The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.
Praise the Lord, what I want to do this morning is give you some definitions that will help you understand this message, and then I am going to briefly go over or repeat the information that we looked at in part 1, and then Lord willing go forward from there. I have prayed a great deal about this chapter, and I have tried in every way, to understand in the word of the Lord, and the answer that I come up with each time is, and I believe this came forth in certain areas when I preached on chapter 1.
The teaching that comes down, according to the translation anyway, I do not know what Rabbi Luria said, I do not know where the confusion is coming from, because there is confusion, this teaching is complete confusion. Chapter 2 is complete confusion, chapter 1 was very interesting, it showed us how the Sefirot were involved in reincarnation and where we could be located and what needed to be done to raise us up to higher places. Chapter 1 was difficult but very interesting, chapter 2, at least what I have seen of it so far, is complete confusion.
I believe the confusion is coming from the fact this teaching is really related to the I do not want to say glorified, but the spiritual man Adam before he fell. The initial teaching of part 1, that said when a person is born, his Nephesh enters him, enters into him and he can receive his ruach and his neshamah, in the same year, but if he does not get all three the first time he is born, then he has to die, and he has to incarnate multiple times, the person who had the opportunity to get his full soul, okay, when he was first born is Adam, but Adam was not completed, if you remember the teaching of the doctrine of Christ, Adam was set up in the garden by Jehovah, he was righteous, not because his inner man was righteous, but because Jehovah set him up on his feet and said, You are righteous, you have dominion over sin, you are joined to sin because you are a man and the creation that I made is darkness and light, and the darkness is evil, the darkness is evil, not evil deeds, Jehovah never ordained evil deeds, but He ordained evil in the creation because the creation is a negative, or at least the spiritual creation at the beginning was the foundation and the beginning of a visible creation.
In order to have an image, a visible creation is an image. In order to have an image, you must have darkness and light. The darkness was in the creation from the beginning, not evil deeds, but evil, evil under the control of righteousness.
Adam was not complete. If you recall the teaching, Jehovah said, I, and this is where the mind of man stumbles, because the carnal mind cannot comprehend that Jehovah was full well capable of imparting to you Adam, all of the wisdom and knowledge that would come from experience. Jesus, the Christ, in the days of His flesh, was perfected, through obedience and through experiences. Jesus Christ got through the experiences and lived through obedience to the mind of God, or through obedience to His Father. Adam did not have to have experiences such as Jesus the Christ had, because Jesus the Christ was incarnated in a fallen body. Jesus the Christ was born of a human woman, and he had a carnal mind, and he also was born with the Holy Spirit. Jesus was born with everything that He needed to overcome His sin nature that He was also born with.
Adam did not have a sin nature, Adam had darkness within him, that he was given complete dominion over. Adam had the opportunity to become what Jesus, what the glorified Jesus Christ is today. Once the creation fell, it is impossible and would have been impossible, for any man to be in the condition that Jesus, the glorified Jesus is in today without having experiences.
Adam before the fall, was eligible for Jehovah to so fully impress His, Jehovah’s nature on Adam who was already righteous because Jehovah had imputed righteousness to him and he had not sinned yet, Adam was capable of being made into what the glorified Jesus is today without ever having experienced evil.
This is what chapter 2 is talking about. Let me just read it to you again. We are going back to the very beginning of chapter 2, section 1. This is what part 1 of this message is preached on.
When a person is born, his Nephesh enters him, if he has adequately rectified through his actions, his ruach, that is the second level of soul, will enter him at the end of his thirteenth year, when he becomes a completed person. His neshamah will enter him only when he completes his twentieth year, as it says in the Zohar.
However, if this man does not completely rectify his ruach, then the neshamah which is the third level of soul, and let me just remind you, the Nephesh is our humanity, our mortality, our human nature, and the ruach is our spirituality, and the neshamah is the mind of Christ, the intellect of God.
However, if he does not completely rectify his ruach, then the neshamah will not enter him and he will remain only with his Nephesh and ruach. Likewise, if he does not completely rectify his Nephesh, then he will remain with only his Nephesh, only his humanity, lacking both his ruach, his potential for spirituality, and his neshamah, the intellect of God. The ruach and the neshamah will remain in a place known to the holy one, blessed is he, and there a place will be prepared for each one.
If a person does not completely rectify his Nephesh the first time, that is what happened to Adam, Adam is the person who did not completely rectify his Nephesh the first time... What does that mean? Let me finish the sentence. ...and dies, then his will have to reincarnate perhaps even many times until it is sufficiently rectified. I want to suggest to you brethren, that Adam is the one who did not completely rectify his Nephesh, and what was Adam’s Nephesh, because Adam was not the same kind of person that we are today, Adam did not have an animal body. Our Nephesh is the animation of this physical body, that is what the Nephesh is, it is the energy, it is the breath of life, it is the breath of existence because the body is not really alive, unless the living man is in it.
The Nephesh is the life that is in the flesh of the blood or, I think I got that backwards, life of the flesh is in the blood, that is the Nephesh, it is what gives us animation in this world, but that is the life of the animal body. What was Adam’s Nephesh, if Adam was already righteous, and he was in a body of light, he was not in an animal body, what was his Nephesh? Adam’s Nephesh was the dark side of him. Remember Adam the spiritual man was married to or joined to an earthen side. The darkness that Adam was married to, for the specific purpose of producing an image, which is a visible creation, the darkness is his earthen side, the earth is dark, no light gets through the earth. If you pile up a pile of earth, you cannot see any light, it is like led, you cannot get light, light does not shine through the earth.
Nephesh was his earthen side. When the Lord brought this principle forth in the doctrine of Christ, we called his earthen side the ox, the spiritual ox, the natural of the earth that was joined to the spiritual man Adam, that is his wife. Adam the spiritual man was set upright in the garden by Jehovah and Jehovah said to him, guard the garden. What is the garden? The garden is the part of Adam that has a potential to reproduce itself, Adam’s ovaries.
Guard the female side of yourself, guard the nature of the earth that you are joined to, because if you submit to the nature of the earth, you are going to fall down because you are standing up only because I have set you on your feet, and you cannot stand by your own righteousness. If you agree in your thoughts with the thought of the intelligence in the earth, you are going to fall down. The mind that you agree with Adam, either the mind of God or the mind of the intelligence in the earth, that is who you will be subject to, so rectify your Nephesh, rectify the earthen side of you, which is the spiritual animal.
Rectify it, what does that mean? Make it righteous. How is Adam going to make his earthen side righteous? Only by ruling over it, and ruling over it so completely, that the man of light weaves himself through the animal aspect of himself. You have to so completely overtake this nature, that the overtaking can be likened to a thread on a needle being woven through. That is the Scriptural principle, that the nature of the earth, is a loom, or a piece of tapestry, a piece of mesh that you weave a tapestry through.
Adam the intelligence of light is the many colored threads that get woven through the mesh of the earth. That is how you rectify your Nephesh. That is how you make it impossible for the animal side of you to rise up and get on top of you and rule you because that is death, when the animal nature gets on top of you and rules you, you die, why? Because it separates you from God, and God is your only source of life. What happened? The animal nature in Adam rose up and tricked Adam. The woman, if you recall the woman was wholly seduced, the animal nature within Adam was wholly seduced by her own roots. She came out of the earth, which is the rulership of the Serpent. The woman believed the thoughts that were in her mind. The Serpent’s thoughts that were in her mind, the woman believed it, Adam’s Nephesh believed what her own nature told her, and it was the Serpent speaking through her nature.
Adam was tricked in that Adam cannot say he was seduced because he was educated, he was warned and he knew better.
Somehow, and we are not going to get into this tonight, we have had so many messages on it, somehow, he was tricked into believing what the female side of himself told him. The difference between being seduced and being tricked is that, seduction implies innocence. To be seduced you have to be innocent, or naive and not know better. That is what a seduction is. If you should know better, and you are mature, and you are overtaken by wrong thinking, you are tricked, that is the difference. We see that the message coming forth in chapter 2 of the Gate of Reincarnations, has to do with the spiritual man Adam. He has the potential to receive the full nature of Jehovah, everything that Jehovah had, shining through a man in the flesh without ever having experienced evil, that is what it means. That is what the Gate of Reincarnations chapter 2 is talking about.
If you are fully rectified the first time you are born, and was Adam born? Adam was born. Adam was born. Zeir Anpin who was the higher Adam was born of Abba and Imma, Zeir Anpin was born of Chokhmah, and Binah, wisdom and understanding, produce Zeir Anpin, the son who exists in the world of Atzilut, the holy world of Atzilut, and then Zeir Anpin brought forth from within himself a son called Adam that appeared in the world of Beriah. Adam was born. When a person is born, his Nephesh enters into him.
I had somebody who hears our tapes call me up and say to me, Sheila, I heard part 1 of this message, and I do not understand how you could have said, they were not challenging me, it was a godly, their attitude was godly, but this is way it is coming out of me right now, Sheila I was surprise that you never said anything in opposition to that when a person is born his Nephesh enters into him, do you not believe that life begins at conception?
I said, Well my goodness, you are absolutely right, as I preached from these notes, I never saw that contradiction, but today as the Lord is setting us straight, and this is interesting because I came here with notes, and what I was going to tell you was, that what this really means is, when you are born again, but the Lord has corrected me even further, right here as soon as I opened up my mouth. He is telling us that this message is about Adam who is truly born of the elements within Zeir Anpin, and when Adam was born after Adam was born, he received a Nephesh, a female side. Can you hear that? Maybe I need to put it on the board for you, let me give you a drawing.
This is drawing #1, my intention with this diagram is to who you that Adam was born. We start with the world of Atzilut which is the world of holiness, and we have Keter, Chokhmah, and Binah, now should be reviewed for you.
The Chokhmah is wisdom also known as father, and the Hebrew word for father is Abba. The Binah is understanding, the name of her personality or her Partsuf is mother, and he Hebrew name is Imma, father and mother have an interaction, they have a continuous unending interaction of female and of male, and of male and female, and they produce a son called Zeir Anpin, and Zeir Anpin is born of, father and mother, Zeir Anpin is born.
Zeir Anpin, he is the son born of wisdom and understanding, Zeir Anpin has brains, Zeir Anpin, on this level, on the level of Atzilut, has brains, he has the Keter, the Chokhmah, and the Binah, and the rest of him which I did not write in here, and the Chokhmah and the Binah of Zeir Anpin have a permanent marriage, and they give birth to a son, in the world of Beriah, the world angels, and the name of the son of mother and father within Zeir Anpin is Adam, this is who Adam is, he was born in the world of Beriah. I remind you that Genesis 1 says, Let us make man in our image. It does not say man was created, it said, Let us make man. Let us conceive man, let man be born, Adam in the garden, and the garden is Beriah, was born. Adam does not have any brains because the brains of Adam, it comes through his union with his father above, Zeir Anpin. Zeir Anpin on the world of Atzilut comes down and joins himself to Adam in the world of Beriah, and that is Adam’s brains, Adam in and of himself has no brains. Adam has Gevurah and Chesed, see the Keter, the Chokhmah, and the Binah are missing, he has Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkhut. This is Adam standing up in the garden. He has no brains and he is standing up because Zeir Anpin, who is Jehovah by the way, stand him up on his feet, he is righteous without brains.
Jehovah his father, Zeir Anpin said to him, I am going to give you a Nephesh, I am going to give you a nature of earth, because you are designed to be a visible creation and nobody can see you as long as you are light alone, so I am going to join you to the earth, and the earth has a criminal nature, and this is your instruction, you are to rectify the earth, or you are to overcome the earth, or you are to bring the earth into submission to you. The way you are to do that, is that you are to weave yourself together with it in a position of dominion so that you break all of the power of the earth to do evil deeds. The way you are going to do this Adam is by obeying everything, Zeir Anpin speaking Jehovah, the way you are going to overcome the nature of the earth that I have joined to you so that you could be seen, is by doing everything that I tell you to do, and completely rejecting every thought that comes from the Nephesh that I joined to you.
Here is Adam, and his brains, see this union between Zeir Anpin and Adam was not completed, Adam stood up, Zeir Anpin stood him up in the garden, but Adam could have never stood by himself, so not only was Adam weaving himself together with the earthen nature that was given to him, but Adam had to be woven together with Zeir Anpin from above. Adam was the mediator, if you remember. He had to be woven together with Zeir Anpin from above, how? Through obedience. Jesus was made perfect though obedience. Adam’s mind, which was not complete, was designed to be woven together with the Keter, Chokhmah, and Binah of Zeir Anpin, so we had to resist the mind of the earth that was underneath him and cleave to the mind of the spiritual father that was above him.
It was possible for Adam because he was a first gilgul, it was a first incarnation, it was possible for him to be fully perfected without ever experiencing evil or without ever dying. What I have just done is I have just woven together the first principle of chapter 2 of the Gate of Reincarnations with a knowledge that we have already had, that we have had here for a long time, of Adam’s condition in the garden and Adam’s potential to be made perfect without experiencing evil, which is something that you do not hear preached in the church.
Once man fell, now that we are fallen, it is impossible to be made perfect without overcoming experiences. Even Jesus in the days of His flesh had overcoming experiences, but it did not have to be that way, if Adam had rectified his Nephesh, in his first gilgul, his Nephesh would not have fallen down. Just to finish this chart here, I show you here also the world of Yetzirah, and Asiyah, I did not distinguish between Yetzirah and Asiyah because we ran out of room on the board and it really is not applicable to what we are saying right here.
What happened to Adam in the world of Beriah was that he failed to choose the thoughts of Zeir Anpin above, and he agreed with the thoughts of his Nephesh below, and what was born into the world, that we see today, is Jezebel was born, and Jezebel has only a left column, Gevurah, which is Satan, Hod, which is Leviathan, Yesod, which is Cain, and Malkhut, both Yesod and Malkhut have moved to the left column in fallen mortal man. We have only, unless we are not talking about those of us that are going on with the Lord, the average mortal man has only a left column and Malkhut and Yesod have moved over to the left column, and that is the carnal mind of fallen man, no right column. Praise the Lord.
Of course Adam’s other potential, which we see coming forth in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and those people who have the seed of Christ, the potential to bring forth the nature of the overcoming Christ, we see Adam the second is born, the second generation of Adam, born into the world of appearance, and the second generation of Adam which you might say is a saved man, he has three columns, he has Gevurah on the left, Chesed on the right, Tiferet in the center, Hod on the left, Netzach on the right, and a Yesod and a Malkhut in the center column, this is what we, this is the promise for those of us who have received the Holy Spirit and have Christ grafted to us, we shall be the second generation of Adam in the flesh.
Adam from the world of Beriah will be an aspect of our spiritual life, let me put this on the board, let me start from the top. Zeir Anpin is the collective Christ Jesus, the collective body of Christ, Adam is in right standing with his father above, is Christ, the mind of Christ in the individual, and the second generation of Adam is the Christ, like Jesus was the Christ in the days of His flesh.
Let me say that again, Zeir Anpin is the collective Christ Jesus, the true body of Christ, Adam in the world of Beriah is Christ Jesus in the individual, and when we are born of God, we are the second generation of Adam, the mortal man in the flesh is the Christ, as Jesus was the Christ in the days of His flesh. That is what our potential is, to be the Christ, what Jesus was in the days of His flesh.
All of humanity is what we see on the left, however those of us who are in the process of becoming the Christ, we see the right column, we see the right column being restored to us. When we receive the Holy Spirit we receive the Shekinah which is the Malkhut of the center column, and then we have two Malkhuts. We have the Malkhut of the center column and if we are fallen man, Malkhut is on the left side of us, and that is our evil nature, and when we receive the Holy Spirit we receive the Malkhut, the Skekinah of God, so we have two Malkhuts, we have two Holy Spirits.
Is that not what is going on in the church today, there is a counterfeit Holy Spirit in the church that is deceiving many, that is Satan, that is the Malkhut of the left side. For those of us who will emerge and evolve into the condition that Jesus was in, in the days of His flesh, we will have the Holy Spirit which is Malkhut, and we will have Tiferet which justice, by the way, Tiferet is justice, which is Christ Jesus up here, and we will have the Yesod, the spiritual sexual organ of Zeir Anpin, which is Christ Jesus in the individual, and Lord willing we will have a marriage between Yesod and Malkhut within us.
In this message I will explain more to you about this relationship between Yesod and Malkhut, and the Holy Spirit, I am going to go into that, it is in my notes as the Lord lets me get to it, I am going to explain it more, but basically my whole point for this drawing, is that Adam is born. Is everybody okay? Are there any questions or comments? Adam is born.
This is drawing #2, what we are doing here is relating the Holy Spirit to the sperma of God which is the seed of Christ. In section A of drawing #2, we see the Holy Spirit shining on fallen man, I showed you on drawing #1 that fallen man is only the left column, and Gevurah is Satan, Hod is Leviathan, Yesod, moves over to the left column and becomes Cain, and Malkhut moves over to the left column and becomes Abel who is overcome, that is the condition of fallen man before he has a relationship with Jesus Christ.
The right column and the middle column are gone, the left column has destroyed them. The big mystery to that is that a man who has this spiritual configuration, can still love his children, and take care of his parents, see that is what confuses people, they see some decency in fallen man, and they cannot believe that God is not there, but the bottom line is that even though the left column has destroyed the right column and the middle column, and mortal man is female, so the left column is female, so even though mortal man has become fully female, the female is never without the male.
I remind you that the term female means male and female together with female predominating, female qualities predominating, and the term male signifies male and female with the male qualities and characteristics predominating.
Even though fallen man is the left column and female, there are still strains of manhood, and manhood is righteousness, so that righteousness in the left column manifests as goodness. Jesus says, Even the evil take care of their children, even the evil love their children.
In section A we see the Holy Spirit shining on the left column, the Holy Spirit comes in and shines on the left column, section B, the next step is that the Holy Spirit congeals, that means comes together, into one place, to a point, congeals to a point, it congeals into the fruit of the spirit and that fruit of the spirit is now called the female seed. Fallen man has no spiritual anatomy that would permit the Spirit or the sperma of God to join to it.
Fallen man is like a barren woman. I remember I was in a convention once in Connecticut, and someone brought forth a very powerful prophecy, where the Lord said, If you do not have what you need, I am paraphrasing of course to receive my life, if you do not have a womb to bring forth the child, I will give you a womb. That is what the female seed is. It is the spiritual seed, it is the womb that will receive the seed of Christ, the sperma of Christ, and then that sperma of Christ turns into Christ, and this very womb is our ability to nurture the Christ until He grows up and becomes able to take over the function of our whole life and our whole physical body.
In section B, we see there is the Holy Spirit that is spread abroad in section A, is now congealed to a point in section B, and that point has centered around the Malkhut, which is the overcome Abel. Abel is on the left side because Abel is under Cain, wherever Cain goes, Abel goes. We still see a little Holy Spirit over here on the rest of the section but the Holy Spirit basically congeals to a female seed, and that female seed has a name, it is called the fruit of the spirit.
We see in section 2, the Holy Spirit that is shed abroad is manifesting as the gifts which builds pride in a man if you are not careful, the gifts will build pride in you, and in section B, the Holy Spirit does not, it does not stay spread abroad, the Holy Spirit congeals to a point and to a function, and that function is to join with the Malkhut who is manifesting as the emissary of Satan, and the fallen man, Malkhut is the expression of Satan.
The Holy Spirit lays hold of Malkhut, and joins to her, in the first step to bringing Malkhut back to the center column so that she could be an expression of the glory of God. The Holy Spirit begins with gifts that can do good, the gifts, of course the gifts do good, but what they really are, what the gifts really are, it is the beginning of spirituality in the believer. You have to be very careful because the gifts can lend to pride. I have seen some of the people, the most gifted people are the most prideful people in the church, and pride will destroy you, pride is the most serious sin that you could manifest. You start out with spiritual immaturity with the gifts, and as you mature, those gifts turn into the exact opposite of pride, they turn into the fruit of the spirit which is love. Love is the name that encompasses all of the fruits of the spirit.
I just point out to you that the fruit of the spirit is not righteousness, the fruit of the spirit is love, female seed, love your husband. The righteousness comes from Christ. Let me remind you that the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the spirit that it matures into, is the branch of the tree of life. The root can survive without the branch of the tree, but the branch of the tree cannot survive without the root of the tree.
You can receive the Holy Spirit and that Holy Spirit can even congeal into the fruit of the spirit, and you have the female seed, but if Christ, if the righteousness of Christ does not graft to you, you will not, the tree of life will not continue to mature to the point of granting you immortality in the flesh. The promise of the Scripture is not immortality after you die, the promise of the Scripture is immortality in the flesh, here on the earth, immortality, it is a perversion that we die.
Section #3, after the Holy Spirit has congealed into the fruit of the spirit and has congealed to a point and that point is Malkhut, we now see the seed of Christ, the sperma of God grafting to the female seed, now this is still the left column, all of this is happening to the left column. Malkhut is in red, and the sperma of God is in blue, so we see that when the sperma of God touches a human being, and how does the sperma of God touch us? The sperma of God comes by the foolishness of preaching. The Holy Spirit does not come from preaching, the Holy Spirit comes from the laying on of hands.
The sperma of God comes from the foolishness of preaching, and that is the seed, and when the seed grafts to you, what it is grafting to is the fruit of the spirit, in the form of Malkhut of the left side. And who is Malkhut of the left side? It is the overcome Abel. I have been telling you for years that the seed of Christ grafts to Abel in the individual. Abel is overcome, so now we see that Abel is overcome and manifesting the Malkhut of the left side. The sperma of God, Christ goes right into fallen Abel, or Abel who is overcome, who is manifesting the Malkhut of the left side, and we see a union of the female seed of God and the sperma, the male seed of God.
Section D on the board, the next step is that the middle column is reestablished in mortal man. We see the left side, Satan, Gevurah, Leviathan, Hod, Cain, Yesod, Abel, overcome Abel, Malkhut, and we see that Malkhut has now broken up into two Malkhuts, she now is double minded, we have a Malkhut of the left column, which is manifesting the nature of Satan, we now have the Malkhut restored to the middle column. Malkhut the female seed, Abel regenerated in the middle column. We see that this male seed over here, when he joined to Malkhut, he brought her back to the middle column. This is the immigration from evil to good. Remember I have been telling you for years, you are not going to go from evil to righteousness, you must go from evil to good and then you have an opportunity to go to righteousness, in every area of your life.
It is true, the message of reincarnation has truth in it. It is very confused the way it is appearing here, and again I do not know whether it is the translation or it is the author, or maybe even the Gate of Reincarnations was written this way as a parable, so that you need a Rabbi to explain it to you, I do not know, but the way that we have it right here is a complete confusion. There is truth in it though. Every aspect of your personality and your personality is Cain and Abel, the symbiotic seed, is the symbiotic worm inside of you that has the potential to regenerate you into a spiritual immortal man, every aspect of it must be rectified, everything that is wrong with your personality must be rectified. What does that mean? You must give it up and exchange it for the thought process and the behavior of Jesus Christ, of what He would do.
Every area in your life where you think in a matter differently than Jesus would think, in that circumstance, you must change your thinking and you must think like Jesus would think, and every area of your life where you are doing something that Jesus would never do, you have to stop doing it, and do what Jesus would do.
That is what rectification is. We are literally talking about every jot and tittle of your personality. If you want to go in to immortality. We are talking about going in to immortality. We are talking about overcoming death. Praise the Lord, and this has nothing to do, I am not telling you if you do not do everything right you are going to lose your relationship with the Lord, I am not telling you that. If you want to overcome death, this is what you have to do, because every thought that you think and everything that you do that comes out of your carnal mind that Jesus would never do, is death ruling and reigning in you. It is death ruling and reigning in your mind, and death ruling and reigning in your behavior.
If you want to stop dying, you have to stop thinking like death, and you have to stop doing the deeds of death, and then you will stop dying, then your physical body will stop dying. We see that in section D, we see the emergence or the progression from evil to good. The middle column is reestablished.
Section E, the sperma of Christ, that is the, I am drawing this in blue, that is the seed of Christ marries the female seed, which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and the personality which is your soul which is the soul of Christ, which is the second generation of Adam, is born. You may recall from other teachings in Kabbalah, that when Yesod marries Malkhut, it is called the what? Does anybody remember what that is called?
COMMENT: Shabbat.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, it is called the Shabbat, or the Sabbath. One of the things that happens in the Sabbath is that new souls are born. You have to keep in mind that a soul is a personality. The personality of Christ is born, when the sperma of Christ marries the female seed which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the personality or the soul of Christ, which is the second generation of Adam is born. What I have written here in section E, is the way the Kabbalists would express this. I do not even know that it is pronounced, but I think probably the way we would pronounce this is to say, that which is born of the fruit of the spirit and the sperma of God, Ymeaslochdut. What I have done is woven together the letters of Malkhut and Yesod, I have woven together the letters of the Yesod and the Malkhut. Probably what the Kabbalists would do it take out the vowels and make some acronym out of it, but I am not going to really bother with that right now, I would have to think about it and that is not our point. Does anybody have a question?
Then in section F, we see that the married Christ who is still down, you know, down here where Malkhut is and when we taught this in the doctrine of Christ, we would say, he is down in the root energy center, if you recall those teachings. The married Christ was wars against Satan, because Satan does not want him to rise. The married Christ now wants to rise and rule over the whole individual. The position of rulership of that individual which is called a world, each one of us is a spiritual world, each one of us is a cosmos. Christ now wants to become the sun of your cosmos, and the sun of the cosmos is not down here, where malkhut is, or even the Yesod is, the sun of the cosmos is Tiferet which is Jehovah. Christ must ascend to the position of Jehovah, to rule over your whole world, and when He rules over your whole world, you receive eternal life.
In order for Christ to get up here where He is going to rule your whole life and defeat all of your enemies including the last enemy which is death, He has to fight Satan to get up there, why? Because Satan is the sun of the fallen man. What we are really saying is that the married Christ now wants to unseat the existing god of your life. To appreciate this exciting wonderful glorious revelation, you have to admit that Satan is the god of this natural man, he is the god of this world and he is the god of all of the kingdoms, he possesses all of the kingdoms of this world, which are the people.
Not only that, but unless Christ Jesus is ruling your life, Satan is still the god of your life. At the very least, you have two gods, which makes you an idolater, that is me too, Christ Jesus is not fully ruling my life, He has a lot to say about my life but He is not ruling in every iota of my life, if He was, I would have entered into immortality, and I would have supernatural powers to the degree that I do not have.
I have not arrived yet either, I confess before everyone listening to this tape, that as of this day, that as of this day in November of the year 2003, I have two gods ruling in my life. I would like to believe and I believe that it is true, that Christ Jesus, that I am more submitted to Christ Jesus than I am to Satan and Leviathan, I would like to believe that, and I believe that it is true, but you know you sin in one point of the law and you have broken the whole law.
What does that mean Sheila? It means that even though Christ Jesus is my primary God, what a horrible thing to say, but it is the truth, even though my life is given over primarily to Christ Jesus, the very fact that in certain areas Satan and Leviathan, that I can still agree with the thoughts of Satan and Leviathan, or obey their command and do what they tell me, like what? Like eat something that is going to make me sick, something as silly as that, okay, that means that I am still a mortal man. Unless the Lord intervenes, I will eventually die.
Even though Christ Jesus is ruling and reigning in me, and has given me this marvelous call on my life, if He does not ascend high enough to completely cover my sin nature, or I do not, I never get it really straight as to exactly what is going to happen. If I do not completely overcome my sin nature by His power, before this body gives out, I am going to die. I am hoping for a miracle, because I do not have any hope that I in the condition that I am in now, will be able to overcome my sin nature even by the power of Christ Jesus, it is too hard, it is impossible, why? Because Satan is the creator of the thoughts that come from the unconscious part of my mind.
We all need a miracle, we need Christ Jesus to arise in us and come with a big chain and tie up Satan and put her down in that bottomless pit, so that she stops generating the thoughts that are killing us, some of which we recognize and some of which we do not recognize. What is going to make us eligible for Christ Jesus to come with that big chain and bind up Satan, what is going to make us eligible is our doing all that we can possibly do, we must occupy until He comes. What does that mean?
We must occupy this piece of land, which is our personality, and our body, and rule and reign over Satan and cast her down, to the fullest degree that is possible, until he comes with a chain. If you are not doing your part, it is not a punishment, it is not that He is going to punish you if you are not doing your part, it is just the way the procedure is set up, He is going to the ones that are moaning and groaning and fighting with Satan and struggling and screaming out for help, He is going to them first.
If your body holds out, He will get to you eventually. Let those who have ears to hear, hear. We are looking at section F, the married Christ now wars against Satan, to unseat her, and ascend to the position of Tiferet, or to ascend to the position of the sun of the cosmos of that individual person.
When this happens, when Christ ascends to that position which is in the heart center of a mortal man, the middle column is fully restored, and because the beginning of the right column is restored when we look at D, when we see Yesod and Malkhut moving over from evil to good, but here in section F, we see Christ Jesus restored, which is Tiferet, and Tiferet is judgment with mercy.
Brethren, there is no eternal life apart from judgment. It is impossible, it is impossible, because the judgment corrects and restrains your carnal nature, which is death. Surely you must be able to understand, everyone hearing this tape or reading this transcript, this is very simple, there is death and there is life, if you want to enter into immortality, death must be overcome and destroyed. As long as you have death and life, your body is going to die, you are going to pass out of this world, it is not hard, it is not hard, death must be overcome.
The only way death is overcome is with judgment. Someone, something, hopefully Christ Jesus within your own mind has to say, I see something in your mind that is killing you. There is death in your pot. Go and get it, and cast it out so that it does not kill you. Without that kind of judgment, it is impossible for you to enter into immortality. You see I just said cast it out, well if it is a demon you have to cast it out, but the bottom line here is that your sin nature is not being cast out, it is being put under the authority of Christ, and you have to rule and reign over that sin nature, just like Adam was supposed to do when Jehovah stood him up in the garden.
Jehovah said to him, Look, you are a man of light, but I am joining the darkness of the earth to you so that you can be seen. You must rule over this darkness, or it will rule over you and you will die to your immortality. The Lord is still saying the same thing because we are the descendants or the residue of the Adam that was destroyed, we are the mortal residue of His glorious life. The Lord is saying, Look, the regeneration is here, it is time, I give you my life, Christ in you the hope of glory, now you are not in the same position that Adam was in because you are fallen, but I am telling you that you could do all things in Christ because He is going to strengthen you to do whatever you need to do.
There is no excuse for not doing your part, because He is there to strengthen you to do your part. The Lord is saying, I want you to put death under your authority. First you have to get this revelation in your mind that every thought that you think that is not of faith, every thought, every emotion that you feel, that does not come out of Christ, is death! That is your part.
Let us take a look at this section F here. The married Christ wars against Satan and ascends to Tiferet, the middle column, which restores the right column and rectifies the left column. Let us take this one thing at a time. The right column is restored. We see as soon as Tiferet, Christ ascends overcomes Satan, and when Christ gets into that heart center there, where Tiferet is, He becomes Christ Jesus, his name changes because He has overcome Satan. We see that the first thing that He does is to restore the right column.
What does that mean? What is in the right column? Chokhmah, wisdom, when Christ Jesus is in your heart, this man Christ Jesus is made unto us wisdom. Wisdom is restored to you. Chesed, loving kindness, that is the fruit of the spirit that is now married to Christ, she is ascended with him into the heart center, so the fruit of the spirit is love, coming out of Chesed, Chesed is restored. Then we have Netzach which is the mind of Christ. The mind of Chris is restored. The left column has moved over to the right column and that is why I show you over here, Gevurah underneath Tiferet, because Gevurah is judgment, Gevurah is harsh judgment, but when coupled with Tiferet, becomes judgment with mercy, also called justice.
Over here we see Binah moved over, to Chokhmah because Binah is understanding but Binah is a strong judge, heavy powerful judgment comes out of Binah, when Binah is joined with Gevurah on the left column, when Binah is joined with Gevurah, very powerful judgment comes forth.
We see that, that judgment that used to be coupled with Gevurah is now over here coupled with Chokhmah, wisdom, and what does that mean. I want to suggest to you that, that means discretion, that means for example, if somebody being attacked by a robber, and he picks up a stone to defend himself or to defend his wife who is being attacked and smites that man and the man dies, it is this Binah under Chokhmah, judgment with wisdom that says, Yes I know that man killed somebody, but it was in self defense, therefore he does not have to come under the sowing and reaping judgment of a life for a life.
Down here, Hod comes under Netzach, and you may recall that the relationship between Netzach and Hod, is that Netzach is always, Netzach is a spirit that always wants to overcome and work and create and be successful, and Hod is the mind that she produces. When Hod is in the left column, that drive to succeed can become Satanic, and it could, when it is happening in your left column it could cause you to commit a crime to be successful, or to abuse or give up your family to become successful, but when we see Hod over on the right side, it means that victory and success in career and in life is all in order and in place.
We see that we have two columns. The middle column and the right column. I have on the board here no more left column and I also have written 1 Kings 7:21 which tells us that there were two columns in front of Solomon’s temple, the left column and the right column. I have been asking the Lord for years what that is talking about, two columns that he gives name to, and when I saw this teaching coming forth, I said, I have to look this up because I do not see any left column and right column, I see a middle column and a right column, so I looked up the words, and I am out of room on this board, so I also have here under section F, see also drawing #3.
We are going to take a picture of this board and then I am going to reestablish this section F and we will read the Scripture on to the tape and I will give you the references as to the Hebrew words that I looked up, and I will tell you what I found. Are there any questions about anything, questions or comments about anything that I said. Praise the Lord.
Drawing #3, it is an expansion of the last section of drawing #2 which I believe was section F, and I show you here two columns, we are left with two columns, according to my calculations, on drawing #2 we have a middle column and a right column, but I guess that is not realistic, you cannot really have a middle column unless it is between two other columns. We see that the middle column has become the reconstructed righteous left column. That is the Seraphim that we see in the book of Isaiah. The Serpent’s side ascended or raised up to a place where it serves God. That is just another way of saying, that Adam rectified his Nephesh in that person.
This is a rectified Nephesh on the left side. The right side is the spiritual man, Chokhmah and Binah, judgment coming out of wisdom, that is discretion, Chesed, loving kindness, the mind of Christ, and the name of the pillar is uprightness. Let me read you the Scripture, 1 Kings 7:21; and this is talking about Solomon’s temple.
1 KINGS 7:21
- 21. And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple, and he set up the right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin, and he set up the left pillar and called the name thereof Boaz. KJV
I had that question in my mind for years, from the first time I ever read it. Why would you give, I could see setting up pillars in front the temple, but why would you give them names, and the names of men, it just did not make any sense to me. That was my immaturity, today I know that when something does not make any sense to me, I am ignorant of the truth, because everything in this Bible makes sense, when God explains it to you.
We see the right column which is called Jachin, or the right pillar, signified, the two pillars set up in front of Solomon’s temple, signified the rectification of all of Israel, that, that temple, because God dwelled in it, rectified Israel. What does that mean that Israel was rectified, it means that the left column in Israel, was pacified, it was not evil anymore. The left column in Israel was so controlled by the middle column that for all intents and purposes it ceased to exist. The middle column became the reconstructed righteous left column. We have a righteous right column and a righteous left column, that is what the two pillars were, both sides righteous. That is what we are supposed to be in Christ.
I read in the Zohar the other night, in the Zohar, it is the revelation in the Jewish community, that the tree of life was imparted to Israel, we call it Christ Jesus, I do not know what they would call it, from here I would call it the regenerated Adam, I do not really know what the Kabbalists would call it, but they say the tree of life was restored to Israel, as giving Israel the opportunity to show to the world that immortality was possible. The tree of life was given to Israel, so that they should be an example to the world that immortality in the flesh was possible, and Israel did not succeed with their commission.
The same commission is given to the church, and neither is the church succeeding with their commission. We are supposed to be an example to the world of not only that immortality is possible, but how to attain to that immortality, the problem in the church today and I include myself except that I do not go out, I only go out where I am invited, I do not go out telling everybody that this message that I have is going to save your life. I do not know how to say that, I do not believe in going out and telling everybody that they are going to go to hell if they do not come to Jesus Christ, that is what I am talking about.
Even if I went out on tv or publicly with this message, what good is me telling people that we have the opportunity to enter into immortality if I cannot demonstrate immortality. When an immortal person goes out and goes on tv and says, Look, I want you to know that faith in Jesus Christ will produce immortality in you if you are willing to judge your sin nature and give it up in favor of the nature of Christ, immortality is yours, come on, let us see you try and kill me, put a knife in me, shoot me, do whatever you want, you cannot kill me. They will be flocking to my, they will be chaining themselves to my door, because they will want immortality, and then I will have the opportunity to say to the people, This is how you get it, you have to give up your sinful ways, you have to come under the moral law of God, and then you have to start judging the sins of the unconscious part of your mind, and rise up against them and destroy them and have them replaced with Christ, and you too can have what I have.
The world looks the church today and they do not want what the church has. Therefore the church has no power. We only have power in so far as there are people who want what we have. You have to want, whoever you are, whoever wants to study with this ministry, if you want to come to these meetings, you have to want what is in these meetings so badly that you are willing to put up the discipline here.
The church has to offer something, and what the church is offering is a fear of hell. The world has said to you, we do not want your fear of hell. I choose to reject Christianity. That is what is happening today.
For this word to go in power, for this word to go in demonstration of power, someone has to be standing up in immortality. Jesus said, When the Holy Ghost is come upon you, you will receive power to cast out demons, and to heal the sick and that is the demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost, but we had that for many years in this country, the Holy Ghost is moving on that preacher, come and get healed, and when you got healed, you say, That is the power of God, I am going to serve Jesus. That wave came in, and that wave has gone out, there is some residue of it left, but healing is not enough to keep you in the love of God.
You have to receive Christ, you have to receive your personal savior in the midst of you, and what He does is He brings you into deep teaching, and the deep teaching, that is a wave that never goes out.
This is what we are waiting for brethren, we are waiting for somebody, for this teaching to be actualized in, that somebody who is doing everything they can to overcome their sin nature or their left side, is going to see the middle column rise up in them, and completely rectify their left column which is called their Nephesh, so that they become a man, a two column man, with a reconstructed left column which is righteous. That man will go out and preach, This is how you get to be the way I am, and the whole world will follow after him.
Do you realize that Jesus only did that partially, He rose from the dead, and He showed Himself to all of the people that saw Him, many believed and followed after Him, Christianity today is a major world religion, but nobody can see Him today. We are waiting for the second generation of Christ to reveal not only the healing and delivering power of the Lord Jesus, but the immortality, the promise of immortality in the flesh of the Lord Jesus, and the whole world will follow after Him. Let us demonstrate it, let is see it done, that is what we are waiting for.
Just as a quick note because this is really an aside, it is not really our message today, but the potential for it emerged in our message and I can never resist something like that. We see the word Boaz, which is the name of the left column, it is Strong’s #1162 which means fleetness, which really does not mean anything, that means to run quickly, but there is another word Strong’s #1163, right after Strong’s #1162, baw-at’, and that word means to tread down. I suggest to you that some scribe somewhere wrote the word Boaz instead of baw-at’, and that the word should be Strong’s #1163, to tread down, because that left pillar is the left column that has been tread down by the middle column and tread down so far under the middle column, that all you see is the middle column.
For all intents and purposes the left column has been completely supplanted by the middle column. Do you know what the kingdom of the, Medio-Persian kingdom did to Israel, they moved all of the Israelites out and they put people of other nations in their land, and that the section of land where the ten tribes were, completely ceased to be Israel. Nobody knows where the Israelites are, Israel was completely supplanted. That is what Christ Jesus did to the left column, completely supplanted it, you cannot even see it.
Do you know how western civilization treads down or it has tread down ever other civilization wherever it went, when it came to North America, South America, Central America, it tread down those civilizations and converted them to Christianity, and made great inroads in places like Africa, and China, and India, it made great inroads, at least at the time.
Wherever Christianity aggressively moved, and the Spirit of God was with it, it swallowed up every other religion. That has to happen in the individual. Christ Jesus in you must swallow up everything in you that is not of Christ, and when that starts happening within men again, it will then start happening with nations again. Praise the Lord.
We have people today saying that, that is an ungodly thought, that Christianity should go out and evangelize and swallow up other religions. Christians are saying this today, Christians and Jews are saying this today. It is time to recognize other world religions, that is the female opinion, it is the same principle, the same principle is operating there as operates with abortion and pornography, what right do we have to put our moral standards on the rest of the nation? The right that we have is the freeing up of these sins is bringing destruction on the whole nation including us, and that is the right that we have.
You do not have a right to go to somebody and insist that they convert, but we have every right to fight with all of our strength to return and restore the moral laws of Jesus Christ, the Judeo moral laws to this nation because the whole safety and soundness of this nation depends on it. We have to use every legal means to do that, and as far as evangelism goes, it is never right to force people, but that whole push for evangelism that spread Christianity throughout all of North and South America, it was because the spirit of, the Holy Spirit that was moving was swallowing up the spirit of the pagan gods of that land, and bringing prosperity and righteousness. Unfortunately today, we have prosperity with great moral decline, but it is because we are in decline, but this use to be a righteous nation, and we produced enough wealth to feed the world, we still feed the world.
With all of our unrighteousness, we feed and support the world. It is the spirit, it is not even the Spirit of Christ, can you imagine what the Spirit of Christ will do? It is the Holy Spirit, and because we know that, that is why we have the right to evangelize, you cannot be forcing anybody, but that is why we have the right to get out there and tell people, you can have the prosperity that we have. Our God gave us this prosperity, but we are really preaching a double message today, when you go an Islamic nation that is behaviorally moral, even you go in with your wealth, when you bring in the smut that is coming out of this country today, they do not even want your wealth, well they want your wealth but they do not want your smut.
Today we have a problem, because we have prosperity, but we have lost the righteousness, but the Lord will restore it, and when the Lord restores the righteousness, He is going to restore it to a higher power, there are going to be men who cannot die, evangelizing and preaching, and telling everybody this is what you have to do. Of course you realize there are a lot of people in this world that would not want immortality, people that live in poverty and death and destruction all of their lives. When the immortals in Christ rise up for a season we will probably just be bringing the Holy Spirit, however it will work.
We will have to be going with prosperity as well as immortality, because there are thousands if not millions of people that die in the streets everyday, they do not want immortality. We will have to be doing everything that the bride church does, bringing prosperity to them, as well as immortality, and of course righteousness, that goes without saying. Are there any questions or comments on this section of the message today?
I think I am going to just make a few more comments to bring us back to the Gate of Reincarnations, and then we will probably stop for dinner. This is my point, chapter 2, section 1 of the Gate of Reincarnations tell us that unless you rectify your Nephesh when a person is born, his Nephesh enters into him. This is talking about Adam. When Adam was born, his Nephesh, his earthen nature was given to him after he was born, Adam was born as a being of light. And then his Nephesh which we are told is Malkhut, was given to him.
I have to take that back, look this is a journey for me, a lot of what I preach comes by revelation as I preach it. I have to take that back. Adam had a Malkhut that was part of his body of light. What was given to him was his left column, Malkhut is a part of the body of light, she is the Shekinah. The Nephesh that was given to him was his earthen animal nature. This statement is not talking about mortal man, this statement is not talking about a baby being born from woman, it is talking about Adam, because it makes no sense at all, if it is talking about a baby born from a woman, because I know that Orthodox Jews believe at conception, so it makes no sense at all, if you look at it as a baby being born to a mortal woman, this is talking about Adam.
He was fully born as a being of light and then his Nephesh was given to him, but even though his Nephesh was given to him, and Adam was standing up in full stature fully able to do what we see in drawing #3, with his left column, he was fully able to weave himself together with the Malkhut of his left side and produce Christ, and he was already ascended to the position of Christ Jesus. He did not have to die. Adam did not have to die, but what Adam did not have, was the glorified Jesus Christ above Christ Jesus. That is what Adam did not have.
He was not woven together with Zeir Anpin who was above. He could have been, if he would have just occupied, if Adam would have just occupied his left side, wrapped it up and restrained it, he eventually would have been woven together with Zeir Anpin above, but Adam was tricked, before that happened. Let us just read this first paragraph here. When a person, I have to disagree with a person, when Adam was born, his Nephesh, his earthen nature entered into him. If Adam was adequately rectified through his actions, well I do not believe anything could be rectified through your actions, we did this on part 1, this is the big discrepancy or the big division between the Jews and the Christians, you cannot be saved by your actions, you can only be saved through union with the Lord Jesus Christ, Adam could have only been perfected or completely rectified through union with Zeir Anpin.
According to this teaching, if he is adequately rectified through his actions, his ruach will enter him at the end of his thirteenth year when he becomes a completed person. The ruach, how to relate that to Adam, I do not know how to relate that to Adam, but now bringing it down to us, you see, let me say this to you, all of humanity is Adam’s Nephesh, the collective humanity is Adam’s Nephesh. His Nephesh died, and separated from him, do you hear that? We are his Nephesh, or the Nephesh that Adam had that died, and we are reincarnating over and over and over again, trying to perfect ourselves and it will never happen, trying to perfect ourselves through good works and it will never happen.
We will only be rectified when we are rejoined to Adam above which is the glorified Jesus Christ, and the reason you say, Why the glorified Jesus Christ, why not Zeir Anpin above? Because we have no way to get back to Zeir Anpin above. Jesus Christ came down in the person of Jehovah, to make a way to be a mediator for us to get back up to touch our Father. We are the Nephesh that died, we are the ox that fell into the hole, that He is coming to get out.
After that first sentence when a person is born, his Nephesh enters into him, that has to do with Adam. Now we are talking about mortal men, now we are talking about the Nephesh that died, that is us. If the Nephesh that died adequately rectified his actions, his ruach, or his potential for spirituality, will enter into him at the end of his thirteenth year when he becomes a completed person. Well we know that, that is not true, first of all, it is not even reasonable to think that something happens to you just because you reach a particular chronological age, but let me remind you that the ruach is our potential to be spiritual in Christ. We could put this another way. We could say, when a believer becomes spiritual, when he receives the Holy Spirit, or you can start to become spiritual when you receive faith in Jesus Christ, you are spiritually thirteen years old, and you become a teenager when you start to become spiritual, Christ, and that is a sign that you have begun to receive your ruach.
Speaking in tongues, and prophesying is the beginning of spirituality in Christ Jesus. You do not have to go through Pentecost to be spiritual in Christ. There have been men who never passed through Pentecost who were Baptist or Lutherans or whatever, had a deep relationship with Jesus Christ and saw deeply and heard deeply from the Lord in the spirit. That is another mystery that I do into in previous messages.
Pentecost, or what we call Pentecost, the impartation of the Holy Spirit as the seed in the earth today is an emergency method to gather people into the kingdom that would otherwise not be able to come in, it is an impartation of power to gather in the lost. Praise the Lord.
We hear of people who have been in generations, there could be fourth, fifth, generation, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, having a deep, deep experience with the Lord, without speaking in tongues. Praise the Lord. When you start to become spiritual in Christ, you are the equivalent of thirteen years old, what does it mean to be thirteen years old. I printed out these notes for you in the Zohar, which explains it, but before we go into that, let me just show you that what made me do the search in the Zohar was that if you go to page two of section two, of your notes, you will see that it says, that you are completed at the very end of section two, it is at the bottom of page two, it says, When your Neshamah is completed, you become a complete person. I thought we just said, when I was thirteen I became a complete person, when I got my ruach, and become a complete person, I am thirteen on page one and then on page two it says, once I get my Neshamah, and my Neshamah is complete, I am a complete person.
Am I a complete person when I am thirteen and I get my ruach , or am I complete person when my Neshamah, not only when I get my Neshamah, when my Neshamah is completed. Page one says, his ruach will enter into him at the end of his thirteenth year and he completed, that is page one, page two says, when his Neshamah is completed, not when his Neshamah enters into him, but when his Neshamah is completed he becomes a complete person. The ruach is the second level of soul and the Neshamah is the third level of soul, so we have a contradiction here. I did a search in the Zohar, I have software that has the Zohar in it and this is what I found. From whereas in the human court below, and the human court is Malkhut, in case you do not know it, the age of liability, the age that you are responsible for your sins is reached at thirteen years, and the heavenly court is reached only at twenty years. That means for a mortal man, when you are thirteen years old, you begin to be responsible for your sins, but as far as spiritual men are concerned, you have to be twenty years old to be responsible for your sins. The question is, well if we are talking about spiritual men, at what point do you reach twenty years? Let us read on.
Before that age, even if one is guilty, before the age of thirteen, even if one is guilty, he is not punishable, hence the phrase, where he is, said R. Eleazar, if that be so why should anyone be punished by dying before twenty? I guess it is saying, even, the age of liability is thirteen, but in the heavenly court you are not liable til you are twenty years old, as far as spiritual sins go I guess. Before that age even if one is guilty he is not punishable.
For behavioral sin, you are responsible at the age of thirteen, and for spiritual sin you are not responsible until you are twenty. If that be so, why should anyone be punished by dying before twenty. Before thirteen it is true, he may die for the sins of his father, but why after thirteen? Rabbi Chiya replied. The Holy One has mercy on such a one, so that he should die while still innocent and obtain a reward in the other world, instead of dying in guilt and receiving punishment in that world. I am not going to comment on that right now, we are just reading this, I am just showing you this to show you that there are two ages of completion and two ages of accountability, and the two are one for the mortal man and one for the spiritual man, hopefully you are a spiritual man as well as a mortal man.
Here is something more about the age of twenty. But if he is already guilty before he reaches the age of twenty years, what are we to say? Since he has died before reaching the age of punishment, how will he be punished? This does not really have to do with our message, so you can, I am not going to put it on the message, if you want we can talk about it later, but I am not going to put it on the message. That is our information, thirteen years is the age of accountability for behavioral sin, and you are not punishable for spiritual sin up to the age of twenty.
You know that is very interesting because I just looked at a newsletter from a ministry that sends me their newsletter, and they were advertising the teaching series by someone on arrested development, and she said the advertisement for the teaching series was, there is a curse that does not let you mature beyond thirteen years, and of course it was a set of tapes which I did not buy, but that is very interesting because to me what that says if you cannot get beyond thirteen years it means you are being stopped from becoming spiritual. That is what you are stopped from, your spirituality is being plugged up.
If your Nephesh, all of us are Adam’s Nephesh, so, if we as a mortal man are rectified by our actions, we will receive a ruach, we will receive the Holy Spirit at the end of our thirteenth year. Everyone that has received the Holy Spirit and there are two manifestations of the Holy Spirit, there is a manifestation of faith that is the Holy Spirit, you do not have to speak in tongues, you have to speak in tongues to receive that measure, that particular measure, there is a particular measure of the Holy Spirit when you speak in tongues, and you can prophesy, but there is also a measure before that which is a measure of faith, that cannot be denied, two different grades of the Holy Spirit.
If you have received the Holy Spirit, you are starting to move, look, if you do not speak on tongues, if you do not have that measure of the Holy Spirit, but you have faith in Jesus Christ, and you read your Bible and you hear from the Lord, brethren that is spirituality, if you hear from a spirit, and that spirit is influencing your life, you are spiritual. Speaking in tongues alone does not even make you spiritual. To be spiritual means to have your life influenced by a spirit.
This is a paradox, but it is possible for someone who has not received the Holy Spirit and of course the word in the church is to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, which is not accurate because it is just a small measure of the Holy Spirit, if you are a
Baptist and you are not speaking in tongues, but your life is controlled by the Spirit of God, and someone puts you against, measures you up against someone in Pentecost who speaks in tongues and prophesies and dances in the spirit, but who goes out of church and does whatever they want, the Baptist is the spiritual person.
...that it is possible for them to acquire their Nephesh, their new soul in Christ, their ruach which is the seed of Christ, which is our spirituality, and the Neshamah which is the mind of Christ. That has been my experience. I am with the Lord about twenty six years now, and I have acquired a Nephesh, a personality in Christ, the seed of Christ which is my spirituality and the roots of His righteousness and I have acquired the mind of Christ. It is very interesting because these notes that we dealing, actually we are dealing with a translation of Isaac Luria’s teaching on reincarnation.
According to Isaac Luria, I should not have to reincarnate again, well what does that mean? What would happen to me that I would not have to reincarnate again? What this is telling me is that, if you do look at your life and if you have required your Nephesh, your ruach, and your Neshamah, you should go into immortality, that is what he is saying, I cannot think of any other reason why I would not have to reincarnate again. I am waiting Lord, and I am certainly hoping, but I also know I have not really read ahead in these notes, so I do not really know what Isaac Luria says further on, but I do know that the Lord has told me that acquiring my personality in Christ and having the seed of Christ grafted to me and acquiring the mind of Christ is not enough for me to go into immortality, the Christ life in me must completely overshadow my carnal mind and severe me or circumcise my consciousness from that carnal mind, so there is another step.
I have to be separated, from that carnal mind, but before I am separated from the carnal mind, the Christ life in me, and I say the Christ life because I am talking about the Christ personality, the seed of Christ which is my spirituality and the mind of Christ, the whole life of Christ in me must ascend to the position of son of my personal cosmos and be able to sustain the life of my flesh before the Lord Jesus Christ will circumcise me away from Satan and Leviathan.
Whether or not we will see that principle in further chapters or further sections of the Gate of Reincarnations, it will be interesting to see, if that we see that principle in the Kabbalistic studies. So far I have not seen anything in my studies that would indicate of this knowledge, but as I told you many times, there are so many books I have not read, and so many that have not been translated, and I am told that the really deep and true mysteries of Kabbalah never even get put down in writing. I do not know what the Rabbis know, all I know is what I have front of me, and the Lord is using it as an opportunity, actually the Lord is using the translations of the Kabbalistic works that we have on two levels.
It is an opportunity to rectify or correct the teaching for the Jew who would listen, and it is also an opportunity for those of us in Christ to partake of some of the higher knowledge that the Kabbalists have, which is higher, it is a high knowledge. I have to tell you with all that the Lord has taught us through the doctrine of Christ, I never brought forth any teaching on reincarnations, so it is knowledge that we have not had before.
Therefore this weaving together of the Christ, of the doctrine of Christ and Kabbalistic teachings is a benefit both to the Christian, to the mature Christian, and to the Jew, whoever is brave enough to pursue the studies. That is very interesting, if you have a born again experience in this lifetime, Jesus said you are a new creature, you are a new creature, and that means, well how did that happen to me, how did I acquire a Nephesh and a Ruach and a Neshamah all in one lifetime? I do not know how I did it, all that I could tell you was from the first minute that I saw the opportunity, I did not want anything other than God and I just ran after Him, and this is what happened to me.
Every other talent in the world, I fully believe that you have to have the potential, I believe that every person that trains for ice skating or basketball, if you have two people that put in an equal effort, but one person is born with a talent and the other person does not have the talent, you are not going to wind up in the same place, the person who is born with a talent, that practice will develop the talent and he will become a professional, but the person who did not have the talent, they could put in the same amount of training and never become, even good at basketball, forget about being a professional.
I apparently had the potential, and I pursued it, and I am where I am today, but brethren, where I am today is not enough, it is not enough, I cannot stop here, I want to live forever, I have too much work to do to be dying in another few years or when it would be my time to die. I am not satisfied with what I have, I want the complete experience, I want to be circumcised away from my carnal mind which is my mortal foundation, I want to be transferred over, I want my consciousness to be transferred over to the immortal foundation of Christ Jesus and the Lord Jesus Christ, so that I can continue on forever and experience the world to come in the flesh. Praise the Lord.
Let us see what else we have here. This is what is in my notes, complete rectification of the Nephesh is when Christ Jesus completely overshadows the sin nature. In other words, the Nephesh is the personality, so the complete rectification of the personality which is really Cain, the fallen personality is Cain, is when Christ Jesus and that is my new personality in Christ, that is the seed of Christ, my spirituality in Christ and the mind of Christ, collectively, when they collectively completely overshadow my sin nature to the point that it is safe to separate me from my sin nature. That is complete rectification.
You know, on my computer I have XP on my computer now, and there is a function on XP, well I think actually it is working on Windows 98 too, I have second computer with Windows 98, and I hook up an external hard drive to my computer. When I want to disconnect that external hard drive, I have to click on an icon on the task bar, I click on the icon and it shows me external hard drive, drive G, and I have two of them, external hard drive, drive D, and I click on drive G because I want to disconnect it, and I get a message, It is now safe to disconnect drive D. We have to get that message from the Lord, it is now safe to separate from our carnal mind.
Your new man, that is the term that includes your new personality in Christ, your new spirituality in Christ and your mind of Christ, that collective term that describes those two elements is your new man. I want to get that message that my carnal mind can now be disconnected because my new mind is established as the foundation, the spiritual foundation which will sustain and continue my life when my carnal mind is cut off. I am waiting for that message in my spiritual computer saying, you may now disconnect from your carnal mind, and I will not be satisfied until I get that message, and then it happens. I want to become indestructible. I want to be so on top of the powers and principalities of this world that nothing hinders with the work of the Lord that I have to do.
I want to flicking Satan and Satan’s hoards off of me like flies, and just go forward and do what I have to do for the Lord, and I am not there yet, but I will be. According to this teaching, I have every reason to hope and believe that I am going to make it in this lifetime because I already have the three elements. Praise the Lord, but once you get these three elements, they have to mature and grow. Hallelujah.
I listened to the last few minutes of this tape and there is something that I have it written down here but I did not tell you, so I just want to go over paragraph one of section one again, just briefly. When a person is born again, or either this is referring to either Adam when he was born of light, or when a human, a mortal man is born again of light, and we have an experience with God, the Nephesh enters into him the personality of Christ enters in to him, and if he has adequately rectified through his actions, his Ruach will enter him at the end of his thirteenth year. This Ruach is the seed of Christ, this Ruach is not the Holy Spirit, it is the seed of Christ, it is our spiritual potential, his Ruach will enter him at the end of his thirteenth year when he becomes a completed person, we become completed when we receive the root of the tree.
Remember the fruit of the spirit that we receive from the Holy Spirit, it is really not clear, it says when a person is born, then his Nephesh enters into him. When are you born? What does it mean that you are born? When you are born, you get the Holy Spirit. Brethren, we have to understand that there are different grades of the Holy Spirit, and that faith is a grade of the Holy Spirit. I talk about that in my book, The Truth About Baptism. Faith is a grade of the Holy Spirit. Once, the sign that you are born, that you are born of the spirit, is that you receive faith in Jesus Christ. After your receive faith in Jesus Christ, you get your Nephesh which is your new personality in Christ which grows out of your faith in Christ.
The next thing that you get is your Ruach which is your spirituality in Christ, which is the seed of Christ, which grafts to the faith in Christ. I use different words here, I do not want to confuse you, I said that the root of, the seed of the tree, the seed of Christ, grafts to the fruit of the spirit. The fruit of the spirit is faith, it is the same thing, I am not drawing any distinction at this time. Praise the Lord. That Ruach, I am going to do the best that I can, but I really came under a major attack today, so let me say it again. When you are born or when you are born again, when you are born of the spirit, you receive a measure of the spirit of God. It does not have to be the Holy Spirit, what we know to be the Holy Spirit which receives the evidence of speaking in tongues, faith is the measure that you are born of the spirit.
The next thing that happens to you is that you receive your Nephesh which is your new personality in Christ, and that personality, that Nephesh will, if you pursue the Lord, that personality in Christ will produce the fruit of the spirit and then the fruit of the spirit will graft to the Ruach which is the seed of Christ, and then you receive the mind of Christ, the three elements of your new man, and according to the Kabbalistic teaching, they will tell you these are three levels of soul, the three lower levels of your soul, according to the Kabbalistic teaching, we have a many membered soul.
In case you do not remember, there are five levels of soul, Nephesh, Ruach, Neshamah, Chayyah, and Yechidah. The reason I believe that Isaac Luria is not talking about the Chayyah and the Yechidah here, is that those two highest levels of soul, the Chayyah and the Yechidah, are very high, and the average man, according to Rabbi Luria’s teachings, or according to my understanding of it, the average man has no hope even of attaining to the Chayyah and the Yechidah.
We are complete when we get the Ruach, the seed of Christ, whether or not Rabbi Luria talks about the Chayyah and Yechidah later on, I do not know, because they are studying this as it is being translated. Are there any questions on this aspect?
We are going to pick up where we left off, we are in the second paragraph now of section one of chapter two. However, if he does not completely rectify his Ruach, now remember this is talking about what happened to Adam, and it is also talking about people who had a born again experience, you received your new life, if you do not completely rectify your Ruach, that is if you receive the seed of Christ. What I find very interesting here is at least at this point, I cannot find any place for the Holy Spirit.
Let me put it this way, receiving the Holy Spirit seems to me to be lumped together with receiving faith in Jesus Christ, that is the born again experience, you receive faith in Jesus Christ, and then you may receive the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues, but you do not have to. The Lord told me years ago that you can jump from faith in Jesus Christ to the mind of Christ, and the reason for that, I believe I had it earlier on this tape, but this is very important, let me tell you again, this is a hard word and people are not going to like it, but the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, that grade of the Holy Spirit, that gives the evidence of speaking in tongues is an emergency method, it is an emergency measure for people that need to be, to get closer to God very quickly, and very frequently we see people speaking in tongues and manifesting the gifts of the spirt that have little or no integrity at all, and that is just another way of saying, they have no evidence of the nature of Christ, and they are speaking in tongues and they are prophesying and they are filled with pride, and doing all kinds of evil deeds, I have seen it myself, I have lived it, I have been in a church like that.
The chances are you can meet a Baptist or a Lutheran or a Methodist, that is deeply devoted to the Lord Jesus, deeply devoted, deeply committed to His word, to prayer and to living the life, and they do not speak in tongues. How do you explain this? Two different measures, two different measures of being born again, if you want to use that term because you are not really born again until the process is completed, two different measures, one given to a person who is born into a family that has been serving God for many years and can see the example of how to serve Christ, and then you have the people that are out there in trouble, that need an emergency method, they need help from God, they get the Holy Spirit which cleaves to them and starts to point them to Christ. I hope I made that clear. Let us go on.
There are a lot of Pentecostal people that are going to be very mad at this revelation, in case you do not get it. Praise the Lord. However, if he, if either Adam or the person that is having a born again experience, if he does not completely rectify his Ruach, that is the seed of Christ, now remember when you get your new Nephesh, it has to be trained up, your personality in Christ has to be trained up, when the seed of Christ is grafted to you, Christ has to be trained up, that is what we do here in this discipleship ministry, I am trying to train up Christ in you. What does that mean?
I am trying to teach you how to be spiritual in Christ Jesus, and that is no easy thing to do, so if you do not completely rectify your Ruach, you see Christ may be grafted to you, but you may still not be living like a spiritual man out of Christ, Christ could be grafted to you, and you could be living fully out of your carnal mind. The rectification of Christ is the education of Christ as to how to be a spiritual man in Christ Jesus, which involves a great course of study as to how to distinguish between your spirituality in Christ and your spirituality from the other side, because it is very, very hard to tell the difference.
Witchcraft is very close to spirituality in Christ. The rectification of your Ruach would mean that your spirituality is manifesting 100% through your Ruach and not through a spirit of witchcraft which comes out of your carnal mind. We are told if you do not completely rectify your Ruach, if you do not come to the place where you are completely manifesting the spiritual life out of Christ within you before you die, then your Neshamah will not enter into you, and you will remain with only your Nephesh and your Ruach, you will remain only with your personality in Christ and the seed of Christ, but we are being told here you cannot have any hope of acquiring the mind of Christ, if you are not, if you have not become a spiritual man, if you are not living the spiritual life out of the seed of Christ that is given to you.
I do not tend to agree with that, I think that all of these things that are happening to us, all of these levels of maturation, are happening simultaneously. I think that we acquire the life of God, it is a process it keeps growing in us, as far as the Nephesh is going, the personality of God keeps growing and maturing in us, and the seed of Christ, our spirituality in Christ, it keeps growing in us and when we get the mind of Christ, the mind of Christ keeps growing in us. I do not have a lot of what I teach comes out of my personal experience, and my personal experience leaves no room for a teaching that says that these experiences are linear, that they happen one at a time and that you have to fully develop in one area before you can develop in another area.
I do believe that the Lord will put a particular emphasis or put an emphasis on a particular level of maturation for you, but I do believe that there is an overlapping. I have no problem admitting that young Christians do not have the mind of Christ, that I know for sure, and I know that many young Christians, they do not have the personality of Christ, they do not have the seed of Christ, but in my opinion right now, I am just going to leave it at this, that they do not come to you one at a time, but there is a schedule, in other words, to get your Neshamah, to get your mind of Christ, I believe that most likely you have to be at least moving in some level of spirituality, Christ has to be grafted to you, and you need to be engaged in the course of study that the Lord brings you into, once Christ is grafted to you, the sign that Christ is grafted to you is that the Lord is going to dry up your life in the singing and dancing in the Holy Spirit, He is going to start bringing you into deep studies.
If you are a person who never got the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, you could be a very serious Christian, you could be an evangelist or whatever, but the sign that Christ is grafted to you is that you start to see the spiritual truth of the Scripture. You start to mature out of the carnal letter of the word, and it is this call to the deeper meaning of the Scripture that actually is the very beginning of the mind of Christ coming to you.
The seed of Christ, which is your Ruach in Kabbalah, will lead you into deep studies, and the deep studies ultimately call down the wisdom of God, the mind of Christ is the wisdom of God. It is a problem solving mechanism. One thing leads to the other, but once you get the seeds of the next level of soul, they will operate and grow together, you do not completely mature in one area before you start with the next level of soul. Does anybody not understand what I am talking about? Likewise, if he does not completely rectify his Nephesh, that is your personality in Christ, then he will remain only with his Nephesh, lacking both his Ruach and his Neshamah.
What is your Nephesh? Your Nephesh, let me see how would I describe your personality in Christ, I guess your personality in Christ is the fruit of the spirit, the fruit of the spirit that is coming forth. The nature of Christ is in two levels, the nature of Christ is in love which is the branch of the tree, and in integrity, and moral authority which comes in Christ.
Drawing #4, the first experience we have is called born of the spirit, now this is interesting because for years I have denied this term born of the spirit, because I believe that you are not fully born again until Christ is reborn in you, but here we see this term in Kabbalah born of the spirit, so I am using it. The sign or the indication that you are born of the spirit is that you have faith in Jesus Christ, and the second sign which you may or may not receive, is the evidence of your relationship with the Holy Spirit, are the speaking in tongues, you do not have to have that experience to go on to the next step, you do not have to speak in tongues to receive the personality of Christ. The next step is you receive your Nephesh which is your personality in Christ.
The sign that you have the personality of Christ is that you manifest the love of Christ, which is the fruit of the spirit. You also come into obedience to God’s moral law, and that is the female aspect of Christ. The third step according to Kabbalah now, is that you receive your Ruach which is the seed of Christ, and the signs that you have your Ruach or the seeds of Christ, is that you become spiritual in Christ, you have the integrity of Christ, and the morality of Christ.
There are two signs that you have the personality of Christ, you start to manifest the love of Christ, and you come into obedience to God’s moral law, that means you may not understand God’s moral law, but you obey it because you believe God is right, and God is true. The sign that you have the Ruach is that you become spiritual in Christ. What is spirituality in Christ, and I have down here one example, if not the overriding example is the true prophecy as opposed to the gift of prophecy.
The gift of prophecy is one of the fruits of the spirit which is part of the Nephesh, and the gift of prophecy means that you channel, you are a channel for the Holy Spirit to speak through you, you may understand what He is saying and you may not. The true prophecy is speaking the word of the Lord. It does not have to be a thus saith the Lord, I prophesy probably 95% of my life, because what I say comes out the Christ in me.
Sometimes I give you wisdom, sometimes I give you counsel, sometimes I give you a rebuke, sometimes I preach the doctrine of Christ, this is all aspects of the true prophecy because everything, every word that comes out of the Christ is prophecy. Prophecy is different than prediction, prophecy is not necessarily prediction, prophecy is just the word of the Lord, prediction is what is going to come to pass in the future. Prediction can be an aspect of prophecy. The term prophecy encompasses much more than the term prediction.
The integrity of Christ, you will find within you a desire to do right in all situations, to do the right thing, to be right in your relationships, to do right towards men, towards other men, and the morality of Christ means the morality of Christ as opposed to the obedience of Christ, means that you will begin to see the wisdom of the laws of God, and you will desire to obey the laws of God rather than being in obedience to the laws of God.
In other words, let us take a really simple example, an obvious example is fornication. You could be a young person, you could be very desirous to fornicate and to love your boyfriend or love your girlfriend, and be very desirous of fornicating but you will not do it because you are obedient to the law. If you have the morality of Christ though, you would be almost incapable of doing it, you would be so convicted that it is really the wrong thing to do, not out of obedience, but that it is the wrong thing to do because nothing good could come out of it, even if you love your girlfriend, God’s wisdom prevails in this world. It is the wise thing to not do it, and also a desire to live the morality of Christ.
The Neshamah is the fourth aspect which is the mind of Christ, and the sign that you have the mind of Christ, is that you received a spirit of the word, which is the doctrine of Christ, and now we are promoted to Kabbalah, you receive an understanding of the Lord’s righteous legal system, and we have been experiencing that here for years, where we learn to judge righteous judgment. You also learn to reason in Christ, which we have been working on here for years also, and then you have the privilege if you are at that place, implementing the judgments of Christ, we have done all of these things here, you have done it under my authority because I have been here to monitor you and see that no harm is done. This is called, when you come to this place, you have become the new man, Christ Jesus. I simply cannot see how this is linear, because I personally know people who have the morality of Christ, and sometimes have the integrity of Christ, but they do not have the personality of, they do not have the love of Christ.
I know people who are obedient to God’s law, but they have no love. I know people who speak in tongues, whose faith in Jesus Christ is very weak. I know people who can understand the spirit of the word, and they may, well I have never met anybody yet who can understand the Lord’s righteous legal system, or who can implement the judgements of Christ that do not have the, well I have met people who can implement the judgments of Christ and understand the law of Christ and do not really have all that much love.
It appears to me that these qualities of Christ Jesus, the new man are coming forth not necessarily in any particular order, although I would imagine to start with, you have to start with faith in Jesus Christ, I would think you have to start there. Everything else that I have listed here, I have seen come forth in a variety of orders, I have seen people understand the spirit of the word, they have no love. This is what I think happens, I think that when you embark on a relationship with Jesus Christ, He comes to you and His Spirit starts ministering to you, and sort of scans you and sees what your natural strengths are, because everyone comes into this world with different natural strengths. Some people have a proclivity towards being moral, other people have a greater proclivity towards being spiritual, you know, other people are intellectual, so they have a proclivity to reason in Christ.
Whatever your natural talent is, that spirit of God that is hovering over you causes your natural abilities to develop first, because you have a natural ability in that area, so as the spirit of God touches you, it is like water touching a plant, that part of you goes up first, and the parts of you that you do not have a natural proclivity towards, takes a longer time to develop in you, as you labor with Christ, it will eventually come forth. That is how I see it. Once you had that first experience of faith in Jesus Christ, everything after that, is working simultaneously in you, and coming forth with strength depending upon your own natural inclinations, that is how I see it. Any questions about this?
We are still reading in the second paragraph of section one chapter two, Likewise if he does not completely rectify his Nephesh, that is his personality, in Christ, then he will remain with only his Nephesh, lacking both his Ruach which is the male side of Christ, and his Neshamah which is the mind of Christ. The Ruach and Neshamah will remain in a place known to the Holy One blessed be He, and there is a place, and there a place will be prepared for each one.
According to Kabbalah, the Holy One is Zeir Anpin, and Zeir Anpin is Jehovah. To us we know Him as Christ Jesus today. I do not know what this means, I just know that Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you. The New Testament, it is so Kabbalistic, the New Testament even in its emasculated English state, because it was translated so many times from Aramaic to Latin, to Greek, To English, even in its present state, if you know Kabbalah, it is just filled with Kabbalah, and Kabbalistic terms, which for some reason excites me to hear that.
Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you, and we are told here in The Gate Of Reincarnations, the Holy One blessed be He, which is Jehovah, and there a place, and today Jesus is Jehovah to us. Actually Jehovah ascended to the higher power, the Holy One, blessed be He, and there a place will be prepared for each one. The Ruach and the Neshamah will remain in a place known to each one. I want to suggest to you that the place is retaining your Ruach and your Neshamah is in Christ, it is in the glorified Jesus Christ, who is now nailed to the heavens and can never fall down again.
Your spirituality in Christ, your Ruach, and your Neshamah is all in the Lord Jesus Christ, He is willing to give it to you all, as soon as you can receive it, it is here, He is giving it to you now. You have to take it, and how do you take it? You take it by listening to this message and implementing whatever little bit you possibly can, develop your relationship with Him, talk with Him, develop that personal relationship with Him, and ask Him for it.
It is here, He has it for you, the only reason He still has it and you do not, is that you have not taken it yet, and that is not a condemnation, I am trying to raise your consciousness that you should know that it is yours for the taking, but you have to reach for it. He is not holding anything back from you. If a person does not completely rectify his Nephesh the first time and dies, then his Nephesh will have to reincarnate perhaps even many times until it is sufficiently rectified.
The Nephesh remember is the personality in Christ, and the personality in Christ is the fruit of the spirit and obedience to God’s moral law, so I know a lot of people that have faith in Jesus Christ and speak in tongues and they think it is okay to fornicate, or they think, I know people who do not believe it is okay to fornicate but they are completely deceived into thinking it is okay to lie because they do not even have an accurate definition of what lying is, right? That was your condition right? You did not know that certain behaviors that you were engaging in was lying.
The truth of the matter is if I had to be honest about it, people in this condition think it is okay to lie. That is the truth, if you are lying, and you have no conviction of it, even though you do not understand that, that is lying, you think it is okay to lie, there is something wrong with your thought process.
To rectify your Nephesh includes what we do here, the correction of the personality which is the correction of Cain and Abel, Abel is, well actually, I should not say that, the rectification of the Nephesh is the rectification of Cain, because the rectification of Abel would be the rectification of the Ruach. That is what we do here, we try to correct all errors of personality which include communication and how we relate to other people in our behavior, in our attitudes, and verbally.
We are told here, if you do not completely rectify your Nephesh, that word completely puts me off because I do not think anybody is perfect, nobody is perfect, in their personality, but this is what we are told, if a person does not completely rectify, if he is not completed and what that also is saying is, if the fruit of the spirit is not completed in you, well who do you know that has all nine fruits of the spirit, I do not know anybody that the fruit of the spirit should be fully complete in anybody. This is what we are told. If the person does not completely rectify his Nephesh, the first time, that means in the same lifetime that you receive faith in Jesus Christ, if you do not also completely perfect your personality in Christ, and you die, then you have to reincarnate, perhaps even many times until that Nephesh is sufficiently rectified.
I believe that this is true of Adam, I told you this on the first tape, Adam was a being of light, he was born of the light, and he received his Nephesh which was earthen side, and he did not completely rectify his Nephesh, on the contrary his Nephesh rose up and destroyed him. Now, Adam’s Nephesh which we are, the whole many membered Nephesh is reincarnating many, many times, trying to rectify this Nephesh, do you understand what I am saying? Adam was a being of light that was born, he was born a being of light, and he received a Nephesh, an animal side which was made from the earth, which was the darkness that reveals his light, and Adam did not, Adam failed to bring that Nephesh into submission to him. That was his wife, she rose up and rebelled against him and killed him.
We are that Nephesh, fallen humanity, we are that Nephesh that rebelled against Adam and killed him, it was her Serpentine nature, the Serpentine nature in the earth that rose up and killed the man, and we are reincarnating many times, fallen humanity, we are reincarnating many times. As far as being applied to an individual, if you do not have a born again experience and completely rectify your personality in this same lifetime, you have to reincarnate again many times, I am not really sure what to say to that, I am just going to chat with you until possibly the Lord will speak to me, but this is first of all, let me remind you that the Kabbalists believe in salvation by works.
They believe that you can be completely rectified or saved by reincarnating many times and doing good works and perfecting yourself that way. We know that, that is not true. We know that the only way we can be saved or perfected is through union with the glorified Jesus Christ.
Before we can join with the glorified Jesus Christ, we have to have Christ Jesus formed in us because the glorified Jesus Christ is joining with Christ Jesus in us, the glorified Jesus Christ is not joining with our carnal mind. We understand that this process of being born of the spirit, of receiving a Nephesh, a personality in Christ, of receiving the seed of Christ and receiving the mind of Christ, that this is for the purpose of developing Christ Jesus in us, Christ Jesus which is our potential to be joined to the glorified Jesus Christ who is in heaven and can never fall down again, which is our deliverance from death.
The whole purpose that we, we are acquiring these levels of soul, is to prepare us to have an aspect of our own spiritual being that Christ will join to, so our motives, the motives of the Christian are completely different than the motives of the Kabbalists inquiring these levels of soul. Do you understand what I am saying? We are studying Isaac Luria’s teaching, and he says, if you do not completely rectify your personality, if you do not perfect the love of Christ in you and obedience to God’s moral law, then you are going to have to die and possibly reincarnate many times.
What that says to me is that this is, I believe it is true that we reincarnate many times and that all of humanity is going to reincarnate until Jesus Christ puts an end to reincarnation. One of the things Jesus came for was to put to an end to reincarnation, because reincarnation is an aspect of death. It is an aspect, it is something, reincarnation is something that the creation that is separated from God experiences. People who are joined to God who are fully joined to God do not experience reincarnation, they live forever.
I am struggling with this sentence, I am waiting for the Lord to bring it forth in His words, because what I am telling you is that I do not agree with this sentence, if the love of God is not completed in you, you have to reincarnate many times, no, it is true that people are reincarnating many times, but the reason we are reincarnating many times is that Adam our husband has to bring us into perfection. The reincarnation of many times is not going to perfect us, what we are doing while we are waiting for our husbands, the regenerated Adam to rectify us, let me say that again, what we are doing, how we are passing the time, while we wait for our husband to bring us into submission, the activity that we are engaged in, is reincarnation. The reason we are engaged in this activity of reincarnation while we wait for our husband to bring us into a godly submission, is that reincarnation is an aspect of death. We die over and over and over and over again, and we will keep on dying until Adam brings us into a godly submission.
Before Adam can bring us into a godly submission, he first had to be born as a man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, and be returned, and be ensconced in the heavens, the whole program of salvation that we know about, this is all God’s plan to reconnect the fallen creation to the heavens. What is the fallen creation? It is the earth. The earth has separated from the heavens. Zeir Anpin is the heavens that means Christ Jesus is the heavens, Jehovah is the heavens. Adam was born of the light, and a Nephesh was given to him, the earthen creature likened to a spiritual ox was given to him and the two were one, but Adam could not bring his wife, his Nephesh into the love of Christ and into obedience to him, so she separated from him and she died.
The ox that died incarnates from generation to generation. Adam was restored, Adam was restored in the heavenlies, he was restored immediately because there is no time or space in the heavenlies, his Father restored him immediately. What died was Adam’s female aspect, the earthen creature, which we are, and the breath of God that was in the earthen creature is trapped down here with the earthen creature.
We keep repeating the experience of death through reincarnation while we wait to be rejoined to our husband who is born of the light who is the glorified Jesus Christ. Can you hear that?
The aspect of God that died was the second generation of Adam, it was Adam’s offspring that died, it was Adam’s offspring that is trapped in mankind, but the Adam who was tricked, the Adam who sinned, he was restored immediately in the heavenlies, but he lost his other half, he lost his wife, but he was restored immediately, because there is no time or space in the heavenlies.
He came down to get that which was lost, the earthen creature, and the seeds of God which is the second generation of Adam. I did not, the Lord did not bring forth any correction in me, so my position is, that this statement that if you do not completely rectify the Nephesh the first time and the Nephesh dies, then these Nephesh will have to reincarnate perhaps many times until it is sufficiently rectified, this is true of Adam, whether or not it is true of the individual who has a born again experience, I do not really know what to say about that, Lord are you going to say anything about that? Is it true of the fallen man who has a born again experience? The only thing that I could say about that, is the human being, even the human being that has a born again experience, if you are not perfected in this lifetime, if Christ Jesus does not appear in you and perfect you in this lifetime, then your body and your personality dissolves and your mortal foundation which is Cain and Abel, which is your immortal seed that goes on, Jesus calls it a worm, the immortal aspect of yourself, will reincarnate again and again and again until Christ Jesus saves it from this fate of reincarnation.
The only thing that I could say about this sentence when applying it to human beings is if you are not perfected in the same lifetime that you receive faith in Jesus Christ, you go back into this aspect, this process of reincarnation which merely an aspect of the dead creation waiting for your savior to save you. Is everybody okay? Okay.
However, since he only achieved Tikun, and Tikun is the Hebrew word for rectification, since he only achieved Tikun through a gilgul, which means reincarnation, this means after you have reincarnated many times, and you receive rectification because you have reincarnated so many times, and finally done so many good deeds, that you are completed, that is what it is talking about, in other words, you were not completed the first time, when you had your first born again experience, but you had to do it through many reincarnations, even after complete rectification is achieved, his Ruach will not enter unless there is pressing need, that will be explained later.
Again we are talking on two levels, we are talking about Adam the spiritual man, and we are talking about the individual that has a born again experience. Let us apply this to Adam, however since he only received rectification through reincarnation, this is talking about Adam who is now regenerated in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it is talking about the time that the Lord Jesus Christ will completely rectify the whole creation, because all of mankind is the Nephesh of Adam, the spiritual man.
However, since Adam will only rectify his wife to him through reincarnation, he failed to do it the first time, even after Adam completes rectifying the whole of mankind, mankind will not receive the seed of Christ, which is spirituality in Christ Jesus, unless there is pressing need.
That is interesting, what are we going to say about that. We are talking about Adam, assuming that the whole of humanity is going to be perfected in the love of God and obedience to God’s law, even if that happens the seed of Christ will not be added, now this is so interesting, let me see if I can express what the Lord is showing me in my mind here, now it is the whole world never came to a place where it was perfected, in obedience to God’s law, but we did see an area of the world called Christendom, which took place mostly in Europe and in the United States, where these countries were brought to the obedience of God’s moral law.
The laws of this nation are based upon God’s moral law, and I believe that this is true of many of the countries of Europe, I cannot say for sure, but I believe it is true of all of Christendom, that their laws were written based on the law of the Scripture. We can even say that we saw that happen already, we saw a whole area, not the whole world, but a whole area of the world called Christendom come into existence in obedience to God’s moral law.
When we talk about the Nephesh, we are not talking about the characteristics of Christ coming from the heart, we are talking about behavior, the female aspect of Christ refers to behavior, the love of Christ or the fruit of the spirit has been manifested through this country’s mercy towards the giving of trillions of dollars of food and clothing and medical equipment and loans, and all forms of help to build up less prosperous countries of the world.
I do not know if I could say that is the completion of the love of Christ, but it is certainly an aspect of the love of, a great manifestation of the love of Christ, coming forth from a nation whose laws are in obedience to God’s moral law. We are told here now, this is really interesting, that we are talking about Adam now, he rectified this whole area of humanity, he rectified the Nephesh but it is still not possible to make this people that are moving in obedience to the moral law, and to the love of God that helps your neighbor, it is exactly what has happened. Christianity failed to become spiritual, Christianity failed to receive the seed of Christ, and they are dying on the vine. We are dying on the vine because and we are reverting.
Christians turning away from Christianity, going to Buddhism and all forms of paganism, Christianity is dissolving, what does that mean? It is dying, it is dying. Christianity fails to go on to the next step which is the receiving of the Ruach, which is the receiving of the seed of Christ, which will produce spirituality in Christ, integrity of Christ, morality of Christ, we are talking about the nature of Christ coming forth from the individual. The male aspect of Christ, spirituality in Christ has not come forth in the church, and the church is dying, that is exactly what it says here.
Because Adam did not succeed in rectifying his earthen wife, when he first had the opportunity to do it, mankind is now reincarnating which is, mankind is the Nephesh of the fallen Adam or the Nephesh of Adam, so we are now reincarnating over and over and over again. We see that Adam succeeded in bringing forth a series of nations, a portion of the world called Christendom, which was, who had moral laws and obedience to the moral law of God, and we are manifesting the fruit of the spirit helping their neighbor, not killing their neighbor, but giving their neighbor a leg up, and even though all of that was accomplished, today Christianity is dying because it could not go on to the next step which is to receive the seed of Christ. Is that not interesting.
What else that I read over here is, that, that Nephesh is going to die unless there is a pressing need. I want to declare to you brethren, that there is a pressing need that Christendom goes on to step three which is to receive the seed of Christ, which is the male aspect of God. There is a pressing need, because the witchcraft and the paganism in this world is trying to swallow up Christianity and undo everything that has been done here, and I do not believe that it is true, that if paganism swallows up the Judeo-Christian ethic, and swallows up Christianity, even the Jews are being dissolved today.
Do you know that there is a crisis is Jewry today? That there are more Jews being lost to Judaism today through intermarriage and secularism and just departing from the faith, than were lost in Hitler’s death camps? There is a crisis in Jewry today. Both Jewry and Christendom are being swallowed up and destroyed, and if the powers and principalities that produce paganism succeed in swallowing up Jewry and Christianity, do not even believe that there is going to be a whole new generation of babies born that are going to just be Christians without being taught to be Christians. The dying is happening, it is a spiritual dying, it is not a physical dying.
I am not quite sure what to say or as to how to relate this principle to the individual, because they do not really have enough knowledge about the actual process of reincarnation. Applying this principle to the individual, we would say, well the individual that receives faith in Jesus Christ in this lifetime, but fails to perfect their personality in Christ, which everybody fails to perfect your personality in Christ, you are going to have to die and reincarnate again to be eligible to receive the seed of Christ.
All that I can say about that is that in order to receive the seed of Christ, you have to die to your carnal mind, we are imparting the seed of Christ which is the male nature of Christ to people in this ministry and the only way you are going to get it is to die to your carnal mind.
That is true, but there are so few people that seem to be able to take this victory today, that I am inclined to believe that there is a truth to it, that once you get that faith in Jesus Christ, even if you come into obedience to God’s moral law and you show the love of God through your giving and through behavior that is not coming up out of your own spiritual being, but good works that you are doing because you believe in it, even if you do that, people cannot seem to go on with Christ.
The question is, and I do not know the answer to it, unless the Lord brings it forth as I speak, the question is, for somebody who is doing that, they are in obedience to God’s moral law, and they are showing love with their behavior but it is not coming up out of their nature, will dying to this life, you see I do not, when they are born again, when their immortal root incarnates again, will they have a spiritual potential, I do not know, because I just do not know enough about reincarnation, but I do know that there is a special need.
Christendom is dying and Jewry is dying, and that special need is the Lord Jesus Christ going forth and seeding maybe beyond Christendom, seeding the whole world with the seeds of Christ, by this process that we see operating here, by the doctrine of Christ being preached, either verbally or through our material.
I have seen people just touched one of our books, and get the seed, hardly look at it, hardly read it, never heard it preached personally, they just looked at the book, could not understand it, put it on the book shelf, and a year later the Lord leads them to the book and they can understand it.
That is how I see it right now unless the Lord shows me otherwise, I do not see how this truth applies to people actually dying, you have to die to your carnal mind to get the seed of Christ. All Christendom is dying not because it is a good thing, but they are dying because there is some spiritual truth here that even after you get the second step, the love of God and obedience to God’s moral law through your behavior, is not enough to prepare you to receive the seed of Christ. Christendom is dying, so it is a special need, it is a special need.
I just cannot see how this teaching could apply to physical death as we know death in this world, the only place that I could see where a physical death applies is to the spiritual man Adam who failed to control or bring into his, into a godly submission his earthen wife and she died and the second generation of Adam, the children died, and that is the only actual death that I could see in reincarnation, every other death that we are reading about here, I see as the death of death, the death to the carnal mind, to go on and get the seed of Christ, looking at it either from Adam’s perspective or from the perspective of the individual man, it is no longer talking about a physical death, you do not have to die, and yet you say, Sheila, we will see many people that receive their Nephesh and they never go any further.
The reason they never go any further is that it is not, how do I say this, the next step to receive the seed of Christ is something that has to come forth from Christ, and the Lord Jesus is implementing that program now through the doctrine of Christ, through this ministry, through this dispensation of materials, it is happening now and if Rabbi Luria was to call this pressing need, well then it is a pressing need. That is all that I have to say, and I am going to repeat it, I do not have enough information about the actual process of reincarnation to apply this teaching to reincarnation, so I am going to leave it with this, that there is a pressing need and the pressing need is that Christendom is dying and Jewry is dying, and the pressing need is that there are people who attain to the second level, they have their Nephesh and they themselves cannot go any further, but Christ Jesus is sending forth the seed to graft to them, which is going to bring them up into spirituality in Christ Jesus. Everybody okay? Okay.
He will have to die and return in order to receive his Ruach. You have to die to your carnal mind, to receive your Ruach which is the seed of Christ. Furthermore, once the Ruach is sufficiently rectified, now that is the Ruach, that is the seed of Christ, once you become, once every word out of your mouth is the word of Christ, which is prophecy, you have the integrity of Christ and the morality of Christ, once you have been completely rectified on that level, then he will also have to reincarnate before receiving a Neshamah as was the case with the Ruach.
All I could say about that is that it is another level of dying, when the aspect of your carnal mind is that you have to die to, to receive the seed of Christ, is one aspect, and then to go on to the mind of Christ, there are other things of your carnal mind that you have to die to. When you die to your carnal mind, to receive the seed of Christ, you do not fully give up your carnal mind, your carnal mind still exists, you just die to the aspects of your carnal mind that would oppose the qualities of the seed of Christ, then when you go on to receive the Neshamah, the mind of Christ, you have to die to additional aspects of your carnal mind, I am dying or dead to aspects of my carnal mind that you are dead to, because you are the disciples and I am the teacher.
We keep on dying to different aspects of our carnal mind as we acquire the fullness of the nature of Christ Jesus. I just do not see how this is a physical death, but like I said, I do not really understand what happens after we die, I do not have enough of a knowledge of reincarnation so I am just going to go on.
After he finally rectifies his Nephesh, and dies, in the next reincarnation, he will return with a Nephesh and a Ruach. There may be some truth to that because some people are born highly spiritual. The Lord has not given me anything to say here so I am going to keep on going. Once the Ruach is rectified as well, then he will die and come back in another reincarnation with a Nephesh, a Ruach, and Neshamah. One might say that is what happened to me, I do no know, I do not know, I am going to drop it, I do not know.
This is the last paragraph of section two. If the Ruach is not sufficiently rectified, if the seed of Christ is not sufficiently rectified, then the Nephesh, that is the personality of Christ, and the Ruach, that is the seed of Christ, will have to come back again perhaps many times until the Ruach is rectified, until Christ is completed. Once rectification is achieved, then the person will die and his Nephesh and Ruach will come back with the proper Neshamah, that is the mind of Christ until all three are rectified. Once this is done there is no need for any further reincarnation, when his Neshamah is completed he has become a complete person.
All that I could tell you is I believe that this is talking about the different aspects of dying to your carnal mind, if there is more to it than that, I do not have it, I ask the Lord for it, and that is all that I could do. I think when we first starting this message I pointed out a contradiction to you, that we are told here that a person becomes a complete person when they receive their Neshamah, and we are told on the first page that you become a complete person when you are thirteen and you receive your Ruach. I believe I also told you that there are two aspects of completion, that I took the teaching out of the Zohar. Of course they are just talking about boys here, but we know in Christ there is no male or female in Christ Jesus, that at thirteen you become a son of the congregation of Israel, and you are completed on that level, you become a complete son, and at twenty, I think you are called a son of God, you become complete spiritually.
According to the teaching of the Zohar, when you receive your Ruach, you become a man, and anybody that knows anything about Judaism knows that when you get your Bar Mitzvah at thirteen, you are called a man. You have everything that you need to be man in this world, and then when you are twenty years old, and you receive your Neshamah, you become a spiritual man. The Lord had brought a correction to me at the beginning of this message, telling me that for practicing Jews, I do not know about today, but at least when the Jews were right with God, I do not know about today, I do not even know where they are today.
I have thoughts and then I change my mind, I do not know where they are today, but according to this Jewish law that if you are raised up in a Jewish home, at least when the law was in affect, and you raise that young man up and you educate him and you train him and you put him into spiritual studies, the Lord honors your efforts of training your son by giving that young man the seed of Christ when he reaches thirteen, and then if the young man continues to study and pursue God, the Lord honors your keeping of His law by giving you the mind of Christ at twenty.
This work for the Jew when God was honoring the law, whether or not it is working today, I do not know, I tend to doubt it, because I know a lot of young men that are Bar Mitzvahed and they do not receive the seed of Christ, they are Bar Mitzvahed and they walk away from God after it is over. It looks to me like it is not working today, although I am going to stop right there because I do not know.
We have finished section one of chapter two, I am sorry that there are things that I do not know, maybe the Lord will tell me in the future, if not, we will just get the most that we can out of this study, I think it has been very interesting, and Lord willing on Sunday, we will go on to section two of chapter two, which is entitled two different, different levels of rectification. If a person rectified his Nephesh and came back to receive and complete his Ruach, but during that gilgul, that reincarnation he sinned, then his Nephesh, his personality in Christ will not be affected in such a way that it would be forced to come back again by itself. I am going to drop that right now. We will do that Lord willing on Sunday, we will pick up. Are there any questions or comments? God bless you, goodnight.