538 - Part 2

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.


Tape 1

            Praise the Lord. As part 2 of this message, we are doing our first alternate translation applying some of the principles that we have learned in our study of Kabbalah and I believe we have been studying Kabbalah for a good six months now. This is the first time the Lord has let us do a full translation that eventually will go into our book. We will be translating Exodus Chapter 33 verses 12 thru 23, which is a conversation, at least in the King James Translation, between Jehovah and Moses, which took place after Moses descended from Mount Sinai to find the Hebrew children had made a golden calf and were worshiping it. Moses pretty much said to Jehovah, how will I help these people to cross over. I am gone this short period of time and they have fallen into idolatry. Verses 12 thru 23 are pretty much, according to the King James, Jehovah's answers. We will find out in this study that Jehovah never appears alone and what we would call the Godhead, consists of ten Spheres called the Ten Sefirot by the rabbis who made a system out of this course of study called Kabbalah.


            These Ten Sefirot are divided into three aspects, the head, the body and the female. The head is the first three Sefirot called Keter, Chokhmah and Binah. Keter is called the crown and it is where thought emanates from. Keter is directly connected to the Ayn Sof, the Unlimited One, who appears as the first sephirah, but Keter is so high that we are told no human can even contemplate Him, which means to concentrate upon and hope for the Spirit of Revelation and understanding. Keter is so high that we cannot even find a point of contact to focus on. Of course this is the teaching under Kabbalah, but I remind you that two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was glorified and today, Jesus Christ is Keter to us. You see, we do have a point, today, to contemplate the highest of the Ten Sefirot. For our studies today, and especially for our studies in the Old Testament, this realm of the first Sefirot is pretty much unknowable.


            The second sephirah is Chokhmah. That is the Hebrew word for wisdom. The third sephirah is Binah, the Hebrew word for understanding. These first three Sefirot are called the head of the body and they are never separated. If you find one, the other two are there. If you can discern in your readings of the Scripture that Chokhmah is present, then you know that Binah and Keter are also present because they are inseparable. Chokhmah has a Partzuf, has a personality. His name is Abba, which means Father. Binah has a personality; she is Imma, (mother) and they are an inseparable couple. They are never separated and Binah (understanding) who is Imma, the mother, gives birth to the next six Sefirot which are called the body. Those six are Chesed (kindness) Gevurah (force) Tiferet (kind judgment). Those three, if I am not mistaken, are called Adam Kadmon's arms. You have heard about the everlasting arms. This is what is being spoken about, these three Sefirot; Chesed (kindness) Gevurah (force) and Tiferet (kind judgment). Those are the everlasting arms or the arms from the east. Then we have Netzach (overcoming) and Hod (identity with God) that is the ability to identify with God. That means the ability to recognize His thoughts and His behavior.


            I gave you an exhortation off the tape today and I told you, I said, brethren, the more I go on with God, the more I realize how the church today does not look like Christ. That is not what He looks like. What you see in the average Christian today and what you see going on in the church today, the nature that is expressed by the people and the form and the religiosity in the institution is not what God looks like. He does not look like that. He does not act like that and He does not think like that.  I know that anybody that thinks that the church looks like God and is doing what God would do, I know that they do not have the attribute of God called Hod. They cannot identify the Lord. Brethren, you cannot identify the Lord unless you know what He looks like and you do not know what He looks like unless you are taught. Even better than being taught, hopefully, we will be able to see what He looks like. We have some indication of what He looks like because we have the Bible, which is a translation which is open to interpretation, which is better than nothing. You see what happened when the church got a hold of it and they took that word and manifested it in this physical world in their own image and the church is not what God looks like.


            Hopefully some day very soon, we will have a human being walking on the face of the earth who is truly in the image of God, so we will know what God looks like, what He acts like; not physically what He looks like, but how He behaves, how He talks, how He thinks, how He relates to people and how He teaches and what He teaches. Hod is the ability to identify with or to identify God. You will see in our translation today in one of the verses, Moses is told that we will give you the ability to teach the people how to recognize us and it has nothing to do with your physical appearance; how you dress, how you wear your hair, whether you wear nail polish or whether you wear lipstick or whether you are a man and have long hair. That is not a sign that you are God, if you do these things or if you do not do these things. We have Hod, Netzach, and Yesod. Yesod is called Adam Kadmon's Yesod; it is his spiritual male genitals. This is where the seed is found and Yesod is called foundation because Yesod is a vessel that collects the emanations for all of the eight Sefirot that are above him. He collects them here in himself, in his seed. Of course, today, this seed is Christ. Then, Lord willing, this seed is planted into Malkhut, the female who is called the kingdom. Yesod must penetrate into Malkhut to plant that seed. My understanding at this moment is that Christ is the Yesod and Malkhut is Abel, who in this hour is one of the elements of the Fiery Serpent. I cannot teach that whole doctrine right now, but if you are hearing this tape and you are interested, we have writings on it. We have a couple of on-line meetings that explain it very well. 

          There is a name of God that is associated with every Sefirot. There is only one God and He reveals Himself to us in a multitude of ways because He is so great, He is beyond our ability to comprehend Him. Even me, as a human being, I am finite, you see, but I reveal myself to people in a multitude of ways. I know a lot of people right now that would be shocked to see me up here preaching. They do not know that I preach. They know me in a different way. Am I being deceitful? I do not think so. I just do not relate to them this way. Why? Because probably they would not want to hear it, so what is the point? Therefore, a Mighty God relates to us in different ways and each time He relates to us, in each way in which He relates to us, is described by a name. He takes a name which will help us to identify His activity. Each name is associated with one of His attributes and all of this for the purpose of helping we mortals to understand Him because we have the brain of a slug compared to the Lord. How can we ever understand Him? He has given us this system in the hope that if He helps us, we might understand just a little bit the names that we are going to be working with today. What I am doing right now is trying to set forth some basic spiritual principles that will prepare you to understand this translation.


             I have not put down all of the names of God because in this translation we are going to be dealing primarily with I Am, the Name of God associated with Keter, the crown. The reason Keter is called crown is that it is the sephirah that surrounds all the other Sefirot. Also Keter is where thought emanates from. All thought, the will of Ayn Sof arises from this very deep place. Keter is a very deep place. I Am is the Name of God that is associated with this first sephirah. The second sephirah is Chokhmah, which is where wisdom arises from. I put down the names of the Partzuf; Chokhmah (Wisdom) the Partzuf, the personality of Chokhmah (Wisdom) is Abba, Father. The Name of God associated with Chokhmah is Jah. The J is pronounced like a Y. This is a very interesting name because it is a short form of the Holy Name or what is called the Unique Name YHVH, the Tetragrammaton Jehovah. Lord willing, I will explain this to you after I finish with my exhortation on this drawing. Then we have Binah (understanding). Her personality is Imma. She is the mother who gives birth to the six Sefirot beneath her, which is called the body of Adam Kadmon; the first three being the arms and the second three being the legs. The Name of God associated with Binah or Imma is HYVH.

            In case I am confusing you, it is because I am confused. I am studying two different books right now. The Tetragrammaton is YHVH. These are the consonants that form the word YHVH. There are consonants and there are vowels. This is the Hebrew spelling of Jehovah with the vowels removed. In the one book that I am studying, The Gates Of Light, that is how the Tetragrammaton is spelled. That is the correct order of the letters. The second book that I am studying, The Tree Of Life, thinks that it is wrong to spell the Tetragrammaton this way because there shouldn't be any spelling of the Holy Name at all. The Tree Of Life mixed it deliberately and confuses the letters and spells the Tetragrammaton HYVH. I go back and forth and if I am confusing you, it is because I am confused, especially now that the Lord is giving us messages that are combining the teachings of the two books. I am sorry if I am confusing you, but this is the story. That is what it is all about. Does anybody not understand what I just said?


            What am I trying to tell you? I am trying to tell you that these first three Sefirot are called the head. They are called the head of the body and that is not an unfamiliar term to us. Now remember, we are doing this deep study, but we do eventually hope to connect it to the post Jesus Christ revelation. I hesitate to say New Testament because a lot of people object to that. There is only one Scripture and what is called the New Testament really says the same thing as the Old Testament. When you get down to the nitty gritty of the spiritual truth of what is being said and you get rid of the translation problems and the parable, you find that the New Testament is the same Scripture as the Old Testament. We have the head of the body in the New Testament. Who's the head of the body? No, not Keter; we are talking about the New Testament now. Yes, Jesus Christ. Actually, it is Christ Jesus, but we are all so confused, I will not be a stickler about that. Christ Jesus is the head of the body. We, Christ in us (people in the flesh) are the body of Christ. Christ, in us, is the body of Christ. I am sorry, you are right; Jesus Christ, glorified, is the head of the body. He will always have the preeminence. Here's another witness that the glorified Jesus Christ is Keter. We've had several witnesses.


            You see, it becomes clearer and clearer to me how the pharisees of Jesus' day had absolutely no excuse to not know who He was. Today, if Jesus Christ were to walk down the street or were to walk into a local church, they might not recognize Him because the church today is not educated to recognize Messiah. I do not think they have any idea what Messiah is going to do. I think that if you took a poll, you would be told that most Christians think Messiah is coming with healing and deliverance. Isn't that what you would think? What do you think He was coming with, if not healing and deliverance? That is what the church thinks, that He's coming with healing and deliverance, but the truth is Messiah comes with knowledge. He comes with wisdom. He comes with understanding. He comes with intellectual glory, the knowledge of the Lord and the healing and the deliverance are signs to those who do not know Him. That is why Jesus said to the pharisees, I am not going to give you a sign. You're suppose to recognize my wisdom. Well, actually, Jesus Christ is the unified Ten Sefirot. See, the title of this drawing is the Unified Spheres. Jesus Christ said, I am the first and I am the last. He said, I am the beginning and I am the end. Jesus Christ was a man who was manifesting the unified Spheres. Does that sound so foreign to you? I have been preaching for a long time, the Glorified Jesus Christ must marry Christ Jesus in us. There is a marriage coming. See, we have to get past words and deal with the spiritual principles that the words represent.


            (At the drawing board) There is a marriage coming and the marriage is between the Lord Jesus Christ, who represents the unified Spheres piercing this line over here because we are down here where it says Spheres outside the unity. We are outside the unity, brethren. Even if you have Christ grafted to you, what has happened is that (if you think of the unity as a tree) a seed is fallen off of the tree and buried itself in you and in me. We are still beneath this line. We are still outside the unity. Praise God, if Christ is grafted to us, that is our hope that the whole tree will somehow touch or that this seed in us will put up a sprout and somehow will graft into the tree. See, without the seed, there's no hope. That is why the Scripture says, Christ in you, the hope of your glorification or the hope of your unification with the Glorified Jesus Christ, the one who is able to impart eternal life and meet all of our needs according to His riches and glory.


            Well, the Holy Spirit is doing that, you say. He is? Well, He got you a job. He healed your body. He got you a husband. You have a family. Has He really met all of your needs? Brethren, you just wait another few years and you are going to die. That means all of your needs are not met because people who have all of their needs met do not die, you see. What you have received with the Holy Spirit is a taste of the world to come. You have received a down payment, a deposit, a carrot, saying, this is what it is like. Come and get more. That is what you got. That is what I have got. Keter, Chokhmah and Binah are the head and they never separate. Chokhmah and Binah (Abba and Imma) (Father and mother) are an inseparable couple and Keter, who is unknowable, is buried or rests in Chokhmah (if you can think of Chokhmah as a cup). Keter rests in Chokhmah. What I have in my mind right now is a rose when you look inside the cupped petals, when you see little tendrils with little beads or seeds inside of them. They are all one flower. The head is all one; they are inseparable and they are so high that finite man cannot comprehend them. Therefore when they wish to speak to us, they speak to us through one of the lower Sefirot. Through the whole Old Testament, that lower Sefirot that we are addressed through is Tiferet, the sixth sephirah. The Holy Name associated with Tiferet is HYVH, the Tetragrammaton.


            This is interesting because we see that the Holy Name associated with Imma is also HYVH. Now if you think you are confused now, just wait another few months and you will be confused even more because there's a higher and a lower of everything. I will tell you, once you get it, once it clicks in your head, it is not that bad. Once you get the principle of what they are doing here, it will start to make sense because I am approaching that place. At this point I am comfortable with it. I was pulling my hair out when I first started studying this. We see that the Tetragrammaton JHVH manifests Himself through Imma under certain circumstances; that is a very high manifestation. Under other circumstances, He manifests Himself as Tiferet, the sixth sephirah. Now you may recall in an earlier message that Jehovah is the trunk of the tree. Jehovah manifesting through Tiferet is the aspect of the Godhead that relates to mortal man. Let me say this first. There is a principle in the study of Kabbalah, in the study of all of these Spheres. They seem to come in threes. There is a positive Sphere, a negative Sphere and then a Sphere that is the balanced expression of the two of them. Tiferet is the balanced expression of Yesod (kindness) and Gevurah (force). Therefore we call Tiferet the kind judgment. Force is judgment.


            You might say to your child, look, you cannot break the law. I love you; you are my kid; I want to give you every break possible, but you cannot walk through this house breaking my crystal and my dishes and my pens and my pencils. You cannot do it. You see, you have to stop and I am asking you nicely now and if you do not stop, I am going to have to take some action because it is wrong to let you walk in the house and break my VCR and my TV and my plates and rip my clothes to pieces. You cannot do it, you see. Now I love you, Yesod (kindness) but I will use whatever force necessary to stop you, whether that force is to lift these objects beyond your reach, if possible, or to lock my cabinet doors or to not let you, my son, in the living room or as you get older, I may have to paddle you a little bit to tell you that you cannot do that. We see that force is modified by the sephirah that is assembled with it. When force is assembled with kindness, we get Tiferet, the kind judgment associated with Jehovah. Now look, you just cannot do that; you have to stop. Gevurah (force) by herself (himself?) I am not sure; Gevurah by himself is the sowing and reaping judgment, which can be very devastating. We see that there is a middle line.


            This configuration that we have on the board is called Adam Kadmon configured as a human as opposed to Ten Sefirot in a straight line. In this configuration, all of the Ten Sefirot are continuously interacting with one another and balancing one another so that there is a balanced expression of the Godhead towards man. See, it is God's will for us that we should prosper and receive eternal life and be the recipient of all of the goodness of God. In order for Him to give us all of the goodness of God, He must deal with our negative potential. You see, we are flesh, we are negative. He's positive, we are negative. The Lord Jesus is in our life today representing Jehovah to us to unify Himself, to unify His positive aspect with the negative aspect of fallen humanity to produce a balanced individual who will have negative qualities that will be under the control of the positive qualities so that we can enter into all the fullness of the promises of God. Before we can bring our negative qualities under the influence of the positive qualities of Jesus Christ, our negative qualities must be identified. This is called the exposure of sin. It is very painful. The more pride you have, the more painful it is. You cannot enter into eternal life, you cannot enter into the promises without identifying your sin nature because you cannot enter into the promises without overshadowing and restricting and in some instances utterly destroying your potential for sin, without recognizing that sin.


            At this point, I do not see God forcing anybody, but He is giving this great opportunity to a lot of people today, but to some people more so than others. These teachings are up on the internet, so anybody that the Lord wants to bring to our web pages can at least find out about these great promises. There is a small group of people today who are actually beginning to practice them and who are willing to have their sin nature exposed for this specific purpose of achieving the ability to distinguish between the sin nature and the nature of Christ, so that we can bring that sin nature under the authority of Christ and produce a well balanced mind which will produce a well balanced life which ultimately will result in eternal life. See, you cannot control what you cannot see. You have to see it, brethren. You have to see it.


            Now we see that there is a middle line here. This is the line of balance. Now Keter, the source of all goodness is in a direct line with Tiferet, the source of kind judgment. Kind judgment is over Yesod, what we would call Christ, the male seed. The Name of God associated with that is El Chay, by the way. Christ is over Malkhut, the female or the kingdom. At this point, I am saying that the female is Abel. I may have to change that later on, but that is the way it looks to me right now. Now those of you who have been studying with us for a long time know that Abel is a part of the Fiery Serpent. The Fiery Serpent is Cain and Abel covered with earth and engraved with the nature of the Dragon. Depending on who is living out of us, Cain or Abel, that determines who we will marry. Cain is seeking to marry Leviathan, who leads us to the Dragon, and Abel (if we can revive him) will seek to marry the Glorified Jesus Christ and come into this experience of this unified Sphere. Now please notice that for this discussion, we will say that we are the female down here, whether you are a physical male or a physical female. You're the female called Malkhut and the Name of God associated with you is Adonay. Please note that to get the blessings from Keter, which is all the way up here, the female within us (this is all within us, this is all spiritual) has to be in the right position. Now we had some teaching about this a while back saying that you have to get to the airport, that you have to be at the place where the Glorified Jesus Christ is looking for you. If you want to get caught up spiritually, you have to be waiting where the plane is coming in. You cannot be waiting down the block and expect to be taken. Well, this is the same principle, you see.


            We have to get lined up with this middle line. Now this is all in the mind, brethren. Our thoughts have to get lined up with this middle line. Our thoughts have to get in the right place so that we can receive the seed which is Christ and you do not get the seed unless you are lined up with the kind judgment, which means you are seeing your sins. The kind judgment will enable you to receive the wisdom that comes from Keter because Keter is hidden in Chokhmah, who is wisdom and also Chokhmah is associated with Imma, who will give you the understanding of the wisdom. To get all this glory from God, we have to be lined up in the right order and in the right place. What I am fascinated with at this point and I am looking forward to the Lord explaining this to me more is that I feel in my spirit that this is a form of spiritual astrology. I do not believe in astrology with the stars and the signs out there, the constellations in the physical universe. At this time I do not see any validity in them, but maybe someday the Lord will tell me otherwise. I do believe that there are spiritual planets in a spiritual world. There are spiritual planets and spiritual worlds within us. I know that I have heard to some degree (I have not really learned much about it) but certain things happen when the physical planets line up in a certain line. Either there's a lot of disaster on the earth or there's good fortune or some such thing like that.


            This is us down here (pointing to the blackboard) we are the female. I do not know whether it is true in the natural, but I see it here in the spiritual, that when our spiritual being lines up with Christ, Yesod, and Christ within us, is in line with Christ Jesus, who's in line with the Glorified Jesus Christ and all of these four aspects are unified. Now brethren, this is the marriage. This unification is the marriage. We will receive eternal life. All of our needs will be met and we will walk above the laws of nature. What does that mean? It means you cannot be killed. If someone shoots us, we will not die. We will be beyond the laws of nature because of the condition and the placement of our mind. The "rapture" is of the mind. We ascend with our mind. Just like a mountain climber in order to ascend, he takes his axe and he puts his axe into the rock above and then he pulls himself up. We have to have something in the form of thought or spiritual intellectual study, something that is higher than we are, thoughts that are higher than we are. Doesn't the King James say something like my thoughts are higher than your thoughts? We have to have thoughts that are higher than our thoughts. We have to lay hold of them with our axe and then we have to pull ourselves up. This is the deep meaning of Jesus saying He is our anchor. (Pointing to the blackboard) He is anchored up here in Keter and we have to go climbing and looking for Him. It is of the mind. Ascension is of the mind. Don't worry if you do not know what I am talking about. Listen to the tape, read the transcript; listen and read it again. If you learn one little thing, you have taken a step up. We ascend in our mind by listening to teachings that are beyond our comprehension. Then we pray and we keep on climbing.


            This whole introduction is to really prepare you for this translation. Let me tell you this. These are the unified Spheres, Adam Kadmon configured as a human. Kabbalah teaches that there are Spheres outside the unity which I believe are our world. Kabbalah teaches there are only four Spheres outside of the unity, which says to me that the three lower spheres, the root energy center, the second energy center, and the third (the belly) that they are so far down compared to the height of God that they are not even dealt with in Kabbalah. Kabbalah just teaches with the four higher centers, the heart center, the throat center, the brow center and the crown center. Kabbalah does not teach very much about these other centers. They really do not deal with them. They just deal with the unity. We have a unique opportunity to interpellate the teachings of Kabbalah with the Doctrine of Christ. It is a unique opportunity. I find that some of the things that we learn from the Doctrine of Christ line up with Kabbalah. Other things in Kabbalah, I did not know. I am getting a lot of revelation that I did not know and it is really helping me. I am really grateful for it. Then I see other areas where unless this is a secret doctrine that is just passed by word of mouth from teacher to disciple amongst the Jews, because it is definitely not in the books. Where I think they may be stumbling, unless I am wrong because there's a lot I do not know, where I think they are stumbling is, well you will see in these translations, I show Moses as a very human man.


            This translation that we are going to finish today, Lord willing, shows Moses being instructed by the Household of Wisdom. These upper three Sefirot are collectively called the Household of Wisdom. We hear them instructing Moses, saying to Moses; Moses, the reason the people made a golden calf (I really haven't done all the surrounding verses here) but at least part of the reason that the people made a golden calf when you went away, part of the problem is that the people aren't ascending. The reason they are not ascending is that you are judging their sins with your carnal mind. You have to judge their sins with Tiferet, with the judgment of kindness. In the book of Revelation we see, do not hurt the oil and the wine. I think it is in Chapter 4. Bring whatever judgment you have to bring, but do not hurt the oil and the wine. Do not let the judgment be so harsh that you destroy Christ or the Spirit of Christ within the people. We want to break Satan and Leviathan in the people. We do not want to cause them to abort because they are pregnant with Christ. Therefore Moses, the reason the people are not ascending is because you are not lined up with Keter. Isn't that nice to hear when you go before God because you are the leader of all these people? Brethren, do not you hear it different in the church today? I want to tell you that I did it when I first started preaching (God forgive me) when something goes wrong, you blame the people. Brethren, the pastor is always to blame. The buck stops here. You are suppose to be the pastor to your people. You're suppose to be teaching them and praying for them and correcting them and if necessary, rebuking them, hopefully not too often.


            The Household of Wisdom, the Godhead, came to Moses and said, look, we are going to solve the problem by fixing you. There is an account in the King James Translation that says Moses went before the Lord and said, these people are driving me crazy and I cannot take this and God put Moses' anointing on seventy other people to help them. We looked at those scriptures. I do not think I did a formal translation on them, but we looked at those scriptures and we came to the conclusion, that was not God's best for Moses, that suggestion was made by Moses' Midianite father-in-law. Moses's father-in-law was a Midianite high priest and he made that suggestion. That was his father-in-law's solution to his problem. The Household of Wisdom's solution was let's get Moses straightened out and let's get the spheres, inside of him, unified. Then when you, Moses, become equipped to judge the sins of your people with kindness, they will ascend and not with a carnal kindness. It will be with the kindness that comes from God. It has to come with the power of God. They will come up. We will fix you and they will come up. At the time that we looked at those scriptures about Moses, I told you, Moses took his father-in-law's suggestion. That was not of God.


             I will tell you this because there are many Moses' out there today. There are many people having Moses' experience. If you are called to pastor, I do not care how small or large your group is, if you are called to pastor and the people are driving you crazy and the Lord comes to you and says the problem is (and this is not condemnation to the pastors) there is not yet developed in you the ability to judge the people with kindness. Come, let us judge you and equip you to judge the people with kindness. If the pastor is not able to accept that judgment of his sin nature at that time, the Lord Jesus is not breaking up the fellowship. He's saying, alright, I will give you an assistant pastor and you do the best you can. You're judging the people out of your carnal mind. It is not ideal, but at least you are telling them the truth. You may be telling them in a wrong spirit, but at least it is the truth. It is better than nothing. God does not disperse your ministry because you cannot attain to the highest possible goal at that moment. He will meet you where you are and then a year later or two years later, He'll try again. Want to try it again? Come on, let's try it again. The truth of the matter is that the greater the victory in the leader, the greater the victory in the people and that is just the truth. That is true in the world. Any military man will tell you that. The General that has the love and respect of his men gets the most out of his men. It is just human nature.


            We see the top three Sefirot of the Household of Wisdom and it is this Household of Wisdom that speaks to Moses through our whole translation. Now there is a code in the Bible and the code consists of the Hebrew letters which represent different aspects of the power of the Godhead. How do you know, Sheila, that it is this Household of Wisdom that is talking to Moses? I looked at the interlinear text, I looked at the Hebrew and I do not see anything about Keter or Chokhmah or Binah or the Household of Wisdom. What are you talking about? Well, what I see, brethren, is two letters before the verb. It is not in every verse, but it is in the majority of the verses from twelve to twenty three. I start that translation saying; And Jehovah, Yah, and I Am (I think that is the order and we will find out when we read it) said to Moses. I get these three names from the two prefixes before the verb, said. The two prefixes are Vav and Yod. The Vav, we are told, signifies Tiferet. Let me put this on the board for you.


            I have drawn on the board the two prefixes that I translate I Am, Yah and Jehovah. As you are looking at your drawing on the right is a Vav and the Vav signifies Jehovah, the Tetragrammaton HYVH. The Yod signifies Yah. Yah is the Name of God that is associated with Chokhmah (wisdom). This dot over the Yod or the tip of the Yod is associated with I Am, which is associated with Keter. I am trying to make this simple and it is getting confusing. I guess I have to tell you because there's no way to get out of this. Okay, I am going to have to make a change here.


            This is the mystery, brethren. The tip of the Yod signifies Keter, which is thought, which is associated with I Am. The Yod signifies Chokhmah (wisdom) which is associated with Yah, but Chokhmah (wisdom) is never separated from Binah (understanding). Binah (understanding) is expressed by the hey of the Unique Name, the Tetragrammaton HYVH. The hey signifies Binah and Binah is never separated from Chokhmah, so I put Binah and the hey in parenthesis because the only letters we see in the Hebrew text is a Vav and a Yod. The tip of the Yod and Yod together are Keter and Chokhmah. Chokhmah is never separated from Binah, so Binah has to be there even though the hey, the Hebrew letter hey that represents Binah is not in the Scripture, she has to be there because Binah is Chokhmah's wife and he's never there if she is not there. They are never separated, so she has to be there. Then in the Hebrew letters, we see the Yod. We now see that the Yod, alone, signifies Keter, Chokhmah and Binah, the Household of Wisdom; the Yod alone. We also have the letter Vav there. We have a Vav and a Yod. The Vav signifies Tiferet, kind judgment, and the Holy Name associated with that is the Tetragrammaton. Remember there is an upper Tetragrammaton and a lower expression of the Tetragrammaton. If you are not confused, I will get you confused.


            Binah (understanding) she is the upper expression of the Holy Name. The Holy Name associated with Binah is the Tetragrammaton, HYVH. There is a lower expression of the Tetragrammaton that is not a part of the Household of Wisdom, that is not a part of the head, you see. The letter Vav of the Holy Name, HYVH, the letter Vav signifies Tiferet, kind judgment, which is also expressed as the Tetragrammaton. We see both Binah and Tiferet, both the H and the V are expressing the Tetragrammaton, the Holy Name. Now the Vav signifies Tiferet and Tiferet, according to drawing #1 is the assemblage or the combination or the balancing act of Chesed, Gevurah, Netzach, Hod and Yesod. Tiferet is in the middle here. Remember all of these Sefirot in the middle, they are the balancing act. This Tiferet stands for the sixth Sefirot that we know as Ze'ir Anpin. Remember Ze'ir Anpin? He's the body. In the New Testament, we are calling Him Christ Jesus. We are mixing all these teachings together, so it is going to be a little confusing at first. This Vav, this Tiferet signifies the body of Adam Kadmon; Tiferet, Chesed, Gevurah, Netzach, Hod and Yesod. When we see two letters before a verb in the Hebrew, when we see the letters Vav and the letters Yod, we are talking about the whole Household of Wisdom; everything, all nine Sefirot, except the woman, and that is our problem. We are the woman and we are cut off from the unified Spheres. We are the woman. Mortal man is the woman and we are cut off from the Glorified Jesus Christ.


            Oh, that is not true, Sheila, He said He'll never leave us or forsake us. That is true in His thoughts towards us; He will never leave us or forsake us. He loves us so much, He has sent the seed of His life to be planted in us. We are not a part of His Tree, brethren, because if we were a part of His Tree, we would not be sick, we would not be aging and we would not die and we would not have any problems of any kind in this world. You see, He said He'd never leave us and He would never forsake us and He's working without ceasing to join Himself to the seed of His Life that He's planted in us. If we do not have the seed of His Life, He's working to plant the seed of His Life in us. It hasn't happened yet, brethren. I know it hasn't happened yet. I would not have the problems I have if I was connected, joined or married (whatever word you want to use) to the Glorified Jesus Christ, which is the unified Spheres. Jesus Christ said, I am the beginning and the end, the first and the last. He's the whole "magilla"; that is Jewish in case you do not know it. He's the whole ball of wax. The book that I am reading now is The Gates of Light. It is instruction on how to get these Spheres within you unified, but you see, it is all done for us.


            The Hebrews had to pray in a certain way or whatever they did to get these various Spheres unified within them to produce the measure of power that they needed to accomplish their goal. We do not have that problem, brethren. We do not have to do that. We do not have to learn, that well, in this situation you pray that way; in this situation you pray to Yah; in that situation you pray to Jehovah; in that situation you pray to El Chay. We do not have to learn all that because Jesus Christ is all of those things. He's unified and He's glorified. He's one and He's completely merged with all of these Sefirot, the first nine Sefirot. We just have to connect with Jesus Christ. He's the whole thing. The Glorified Jesus Christ must connect with the seed of His Life, in us, for us to receive the promises. Now that does not mean that God is not going to help you with your finances or your health, but that is not the promise, brethren. That is the mercy of God, that you have enough money to buy food, that you have a roof over your head, that you have heat in the wintertime and that you are healthy. That is the mercy of God. That is not the promise of God. The promise of God is that you would not need a house and heat.


            I do not know what the world is going to be like, but I do know one thing. I was walking down the street the other day and it was freezing out and I saw a squirrel and he lives outside in a tree. He does not have a heated house. He has the same fur coat on in the winter as he does in the summer. That means he has an internal thermostat that keeps his body temperature right despite the external weather. Well how come man does not have that? Because we are separated from the source of all provision. Sheila, I do not understand what you are talking about. Look, God is not an animal and he does not produce an animal world. The animals are a part of the animal world. Do you hear that? The animals, they are a part of the animal world and mother nature provides for her own. We are not animals. We just live like animals because we are confused. We have an identity problem. See, mother nature, she is not taking care of us, at least not in the same way she is taking care of the animals. See, she wants to take care of us in the same way she is taking care of the animals. Listen brethren, what is the familiar name of mother nature? What's her familiar name? Yes, Satan; she is mother nature. She is fully possessing the animal kingdom. Her spirit fully possesses and lives through the animal kingdom, but she is not fully possessing and living through the homo sapien, the human kingdom. Why? Because we have within us something that is not from her kingdom. There is within us something that is alien to her kingdom. What is it? What is within us that has nothing whatever to do with mother nature?


            It is from another world.


            COMMENT: The Holy Spirit?


            PASTOR VITALE: Well, everyone does not have the Holy Spirit.


            COMMENT: The Spirit of Christ?


            PASTOR VITALE: Everybody does not have the Spirit of Christ.


            COMMENT: The dead seed of Christ?


            PASTOR VITALE: The dead seed of Abel. Every human being has Jehovah's royal seed that is completely foreign and alien to the animal nature, but has been overtaken by the animal nature. Who has the animal nature that has overtaken Abel? Who has the animal nature? Yes, Cain. Cain killed Abel. That does not mean that Abel ceased to exist. Abel still exists in submission to the animal nature as represented by Cain. All human beings are not fully possessed by Satan because there is something within man that Satan has not yet been able to completely overcome. She is working on it. She is working on it. I believe that maybe they exist today, but there will be people that will be completed by Satan and she will meet all their needs just in the same manner that Jesus Christ is promising to meet all of our needs. That is what I am talking about. When Adonay or when Malkhut, which is in us, ascends up to and joins with Keter, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, He will meet all of our needs. I do not know what life will be like, but I know that in principle we will be self sustained from within.


            Of course, that squirrel needs to eat, but I mean as far as temperature is concerned, the animals wear the same coats in the heat of the summer and the dead of the winter. Human beings are lacking something, seriously lacking something. Both the Lord Jesus Christ and Satan would like to complete us. Now my point was that we have not received the promises. My point is that a warm house in the wintertime, food on the table, a decent job, a mate, human comfort; those are not the promises of God. This is, He shall spread a table before us in the valley of the shadow of death. That is the mercy of God upon us in captivity. With the promises we will not need any of these things. The promises are deliverance from labor, deliverance from the world where we labor to have our needs met. The promise is the return to the Garden of Eden where we lack nothing. Now in this world, if you are independently wealthy, you could still be lacking emotionally. A lot of people get shipwrecked with a lot of money. I do not believe for a second that having all of our needs met will mean that we have nothing to do. We will have spiritual activities. I experience that in a measure today. Everybody does not have the capacity to serve God or to be in the spirit twenty four hours a day.


            It is a good thing that you have carnal activities, but someone like me, I could probably be in the spirit ten, fifteen, twenty hours a day with no problem. I cannot do it because I have carnal activities. I am moving into the promise in that I do not have a secular job, so I could spend a lot more time on my studies than other people can. I do not have a secular job and I do not have a family to take care of. The promise is full deliverance from this world of labor. Does everybody understand the difference between the mercy of God in providing our needs here in the valley of the shadow of death and the fulfillment of the promises which is complete deliverance from the world of labor? Is everybody okay with that? It is very late. I am going to try and finish this up so that we can go right into the translations. Any questions on anything that I have spoken about so far? God bless you.


             I would like to spend just a little more time on this drawing #1 and try to convey to you something about this configuration that we call Adam Kadmon as a human. The principle here is that we all have (well, let's say Israel) Israel, who genetically inherits this potential. I just do not want to go too deep right now. In a few minutes I will show you the condition that I believe the church is in, okay? This configuration is for a people who are in relationship with Jehovah. This relationship came into existence because of the covenant that Jehovah made with Israel on Mount Sinai. These attributes of God, the upper nine Sefirot, are available to Israel because of that covenant on Mount Sinai. By prayer, the individual man or the individual Israelite has to literally, with the power of his mind through prayer, pull these attributes into this configuration to receive the power of God. Now let me show you this a little bit. It is most important that Tiferet, the sixth Sphere, line up with Keter within us. What does this mean? Keter is the source of all blessing. If we can bring down the power of God that is in Keter, if we could bring it down here to us (we are down here in Malkhut pointing at the drawing) if we could bring it down, all our needs will be met. The way we bring it down is that we have to bring this middle line into existence.  We have to get Tiferet formed in the midst of us, not off to the left and not off to the right.


            How do we do that? Tiferet represents the balance between Gevurah (force) and I mentioned earlier, a person that has an over abundance of force, strong spirit that is not moderated with Chesed (kindness) if there's too much force and not enough kindness, cruelty appears in this person. See, this is not abstract. This is real. We all have the ability to be cruel or to be kind. Every human being has the ability to be cruel or to be kind. If we have too much kindness, we are soft. Being too soft will bring destruction. Being too cruel will bring destruction. We want a mixture of kindness and spiritual power which will bring us to a middle line of balance called Tiferet. How do we balance cruelty with kindness? Brethren, we have to be taught. We have to be taught. We have to be instructed in the word of God. The force is there. I think every human being is born with some force, some people more than others. We have to be taught to be kind, brethren. We have to be loved. We have to be taught to honor our neighbor and to honor our parents. Usually we learn to be kind by receiving kindness. It is very hard for a person who has never received kindness, who's been abused as a child, to be kind. You see, we can do all things in Christ, but that is a miracle for someone who's been abused as a child to be a kind person. This is a miracle through the power of God because there's only two ways you can learn to be kind; by receiving kindness, by being the recipient from your parents and people in your life or by being taught kindness by the Lord. We have to be balanced.


            What we are trying to do now is to form Tiferet within us. We are trying to pull our attributes together as a human being. We are trying to pull our qualities together to have a balanced expression of the qualities within us because if we are too much to the left or too much to the right, Tiferet will not line up immediately under Keter and therefore will not be able to receive the emanations, the power, the attributes of God, that come down from Keter. I mentioned this before we went to dinner, but I do not think I made my point. I see in this teaching a spiritual astronomy where the planets have to line up to get the result that we need. What do we need? We need the mercy of God in our lives because we are down here in the valley of the shadow of death and we know that there are people right here today, probably right here on Long Island, that are homeless in this freezing cold weather. There are people who are dying. I have given a message like this before. There is someone being raped right now in this general location. There is someone being incested right now in this general location. We need the mercy of God to survive in this world, which is hell. Every good thing is mercy. The fulfillment of the promise is to be delivered from hell where we do not need the mercy of God because we are okay and we are self sufficient.


            Then we have two more qualities. See, Tiferet is a balance of four qualities. Gevurah, force, must be balanced with kindness. Hod is the ability to recognize God, which very few people have, let me tell you. A lot of people can recognize Him on some level. There are a lot of Christians today (I do not really know any Jews) that can recognize the Holy Spirit to some degree. They can recognize the Holy Spirit, but when Christ comes into their life, they cannot recognize Christ. They recognize the Holy Spirit, but they cannot recognize Christ. What we are talking about here is receiving the promises, supernatural provision on every level of our life, that is not in the Holy Spirit, brethren. It is in Christ and how could you get it if you cannot recognize Christ? How could you get it? You cannot because Tiferet has to line up exactly under Keter for the power, the supernatural provision that comes through Keter to feed into Tiferet, to feed into Yesod, to feed down into us, into our Malkhut. Kindness has to be balanced with force with authority. Force has to be modified or tempered with kindness and identity with God; not the Holy Spirit now. Yes, we have a relationship with the Holy Spirit and He comes to assist us, but Christ is a whole different anointing. I know when we translated Daniel, Chapter 7, when we got to the fourth beast, it was Christ. Our Alternate translation of Daniel 7 says, Christ is so different from every other manifestation of the Holy Spirit or any other manifestation of God that people are used to because Christ is so different that He appears to be perverted to the people who cannot recognize who He is. He appears perverted to them. I can tell you, from first hand experience, that it is true.


            The mind of Christ and the way He thinks and the way He reasons and His opinions are very wrong to a lot of people. This very teaching would blow most of the Pentecostal church away and the Baptist church and the Lutherans and every denomination. This would be considered occult teaching. You know it is occult teaching. Occult merely means spiritual. If you look at the church today, you could look at any denomination in the church today and the one thing they are lacking, the one thing they all have in common that they are lacking is mature spirituality. What we teach here is mature spirituality. The rest of the church that does not even know what mature spirituality looks like, lumps us together with the spirituality of the spirit of the world. There is no distinction that I am aware of in the church today, between the spirituality which is in Christ and the spirituality which exists because of the spirit of this world. There is no recognition, whatsoever, that Christ is supposed to be spiritual or engaged in esoteric doctrine. Christ is one hundred and eighty degrees away from the carnal mind under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Two different Spirits, two different minds, two different potentials. The highest and greatest potential of the Holy Spirit, the ultimate that you could hope to gain from the Holy Spirit is what? Does anybody know?


            COMMENT: A good life down here in hell?


            PASTOR VITALE: Well, even more than that. No offense, but that is what the carnal mind would say. The ultimate spiritual hope that you could hope for from the Holy Spirit is that His mission would be accomplished in you, that Christ will be grafted to you, from a spiritual point of view. Receiving a good life down here in hell, that is the same principle as giving the derelict on the bowery a free meal and then inviting him into a service and hoping the Holy Spirit will fall on him and help him. Having a good life down here in hell, being blessed with good relationships and finances and health and all that, it is the same spiritual principle as being on a bread line and feeding the people before you minister Christ to them. If you can hear it, it is on a different level, but it is the same spiritual principle.


            Okay, so we have a spiritual constellation. It is called a constellation in Kabbalah. We have a spiritual constellation in our spiritual being, in the midst of us. This spiritual constellation consists of attributes of personality and in particular the attributes of God. That is why we say Keter is unknown. There is no attribute that we can relate to. You see, God has an attribute of power, force and might. We can relate to that. God has it. Well, let's hope for the great power of God. God has an attribute of kindness. Well, let's hope for that, that kindness will temper force. When kindness tempers force it will use the force, the power of the Spirit for good. We can hope for that. There is no attribute, no force, kindness, overcoming, peace, grace, truth; there's no attribute that the human mind could recognize or comprehend that we can attribute to Keter. His greatness is beyond our ability to identify it. That is why the Lord relates to humanity from this mid point called Tiferet and the Name of God associated with Tiferet is Jehovah, the Tetragrammaton. There are levels of God higher than Jehovah, but we cannot comprehend them. We have four attributes here. We've already talked about modifying force, spiritual power, with kindness. Let's use that power for good. Let's use that power for the Lord's good, not for the good that our carnal mind conjures up because remember, we reap everything that we sow and we shall reap in kind. If spiritual power has been developed in us and we think we are using it properly and we are not, we will reap every error from every error that we sow.


            It is urgently essential that we recognize any potential within ourselves to misuse this power. If we abuse it, even if we do not know that we abuse it, destruction will fall, not only on ourselves, but upon our physical families and upon our spiritual families and depending on how much power we have, possibly on the whole church or the whole country. Oh Sheila, aren't you exaggerating? Well what do you think happened with Adam? We are in this condition because Adam misused spiritual power that he had authority over. He misdirected it. In case you are interested, all of you people who have been with me for so long, I am in this book Gates of Light and I have just found an account that lines up with what the Lord has told us in the Doctrine of Christ concerning the fall. Adam, instead of waiting to be completed by Jehovah made his own decision and accepted the thought of his own mind to be completed by his own mind, which counseled him that he should be completed by experience. Of course it isn't exactly as it came out in the Doctrine of Christ, but it is that same principle that Adam did not wait for Jehovah to complete him, but went forth to complete himself, ate of the image or fruit and he fell and we all fell with him. I think that we have no idea of the amount of people that we influence for good and the amount of people that we would influence if we went off or if we went off more than we are off. I guess we are off to some degree. This is a very powerful spiritual ministry and even individuals who are not part of a powerful ministry; we influence other people. We affect a lot of people, brethren. Maybe we affect people that we do not even see, people that we have soul ties with.


            Back to our main point. We are talking about how, before Jesus Christ, it was necessary to draw from Gevurah and from Chesed and from Hod and from Netzach to bring a balanced Sphere of power within ourselves that would line up exactly under Keter so that the two Spheres could rotate and face one another and that the power of Almighty God could be channeled from Keter, the highest place, down to Tiferet, the place in the midst of the individual from where it would be further channeled into Yesod, which to me is Christ, because that is the seed and from Christ to Abel. I am a little confused about that right now, so I am not going to focus on that. I am trying to explain to you what this is all about on a personal level through prayer, through thought, through the balancing of our own strengths and weaknesses, we are told. We can pull the attributes of our own mind and personality into a place where we can receive all of the blessings of God. That is what this is about. Of course, Hod is the ability to identify Christ and that has to be balanced by Netzach which is overcoming. Well, what does that mean? Brethren, I know without a shadow of a doubt that not me or anyone else will never ever ever (I will say this unequivocally) come to a place where you can identify Christ wherever He is appearing, if you do not overcome your carnal mind. I tell you that without a moment's hesitation. You cannot overcome your carnal mind if you cannot recognize your carnal mind and you must recognize your carnal mind in her unconscious and subconscious aspects.


            You must recognize her in the thoughts of your own mind before you can overcome her and you will never ever overcome her until you learn to recognize Christ in the little things and that is what we practice in this ministry. There has to be a balance, you see, because if you are not overcoming your carnal mind, you will identify the wrong person as Christ. Who will you identify as Christ if you have not overcome your carnal mind? Who will you think is Christ? Satan and Leviathan, depending on the circumstances. Yes, Satan and Leviathan is right up there. Leviathan is saying, I am Christ and Satan is saying I am the Spirit of Christ; here we are. They are making a lot of noise and waving at you and giving you all kinds of signs and wonders and if you are not trained, you will never even know that you are suppose to look beyond those communications that come from Satan and Leviathan. Christ is underneath them, behind them, in the back, quiet, a still small voice, that if you do not know that you are suppose to be looking back there, you will never see Him. Once you know you are suppose to be looking back there, you have to get past Satan and Leviathan to check this out. That is no easy thing to do, brethren. To have Tiferet lined up in the midst of your spiritual being in a position where she can receive the full emanations from I Am who abides in Keter


            (which are the thoughts of God, this power which is the provision to have a perfect life in this world) you would have to balance these four forces.


            Now that is what it was like before Jesus Christ. It is a little bit easier now because you see, the Lord Jesus Christ, He's already balanced these forces for us. All we have to do is hook up with Jesus Christ. That is hard enough. We are having a hard enough time here as it is, working on identifying Christ and overcoming our carnal mind. We still have to do this, but somehow it must be easier in Christ. Believe me, I tell you all the time, I am teaching you as I study. As I preach this, I do not see how it is any easier doing it in Jesus Christ, but it has to be easier in Jesus Christ. What's coming to me right now is that we still have to do this by ourselves. We have to do this balancing act here by ourselves. The issue is that Jesus is our anchor, you see. When we overcome, when we balance force with kindness and we find the ability to identify Christ because we have overcome our carnal mind, we will form an ascending position in our own spiritual being. That which will form in us is called Christ Jesus and Christ Jesus will marry the Glorified Jesus Christ, who's up here where Keter is. Jesus Christ is our anchor. The only thing that is coming to me is that once Christ Jesus is formed in us, He's assembling all of these attributes in the middle line. Somehow before Jesus Christ (for the Jew) there was an additional problem that they would fall down from Keter. I do not really understand it. Jesus is our anchor and He will never fall down. Once we hook up with Jesus Christ, we will not have the problems that the medieval Jews had. I better stop now because I do not know what I am talking about.


            Can everybody at least go with me this far? Is everybody okay? Obviously, this is what we are doing in this ministry, learning how to overcome our carnal mind so we can identify Christ. That is what we are doing right here. Apparently we know we still have to do that. Everybody here, it may look like you do not have a problem with being over zealous with your force. I had that problem. Maybe I still do, somewhat, but I have overcome to a great degree. You can have an imbalance with kindness. You all have that here; you are too nice. You do not want to rise up in a positive spiritual force when necessary. You do not want the conflict. You do not want to confront anybody. You just want it to go away. My imbalance was that I had too much force, but your imbalance may be that you have too much kindness. That is what this is all about, getting our spiritual being gathered into a condition or a Sphere of energy called Christ Jesus, which will be balanced and positioned properly to receive a spiritual marital condition with the Glorified Jesus Christ. The result of that will be absolute supernatural provision in this realm. That is what this is all about. When we acquire this condition of Tiferet or Jehovah, the Tetragrammaton, it is then channeled down into Yesod. That is the ninth Sphere also called foundation or seed. To us it is Christ. To the Jew it was Christ, too. The Jew received Christ on Mount Sinai. It was Christ, the seed of the Household of Wisdom as opposed to the serpent's seed of our carnal nature.


            All of the upper eight attributes of God channel into the seed. You get all this when Christ is grafted to you. When Christ is grafted to you, you get Gevurah, Chesed, Hod, Netzach and Tiferet. You do not get Keter, Chokhmah and Binah because Keter, Chokhmah and Binah are the Glorified Jesus Christ. Now because the church is not Israel and the church did not inherit what Israel received on Mount Sinai, the procedure and the program is a little different. You may recall teaching from years ago that the church is really not in the new covenant. (End of tape 1).




Tape 2


            The Church, by and large, is not under the new covenant. We are heirs to the new covenant, but to be an heir to something and to be possessing and living out of it is a completely different issue. The new covenant is the ability to exist and live by the indwelling Christ Jesus. That means your conscience, Christ Jesus within you, controls everything you do to the point that you become sinless; to the point that you do not do one thing wrong and not one thought of your carnal mind gets through to pollute you. That is the promise of the new covenant. There is no law against a righteous man. See, that makes you a righteous man. If Christ Jesus, in you, is truly the sun of your life, controlling everything from your center, every word you say, every thought you think, every act you do; if you are fully controlled by Christ Jesus, you are incapable of sin. You are a righteous man and you cannot reap any evil including death. Death is an evil. Death is not of God. That is the new covenant. Who's walking in the new covenant today? The only one that I know of is Jesus Christ and He's glorified. We have God Almighty constructing two branches or two programs to bring the whole world into the new covenant. He gave one contract to the Jews on Mount Sinai, which included the law of animal sacrifices. The second branch of that contract is to the Gentiles. The Lord requires one thing of the Jews and another thing of the Gentiles, but both contracts are ultimately designed to bring every human being into a place of Keter where we are fully controlled by the indwelling Christ Jesus and become sinless, which is the disannulment of death. Death is not of God.


            Look, if Jesus Christ disannulled death, how can death be the doorway to the great hereafter? This is irrational. It is right in your King James Translation; He has disannulled death. He made a laughing stock out of powers and principalities. Oh death, where is thy victory; oh death, where is thy sting? You have to die to get this inheritance? Wake up! Yes, the Holy Spirit is in the church, but their doctrine is wrong. They'll tell you Jesus died and rose from the dead for you. They'll tell you about grace and unmerited favor and the Holy Spirit, but beyond that, they are wrong. They are wrong on every major issue. The first three Sefirot, that is Jesus Christ. If we have Christ grafted to us, we have the lower six. That is Christ, if He's grafted to you. Now if He's grafted to you and this is a good test to see if Christ is grafted to you, you are working on balancing these attributes of Christ. You see, if Christ is grafted to you, you have force and you have the ability to be kind. As cruel as you are, you have the ability to be kind and the potential to be kind. You have the potential to overcome your carnal mind and the potential to identify Christ, if Christ is grafted to you. Now you, everyone of us, by prayer, by thought, by the will we receive in Christ, are to start working and praying to the Lord for these attributes to appear in our personality in the right balance that will cause Christ Jesus to be formed in our midst. It is called Jehovah by the Jewish rabbis that brought forth this teaching of the Kabbalah. It is the same teaching, brethren. It is the same teaching.


            Then once we bring all these attributes of God into one cohesive balanced force in the midst of us, the power from the Glorified Jesus Christ, Keter, will start filtering down into the power within Christ Jesus within us and then that power will start filtering down to Christ. What does Christ want with this power? What does Christ or Yesod, in Kabbalah, need to do with this power? Christ needs the power, all of the power from above, to deal with the female under Him, to keep that female in right relationship with Him. I want to suggest to you, that in mortal man, that female is in the form of the Fiery Serpent, Cain and Abel. The job of Christ in us is to keep this tenth Sphere, which Kabbalah calls Malkhut (calls it the female, calls it the kingdom) if that is in fact the Fiery Serpent. Well, I am sorry, let me say it another way. Kabbalah teaches that these Spheres have to rotate and they have to be facing each other to transmit their energy from one to the other so Malkhut (that is in us; Abel in us) for Yesod to impart his seed. Remember all of these, everything I am talking about, is one step in the process which is designed to fully unify the highest Sphere called I Am, called Keter, called the thoughts of God in Kabbalah, called the Glorified Jesus Christ to Christians; to unify this Sphere of spiritual power fully and completely with Malkhut, to fully and completely unify the first Sphere with the tenth Sphere so that the power of the whole unified tenth Sefirot should be dwelling within us down here in hell.


            That is what this is all about and that is what the marriage talked about in the book of Revelation is all about. We hear about the marriage in other books of the New Testament. That is what it is all about. It is the same thing as Kabbalah is trying to accomplish. Only I spent years in the church and I never received one direction as how to even hope how this would happen to me. Yesod or Christ, His job (and we have taught this in the Samson and Delilah Series) His job is to exert an influence upon the Fiery Serpent in the mortal man and cause Abel, cause that Fiery Serpent to rotate so that Yesod or Christ can communicate with Abel, not with Cain, you see. Christ does not want to communicate with Cain. These are all Spheres. Think of them like planets out there and think about the gravitational pull of the planets. We are talking about spiritual gravitational pulls. Now Christ, who is Yesod, He needs all the power of the five Sefirot above Him that make up Christ Jesus and in addition the power that glorified Jesus Christ, which is the head of the body. The Fiery Serpent is so powerful, Christ needs all of this power behind Him to exert His spiritual gravitational pull upon the Fiery Serpent in the individual and bring Abel, rotate that Fiery Serpent so that Abel is face to face with Christ. Does anybody not know what I am talking about here? I want to tell you that when I just preached that, I had an image of a doctor and there was a physical woman who was in labor and the doctor was rotating the baby because the baby was breach. It is a hard birth for the feet to come out first. Sometimes the doctors go right into the woman's body with a rubber glove and turn that baby around. That is what we are talking about. That is what we are talking about.


            In mortal fallen man, Cain is facing Christ or the way it is expressed in Kabbalah is that Malkhut has her back to Ze'ir Anpin. I am sorry if these names are confusing you. Do the best you can, okay? We are interpolating doctrines. Ze'ir Anpin is Christ Jesus. Ze'ir Anpin is Christ Jesus, brethren. I read it right there in the books. Malkhut has her back to Yesod. When I first read that, I said, who cares that she has her back to Yesod. What are they talking about? They are talking about the Doctrine of Christ. She has her back to Yesod. Yesod has to gather all of the strength (this young man, Christ) has to gather all of the strength He can from all of these eight Sefirot above Him to exert a gravitational pull upon Malkhut that will rotate her to bring her around to face Him and all that means is, let's bring Abel to the surface. That is all that means. I want to tell you I do not know what kind of teaching these rabbis had in the oral tradition, but I could certainly never understand these books if the Lord had not taught us the Doctrine of Christ. It would be fascinating to me to hear their oral tradition. I may never have that privilege, but I know what the Lord is telling me. That is what this is all about, brethren. It has to happen inside of us and we do it with the power of prayer. We do it with thought. We ascend and accomplish all these great works that I am talking about by fastening our mind on a thought or a doctrine or an aspect of doctrine that is higher than we are. To do that, first of all you need the higher doctrine which the Lord has given us. Thank you Jesus.


            The second thing you need is an ability to concentrate. When we have our discussions and I tell you that you are not right on with the subject and that you just jumped to another subject, I am not trying to hurt you. I am telling you that you must acquire the power of concentration and you must acquire an ability to understand when you are going off the subject. It is not just enough for me to tell you that you went off. Ultimately you must be able to recognize this yourself. This is what you need to ascend. You need Christ. You need the higher doctrine and you need an ability to concentrate and focus. Now Christ is pretty much available to a lot of people. The doctrine is available, but we do not get that many people willing to study. Then we find even fewer people willing to be told that their concentration needs to be improved. The opportunity is available today to the whole world, brethren, that whosoever will can come and drink of this water.


            That is not talking about the Holy Spirit. That is the waters of life, the Spirit of Christ. It is available to the whole world. The whole world has not heard the message. Out of all the people that have heard the message, not everybody wants it. Out of the people who want it, not everybody is willing to study. Out of everybody who's willing to study, everybody is not willing to live holy. Out of everybody who's willing to study and live holy, not everybody is willing to be told that there's sin in their heart. You see, it is not Jesus limiting the number of people entering in. He is no respecter of persons. It truly is a race. We can do it. I can tell you that we can do it because the Scripture says we can do all things in Christ. You have to follow His rules. You have to do it His way and we will do it. By some miracle, we are going to do it, if you are willing to humble yourself and do it His way. Okay, I really did not expect this exhortation to go this long, but I guess the Lord knows what He's doing.


            I would like to point out a couple of more things. If we cannot finish tonight, we will finish Thursday, that is all. You see, this teaching that comes from Kabbalah is basically directed towards people who have genetically inherited Christ, for people who are born into Christ. The Gentiles in the church are not born into Christ, so they are in a different category, both categories leading to deliverance from hell. They are in a different condition to start with. They are not born with Christ. As far as the church is concerned, we are down here. Now the reason I divided the seven energy centers of the lower world or the seven energy centers that are below the unity is because that is how I read it in The Gates Of Light. The Gates Of Light talk only about four lower centers. The book did not even mention the three below that. I haven't read anything in my studies of Kabbalah yet as to what will happen to the man that is not born with this inheritance. According to the Kabbalah that I read, this glory is available to the Gentiles as well as the Jews.


            I do not know what they believed before Christ, what their requirements were, but they believed that it was available for the whole world and that the Jews were to be the ministers of this glory to whosoever was willing. They lost the commission and the commission went to the church and the church lost it, too. The Lord is coming up as a root out of dry ground and He's going to do it. He's brought the root out of dry ground and He's going to do it, whatever He's going to do. Let me just say a few words about the non Jew down here. Well maybe I have to do this a different way. I will have to take this drawing off the board. Are there any questions so far before I take the drawing off the board?


            COMMENT: At one time you had said that Malkhut was Christ and that Yesod was Christ Jesus. Can you explain that?


            PASTOR VITALE: Well, the Lord has expanded my understanding and I now believe otherwise.


            Does everybody understand that when I spell out Yod and hey, that I am spelling out the letters of the Holy Name? The Hebrew letter for Y is called Yod. It is just like taking an English letter like H and spelling it ech or the English letter T and spelling it tee. That is spelling out the letters of the alphabet. Well we are spelling out the letters of the Hebrew alphabet or the letters in particular of the Holy Name and the first letter Y is spelled Yod. The second and fourth letters are called H and I am spelling that hey and the V, I am spelling Vav. Does everybody understand this? We have an exercise here in gematria, if I am pronouncing that correctly. The numerical value of YHVH, which is the Tetragrammaton, is 26. Now according to gematria, this is the number game that the rabbis play. I have to tell you, please, I do not mean to be disrespectful, but it just amazes me how they get this stuff out of these manipulations of the letters. It makes me laugh. It is not a mocking laugh. I say, wow, isn't that something? They actually got this revelation out of that. There is not a doubt in my mind that it is God using that technique to impart His understanding to devout people. The numerical value of the Tetragrammaton is 26, the numerical value of Jah, the Name of God which is associated with wisdom (Chokhmah) Jah. We have a new letter. We have an aleph (a) there. I guess I should really put a y there so I do not confuse you.


            This is drawing #3 and my intention is to demonstrate to you that the numerical value of the Holy Name YHVH is equal to the numerical value of Yah, which is the Name of God associated with Chokhmah (wisdom). Over here on the left side of the board, right under the #3 we have the letter Y is equal to 10. The letter H is equal to 5. The letter V is equal to 6. The letter H is equal to 5 for a total of 26. The Tetragrammaton YHVH has a numerical value of 26. Now the way the rabbis claim or determine that the Holy Name Yah has a numerical value of 26 is by computing the numerical value of the vocalization of the Name. Listen, I tell you this is just game playing, but it works. God honors it. What does that mean, the vocalization of the Name? First of all, I have to explain to you that the letter V has two functions. It has the sound of a V and also is a vowel. It is a vowel that can be pronounced ooh, I think. Vowels are a, e, i, o and u. The vocalization of the letter Y, they spelled out the letter Y as Yod. What is confusing us all is that V in there. We are expecting it to have a V sound, but in this case, the V is a vowel, the O sound, Yod. Is everybody following me so far? They took the letter Y from the Holy Name Yah, they took the Y and they spelled it out as Yod. The V is in the function of a vowel, the O sound. I will say it as many times as necessary. Is anybody not following me?


            You're not following me? Okay, they took the Holy Name Yah which is the letter Y and the letter H. The reason the A is a small "a" is because the sound of the Y is ah. This "A" sound, Yah, it is a vowel represented by the V. The V has two functions. It sounds like a V and it is also a vowel that has an oh sound, ah, oh. It is a vowel. Okay? They spelled out the letter Y. The letter Y is Yod, Y O D. The O in Hebrew is the same letter as the V (Vav). Okay, do you have it? I will say it again if I have to. The V here is the oh sound Y o d; Yod, Vav, Daleth. Does everybody understand what I am saying? Well that is what they did. I am telling you, I am not mocking them. I believe God honors it and it is just amazing to me as I told you off the tape. These rabbis get a revelation and they know it is from God and I read cases of gematria calculation where they come up short by the number four and they say it is a four letter word so we will add 4, one for each letter of the word and they get the right number. The most amazing part of the whole thing is that the revelation witnesses to the Doctrine of Christ and it witnesses to my heart. They get the truth out of it. (Laughter) Don't knock yourself out too much about this because the main principle that I am trying to bring forth here I haven't brought forth yet and I will tell you what it is in a minute.


            We see that the rabbis say that the numerical value of the Holy Name, Yah, is 26. Of course, over here we have H equals 5. Here's the H. The Holy Name, Yah, is Y (This is not an aleph. It is an aleph.) Ooh, it is just mind boggling. They spell out the Y, but they do not spell out the aleph and the H. They did whatever they had to do to get it 26. They spelled out the Y, Yod, Vav, daleth, but they did not spell out the aleph or the H and they came up with a 26. You do not have to understand their reasoning, but do you understand what they did? Okay, if you cannot understand it, just take my word for it (laughter) that the teaching is that the numerical value of Yah is 26 and the numerical value of the Tetragrammaton YHVH is also 26. Now we have had some practice going back a few months about this. If Yah equals 26 and YHVH, the Tetragrammaton equals 26, therefore YHVH equals Yah. They both equal 26. That means even though they do not look the same, YHVH, has four letters and Yah has three letters, they have to be equal because they have the same numerical value. Is everybody okay?


            Now I told you all that to tell you that according to the teaching, the first two letters of the Holy Name, Y and H including the tip of the Y, which is Keter, is whole. The Lord just gave me an example for you all. Thank you, Jesus. He's so faithful. Do you remember the teaching that the Tree of Life is a whole tree? Even when the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil departs from the Tree of Life, the Tree of Life is still whole and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is a partial tree. Do you remember that teaching? The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the partial tree. The partial tree becomes whole when she joins with the Tree of Life. See, we are incomplete. We become whole when the Lord Jesus Christ joins Himself to us. When we are not joined, He's still whole. Jesus Christ is whole with us or without us. We are whole only when we are joined to Him. Is everybody okay? These first two letters of the Holy Name, the Y and the H, they are whole. If the V and the H get lost; now remember each one of these letters signifies a spiritual principle and one of the basic concepts of studying Kabbalah is the understanding that each of the letters of the Hebrew language represents a spiritual power, a spiritual principle. When we talk about letters, we are talking about spiritual alchemy, the mixing of different grades of spiritual power to produce a desired result.


            Of course, this is a parable saying the Tetragrammaton, YHVH, represents all of the worlds. It represents Adam Kadmon and all of the worlds. It is a symbol. The Tetragrammaton is a symbol for the whole creation on all levels. Therefore it is possible for the last two letters to be destroyed by ungodly activities. They do not say Satan in Kabbalah. They have other names that they use, which is not a point right now, so I do not want to confuse you anymore. Evil was done and the last two names, the last two letters of the Holy Name was successfully destroyed by the evil forces. It is impossible to destroy the Y and the first H. It is impossible to destroy Yah, the tip of the Y and the H, Keter, Chokhmah and Binah. It is impossible to destroy them. The worst that the evil forces can do is separate us from them. We could be destroyed and other elements and these last two letters can be destroyed, but the Y and the H can never be destroyed, therefore the name Yah is indestructible. It is equal to YHVH and it is indestructible. When there's a separation between the Y and the H and the V and the H, the Y and the H are equal to the whole. The V and the H are not equal to the whole and they really cannot exist in any spiritually healthy condition apart from the whole.


            When Israel goes into sin, this YHVH signifies the whole of Israel. When they go into sin, destruction is done upon these last two letters of the Holy Name. The first two letters cannot be touched. Now what I would like to do is read you two paragraphs from The Gates of Light, which might help you to understand this. Why am I telling you all this? I am trying to explain to you what Yah represents. Now the name of this series is I Am, which is Keter, the realm of absolute mercy, but I am bringing a definition of the Holy Name, Yah, into this series because we find it in the translation that we did. Everything that I have been talking about today is in preparation for you to understand the translations that we will be going over. I would like to read you about two paragraphs from this book.


            This is The Gates of Light, the teaching by Rabbi Gikatilla, a rabbi who lived in medieval times and this is page 319 and 320 of his book. Now we must tell you the reason why these first two letters of the Name, that is the Y and the H, often appear and are pronounced independently as Yah. The last two letters of the Name are not. We have already explained the function of the two H's, the first H, which is Binah (understanding) unifies the seven lower Spheres. That first H, she is Imma (mother) and she unifies. She enables to operate as one spiritual force all of the Spheres below her, which is Ze'ir Anpin and Nukva, the male and the female, while the last H, which is Malkhut or Nukva, unites with the nine upper Spheres through Yesod. To conclude, the principle aspect of the ten Spheres of the Ten Sefirot is that the three upper Spheres influence the seven lower Spheres. If, God forbid, the three Spheres ceased to flow (that is the three upper Spheres) ceased to flow (now this is the temple within the individual)then the temple is destroyed. I am not sure what the temple is right now and I do not want to guess.


            It is one of the Spheres. The temple is destroyed and the shrine is burnt. I think the temple is Yesod and the shrine is Malkhut, but I am not sure. The children of Israel are exiled among the nations. What happens is when Israel or the church today (let's stay with Israel right now) when Israel goes into sin, the configuration of these Spheres pull apart. They are no longer unified and when that spiritual condition occurs, then destruction manifests in the physical. See, the whole principle here is (if you can hear it) is that when these Spheres are unified within you and for us today, we are talking about the marriage of the Glorified Jesus Christ to Christ Jesus within us. When that marriage is in effect, nothing can hurt you in the physical. If you cannot understand that, just ask the Lord to help you. Everything that happens in this physical world are not accidents. Everything that happens is orchestrated from an invisible plain and when we are married to the Lord Jesus Christ, no accident will be able to happen, no disease will be able to take hold, no financial loss will be able to happen because all of these destructive events are the fruit of something that happened in an unseen plane.


            Okay, I am back to the book. That is why it is possible to pronounce the first half of the Name which is Jah independently and it is not possible to do the same with the last half of the Name which is V H because it is like cutting it off from the source. The first two letters signify the three upper Spheres and the two last letters signify the lower Spheres. Okay, they are capable of being separated, but only the upper Spheres cannot be destroyed because the upper Spheres are not dependent on the lower Spheres. That is what I just told you about. The Glorified Jesus Christ, He is not dependent upon us, we are dependent upon Him. Also, the numerical equivalent of the last two letters does not contain the numerical number of the whole Name. When you call Yah, the second half is included and therefore it is not cut off at all. For if one counts the numerical equivalence of the vocalization of the letter Y (and we have that on the board) it adds up to 26, which is the numerical equivalent of YHVH. Half of the Name is like the whole Name. This is only in regard to the first half of the Name, but the sustenance and upholding of the second half of the Name relies on the essence of Yah.


            That just said the same thing that I told you. What that just said is that the Tree of Life exists by itself and is independent of us. We, the partial tree are dependent upon the whole tree. Now I am telling you all this and I do not know if I am reaching you or not. I am having some trouble getting to my point. I am trying to describe to you the condition of the church today that does not have Christ grafted to them. Everything that I have taught so far has to do with the Jew who received Christ on Mount Sinai and who receives Him genetically. Today, when a new person comes to the church, they do not have Christ. Our condition is that Abel in us is completely separated from the whole unified constellation of God that I have been explaining to you. I know it is been a very long day and you are all trying to understand. Maybe when you hear the tape, you will do better. I think there was something else.       I want to read you one more paragraph. This is describing the absolute worse that can happen to Israel. The absolute worse that can happen to Israel is the condition of all the gentiles completely separated from God. This is the condition of the church, even the people who are reconciled to Jesus Christ, even the people that have the Holy Spirit. We are recipients of the mercy of God, but unless you have Christ grafted to you, you are not even experiencing what we have been teaching. Now if you are hearing this tape, you can ask to have Christ grafted to you. Don't think you are on the outside; you just ask. Let me read you this paragraph. This is the worst that can happen to Israel. Let me tell you this too. Chokhmah is inseparable from Binah. I have told you that. Wisdom is inseparable from understanding. They are a permanent married couple. Both of them are attached to Keter. We see Keter, Chokhmah and Binah are inseparable and indestructible. They just depart when the person goes into sin. They depart.


            That is very interesting to me because what is coming to my mind right now is an alternate translation that I did of the early chapters of Genesis. The Lord is bringing it to my mind. I remember seeing in the depth of my studies that Jehovah and Elohim withdrew from Adam when Adam formed a union with the dragon. At least that was the way I saw the translation with the tools that I had at the time. Elohim and Jehovah withdrew from Him, you see. This headship, this Keter, Chokhmah and Binah, this is the realm of mercy. Listen to this. This is what we are hoping for, a place where there is no sadness, no misery and no division. There is only glory, beauty and grace because the two Spheres, Chokhmah and Binah are forever united. The name Yah never changes. Now listen, this is what happens when we get into trouble. I do not want to confuse you anymore than necessary. It says here the lower Chokhmah, but it is talking about Malkhut. I am changing the book now so that you can understand it, hopefully. If God forbid, Israel sins and causes division between Malkhut from knowledge (Keter); if Malkhut is separated from Keter, then the final H of the Name, that second H, the last letter, separates from the proceeding letter V. I believe that is the separation of Malkhut from Yesod and then the V is gathered above and is no longer seen, I am adding now, no longer functionable because her mate has separated from her.


            We are talking about the separation of Malkhut from Ze'ir Anpin or I should be saying Nukva from Ze'ir Anpin. Once the shekinah, which is the final H, is exiled; when Nukva separates from Yesod, her name changes and she becomes shekinah. Once the shekinah, which is the final H, is exiled, then the letter V, which is her husband (the letter V is Ze'ir Anpin) like disappears and the only thing that is left is Y, the place where there is no division. This is the condition of the gentiles. This is the condition of the church. This is the condition of everybody who does not have Christ Jesus formed in them and have Christ Jesus married to the Glorified Jesus Christ. This is our condition. We are in spiritual exile. I am saying right now that Malkhut is Abel within us. We are in spiritual exile because Abel within us, is not married. If this is your condition and Abel in you is not married to Christ Jesus, there is no hope. You have no hope of Christ Jesus in you marrying the Glorified Jesus Christ and you are in spiritual exile. This is the condition of the whole church even though we have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is sent to graft Christ to us so that Christ Jesus can be formed in us.


            When is Christ Jesus formed in us? When we balance our spiritual power with kindness and overcome our carnal mind so that we can identify Christ. That is when Christ Jesus is formed in us and that is our preparation to have the Glorified Jesus Christ joined to us and in this union is the fulfillment of all the promises. The church is in exile. Do you hear what I am saying? This is a very hard message. Thank you for bearing with me. The church is in exile even though they have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is an aspect of the Glorified Jesus Christ that can be likened to Keter coming down into hell, where we are in exile, to have mercy on us. His ultimate goal is to graft Christ to us. He comes with gifts, but His ultimate goal is to graft Christ so that we can get out of here. Okay, I hope that was understandable to some degree. Now there is one more principle. Someone asked a question off the tape this morning. She had a dream this morning of a preacher and everything was shaking around her and I said what was happening is that Abel is coming up from under the ground. She said, well how could that be if Christ is in you and Christ is ascended, especially manifesting as Christ Jesus? How can Abel first be coming out of the ground because Christ grafts to Abel? I do want to take a few minutes to put that on the board for you. We did have this in a message about a year ago, but I will redo it for you.


            This is drawing #4. It looks a little different from the way I used to draw the two times lines, the righteous timeline and the counterfeit timeline. The righteous timeline is in a straight line and the counterfeit timeline is in a circle. Basically what is changed is that I have shown ten centers in the linear timeline, the righteous timeline, where I used to show only four or five centers above the circular Leviathan timeline. We see that Abel is in the belly and he is under Cain's authority, completely buried under Cain's earth. Christ grafts to Abel and then Christ sends forth as aspect of Himself. Christ does not leave Abel. Christ grafts to Abel and then sends forth His Spirit. Remember, He can stretch out. He stretches out and ascends all the way up to the fifth sephirah or the fifth energy center of the righteous timeline, which is Tiferet also known as YHVH, the Tetragrammaton, Jehovah. Also to us, we know this to be Christ Jesus. Christ now exists and He is now stretched out and He exists both in the belly of the counterfeit timeline and in the fifth center of the righteous timeline. He exists in both places. He's stretching out just as if I would stretch my arm out and my arm has the ability to go way beyond my body. Christ has that ability to stretch out.


            Christ becomes Christ Jesus in this fifth energy center of the righteous timeline and Christ Jesus abides there until the wedding. I do not know how long it is been. I believe I am in this condition for years, but everything is gradual. There is continuous progress. I do not really have anything to measure myself by, but I believe that right now I am in this condition, that Christ is grafted to Abel in me. He's also stretched all the way up to the fifth energy center of the righteous timeline where He has become Christ Jesus and I believe the marriage is in process. I believe there is already and has been for as long as I am teaching this doctrine, a relationship between Christ Jesus, in me, and the Glorified Jesus Christ, who's up in the first sephirah, all the way up at the top, because the Glorified Jesus Christ has been willing to have a relationship with me with all of my sins. You see, I have been in this fifth energy center of the righteous timeline for a long time now, but the four elements that we talked about earlier were not balanced. The force in me was much stronger than the kindness in me for a long time. I was doing better overcoming my carnal mind through the identification of Christ. I had a strong ability and still have a strong ability to identify Christ. The Lord Jesus worked with me and is still working with me (and obviously I haven't arrived yet) to bring the balance of all these attributes in me, kindness with spiritual power, the ability to recognize Christ and the ability to overcome my carnal mind. When these four elements are complete or these four attributes within me are completely balanced, the expression is, I become centered in Christ and the name of that unified Sphere or that unified energy center is called Tiferet. The marriage is in process. The Lord Jesus Christ is obviously connected to me but not completely. Everything is a process. At some point Christ Jesus begins His descent back down to the belly where Abel is and where the other end of Himself is. If you can hear that, He's all stretched out. Christ Jesus begins His descent to complete this circle. I honestly do not know whether He has to wait until He's fully married to the Glorified Jesus Christ to begin that descent. I do not have any of these details. I do not know. Eventually Christ Jesus that is married, or at least married to some degree, will begin His descent and He'll come back down with the full power of the Glorified Jesus Christ.


            When Christ first grafts, He's just the seed. Then He ascends into the fifth energy center where He becomes Christ Jesus and He has power over Satan, power to lead a holy life in hell. Then Christ Jesus acquires the additional power of the Glorified Jesus Christ and goes back down to the belly where Abel is, with all this power. Brethren, I am telling you the exact same thing I told you earlier on the tape when I had the constellation of the ten Sefirot on the board. I am telling you the exact same thing. If you want to roll back the tape and listen to this, you will hear it is the same exact message. Christ Jesus who is now married to the Glorified Jesus Christ, who is unified with the ultimate power, ultimate unlimited power of the Godhead, is now returning to the belly energy center in this man, whoever is having this experience. According to Kabbalah, Christ Jesus is Ze'ir Anpin. It is just Ze'ir Anpin coming back to set Abel free. You see, Abel is under Cain's ground and this forms the spiritual earthquake. Christ, the married Christ Jesus comes back and He starts pulling. In my mind now, I have a vision of Abel as a root and we have been taught here that Abel is Adam's root system.


            We had a whole message that brought forth that revelation. The vision that I just saw was the pulling of a deep root out from under the ground like a dandelion. The whole ground breaks up to get that root out and Abel is being pulled out. Now of course, in the natural, if you pull a plant out by the root, the plant dies. In spiritual things, it is the exact opposite of the natural. Abel is being pulled out. Abel, the root system of Adam is being pulled to the surface so that he can lie up on top of Cain so that this root can increase into the completion of the spiritual man. The spiritual man must be fully above the ground. See, Christ Jesus is above the ground and He is married to the Glorified Jesus and they are above the ground. Christ Jesus or Ze'ir Anpin's roots are buried under Cain. What does this mean to you or to me, that Christ Jesus' roots are buried under Cain? It means that we are still being tortured in our emotions because Cain is all emotion and it means that we are still in a position where we have to fight off ungodly thoughts every second of every minute of every day, if we could look into the subconscious part of our mind. Those thoughts are there every second of every minute of every hour of every day.


            The reason for this is that Cain, who is lying on top of Abel is married to Leviathan, who is connected to Satan, the source of all ungodly thoughts. This is how we put it together. Any questions or comments or problems? This is happening in us. This is a spiritual diagram of our spiritual condition and what is happening and what we can expect to happen. I am very excited about the dream of a preacher in the midst of an earthquake this morning. It is very exciting. The only thing is that I do not know how much longer it is going to take. I want to tell you that there are moments when I actually feel a vibration. My whole body just starts vibrating. I believe this is what is happening. That is been going on for a long time. It is intermit ten, it is not continual. Some mornings I wake up and my whole body is vibrating. The question is how much longer. I do not know. I just take it a day at a time. We do the best we can to live holy and we do the best we can to study to show ourselves approved. We do the best we can to confess our sins and to choose and prefer to manifest the nature of Christ in every situation and we wait to be pulled out from under Cain's authority.


            See, not only are we going to be pulled out from under her authority, but our whole ground is going to be broken up, which means her connection with Leviathan and Satan are going to be broken up. Satan has got a very strong hold on every human being in the world including the church. All you people that think you got it straight, you are utterly deceived. I actually had a preacher tell me not too long ago that she does not have anything to worry about because she does everything Jesus tells her. She does not have to worry about curses because she is walking fully behind Jesus. God help us with that kind of thinking. She is very vulnerable. In God's timing she will find out how wrong she is, when He decides to explain it to her with a painful experience. Any questions or comments?


            COMMENT: I was just thinking of the recent earthquake in Washington. They claim that the reason it did not cause more havoc than it did and no lives were taken was because it came from so deep in the ground, 31 miles down. I keep hearing that scripture, deep calleth unto deep.


            PASTOR VITALE: Okay, we are going to take a little break and then I am going to try to do this translation. I know that the notes are quite a few pages, but we are really not going to be dealing with the breakdown. The notes show you all of my alternate selections for the words that appear in the King James Translation. There really is not that much to do. I would like to finish up this series tonight.


            We will be translating verses 12 thru 23 of Exodus Chapter 33. I will read in the King James from verse 1 so that we can center ourselves as to what we are talking about here. Now at the end of Chapter 32 we read; And the Lord plagued the people, because they made the calf, which Aaron made. We see that Moses had ascended to receive the Law and the people went into idolatry. This is the same thing that is happening in the church today. The Lord Jesus Christ is busy training up the sons of God, the saviors that will come forth from Mount Zion with healing power and with the strength to bring the church up to this high place of mind where we are delivered from death. This is what the Lord Jesus is doing right now. He's preparing a place for the people and the place that He's preparing is a spiritual place. He's making a way for the simplest person to ascend to that place. The church is falling into apostasy and idolatry because He's now been gone two thousand years. Two days He's been gone. We are entering into the third day.


            Exodus Chapter 33 verse 1; And the Lord said unto Moses, Depart, and go up hence, thou and the people which thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt, unto the land which I swear unto Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, Unto thy seed will I give it: And I will send an angel before thee; and I will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite: Unto a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not go up in the midst of thee; for thou art a stiff-necked people: lest I consume thee in the way. See, Jehovah cannot occupy someone filled with sin. We would be destroyed, physically destroyed. Of course, that word stiff-necked refers to pride, brethren. Pride is the problem. Anyone that is come this far with the Lord is not likely to be stealing, murdering, committing adultery or fornicating. The sins that we deal with to ascend are the sins of pride, the hidden sins of the heart.


            Verse 4; And when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned: and no man did put on him his ornaments. What evil tidings? I will send an angel before you. Well, let's start with verse 1. I brought you out of the land of Egypt into the land and I will take you into the land that I sware unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and unto thy seed will I give it. That is what He said to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I will send an angel before you. I will drive out all of the enemies of your soul. Verse 3; it is a land flowing with milk and honey. What is these evil tidings that they heard? The very last thing; I will not go up in the midst of this stiff-necked people. Your sins must be exposed and dealt with. I want to give you all of these promises that I state in verses 1,2 and 3, but your part is to have your sin nature exposed and to reject that sin nature. When the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned and no man did put on his ornaments. For the Lord had said unto Moses, Say unto the children of Israel, ye are a stiff-necked people; I will come up in the midst of you in a moment and consume thee: therefore now put off thy ornaments from thee, that I may know what to do unto thee. Now brethren, I am not looking at the Hebrew. I am looking at the English. Verse 5 is a complete restatement of what Jehovah said. Jehovah said, I will not go up in the midst of you because you are a stiff-necked people and if I do that, I am going to kill you. That is verse 3. Verse 5 is a restatement, for the Lord had said unto Moses, say unto the children of Israel, you are a stiff-necked people.


            Well, that is true. I will come up in the midst of you in a moment. No, no, the Lord said I will not come up in the midst of you; it would destroy you. I will come up in the midst of you in a moment and I will consume you. Therefore now put off your ornaments that I may know what to do with you. That is verse 5, but verse 4 says, when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned and no man would put on his ornaments. God did not tell them not to put on their ornaments. Brethren, this is what the carnal mind does. I am a victim of this convoluted thinking continuously, by the carnal minds of people who do not even realize what they are doing. That is what the carnal mind does to the words and to the thoughts and the intentions of Christ; complete perversion. Verse 6; And the children of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments by the mount Horeb. Whatever that means; I am not sure what it means. They did it at their own volition and blamed God for it. Verse 7: And Moses took the tabernacle, and pitched it without the camp, afar off from the camp, and called it the Tabernacle of the congregation. And it came to pass, that every one who sought the Lord went out unto the tabernacle of the congregation, which was without the camp. We see the people were in a desperate condition. Their carnal minds were ruling and they were convinced that what their carnal mind was telling them was the word of the Lord to them. Verse 8; And it came to pass, when Moses went out unto the tabernacle, that all the people rose up, and stood every man at his tent door, and looked after Moses, until he was gone into the tabernacle.


            Verse 9; And it came to pass, as Moses entered into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and the Lord talked with Moses. Verse 10; And all the people saw the cloudy pillar stand at the tabernacle door: and all the people rose up and worshipped, every man in his tent door. Verse 11; And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh to his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle. We will start translating here. Verse 12; And Moses said unto the Lord, See, thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight. Verse 13; Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in your sight, shew me now thy way, that I may know you, that I may find grace in your sight and consider that this nation is your people. This is Moses' request, that the Lord Jehovah show Moses His ways. That means how Jehovah deals with problems and in any kind of situation that Moses may know Jehovah, that Moses may find grace in His sight and grace is the word for kindness and that Jehovah might consider and have it in His mind that this nation, Israel, should be Jehovah's people. We'll see later on, the Household of Wisdom says to Moses, we have agreed to grant your request. Verse 14; And he said, My presence shall go with you and I will give you rest.


            Verse 15; And he said unto him, if thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence. Verse 16; For wherein shall it be known here that I and your people have found grace. How am I going to understand, how am I going to find out that I and the people have found grace in your sight, Jehovah? Is it not in that you goest with us? If you go with us, we are going to know that we found grace in your sight. Shall we be separated, I and your people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth. We shall be separated because you are with us and you are not with them. Verse 17; And Jehovah, the Lord, said to Moses, I will do this thing also that you have spoken, for you have found grace in my sight and I know you by name. Verse 18; And he said, I beseech you, shew me your glory. Verse 19; And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord (that is Jehovah) before you, and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy. Verse 20; And he said, you cannot see my face, for there shall no man see me and live. Verse 21; And the Lord said, Behold, there is a place by me, and you shall stand upon a rock; Verse 22; And it shall come to pass, while my glory passes by, that I will put you in a clift of the rock, and will cover you with my hand while I pass by: Verse 23; And I will take away mine hand and you shall see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen. We have translated some of those verses and you shouldn't be surprised that the translations do not sound anything like that.


            Now I would like to start by telling you that all of those he's and he said and he said and he said, in each of those verses where the King James says, he said, that word, he, is a translation of the Vav and the Yod, which I explained to you earlier this morning. The Vav signifies Jehovah, the Tetragrammaton, HYVH, which signifies Tiferet, which signifies Ze'ir Anpin. Ze'ir Anpin is Chesed (kindness) Gevurah (force) Tiferet, the balancing of the two, Netzach (overcoming power) Hod (identification with God) and Yesod the male seed. That is the Vav. Then the Yod signifies Keter. Did I tell you the Vav signifies the Tetragrammaton HYVH and then the Yod signifies or the tip of the Yod signifies I Am, Keter and the Yod itself. Of course, I Am and Keter signify the thoughts of God, the incomprehensible thoughts of God which are way beyond us and the Yod itself signifies Chokhmah. The Name of God associated with Chokhmah is Yah. We are going to have these words at the beginning of almost every verse, and Jehovah, I Am and Yah said.


            Starting with verse 12, King James. And Moses said unto the Lord, see thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people; and thou hast let me know whom thou wilt send with me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight. Okay, Jehovah, we are translating the Vav Jehovah. The Yod is I Am. Okay, the tip of the Yod is I Am and the Yod is Yah. Lord is Jehovah. The Hebrew word translated unto, we are translating because. Maybe it is the word see. I did not put this word in. I am sorry I did not put down what this word, is appearing, is a translation of. The word, said, we are translating appointed. To bring up, we are translating ascend, and, we are translating, but there is a Vav here. It must be a prefix Vav which means Tiferet and can be translated judgment. We have the word, not, translating as Satan. Has let me know, we are translating instructed. The pronoun, you, we are translating Jehovah. I think we put this on part 1 of this message that the cognomen, you, is talking about the Tetragrammaton Jehovah. The cognomen, he, is signifying I Am. The cognomen, I, or the pronoun, I, which is a cognomen for Adonay. That is what we are doing here. We are translating, you, the Tetragrammaton, in accordance with this information that we are given in the basic principles of Kabbalah. The word, send, we are translating appointed. You, we are translating Jehovah again. The prefix Vav, which means Tiferet, we are translating judgment. You, once again, we are translating Jehovah. I do not know if I am going to go through this whole thing, except for people reading the transcript. I guess I have to do it.


            The Hebrew word translated, says, we are translating determined. This phrase, I know thee by name; I found an explanation of that in one of the books that I am studying called The Gates Of Light. For Jehovah to say, I know you by name, means that that man knows how to direct his thoughts towards Jehovah, who to us today is Christ Jesus. We talked about this in part 1 of this message, what it means to direct your thoughts to God and the three different ways you can direct your thoughts to God. We will review that later on in this message. The prefix Vav can be translated Jehovah. Also, we are translating together. The English word, has found, or the Hebrew word translated, has found, we are translating has assembled. The Hebrew word translated grace can be translated unconditional kindness without regard to merit. The Hebrew word translated, in my sight; that Hebrew word is ayn, which is a cognomen for I Am. I see in your notes that I have Ehyeh, but I am changing it to I Am because we are going to be putting this translation in the Alternate Translation and I am not even sure how I am going to interpolate all these Kabbalistic terms into the Alternate Translation. I really have to hear from God about it. Now the Hebrew word translated sight; I have an asterisk next to that and here's my note. Vision, sight; vision signifies Chokhmah, which is wisdom. I am changing Ehyeh to I Am. The unknowable one is always enclothed in Chokhmah. Wherever you see the word, vision, it is talking about spiritual vision which is wisdom and wherever wisdom is, the great I Am is there also because I Am is enclothed within wisdom.


            Here is our Alternate Translation for verse 12 from Exodus 23.  Jehovah, I Am, and Yah appearing through Jehovah. See, I Am and Yah, were speaking through Jehovah. It was Jehovah that was appearing to Moses, but Jehovah was not alone. I Am and Yah were assembled together with Jehovah. They were a unity speaking as one, Jehovah. Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Jehovah said to Moses, I Am is appearing in Jehovah because Jehovah has appointed this people to ascend. But you, Moses, are instructing the ones who Jehovah has appointed to be with me with Satan's judgment. You must submit to Jehovah's kind judgment which will bring forth within you, Moses, the ability to direct your thoughts towards me so that Jehovah can assemble together with I Am, which will enable you to show unconditional kindness without regard to merit to the people called to ascend. Now I have another paragraph of translations, so I must have amplified this or moved the sentences around. I will read it again as the final translation. Exodus 33:12; And Jehovah, I Am, and Jah, appearing through Jehovah said to Moses, I Am is appearing together with me, Jehovah, so that my kind judgment can bring forth within you, Moses, the ability to direct your thoughts towards me, Jehovah, so that I, Jehovah, can assemble together with I Am within you, which will enable you to show unconditional kindness to this people without regard to merit because, I, Jehovah, have appointed these people to ascend with me. But you, Moses, are instructing the ones who I, Jehovah, have appointed to ascend with Satan's judgment.


            We see that Jehovah's solution or the solution of the household of wisdom for the people who sinned by making the golden calf was to raise up a judge or to make Moses into a judge that would judge them or would judge their sins with unconditional kindness and help them to overcome those sins. That is the solution of the Lord to our problems, to send a judge, to send a teacher, to show you your sins. We know what happened when Jesus came to show the pharisees their sins. They killed Him and the same thing is happening today. If you are hearing this message, you have the opportunity to put yourself before God and ask Him to help you not to be a murderer when Christ comes to you. Don't murder the prophet that the Lord sends to help you to ascend. King James, verse 13; Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in your sight, show me now thy way that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight and consider that this nation is thy people. The Hebrew words translated, now therefore, can also be translated, at this time. The Hebrew words translated, I have found, we will translate will appear. Unconditional kindness without regard to merit is a translation of the Hebrew word translated grace. I am changing that to I Am's mercy. Sight, we are translating wisdom. The word, show, we are translating recognize. The word, now, we are translating at that time. There is an untranslated word here, the word et. I have learned from my studies in Kabbalah that et signifies Malkhut and the Name of God associated with Malkhut is Adonay, so we are translating it Adonay. Adonay's lifestyle; we are translating way as lifestyle. Grace, once again, we are translating as unconditional kindness and sight, we are translating wisdom.


            Alternate Translation, verse 13; If you pray at this time, Moses, unconditional kindness without regard to merit will appear within you as well as I Am's merciful judgment, which imparts wisdom. At that time, Adonay within you, Moses, will demonstrate my lifestyle through you and you will instruct the people how to recognize me. The people will acquire unconditional kindness without regard to merit as well as spiritual wisdom. King James, verse 14; And he said, my presence shall go with you and I will give you rest. We are translating the prefix Vav, Jehovah. Well, that is all the same, Jehovah, I Am and Jah, appearing in Jehovah. That second Jehovah is a translation of a Vav that appears before the word said. I guess there were two vavs there. I will have to check that out. My personality, I think I took that out, that ancient of days, Atik Yomin. I took that out. My personality will go with you. This is the personality, this is the Household of Wisdom. Jehovah, I Am and Yah saying, my personality will go with you and I had a little trouble deciding who that personality was because we actually have the nine Sefirot, the whole Sefirot except for Malkhut in this Jehovah, I Am and Yah. It is talking about all nine Sefirot, so I wasn't sure who the personality was.


            I am sorry, I see I did not do the best job here. What I had there is that the word, belong to, is a translation of thee. Where did I get Jehovah from? What I have written here is that I got Jehovah from the word, thee, and I did not write down any explanation here.  I am sorry about that, but I do not have the details, but I am sure the translation is correct. We will just give an alternate translation of verse 14. And Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Jehovah, said to Moses, Adam, my personality will go with you and the Fiery Serpent within you, will lie down and you will rest from trouble and calamity because Adam belongs to me, Jehovah. I just remind you that the words in brackets are my amplifications.  Jehovah, I Am and Jah, appearing through Jehovah, said to Moses, (and this is the conclusion that I came to after praying that the personality is Adam) Adam, my personality will go with you and the Fiery Serpent within you, Moses, will lie down and you will rest from trouble and calamity because Adam belongs to me, Jehovah. King James, verse 15; And he said unto him, if thy presence go not with me, carry us not up there. Unto him, we are translating, the one near to them. I am going to make that Adam as the personality. I Am is a translation of the English word not, go not up with me. That is the Hebrew word, ayn, that is the negative word that means I Am. I explained all this to you on part 1. Ayn is I Am and any is Adonay. If you do not remember, please listen to part 1 of this message. I do not want to do the whole thing over.


            The word presence, we are translating personality. The word, go up, we are translating to carry up. The word, carry up, we are translating to mount up. I do not know where I was when I was doing all of this stuff. I do not think that is right. The word, go, we are translating carry and I think it is the word mount that we are translating carry up. I think I have that backwards. The Hebrew word translated go in verse 15 is Strong's #3212 and it is a different Hebrew word than the word translated go in verse 14 which is Strong's #1980. We see in verse 15 the Hebrew word translated go means to carry up. In verse 14 it really means to go. Alternate translation of verse 15; And Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Jehovah said to Adam, the one near to them, if Adam, I Am's personality appearing in Moses does not carry Moses up, we will carry Moses up. Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Jehovah said to Adam, the one near to them, if Adam, I Am's personality appearing in Moses, does not carry Moses up, we will carry him up. That means if the presence of Christ in you does not cause you to ascend in your mind, the household of wisdom is coming to expose your sin nature because that is the only reason you are not ascending, brethren, is because your sin nature is not releasing you to ascend. If the fact that you have Christ grafted to you, does not enable you to ascend, you have to come under judgment. I do not know that anybody can ascend without judgment.


            You can have a hard judgment or an easy judgment, but your sin nature must be exposed so that you can recognize it. The easiest way to go is to have someone like me expose it to you. How you go is between you and Jesus. I am here and this is my job to be here and help you see your sin nature. If you are called like these people in Exodus 33, if you are one of the people who are ascended or who are appointed to ascend, your sin nature must be exposed. If it is offending you to take it from me, then you can take it from Satan in somebody. You see, it is Christ Jesus in me showing you your sin. If you cannot take it from me, then you will wind up getting it from Satan in some human being. If you are appointed to ascend, your sin nature is going to be exposed because there's no other way to go. There is absolutely no other way to ascend. Remember, in order for us to ascend, Tiferet must be formed in us. Christ Jesus must be formed in us. Christ Jesus is the balanced ball of energy which comes into existence when our sin nature is revealed to us and we learn to identify the mind of Christ, also, when kindness tempers our spiritual strength. When these attributes within us are balanced, the ability to see our carnal mind, the ability to recognize Christ, the ability to be spiritually strong in Christ Jesus and to be strong with kindness; when those attributes are all balanced, Christ Jesus comes into existence. It is called Tiferet in Kabbalah. That is what He is, that is what Christ Jesus is.


            You see, if you would like to try to determine whether or not you have Christ grafted to you or whether He has matured into Christ Jesus or not, here is your test. The test that you have Christ grafted to you is that you are hungry for this word. That is at least one of the tests. It is hard to tell when Christ is grafted to you and still a very young seed, but one of the signs is that you are hungry for this doctrine. If you have Christ Jesus operating in you, you are judging sin. You are judging your own sin and possibly other people's sins with kindness, if God has assigned you to do it. If you are judging other people's sins and you are doing it without the authority of Christ Jesus, then at some point, the Lord will have to bring that correction and you will reap what you sow, if you do not repent. This is assuming that you are hearing from God and you are recognizing sin in yourself and in other people with kindness. You know some people beat themselves up when they see their own sins. We have someone here who did that and I hope she is not doing it anymore. Jesus never intends to condemn you. Whether you see it yourself or whether the Lord shows it to you or whether another man shows it to you, it is not His intention to condemn you. Your sins are exposed for the specific purpose of teaching you to recognize Christ. That is how you recognize Christ. You say, oh this is a sin; well, that other thought must be Christ. We cannot recognize Christ any other way. (End of tape 2)


Tape 3


            If you want to see if Christ Jesus is being formed in you, if there is any sign of Him, at all, you are judging sin with kindness and you are recognizing your carnal mind and you are recognizing Christ, at least some of the time. If you are not doing either of these things, Christ in you is not yet matured into Christ Jesus. That is no crime. It is good to know where you are. That is why President Bush is putting forth his education plan now, which includes testing. Everybody should be evaluated. You should know where you are. There is no condemnation in Christ.


            We are up to verse 16 in the King James; For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found grace in your sight? Is it not that you go with us? Is that not the sign that we have found grace in your sight? We shall be separated, I and your people from all the people that are upon the face of the earth. The Vav, we are translating Jehovah. There is a prefix beth that we are translating household. What I am doing here, brethren, is I am mixing the teaching of the Doctrine of Christ in with the teaching of Kabbalah. This is a part of the teaching of the Doctrine of Christ to say that the prefix beth means household. To say that Vav means Jehovah, that is a teaching from Kabbalah. We are interpolating all of the doctrines that the Lord is bringing to us here. These are several rivers, all coming into one ocean. The word here, we are translating been. The words, have found, we are translating appear. Grace is unconditional kindness without regard to merit. Sight is wisdom. The word, I, we are translating Adonay. That is a principle from Kabbalah. Vav, we are translating Jehovah; that is Kabbalah. To go, we are translating to carry up. I see there's a word, not, there. According to this, I am keeping it not. I may have made that change further on. The word with, we are translating a company. Vav is Jehovah's kind judgment. That is right. Vav means Tiferet. It can be translated Tiferet. The Hebrew letter, nun, I have also learned from my studies in Kabbalah, signifies I Am's merciful judgment.


            Vav is the kind judgment. That means there is correction involved, but nun signifies the merciful judgment that comes from the highest Sefirot. We have identified that as the mercy that comes from the Holy Spirit. The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance. You just have to ask for them. Then we have the word translated, I, which means Adonay according to Kabbalah. Vav is Jehovah's kind judgment. The word all, we are translating completed because the word all can also mean whole. There is a prefix, mem; now this is from the Doctrine of Christ now. Mem means water or spirit and we are translating it spirit. The word, upon, we are translating above. The word face, we are translating personality. Elohim, Jehovah's household; oh, I do not think I told you that. I looked to see where I got the word Elohim from. The word, wherein, when I looked it up to see what it really meant in Hebrew; it meant what. What is a cognomen for Elohim. That is where we got Elohim from. Elohim, Jehovah's household shall acquire them. Of course, that is something we learned from the Doctrine of Christ also, that the letter beth could mean household. Household really means wife. Elohim is Jehovah's wife, if you want to look at it that way. They are one. Elohim serves Jehovah. Elohim, Jehovah's household, shall acquire them. That should be a you; shall acquire you, and then the unconditional kindness without regard to merit and the wisdom that comes from I Am shall appear in Adonay within Moses.


            Now Adonay is the Name of God that is associated with Malkhut. At least at this time, we are calling Adonay, Abel. That is where we are right now with our understanding. The wisdom that comes from I Am shall appear in Adonay within Moses and Jehovah shall make the people even. Does anybody remember what that means, to make the people even? It is talking about salvation, brethren. You see, we are all into our emotions. Fallen people are all dealing with emotions. We are up and down, up and down. Even the most stable people have moments where they have to fight to remain stable. Evenness is referring to emotional stability. Jehovah shall make the people even. He is going to join Himself to us and stabilize us. Jehovah, according to what we have learned in Kabbalah now, we know that Jehovah is Christ Jesus. He will be added to us and stabilize us. I Am shall carry your people up and Jehovah's kind judgment shall be separated from I Am's merciful judgment and Adonay within Moses, shall execute Jehovah's kind judgment.


            I do not know if that is right; just a minute. Within Moses shall execute Jehovah's kind judgment which separates the completed spirit in the people that are above the Fiery Serpent, the personality of the people of the earth. That does not make too much sense and that is why I have a second rendition of it. The final translation of verse 16 is; In that event, Elohim, Jehovah's household, shall acquire you, Moses, and then the unconditional kindnesses without regard to merit and the wisdom that comes from I Am shall appear in Adonay within you, Moses, and Jehovah shall make the people even. He shall stabilize them and then I Am, within you, Moses, shall carry your people up and Jehovah's kind judgment and I Am's merciful judgment shall separate the completed spirit of the people that are above the Fiery Serpent from the personalities of the people of the earth when Adonay within you, Moses, executes Jehovah's kind judgment upon the people. I just want to go back to that phrase about the Fiery Serpent. I Am's merciful judgment shall separate the completed spirit. Who's going to be completing our spirit? The Lord Jesus is completing our spirit. He shall separate the completed spirit of the people that are above the Fiery Serpent.


            I do not know. It really should be above Cain. The people that are above Cain, from the personalities of the people of the earth. In other words, if we are moving forward in God and we are living out of Christ; we are not living out of Cain. We are not living out of our carnal mind anymore. There is going to be a separation between the people who are living above Cain from the personalities of the people of the earth. The people who are living above Cain, you have to be living out of Abel and there is a separation, brethren, from the people who are living out of Abel and the people who are living out of Cain. What this means is not that the people who live out of Abel are not suppose to talk to the people who live out of Cain. What this means is that you will see the difference. You will see the difference. You will be able to recognize the people who are living out of Cain as opposed to the people who are living out of Abel. You will recognize the people who are living out of Christ. That is what it means. Brethren, first you have to be able to recognize Christ in yourself before you can find other people that are living out of Christ. The procedure, the process, it must start in you. It must start in you; it must start in me.


            Verse 17 of the King James; And the Lord said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that you have spoken, for you have found grace in my sight and I know you by name. I reproduced here our study from part 1 of the three ways you have to know how to pray to qualify for Jehovah to say to you or Christ Jesus to say to you, I know you by name. What that means is, I know your nature. I know you because you have the same nature as I do and the reason you have the same nature that I do; these are the signs that you have the same nature as I do. There are three ways in which the Sphere, Any, receives the everflow of the power of God from Ayn (that is Keter) that is the Glorified Jesus Christ and Any, that is Malkhut, which is Adonay, which we are saying is Abel at this time. Abel is the seed of Jehovah that is lost and desperate. He's buried under Cain and in order to escape, he needs the full power that comes down out of the Glorified Jesus Christ, which is Keter. These are the three ways that, if you know how to pray this way, these are the signs that the full power of the Lord Jesus Christ is manifesting in you. He's manifesting through Abel in you. Okay, the first sign is witnessed by the scripture Esther 2:17; And he placed the Keter Malkhut or he placed the crown of the kingdom on her head and this signifies the ability to bring the Spirit of Christ which is in Keter, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, directly down to Abel. It is the Holy Spirit manifesting in your life.


            Does the Holy Spirit touch other people through you? Well, I think everybody here could say amen to that. The second ability, which would qualify you to say that Jehovah knows your name is Habakkuk 3:19. I took these principles out of a book and I see that they just quoted the first phrase of Habakkuk 3:19 which is, the Lord God is my strength. God is a translation of Jehovah, YHVH, and Lord is a translation of Adonay. We see that the second ability to relate to God is to manifest Christ Jesus in one man to Christ in another man and that is what I do for you. I manifest Christ Jesus to you when I teach you. I am not teaching your carnal mind. Those of you who recall, you may have heard me say this to you, that I will not teach your carnal mind. I will not have a deep discussion with your carnal mind. When you come here in the mind of Christ, I will talk to you. I do not know if I said that to anybody here, but I know I have said it to a lot of people. I will not have a discussion with your carnal mind. I think I have said it, mostly to you, this past year. I will not discuss anything with your carnal mind. Why? Because no good thing could come out of it. No positive thing could come out of it. If you are trying to communicate with me and there's a problem, what you need to do is go before the Lord and say, please let my Christ mind come up so we could settle this thing. It will never be settled with your carnal mind.


            The third qualification to be able to say that Jehovah or Christ Jesus knows us by name is based on Psalms 135:21 which says, blessed be Jehovah from Zion who dwells in Jerusalem. I have learned from my studies in Kabbalah that Zion signifies El Chay, which is the Name of God that is associated with Yesod, the ninth sephirah, which is the seed which we are relating to Christ; the male seed, Christ, Who dwells in Jerusalem. I have also learned from Kabbalah that Jerusalem means Adonay, which is the female. When the Scripture says Zion and Jerusalem, it is talking about the male organ, the Yesod of Ze'ir Anpin, which we might say is the male organ of Christ Jesus grafted to the female Adonay or the female Abel, in the same man. If Christ is grafted to Abel in you, if you are manifesting at any time, Christ Jesus in a teaching or a corrective situation to another person, that is what Christ Jesus does to Christ in another man. He either teaches that man or corrects that man. If you also, on occasion, have the Lord Jesus Christ (maybe that isn't even the Holy Spirit, maybe it is the Lord Jesus Christ, but we will say the Holy Spirit) and if you have ever manifested the Holy Spirit to another man who does not have God at all, from the Holy Spirit to Abel, if you have had these three experiences with God, then you can say that Jehovah or Christ Jesus knows you by name. Why would Christ Jesus know you by name? Because you have the same name as Christ Jesus.


            If you have Christ Jesus in you, brethren, you should have had all three experiences. The most mature experience is that Christ Jesus in you either teaches or corrects Christ in another man. That is the most mature experience. Next, before that, is that Christ is grafted to you and before that, you have manifested the Holy Spirit to someone who has no part of God. When you experience those three experiences in Christ, the Lord Jesus knows your name. He knows who you are and do you want to know what that means to me? It means that He's right there all the time. I talked about this recently. I think there's a name for it. It may be solid state, but I am not sure. The electronic equipment today, even though the unit is turned off, if the unit is plugged in, all you have to do is press the on button and it goes on immediately because it does not really shut all the way off. It does not have to warm up. Well, that is what it means. This is what the Lord just told me. This is what it means for you and me in practical terms that the Lord knows our name. He's always there. I have known this about myself for years. I did not understand it, but I have known it for years. I have heard people say how they have to go on a forty day fast to hear from God. I do not have to go on a forty day fast to hear from God. He's right there. I just ask Him like I ask you. See, I talk to Him face to face.


            He answers me. He does not always answer me immediately, but frequently He answers me immediately. If it is necessary in His mind to answer me immediately, He does. Why does He wait sometimes? I do not know. I do not have to go on a forty day fast to hear from God. My fast is from the things of this world. I do not fast from food. I do not have to go through a whole repertoire of formal prayers to hear from Him. I hear from Him every day. I hear from Him all the time. He's solid state, you see. He knows my name. We are of the same Spirit, you see. I do not have to conjure Him up. Do you know that a typical Pentecostal service (and I am not in any way knocking this) where they play music for an hour to get the anointing to fall; that is conjuring up God. Usually that word, conjure, has to do with unclean spirits, but it is the same principle. They are playing all these songs and yelling and clapping and doing whatever they are doing in the hope that the Holy Spirit will appear to them. That is called conjuring up God. Well, I do not have to do that. He said in another place, you call and I will answer. Well, I call and He answers. That is what it means by He knows my name. What are we going to do if we are in a crisis if we first have to fast for forty days for God to answer us? It is really important that He knows our name. The way this happens to us is that we pursue Him. We have to ask Him everything, especially when you have got a problem. He should be the first one that you turn to.


            That is the first step in developing this relationship with Him where He knows your name. Then when you have this relationship with Him that He knows your name, you have become an intercessor. See, we have intercessors in the Pentecostal Church and there's nothing wrong with this at all. There are people who spend their whole day on their face before God praying. that is the intercession of the outside, you see. We are learning from The Tree of Life that everything has an inside and an outside. That is the intercession of the people who are outside. Outside of what? Outside of the unified Godhead. They spend the whole day speaking in tongues and just crying out to God. The intercession of the one who is on the inside of the unified Godhead, that intercession is (let me say it another way.) The people on the outside that intercede, they are banging on heaven's door saying, Lord, answer us. The people who are intercessors on the inside, Jesus comes to them and says, I want to help this person pray this prayer. Then you pray the prayer and the person is helped because you did not even initiate it. The Lord sought you out because He knows your name because He knows that you have the same Spirit that He has. He comes looking for you. You do not have to be banging on heaven's door asking for a ministry. He comes looking for you. If you do what He tells you, your ministry will increase. Some people want the ministry that they want. The people that are seeking Him day in and day out and the people who are doing what He tells them, if He does not know your name yet, He's in the process of knowing your name. He's looking for people that are going to do what He tells them to do. He's looking for people who are submitting their whole lives to Him, every little detail of it.


            In Kabbalah, what I just told you is expressed this way. The one who knows how to direct his thoughts in these three ways and knows how to direct the channels to the Spheres, of him it is said, I will extol him because he knows my name. That is what it means. We just put it in simple English. Thank God for understanding. You want to know something, as I am reading these King James scriptures, I have no recollection of ever being so confused by the King James Translation. What I believe is happening to me is that my mind is so used to scriptures that I can understand because of the Alternate Translation and because of all of the understanding that we have, that to look at the King James Translation, I do not recall it ever being this confusing to me. It is so hidden, the truth of what these words are trying to say are so hidden and it is never been more obvious to me that the King James Translation is a total parable and surface explanation.


            Verse 17 in the King James; And the Lord said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that you have spoken, for you have found grace in my sight and I know you by name. The Vav is Jehovah. Jehovah, I Am and Jah; the Lord is Jehovah. The word also means assembled and we are translating it, in agreement. The word, thing, we are translating matter. Thou hast found, we are translating appeared. Grace, we are translating merit. Beth, we are translating household. In my sight, we are translating wisdom and I know you, we are translating, is familiar with. The prefix beth, we are translating household and the word name, we are translating character or nature. Jehovah, I Am and Yah said to Moses through Jehovah, we are in agreement in this matter that you have asked us to accomplish for you. Unconditional kindness, without regard to merit, has appeared and the Household of Wisdom is intimate with the household of your nature. I had to move those phrases around and this is what we have for verse 17; And Jehovah, I Am and Jah, appearing through Jehovah, said to Moses, we agree to accomplish this matter that you have asked us to do for you because, we, the Household of Wisdom, are familiar with the household of your nature and have therefore granted you unconditional kindness without regard to merit. We see that the Household of Wisdom is the nine Sefirot. How do I get the nine Sefirot? Actually when I first saw this, I thought it meant only the first three, but I realize now that it means the whole nine because Jehovah is the Vav and the Vav signifies Tiferet, which is Ze'ir Anpin. (Laughter) oh my goodness. The Household of Wisdom is the first nine Sefirot, everything except Malkhut.


            Verse 18 King James; And he said, I beseech you, show me your glory. Jehovah, Yah and Hey. Okay, the prefixes here are different. We have Jehovah, I Am and then we also have the prefix hey, which is Binah (understanding.) The word show, we are translating appear and the word, glory, we are translating judgment according to the Lexicon. Alternate Translation verse 18; And Jehovah, I Am and Yah appearing through Adam said to Moses, my mother will now appear with Jehovah's kind judgment. Please note that the scripture no longer indicates that the Household of Wisdom is appearing through Jehovah. I have amplified that the Household of Wisdom is appearing through Adam because that is my understanding of the translation. The actual scripture no longer says they are appearing through Jehovah or just who they are appearing through and the reason for the Household of Wisdom now appearing through Adam is that Adam was given to Moses in verse 14. Adam is the mediator, brethren. Once the mediator is grafted to us, the Lord speaks through the mediator. We see that Adam has been, in Moses' case, Adam was revived or resurrected in him. We are having Christ grafted to us. Mother; please remember that there is a higher mother and a lower mother. The higher mother is Binah (understanding) and the name of her Partzuf is Imma, which is the Hebrew word for mother and there is the lower mother which is Malkhut.


            The Lord has been teaching us lately and we have learned this through Kabbalah that Imma, the mother, she is the one who brings forth the lower seven Sefirot. She is married to wisdom. Understanding is married to wisdom and understanding is the mother that brings forth what we call Ze'ir Anpin or Christ Jesus, the lower six Sefirot and her symbol is a female lioness. She will fight to the death to protect her children. She is the higher mother and she is responsible for judgment. She also corrects her children. We see in verse 18 the Household of Wisdom appearing through Adam, the mediator, which is in Moses, said to Moses, the personality, my mother will now appear with Jehovah's kind judgment. What this means is that the kind judgment that comes through Tiferet, that comes through Christ Jesus, is now linking up with mother's judgment; now remember mother is never separated from father and father is the personality. The name of the personality of wisdom; Binah is understanding and they are never separated and Keter is present with them also, Keter, the thoughts of God. Now Keter, the thoughts of God, is the merciful judgment that makes no requirement on you whatsoever. You do not have to do anything to get the merciful judgment that comes from the Glorified Jesus Christ, which is Keter.


            With mother being added, we now see the merciful judgment that comes from the Glorified Jesus or that comes from Keter, but also there is some correction involved, okay. Keter is the realm where there's absolutely no correction. It is pure mercy. Through mother, there is some mild judgment, but mother comes mostly with understanding and with knowledge. The correction of the higher mother is basically through the instruction, through the impartation of understanding and knowledge and then if you still cannot get it, you may have to get a little pat. We see that the Household of Wisdom is announcing to Moses through Adam, the mediator (for us, it would be Christ Jesus) that judgment is appearing. Imma is the only aspect of the Household of Wisdom that appears to mortal men. We now know that Adam is the personality of Imma revealed through mortal man. I think he is the personality of the combination. At least that is my revelation right now. If it is not Adam, I do not know who it is.


            Verse 19, King James; And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before you and I will proclaim the Name of the Lord before you and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. I have a definition for you here. The Hebrew word translated gracious is Strong's #2603. It means to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior. This graciousness, this grace, it means to bend down to someone who there's no way they can come up where you are. You bend or you stoop down to an inferior as an act of mercy. All I could think about was John 8:6 when I read that. It brought to mind John 8:6; This they said, tempting him (tempting Jesus) that they might have to accuse him. Jesus stooped down and with his finger, wrote on the ground as though he heard them not. I did have the revelation awhile ago. I have had the revelation for awhile that the finger of Jesus writing in the ground referred to Abel or Christ in Jesus.


            The ground that He was writing in was Cain in the adulterous woman. He was rewriting the nature of this adulterous woman. He was reprogramming her sin. That Christ in the man Jesus was literally reprogramming this adulterous woman's mind. He had power that was above the laws of nature. I never did understand what stooping down meant and at one point I had a revelation that He came down from a higher place, but I really did not understand the significance of His stooping down until now. I thought that maybe He was in one place when He was doing a healing and then He was at another level when He was talking to this woman. I did not understand it. That word, that Jesus stooped down, it is another hidden word in the Scripture to the pharisees that should have known that when Jesus stooped down, that He was way higher. He was so high above this woman who was adulterous that He humbled Himself and came down to where she was to help her, an act of absolute unconditional mercy without any merit whatsoever on the part of the recipient. This is an act of the highest sephirah. This is the compassion of Keter. The pharisees should have known that He was Messiah.


            We are working on verse 19 now. There is an untranslated word there that means above. There is a prefix Vav that we are translating Jehovah. And I will proclaim, we are translating, will address you. The word name, we are translating nature. Lord is Jehovah. There is a prefix lamed which means widowed and that is our information from the Doctrine of Christ. There is an untranslated word there that means our, I will grant our. Gracious is unmerited favor. The word whom, we are translating whichever. There is a prefix aleph which according to the Doctrine of Christ means ox, which we know to be the personalities of mortal man. Then there is also a prefix Vav, which we are translating Jehovah. That is Kabbalah. The word whom, we are translating whichever. This is what we have got. Alternate Translation verse 19; And Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Adam, the personality from above that imparts understanding. I am not sure about that. That sounds to me like that should be Imma, mother. Adam already warned that mother was coming with judgment. And Jehovah, I Am and Jah, appearing through mother, the personality from above that imparts understanding said to Moses, all my goodness and welfare comes down. I guess I am going to have to work on this. Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through mother, the personality from above that imparts understanding, said to Moses, all my goodness and welfare comes down. I think what we are going to have to do here is we are going to have to move that word mother up. I just changed Adam to mother and we will not amplify that. That is the word mother that is there. I will have to change it over here.


            Jehovah, I Am and Jah, appearing through mother the personality from above that imparts understanding said to Moses, all my goodness and welfare comes down from (we will have to amplify that in there). I am going to say I Am for now and I will have to pray about that. All my goodness and welfare comes down from I Am so that you, Moses, Adam's widowed personality can grant our unmerited favor to whichever personalities you choose to be gracious to. And Jehovah will show mercy to those same personalities by addressing them as if they had Jehovah's nature. Now check this out, brethren. See, the Lord Jesus Christ, He is addressing Christians, the members of the church, as if they had His nature as an act of gracious humble mercy towards a bunch of spiritual criminals and that includes me. This bunch of spiritual criminals in most instances are so confused because Jesus treats them with respect, talking to them as if they had His nature, and they are running around thinking they already have His nature. I will tell you something, that is a problem that exists on every level in the church. See, I do not like taking a title. I do not like pulling rank and I find that a lot of people cannot relate to me in a Godly manner because I do not wear a collar, I do not take a title, and I do not walk around like I am God's apostle. People stumble over me because I do not do any of these surface things that would get their attention. Brethren, we are required, by the grace of God, to find out who people are by talking to those people and by asking the Lord who they are and asking the Lord how to treat everyone respectfully and appropriately.


            Mother is coming with judgment, brethren. Remember when we preach things here, it is creative prophesy. The word of God is prophesy, so the translation is prophesy. When the Lord ordains a particular group of verses to be translated and preached like this, what is happening is the Lord Jesus is saying this is what I am doing today. We see that judgment is coming forth from a high spiritual realm for some people who are having a problem recognizing spiritual elders; the same people thinking that they are in the image of the Lord Jesus because He is kind to them or the same people thinking that they are equal to me or to whoever else this is happening to because I treat you like you are my equal. You are my equal as a human being, but your office is not equal to my office. Because I treat you equally as a human being, that does not mean you do not respect my office, you see. The church needs a lot of correction from mother.  Jehovah will show mercy to those personalities by addressing them as if they had Jehovah's nature so that El Chay, Jehovah's male foundation (well El Chay is the Name of God that is associated with Yesod, but I cannot see putting a Yesod in our book of Alternate Translations.


            I do not know what I am going to do with this. That El Chay, Jehovah's male foundation, can cross over and join with Adonay within the people. Adonay, we are translating Abel at this point. Now remember, this verse is dealing with the Hebrew children that came out of four hundred and thirty years of slavery. Christ hadn't grafted to them. This is Abel that we are talking about here. Adonay is Abel. Jehovah is telling Moses, we are going to bring forth a unified constellation of the household of wisdom within you. He's saying, we are going to make you Christ Jesus, Moses, so that you can go and minister to these people and Christ Jesus in you will go forth and in particular, the spiritual male organ of Christ Jesus which is Christ or Yesod in the Kabbalah, will go forth and penetrate Abel in all of these people. That is what Moses is being told. I do have a note here. I wonder if it is appropriate. Well, the note is no longer appropriate. I struggled with this note and I see that by making this correction concerning mother, it is not appropriate so you could just scratch that out about James 1:17. I guess we could just leave it as a witness.


            James 1:17; Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the father of lights with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. That is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and according to Kabbalah, it is talking about Keter and the Name of God associated with Keter is I Am. And Jehovah, I Am, and Yah, appearing through mother, the personality from above that imparts understanding, said to Moses, all my goodness and welfare comes down from I Am. Or you could say, comes down from the father of lights and everything that you are receiving is for the purpose of you, Moses. See, whoever gets this gift, this is why you are getting it, so that you can grant unmerited favor to whichever personality you choose to be gracious to or you choose to be kind to. Jehovah will show mercy to those same personalities that you choose to be kind to by addressing them as if they had Jehovah's nature for the specific purpose so that El Chay, Jehovah's male foundation, can cross over and join with Adonay within the people. Listen brethren, everything you get from God is for other people. You can benefit from it too. The Lord knows you have needs, but you are not getting anything from God for yourself. You take what you need and you pass it on. Nothing is for you alone. Every good gift comes from father through the mother.


            Verse 20 King James; And he said, thou canst not see my face, for there shall no man see me and live. The word not, we are translating Leviathan. That is the Doctrine of Christ. The prefix Vav, we are translating nailed. That is the Doctrine of Christ. Tet, we are translating serpent. That also is the Doctrine of Christ. Lamed, we are translating widowed; Doctrine of Christ. There is an untranslated word there that means not. The Hebrew word translated for, we are translating it twice, but and when. The Hebrew word translated no, we are translating Cain. The Yod we are translating father and the hey we are translating mother. This is what we have got. Verse 20; Jehovah, I Am and Jah, appearing through Adam said to Moses, Leviathan is nailed to the Fiery Serpent within the people, Moses, and will try to kill you. That should be Cain.  Cain will try to kill you when she sees that you are our widowed personality. When Cain sees Adam's father and mother, Abel will revive in the people. Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Adam, said to Moses, Leviathan is nailed to the Fiery Serpent within the people, Moses, and Cain will try to kill you when she sees that you have become our widowed personality. When Cain sees Adam's father and mother, Abba and Imma, Keter, wisdom and understanding, Abel will revive in the people. What does that mean? First of all, we are Cain. The people are all Cain, brethren, before Christ is grafted to us. Even when we have the Holy Spirit, we are Cain and we are Satan. That is what we are. When Cain sees Adam's father and mother, that is the same thing as saying, when the carnal mind of the people see wisdom and understanding, Abel will revive. What happens when Abel revives? Abel fights with Cain to take back his dominion. We see that Moses is being warned that now that he is an expression of the household of wisdom, that Cain will try to kill him. Then Moses is told, but do not worry, because when Cain; that is merely just saying the people; the people are all Cain. Brethren, mortal humanity is a manifestation of Cain. When the people see wisdom and understanding; when the people receive the wisdom and understanding that comes from on high, Abel will revive and fight with this wicked aspect of their nature that would seek to kill Christ. Of course, the implication is that when Abel will revive, he will be strengthened by the Household of Wisdom or in the New Testament by the Glorified Jesus Christ and he will prevail over Cain.


            Verse 21 King James; And the Lord said, behold, there is a place by me and thou shalt stand upon a rock. The word behold we are translating see. Place, we are translating location. By me, we are translating ourself and the Vav, we are translating Jehovah. Alternate Translation: And Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Jehovah said to Moses, look, Jehovah is standing above Adonay, the rock within you, Moses, the location where we are appearing. I have two notes here. Look, Jehovah is standing above and my note says explain the middle line. Jehovah lined up with Adonay, etc. Now I hope you recall the teaching from earlier about the middle line, that Tiferet within the individual had to line up with Keter above and with Adonay underneath. They are to be fully lined up. In the New Testament we are saying Christ Jesus has to line up with the Glorified Jesus above and Christ underneath in a completely straight line so that all the power and glory and blessings and help that comes from the Lord Jesus can pass through Christ Jesus into Christ within us, into our personal lives. This is what is happening in verse 21. The Household of Wisdom is saying, look Moses, Jehovah or Tiferet or Christ Jesus is standing above. He's lined up. He can receive the power from on high and He can pass it on to Yesod underneath Him or Christ, however you are saying it. He's standing above Adonay, the Rock within you. The witness concerning the Rock is Genesis 49:24; from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel. That Hebrew word translated stone, it really means rock. We see that the Rock is talking about Christ.


            The Shepherd of Israel is Christ Jesus in the New Testament. Look, Jehovah is standing above Adonay, the Rock within you, Moses, which is the location where we are appearing. The Shepherd of Israel, brethren, is Christ within us. We have our own personal savior, our own personal shepherd within us. This is what this means. It is talking about the four Spheres; Keter on the top, Tiferet, Yesod and Malkhut all coming into alignment so that the power and grace and mercy and provision of the first sephirah can pass through the line to the lowest sephirah. That is what we are all waiting for. That is the power to heal our diseases and provide our every need. First, all of the aspects have to be found in us. We have to have Christ. Let me say it in the New Testament language. The highest Sphere is the Glorified Jesus Christ. He has to be completely lined up with Christ Jesus within us. Christ Jesus in us has to come into existence and be completely lined up with the Glorified Jesus Christ. Then Christ Jesus overshadows Christ in us. I think the fourth drawing shows how we can have Christ Jesus and Christ at the same time. Christ is grafted to Abel and then an aspect of Himself ascends and becomes Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus strengthens Christ who is grafted to Abel to overcome Cain. This is the alignment. When that perfect alignment comes into existence, we will enter into the fullness of the promises of God. You have to have the parts before they can line up. Christ has to graft to you. Christ has to mature into Christ Jesus. Everybody has Abel and of course, we have to have the Lord Jesus in our life.


            I quoted here a paragraph from The Gates Of Light by Rabbi Gikatilla. He says rock, not stone. I already told you that. This is what Rabbit Gikatilla has to say about the Rock which is a cognomen of Adonay. This Rock desires, yearns and is intent upon another stone which dwells on a higher plane. All that is saying is Christ is desiring the Glorified Jesus Christ. That is what it is saying. This Rock desires, yearns and is intent upon another stone which dwells on a higher plane from which will come all sorts of emanations which are too precious for Israel. One can see this alluded to in this verse. Then take two stones and then engrave on them the names of Israel. The essence of these two stones is Adonay Yehova, what will you give me, Genesis 15:2. The shekinah draws from that which is above and also is pulled toward that which is above it. This is talking about the Glorified Jesus Christ above us. The way it looks to me now is that the difference between Adonay and shekinah, as I see it now, is that... This is such a difficult message for me to preach. I am having trouble saying this. Please bear with me. I had it on the board earlier this evening. The shekinah is Abel in us when we are completely separated from the Household of Wisdom. The shekinah is like a root of Adonay that remains in us when we are separated from Adonay which is associated with Malkhut. (Laughter) I hope you understand what I am saying. This is so complicated. Long as  there is any connection at all with the unified household above, Abel is not called shekinah. Abel, at least in Kabbalah, is called Malkhut and the Name of God associated with Malkhut is Adonay.


            When that Malkhut is completely separated from the unified Spheres above because of sin, I read in my Kabbalah studies that Adonay dissolves. Now remember Adonay is the Name of God that is associated with Malkhut, so long as Malkhut has a relationship; she does not have to be joined, but as long as she has a relationship with the nine Sefirot above, Adonay exists in the life of that person. If and when because of sin, Malkhut separates from the unified household above so completely, Adonay dissolves (this is what I read) and the separated person no longer has what is called Malkhut. That separated person now has what is called shekinah, which is just the root of Malkhut which is the female of the unified household of God. If what you have got is shekinah, that means you are in complete exile and you just have the basic root of your potential to be rejoined to the Household of Wisdom. I am having a little trouble transferring these words from Kabbalah to the Doctrine of Christ. I would have to say that shekinah is Abel when he is completely separated from the unified Household of Wisdom and then when Abel is rejoined... The Lord just told me when Christ is grafted to Abel (I am sorry. I just hope you are following me.) when Christ is grafted to Abel, Abel is no longer called shekinah, but Abel once again is called Malkhut and Adonay comes into existence to help him, which is really Christ. God help us with all these words, Lord, but we are going to get this anyway. We are going to get this anyway, okay. Don't get too hung up on the words. Ask the Lord to help you to comprehend these spiritual principles.


            Verse 22; And it shall come to pass while my glory passes by that I will put thee in the cleft of a rock and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by. Vav is Jehovah. Beth is household. While I pass by, we are translating cross over. Glory, we are translating Jehovah's kind judgment. The prefix Vav or the letter Vav we are translating Jehovah. That I will put you, we are translating turn towards. Beth is household. That is from the Doctrine of Christ. The Hebrew word translated cleft is from a root that means, to pierce, and we are taking that translation. The letter hay means mother. Rock, we are translating Adonay. The word cover, we are translating intertwined. The Hebrew word translated hand means palm and we are translating the palm as the bottom of the hand. We have dealt with that word before when we did Rahab, I think. We found out that the bottom of the hand is Abel and the top of the hand is Cain and of course, the whole hand is the Fiery Serpent in the fallen man. The word thee, we are translating above. The word while, we are translating as long as. The words pass by, we are translating covered.


            Alternate Translation verse 22; And it came to pass that Adam, Jehovah's household within Moses crossed over because of Jehovah's kind judgment and Adam, Jehovah's household within Moses, turned towards Adonay, the mother of the world below and El Chay, Jehovah's male foundation pierced Abel, the palm of Leviathan's hand from above and Abel within Moses covered Cain as long as Jehovah intertwined Himself with Adonay. Let's do that again. And it came to pass that Adam, Jehovah's household crossed over because of Jehovah's kind judgment. Well what does that mean, to cross over? Adam crossed over and joined with Adonay, joined with the female within Moses. It is that union that brings power. Adam was imparted to Moses from the household above and he crossed over into Adam's Malkhut and joined with her; within Moses, that unity, that fusion. I was preaching about fusion of power years ago in Quantum Mechanics. There is going to be a fusion. Fusion produces more power than fission. There is a fusion coming, Adam who is imparted from above. Christ that was grafted is going to cross over. That separation is going to bridge that gap between Abel and us. I just had it on the board. Maybe it is still up there, Christ Jesus on His return trip back to Abel. He's coming with the power of the Glorified Jesus Christ and the power of Christ Jesus. He's going to cross over. He's going to cross over Cain and pull Abel out and make a full circuit as you could see on the board. There is going to be a full circuit of unified power in that individual that this is happening to. That is what we are talking about.


            And it came to pass that Adam, Jehovah's household within Moses, crossed over because of Jehovah's kind judgment. Adam came on top of Moses' carnal mind. That is what it means. And Adam, Jehovah's household within Moses, turned towards Adonay, the mother of the world below. Now remember what I said earlier. At some point Nukva has her back to Ze'ir Anpin. Remember I talked about the Spheres facing one another so that the power can be transmitted.


            We see in verse 22; And Adam, Jehovah's household turned towards Adonay. I think that has to be changed. It has to be Adonay turned towards Jehovah's household according to what I am teaching here. Adonay who had her back to Jehovah's household turned towards Jehovah's household to receive the spiritual provision from above. El Chay, Jehovah's male foundation, which is a part of Adam, pierced Abel, the palm of Leviathan's hand from above. And Abel, within Moses, covered Cain as long as Jehovah intertwined Himself with Adonay. Jehovah was intertwined with Adonay and that gave Abel the strength to cover Cain because Jehovah was intertwined with Adonay within Moses and that gave Abel the strength to rise up and cover Cain.


            Verse 23 King James; And I will take away mine hand and thou shalt see my back parts but my face shall not be seen. Vav, we are translating Jehovah. He is Adonay. There is an untranslated word that means to call back and that is a very important word that is not translated. Vav, we are translating Jehovah and there's another untranslated word which means himself. The Hebrew word translated back parts can be translated west and face is personality. Not is Cain and Yod is father. This is what we have got. Verse 23; And Jehovah and Adonay took back Abel, the palm of Leviathan's hand and Jehovah saw Himself in the western world. And Cain saw the face of Adam's father. Now the west is the visible physical world where mortal man resides. Kabbalah calls it the World of Action. Jehovah joined to Adonay, took back Abel. They got that root out from under Cain's ground. They took back Abel, the palm of Leviathan's hand and then when that happened, when Abel came to the surface, Jehovah saw Himself or Jehovah saw His own nature in the western world or in the World of Action. Because when Abel came to the surface, he joined with Jehovah and was engraved with Jehovah's nature and this is how Jehovah saw Himself in the western world.


            This visible world is a mirror image of the spirit that ruled in it. This world is an image of the Dragon. When Jehovah saw Himself in the western world (of course that happened with the Lord Jesus Christ) the nature of Jehovah was seen in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was seen in the western world. When that happened, Cain saw the face of Adam's father. Well Cain and all of humanity saw the personality (not the face) of Adam's father, saw the personality of I Am, the personality of wisdom, Adam's father. And Jehovah and Adonay took back Abel. They got Abel back from Leviathan, from the Dragon's household, the palm of Leviathan's hand and Jehovah saw Himself in the western world because Abel came on top of Cain and Abel was engraved with Jehovah's nature and when Abel was engraved with Jehovah's nature, Cain saw the personality of Adam's father, which is wisdom, which means that Cain is then instructed in the wisdom of God. I want to do that one more time.


            Jehovah and Adonay took back Abel, the palm of Leviathan's hand. Abel was engraved with Jehovah's nature and then Jehovah saw Himself in the western world and when Abel came into Jehovah's nature, Cain saw wisdom, the personality of Adam's father. All that this is saying, brethren, is that we are waiting for somebody to stand up today in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. And when that happened, Cain appearing in the whole church will see Wisdom, the personality of Adam's father. Recap of Exodus 33 verses 12 to 23; And Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Jehovah, said to Moses, I Am is appearing together with me, Jehovah, so that my kind judgment can bring forth within you, Moses, the ability to direct your thoughts towards me, Jehovah, so that I, Jehovah, can assemble together with I Am, within you, which will enable you to show unconditional kindness to this people without regard to merit because I, Jehovah, have appointed these people to ascend with me, but you, Moses, are instructing the ones, who I, Jehovah, have appointed to ascend with Satan's judgment. Therefore, if you pray at this time, Moses, unconditional kindness without regard to merit will appear within you, as well as I Am's merciful judgment which imparts wisdom. At that time, Adonay within you, Moses, will demonstrate my life style through you and you will instruct the people how to recognize me and the people will acquire unconditional kindness without regard to merit as well as spiritual wisdom.


            Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Jehovah, said to Moses, Adam, my personality will go with you and the Fiery Serpent within you, will lie down and you will rest from trouble and calamity because Adam belongs to me, Jehovah. But Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Jehovah, said to Adam, the one near to them, if Adam, I Am's personality, appearing in Moses does not carry Moses up, we will carry up Moses. In that event, Elohim, Jehovah's household, shall acquire Moses and then the unconditional kindness without regard to merit and the wisdom that comes from I Am shall appear in Adonay, within Moses, and Jehovah shall make the people even. He shall stabilize them. And then I Am, within Moses, shall carry your people up and Jehovah's kind judgment and I Am's merciful judgment shall separate the completed spirit of the people that are above Cain from the personalities of the people of the earth, when Adonay, within you, Moses, executes Jehovah's kind judgment upon people.  Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Jehovah, said to Moses, we agree to accomplish this matter that you have asked us to do for you because we, the Household of Wisdom, are familiar with the household of your nature [we know that you are a mess and that you are fallen] and have therefore granted you unconditional kindness without regard to merit. And Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Adam, said to Moses, Adam's mother will now appear with Jehovah's kind judgment. [That is understanding coming with the judgment].


            Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through mother, the personality from above that imparts understanding, said to Moses, all my goodness and welfare come down from I Am so that you, Moses, Adam's widowed personality, can grant unmerited favor to whichever personalities you choose to be gracious to. And Jehovah will show mercy to those personalities by addressing them as if they had Jehovah's nature. so that El Chay, Jehovah's male foundation, can cross over and join with Adonay within the people.


            Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Adam said to Moses, the Cain side of the Fiery Serpent within the people is nailed to Leviathan, so Cain will try to kill you when she sees that you are our widowed personality. When Abel in the people sees Adam's father and mother, Abel will revive,


            Jehovah, I Am and Yah, appearing through Jehovah, said to Adam, look, Jehovah is standing above Adonay, the Rock within Moses, the location where we are appearing. It came to pass that Adam, Jehovah's household within Moses, crossed over because of Jehovah's kind judgment and Adam, Jehovah's household within Moses, turned towards Adonay, the mother of the world below, and El Chay, Jehovah's male foundation, pierced Abel, the palm of Leviathan's hand from above, and Abel, within Moses, covered Cain as long as Jehovah intertwined Himself with Adonay, and Jehovah and this is how Adonay took back Abel, who became the palm of Leviathan's hand, and Cain learned wisdom from Abel, the personality of Adam's father, and Jehovah saw Himself in the western world.


            What an outstanding translation. There is such hope in it. Oh my goodness, we haven't had a one o'clock in the morning session in a long time. Any questions or comments? God bless you for sitting for this so that you could benefit and whoever needs to listen to the tapes can benefit. Thank you very much. Goodnight.



            07/24/04 kml -1st edit


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