Scriptural Realities and Satisfying a Debt Under The Old Testament

Sheila Vitale leads Living Epistles Ministries as pastor, teacher, and founder, and has overseen the publication of more than 40 books, including esoteric translations spanning the New and Old Testaments. Also the founder of Christ-Centered Kabbalah, Sheila Vitale has written numerous articles on Scriptural and spiritual topics, including one on Joshua’s treaty with the Gibeonites.


This treaty was subsequently violated by King Saul, which caused famine throughout the land of Israel many years later after David had become king. In order to satisfy the resulting debt and end the famine, David, heeding the Lord’s counsel, agreed upon payment, which amounted to seven lives from Saul’s descendants. This decision of David's underlines the deep doctrine that informs many spiritual realities within the Bible.


Another example of satisfying a debt involves illegitimate birth, with the Lord teaching that the only acceptable way of removing the curse of the bastard which continues for ten the generations, is that the father marry the pregnant woman. This holds true even in cases where the match is so ill-suited that separation immediately following marriage would be necessary, leaving the woman functionally a widow for her remaining years. Pastor Vitale notes that these are scriptural realities that today's New Testament Church does not face up to. However, all curses may be broken in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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