Elijah's Prayer Army Unites God’s Followers Worldwide in Prayer

Founder of Living Epistles Ministries in New York, Sheila Vitale possesses three decades of ministry experience and has published numerous pieces of literature on Christian and biblical topics. Shelia Vitale donates to many charitable organizations, one of which is The Watchman International, an international organization that prepares for the return of the Messiah through prayer, teaching, and discipline. The organization unites followers of the Lord worldwide through Elijah's Prayer Army (EPA).


Elijah’s Prayer Army connects worshippers and prayer cells located worldwide through a network designed to pray for Israel and the Middle East for the purpose of welcoming God back into Jerusalem. Prayer cells form the backbone of EPA and include two or more believers who meet weekly. Additionally, prayer cells may consist of a prayer group, parish, or group of parishes.


EPA members receive monthly prayer letters containing prophetic teachings, specific prayer points, and updated information. Prayer letters also discuss God’s work in the Middle East. The letters are available in four languages: English, Swedish, Spanish, and German.

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  •   760C Middle Country Road,
    Selden, NY 11784 USA

    All correspondence to:
    544 Jefferson Plaza #562,
    Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776-0562 USA
  •   631-331-1493
  •   631-536-2089

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