The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.
What is happening in these meetings once again, is that it appears to be that the Lord is doing His best to communicate the message of how we are saved, it is our soul that is being saved, how our soul is being saved, the technical details of how our soul is being saved, and I believe that the message is that when we understand it, it will happen to us. That is my belief at the moment.
We are still on a magic carpet ride, I thought I had today’s message, I thought at the end of Thursday’s message I said I was going to do something with the book and late last night I got this whole message here which contains some interesting revelation including how the manchild or who the manchild is, because I knew based on previous information that was coming down that my understanding of the manchild that I had been giving you was not accurate. We have some information on who the manchild is and how He will be born, and what that birth has to do with us.
I am just chatting with you, trying to get a lead from the Lord as to where to start. I think that I want to start with, Jesus please help me to bring this message forth, I am thinking that I should start at the end, but I want to make sure that you are all, that you have some familiarity with the Sefirot, with the worlds, with the five worlds, and the partzufim which are the personalities that are imputed to the Seifirot.
Let me explain that to you. I am looking at drawing #F, from the photographs taken from the book. This is just an example of the worlds, you can see on the left, we have the world of Adam Kadmon, the world of emanation, the world of creation, the world of formation, and the world of action where we are.
Each world emerged out of the preceding world. What that means is, that the world of emanation came out of, it was born out of you might say, the world of Adam Kadmon, and it came out of the lower portion, I did not tell you that. If you look at the bottom, look at the world of Adam Kadmon, and the lowest name and the list on the right is Malkhut. That is the lowest Sefirot, these are the ten Sefirot from Keter through Malkhut. They are Hebrew names, if you are stumped by the Hebrew name, do not let it bother you, just do the best you can. The Malkhut which is the lowest Sefirot, she is the female, and out of the female emerges the world below which is the world of emanation. The world of emanation has emerged out of the Malkhut of the world of Adam Kadmon. Another world, just like a woman has a baby, another world has emerged out of her.
That world of emanation, it has its own ten Sefirot. In this picture from the book, it is now showing you the ten Sefirot, do you see that the names to the right are different? In the world of Adam Kadmon you have the ten Sefirot from Keter through Malkhut, and in the world of emanation, the names are different, and those names that you see there, they are Atik Yomin, and again do not get all hung by the Hebrew words okay, just try and follow the principles of what I am telling you. Atik Yomin, Arik Anpin, Abba, which is the Hebrew word for Father, Imma, which is the Hebrew word for Mother, and Zeir Anpin, which is the name of the Son, and Nukvah which is the name of the Daughter.
In the world of emanation we do not see the Sefirot, we see what is called Partzufim or personality, and personality is mother and personality is father, daughter, son, that you can relate to. Keter, Chokhmah, Binah maybe you cannot relate to that, but mother you can relate to, and father you can relate to, son and daughter, and I think I did a drawing for you which would explain that better.
Let me see if I can locate it for you. Actually, it is drawing #1, look at my drawing #1 please, relating to what we were just talking about, related to drawing #F, my drawing #1 shows you the Partzufim. You can see that, Partzufim meaning personalities brethren, that is just the Hebrew word for personalities. You can see in my drawing #1, that Zeir Anpin, the son, He has ten Sefirot within Him, He has His own ten Sefirot, but we are not dealing with those individual Sefirot, we are just talking about the Son. When I look at you, I am not talking about your heart and your lungs and your spleen, I am not saying Xxxx’s heart, lung and spleen, I am just saying it’s Xxxx.
We have the son, but we know that the Son has ten Sefirot within Him. Why is it important that we know that the Son has ten Sefirot within Him? It is important because each of these Sefirot has assigned to it by the Kabbalists who are trying to explain to us a body part. You can see that, you can see those assigned body parts in exhibit E, copied from the book. You see on the left, the Keter is associated with the cranium, that is the brain, we are not going to be dealing with that right now, but if you go down the list, you see Gevurah is associated with the left arm, Chesed is with the right arm, if you go all of the way down to the second from the bottom where it says Yesod, you see that Yesod, one of the ten Sefirot of Zeir Anpin is associated with His genitals. We are talking about a spiritual man called Adam Kadmon, and we are imputing, which means primordial human, the most ancient of all human beings, this is the Adam that was created that we read about in Genesis 1, Adam Kadmon, and He fills all of the empty space in which creation is taking place. I guess I should read you the whole thing just in case someone does not know this or someone does not remember.
The Ayn Sof is the unlimited one. There is an intelligent being that is infinite. There is nothing outside of Him, and He wanted to be revealed through a visible creation so He is bringing forth creation from inside of Him, He opened up an empty space which we can liken to a woman’s womb, and creation is coming forth in the midst of the infinite one because nothing can be outside of Him, He is infinite.
The infinite one has an empty space in the midst of Him, and in that empty space, that empty space is completely filled up with Primordial Adam, that Adam that was created in Genesis 1. He is not a human being like we are, but the Kabbalists have imputed human features to Him so that we could hopefully understand something.
These human features, each of these human features is associated with one of these Sefirah, and what is a Sefirah? A Sefirah is a vessel, it is a vessel that contains the light or the energy of God, and the light or the energy of God that is associated with each Sefirah, is called a name of God. The Sefirah that we are mostly interested in is the Sefirah named Binah because the name of God associated with her is, does anybody know, the name of God associated with her? Jehovah, yes, Jehovah. What does that mean, the name of God associated with Binah, what does that mean?
It means that the energy or the light of God that is inside this Sefirah is called Jehovah. There is only one God brethren, but He expresses Himself to us through various different vessels. It is just like Christ is revealing Himself through me, Christ is revealing Himself through you, and Christ is revealing Himself through Xxxx, on this higher world, called Adam Kadmon, the light of the Ayn Sof which is the unlimited one, God, in each vessel that He reveals Himself through, He takes another name.
As far as we are concerned, our vessels each have their own name, but the light is all the same, Christ, but is it all the same? No, one believer has the Holy Spirit, another believer has Christ.
On this higher world, or actually in all of the worlds, the vessel has a name, Chokhmah, Binah, Chesed, Gevurah, that is the name of the vessel, and the energy or the light or the power of the Spirit or the Spirit of God that is in the vessel, has a name of God associated with it. Did I make that clear, is everybody okay with that, I do not think I ever presented that to you before.
We are looking at exhibit E, and the Sefirah from the bottom called Yesod has a body part attributed to it, this is Adam Kadmon’s genitals, and the reason why this is a very important Sefirah, is that we are discussing creation, and creation, the reality of spiritual creation is exemplified in this world by human creation. Because brethren, there is no way that anybody can understand something that they have not been exposed to, there is no way that we can comprehend the higher worlds because we just have nothing to relate it to.
The Lord has permitted, and this Isaac Luria, Rabbi Luria that we study with, has permitted Rabbi Luria to impute human body parts, and human attributes to the Sefirot which are the vessels of the world above so that we could have some general idea of what is going on up there. Without human attributes and body parts being imputed to the vessels or the beings you might say that exist in the higher worlds, we have no frame of reference by which to understand them in any way whatsoever. Is everybody okay, any questions at this point?
We are looking at, the reason I am showing you exhibit #E, is to demonstrate to you that specific body parts are imputed to each of the Sefirot. Let us go back to my drawings, we are on drawing #1 right now, and I was explaining to you that Zeir Anpin the Son, the Zeir Anpin, the Son is the collective name of the six Sefirot of the world of Adam Kadmon. I have drawn brackets around it on drawing #1 so you could see it. That is the lowest Sefirot of the world of Adam Kadmon is the female and you could see that is the female, her name is Nukvah, it just means female of Adam Kadmon, and Adam Kadmon fills the whole empty space of creation now.
Why is it important that I tell you that Nukvah the female has her own ten Sefirot? It is important brethren because the lowest Sefirot of Nukvah which is Malkhut, you can look at it, I have it in brackets, the ten Sefirot of Nukvah, the lowest one called Malkhut is the part of Nukvah that is bringing forth the world below. It is the same thing as me saying, if I were teaching a sex education class, it would be the same thing as me telling the students in the class, that the woman is the one that births the baby, the man does not birth the baby, and the human organ out of which the baby is brought forth is called a womb, it is called a womb right? So that is the same thing as me telling you Nukvah the spiritual female that exists in the world of Adam Kadmon has ten parts, and there are all these Hebrew names that may be, I hope we are not, but may be confusing some of you, there are ten names, you are like an alien who never heard the name womb, ovaries, testicles, you have no idea what that means, okay, so that is what these names are, Keter, Chokhmah, Binah, Chesed, Gevurah, they are just names that you do not know, but they are all signified body parts of this spiritual being that we have no other way to relate to.
The lowest body part, the Malkhut, the Malkhut of the ten Sefirot that are collectively called Nukvah, the female, she is the one that brings forth the world below. Rabbi Luria calls her the red drop, she is the red drop, she is the ovary, she is the egg, she is the ovum, she is the one that brings forth the world below.
Let me see how I am going to explain my next thought that is in my mind to you. On my drawing #3, I am showing you the generation of the world of emanation and that is the name of the world that the female Nukvah brought into existence. If you need to think of it in terms of having a baby, however you need to think of it, so that you can grasp what I am telling you, the Nukvah of Adam Kadmon, Adam Kadmon, He is the Primordial Adam, the most ancient being that was created and He fills the whole empty space, and He, we are identifying Him as arms, legs, head, but also by His genitals and by His female part.
We see that Adam Kadmon had a female part and a male part. It was the female part of Adam Kadmon and in particular, the lowest of the ten Sefirot that comprise the female part of Adam Kadmon, that brought forth the world below. We have a woman, and it was not her ear that brought forth the world below, it was her womb, her lowest part called Malkhut, Malkhut of Nukvah, the name of the personality is Nukvah, the Daughter, and the Daughter has ten Sefirot, and the lowest Sefirah Malkhut can be likened to a human woman’s womb, so we say that it is the Malkhut of Nukvah of Adam Kadmon who brought forth the world below, and the world below is called the world of emanation. You can see this in drawing #3, and if you see I have line, I will be using this drawing to explain other points, so for now, for this point, we are not going to be addressing Jesus of Elijah or anything like that, I just would like you to please look at the line, the horizontal line that separates the top from the bottom of the page, and you could see that I have a circle, circling Malkhut, it is Malkhut of the world of Adam Kadmon above the line, and below the line it says the Keter, and that is the world of emanation, that is the same spiritual being, is the lowest Sefirah of the world of Adam Kadmon called Malkhut, and she is the highest of the world of emanation below, and she is really the same person.
I want you to know that the Kabbalists would not be calling this top Sefirah of the world of emanation, these Kabbalists would be calling it another name, but I am just trying to get these basic points through to you. I have told you in the last message, any Kabbalist listening to me may be biting his nails by now, but my goal is that the people who are studying with me should understand what I am talking about. You do not have to understand the details, the exact details as a Kabbalist would present it, I am trying to explain the basic principles to you and then if at some time the Lord leads you to pursue the greater details that is fine, but that is not our point for today.
This is my point to you, that the Malkhut of Nukvah of the female of Adam Kadmon who fills the whole empty space, she gave birth you might say, or brought forth another world below her, and she herself, the mother who brought forth that world becomes the head of the world below. Then out of that Keter, out of herself she brought forth seven more Sefirot, and those seven Sefirot are called the days of creation, if you look at the bottom of the page of drawing #3, from Chesed through Malkhut of the world of emanation, the world that emerged out of the female aspect of Adam Kadmon, those Sefirot are called the seven days of creation and they are being formed in all of us. This is the new man, this is our new man, and I have mentioned this to you from time to time, that creation is being formed in us, we are being made, we are the tree that has been cut out of the forest and creation is being formed in us.
All of the attributes of these seven Sefirot, and there are many attributes and many things we can learn about them which we are not talking about now, are being formed in us. I think I explained to you, I think I explained to you, I think I got my point across, we looked at exhibit F and I explained to you that each world, let us go back to exhibit F for a minute. You can see the world of emanation has emerged out of Adam Kadmon in exhibit F, and in the same manner, you could see Nukvah at the bottom of the world of emanation, you see the lowest vessel there is Nukvah, that Nukvah has ten Sefirot within herself also, and it is the Malkhut of the Nukvah of the world of emanation that is bringing forth the world underneath called the world of creation.
Then it is the Malkhut of the Nukvah of the world of creation that brings forth the world of formation. Each world is emerging out of the world above it. Each world has consists of Sefirot. The next thing I would like to explain to you Lord willing, is my drawing #4. The Ayn Sof, the unlimited one, He brought forth a man that fills the whole empty space which is in the midst of infinity which is the midst of eternity and this spiritual man is not a homosapien like we are, He has been given the commission to go forth and multiply, to bring forth the worlds below, as the Kabbalists say, the world of creation, the world of formation, and the world of action.
This world of emanation that I showed you that came forth out of the Malkhut of the female of Adam Kadmon, that world that she brought forth called the world of emanation, it died. First of all it had a name, it had a specific name, and it was the world of points. That is the world that the female of Adam Kadmon brought forth before time began, this all happened beyond time, and that world died.
The ten Sefirot of that world of the world of points, came forth in a straight line, the ten Sefirot of the world of points came forth in a straight line, as you can see in my drawing #4, each Sefirot under the other, and each Sefirot emerging out of the one before it. Chokhmah emerged out of Keter, just like the world of emanation emerged out of the female of Adam Kadmon, the Sefirah Chokhmah emerged out of the Sefirah above it, Keter.
Binah emerged out of Chokhmah, the Sefirah above her, and so on and so on, each Sefirah emerging or giving birth you might say to another Sefirah until there were ten Sefirot. We see in the world of points the first birth of the world, the first child, or the first offspring you might say of the female of the world of Adam Kadmon, did not survive, it died, and we are told that all of these Sefirot did not communicate with each other, that there was a communication problem and they shattered, and they died.
I have taught a lot about the world of points years ago and to this day, I do not think that they just had a communication problem, I believe they died because of sin, but we are not on that for this message today.
The bottom line is this, the vessels of the world of points which is the world of emanation that I was just talking to you about, the world of points, they broke, and remember I told you that there was the light or the energy of God that was inside of the vessels, and that the light that was inside of the vessels has a name of God associated with it, it is a specific aspect of the life of God, it is if I were to breathe and you could catch my breath in separate little vessels. There is only one God, there is only one Spirit, but if I breathe, I can catch it in different vessels.
The energy of God fell down, the energy of God fell down because the vessels that were containing it broke. We have this in a previous message where the Lord revealed to us that all of the energy of God that was contained in the vessels that broke fell down and became the world of formation which we call the Hebrew word Yetzirah and we know it to be the astral plane which is the water world. This energy of God which came from a high place in the spirit, the first offspring of Adam Kadmon fell, and its purpose, it was not supposed to fall all of the way down, it was supposed to stay right next to Adam Kadmon and then bring forth another world, and then that world was supposed to bring forth another world, each world below being darker than the highest world. Why would you want to be darker than the light of God Sheila? Because the ultimate purpose is to bring forth a visible creation and you cannot have a visible creation when you have white on white. White on white is nothing. Drawing a visible creation with the white light of God on the white background of the glory of God shows you nothing.
A technique was devised to darken the light of God. How do you darken the light of God? You put it behind, you put it inside of a shaded vessel, so that an image could come forth. This energy of God that was, that was in the vessels of the world of points, it did not bring forth in the way it was supposed to bring forth, and it fell all of the way down to the world of Yetzirah and it became a sea in the astral plane that is more powerful than the sea in the astral plane was supposed to be, because each world merging forth was supposed to be getting weaker and weaker.
We had this, this was on Thursday’s message about the two Adams, the male and the female Adam fell into the sea, then they were shocked because they expected the energy of the world beneath them to be weaker than they were, but it was not, it was stronger than they were, because it was really the energy that came from the highest spiritual world called the world of points which was the first world of emanation that the Malkhut of Adam Kadmon gave birth to. Is everybody hanging in there with me? Okay.
We are told by Rabbi Luria, first of all let me tell you this, that these broken vessels that contained the energy of God fell down also and both the broken vessels and the, and I do not know that Rabbi Luria would say this or not, but this is what I am saying, both the broken vessels and the energy of God that fell down in an incorrect manner, through an incorrect procedure became evil, and they are the evil entities that dwell in the astral plane, the world of Yetzirah, the Hebrew word is Yetzirah, the English word is formation, this is the first world in which forms actually appeared, and the forms that are there are evil, and the forms that are in the astral plane are the blueprint or the archetypes that produce the people in this world, or that produce the images of this world which are the people of this world.
In order for the people of this world to become good instead of evil, the entities in the astral plane have to be converted from evil to good, because we are the image of what is appearing or the reflection or the print you might say of the image that is in the astral plane.
Of course we have the influence of the Lord Jesus here in this world so we are not all bad, we have a mixture because the world is being influenced by the powers above. This world has always been under the influence, even before Jesus came, this world has always been under the influence of the mother who brought us forth, who is the grieving mother.
We read in I think it is Isaiah, but I may have the wrong prophet, where it says, And Rachel crying for her children. This is signifying the Malkhut of Adam Kadmon that brought forth the world of points and who lost her children, they died. She has never ceased from seeking to restore what was lost. This Malkhut of Adam Kadmon is what you may know as the Shekinah, this is the Shekinah who was with Israel when they departed from Egypt.
She is and has been continuously shining her life on the earthen vessels which is mankind, trying to restore us to righteousness because we are dead, so she is trying to restore us to life, spiritually speaking we are all dead. That influence of righteousness has always been shining on this world, it is shining more brightly since it is shining in the form of Jesus Christ, but it has always been here.
We have never been abandoned, we have never fully abandoned. Humanity has never been fully abandoned, and as I explained in a recent message, it may have been this past Thursday’s message, that the world of emanation, now remember the world of points was one particular, one specific format, or formation of the world of emanation. When I speak to you about the world of emanation, I am talking about the world that emerges out of the female of Adam Kadmon, so it is just like saying, Xxxx had a baby and the first female was named Xxxx , and then Xxxx had another baby and the name of that baby was Xxxx, the first offspring of the female of the world of Adam Kadmon was named the world of points, it is still the world of emanation, it is still the offspring of the, all of the offspring of the female of Adam Kadmon are called the world of emanation.
The first offspring was called the world of points, and that died. We are told by Rabbi Luria, that the world of emanation was restored instantly. Remember, Adam Kadmon is beyond time, and the world of emanation is beyond time. The destruction came and was instantly restored, the Kabbalists say that the world of emanation was reconfigured and the reconfiguration or the restoration of the world of emanation is no longer called the world of points, that offspring died.
We have another offspring of the female of the world of Adam Kadmon and all of her offspring are called the world of emanation. Just like a man has children, and all of his children are called by his last name. We have another world of emanation, and we do not have a name for that.
I believe it is the mind of Christ, but I do not want to confuse you because we are talking in a very abstract sense right now so let us just stay with it. It is called a reconfigured world of emanation, the second offspring of the female aspect of Adam Kadmon, and it was, the Sefirot came out in different positions, if you can look at Drawing #4 of my drawing, you can see that on top of the lines, the first world of emanation, the first offspring of Nukvah, all of her, all of the body parts of the world that she gave birth to, were in a straight row and they died.
In her second offspring, we are told that the body parts of the world that she gave birth to were stationed in three rows set up like a human being. Human beings, we have a center column, we have a head and torso, we have two arms and two legs. We see the Sefirot, if you look at my drawing #4, below the line, the Kabbalists says this is Adam Kadmon configured as a human being, he had a left and a right side, and he has a center column, and we are not going to go into that any more deeper right now, I just would like you to understand that basic principle, that there are two offspring, the Malkhut, the female of Adam Kadmon has so far given birth to two children. The first one died but still exists, in the same manner like Abel died, but his blood cried out from under the ground, Abel died and he still exists, Abel died to his righteousness and he became the slave of the lower world, he became the harlot of Revelation, but he still has consciousness and existence, he died to what he was.
Brethren, I died to everything that I was in the early days of my life. I was talking to somebody the other day saying, How in the world did I get here preaching this message, I do not even know it happened to me. The Lord just picked me up and just dumped me. I died to everything that I was. You have to understand that the spiritual concept of death does not necessarily mean the cessation of existence, it means separation.
Even in the Greek the word is thanatos, which means the separation of the soul from the body, and then there is another Greek word necros, which means no separation, you are just dead. In the Hebrew word that means you are just dead is muwth, I am not sure about the pronunciation.
We talked about the different worlds, we have talked about the two offspring of the female of Adam Kadmon, and we talked about how the worlds emanate, how they come forth, and we talked about the fall of the world of points and how the shells, how the Sefirot of the world of points broke into shells or shards and fell down into the world of formation, which eventually emerged as humanity as we now know it.
The vessels of the people of humanity, we are the vessels, we are the Sefirot of this world. The energy that was lost when the shells, when the Sefirot broke in the world of emanation, those sparks or drops of that energy are found in human beings, we are the vessels, the imperfect vessels that were formed out of the earth that the energy fell into and inside of us in our spiritual being are both the energy of God which we are told Kabbalists would say it is holy, the energy of God.
Also, the pieces of the Sefirot that broke which are evil. I know and I think you know that the energy that is inside of us even though it is the energy of God, and I do not know whether to call it holy or not, but I know that right now, it turned to its other side, and it is evil. The energy of God that was imparted to the Sefirot of the world of points which was holy at that point, fell down into this world and became evil, and that energy today is called Satan.
The beings, I do not have all of the answers, but the beings somehow from the higher world have appeared in this world as Satan, Leviathan, and Cain. We are told in the book of Revelation that it is that old dragon that is appearing in this world, that old, that ancient dragon, or that ancient serpent that is appearing in this world as Satan and Leviathan. What may have been holy, what was holy when it was first born as the female of Adam Kadmon’s firstborn, it was born holy, it fell and became evil.
The Kabbalists would disagree with me on that, they say the Sefirot became evil, but the actual energy of God is still holy, I do not think so, but the clue is, and the mystery is, that yes, it was holy and it died and became unholy and Jesus said, everything that came down from above can be restored to above. If it came from above when it was holy and it fell down and it is unholy, it can be restored to holiness, that is the key.
I am not going to be in denial, and I am going to admit that the holiness of God became unholy when it fell into the lower world, it was overtaken by the forces of this world and became unholy. What is happening right now, Jesus said He came to seek what was lost. Let me make one point before we actually go on with the notes.
Brethren, it is a challenge to comprehend, it has been a challenge for me to comprehend that these abstract principles that I am talking to you about, the Sefirot, the energy of God and the names of God, if they really are beings, there are superior supernatural beings, they are not just a vessel like this cup, okay, they are entities, they are spiritual beings that have consciousness on a very high level, and that is why when they fell into the astral plane, they became powerful demons and entities that torment humanity because they have personalities, they are beings, they are individual beings. Even the world of points before it fell, or the reconfigured world of points, those Sefirot are beings, conscious beings, maybe you want to call them an angel, whatever you need to understand that they are not just a cup, they are conscious beings on a very high level. One more thing the Lord just reminded me that I needed to tell you first is this, if you are looking, this is an example, how about this table right here with the laptop sitting on it, if I were lying down on the floor looking up, I would have one perspective of this table with the laptop on it, it would have a particular view, it would look in a particular way to me, if I were floating above it on the ceiling looking down on the laptop and this table, it would look completely different to me, it would be two completely different views of this same room.
As a matter of fact, anywhere that I would position myself in this room, and look out, I would have a different view of this room, actually an even better idea is the part of the room that is behind me. Those of you that are viewing me through the camera, those of you that are just sitting across from me, you have view of me that includes a part of the room that I cannot even see at this moment, I am blind to what is behind me to the part of the room that is behind me.
Here is the spiritual principle, when the world of emanation was reconfigured, that means when the female of Adam Kadmon gave birth to her second offspring, her second world called the world of emanation, it happened instantly from the perspective, from the height of Adam Kadmon. Adam Kadmon in all of his Sefirot that were looking down on the female, saw that she rebirthed that world that died, she had a baby that died and she birthed another baby. The people down here in this world, the inhabitants of this world. When we look up, we cannot see the rebirthed world of emanation, and the reason we cannot see it is because the darkness of the astral plane is lying over us.
Another way to put it is that Cain is lying over us, our spiritual sight, the sight that we have is not capable of recognizing the reconfigured world of emanation. Human beings down here cannot see it. When we look up meaning, any human being looking for spiritual things, any human being looking towards the spiritual worlds, what they see is the kingdom of darkness. They see the kingdom of darkness, they look into the astral plane and they see all of, in the astral plane exist all of the worlds. Each world has within it, I hope that you are all okay with this, I know I mentioned this to you before, this world has within it, within this world, the world of emanation, the world of creation, the world of formation, the world action, when you go up to the next world, the world of formation, it has all of the elements of all, each world has all of the elements of all four worlds in it. People looking to be spiritual in this world, they look up into the spiritual worlds and they see the world of emanation that comes from the astral plane, and then they see the world of creation, that is a part of the astral plane, and they see the world of formation that is a part of the astral plane. They think that, that is all that there is, and they cannot see beyond it because the Serpent is blocking the view of the worlds that are beyond. The world on the other side of the astral plane is the world of creation, that is the kingdom of God, that is where Adam’s kingdom is, on the other side of the astral plane, and we cannot see it, and we cannot get there because the kingdom of darkness is blinding us and blocking us from passing through and our example, our Scriptural example of that are the kings Og, and Sion that would not let the Hebrew children pass through their land when they were escaping from Egypt.
So, so far it has not be possible for a man to pass through the astral plane and be returned to the kingdom of God which is the world of creation. In any event the world of creation which is the kingdom of God, in Hebrew it is called the world of Beriah, has become a waste land, because the two Adams, the male and the female Adam fell out of Beriah, out of the garden in the world of creation, they fell into the world below which is the water world of the astral plane where they were overcome by the Serpent, and we learned all about that in Thursday’s message.
We found out that the male and female Adam became, and all of their Sefirot, now remember, the male Adam has ten Sefirot, the female Adam has ten Sefirot, and these ten Sefirot are all aspects of their being that have their own consciousness, they all fell into the astral plane and became the sons of God that took daughters of the children, that took the daughters of men, as many as they chose.
Their lust for power and their lust to dominate and to be a god in the world below caused them to fall into the astral plane and be trapped there. The world of creation is a wasteland, the king is gone, and the queen is gone. There is nobody ruling there.
This is really important, is there anybody who does not understand what I just said to you? The kingdom of God has been, the world above the kingdom of God, let me say this, I do not want to get too complicated, the mechanism to restore the garden of Eden, to restore the kingdom of God and to restore us to the kingdom of God, has been established beyond time from the point of view of Adam Kadmon who is beyond time. He has fixed everything, he has fixed everything and He says, Come home, but we cannot hear Him saying, except for those of us that are now already engaged in a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, the average human being cannot hear Adam Kadmon saying, Come home. The part of Adam Kadmon that is interested in us, brethren, is called the Father, he is the Chokhmah of the wisdom of the world of Adam Kadmon, that is the highest Sefirot of the created one, of the first primordial being. He is the Father, and He is the one that wants a relationship with his children in the lowest world, and He wants us to be alive and well and prospering, we are a part of his body, we are His flesh.
He wants to connect with us so that His energy, see there is really only one man filling the whole earth, and He has a spiritual circulatory system, a spiritual circulation system that is designed to pump life giving energy and health and preservation to every cell of the body which we are, but the system is broken, and the life giving energy of the whole man is not reaching the lower worlds over here. We have been cut off. The aspect of the whole man that wants to relate to all of its parts is called the Father, and He is the Chokhmah, the highest Sefirah of the world of Adam Kadmon, and He wants to reestablish the circulation system of the energy of the Ayn Sof, He wants the energy of the Ayn Sof, the infinite one to flow through Him to us to give us eternal life, and that is what we are studying here, how to, what our part is, in reestablishing the world of creation and reestablishing Adam the king in His position in the world of creation. For what purpose? So that the whole man should be fitted together, is that not what Paul talks about, the whole body fitted together, the body of the whole man, primordial Adam, the oldest human being, most ancient human being should be functioning as a healthy body and that all of the cells of his body should prosper and enter into eternal life.
It is not His will that you should die and that new cells should have to be born. Again, the aspect of Adam Kadmon that wants a relationship with us is the Father, He is Abba, the Hebrew word is Abba, that is the Chokhmah, the wisdom of Adam Kadmon Himself, the highest Sefirah. He wants to reach our world, and the people here want Him, they just do not know it, or they do not know how to get to Him, because you are cut off and there is a block called the astral plane filled with the darkness and of evil entities that are standing between us and the Father who wants to restore us to the garden in the world of creation.
The worlds above the astral plane, the worlds above Yetzirah can see us, but we cannot see beyond the astral plane. Everybody okay? Okay. I guess this is a review. We will see if we get to my notes today. The second world of emanation, the second offspring of the female of Adam Kadmon is different than the first offspring, the first offspring came out of the female alone, and this is known to science, there are many plants that can reproduce without a male seed, and there is a name for it, I did not remember it on Thursday and I did not have time to look it up for you, it is a form of reproduction. The female alone, the female of Adam Kadmon alone reproduced and brought forth the world of points which is the personal name of the offspring of the female of Adam Kadmon. All of the offspring of the female of Adam kadmon are called the world of emanation. The second offspring that the female of Adam Kadmon brought forth was a seed that were fertilized or joined to by the male.
The lowest Sefirah of the world of Adam Kadmon is called Malkhut, it might help you to look at my drawing #2. If you look at the upper half of my drawing #2, you see that the Malkhut of the female is called the red drop or the female seed, and if you look above that, you see the sun, Zeir Anpin has His own ten Sefirot, has His own ten Sefirot, and you see that I marked off for you where it says the Yesod is the genitals of the Son. Looking at Drawing #2 and you look at the Sefirot that have the brackets around them, it says equals Zeir Anpin, the Son. My point is this, you can see the Yesod of the Son, the Yesod of the male of Adam Kadmon, that Yesod of Zeir Anpin produces the white drop, that is the term that Rabbi Luria gave to the male seed, because we do not know what the white drop is, we just know that it is an aspect of the manhood of Zeir Anpin, that is going to couple with the aspect, that aspect of the female of Adam Kadmon.
Let me say that again, I knew I said that wrong, Adam Kadmon has a male aspect and a female aspect, He has both male and female organs, the first man that was ever created, and He made them male and female, so He had male genitals and female genitals.
The male genital is that Yesod which is one of the six Sefirot that make Zeir Anpin the Son, and it was the Yesod alone, it was not all of those Sefirot, it was just the Yesod alone that came down, descended and joined at the Malkhut of the female. It was not all of the male joining with all of the female, just like in human reproduction, there are two anatomical parts, one of the man, and one of the woman that joined, it is not the joining of an arm and a leg that produce a child, so the Yesod of the male is the genitals of Zeir Anpin and Malkhut of the female produces the red drop and there was a union or a coupling of that white drop that came out of Zeir Anpin’s Yesod, and the red drop that came out of the female. There was a coupling, they joined together.
The two of them are joining, and they are forming a single cell, that is called a zygote, the unified cell, it has become a single cell for the purposes of reproduction.
What I was telling you was, that the second world of emanation, the second offspring of the female of Adam Kadmon was made from this unified sea, it was made from a zygote, from a cell, a reproductive cell that contained both the red drop and the white drop. The first world of
Adam Kadmon, the first world of emanation, the first offspring of the female of Adam Kadmon was made just from the female, and it died. We see that the second world coming forth is now fortified with the strength of the male. I think that may be the last basic principle I am supposed to give you. Let me, before we take our break, let me reiterate this, that it is intention of the Father, now remember who the Father is, you can see Him, you see His position, you can see His position excellently in exhibit F, you can see where it says Adam Kadmon, Chokhmah, that is who the Father is.
In exhibit F, that high point where the arrow starts to descend from. That is the Father who wants to reach us and we are all of the way down in the world of action.
He is the Father, one of the disciples said to Jesus, Show us the Father. This is who he was looking for, he was looking for the Father all of the way up there at the top of the world of Adam Kadmon. Jesus said, If you have seen me, you have seen the Father, meaning that the wisdom of God dwelt in Him, not that the whole of Adam Kadmon, this giant spiritual being, who is only second to the Ayn Sof, the infinity of the Ayn Sof Himself, was inside of a single human being, that is not what Jesus meant, He meant, I am the likeness of Him, I think like Him, I react like Him, I have principles like Him, I am similar to Him.
How could you put infinity inside of one human being, it is not possible. That was what Jesus meant, If you have seen me, you have seen the Father, we are the same. I really think, I am just looking for a place to take a break, just hang in there with me brethren please. On exhibit A, taken from the book, the circular aspect of exhibit A, you see a series of circles there, this is showing the 4 worlds or actually the 5 worlds in the form of circles, because they all are one inside of the other, they all are one inside of the other, and in the midst of these worlds which are all one inside of the other, the reality is that the light of the infinite one wants to dwell among us, He wants to be in the center of us.
He needs all kinds of insulation around Him or His presence in us would destroy us. If you can think of our world and the individual sons of God as circles, there is a mechanism that has been erected to carry the light of the Ayn Sof into the midst of us without destroying us. Jesus put it this way, He said you cannot put new wine in an old vessel, or the vessel will be destroyed, that was how Jesus expressed that.
This exhibit A, what it is showing you, to make it as simple as I can, is that the light of the Ayn Sof is entering into this lowest world through two levels of insulation which are Jesus and Elijah, and basically who Jesus and Elijah are, they are, now I already explained to you what Partzuf is, it is a personification, a personal name of an element of God so that we can relate to it better. Everybody okay? This Malkhut of Nukvah, remember the Nukvah is the female aspect of Adam Kadmon, and she has her own ten Sefirot, and the lowest Sefirot of Nukvah of Adam Kadmon, is the one that brings forth the children, she now has her own Partzuf named Jesus. The soul of Jesus of Nazareth has been wrapped around that high element of Adam Kadmon, so that we can see Him.
Remember what I said a few minutes ago, that down here from this perspective we cannot see the world above. I told you the reason we could not see it, was because the darkness of the astral plane is lying over us, but it is more than that, I did complete the thought. We cannot see it because the mentality that we are capable of here, even those of us that now have Jesus in our lives, and have the mind of Christ, we cannot see what we do not understand, we cannot see what we have never experienced, we could be looking right at it and we do not know what it is. I used examples like this in other messages of the woman who died of starvation, and when they broke into the apartment and found her, she had hundred dollar bills pasted all over her wall, her children had been sending her money for years and she did not know what she was supposed to do with it, she did not know she could buy food with it and she starved to death.
We cannot, even if we were looking right at the higher worlds, we would not recognize them, our mind is not capable of recognizing them, we have no point of reference, so the supernal mother who is the Malkhut of the female Nukvah of Adam Kadmon, also called the Shekinah, she clothed herself in a human personality and a human soul, in a Nephesh, called Jesus, that is what the marriage to Elijah was all about, of course I am leaving out a lot of the details here.
Now, the Malkhut of Nukvah of Adam Kadmon is clothed in the personality of Jesus of Nazareth, we now can recognize her. Paul said, I do not know what we are going to be, but I see Jesus. He said, I see Jesus. We have an idea, we have something, we have a point of reference in the higher worlds, Jesus. I do not know what else to say, I do not understand any of this stuff. Adam Kadmon, male, female, what does that have to do with me down here? I am just trying to get through this life! He is a point of reference. His personality, the personality of Jesus of Nazareth has ascended to this high place so that we now have point of reference in this highest world, and He is, I do not think anyone would deny it here that His color is red, He is signified by the blood.
He is the Partzuf of the red drop, and Elijah is the Partzuf of the white drop, and we will get into the details of that, as soon as I can, I do not know if I will get to it today or not but I will try. Anyway, looking at exhibit A, what I am trying to tell you there or what this is trying to show us is that our humanity is a circle, and the needle or the tube that you see descending into the circle is in two parts, and the narrower part, actually it is in three parts. The needle, the part that is actually entering into the center of our being is Jesus. That is the Malkhut of the female Nukvah of Adam Kadmon, He is the one that is entering in, and He is emerging out of a whither tube which is Elijah, and that is the male of Adam Kadmon, and that secondary tube is emerging out of the wider tube which is the wholeness of Adam Kadmon.
In the midst of Adam Kadmon. He is the mediator, Adam Kadmon is the mediator, the light of the infinite is entering into Adam Kadmon and going down that center column passing through the world of Adam Kadmon, passing through the male of Adam Kadmon, the Partzuf of which is Elijah, entering into the female of Adam Kadmon, the Partzuf of which is Jesus, who is entering into our spiritual beings and He is the conveyer of the light of the unlimited one, to us down here in the world of Asiyah.
This is how the reconstruction is going and remember that the ultimate goal of the reconstruction is to restore Adam, we have talked for months and years about Adam being regenerated in us, Adam has to be regenerated in us, and then He has to be restored, Adam within us has to be able to go through the astral plane, He has to be able to sail through the astral plane, in order to reclaim His kingship in the kingdom of God, which is the world of creation, also called Beriah.
The Father has actually sent down His female part, the Father, the head, the brain you might say of Adam Kadmon, has sent His female part down into this world, clothed in a human personality that we can relate to, and He is saying to us, He is the ark, He is saying, You have to get inside of Me. There has to be a spiritual connection between Jesus, the Partzuf of the Malkhut of the female part of Adam Kadmon, this is the needle, He is the needle, and it is not a needle, the way it is written in the King James is, that we would have to pass through that needle. No, no, we have to get into the needle, into the innermost part of Jesus, of the glorified Jesus, because at the innermost part of the glorified Jesus, is the light of the Ayn Sof which is the Father Himself, that is where He is waiting to marry us. That is where the wedding takes place, in the innermost point of Jesus who is in us. We will talk more about these details when we get to my notes.
This is the point I am trying to make to you today that a channel, a tube, a spiritual tube has been created, that it is penetrating into our midst through the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the midst, in the most innermost point of that tube, is the light, the infinite light of the Ayn Sof, the unlimited one, and the Father who is waiting there to marry us when we penetrated into that innermost point, and that innermost point has been established by previous messages as being the olives in the brain stem. If you have not listened to the earlier messages, you may not, you probably will not be able to follow me. I have some really interesting exciting references to these principles of how Adam, the regenerated Adam He is in the cerebellum, he is underneath the dominion of the Serpent who is the whole forebrain and midbrain, which is dominating the regenerated Adam who is in our cerebellum and that, that cerebellum is in our neck, back here, and then He has to cross over the sea of spinal fluid that is in the fourth ventricle of the brain, that is separating Him from the olives of the brain stem which are right here towards the throat, He has to cross that sea of spinal fluid, so that He can line up with Jesus who is descending into our person, and the place that Jesus is ascending into, He is ascending from our innermost point, and He is ascending into our brain stem.
One of the problems that I had as I was praying this message through, what happened to all of the teaching about Adam being in the heart center? What happened to all of that teaching? I have an answer for you, I have a lot of answers for you today, as I said, I will preach as much as can. What happened to Adam, for years I had all kinds of messages about Adam being in the heart center, and I am going to answer that for you right now.
We exist in two parts. Everything that we are is a reflection of the world above, and the worlds above are in two parts, Adam Kadmon, the world of Adam Kadmon and the world of emanation are called divine, they are part, they are so immersed in the infinite light of the Ayn Sof that they are called divine, they are not created.
I am going to tell that I do not know what the answer to this is, I just want to show you the contradiction that just came up in my mind and I do not have the answer right now, Adam, primordial Adam, the first human being ever created, He is the one that fills the whole empty space. That is my understanding, but I have also been told that Adam Kadmon and the world of emanation, they are different, they are divine, they are not created, they are divine, so I just contradicted myself, can you hear that? The world of Adam Kadmon is divine, not created, and I am telling you that Adam Kadmon is that Adam that is created in Genesis 1, so I have to get an answer to the Lord as to what that solution to that problem is.
My point for right now is that Adam Kadmon and the world of emanation, they are divine and they are not considered created. The worlds below are created by the Malkhut of Nukvah, the female of Adam Kadmon. The worlds below, the world of creation, the world of formation and the world action are considered the created worlds, we are a part of the created world, but the Adam Kadmon that is creating us is not considered created, although I told you He is created. Is everybody okay? Okay.
We are a reflection of the world above. There is a part of us that is higher than the rest of us. Our head and our spinal column, our whole nervous system, or our head, from the neck up, it has a reflection, from the neck up we are made in the same image as the higher world. The higher world has two parts to it, Adam Kadmon and the world of emanation which is the head, and the created worlds, which are, let us say the body of the head. Can you follow that? Okay.
We are replications of that blueprint. Our head, our human head from our neck up, are likened to Adam Kadmon and the world of emanation, and then our body which is below are called the created worlds. When it comes to Adam Kadmon and the world of emanation, the worlds below, the world of creation, formation and action, are a reflection, they are the offspring of the head.
Our physical body is the offspring of the head, our physical body is spiritually speaking, is reflection of our head. In our head, we have an Adam, we have an Adam in our cerebellum right back here, getting ready to walk over that sea of spinal fluid, but we have another Adam in a lower world in our heart center. Our head is likened to the world of Adam Kadmon and the world of emanation, and our physical body is likened to the different parts of our physical body is likened to the world of emanation, creation and action.
Just like we have the same Sefirot in each of the worlds, there is a Chokhmah in each of the worlds, there is a Binah in each of the worlds, there is a Chesed in each of the worlds. In the same way, we have an Adam in our higher world, our head is our higher world, we have an Adam, a higher Adam, just like Adam Kadmon is the higher Adam and Adam of the world of creation is the lower Adam, we have a higher Adam in our cerebellum, that is getting ready to cross over that sea of spinal fluid, and we have a lower Adam who is in our heart center. The world from below our neck downward would be considered the created worlds, and from our neck upward, would be considered likened unto the divine worlds of Adam Kadmon, and the world of emanation. Did I explain that?
That is what happened, so that is how I can say that there is an Adam in our heart center, He is the Adam, He would be likened to the Adam in the world of creation, and the Adam in our cerebellum is getting ready to transverse the sea of spinal fluid and enter, and land on the olives which would align Him perfectly with Jesus whose descending into us to complete the connection between our body and the higher worlds, He is divinity. The Adam in our cerebellum, He is our divinity, Adam in the world below is the Adam of creation. Can you live with that? Okay.
I think that, that is my synopsis for you and the other illustrations that I had asked Xxxx to copy out of the book, I may not comment on them, I just wanted you to have them. These are more like exhibit D, and exhibit B, and C, these are pictures that I took out of the book, The Tree Of Life, and they are basically showing you that there is a circular aspect of the creation and a linear aspect of the creation. We are the circles, soul is the circles, and I showed you the image of the needle penetrating, the needle penetrating into the circles, that needle is called the linear aspect, and that is basically what we are dealing with, the linear aspect, that is Jesus entering into the soul world, the circular aspect. You can just look at that yourself and see if it helps you to understand at all.
I have done my best to prepare you to hear what I have to say, and actually this is not really what I have to say, this message today came to me unexpectedly, I thought I had my message for today, as I announced at the end of Thursday’s message, I was going to do something out of the book, and late at night these thoughts came into my mind, started to seep into my mind, all of these principles of truth, so I wrote them all down, and I got them all ready for you as best as I could, and Lord willing we are going to go through them and there is more revelation coming forth, like I told you, I now have an understanding, better understanding of who the manchild is, and we read some exciting stuff, like for example, Jesus, Peter saying to Jesus, Bid me to come. He was talking about crossing over that sea of spinal fluid. I need to take a break and I think you need to take a break, I hope your brain is not burning, are you all okay? I will be back in 20 minutes, and if I am up to it, which I expect to be, I am feeling pretty good today, and you all are up to it, I will just stay with it until we finish the notes, if it is another half an hour, or whatever.
Starting with our notes brethren, this is Unveiling The Tree Of Life, part 3. Zeir Anpin, what I have here is just a series of statements that I will comment on as we go down the list. Zeir Anpin of the world of Adam Kadmon descended into the world of action, that is our world here, and took Elijah as His vessel in the world of action. What does that mean? It means that a spiritual being has to have a garment or a body that consists of the material of the world that He descends into. Zeir Anpin from the world of Adam Kadmon which is how to form this world, when he descends into the world of creation for example, if there any forms of the world of creation, He would take on a garment or a body that would reveal His spirit being, that would reveal His nature, because if you do not have any form, all that we are is what we think, what we think and what we believe and what we feel. That is our essence that is expressed through our physical being in this world.
Each world has its own attributes so a spiritual being appearing in any spiritual world that is not its own world, needs to take on a garment or a body made of the elements of that world. I am saying that Zeir Anpin of the world of Adam Kadmon descended into this world, the world of action and took a vessel for Himself, took a Sefirah for Himself, in this world, and the personality that He took to express Himself had the name of Elijah. We are also saying that Zeir Anpin is the word of Jehovah, and I am quoting 1 Kings 19:9;
1 KINGS 19:9
9. And he came thither unto a cave and lodged there, and behold the word of the Lord came to Him, (this is talking about Elijah now), and he said unto him, What are you doing here Elijah? KJV
I want to suggest to you that Zeir Anpin was inside of Elijah, it was not an angel that appeared to him from the outside, that Zeir Anpin was Elijah’s inner man. The man Elijah, we all have a spiritual inner man, and that inner man came from the world of Adam Kadmon. Why? Because Zeir Anpin from the world of Adam Kadmon was courting you might say, the man Elijah, He was courting Him, He was working with Him to make Him His permanent vessel, just as Jesus is working with us to make us His permanent vessels in this world.
It is in the best interest, of the Lord Jesus Christ to preserve our lives. It is in the best interest of the Lord Jesus Christ to bring, to preserve our bodies and bring us into immortality, why? Because the Lord Jesus Christ desires to have a permanent expression in this world. Although we benefit from what He is doing and He does love us, but His primary purpose is His own purpose, He is looking for a permanent expression in this world and those of us who are in Christ, who are pursuing Him, who are chasing Him down the street, we are the ones that He had chosen to be His permanent vessels in this world, and I most humbly pray, that He completes His work before Satan has legal ground to take our life, because we all die after a season.
That means, if our time is up, whether we are ten, fifty, forty, a hundred and five, whatever, when our time is up, Satan has a legal right to take our, you know to take our life. My prayer is that the Lord Jesus Christ completes His work in us before Satan gets to us, so that we can have the privilege of being His permanent vessels in this world.
I am suggesting to you that Zeir Anpin was already inside of Elijah at this point. Remember, how can I say that? Elijah had done that incredible miracle. He had killed all of the prophets of Baal single handedly, whatever that means, I have my understanding of what that means, we are not going to review that today. Elijah had just done an incredible spiritual work dealing with the prophets of Baal, and what happened was that Jezebel, the spirit that defends false prophets rose up and threatened to kill, Elijah and He ran for His life.
The inner man that came from God that was already inside of Elijah, that gave Him the power to deal with all of these false prophets came looking for his house, He came looking for His vessel, and He said, What happened to you Elijah, where did you go, we were just doing these great miracles together and all of sudden you are all fallen down and scared and running away, what happened to you?
Zeir Anpin was already inside of Elijah when this happened. I see that I did an alternate translation on 1 Kings 19:13 because it was so exciting, I could not resist it. The King James translation of 1 Kings 19:13 says;
1 KINGS 19:13
And it was so when Elijah heard it that He wrapped His face in His mantle, and went out and stood in the entering in of the cave, and behold, there came a voice unto Him and said, What are you doing here Elijah? KJV
First of all, we found out when we did a series on Saturn that the scientists have named one of inner levels of the atoms the mantle. It is just amazing the way the Lord has set things up for those of us who are not scientists and who are just average people trying to learn His message, that He has moved upon scientists to actually give names to atoms and to the brain, and to all kinds of elements that line up with this doctrine, it is really quite incredible.
When I read the word mantle in the Scripture, I know that it means one of Elijah’s inner most points, the mantle is not the most inner point of the atom, but it is pretty far in, and it was so when Elijah heard it that He wrapped His face in His inner most part. What does that mean? The face is talking about his personality. This is the alternate translation on page 2. 1 Kings 19:13, ATB;
1 KINGS 19:13
And when Elijah heard the voice of Zeir Anpin, His inner man, whose glory and magnificence was enveloped within His personality,
When Elijah heard the voice of His inner man, and it was the glory and magnificence of the inner man, that was enveloped in Elijah’s personality, the King James translation has it backwards, but of course again the King James translators only translated in accordance with their understanding, they had it backwards.
And when Elijah heard the voice of Zeir Anpin His inner man, whose glory and magnificence was enveloped within His personality, Elijah was loosed from the captivity of this world of action, and entered into the entranceway to Beriah the world of creation, and Elijah, the one who belongs to Elohim on this side of creation said to the self existing one...
See the King James translation did not make any sense to me, the verses before this show Elijah more or less complaining, at least the King James translation makes Him sound like He is complaining, and He is saying, I did everything I could, I served Jehovah with my carnal mind, I served Jehovah with my Christ mind, I did everything I could and now Jezebel is trying to kill me and I have lost all my strength. He lost His strength, you know. The angel came, first an angel came to Him, and then the angel of the Lord came to Him, then the word of God came to Him. Do you think that these angels just came? Elijah must have been in His weakness just crying out, Help me, Help me, Help me, and as He cried help me He ascended into a higher world, and the angel of God that was in control or ruled over that particular world came to visit Him, as He ascended into each of the worlds, the angel in charge of that world came to Him and said to Him, What is the problem? The last angel that came to Him which was the word of the Lord, and the word of the Lord said to Him, Well, when the word of the Lord said to Elijah. I guess I do not have all of the verses here. He said to Him, Go and stand on the mount, you know, that was giving Him permission to access the higher world. This is what happened, when Elijah heard the voice of Zeir Anpin saying, It is okay, you can access the higher worlds.
When Elijah heard the voice of Zeir Anpin whose glory and magnificence was enveloped within Him, within His personality, Elijah, when He heard the voice of Zeir Anpin saying, Go stand on the mount, Elijah was loosed form the captivity, I should not even say the world of action, I have to pray about this, the world of Yetzirah, because I said it is the darkness of the astral plane that stops us from going forward, I will have to pray about that. In any event,
Elijah was loosed from this world and maybe from the world of Yetzirah, and He entered into the entranceway to Beriah, the world of creation, and Elijah the one who belongs to Elohim on this side of creation, or on this side of the astral plane, said to the self existing one...
I wonder why I said Beriah, the world of creation, I think it has to be higher than that, because the self-existing one is I am, He is the Keter, so I have to pray about this verse, but I will read it one more time.
And when Elijah heard the voice of Zeir Anpin, whose glory and magnificence was enveloped within Him, within His personality, Elijah was loosed from the captivity of this world and of the world of Yetzirah, and emptied into the entranceway of Beriah, and Elijah the one who belongs to Elohim on this side of the astral plane, spoke to the self existent one, He spoke to I am...ATB
...and I am is the name of God associated with the Sefirah named Keter. The Keter is the Father, He spoke to the Father, that is who He spoke to, and I have a witness for you, Matthew 14:28, 30;
MATTHEW 14:28, 30
28. And Peter answered Him and said, Lord if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29. And He said, Come. And when Peter was come out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
30. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid and beginning to sink, he cried, Lord save me. KJV
The reason I put this in here is that I can see it my mind, I hope you that you all can see it in your mind. We have had several messages on Adam being regenerated in the cerebellum, and having, the cerebellum is back here in the back of the neck, and he had to cross over and get to the olives which are in the front of his neck, and what is separating the cerebellum from the olives is a sea of spinal fluid that comes from the fourth ventricle of the brain.
We see, now remember everything that happens in the higher planes of consciousness has to play out in every world. Peter saying to Jesus, you know, Bid me to come. There was a manifestation in this material world of Adam’s crisis. Adam has to step out, first of all He has to throw Cain off, the cerebellum was completely covered over with that Serpent, He has to throw Cain off, and then He has to cross that sea, that sea of spinal fluid, and we see that reality playing out in this interaction between Peter and Jesus. Jesus said, You can do it, I give you permission, come, and he started to come and then fell.
I prayed about this because I got really excited when I was doing this message last night, and I was yelling and everything saying, Lord I want to come, I want to cross over, but I do not know how to do it. Then I read verse 30 which says;
30. But when Peter saw the wind boisterous, he became afraid...KJV
He started to sink when he became afraid, and what made him afraid was the boisterous wind, so it was Satan’s difficulties, the trials and the attacks that Satan threw against Peter that made him afraid to go on, and he began to sink.
We need to know, those of us who want to cross over, we can expect severe trials and that those trials are designed to make us afraid to go forward. The trials are designed to make us afraid to go forward, that was what I learned, and the second thing that I learned which is most important is that, in order to cross over that sea of spinal fluid, we need permission from the Lord Jesus.
I believe that, He has given the people here, I believe He has given me that permission, I really do. We do not know how long the journey takes. I know the trials and tribulations have been quite severe. I have no idea how far out in the middle of the sea of spinal fluid I am.
I remember about three years ago I had a dream, and in this dream I was riding around on a, it was a circular track, a circular track and all of these cars riding on I guess it was the circle of the earth, and then at one point, I got to the point on that track where there was a road off to the right, which is interesting, it was not to the left, which would be judgment, it was a road that was off to the right, and there was a pathway from that road to, it did not seem to be that far away, it was a big castle.
I think it was a castle or a mansion, I do not really remember, I am thinking it was a castle, and I had gotten off of that circle of the earth, but when I went to the right, it was no longer a roadway, it became a water road, and I was in the water, and the water was turbulent, it was like rapids, and I was clinging, I could still see it.
I do not remember that many dreams, but some of them never leave me. I was clinging to, it was like a wall, you know, there was a circle of the earth and then you went off into this road which was really a river and I guess it would be like a river bank, but it looked like a wall, and I was just a tiny little bit off of the circular road, and it was like, it seemed to me that as soon as I went into that path, soon as I decided to take that right turn, I was being drowned, or something was trying to drown me, and that castle was, it was not that far away but I had hardly made any progress at all, and I was just hanging on to the wall. I had that dream about three years ago.
I do not know how long this is going to take, but I believe I have been bidden to come, and I just pray that the Lord helps me to get there, because I would really like to have that experience, I believe.
We are in the middle of page 2 towards the bottom, #2, I am talking to you about Elijah and I am trying to, I am suggesting to you that Elijah was drafted or elected to be the physical body, the Sefirah, the covering that Zeir Anpin that Adam Kadmon would wear in this world, and the proof of that is that Elijah attained dominancy over the world of Yetzirah which is the astral plane. Elijah had authority over the astral plane, 1 Kings 17:1;
1 KINGS 17:1
1. And Elijah the Tishbite who was of the inhabitants of Gilead said unto Ahab, As the Lord God of Israel liveth before whom I stand, there shall be no dew nor rain these years but according to my word. KJV
We see that Elijah had power over nature, and also Elijah traveled in the spirit, I do not know why I did not bring up those Scriptures for you, other than that as usual I am rushing. When I prepare these messages, there are other Scriptures where the servant of King Ahab was talking to Elijah, and saying, And Elijah had said to the servant, Tell King Ahab, I will appear to him. The servant said to Elijah, Please do not ask me to do that because if you say that you will be there and then Ahab shows up and you just disappear, it could mean my head.
We see that Elijah had supernatural power, he was appearing and he was disappearing, he was traveling in the spirit, he had power over nature, and I suggest to you that Elijah conquered that astral plane. He did not conquer the astral plane for you and me, He conquered it for Himself, as far as He, the man Elijah was concerned, He had authority over nature. Elijah also shed His physical body, which was His covering in the world of action, which was Zeir Anpin’s covering in the world of action, and He ascended to the level of Zeir Anpin of Adam Kadmon. 2 Kings 2:11;
2 KINGS 2:11
11. And it came to pass as they went on and talked that behold there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire and parted them both asunder, (that is Elijah and Elisha), and Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven. KJV
I suggest to you that it was Zeir Anpin within Elijah that ascended back to His place which was the Yesod of Zeir Anpin of Adam Kadmon, and that He took the Nephesh, the soul of Elijah with Him. Maybe He took more than that, I do not know, I should not even say that, He may have taken all of that with Him.
#3. The essence or the Spirit of Elijah which is Zeir Anpin of the world of Adam Kadmon, descended into the world of action, again, a second time. I see that I do not have this written here twice, Zeir Anpin of the world of Adam Kadmon descended into what should be Asiyah, the world of action, a second time. Matthew 11:14, and if you will receive it, this is Elias which was fore to come. That was Jesus speaking, and as I have told you many times, Elijah incarnated in Jesus, not in John, Jesus was talking about Himself when He said that.
#4. This time Zeir Anpin was wrapped in Elijah, His covering in the world of Yetzirah, the astral plane, and took Jesus of Nazareth as His vessel in the world of action. What I am saying is that when Zeir Anpin ascended into this world of action, the second time, He came as the Spirit of Elijah. The first time He came as Zeir Anpin, He came as a spiritual force into Elijah and acquired Elijah’s personality. The second time Zeir Anpin ascended into this world, He came in a recognizable form, that of Elijah.
I mentioned that to you in my introduction that both the Yesod of Zeir Anpin of Adam Kadmon and the Malkhut of the Nukvah of Adam Kadmon are assigned to descend into our world to bring salvation to us. The inhabitants of this world cannot recognize Him.
Even the people of this world that have Adam regenerated in them, cannot recognize them because the Adam that is regenerated has no memory of His days when He was alive and king in the world of creation. How can you save somebody when they not only will not come with you, they cannot even recognize you or see you?
This is the plan, the Yesod of the male of Adam Kadmon descended into the earth as a spiritual force, and wrapped Himself in the personality of Elijah, and we all know the story of Elijah. Elijah is the compound soul, the super soul that consists of the genetic material of the genome of the Levitical priesthood, of the right of the firstborn that came through Ephraim, and the genetic material of Judah, He is a super soul, Elijah is a super soul, that apparently was able to tolerate the descent of Zeir Anpin into Him. The average man could not tolerate that, he would go insane or get sick and die.
Zeir Anpin was able to ascend into this super soul, a man that had a super soul, a compound Neshamah, a compound intellectual soul that comes from God and that man was glorified, Elijah was glorified. When Zeir Anpin descended into this world again, He came wrapped in the personality of Elijah, so now He is recognizable, because the person He descended into this time did not have a super soul.
It is interesting that Jesus did not have a super soul, He was an average man, and Elijah incarnated, so it was really Zeir Anpin, it was really the male of Adam Kadmon wrapped in the personality of Elijah, that incarnated in Jesus, and this whole teaching is proved, nobody can even recognize Elijah.
Brethren, can people recognize Jesus today? Who in the church, how many in the church world are recognizing, well I have to rephrase that, maybe I am saying this too soon. Let me just remind you of what I just said. Elijah is appearing as the male element of Adam Kadmon and Jesus is appearing as the female element of Adam Kadmon, so the church is recognizing the Holy Spirit of Jesus, but they are not recognizing, they are recognizing the red drop but they are not recognizing the white drop of Elijah who is a part of Jesus.
Do you remember? I guess you took that picture and erased that, the male, the genital, the male organ of the male part of Adam Kadmon is now joined to the female, the white drop is joined to the red drop and they are one seed.
There were quite a few people, thousands, I guess millions of people that can see Jesus, if it is even the real Jesus that they are seeing, in the world today, at least Jesus is become the name, the name has become famous in the world, and when the people are seeing Him for what He is, or seeing a false Jesus, at least it is acknowledged in our world that Jesus is here, a spiritual force that is here, but I do not hear anybody acknowledging that Elijah is a spiritual force that is here, do you?
Is there anybody, anybody that you know of? No, so they are recognizing the female of Adam Kadmon, but no one is recognizing the male, or very few are recognizing the male. The male comes with judgment. Any judgment that comes forth, most people are imputing it to Satan.
Even though, my whole point is that even though Zeir Anpin wrapped Himself in the garment of the personality of Elijah, even though He is coming into this world in a human form, He is still not recognized, although people are recognizing the female to whatever degree they are recognizing, the Holy Spirit is the Malkhut of Jesus’ ten Sefirot.
#4. This time Zeir Anpin was wrapped in Elijah, His covering in the world of Yetzirah, the astral plane and took Jesus of Nazareth as His vessel in the world of action. Elijah in the world of Yetzirah, the astral plane, married the soul of Jesus in the world of action, and ascended, the two of them together ascended up to the world of Adam Kadmon. Let me give you that again.
Elijah ascended as far as the world of Yetzirah, as far as the astral plane, where He married the soul of the Nephesh of Jesus. Elijah was the Neshamah of Jesus, He was that intellectual spiritual soul of Jesus, and then Jesus had a Nephesh, the animal soul that produced His physical body.
Elijah the Neshamah, the spiritual intellectual soul in Jesus married His animal soul which produced His personality, and carried Him up, carried that soul up to the world of Adam Kadmon, and now Jesus is the Partzuf or the personality that represents the Malkhut of the female called Nukvah of Adam Kadmon, and Elijah represents the Yesod or the male seed of the male, Zeir Anpin of Adam Kadmon.
We see both the male and the female reproductive parts of Adam Kadmon are now penetrating into this world of action in a recognizable form, because remember the people down here that are liberated to any degree could not recognize the reproductive parts. Why would we want to recognize the reproductive parts of Adam Kadmon? Because He wants to remake us into a Godly image, we are His offspring. We cannot recognize our, did not Jesus say something like that? The birds recognize their owner and the horses recognize, I know I am using the wrong words, but the animals recognize who their head are, but Israel, she does not recognize the son of man.
Everybody knows who their boss is, who their head is, who their progenitor is, where they came from, but not my people, He says, no, Israel, they do not recognize the head when He appears to them. He said something like that, did He not? Yes. Now He made it so reasonable for us to recognize Him, who, who? Adam Kadmon, the most ancient of primordial beings who was given the commandment to go forth and multiply, He is the being that fills the whole empty space of creation, and He is bringing forth creation from the midst of Himself.
He is the one that is reaching down to those of us that are lost down here, because He has to fix the mess up, because He has to, He is responsible to the Ayn Sof who raised Him up, to bring forth a creation in the image of God. We are not forgotten down here, humanity has never been forgotten down here. There are just problems getting a spiritual being to communicate with a flesh being without destroying the flesh being. We have never been forgotten down here.
One more time, the male aspect of Adam Kadmon and the female aspect of Adam Kadmon are now clothed in human personality so they are recognizable by human beings and they are coming to bring forth, the seven days of creation which is the reconfigured world of emanation, within us. Let me remind you the world of emanation is the first world that emerged out of the female part of Adam Kadmon and the world of emanation is considered divine.
Adam Kadmon and the world of emanation are considered divine. The three worlds below that are considered created, created, formed and made. The divine worlds, the seven Sefirot of divinity is being built inside of us. Is that not what makes us the son of God that Christ Jesus walks and talks and breathes through us. That is just another way of saying, Christ in you the hope of glory. The seven days of creation, the seven lower Sefirot of the world of emanation are being created, formed, and made within us.
Those three worlds, those three different processes are being brought forth in us, three different levels of spiritual ministry coming through us, the Holy Spirit, Adam, and I guess Abel, I am not sure, I would have to think about that, Adam is in the world of creation, the Holy Spirit is in the world of formation and I guess it is Cain and Abel in the world of action down here, I guess it is a godly Abel in the world of action down here, all three levels are being built into us.
#5. Elijah in the world of Yetzirah, the astral plane married the soul of Jesus in the world of action, and ascended, and the two of them together ascended to Zeir Anpin, to the level or the grade of Zeir Anpin of the world of Adam Kadmon. That is where Jesus is in case you want to know where He ascended to, He ascended to the Malkhut of Adam Kadmon. Jesus is in the lowest, He is now joined to, He is the garment of the lowest Sefirah of the highest world which is Adam Kadmon.
#6, Elijah is the personification or the personality of the Yesod of Zeir Anpin of Adam Kadmon. Jesus is the personification or the personality of Malkhut of Adam Kadmon. The Malkhut of Adam Kadmon is the Shekinah. That is the pillar of fire, it was the pillar of fire and the cloud that accompanying the Hebrew children as they left Egypt.
#9. Jesus is the personification or Partzuf of the Shekinah.
#10. Malkhut of Adam Kadmon generates the world below, I explained all of that to you at the introduction.
#11. Malkhut of Adam Kadmon alone generated the first world of emanation called the world of points which lived and died. We talked about that in the introduction. I have a very fascinating question for you and for the Lord because I am not sure what the answer is, but I always wondered about this Scripture, Revelation 1:18, Jesus speaking;
18. I am He that liveth and was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore, amen, and I have the keys of hell and death. KJV
Of course the church world teaches you that this Jesus of Nazareth that was alive and dead, but somehow it just never sat right with me, it just never sat right with me and today, I am wondering if this could not be, well let me tell you this before I ask you the question. I am going to remind you that I told you in our introduction, that the Malkhut of the female of Adam Kadmon brings forth the world below and that, that same Malkhut of Adam Kadmon who is the lowest Sefirot of the world of Adam Kadmon, becomes the first Sefirah of the world of emanation below. Do you remember me telling you that?
We can say that Jesus is the world of emanation, we can say He is the Shekinah, He is the lowest Sefirah of the world of Adam Kadmon, and He is also, if He is the first Sefirah of the world of emanation, that means all of the other Sefirot came out of Him, so we can say that Jesus is the world of emanation, and I am just, does anybody not follow what I just said? Is everybody okay with what I just said? Do you want me to say it again, is that what you are saying, yeah, okay.
We talk about the world of Adam Kadmon, Adam Kadmon has ten Sefirot, He is, whoever the first Sefirah is, He is the whole world of, the whole world is named after Him, so the whole world is named Adam Kadmon. The next world down. The lower Sefirot of Adam Kadmon, Malkhut, became the first Sefirot, the Keter of the world of emanation. All of the other Sefirot of the world of emanation proceeded forth out of the first Sefirah of the world of emanation.
We can say that Jesus is the whole world of emanation, because all of the other Sefirot in the world of emanation came out of Him. Are you okay? I am saying to you, I believe we can legitimately say, just as we can say that the Malkhut, the lowest Sefirah of the female of Adam Kadmon has a personality, has a Partzuf, has a human personality associated with it, and that human personality is Jesus, in the same manner that same Jesus who brought forth the whole world below, I am suggesting to you that, that whole world below can be called Jesus, the Partzuf and the personality covering that whole world below can be called Jesus. Is that making any sense to you at all? Now, read this Scripture in that context.
18. I am He, I am the world of points, I am the world of emanation that lived, and I died. Remember the world of emanation, the first offspring of the female of Adam Kadmon was born and then it died, remember? I am He, the world of emanation, I was alive, I came forth as the world of points, and I died, and behold, now I am reconfigured and I am alive forevermore, I can never die again, because the first time I was the offspring of my mother only, and the second time I am the offspring of my mother and my Father, and now I am alive again, and I can never die, I am alive forevermore, Amen, and I have the keys of hell and death to deliver all of my offspring of the world below the world of emanation that fell into destruction because of my failure. ATB
I will take this better than a human being, Jesus of Nazareth being the one that was alive and was dead. Anybody not understanding what I just said. Technically even for Jesus of Nazareth, every human being born of a woman is born dead, is born dead, so it was Jesus of Nazareth saying, I was alive and now I am dead, no, it just does not sit right. It does not fit.
#12. We are at the top of page 4. Jesus the married Malkhut of Adam Kadmon, Jesus the married Malkhut, He is married to Elijah, the male seed above Him, generated the reconfigured world of emanation, and that this reconfigured world of emanation is appearing in fallen mankind, that is you and me as the mind of Christ.
Remember all of these worlds are appearing in us. The end of the whole process, when the process of salvation is complete, elements of all of the worlds will be within us, even the very light of the infinite one will be dwelling at our innermost point. That light, that infinite light enters into Adam Kadmon, and then enters into His, it goes right down His center through his male parts, through His female parts, and His female part is carrying that light into the world of creation, the world of formation, and the world of action, wrapped inside of Jesus as His innermost point, is Elijah, is the Father, the wisdom of Adam Kadmon, and the eternal infinite light of the unlimited one. That light that is at our, actually if Jesus in us now, that light is in us now. Listen I have one more drawing for you here that we did not go over in the introduction.
Drawing #5. I did my best to make this clear, I have a series of circles here, we are in the outermost circle where it says sons of God, world of Asiyah, the world right next to us is the astral plane that is the world of Yetzirah and that is where the regenerated Adam within us is in that astral plane.
We are moving inward now, we are the outermost level, we are moving inward, the next layer inward is the world of Beriah or the world of creation which is presently a wasteland.
King Adam who ruled over that world, sinned and fell into the sea in the world below, so that land is the wasteland, and that needs to be rebuilt, that is what our Father is trying to rebuild, that wasteland, that is the old waste places that were torn down, and now we are moving inward, going towards our center, the next world is the world of emanation, and that is that world of emanation, this the reconfigured world of emanation that the beings in this world cannot recognize. That is the mind of God, I suggest to you it is the mind of God that is invisible to the beings of this world.
People in their carnal mind cannot recognize the mind of Christ, they think that people who, when they hear a thought that comes from the mind of Christ, they think there is something wrong with you, they think evil of you, they cannot recognize that this is the mind of God, that this is the way God thinks, if it is truly the mind of God in you, I am not saying it is any one person today that I know of that every thought that comes out of them is the mind of God, I do not believe that even to be true.
When the mind of God does manifest itself, carnal men think evil of it, it cannot be recognized even though it is wrapped, it is wrapped in the personality of Elijah and Jesus together, and it is not recognized. That is Elijah there, that is the invisible, the world that is invisible from Asiyah, and now the next world in is, I guess I did not say it, all I said on your drawing was invisible from Asiyah. That is actually the male, that is actually Elijah, the male of Adam Kadmon. I think I may have gotten that wrong, well let us just go forward with it.
The next level in, okay the next level in is Jesus. We just have two levels, let us say we have two levels of the world of emanation, one is the, because it is one seed now, Jesus is carrying one seed, He really has the seed of the male and the seed of female with Him, so where I say the world emanation, that is the Elijah, you know the male of Adam Kadmon, and what I call Jesus, it is really another level of emanation, it is also the world of emanation, which is also invisible to the inhabitants here of Asiyah. What did I do, I put Elijah on the inside. Maybe I just have an extra, I put an extra circle in there. I put an extra circle in there.
I have emanation on circle, and Jesus another circle, that should really just be one circle, and it is Jesus in the world of emanation, and I have to take out, scratch what I said about Elijah. That is Jesus in the world of emanation and He is invisible, He is invisible, His mind is invisible to the people in Asiyah, and then the next level closest to the Father is Elijah, that is the male of Adam Kadmon.
He is invisible to the inhabitants of this world also, and then at the very center next to Elijah, that means, think of ourselves as having a journey inward, we are going from this external world where we are communicating with Adam within ourselves, then we are going forward to communicate with Jesus who is in the world of emanation, then we go forward to wisdom.
A relationship with Jesus makes us eligible to the holy wisdom that we are studying these days which is really the world of Elijah within Jesus, all of this wisdom is coming from Elijah, the Elijah aspect of Jesus. Then the next level in, as we continue to press through, is direct contact with the Father, and that direct contact with the Father is marriage. It is the Father that is marrying us through Adam. I do not know if I did a very good idea of explaining this so let me try again.
First of all I did the drawing wrong, and there should not be Jesus, and the world of emanation should not be two separate circles, they are the same. We the sons of God, our passport to the higher world is the regenerated Adam and wherever He goes, we go with Him.
We know that the regenerated Adam is Jesus. We are the virgins that follow Him everywhere because we are attached to Him. It is Adam within us that is pressing in towards the center, and they are passing over the wasteland, the world of creation because it is a wasteland, nobody planted there. The next world that we can make contact with is Jesus, He is the world that we are making contact with, He is the regenerated world of emanation. Jesus the Holy Spirit, and the whole external outer manifestation of the church that we know about, as we continue to press inward, we come to the level of Jesus which is called Elijah which is the male, that is the male seed, and the wisdom begins there, I am sorry that is the male seed and we enter into the warfare because the warfare is of the male, and then as we continue to press in, we start to make contact with the Father through this wisdom. It is the Father who is marrying Adam within us and through Adam He is marrying us. Did I make it clearer this time, I hope I did.
With all of this wisdom that is coming down in this ministry we are making contact with the Father. We do not know how long the marriage is going to take, the marriage is a penetration, the marriage is an integration of two spiritual elements. I do not know, it could take a day, a month, a year, a week, but it seems to me we are in the midst of that integration of the wisdom of the Father, with the regenerated Adam within us. At some point, at some point, that integration will come to a degree of intensity that it will create a bond, and that is the line that I drew from the Father to Adam below, if you look at the lower half of the circle, I drew a line from the Father to Adam, which is our new man, Adam is our new man.
At some point, as we press in with this wisdom, there will be permanent bonding that will take place, and that is the marriage bond, we will be permanently bound through our inner man Adam, through our new man Adam, with the Father.
Through that union with the Father in midst of the Father, which I did not show in this drawing is the light of the Ayn Sof and that is our immortality. We enter in through wisdom, and that permanent bond between our new man and the Father, joins us permanently to the higher worlds, and that is the ladder, that is Jacob’s ladder, we now have access to the higher worlds and the higher worlds have access to us, instance access.
We do not have to fast and pray, it is instant access because of that bond, and the angels within us, Adam is an angel within us, or the angels of the higher world, can ascend or descend into this world through the Sefirah which is you or me, whoever has this experience.
It is a continuously increasing bond and a continuous penetration inward, and at the point that we touched the light of the Ayn Sof which is inside the Father, it has to start affecting our physical body. This is the longevity that we will be entering into. It is in this marriage bond that at some point, what is happening, how am I going to explain this, as I explained it before, what is happening in our head, which is the higher part of our person, that the regenerated Adam in our cerebellum is crossing over that sea of spinal fluid, and getting ready to be lined up to be completely and permanently aligned with this line that I am showing you here, and I know this drawing is very inaccurate, I am seeing problems with it right now, but it is the best I can do for you for now, maybe I will have a more accurate drawing on Thursday perhaps, we will see.
Actually what I am telling you is two different things and at the moment, I see no connection between the two events, the Lord is going to have to show me this. As I have explained to you, I preach by revelation and as I preach to you I see problems in what I am preaching, and then the Lord gives me the answers.
I am telling you two distinct things. I am showing how Adam our new man is pressing inward into the wisdom of God which is deep in the midst of us, and that wisdom is the Father of God, is the Father who has come to marry Adam our inner man, and when the Father marries Adam our inner man, the physical man goes, not the physical man but the personality, and for a season the physical man goes with him. The second thing that I am telling you is that the regenerated Adam in our cerebellum has to get into the front part of our brainstem and step on the olives, so that He is lined up with Jesus who is descending into our body, and I just saw the solution to the problem.
I have to draw it for you and it is just too late. We will save that Lord willing, I have the answer to it, but I am not going to stop to draw it on the board now, let us just, you probably do not even follow me with what the problem is. Let us go on, we are up to #12, that is what I was talking to you about, #12. Jesus the married Malkhut of Adam Kadmon generated the reconfigured world of emanation which is appearing in fallen mankind as the mind of Christ. All of these higher worlds are appearing in us.
#13. Jesus is the Malkhut of Adam Kadmon and the Keter, Jesus is the Malkhut of Adam Kadmon, and the Keter or, He is the lowest, Jesus is the lowest Sefirah of Adam Kadmon and the highest Sefirah, the Keter of the world of emanation.
#14. Elijah, the personification of the Yesod of Zeir Anpin, of Adam Kadmon, sustains Jesus, who is the personification of Malkhut of the female of Zeir Anpin, and it is that female, Jesus, the personification of the female of Adam Kadmon, who is responsible for recolonizing Beriah, the world of creation that is now a wasteland because the male and female Adam fell into the world below, and He is also responsible for recolonizing Yetzirah, the world of formation or the astral plane below because that world is now filled with evil entities, they have to be dealt with and after they are dealt with, Jesus has to recolonize that world with the image of the Father, and He is also responsible for recolonizing the world of action, which are the three worlds below where He is, called the world of creation, the world of formation, and the world of action.
Jesus is reforming, reconfiguring, recolonizing the creation in all three of these worlds so that they are the image of the Father, and the image of the Serpent must be wiped out and we are being remade in the image of the Father whose primary attribute is the wisdom of God.
#16. From the perspective of the fallen Adam of the world of action however, the world of emanation was never reconfigured and does not even exist because they have no access to it and cannot perceive it in any way. I explained that in the introduction brethren.
#17. The fallen Adam of Asiyah, this world of action, can see only the world above which is Yetzirah, the astral plane which is darkened by the powers and principalities of this world, that is #18, I explained that in the introduction.
#19. When the inhabitants of Asiyah, this world of action look up to the worlds above, they see only the darkness of Yetzirah, the world of formation which lies over Asiyah, this world, and blinds, so that astral plane is blinding fallen Adam or even regenerated Adam, so the reality of the worlds above, because the regenerated Adam does not remember what the worlds above look like.
#20. In other words, the mind of fallen Adam of Asiyah, the world of action, is so darkened, or so fallen that they can be looking right at the glory of Atzilut, the world of emanation and not recognize it for what it is, if they see it at all. We see even the people that have the Holy Spirit cannot recognize the reconfigured world of emanation, the reconfigured world of emanation is the mind of Christ. Even the people with the Holy Spirit cannot recognize it.
#21. In order for the world of action to see the world of emanation, the world of emanation needs to be covered, that is draped or enveloped in a garment that the fallen Adam of Asiyah, the world of action can recognize. We see it is even more than that, because even with Jesus covering over the mind of Christ, they still, they cannot believe that it is of God. That is why Zeir Anpin of Adam Kadmon descended into Elijah and took him as a garment or took him as a Sefirah constructed from the elements of the world of action. Elijah is the Sefirah constructed from the elements of this world that Zeir Anpin of Adam Kadmon took so that He could be recognized in this world.
#22. Then the Spirit of Elijah, Elijah’s essence which is Zeir Anpin of Adam Kadmon, descended again, this time Zeir Anpin was wrapped in Elijah, His garment or His Sefirah constructed specifically for His use in Yetzirah, the world of formation, and took the soul of Jesus of Nazareth as a garment for the female. Elijah is covering the male of Adam Kadmon, and Jesus is covering the female of Adam Kadmon.
#23. The Yesod of Zeir Anpin, that is the male organ of the male, that is the male organ of the ten Sefirot of the male, married Nukvah of Adam Kadmon, actually He married the Malkhut of Nukvah, He married the lowest Sefirah of the female aspect of Adam Kadmon, before the reconfiguration of Atzilut, the world of emanation. Nukvah of Adam Kadmon, the female of Adam Kadmon was present with Elijah even before He was glorified. Zeir Anpin married, okay the world of emanation was reconfigured before Zeir Anpin descended into, what did I say here, let me read this again. Yesod of Zeir Anpin married Malkhut of Nukvah of Adam Kadmon before the world of Atzilut, the world of emanation was reconfigured, so Nukvah of Adam Kadmon was present with Elijah even before Elijah was glorified. Let us read #24, that will explain it better.
#24. In the days of Elijah’s flesh, the Nukvah of Zeir Anpin of Adam Kadmon was incarnate in Asiyah, this world of action, as Elisha. What I am saying in #23 and #24 what I am saying is that Zeir Anpin is descended into Elijah as the male element of Adam Kadmon and He also brought with Him as an incarnation in this world, the female of Adam Kadmon, which was configured as Elisha, Elijah’s disciple, Elisha. Elijah’s disciple Elisha was the female of Adam Kadmon, but He was not a permanent female. Jesus became the permanent cover the female of Adam Kadmon. At the time that Elijah was in the world, Zeir Anpin descended into the man Elijah as the male of Adam Kadmon, and He also brought His female with Him, but the female was in a separate human being called Elisha. Did I confuse anybody, are you all okay? Okay.
#25. Elijah and Elisha were the incarnation, Asiyah, this world of action of the married Yesod and Nukvah of Adam Kadmon. The Yesod of the male of Adam Kadmon married the Malkhut of the female of Adam Kadmon and they appeared in this world as Elijah and Elisha.
#26. Since His glorification, Elijah descends only as far as Yetzirah, Elisha, Elijah is no longer appearing as Elijah, He is not appearing as Elijah anymore.
#27. Elijah does appear in Asiyah the world of action through Christ. Elijah is wrapped today in the personality of Jesus, the whole world knows Jesus, they do not know Elijah. To know Elijah, you have to get to Elijah through Jesus, that is what I am trying to tell you, the female surrounds the male, and you have to get to Elijah, that wisdom of God, you have to go through Jesus to get to that wisdom. I think I said that wrong, Elijah is not the wisdom of God, Elijah is the judgment of God, and I have quoted those Scriptures for you a little further on. Elijah is the merciful judgment of God, it is the judgments of God that bring reconciliation to God. Before you get to Elijah which is the judgment of God, you go through Jesus, because it would be too painful to go directly to the judgment of Elijah, so we go through Jesus who loves us and gives us gifts and gives us His Holy Spirit, and we dance and we sing and then before we know what hit us we are under the judgment.
#28. Christ is the seed of the Lord Jesus appearing through a man. Elijah was the Neshamah of Jesus of Nazareth. Can you hear that? The glorified Elijah, I should say that, this is the glorified Elijah, just as Jesus is descending into us today, and He is the mind of Christ to us and He is wisdom to us, in that same manner, Elijah was the higher mind to Jesus. The glorified Jesus is descending into human beings today, He is our mind, He is our wisdom, He is our righteousness. In the same manner, Elijah descended into the man, Jesus of Nazareth and was all of these things to Him. Jesus is our higher mind, Christ is our higher mind. Elijah is the higher mind of Jesus.
#30. We are at the top of page 5. Elijah the Yesod of Adam Kadmon, appears in a human vessel as the white throne judgment, also called the ministry of reconciliation which is in Christ Jesus. Brethren, we have received the ministry of reconciliation but it is a ministry that comes with judgment. There is no reconciliation in Christ Jesus without the confession, conviction, and judgment of sin, there is not any reconciliation without conviction, confession, and repentance, it is a false reconciliation, it is a house made of cards that will surely collapse, under the right circumstances. The reconciliation that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ requires confession of sins, conviction of wrong doing, and repentance. When that comes from all parties concerned, there is a reconciliation that makes the relationship of the parties like it was never fractured. Without those three elements, the reconciliation is false.
#31. The Malkhut of Nukvah of Adam Kadmon is also the Keter of the world of Atzilut, the world of emanation.
#32. Jesus is the Keter of Atzilut, the world of emanation in a human vessel He is called Christ.
#33. Messiah is Adam Kadmon appearing in a man. That is the whole of Adam Kadmon, the wisdom, remember the Father is the Chokhmah of Adam Kadmon, so to say Messiah is Adam Kadmon appearing in a man, that means we have the wisdom of the Father, we have the son, and we have the female. We have the wisdom of the Father, we have the judgment that comes from the male, and we have the mercy that comes from the female. For all of these years that I am teaching to you about spiritual manhood, I am just finding out myself that our spiritual manhood is the development of Elijah in us. Jesus is the one who gives gifts. This is why the church gets so confused. I have had people say to my face years ago, although it does not happen anymore, you know, that judgment, that exposure of sin, that is not of God, Jesus does not do that.
Jesus does not do that, Jesus’ mate who is with Him Elijah, does that, but the two are one. Elijah and Jesus are one. You cannot have one and not the other. The Jesus that the church world that dances and sings and heals you and gives you overtime so that you can make extra money and gets you a wife or a husband, if you are lonely, and all of that, they cannot reconcile this Jesus with the judgment that comes.
Jesus is the female, and she is attached to Elijah who brings the judgment who is the male, but together the two of them, I can just hear somebody saying, What are you making Jesus female for? The two of them together are the male, the two of them together, if you are taking the two of them together, it is the Lord Jesus Christ, has a female aspect and a male aspect. The female aspect of the Lord Jesus Christ is called by the same name Jesus, but the male aspect of the Lord Jesus Christ has another name, and that is Elijah.
The Lord Jesus Christ in and of Himself is male, there is a female and a male part, just like Adam Kadmon, He has a male and a female part. Messiah is Adam Kadmon appearing in a man, He is the wisdom, He is the Father, He is the son, and He is the daughter. I do not know what happened to the Mother over there, but I do not know. I should make that a question to the Lord too, what happened to the Mother.
#34. Atzilut, the world of emanation is now visible to fallen Adam, in Asiyah, not only to fallen Adam but to the regenerate fallen Adam, but to the regenerate Adam also who has no memory of what that world is like, the world above is like. Atzilut, the world of emanation, the God world is now visible to both fallen Adam, and regenerated Adam, in Asiyah the world of action, through, well that is not right, through the mind of Christ is wrong, because I just told you that, I know I struggled with this last night, I thought I fixed it. Lord please remind me what you told me. Atzilut the world of emanation is now visible to fallen Adam and regenerate Adam in the world of action through, I would have to say, I am going to say the glorified Jesus brethren but I do not know that, that is really the answer, so we have to let it go for next time, unless it comes through under the anointing while I am still preaching. I am trying to finish this up here.
#35. Zeir Anpin, the male world of Adam Kadmon, the male of the world of Adam Kadmon is now visible, back to #34, I guess it has to be through the union, Atzilut the world of emanation is now visible to fallen Adam in Asiyah and to regenerate Adam through the union, there has to be a union, there has to be a re-connection, it has to be through the marriage.
The regenerate Adam who has no memory of the world above will recall it through a relationship with the Lord Jesus, it does not have to be the marriage, it can be, all of us here, all of today, I do not think the marriage has taken place but I think there is an imputed connection, I think the Lord Jesus is ministering to us, but there is no permanent connection there, I call it an imputed connection.
It is only when the Lord Jesus Christ makes contact with the regenerate Adam, someone that has Adam regenerated in them, that the regenerated Adam still cannot connect to the world above, because He cannot relate to it, has no memory of it, when the Lord Jesus touches Him, He will start to remember what His existence was in the world above. I think that the Lord just answered that question, is everybody okay with that? All of us, our brains are burning.
#35. Zeir Anpin, the male of the world of Adam Kadmon is now visible to fallen Adam in the world of action through same thing, that through the mind of Christ is wrong, Zeir Anpin the male of the world of Adam is now visible to fallen Adam in the world of action through union, and it can be an imputed union with the male aspect of the glorified Jesus. Back to #34.
#34. Atzilut the world of emanation is now visible to fallen Adam and regenerate Adam, through a union with the female aspect, with the female aspect of the glorified Jesus, and Zeir Anpin, the world of Adam Kadmon which is judgment, and that judgment is righteous, is now visible to fallen Adam in the world of action through union with the glorified Jesus, of the glorified Jesus. Did everybody get that? The glorified Jesus has a male aspect and a female aspect. When the female aspect of the glorified Jesus touches us, we see the world of emanation which is the mind of Christ, and when the male aspect of the glorified Jesus touches us, we see the reality and the benefits and the mercy of judgment with the mind of Christ, two different aspects, two different levels of the mind of Christ.
Jesus is the mediator, 1 Timothy 2:5;
5. For this is one God, and one mediator between God and man, between God and man, the man Christ Jesus...KJV
I do not know what those little letters are in front of the b, brethren, I was doing this at 1:00 a.m. in the morning, I do not know what I did here, anyway, b, those first two letters, just scratch them out please, it looks like an I and an 8, oh is, is that what that is. He is the mediator, He is also the ambassador from Atzilut, the world of emanation. Jesus is the ambassador from, and when He is in us, we are the ambassadors of the God world of emanation which is manifesting in humanity as the mind of Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20;
20. Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us, we pray you in Christ’s stead, by ye reconciled to God. KJV
That is our job brethren, and this is the message coming from the God world of emanation, Be ye reconciled to God. God has no pleasure in bringing judgment on anybody, on any individual, on any nation, or in the world, God has no pleasure in it, and I will take this opportunity to correct something or even to maybe not correct it, but expand it more, explain it more, of something that I have been saying to you for the last few weeks or few months.
I said it in Thursday’s message, that one of two things will happen, either Christ will appear, and His mind will go forth and bring conviction of sin, and confession and then repentance to a degree that will save the country and the world or we are going into destruction, and what I had in mind when I said that to you was either it is the mercy of God or the sowing and reaping judgment. The Lord brought me, I have no idea of how I wound up or why I wound up on this website brethren, but I wound up on this website, it was a, I think it was Jewish Christian website, and they were claiming that God is not bringing all of this destruction that you hear other preacher’s preaching about, that I would call the sowing and reaping judgment, that God is not bringing this destruction on mankind, that all of this destruction is coming from man himself, and that Jesus only wants to bring sweetness and light to us.
When I prayed about it, I found that there was another dimension that I really, and this is what happens, we keep seeing more and more dimensions of what the Lord is trying to tell us, so this is what I would like to share with you, that the Lord showed to me. It is not really accurate to say, either Christ will stand up and bring revival or the sowing and reaping judgment will wipe us out, because that really is saying that Jehovah is bringing this kind of destruction on the country and the world, and it is not, that is not really accurate, and this is what is more accurate.
The reality of this world is that either, the reality of our existence is either we are reflection of Cain, or we are a reflection of Abel, this is the reality of our existence, there is no other option, there is nothing in between, we do not, we, those of us that are humans, that are homosapien in these physical bodies, we do not exist apart from an inner man, which is either Cain or Abel, those are our only two options.
By rejecting, by rejecting Abel, and we have rejected, the countries, by our government, by our laws we are rejecting the righteousness of God that is ministered to us by choosing the lifestyle of Abel. When we choose the lifestyle of Abel, we choose the laws of God, we choose to follow after God in His righteousness.
By rejecting that righteousness which our government and our population of the country and of Christendom in general is doing right now. By rejecting the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ and His ways, what He says is sin, not what the world says is sin or not sin, by saying, Oh fornication is okay, oh this is okay, that is okay, oh it is alright, we are rejecting the lifestyle, the mentality and the rationale of the righteousness of God, even all of the lying that is going on in the country today, and the stealing, it is disgusting, what is going on in the whole Christian world today, I just know about America, that is why I talk about America a lot, it is disgusting, the manipulation and the way people manipulate each other, it vexes me greatly.
That is all a sign that we have departed from the lifestyle, the mentality and the rationale of Christ, and there is only one place to depart to, and that is to the mentality, the lifestyle and the rationale of Cain, there is no other place to go to, either we choose Abel who is Christ, or we choose Cain, and by departing from Christ, we make a passive decision to embrace the lifestyle of Cain because there is no other option, and Cain brethren, Cain is an evil murderous tormenting tyrant that oppresses, Cain is a murderous tormenting tyrant that abuses his ox, we are his ox, he abuses humanity. On the one hand you can say this is the sowing and reaping judgment, but we really have brought it upon ourselves by choosing unrighteousness, there is only two choices, righteousness or unrighteousness, Abel or Cain. By rejecting the righteousness of Abel, we have chosen what is now coming upon us. There is really no option to say, that under any circumstances Jehovah is a God that brings these terrible things upon us, that we try to deal with, the tortures, the murders, all of the terrible things that have happened to Christians and you know believing Christians and Jews, people that have been faithful to God.
You say to yourself, Well I tried, I know that God cannot be guilty, I know God cannot be guilty, so somehow it is a sowing and reaping judgment, somehow, that person did something to justify this, somehow, I have tried to work it out in my mind over all of these years, because I know God is righteous, but this is a much more perfect answer.
When we depart from righteousness, unrighteousness lays hold of us. We cannot exist apart from one or the other. We really bring whatever happens to us upon ourselves, if you can hear what I am saying, God is righteous. I repeat the same advice to you when bad things start happening to you, when bad things happen to me brethren, I fall on my face and say, Lord, what did I do wrong? What did I do wrong, or what did not do that I was supposed to do? Tell me so that I can turn it around, save me from this destruction, because for destruction to come into my life, I must have departed from you in some way, because when I am completely sold out to Jesus, following Him to the best of my ability, there should be no room in my life for disaster, so if disaster comes in, somehow, somewhere, some way, I have departed from you, I have sinned.
I am in the middle of page 5, I am going to try and finish this up. Jesus is the ambassador from Atzilut, the world of emanation and when He is in us, we too are ambassadors whose job it is to reconcile people to God, our job is not to bring judgment upon them, unless the Elijah part of us, the male part of us rises up and does it, our job is to bring reconciliation through explaining God to people, and yes we want to tell people about Jesus’ love but we also want to tell them about how wrong behavior, wrong thoughts and attitudes can bring, the destruction of Cain into their life, and it is not God bringing it, it is us bringing it. That is a part of the message of reconciliation, the truth. Revelation 3:20;
20. Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me. KJV
He is the doorway to the world above, and beyond the astral plane. Are you okay, I do not know that I can really keep you any longer brethren. I see there is another long page, I am not going to be able to do it. It is too late, I am tired, you are tired. I thought the next few pages were easy like this with a lot of Scripture in them, but I see that we have items from 45 until 73, forget about it brethren, (laughing). We will pick up here, if the Lord lets me, I keep saying, we will pick up here on the next message, and I never get there, so if the Lord lets me this will be a part 4, starting with #37, and also, if the Lord lets me, I will reconcile these two aspects of salvation that I have been talking to you about, the aspect of Adam crossing over onto the olives, and to the aspect of us pressing into our center. Are there any questions? God bless you all, be safe everybody be safe. See you on Thursday.
02/22/10 Transcribed by RLR