he is grace, he is mercy, he is judgment. He is the male organ that can impregnate you. He is all of those things because he is the firmament that covers Tetragrammaton. That is who he is.


On the light side, I wonder if this is God’s way of telling me what I have to say on the disclaimer on that transcript. Maybe he wants the whole thing up there. I thought it had to be a couple of sentences. I do not know. I do not know that I could say this to people that do not know Kabbalah. Anyway, you have benefited from that. That was really an excellent exhortation. I have never heard anything like it before.


Let me just make sure that you all understand my analogy, my correlation between the use of the skin of a Jewish person to make a lamp (which is an abomination) and the skin of Jesus of Nazareth becoming a lamp that contains the light of God. We see Satan taking a spiritual truth and bringing it down to this world where it becomes an abomination.


Also, this was a metaphor. It was not just Jesus’s skin. It was the whole man that became a firmament. The whole of me would be a skin that would be a firmament to the power of God. The power of God is speaking to all of you now through this firmament called Sheila Vitale. It is not just my skin; it is the whole physical body including all the organs underneath the skin, and my spiritual organs.


The firmament is complicated. It is not just this piece of skin that you could scrape off your arm. The whole man is the skin of the spiritual life that is being revealed through it. The man Jesus experienced the fullness of salvation. He is now the firmament ascended to the God world of Atzilut.


He is the veil that stands between the river that came out of Eden with all of its life-giving properties, and fallen mankind. He has within his spiritual hand (of course he does not look like us anymore) the authority from God, the power, and the ability to give everything that is coming out of that river to you and to me.


Is that not exciting?


He is willing to talk to us, to come down to where we are, and he has the patience it takes to communicate with us. The patience that is necessary is mind-bogging. I know that I am not anywhere near him, because my patience is very short with the brethren that I have been sent to minister to. Very often, my patience is very short, and I have to repent. But he is never impatient with me. He is never impatient with me or with you. So I do my best.


As I was scanning the Zohar and the Bible yesterday looking for a message, one of the Scriptures that I came across really blessed me. I do not know whether it was in the Bible or the Zohar. I did not ask for this job of mentoring other believers, but I have got it. It is a job of raising up spiritual children, and it is not easy. It is emotionally difficult but I have got it and I have done the best I could with it.


 And I intend to continue to do the best that I can with it, not because of the reward; I never really knew what the reward was until I read it yesterday. I just do it because I love God. I cannot imagine doing anything other than doing whatever it is that he is telling me to do. But I found out yesterday, that the Scripture says, if you are in this kind of a ministry, he will defend you in the day of your need. That just got me so excited.


We are all open to this kind of a ministry as God leads us, brethren. We are all supposed to be teaching each other. But you cannot do it without him; he has to call you to it. Do not do it in your own strength.


If you are in this kind of a ministry, he will defend you in the day of your need. That just got me so excited, that in the hour of my necessity he has promised to be there for me. I really appreciate that.


I was trying to find out how I could express this in a few words without Kabbalah on a LEM website.


Compared to what we are studying today, the message that came forth where I said that Jesus is not God was a very simple message, compared to what we are doing today.


So I was in my Bible program looking for Scriptures that say Jehovah is God, and I was going to try and go from there, that Jehovah is the God and Jesus is his name, meaning… based on what I just told you, God has no attributes, you cannot recognise him, but when he is veiled by an attribute, you can. When he is veiled by Chokmah we can learn to recognise the wisdom of God. The day will come (if it has not come for you yet) that you will hear someone and you will recognise the wisdom of God.


I was raised up in Gospel Revival Church where the fire of God fell every service. I remember the pastor telling us that he had never seen anything like this before. I was raised up under the fire of God, and I expected it. It was not an arrogant thing. To me, you go to Church and you experience the fire of God. I did not even know it was the fire of God.


All I knew is that I felt good, I got healed and delivered. It was a very positive experience for me. To me that is what Church was. I did not know that there are millions of people in other Churches that are dead. I knew it intellectually, but I did not realise that I had something that special. I really did not understand that.


Then one day we had a visiting evangelist, and the anointing was not there. It was not Pastor Holzhauser in the pulpit; it was this visiting evangelist who apparently had no anointing. I was all upset, I could not figure out what was wrong in that service. I prayed all the way home, banging on heaven’s door.


The minute I walked in through the door the phone rang. It was one of my friends from the Church who called me up and said to me, Did you hear that? That minister had no anointing at all. Out of that conversation, I realised that I could now distinguish between the deliverance anointing flowing in that Church and the lack of it.


Up until that point I could not identify the anointing of God. It was by first experiencing the anointing of God and then experiencing the absence of it that I learnt to recognise the anointing of God.


We have people of all spiritual ages in this ministry. If you are relatively new or young and you are not familiar with the anointing, or you think you would not know how to recognise the anointing, this is how one day you will recognise it. There are different kinds of anointing. What we have in this ministry is wisdom.


When you sit under this wisdom long enough the day will come that you will be in another Church and you will recognise that the wisdom that is here, is not there, that the understanding that is here is not there, that the righteous judgment that is  here is not there.


First God exposes you to it, and then he puts you in a situation where it is lacking. Only God can do that for you. I am just his mouthpiece. He is your teacher. I am the one that gives you theory, and I help you deal with your sin nature to the best of my ability, but the Lord has to give you the experiences.


You cannot go on theory and sin exposure only. You must have experiences, because it is the experiences that change you, and we have to be changed, in a moment, a spiritual moment, which is one life time. We must be changed from the inside before we are changed on the outside.


God must give you the experiences. You will have an opportunity that I did not have. I was all upset when there was no anointing in the Church, because I did not know what was wrong. When I do not understand something it tends to cause me anxiety, I need to understand things.


I am telling you in advance that the day is coming that the Lord will give you a similar experience. If you are sitting under this ministry, you are being exposed to the wisdom and understanding of God and the day is coming that he will bring you to a place where you will hear somebody speak and you will say to yourself or say to the Lord, What is wrong? Why am I uncomfortable? Why is my spirit not responding?


If you are blessed enough, you will hear the Lord telling you, That is not my wisdom. That is spiritual talk but it is not my wisdom. The words may sound exactly like what you have heard from Pastor Vitale, but that is not my spirit speaking the words. And if it is not my spirit speaking the words, it means that an anti-Christ spirit can slip in a lie right in the midst of the truth.


Everything that is happening spiritually is happening in many different forms on the earth. There was an article in the Drudge report last night that revealed that in the midst of this new immigration bill that is on the floor, buried hidden in the midst of it, is the authority to set up a bio-metric database on every adult human in the United States of America. That means that the government wants to track us and have full authority and knowledge of us.


Every adult human being (if they can pull it off), would have a file with the government, and they would know everything about us, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. What comes next? Then they would do whatever they want to do with it. Buried in the immigration bill is the authority to set up this bio-metric database on every adult human being in the United States.


I was searching my Bible program for Scriptures that would help me demonstrate that Jehovah is THE God, and Jesus is the firmament. The way the Scripture expresses it is that Jesus is his name. In the Scripture Jehovah says, I and my name are one. Jehovah and Jesus are one. But Jehovah is the authority over Jesus. It says, I and my name are one, and Jesus operates without any supervision because he is so glued to Jehovah (glued may not be the right word).


John 10:30

I and my Father are one.



Think of Jehovah as that river coming out of Eden. Jesus is so over-flowing with the power and wisdom of God and the life of God that he can no longer do anything other than that which Jehovah would do or have him do. I cannot imagine doing something that the Lord does not want me to do, or going somewhere that the Lord has not sent me. I may do it ignorantly from time to time, but my whole desire is to please him. Jesus has pleased God. We were told that at the time of his baptism.


Matthew 3:17 

And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.



Jesus is processed so completely at this point that it is virtually impossible for him to do anything other than express the life of God. Therefore the Scripture says, I and my name are one. I, the power of God, I am, the Keter level of the sephirot of Atzilut, I am, Ehyeh, the name of God associated with the Keter, the Keter and his name, the firmament that covers the Keter and expresses the life of God through differentiated attributes.


If the whole undifferentiated river that came from Eden flowed into us it would kill us. Jesus is the filter through which that river which is flowing out of Eden is differentiated, and he would relate to us through wisdom, understanding, life, grace, judgment depending on what we are doing and what we need.


That is who Jesus is. He is the name of God. Jehovah is not a name. Jesus is the name of God. When I was looking for Scriptures to support that Jehovah is God (there really were not many Scriptures), I came across Isaiah 9:6. The way Isaiah 9:6 is translated, it says that Jesus is God. It does not say Jesus but just about every Christian teacher will tell you that Isaiah 9:6 is talking about Messiah, and we know that Messiah is Jesus.


Isaiah 9:6 

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.



For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder; that is one of the first Scriptures I was taught, and then it goes on to say that he is the mighty God. So I said, oh oh Lord, trouble, what do I do with this one? So I looked at it in the interlinear text, and I had a hard time with it. This was not easy.


Brethren, I do not play games. If the Scripture does not support the word in my heart, it does not support the word in my heart, and I am not going to lie to you. I am not going to tweak it in an ungodly manner to make it fit. I go before the Lord and say, Lord, what is wrong? Is my doctrine wrong? Did I misunderstand you? Did I get it wrong? Or am I not able to see what you would have me do with these Hebrew words?


Remember brethren, translation is subjective. It depends upon what you already know. There were no vowels written in the text, just letters (consonants). I am told that initially the letters were not even broken down into words, let alone paragraphs, and the Jews recognise this. I take a Bible class in a Jewish synagogue, and the Rabbi talked about it not too long ago.


He said that God did that deliberately. The word of God is not supposed to be static like these bodies that you cannot change. The word of God is supposed to be fluid. That book that contains the word of God, that has the words and letters that you read, is a firmament through which the power of God flows.


Anybody that says (which is so prevalent in the Christian Church) that if you change one word in that book that was translated, you are damned to hell forever, that is an abomination to God. What that is saying is, God, you cannot flow through that book. You cannot speak to your son or daughter who is reading that Bible and give them revelation from it. It means that all of the Church is subject to the subjective translation of the translators. That is the exact opposite of what God intends.


I looked at the interlinear text of this verse and I had a run for my money because I could not make it work. Then the Lord showed me the path.


The word for child is yeled which is male child. A male child is born to us. The Hebrew word translated son is Strong’s #1121, bane; it is the word for seed. It really does not mean son, it means seed. It is used in Exodus a lot. It is the word translated children in the book of exodus. The same word that is translated son here, Strong’s # 1121, is translated children in the book of exodus. It is talking about the Hebrew children who cried out to God.


Jehovah’s child in us is Abel. This flesh is not Jehovah’s child. This flesh is the house or womb that his child is in, and his child is his breath which he breathed into the man. If you have a child, it means that child is like you, it has come out of your substance.


This earth did not come out of Jehovah. This flesh did not come out of Jehovah. This carnal mind did not come out of Jehovah. The breath of God came out of Jehovah. The breath of God today is in this house which we are, in the form of the human spirit, also called the breath of life.


I have been preaching on that word for many years telling you that it is not talking about the human son. It is talking about the spiritual son which is Jehovah’s breath in the man, and that is why we have 2 words here, child, and son. If you do not understand this, you would be wondering why the Scripture is repeating itself saying a child is born, a son is born. Well, I guess to some people it sounds like the word son is modifying the word child, indicating that it is a male child. But the problem with that is the Hebrew word translated child specifically means male child, yeled. A girl child is yalda. So why is it repeated, a male child is born, a son is born. There is always a reason; God does not waste any words.


I suggest to you that we have 2 generations right here. For unto us a child is born… that refers to Jesus Christ. It has to do with the fulfilment of the birth of the manchild in the man Jesus. The next phrase, unto us a son (seed) is given, or unto us the seed of the son is given refers to the people in whom the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ is deposited. 


The first phrase for unto us a child is born is fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth. He is the one that brought forth the manchild. Jesus of Nazareth brought forth the manchild to fulfil a child is born. After the child was born, the whole man, Jesus of Nazareth, ascended (as I just explained to you) and became the firmament that covers Tetragrammaton, and out of that Tetragrammaton (which is the river of life that is in the garden of Eden), the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ is flowing down into this world, so that we too can become impregnated with the manchild.


So those first few words a male child is born, refers to a male child that was born to Jesus of Nazareth and he was glorified. Then, from Jesus of Nazareth glorified comes down the seed to the rest of Israel, and eventually to the whole world.


A male child is born unto us, and a seed is given to us… the manchild was already born and now in this day the seed is given to us from the government above. Above is a translation of upon. It can be translated above. A seed is given to us from the government above, and Jesus is the government of God.


A seed is given to us from the government above the shoulder. That which is above the shoulder is talking about the neck energy centre. Shoulder is talking about the neck. The strength of the shoulder is in the neck energy centre.


Then it says the mighty God, that Hebrew word translated God is not Elohim. Usually when you see the English word God, it means Elohim but that word is not Elohim, it is El, and El is the name of God associated with Chesed. Chesed is the sephirah that is just under Chokmah, Chokmah being the wisdom of God, and Chesed being the love of God. That mighty El, it is not just a God, that mighty Chesed.


I found out only a few months ago, in one of my studies, how powerful and important the sephirah Chesed is. I had not realised how important it was up until that point. Chesed is the highest sephirah of the 6 sephirot that comprise the male, that comprise Zeir Anpin. Chesed is right under Chokmah, wisdom.


The way the sephirot work frequently is that the essence of God that is behind the curtain of the highest sephirah frequently flows into the sephirah below. In other words, Chokmah never relates directly to humanity. The order is Keter, Chokmah, and Binah. Binah, understanding, is the highest sephirah that relates to mankind. So Chokmah, the wisdom of God does not relate directly to mankind. That means he either relates to mankind through Binah or through Chesed.


There are 3 columns, one on the right, one in the middle, and one on the left. Keter is in the middle, then it is Chokmah on the right, then you go to Binah on the left, and they zigzag back and forth. So wisdom can come down through Binah, but he can also come down directly through Chesed, loving kindness, which is directly under Chokmah in the right column.


Wisdom can come to a believer from 2 different directions. When it comes from Binah, understanding, it comes with judgment. The wisdom that is coming to us here comes through judgment. If our fallen nature is not judged, we will either not understand the wisdom, or we will receive it in a corrupted way.


We are receiving the wisdom of God through his wife, Binah who is understanding. But at some point, when we ascend high enough, it is possible to receive wisdom directly from Chokmah. In that event, since Chokmah does not talk directly to humans, the wisdom drops directly below Chokmah, into the highest sephirah of the male, Zeir Anpin, which is Chesed.


That is what we are talking about here. When the Scripture says the word God, it is El not Elohim. It is talking about the wisdom of God that has come down to the male, which is capable of communicating with mankind.


The child is born and he gives his seed to us from the government above the neck energy centre, and the mighty el who is the everlasting father…. The everlasting father is Chokmah, wisdom. The personality father is associated with Chokmah, wisdom. It is saying here that the mighty father, the loving kindness, the Chesed that is directly below wisdom is the everlasting father.


In other words, the eternal (everlasting means eternal) life that is in the father is appearing to mankind through Chesed. He has to appear to us either through Chesed or through Binah.


In this instance, in this man, which is Mashiach, Messiah, he is not coming through judgment. This man who is Messiah has received the wisdom of God directly from Chesed, El. To receive wisdom directly from El, you have to be in a state of sinlessness that does not require judgment along with the wisdom.


You have to be in such a state of sinlessness, that God makes a judgment that you can receive wisdom without judgment. God is not going to give you wisdom without judgment if it is going to destroy you.


This is a hidden message in the Scripture. We are talking about someone who is sinless. So at this point Jesus would have had to overcome to the point where he was considered sinless, at least, no longer in need of judgment to be able to receive wisdom directly from Chokmah through Chesed, loving kindness.


Is everybody okay? Are there any questions? Wow, you are all pretty smart here, you scare me all.


A male child is born to us, a seed is given to us from the government above, the neck energy centre, and the mighty El, who is expressing the everlasting father shall invite… invite is a translation of the word called, Strong’s 7121, qara. There are Scriptures where that word invite is expressed in this context.


God invites us. He invites us to pursue him. He invites us unto salvation. He invites us to follow him and be his son. He invites us all the time. To invite is a legitimate translation of the Hebrew word translated called.


A male child is born to us, a seed is given to us from the government above, the neck energy centre…. We are not getting the seed of Jesus of Nazareth; we are getting the seed that is coming out of Tetragrammaton through the Lord Jesus Christ.


 And the everlasting father who is revealing himself through the mighty Chesed, the highest level of the son, shall invite us (either the Lord Jesus or us, depending on how you are looking at it) to be a miracle worker (translation of wonder - I guess that is Jesus) and adviser (translation of counsellor) of the people, and his name (the name of the person that receives the invitation of the everlasting father who is manifesting himself through El, the might God, which is the name of God associated with Chesed, the name of that person that is receiving this honour) is the prince of peace. He is called the prince of peace because his job is to bring peace between God and man.


This is the alternate translation:


A male child is born to us, a seed is given to us from the government above the neck energy centre, and the everlasting father through the mighty El (the sephirah who is below him, mighty El the name of God associated with Chesed, the highest sephirah of the son) shall invite him to be a miracle worker and adviser of the people, and the one who accepts the invitation, his name shall be called the prince of peace.


Isaiah 9:6 

A male child is born to us, a seed is given to us from the government above the neck energy centre, and the everlasting father through the mighty El shall invite him to be a miracle worker and adviser of the people, and the one who accepts the invitation, his name shall be called the prince of peace.



We see that Jesus is not God, but he is as God in that he manifests God to us. He is the vehicle through which God communicates with us, so as far as we are concerned he is God, because you cannot separate me from my skin. It gets very touchy brethren. He is not God, but he is as God to us, as Joseph was pharaoh to the people but he was not pharaoh. He was as pharaoh but he was not pharaoh. There was always a pharaoh behind Joseph that at any time could have stood up and taken him down.


Jesus is as God to us and at any time THE God can take him down, although we know that is not going to happen. That was a metaphor to help you to understand. It is very hard to understand.  I think that if I tried to explain it to a Christian I would not have gotten past the first sentence. It is going to take a miracle.


To believe that Jesus is God is idolatry, because a man cannot be God. God is God and Jehovah says in the Scriptures, I am God and there is none like me. Jehovah says, I am the only one.


Isaiah 46:9 

Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,



I do not know what we will do. Are we going to transcribe this? The Lord will have to show me how to change the words of the sephirah to something that LEM students can understand. Maybe we are going to….


Margaret, could you get this transcribed for me? Is Margaret online?  We have to get it transcribed. Let me see if that is what the Lord wants me to do, to put this whole teaching there with every transcript that says Jesus is God, that the Lord has corrected us.


Brethren, that is all I have for you today.




I want to talk to you a little bit about Pentecost. I do not know about you all but I am in the Church 35 or more years and I never really grasped Pentecost, other than that the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost. This is my 3rd year of taking classes in the synagogue, and for some reason I just never put it together. I never got it together until this year.


I looked up its association with the Jewish holidays. Pentecost is the Jewish holiday called Shavu'ot. What is being celebrated is the giving of the law on Mount Sinai. That is what the Jewish holiday is. It is the giving of the law on Mount Sinai. It was at that point that Israel was born.


Up until that point there was no Israel. Israel came into existence when the descendants of Jacob came out of Egypt. As we know (although it does not say it in the Scripture), some of the remaining descendants of Nimrod who was the leader of black Israel before he turned evil, were also amongst them.


It was the Israel of God that stood on Mount Sinai and said to Jehovah, we will do what you say; we will hear you and we will obey. That covenant (which is a spiritual marriage) that took place on Mount Sinai brought the nation of Israel into existence, and the marriage covenant, that which binds Jehovah to the Jewish people or to Israel is his law.


You cannot be married to Jehovah and violate his law. Of course you can do it temporarily, but if you continue to wilfully violate his law eventually the marriage will be dissolved, because we would have departed from him, not that he would have left us.  When we violate his law wilfully and unrestrainedly we depart from him.


I do not really know where the word Pentecost came from, but the Hebrew holiday of Shavuot is this week, I think it is on Wednesday 15 May (sunset May 14, 2013 - nightfall May 16, 2013 - Jewish Year 5773).


What happened on Shavuot after Jesus was resurrected and had left this world was that he sent down his Holy Spirit. It was not the Holy Spirit that is in the Church today that came down. I am not really sure what it was, but it was higher than what is in the Church today, that I am convinced off. The sign of it was that… I have a question in my mind so let me tell you the 2 possibilities in my mind.


I think what is commonly understood is that the Apostles spoke in many languages and there were many Jews there who were on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The Scriptures says you have to go to Jerusalem at least once a year. I think it is once a year. So there were Jews from all over and they each heard the Apostles speaking in their own language.


Up until now I have always thought that the sign of the grade of power that came down upon the Apostles on Pentecost was that they spoke in other languages, not in unknown tongues but in other languages.


But today with the spiritual training that we have been receiving, I really do not think that is what happened. I think that most likely the Apostles were speaking in their own language but that the message that they were giving was coming out of such a high place that all of the people who were listening heard it in their own language.


It was not that there were 12 Apostles there each speaking in a different language. They were speaking in their own language but the power that propelled the message, the spirit that propelled the message, had the authority to translate it into the native tongue of the person listening.


There was a power that came forth with the word. This power coming forth with this word that I preach here is seeding you all. It is seeding you with the word of God. If that seed has already penetrated Abel in you (which most likely it has if you are still here) then Christ is formed in you and is being fed.


If the seed that is coming forth out of the spirit that is saying the words has already penetrated Abel in you, and Christ the first sephirah of malchut is founded in you,  then the seeds that fall upon you are feeding the young Christ in you. In that day, if God wants to bring in someone that did not speak English into this room, I am sure he could make them understand this word in their own language if he wanted to.


I am trying to tell you that the Apostles were speaking in their own language but the power of God that was present… I am not just speaking to you; there is a power of God that is present. And we are told in places in the New Testament that the power of God that was present added to the Church and did miracles.


It is the power of God that is present as we speak the word. That power then witnesses to the word by doing signs and wonders. The sign and wonder that the power of God did that day in Jerusalem was to let all of the visiting pilgrims hear what was being said in their own language. It was not the apostles that were speaking in other languages.


It is really interesting. I am signed up for an online class. It is given by a rabbi. I signed up months ago I just do not have time to do everything I would like to do. There are so many classes I would like to take and I cannot do it. This rabbi gives a class every Sunday morning on the internet.


Last week I attended his class. It was only the second time that I had attended, and I signed up months ago. This morning I did not have much of a message so I decided to log in and see what he is teaching. He was teaching on Shavuot which the Christians call Pentecost.


The message was everything that I preach here, brethren. It was about the giving of the law and what it meant. He was preaching on the marriage of Jehovah to Israel, and he was relating it to what happened when Jehovah married Moses. Jehovah came down upon Mount Sinai and said to Moses come up into the mount. Jehovah descended and Moses had to ascend to meet him. That is what we read about in the book of Thessalonians, we have to rise to meet him.


Moses could never have risen to meet him without the invitation. Jehovah came down and Moses rose to meet him. In our Alternate Translation of Exodus Chapter 32, we say that Moses came down with an additional heart. He came down with the heart of God. He came down with Christ in him.


The whole plan of God, the intention of God for us is for the higher world to be joined to the lower world, that there should be no separation between heaven and earth, and that requires a marriage. So the rabbi was talking a little bit about marriage.


He was talking about the difference between men and women. He said men are required to be able to control their emotions. Some of us are a little concerned that they are feeling dead inside. At least there is one person that I know off. This person told me that he is feeling dead inside. I had to tell him that I went through the same thing, and I still have moments of that same thing. It is the death process. It is the dying of the emotional woman which we are.


All of mankind, female and male bodies, are all spiritual women. In the natural world I think women tend to be more emotional than men. However it is not always the case but that is the stereotype. The man is required to not live out of his emotions, but to live out of his intellect. That is what happened to me.


I still get emotional sometimes but compared to what I used to be I am very intellectual and my emotions do not get ruffled too often. I do not want them stirred up too often, because when my emotions get stirred up it pulls me down out of the mind of God. My intellectualism is in the mind of God.


We just came out of a conference where we have been maligned for not jumping and screaming and yelling. Brethren, I did that for years. I had my tambourine and I jumped and I screamed and I yelled and I went out in the spirit and I laid on the floor. I did all that.


I have been there and done that, and I have moved on. The whole problem with these well-meaning people is that they do not understand that there is something else coming. They think that they have got it all.


My prayer for myself and for everyone who listens to me or who studies under me is that we should never think that we have it all. We do not have it all. As long as there is any drop of death in us, we do not have it all.


Until we become fully immortal beings, not the beings of the 6th day which is the return to immortality of innocence, but the 7th day when we are immortal because we have actually become righteous, until that day, we do not have it all. And even then we would not know it all because the word of God and the entire spiritual realm is infinite.


How sad, how sad. I am not putting these people down; I am trying to educate you all. Do not ever think that you have got it. Do not think that this ministry has arrived. Do not think that I have arrived. There are 1 or 2 people here that have that tendency. Do not think that.


Do not think that the Doctrine of Christ is where it is at. We are so low down, you have no idea. To think that you have the max and therefore you are a teacher of everyone when God has not appointed you as a teacher, is the epitome of pride.


In the case of these people, they are shooting themselves in the foot with that belief. I pray that no one that studies under me should ever be caught in that trap. We do not teach anybody unless it is God teaching through us, otherwise shut your mouth and listen and learn. You are a student. You need to learn, I need to learn.


I am listening to Rabbi Miller (that is his name) on the internet today and the whole lesson was about how the male is required by God to remain in his intellect. This is the requirement for a good marriage. This is not a commandment, from God. He is not saying you must do this. This is what you need to do if you want to have peace in your marriage.


The man is required to remain in his intellect. In other words if your wife is screaming her head off you are supposed to remain in your intellect. Emotionalism on the part of the man is not acceptable, and that includes leaving the house and slamming the door, or just leaving the house.


You are required to stay in your intellect and minister to your hysterical wife, if she is hysterical.  Have you got it, guys? Good. The woman is required to submit to the man when he says, calm down dear. You are required to submit so that the 2 of you come into a rational communication to solve the problem.


If you have 2 people either screaming at each other or 1 of them leaves the house, you will never solve the problem. If you have 2 people in their intellect, it might work if it is the intellect of God. If one of the people is in the intellect of the carnal mind and is hindering communication it would not work.


You need at least 1 person in their Christ mind and the other person (the word that he used was responsive, not submissive) needs to be responsive to the man’s efforts to solve the problem in a calm rational way.


From there he went on to explain that God is the male, and he must descend and come down to where the female is, because the female cannot come up to respond to the efforts of the male. I actually thought of letting you listen to it but he used a lot of… I do not know.


If I run out of things to say, if you are interested I might let you see it but some of you have told me from time to time that you have trouble understanding what the rabbi has to say. We shall see.


If the Lord ends this message early, which he may or may not, I will play it for you.  I just have a short topic, although who knows what it would turn into. If we end early, and there is at least one person that wants to watch it, I will play it for you.


His whole one hour lecture really was on how God comes down, and the female has to come up, and about the marriage, and how this is what happened on Mount Sinai, and this is the holiday of Shavuot.


He was talking about the joining of heaven and earth and how it is really not possible for 2 complete opposites to join together but in God it is possible. He could have been preaching right in this meeting.


He talked about how it happened in Moses, how Moses was both God and man but not THE God, but he was both God and man… he could have been talking about Jesus … and that this is what the Lord wants for us.


What he did not say, is that the problem is, from a Jewish point of view (this is my comment), Israel or Judah today has not figured out how to ascend up to God to meet him there, and the few times that they have ascended, they have fallen down.


We need to ascend and latch on to the anchor. Jesus is the one who is anchored up there. He can never fall down again.


I thought I had more to say about that but I guess I do not, other than to say this. I have been thinking for the last couple of years that if something is going to happen in the natural to the Israel of God, there is a possibility that it might happen on one of the Jewish holidays. I thought that in the last 2 Yom Kippurs and the last 2 Rosh Hashanahs, but nothing happened.


I am not saying that anything is going to happen this time, but I just find it very interesting that the only message that I have for you today is about the son being born, which was fulfilled in Jesus, and the seed coming down, which is now being fulfilled through Jesus, in Christ in us. And that the rabbi’s message that I watched today was about the marriage. I do not know that you would learn anything new if I played it for you; it was just interesting to hear it from another source.


I am thinking that it is a possibility that God may do something that would obviously affect us on one of the Jewish holidays. It is interesting that the only message that I have for you today is on the Scripture Isaiah Chapter 9 Verse 6, and to talk to you about Pentecost. And I am explaining to you that Pentecost is the giving of the law and the marriage of God to the Israel of God. Would it not be nice if something happens this Wednesday? Well, we will find out.


The significance of the Holy Spirit coming down on the day of Pentecost was God coming down into the earth.  Again, this was not the Holy Spirit that is in the Church today. It was a much more powerful manifestation. It came out of Binah. The Holy Spirit that came down on the day of Pentecost came out of Binah. The Holy Spirit in the Church today, I believe, is coming out of the Malchut of the glorified Jesus Christ.


The significance of the Holy Spirit coming down on the day of Pentecost was God coming down into the earth. When Israel became a nation, Jehovah came down to the top of the mount and asked Moses to come up there and meet him in the middle. It was just one man. Then Moses brought down the law to the rest of Israel.


But on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came all the way down to the earth. Of course the Apostles were ascended in their knowledge but the Holy Spirit came all the way down to the earth.


The fact that everybody that was there heard the Apostles’ message in their own language, as I explained it to you earlier, was due to the presence of the power of God. The power of God enabled them to hear it in their own language. That meant that whoever was there was touched by the power that was pouring out as tongues of fire upon the Apostles.


They were touched by it. They may very well have received the seed of Christ. This is what came to me. The first aspect of the marriage came to two thousand years ago. God descended into the earth, and now we have to ascend up. We all want the marriage as long as it is not going to kill us. God wants it; we want it.  We just do not want to die getting married.


God descended by his Holy Spirit two thousand years ago and he is waiting for us to meet him in the air. He has been waiting for two thousand years. Those of us here that have been studying esoteric doctrine faithfully for many years are ascended. The question is, are we ascended enough to make some kind of permanent contact, because right now we have a temporary contact.


The measure of Christ that visits us or that dwells with us is identified as the son and the daughter. They only come together on the weekend. They are married but they only come together on the weekend. The weekend does not necessarily mean Saturday or Sunday. The weekend is whenever the Lord Jesus descends and joins with Christ in you. That is when the weekend or the Sabbath day is. That is the lower marriage of Zeir Anpin and Christ in the individual. It is not permanent.


We are waiting for the permanent marriage, the marriage of the Lord Jesus who is at the grade of Binah. What is coming down to us now is the son, Zeir Anpin. I do not exactly know what comes down when I preach like this but my understanding is that Chesed is the highest grade that is coming down. We talked about it in the first message.


It is the son of God who comes down and teaches through us every time we meet. He comes only once a week, on the Sabbath. We are waiting for the grade of Binah to come down and permanently join with the Christ in us. The name of God associated with Binah is understanding, the personality is mother. However, there is a special name that is associated with the mother at the grade of Binah; it is called the Shekinah.


The Shekinah is the mother aspect of Binah and her destiny is to travel through her son until she reaches her daughter, Malchut. The connecting channels between the sephirot in the Tree of Life zigzag. So she passes through her son until she reaches her daughter, Malchut. The destiny of this aspect of Binah is to join permanently with the daughter and manifest the Shekinah in the earth through the daughter and through us.


The ultimate union of the grade of Binah with the grade of Malchut is the destiny, certainly, of Malchut. I think Binah has more than one function, but it is certainly the destiny of Malchut. We need a permanent union and that permanent union is not coming from the son. It is coming from the grade of mother. That is what we are waiting for.


That union (as we mentioned in a recent message) will open up this highway. It is a spiritual highway that Isaiah talks about.


Isaiah 35:8 

And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.



It will be a permanently open channel for the unlimited power of God to flow into this earth. With that will come both eternal life and the judgement of God. The wisdom that comes through Binah comes with judgement.


The wisdom that comes through Chesed does not require judgment but the person has to be purged before it comes through Chesed. If the wisdom comes without judgement it will destroy us. Either it will be corrupted in our mind or our pride will go through the sky and we would be destroyed because of pride.


Therefore, that kind of wisdom must come with judgment. When great wisdom comes, great judgment comes with it.


That is what happened on Pentecost. God descended, now, he is waiting for us to come up. We have a measure of wisdom here. I do not know what the requirement is. I do not even know for sure that in the day that God marries some of us, that it will happen at the time of the Jewish holiday. I am just thinking that it is a possibility, but I do not know for sure.


For your information, Wednesday is Pentecost, and the reason that the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost is that it was the next step in the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. Shavuot is the Jewish holiday that commemorates the giving of the law from Jehovah to Israel and the giving of the law was a marriage present. The giving of the law sealed the covenant of marriage.


The Holy Spirit came on the holiday of Shavuot which they call Pentecost (at the moment I am not sure why it is called Pentecost). That was the next step in Jehovah’s plan to create a permanent union between God and mankind. The Holy Spirit came down, not on one man, but on 12 Apostles, and it came down in a form that could be transferred to other people.


Also that was the beginning of the seed as we read in Isaiah Chapter 9 Verse 6 and discussed in the exhortation. First the child is given, which was fulfilled in Jesus. Then the seed of the child comes down to the rest of humanity. The child was given. The man was glorified. Moses was the type of it. And now the seed came down with tongues of fire on the day of Pentecost, the fulfilment of the second phrase.


This is Pentecost more than 2000 years later.  Will this year be the year that we will see a permanent connection formed between the Lord Jesus Christ when he comes down and Christ in man? Would that not be wonderful? We will see. I cannot get to excited though; I have to stay in my intellect. And besides, who knows whether it will happen this year. It will happen whenever it happens.


That is the connection between Pentecost and the Jewish holiday of Shavuot.


I think that is all I have to say about that. Does anybody have any questions or comments on that?


COMMENT:  When you said tongues of fire, the word sparks lit up in my head. Does it have any connection?


PASTOR VITALE:  Sparks is the word that Rabbi Luria uses. Yes, it does, actually. That is the word that Rabbi Luria uses with regard to the residue of the soul. He says that Adam broke into 600,000 limbs, and each limb broke into unlimited or infinite roots, and each root broke into infinite sparks. That is the word that Rabbi Luria uses.


Each of us has a spark; no human being as far as I know is imbued with a whole soul. We are not whole beings; we are only partial beings. To be a whole being, to be complete, you have to have a spiritual man. We all spiritually female and we are not complete unless we are spiritually married and we have a mature spiritual man fully, permanently joined to us. That is what completes us.


I would say that is what the sparks refers to, the seeds that came down. I said that earlier. So the tongues of fire came down in a form that could be spread to other people. What Moses came down with was the law.


As far as I know, he did not have the ability to share his experience with the other people. I do not think that there is any indication in the Scripture at all that Moses had the ability to share his experience with the people. He gave them the law so that they could be convicted of their sins, and they almost killed him, as you know. They gave him a very hard time.


That is really all that I have to say about this.


05/30/2013-Transcribed by mml

04/04/2015-Final Edit by mml


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