The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
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Praise the Lord! We have a third part of this exciting message, and one of the most significant revelations that will be coming forth tonight is exactly who the Holy Spirit is. I have asked the Lord that question, I think I may have asked it on tape in Parts 1 or 2 of The World of Points. I told you that I could not fit the Holy Spirit into this whole scenario, and as long as I'm in this deep doctrine I could not figure out...well since we are in Kabbalah, I would not fit the Holy Spirit into the doctrine. And tonight, the Lord tells us that the daughter, and you may recall from the previous message or you can look at Drawing #1, the daughter is the complex BaN, the first born of Abba, wisdom, and Imma, understanding.
Just in case you don't know what I mean by the complex BaN. BaN is the female, by the way. Over here I say that the woman is the simple Adam who was male, MaH, and female, BaN, inside the Garden. Inside. That means the inner aspects of Adam Kadmon. The BaN and MaH , the inner aspects of BaN and MaH before they came to the outside of Adam Kadmon.
Let me remind you that the creation began, the first aspect of the creation that appeared, does anybody remember what that is, the first aspect of the creation that appeared? It was letters, the Hebrew letters. That was the first thing that appeared. And then the Hebrew letters spelled the Tetragrammaton, YHVH, and this Holy Name was on the inside of Adam Kadmon. Then AB, the YOD came out, the higher aspects of SaG came out, and there remained inside of Adam Kadmon the lower aspects of SaG, and all of MaH and all of BaN.
So we are talking about...just like a woman is pregnant and the baby has to come out, OK? So the woman or the simple Adam, or actually we should say the simple woman, the simple Adam who is male and female on the inside of the Garden which is the inner aspects of Adam Kadmon, the MaH and the BaN that never came out. They are inner aspects.
The outer aspects are the aspects of the Holy Names that came out, but at this point that we are talking about, The World of Points, MaH and BaN were completely inside Adam Kadmon, and then...remember there were some of the lower aspects of SaG and MaH and BaN inside Adam Kadmon, and the lower aspects of SaG and the higher aspects of MaH and BaN ascended to the outside. There remained inside Adam Kadmon the inner aspects of MaH and BaN, and that's who the simple woman is. She was naive, she was protected, she never came outside. In fact, she really represents the many points which are the seeds of Adam Kadmon's life.
That which was inside was Adam Kadmon's ovary. The World of Points was Adam Kadmon's ovary. Now the doctrine of Kabbalah tells us that the reason that The World of Points was destroyed was because, at least this is what I've read, and I admit that my reading is not yet extensive, but this is what I've read. That The World of Points, can anybody tell us why The World of Points was destroyed? Does anybody know? OK, The World of Points was destroyed, according to Kabbalah, because they came out of Adam Kadmon in a straight line. The vessels of The World of Points came out in a straight line, and when the light poured into the vessels all of the light that...there was enough light to fill 10 vessels, that whole amount of light poured into the first vessel and caused it to collapse. That vessel fell down and caused the vessel underneath it to collapse, and the vessel underneath it to collapse, and The World of Points was destroyed, we are told, because their configuration in a straight line caused the Sefirot to not relate to one another.
In the reconfiguration, when the Sefirot were configured with three columns, those three columns related to one another. Chesed relates to Binah, and Chokhmah relates to Binah, and Chesed relates to Gevurah and Netzach relates to Hod. This is what the doctrine of Kabbalah says, but I'm seeing a whole different message here. I'm seeing that The World of Points, we are told according to Kabbalah, surrounded Adam Kadmon below His naval. So actually, to tell you the truth, I'm having a bit of a problem envisioning that vertical line of 10 Sefirot collapsing with The World of Points that encircled around Adam Kadmon's naval.
Now, perhaps I'm missing some information because, to me, that's a simple discrepancy that I'm sure the other Kabbalists have seen, so I'm sure there is an answer to that. The message that the Lord has given me is that this World of Points, it wasn't only 10 Sefirot that did not relate to one another. It was a multitude of points of light, and Kabbalah will tell you that points of light...even when we look at the drawing of The World of Points in our textbook, The Tree of Life, we see Adam Kadmon's naval with many dots in it. This was Adam Kadmon's ovary. All of the Abels that were destined to become spiritual beings or to become mankind or to become humanity in the image of Adam Kadmon were existent in Adam Kadmon's ovary which is The World of Points. Kabbalah tells us that The World of Points was female.
See, Kabbalah says The World of Points doesn't exist any more, but I believe The World of Points still exists. I believe we are The World of Points. Humanity, as we exist today, is The World of Points, and each human being, each one of us, signifies one of the points that was in The World of Points, which is the Garden. The World of Points is the Garden, Adam Kadmon's ovary. What is really interesting is that, as I told you on other parts of this message, everything is happening at the same time. The events are happening on all of the planes of consciousness at the same time.
So I think the doctrine of Kabbalah that came forth about the reconfiguration of the fallen light of The World of Points caused some confusion, and it caused somebody's carnal mind to say, well, if the reconfiguration exists, The World of Points must have been destroyed and finished. According to Kabbalah, The World of Points lived, the kings, Kabbalah says that The World of Points manifested down here in The World of Action as the Kings of Edom, and they lived and they died, and there is no more The World of Points. The World of Points has been reconfigured as The World of Emanation. Well, I declare to you that The World of Points still exists, and it is also true that the light that was salvaged from The World of Points has been reconfigured as The World of Emanation. The World of Points and The World of Emanation are co-existing. They are existing simultaneously. They both exist.
See, once something spiritual is unleashed it continues to expand and to go forward until something causes it to cease to exist. That's why our universes are ever expanding. The scientists tell us that our universe is an expanding, infinite universe. Well, they do say it will come to an end at some time several trillion years from now, but our universe is continually expanding. Something has to bring it to an end, and what is bringing this age to an end? This age is The World of Points. What will bring this age to an end? Anybody? What's going to bring this age to an end?
COMMENT: The Lord Jesus Christ.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ who is The World of Emanation, the reconfiguration of the fall, or the regeneration, or the reconstitution of the light that fell when The World of Points died.
We died alright, but we did not cease to exist, you see. The World of Points died, but it did not cease to exist, and the Lord Jesus Christ who is The World of Emanation is bringing The World of Points to an end, you see. But presently, both worlds still exist, and I don't see that anywhere, at least in the books that I'm reading, the books of Kabbalah that I'm reading. I know that the Lord has told me this, that The World of Points is the world that existed in the Garden. And what is the Garden? It was the inside of Adam Kadmon. I think I have to change that on the board. The Garden is the inside of Adam Kadmon.
We are told that The World of Points existed outside of Adam Kadmon and surrounded Him below His naval, but there is an inside and an outside to everything. There was an inside to The World of Points and an outside to The World of Points. The World of Points was in two parts. One of the first things that the Lord taught me when I started teaching the Doctrine of Christ was that if we were looking for an example of spiritual reproduction or how spiritual entities handle themselves, we should not look at the animal world, but that we should look at the plant world. I never really understood that at the beginning, but then I found out that the plant world reproduces itself by self-fertilization. Most plants have both male and female organs, and they reproduce, they divide, the male and female divide, and then they come together and reproduce themselves that way.
Well, Adam Kadmon reproduces like a plant reproduces. He brought forth both male and female from within Himself, and then He divided Himself into a male aspect and a female aspect. The World of Points had an outer aspect which was supposed to be male, which was designed and intended to be male, and it had an inner aspect which was designed and intended to be female, and both the inner and the outer aspects of The World of Points were male and female, but the aspect outside was destined to be male, and the aspect inside was called the woman, the simple woman. Can anyone tell us why we have a simple woman and a complex woman? What do the words "simple" and "complex" mean concerning The World of Points? Can anyone tell us that?
Complex in the context of The World of Points means that, that aspect has been born of a union. We see that the daughter and the son are born of the union of, who are the son and the daughter born of? Anybody? The union of who and who?
COMMENT: The union of Imma and Abba.
PASTOR VITALE: Right. Abba is wisdom and Imma is understanding.
Imma had two children, a son and a daughter and, according to Kabbalah, the daughter is called BaN, and the son is called MaH . They are called the outer aspects of BaN and MaH , but the inner aspects of BaN and MaH that are still inside Adam Kadmon have not been born. They are simple. They are pristine, they are in the same condition that they were in from when they first appeared on the inside of Adam Kadmon. The MaH and BaN that came to the outside have had experiences. I don't know if experiences is the right word, but they have been processed. They arose, and they were acted upon by wisdom and understanding, and they came out as, Kabbalah says, new light. Kabbalah calls the MaH that came to the outside, the new light. So we are talking about the reproduction of Adam Kadmon who has divided Himself into male and female.
Let's go over these terms, and then we will continue to review. The major point that I'm hoping to make to you tonight is who the Holy Spirit is and to emphasize the fact that there is a counterfeit Holy Spirit and to show where she comes from.
The World of Points is the female or the circular aspect of Adam Kadmon that surrounds Adam Kadmon below His naval. The World of Points was the first world to come forth from Adam Kadmon. So what's another way of saying that? What body part of Adam Kadmon came forth outside of Him? What world? His ovary came forth first. His ovary came forth before His body, because The World of Emanation is Adam Kadmon's body. So His ovary came forth even before His body, his genitalia or, at least, that's the pudenda. The female organ came forth before anything else. The word "points," what does that mean? It is talking about the seeds of Adam Kadmon's life that exists independently without relating to one another.
Kabbalah says it is the 10 Sefirot that did not relate to one another, and I'm saying, no, it is not the 10 Sefirot that did not relate to one another. I'm saying that all of these seeds of Adam Kadmon's ovary did not have a collective identity. Does anybody remember the name of these seeds in the Doctrine of Christ?
All the seeds of Adam Kadmon are Abel, the many Abels. Does anybody remember, according to the Doctrine of Christ the collective name of all the Abels? Does anybody remember that? The collective name of all the Abels, according to the Doctrine of Christ?
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, Adam is the collective name of all the Abels.
Now we are getting information that we can add to the Doctrine of Christ. According to the doctrine of Kabbalah, the Abels existed before they existed as Adam, Kadmon, and the son is the second born of Abba and Imma, but he is the first born son. He is the first born son. I remember when we were confronted with that problem in the Doctrine of Christ. I could not understand in the Scripture that we were addressing how a female could be called the first born, and, in accordance with that Scripture, it looked like the female should be the first born, and the Lord gave me that explanation. The female is the first born, but she is not the first born son. The first born son is MaH. Praise the Lord. The man is called Adam.
Now Adam is the product of the union of the son and the daughter. Now remember, we are talking about five different worlds. Adam Kadmon is the highest, The World of Emanation is Adam Kadmon's body, The World of Emanation and The World of Formation is Adam Kadmon's clothing, and I guess The World of Action is part of his clothing also. I'm not really sure about that lesson, but The World of Emanation is the man and everything under him is his clothing.
That is so interesting, because there is an idiom in Hebrew, and we have talked about it in our studies. An idiom means a saying that is pertinent to that particular language. If you did not know what it meant, you would never understand it. It says a wife is a man's covering. If a man takes a garment, he takes a wife, and could never understand that, because the man is supposed to cover the woman, at least spiritually he is supposed to cover the woman, but according to what we are learning in Kabbalah, the woman is outside of the man. She covers the man, and I think we also mentioned in this series that when Jacob was being confronted by Esau, he put his wife out front. Now all that meant was that he was now in right order, and right order, you have to be in right order to receive the salvation of God. You have to be in right order to receive the protection and deliverance of God, and what is the right order? You have to be standing right underneath Him.
Even though you have Christ Jesus in you, to get the supernatural power of the double portion, we have to line up right under the Glorified Jesus Christ. Even though we are not permanently married yet, the Glorified Jesus Christ does come down and join with His son in us, Christ Jesus, to deliver us when necessary, and we have to get in the right place, or Jesus Christ can descend, and we won't be standing there. Now the right place is not a physical place. It is not what church you belong to or whether you pray on your knees or standing up. The right place is in your mind. To be in the right place is to be in the right mind. If you are in your carnal mind when the Glorified Jesus Christ descends, there won't be any union because He's not joining with your carnal mind.
So when I come to you as a can opener, it means that I love you. We have got to strip that carnal mind off of you or when the Lord Jesus descends, He's going to go back. Is He punishing you? No, He's not punishing you, but He is not joining with Cain. He's not joining with your carnal mind.
The man is Adam, the produce of the union of the son and the daughter. The body of Adam Kadmon, now Adam is not Adam Kadmon. Adam Kadmon is the whole creation. I'm not even sure what word to use. Adam Kadmon is the whole shebang. He's the whole thing. Adam is a man within Adam Kadmon, and we will see more as we go on.
The body of Adam Kadmon is Ze'ir Anpin. Who is the head of Adam Kadmon? Who is Adam Kadmon's head? Anybody?
PASTOR VITALE: Well, that's true, but staying within the creation. The Eyn Sof is beyond the creation. So staying within the creation, who is Adam Kadmon's head?
COMMENT: Chokhmah.
PASTOR VITALE: And Binah, yes. That's the head.
Ze'ir Anpin is the body of Adam Kadmon, and Ze'ir Anpin is The World of Emanation. The head is called Adam Kadmon. The first world is Adam Kadmon. So Adam Kadmon's head is the world of Adam Kadmon. Then, right underneath it, The World of Emanation, his body. The male organ of Ze'ir Anpin also called the Holy Spirit is the daughter. The Holy Spirit is the male organ of Ze'ir Anpin. Now the male organ...let me finish this whole thing, and I will come back to that.
The reproductive gland also called the testicle of Ze'ir Anpin is the son, and please note that Adam Kadmon or Ze'ir Anpin has one testicle and one ovary. He doesn't have two. What is the deep significance of that? I'm not sure at this time, but I am sure when I find out that I will let you know. The genitalia, that is the male organ and the reproductive gland and the testicle of Ze'ir Anpin, is called Adam. Now, not Adam Kadmon. Adam. Remember, Adam Kadmon is the first world, the highest world. Adam, the man, is The World of Creation. Remember, Adam Kadmon is the head.
Next comes Ze'ir Anpin, The World of Emanation, which is the body of Adam Kadmon, then comes The World of Creation which we now are being told is Adam, The World of Creation, the genitalia of Ze'ir Anpin, and underneath that comes the pudenda, the female organ of Ze'ir Anpin, the complex woman. That means the woman that is on the outside, and this is the complex woman that came out from Adam Kadmon's rib. I should change that too. That's the woman that came out from Adam Kadmon's rib. See, the woman on the out side is complex. When she came out from Adam Kadmon's rib, when she came out from inside of Adam Kadmon, she also had elements of the male within her.
She came to the outside, and I don't have any more revelation at this moment as to the birthing process. We know that the son and the daughter, when they were born, they came out of the forehead. I don't have any revelation at this time as to the woman that came out of Adam's rib as to doesn't sound to me like she was born. It sounds to me like she just came to the outside, like AB came to the outside through the head, and SaG came to the outside through the ears, the nose, and the mouth. They were not born, the lights just came to the outside. So it sounds to me like the woman who is The World of Formation came to the outside. I don't know what it means that she came out of his rib.
If there is any teaching on it in Kabbalah, I haven't read it yet, and the Lord has not given me any revelation yet. But I'm sure that it is coming, and the reason I'm sure that it is coming is, in case you don't know it, that the Lord Jesus wants this revelation out more than we want it, and I'm starving for this stuff. I cannot get enough of it, but He wants it out for the people that He's calling to His army in this hour. He wants it out, and just the fact that we are preaching it is tearing down Satan's kingdom. The fact that we are preaching it is tearing down The World of Points.
The World of Points has to be absorbed into The World of Emanation, the reconfiguration, or as the King James New Testament says, the regeneration or the restitution of all things. Kabbalah says reconfiguration. King James says restitution of all things. Of course, as I believe I told you on a prior part of this message, or maybe I didn't, the word "things" is not in the King James. We are talking about the restoration of the All which is Yesod, which is the man. We are talking about the restoration of the genitalia of Ze'ir Anpin, because aside from the Lord Jesus who is now glorified, this World of Points is the male organ and she is not connected to the testicle. The testicle is the seed. The male organ has no seed.
I remember the day that the Lord Jesus showed me in my studies that the deep message of the Scripture talks about a eunuch. I knew Leviathan was the eunuch, and I knew that a eunuch meant that Leviathan is having a spiritual sexual connection with this creation, and that she could not bring forth the son, but I did not have these kinds of details. The seed is the testicle, and the testicle, who is the son, is separated from the male organ. The male organ is the Holy Spirit. Now there is obviously a good Holy Spirit, and I've been preaching a counterfeit Holy Spirit, but I find out it is not a counterfeit Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is merely the Holy Spirit of this world system, the male organ which is the daughter without the son, and that is the same thing that I've been preaching. It is just another way of saying it, and what I've been teaching is the Doctrine of Christ.
This is just another way of saying it, but we now know that the evil Holy Spirit that's in the church today is not a counterfeit. She is the Holy Spirit of this world. Well, she is not holy. She is the spirit of this world or the false Holy Spirit. I have to say false because she is not holy, but she is the spirit of this world. And what's her name? What's the name of the spirit of this world? Who?
PASTOR VITALE: Satan, yes.
Satan is what she is being called. That is what the Book of Revelation says, that old Serpent in the Garden. That old daughter, that old Serpent, who is appearing today as the Dragon, the offspring of the simple woman in the Garden. I will get to that in more detail. That old Serpent that was in the Garden, appearing today as the Dragon, Rahab, the offspring of the daughter and the simple woman in the Garden, Rahab, and Satan and the devil. Satan and the devil appearing on the level of human beings like you and me. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.
This is a little change in the way I preached it in the Doctrine of Christ, but it looks right now like the devil is the subconscious part of the carnal mind, and the Dragon is the collective configuration, just like Adam is the collective configuration of all the Abels who have the nature of Jesus Christ, will have the nature of the man. The collective Abels who have the nature of the woman is called the Dragon, and Leviathan today, I believe, is the name of the Dragon that exists in the combined church and Israel. I've known for a long time that Leviathan, the name Leviathan, is either right next to the word Levi in the lexicon or two spots away. Leviathan comes from Levi, the tribe of priests. I've known it for a long time, but I did not know what to make out of it.
As the Lord gave me this whole teaching today, I believe that's what He is telling me, that I know the Doctrine of Christ the way I've been preaching it is that Leviathan is the collective subconscious mind of all of humanity, but today I believe the Lord is telling me that is who the Dragon is, and the Dragon and Leviathan are not the same. They are very close, but they are not the same. The Dragon is the collective subconscious of fallen humanity, but Leviathan is within the Dragon. That Dragon as it exists in the church and Israel. They have a special name. The Dragon in the church and in Israel has a special name, Leviathan. They are supposed to be the priests of God, but they are manifesting the Dragon.
So if you are a priest of God, and you are manifesting your carnal mind, you are Leviathan. And how do you become a priest of God? You have to have Christ grafted to you to be a priest of God. So if you just have the Holy Spirit, you can't be Leviathan, but you are the Dragon. Interesting isn't it?
So the genitalia, that's the male organ and the reproductive gland together, of Ze'ir Anpin is called Adam, and Adam is The World of Creation. Adam is the man which is The World of Creation, but he is a man that's lower down than Ze'ir Anpin. Now I've read in the books that I study on Kabbalah that Ze'ir Anpin is Adam, but I have to differ with that teaching. Adam is the genitalia of Ze'ir Anpin. Ze'ir Anpin, being so great, his genitalia has a consciousness and a whole being of its own. That is as if to say that our heart had a life of its own. The creation is so high that the genitalia of Ze'ir Anpin, which is the body of Adam Kadmon, has his own name, his own consciousness, and his own world, and to us He is Christ Jesus.
Adam, not Adam Kadmon now. Adam, the genitalia of Ze'ir Anpin, The World of Creation to us is Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus in us has a distinct relationship with the Glorified Jesus Christ, and the Glorified Jesus Christ today is Adam Kadmon and His body, Ze'ir Anpin. He is higher than every other name. He's higher. He is the highest name. He is higher than every other name. I haven't really researched this yet, but it has been coming to me for the last couple of days, I haven't looked at it in the Interlinear Text. Jesus Christ is higher than every other name. Every name includes Keter. So Jesus Christ is higher than Keter. What does that mean?
We are also told that He ascended above the highest heaven. He went above the highest heaven. What that says to me, and I haven't researched it yet, but this is what it says to me. He's with Eyn Sof. He's higher than Keter, which means not only has Keter come down to earth to dwell with mortal man, but the Eyn Sof, Himself, is relating to us. Is that the most awesome thing that you could imagine? Not only has Keter come down to establish a relationship with the lowest of lows, but the Eyn Sof, Himself, has made a way to relate to us. Isn't that incredible? He's higher than every other name. He is the highest. He is The Most High, and He has humbled Himself and come down to talk to us.
See, every time we have to talk to someone who doesn't know what we know, and it causes me a pain, I told you that off the tape today, and I spent 20 minutes with somebody to tell them the word for them was "you can ask the Holy Spirit to tell you what a Scripture means." That was the word for that person. It caused me a pain. I want to go into this whole deep doctrine, you know. They would not listen to me for 2 minutes. I've done that with people. They just walk away from me. They don't say anything, they don't tell me they can't understand, they don't ask me to repeat it, they just make an excuse and walk away, leave me standing there. That's what they do.
So if you want to minister to the little ones of Jesus Christ, you have to shut your mouth and let them do all the talking until that minuscule second appears, that door opens, and you can give them the one sentence that Jesus wants them to hear, that one drop of milk, that's all they can take. See when they walk away from me, what has happened is they have shut down. Their mind can't take it. Their mind shuts down, and they make an excuse and they walk away.
Last but not least, the pudenda, I've been preaching a lot about the pudenda for years through the Doctrine of Christ. The pudenda, the female organ of ion of the whole male organ into His female part. So I have to correct that. OK, thank you Jesus, and you were the mouthpiece that the Lord used to correct me.
This union that produced these great drops of blood emanating from outside of Jesus, it was not the union of the male organ and the testicle. That union was already complete. It was the union of the genitalia, the whole male organ plus the testicle that was resident in Jesus which probably was...I don't want to get in over my head now...that whole genitalia of God that was in the mind of Jesus, that Christ mind of Jesus, penetrating His female side in a Garden experience, and it was that act that is producing all of the Abels in the image or the nature of the male. So this configuration of Rahab, the Dragon, that existed....this whole world is the Dragon. Because of that act of Jesus in the Garden, all of the Abels which comprise this Dragon are going to be reconfigured or renamed in the image of the male, and the great drops that were expressed out of Jesus were His sons in spirit form. They were His sons in spirit form that came from the inside to the outside.
So it is the rebirth of all of the seeds of Ze'ir Anpin's ovary. They are re-birthed in the spirit, and we came out of...does it say in the King James that those great drops as they were blood came out on His back? Where does it say they came out of Jesus? Does anybody know?
COMMENT: His forehead?
PASTOR VITALE: Really. This I have to look up, put that on hold.
I just looked up the Scripture and what it says is great drops of blood falling down to the ground. So what that is talking about is that the whole genitalia of Ze'ir Anpin or, which we would say, Elijah, the whole genitalia of Elijah in the mind of the man Jesus of Nazareth penetrated into His female side. The drops fell down to the ground, to the earth, and His female side was fertilized so that she could give birth. Jesus could have lived for ever because He had the mind of His Father, Elijah, who was completely containing the carnal mind, but He penetrated His own Garden so that she would give birth to the many Abels with the male nature, which is what is happening today.
He impregnated Himself in this account of Jesus of Nazareth... I'm really struggling, please bear with this account of Jesus of Nazareth in the Garden, the male mind within Him, which was really the mind of Elijah within Him, impregnated the female side of the human being, Jesus of Nazareth, and the act that never came to pass in The World of Points came to pass in the person or the mind of Jesus of Nazareth, and the fertilized seed came forth that would produce this great nation of beings, this humanity in the image of the male rather than in the image of the female, which is what we are. We are all in the image of the female. So thanks for saying that. Does anyone not understand what I said?
So those great drops fell down to the ground. That's talking about the...I don't know why it says, "as if it were blood, or the blood of His life." It is talking about the semen of the male genitalia penetrated into His own Garden. Did you have something to say about that?
COMMENT: I'm thinking about your teaching where you said cell division, where being sweated out being reproduction. Jesus sweated great drops of blood, it made me think of that.
But the drops did not come out on His back or on His forehead. The drops fell down on the ground of the female aspect of His life, and the act that was designated to happen before time began took place in the man Jesus of Nazareth. This is so exciting, this is just so exciting.
Does everybody understand that both The World of Points and The World of Emanation exist, the two worlds exist. The Scriptures call them two ages. This present divided age and the age to come. They both are co-existing right now, and, brethren, the age to come must swallow up this divided age. The age to come is the age that has no end. It must swallow up this present age. I don't care what's happening in the current event, I don't care what's happening in the world, I don't care how bad it looks, it is written that the age of Jesus Christ will swallow up this fallen age, and that there will be peace in all of God's Holy mountain. That has to be the end of it. It has to be the end of it, and the ends of the ages are at hand. Praise the Lord.