Reaching Out Through the Saint Louis Dream Center

In 1998, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale established Living Epistles Ministries, a teaching ministry that provides free Christian literature. The ministry has also founded lending libraries in various geographic locations including the United States, Europe and Africa. In her personal capacity, Sheila Vitale contributes to a number of charities including the Joyce Meyers Ministries (JMM).


JMM is a nonprofit, Christian-based organization that is financially sustained through contributions provided by friends and colleagues. Through its website, radio, TV, live conferences, and different media presentations, JMM shares the Gospel and encourages God’s people to be of service to others. One of its initiatives is the St. Louis Dream Center, located in St. Louis, Missouri.


A multi-cultural church, the St. Louis Dream Center sits in the inner-city area of North St. Louis, a place that was noted for its gangs, high crime, and drugs. Adopt-A-Block was the church’s first outreach wherein each Saturday volunteers with trash bags, lawnmowers, rakes, and gifts cleaned the neighborhood and established enduring relationships with neighbors. Today the church has grown to over 700 members and continues to help transform the city by reaching out to thousands of individuals every week through its various programs including KidzJam, Street Ministry, and Adopt-A-Block.

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    Selden, NY 11784 USA

    All correspondence to:
    544 Jefferson Plaza #562,
    Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776-0562 USA
  •   631-331-1493
  •   631-536-2089

Christ-Centered Kabbalah is a part of Living Epistles Ministries, a not for profit corporation. As such, we do not: 1. Endorse or oppose either directly or indirectly any candidate for public office. 2. Donate or contribute to any candidate's campaign. 3. Participate or engage in political fundraising events, or otherwise solicit contributions for any candidate's campaign. 4. Distribute statements for or against a particular candidate. 5. Engage in any other activity that may favor or oppose a candidate.