561 - Part 3

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord, we're looking at our notes from part 2, the second half of our notes from part 2, where I have some information about Persia and Greece, and whatever else I might have there, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Babylon. These are the three nations spoken about in Daniel's prophesies, the reason I have printed out these notes for you which I've taken out to be honest with you I don't know which Bible dictionary, I didn't write it down. We read about Persia in Ezekiel 38, and there is a word in the King James translation, the word is Tarshish, that if you look it up in the Strong's lexicon, it really means or it can mean, it can be translated prince of Persia. So I thought it would be a good idea to just give us some background on the three nations that are mentioned in prophesy through Daniel. And I'd like to remind you that Babylon was the first kingdom or empire, Babylon was the first empire that arose out of Cush, and Babylon was a cruel empire. It was Babylon that conquered Judah, it was Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar that conquered Judah, and then the empire of Persia came and conquered Babylon.


Now I can't find anything positive about Babylon in the Scripture but we do find some positive things about Persia in the Scripture in that there were three kings, there Persian kings that were very kindly disposed towards Israel, King Cyrus, King Darius, and King Artaxerxes, and they all helped Israel return to their homelands, after Persia conquered Babylon and Babylon was holding Israel captive, the Persian King helped Israel to return to their homeland. So although in the context of Ezekiel 38, there are some negative connotations towards the empire of Persia, we know that in the midst of that empire, three righteous kings arose, and of course this is the divided age, the divided world, nothing, no one other than Jesus Christ is 100% righteous. No man is 100% righteous except Jesus Christ.


So we see a positive aspect of the kings of Persia, although the Prince of Persia, see it's the prince of Persia that has the negative connotation to it, and the word Prince in the Scripture always refers to a principality, it never refers to a human being. The Prince of Persia refers to a principality that has manifested itself in the nation of Persia. The Prince of Persia is the high level principality that manifested itself as a company of men in the earth called the nation of Persia, which has produced both good and evil men. So the message of the Scripture is that good arises out of evil, see. Even Jesus Christ has in genealogy the harlot Rahab, see, and this is just a demonstration of the promise of the Scripture that no matter how great a sinner we are, we should not be depressed or despair, but we should have hope that salvation is possible in Jesus Christ, no matter how great a sinner we were, or no matter how great the sins of our ancestors are, or were, there is hope for us in Christ Jesus, the savior of the world.


Okay, so let's go over these notes. Persia, an ancient world empire that flourished from 539 through 331 b.c., that's before Christ. So we see that it flourished about 208 years, the Babylonian empire fell to the Persians setting the stage for the return of the Hebrew people to Jerusalem about 538 b.c. through 445 b.c., following their long period of captivity by the Babylonians. The Old Testament contains many references to the nation of Persia, and its representatives. Ezra 9:9 refers to the Kings of Persia. Ezra 6:14, Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes, king of Persia, Daniel 8:20 speaks of the kings of Media and Persia. Now the Persian empire became the, I think it's the Media Persian empire and I don't have any information for you on that, I didn't want to get too far into all these notes. Daniel 10:13 mentions the Prince of the kingdom of Persia. The book of Esther refers to the powers of Persia and Media, the seven princes of Persia and Media, and ladies of Persia and Media, and Daniel 5:28 prophesied that Belshazzar's kingdom would be given over to the Medes and Persians. And of course Belshazzar is the king to whom the finger appeared and wrote on the wall, you have been tried in the balances and found wanting, MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN, This day your kingdom has been taken from you. Hallelujah. This is a king that had every reason to believe in God almighty and turned away from the faith. Did God kill him, did God torment him, no what God did was God took away everything that he had acquired as a blessing of God. God doesn't torture you, doesn't punish you, doesn't cut your legs off, doesn't burn your house down, Satan does all that stuff, it's not even true to say that God takes all of your blessings away from you. When you turn your back on the God that gave you all the blessings, Satan comes in and takes away the blessings. God is good, he wants only to bless us, to give us good things, that we should be of good health and we should prosper, but when we turn our back against the God of heaven, Satan acquires power over us, and that is the reality of our existence, God is good, God does no evil to men. The only time God's behavior towards men appears to be evil to men is when the Lord is operating on us to change our wicked hearts in to the ways of righteousness, so that we should live and not die, it may cause us some pain, some mortal men feels that God is evil towards him, a man without understanding. But all the evil in the world is of Satan, and who is Satan? Satan is the enforcer of the sowing and reaping judgment, that means every evil that happens to man is the result of his own actions, his own thoughts and actions.


Be assured God is not mocked, your sin will find you out. Every sinful thought and deed will have a just recompense. It is Satan in your own mind that will punish you. Well you say my punishment came from my wife, my punishment came from my husband, it is Satan in your own mind who arranged for you to marry a mate who would punish you, and that is the truth of our condition. Even the psychiatrists of this world who are anti-Christ, they don't believe in God, will tell you something like 95% of the decisions that a man makes comes out of the unconscious part of their minds, he doesn't even know why he's making the choices he's making.


We come into this world programmed, we carry the whole burden of our family before us, all of our ancestors live through us, that is the truth. Only in Jesus Christ can these markings that we come into this world with be erased, and not only erased but replaced with the markings of God. See Paul said, I bear in my body the markings of Christ. Everybody thinks oh, that poor man he suffered you know, well Paul did suffer, but the markings of Christ indicate that he has the nature of God, and when we have the nature of God, we will suffer in the flesh, but we will be glorified in the spirit, and that is a choice that very few people have in today's world. And I'll tell you as someone who bears the mark of the Lord Jesus, the marks of the Lord Jesus who, when I say glorified, I don't mean that I've been glorified out of the body, but I've experienced the glory of God, and the pain of the flesh that comes what does that mean, you have to deny the pleasures of the flesh to experience the glory of God. Why Sheila, why can't God just give you his glory, because you can't have your cake and eat it too. Why? Because you can't be up and down at the same time.


It's not that it's possible to have both and God won't give it to you, you can't be walking and standing on your hands at the same time. A bird cannot be walking and flying, cannot be using its wings and its feet at the same time. And our spirituality can be likened to wings, and our carnality can be likened to feet, and we cannot be doing both at the same time, it just won't work. Therefore if you want to fly, you have to stop walking, you have to give up your walking if you want to fly. See spirituality and the glory of God is all in the mind, it's an activity of mind. So the more you turn towards God, the more you use your mind the more you have to turn away towards this world which is the exact opposite. Turning towards God is a life of isolation because God speaks to you in the privacy of your intimate relationship with him. So if you love to chat with other people, is that a sin? No, but the more you like to chat with other people, and spend time with other people, the less time you will have in the privacy of your relationship with God. So it's a choice, which do you want best, which do you want more, which way will go? You can't have both. For a season you can have a little bit of both, but to move into the deep realms of spiritual experiences with Christ Jesus you have to spend a lot of time with Christ Jesus, and to spend a lot of time with Christ Jesus, you have to give up some of your social life, it's just the reality of this existence in this world, you can't have both. You can't have both to a large measure. You can have both to a mediocre measure, but you will always love one more than the other. You will always prefer the pleasantries or the aspects of this world that gratify you or your time alone with Jesus and only Jesus and you on some level know which you prefer more, and I don't condemn you but it's a good idea to know who you are, and if you don't know you should ask the Lord, who you want more, who you love more.


See everybody says, Oh, I love Jesus of course I love Jesus. Really if he tells you to give up your family life, would you follow him, if he tells you to leave your wife, and your children are cared for okay nothing irresponsible, if he tells you to go off to a foreign country and leave your family, the Lord's going to take care of your family, but you should go and leave them, and live a celibate life, would you do it? How much do you love, Oh God would never ask me that. Oh really? See, it's no sin to acknowledge the fact that you don't love God that much, the sin is the lie, if you're not willing to do that, and you still want to believe a lie, that you would give anything to Jesus and that you love him more than anything in this world, but he would never ask you to leave your family, or give up sex, or give up anything that you love, then you're believing a lie. When you face the truth about yourself, then the Lord can deal with you and you can decide what you're going to do with your life, but a lie will never get you anywhere, the truth will set you free, know who you are, and know how you feel about Jesus and speak the truth and see what he has to say to you, because if you lie, he knows that you're lying, you're the only one whose the loser.


I don't know where that came from but let's go on with our notes here. Okay, let's see where I was reading from, the Persians sprang from a people from the hills of Russia, known as the Indo-Aryans, as early as 2000 B.C. Now remember modern Persia is Iran, and the Iranians have Indian ancestors. I've known that for a long time, so here we see it in the Encyclopedia, Indo-Aryans, as early as 2000 years b.c. Now please note, I think I mentioned this on part 2, that I couldn't find out information the Noahide roots of the Persians. In other words I cannot find any information that would trace the Persians back to Noah, or to She, Ham, and Japheth. I don't know which aspect of Noah they came out of, and the thought has entered in to my mind that may have come over from the other side of flood, we talked about this on part 2. Okay, and they began to settle in Iran, and along black sea coast. Two of these Indo-European tribes settled on the Elamite border and to the east of the Zagros Mountain range. The first references to them are made in the inscriptions of Shalmaneser. They are noted as the Parusa or the Persians, and Madai, the Medes. Okay I don't think I'm going to read everything on to this tape. Let me just skip down through here. Cyrus II founder of the mighty Persian Empire, ascended to the throne after, and he conquered the Median king, Cyrus was humane and benevolent towards those whom he defeated. Cyrus was the Persian king who issued the decree restoring the Jews to their homeland, following their long period of captivity by the Babylonians. The next Persian king Darius, the first was not a direct descendant of Cyrus, but was of royal Achaemenid blood, he defeated nine kings to claim all twenty three Persian satrap. Okay Darius is one who unified the Persian Empire. I'm going to skip to the next page, we really just want what information we need for our message here. Another Persian king Artaxerxes illustrates one of the ironies of history. This minor Persian king was one of major importance because of his connection with the Hebrew people. Apparently two of the three returns of the Jewish people from captivity in Babylon occurred during his reign. The second return was apparently under Ezra, and this was made possible because of generosity of Artaxerxes. The third return occurred in 445 BC, and the specific purpose of this return to Jerusalem was to rebuild the city walls. Now please keep that in mind because as we continue on with our translation, we're going to find out and we may have even touched on it on part two, that it's very clear in Ezekiel 38 that receiving the Holy Spirit is not enough, that after we receive the Holy Spirit we are supposed to build Adam's wall around us, we're supposed to build a wall, a mental and spiritual wall inside of ourselves. That's Christ in you the hope of glory, that's the spiritual defense, and we're supposed to take control of Cain who is the door, and Cain is the conscious part of our carnal mind, and Cain is the door through which Satan enters into us and destroys us.


See the spiritual message comes in and then Cain lets Satan in through the conscious mind and the conscious mind says, oh I don't believe that spiritual message, I don't believe you can't walk and fly at the same time, I don't believe you have to die to the flesh so that Christ could grow in you. See it's not enough to have the Holy Spirit, neither is it enough to have Christ, what I'm pointing our here is please note that Artaxerxes let the Jews go, that they could rebuild the wall of the Jerusalem, that wall has to be rebuilt in our mind. The seed of Christ has to be grafted to us, and then the wall has to be built. That seed of Christ ascends into our heart center and the wall has to be built around our heart center. A lot goes on in our heart center, a lot more than I could even explain to you, I look forward to the Lord teaching me more, but I am fully aware of the warfare that goes on in my heart center. Now this is hard to understand but we touch each other in our heart center. When you're a spiritual person and Christ Jesus is in your heart center, he wages a warfare, both with Satan in your mind, and Satan in the minds of other people, and that warfare takes place in your heart center, and I went through a period of time where I had a lot of emotional pain in my heart center, I can't tell you exactly what was happening, maybe Christ Jesus was establishing himself there, at that time.


I don't know, it went on for almost a year, and today I am aware, as soon as I feel pain or distress in my heart center, I lay hands on myself and pray for myself, because I know something is going on in the spirit, some spiritual activity manifests in my mind through knowledge and other spiritual activity manifests in my heart center and this lines up with our Cabalistic teaching. Who is in the mind, does anybody know who’s in the mind, up here in the brain, in the head, the mind is through your whole person, but does manifests through your brain, the organic, the organ called your brain. The Lord Jesus Christ is in your brain, the Lord Jesus Christ is in your head, that's a palace, the organic, the organ called the brain is a palace where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. Who lives in your heart center? Does anybody know, who lives in your heart center?


Christ Jesus lives in your heart center see, and another way to say it is the upper three Sefirot, Keter, Chokhmah and Binah are in your brain which is an organ, it's a physical organ, but it's a palace for the higher Sefirot, the higher triad, Keter, Chokhmah, and Binah, and Christ Jesus occupies your heart center and engages in the warfare. Keter and Chokhmah don't engage in any warfare at all. Binah engages in some warfare but Christ Jesus in your heart center, he is the one okay, and if you're listening to this message or reading this message and you don't believe Christ is Messiah, then let me use the term of the Hebrew Scripture for you, Adam is the one who occupies your heart center or Yahweh or Tiferet is the one that occupies your heart center, and wages the warfare both against the principalities in your mind that would overthrow you and turn your vessel back into a manifestation of Leviathan and Christ Jesus in you or Adam in you also wages warfare on behalf of other Christians who are crying out to the Lord Jesus to help them, and Christ Jesus in the heart center of someone who's given over to Christ, will fight that warfare.


See the world would like to believe that God is up in the sky somewhere, but he's not in the sky, Jesus Christ is not in the sky, he's in the hearts of men, he has already returned, he returned on the day of Pentecost into the hearts of the apostles and he has been passed from generation to generation through the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit is in men and Christ Jesus appears because the Holy Spirit points men to Christ Jesus, points them to Christ who matures into Christ Jesus. God has already returned and he's in the earth, but we're waiting for him to appear above the earth, see. He's in the hearts of men, but as far as I know he's not appearing because when Christ Jesus appears, he comes with wisdom, he comes with knowledge, he comes with teaching, and he comes with miracle working power. He is both Moses the great teacher of the Jew, and Elijah, the supernatural hero and miracle worker of the Jew, see. Praise the Lord, are there any questions about what I just said? Okay.


Okay, so I have just pointed out to you that Artaxerxes was responsible for the final return of the Jews to Israel for the specific purpose of their building the wall. And in our, let me say this again, in our alternate translation of Ezekiel 38, we're clearly told that Satan enters into the hearts of the people that are married to Adam, that means you have the Holy Spirit, that's a form of marriage, but they never used the power, I don't know, I honestly don't know, some of these interpretations I don't have the exact answer, I guess you don't marry the Holy Spirit, I guess when the seed of Christ is grafted to you, that's the only marriage. So a lot of people can have the seed of Christ grafted to them, but they never take advantage of that union to close the door on Cain, to close the door of their conscious mind which cannot comprehend the things of God. Cain is this ignorant animal that our spiritual man lives in, and cannot comprehend the things of God, you must close the door on Cain, and they never built the wall of protection around themselves through an intense relationship with Christ Jesus and through the knowledge and continuous study of the Scripture, that which builds the wall around us is the continuous study of the Scripture and the deeper the study the more power the wall is.


You know what that wall is? In the occult they would call it an aura, it's the anointing that builds in you, you know it's just like a fire, you have to keep putting wood in the fire to keep it going, this anointing that's in you, if you don't feed it, if you don't at least in the condition that we're in now, if you don't fill yourself up with the word of God, it will get grow smaller and smaller and finally it will go out. This fire has to be fed in us. So it's not enough to say you have the Holy Spirit or that Christ is grafted to you, if you live a carnal life, if you don't use that which was given to you, if you take the talent and put it under the ground and don't use it, you'll lose it. Because that which you put into your mind, that's what you are, that which you pursue after in this world, that's who you are, and that's who you will be. Praise the Lord.


Okay let's take a look and see what else we have here in these notes and then we'll go on to our translation, Babylon, the city of Babylon, is an ancient walled city between the Tiberius and the Euphrates rivers. Babylon's glory reflected the king's imperial power. That Babylon is Satan's city. Babylon's glory reflected the king's imperial power, captured kings were brought to his court at Babylon and these included the Judean kings, Jehoachim, and Zedekiah, while Belshazzar was co-region. The cities surrendered to the Persians without opposition. Eventually the balance of power passed from the Persians to Alexander the great of Greece, to whom Babylon willingly submitted in 331 b.c. Alexander planned to refurbish and expand the city but he died before accomplishing these plans. In the Old Testament the prophetic books of Isaiah and Jeremiah predicted the downfall of the city Babylon. This would happen as God's punishment of the Babylonians because of their destruction of Jerusalem and their deportation of the citizens of Judah. Today the ruins of this ancient city stand as an eloquent testimony, to the passing of proud empires and to the providential hand of God in history.


What really jumps out at me in reading this is that there were three returns, three distinct returns of the Jews to Jerusalem, and I find that so interesting because we see this happening in the church, we see the revival of the Holy Spirit, there was a revival that started in about the 1940s that waned out in the end of the 1980s, at least here in this country, I know there was a great revival in Wales, and that petered out, these revivals always seem to peter out. The people go back and then fall in there, they fall, they fall back again, but there happens to be one final going out and there will be and that's what we read about in Ezekiel 38, there will be one final last going out when the people will never fall again. And the reason that they're never going to fall again, is that Christ Jesus is going to be planted in their heart center. See the first couple of times that the people came out, they had the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is not grafted to you, and they lost it you see. Then a lot of people had an imputed Christ, they had Christ formed in them, but the root was never grafted to them, and those people fell away.


See to have the root grafted to you, the root of Christ grafted to you, it means a change of nature, which is a painful walk, it's very doable I don't want to scare you, but it's no fun, and your nature has to be changed from that of the beast in to the nature of God, and this is what is coming upon the church now, the cleanup, the love of God, to change our nature, because every time there has ever been a revival, eventually the people fall away, why? Because their nature didn't change. They received the Holy Spirit, they danced and they sang and they read the Bible, and they prophesied and they spoke in tongues and they cast out demons and they gave out tracks, and they spread the gospel all over the world, but their nature didn't change. They may have looked like their nature changed, because under the influence of the Holy Spirit they became milder but as soon as the Holy Spirit lifted off of them, they were the same old beast you see.


We are talking about a change of nature that is present whether the Holy Spirit is manifesting or not. And those of you who have been going through this procedure know that for a season and it's been years, there have been less and less signs of the Holy Spirit, less and less signs of healing and deliverance and tongues, prophecy, less and less and less, but your nature, your old man, your carnal nature is shrinking and dying and being pushed down as the nature of Christ is formed in you, and at some point, the Spirit of Christ will come forth out of the nature of Christ in you. But the Spirit of Christ is a double portion or more of the Holy Spirit, this Spirit of Christ comes out of your own nature. The Holy Spirit does not come out of your nature, so when your own nature rises up it can chase the Holy Spirit away, but when your nature becomes Christ nothing can chase the Spirit of Christ away because you will be the Spirit of Christ that will be your, an expression of your own nature. So the church is in the final or it's being confronted by the final return to Jerusalem, the final outpouring and the final work of God that will make a permanent change in our lives. And this is also the time that the Lord will deal with Israel, you see the Lord, the same thing happened to Israel, the Israelites kept backsliding. Why did they keep backsliding? Because their nature was carnal. Israel had an intense incredible anointing, they had a powerful anointing that I don't think the church has ever seen, it was a much more powerful anointing, I believe the Scripture bears out that at one point Israel was above death.


They were above death and they fell, well Adam was above death and he fell. So the creation will keep on falling over and over and over and over again, until God himself in the person of Christ Jesus takes residence in our person, and rules and controls us, and the control of the Lord Jesus is merciful, and a blessing and he will rule and reign out of our own brain and out of our own mind and he will become our nature, and we will never backslide again. This is what is facing the church and the Jew at this time. Let me say that again, because I didn't make that clear, that is what happened to the Jew, the same thing that happened to the church today is what happened to the Jew. They kept backsliding, and in this last day, the Lord Jesus Christ who is the savior of the world, the Jew doesn't acknowledge it yet, but he's the savior of the Jew and the Christian, and the Gentile and the heathen, he's the savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ will be changing the nature of the Jew and the Christian at the same time. Let me say it again I don't think I made it clear. It's the same covenant, there's really just one covenant and two aspects of it, sometimes it's called the old covenant, the Christian today is not under the new covenant, this is an error in doctrine in the church. Brethren the new covenant is Christ in you the hope of glory, the new covenant Christ in you thinking through you doing through you, living through you, being your nature. The new covenant is the perfection of Christ joining to your personality and completing you and ultimately perfecting you, so that you are incapable of sinning, incapable of making a mistake, incapable of making a wrong choice, because the savior in the midst of you rules and reigns in you and through you. That is the new covenant. So if what you have is the Holy Spirit and you're still a carnal man but you prophesy and you read the Bible and I'm not putting that down, that's not the new covenant, you're still under the old covenant, but this is the catch, the old covenant was ministered to the Jew in two stages. The old covenant was given to the Jew first and then when Messiah came out of the Jewish community, because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, now the old covenant is being ministered to the rest of the world in a less severe way. It's very severe to be under the law, to be under the restrictions that the Jew was under. They're not under them anymore, they just don't know it.


So in the stage one and stage two of the old covenant, before Messiah came and after Messiah came, but it's still the old covenant, because you're still a carnal man under the influence of a benevolent spirit of God. The new covenant is Christ in you ruling and reigning through you. So there's stage one and stage two of the old covenant okay, the Jew and the Christian came a couple of thousand years apart to the old covenant but both the Jew and the Christian are coming into the new covenant at the same time, if you can hear what I'm saying. Okay let's see what we have here, I think I have one more page, nope, not even one more page, that was it, and once again, let me repeat I could not find anything positive about Babylon or about Greece in the Scripture, if there's something positive about it which may be the case, I haven't seen it, but there is something positive about Persia, although the principality in the spiritual plane that produces the many-membered nation of Persia in natural plane is not a positive entity, it's a war like entity that opposes the spirit of God. Nevertheless out of the people of Persia, three benevolent kings arose. So I believe that Persia will definitely come to the Lord, I believe the whole Arab world is coming to the Lord, but the Persians in particular are coming to the Lord, why? Because of their heritage. Brethren everything we do puts a mark on our souls, see. The Persians have a heritage of kings that bless the Jew, and that is a seed that was sown, that will be reaped by the descendants of the kings that did this benevolent great thing towards Israel. Can you see that? We all reap what we sow. We reap what we sow as individuals, nations reap what they sow, family lines reap what they sow. Groups of people reap what they sow.


The Persians have a special place in God's plan because of the kindness of their ancestors to the Hebrews. Do you remember when David became king, he sought out Jonathan's son, Jonathan, King Saul's son was very kind to David and they were friends, and then there was a warfare between Saul and David, and David lost touch with his friend Jonathan, Saul's son. But after the war David went looking to see if Jonathan had a survivor, and there was a survivor of Jonathan, and I think his name was Meshibopheth, something like that, and he was a cripple, and David found him and brought him into the palace and gave him riches and completely took care of him.


The man did nothing Meshibopheth, he did nothing, but his father had been a blessing to David. And in the same manners the Iranians who are very anti-Zionist today, Iran is a nation that's funding the terrorists that are trying to destroy Israel, but despite that they have favor with God, and we will see what the Lord will do for them. They have to stop their criminal behavior, but we'll see what the Lord will do for them. And it won't be every Persian you see, it will some blessing that will be offered to the nation of Persia, some will take the opportunity and others will not. 


You should understand that spiritual principle, the Lord makes an offer, makes an offer to the nations, sometimes he makes an offer to an individual. Jesus said this salvation is for whosoever will. So you have to take advantage of the offer. So I prophesy to you that some great offer will be made to Persia, at some point in these end times, and whoever takes that opportunity will receive it, but the whole nation of Persia will not. Okay we're going on with part 3, I'm going to read the alternate translation. Now on part two, I got cut off in the middle before I could finish reading the whole translation, I must have worked another two or three hours on this translation and I made some additional changes to it. I really enjoy doing these translations, but they just take my whole life, you know it could take me days, I just keep reading it and keep seeing changes in it, and I could spend two or three days on a series of ten verses until I finally get it in a condition where I think this is what God is saying to us.


So I just want you to know that what you are going to hear may be different than what you heard on part 2 because the message is evolving as I understand what the Lord is saying, and we will go through I think I translated through verse 12, but we will start, when I start commenting, I'm going to redo verse 12, because I left myself a note to redo verse 12, so I guess I figured I hadn't put in enough time to it on part two. Okay, Ezekiel 38, and the word of the Lord came unto me, Ezekiel saying, "Son of Adam, look at Satan, the Serpent's male organ, the chief spirit and higher mind of mortal man who sows the seed of Leviathan the lower mind of mortal man into the physical bodies that are the dwelling place of the Serpent and prophesy against him saying, "Thus saith the Lord God, behold I am against you Satan, the chief spirit and higher mind who sows the seed of Cain, the lower mind of mortal man into my people Israel. I will make you turn back from possessing my people Israel by putting circuits of my spiritual energy into the hearts of my people Israel, and then they will pluck out the horses and horsemen, clothed with the strength of your perfection which horses and horsemen are the scaly hide of Leviathan the spiritual crocodile that is the subconscious part of the lower mind of mortal man, who appears in the world of action as Ethiopia and Libya, the helmet of spiritual Persia. Even the whole company that you have assembled to pierce into the hearts of my people Israel, to birth Leviathan the scaly hide of the spiritual crocodile, which desires to capture and manipulate the spiritual sword that I have placed in Israel's mouth.


But after I liberate you saith the Lord God, it shall come to pass that at the same time that my word enters into your mind, that Satan will say, I will rise up in to the idol people who are confident that they are safely married to the Lord, even though they have not built Adam's walls of protection, and locked up Cain, the swinging gate by which Satan enters into their mind. And Satan's evil thought will enter into their unprotected minds through Cain, the swinging gate by which sin enters into the mind and braid together with Adam's righteous thoughts. And this is how Adam will steal the spiritual energy that I gave to the people of Israel after I gather them out of the nations, acquire their souls, marry their spirit and inhabited their physical bodies to force them to turn back into Leviathan, the subconscious part of the dried up carnal mind of the people who do not know God.


I will reassemble Adam, I'll start with verse 8a again, "But in the years that come after the many days that Satan and Leviathan will rule over Israel, I will reassemble Adam the righteous one whose spiritual power, Satan dried up within the many tribes of Israel to fight against Leviathan who is possessing the heart center of my people Israel, and Adam will cause the saviors that are to come forth from Mount Zion to stand upright and they will prepare the whole company of Israel to post a guard against Satan, and Leviathan their carnal mind so that they too can stand upright.


And Adam shall rise up within the physical bodies of my people Israel with the strength of a storm cloud, and Adam shall enter into the hearts of my people Israel, and complete them, and my people Israel who are Satan's armies shall become my armies saith the Lord and the armies of my people Israel will overcome the armies of Satan and Leviathan the unconscious and subconscious parts of the Serpent's completed mind, completed carnal mind who appeared through the many physical tribes of Cain, the household of sorrow. And Adam shall care for them and turn back their physical bodies from the spiritual drought that has brought about by separation from God. And I shall separate Israel from the nations and all of them shall marry Adam, the savior in the midst of them, the only wielder of spiritual power who possesses true immortality.


I've always loved that Scripture, And Jesus Christ the only potentate who possesses the only possessor of true immortality. So you see there is a false immortality. There is an immortality of this world, and it's false because it will not last forever, it will only last as long as this world last. Now I feel to go over these ten verses again and make some brief comments. I don't know whether I made them last time or not, but that is what I feel to do maybe you need to hear it again or maybe my comments will come out differently, so I'm just going to follow after the spirit of the Lord. And I don't think I'll go into as much depth as I did on part 2.


Verse 2, "Son of Adam look at Satan the Serpent's male organ, now I know I explained that, the chief spirit and higher mind of mortal man who sows the seed of Leviathan, the lower mind of mortal man into the physical bodies that are the dwelling places of the Serpent and prophesy against him saying, "Thus saith the Lord God, behold I am against you Satan the chief spirit and higher mind, now I think I really did a good job of explaining that on part 2, the higher mind who sows the seed of Cain, the lower mind of mortal man, that should be Leviathan so that's a mistake there, who sows the seed of Leviathan, the lower mind of mortal man into my people Israel. I will make you turn back from possessing my people Israel by circuits of my spiritual energy. I hope that you remember that I have a drawing about that circuits of spiritual energy and I believe that these are the rings that Ezekiel talks about, and that circuit of spiritual energy, let me remind you is established in us when the Lord Jesus Christ who is in the upper part of our body whose palace is the organic brain, sets up a permanent circular electric relationships with Christ Jesus in the heart center. They set up a circuit of energy that continuously flows. Okay that's just another way of saying that we're completed or we're in full stature, and we become a supernatural man who cannot die unless we give up our life, that's the condition that Jesus Christ was in and I couldn't think of any simple way to explain that when I put this in the alternate translation, I'll have to put in a footnote to explain that term circuits of spiritual energy.


Is there anyone who has a question about that or who doesn't understand that? Okay. And he's going to put him into the hearts of my people Israel, because Christ Jesus or Adam is in the heart. And then they will pluck out the horses and the horsemen. Now I asked the Lord about that, you know, and I wasn't too sure, but now I would like to share with you what the Lord told me, brethren these physical bodies that we have they're horses, and the horsemen is the rider, the rider of the horse that we are is inside of us, see. Either the rider is death as we see in the book of Revelation okay, And I saw a pale horse and death was riding upon him and hell followed after him. So either Leviathan rides on us, rides us or Christ Jesus rides us. So our physical body is the horse and the horsemen is the spiritual man that lives through us. And in the book of revelation it says, And hell followed thereafter that's the world that we live in you see.


Every human being has a world, okay, we have a world within us and we have a world of relationships of people, we go to work, we have a family the people in our life, every human being is an individual time line, and when death rides your horse, your world is hell. You can be hell in this world or you can be in heaven in this world.


Now this is really an important point, we are not these bodies, we are not these bodies, we so completely married to Leviathan, Satan, and I shouldn't say we, because I don't think I'm in that condition to that degree anymore, but the average human being is so completely married to Satan and Leviathan that they think every decision they make and the things that they do, and the things they love and the things they hate are them, see, but we are the chameleon, the horse is the chameleon, we are Mulched, we become an expression of whoever fills us, when we're filled with Satan and Leviathan, we become good and evil, we're either more on the evil side or the good side, but we become according to the Scripture unrighteous people. We may be good people but we're not righteous people, because unrighteousness fills us. And the Lord Jesus Christ who is our righteousness, well he's the righteous one according Kabbalah, he's the righteous one, and when he's joined to us, we become righteous, he wants us to be righteous you see. And we will be righteous when Christ Jesus the righteous one is living his life through us, therefore we are the chameleon. One day we could be in an extreme case, we could be a murderer as Paul was, and the next day he was the high apostle of God. And this is why the Lord forgives our sins because we are the horse, well from this point of view we are the horse, you see, but when Christ comes to dwell in us, we're not the horse, we become the rider.


You see in the book of Ezekiel we read about the horses that have no rider in the book of Ezekiel. The carnal man is the horse that has no rider because the rider of the pale horse is really a manifestation of the horse, they're all one, Satan, Leviathan and Cain. Cain is the ignorant animal, Cain is the horse, it's as if to say, a man grew up out of the same substance of the horse if you could hear that, as far as God is concerned, if Satan and Leviathan are living through you, you are a horseless rider, because as far as God is concerned Satan and Leviathan is a part of the horse, are a part of the horse you see. When Christ Jesus grafts to you, Christ Jesus drops in to your saddle and permanently sits there, your horse now has a rider.


So I hope I made that clear, okay as soon as Christ is living through us we're not the horse anymore, see, when Christ Jesus is not living through us we are a part of the horse, and the horse is leading its own life and running wild. So now I have to explain something else about that though, although this is a spiritual reality from God's point of view that if it's not Christ Jesus living through us that we are a horseless riders, nevertheless at some point, God does, well how am I going to say this, from the point of view of the Lord, we're horseless riders but God is a realist and he understands that a part of the horse has risen up and is an ungodly manifestation, a counterfeit, a counterfeit man has taken control of the horse, and is acting like he's a rider. So when it comes to the warfare, the Scripture talks about the horses and the horsemen, see, but I hope I'm making this clear, but from the Lord's point of view you're a riderless horse, yet he sees this riderless horse acting like a horse with a rider, and for the purposes of the warfare, the Lord says okay, for the purposes of helping the people understand, okay I'll say the horses and the horsemen that are riding on them, but you're not really horsemen that are riding on them. It's the same principle as Leviathan being a eunuch. Leviathan is spiritually female, Leviathan is the male organ of the Serpent who is engaged in an ongoing act of spiritual intercourse with humanity.


See spiritual sexual intercourse is a permanent penetration, it's not like human sexual intercourse or animal sexual intercourse. Spiritual sexual intercourse is a permanent penetration where the male organ is separated from the female, the world that is established from that union ceases to exist. So Leviathan, so the Serpent who is female has a male organ, somehow she fashioned a male organ for herself but she has the male organ but she cannot produce a male offspring, and therefore the Scripture calls her a eunuch. The Serpent has produced a male organ she acts like a male she's married humanity, she's doing everything the male does but she can't produce a son, because she's a pseudo male she's not really a male, see. So the Lord calls her a eunuch and says well alright you're acting like a male, so I'm going to call you a male, but you're a eunuch. The same principle with the horses and the horsemen. The Lord says you're not really a horsemen, you're just a horse, you made a part of yourself the rider, but you're just a horse, but I see that you're in the warfare and I'm trying to teach these people and you're acting like a horse, and a rider, so for the purposes of explaining the warfare to the people, I'll say that you're a horse with a rider but I know you're not really a rider, you're just a phony. You're not a man, you're just a phony and you're not a horseback rider, you're just a phony. Okay so the Scripture talks about the horses and the rider, he's talking about humanity and the carnal mind. He's talking about the people who are subject to the carnal mind. He's talking about the people who are doing the deeds of Satan and accomplishing Satan's purposes, whether they know what they're doing or not. When you really get mad at somebody and you have unrestrained rage against somebody and that person gets hurt, you may have your personal reasons for having unrestrained rage, but the bottom line is you have accomplished Satan's purpose.


If you're mad at somebody because you didn't want them to do something and they were doing it anyway and they got hurt so now they can't do it, you have accomplished Satan's purpose. Satan didn't want that person to do that deed, and you stopped them. You stopped them with violence, but you stopped them. The Scripture calls that a spiritual defeat, you couldn't stop the person in any legitimate way, so you stopped them with spiritual violence, you defeated them spiritually, you were stronger, your rage was stronger than their ability to ward off your rage, and they got hurt and now you're going have your way, they're not going to do what you want them to do. You broke their power to oppose you. Spiritual defeat, praise the Lord.


Okay verse 4b, "Even the whole company that you have assembled to pierce into the heart of my people to birth Leviathan. Now Adam is already there. Adam is already there, when Satan piercing in to birth Leviathan, and we see this demonstrated in the book of Daniel chapter 8 I believe, it says there was a ram, there was a ram and the whole world was his and then suddenly I looked Daniel said, and in addition to the ram there was a goat, Satan pierced into the minds of the men of Israel and birthed Leviathan in your mind, and then the warfare begins. Look brethren, on the contrary, when Leviathan rules you and the Lord Jesus pierces into your mind and plants Christ Jesus in you, that goat who owned the whole territory looked up one day, and saw a ram standing there you see. This whole creation is a warfare and the battlefield is your mind. 


As I told you earlier the Holy Spirit won't cut it, having Christ grafted to you won't cut it, you have to lay hold of the power of God, and build a wall around yourself and shut Satan's mouth, and bind up Cain so that she can't open the door and let Satan in. You have to use that weapon to preserve yourself, or you will surely be overtaken by Satan who will never give you up, never. 


She will fight for you no matter how many times you stand up in Christ, she will fight for you and she will bring you down every time if you do not learn how to wage the warfare, which is given to you in Christ Jesus, she will defeat you every time. And I want to tell you something brethren, if you're sick you're defeated, do I condemn you? No, but you need to know that there's a whole in your hedge, I get sick a lot but I know it's a hole in my hedge, I'm working on it, you don't just lay down and take it, you have to know there's a problem in your life, and you have to pursue God and you have to find out what if anything you are not doing that you should be doing or you are doing that you shouldn't be doing until you get healed, it's a warfare every day.


Okay, "Even the whole company that you have assembled to pierce into the hearts to birth Leviathan the scaly hide of the spiritual crocodile", and remember that scaly hide is made up of all the individual people with a conscious mind called Cain, who desired to capture and manipulate the sword that I have placed in Israel's mouth. So what does that mean? We see a lot of people, carnal minded people whether they know what they are doing or not, when they recognize power on you, they just want to take it away, they just want to bring you down, they just want to break your authority wherever they see it. And I want to tell you something that I am very careful to not manifest or show any sign of authority where I know I'm not, where I don't legitimately have a right to show it. When I go outside of my sphere of influence, I'm very quiet, I'm very quiet, I'm very humble and find out who the authority is and I submit to them, because I want to tell you I wasn't always that way, I have a lot of authority in Christ and I would show wherever I went, and a couple of times I got hurt, and when I asked the Lord why, he told me, you only exercise the authority where it is a right for you to do exercise that authority. You have to submit to the authority of the situation that you're in, of the household that you're in, of the building that you're in, of the meeting that you're in, does anyone not know what I'm talking about.


If you're the head of a family, you exercise authority over your own family, when you go into someone else's family you don't exercise authority over that person's family, people do it all the time, they go in and they mind other people's business and they give their opinion and they interfere in marriages and they get kicked out, and they're not welcome in that house anymore. Everybody has to know their place.


Okay, "But after I liberate you saith the Lord, it shall come to pass that at the same time, now listen to this, at the same time that my word enters into your mind, Satan will say, I will rise up into the idol people, idol people", and I want to tell you in my dreams the Christians are always on vacation, I will rise up into the idol people who are confident that they are safely married to the Lord, even though they have not built Adam's walls of protection, and locked up Cain, the singing gate by which Satan enters into their mind, and Satan's evil thought will enter into their unprotected minds, you can have the Holy Spirit and your mind is not protected. You can have Christ and your mind is not protected, if you're living out of your carnal mind, even though you have Christ, and Satan's evil thought will enter into their unprotected minds through Cain, the swinging gate by which sin enters into the mind and braid together with Adam's righteous thoughts, do you hear this, this is the definition of anti-Christ, the braiding together of the carnal thought and the thought of God, you cannot do that because you will destroy the thought of God. There is no compromise in righteousness. There is no compromise in Christ Jesus, there's no compromise, you just have to make sure that you have the word of the Lord, and any compromise will destroy the power of that word.


Verse 12, "And this is how Satan will steal the spiritual energy that I gave to the people Israel, after I gather them out of the nations, acquire their souls, marry their spirit, and inhabited their physical bodies to force them to turn back into Leviathan, the subconscious part of the dried up carnal mind of the people who do not know God." I have a few things I want to say here. Now this is Satan will steal the spiritual energy that I gave to the people of Israel, when did the people os Israel get spiritual energy, does anybody know? The Lord gathered the people of Israel out of the nations, he acquired their souls, he married their spirit, he inhabited their physical bodies, and he gave them spiritual energy where, when does anybody know? Everybody's passing out in the spirit. On Mount Sinai brethren, on Mount Sinai, on Mount Sinai. Okay now this is how Satan will steal away the spiritual energy for the reason of trying to force Israel back into Leviathan, the subconscious part of the dried up carnal mind of the people who do not know God. Now listen, there are two minds in the world, when one mind is prevailing in power, the other mind is dried up and withered. You know that was an arm on that man that Jesus caused to grow out, that was his Christ mind you see. I don't know maybe there was a man with a withered physical arm, I don't know, maybe there was, but I know that that healing that Jesus did, is that he was talking about growing out the mind of Christ or the mind of the anointing, in the Jew you see, and when Leviathan is powerful in you Christ is dried up, like a dried up bean, and he becomes Abel again, Abel who's under the dominion of Cain.


So if you're a powerful spiritual person, you need to know that one mind or the other is dried up, if you're a powerful spiritual person in witchcraft, Christ is dried up, if you're a powerful spiritual person in Christ Jesus, Satan is pretty dried up. I mean I don't know anybody today where Satan is dried up completely, but the more you live out of righteous Christ, the more Satan is dried up, why? Because each individual only has one measure of energy that we're born with, see. And Satan is the sea, when Christ comes in, he starts boiling Satan's sea to acquire her energy, when that sea boils, it distills the waters of the sea, and Christ captures those distilled waters, and those distilled waters become the spirit of Christ and Satan dries up, she becomes a sea that's dried up. It's just another way of saying she loses her spiritual power, spiritual power is signified by water, see.


So verse 12 is talking about the subconscious part of the dried up carnal mind. Satan will steal the spiritual energy that Jehovah gave to Israel, with the intention of forcing them to turn back to Leviathan the subconscious part of the dried up carnal mind. This is wrong, of the people who know God, not who do not know God. If you know God your carnal mind is dried up, so Satan is going to come into the mind of the believer where Leviathan is dried up and Christ Jesus is prominent, Satan is going to penetrate into your mind, and how does she penetrate into your mind, with a thought, and if you receive that thought, if you don't recognize it as sin and cast it down, she's going to plant that seed thought in your mind and it will grow into Leviathan, it will attach itself onto Cain, and that which was withered Leviathan will grow up, and you have to understand in order for Leviathan which was withered to grow up and become a full manifestation of Leviathan again, the mind of Christ must shrink, your energy has to be predominately in one place or the other.


So let me read that again and make sure I got this right, "And this is how Satan will steal the spiritual energy that I gave to the people of Israel after I gather them out of the nations, acquire their souls, marry their spirit and inhabited their physical bodies, and this is Satan's motive to force them, the people of Israel to turn back into Leviathan the subconscious part of the dried up carnal mind of the people who know God. See.


When you're living for Christ, Satan wants to change your mind you see. We talk about repentance being a change of mind, most people believe repentance is a change of opinion, repentance doesn't mean, I use to think it's okay to sin and now I decided to stop doing it. Well that's okay that's good, but true repentance is to give up the carnal mind, and have it converted into the mind of Christ in you. That's the true repentance, Go and sin no more, he gave that woman the power to never commit adultery again, that woman had a true change of mind, a permanent change of mind. I think I'm going to go over that verse, I may not be too happy with that translation. Verse 8a, "But in the years to come after the many days that Satan and Leviathan will rule over Israel, I will reassemble Adam the righteous one whose spiritual power Satan dried up within the many tribes of Israel, to fight against Leviathan who is possessing the heart center of my people Israel. There's that same principle as dried up energy. Then the years that come after the many days that Satan and Leviathan will rule over Israel, I will reassemble Adam the righteous one, whose spiritual power dried up within the many tribes of Israel.


You see, Satan came in she planted Leviathan and the righteous one Adam or Christ Jesus in you, his power will dry up and he will cease to exist. Verse 7, "And Adam will cause the saviors that have come forth from Mount Zion to stand upright", and I meant to get that Scripture out for you but I'm sorry I didn't do it, there is a Scripture in the Hebrew prophets, they say saviors will come forth from Mount Zion, and that's talking about the sons of God, it's talking about all of the human beings in whom Christ Jesus is maturing, and overcoming Satan and coming forth in spiritual and supernatural power. We're coming forth for the specific purpose of helping the church and the Jew as the Lord leads to understand this message which will result in Christ Jesus being formed in them also, and they're closing off the power of their carnal mind. You see, we were forgiven, humanity was forgiven eons ago, the Lord wants us restored, but we're possessed by a criminal mind who won't give us up. We were forgiven the minute that Adam fell, the problem is we're under wormwood judgement, when Adam fell the Serpent took possession of creation. So what's taking so long is to get humanity away from the possessing Serpent without killing us, and it's taking this long, why? Because to get us away from the Serpent without killing us requires humanity understanding the problem that we have.


We have to help God to help ourselves, to get free without being killed. And all of these centuries before the industrial revolution, men just labored, they just spent twelve hours or fifteen hours a day just laboring to eat and to have a place to live and survive, ever since Christ came, ever since the Lord Jesus, his influence over western civilization has produced all of these tremendous mechanical devices that have liberated us from labor, so that we would have more time to study, and it's taking this long. God knows.


Verse 9, "And Adam shall rise up within the physical bodies of my people Israel with the strength of a storm cloud, and Adam shall enter into the hearts of my people Israel and complete them." We were talking about that earlier. We have to be completed that circuit of spiritual energy has to be completed in us for us to overcome death. "And my people Israel who were Satan's armies shall become my armies saith the Lord now, are you brave enough to hear that, you're either a soldier in the army of the Lord, or you're a soldier in the army of Satan. Now some people sometimes they're a soldier for Satan and sometimes they're a soldier for the Lord, so long as they have the two minds both are possible, but you are all, we are all supposed to be fighting this war in our own minds, we are not to agree with Satan to say or think things that would identify us as a soldier of Satan's army.


We're not supposed to do Satan's work, you see, but if we're not in control of our jealousy, if we cannot look into our own heart and see our pride or our jealousy or any wrong motive okay, and stop it, we become Satan's mouthpiece, and we do damage people, and if we have that weakness Satan will send us to people who are doing God's work for the specific purpose of having us sabotage them, and this is something we have to face. Condemnation will do you no good, but if you have been used by Satan to speak words at either turn someone who's serving God away from doing what God told them to do or if you have seduced or trapped someone who's serving God for any reason, you need to know it, so that you can take a hold of Cain and bind Cain up and stop Satan from entering into your mind and using you that way. If you don't understand, you start by following the rules, find out what the rules are, and discipline Cain, that rebellious ignorant animal within yourself, make her obey the rules and eventually you will understand, but that's where you start, obey the rules, find out what they are and do them.


Verse 6, "And the armies of my people Israel will overcome the armies of Satan and Leviathan the unconscious and subconscious parts of the Serpent's completed mind who appear through the many physical tribes of Cain, the household of sorrow." And we talked about that and we found out when we studied Samson, we found out that Delilah is a name, maybe she was a physical woman, I don't know, but she typifies Cain the whole household of sorrow, the collective carnal mind of mortal man.


8b, "And Adam shall care for them, and turn back their physical bodies from the spiritual drought that is brought about by separation from God, and I shall separate Israel from the nations and all of them shall marry Adam, the savior in the midst of them, the only wielder of spiritual power who possesses true immortality." Now when I read this, I thought about Elijah and I thought about the drought that was in Israel, and then when Rahab repented, Elijah said look in the distance, I see a man's hand it looks like rain is coming. So here we see more of an understanding of that account. The spiritual drought that has brought about by separation from God. Now maybe there was a spiritual drought in physical Israel, I don't doubt it, I'm not going to argue with anyone about it, but I know that for there to be a spiritual drought there had, for there to be a physical drought there had to be a spiritual drought, what does that mean from a Cabalistic point of view, Mulched okay, which is humanity, is mortal humanity, gets cut off from the upper nine Sefirot. Now the whole purpose of the upper nine Sefirot is that their supposed to join with Mulched which we are, okay. The ninth Sefirot down which is called Yesod, the male organ of Ze'ir Anpin, which is Christ Jesus to us, is supposed to be joining, the male organ of Christ Jesus is supposed to be joining with our spiritual being, and Christ Jesus is supposed to be joined to the Lord Jesus above, and he's supposed to have all of the emanations, all of the spiritual water, all of the glory from the eternal realms coming down into Christ Jesus when he's joined to the Lord Jesus, and then Christ Jesus joins to us our personality, and then it touches our physical body, and we, and the drought is relieved and we stop dying you see.


We die because we lose our energy, we die and we're sick and we have poor immune systems because we don't have enough energy, why don't we have enough energy? Because we have been severed from the emanations of the immortal realm that come down through Christ Jesus into us, and there are entities on the other planes of consciousness that are feeding off of us, just like the mosquitoes of this world drink our blood except these are spiritual entities in the other planes of consciousness that over what we consider a lifetime, will take all of our energy and we die.


But before the flood, you know Adam lived almost to, Enoch lived to almost a thousand years and he was already fallen. So humanity keeps getting weaker and weaker and weaker because the entities in the other plane of consciousness that feed off of us are using us up, that's why when that circuit of energy which is established between Christ Jesus in our heart center and the Lord Jesus in our brain, once that's established, this unending source of energy is imparted to us, we won't die anymore, because even these entities in the other planes of consciousness drink from us, we will have an unending supply.


Now these entities in the other planes of consciousness they're not, well they are evil now, I don't have a lot of the answers but I do know that when the creation is restored, and the creation moves into immortality, there are entities and beings on many planes of consciousness that are not human, that will continue to exist with God's blessing, and we are supposed to be a source of food for them, we're supposed to the source of all their supply, why? Because it was ordained that man would be the ruler over the whole creation. Now like I said, when it comes to these spiritual things I don't have all the answers, but maybe these entities were originally supposed to be feeding off of us, maybe that's the way the Lord set it up, that we would have this circuit of eternal energy flowing through us, and these entities on the other planes of consciousness would come and feed off of us, maybe that was the provision that was made, but then when humanity was cut off from the world above, the other entities kept feeding off of us and we have no supply coming into us and that's why they're killing us.


You know there's a Scripture in Ezekiel, it may be in chapter 14, I'm not sure, where it talks about this great tree you know and all of the birds of the field were in its branches, and then the tree fell down you see. So all of these entities of the multiple planes of consciousness, I really believe this is a word of knowledge that has just come forth under the anointing, they were originally ordained to feed off of us. They're not doing anything that they were not programmed to do when they were created, the only problem is that our source of supply was cut off, and we can no longer afford to give them our energy, but are incapable of stopping them so we are the victim. The whole creation has to come back into right order, and we will all live, Hallelujah.


Okay going on with verse 12, of chapter 38 of Ezekiel, in the King James translation, "To take a spoil, to take a prey, to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations which have gotten cattle and goods that dwell in the midst of the land." "And steal the spiritual energy", that's a translation of "spoil" "of the people of Israel and force them" that's a translation of "prey" "to turn back into Leviathan, the subconscious part", that's a translation of "hand" and that's a symbol we've established years ago in the doctrine of Christ that the hand is the subconscious part of the mind.


"The subconscious part of the dried up carnal mind of the people who Jehovah", whatever you see in brackets, that's an amplification, whatever you see in parentheses that's the word in the King James, whatever you see in square brackets that's an amplification. "Of the people who Jehovah gathered out of the nations, to marry," that's a translation of "dwell", "their spirit", that's a translation of "in the midst of". One of the translations of the midst of is the high place, and we know that the spirit is the high place. "To acquire" and that is a translation of "goods", "their souls", and I've translated the word "cattle", cattle means the animal nature, so I translated that word "souls", "and inhabit their physical bodies", we're translating "the land" "their physical bodies". So this is what we've got. 


"And to steal the energy of the people of Israel and force them to turn back into Leviathan, the subconscious part of the dried up carnal mind of the people who Jehovah gathered out of the nations to marry their spirit, acquire their souls and inhabit their physical bodies." And we already translated that and I worked it in, I worked that verse 12 in, I'll just read it to you, that's back on page 1, I worked into the whole chapter okay. "And this is how Satan will steal the spiritual energy that I gave to the people of Israel after I gathered them out of the nations, acquired their souls, married their spirit and inhabited their physical bodies to force them to turn back into Leviathan the subconscious part of the dried up carnal mind of the people who know God. Verse 13, King James, Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish with all the young lions thereof shall say unto thee, art thou come to take a spoil, hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey, to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil.


Okay Sheba and Dedan, these are sons of Cush, and Cush is one of the descendants of Ham. Sheba and Dedan and Satan the prince of Persia, I've translated the prince of Persia as Satan, and well you say, I thought you said Magog was Satan Sheila. Remember that Satan exists on many levels of consciousness, and part 1 of this message, I showed you a diagram a Cabalistic type diagram of the mind, in terms of the Sefirot and remember each Sefirot has another ten Sefirot under it. So every one of the Sefirot, every one of the ten Sefirot exists in all of the worlds on multiple planes of consciousness. So we have the Serpent and we have Satan existing on many planes of consciousness. We have Satan the prince of Tarshish, we have Satan Magog, wherever she's existing, she can have a separate name. So we see that the sons of Cush and Satan the prince of Persia, and I told you about that already. I was talking about Tarshish in verse 13, one of the translations in the Gesenius lexicon of Tarshish is the prince of Persia, and I have chosen that translation, and I'm calling Satan the prince of Persia.


So we see Sheba and Dedan the sons of Cush, which are the sons of Ham, and Satan the prince of Persia within them, whose spiritual electric circuits cause heart palpitations and that heart palpitations is a translation in Gesenius of the words merchants, and I felt inclined to choose that because I have been victimized by spiritual palpitations, spiritually generated heart palpitations three times. The first time that it happened to me, I was concerned enough to go get an electric cardiogram, and there was nothing wrong with me. The palpitations came as I was bringing forth the translation of Balsam, and then it happened once again when I was doing another translation, I don't remember which one, and the third time I was given heart palpitations by a witch who was challenging me. So I felt inclined to choose this translation and I now understand that I hope I never get heart palpitations again, but if I do, that I'm dealing with the prince of Persia which is always interesting to know who you're praying against. The prince of Persia who gives heart palpitations in the people who serve Jehovah, and all of the young spiritual men who have begun to hunt my people Israel, those words begun to hunt, young spiritual men who begun to hunt is a translation of lion, and I thought that was so interesting because I just recently read in the Zohar that the lion is Mulched. See Mulched is so many things, Mulched is the visible world, so if you are manifesting, if you are a manifestation of Satan, if Satan is ruling through your mind whether you know it or not, and you come against someone who's trying to serve Jehovah, you know you become a lion, one of the soldiers of Satan's armies called a lion, who is doing the work of Satan, that's a hard word but I tell you the truth.


So the word lion we're translating young spiritual men who have begun to hunt my people Israel.


And they shall say, these young spiritual men shall say, you belong to us Israel, that's a translation of "unto thee", you belong to us. So we will strip off, that's a translation of "take", Adam your righteous cover, see when Satan wants to bring you down, the first thing he's going to do is to go after your defenses, he's going to get you to sin, so that he can strip Adam your righteous cover off of you. The only way Satan can take your righteous cover is if you give Satan permission to do it, you have to, and how do you give Satan permission, you have to agree with her thoughts. She will come to you with wrong thoughts, you won't know it's Satan unless your spiritual sophisticated, a wrong thought will enter into your mind and if you cannot recognize that this thought is sin and you agree with it, you've just opened the door to Satan and she's going to come in and strip you of Christ Jesus your righteous cover. And she will strip off Adam your righteous cover, and your soul, the word in the King James "spoil" can be translated to take cattle, and we're translating that "to take your soul" and your souls will be our property and we will enter into your heart center, this is what Satan, this is what the people are saying who are living or who are acting out Satan's mind, and we will enter into your heart center and take by force, that's a translation of "take" the spiritual man Adam, that's a translation of "prey", the word man is a translation of prey, and we will assemble, that's a translation of "gather", Leviathan who was previously assembled within your company, Leviathan was there and then Christ Jesus came in and got Leviathan out, and now Leviathan is back again, he was previously assembled and now he's back again, and we will arise, that's a translation of "carry away", within you and carry away your salvation, that's a translation of "silver", and carry away your immortality, that's a translation of "gold" which signifies deity, and we will also carry away your souls which is a translation of "cattle", actually the cattle should be your physical bodies, cattle is not soul, I guess that's talking about disease, disease or drug addiction or however they shut you down, and we will also carry away the Holy Spirit, your acquired spiritual energy and that's a translation of "good", your acquired energy, that's a translation of "good".


We have a Scripture in the New Testament where it talks about spoiling someone's house and taking their goods, the goods that we have is our spiritual energy, and even when we talk about sheep, the fleece of the sheep, that's our spiritual energy. That's what the believer has that is valuable, that's what the believer has that Satan wants, our spiritual energy, she' looking for food remember, all the time. Well that's an interesting point, she's looking for food. You know human beings that manifest Satan, how are they looking for food Sheila? They're looking for energy, how are they looking for energy Sheila? Look brethren we even have a vulgar expression in the world, excuse me for saying this, that someone will get their rocks off by defeating you. Someone will feel satisfied by insulting you depending on how mentally ill they are, or dysfunctional they are. Some people get a kick out of making someone squirm, some people get a kick out of wielding power, some people get a kick out of seeing people afraid of them, this is all taking your energy, this is how they steal your energy, this is how they feed off of you. That's even an expression in the world, that people will feed off of you, they're afraid so they become your puppet and follow you everywhere, they don't want to live for themselves and make their own decisions, they feed off of you, that takes your energy.


Okay "And this is how Leviathan will strip you, you know I couldn't decide whether that was Leviathan or Satan but I think that has to be Satan. And this is how Satan will strip you, that's a translation of "take" of your spiritual substance by force, and by force is a translation of the word spoil.


So what verse 13 is talking about is the warfare between people. Now this could be understood on an individual level, because brethren we are fallen and every relationship we're in, every encounter we have with another person is a battle, you know. The healthier the people are, the less conflict there is, but the truth of this world system is that there's always somebody that makes a suggestion to you or telling or asking you to do something that you really should not be doing, and you have to stand up and defend yourself against that thought, against that command or against that suggestion and defending yourself resisting somebody who's trying to influence you takes your energy, it is a warfare. But I also in this verse can see what's going on between Israel and the Arab world today. See everything's happening on multiple planes of consciousness. It's happening in our mind and it's happening in the natural.


Everything's played out unto final Sefirot which is this whole world of action which is Mulched. So I see where this verse 13 is saying, the sons of Cush and Satan the prince of Persia within them, you may recall from part 1, that we were told that Japheth would be the carnal mind dwelling inside the descendants of Ham, who would not be resisting that carnal mind. So what are we talking about? We're talking about people who Satan lives through, who Satan expresses her nature through, which people agree with that nature. Now remember this is a spiritual translation I was saying all sons of Ham do this, but the bottom line is this if you don't know about Christ and if Christ isn't in you, how could you do anything but express Satan's nature. If Satan is your carnal mind you will be expressing her nature and you will not be resisting her because you will not know any better. That's the suggestion here. In Christ we are reeducated and become, if you are a son of Ham, okay if you are a descendant of Ham, in Christ spiritual speaking you become a son of She, because spiritually speaking She is the one that has both Christ and the carnal mind. So on the other hand if you are a son of She, a physical descendant of She, and you have given up your Christianity, or your Judaism what is happening a lot today, a lot of sons of She, a lot of Caucasian people of the Jude-Christian world turning to Buddhism, Buddhism seems to be the religion of choice today, much more so than Hinduism, and some turning to Islam, there are a lot of physical sons of Shem that are going into pagan religions.


If you do that you have become spiritual Ham, because, how do I say that? Because this definition applies to you, that Christ is nowhere influencing you, you renounced him, and you are in full agreement with your carnal mind because you can't be anything else, if there's no influence of Christ in your life. You know it's interesting we see in the world today, we see a group of people, it's really catching on that say that your physical body doesn't have to line up with your gender. In other words what they mean is you can have a female physical body and be a male, or you could have a physical male body and have a female gender. So they're justifying homosexuality, that's what they're doing. But there is a reality to this. But the reality is spiritual you see. To have a physical male body and act like a woman is a perversion, it's an abomination to the Lord, but spiritually speaking the Scripture says that there is no male or female in Christ Jesus. So you could have physical female body and be spiritually male, see. You can be spiritually male but you cannot act that maleness out in the flesh, when you try to act it out in the flesh, it becomes a perversion, and of course it's never acceptable to God, to anyone whose male to become a female, that is an abomination to the Lord, on any level that it appears, because we are a fallen race, and the whole push of God is to raise us back up. So anyone that goes back, that regression is an abomination to God. So to go from being a male to a female is disgrace. Now if, don't misunderstand me, I'm talking about spiritual things.


In the natural if you're born a female there's nothing you could do about it, and there's nothing that you should want to do about it, you should be happy that you're a female, but spiritually speaking we can change from female to male, we can grow from female to male, and it is a good thing to be a male because the male is closer to God than the female. The female has a man between her and God. So if you want to go on to be a spiritual male, it is legal in Christ, but you cannot bring it into the flesh. So my whole point is that this whole concept of gender which is a perversion in our society today, that you can have a physical male body and be of the female gender which means you're a homosexual, a male homosexual that takes the female role, that is not acceptable to God, you see, but the spiritual reality of this perversion is that you can be a physical female and become a spiritual male and that is acceptable to God as long as you keep it in the spirit and you don't bring it into the flesh. As far as men physical men are concerned it is not acceptable to God for a physical male to have a female gender, either spiritually or physically, you have to go forward, not backwards. And unfortunately we have a lot of males in our society who have become spiritual females, and it's really a severe problem.


I saw on an interview show the other day a psychologist that had written a book, now I'm not, I'm using my own terms, but he was pretty much saying what I'm talking about, that there's just an epidemic of males that are having in their hearts, they're female. This is my interpretation of what he said, they're certainly macho men, they're certainly not tough men. They're acting like women, but it's a spiritual fall you see, you can say to these men, if you identify man who is acting like, is having female reactions, it's not even acting like, if your son or your husband or you know somebody, that's having female reactions to life situations, you can't really say to them, stand up and fly straight, you need to understand that they've had a spiritual fall. There's now a weakness in them that can only be restored in Christ Jesus. Praise the Lord, okay.


Okay now these next few verse 13-16, I haven't worked them into the whole chapter yet, actually I went through 19 I see, okay I'll just read you verse 13 where it is, and when we come back for part 14, the Lord willing I will have worked these verses into the whole story of chapter 38. Verse 13, "Sheba and Dedan, sons of Cush, and Satan the prince of Persia, the mind, the spiritual mind of which Satan is the principality within them", in other words they don't have Christ, their mind is the fallen mind of Satan and Leviathan whose spiritual electrical circuits cause heart palpitations in the people who serve Jehovah that means you know you could have a mental contact, you could have a spiritual conflict with somebody, and get heart palpitations. Now I've been telling you for years, when someone is killed as the result of a spiritual warfare, as far as I know, there's only one of two, well if you're directly murdered by somebody's mind either they squeeze your heart and I guess you would have heart palpitations before you die, or they suffocate you. Also people that have minds that are powerful enough to do you damage, can make you sick and can cause accidents to happen to you, but by in large someone with this kind of power, and there are people out there with mind power that know how to kill people, you know, maybe you don't know, but they're out there.


They take money to do it. Their method of murder is usually a heart attack or suffocation, and the person just stands there and suffocates and collapses in front of everybody, nobody can what's happening to the person. Okay Sheba and Dedan and Satan the prince of Persia the mind within them which is so powerful that spiritual electrical circuits cause heart palpitations in the people who serve Jehovah and how do they have an electrical circuit in their mind, it means that Satan in their mind has that relationship with Leviathan in the heart center.


We're talking about a full stature on the other side, see. There's an unbroken circuit of spiritual energy flowing between Leviathan in the heart center and Satan in their mind. You see right now most Christians don't know people with this kind of spiritual power, at least in this country, but they are going, a day is coming and it's very close that people with that kind of spiritual power from Satan and Leviathan are going to be walking the streets and they're going to be challenging the Christians right to their face, and the only hope that the Christians are going to have will be the sons of God that are in full stature to defend them, no one will be able to help them. But it's going to be a spiritual warfare, but I've been told right now in Nigeria, the warfare between the Moslems and the Christians is so, has to gone to such a degree of spiritual warfare that the prayers going back and forth between the two factions are burning, well I think it's the Christian's houses that are burning down, I don't think the Moslems are having their house burnt down, because most Christians are no match, see.


But a lot of Christian's homes are being burned down in Nigeria by psychic prayers, by spiritual warfare, and the person who told me this, said the police know about it, and there's nothing they could do about it. So the houses will just spontaneously burst into flames, have you heard about that? I'll start again, "Sheba and Dedan, the sons of Cush and Satan the prince of Persia, the mind within them whose spiritual electric circuits cause heart palpitations in the people who serve Jehovah, and all of the young spiritual men who have begun to hunt my people Israel shall say, you belong to us, so we will strip off Adam." Okay now this is interesting, look it starts out being spiritual and then it seems to go into the natural. The sons of Cush and Satan the mind within them, who have this high spiritual power, will say to the, in the people who Jehovah, and all of the young spiritual men who have begun to hunt my people will say, you belong to us. So the young men that are hunting my people, now that sounds to me, I have no problem placing that in the middle east right now with the Arabs, they're saying you belong to us, the mind is saying you belong to us, Satan the prince of Persia is saying you belong to us, and the Arab world is not saying that Israel belongs to them but they're saying the land belongs to them. "So we will strip off Adam your righteous cover and", I'm going to change that souls to physical bodies. We will strip off Adam and your physical bodies will be our property. Now that's going on in the middle east right now in the natural, but it's also happening in the spirit, the, I'm not going to get into this too deeply, I have to work on these verses over a period of days and just see what evolves out of it. So I'm just going to go forward here.


You will be our property and we will enter into your heart center and take by force the spiritual man Adam and we will assemble Leviathan who was previously assembled with your company, and we will arise within you and carry away your salvation, and immortality and your physical bodies, and the Holy Spirit, your acquired spiritual energy, and this is how Satan will strip you of your spiritual substance by force. See I see it at this point anyway a real mixture between the spiritual and the natural, but the point is this, whatever happens in the spiritual, must happen in the natural, see. So it starts in the spirit and it ends in the natural, and you may remember Paul admonishing the Gelatins saying to them, I hope that this isn't true, or I can't believe that this is true, that you who started in the spirit are ending in the flesh, you see. So what that means is, you who started with the spirit of God, you had to be seduced in the spirit, for you to be coming back to the flesh in the natural. Every spiritual event, every thought eventually will play itself out in the natural, even if you don't speak it out, if you have a thought that's evil and you just say well I won't do anything about it. Somehow it will play itself out, maybe not in your lifetime, maybe your offspring's lifetime, but if you don't attack that thought, if you don't confess it as sin, and command it to die, a thought form is formed and it hovers around, and it still rests on some member of your family, and it will express itself at some point, either in your life or in your children's lives. Especially when you come up against a sensitive person, sometimes people speak out other people's thoughts, I'm very spiritually sensitive, and before I built my walls in accordance with the Lord's instructions, on several occasions I found that I was around people who had a powerful thought, but restrain themselves from speaking it, and I spoke it out, and someone would say to me, why did you say that? I don't know why I said that. And then the Lord started to teach me that I cannot speak every thought that comes into my mind because sometimes I hear other people's thoughts in my mind. I have to take every thought captive, and if it's a wrong thought, I have to not speak it out, and then put it on trial before God and see where it came from.


See, now once the thought enters into my mind it becomes mine, but I want to know where it came from because, if it is an evil thought, I want to know whose mind it came from because that evil thought could have been towards me. See if someone has an evil thought towards me and I pick up the transmission, I do not hear it as an evil thought coming from that person, it comes into my mind as my evil thought. So first I have to resist the evil thought and then if it's somebody in my company I want to know who's having that thought about me, so that I can pray adequately. Any questions about that?


Okay verse 14, King James. "Therefore son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord God, in that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it?" Alternate translation, "Therefore prophesy son of Adam and say to Satan, Thus saith the Lord God, I know that in the day that my people are safely married..", and I took that from a previous verse, and married is a translation of "dwell", "that they are safely married to Adam in the midst of them, you Satan..", and Satan is a translation of the word "not", that's a principle that we dealt with in the doctrine of Christ, for years that negative words can be translated as any of negative principalities, Satan, Leviathan or Cain.


"That you Satan will know the truth of it", what is the truth of it? Listen, Therefore prophesy son of Adam and say to Satan, Thus saith the Lord God, that in the day that my people Israel are safely married to Adam in the midst of them, Satan you're going to know the truth of it." I should really put in there, that in the day that my people Israel think they are safely married, I should really put that in "think that they are safely married to Adam or to Christ Jesus in the midst of them. You Satan, you're going to know the truth that they have not built Adam's wall around their city, or locked up Cain, Satan's doorway into their mind." Verse 15, "And your spiritual abundance..", that's a translation of "many", "your spiritual abundance Satan, the unconscious part of", and that's a translation of "out of part", it has to do, I didn't put in the word, I think it means rear, I looked it up in the Gesenges and it means rear, I'll try to have that for you for part 3.


"The unconscious part of the carnal mind shall enter into", that's a translation of "come", and these words are in the King James. "All of the great company on horseback who are near to you, and form your mighty army." "Satan you're going to know the truth that they're unprotected and you will bring your spiritual abundance, and you Satan will bring your spiritual abundance, I'm sorry, "And you Satan the unconscious part of your carnal mind will bring your spiritual abundance and they shall enter into all of the great company on horseback, who are near to you and form your mighty army."


This is talking about a mighty army that exists, the army of the mind and a physical army and it's saying that Satan is going to rise up in the minds of the Jews and the Christians that think they're safe in whatever relationship they have with God, and Satan apparently has a mighty army in the spiritual plane you know, many manifestations of herself, that will rise up first as a wicked mind, and secondarily as a physical person coming against a Christian or a Jew, and of course we see that happening in Israel right now, the enemy that has risen up in the mind of Israel, what does that mean, the enemy that's risen up in the mind of Israel? The large majority of Jews no longer serve Jehovah, the large majority of Jews are secular, or if they observe the Jewish religion at all, that's exactly what it is an observance of religion. Very few Jews are really serving God today. So that means the armies of Satan that entered into their mind, so what does that mean, their mind has become carnal, and the carnal mind is ruled by Satan, therefore that person whose mind is ruled by the carnal mind becomes a soldier in Satan's army. So this is saying that the large majority of Jews have become members of Satan's army, both in their thoughts and physically.


How did they become a physical member of Satan's army? Well whatever they're doing in the land of Israel for example, I saw on the TV the other day, a parade of homosexual Jews, and that they had just picketed and had gotten a law passed in Israel giving them certain rights. So we see that this army, of this Satan's army is coming forth in the physical body of the Jews, of some Jews. First in the spirit and then in the flesh, first in the mind, then in the flesh. "And your spiritual abundance Satan the unconscious part of the carnal mind, shall enter into all of the great company on horseback. So that's Israel, they're a great company on horseback meaning the spiritual man Christ Jesus or in the Jew you would say Adam the spiritual man riding on the physical bodies of Israel, that's the great company on horseback who are, but they're near to Satan in their mind, and form Satan's mighty army. "And your spiritual abundance Satan the unconscious part of the carnal mind shall enter into this great company of Israelites on horseback, and that's Jews and Christians in this last day who are near to you and form your mighty army. Satan's entering into the minds of the people that form the army of God, Jews and Christians.


I want to tell you the majority of the church, get ready, are soldiers in Satan's army, how do I know that? They hate this message, they don't recognize the anointing, they don't recognize Christ, that means they are, they call themselves Christians, and they are Christians, they love Jesus as much as they're able, but they're very immature Christians which are being used as Satan's soldiers because they're not educated, they can't recognize the true anointing, they can't recognize Christ, their concept of the Scripture is Pagan, and they're so lifted up in pride that they're unteachable. Therefore even though they have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, and they are God's people, they are also Satan's army, and this is what this verse is saying. And this army, these Christians today as well as the Jews, would fight to the death this message that's coming forth here, because it's over their head, when we have a message that's over our head, we have to humble ourselves and say, "Lord if it's of you I want to understand it". What happens is that they hear a message that's different than what they believe and they kill it automatically, thinking if God didn't tell it to me, it can't be the truth, high pride, high pride.


Verse 16, in the King James, "And thou shalt come up against my people Israel as a cloud to cover the land, it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against thy land that the heathen may know me when I shall be sanctified in thee O Gog before thy eyes." Now this is an interesting verse because I'm really going to have to check out the whole chapter but I noticed for the first time in this verse, I'm not sure if it happened in any of the previous verses, but I see the Scripture talking about my land, and he's not saying my people Israel and he's not saying my land Israel, he's just saying my land, and I really thought that this Scripture is referring to the physical nation of Israel, he's talking about his people Israel, spiritual Israel, and we see a reference to what's happening in physical Israel today. As I said, I have to go over these verses, I'll spend several more hours working on them, and I'll have to leave them alone and come back another day until I really get the depth of what the Lord is saying here, but this is what occurred to me as I looked at it. Verse 16, here's out alternate translation, "And they shall arise", that's a translation of "they shall come up", and "above", that's a translation of "against" my people Israel, "and cover", now I had to put a Cabalistic term in here, I don't know what I'm going to do with the end of this, maybe I'll just make it Adam, but I know that Ze'ir Anpin is the heavens, I'll probably wind up switching that to Adam. "And they shall arise above my people Israel and cover Ze'ir Anpin or Adam the spiritual heavens within my people." Now this is right out spiritual warfare, it's saying you know, and I don't know who these people are, is this talking about the enemies of the natural Israel or is it talking about the church, or is it talking about the Jews who are against the spiritual Jews, it's probably all of the above. Okay this army of Satan wherever Satan can find place in anybody, they will form a collective mind that will ascend higher than Ze'ir Anpin, and Ze'ir Anpin is pretty high, and they will cover the spiritual heavens within my people. Now that's Ze'ir Anpin down here in the world of action. Christ Jesus is up in the world of emanation you see. So they're not going to be able to cover Christ Jesus, they will cover the lower Ze'ir Anpin, the spiritual heavens within my people, like a dark thundercloud. "It will come to pass" that's a translation of "be", "in the last days", that's a translation of Latter days, "that your army Satan will go up against my physical land of Israel in order that the Gentiles, that's a translation of heathen may see the evidence. Now let me stop right here and say this verse 16 is it's a crucial verse, it's the most, you probably don't remember this but I've told you in the past that whenever we do a whole chapter like this, it's usually one or two at the most highly spiritual verses, highly spiritual, that the alternate translation is very deep and it's like a key to the whole chapter.


So this verse 16 is it. So try and follow me. Okay now, in order that the Gentiles, that's the heathen may see the evidence. Now we have in the King James the English word "me", when I looked that up, it came from a word Strong's #226, that means evidence and I've taken that word, I've taken the word which is the root of the English word "me" and I think in another case maybe I took both, but right now it appears that I just took the root of the word "me". Is anyone not following me? You can take an alternate translation of the Hebrew word that's translated or you can fall back into the root of that word, and take that also, as the spirit of revelation leads you. So I'm translating this "And Satan will go up against my physical land of Israel in order that the Gentiles may see the evidence." And I have amplified in what evidence, what is the evidence, "that I incarnated as a mortal man, died and rose from the dead, and that the heathen the Gentile can become acquainted with..", that's a translation of the word "know", and now the next word that we have is "eyes". Let me see what the King James says here. "When I shall be sanctified in thee O Gog before their eyes." That Hebrew word "eyes" it is a translation of the word ion which in Kabbalah means the Shekinah. And there is a prefix, the Hebrew letter lamed before that word ion which we know from the doctrine of Christ means widowed. So this is my translation. "So that the heathen shall see the evidence that I incarnated as a mortal man, died and rose from the dead and that the Gentiles can become acquainted with, why do we want the Gentiles to see the evidence of the resurrection. So that the Gentiles can become acquainted with the widowed Shekinah.


Now widowed is a translation of the prefix lamed and Shekinah is a translation of the word "eyes" An that's a Cabalistic principle it means Shekinah, "so that the Gentiles can see the evidence and believe it so that they can become acquainted with the widowed Shekinah when," and that's a translation of the English words "in thee", "she has been morally cleansed O Satan. And that morally cleansed I didn't put it in that's a translation of the word sanctified. Let me read this to you again. This is getting exciting. "And they shall arise and come up above my people Israel and cover Ze'ir Anpin the spiritual heavens within my people like a dark thundercloud, and it shall come to pass in the last days, that your army Satan will go up against my physical land of Israel in order that the Gentiles may see the evidence that I incarnated as a mortal man, died and rose from the dead and that the Gentiles may become acquainted with the widowed Shekinah themselves, when she has been morally cleansed O Satan."


Now you might ask yourself why the Lord is talking to Satan like this. Is Satan going to be saved? I remember there was a time in the church when the doctrine of reconciliation was being preached, that Satan was going to be saved and a lot of people were very upset about that doctrine. And here we certainly see something that sounds like Satan is going to be saved. I don't preach the doctrine of reconciliation which says all men will be saved whether they join with Jesus Christ or not. Brethren salvation is a choice, it's the result of the union with the son of God, and every human being that has been born of a woman and lives on the face of the earth is not going to be saved. Every personality is not going to be saved, you see. But for the purpose of this verse, we have to ask our self who is Satan? Who is Jehovah talking to telling Satan all these things that Satan is going to be doing in the last days. Brethren Satan is God's people, we are Satan you see, we are Satan as to whatever degree the Jew is manifesting the carnal mind, the Jew is Satan. The Christian is Satan, and the Moslems are Satan. All people that are descendants of Abraham. You don't have to be Satan if you're hearing this message and you're all upset, you don't have to be Satan, you can change, you can confess as sin all wrong thinking and ask God to give you his mind, you don't have to stay that way, but I suggest to you, the reason that Jehovah is talking to Satan like this, is that it's the carnal mind of his people.


Jehovah is talking to the carnal mind of his people, and he's saying this is what's going to happen to you. In your own mind your carnal mind is going to rise up and cover Adam or Christ Jesus, your spiritual heavens like a dark thundercloud, it's going to happen in your own mind. "Then it shall come to pass in the last days that Satan's armies will go up against my physical land of Israel." Now I have to pray on that and see if that's right, but that's what I've got right now, and after you lose your Christ mind, you're going to come against the physical land of Israel. Now the physical land Israel exists in the Middle East, but brethren we are the physical land of Israel, you see. Christians or Jews that come against me for what I'm preaching, are coming against the physical land of Israel. Okay so this is going to happen to the people who preach Christ centered Kabbalah, and it's also going to happen to the physical land of Israel.


So it shall come to pass in the last days that your army Satan will go up against my physical land of Israel, and the reason that they're going to do it, is that the Gentiles, is that this conflict is going to result in the Gentiles seeing the evidence that I incarnated as a mortal man, died and rose from the dead. How are they going to see this evidence? They are going to have to see a manifestation of supernatural power, that's the evidence. The evidence that they're going to see is the resurrection of Christ in the physical person that they come against.


Let me say it again, the evidence that the Gentile will see that will result in their salvation or at least in them recognizing an opportunity of salvation, okay, will be the resurrection of the Christ in the individual they are attacking. I saw something on fox news today that really blessed me, I don't how many other news stations or newspapers would carry it, but it really blessed me, and it showed you a hospital in Israel where people who had just been victimized by homicide bombing were being treated and in the very same hospital, in the same ward where they could see each other, was a homicide bomber who failed. This Palestinian homicide bomber who failed and got hurt was in a bed right next to Israelis who were hurt by a homicide bomber who succeeded. I'm not saying Israel is perfect but they're definitely just enlightened and in some degree moving to the best of their human ability at this time, to be decent human beings. They're not wild beasts. So that's the evidence.


Now of course now that's not the evidence that, but that is a physical what I just described to you with the Palestinian in the same hospital ward with the Israelis, that is the evidence of some measure of the God of Israel manifesting through the government of Israel. Mercy, mercy, I dare, I stand up and take the chance of telling you that would never happen in an Arabic hospital, they would kill him, they would kill the Israeli, that would never happen, mercy an attribute of God, and you can see the attributes of God in an imperfect people. But mercy is of God, mercy does not exist where God is not present. So the Gentiles in the conflict, the Gentiles, the people who don't have Christ whether they're attacking people who are preaching Christ centered Kabbalah or they're attacking the nation of Israel. There will be a supernatural manifestation of Christ Jesus which will defeat them, which will defeat the Gentile and then treat them with mercy and grant them grace. That's the evidence they're going to see. The power of Christ coming through the physical land where Christ Jesus is appearing. Hallelujah.


So this is going to happen, there's going to be conflict in the end times, Satan is going to go up against the physical land and the Lord is going to have a part in it, so that the Gentiles can see the evidence of the resurrected Christ, and become acquainted with the widowed Shekinah themselves, when she has been morally cleansed O Satan. Now who’s the widowed Shekinah? The widowed Shekinah for now I'm going to say is the Holy Spirit, well I may be wrong about that, that might be the Christ the widowed Shekinah might be the Christ whose not married to the Lord Jesus, that's right the widowed Shekinah is the Christ whose not married to the Lord Jesus, it is an immature manifestation of Christ. So they may be see the evidence for themselves and become acquainted with, how are they going to become acquainted with the widowed Shekinah? They're going to have the seed of Christ grafted to them. Brethren you can't become acquainted, well I won't say that, they're going to become acquainted with the widowed Shekinah by having the seed grafted to them.


I don't believe you can become acquainted with the widowed Shekinah through another human being, why? Because the widowed Shekinah, the Christ is not to the best of my knowledge is not likely to be expressing its nature through an individual. Any individual that is an expression of Christ to you has a married Shekinah, a Shekinah that is married to Christ Jesus. The widowed Christ is not expressing the nature of Christ.


Verse 17, King James, "Thus saith the Lord God, art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring you against them."


Alternate translation, "So this is the word of the Lord to you Satan, you are the one whom I have spoken about from the eternal...", and that's a translation of "old", "age", that's a translation of "time", "through the subconscious part". Now the English word "by" in the King James means "hand" and hand is the subconscious part of the mind of God within my servants the prophets of Israel who prophesied as they walked. Now there's an English word "those" in the King James translation of verse 17, and that Hebrew word translated those comes from a root that means "to walk". So I'm translating the word "those" "walk". "in the eternal age", age is translation of "days" "while they were still double minded" now the English word years in verse 17, has a root that means double, and I took that translation. So far we see verses 16 and 17 of going deep. Let me read you verse 17, "So this is the word of the Lord to you Satan, you are the one in whom I have spoken about from the eternal age through the subconscious part of the mind of God within my servants. So what this is saying is that the subconscious part of the mind of the prophets was the mind of God because the mind of God is the eternal age. The mind of God is the eternal age.


We're told in Eccl. That the ages are in your heart, you see. The mind of God is the age of God, the carnal mind is this present age. The ages are within us. So this is the word of the Lord to you Satan, you are the one whom I have spoken about from the eternal age, through the subconscious part of the mind of God within my servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied as they walked into the eternal age while they were still double minded that I would bring you against my people Israel. How did they walk in the eternal age while they were still double minded? It was a miracle, that the prophets of God has this experience with Jehovah in the mind of Christ while the carnal mind was still alive and well in them. And of course we have this experience today, in the past it was just for the Hebrew prophets, today anyone who wants it can have a relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, and if you can go if the Lord permits, you can have that relationship with Christ Jesus.


But it was considered an outstanding miracle that the prophets had a relationship with Jehovah that they heard from the mind of God while they still had two minds you see, and what was so difficult in those days to us is made simple. And as I've told you before it's just amazing to me, when I read about the rituals that the Jews still go through to enter in the hope of entering into an altered state of consciousness, that I'm telling you using these words out of a writing from a Rabbi, the mantras that they sound and the rituals that they go through for the purpose of entering into an altered state of consciousness by which they could hear the mind of God. And I just turn around and say hello Lord, and he's right there, I don't have to say any mantras, I don't have to get, well I am in an altered state of consciousness because that altered state of consciousness permanently abides with me. The anointing permanently abides in me, the tree of life is rooted and grounded in me, he's with me all the time, wherever I go he talks to me.


So that age which is the eternal age out of which the whole creation is preceding forth is grafted into my heart, and my face is turned towards that age always by the power of Jesus Christ in my life. The door is open, I hear him most of time, I would like to believe that I hear him all of the time, but I can't be that prideful to say that, I hear from him a lot, hopefully most of the time that he talks to me, I don't have to do anything, I don't have to meditate or sound a mantra or go into, it struck me today what a tragedy that these Jewish people that have served Jehovah so faithfully they're living in the spiritual middle ages, that's the word that came to me today. No I'm not intending to offend them, that's the word that came to me, they're living in the spiritual middle ages.


I believe that some Jews who do seek God with all of their heart do hear from him, they go through all of this ritual and all of this work, they need to be liberated. They're 2,000 years behind the times. So we'll see what the Lord will do for them, in their way they're being as faithful as they know how to be, they haven't found out that electricity has been invented. They're still gathering wood and making a fire, pumping water from the back yard. How sad. But the Lord said it happened so that the word could go to the Gentiles. Praise God. Okay verse 17, so this is the word of the Lord to you Satan, Satan in my people, you are the one whom I have spoken about from the eternal age, through the subconscious part of the mind of God within my servants, the prophets of Israel, who prophesied as they walked in the eternal age while they were still double minded, that I would bring you against my people Israel, both in the mind and in the flesh.


Verse 18, King James, "And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel saith the Lord God that my fury shall come up in my face. Now this is getting really prophetic and I've divided verse 18 into 18a, and 18b, and I want to tell you that we'll finish verse 18 and 19 tonight, but what was coming to me as I was working on this, is that this great battle of Gog and Magog is coming on the, the end of the whole thing as I see it now, is that there's going to be a great judgment falling on Israel, and remember God's judgments are merciful, there's going to be a powerful judgment falling on the mind of the Jews which is going to result in them seeing the evidence also, the Jews have to see the evidence. The Scripture is calling the Jews the Gentiles, they've become Gentiles. I don't know I have to work on this verse, of the Gentiles and the Jews, because the Jews need to see the evidence also. So I have to figure out, I have to work on these verses, but what's coming to me right now by the spirit of revelation is that the Jews have to see the evidence and I don't know whether the Lord is calling the Jews the Gentiles because of their separation from him, I don't know I'll have to pray about that, but I know in my heart the Lord just told me this verse 16 is for the Jews also, this war is coming to pass so that they will see the evidence of Christ in you the hope of glory. And this end time war is going to result in a judgment on the minds of the Jews and a salvation of all the physical enemies of Israel, which right now is the Arab world. It's going to be a two-fold warfare that will be against the mind of Jew and this is for the Christian too because we're spiritual Israel, that will result in Christ Jesus growing up and to being grafted to and growing up in Israel. And this when this visible, when this great event becomes visible, the Gentiles, the Arab world in particular, will be saved, or at least reconciled to God. So I see that when I work on verse 16, I'm going to have to put an amplification there, let me just get back to verse 16 for a minute.


"It shall come to pass in the last days that your army Satan will go up against my physical land of Israel, in order that the Gentiles may see the evidence. But before the Gentiles see the evidence, the Jews have to see the evidence of the resurrected Christ. Wow. Okay back to verse 18, alternate translation, "And it will come to pass that when Satan goes out", that's a translation of "come", "against the physical land of Israel, and again I have some Cabalistic terms here, I have to see how I'm going to work them into the translation. Just as I told you the word An translated "eyes" means Shekinah, the word "he" Kabbabalistically can be translated Keter, and the English words "the same" in verse 18, mean "he", I don't why this word was translated "the same" but it means "he", it's the personal pronoun "he", and I'm translating it "Keter".


So it will come to pass when Satan goes out against the physical land of Israel that Keter the one who is the age to come, and the English word "time" I'm translating "age", shall appear. And we know that Keter is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ is Keter incarnate. 


"So it will come to pass when Satan will go out against the physical land of Israel, Keter, the one who is the age to come or the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who is the age to come shall appear, says Jehovah the Lord, and Keter shall appear to stir up", and "stir up" is a translation of the word "come up", and if you go down to 18b I'll go straight on with that. Let me just read you 18a again, And it will come to pass that when Satan goes out against the physical land of Israel, Keter or the Lord Jesus who is the one who is the age to come shall appear says Jehovah, and he shall stir up", well I'll read you verse 19 because that's what fits in there, verse 19 fits right in here. "And the Lord Jesus shall stir up the jealousy of Ze'ir Anpin, or Adam or Christ Jesus who is the lake of fire for the passion of his wife. The Lord Jesus is coming to stir up the jealousy of Christ Jesus who is the lake of fire, for the passion of his wife." Now those words "the passion of his wife" that's a translation of the English, of the Hebrew word translated "wrath" which is talking about a female passion.


So I found this so interesting because I just preached a message recently, I don't remember which one it is where I talked to you about something that I had just read in the Zohar where it says, Adam, when Adam fell he was initially separated from his wife, and I think it says he spent a hundred and twenty years in fornication with two female spirits, and then he became jealous for his wife and he went looking for her and mated with her and Seth was born. And at the time I read that in the Zohar I thought what a strange term that Adam spent a hundred and twenty years with these two female spirits in fornication, and then he became jealous for his wife and returned to her. And I didn't understand it when I read the Zohar, but I understand now that when Adam fell, his wife was married to the Serpent. The woman married the Serpent and Adam according to the Zohar spent a hundred and twenty years with two female spirits, and then Adam got jealous that his wife was married to the Serpent. So who is the wife of Adam in this world of action, who is Adam's wife or who is Christ Jesus' wife? We are, humanity is the fallen wife of the fallen Adam. So Adam got jealous, Adam on a high spiritual plane got jealous that humanity is married to Satan and Leviathan. He's jealous that his wife's passion is being given to Satan and Leviathan.


Now look the Lord Jesus Christ who is Keter stirred up Christ Jesus or Adam, to become Jealous that humanity or in more particular the church and Israel, or Israel and the church are in fornication with Satan and Leviathan, what does that mean? The Lord Jesus Christ is coming to raise up Christ Jesus or to raise up Adam in the hearts of the Jew and in the hearts of the church, and when Adam is raised up it means war. Because God's people are in bed with Satan and Leviathan in their mind. So the Lord Jesus is coming he's going to raise Christ Jesus, Adam in the hearts of all the people and it's going to be a big warfare that is going to knock out the carnal mind of the people, and Adam is going to have is going to be married to and engage in sexual intercourse with his wife once again, and we are his wife.


Now I hope you all know that Christ Jesus is the lake of fire, and I'm probably going to change this Ze'ir Anpin to Adam, because I don't think I'm going to put this translation in the alternate translation and I don't think the people that are reading that will be able to relate to Ze'ir Anpin, so we'll put Adam in. So let me read you the rest of verse 18 here. "Behold", now behold is a translation of one the two words translated "surely" in verse 18 there is an English word "surely", which is a translation of two Hebrew words, one of those Hebrew words is Strong's #518, and that means "behold". "Behold I have spoken it, this is Jehovah speaking, there shall be a great shaking throughout, and throughout is a translation of the Hebrew word translated "in", "the physical bodies", that's a translation of "land" "of Israel, who are in Satan's", and Satan where I get that from, Satan is a translation of the second of the two words translated "surely", and that word the second of the two words translated "surely" is translated Strong's #3808, which means "nothing" which we have translated "Satan" over and over and over again in the doctrine of Christ. And the word "day" we're translating "age", and the word "faith" the English word translated "faith" in verse 18, and that my fury shall come up in my face" that Hebrew word translated "face" means "nostrils", and again we have a Cabalistic principle that the "nostrils", who are the "nostrils"? Everybody is slain in the spirit, okay the nostrils refer to the heart center, the nose refers to the heart center and it's Adam who's in the heart center, Adam or Ze'ir Anpin in the heart center. And the word fury can be translated passion.


Now remember I taught you this when we translate the book of Revelation. The wrath of God or the fury of God okay, is the choice of translation of translation of the King James translators, but passion is just as legitimate a translation as fury or wrath, and the truth of the matter is that the Lord Jesus Christ is passionate and my understanding as I work on these translation is that the passion of the Lord Jesus far exceeds any passion that a human husband could have for his wife, that I believe that I'm incapable of understanding the degree to which the Lord Jesus desires to possess us to marry us, to live within us, and live through us, that I can't even comprehend the degree of his passion. So we are translating the word "fury" "passion". The problem is that the Lord's passion for us results in his waging war against the spiritual husband that is possessing us, and the problem is that we like our husband, you see.


And this manifest in the natural how many times the police are called some man's beating up his wife, and the police come and the man and his wife fight with the policeman. See we're sick, we're dysfunctional, we like our husband who abuses us. We like our carnal mind that we're married to that causes us to die. That's why the Lord has such mercy on us because we're so ignorant, and we're so overcome by this mind that possesses us that we can't even think straight. Who would choose the carnal mind, Satan and Leviathan over Jesus, only a mentally ill person, all of humanity is mentally ill.


So here's the alternate translation of verses 18 and 19 interspersed. "And it will come to pass that when Satan goes out against the physical land of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who is the age to come shall appear as Jehovah the Lord, and the Lord Jesus Christ shall stir up the jealousy of Adam the lake of fire for the passion of his wife who is committing adultery with Satan and Leviathan. Behold I have spoken it says the Lord, there shall be a great shaking throughout the physical bodies of Israel, who are in Satan's age in their mind of Ze'ir Anpin's passion." Let me read that again and figure out what I said here. "Behold I have spoken it saith the Lord, there shall be a great shaking throughout the physical bodies of the land of Israel, who are in Satan's mind of Ze'ir Anpin's passion, okay I have to work on that.


What it's saying is "behold I have spoken it to you because of Ze'ir Anpin's or because of Adam's passion for his wife whose in fornication with Satan and Leviathan there shall be a great shaking in the physical land of Israel, in the physical bodies of the land of Israel who are living out of Satan's mind. I just thought this was so exciting, you're all passing out in the spirit, to see what's coming forth here. So I'm not going to keep you it's very late, I will continue to work on these verses and to refine them more and more, and work them into the whole chapter and Lord willing if he lets me, I would like to of course finish chapter 38, and I would like to do chapter 39 also, and then spend a little time on the verses in the book of Revelation that talk about Gog and Magog.


I just realized that I've been translating Gog wrong, there's a definite mental block opposing the revelation that's coming forth here, I keep forgetting it that the Lord has revealed that Gog is the counterfeit Holy Spirit in the church and Magog is the Serpent, so I've been translating Gog as Satan, which is missing the whole point that I brought forth in part 1 that Gog is the counterfeit Holy Spirit in the church. So the one, the enemy that's coming forth against God's people it seems to me that theses verses are relating more to the church, than to the Jew, because I don't think there's any counterfeit Holy Spirit in the Jew. So I will work on these verses, and restore the revelation that Satan keeps trying to steal from me that Gog is the counterfeit Holy Spirit in the church, and Lord willing work them, these verses into the previous verses and we'll see what the Lord has for us when we meet next Lord willing. God bless you all goodnight.




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