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Praise the Lord. We are teaching from the first ever unabridged English Translation with commentary, Volume 1, paragraph 53, page 258. This is the secret of the verse; Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide. This is the first dispute aroused by anger and force in which each wanted to overcome and annul his neighbor. We have talked about this. This is more or less a repeat here. We are being told that the first dispute is when Elohim said; Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters. Let there be a division. Let the female waters be divided from the male waters. Let the left side be divided from the right side and let them vie against one another with the ultimate end being the emergence of a middle column or a middle ground whereby the left and the right are manifesting together in peace, nullifying each other, nullifying the aggression of each one of them in peace in the lower planes of consciousness. Let me remind you that the Ayn Sof is at perfect peace. Every attribute that we see in this earth exists in the Ayn Sof. Everything that is negative, everything that is positive, exists in the Ayn Sof, woven together so completely that the Ayn Sof is perfect peace. The aspect of the essence of the Ayn Sof that entered into the empty space and was called light from the time that it entered into the empty space; that aspect of the empty space, that light that entered into the empty space unraveled as it descended.
Does anybody remember what the purpose of the descent is? What is the purpose of the descending light? Why is the light descending?
COMMENT: As it descends, it becomes more solid.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, it becomes more solid and as it becomes more solid it becomes more visible. The purpose of the creation is that the invisible Ayn Sof should be revealed in a visible form. The Ayn Sof is invisible and formless and the Ayn Sof is being revealed visibly and through a form. That is the purpose of the creation. A small amount of the light of the essence of the Ayn Sof entered into the empty space. It is called light when it is in the empty space. When it is within a border, it is called light and that light began to descend and as it descended, all of the attributes of that light unraveled. The negative and positive attributes unraveled and the left side and the right side emerged and began to war against one another. Just like matter and antimatter began to war against each other and the ultimate purpose is that the left and the right side should be woven together in a middle column or in a middle ground where they should satisfy each other completely. They should not destroy each other, but they should satisfy, they should complete each other in a middle column which would be the likeness of the peace of the Ayn Sof down on the lower plane of consciousness.
Remember the negative and positive attributes are completely woven together in the Ayn Sof. As the light of the Ayn Sof descended the attributes unraveled and the left and right side vied with each other for dominion. The will of God is that the left and right side should be woven together in a manner similar or analogous to the way it is woven together in the highest place, which is the Ayn Sof, which is beyond creation. His will is that there should be a similar condition erected or constructed in all of the worlds, that the left and the right side should be woven together in perfect peace. This is the intention and expression of the middle column. You see, when the left side and the right side vie against one another, the intention of both of those sides is to completely nullify the other side, to destroy the other side. That is the intention of both the left and the right side, to destroy the other side. It is the will of the Ayn Sof that the left and right will not destroy one another, but that they will complete each other and find their place in the center column whereby they will be an expression of the Ayn Sof in the lower planes of consciousness. Is everybody okay?
We are told that this principle that I just expressed to you arises out of the phrase in Genesis 1; Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters. Let the division begin for the purpose of bringing into existence a visible creation, a visible formed creation. The Holy One, blessed be He, wished to nullify the dispute and Gehenom was aroused until the anger and aggressiveness cooled down. We are told that initially the battle is not what the Ayn Sof would desire. We are told the Holy One which is Ze'ir Anpin, that he wanted to nullify the left side as well as the left side wanted to wipe out the right side. See, even the right side was not a peace maker. Sometimes the person or the nation that has authority is not a peace maker. Even if it is a criminal nation or a person that is behaving in a criminal manner, they just want to bring them into submission without bringing peace or without bringing rehabilitation. They just want the conflict to stop and they intend to stop it by nullifying the other side. This is not the will of God.
See, this country, the United States, whatever you could say about it, we are not a perfect nation, but we do and have in the past, manifested Christian principles. We restore every nation that we defeat. We rebuilt Germany. We rebuilt Japan. They are great nations today because we did not behave like the right side and completely wipe them out. We behaved like the middle column. We defeated them to the point that we stopped their aggression and then we welcomed them, you might say into the beloved, and brought them into the middle column with us and now we do business with them like they are our partners. In certain areas they are our partners. That is the Christian principle. I do not see any other religion teaching that. See, there are some religions that say do not fight, peace at any price; be enslaved, that is okay. That is not Christianity. Christianity is that you stop the aggression, you correct the aggressor and then you restore them in full partnership with yourself as human beings. No other religion teaches that. That is Judeo-Christian philosophy. I continue to rebuke every faction and facet and spirit and mind in this nation who is working to tear it down. The latest thing they are saying is that Lincoln did not free the slaves. God help us. God help us, we are being destroyed from within. Praise the Lord.
The Holy One, blessed be He; that is Ze'ir Anpin. Of course in this account we are hearing about Moses. Moses was Ze'ir Anpin. Ze'ir Anpin appears through men. See, Ze'ir Anpin is Christ Jesus. It is just like saying Christ Jesus is appearing through you or Christ Jesus is appearing through me.
When I have a conflict with a member of this congregation, I am Christ Jesus to you. Whether you believe it or not, I am Christ Jesus to you. If in fact I am ministering righteous judgment, I am Christ Jesus to you. See, that does not make me (Sheila) God, but God is manifesting through me to achieve His purposes in you and in this ministry. For all intents and purposes, for this conflict, I am God. Oh, I could just hear someone reading this and my name going up all over the internet; Pastor Vitale said she is God. No, but I speak the words of God and I manifest the intentions and the purposes of God and on occasion I manifest those words, thoughts and intentions so completely, that for that minute or for that conversation, I am God. For that minute or that conversation, and then as soon as the Lord's purposes are accomplished, I am pastor Vitale again and the average person cannot tell the difference. They cannot tell when it is me and when I am the prophet speaking the words of God and that is a real problem for you, whoever you are who cannot tell the difference. You need to pray to be able to tell the difference. Praise the Lord.
The Holy One, blessed be He, wished to nullify the dispute. He wanted to stop the dispute. Ze'ir Anpin did not want the fight. This is probably talking about Moses here. Gehenom was aroused. You see, this is such a hard word because what it is really saying to me is that if Moses had taken a higher victory than he took, Korah probably would not have gone down into the pit. I know this to be true because I am in training to be Christ Jesus to you. I am in training to minister Christ to you and I know I have lost it at times. It used to happen a lot, but it does not happen that much anymore. Every time I lost it, every time I lost the peace and the mercy of God. I just went into a strong rebuke. You see, you all did something wrong, but I had a choice of rebuking you with anger or correcting you with the love of God. Every time I rebuke you with anger, trouble rises. Hell, Gehenom, just rises up. I might bring you into submission because ultimately you do not want to fight with me, so I could beat you down, but that is not God's answer to beat you down. God wants this controversy to be resolved. Whatever the controversy is, He wants it resolved by everybody. Let us assume that I am fully correct in the correction I am bringing. He wants the situation resolved by you recognizing what I am trying to tell you, by you recognizing what is wrong with your attitude or the position that you are taking or the way that you are thinking and then He wants you to do the right thing. He wants you to admit that you were wrong and adopt the Lord's way of thinking. See, but you get all messed up if you think it is Pastor Vitale’s way of thinking and you cannot believe that I am trying to teach you the Lord's way of thinking. That is when you get all messed up. You think it is a controversy between you and me. It is not. I am trying to deliver you from hell, from Gehenom cleaving unto you.
This is what happened to Moses. This is why he did not enter in, because he struck the rock instead of talking to it. Who's the rock? Jesus is the Rock and everyone of us has a piece of the rock in us. It is called Christ. Moses was suppose to be correcting the people in a manner that would raise up Christ in them. He was not supposed to be beating them into submission. He was suppose to be correcting them so that they could learn to be Christ to others. He rebuked them with a harsh rebuke which wounded Christ. That is what happened. That is the revelation behind the parable. It was Moses' intention or Ze'ir Anpin's intention to stop the fight, to just stop the fight. Let me tell you something, it is much easier to just slap someone into position. I do not mean physically slap them. If you are in a position of authority, if you are in the army, if you are the head of a household, if you are the head of a ministry, whatever, it is much easier to say to the person, now look, just shut up and sit down, and this is the way I want it done and you do it because I am the head and you are under me and just shut up and do it and then it is all over. You've broken the heart of the person that you have spoken to like that. See, it is much easier on the authority. It does not take his time and it is all over, but you have got a wounded broken subject under you. The way of the Lord is to take your time and teach them and explain to them and be merciful and it takes patience and it takes humility and it takes time. Most people in authority do not want to do that. See, if you have a secular job, they just call you in and say this is what you are doing wrong. This is your last warning. If you do it again, you are out. That is how the world deals with it. That is not the way of the Lord.
Ze'ir Anpin or Moses; he wanted to stop the dispute and hell was aroused until the anger and aggressiveness cooled down until Christ manifested in Moses or until Christ manifested in the authority. Because when the authority says to you, just shut up and do it, hell rises up just as well as in the rebellious person who's under you. Gehenom rises up in conflict. You know some ministries and churches or denominations can carry this to a fault, but I understand things now that I never understood before. I have watched movies about the Quakers and the Mennonites, these religious sects that have their own communities and where being angry is a sin. You are not allowed to be angry in these sects. I saw a movie once where the man was forced to leave the table because he expressed what I would consider a mild outburst of anger. It was totally unacceptable. For years I could not understand that. I thought it was everybody's right to be angry, but I do not believe that anymore. Anger destroys the Spirit of Christ. We should train ourselves to deal with every conflict and every problem in quietude. Anger can do nothing but raise up hell. It cannot do you any good at all. It won't help you, it won't help your adversary and it won't help the situation. It just raises up hell. Even if you win, you have made yourself an enemy. That is not the way to go. I want to tell you that I was an angry person for years. Even these days it takes all of my strength to deal with conflict in Christ because my natural reaction is still to say, just shut up and sit down and do what I tell you. That is my natural reaction. That is my "old man." Every day it becomes less and less natural to do that.
We see that initially Ze'ir Anpin, and I believe this is talking about Moses here. His first reaction to Korah's dispute was anger. The hell, Gehenom, was raised up until that aggressiveness calmed down and it is always going to be the leader who has to calm down. Well, that is not true. It should be the leader who calms down, but there is a scripture that says it is best not to anger the king. Do not stir up controversy with an authority, but in the event that the person under you is having a problem, is rebelling against your authority, it is going to have to be the leader that is going to get over their anger or there will be a total disaster and Gehenom will raise up and stay raised. What did I just say? The person under you is suppose to submit to you, but if they do not or if they cannot, it is up to the authority to put down hell, to overcome that aggressiveness and break away from the legal authority of hell to be raised up. Then it is written; And Elohim made the firmament and divided. This division is the dispute carried with love and friendship which supports the world. A dispute that supports the world; we talked about this in Part 2. There is a dispute that is in love. There is an honest disagreement where two parties honestly have a different opinion, but are willing to be corrected by the Lord. They are willing to listen to reason. See, most people, when they fight, they do not listen to what the other person has to say. They just wait for them to finish talking and then they talk. There will be no resolution and no closure to that argument.
You have to argue or have a dispute while being willing to truly listen to the other person's complaint and be willing to admit if you are wrong or be willing to concede or be willing to help them in any way that you can that is not unreasonable. Maybe they have a legitimate complaint. This is the dispute which is in love. In our society we call it negotiation and it works in God if both parties are truly seeking the will of the Lord. See, in our society today, we have negotiators in some very powerful people and very strong willed people trying to get the best deal for their side. That is not God's way. The true negotiation is called the ministry of reconciliation where both parties are willing to face the truth and receive the Lord's solution. Submit, submit, submit!!! Now there is a line that you are not suppose to go over. Submit in all reasonable ways. You do not give up your authority. You do not give up anything that is unrighteous to give up. If you are holding on to something or holding on to your position because of your pride, submit, submit, submit, that there might be peace, that the middle column might come into existence and that neither side defeats the other. God does not want a peace that has come into existence because one side has defeated the other side. Because if that is the case, it is just a matter of time until the defeated side rises up and attacks the winning side. When there is a true negotiation and reconciliation and the middle column comes into existence, that is the true peace of the Scripture and the Lord Jesus will guard that peace. This is the dispute of friendship.
When the Zohar says the dispute of friendship supports the world, it is talking about our physical world and each one of us is a world. Each person is a world, each family is a world and each ministry is a world. When we fight and there is a dispute and Gehenom is raised up, it destroys that person, it destroys that relationship, it destroys that family, it destroys that ministry and it destroys that country because it is negative energy. It is the negative energy known as Satan and
we can only have victory in the Spirit of Christ. No matter what our problem is, if it is a dispute, if it is a problem, if it is a disease, no matter what our problem is, we must strive to be in the Spirit of Christ because all healing and deliverance is in the Spirit of Christ. That is what the Zohar means when it says the dispute carried with love and friendship supports the world. You're allowed to disagree, but be honest and be decent and be fair and love the truth and your world will be built up and your opponent's world will be built up and God will be glorified.
According to this secret, namely through the dispute of love, is carried the dispute between Shammai and Hillel; namely the dividing of and Elohim made the firmament at the end of the dispute. Let me read that again. According to this secret, namely the dispute of love, according to this secret is carried the dispute between Shammai and Hillel. I think they are just saying that Shammai and Hillel is an example of the dispute of love. On the other hand, the dispute of Korah was one of anger, which is the dividing of let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters. They are comparing two scriptures from Genesis. They are saying; And Elohim made the firmament. That is talking about the dispute of love. Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters; that is the dispute of anger. Let me see if I can comment on that. And Elohim made the firmament. Now the firmament divides the waters. Just the fact that Elohim made the firmament means that there will be a dispute, but there's no anger here yet. Then when Elohim said, let the firmament be in the midst of the waters, which divided the waters from the waters, this was the beginning of the angry dispute. The dispute of Shammai and Hillel was for the sake of the heavens in which the oral Torah, which is the secret of the feminine principle, entered with love into the written Torah. Well, let u's break this down.
The dispute of Shammai and Hillel was for the sake of the heavens. Who is the heavens? Does anybody know who the heavens is? The heavens is Ze'ir Anpin and his female Nukva. The dispute of love was for the sake of Ze'ir Anpin and Nukva in which the oral torah (Nukva is the oral torah)entered with love into the written torah, which is Ze'ir Anpin, and they were a perfect union. The oral torah and the written torah are a perfect union. Now what we have in the church today and what a large part of the Jewish community has today is just the written torah. They are lacking the oral torah, which is the interpretation, the spiritual interpretation of the torah which is the five books of Moses. Without the spirit of the word, the word is dead. If you have only the spirit of the word and not the letter of the word, you are in danger of being seduced by another spirit. We have to have both. When I started to understand this, I started to read my King James Translation again. I try to read a couple of chapters a day. I do not always succeed, but I am definitely going through my King James. You have to be grounded. That King James letter of the word grounds us to the Spirit of Christ. Then you can go forth with the spiritual interpretation and trust, of course through your relationship with Jesus Christ, trust that you will not pick up another spirit.
The Jews today teach that you have to be under the law. You have to keep the law and you have to do the mitzvah to protect yourself. Whether or not that is working for the Jews today, I do not know. I know that serving Jesus Christ in prayer and through a personal relationship with Him and reading my Bible in addition to the spiritual revelation, that I am grounding myself in the Word of God.
We see that the written Word of God and the spiritual Word of God are a perfect union. We need both. Of course, if you do not have a knowledge of the Bible, you wouldn't even appreciate the Zohar. How could you appreciate the Zohar if you do not understand the Bible? Apparently there are a lot of people who do not read the Bible and just read the Zohar. Going on with paragraph 54. Any questions about paragraph 53?
Paragraph 54. Division applies to the left alone. It is impossible for an authority to cause division. Even if the authority is wrong at the moment, the Lord is the one who corrects the authority. See, when a member of the congregation or a member of the family rises up against the authority, there is division immediately because the authority will stand against you. If the authority makes a mistake and the congregation does not say anything and just lend themselves to prayer, there is no division. Division only comes from the person under authority that rises up illegally. All division, all division comes from the person under authority and from a spirit of rebellion; rebellion and pride. Division applies to the left alone, as it is written, in relation to the second day, and let it divide. We are being told that division came into existence on the second day. While, of Korah it is written, it is but a small thing to you that Elohim of Israel has separated you. Moses said that to Korah. You do not even appreciate that the Lord has separated you from the world. It is also written, at that time HaShem separated the tribe of Levi. Assuredly the separation appears only in the second day, in the place of the left. Well, I am not really sure why the writer of the Zohar would put these verses in, but they are talking about division being only of the left. The tribe of Levi is a manifestation of the second day because they were divided from the whole of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Let me clarify that. The Lord can cause a division, but when the Lord causes a division, it is a positive division. In other words, the Lord separated Levi out from the rest of Israel. By separating Levi, He made a tribe of priests which were a benefit to Israel. Yes, God can cause a division, but everything that the Lord does is positive. When someone who is imperfect causes a division, it is always negative and a disaster. If you have a church and there's a split in the church, if the Lord causes the split and says I want two churches out of this one church, it will be accomplished without people being hurt. If someone rises up without the authority of God and takes a following from within a congregation and starts his own congregation, people will be hurt and that happens all the time in the church. That is what the Zohar is talking about when it says separation comes on the second day and the left side of division is negative. The example that we have of that is Moses talking to Korah saying, is it but a small thing to you that the Elohim of Israel has separated you? Why are you causing a division? Is it a small thing that the Lord did a positive thing? He separated you from your carnal mind. Why are you separating yourself from me and causing a left handed division in the camp of the Hebrews? We see, assuredly, the separation appears only in the second day in the place of the left.
Paragraph 55. You may ask, if division occurs definitely on the second day, why then is the separation mentioned about Levi, who is the third son of Jacob? It should have been associated with Simeon, who is the second son of Jacob. The answer is that although Levi is the third son, according to Jacob's mind, he is really only the second son because Reuben is not considered the first son of Leah. Now is not this interesting? The reason that Reuben is not considered the first son of Leah is that at the time that Jacob laid with her, he thought she was Rachel. Look at this oral expression of the Scripture. Isn't that interesting? Jacob physically laid with Leah, but the writer of the Zohar is saying that it was the spiritual union that has more authority than the physical union. Even though Leah gave birth to Reuben, spiritually speaking, Reuben was Rachel's son because Jacob thought he was sleeping with Rachel. That is a very profound statement. It is saying that a physical woman had sex with a man and gave birth to a child that spiritually was not hers because the man was thinking about another woman at the time that they had sex. Therefore, Reuben was passed over for the headship of the twelve tribes. He was found unsuitable, not for anything that he had done, but because of his heritage. The separation is forever in the second because after the division has occurred in the second, everything goes along smoothly along the straight path in a perfect way as it should be. This is because, by the separation the lights enclothe each other and are completed by each other.
Well this is getting sort of away from our subject. I will try to comment on that. Basically, what the Zohar is saying is that separation came on the second day of creation. Now remember that creation is still in process. Creation is going on in you and creation is going on in me. Every time division rises up in you, every time division rises up in me, you should know that you are experiencing the second day of creation. We are being created. It is happening inside of us. Everything we read about in Genesis is happening inside of us. There was a time in my life that I was always the cause of dispute. I was a real trouble maker at one time in my life. I am not anymore. Today I am the third day. I am moving on. I hope that someday the seventh day of creation will fully manifest in me, that I will be an expression of the seventh day of creation. Can you hear all this? It is all happening inside of us. Creation is still in process. Every time there's a division anywhere, that is a manifestation of the second day. It is an immaturity, you see. It is saying it is an immaturity. Controversy is an immaturity. Peace making is maturity. We are told here, because of separation or by separation, the lights enclothe each other and are completed by each other. I do not know what to tell you about that. Because after the division has occurred in the second, everything goes smoothly along the straight path in a perfect way as it should be. This is because after the separation the lights come together and enclothe each other. I am going to let that go because I do not know what to tell you about that.
Paragraph 56. The prayer of separation that is performed at the end of Shabbath or at the end of the Sabbath is for the purpose of separating those powers that are dominant during the days of the week from the holiness that is dominate during the Sabbath. I sort of thought that was what it meant when I passed over it. You see, sometimes we are joined, but we are joined in the wrong moral order. A separation has to take place so that you could be joined or that we could be joined in the right moral order. Right now Cain is joined to Abel in the church in the wrong moral order. Cain is on top of Abel. There has to be a separation so that Abel can come on top of Cain. That is what we are talking about. I do not know if I really want to pursue this because the name of this message is The Secret Of Gehenom and the secret of Gehenom is separation. Well, maybe I will go on with it. Who can tell us what the spiritual Sabbath is? What is the spiritual Sabbath? The spiritual Sabbath is the union of Ze'ir Anpin and Nukva. Now we are being told here that there is a spiritual mystery behind the keeping of the Sabbath when you are under the law. Whether or not the Lord is still honoring this for Jews that keep the law, I do not know. Before Christ, before Messiah came, there was a spiritual aspect to all the rules of keeping the Sabbath. It is sort of similar to what we see with the baptism. If anybody asks me, should I be water baptized, I would say yes. The Scripture says to do it, so do it and get water baptized and God will honor you. The baptism signifies the immersion of the individual in the Spirit of Christ. You do it in natural water and the Lord will baptize you in the Spirit of Christ. Well, that is what the keeping of the Sabbath was at the time that the Lord honored the keeping of the Sabbath. I am not saying that He's not honoring that for the Jews anymore because I do not know.
The Jew that kept all the law of the Sabbath, the Lord went ahead of them and put Abel on top of Cain and the Jews would have spiritual experiences in this Sabbath. This is what this aspect of the Zohar is talking about. Then at the end of the Sabbath there would be a separation, a separation of Abel and Cain and Abel would go back under and the natural order would come up and Cain would go back on top. According to the Zohar, when this happened, the demons that afflict people in the world would be loosed again. During the Sabbath those demons were bound up because, in our terms, we would say Christ Jesus manifested in that individual and over that community and protected it. During the Sabbath all the prayers were going forth and everything that the people did on the Sabbath, it was because the Lord honored the carnal works of the men and women keeping the Sabbath and adjusted their spiritual condition for the spiritual Sabbath, which brings miracles with it. Now those of us that are in Christ Jesus, we are in the Sabbath all the time. Every time, at any time of the day or week that you are joined in your mind to Christ Jesus, it is the Sabbath. We are told here in the Zohar that the Jewish Sabbath ended by a specific prayer. It was at the completion of that prayer that the demons that were bound up were released for the week days. They are saying, with the ending of the Sabbath, one aspect of Gehenom appears.
Let me read you this sentence again. The prayer of separation that is performed at the end of the Sabbath is for the purpose of separating those powers that are dominant during the days of the week. That is the evil powers that are dominant during the days of the week. The prayer separates them from the holiness that is dominant during the Sabbath because the holiness that is dominant during the Sabbath binds up those evil powers that are present during the week. At the ending of the Sabbath, one aspect of Gehenom appears. Separation is hell. This is the principle here. During the Sabbath, hell is bound up under the authority of the Lord. At the end of the Sabbath, hell appears again, because at the end of the Sabbath there is a separation. According to the Zohar, God withdraws from you, not that God leaves you, but during the Sabbath the Lord descends upon the Jew that keeps the Sabbath and enables him to spend a whole day in prayer and holy communion with the Lord. After that day is over, that anointing lifts off of that Jew that is keeping the Sabbath and that separation produces Gehenom to rise up in you again. Does anyone not understand what I just said? Okay.
With the ending of the Sabbath, one aspect of Gehenom appears. This aspect is the evil eye that desires to govern the world. The evil eye is the carnal mind. See, the Hebrew word for eye as I have been saying for quite awhile now, can be translated as mind. This is just saying that during the Sabbath, the mind of Christ descends upon the carnal mind and binds up the carnal mind so that the person can serve God and have spiritual experiences for that twenty four hours or as long as they are awake. When the Sabbath is over, the evil eye or the carnal mind that desires to govern the world, arises again. Now you have to understand that the carnal mind, maybe a little more in some people and a little less in others, but the carnal mind is criminal and desires to dominate and control. Carnal people desire to dominate and control. Some are obviously controlling and others are subtle. You need discernment or you need understanding and instruction to understand how even though they are speaking in a nice soft voice, they are still trying to control you.
The carnal mind is the witch, brethren. Witchcraft is a foundational principle in the carnal mind; control, dominance. Christ is the Lamb. Christ is the one that does not try to control. Christ Jesus is the Lamb that humbles Himself and trusts the Lord Jesus to fight for Him. That is the truth of our fallen nature. For that reason, the children of Israel recite; Oh prospereth the work of our hands. In other words they say to the Lord, prosper the work of my hands. The children of Israel that are in submission to God are not trying to control things or bring things to pass themselves. You see, your carnal mind has to understand that when you are trying to bring something to pass yourself, you are controlling. Unless it is a specific area where the Lord has given you authority, if you are trying to bring it to pass yourself, you are in control. You're controlling. The carnal mind is controlling. Do not feel bad. It is our fallen condition. I am just telling you the truth. The children of Israel say; Prosper the work of our hands, Lord. You do it. You give me the victory. You give me the success. You give me the finances that I need. You do it.
It emerges from that grade of the other side. What emerges? Gehenom, hell, emerges from the grade of the other side, which is called the left. Gehenom emerges from the left, which is not the side of God. It is the other side. Hell does not come from God. It wishes to mingle with the seed of Israel. Gehenom rises up from the other side and wishes to mingle with the seed of Israel. You need to know that that carnal mind wants to mix with the mind of Christ in you and confuse you as to what is from God and what is from the other side. The way the left does this, the way the carnal mind does this, is to take control of the holy covenant and have the power to punish Israel. The left side wants the power to punish you. How does the left side get the power to punish you? By tempting you to sin. Satan is absolutely wicked. She will rise up in you as rebellion and then punish you for being rebellious. Any sin; adultery, fornication, stealing, lying, any sin that she can get you to commit. She will tempt you to sin and then she will punish you with the sowing and reaping judgment for sinning. That is the truth of our fallen condition. Praise the Lord.
Paragraph 57. While the children of Israel perform an action. Well, apparently there's a ritual that Israel performs when the Sabbath ends and they use the myrtle, which is a particular herb, and the wine, and they recite this prayer of separation and the other side departs from them. The Zohar is saying that when Israel or those keeping the law end the Sabbath with this ritual, they recite a prayer and they do something with this myrtle leaf and the carnal mind is released in them. That side is lowered and enters into the place in sheol, that is hell, in the place where Korah and his company are. Do you know what this is simply saying? It is saying that you come out of the mind of Christ when the Sabbath is over, the mind of Christ departs from you and you go back to your secular job or your secular life and that you are descending back into hell. The carnal mind is hell. The thoughts of the carnal mind are hell and wherever the carnal mind leads you, wherever the activities of the carnal mind are is hell and heaven is in the mind of Christ. To be in the mind of Christ you have to be in the Word of God and that is not in false doctrine. You have to be in the deep spiritual doctrine of the Lord to stay in the mind of Christ. Yes, the Holy Spirit will put you in the Bible, but to be in the mind of Christ, you have to do what Christ does. You have to think what Christ thinks. What does Christ do? Christ confesses sin and repents and forgives the sins of others. Christ also judges righteous judgment. He calls sin, sin. He has mercy and forgives others and He studies the deep spiritual Word of God. He studies the mysteries. Now most people, including me, cannot be engaged in those activities continuously. We have other things to do. At the moment that we depart from the Christ mind, from that moment forward, we are in hell. In any carnal pursuit we are in hell.
They and all that appertain to them. Well, this is talking about Korah. That side is lowered and enters into its place in sheol, in the place where Korah and his company are. As it is written; They and all that appertain to them went down alive into sheol. What that means is when Korah rebelled against Moses, he and his family departed from their Christ mind and they immediately entered into hell. Korah and his company did not go down to Gehenom until Israel separated from them. Korah and his company did not go down into hell until Israel or until the mind of Christ separated from them. As it is written; Separate yourselves from among the congregation. That is what Moses commanded. Hear us well, the other side does not go to Gehenom at the ending of the Sabbath before Israel performs this prayer of separation. I do not really have anything to say about that. That is for the Jews who are under the law, if God is still honoring that at all. See, I think the Lord is still honoring it to a measure if you are a practicing Jew and you have a secular job and keep the Sabbath. I know I had a dialogue with a Jewish Christian not too long ago and he had a secular job, but on the Sabbath he did nothing but study. You're entering into the mind of Christ. You go into heaven when you spend a whole day studying with the Lord. I want to tell you there is a blessing in giving Him a whole day. I have done it a couple of times. There is just something so special about it because the anointing builds and I am still trying to do it. My day is Tuesday and I have not been able to do this activity on Tuesdays for a long time. That is the day I have set aside for myself to just be alone with the Lord all day. By the evening the anointing is very strong and it is just a wonderful experience. Praise God.
The prayer of separation is always done on the second day, which is the left column. The left column is the second day. Division is the second day. Every time you are involved in division, the second day of creation is manifesting in you. Does everybody understand this? What we are saying is that creation is an ongoing process that is happening not only in the world externally, but spiritually in the midst of every human being. We are the product of creation and our goal is to manifest the seventh day, which is the day of rest. The prayer of separation is always done on the second day which is the left column. This refers to what has already been explained, that even the prayer at the ending of the Sabbath is intended to separate the other side that extends from the left column. I do not know what to tell you about that. In other words, there is a formal release of the activities of the Christ mind. You know, it is almost as if to say some churches end with a prayer. Sometimes I just say God bless you or have a good week or have a good day or safe home. It is the ending of a holy experience in the mind of Christ. There has to be an ending to it, a cutting off of it and at that point the carnal mind arises and you are back in hell. It was at the beginning of the dispute which was aroused by the aggressiveness and anger of the left side, before it was calmed down and quieted, that Gehenom was created. Now what quieted and calmed down the left side? Does anybody remember?
What quiets down the left side?
COMMENT: The right side.
PASTOR VITALE: Well, the right side does not have to do it. The right side can be just as vicious as the left side. What does the right side do that quiets down the left side?
COMMENT: It reconciles.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the right side has the power to make the dispute into a dispute of love. What I did not mention tonight, but I think I have had it on the other parts of this message is that the dispute of love arises out of a motive of love. You see, if the motive of the authority is to protect itself and to win and to be sure that the rebellious left side is not going to overtake him, that motive is pride. That motive is pride. It is possible for an authority to rebuke the left side out of pride. That is just as much a sin for the authority as it is for the other person. It may stop the dispute temporarily, but the dispute will rise up again and God is not glorified in it. When the authorities' motive is Christ, when the authorities' motive is truly that God should be glorified and that fairness and decency should be done, that is the dispute in love.
The right side can minister a solution to the dispute either in anger or in love. If you are an authority, you have a choice. It was at the beginning of the dispute which was aroused by the aggressiveness and anger of the left before it was calmed down and quieted. It was calmed down and quieted.
You see, when the dispute first arose in the left side, the right side got angry. I get angry sometimes when someone here raises up a dispute. I do not want a dispute, stop doing that. I get mad. Then at some point the authority has to say no, I want the peace of Christ here. My pride, which is arising out of anger, can bring forth no good thing. Let God be glorified in this. Let the truth come out. Maybe the person has a legitimate complaint even though they are expressing it incorrectly. Where is God in all this? What is righteous judgment? Let's settle this down and then let's go on with the preaching. The right side frequently starts out in anger, but then when Christ takes over the authority, the dispute is calmed down and quieted. Yet in this brief moment, we are told, where the right side failed to react to the dispute in Christ, in that split second Gehenom was created. It is just another way of saying Adam slept and the creation fell and hell was created. That is what it is saying.
Then were created all these angels that denounce before the Holy One. In that slip, in that anger, every time we think an angry thought these angels are created. A lot of the thoughts that come out of anger, that arise out of anger, we are not even facing. The retaliation and the revenge and the hatred and the murder and all of that that comes on the tail of that anger, we may probably never face as coming out of us. All of these thoughts produce thought forms and these thought forms are the angels that are being spoken about here. Then were created all these angels that denounce before the Holy One. Blessed be He, their master above. You see, even if the authority is wrong, if you are angry and denouncing the authority, you are denouncing the Holy One who is above because you are denouncing His spokesperson and you should not be judging another man's servant. When you got angry, if you were manifesting the left side, you created angels or thought forms that denounce the Holy One who is the secret of the central column. You are getting mad at the person who is the vehicle that has the authority to bring forth the peace of the central column. It does not even make any sense. Of course the carnal mind does not make any sense. Make your peace with the authority because if the authority is truly in Christ or if they are righteous, even if it is out in the world, if it is your boss, they are never going to yield to you. You have got to bend your knee to the authority. If you are in the world you will get fired if you do not. If you are fighting with a policeman, he will give you a ticket. You have got to yield to the authority or you just raise up hell in your life. The authority is not going to back down. It does not even make any sense. It is just ignorance that you would do that.
They disagree with his reconciliation. Who? The left side disagrees with the reconciliation of the right side or of the man that is manifesting the right side and they deviate to the left. Therefore, the fire burns them up and they are consumed. Now does that mean a physical fire is going to burn you up? No! The anger within you could make you sick; anger and bitterness. What it really does is burn up Christ in you. See, if you hold on to this anger, it will consume Christ in you. As long as you are yielding to this anger, your carnal mind is on top of your Christ mind. If that goes on long enough, the Christ mind in you will be destroyed. Anger is deadly!!!
The other angels, all those who have annulled and have no support are burned in the fire. All the good angels, all the good thought forms that are in the mind of Christ, are burned up in the fire if you yield to your anger. All these have come from the power of the fire of the dispute in the beginning on the second day. The more you yield to your anger, the more thought forms or demons you have of anger, the more easier it is for you to get angry, the more likely it is for the mind of Christ in you to be consumed. It is suicide. Anger is suicide!!! Dispute is spiritual suicide. Truly the Scripture says it is the activity of the fool. It arises out of pride and it is the activity of the fool.
Similarly Korah fell down into Gehenom and burned. I never did believe that Korah actually fell into a hole in the ground. See, he fell out of the Christ mind. The Christ mind fell into a hole in the ground. It fell under the carnal mind. Korah fell down into Gehenom and the Christ mind burnt up, just like those angels who burned in the fire of the river of fire. Everything follows the same manner extending from the beginning of this dispute with the fire of anger. Anger results in destruction.
Paragraph 59. Let there be a firmament. This phrase tells us that an expansion has occurred between the two; the lower waters expanded and was separated from the upper waters and the upper waters expanded and was separated from the lower waters by the firmament. The letter L in the name Elohim from the firmament up are the right part. In other words, L always alludes to the name of Chesed, which is the right side. The name, the great L was expanded from within the waters of Binah and was separated from them. I do not know if I want to go into this whole thing. I am going to skip some of these more technical paragraphs.
I am going on with paragraph 61. Although on the second day the upper and lower waters were divided, the dispute between the right and the left did not cease until the third day. We are told the third day is Tiferet. The third day settled the dispute between the right and the left. Now I have told you that when I have had the Tetragrammaton on the board and I have had Adam Kadmon figured as a human on the board, that Tiferet is the resolved combination of the left and the right side above it, of Chesed and Gevurah, manifest in the balanced Tiferet in the middle column. Tiferet is Jehovah to us. See, Jehovah is the name or the grade of God to humanity, that is the balanced whole of all of the Ten Sefirot. That is who Jehovah is. We are told that the left came forth on the second day. The right came forth on the first day, the left came forth on the second day and the dispute started on the second day because the left started it. On the third day Tiferet resolved the two. If you are truly a peace maker, you cannot be a peace maker in pride, brethren. I have seen people, I have seen pharisees through the whole church that are peace makers in pride. What does that mean? They are not interested in finding out the truth. There is no spirit of righteous judgment on them.
They just want you to stop; just be quiet, do not talk about it, just shut up and suffer the loss and you walk away wounded. See, that is the judgment of the right. It is right to stop the dispute. People should not be fighting. If someone comes along and says to two people that are fighting; just stop it, I do not want to hear what happened, I do not want to hear your story, I do not want to hear who's right or who's wrong, just stop it and go home; that is the judgment of the right. It is a good thing that they stop the dispute, but they hurt whoever was wounded in there. They stopped the dispute without giving any healing to the disputing parties. That is not the middle column. That is the judgment of the right. The judgment of Tiferet, the judgment of the middle column is the person who comes in the Spirit of Christ and brings reconciliation between the two warring parties. The person in whom the third day of creation is manifesting, the person that is Tiferet, fulfills the scripture that says, he judged in the gate. He sits down with the two people. He hears what they both have to say and he gives those two people the Word of God and the counsel of God and the righteousness in the situation and shows both parties what they are doing wrong and brings reconciliation and peace and healing to the two parties. If you are a person who does that, the third day of creation is manifesting in you. A level of spiritual maturity is manifesting in you. That ministry was born in me in Nigeria several years ago. The New Testament calls it the ministry of reconciliation. That is the third day.
The third day settled the dispute between the right and the left as the two columns came together and clothed each other. Both were established properly in their places because of the middle column. Each was given peace. Each knew where they were right and where they were wrong and the reconciliation minister helped each to admit what they did wrong because the reconciling minister was honest and seeking the truth and a true reconciliation. People will respond to that kind of minister. Because of this dispute, even though the world exists upon it, it is not written it was good about the second day. See, the world exists upon this dispute. What does that mean? It means that we all have problems and if you do not have a dispute our flaws won't be seen. See, we are all fallen and if disputes never arise, our shortcomings and our character defects will never be exposed. The world exists on these disputes so that we can grow from them. You have to have dispute in love and not dispute in anger. That is what this is talking about. In the days that Israel was a nation, they actually went to people who had this ministry. You see, this ministry should be in the church today, but I do not see it very often. You have to be anointed to be able to listen to disputes between people to help them to solve those problems in Christ. I really do not see that ministry in the church very much. The reason for that is that it is a ministry in Christ. It is not a ministry that is in the Holy Spirit.
I do not even think that there are many people in the church today that are seeking that kind of ministry. People having problems go looking for someone to resolve them via secular marriage counselors or they go to Christian counselors who are trained in the secular schools and universities. They have degrees from the secular universities, but do not have the ministry of reconciliation. This is the gift of God to His people, that there should be sons of God with the ministry of reconciliation that you can go to. It is not only for a husband and wife. It is for a mother and daughter, neighbors, friends, or anywhere where there is a legitimate problem and you really cannot resolve it yourself. You should be able to go to an elder in the church that has the ministry of reconciliation that can help you to understand what is operating here. Most of the people in the church today just suffer the loss and remain quiet. That is the reconciliation of the right which leaves you wounded and bleeding. It is better than the left which brings you down to hell, but it is not the best that God has for you. You have to know that if you are willing to go to someone that has the ministry of reconciliation, they are going to show both parties what they are doing wrong. Do not go looking for help thinking that the other person is going to be straightened out. That is a wrong spirit to be looking for help with.
We are saying that the Scripture does not say, on the second day it was good. The second day is the only day that the Scripture does not say it was good because the work was not yet completed. The upper and the lower waters were mingled together as one and there was no offspring in the world until they were divided in two. See, the waters had to be divided. Elohim said let there be a firmament because the male and the female elements were all mixed together and they had to be separated into distinct male and females so that they could come together as male and female and produce offspring. That division was necessary, according to the Zohar. The upper and the lower waters were mingled together as one and there was no offspring in the world until they were divided in two and distinguished as separate from each other and only then did they bring forth offspring. Praise the Lord.
I could think of many examples concerning that. We can be in all kinds of relationships that are not healthy or all kinds of situations that are not healthy. You have to separate so that you can really see what you are feeling and what you are thinking. Sometimes the Lord will bring you back together in a more Godly relationship. People get involved in soul ties that are very ungodly. You have to separate. Then if the relationship is one of family, husband and wife, mother and daughter, there has to be a separation and a coming together again in right order. Sometimes if the relationship is with someone that the Lord feels you should be permanently separated from, well then you have to be separated from them. If the other person refuses to separate and come back to you in right order, then you have to depart from them. If you ever had an ungodly relationship with somebody or you had a relationship and it became ungodly and the other person will not listen to reason and they will not cooperate and they will not do their part, you have to separate from them. You have to stay separated from them and it is the end of the relationship because you can only do it for yourself. Both parties have to be willing to admit what they did wrong and to change if you are to come back together again. Sometimes one person grows and the other person does not and you never come back together again. You have to find out what God's solution is for your problem.
Paragraph 62. Although the separation of the lower waters from the upper waters occurred on the second day, the dispute between the right and the left was unresolved. On the second day, the dispute was unresolved. Only the third day, and that is Tiferet now, reconciled between them. Both became one and joined them into the one name Elohim. The third day, which is Ze'ir Anpin, is the name upon which is engraved. I am not going to go into these technical details. Let us see what we'll do here.
I am just going to take one sentence from paragraph 63 and then we'll go on to 64. It says here; Had the central column not settled the dispute, neither would have included the other and there would have been no harmony if the central column had not settled the dispute. See, it is never acceptable to God to go away mad. Yet, it is better to do that than to continue fighting. God's best is reconciliation.
Going on to paragraph 64. When disagreement was aroused through the fierceness of the left. The left side, the person that is causing the dispute arises out of fierceness. The mist of fire increased and became overpowering. I am not sure what that means, but I know that disagreement becomes fierce and eventually becomes overpowering, overpowering to the person that is angry. You can get out of control. The spirits produced from within that mist immediately congealed. Anger produces thought forms which are demons, which will hang around you and build up and make you an angrier and an angrier person. We are told here that the spirits produced from that mist immediately congealed. That means they became formed. They became dry and without any moisture. These spirits which were male and female produced a multitude of evil spirits. From this all the might of the impure spirit appeared in all those strong spirits. This is all a parable.
What is just coming to me as I read it is that this is what happened to humanity. We congealed, we became solid, we became dry and without moisture. Fallen man is what I am talking about now. We became male and female and we produced a multitude. From this all the might of the impure spirit appeared in all these strong spirits. What is that saying to me? It is saying the might of the serpent appeared in all of humanity. It says this is the secret of the klipot, of the foreskin. You see, the klipot is the Hebrew word for the shells that cover over the aspects or the Sefirot. I am not sure how to say that. The klipot; they are the shells, the spiritual shells that cover over the Sefirot of God, which is signified in humanity by the foreskin that covers the male penis. That is a physical expression of our spiritual condition. Our spiritual condition is that our potential to manifest the Ten Sefirot of the holiness of God is covered over by the shells which is the carnal mind. Or you might say Cain is over Abel. That is our condition.
These spirits were strengthened in impurity through the violent demons. That is just like saying Cain is strengthened by Leviathan. One is called a viper and the other is called a serpent. There you go. Satan and Leviathan. See, this is pure parable, but it is the Doctrine of Christ. One is called a viper and the other is called a serpent; Satan and Leviathan. These two kinds became one. Aren't Satan and Leviathan one? They became one in the carnal minds of men. The viper bears offspring every seventy years while the serpent only every seven years. As they are joined together, everything returns to the seven years of the serpent. I do not know what to make out of that. Therefore the viper begets every seven years like the serpent and they become as if one species. That is Satan and Leviathan. They have become the human species.
The final paragraph of this chapter is paragraph 65. From herein lies the secret of Gehenom. Hell arises out of Satan and Leviathan, congealed into solid form which is humanity. We are told Gehenom has seven names and the evil inclination also has seven names. I am not sure what that means. We know the number seven means completion. I do not know what that means. I hear in my heart now the names of blasphemy. There is a scripture that says the names of blasphemy. What the Lord is telling me right now is that these names are the Sefirot of the evil inclination. There are Ten Sefirot of holiness and ten Sefirot of the evil inclination. If each of the Ten Sefirot of holiness have a name, the names of the ten Sefirot of uncleanness, they must have ten names too. Each of the Sefirot must have a name too. From here, impurity expands and spreads out to many grades into the world and everything comes from the secret of the left which contains good and evil and thereby makes the world habitable. The world is habitable from the good and evil of the mortal foundation in humanity, which is Cain and Abel, good and evil. From here is the secret of the Holy Name that is engraved by eighteen letters and is responsible for the bountiful rains that feed the earth. From here is the secret of the Holy Name, for human charity, for all our blessings and for the general inhabitation of the world. I think this is talking about Abel.
From here is the secret. First it says that this secret of the left contains good and evil. The left side contains good and evil. We know that and that the left side also makes the world habitable. The Fiery Serpent in man is the mortal foundation of humanity. From here, from the Fiery Serpent is the secret of the Holy Name that is engraved by eighteen letters and is responsible for the bountiful rains that feed the earth for human charity, for all blessings and for the general inhabitation of the world. From where? From the Fiery Serpent. What that is saying is that the Abel part of the Fiery Serpent is the aspect of us that the Lord can join to. From here the eighteen letter Name of the Lord can come into existence or Christ Jesus can come into existence and that Christ Jesus has the power to provide bountiful rains that feed the earth, for human charity, for all blessings, and for the general inhabitation of the world. We have just interpreted a paragraph of the Zohar according to the Doctrine of Christ that is in the form of a deep parable. If I did not know the Doctrine of Christ, I could never make anything out of that at all. The viper bears offspring every seventy years. I would like to know what that means but I do not. It is talking about Satan and Leviathan and the Serpent manifesting in humanity as the Fiery Serpent which is good and evil. Isn't that exciting? I think that is exciting when I find a paragraph that is so closed. It is sealed up. This paragraph is completely sealed up. There is no way you could know what it means if the Lord does not unlock it for you. Remember, everything that we read about or learn about, it is all taking place in mankind. For whatever reason this wonderful book, the Zohar, talks a lot about spirits and demons and all that, but they are all in men. Do you see what it says?
The spirits produced from that mist became congealed. They became us!!! These spirits became us. They became dry and without moisture. They were male and female. That is us! They produced a multitude of evil spirits. We are the evil spirits that congealed, if you can hear it.
All the might of the impure spirit that generated us. This is the secret of the klipot, of the foreskin, that we are covered over. These spirits were strengthened in impurity through the violent demons. One is called a viper and the other is a serpent; Satan and Leviathan and these two kinds became one. They became the Fiery Serpent in the individual. The viper bears offspring every seventy years (I do not know what that means) and the serpent only every seven years. They are joined together. Everything returns to the seven years of the serpent, therefore the viper begets every seven years like the serpent and they become as if one species. That is us, fallen humanity. From herein lies the secret of Gehenom which has seven names. It does not have Ten Sefirot, it has seven Sefirot in Gehenom and the evil inclination also has seven names. From here impurity expands and spreads out in many grades into the world and everything comes from the secret of the left which contains good and evil and thereby makes the world habitable; the Fiery Serpent our mortal foundation. From here is the secret of the Holy Name, from the Fiery Serpent, the mortal foundation. Christ grafts to Abel. All good comes out of Abel, whether Abel is stimulated by the Holy Spirit or grafted to by Christ. Everything good in the world comes out of the Abel aspect of our mortal foundation. Praise the Lord. This is the end of this series. Glory to God. Goodnight.
7/24/04 kml - 1st edit