Feed the Children Distributes Backpacks to School Children in Need


Living Epistles Ministries founder and pastor Shelia Vitale began studying the Torah and the New Testament in the 1970s and has since published numerous pieces of literature on Judo-Christian topics. Shelia Vitale also supports Feed the Children, a nonprofit organization established in 1979 to fight world hunger. Feed the Children’s domestic food programs include the distribution of backpacks to students. Backpacks provided by Feed the Children contain a variety of items, such as school supplies, hygiene items, and healthy snacks.


While not directly associated with hunger, the provision of backpacks serves as part of the bigger picture by meeting the emotional and health needs of schoolchildren. Backpacks are an essential school item that families must purchase, and backpack donations enable families to put the money toward other important expenses. Children also obtain an emotional boost from receiving new backpacks, as the continual use of fading and worn-out bags may make them feel different from their peers.

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