The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
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Praise the Lord we are in the middle of a series concerning the four different accounts in the four different gospels of the woman with the alabaster box which is now been revealed to have been an alabaster statue. Sister XXXXX did a great job researching on the Web, I have all kinds of information off of the Web about alabaster statues. We are not going to do that tonight. As I thought about the last message that I preached, I realized that we had done a study on the name Simeon.
As a part of that study I referred you to some passages from the Zohar, which is a spiritual commentary on the Scripture. One of those references said, referring to Joseph, that there were snakes and scorpions in the pit that he was put into. The King James Translation says that the pit was empty. I felt that it is very important that I answer that question and that I put it on a message, because we do not want anything negative said about what we are teaching here.
First of all let me explain a principle that the Lord has taught me. There are no contradictions in the Scripture. There are only apparent contradictions. Any time that we think that there is a contradiction, the thing to do is to go before the Lord and say “Lord please show me the information that I am lacking, that makes these two opinions, or these two views of the Scripture contradict each other.” If both views are strictly of the Lord, He will show you what you need to know to make them both right.
You are wondering how the pit can be both empty and have serpents and scorpions in it, but it can. I hope to explain that to you tonight. I just want to remind you that we are doing a spiritual understanding of the Scripture. The Scripture is spiritual; it has been brought down to a carnal level for the purposes of God, so that His spirit can touch the simplest of people, that His spirit can touch children of any age, His spirit can touch people who are illiterate, and it can touch people who cannot read.
I met a woman personally who could not read, and one day in her total desperation she cried out to God, and she said “You have to do something for me.” Today she reads the Bible; it is the only book she can read.
The Scripture, the written word, is a garment that covers deep spiritual truth concerning our God. The reason the church is moving into spirituality so slowly is because the natural mind has to be dealt with. The Lord is not about to give spiritual power to people who do not have their anger under control, because we can go around killing people with it. The Lord is not about to give spiritual power to people who are not aware of or in touch with their own emotions. Because you can say that you love a person and there could be such a spirit of hatred coming out of you, that if you had spiritual power in Christ you could kill the person. That is why the church is moving forward spiritually very slowly.
Basically the spiritual manifestations that I see in the church today are the gifts of the spirit. Those gifts of the spirit are given to point us to Christ. To help us reveal our own sin nature to ourselves, to understand our own motives, and to understand ourselves. There is a whole process involved of opening up our mind to the inner workings of the unconscious and subconscious mind.
It is not until the conscious part of our mind, in union with Christ Jesus, subdues the passion and the motives of the fallen nature that the Lord will give us power. He gives us power in direct proportion to our ability to use it for His purposes.
The Lord does not give us power for our own purposes. That is basically what I see is the most obvious difference between the exercise of witchcraft power and the exercise of power in Christ. Power of Christ is given to manifest the will of God in men. The will of God always arises out of a motive which is God. The manifestation of the power of God to fallen man does not always appear to be good, because fallen man is fallen and filled with sin. The righteousness of God will judge them.
The difference between the judgment of the Christ mind and the judgment of witchcraft power is that witchcraft, for example, would be revenge for one’s own purposes. The person is dead or damaged, or they cannot have children, or they are financially disabled.
God does not do things like that. Every judgment that comes out of Christ is designed to reveal our sin nature and destroy our sin nature so righteousness can rise up in its place. There is a righteous reaping and sowing judgment in the universe placed there by Almighty God. It is a spiritual Law, what you sow you shall reap.
The Lord’s ultimate purpose is in helping up to stop sowing seeds that will bring destruction back on us.
Any destruction that the Lord comes at us with is to destroy that potential within us to sow ungodly seeds that will come back and hurt us or kill us. He is a God of life; He is not a God of death. Very often and almost always the carnal man, unless he is completely trained in this doctrine of Christ, of which I am a teacher, sees the judgment of God as destruction, as hateful, as Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. There is a lot for the Church to learn.
In this last message, we investigated the name Simeon, we found this apparent discrepancy, but it is not a discrepancy because we are talking about a spiritual understanding of the Scripture. Spiritual things are multi-denominational. They can be very, very exciting, and there is always a reconciling factor, a reconciling piece of information that will pull all apparent different pieces of information together.
I know I used to jump to conclusions, “Oh, that is a false doctrine, and that is a false doctrine.” I try not to do that today, and I rarely do, do it. Sometimes I hear something that sounds like it contradicts something that I believe with all my heart. When I pray about it, and say, “Lord I want the truth as you see it,” I very often find out that the person is saying the same thing as I am but in different terms. It is a different philosophy with a different set of words. They use different words to describe what they are saying.
Sometimes it is false doctrine, sometimes it is not false doctrine, sometimes it is immaturity. If you have followed my messages from when I started preaching eighteen years ago, you will be seeing something is different today. There is a difference between error and understanding a basic principle deeper, deeper, and deeper. Not the same thing.
Error, brethren, is saying Jesus Christ in not Lord. Error is saying that there is salvation apart from union with Christ Jesus. That is error, salvation is only union through Life. We are the descendants of the dead Adam, we are dead. If we have Christ, Life is within us. If we were truly alive it would be impossible to kill us. That is what Jesus was talking about; He said, “No one can kill me because I am alive.” Jesus was regenerated back into Life.
We are dead, but we have access to Life. Glory to God, and it is the will of the Father to restore us to our first estate and ever higher than that. Adam in his first state was capable of falling and dying which happened then. Jesus said, “I am the first Adam and the last Adam,” which means, in His final condition which we have hopes to attain to, we can never die again. We will be restored to our first estate and even higher.
God’s motives towards us are good, just as a parent’s motives towards their children are good. Sometimes you have to spank your children, sometimes you have to deny them something that you would like to give them. Sometimes you have to watch your children cry, but your ultimate motives towards your children are good. God’s motives towards us are good. They are of life, peace, truth, grace, and prosperity. Sometimes we are lacking these qualities in our life, and He must hurt us for us to understand why we are lacking them.
If you are making a mistake on something that you have believed for fifteen years, something that we have believed for twenty years, or thirty years that it was right, but we are crying out to God because there is a problem in our life. He comes to us and tells us that what you have believed for all these years, that is the source of your problem, and you need to change.
I have had to tell people things like that, and they have been very upset, why? Because their pride was hurt that they could have been mistaken all these years. Now maybe friends and relatives will have to confront them and say, “You are doing the exact opposite of what you told me to do.” Pride. Hurt is a pain that we can deal with, and when we deal with it in Christ we will prosper.
Preparing this message to explain the reconciliatory factor of the two diverging comments concerning the pit, I wound up having twelve pages of notes here. This is how my mind works here, I cannot stop until I explain a point to its fulfilment. That is why when I teach, I have many side studies, because in my bringing forth the next message if I see something obvious to me I have to pursue it. Then we have a side study, but then we come back to the main point.
As I was studying today, the thought came to me to tell you that this is going to be a magic carpet ride. We are going to be all over the place. It is part of what you find in mature studies. I was talking to sister XXXXXX today, and the truth of our salvation is that salvation is a process. We are being brought into a process that is changing us from glory to glory. It is changing our nature from the nature of the fallen man, which is an animal nature, to the nature of the Glorious God.
How does the nature change? Nature changes by the way we think. Everything we are arises out of what we think. Our thinking has to change, and for our thinking to change, we are talking about a process that is intellectual, it is mind. My intentions are never to hurt anyone’s feelings, it is just the truth.
God has children of all ages. We do not become a spiritual adult overnight, we have to grow up just like children have to grow up. Just as we give children things to do to make them feel that they are a part of the family, invaluable, God gives all His children things to do in accordance to their ability, each man in accordance to their ability.
The majority of the people in the church today are spiritually very young. That is not insulting anybody that is just the truth. The church is called to be a body of spiritual giants. Everything I have ever seen or heard a witch doctor can do, the church is supposed to be doing on the side of righteousness.
Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has nothing original in her bag of tricks. Satanic power is only a counterfeit or a misuse of the power of God. Witchcraft is a misuse of the power of God, because all power belongs to God. Is that not in the Scripture? All power belongs to God.
For a season, there is a temporary division. Some people will argue with me to say there is no division, division is an illusion. Some people say that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is in your imagination, which I do not believe is true. The truth of the issue is this, it is a mature principle, but we are a mature group here tonight. The world that we see is the outermost world. There are many other worlds, and they are inside of us. At the deepest point the whole creation is one, and there is no division.
Out here, this is called the divided age. The power of God, the Spirit of God is in the process of working His way out from our innermost point into this world. As He pierces through all of the worlds making His way into this world, He is reconciling all of the worlds and bringing them into His image and His nature, under His rulership. Every world that He passes through, has an inhabitant that does not want Him to bring them in to his image, His nature and under His rulership.
In the areas that are not yet reconciled, there is a division. Division is an illusion when you understand the definition of illusion. Illusion simple means temporary. This world is temporary, lack of food is temporary, sickness is temporary, death is temporary, no place to live is temporary, not having a job is temporary. When this world shapes up and reflects the image of God, every need will be met.
From that point of view the world is temporary. If we are living here, and we are feeling the pain because our needs are not met, do not be telling me this world is temporary when my side hurts, my back hurts, and I am in the hospital. Do not tell me that this place is temporary. That is where people are coming from. That is where the Buddhists are coming from, that is where the Hindus are coming from.
We need to understand this and not get upset in any way when we hear these things because it is true. This world is temporary. When I can look at it with the mind of God, it is a very edifying thing to say to me, “This world is temporary," I am so happy I know that soon the day will come that I am not going to have the pain in the side, I am not going to be without a job, that I am not going be without food, because this world it temporary. It can change, it is not permanent, knowing the reality is Christ. He is unchangeable, He does not change. We will become permanent to the point where we can never die again when we are so joined to Him that we become permanent in Him.
If a world like this were to become permanent it would be the promise of the serpent, eternal torment. Have you ever experienced torment in the world? Do you know anybody that has not experienced any kind of torment in this world? If it were the serpent’s choice, nothing would ever change, and we would be in eternal torment.
I have found, and because the Lord has taught me, that every doctrine or everything that is here that may upset me for some reason, if I just submitted it to God and asked Him for His truth, ask Him as He sees it, I want to know how He sees it, I usually wind up having an experience from which I grow and I mature. As I said in the beginning of this message, this is very important.
The church is being drawn into the next stage of spiritual growth, God wants us to grow up. There is a resistance in the church, because the next stage is to start to see our sin nature, to confess it and start to deal with it. There is a resistance in the church. People do not want to do it. They do not want to believe it, so things are moving slowly. God is not slow, we are slow, we are hard to change, we are slow to change.
This is one of the most mature messages that I am aware of today. I am here to declare to you the mind of Christ. I have some spirituality; I have some power in Christ, because I have been dealing with my sin nature for a long time now. I was dying but I am not dying anymore, because I am being healed from the indwelling Christ who is maturing in me in direct proportion to my willingness to look at my sin nature, to look at things that I do wrong and confess them, and change in accordance to the Mind of God.
I am declaring to you today two minds, two men, nothing new. Inner man, outer man, old man, new man, carnal mind, Christ mind, know that they are there, but some people think that Christians have the mind of Christ automatically. You do not have the mind of Christ automatically. We default to the carnal mind that we are born with. The mind of Christ, the new man must be added to us. When He is added to us, we must learn to recognize Him so that we can choose to follow Him. This is what I teach.
Two men, how to recognize the two, two minds, how to tell the difference between the two so that we can join with the mind of Christ? Everybody wants the mind of Christ. The problem is that they think they recognize the mind of Christ, but the carnal mind that we default to gets everything backwards. This is the condition of the church. It is changeable, I am not criticizing anybody, it is changeable, it is time to change. They need to understand that the Holy Spirit is not the mind of Christ, and that you can have the Holy Spirit and still have the mind you were born with.
Someone like that who has the Holy Spirit, but they still have the mind they were born with, and the Lord comes to them through a preacher or a book, and says to them, “Listen, this is how the mind of Christ thinks.” The average Christian says, “I do not think like that, I have the mind of Christ, so that must be the Devil.” I know it is funny, it is ok but it is the truth.
The carnal mind is the mirror image of the Christ mind, and it gets everything backwards. It thinks Christ is the Devil, and it thinks, “Well, whatever powers and principalities in this world is Christ.” There has to be a big break. In any event this is my message. This is the message that I teach.
I gave you this whole big build-up to tell you that the translation of this commentary I am going to give you on this account on Joseph and his brothers is a spiritual account, that it is a spiritual account as the spirituality of Christ sees it. I am teaching to you the female spirituality and the male spirituality. The female spirituality is the raw dunamis power. That is a Greek word. There are two Greek words translated power. Raw dunamis power that every human being is born with. Some people have more power than others. Some people have their spiritual aspect more activated than others. It is usually more spiritually active here in Africa, usually more so than we are in the west.
That is the raw power. When that raw power is manifesting in a carnal person who, all of us are at our basic root. Selfish, everybody is selfish. Deep down we are all selfish, that is our state of being. When you give power to selfish people, it is dangerous. We have a saying in the world “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The Christ nature is the only thing that absolute power cannot corrupt.
This is a positive message. God wants to give the Church power, but He can only impart power to us in direct proportion to our willingness to acknowledge, recognize and deal with our fallen nature that we were born with. Then He reveals sin in us. His motive and purpose is to give us the corresponding attribute in Christ.
The only way this procedure is going to be accomplished in this Church is when the people of God understand that the exposure of sin is for their good. It is not a worldly spirit, it is not to criticize you, it is not to condemn you, it is not to hurt you. It is to help you.
This message today is going to be a spiritual understanding of the Scripture with the spirituality of Christ Jesus, which is the authority, "exousiazo", the second Greek word translated power, "exousia", the authority of the spiritual male, the man Christ Jesus, the only mediator between man and God.
The raw power is spiritually female. It has nothing to do with your body. It is a spiritual principle, that which has authority is male to that which has less authority which is female. The raw spiritual power which should be in submission to the righteousness of Christ and, therefore, is female. The raw power is female, the righteous wisdom of Christ is male, and He is coming into this world to lay hold of the raw spiritual power that exists here and bring it under His authority; therefore, reconciling the whole world unto Himself in righteousness. He is doing it a man at a time.
I declare to you today the spiritual wisdom of Christ in this message that I am about to preach, I hope that it is a blessing to you, because it was really exciting to me. I took many tangents, I went off in many directions, but as I have explained to you when something is obvious to me I have to pursue it, and that is the way I teach.
This is a side study called, “Joseph and The Pit.” The question is, was the pit empty (Genesis 37:34) or was it filled with serpents and scorpions as we are told in the Zohar? In our previous discussion of the name Simeon, we investigated the character of Simeon and Levi, the levities, two of Jacob and Leah’s son.
Jacob had six sons with Leah, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. You do not really hear much about Issachar and Zebulun. I am going to bring out the principle that these four sons of Leah were in direct competition with Joseph, which was the son of Jacob and Rachel.
Reuben was rejected. Does anyone know why Reuben was rejected? As the head of this tribe, Reuben was rejected because of incest. When Jacob went into the bridal chamber the night of his marriage to Leah, he thought it was Rachel. When he consummated the marriage, he had in his mind that he was making love to Rachel. This is very important, Kabbalistically, and I really believe it now, what you are thinking when you are with your wife is very important. It is no small thing to be thinking of another woman when you are with your wife. Any child that can be born of that union can be spiritual damaged.
Jacob loved Rachel, but it was not Rachel, so that is actually considered incest, that Reuben is a child of incest. Everything is spiritual. What we see happening in this world is just the playing out, the acting out of the spiritual reality that took place on another plane. It took me a while to get that. I do not know if you get it now. I really had to pray about that to get it. I am not going on another tangent, I will be on this message for six months if I do that.
I am trying to think of other examples for you. The example that is coming to my mind, I do not want to give to you, but I guess that is what the Lord is giving me. When we read about Lot producing Moab and Ammon with his two daughters. I am sorry, I cannot, it will take me an hour to explain that.
Let me see how I can explain this. When a man and a woman come together, everything happened in the spirit first. Does anybody here watch the Twilight Zone? Do you know of the Twilight Zone? It is like a science fiction TV show. It shows a man typing like he was an author, he was typing his book. As he was typing he said ”and they fell in love.” Then you see a man and a woman fall into each other’s arms. Then they go on a vacation.
There is some spiritual realm, there is a mind, a will, a spiritual will, and an invisible will that wills, and people down here act it out. Are you following me at all? Even for a man to come together with his wife, something spiritual is moving it. That is just the truth of our reality, something spiritual is moving you. Even in marriage where it is a regular thing, something spiritual is moving you.
What was moving Jacob was love for Rachel, but it was not Rachel. Technically, it was adultery and the child was a child of incest, because it was Rachel’s sister. This is why Reuben was rejected as head of the tribe. Does anybody not understand what I said? Does anybody have any questions?
Reuben was rejected, and the last thing we hear about him was when he had Joseph bound as a hostage. I have been told, you see when I read these commentaries, either I receive what I hear, or I do not receive it. Either way I pray about it. If I receive it I say, “Lord, if I am wrong correct me.” If I reject it I say, “Lord, if I am wrong correct me.”
I have read that God separated Simeon and Levi. Levi, He made into a nation of Priests and Simeon He rejected.
Levi, He made into a nation of priests and Simeon He rejected, why? Because the two of them were very cruel, and together they were extremely cruel, they were a bad team, they were a bad influence on each other. The Lord had two descendants of Abraham that were cruel. He did not want them together. What does He do to people that are cruel? He takes them and He puts them in the ministry. That sounds funny, but it is not a joke, it is the truth. That is how God fixes you. If you are a cruel person and you repent, the Lord gives you service. That is what you do with a cruel person, they serve the brethren, He puts them in the ministry. It is the truth.
He put Levi in the ministry, and He separated him from Simeon. Simeon was isolated. Then we have Judah, we know the Scripture says Judah was cruel. We see a lot of cruelty coming down from the spiritually royal line. When I first became a Christian I used to think that everyone in the Scripture was good, until I read about the Levite priest stealing the idol, and I was confused. For like three months, I could not figure out what a Levite priest was doing with an idol in the first place and why was he stealing it?
Finally, I got the revelation that the Bible is about human beings, it is about human nature, human fallen nature. The Bible is a book that among other things, tells us that our God is capable of doing great things with fallen people. We are all fallen, and the best thing that we can do is confess our fallen nature as He reveals it to us, because we do not know the truth about ourselves. We would probably be screaming if we saw ourselves as God sees us.
As He reveals our sins, if we let Him change us, that is the best thing we can do for ourselves. The miracle is that God can use us anyway, and He wants us anyway. No matter what we have done, the worst thing that we have done, and He wants us anyway, and He has the power to make us worthwhile citizens no matter what we have done or where we have been. That is the most awesome thing I have ever heard of in my life.
We see a lot of cruelty and a lot of negative human qualities in the patriarchs and their descendants and in the church today. We are just fallen people, all of us. Issachar and Zebulun, I do not think they were very much in the running for who it was going to be. Does anyone know what the contest was? Who was going to receive the seed?
Abraham was promised the seed, that his descendant would receive it. Isaac received the seed. Isaac had Jacob and Esau. Who had the seed? Jacob got the seed, who got Jacob’s seed?
One of the points I am going to try to make to you today is that these sons of Jacob, and Jacob, were highly spiritual people, highly spiritual people. They knew about the seed, and they were all in competition for who would inherit the seed. Just as Isaac gave his blessing, he wanted to give it to Esau but God said, “Give it to Jacob.” You might think that you have been taught that Jacob stole it, but brethren no one can steal what God is giving. You cannot steal God’s seed and give it to someone. You just cannot. You may think that you have for a season, but you cannot.
Just like Jacob crossed his hands over Manasseh, and Joseph thought he was making a mistake, no mistake. The issue was that God does things that utterly stun the mind, we just cannot believe that it is God. He does things that utterly stun us, that confuse us, that we do not understand, that we think He would never do.
God’s motives are so radically different than human motives that most of the time we cannot comprehend them. As we acquire the mind of Christ, and as He matures in us we understand more and more, but I do not think we could ever fully understand the mind of God. Who could know the mind of God?
I find as I study with Him and as He corrects me, and as He has worked with me over these years, when I see a situation today that I saw five years ago, I can make an educated guess as to what the Lord might do. I am usually right. If it is a situation that I never saw before, your guess is as good as mine. I have no basis upon which to attempt to predict the decisions of God. Of course, He can do anything anytime that He wanted to.
This was a competition between the sons, and this was a competition between Rachel and Leah. Who was going to bring forth the son that would receive the seed? Joseph was telling his brothers, “It is me.” That is why they were enraged with him. It was not over his coat, it was not because Jacob preferred him. Joseph was saying, “I have the seed I am the one.” That is what it was all about.
What we are talking about in this account is two levels of anointing. In the Church today, I would describe it as the bride and the bridegroom. The church today is waiting for the bridegroom, and the Church knows that there is going to be a marriage, but what very few people understand is that the bridegroom is coming in people just like the bride. The average Church “go’er” is the bride. The bridegroom is coming in other human beings that look just like the people who are the bride. The bride cannot recognize the bridegroom, because they think that the bridegroom is coming down out of Heaven in a space ship or something. I do not mean to knock anyone but it is what people believe, that there is a city coming down out of Heaven. There are people that really believe that there is going to be a city coming down out of the sky.
Like I said, it not my intention to make fun of anybody, but it is my intention to say, “Wake up church, wake up.” We are called to greatness, and we have to stop believing in Santa Claus, because Santa Claus will never come, and Jesus is never coming in a full human form that nobody knows what He looks like.
With all the pictures across the world of Jesus, nobody knows what He looks like. He is not coming out of the sky in a physical form, and His human seed are not splitting and multiplying. It is a spiritual book, He is coming back in the same way He went. He went in the spirit, and He is coming back in the spirit. We have a lot to learn. We just have to know we have a lot to learn.
The competition between the women, and the competition between the sons was over who was going to carry the seed. It was not anybody’s choice except God. We see that Judah from Leah and Joseph from Rachel were the two sons that carried the greatness of God, but of course it is Joseph that carried the seed. Praise the Lord.
The next study, the one that tells us that there were snakes and scorpions in the pit, we quoted the Zohar saying that the pit that Joseph was thrown into had serpents and scorpions in it, which is an apparent contradiction to the King James Translation which says the pit was empty. The old material is in blue type, and then we will go into the new material. This is a review, this is what we were dealing with. Genesis 49:5-7:
- 5. “Simeon and Levi are brethren," well this is to establish their cruelty, "Simeon and Levi are brethren, instruments of cruelty are in their habitations." This is Jacob prophesying over his own children.
- 6. “O my soul, come not thou into their secret;”
(Do not be intimate with them, do not be intimate with cruel people, because you will catch it, sin is catching, cruelty is catching.)
“unto their assembly, mine honor, be not thou united: for in their anger they slew a man, and in their self-will they digged down a wall.”
We studied this in the last message. What this is talking about is the one that they slew in their anger was Shechem and all the males of Shechem, that Simeon and Levi made retribution on the men of Shechem because Shechem abducted their sister Dinah, and they were dishonest in dealing with the males and they killed all the males, they were very cruel.
- 7. “Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.”
We see that it was prophesied that Simeon and Levi would be separated because together their cruelty did not please God.
This is the portion of this quote from the King James that I read.
These are Simeon and Levi who are truly brothers in all respects both being descendants from the side of vigorous judgment and, hence, it was that their anger that caused death in the world as it says, “Cursed be their anger for it was fierce and their wrath for it was cruel.” That is a quote from Genesis.
For there are two species of anger. We went into this in the last message, that there is righteous anger, and there is the anger that rises out of pride. The anger that rises out of pride, destroys, righteous anger destroys sin. The anger that arises out of pride destroys people. God is not out to destroy people, but He is after your sin nature.
Why? Because He loves you, and you are a member of the Bride Company, and He wants a full union with you. Your sin nature is standing in the way, so God is very angry at sin. He is not angry at people. He can be angry over those who are completely given over to their sin and doing great evil. Basically, He loves people but He does not love our sin nature, and He is out to change us one way or another, when our time comes.
When our time comes, it is called, “the day of our calamity.” It is likened to child birth, it is painful but a child is born, and you have joy in the morning, because when Christ is born in you that is the beginning of your new life.
We have additional information. The following is the portion of the Zohar that precedes the passage that we looked at, and we investigated the name Simon. It is clear from this passage that the writer of the Zohar was very aware that the Scripture says that the pit was empty. Nevertheless, he says that the pit contained serpents. How could Reuben have advised that Joseph should be cast into it? We will now attempt to resolve this difficulty.
I printed out the whole passage for you from the Zohar, but I am not going to read the whole thing. You have the notes if you would like to look at it at another time. That is why I gave it to you in case you wanted to read it. The pertinent sentence is further on down, bold and underlined. This is the same writer now saying, “On the other hand, man who fails to study the Torah in this world, and so walks in darkness, when he leaves this world is taken and passed into the land, an outermost place where there will be no one to pity him, a placed called, what is the word? Tumultuous pit, miry clay. Hint, a human who had not devoted himself to the study of the Torah in this world.
The Torah is the Bible; the Torah is the word of God. I want to tell you that what is being spoken about there is Christ. When the Zohar talks about the Torah, it is talking about Christ. The person that has not devoted themselves to the study of the Bible in this world but has besmirched himself of the offerings of this world, it is written that they took him and cast him into a pit. He is referring to the account in Genesis about Joseph being cast into the pit.
This is really interesting, because for years I have been saying for Joseph to have been sold into slavery there has to be a legal ground. For Joseph to be left in the dungeon that long there had to be legal ground. I did not know what the legal ground was until I prepared this study.
Basically, what the legal ground was that we are going to find out is that Joseph had the imputed, not the imparted anointing. What does that mean? He had what can be likened to the Holy Spirit, he had the power, he had the promise, he had the seed, he had the prophesy in his life, but Christ was not internalized in him. The wisdom and the righteousness of Christ was not internalized in him. He did not have the Word of God in his heart. He did not have the wisdom of God, therefore he fell into the trap that his brothers laid for him.
Not only did he fall into the trap, but he was not capable of defending himself. When I say, “not able,” is that a reason to put him in the dungeon? It does not work like that. There are powers and currents that flow in this world, and if we are defended in Christ they cannot touch us. If we are not defended in Christ they can touch us. It is as simple as that.
There is no easy way for me to tell you this, but the Scripture clearly says that the children of darkness are smarter than the children of light, they are wiser than children of light. What does that mean? It means that we are born into this fallen world, and our mortal foundation is stronger than the young Christ that is grafted to us. That is why the only time Christ can prosper in us is when the personality agrees with Christ.
If we are passive, if we do not do anything, if we take no stand our carnal mind will destroy Christ in us. The personality must choose Christ, then He gets stronger and eventually He joins with the Glorified Jesus Christ, and the double portion Christ in you, the Hope of Glory, and the Glorified Jesus Christ will overthrow your carnal mind and my carnal mind. That is our hope that our carnal mind will be overthrown and Christ will take over our vessel.
This was the reason Joseph was cast down into the dungeon. You will see as we go along in the Scripture that he had access to Elohim. I will show you if you have not read it yet, but he had access to Elohim. Elohim is the raw power of God. Christ, or from the Old Testament, Jehovah is the wisdom of God. Joseph did not have the wisdom. He was naive, and his brothers were very evil towards him.
You will find out very frequently people that are, how do I say this, some people are just born, and they are born with this call on their life, that they are going to be called to carry Christ, and they tend to be very naive people, people that are overtaken by the world.
If you look at somebody that no matter how hard they try, they cannot seem to get on their feet. They keep losing their job, they keep getting sick, like the beggar Lazarus and the rich man, they cannot seem to stand up, frequently. This was my case, I started to die at twelve years old, I have had all kinds of problems in my life, and it was not until Christ came and joined Himself to me that my life started to turn around.
I seemed to be born with this call on my life. I did not know it when I was a child, and my family did not know it, so I was not being prepared for it. I was literally made to carry the Christ to such a degree that because He was not with me, the powers and principalities of this world which just would destroy me.
I have a very powerful testimony, sometimes people cannot bear what I have been through in my life. I was just like Lazarus, I was being destroyed by the powers of this world and very naive in a lot of ways. I have gone from being very naive to being pretty educated in spiritual things. As soon as Christ was joined to me, I came into who I was really supposed to be, and I just saw it. I am what I am today thanks be to Jesus.
On the other hand, the man who fails to study the Torah in this world, that is the Bible, the Torah is the first five books of the Bible, “And so walks in darkness when he leaves this world he is taken and cast into the Gehenom, that is a level of hell. There are several Greek words translated hell. A nether most place where there will no one to pity him. A place called tumultuous pit, miry clay. That is Psalms 40, Verse 3. Hence, him who has not devoted himself to the Scripture, to the study of the Torah in this world, but has besmirched himself with the off scourings of this world, it is written, “And they took him and cast him into the pit.” He is talking about Joseph. He must have not been studying the Torah.
He must have not devoted himself to the study of the Torah in this world. Why? Because they took him and cast him into a pit. That is what happens to you, you get cast into a pit when you do not study the Torah. David was cast into a pit; therefore, that must mean he did not study the Bible. Of course, there was no Bible in those days but there was spiritual knowledge. Apparently, he did not submit himself, therefore Christ was not formed in him.
Brethren, these four sons and Jacob were spiritual giants. These guys were heavy hitters; they were not just out there tending the sheep. All ten of them hated Joseph. Let me tell you something, that is not an easy place to be.
When you are naive, because you were born to carry the Christ, there is no sign, not one word in the Scripture that indicates that Joseph was aware of the deep hatred of his brothers or of their danger to him, or that they had any hard feelings towards him because we would have known about it. I call people like that a “flower child,” he was a flower child. He just loved everybody, and they hated him unto the point of death. That is a naivety that can get you killed.
With that naivety that resulted in Joseph being in the pit, do you think maybe he sat there and read a book? I do not think that is what the Scripture means. I think that it means that he was not schooled in this kind of wisdom that is coming forth today, a wisdom of how to survive in the spiritual world. When we are spiritual people, other people’s minds affect us.
Most of you Nigerians know about that, but the people in the US do not know that. When I try to tell them, they laugh at me. We all know that other people’s minds affect us, and sometimes that can kill us, and sometimes they can make us sick. When you have ten of those minds coming against you, you can wind up in a pit if you do not know how to deal with it.
That is what Joseph was lacking. I do not think he was unfaithful in any way, but he did not have Christ; therefore, he was incapable of dealing with these ten spiritual men who hated him with the strength of their carnal mind. What is interesting, his father, Jacob, did not seem to understand this either as we will see as we go on.
Very interesting, I am really relating to this, as that is what I was like in the world. I have met other people like myself, very naive. The way the Lord explains it to me is that we were literally born to carry the Christ, He is our wisdom, and if we do not have Him we are a target in the world. We do not have the wisdom of the world. Does anyone not know what I am talking about? That was me, I was in that condition, I had relatives in that condition. It was in the family.
Hence of him who has not devoted himself to the study of the Torah in this world. This Zohar is a very spiritual book. Many of its truths are as veiled as the Scripture. This is just a veil stating that he did not study the Torah. There was no Torah, there were no five books of the Bible in Joseph’s day. He was lacking Christ, the Torah is the Word. He did not have the Word grafted to him, or he did not have the spiritual wisdom of God. He was no match for the spiritual wisdom of this world, for the devilish wisdom that James talks about. He was no match; he did not stand a chance.
Of course, Gehenom is a place where those who have not labored in the Torah are bought into judgment. Gehenom is a form of judgment that results in Christ being formed in you. Joseph had this extremely painful experience which was part of his being instructed in the wisdom of God.
That sounds pretty severe, but sometimes it is necessary. I do not know if Jacob was supposed to teach him. I do not know whether there was some possible provision for Joseph to learn this and he did not. I do not know, but the reality was he was totally naive. He walked right into the trap, and his life was only saved because the Lord moved upon Reuben. Of course, Joseph had a call on his life so he could not die.
It does not please God for us to be that naive. Some of us are very wise in the world, but we are naive spiritually. The Lord wants us to be wise on every level. We are to be His sons in the earth, we are to be fully furnished and fit to cope in this world, in the natural world and the spiritual world and to prevail in righteousness. To prevail without hurting other people, this is what He wants to teach us.
Joseph was lacking something major. We read in Genesis that Jehovah promised Adam that He would give him a help that was meet for him. I do not believe that Jehovah promised Adam who was not in an animal body at that time, he was a body of light, he was a spiritual being, I do not believe Jehovah promised him a wife. He promised Adam, Christ. Adam fell.
He was seduced by the serpent, and Jehovah said to him, “I am going to regenerate you, I am going to give you another chance, and when I regenerate you I am going to give you an internalized Christ, so that you will not be naive anymore. You will not be seduced by the serpent, you will not be tricked by the serpent anymore. I am going to give you a help, Christ, that is sufficient in your need.”
The powers and principalities of this world recognize people that are carrying Christ, and they are out to destroy them. These powers and principalities exist in people’s minds. Sometimes people do not even know you, they have no reason to dislike you, and they just hate you, because of the anointing on you.
We all have to know how to deal with that in Christ; we do not want to sin. We have to learn to deal with it in righteousness. First of all, you have to be able to face that the person is hating you.
It took me years. When I first came to the Lord I had a secular job, and I was dreaming every night about serpents. Serpents crawling all over me, serpents, serpents everywhere. I went to my pastor, I went to every spiritual elder I could find, and the only thing that I got from them was rebuke that I must be doing something wrong.
I want to tell you that there was a woman in that office that wanted my job. She was talking about me to my boss, and she was talking about me to the other employees, and she was doing everything she could to get me fired. I did not know it, out of total desperation dreaming about these serpents scaring me half to death, the Lord told me, “It is that woman. She wants your job.”
I went in the office the next day, I looked at her, she smiled at me, she said good morning to me, and she was a very pleasant lady. I said, “This must be Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, talking to me, he does not want me to be friends with this woman.” I had at least the presence of mind to say “Lord if it is you, you have got to show it to me, because I cannot believe this, I cannot think that kind of evil of this woman. You have to bring it to the surface and show it to me.” Within twenty-four hours, BAM! I caught her talking behind my back. Within twenty-four hours, she was fully exposed to me. This is the spiritual life.
At the time I did not fight very well, I ended up losing that job. Outside of now that I work for the Lord, it was the best job I ever had, and the Lord gave me that job. I was having a lot of trouble finding a job at the time. I opened the newspaper, and that ad was all illuminated, glowing and pulsating at me. I knew it was my job. I called this office ten times a day, because I knew it was my job.
It was a job with an attorney, a trial attorney and he was in court all the time. I would call and call. I finally got him in, I went in he talked to me for five minutes and hired me. I lost that job even after the Lord warned me that this woman was doing what she was doing. I could not handle it with wisdom. I hope that would not happen to me today, I do not think it would happen to me today.
The whole program of training that the Lord has been teaching me for years, I do not have any of this stuff in books, I usually just talk to people about it. Maybe someday it will be in a book, I have little bits of it in a book, basically it is one-on-one. One or a group of people, I do not know why it is that way. I guess the Lord considers it a secret for now.
It is a whole way of life of perceiving other peoples intentions towards you, of recognizing them, or dealing with dreams, dealing with visions, dealing with spiritual perceptions, and analyzing dreams in Christ. You have to do it with your Christ mind. If you do it with your carnal mind, it is witchcraft. All of this stuff is witchcraft if you are doing it with your carnal mind.
I have all kinds of knowledge, all kinds of words of knowledge, all kinds of information about what is coming my way. After years of trial and error, the hardest part was having the Lord warn me and then recognizing the event in the everyday events of life. No matter how much He would warn me, when the incident would appear, I would not recognize it, and I was caught off guard.
His warning did not do me any good, and every time I failed to act upon His warning, because I could not recognize that, that was the situation, that just appeared suddenly, I would repent. I would ask Him to please help me, because I would be hurt in the situation. He warned me, and His warning did me no good.
Until finally, after a long time of just repenting and asking Him to please help me, He had warned me. I do not remember the form of the warning. I do not remember the words. I remember that a phone call came, and it was a man who was a Nigerian preacher who was in New York. He called to say hello, and he wanted me to meet him in a particular area that I really should not have been going to in New York. I was just about to say “ok,” it was very hard for me to say “no” to things like that, and the Lord spoke as clear as a bell to me and said, “That is what I warned you about, I do not want you to go.”
That was the beginning of the turning, now it is very hard, but I am very much, much better at recognizing it, the situation that the warning is about. We are supposed to know everything. Nothing is supposed to take us by surprise, no evil plan is supposed to take us by surprise, no good plan is supposed to take us by surprise. We are supposed to have all knowledge. Jesus knew everything, He knew what everybody was thinking, the good guys, the bad guys, He knew what was coming. He had no surprise, there were no surprises for Jesus.
There were no chances in His life. His life was not lived by chance on any level, every step He took He knew what was coming down the road. That is how we are supposed to walk.
My famous testimony to XXXXXX on my last visit, I told her someone wanted to preach their doctrine to me, and at the time she could not see it. Eventually, that man called and invited sister XXXX and me to dinner, and after dinner, XXXXX said, “How did it go?” I said “I preached to him all night.” I got it backwards he wanted to tell me his doctrine. I told her, “This guy wants to preach his doctrine to me. He invited me to dinner, sister XXXXX said, “How did it go?” I said, “He preached his doctrine to me all night.” She said, “How did he eat?” I said, “He did not, he just preached to me the whole meal.” I was waiting for it, I was waiting for the invitation.
That is how we are supposed to be, that is how we are supposed to walk. We have to learn how to perceive the information, how to process it, and how to deal with it in righteousness. We cannot be hearing the information and then using our carnal mind to defend us, because that is sin. Anything we do with our carnal mind is sin. We are supposed to be spiritual giants. The only reason we are not spiritual giants yet is because our sin nature is still intact.
Joseph had a vulnerability, he was lacking Christ. He had the same vulnerability every descendant of fallen Adam has, they are lacking Christ. I want to tell you, brethren, that the answer to any problem you may have is Christ. Get Christ, get a hold of God and find out if maybe you have already, but it has to be the grafted Christ, not the imputed Christ, not the Christ that appears if you have the Holy Spirit and you start manifesting the fruits of the Spirit. That is called the imputed Christ, that is a Christ that you can lose. It is the Christ that can be taken from you.
The grafted Christ is like a tree likened to the Tree of life, planted right down in your gut, and that is very hard to take from you. While we are in the flesh it is possible, but it is very hard to lose that grafted Christ. James talks about that, he said, “receive with meekness the engrafted Word.” The living bible, not this type over, not these letters, the living Word inside of you, your wisdom, your spirituality, your righteousness, your knowledge, your ability to live above the powers and principalities of this world that would rob you and leave you for dead without sowing anything, will reap destruction on you.
To deal with the powers of this world without reaping destruction, if you fight witchcraft with witchcraft, you reap destruction. Brethren, there is a lot of witchcraft in the church. What is witchcraft? It is the exercise of spiritual power apart from the Will of God.
There is a lot of people in the Church praying their will towards other people, thinking it is God’s will. It is their will. The Lord has a whole program of instruction ready as soon as the people of God can recognize and understand where He is leading them to. We will get spiritual in direct proportion to our willingness to sacrifice our sin nature.
“And they cast him into the pit.” There is a hint here that they cast him ultimately among the Egyptians. This is interesting. As we mature in our understanding of the Scripture we will find ourselves going beyond the actual words that we read. There are hints in the Scriptures, there are implications in the Scripture. This was the perfect example. It is talking about someone not having the Torah, and then they took him and cast him into the pit. The writer does not name Joseph, you have to look at the hint. He is talking about someone who did not study the Torah, and then he says they took him and cast him into the pit.
This is enough evidence to draw the conclusion that the writer is talking about Joseph. There are conclusions that are legitimate, and there are conclusions that are not legitimate.
If I tell you that someone is wearing a red dress, and there is someone in the other room that is wearing a red dress, and then someone walks in with a red dress on. If I say XXXX is wearing a red dress in this room, and XXXX has a red dress behind the curtain in another room, and a woman that you did not know walks in with a red dress, it is reasonable for you to assume that, that is XXXX. You did not know her, you never saw her in your life. There are legitimate conclusions that we draw from information that we have in the Scripture. That is a mature way of studying the Word.
We said that there is a hint here that they cast him ultimately among the Egyptians. A place where there was no sign of true faith. What the writer is really saying is that casting Joseph into the pit was the beginning of a process that ended with him being in the pit of the dungeon in Egypt where there were serpents and Scorpions. Not necessarily physical serpents and scorpions, but serpents and scorpions of mind and certainly a lack of the Word of God, and a lack of fellowship in Christ. That is what the writer is talking about.
I hope to establish to you that Joseph was not even put in a physical pit. If you hear my message, and you do not fully understand it, that is ok. I would hope that anything that you do not agree with that you hear today that you would offer up to the Lord telling Him that if it is true you would like to understand. That is how I would ask Him about that.
I do not believe that Joseph was put in a physical pit. I believe that these ten brothers who were spiritual giants, knocked Joseph out of his anointing down into the pit of his carnal mind. They stripped him of his anointing.
I know this is possible, because it has happed to me for years. As Christ was being built in me it was very easy at that time to knock me out of Christ, because for Christ to be prevailing for me to be preaching like I am preaching now, Christ has to be sitting on my carnal mind.
In the early days He was not very secure on my carnal mind. Somebody just had to say one wrong word to me, and He would fall off. I would come out ready to preach in the morning to the group in New York, and I would say, “Do not talk to me, do not say a word, do not say hello, do not kiss me, no nothing.” I was working for six hours on this one message and one wrong thing, and I am not going to be able to preach it.
That does not happen to me today. It is very hard to knock me off today, but it is very possible. As long as I am in this flesh it is possible, but it is a lot harder to stop me from preaching today, to bring the anointing down in me today.
Joseph was not in a physical pit, the carnal mind is a pit. The carnal minds is a pit. These ten “heavy hitters” knocked his Christ mind, they stripped him. We are told further on in Genesis 37 that they stripped him of his coat of many colors. I hope to show you that those Scriptures are two Scriptures that he was stripped of his coat of many colors. The word “coat” appears twice. They say, “stripped him of his coat that he was wearing,” and they also stripped him of his anointing, his coat of many colors.
Colors signify levels of vibration. Every vibration has its own color. Joseph had the anointing, the coat of many colors of coverings, of many vibrations. I will show you more details on that a little further on. Joseph had the anointing, and his brothers knew it. He had the bridegroom anointing, and they just had the bride anointing, and that is why they hated him.
This was the same exact condition of relationships between Jesus and the Pharisees. Jesus had the bridegroom anointing, He had the coat of many colors, the spiritual coat. The Pharisees were the bride company at the time. They hated Him, they envied Him, because they knew what He had. I want to tell you that Joseph’s brothers knew what He had. They knew He had the anointing.
It is just really amazing that anybody could know that somebody has the anointing, and they still try to destroy them. It is a perversion that the carnal mind manifests. Do you not know that you cannot destroy the one God has raised up? It is like some kind of insanity comes over the persons mind. It has happened to me.
People who have seen the anointing on me try to bring me down. This man’s church has gotten smaller, and smaller, and smaller. Now, it is almost nonexistent. He had a big church, the church was going backwards. He had someone come in to try to break the curses on the church. I was there, and I said to the preacher that he asked to help, I said, “You cannot break the curses on this church.” He said to me, “Why not?” I said, “Because the curse on this church is all the curses coming back from all the ministries that he put the curses on, you cannot break that curse.”
“He cursed all these other ministries, and those curses are coming back at him, you cannot save this church from that curse.” The church is no more. He is gone, the building is not a church anymore, but it was a slow death.
Fast judgment is the mercy of God. Judgment that falls quickly is the mercy of God, because you can relate it to what you did wrong. Judgment that falls slowly, twenty years after the evil that you did, unless God tells you or He sends a prophet to tell you, you cannot even see. You say, “What is going on here? What is happening to my ministry? You know all the ministries you put out of business? He tried to put me out of business, but he put a lot of ministries out of business. Now he is out of business.
This man knew it, he was a deliverance preacher. Some insanity of the mind, envy, envy and pride and insanity of the mind. They really think that they could do whatever they want.
Joseph’s brothers had an anointing, did they not? They had an anointing, and they knew that Joseph had the bridegroom anointing. Did they really think that they could get away with the stripping of his anointing and selling him into slavery? They were overshadowed. What happened? Their envy and their hatred for them raised their carnal mind up above their Christ mind to whatever degree they had it, and they were not thinking rationally. I will show you that too. Let us go on.
Seeing that the pit contained serpents and scorpions, he is asking the questions, “Have you no fear of the serpents and scorpions attacking Joseph?” This is the writer of the Zohar asking that question. Talking about Reuben, why would Reuben say, “Put him in the pit?” Because Reuben knew that as long as there was breath in the boy’s nostrils God could deliver him. If the brothers killed Joseph, that would have been the end of him. Reuben is thinking, according to the author of the Zohar, “If they put him in the pit with the serpents and scorpions (which really means the dungeon in Egypt, not a physical hole in the ground where the brothers were tending sheep), at least God could deliver him. If he died in that pit, then it was God’s business.” God decided not to deliver him. Reuben did all he could do.
I just wanted to take a minute to tell you about these serpents and scorpions in Egypt. There is a collective spirit over every nation. There is a collective spirit over a family, there is a collective spirit over a town, and sometimes in deliverance ministries they call them “strongman over the area.”
What it is, is a collective anointing of the people that live there. Everybody has an anointing, a spiritual anointing that emanates out from them. A family will be a group anointing for that family, it just expands.
There are anointings over nations. Nations that are steeped in witchcraft have anointings over them. Them the Lord comes in and starts up fellowships and people start worshipping God. The whole purpose is to crack that witchcraft anointing. You have to crack that witchcraft anointing.
What is happening in the US right now, is that we had a powerful manifestation of Christ Jesus over the nation for years, and it is breaking up, because of what is going on in our country. All of the people, so many people falling away from Christianity and all over the other religions coming and setting up their houses of worship in our country. All of the political bodies trying to remove religion from the public forum.
I do not know how much you have heard. There are groups that take these cases to court wanting us to take down the Ten Commandments out of our courthouses, dishonoring God in every way. This anointing that hung over our country for years is breaking up, that is how 9-11 happened. A couple of preachers went on TV and tried to answer the question. People were asking the question “How could God let this happen to us?” You all know what I mean by 9-11?
How could this happen to us? The anointing of Christ Jesus is breaking up over the nation. All of the preachers that answered the question were put off the air. The people asking the questions did not like the answer, but that is the answer. The anointing over a nation is a collective anointing of the people that inhabit the nation.
It is possible, but I hope it does not happen in the US, but I know in principle, it is possible for an anointing, whether it is Christ Jesus or witchcraft anointing, to change. This world is an illusion, things change, things change. We saw Sister XXXXXX in Festac, and now she lives here. Next week she may decide to change the furniture, things change, it is not permanent. That means there is always hope. There is always hope.
When we start drawing down the anointing of Christ, either by prayer, or by studying the spiritual aspect of the Scripture, we are cleansed with the washing of the water of the Word. We are not cleansed with the Word, we are cleansed with the water of the Word. What is the water of the Word? It is the spiritual aspect of the Word.
The written Scripture, that has some tremendous good in this world, does not cleanse from demons. It introduces us to Christ, it can bring us to the Holy Spirit, it is the first stage of God’s plan for us. If you want your nature changed, if you want your fallen nature cleansed you need to understand the wisdom of the Word which is the Spiritual understanding of the Word. Why? Because that is what draws down the power of God.
The more spiritual in Christ we are, the more power comes down. That is what we are trying to do. We are trying to pull down the power of God from the heavenlies, down into the earth. We want Him to clean up where ever we live, we want Him to clean up our mess, whatever the problem is of the city you live in or the town you live in. Our personal lives, we want the power. There is only one answer to every problem we have, power. Your body is sick, power, it is power.
In the condition we are in, if we are sick, if we are aging, or if we are dying, it is because we lack power. We are born into this world with a measure of energy, and it only lasts for so long. Science says we start to die the minute we are born. The minute we are born the baby starts to die. The baby starts to age in preparation for death, the minute it is out of the womb. It comes in with a specific measure of energy.
Those of us who are in Christ are being energized. Aside from those who are in Christ, everybody only lives for a season, because the amount of energy that they come into the world with gets used up. The reason that Jesus could not die is because He had Life inside of Him that was providing energy to keep His flesh alive. If we want to pull down the power of God in our life, the powerful way to do it is by studying the spirit of the Word.
It is pretty much there for you to read. It is just a comment on Reuben, saying that Reuben had great pity, and he knew well of the faithfulness of the ruthlessness of Simeon and Levi. He saved Joseph’s life, but he was the agent of Jehovah, Joseph had a call on his life, you cannot kill somebody that has a call on their life. If you can kill them the Lord will raise them from the dead.
We are going to do a study in Genesis 37. Would somebody like to read this? I printed it out for you. Would somebody like to read it on to the message?
Read by the Brethren
1. And Jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger, in the land of Canaan.
2. These are the generations of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives: and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report.
3. Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours.
4. And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him.
5. And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.
6. And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed:
7. For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf.
8. And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words.
9. And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.
10. And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?
11. And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying.
12. And his brethren went to feed their father's flock in Shechem.
13. And Israel said unto Joseph, Do not thy brethren feed the flock in Shechem? come, and I will send thee unto them. And he said to him, Here am I.
14. And he said to him, Go, I pray thee, see whether it be well with thy brethren, and well with the flocks; and bring me word again. So he sent him out of the vale of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.
15. And a certain man found him, and, behold, he was wandering in the field: and the man asked him, saying, What seekest thou?
16. And he said, I seek my brethren: tell me, I pray thee, where they feed their flocks.
17. And the man said, They are departed hence; for I heard them say, Let us go to Dothan. And Joseph went after his brethren, and found them in Dothan.
18. And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him.
19. And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.
20. Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see what will become of his dreams.
21. And Reuben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands; and said, Let us not kill him.
22. And Reuben said unto them, Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, and lay no hand upon him; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again.
23. And it came to pass, when Joseph was come unto his brethren, that they stript Joseph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that was on him;
24. And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.
25. And they sat down to eat bread: and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, behold, a company of Ishmeelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt.
26. And Judah said unto his brethren, What profit is it if we slay our brother, and conceal his blood?
27. Come, and let us sell him to the Ishmeelites, and let not our hand be upon him; for he is our brother and our flesh. And his brethren were content.
28. Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt.
29. And Reuben returned unto the pit; and, behold, Joseph was not in the pit; and he rent his clothes.
30. And he returned unto his brethren, and said, The child is not; and I, whither shall I go?
31. And they took Joseph's coat, and killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood;
32. And they sent the coat of many colours, and they brought it to their father; and said, This have we found: know now whether it be thy son's coat or no.
33. And he knew it, and said, It is my son's coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces.
34. And Jacob rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his son many days.
35. And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; and he said, For I will go down into the grave unto my son mourning. Thus his father wept for him.
36. And the Midianites sold him into Egypt unto Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh's, and captain of the guard.
We see that we are really talking about two pits here. The pit of the carnal mind that Joseph was cast down into by his brethren which I hope to establish for you. That was the spiritual pit, the anointing, was stripped from him, and he was cast down to his carnal mind, but he was also sent to a dungeon in Egypt, ultimately.
The serpents and scorpions are talking about the heathen anointing that was over Egypt and not only the physical dungeon, but the very fact that Joseph was in Egypt was a spiritual dungeon for him. He entered into the atmosphere which was ruled by serpents and scorpions in the land of Egypt. That anointing over the country at the time when Egyptian mystery religion ruled were serpents and scorpions. To someone who had known the anointing, it was hell.
That is what got us into this whole big study. The pit that had no water was the carnal mind that did not have the wisdom of God. It lacked the wisdom of God. The pit with the serpents and scorpions was the intense physical experience that Joseph had. Is everybody ok? Does anybody have a question about that?
I am going to take it a verse at a time Verse 1, Genesis 37.
- 1. And Jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger, in the land of Canaan.
- 2. These are the generations of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives: and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report.
What evil report? He must have had a revelation that they did not like, and he went to his father Jacob and said, “Nobody likes me, none of my brothers like me.” I want to tell you that Jacob had the reaction that so many people have. Jacob did not recognize the hatred which is such a spiritual hatred.
Brethren, a spiritual hatred is nothing to be ignored, any hatred is not to be ignored. Apparently, Jacob did not believe Joseph or did not have the wisdom on how to deal with it. Jacob thought, “I will send you to your brothers, to your other brothers and maybe they will like you, or maybe they will like you when they get to know you. You are really such a nice kid, and this thing is going to pass.” Jacob completely failed to deal with this spirit of murder, envy, and competition that was raging through his sons. He did not know how to deal with it, or was he in denial? Maybe he was in denial.
King David was in denial with Solomon, He must have loved all his sons, and the Scripture says he loved Joseph the most. What does that mean? Does that mean that he recognized the anointing on Joseph? Or does that mean he favored him? I do not know, but I am sure that he loved all of his sons, and just did not want to deal with the politics between them so he went into denial.
He said, “Oh, you do not get along with those brethren?” Those brothers from those mothers pertaining to Leah’s children, he will get along with them. He completely failed to recognize what was happening in the spirit, and that Joseph’s life was in danger. Jacob failed.
Genesis 37: 3
3. Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours.
I have broken down this verse, because I am suggesting to you that the “old age” is a poor translation, and it really means that Joseph was the son of his spiritual seed.
When I do these kinds of studies, the words in brackets are amplifications. That means I added them for the purpose of understanding. The words in round parenthesis are the words in the King James Translation. I studied the Interlinear Text, and I looked up the Hebrew word that had been rendered into the English word, and then I looked it up in the dictionary.
I see other words that are legitimate translations of that Hebrew word. Sometimes the Lord tells me to choose one of those other words which are legitimate translations of the same word, and they support the spiritual understanding of the Scripture under the spirit of revelation.
3. “Now Israel,” which is the spiritual side of Jacob “loved Joseph more than all his children, because” Joseph was the son of his spiritual maturity. Not his "old age," his spiritual maturity. That word translated “old,” is Strong’s #2308. It is the passive particle of Strong’s #2204 which means “to.” However, Strong’s #2205, just one digit along in the lexicon, which is a derivative of Strong’s #2204 can be translated as “elder.” In fact, that is the word. I have the definition of the word here, Strong’s #2205 means “old.” Joel uses that word #2205 to talk about spiritually mature men.
Joel 2:28
- 28. And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons, and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
“Your old men,” that is Strong’s #2204 “shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.” It is not talking about chronologically old men. It is talking about spiritually mature elders. I suggest to you that Jacob knew that Joseph was the son of his spiritual maturity. He knew Joseph had the seed.
Jacob, who went through what he went through with his brother Esau, how could he be so blinded about his son Joseph? Because that is human nature, brethren. It was years after his conflict with Esau, and he just did not want to deal with the problem of the son. He just did not.
Remember, this is Jacob who did not want to deal with Shechem who hooked up with his daughter Dinah. It was Simeon and Levi who went, in a cruel and ungodly manner and dealt with the problem. Jacob did not want to take any action. We see this patriarch had some strong human failure.
Abraham turning his wife over to Pharaoh, it was shocking to me, but there is nothing to be upset about. You see God glorified in every weakness. Denial will not get us into it. We see human frailties in the patriarchs. They are in us too, we can learn from it. The truth will always set us free.
The word translated “his” can also be translated “belonged to.” “And Joseph belonged to YKVK.”
As I explained to you, one of the ministries that God has directed Living Epistles Ministries to is the ministry to the Jewish people. I do read Jewish commentaries, and I send these translations to another website that is directed towards Jewish people that are not Jewish Christians. They said it is wrong to write out Jehovah, so I just take their practice YKVK, YKVK that is acceptable to the Jew, and they know that it means God. The pronunciation of the word God is YKVK, YKVK. This teaching does not only go person to person, it also goes to Jewish people who have not received Christ.
Joseph belonged to YKVK, YKVK. He belonged to Jehovah, the one who made him. Jacob knew that Joseph belonged to the one who belonged to the covering of the many in the grave. That “covering of many in the grave” is a translation of “coat of many colors.” That Hebrew word that is translated coat of many colors is the same Hebrew word translated palm of the hand.
How do you get "a coat of many colors" from "the palm of the hand?" It is translated lightly. This is how the King James translators understood it. It meant the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot. By implication it means, “by conclusion a long length loop from the original sense of the loop is many rips, many layers.” To say, “the coat of many colors” is really stretching it. It is legitimate, it is called, “translated lightly.”
I want to project to you that the true meaning of the word is “anointing with many layers.” Many layers of anointing, many spiritual layers. Let me keep it at “layers of anointing” so that I do not confuse anybody.
Joseph was anointed with the Holy Spirit. He had many anointings. I call it an “imputed anointing.” He had a heavy anointing, it was obvious to anyone. Anyone should know that he was the one who had inherited the seed, and they all knew it. Jacob did not want to go through what he went through with Esau again. He really turned Joseph over to the brothers, because he could not face that kind of conflict again. Joseph was on his own.
What is interesting was that Jacob had help. His mother helped him. Joseph was turned to the wolves. Jacobs’s mother told him to run, nobody warned Joseph, and he walked right into it.
Why did he walk right into it? It was the will of the Lord that he would wind up in Egypt, the whole thing was a plan.
If you want to look at these notes on your own, I just have it all printed out for you. The words, the Alternate Translations, the words in the parenthesis are the King James. The words before the King James are the words I choose under the anointing. The other words are legitimate words, and are a part of the definition of the word.
The final Alternate Translation:
Israel, the spiritual side of Jacob, loved Joseph more than his other children, because Joseph was the son of Israel’s spiritual maturity. Israel belonged to YKVK, the one who made a covenant with Abraham. The spiritual covenant with YKVK's many inner grades belonged to Joseph. The only word that was really there is “made.” I had to pray about it, and ask the Lord what He was talking about here. He made a covenanting with Abraham.
Israel, the spiritual side of Jacob, loved Joseph more than all his other children, because Joseph was the son of Israel’s spiritual maturity. Israel belonged to YKVK, the one who made a covenant with Abraham. The spiritual covering of YKVK's many inner grades, the depth of Christ, belonged to Joseph. The witness to that is Genesis 17:9, “And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.”
The covenant was made with Abraham and with all of Abraham’s seed. The covenant was with the seed. The covenant was not with Esau. It was with Jacob. The covenant was with Joseph. It was not with Simeon, it was not with Levi, it was not with Judah.
Genesis 21:12, “And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.”
The seed is only in one man. Of course, in this generation that seed is Christ, and Christ is grafting His son to all of us. He is reproducing Himself in all of us. It is one Christ, Christ is not divided. One Christ, a many-membered Christ.
Genesis 47:23, “Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh: lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land.”
This is Joseph speaking to his brethren after they come to Egypt looking for food, and it was so interesting that Joseph is offering them seed. The significance is that the brothers...inaudible...the seed of God, and they separated themselves...inaudible. I will also show you later on how they walked away from the anointing.
You cannot keep the anointing if you turn somebody, your own brother, to be a vagrant. Aside from that, you cannot keep the anointing, and you put the anointing behind your back and seek the counsel of the other side, the anointing of the other side, the witchcraft anointing for that one evil thing that you want to do. If you think that the anointing of God is coming back to you again, you are mistaken.
We are told later on that the brothers laid aside the anointing that they had, because they had to lay it aside in order to “sell him down the river,” and then it was not there when they tried to pick it up again. Joseph was the only one who had the seed. Verse 23, “Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh: lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land.
Of course, the physical seed, and now they were going to be partners with Egypt, but it was also the reunion of the brothers of the brother who had the seed, the seed of Christ.
Genesis 48:11
Verse 11. “And Israel said unto Joseph, I had not thought to see thy face: and, lo, God hath shewed me also thy seed.”
Of course, he is talking about Joseph’s offspring. I have a little side here, it really does not belong on this message, but I could not resist. The verse before that Genesis 48:11, a few verses before that is Jacob talking to Joseph. They saw each other after the reconciliation. They said that Jacob was blind, his eyes were dimmed, but he was not blind.
He said to Joseph, “I would like to see your children.” Joseph brings his children in, Jacob says, “Who are they?” If your father is there, and he asks you to bring your children in, are you not going to bring your children in? Why would Jacob say to Joseph “Who are they?” Joseph’s answer was, “These are my children.”
I want to tell you that the children are black. Joseph was married to an Egyptian, and they were black. Jacob looked at the kids and he said, “Whose kids are they?” They were black. I thought you would enjoy that. Praise the Lord.
1 Chronicles 17:11, “And it shall come to pass, when thy days be expired that thou must go to be with thy fathers, that I will raise up thy seed after thee, which shall be of thy sons; and I will establish his kingdom.”
Of course, that is talking about Christ. We see that this principle of raising up seed is very prominent in the Scripture. We should always be looking for the spiritual significance, even if it is obvious that something is really happening in the natural. There is always a spiritual message underneath.
Some events in the Scripture, some of the Scriptures themselves obviously have to have happened in the natural. There is always a spiritual message, but some events in the Scripture, in my opinion, are just too bizarre to happen in the natural. Such as the Scripture that we are pursuing right now about the woman and the alabaster statue. I just really find it hard to believe that she came in, and got down on her knees, and wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair. If someone did that to me, I would say, “What are you doing?”
The more unrealistic the Scripture is, the more likely the true meaning is a deep spiritual truth. Anything that does not make sense, I would say, “Lord what does that really mean?”
I have had people, non-Christians challenge me on the Scripture telling me what a cruel God the God of the Bible is. One man said to me once, he said, “And He turned Lot’s wife to salt.” They are just horrified. These are just deep spiritual truths. The truth of the matter of Lot’s wife being turned into salt is that Lot’s wife was, in that case internalized. His human nature is being referred to as his wife.
The sign that the Scripture is talking about human nature, and not a physical wife is that there is no personal name. There was no personal name to the wife. It was Lot’s carnal nature that was looking back towards Sodom, she was going to get him killed because his fallen nature was lusting for Sodom. What did Lot do? He judged his carnal nature, he rebuked it. The symbol for Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is the sea.
He rebuked that aspect of his mind that was yearning for Sodom. When he rebuked the sea within him, he boiled it. The judgment for Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is that she will be boiled and distilled. When the sea is boiled, it is separated into the residue which is salt, and the water vapor which is acquired by Christ.
The fact that Lot’s wife turned to salt meant that he was saved from lusting for Sodom. Do you understand that? I had one guy say to me, “Yes I read that in the Bible, God told him to rip that baby out of the woman’s womb.” What kind of a God is that? Of course, it is talking about the fallen nature. Anyway, I am off my track.
Genesis 37:4
- 4. “And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him.”
First of all, please note that the Scripture does not distinguish between Joseph’s natural father, Israel, and YKVK, his Father God. When his brethren saw that he loved, maybe they thought God loved him more? God is no respecter of persons. Different people have different anointings. It does not mean He loves you any less. Everyone cannot be a leader, everybody could not have the seed.
When the brothers saw that Father God loved Joseph more, and that father Israel loved Joseph more, they could not contain themselves. Then again I have to ask myself where was Jacob? Why was he not instructing his sons on how to deal with their envy? My opinion right now is that Jacob really fell down, and I think that he was hurt so badly from his encounter with Esau, that he just could not deal with any more.
I cannot go into the whole thing right now, but I am convinced that the Lord had told Jacob to do what he did, because Isaac was about to make a mistake and pass the seed on to the wrong son. It was God who stirred up Jacob to do what he did, and there is a spiritual truth to the King James encounter.
The promised seed was saved because of Jacob’s deception. It hurt him so badly that he left this mother, and father, and we all know what Laban did to him, how he treated him. Then he had to deal with Esau for many years. I believe that he was all used up. He saw it happening again, and he just could not deal with it again.
“And they could not speak peaceably to him.”
This is an interesting phrase. You have to understand that these people were spiritual giants. Even today, the words that you speak to people really count. You do not have to say, “I curse you,” you just have to think it. You do not know how strong your mind is. You can really hurt people.
I have a witness, Genesis 31:24
24. “And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said unto him, Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.”
Do not talk to him, do not speak evil to him, and do not pronounce good on him, just leave him alone, he is mine. Laban was a very powerful man of God, some people say he was a sorcerer. The power of the tongue.
When it says that Joseph’s brothers could not speak peaceably to him, it meant that they could not speak anything good to him. That means they were saying bad things, curses. It is not just our words but our thoughts. If we have evil thoughts towards people, and we just do not speak them, that is worse than speaking them.
You should not speak it. You should deal with your own thoughts. How do you deal with it? You confess it as sin, you ask the Lord to forgive you and bless the person. Whatever the evil thoughts, you rebuke them, and you start praying the exact opposite towards the person. If you ignore the thoughts, they go underground like a submarine depth charge, they become very dangerous, and they start hurting the spiritual people. Let me find another way to best explain that to you.
Express hostility or express negativity. All negativity is energy, everything is energy. The whole creation is energy. If you are having a bad feeling or a bad thought towards somebody, and you speak it out, you discharge that bomb. If you want to think of these thoughts as bombs, you discharge the bomb especially if you say to the person, “I know how you feel, that is no big secret.” Maybe they could say something back to you to diffuse the situation, and it is out in the open.
When you swallow it, and you do not tell anybody, or if you just have that evil thought in you, and you do not want anyone to know, or if you think that you are not going to hurt that person, because you are not going to speak it, you are mistaken.
It goes underground, it goes in the spiritual plane, and it could stir up real trouble for that person or any other spiritual person that is in Christ that may be attached to them. You can do a lot of damage. It can make then sick, it could bring division in their marriage, it could do a lot of harm.
The problem is that the people do not know what the problem is. They see things going wrong in their life, and they do not know where it is coming from. They do not understand. If you tell them, then at least you can deal with it. That is why Jesus said, “If you have something against your brother, you should take another witness and tell them.” Give them a chance to straighten it out.
We as Christians are obligated to do everything in our power to straighten out any disagreement with anybody and be reasonable and fair about it. If the other person is not reasonable or fair, the Scripture says that they are heathens, that they are not even your brother.
This concept of having unresolved differences is totally unacceptable to God. Those hostilities are flying around in the spirit, and they are attacking spiritual people like me. Then I wake up one day, and I find out that there is trouble in the spirit. When it gets my attention, sometimes I know where it is coming from, I start breaking curses, and it is not going to be pleasant.
It depends on who the person is. If I have that kind of relationship with you, I will call you and tell you the Lord told me that something is going on in your mind, and you really have to get it out in the open, or I am going to have to start praying against you. If the person cannot take that kind of talk, I have to deal with it, because I am not about to let people get sick or hurt.
That is my job. I watch the souls of the people I am attached to. If you are not expressing your feelings and just denying them, there is danger. You have to recognize that you are wrong for it, the wrong feelings. You go before God and ask the Lord to remove them and bless the person, or ask Him for any other instructions. You cannot ignore these things. They are powerful.
Every thought that comes out of us is a bomb. People call them demons. They take on a life of their own, especially if you hold a grudge, and you are having evil thoughts or resentment, after resentment, after resentment. Then the person gets sick, and you do not want that on your conscience. We all need to know what I am telling you, we do not want this on your conscience.
The Lord said, “Have good thoughts towards him, thoughts of life, peace, prosperity,” and any thoughts towards anybody that is anything other than that, we need to recognize it is coming out of our carnal mind and our fallen nature. We need to confess it as sin. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus for those who are called according to His purposes. We are required to deal with those thoughts and to put them down and think towards Christ.
No matter what somebody does to us, that thought is sin. Grudge is sin, holding back is sin, unforgiveness is sin. Holding back those thoughts is sin. Let it out and let God deal with it. Somebody does you wrong, bless them, and let God deal with them.
We all have enough trouble in our life just getting through the day. We do not have to be punishing people in our own mind or in any other way. That is God’s business. We should desire that all our behavior should be in righteousness.
Genesis 37:4
4. “And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him.”
Oh, we did that already, they could not speak peaceably unto him. Our words are very powerful, and our thoughts are very powerful. Suppressed thoughts are even more powerful. Do not forget that, because we are responsible. Responsible to God for everything that emanates from us. Whether we are aware of it or not aware of it. This is why we have to start monitoring our unconscious mind.
When Jesus hung on the cross, and the Scripture said that the veil of the temple was rent from the top to the bottom. What does that mean? Everything in this world is a type of a spiritual thing. We are the temple of God. Jesus was a temple of God, So where was the veil?
The veil in a physical temple hung between the most holy place and the holy place. It hung between the place that typifies the unconscious mind, and the place that typifies the conscious mind. Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection resulted in the impartation of Christ in His people, and in Christ we have the ability to look into the unconscious part of our minds and police it. Police it, root it out, and as the Lord leads us, replace it with the righteous Christ mind.
Because of Jesus’ crucifixion, the veil between man's conscious and unconscious mind has been rent. We have to be willing to look. It is not always very pretty, and it does not make us feel good, but it will work to our good. Any problem that is on-going in our life that we have tried and prayed, and we cannot seem to get to the bottom of it, there is a spiritual block in your life.
We have to find out what it is. We have to find out if it is a curse, we have to find out if you are holding a grudge against somebody, you have to find out if you did something you have to repent of. Get a hold of God and do not let go. Start knocking and do not stop knocking until you find out what the impediment in your life is. When you find out what it is, you ask the Lord what you have to do about it and do it, then go on.
The preacher was not too nice to me, I do not want to go into the details. I just passed it off. I liked him so I just passed it off. Who knows what he said about me that I do not even know. All I know is that he did not treat me very nice. I have no idea what he was saying about me behind my back.
About ten years later he had a problem. I think he just fell, or he had a cut on his foot which became infected and would not heal. I found out that the doctors wanted to amputate his toes, and it was a situation where they would cut off one toe at a time, and then his leg. I found out this all one day after not hearing from him for years. He popped into my computer on instant message. I recognized him, and he said, “It is me” and I said, “Hello.”
I have a discernment of spirit over the computer and over the phone. I get a perception of where they are coming from. He was relieved that I was even talking to him. I did not know why he was contacting me, I did not have a clue, I had heard about his leg, but I did not have a clue.
We talked for a while, and this is what the Lord had told me. “He had been beating on the door of Heaven. He wanted to know why his leg would not be healed and being threatened with amputation.” The Lord told him to call me, I said, “Nice talking to you.” We parted, and the next thing I heard was that his leg was healed.
I have not spoken to him since, but I know that if I want to I can call him. You do not have to be best friends with people, but you cannot have any grievances, you cannot preach and teach, or be involved in this deep doctrine and the spirit of the word and be out of order.
When you start pursuing this spiritual word, God is going to come to you with an anointing at a time, and show us things that are wrong in our life that He wants us to correct. Judgment, corrective judgment starts falling when you pursue the depths of the spirit of the Word. This is called the White throne Judgment when the Lord comes to you and says, “Look, I know you did not understand it, you did not know about it before, but this is what you need to be doing, and I want you to start doing it.”
That is all He is going to tell you. He is not going to tell you who, what, why, when, or where. If you do not realize that it is the Lord talking to you, if you do not recognize His voice, or if He talks to you through another person, and you do not recognize that it is the wisdom of God talking to you through another person, and you do not listen you will experience the consequences of not doing what He told you to do. Then five years down the line, you will be saying, “Why is this situation in my life?”
When I have a problem in my life I say, “Lord, what did I do that I should not have done? Or what did I not do that I should have done?” Everything is a reaping and a sowing. “Just show me and let me fix it. I do not want this problem in my life.” I think that when you start pushing in deep in this word, the Lord is going to start coming towards us. Why? Because He wants to save you from the sowing and reaping judgment which is enforced by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and is destruction.
It comes to you as corrective judgment before the sowing and reaping judgment comes to you, before you suffer loss, but most people do not hear it, including me. Today, I am at the point when somebody says something, I am listening, when anybody is talking to me, I am listening to you. I am looking for God in your words.
I got this revelation, and I want to be told before the destruction comes. I want to be told before I experience war what I am doing wrong. I am listening to everybody. Maybe it is God talking. Joseph dreamed the dream, he told it to his brethren, and they hated him yet the more.
Joseph was really naive. I think that he just wanted to share his dream. I get very excited when I dream, I love to share my dream with people. The first principle in dream interpretation in Christ is that you should know that if you see yourself in the dream, it does not mean it is you. Then if I see XXXX in the dream, it does not mean that the dream is about her. In a dream if we see people that we know, it frequently represents other people. The first thing that you have to ask the Lord is who this person represents. Of course, the dream that Joseph had was about Christ. He had the anointing on him, so he had a prophetic dream about Christ in future generations. Maybe he even thought that his brothers would be bound unto him. I do not know. Praise the Lord.
I have the Hebrew word translated “dream” for you. It is Strong’s #2492, and it really means “to bind firmly and inclination.” That “bind firmly” talks to me about the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is the two minds, the carnal mind and the Christ mind bound together. The Scripture that says, “Bind the sacrifice to the horns of the altar.” Our carnal mind is the sacrifice, and Christ is the altar.
Like I said to you earlier, the raw power of God has to come under dominion which is the wisdom of Christ. Our carnal mind must come under the wisdom and the domination of Christ. Our carnal mind is evil. We are wicked. That is what the Scripture says. We are only ok, because we have been socialized, because our parents taught us right from wrong. Left to our own devices, natural man is evil. We are born with the evil inclination. We have to be taught righteousness.
This word that translated “dream” means ”to bind firmly.” What does that mean? It means that this word “dream” is talking about a dream from God. The world’s dreams are not from God. When the carnal mind is bound under the authority of the Christ mind, the dream is from God. Dreams come for all different reasons. Dreams come for information, I get a lot of dreams that are just information. I know what is going on in New York right now. Just information that I need to know.
Sometimes dreams are a warning, but this dream was a prophesy, of the great prophesy of the Christ coming forth. Joseph took it for himself, and his brothers wanted to kill him. Look at what the carnal mind did to this great prophetic dream of the deliverance of Christ in humanity. That is the carnal mind, that is what we have to overcome, brethren. We are all like that, even I.
I get to a point that I know this, and I know this, and I know this. I get to a point where there is something that I do not know, and I am in darkness as much as the next person down the street. That is our carnal mind, it is darkness and ignorance.
Verse 6 “And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed:
Verse 7. For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf.”
Can you picture this? This was not too smart of our patriarch Joseph. Even after telling them the first dream, he goes and tells them his second dream. Now they really want to kill him. It reminds me of what we see in the church. When you are new to the church, and you are in a Pentecostal church, and you see somebody that is just starting to prophesy, they think that they are the head of the church because they prophesy.
Prophecy is just a gift. It has nothing to do with righteousness. It is given to you without repentance, it does not make you any smarter, it does not make you any more spiritual, it does not make you richer. All it makes you is that people are looking at you.
The gifts of the spirit are wonderful, but unless the teaching of pride accompanies them, they are dangerous. I have met a lot of people that think they are big shots and elders in the church because they prophesy. Wisdom makes you an elder. Wisdom, righteousness, integrity, morality, and faithfulness makes you an elder. The gifts of the spirit does not make you an elder. The truth of the matter is that they are signs of spiritual childhood.
They are the very beginning of what God has for us. We are supposed to be spiritual giants. There is much, much more than that than standing up in church and prophesying. It is a good thing, but you need to have everything in its place. It is spiritual childhood. If no one tells you that it is spiritual childhood, you do not know. I have to tell you it is spiritual childhood. It is spiritual childhood.
Joseph did not learn from his experience. He was telling them about his second dream. Maybe the first time was not enough, his brothers said:
Verse 8. “And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words.”
They do not recognize the truth in his words. Of course, there is nothing new under the sun. We see what happened to Joseph and his brethren was a premonition of what would be happening to Jesus. We read about that in Luke 19, Verse 12 and 13.
Verse 13. “And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.”
Verse 14. “But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us.”
That is the bride anointing, the imputed anointing. That is the fallen nature of natural man, even when the Holy Spirit has been added to it, it does not welcome the authority of the Bridegroom. That is the reality of our human nature, it benefits all of us to ask the Lord where we are. Are we in the Bride Company? Or are we in the Bridegroom Company? Who should we submit to? Who should we not submit to? Just ask the Lord what He requires of us, and ask frequently because things can change.
Genesis 37, Verse 9. “And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.”
He has not asked the Lord, he has not asked anybody how to interpret his dreams. Of course, he is not interpreting his dreams, I think it sounds like he believes it was literal. We will see later on that Joseph did not have a problem asking Elohim for help under other circumstances, but he never asked Him for wisdom on interpreting these dreams.
We need to know that it is another thing to be instructed on what to ask God to help us with. You will be surprised on how many things that the Lord would like to help you with that you never ask Him to help you with. He wants to be intimately involved in your life. He wants to be involved in every decision you have to make.
Verse 10. “And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?”
Even Jacob, where is the spiritual Jacob? I was told Jacob was pretty spiritual. When he fooled around with the cows to make sure they were the kind he was supposed to get as payment from Laban, they were the kind that were being born. This is a spiritual interference with the genetics of the word.
Remember the deal he made with Laban? All the cows and sheep with particular marking would be his. The Scripture says he just took two sticks. What does that mean? He did something spiritual, he fooled with the genetics of the sheep. This is a spiritual book. He went into the spiritual realm, and he fooled around with the mating of the sheep. I believe it was legal, God let him do it.
The bottom line was that he was a spiritual giant. Do you know how to do that? I do not know how to do that. All of a sudden, he was a carnal father. He is just blind to everything that is going on in the instance of his son.
Verse 11. “And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying.”
Now we are told that his father listened to him. He rebuked Joseph, but he listened to him. He did not help his son.
Matthew 27:18, Pilate, 18. “For he knew that for envy they had delivered him.”
Mark 15:10 same thing, 10. “For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him (Jesus) for envy.”
Acts 7:9. “And the patriarchs, moved with envy, sold Joseph into Egypt: but God was with him,”
We see these major characters as being the great heroes of the Bible, they were just human beings, just as we are. There is greatness in Christ. Everyone that Christ inhabits is great, so we have to learn how to deal with that greatness, because “of ourselves we are nothing.” When Christ comes to dwell in us, because He is great when we line our will up with His will, and our behavior with His desire for us, the way He would like us to behave, we become great.
We have to keep reminding ourselves that it is not us, it is not us. We are only great because He is in us. We are the vessel that He is shining through. As soon as we think it is us, we are in trouble and on our way down. It could be a pretty big crash.
Genesis 37, Verse 12, And his brethren went to feed their father's flock in Shechem.”
13. “And Israel said unto Joseph, Do thy brethren not feed the flock in Shechem? come, and I will send thee unto them. And he said to him, Here am I.”
Jacob is trying to get Joseph way from his other brothers, and he is sending him to the more murderous brother. Jacob is supposed to be a giant, why does he not see in the spirit what is happening here? Maybe he did see it in the spirit. Did Jehovah not say to Abraham, “Your people will be in bondage in Egypt for 330 years.”
Maybe the reason Jacob did not say anything because he knew, maybe he saw in the spirit, all that would happen. Without the details you never really get those. Maybe he was being a pacifist, I do not know.
Verse 13. “And Israel said unto Joseph, Do thy brethren not feed the flock in Shechem? come, and I will send thee unto them. And he said to him, Here am I.”
The Hebrew words translated, “Here am I,” is translated “behold,” or “lo,” meaning “there it is.” There must have been thirty or forty references in the Strong’s, it was only this verse or one or two other verses where the word is translated, “Here am I.” The word means, “behold, there it is, yes I can see it.”
I want to suggest to you that when Israel said to Joseph, “Do thy brethren not feed the flock in Shechem,” how did Jacob know where the brethren were? These flocks of animals migrated, and the shepherds went with the flocks. They moved around the pasture. There were no telephones, there were no telegraphs. How did Jacob know where they were? Do thy brethren not feed the flock in Shechem? I want to tell you that Jacob who is a spiritual giant saw his sons in the spirit. He knew where they were.
He said to Joseph, “You see in the spirit, Joseph, you agree that they are in Shechem? Are they not in Shechem?” Joseph said, “Yes, I can see it, they are in Shechem.” We see Jacobs’s spirituality demonstrated. Why was he not talking to his sons, why was he not trying help them with their envy, why was he not warning Joseph? I do not know, but I hope by the time this message is over I get a Word of Knowledge from the Lord, because I do not know.
My opinion is that he could not face it after what he went through with Esau or that he was in denial, because he loved Joseph so much, or that he knew that evil was going to happen to Joseph, and that he could not do anything about it. None of which explanation is acceptable to God. We are supposed to give every problem we have to the Lord.
This is my comment. Israel saw his sons in the spirit and asked Joseph if he could see their location in the spirit also. Today, we call that going into the alpha state. You astral project, and you fly around and find out where people are, or some such similar state. I knew somebody once in the church and, before she came to the Lord, her mother used to make her go into the alpha state to check out her father, who was always cheating on her.
I do not know whether Jacob and Joseph actually went into an alpha state and left their bodies or not, but they definitely had an ability to look into the mind of the spirit and see where the other brothers were.
Verse 14. “And he said to him, Go, I pray thee, see whether it be well with thy brethren, and well with the flocks; and bring me word again. So he sent him out of the vale of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.”
Verse 15. “And a certain man found him, and behold he was wandering in the field: and the man asked him, saying, What seekest thou?”
All of a sudden there is a man, and Joseph is just wandering around? Makes no sense at all. It must be a spiritual verse. Must have a spiritual meaning, let us take a look at it.
“And there appeared a certain mortal man.” The Hebrew word translated, “man” is Strong’s #583 which distinguishes that mortal man from a man who is joined to Christ. A man who is joined to Christ is Adam, which is Strong’s #121. This is a mortal man who does not have Christ.
The word, “behold,” we are translating, “saw.” Another legitimate translation of “wandering” is “vacillate.” In this case, it means, “to go back and forth between one’s carnal personality and one’s spiritual personality.” To go back and forth between the carnal mind and the Christ mind.
Joseph was losing his spiritual “fix.” The mind of the spirit had opened in Joseph’s mind’s eye, he saw his brothers in Shechem, and he was following that vision by some spiritual perception. At some point maybe he got tired. I do not know, but his carnal mind started to rise up, and he lost his spiritual fix. He had to ask Elohim for help. I will show you that.
Of course, the word “field,” for years I just could not figure out. To me, a field was a meadow with grass and trees and little flowers. I thought Adam came forth in a field. I found out that there are energy fields and all kinds of fields. The last thing in the world that a spiritual person would believe reading the Scripture is that Adam was in a meadow with grass, trees, butter cups, and flowers. He was in an energy field, and this image that Joseph was seeing was the field of the spirit.
His spiritual mind opened up, and he saw his brethren, just like the Magi when they saw that Christ was born. Their spiritual mind opened up, they saw with the mind of the spirit, and they followed that vision and they found Christ.
Joseph was following his. I never experienced it so I do not know what it would look like, but he was following a spiritual lead to find his brethren. He lost his concentration. To do anything spiritual requires intense concentration. One of Satan’s, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, greatest pleasure is when I am doing the kind of studying when I try to put notes together like this, all kinds of distractions coming from my mind. I have to do spiritual warfare the whole time I am studying against the things that come into my mind while I am studying.
Joseph lost his “fix.” The carnal mind interfered, and he lost his fixed concentration. He was vacillating between his canal mind and his Christ mind. He did not want to go where his carnal mind sent him, he knew that much. Joseph knew to ask Elohim for help when he lost his spiritual focus, but what he did not know was to ask Elohim to interpret his dream.
There is always something for us to learn with our relationship with the Lord. Just ask Him what He wants to teach you. Ask Him, “Lord, what do I need to know that I do not know?” If we think we know it all, we are in bad trouble. He has a lot to teach me.
Also, in our previous meeting I explained to you that the Jewish scholars that have some incredible revelation in the Scripture, I know that they do not believe in Christ. Frequently, they have an anti-Christ spirit but have a tremendous knowledge of the Scripture. The Lord has led me to some Jewish books, and the Lord helps me to show me what to avoid and what to accept.
One of the things that I have learned is that there are hidden abbreviations in the Scripture. The Hebrew word translated, “who” is a secret way of referring to Jehovah. “Who is this one who made this vision?” The Hebrew word translated, “what,” is a hidden way of saying Elohim.
If you look up the Hebrew word translated “manna,” concerning the Hebrew children in the wilderness, the Hebrew word really means “what.” What is this? It was food provided by Elohim. Elohim is the raw power of God. Jehovah represents the Wisdom of God. We have the word “what” here and, in view of the context of the whole verse, I believe that the spirit of revelation has told me to translate that word “Elohim,” and the word “seekest,” translated “I am looking for.” This is what we got for an Alternate Translation.
“When Joseph’s mortal side appeared, and when Joseph saw that he was vacillating between his human and his God field of vision, Joseph, the mortal man asked Elohim for help saying I am looking for.”
Verse1. “And he said, I seek my brethren: tell me, I pray thee, where they feed their flocks.”
The word “flocks” really is not in the Hebrew. “Tell me where they feed,” because we feed on the spiritual Word of God. Sometimes, the Lord tells me that the people that are in the Living Epistles website that they are feeding for a long time. They are there reading the transcripts, our spiritual food.
Brethren, “I am looking for,” that is the same Hebrew word translated “to seek.” The Hebrew word translated “pray” can be translated “predict” in the Lexicon. The word translated “me” or “can be” translated “belong to.”
Alternate Translation, Verse 16. “The one I belong to,” This is Joseph speaking to Elohim. If you put it together with Verse 15. “And he asked Elohim for help, I am looking for the one I belong to, I am looking for the one who says I will feed you, and can predict where my brethren are.”
Why does he say “looking for” twice? Because his carnal man was talking to Elohim, and his spiritual man was talking to Elohim. He asked Elohim for help saying, “I am looking for the one I belong to.” That is the spiritual man, that is Joseph’s spiritual side looking for the one he belongs to. He was not looking for some spirit guide out there. He was only looking for help from Elohim. “I am looking for the one I belong to.”
The carnal man said or the human man said, “I am looking for the one that said I will feed you or I will meet your every need. That is the one that can predict where my brethren are.” No telephone, no telegraphs, no cell phones, just spiritual communication to the one who knows everything.
Verse 17. “And the man said, They are departed hence; for I heard them say, Let us go to Dothan. And Joseph went after his brethren, and found them in Dothan.”
I wrote that down, you can look at that on your own. Let me see if there is anything unusual here. The only thing that is unusual here is the word “after.” The English word “after.” The translation of the Greek word, Strong’s #310, that really means “the hind part.” How do you translate a word that means, “the hind part'', ''after”? The King James translators did not know what else to do so they purposely, legitimately translated a word, this is what I do.
The hind part is always referring to the unconscious part of the mind. Elohim is the unconscious part of the Christ mind. The Spirit of Christ is the unconscious part of the Christ mind. The Hebrew word translated “sound” can also be translated directly.
Alternate Translation, Verse 17: “And Joseph’s mortal side heard Elohim say, l depart from here, let us go to Dothan. In this manner, Elohim the unconscious part of Joseph spiritual side, directed him towards his brothers in Dothan.”
All three verse together, Genesis 37, Verse 15-17.
“But Joseph’s mortal side appeared, and when Joseph saw that he was vacillating between the two and his God’s field of vision, Joseph, the mortal man, asked Elohim for help saying, I, the spiritual son of Joseph, am looking for the one I belong to (not spirit guides here, just Elohim), and I, the mortal side of Joseph, am looking for the one who said they would never leave me or forsake me, who said that they would always take care of me, and that same one is the one who is the one who can predict where my brethren are, and Joseph’s mortal side heard Elohim say, they departed from here, saying let us go to Dothan, and in this manner, Elohim, the unconscious part of Joseph’s spiritual side, directed Joseph to his brothers.”
Spiritual giants, we are talking about spiritual giants. If we do not see in those terms, we will not fully comprehend the meaning of the Scripture. Not that we can fully comprehend the Scripture, you will not have an accurate understanding of the Scripture.
Genesis 37, Verse 18. “And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him.”
It seems here that Simeon and Levi are the ring leaders here. Judah pipes in and joins in later on. You do not hear anything about Zebulun or Issachar. You know Reuben tried to do the right thing. It appears that Simeon and Levi where really doing all this trouble and they said to one another...
19. “And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.”
The Interlinear Text reveals that only two of the brothers had this conversation. The writers of the Zohar suggest that the two brothers were the unrighteous and cruel, Simeon and Levi.
Genesis 34, Verse 30 through 31. “And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, Ye have troubled me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites: and I being few in number, they shall gather themselves together against me, and slay me; and I shall be destroyed, I and my house.”
Verse 31. “And they said, Should he deal with our sister as with an harlot?”
This is the conversation that took place between Jacob, Simeon, and Levi after Simeon and Levi rescued their sister Dinah by killing all the men of Shechem, after deceiving them into physical circumcision. I prayed about this account for so many years, and I am finally getting an insight to it now.
I wondered whether Jacob was a coward. I now understand that Simeon and Levi were unrighteous, that they used the Right of circumcision which is a Holy Right to the Jews, to trap the Shechemite people, to put them in a position where they could be killed, which is what they did, they wiped out all of the men. We should not be using the things of God to trap people. That was unrighteous, now I understand that.
It was looking to me that Jacob was a coward when he was saying, “Few numbers, they are going to gather themselves together against me and slay me.” Today I do not think that Jacob was a coward.
I think Jacob had a revelation that you do not get into a fight unless the Lord tells you to get into the fight. I am thinking that, the Lord certainly never told Simeon and Levi to do what they did. Neither did the Lord tell Jacob to do that. Jacob was saying, “If the Lord is not with me or the Lord is not with you in what you did, we can all be destroyed.”
What we do not see is Jacob asking the Lord what to do about the abduction. I prayed about that extensively at one time. I do not have any answers yet, I have not heard any answer yet. Did Jacob pray about Dinah’s abduction? What was his reaction to Dinah’s abduction? I do not know.
Again, today, I no longer think that he was a coward in his response to Simeon and Levi. He just had a revelation that God was not in this massacre; therefore, they were not under the protection of the Lord. Let us look at Simeon and Levi’s response.
Verse 31. “And they said, Should he deal with our sister as with an harlot?”
Their response was prideful and arrogant, what they did, they did out of pride. We spoke earlier about the righteous anger, and the anger that comes out of pride. Simeon and Levi solved this problem and took vengeance out of pride, and they refused to receive the correction from their father, Jacob. Their pride was too high when they...[inaudible]. We see the cruelty of Simeon and Levi. I am inclined to agree with the writer of the Zohar, that it was basically Simeon and Levi responsible for the evil that was done to Joseph.
Joseph was Jacobs’s strength manifested through Rachel. Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah were Jacobs’s strength manifested through Leah. Judah the youngest of four became predominant so there was a great competition from these offspring. Simeon and Levi were the leaders of the four, but Joseph was naive. We talked about that earlier.
There are two basic characters of people in the church. The ones that I call the flower children that really cannot make it without Christ. That might not be such a deficit, they have many hard times in their lives, but you are much more likely to do what you need to have Christ formed in you, if things are not easy for you in this world. For the people who have it easy in this world, it's very hard for them to come to Christ because all their needs are met. Then we have the people in the church, even though they have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, they are living out of their carnal nature. They are not doing anything to restrain their energy or their hate.
Genesis 37, Verse 20,” Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see what will become of his dreams.”
What they are really saying is, “We shall see what" translated "what" Elohim, "we shall see if Elohim’s dreams can come to pass after Joseph is dead." There is knowledge there that Joseph is having Elohim’s dream. They are actually plotting to wipe out Elohim's purposes in the young man's life. You have to be insane, you have to be spiritually insane to do something like that. You have to be crazy to come against the anointing. Of course the consequence of coming against the anointing, when you know what you are doing is much more serious than when you are ignorant. These guys were not ignorant, but their hatred and their envy were so strong that they did not even think about the consequences.
Verse 21 “And Reuben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands; and said, Let us not kill him.”
Here is an interesting point here, Reuben, even though he was a product of incest and spiritual adultery, he had a soft heart, because he was conceived as an act of love. Even though it was the wrong woman at the time of conception, love was emanating from Jacob. The other brethren, the other three were cruel, because they were conceived as an act of duty. It was Jacobs’s duty to give children to Leah. He loved Rachel, but it was his duty to give all of his wives children.
Children that are born of duty, children that are conceived in an act other than an act of love, tend to have cruel natures.
Verse 22 “And Reuben said unto them, Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, and lay no hand upon him; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again.”
The term “wilderness" in the Scripture usually means the spiritual wilderness, it means and uninhabited place. It is usually talking about the spiritual world.
Verse 23. “And it came to pass, when Joseph was come unto his brethren, that they stripped Joseph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that was on him;”
I call your attention to the word “coat” being repeated twice. I suggest to you that they stripped him of his physical coat, and they stripped him of his coat of many colors which was his anointing. He had two coverings, a spiritual covering and a physical covering.
Verse 24. And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.”
There was no wisdom of the Word in it. He was cast down into his carnal mind. Joseph brothers were spiritual also, and had the strength to cast Joseph down from his spiritual mind into the pit of the carnal mind. The pit in the wilderness signifies a state of carnality in the spiritual realm. I think I told you in another meeting that I had that experience once. It was the strangest experience. I just went before the Lord, because I did not know what was wrong with me. I do not even know how to explain it to you other than that the Lord told me I was put in the pit by some high minds that were praying against me. When the Lord told me I realized that, that is what was bothering me. There was something over my head, that I was in a spiritual pit.
Once that information came forth, we started praying, and I was released from it. It was the strangest experience, like I was locked up. I have had a lot of interesting spiritual experiences. Most of what I teach is out of my own experience, and I am telling you that people’s minds can do great damage to the Christ mind in you. The Christ mind in you is a young kid on the block, He is small and young, He is weak compared to the carnal minds of people.
We need the wisdom of God to deliver us. The wisdom in this kid did not know how to get out. I knew how to get out. How do you get out? You call on the name of the Lord. You do not see Joseph calling on the name of the Lord when he is in this pit. He called Elohim when he was lost. He called Elohim when he lost his spiritual vision, but he did not know to call on Elohim to interpret his spiritual dream, and he did not know to call on Elohim when he lost his anointing.
Even Elijah did not know what to do when he lost his anointing. The angel came to him as said, “What are you doing there, laying around like a jerk? Moaning and groaning." He said, “No, they are all after me, they are going to get me." He did not know what to do. I did not mean to insult Elijah by calling him a jerk, that is just a figure of speech. He was just laying there doing nothing.
I have been in that position, and that is how I learned everything that I have learned. I know it does not matter what I do not know, I just say I do not know and call upon the Lord, and I will get all the information that I need. All knowledge all wisdom, the solution to every problem is in Christ Jesus, at will He speaks to me face to face. There is no problem that I can be in that there is not a solution to if I can just find out what He wants me to do. He is the answer to everything.
Joseph did not know that, he went down into a pit where there was no wisdom and there was no word, no water. He went down into his carnal mind.
Verse 25. “And they sat down to eat bread:”
His brothers sat down and ate bread. Brethren, I took one look at that, you have got to understand that even bread is the communion. Communion is a spiritual act. The word is the bread and the wine is the spirit. Jesus said, “You have to drink my blood and eat my flesh.” They left him because they thought he was literal, they thought that he was telling them they had to eat His physical flesh and drink His blood. Jesus said, “Do this until I come.”
He came, He is right in here, and He is in you, and you, and you, and you. He came! He came on the day of Pentecost. Drinking a little cup of grape juice and a little bit of cracker is not a spiritual experience. We are all taking communion tonight. We are breaking bread together, we are sharing the word of God together and the drinking of His spirit, this is the true communion. Communication, communion is communication with God.
The ten brothers sat down, and they took communion. Why in the world are they taking communion? That was the last verse, and it came to pass that they stripped him of his coat and his coat of many colors. Then they sat down and communed with their God. We think that Jehovah responded to them after their recent action? No, they sat down and communed with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, their god, the moment they were in their carnal mind and asked for instructions. They also asked for spiritual guidance.
Because they had spiritually cast him down, and when you do spiritual acts apart from God, you lose your energy. There is no replenishment. When you do spiritual acts in Christ, you are replenished. They used up their energy so they communed with their god. They needed to be replenished and they needed instructions and they ate bread.
Paul talks about bread with leaven. There is Holy bread and there is sinful bread. They looked for food just like Esau coming out of the fields starving, he used up all his spiritual energy, and they were looking for spiritual help from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.
Verse 25. “And they lifted up their eyes and looked.”
My notes say that the brothers took spiritual communion with the principalities from their other ungodly side, and they lifted up their eyes and looked. That saying that they lifted up their eyes and looked, throughout the Old Testament, means that they looked into the spirit. They lifted up their eyes to the highest spiritual realm, and they turned and they looked. They looked into the spiritual realm for help, on the other side. We have the Scripture that says our help cometh from the Lord but they were looking for help from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. In the spirit, they looked in the spirit for counsel and strength from the other ungodly spiritual side.
They saw it, they looked into the spirit, and they saw the solution to their problem. They saw Satan’s solution to their problems. They created spiritual insight. Now hear this, brethren, it is too much of a coincidence that they decided to throw Joseph into slavery and all of a sudden the slavers appeared. We are talking about big spiritual stuff here, brethren. They sell him into slavery, and look, there are the slavers. That is spiritual power. Brethren, these guys are “heavy hitters.”
Verse 25, “A company of Ishmeelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt.”
This was in the spirit, brethren. They saw it in the spirit, “behold” they looked, they lifted up their eyes and behold in the spirit; they created sight in the spirit with the help of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, the god that they were communing with.
They created it and it appeared. In Verse 25, they sat down to eat bread with Satan, they lifted up their eyes, and they looked with the power of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that they were communing with, they literally manifested the slavers that would take away Joseph.
Verse 26. Remember there are other brothers there. It was Simeon and Levi that took communion with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Judah was in on it too. Simeon and Levi that contacted Satan, and the idea that Simeon and Levi created in the spirit was spoken out by Judah. Judah said unto his brothers,
Verse 26. “And Judah said unto his brethren, What profit is it if we slay our brother, and conceal his blood?”
It was already set, it was already established, it was already written in Heaven, in the ungodly heaven. The other side, Simeon and Levi had communed with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, it was all set in the spirit that Joseph was going to be taken by these slavers, then Judah prophesied it so that the others could hear. What profit is it if we slay our brother and conceal his blood?
Verse 27. “Come, and let us sell him to the Ishmeelites, and let not our hand be upon him; for he is our brother and our flesh. And his brethren were content.
Verse 28, Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; Is not that convenient, they just appeared? Is not that convenient? “And they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt.” Is that not interesting?
Verse 29. “And Reuben returned unto the pit;”
The word “unto,” we are translating, “because.”
"and, behold, Joseph was not in the pit; and he rent his clothes.”
What they are saying is that Reuben returned because of the pit. He returned, because he knew Joseph was in trouble. Behold, Joseph was not in the pit. At this point I was rushing, I was late and I looked it in the Interlinear Text, it could be easily read as, “And Reuben returned because of the pit and behold Joseph was not. And he rent his clothes because of the pit.” Behold, Joseph was not in the pit, he was gone. Then Reuben rent his clothes because of the carnal minds of his brothers, because of the pit, the carnal minds of his brethren.
Verse 30. “And he returned unto his brethren, and said, The child is not; and I, whither shall I go?”
31. “And they took Joseph's coat, and killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood;”
They did not dip the coat of many colours in the blood. They dipped his coat in the blood. I remind you that there was a coat and there was a coat of many colors. They stripped him of his coat of many colors, they caused that to go away from him, and they took his physical material coat and dipped it in the blood of the goat.
Verse 32. “And they sent the coat of many colours,”
This is talking about the anointing that was on Joseph, that they forsook it. Joseph was their cover, he was their cover. If they did not send him away they would have never gone into the poverty that caused them to migrate to Egypt.
Everything that is in our life that is wrong, there is a reason for it. We have to find out what the reason is and what we have to do to make it right. We just got back from Jalingo where I heard a testimony that just really floored me.
Pastor XXXXX as a young man was called to the ministry from Law school. He said that he ministered for a while but then he left the ministry and his mother's business started to lose money. His mother being a woman of God, started banging on Heaven’s door saying, “Why is my business not making money Lord? I am doing everything I am supposed to do as far as I know.” The Lord spoke to her and told her that your son is being disobedient.
The Lord spoke to Pastor XXXX’s mother and said, “It is your son. I called him out of school, I put him in the ministry, and he walked away.” She called her son, and she told him. Pastor XXXX went back into the ministry, and his mother's business started to profit again, prosper again. There are no accidents in this world. Everything has a reason.
They forsook the anointing, they sold away their own cover, the coat of many colors.
“and they brought it to their father; and said, This have we found: know now whether it be thy son's coat or no.”
The brothers forsook YKVK, YKVK the anointing that was in their lives also, they were the seed of Abraham.
Verse 33. “And he knew it, and said, It is my son's coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces.”
That is interesting, because there is a spiritual understanding to that, an evil beast has devoured him. Leviathan the pride of man, the carnal mind certainly devoured Joseph’s spiritual life. Joseph is, without doubt, rent in pieces, his Christ mind was ripped apart from his carnal mind. He is in pieces, so Jacob was speaking prophetically.
Verse 34. “And Jacob rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his son many days.”
Verse 35. “And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; and he said, For I will go down into the grave unto my son mourning. Thus his father wept for him.”
Verse 36, “And the Midianites sold him into Egypt unto Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh's, and captain of the guard.”
We see Joseph going under corrective judgment. I believe, I sincerely believe that if things had been different, that Joseph had been less naive, if he had been more educated, God’s purposes still would have been fulfilled but in a less painful way, but there is no way to avoid God’s purposes. You cannot kill somebody who has a job to do for God, who is doing the best they can. Of course, we see that the end of the whole thing was the reunion of Joseph and his brothers and a movement of the whole family including the Holy seed into Egypt. The whole family of Jacob moved into Egypt, and it was really the grafting of Africa into the Holy seed. The offspring of the Egyptian high priestess, the black woman, and the offspring of Jacob for several generation, there was definite mixing of the races.
Are there any questions on this message? God bless you.
07/11/06 Transcribed by KML
07/30/06 1st Edit AB
02/10/08 Final Edit LML