531 - Part 3

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.


I want to read you another section on this timeline. We are up to the year 1270, doesn't say whether it is BC or not. 12th Century, so I guess that is AD.


Kabbalist, Moses deLeon, 12th Century, with the prohibition against public learning of Kabbalah still in force. So there was a public prohibition against the learning of Kabbalah, and you know what I thought of when I read this? The two apostles, I don't remember which two it was, being told you cannot preach in that name. Does anyone know who that was? Was it Peter or was it Paul, being told you cannot preach in that name? I think it was Peter. He was with a second apostle, and they put them in jail because they continued to teach in that name.


So I'm am personally surprised to hear that there was a Rabbi named Moses deLeon in the 12th Century, well, I think this public prohibition was maybe from the other Rabbi Schimeon Ben Jochai...well, that was the first century. Well, I don't know where this is coming from, but I am just going to read to what's here because I don't want to spend too much time on it.


There was a public prohibition against the teaching of Kabbalah. Does anybody know why there would be a public prohibition against the teaching? In never really got it when I read in the New Testament that, I think it was Peter, who was told, you cannot preach in that name. I never understood why. Does anybody know why there would be a public prohibition against teaching Kabbalah? Why?


COMMENT: I would say fear.


PASTOR VITALE: Fear of what?


COMMENT: Fear of the truth to be exposed.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, why wouldn't they want the truth to be exposed? Does anybody have any idea?


Brethren, there is power in this word. I really believe that the Lord is moving to bring the promised power into this ministry. He started prophesying it about 6 or so months ago. We were just getting prophesy after prophesy after prophesy. Do you remember that? That the power was coming forth? And I think this is going to be the vehicle of it. I don't understand it fully, but I know that the history of Kabbalah is that there is spiritual power associated with it.


Now I don't know from this notation who prohibited the Kabbalah. Maybe it was the rabbis that prohibited it, I don't know, I don't have enough information here, but I know that in Eastern Europe in the years preceding Hitler's rise, the rabbis, and even today the rabbis will not teach Kabbalah. It is very hard to find a rabbi that will teach Kabbalah. In general, they don't teach it. They don't want any part of it, and I could never understand it.


It is because spiritual power arises out of the study of Kabbalah, and if you don't know....now what does that mean? Who is right? How is the spiritual power rising? What happens that gives someone spiritual power? What has to happen to you for you to start manifesting spiritual power? Who is rising in you?


COMMENT: Could be the enemy Leviathan, or the ones that are Christians, or the ones in the Lord it would be Christ Jesus, the Glorified Lord Jesus.


PASTOR VITALE: Anybody else?


COMMENT: My guess is Cain and Abel.


PASTOR VITALE: OK, what name do they go by when they are ascending?


COMMENT: The Fiery Serpent.


PASTOR VITALE: The Fiery Serpent.


The difference between Cain and Abel and the Fiery Serpent is this. When Cain and Abel are manifesting as one, when they are in such complete accord that there is one man engraved with the Dragon's nature, they take the name of the Fiery Serpent. They separate out into Cain and Abel when the Abel part of Cain and Abel starts responding to the Spirit of Christ and having a different thought than Cain has. So when Cain and Abel are in complete agreement so that there is one man with the Dragon's nature, they are called the Fiery Serpent, and as soon as Abel starts thinking or responding to the thoughts of Christ, they are no longer the Fiery Serpent but the Lord starts dealing with them as Cain and Abel. Everybody OK with that?


The Fiery Serpent, brethren, is the part of mortal man that ascends, and, as she ascends, we arise into spiritual power. What determines whether we arise into the Dragon's spiritual power or the Lord Jesus' spiritual power? Does anybody know the answer to that? What determines whose power that Fiery Serpent ascends into?


COMMENT: Who we are serving.


PASTOR VITALE: No, give me an answer please.


What determines whose power we rise in is which channel the Fiery Serpent ascends in. If she ascends in Leviathan's timeline, we arise in the Dragon's power or Satan's power, and if she ascends in the timeline of Christ Jesus, we arise in the power of the Spirit of Christ. So it is very, very easy to get the Fiery Serpent to ascend in a mortal man. It is very simple. If it doesn't matter to you which channel she ascends in, just start reading your astrology charts, start looking at tarot cards, and you are going to stimulate your Fiery Serpent, but she's not going into Christ Jesus' timeline.


Spiritual activity of the mind that's directed toward spiritual things will stir the Fiery Serpent. It can be the Doctrine of Christ or it could be horror movies on TV. The Fiery Serpent gets stirred up; therefore, the person who desires to become spiritual and wields spiritual power with safety, and the only way you can do that with safety is to be wielding the spiritual power of the Lord Jesus, that person must be prepared before the Fiery Serpent starts to rise or she is going to rise and do whatever she wants. She is going to rise, and she will rise as a part of your sin nature, and she will manifest sin through you. Sinful thoughts that will result in sinful behavior.


The Fiery Serpent is our spiritual potential. She is our potential to manifest spiritual power, and if she is not directed, she defaults to Leviathan's timeline. If you don't direct her, if you don't get out that ox goad or that cattle prod and start tapping her, she's going right up into Leviathan's timeline, and she's going to marry Leviathan, and you are going to have ascended spiritual power in the Dragon's nature, which may be good at the moment, but the end of it is death.


So I was asking you why this prohibition against preaching Kabbalah? Because, apparently, a lot of people and a lot of Jews in mediaeval times were studying Kabbalah, and I don't know why she wasn't directed into the right channel. I don't know whether the people failed to confess their sins and repent or their teachers didn't prepare them properly, but I believe the Lord has told me that a lot of Jewish people in the mediaeval days, and perhaps Christians later on, ascended in the Dragon's timeline after studying Kabbalah, and that they were hurt by it.


Nostradamus was a Jew, and Kabbalah started in France. He was a French Jew, and I do not believe that the Fiery Serpent ascended into the righteous timeline in Nostradamus. I do not believe his prophecies are of God. So when we study spiritual pursuits, it stirs up our Fiery Serpent, and, depending on your condition, some people are more sensitive to spirituality, she will go scrambling up to the crown center if she can.


If you are not prepared for her, or if you are not under a teacher who is watching you closely to warn you if she is going in the wrong direction, before you know what happened to you, you are going to be practicing witchcraft, and the judgment for witchcraft is severe. It is death. Of course, we all die anyway, but it brings severe problems into the life of the practitioner. Aside from disease and death, it can bring insanity. So there was a public prohibition against studying Kabbalah. It doesn't say here who made that prohibition. The prohibition against the public learning of Kabbalah still in force, the Zohar manuscripts of Rabbi Schimeon Ben Jochai are hidden away after his passing.


I forgot what I wanted to put on this tape. I wanted to point out to you by listening to the answer of the brethren here how Satan blinds us into thinking that spiritual ascension is only in Christ Jesus. Every single one of you were blinded to the reality that mortal man defaults to spiritual ascension in the Dragon. We have to fight and study and confess our sins and practice a rigorous program of pursuing God to turn that Fiery Serpent into the righteous timeline. She is like a wild stallion untamed, and Satan works with her and blinds us into thinking that every manifestation of spiritual ascension is God, and the church is filled with little witches, practicing witchcraft because they think every spiritual experience they have is God, and they are also victimized by false prophets. And evangelists who come with the wrong spirit. I'm talking about the people in the church now. They are victimized because they think that every spiritual sign that they see must be of God, especially if it is inside a church. God help us.


All I can do is tell you the truth. You all have to get before God and find out how come you didn't know this. You have been listening to me preach it for nine years. Am I mad at you for my own sake? No, but I am frustrated because I am not with you 24 hours a day. How are you going to survive this? I don't mean to condemn you, but I don't know what to say to you all. I strongly exhort you to get on your face before God, that you don't even know that witchcraft exists.


Interestingly, the master Kabbalist, R. Jochai, wrote in the Zohar that this period of concealment of the Kabbalah would last for 1200 years, starting from the time of the destruction of the holy temple in Jerusalem. The temple was actually destroyed in the year 70 BCE. That's Before the Common Era. Remarkably, a great Spanish Kabbalist by the name of Moses deLeon finds the original Zohar manuscripts buried in a case in Israel in the year 1270, 1200 years later as the Zohar itself anticipates.


The prophecy was made in the year 70, and the Zohar manuscripts were found in 1270, 1200 years apart. The recent discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in our century pales in comparison to the unearthing of the Zohar in terms of spiritual significance. The Kabbalist, Moses deLeon, publishes the Zohar manuscripts, producing the Zohar in a printed book format for the first time in history. Of course, this was in Hebrew.


I find this so interesting that the Lord has brought us into Kabbalah at this time. First of all, the book that we are working with, The Tree of Life by Isaac Luria, was just published in English in 1999, just a year ago, and another thing is that I was just getting to a place in my translating where I realized that there was a mother and a father on the Christ side, and I was puzzled as to who they were. As we all know here, we know that there is a mother and a father on Satan's side. Who is the mother and father on Satan's side?


COMMENT: Satan is the father, and Leviathan is the mother.




PASTOR VITALE: That'S right, but who are they the mother and father of?


COMMENT: The Fiery Serpent.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Fiery Serpent.


So I am finding out that we, and I realize this, before the Lord led us to this study that we seem to have more information about Satan's side than about the Christ side, but I observe a lot of things. It didn't alarm me, I just did take note of it, and I didn't really think much about it, and just maybe a couple of weeks or a month before the Lord led me to this study in Kabbalah, I was doing a translation where, as I was working on it, it became obvious to me that there was a mother and a father on the Christ side. And I didn't know what name to amplify in, so I think I came to the conclusion that Elohim was the father and Adam was the mother, but I was aware that there were a lot of roles, mother, father, son, roles, on the Christ side that I really did not know the name for. Even the married Christ Jesus to the Glorified Jesus Christ, I've told you quite a few times that the only thing that I can think of is King Christ, and I really didn't like that. It sounds too much like King Kong to me.


I knew that my knowledge of the Christ side must wasn't where it should be, but I wasn't concerned about it, I was just aware of it, and almost immediately after I came to this translation where I realized that there was a mother and a father on the Christ side, and I didn't know who it was, the Lord leads me to Kabbalah, and I see that Kabbalah is....well, let me say this another way. When I first even started talking to you about it, maybe even Part 1 of this message, I thought that Kabbalah and the Doctrine of Christ were pretty much the same doctrine, but they are not. They are two parts of one great doctrine.


Now, the Lord has told us here that Christ Jesus is linear, that the family of Christ is linear, and that means that they move in a linear pattern, and that the Dragon's family is spirilline or circular. They move in circular patterns, and that is how the Spirit of Christ is the needle that can pass through the fabric of creation which is the tapestry that is woven in a spirilline pattern. So the Lord gave us that revelation here, and in Lurianic Kabbalah, Lurianic from the name Isaac Luria, in Lurianic Kabbalah, it is acknowledged that there are two aspects of the creation, the linear and the circular. I am told in my studies that Lurianic Kabbalah deals like 99% with the linear aspect of the creation. They have information, they know that there is a negative side of the creation.


Of course, I haven't read the whole work yet, but from what I read in the introduction, they definitely know there was a fall, they definitely know there is a negative side, they definitely know that there are negative influences that we have to be defended against, but the degree of knowledge that we have in the Doctrine of Christ about the negative side, I don't think that they have it. I haven't read all of the books yet, but from what I see I would be very surprised if they have the knowledge that we have about the other side. But Lurianic Kabbalah has knowledge that we do not have about the linear side, and I find in this very interesting book, The Tree of Life, who the mother and the father are on the Christ side. And I not only find out who the mother and the father are, but I have a lot of other information along that line. Does anyone not understand what I'm talking about?


On the negative side, we know who the arm is, we know who the hand is, we know who the fingers are, we know who Pharaoh is, we know who the Dragon is. We have a lot of information on the negative side. We only have a limited amount of information on the positive side, and the Lord is showing me that Lurianic Kabbalah is the work-up of the complement of the Doctrine of Christ. It is the work-up of the positive, linear side, and so it is not the same thing as the Doctrine of Christ, but it is the complement of the Doctrine of Christ. The two doctrines go together, and now the Lord has given us this opportunity to study the work which is a fantastic work on the positive side of the creation.


Now, I want to make something very clear to you. The Lord has a very clear order. In His timing and at His sole discretion, He will teach, the Glorified Jesus Christ, will teach directly to a mortal man who becomes a teacher, and either he writes himself or in the case of Isaac Luria, he had a student that wrote up all the material, and once the Lord Jesus brings this material forth in recorded or written form, He no longer teaches directly to a mortal man. So, the Lord is not going to teach me directly on the linear side of the creation because He has already done that, and it is in a book. Although, all the Hebrew books have not been translated yet, many of them have.


Now it is a possibility that, if at the time that I absorb all of the Hebrew books on Kabbalah that are translated, and I've really got the message, and the Lord wants to move me on, He may teach me directly if I cannot get ahold of translations of the Hebrew. But I would be more inclined to believe that He's going to bring in translations of the Hebrew. Although, there are five or seven volumes, and I am sure it just takes years to do one volume. But, I'm not thinking in those lines, I'm just trying to explain something to you.


That is why a lot of people just get upset that I am getting all this revelation directly from the Lord Jesus, and they have to get it from a teacher. There is a lot of people in the church that are just really upset over this, and a lot of preachers that are really upset over it. But this is the way God works, and I've got this revelation that Lurianic Kabbalah has the teaching on the linear aspects of the creation, and I'm going for it. I'll take it from the book, and if the Lord put me under a human teacher, I would go under a human teacher because I want this knowledge. I'll tell you, it is a great blessing to know how God works. It is a great blessing to know that once it is in a book, He doesn't teach you as a spirit. He doesn't teach you in a spiritual relationship once it is in a book, He's doesn't.


So, I thank God for this knowledge. Now it looks at the moment, it looks like Lurianic Kabbalah is much more extensive, there is much more knowledge than the Doctrine of Christ. Now, I may find out that is not true. It may turn out that Lurianic Kabbalah has all kinds of rules and laws of interpretation that are written down that I have received by the spirit of revelation. But, then again, it may turn out that the Lurianic Kabbalah just is much more detailed than the Doctrine of Christ. It could turn out either way. I won't be able to tell you probably for a couple of years because this is a very deep study. We are going to be in it for a long time.


Lurianic Kabbalah has, the figure is either 248 or 258 body parts. We talk about the hand, we talk about the arm, we talk about the fingers, 248 body parts? I can't even imagine 248 body parts. I've just been glancing through the book, and they talk about the beard. There are three parts to the beard. 248 body parts? What do you use this for? You use it to interpret the Scripture, and the Lord has already given me a taste of it, and it is very exciting.


I did a scan in the Interlinear Text today of the account of Elisha, according to the King James, laying on top of the little boy and breathing into him, and the little boy sneezing and coming back to life, and just with the one or two little bits of information that I picked up so far, I got a very exciting understanding that I could have never gotten without this little bit that I've gotten so far. And, of course, it is nothing at all like the parable. Did it ever happen? Did the parable ever physically happen? I don't know, but the spiritual message is very sating. Do you want to know what the spiritual message is behind that whole account?


First of all, the woman is not named, her husband is not named, the child is not named. What does that mean? No personal name for a husband, wife or child. What does that mean?


COMMENT: It is Leviathan, or the Fiery Serpent.


PASTOR VITALE: Anybody else? Want to try and answer? What does it mean when there is no personal name?


COMMENT: It is a parable.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, that's close. You know xxxxx, this keeps happening with you, you keep having the answers, and I think you are wrong, and then I think about it, and I said, no, she's right. Yes, it is true that it is a parable.


You are right, actually you are right. It is talking about, when there is no personal name, the Scripture is talking about spiritual principles, and in this case, though, I think it was talking about....see, the reason the woman wasn't named is that, in my opinion, it really wasn't a particular woman, but, according to the parable, it was a human woman. Not a woman, I think it was a man, personally, but a spiritual female. It was a spiritual female, and the account is a parable of the experience that a spiritual female has when Christ is imparted to her. So, it could have been a physical man or a physical woman, but it was a spiritual woman, her husband was Leviathan, you are right, and just to make this very short, she sought out the man of God, Elisha, and I definitely didn't do this in depth. I asked the Lord if He would let me do this translation. I hope to do it, but I am not yet prepared because I ran ahead in this book, and I didn't take any notes. I ran ahead in the Tree of Life, Isaac Luria's Tree of Life, but I did not take any notes, and when I looked at this account in the Scripture in the Interlinear Text, I recognized certain words that I could interpret if I could just remember what they meant, but I didn't take any notes, and I went looking through The Tree of Life, and I couldn't find it.


So I have to wait until I do some more reading in The Tree of Life and takes notes this time, and I am really hoping that the Lord will let me translate it because it is very exciting. It is a story about a mortal person who is married to Leviathan, who still recognizes the Prophet of God even though he or she is married to Leviathan, and I don't know exactly what he did or what she did. The parable said that she made a room for him. I'm not sure about that. Maybe she made a room for him, I don't know. And then, one day the Lord sent Elisha to say to the woman, what would you like me to do for you, you have carefully pursued the man of God, what can I do for you? And the woman said to him, believe it or not based on the King James Translation, the woman said to him, I would like you to divide me from my people and join me to I Am.


God asked her, He was ready to grant her one wish, and she asked to be separated from Leviathan and married to I Am. The child is not named, brethren. I will give him a name. Christ. She got Christ, brethren. And the man of God imparted Christ to her, and said to her, are you at peace? Brethren, the only peace, the only peace is when Leviathan, when all of your enemies are put down, then you have peace. When Christ Jesus rules in Godly power, in loving, merciful power and authority, every time Leviathan raises up her head, she gets stepped on. That is the peace of God, and that is the Gospel of Peace.


The Lord Jesus is kind to his enemies, but He is always in control. So the woman received Christ, but she was still a carnal woman, and Leviathan was alive and well in her and she said to the man of God, yea, I'm fine, and the man of God left, and what do you think happened after he left? What do you think happened after he left?


Well when the man of God left, Leviathan got out from under Christ. This Shunammite, a physical male or physical female, I will say the spiritual female Shunammite, Elisha said to her, is everything under control? I gave you Christ, Leviathan's put down, is everything under control? And the Shunammite said, hey, man I don't need you Elisha. Now I'm exaggerating so that you can see this. She said, I'm OK man, I've got it. And Elisha says, OK, I'll see you. She didn't realize, that spiritual female didn't realize that Elisha was joining his spirit to the Christ that he imparted to her, and that Christ in her was not strong enough to hold that Leviathan down, and that Fiery Serpent down.


So Elisha left, and the Shunammite woman got the message pretty fast. She was about to be over turned. See Christ in her was on top of the Fiery Serpent, but the Fiery Serpent was strengthened by Leviathan, and Christ was about to be buried by whom? When Christ is imparted to us, who is He grafted to? What part of us is He grafted to? No, it is not the human spirit. You are close, but it is not the human spirit. He's grafted to the Fiery Serpent. Now what part of the Fiery Serpent is He grafted to? What part of the Serpent is Christ grafted to?


COMMENT: Spiritual sexual part?


PASTOR VITALE: No. What's the answer?






As soon as Christ comes on the scene to be grafted to the Fiery Serpent, the Fiery Serpent ceases to be the Fiery Serpent and becomes Cain and Abel. The Fiery Serpent is only the Fiery Serpent when Cain and Abel are so in agreement that they are one man. As soon as Christ comes in and grafts to Abel, Abel rebels against Cain, and they are no longer of one mind, and now they are called Cain and Abel.


So the Christ that was covering the Fiery Serpent in the Shunammite woman, actually, I would have to say to be accurate, that Christ joined to Abel and rose up and covered Cain in the Shunammite woman, and Cain was joined to Leviathan who is protected by Satan. The Shunammite woman did not realize that it was Christ Jesus, and I'm using New Testament terms now because that is what you are used to, she did not recognize that it was Christ Jesus in Elisha that was strengthening Christ in Abel in her. So Elisha left.


You see, there is no time or space in the spirit, so Elisha could have still been strengthening Christ in Abel in the Shunammite woman even though he, geographically, went away. What was the problem? How come Cain was finding the strength to bury Abel again? What was the problem there? How come Cain started to rise up and bury Abel again? How come Christ in the Shunammite could not hold Cain down?


Sin, brethren. What was her sin?




PASTOR VITALE: Yes, pride.


She thought she could do it by herself. So Elisha went home. You think Elisha didn't know what was going to happen? He knew what was going to happen. Why do you think he knew what was going to happen? Because the same thing happened to him. Do you remember? Elijah told Elisha, I'm going to be glorified, and you have got a big trial coming, when I am no longer in the flesh to help you keep Leviathan under you. You are going to be tempted. Please be very careful, I want you to survive.


We did that translation, and Elijah kept saying this to Elisha, and Elisha kept answering him, the same God that preserved you will preserve me. He had faith, not in himself, but in Jehovah to keep him, and as soon as Elijah was glorified, Cain rose up, strengthened by Leviathan and Satan, rose up and tried to overturn Abel and Christ in Elisha, and, actually, Cain got out and was about to kill Christ when Elisha looked up and said, in so many words (this is paraphrasing), if you don't save me, I'm finished. And the glorified Elijah came shooting out from heaven and defeated Leviathan and Satan and stabilized Elisha.


So you see, Elisha had the same experience. He knew what was going to happen to the Shunammite woman. So Elisha went home, and. at some point, the spiritual woman, the Shunammite perceived deep within her spiritual being that Cain was overturning Abel, and she ran to Elisha, and she said to him, I admit that Abel is being overturned in me, and what Elisha did was raise the Christ child from the dead.


I can't wait to be prepared to do this study because the Scripture says he put his eyes to the child's eyes, and his nose to the child's nose, and his hand to the child's hand. I'm finding out through this study of Kabbalah that the power of God is compartmentalized, if you will. It is in different categories. I don't understand it yet. The only thing I know how to do is pray, but, according to this book, God's power exists in many different levels and in many different aspects and in many different facets. I think the most powerful in this particular case is what comes out of the eyes, the spirit of God that comes out of the eyes. Now it is not out of your human eyes, OK. This whole concept of Adam Kadmon, the primordial human is all a parable to help us understand what is so hard to understand.


The original ray of light that came from the Infinite One that entered into the creation is called Adam Kadmon, and we are being instructed in Adam Kadmon, the primordial human. We are being instructed by means of imputing human form to this great Infinite One, but He wasn't a human. He doesn't look like we look. It is just that it is impossible to understand this stuff because we are so ignorant, and our minds are like pea brains. So God has given us a parable, just like He has taught us about the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan and Pharaoh and spiritual Sodom. He's given us a parable in the linear side of the creation. This great energy force that entered into the creation, and it was a little stream of light that came from the Infinite One, and Adam Kadmon, himself, is infinite.


How could we possibly understand him? So the Lord gives us a parable and talks to us as if this Adam Kadmon is a human, but, by no means, is he human. He is an energy force. He is in immortal energy force, and, apparently, his energy can be compartmentalized into different aspects and different grades and different levels of power, and that is very important for us to know because the aspects of him that are very powerful might kill us. But I have to tell you, I do not understand how to lay hold of the power of God that comes out of the eyes of Adam Kadmon, and lay hold of the power of God that comes out of the nose of Adam Kadmon.


I don't know how to tell the difference, but I'm telling you that, that's the teaching, that there is one grade of the power of God that comes out of the eyes of Adam Kadmon, and another level of power that comes out of the nose of Adam Kadmon, and the ears, and the mouth. Eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Four different levels of power. Four different manifestations of power that can be identified within the great light that was imparted into this creation. I believe God is going to teach me how to tell the difference. Why would the Lord want to teach me how to tell the difference? Because, brethren, He is about to impart His power here. I believe He is about to impart it here.


Now when you have the Holy Spirit, there are people who have very intense anointing of the Holy Spirit, there are different degrees of anointing of the Holy Spirit. If you have heard that lie that it is the same Holy Spirit that everybody has, I'm telling you, you have received a lie because everybody does not. It is the same Holy Spirit, but everybody does not receive the same measure of the Holy Spirit, and if you would just open up your eyes and be honest you would know that there are some people that have miracle working power through the Holy Spirit. People get up out of wheelchairs, and they have all kinds of healings and miracles. I never experienced that when I was moving in the Holy Spirit. I cast out demons, but I never experienced any of that stuff. I never saw a cripple walk.


Well for the people who receive great power with the Holy Spirit, they don't really have to learn anything. It is a gift, brethren, it is a gift, brethren, it is a gift, brethren. They read their Bible like everybody else, they pray like everybody else, they probably fast, most people in the Holy Spirit fast, and I am sure to have an anointing like that, they must be committed to God to the best of their ability, and they stand up on the stage, and they preach, and God does exploits. Does anybody not agree with me that, that is how it works with the Holy Spirit?


Well, brethren, it doesn't work like that with the Spirit of Christ. Now don't be shocked at what I'm going to say. With the Spirit of Christ, you who wield the Spirit of Christ become a magician. That is not a bad word. Moses was a magician. To be a magician merely means that you wield spiritual power. You see, just like I have explained to you over the years the difference between the true prophesy and the gift of prophesy, so is the difference between the Holy Spirit and its miracles, and the Spirit of Christ and His miracles. Does anybody remember the difference between the true prophesy and the gift of prophesy? Can anyone tell us the difference?


I will help you. The Holy Spirit, although most Christians would be offended at what I am about to say, it is the truth. If you have the gift of prophesy by the Holy Spirit, you are channeling the Holy Spirit. Now channeling is an occult term, but I'm trying to make a point. The fact that the occult or people in the New Age or whatever use a particular term does not mean that Christians cannot use it, or that it is not true of Christians because spiritual is spiritual.


Maybe the spirit you are doing it by is Satan, and the spirit I'm doing it by is the Holy Spirit, but the manifestations are the same. Channeling is channeling, and channeling means that a human being yields up their vocal cords to a spirit and lets that spirit speak through them using their vocal cords and their mouth, and that they don't know what the spirit is going to say. They are not a party to what the spirit is going to say, they are just a channel, a messenger, a channel-er, a deliver of the message of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can speak through you and say things that you never even knew. He can say things beyond your ability to understand.


Not so, with the true prophesy. The true prophesy comes not from the Holy Spirit but from the man, Christ Jesus, inside of the mortal man. The true prophesy comes from the new man inside of you, and you are not channeling because the new man inside of you is in the image of Jesus Christ, and He has the wisdom of Jesus Christ and the knowledge and the understanding of Jesus Christ. So the true prophesy comes forth from a mortal man who is in the process of being converted into Christ Jesus and has a knowledge of what he is speaking about. He is not a channel-er. He fully understands what he's saying. See, the Scriptures says, you should not use the gift of prophesy unless your head is covered because of the angels. I don't hear any such warning towards the true prophesy of Christ Jesus.


Why? Because, the man that has Christ Jesus is the cover that is covering the spiritual woman that's doing the gift of prophesy, and Christ Jesus in the spiritual man is protecting that spiritual woman against the angel known as the carnal mind, the Dragon's angels. Did anybody not understand what I just said?


In the same manner, brethren, the healing and the deliverance and the miracles that come forth from the Holy Spirit, well, I have to change that. I was in deliverance for five years, and we did need knowledge, we studied deliverance for five years, but the healing and the miracles, and when someone gets up out of a wheelchair, or when the blind eyes open, the men who do those kind of miracles are just channels. Does anybody disagree with me? They are just channels. They don't know what they are doing.


No so when you heal by the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ does not heal through you as a channel. The healing and the miracles of the Spirit of Christ come forth in the same manner as the prophesy comes forth from the new man who is in the image of Jesus Christ within you. Christ Jesus within you, the healer, is a magician. Not a sorcerer. A sorcerer is an evil magician. Moses was a great magician. Does anybody not understand what I just said?


I believe that these studies in Kabbalah are the beginning of our training to wield the Spirit of Christ in miracle working power, and I tell you, I've got a lot of questions. I don't understand how you would lay hold of specific levels of energy in God and use them for specific functions. In other words, to heal a particular disease you would use a certain level of energy, and to heal another disease you would use another level of energy. I believe there are mixtures of the levels of energy. This is spiritual alchemy, and if you are doing it in the Spirit of Christ it is legal, and it is life giving. It is not destructive. You better make sure you are in the Spirit of Christ.


So I just can't wait to find this stuff out. I am so curious, and how exciting. It is a whole new stage of our education. Praise the Lord.


To get back to the Shunammite woman who found that Cain was rising up and overturning Abel, she ran for her life to the man of God, and said, don't let this happen to me, but it was too late, you see. Cain rose up and buried Abel and killed him, but Elisha was a magician, and I want to suggest to you that the child was a spiritual child within this spiritual woman, whether it was a physical male or female I don't know. Elisha did not physically lie upon the child. I used to read that Scripture and say, how could Elisha, a grown man, lie upon a child. First of all, he would crush him. Second of all, he must have been twice his size. It didn't even make any sense to me at all. Now if the Scripture had said that Elisha lay on his back and put the child on top of him and pressed him to him, I could see that.


But no, the King James says that Elisha lay upon the child. No, no, no. Elisha, through his knowledge that was imparted to him by Elijah, manifested the spiritual power of Adam Kadmon, which we are saying Christ Jesus, that level of power that came out of the eyes, and the level of power that came out of the nose. I think it was just the eyes, the nose, and the hands, I don't think it was the mouth, whatever. Elisha manifested those specific levels of power and raised the Christ child from the dead.


And you want to know what really fascinated me? I did not expect to go this way tonight, but I guess the Lord has everything under control. I was reading our book, I'm still on the introduction of The Tree of Life by Isaac Luria, and this is what I read. Talking about the Sefirot, the 10 Sefirot and please forgive me if I'm pronouncing these wrong, I'm not even sure how to pronounce this, but I feel comfortable with Sefirot. They are not mere numbers. There are 10 of them. They are metaphysical forces, they are powers, they are luminous emanations, the agents of deity. Do you know what that means, the agents of deity? The consciousness of God.


The consciousness of God desires to accomplish something and sends forth the Scripture will tell us, in parable form, He sent forth His arm. Why does the Scripture tell us He sent forth His arm? Because we have a problem understanding that He sent forth that compartment or that manifestation of His energy called understanding, called wisdom. It is just much easier to say, well He sent forth His arm and He healed them. He sent forth a manifestation, a particular grade of power.


So I'm reading this today. Right? And the next sentence is, while they are metaphysical forces, luminous emanations, the agents of the deity which Sefer Yetzirah, that's another book, drawing on the visual imagery of Ezekiel 1:14 describes as, they have the appearance of lightening. Now this is King James. They have the appearance of lightening, their limit has no end, and God's word in them is "running and returning." They rush about at His command like a whirlwind and prostrate themselves before His throne.


The Lord actually gave me this account that I just exhorted you on in II Kings 4:8, and in a couple of minutes I am going to show you how, after Elisha raised the Christ child from the dead, it says in the King James that the child walked to and fro. The child walked to and fro. I want to tell you that Elisha raised the Christ child from the dead, and the Christ child ran to and fro. This is talking about the vibratory activity of the energy of God, and it was the Christ child that rose from the dead, that vibrated as a spirit, and what a spirit does is it goes to and fro.


There is a whole chapter on this book. I looked ahead, and I don't get it so I went back to the beginning. I must have read 100 pages in this book, and I just went back to the beginning. I went past 100 pages, and all of a sudden I realized that I didn't know what I was talking about. So I could have gone back 10 pages, but I decided to go all the way back to the beginning. This is the third time I'm starting at the beginning, and I get more out of it every time.


So this concept of Ezekiel's glorified man running to and fro, we see the same principle in II Kings 4, and to me that is a very strong witness that it was the Christ child that was raised from the dead, and there are two different Hebrew words that are translated "child" in that account. I believe the first appearance of the word, but I could be wrong about that, is Strong's #1121, and that is definitely talking about the seed, the Christ seed. The second time the word child is referred to is a Hebrew word that means "lad," and I know the Lord gave me that when we did Abraham and Isaac. That word lad signifies the young Christ in a person.


The part of the account where the parable says, go get the child's mother...see, if I had not been instructed in what I have learned so far from The Tree of Life, I would not have known to make out of that because the only mother that I knew was Leviathan, the mother of the Fiery Serpent, but I now know that there is a level of God's power called "mother." God is both male and female. That's what He tells us in the Book of Genesis. Let us make man in our image, let us make them male and female. That means God is male and female. So that means that within God's powers, Adam Kadmon is the collective name or the name of the collection of all of the levels of power that was breathed into this creation. And there are many levels of power, and they overlap each other, and there is a level of power called "mother."


As interesting as it may be, the level of power called "mother" in the linear aspect of the creation, in the God aspect of the creation, is understanding. Understanding is the mother. So, God is male and female. The aspects of God in Adam Kadmon, they are continuously interacting with one another, and the female aspects of the Godhead can become impregnated and produce offspring. Now, I am very limited because I've just started to touch on this. So, if I am general, it is because I don't have any more information right now.


With this knowledge that I just recently acquired, that the mother on the linear side of the creation is understanding, it just fit absolutely perfectly into this translation of II Kings 4. Go get the child's mother, go and get understanding. Elisha said to the spiritual woman, go and get understanding so that this doesn't happen to you again. The Lord Jesus could go around imparting Christ to the whole world right now if He wanted to, but if the person or the people that have received Christ do not have understanding, Christ will surely die because as soon as Christ is grafted to us we become midwives. We become the midwives who are attending the birth of the Christ child, and if we don't know that we are a midwife or if we don't know what we are doing, that Christ child will die.


I did say I would go over II Kings with you, but I don't think the Lord wants me to do that tonight. I am looking forward in the near future to be able to translate it. It is quite a few verses, and it will be quite a study, but as I told you I have to find those definitions that are somewhere in this book. I've read 100 pages, and I'm on the re-read now. I'm just on the introduction. That means I haven't even gotten to Page 1 yet. So as the Lord leads me I would really like to do that translation as it just really excited me, and I am also looking forward to doing the translation in the Book of Proverbs where it talks about wisdom being here from the beginning.


Are there any questions about anything that I've said?


We are going to take a little information from the beginning of this book that I would like to impart to you. As I told you in, probably, the last message, that the Lord has instructed me to interweave this deep teaching out of the Tree of Life with Scripture because it is just too hard to just teach you right out of the book for an hour or two. I am sure it would just go right over your head, so I will be mixing it with the Scripture, and that is what the Lord just did.


So now let's take some of the tough stuff here. I'll read from the book here. This is talking about the contraction. Now I did tell you this, I believe it was on Part 2, Part 1 or Part 2. Lurianic Kabbalah believes that the creation, that means the whole creation, not just us, but all of the universes, all of the planets, all of the universes, all of the galaxies, all of the visible world, and all of the invisible worlds. Kabbalah talks about three invisible worlds, and I did mention them to you, but I think we will go over them again, that all of these worlds exist in a vacant space that came into existence, a vacant space in the midst of the Almighty, in the midst of the Unlimited One, the Un-namable One, the Great Eyn Sof, the great unknown. There is none greater than Him. He fills everything.


He centered Himself and from that center, He pulled Himself back in the form of a circle so that an empty space in the form of a circle came into existence, and into that empty space passed one threat of light, and that thread of light is called Adam Kadmon, the primordial human. It is called the contraction at the center of The Infinite.


In the Lurianic universe, all of these worlds and myriad others are both surrounded and permeated by The Infinite, that is the Eyn Sof. That means infinite. God as ultimate, absolute perfection, beyond all limits of time and space, unknowable and incomprehensible to human thought of imagination and beyond the power of any words to describe. The closest analogy we are able to use in referring to the Eyn Sof is the image of infinite light existing forever, without beginning or end, and extending endlessly in all directions. The infinite light of The Infinite, Eyn Sof in Hebrew.


The relationship between The Infinite and the finite worlds involves a series of stages beginning with an act of contraction within The Infinite itself. Did anybody not understand how I explained that to you?


Etz Chayyim, that's Hebrew for the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life describes how, when the will arose within The Infinite to create the worlds...see, this is how this whole creation came into being. The Infinite has a will. The will to create arose within The Infinite. He had a desire, a thought to create. How the will arose within The Infinite to create the worlds, four worlds, remember. Actually there are many worlds, there are myriads of worlds. I don't know if I put this on a tape or not.


There are four main worlds that he talks about here, but the teaching is that there are myriad, thousands upon thousands, tens of thousands of worlds, and when I first read that my mind really could not cope with it, but the Lord told me that these myriads of worlds that He created are in many forms. My carnal mind thought, well myriads of planets. No. Everyone of us is a world, and within us every organ is a world, and within us every cell of our body is a world, and that these worlds exist ad infinitum. It means they are infinite, they just keep on going.


The external world, the visible world, the galaxies, it is just continuously expanding. Astronomers all the time are finding new galaxies and new stars and new suns because the universe is still expanding, and as the physical universe is still expanding outward, our inner universe is still expanding inward, smaller and smaller and smaller. Now that is mind-boggling. I don't understand it, but I believe it. Every cell within us is a world. So I can deal with that when I read that The Infinite One created myriads upon myriads of worlds. I can deal with that.


It is very difficult dealing with this kind of thought, dealing with thoughts about things that are incomprehensible. So just do the best you can with it. It made it very tolerable for me, understanding that every cell of the body is a world, and we just have to accept the fact that, at this time, we just cannot understand everything. I don't think anybody understands everything at this time, but we cannot even understand the whole teaching of Lurianic Kabbalah at this time.


So we just learn a little bit. If we learn a little bit every time that we read, we are much more ahead, and it is not just the knowledge. Remember, when you study your ability to understand spiritual things is stretched, and that is even more important than the knowledge that you acquire. The most important thing is that you are expanded in your spirituality, and that you understand how to use this knowledge. All knowledge should have a practical expression. It should have some practical expression. It has to be working itself out in your life. It should be changing you, it should be making you a better person, and, as I mentioned in the on-line meeting on Wednesday, the Lord has shown me, absolutely clearly, how when your mind is on these high subjects, it is like a generator just churning inside of you, churning out this energy that manifests as a force field around you.


I will give you a testimony which is a humorous example of what I'm telling you. Did anybody notice that the anointing has just quadrupled in here? You noticed it, hallelujah. Xxxxx noticed the anointing, great, hallelujah. Oh, wow, that is wonderful, good news.


Well, I was out of state. Normally, I dye my hair. Anybody that doesn't like it, sorry about that. I dye my hair, and I usually do it myself. Well, I was out of state so I went to a beauty school to get my hair dyed, and they put the dye on my hair, and you have to sit with it for 35-40 minutes, and I had a spiritual book with me. I started reading my book, and all of a sudden I just feel this dye dripping down my neck. So, I got up off the chair, and I went looking for someone. Like I said, it was a school, so you didn't get the best attention, and I happen to walk into one of the teachers, and I said, can I have a piece of paper towel or something, this dye is running down my neck. She said, sure, and she came over and the wipes it, and then she says, oh, it is leaking over there too, and it is leaking over there, and it is leaking over there.


She said to me (she was alarmed), she said my goodness, I've never seen anything like this. You must have a very hot head. That's what she said to me. You must have a very hot head, and I thought it was strange, but over the months that followed, I did some experiments, and I find that when I use my mind, when I use the Mind of Christ while the dye is on my head, it starts to run. My head heats up, but if I'm just cooking or doing something else while I'm waiting for the 40 minutes to go, it doesn't leak down my neck. My head gets so hot that it melts the dye, and all I'm doing is reading a book. I'm not praying. I'm just reading a book.


Now, brethren, when our mind gets to the point that we are really thinking on a high level...now it is not just the words in the book. It is the energy center that you are in when you are thinking. See? It doesn't happen if you are thinking with your carnal mind, I don't think. Well, for me anyway, I know that I am in Christ. It is a dynamo, it is a generator churning and churning. There is power in the study of this word, and I remember, years ago, when the Lord had just pulled me out of the church that I discipled in and, unfortunately, there was a lot of resentment and envy towards me because of these gifts that the Lord had given me, and I was invited to a fellowship with people who still went to that church, so there were people at the fellowship that weren't too happy with me; although, the person who invited me obviously liked me, and somehow something was said, and I came up with a revelation on what was said, and the person who was present who wasn't too happy with me got very agitated, and she said to somebody else, well, so what, big deal, what's the practical application, so she has revelation?


Well, you know, at the time I didn't know what the answer was. All I knew was that it was good, and that it was from God, and that it made me feel really good when I pursued it. So I didn't say anything to that person, and that, brethren, was approximately 15-16 years ago. So it has taken me all this time, brethren, to get the revelation that studying the revelation of Christ Jesus in the Scripture, when you really put your mind on it, generates the armor of God upon you, and that you cannot put the armor of God upon you by saying every morning, I put on the gospel (whatever it is) on your feet, and I put on the helmet of salvation, and I put on the breastplate of righteousness. I now people who do that.


Well, maybe Jesus Christ is honoring that because you are still a spiritual baby. Jesus Christ honored me binding and loosing four pages of demons for a couple of years because that was all that I could do, but that doesn't mean that you have the armor of God on you, brethren. The armor of God is generated from second to second as the Mind of Christ thinks and manifests through you.


The Lord has taught us here that the armor of God is different than the aura that the people see with Satan's spirit. The aura that people see with Satan's spirit is the aura or the energy field that is given off by the physical and etheric body. I honestly don't know if there is an aspect that comes forth from the astral plane. I am not sure. And it vibrates forth from you, and, according to the picture of it that I've seen, it is like a big field of light surrounding you, but the armor of light is not like that. The armor of God is not bold, it is not vibrating far into all directions. The armor of God is very conservative, and it fits close to you. It is truly a breastplate. It is truly a helmet, close to your head. It is not vibrating in all directions, flashing back and forth.


I've heard accounts of the visitation of angels into this current revival that I perceive to be a false revival in the church today, and the angels are described as having energy fields around them, and their lights are flashing and glowing in all directions. Brethren, that is not the angel of the Lord. The angel of the Lord comes in an outfit that fits close to the body, that is solid and steady and defensive, just like armor. Did you ever see the pictures of armor in the mediaeval armies, in the Roman army? What is the Roman armor look like? It is right up against their chest. The helmet is right on their head. Nothing is flashing, at a great distance from them. Even the shields that they have, they hold it close to their body. You must have seen it in the movies. They go into the battle swinging their swords, and their shield is covering their heart and their chest.


How do I know this? Somebody saw the armor on me, and the Lord gave me this explanation. You saw it on me, and when I questioned the Lord, this is what He taught me. I had been asking the Lord for years whether, in Christ, we will see auras. I just wanted to know that if I ever...I had never seen an aura, that if I ever saw an aura could it be God or should I know that it a wrong spirit? And He never answered me, but after years of that question, I got this information. I got the truth about the armor of God. It was solid gold. It wasn't flashing, wasn't bright lights, but it was solid, covering me solid.


So we are talking about The Infinite One called Eyn Sof. When the will arose within Him, within The Infinite, to create the worlds, The Infinite withdrew a portion of its light away from a point at its very center, creating an open space, an empty void within which the finite world could be created. Finite is the opposite of infinite. Infinite means you are unlimited, you have no end. Finite means you have a beginning, and you have an end.


Into this void, or into this empty space, was radiated a single ray of light, a narrow conduit transmitting a limited light of the light of The Infinite, enabling the finite worlds to receive and contain it. What does that mean? Into this empty space radiated a single ray of light because more than that would have destroyed the finite worlds in the empty space. Infinite is too great for finiteness. Jesus said that. He said, you put new wine into an old wine skin, and the old wine skin will burst. This is what He was talking about.


So you see, The Infinite One had to restrain Himself. He had to hold Himself back. He could not pour Himself into this empty space where the finite worlds were. He would have blown them apart.


The emanated light. To emanate means to shine forth. The emanated light takes the form of 10 Sefirot, and these Sefirot are finite, that means they are not infinite, they are finite. They have a beginning and an end. Finite packets of divine energy whose linear configuration, Kabbalists equate with the Biblical phrase, the image of God.


Now, I've put these 10 Sefirot on the board for you in Part 1, certainly in Part 2. They are finite packages of energy. In other words, The Infinite One, The Unlimited One, He took a measure of His own energy, and He put it into a space within Himself that had a beginning and will have an end. This aspect of the energy of The Infinite One that's in the empty space can be destroyed. It is just like me telling you, Christ in you and me could be killed. How can God be killed?


I heard an advertisement once, it was a Jewish advertisement that apparently was all upset over this teaching about Jesus Christ, Messiah, and the mother was asking the child, how can God be killed? Now could Jesus Christ have been killed if He was God? How can Christ in you be killed? In Jesus' case, we know it was the Son of Man that was killed. It was His humanity that was killed. In the case of Christ being destroyed, Christ in you or me can be destroyed because He is cut off from His infinite source. He is a measure of infinite energy separated, if you will, from the sea of infinite energy.


There is a sea. We know that Satan is the sea, but everything that Satan is, is a counterfeit. So I now know that there is a sea in the linear aspect of the creation, and it is called a sea of light. God is light, see. So if you can imagine an infinite sea of light, no beginning, no end, just light everywhere, you can capture a piece of that light, and it would be like putting it into a glass. We don't have the power to do it. Just capture some of this atmosphere and put it in a glass and put a seal on it and completely cut it off from the infinite sea of energy. Under certain circumstances, that part of that great light that's been isolated can be destroyed. So that's how Christ in you can be destroyed. He's cut off from the Godhead, and that is why to return, or to be born again, into true immortality Christ in you must ascend within you to a place where He can meet and marry the Glorified Jesus Christ, our anchor in the world above.


Jesus Christ can never die again; therefore, when Christ Jesus in you and me ascends to the place where we marry that Glorified Jesus Christ, we receive immortality. Of course, there is one more step to go. We have to be circumcised away from Leviathan and Cain, and that principle is in the account in II Kings 4 also, the spiritual woman, the Shunammite. She is completely circumcised. She marries the glorified man, and she's completely circumcised from Leviathan and Cain. She has the whole experience. The Shunammite woman, she has the whole experience. Amazing. Amazing.


I will tell you, this teaching has got me so excited, and I'm so into it that...and I'm not telling anybody to do anything, I am just telling everybody about my experience, that I try to turn on a TV preacher that I watch a lot, and I could not even watch it today. I just had to get back to the book. It is just so exciting. And the promise of what it is going to bring is even more exciting. I don't know how long it is going to take. I've got a lot to learn. Praise the Lord.


Since I'm reading this from the beginning for the third or fourth time, we will see how long it is going to take me.


That thin ray of light, that single ray of light that entered into the empty space for purposes of our understanding, we are calling it the image of God. We have a whole church today saying that they are in the image of God. Brethren, God did not have a flesh body, and God never has had a carnal mind. The image of God is the 10 Sefirot, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, mercy, judgment, judgment with mercy, endurance, overcoming, victory. That is the image of God. And kingship. Sovereignty. Kingship manifesting rulership, righteous rulership in the earth. That is the image of God. Righteousness judgment and righteous rulership, righteous authority.


The extension of righteous authority in the earth is the image of God. Demanding, demanding that relationships are in right order without murdering the people, correcting them with kindness, showing the right way to relate to one another and even to our enemies is a manifestation of the image of God. So if you are in a position where you know people are behaving incorrectly, ignorantly or otherwise, and you look the other way because you think you are to cover a multitude of sins, you are not in the image of God, brethren. We can be in the image of God at one moment, and not in the image of God in the next moment because if we have it, the image of God is within us in the form of Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus can be manifesting in one situation and not manifesting in another situation. We are a two-sided man. It is not good to be a two-sided man, but it is better than being 100% carnal.


What I didn't tell you about Elisha and the Shunammite woman is that I discerned from my study which was certainly not exhaustive, but I am pretty sure that Elisha's servant, Gehazi, was Elisha's carnal mind. Gahazi was Elisha's carnal mind. So in the account of Elisha refusing to take the money for healing and then Gehazi going running out after the Syrian to get the money, it was Elisha, he lost the battle and he ran to get the money. See, Christ stood up tall in him and said, no, I won't take that money, and then the Syrian officer went away, and Elisha fell down into his carnal mind and ran after him. Isn't that amazing? That is quite amazing.


If you have Christ, brethren, you are two people. You have a multiple personality disorder, and the healing for you is synthesis. The healing for multiple personality disorder is synthesis. The two must become one, but they must become one with the image of God in authority and in control. Do you hear what I just said? Listen, let me put it to you another way. Remember, I told you that when Cain and Abel are manifesting in thought as one man, there is no deviation, they both think exactly the same with the Dragon's nature, they are called the Fiery Serpent.


As soon as Abel starts responding to the thoughts of Christ, that unity is divided, and they become Cain and Abel. In the same manner, if Christ is in you, your Fiery Serpent is no longer a unity. You have become Cain and Abel, and the Lord is seeking to make you a unity that you should be as one man. That Cain and Abel in you should be as one man, but not with Cain on top. When you are the Fiery Serpent, Cain is in authority. The Lord has burst you apart, and He wants Cain and Abel to be a unity again with Abel, that Christ is grafted to, in authority over Cain.


So it is OK to be a double-minded man for a season, so long as you are walking the path which is going to synthesize Abel and Cain, with Abel in the position of authority. Praise the Lord.


Based on the Biblical statement that Adam, the first human, was made in the image of God, Kabbalists describe the pattern of the Sefirot within this ray of light in terms of the human body, a cosmic figure whom they call Adam Kadmon, the primordial human. This Adam Kadmon acts as a filter through which the light of The Infinite is emanated, especially from His eyes, ears, nose and mouth, representing the human organs of vision, hearing, smell, and speech.


I'm not going to go to a second tape tonight, brethren. So, Lord willing, we will pick up on Sunday with this statement that I just read to you about Adam Kadmon. We will take about Him being the filter.




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