648 - Part 4

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.


This is part 4 of Unveiling The Tree Of Life, if you missed part 3, I am hoping you will be able to follow me, but just pick up whatever you can. Part 3 was a very intense message that we could not finish, so Lord willing we will be finishing that up. As I told you, the Lord has us on a magic carpet ride, and part 3 of Unveiling The Tree Of Life really does not sequentially follow part 2.


The Lord has just been giving me messages that a have a common core, they may not sound like they follow, if you are listening to the outer content, but the bottom line is this, the Lord is giving us information concerning the catching up, that is the bottom line, and as I have explained to you all, the Lord does not dictate this material to me, He influences me, He brings forth a curiosity in me that more or less directs me when He leads me in a certain direction, and then I research the issues, I pray about them, I study the Interlinear Text, I follow the thoughts that come in to my mind.


For that reason I have not to date, and I do not think I have it yet, I have not to date had a concrete clear understanding of how the catching up will happen, of how our nature is being changed, how our new nature is coming into existence, the bottom line is, I do not have a clear concrete understanding of how Christ Jesus will stand up in power. Each message that I preach, I get a clearer and a clearer understanding.


As I do my research, sometimes I make a mistake or sometimes I just see a partial truth. I see it is accurate on the steps along the way. I believe, and I am not prophesying to you, but I believe that when we get this straight, when I really get the understanding that the Lord says is satisfactory to Him, that we are going to see Christ Jesus at the very least ascend to the next stage of power.


Brethren, I just do not know whether He will fully stand up in power, which He may, at the very least He will stand up in a greater degree of power than we see right now. This is what we are waiting for. Let me clarify this issue to you, this is really, really important, and I just really came into fully grasping this myself this past week, even as recently as two messages ago, I said to you, Look brethren, it is going to be one way or the other, either Christ Jesus is going to stand up and by the power of His righteous mind convict the world, certainly in the church, the church and Judah, the Jews at least if not the whole world, I do not know how long this is going to take brethren, what we are talking about is a starting point. Christ Jesus will stand up and His ascended mind will influence the minds of the Jewish people and the church, and eventually the whole world towards righteousness, and peace will come to the earth, and sanity will be restored to the earth.


How long it is going to take for every human being on the face of the earth to be righteous? I do not know, that is coming, it may take another thousand years, I do not know. Right now we are waiting for the mechanism through which the power of God will flow which will start to channel righteousness into the earth, and that righteousness will then begin to influence the minds of men.


We are waiting for the event, we are waiting for the channel to open, for the initial stream of the spiritual influence that will produce righteousness to enter into the earth. Actually, see the Lord just keeps correcting me as I go, this channel, this mechanism is already in the earth, and His name is Jesus Christ, and He is here by His Holy Spirit, and He is here in the name of Christ, to those who have Christ grafted to us, but the channel is only open a hair, it is only open a hair, and in many instances, it is weaker than the carnal mind.


 It certainly, the presence of Christ today is weaker than the collective presence of the carnal mind in the Lord’s church.


How can you say that Sheila? People are still sick and dying, plus the church is backslidden. Does that mean that God is weak? No, no, no, it does not mean that God is weak. Righteousness is seeking to fill human vessels, God moves through human vessels, and there is something standing in the way, our carnal mind is standing in the way. The power of God, if it flows into us fully while we still have sin in us, it would kill us.


It is a simultaneous process of dealing with our sin nature, and the influx of righteousness and the dealing with our sin nature.


There is only a small stream of righteousness in the earth because God’s people are too filled with sin, and the removal of sin is a process, but there is going to be an event, there is going to be a point in time at which righteousness will stand up in the fullness of the power, and that is the point at which it will begin to influence the minds of men, because the whole world is exploding.


It has to influence His church, the Jewish people, and the world. The power of an ascended righteous mind will bring peace to the whole world. Brethren this is how Christendom has fallen. The power of an unrighteousness, probably Maitreya, the power of an unrighteous mind, from some hidden location, he claims to be living in London somewhere in a Pakistani community in London, has literally corrupted Christendom. It has literally corrupted Christendom in the same manner, the ascension of Christ Jesus in unknown people could influence Christendom, Judea and the world back towards righteousness, and it is spiritual brethren, it is spiritual.


We are waiting for this event, and the Lord has, the message that the Lord has been bringing here, is the understanding of how or the process by which Christ Jesus is going to stand up in a human being, and I am not prophesying to you but I have been thinking that the reason, I am thinking that when I get it straight, when it is preached correctly and you all hear it, that it is going to happen.


I have expounded on that idea in previous messages, if you not fully following me, I had expounded on that idea is previous messages. Brethren, I have to believe, you have to speak for yourself, I have to believe the Scripture, it looks like the whole world is falling apart, but my Bible says that Christ Jesus is going to stand up and He is going to bring peace to the whole earth. There may be a correction, a judgment before that peace comes because man, mortal man is criminal, and this nation today, I do not know that much about London, all I know, about England, all I know about England is that, very few British go to church anymore, and that there is great immorality, this what I hear, but I live here, so I talk about the United States a lot.


The immorality in our nation is flabbergasting, if you really stop to see what is going on, look at the movies, the TV. I was walking down the street the other day and there were two teenagers walking in front of me, cursing, using the f word, young, beautiful young women, with their whole life ahead of them, pretty, you know, young filled with life, cursing in this vile way, walking up and down the street, it is very sad.


Christendom, of course there is always a handful that there is a remnant, but Christendom is corrupted, and of the handful that are living a holy life in their behavior, the majority, are not dealing with the hidden sins of their heart. They may not be out there cursing, or fornicating, but their heart is filled with envy and rejection and pride and all of the foundational sins of man, because Jesus said the fields are white to harvest but the laborers are few. What does that mean? It means the righteous soul of Christ that has been added to them has not been caught up above the authority, has not been cut away. The ungodly nature has not been cut away, so there is a continuous struggle between our new nature, our new man, and our old man, but the problem with the church today, and with the Jews is that they just do not understand, they think they are righteous because of their behavior.


The church is just as guilty as the Jew who is living under the law. They think they are righteous because they read their Bible and go to church and do not curse, and do not fornicate, well you should not be doing those things, but you are still dirty on the inside. Jesus said to the Pharisees, You wash the outside of the cup, but the inside is filthy. We are filthy inside. How do I know? Because we are still sick and dying brethren, and we do not have the power to overthrow the wicked government that ceased this country.


Wickedness has ceased the government of this country, and the church does not seem to be able to stop it. Why? There is only one possible reason. There is too much sin in the church. When I am fasting and I am praying, and I am doing everything I can, brethren it is not up to us, our sin nature is too strong. All that we can do is all that we can do, and then we wait, we wait for the Lord Jesus to overthrow our fallen soul and raise up Christ His son in us, and set it on a throne.


We are waiting, I am trusting that there is a handful of us, I hope that some of us here fit into this category, that we are doing all that we can do to deal with the hidden sins of our heart, and at some point the Lord Jesus will make a judgment that somewhere, somehow in His perfect timing, somebody, in some, at least in one vessel is going to exalt Christ over that person’s old man, and that will the first, that will the first, there will be many sons that come in.


I did not make my point, listen, this is what I preached previously to you, that the world is rocking and rolling, one of two things must happen. Do you know all know that Al-Quaida is now spread into Yemen, so we now have, and we may be sending troops into Yemen, do you all know this? The hot bed of Al-Quaida is now in Yemen. Brethren, this is international, this is an international situation.


We are still fighting in Iraq, we are fighting in Afghanistan, and the hot bed of Al-Quaida has now moved into Yemen, and they are training, they have camps there training suicide bombers and sending them off to this country from Yemen. The international threat is building, it is building, and the church has no power to stop it.


This is what I preached to you, it is going to be one of two ways, either Christ Jesus is going to stand up, and convince the sin of wickedness and bring forth repentance which will stop this, or the judgment will fall, this is what I have preached previously, that the whole world but especially the church, and the Jews, we are under the wrath of God, we are under the wrath of God, the wrath of God is the sowing and reaping judgment, and the world has sown wickedness, the church has sown wickedness, the Jews have sown wickedness and we are all part of the judgment on the whole world that is likened unto the judgment before the, on the other side of the flood.


Either Christ Jesus is going to stand up and produce righteousness in the people, at least enough of the people to turn this wrath of God away, or the wrath of God will destroy us, and that takes us to the book of Genesis where Abraham was saying to Jehovah, who was about to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah, If you can find fifty righteous people will you withhold? And the end of that conversation was Abraham saying to Jehovah, If you can find ten people. And Jehovah said, If I can find ten righteous people I will withhold. We all know that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. There was not even one righteous person found.


Once again, this is what I had been preaching to you, either righteousness will appear in at least one man, because ten in one from a numbers point of view, ten and one is the same, one man has ten Sefirot, if you could find one righteous man, he most likely would not destroy, with us it is not even a nation anymore, it is the whole world, we are talking about nuclear war here.


That is what I have been preaching. Our hope I have been preaching to you is that, that one righteous man is present today, His name is Christ Jesus, the offspring of the glorified Jesus Christ who is dwelling in humanity, so we have every reason to hope and believe that He will stand up in power, and bring repentance to mankind which will cut off the sowing and reaping judgment, that is how I have been seeing it. Today I understand that is really not, let me say, I have a greater degree of accuracy for you.


This is how I see it today, brethren, humanity, mortal humanity, flesh humanity, we are Adam’s ox, Adam is a spiritual man who dwells inside of his ox. In this world the rider of ox, or someone who rides horseback rides on the back of that animal. Brethren, the point of view of spiritual life, the spiritual man rides his ox or his horse, Judah is the horse of the Lord, He rides his ox on his horse by being ensconced or placed internally inside of that man.


The flesh part of us, and most people today, they are just living out of their flesh man. Mortal humanity is Adam’s ox. The Lord Jesus Christ is the first Adam and the last Adam, He is Adam. There was a fall, and there was a bastard of hybrid child that was born, and his name is Cain. Cain is the offspring of Adam, and the Serpent, or the offspring of the female Adam and the Serpent, and he has a counterpart, I should really have put it the other way, the aspect of the fallen Adam that is appearing today in mortal humanity, is called Abel.


We see two brothers, two spiritual brothers, Cain and Abel, dwelling inside of mortal humanity today, just like we read about in the Scripture, that Tamar was pregnant, Tamar the woman who brought forth the, actually she was Judah’s daughter in law, and these two babies were born of incest, and the father was Judah, and the mother was Tamar who had been married to Judah’s sons. She was pregnant with twins in her womb by her father in law, Judah, the one who was prophesied would, whose progeny would bring forth the Messiah.


She said, What is this? She knew something was strange inside of her. The Lord spoke to her and said, There are two nations in your womb fighting for dominion. Brethren, there are two spiritual nations in the womb of humanity fighting for dominion, we call them Cain and Abel, you do not have to use those words if you do not want to, I am talking about spiritual principles, probably a Jewish scholar would reject those names, there are two nations spiritually internalized in mortal humanity, and they are fighting over the use of Adam’s ox, us, they are fighting over who will possess us, they are fighting over who will express his nature through us.


Will the nature of Cain be expressed through us, or will the nature of the regenerated Abel, who when he is restored to righteousness once again becomes Adam without preaching that whole thing again, Abel is the root system of Adam who fell. Adam is likened unto a tree, he was the tree of life in the Garden of Eden, and that tree was cut down, but the root was still in the ground of humanity, but the root, Abel, has come under the dominion of the Serpent’s household of which Cain is a part.


Abel is under Cain’s ground, therefore Abel under Satan, under Leviathan, and under the Serpent. Abel, when Abel is rescued by Christ, the result of that rescue will be that Adam will be regenerated in the individual, in you and me and eventually all of mortal humanity, but in the Israel of God first. The Israel of God is the focal point, the Israel of God is the people that the Lord is working with to get us in the right condition so that He can flow through us in enough power to save mankind without destroying us.


Power burns up flesh brethren. This is the truth, there is a reality to the sowing and reaping judgment, but what we are dealing with as far as the potential end of the world is concerned is this, one of the two brothers is going to possess the mankind. Right now Cain is possessing mankind, see Cain, he is in each and every one of us, but on a higher spiritual plane, he is a single entity, just like Christ can be in all of us and then there is a body of Christ which exists in a higher spiritual plane.


The man Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, He exists as a single entity in a higher spiritual plane, but down here in this world, there is a piece of Him or a drop of Him in all of us. Cain is in the same condition, on a higher spiritual level, or on a higher spiritual world, Cain exists as a single entity, but down here in this world, there is a drop of him or a drop of his consciousness or a drop of his nature in each and every one of us.


If we had to identify the nature of the overall, well, let us just stay with the Israel of God, whose nature is ruling the Israel of God today? I cannot say the righteousness of Jesus Christ, I cannot say that Abel is ruling today, and certainly not in the whole world. What is the major attribute of Cain? War, the major attribute of Cain is war, tumult, confusion, death, disaster, and destruction. We see that, you do not even have to understand all of these details or believe all of these details, just look at what is happening in the world today, and ask yourself, is Cain in control or is Abel in control. Look at the fruit, you do not have to understand the details if it is over your head, look at the proof, who is ruling? Cain is ruling over the world today. That is why we read in the book of Thessalonians, the day is coming that, that man of sin will be revealed, and when he is revealed, he will be destroyed by the brightness of the coming of Christ Jesus, he is going to destroy him. That is the appearance of Christ Jesus in power.


What we are waiting for is a vessel who can tolerate the fullness of the power of God without being destroyed. That is what we are waiting for right now, and the problem, what is taking so long is the sin in God’s people, that is what is taking so long.


Anyway, back to my main point, yes the sowing and reaping judgment is real, but it is not, but Jehovah is not standing poised to destroy us if we do not get it right. The sowing and reaping judgment is Jehovah’s sowing and reaping judgment, He is the one that instituted it, and that is what I have been preaching, that, that sowing and reaping judgment, if righteousness does not appear, will wipe us out. Try looking at it from a different point of view now. God loves us, Jesus loves us, Jehovah loves us, He does not want us to be destroyed, it is not His intention to even punish us, He will punish us if it is necessary, to accomplish His goal in us, if we are so rebellious that we need to be punished, but all He wants to do is restore us, but this restoration comes in the form of His son, Jesus Christ, who is Adam. Jesus Christ is the rectified Adam, and His root system is Abel in you and me. Adam has to be, you see, Adam was rectified in the man Jesus Christ, the male and female Adam were combined and they overcame sin, and in the man Jesus of Nazareth, He ascended on high, and because He ascended on high, the power for us to do the same thing is present. We all have to have that same experience.


Adam has to be regenerated in us, He has to be rectified, He has to overcome the sin nature in each and every one of us, and as it happens in each and every one of us, the man, Christ Jesus who is in the higher, the single man Christ Jesus who is in the higher spiritual realm, gets stronger, and stronger and stronger. I do not think I made my point yet, this is the bottom line, is Abel going to possess humanity or is Cain going to possess humanity.


There is only two choices, and by rejecting the nature of Christ which is the resurrected Adam, by rejecting His righteousness, just by way of example, just so that you can follow me, I am just going to mention a couple of the major issues of day, by rejecting His stand on abortion, by rejecting the righteous stand on abortion, it is murder, by rejecting what the Bible says about homosexuality, we have rejected Christ, and we have embraced the nature of Cain.


You could say, Well I never embraced the nature of Cain. Brethren, when you reject the nature of Christ, which is Abel, you embrace the nature of Cain, this is my whole point, okay, this is my whole point. I remember years ago, I was trying to teach a young disciple here something along these lines, the same principle, a friend that they did not want to be friends with anymore kept calling them, and I said to that person, You have got a call, are you going to return your phone call? They said to me, Yeah, I am going to return the phone call, but they never did. That other person kept calling and kept calling, and said, Did you give that person the message? Yes, I did. Why have they not called me? I said, I do not know. I was not going to answer for her.


Finally I had to say that person, You must understand that your passive attitude, by your passive attitude or your lack of action to return the phone call has rejected that person. You are walking around thinking, and even saying to me, I have not rejected them, I have just been busy, I have just been this, I have just been that, but that is not true, you are not facing the issue, you are not willing to face the issue and say, I do not want a relationship with that person anymore, and tell them whatever you need to tell them to give them closure and let them go. As far as, the whole society that I know of, acts like that to them. If the answer is no, they do not talk to you anymore, that is wrong.


Whether you say something or you do not say something, or you confront the person or you do not confront the person, you have rejected them. We do not need to embrace Cain to say we are embracing Cain, all we have to do is reject the nature of Christ.


When you reject the nature of Christ, you automatically embrace the nature of Cain. There are two spiritual men fighting over us, over mortal humanity but even more so, over the Israel of God. They are fighting to be our nature, and if we reject one we have passively embrace the other.


All of the chaos that is going on today, it is because Cain is prevailing in the church. The Lord Jesus is fighting for us, Jehovah is fighting for us, He does not want to punish us, they are doing everything they can to make us choose Christ, but when we reject Christ, maybe it is not the issue of abortion, but it is your own pride. When the church continues to dwell in hidden sin, pride, these are the major sins, pride, rejection, rebellion, envy, when these sins are not dealt with in the church, the church is embracing the nature of Cain.


When we make nice, nice to somebody’s face, and then hate them behind their back, or resent them behind their back, we are embracing the nature of Cain, and when Cain prevails, the world is in the condition that it is in. Then eventually it plays out in our elected officials, and in the relationships between nations, it plays out. Let me try and make this clear to you, the issue is not so much, either Christ Jesus will stand up or the sowing and reaping judgment will take us out, the issue is if Christ Jesus does not stand up, then Cain will take over to the degree that he may very well destroy the world with a nuclear war. Did I make that clear?


It is the sowing and reaping judgment, but this is much more accurate, you see, it is much easier to say, well if Christ Jesus does not stand up, I guess the Lord will wipe us out, I am doing all I can, you know, there is a whole different issue when you hear, it is on an individual basis, is Christ ruling through you, or is Cain ruling through you. These two spiritual men exist as a single entity, each of them exists as a single entity in a higher world, and they are battling it out over us, because the spiritual life and thought is played out through us.


The Scripture says in the book of Daniel that, that image, Nebuchadnezzar’s image of his dream is going to be, first of all that image is the image, it is a false image that the Serpent has created in the earth, it is the image of Cain, man in the image of the Serpent, that is who Cain is, is going to be brought down by having a rock thrown at the feet of the image. Even though both Cain and Abel are individual spiritual men who exist as a single entity on a higher spiritual plane, the actual destruction of this image which we know to be the carnal mind, the image of fallen man, that the preachers of God’s church, and the Jews who say God made us this way.


Brethren, the Israel of God is preaching that God made us this way and we are in the image of Cain. That image has to come down and the aspect of the warfare is going to bring it down, is the warfare of the feet which is this world. Even though Cain and Abel exist as individual spiritual men, in a higher spiritual plane, the warfare that is going to bring down the false image is going to take place on this level, one man at a time.


When the Lord Jesus sees this process going forth, He will lend His strength to us, because that is the rock that was cut out of the wall without hand, if you are familiar with the Scripture in the book of Daniel, this false image was brought down by a rock that came out of the mountain, suddenly it was brought out of the mountain without hands, suddenly a rock just flew out of the mountain and struck this idol on its feet.


As we work the work of, what work? We must prevent Cain’s nature from manifesting itself in us. Brethren, you know we have got to understand this message or we will never fight the warfare, everybody is guilty of pride, everybody is guilty of envy, everybody is guilty of lust, it is just true, you have got to face it in yourself.


As long as we say, Not me or we do not want to see it when it manifest, we are not smiting the feet of that idol, and if we do not actively reject Cain’s nature, or let me put it this way, we embrace Abel which is Christ to us, we choose the Christ nature by actively warring against the Cain nature. Brethren, it is one thing to wake up in the morning and go through a whole ritual of prayer and say, I rebuke this and I rebuke that, and I am not, if you want to do it do it, I am not telling you not to do it, but that is not the end of the game, I rebuke this and I rebuke that, and blah, blah, blah. No, no, brethren, we have got catch the sin while it is manifesting in us. I was out at a public place just a couple of nights ago, and I saw pride manifesting in myself, and I saw lust manifest in somebody towards me, and as I got in my car to go home, I started, it just disgusted me. That pride that manifested in me just disgusted me, plus the lust that I saw in the other person, and I started burning it with fire, it does not have to be a big long prayer, I recognized it, I cursed it, I burnt it with fire, and I started getting deliverance, deliverance tears, I was not crying, but sometimes when I get deliverance my eyes tear, just starting pouring down my face, I started yawning, I could not stop yawning, brethren, I got deliverance, that stuff, something in me was killed.


That is the warfare, when it manifests, you have to see it when it manifests, and when you live a life like that, the Lord Jesus Christ will join Himself to you, and Christ will grow stronger, and Cain will grow weaker, and at some point there will be a catching up to a higher world. What is this catching up? Christ in you to a higher world, a place from which He will have more strength.


Let me just say it again, to make sure I have gotten this point across to you, this anointing is so thick, I am almost cannot keep my eyes open brethren, I am going to do the best I can for you, and for me. The issue is not, that either we get it straight or Jehovah wipes us out, the issue is not that either Christ Jesus stands up and convicts us of righteousness, or there is going to be the equivalent of a flood, only we are going to be destroyed by fire, and it is Jehovah standing up there saying, You get it right or I am going to destroy you. No, no, wrong, brethren, wrong. We are Adam’s ox and there are two riders that want to ride us, and it is the rider of the ox that determines what the nature of the ox will be.


It is the rider of humanity that determines the nature of humanity. If the righteousness of Christ appears in humanity, we will prosper, if we reject the lifestyle, the mentality, and the thought process which determines that we have chosen Christ, if we reject that, Cain automatically gets us, and turns our lives into a living hell.


Cain is in charge of the government of this nation, it has gotten this far as the federal government in this nation, this did not happen overnight, there has been corruption in this country, corruption in or government, for years and years and years, but it is gone so far that now evil has captured our government, I am convinced of it, that is my opinion, evil has taken our government, so we are sliding downward brethren.


Cain starts in the individual, spreads to smaller groups, to families, to ministries, to local government, and it becomes national, then it becomes international, and here is the key, when Cain rules, when that man of sin rules, he brings death, disaster, destruction and torment upon the world, he brings world slavery. The nature of Cain produces a world with a very small group of people living beyond king, like an unbelievable life, and the majority of the people in poverty, not even having enough to eat.


I saw a movie, I tell you about all of these movies, about a family, a wealthy family in England before World War 2, and the picture that they showed of the mansion that they lived in, mansion did not even describe it, it was more like a palace, and that was just one home, just one home, they had palaces like that all over, that they could not even live in them. There were people who were that rich, and other people not having enough to eat. That is Cain brethren.


I am not saying that Cain was in charge of England, I am not talking about that right now, I am not going to deal with that right now, but by in large that is Cain’s plan, just a few people, extremely wealthy, beyond their ability to use the money or enjoy the money, and the whole world of common people in slavery to them.


The Lord was talking to me about this once, and I said, Well Lord some of these people, they are just so rich, why are they not happy? The kind of wealth I just described to you, incredibly wealthy, and so people like power, to have that kind of money they must be heads of big organizations that are corporately powerful, why can you not let the people have a little something too. I do not need to be that rich, I am grateful for a nice place to live and some extra benefits to be able to travel, do what middle class America has been doing, I am satisfied with that, I do not need to live like a trillionaire, why can they not leave it at that?


The answer is this brethren, because their nature is Cain, and Cain is control spirit, and Cain is filled with hatred, that wants to crush everybody. That power that is in Cain is not satisfied with wealth or corporate power, that spirit is satisfied by crushing another person. I do not know whether you all have met people like that, but I have met people like that right in this world, I have known people like that, that their satisfaction is in crushing the other person, breaking their power, that is the nature of Cain.


It is not going to stay like this brethren, if Cain continues, if the nature of Cain continues to rule in God’s church, and in the world, it is not going to stay like this, it will not stop, until every shred and breath of liberty is crushed out of God’s people, of the whole world, not just God’s people, the whole world. We go back to futile days where the people did not have enough to eat, working 20 hours a day, and sometimes still not having enough to eat. It is a Satanic spirit. That power, that lust for power is not satisfied by being powerful in and of itself, they have got to make sure that nobody else has any kind of power, it is Satanic. This is where we are headed.


The issue is not punishment by Jehovah, the issue is which brother is going to ride this ox, which we are. This is what is happening, there is just a handful of people probably in the whole world that are dealing with their sin nature, the church rejects the teaching, the church does not even believe a Christian can have a demon, can you imagine them with this message? You could be the best person in the world and have the best life, what is the sign of being demonized? You are in poverty, you are sick all of the time, your family life is bad, we are telling the most prosperous, I am telling the most prosperous Christian out there right now, the most healthy, have a blessed marriage, healthy children, financially blessed, blessed in their job, filled with joy, I am telling that person, your heart is filled with snakes and scorpions. They are not believing it brethren, they are not believing it, and it is for this reason that when Christ Jesus stands up, He is going to stand up in somebody that does not have all of those things, He is going to stand up in somebody who can believe that he is filled with snakes and scorpions.


This is my understanding of it, first one person is going to stand up first, Christ Jesus is going to stand up in one person. What does that mean stand up, He is going to appear in a higher world, Christ in us down here no matter how regenerated He is, He does not seem to have the power to stop what is going on in the world. Do you have any reason to believe that the degree of Christ Jesus in the earth has the power to stop what is going on in the world? No. He may help you, if you are sick you may get a healing, if you have a financial problem, He may help you get on your feet financially, so He has to be caught up to a higher world. The Scripture says when that child is born, when that manchild is born, He will be caught up to the throne of God, and the throne of God brethren is in a world called, the world of creation.


I have talked to you about the four worlds and this past Sunday, I have talked about the fifth world which is really the first world which is Adam Kadmon. They are infinite worlds, these are just the worlds that we deal with here, that our mind can comprehend. This world is the world of action, we live in the world of action. The Hebrew word is Asiyah. The world next to us we know as the astral plane, the Hebrew word is Yetzirah, the world of formation. This is where we have all of the demons and all entities and all of the forms dwelling in the sea of that world, it is an evil world, and then the next world up, is the world creation, the Hebrew word is Beriah.


That is where the throne of God is, so you see, when Christ, when that manchild is born within some human being down here in Asiyah, He is going to shoot through the astral plane, and the evil entities in the astral plane will not be able to destroy him, and he is going to take his place in the world of creation. This world, the world of action, then the astral plane, then the world of creation. There is an evil world between this world and the world of creation, and that evil world has to be crossed, just like the Hebrew children coming out of Egypt had to overcome Og, and Sion and all of these hostile forces that were saying you cannot pass through the land, that was a type of what we are going through today.


When that manchild is born, He is going to shoot through the astral plane and be established in the world of creation, from that high place, two worlds above this world, He will start shining down His influence of righteousness and that will be the salvation of the worlds. The issue is the overcoming of Cain. Can you hear this? The issue is not we are afraid of the destruction of Jehovah, the issue is the overcoming of Cain. There is a war, so we have a whole church world saying, Yeah, Jehovah’s wrath is coming and He is going to get all of those people and we are being raptured out of here.


Brethren, that is a false message! God’s work cannot come to pass with a false message. The people that the Lord is saving the world through, have to understand what it happening to them. The Scripture says He does nothing without first telling His prophets. Somebody has to have the true message. Whoever gets the true message, most likely they are the ones that it will play out through.


Back to what I tried to tell you from the beginning, the Lord is working very hard to get the true message through to me so that I can tell you all, and whoever else it will go to. As I told you again, He does not dictate to me, He influences me and I have to do the research, and in addition to that, this message is not easy, I know you all think it is easy and you can get up here and preach this message when I am not here one day. This message is not easy, so the Lord is giving it to me in steps. I may have to understand it on level A before I can understand it on level C, I cannot just jump to level C, I will not understand it.


I am preaching to you as He gives it to me, at the moment that I come in the next day and say, Well I went from level A to level B, so now we are going to look at this way, and that is what has been going for about 2 weeks now, I never know what I am going to be preaching when I come in here, but today. It appears that the Lord is letting me finish up the message from Sunday which was quite incredible, let me just try to give a synapses of the main point of that and then we will get back to your notes, there is a very heavy anointing brethren. It is knocking me out.


This is the message brethren. We human beings, we are the vessels through which the Ayn Sof, the unlimited one, almighty God, wants to dwell in. There is an infinite one, an unlimited one, the Hebrew word is Ayn Sof, the English is unlimited one. He is infinite, there is nothing outside of Him. All of creation is inside of Him. He brought forth an empty space within Himself, and then He brought forth primordial Adam, the first Adam, the most ancient human being, the Hebrew word is Adam Kadmon, Adam Kadmon, primordial Adam, and primordial Adam fills the whole empty space that is within the Ayn Sof, and then Adam, primordial Adam has started to bring forth life on the lower worlds from within himself, so there is the world of Adam Kadmon which Adam Kadmon filling the empty space, and then there are four worlds that He is bringing forth from within Himself, the world of emanation, where the power of God goes forth, the world of creation, the astral plane.


Brethren, all of these worlds exist within us, they all exist within us. Creation is not out there, creation is in here, and everything that we see out there is a reflection of what is in here. It is all about us, the Bible is all about us brethren. Why is it all about us? Are we narcissistic, are we selfish? Not if it is true, it is all about us, why? Because we are the house of God, and the rest of the universe in our environment, mankind is engineered to be the house of God.


That spirit, that light of the Ayn Sof wants to dwell in us, and He cannot dwell in us without us first being insulated because He would wipe us all out. There are layers of insulation being built into us. These layers of insulation are the worlds that I just described to you. The worlds that are I have described to you that exist inside of us are just as valid if not more so in the world out there. All of these worlds are within each other, they are circles, they are all in the form of circles, and they are all one inside of the other, and at the innermost part of us, in the midst of all of these layers, a thin stream of the light of the Ayn Sof wants to enter into us. That is what this is all about, building us up, Abel, Adam, the male Adam, the female Adam, all of the worlds.


I gave you some pictures of, I did not email anything out today brethren but if you looked at your notes from Sunday, you should have these dreams. I have given you several drawings on this, I am looking at B right now, and if you pull your drawings out, you can see them, and it shows you right on the drawing, it is says the light of the Ayn Sof, it says it on, this principle is drawing #B, it is on drawing #C, it is on drawing #D, and it is very obvious on drawing #A. All of those circles that you see, those are the worlds inside of us, the spiritual worlds inside of us, and you can see that, there is a circular aspect of the Sefirot, and the linear aspect of the Sefirot. We are the circular aspect of the Sefirot, representing the female.


I cannot get into this whole big thing right now brethren, but if you look at your notes, Adam Kadmon, He is the straight line in the circle. Remember I just said to you, the Ayn Sof brought forth an empty space within Himself, the unlimited one, nothing outside of Him, just contracting Himself so there is an empty space within itself, and He is standing in that empty space as a straight line, that is what this is all about.


His environment, let me put it to you this way without getting too deep, the environment of Adam Kadmon are the circles of the empty space, but He Himself, Adam Kadmon Himself is a straight line. He is standing up like an erect human, that is the principle of it, He is standing up like an erect human in the midst of the empty space, and then the light of the infinite one enters into Adam Kadmon, and travels there in the center of Adam Kadmon, right into the center of mortal humanity.


If you have Christ in you, you have Adam Kadmon in you, if you do not have Christ in you, you just have the outer circles, and you are completely female, and the male of creation, Adam Kadmon of creation is not in you. Here is the key brethren, Adam Kadmon, the primordial Adam, the most ancient human being, He is the one that the light, now this light is the life, we die because we do not have enough light or energy, whichever word you want to use, we dry up and die because we run out of energy, and the life of the Ayn Sof, the infinite one, He is the source of all life, and energy. The life from the Ayn Sof enters into Adam Kadmon, the source, the channel, that will bring life into our midst, we know as Christ Jesus, so if you do not have Christ Jesus, there is no mechanism within you that can bring eternal life into the midst of you, and if you hope for eternal life, you need to know that the way we receive eternal life is that it flows into the midst of us, it does not flow upon us from the outside, it flows into our center from a spiritual door, Jesus said, I am the door.


The light giving eternal light of the Ayn Sof enters into Adam Kadmon. We know Him to be Christ Jesus, and He penetrates from the highest worlds where we cannot go down into our world so you can see that He is the needle. Jesus is Adam Kadmon, is a manifestation of Adam Kadmon, and the light of the Ayn Sof is in the midst of Christ Jesus, like a pit in the middle of an apple. That is why we are told in I believe it is John that says, If you have the Father, you have the Son, if you have the Son you have the Father. I said that wrong, I am sorry, you cannot have the Father and not the Son, if you do not have the Son, you do not have the Father, because it is Christ Jesus, it is Christ Jesus who is Adam Kadmon in our world, we are calling Him Christ Jesus, He is the one that penetrates into the depth of us, Christ Jesus is the one that is our new man, and the light of the Ayn Sof goes, flows into Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is the Son, so if you do not have the Son, there is no mechanism by which the Father can enter into you. If you do not have the Son, there is no mechanism that the Spirit of the Father can enter into you, or the life of the Father can enter into you. That is the danger of Jehovah only ministries.


You can be reading the Bible, this is the problem with the Jew right now, that the Jew has right now, the faithful Jew, they do not have the mechanism through which the life giving power of eternal life can flow into them, because they rejected the son, Jehovah’s witnesses, the same thing, every religion that rejects the son, you can worship the Father, but He is not going to dwell in you, because the Father dwells in the Son, so if the Son is not dwelling in you, there is no mechanism for the Father to enter into.


That is the secret of salvation, at our extreme center point, innermost point within the Son, within Christ Jesus within us, the light of the Ayn Sof wants to flow into us. That is the mystery of salvation, and this is the secret of the needle that Jesus spoke about, Adam Kadmon is the needle that is penetrating into the very core of our being, and that is the point at which we left off on our notes, on Sunday, we left off on page 6.


I started with John 10:7;


JOHN 10:7


  1. 7. Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. KJV



I started at the bottom of page 5, and this is what I was, basically what I was talking to you about. He who sent into Asiyah the world of action and is recognized thereby being a doorway to the worlds beyond the astral plane.


Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come into him and will sup with him, and he with me. KJV




Then I said, Jesus is the needle that penetrates into the world of action. I do not know why I had John 10:7 there, so let us just go on.


#38. We do not want to pass through the eye of the needle, we want to enter into the eye of the needle, just like we would enter into the eye of a storm, there is safety in Jesus’ center, there is quiet and peace and safety in the center, and if Christ Jesus is in us, and the Father is in us, our safety is going in.


There is no place you can run, there is no prayer you can say, there is nothing you can do, Jesus said, When you see that abomination flee to the higher centers, flee to the mountains, He did not mean the mountains out there, He meant the higher energy centers within you, flee into the energy centers within you, and that is what Jesus was talking about when He said it is easier for a camel to enter into the eye of a needle, it is easier for our sin nature, the animal within us to enter in to our most center point, than it is for a rich man.


Jesus was making a point, He was saying the problem with a rich man, brethren, there is nothing wrong with having money, the problem with a rich man, is that he would not, it is not likely to enter into that eye of the needle because he will not leave his riches behind.


You cannot take it with you, you see, but the animal nature that senses danger would leave everything and go into the eye of the needle because the animal nature, the animal instinct is all preservation. There is a fire in the forest, and the animals all run. The animal nature has an instinct or preservation and will do whatever it has to do, but the rich man, he will not leave his money, he will not leave his house, he will not leave his possessions, that is why it is hard to get into the eye of the needle. Jesus was talking about the eye of the needle, He was talking about drawing #A, the copy out of the book The Tree Of Life, that is the needle he was talking about. Who was the needle? Adam Kadmon, the straight line in the midst of the circles, the erect primordial human standing in the midst of the circle of creation.


That is why it is easier for a camel to get through, and a camel can go for longs times without water. Another point of view there is that Jesus was saying, You might have to sacrifice to get into that innermost place. You have to give up the outer, brethren to the degree that you depart from the outer world, you appear in the inner world, you cannot be in both places at the same time to the same degree except maybe for one brief moment in time, you could be fifty percent of you in the outer world and fifty percent of you in the inner world, but it will not stay that way.


There has to be more of your consciousness in one of the two worlds. Brethren, when we get fully into the inner world, to this innermost point, that is where heaven is, but we do not experience peace and joy initially, why, why? Because we are experiencing, as we enter into the inner worlds, we are experiencing the pain of departing from the outer world. Our emotions which is our animal soul, our Nephesh, is so attached to this world that as we depart from this world, even though we are headed for glory, our soul is just crying and moaning and groaning for the loss of the comforts of this world.


For a season, and it could be for a long season, for a season we just find it so very painful that it seems to be almost an impossibility for us. Our animal nature wants to run into the eye, our animal nature knows where the safety is, the animal in us knows where the safety is, but our emotions, that woman that is typified by Delilah, I said it wrong just a minute ago, let me try it again, our animal nature knows to flee to safety, but our emotions, and I know I am contradicting that, brethren I am drunk on the spirit, please bear with me. I know there is a contradiction there, I do not know the answer right now, but the part of us that is the woman, that melancholy woman, I preached about her a lot when we worked with, when we did the messages on Samson.


She is typified by Delilah, never satisfied, just wanting, wanting, wanting. Unfortunately that is a stereotype of a lot of women, pulling on their husbands, never satisfied, wanting more and more of this, more of that, more attention, and the guy has resist his wife, that is one of the unhappy stereotypes of women.


Years ago they called them neurotic women. That is a type, it is hard for a rich man to enter in because it is so painful leaving the things behind if he can do it at all. The animal nature knows where safety is, and enters to the innermost place. That is what Jesus was talking about with the eye of the needle. We enter into the eye of the needle, it is just like entering into the eye of the storm and abide there.


#40. We are on page 6. The eye of the needle is the most innermost part of Jesus, the light of the Ayn Sof is at Jesus’ innermost part. When we enter into the eye of the needle, we enter into eternity. Jesus literally brings heaven into Asiyah, the world of action, our world. Elijah comes with judgment and reconciliation through Christ Jesus, and what came forth in the Sunday meeting is that the glorified Jesus has a male part and a female part.


Brethren the male and female are never separated in God’s world, so Jesus has a male aspect and a female aspect, and the female aspect of the glorified Jesus is the one who comes with peace and salvation and the promise and gifts and all of that, but the male side of the Lord Jesus Christ is Elijah, Elijah is the male side of the Lord Jesus Christ, and He comes with the judgment that necessary to clean us up, so that we can receive all that Jesus has for us. That is why we see Elijah on the mount of transfiguration with Jesus, because Elijah is a part of Him and Elijah is the judgment. Elijah’s symbol is the rainbow. As far as I know, I am the only one that preaches that, that I have researched that brethren, and Elijah’s symbol is the rainbow, and the rainbow is the symbol of righteous judgment, the judgment that cleanses us and prepares us to receive the permanent life of God, or the life of God permanently dwelling within us, which is just another way of saying, eternal life. Malachi 3:1-6;




  1. 1. Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in, behold He shall come, saith the Lord of host.



That is Elijah now.


  1. 2. But who can abide the day of His coming?



Everybody is saying Messiah, Messiah, who can bear the day of His coming? He is coming with judgment. Both the Christians and the Jews, I see it in all of them, Oh Messiah is coming, Messiah is coming. He is coming with judgment brethren.


...and who shall stand when He appears?




Who is going to stand up when Elijah appears with judgment. Who is going to survive the judgment so that Christ can stand up in them? Who is going to work with Him to destroy their own sin nature so that Christ can stand up.


He is like a refiner’s fire, and like fuller soap. He shall sit as a refiner and purer of silver, and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.




Leviathan has to be sacrificed in us.


Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord, as in the days of old, as in former years. And I will come near to you to judgment, and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the adulterers, and against the false swearers and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the Lord of hosts. KJV




Brethren, He is talking about all of these people in His church, He is not talking about the people out there, He is talking about the sorcerers in His church. All of the believers working witchcraft, He is talking about the adulterers in His church, and you may be physically committing adultery, or you may not be physically committing adultery, the Lord is talking about the people in His church that are in bed with another god, He is talking about the people in His church that are in bed with another Jesus.


Brethren, if you have made up your own rules about what is acceptable to God and what is not acceptable to God, you are in bed with a false god, which is idolatry, and against false swearers, and what does that mean? People that are swearing, but they are swearing by a false god or a false altar, a false law, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, brethren you have no idea how serious this is if you are in a position where you have employees, you are supposed to pay them, the Scripture says by the time the sun goes down. In this society, we go with this society, within a week or every other week, if you do not pay your employees on time, you are violating the law of God.


Those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, to be a physical widow brethren, you are a widow if you are not, if you do not have a spiritual husband, the Lord Jesus Christ is our husband, and the fatherless. You are an orphan brethren if you do not have the Father in your life, and those that turn aside the stranger from his right. I am not sure what that is, the stranger from his right, certainly his right to be, to not be abused, and fear not me, saith the Lord of hosts.


For I am Jehovah, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. KJV




What does that mean? For I am the Lord Jehovah, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. What He is saying here, this message it to Judah. Remember if you have the seed of Christ, you are spiritual Judah. He said, I am not a soul that turns evil. We have that in the New Testament about Jesus, there is no shadow of turning in Him. The sons of God on the other side of the flood turned evil, they were raised up in righteousness, as descendants of Seth, and one day they turned into Cain, they turned into Cain, but in Jesus, the glorified Jesus, there is no shadow of turning.


When we get a new soul, Christ in us is like a new soul, the soul of Jesus, He does not turn into Cain. Jehovah does not change, and for that reason, the sons of Jacob, that is all Israel, that is all of His natural descendants, are not consumed. That is how Israel has survived two, three thousand years, certainly two thousand years. From what we learned here, it is two thousand years for the Jews, but it is longer for Israel, that is if you believe that Israel immigrated to the British Isles in Europe, that is what we taught here.


They are not consumed because Jehovah made a covenant with Israel from Mount Zion, when they were on Mount Zion, and the, brethren I am passing out here, I will be okay, please bear with me. The sign of the covenant was circumcision with the males, but the spiritual sign of the covenant was that another soul was added to Israel, just like we say Christ was added to us, that is the additional soul that is added to us. We are born with a Nephesh which is the life that is in our blood, that is the animal nature.


When you are in covenant with Jehovah, you receive a Neshamah, the high intellectual spiritual soul that we talked about, that enables you to understand this message or even be attracted to this message. What the Scripture is saying, and this, I have no witness to it, but I know this is what the Jews say, this is what I heard the rabbi say, that if you are a natural Jew, you are born with this additional soul that was imparted on Mount Sinai, and because there is something in you that does not turn to Cain, there is always, after two thousand years, there are still Jews living as they lived two thousand years ago.


The point is, you cannot do that without spiritual power, you could not go through what the Jewish nation has gone through and been sustained in their same form without the spiritual power to do it. Any other ethnic group would have been swallowed up completely by the nations that they were scattered in. The Scripture is saying, because of that extra soul that is given to them, because of the covenant between Jehovah and Israel, they have received the power to continue to be faithful to God and to the degree that they are able.


I want you to know brethren, that I have not had an anointing like this in several years, this use to happen to me all of the time when I preached on Sunday night and I do not fully understand all of the different anointing, sometimes I finish preaching and I am all filled with energy, and right now I am passing out. I know that we are told that after Solomon dedicated the temple, that the smoke of God, the spiritual smoke of God filled the temple, and that everyone in the temple fell down and they could not move.


This is that kind of anointing that has not been here, literally in years, if you see my eyes closing, if you are looking at me through the camera, that is what the problem is, if it is a problem, it is a problem as far as me trying to preach, but there is life in this anointing.


#45. We are on page 7. All who receive paradise or the promise there, or the promise to go there, eventually come face to face with Elijah. All who receive paradise or heaven, or the promise thereof eventually come face to face with Elijah. Brethren, there is no ascension into heaven without the judgment that purifies us because you cannot take, we cannot take our spiritual filth into heaven with us, we have to be purged, and although I wish it were not true, I wish it were possible for us to just do it ourselves but it is not true, we cannot just do it ourselves, we have to go through some difficult situations to break our soul away from some ungodly attachments that we have had or ungodly inclinations that we have, we do not have the power to do it ourselves. All we can do is pray and tell the Lord that we are willing to be as cooperative as possible and do not argue with Him, no matter what happens, and let us just get through it. Everyone is not going to have an equally difficult birth, some people have a harder time than others, it depends on what we come into the world with, it depends on the degree of our pride and the degree of our rebellion, it depends on who we are you know, do not even think about it, just go through, just get it done.


Some women have their babies in two hours, my mother, when my mother was giving birth to me, I was coming so fast that I coming on a stretcher as they were taking her up to the labor room and some nurse was yelling, hold it in, hold it in, and my mother said, What do you mean hold it in. Sometimes the baby just comes, sometimes you have 25 hour labor. Whoever you are, whatever you are, just do it will you, just do it, and let us get it over with, let us have that baby.


#46. Jesus and Elijah are permanently married and dwell in the world of Adam Kadmon and all of that was explained in Sunday’s message, Jesus is the personification of the Malkhut of Adam Kadmon, known the Jewish people as the Shekinah. Elijah is the personification of, I am not sure whether it is the whole of Zeir Anpin of Adam Kadmon, or just the Yesod of Zeir Anpin. Zeir Anpin is a spiritual man, and consists of six Sefirot, the lowest of which signifies his genitalia. That is His Yesod. I am not sure whether Elijah is the personification of the whole of Zeir Anpin, or just the Yesod of Zeir Anpin.


I went into this in great detail on Sunday, listen to the message. Jesus is the personification of the Shekinah or the Shekinah, that appeared as a pillar of fire and a cloud to Israel, as they departed from Egypt.


#48. Jesus is the Nukvah of Adam Kadmon, and I explained that, explained it on Sunday, Nukvah is the female of Adam Kadmon, Zeir Anpin in the male of Adam Kadmon, the world of Adam Kadmon, the Nukvah is the female of the world of Adam Kadmon, and Nukvah, the female of the world of Adam Kadmon, that is a personality, and she is a female, she has her own ten Sefirot, and the lowest of her ten Sefirot, the Malkhut, that is the Shekinah, and again all of this, I explained it on Sunday, with as much detail as I could.


Jesus is the Nukvah of Adam Kadmon, and the Keter of Atzilut, so the lowest Sefirah of one world becomes the highest Sefirah of the world below. As I explained on Sunday, each world emerges out of the one before it. It would be as if to say, you are a woman you give birth to a baby and that baby gives birth to a baby and then that baby gives birth to a baby, so now you have a child, a grandchild and a great grandchild, but each human being emerged out of the previous one, the were not born simultaneously, they emerged out of the previous one.


You might say, they are different generations, however, whatever you need to do to understand this brethren, okay, so it may not be kabbalistically accurate, but I give you examples that will help you to understand. Let us say that the world below the world of Adam Kadmon was born out of the Malkhut of Nukvah. That Malkhut, the lowest Sefirah of the female of Adam Kadmon, becomes the highest Sefirah of the world below, and the name of the highest Sefirah is the Keter, and that name changes, but I am not going into that depth of Kabbalah with you right now, I just want you to understand this.


The Malkhut of Adam Kadmon, the lowest Sefirah, it does not leave its place, it stays in its place, but it sends sparks of itself down, or aspects of its light. The Malkhut of Adam Kadmon does not lose anything, just like a woman does not really, whatever she loses, her body repairs, her body remakes. That lowest Sefirah of the world of Adam Kadmon brings forth or gives birth to the world below, and the highest Sefirah, the Keter, the highest Sefirah of the world below is the same as the lowest of the world above, so the Malkhut of Adam Kadmon is the same as the Keter of the world of emanation.


Again, I went into this in pretty much detail on Sunday. A lot of these notes that I am reading to you, I brought forth most of them when I started preaching Sunday, I gave an exhortation that lasted almost two hours, and when I went to start teaching from the notes, I realized that I had covered pretty much everything in general exhortations, so for people who heard the Sunday message, this is a review, if you did not hear the Sunday message, and it is confusing, if you have time, listen to the Sunday message, it will clear it up for you.


Jesus is the Nukvah of Adam Kadmon, and the Keter of Atzilut. She is the lowest of the world of Adam Kadmon, and the highest of the world below of Atzilut, the world of emanation, or the world that is near to God.


#49. The seven Sefirot of the world of Atzilut, or the world of emanation, emerged from Jesus, the seven Sefirot, if you are not familiar with this, you can get some idea of it by looking at exhibit, did you not get these at all, would you like to look at this, here you can look at mine. It is exhibit F, if you need it I will ask you back.


Atzilut the world of emanation, now this is the world that was born out of the Nukvah of Adam Kadmon, the lowest Sefirah of the world of Adam Kadmon gave birth to the world below and the world below is called the world of emanation or the world that is near to God, or the Hebrew word is Atzilut, and she brought forth seven Sefirot, the seven Sefirot of Atzilut, the world of emanation emerged from Jesus. How could you say that Sheila? Remember Jesus now is the personification, that lowest female of the world of Adam Kadmon, that Nukvah of the world of Adam Kadmon, the Malkhut of Nukvah of the world of Adam Kadmon has now wrapped itself in a human soul, and the human soul is called the Nephesh, it is the soul that flows in our blood, and that is what happened to Jesus’ soul, the soul of Jesus of Nazareth was joined to Elijah, who was a resident from the world above, you may recall that Elijah went up to heaven in a chariot of fire, we read about that in the book of Kings, and the Spirit of Elijah descended to incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, and He married the human soul of Jesus of Nazareth, so the unified Elijah who already came from heaven, now joined to the human soul of Jesus of Nazareth returned to the world of Adam Kadmon, and that soul of Jesus of Nazareth is now wrapped around, the Malkhut of Adam Kadmon, and the purpose for that which I ran into on Sunday, is that we now, we humans down here, our mind is like the mind of an ant compared to the mind of God, we now have a way to identify that high spiritual place, because before Jesus ascended to that high spiritual place, those of us down here, we could not recognize it, we could not see past the astral plane which is filled with darkness, and even when God tried to appear to us, we could not recognize Him, and I went into it, I spent some time explaining that to you all how we can only recognize things that are familiar to us.


If something came into this room now that I have no idea of what it was, it was from Mars, I probably would just ignore it because it would just mean nothing to me. That is what the human mind does, if the human mind cannot comprehend it, it just ignores it. The Lord has not been able to get the attention of His people, but now that this high aspect of Himself, the Malkhut of Adam Kadmon, that part of Adam Kadmon which is bringing forth creation in the lower worlds, that part wants to talk to us because it is bringing forth creation in us.


Remember all of the worlds are inside of us. Creation is taking place inside of us, and the one who is bringing forth creation is that high place in Adam Kadmon, called Malkhut. It talks to us and we cannot comprehend it, we do not respond, but now that high spiritual, that high aspect of spiritual life has wrapped itself in a concept that we can relate to, Jesus. The whole world knows about Jesus, at least they know the name.


Now when someone talks about Jesus, there is a connection, people are interested, people look up, we can recognize that high aspect of the life of God that has the potential to reproduce creation inside of us, and creation is just another way of saying eternal life is being formed inside of us.


The Lord is not raping us, we have to welcome Him in, He said, I stand at the door and I knock.


The way that we welcome Him in is by saying, Wow, the name of Jesus, I recognize that name Jesus, He is the one that went up to heaven, He is the one the Bible says, If you believe in me, you will never die, yeah, I am going to listen to what that preacher has to say because I have enough of an idea of what he is talking about to at least sit in the meeting.


Jesus has ascended to this high place, He is the Malkhut of Adam Kadmon, the one who is responsible for bringing forth creation in the lower worlds, and that is our relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ, we are the wood or the tree in the forest, He is the man with the ax that is carving out creation in us. That is the relationship we have with Him, so now we can cooperate with Him because we have some clue as to what is going on. Jesus is the personification, He is the personality of this aspect of Adam Kadmon that is bringing forth creation, and He is giving birth, the glorified Jesus is giving birth to the world below in us.


Jesus is birthing the world of Atzilut in us. We call it the manchild. The kabbalistic way of saying it is that He is bringing forth the worlds below in us, we are the lowest world, and He is bringing forth the worlds that are between the highest world which is Adam Kadmon, and the lowest world which is us. Jesus is building the in between world in us for the specific purpose of reconnecting this world down here to the world of Adam Kadmon in which is eternal life.


This world down here has been cut off from eternal life, and the way we are being reconnected to eternal life, is by Jesus, the glorified Jesus reconstructing the wasteland, the spiritual wasteland that came into existence when the atoms of the world of creation fell into the world below and died.


The male and the female Adam of the world of creation, which is the world of Beriah, lusted for power in the world below, as explained in previous messages, and they fell into the astral plane, and the world of creation which was the environment of the male and female Adam and they were responsible for that environment, it became a wasteland.


The glorified Jesus who is the personification of the Malkhut of Adam Kadmon who was responsible to bring forth creation, is descending all of the way down into this world passing through the world below, the world below Adam Kadmon is the world of emanation, passing through the world below that which is the wasteland which was the world of creation, passing through the astral plane with all of the enemy entities, into this world, to build in us a reproduction of the world of emanation which is the world closest to Adam Kadmon, the one in whom there is eternal life.


The way Kabbalah says this, is that the seven Sefirot of Atzilut, that is the world right below Adam Kadmon, emerged from Jesus, and they are the seven days of creation.


Jesus is actually building the seven days of creation in us, we are all experiencing the seven days of creation as He builds His offspring in us. He is building those seven Sefirot of the higher world right inside of us. That higher world that He is building in us is preparation for the light of the Ayn Sof which is our immortality to enter into us. These seven Sefirot, these seven days of creation, they are one inside of the other, and the light of the Ayn Sof will come down in the midst of them, all of these circles are insulation between our outermost flesh and our innermost point where the light of the Ayn Sof will enter in. It is all circles and circles and circles of insulation within us so that we do not get destroyed, when that power enters into us.


#50. Jesus’ Malkhut which is the Malkhut of the Nukvah of Atzilut, the world of emanation, is the Holy Spirit in the church today, no seed. I have been preaching for years that there is no seed in the Holy Spirit, you have to get Christ. Here is the Kabbalistic technicality of it, now brethren, I just hear your minds going, Why do we need all of this Kabbalistic technicalities? Somehow brethren, it is building Christ in you, so just do the best you can, do not complain, and do not resist, just ask the Lord to help you to understand as best as you can. Jesus’ Malkhut which is the Malkhut of Nukvah of Atzilut, the world of emanation, is the Holy Spirit in the church today, there is no seed in the Holy Spirit, the seed, brethren, the seed comes from the male, which is Elijah.


The one who comes with judgment brings the seed, or the one who has the seed brings the judgment. Jesus is coming down, He is the one that is bringing the Holy Spirit of promise, He is the one that comes with the gifts, He is the one that comes with the forgiveness of sins, but He has a male aspect to Himself. The male aspect of Himself is Elijah who is coming with the male seed and with the judgment that proceeds the impartation of the male seed.


Brethren, if the male seed, the seed that had the potential to produce the manchild in you, if that seed were grafted to you without deliverance, it would not survive, the sin within you would destroy that seed. The deliverance must come first. Your sin nature was swallowed up. I keep telling that all of these fairy tales, that they are all, they carry basic spiritual principles, and I just heard in my head, fe, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman. That is the principle, that giant in you will swallow up that seed of Christ in you, it would not survive. Deliverance, spiritual cleansing is absolutely necessary. Hold on, it only last for a season, you can do it, you have already have four kids, you can do it, four kids, six kids, gave birth to a baby, you can do it, it is just spiritual pain.


#51. Jesus’ Yesod produces the seed called Christ which consists of Joseph the firstborn. What happened here was the Lord brought this correction while I was preaching, and that is not in your notes. Actually I just explained it to you, the Yesod that produces the seed called Christ is Elijah, which is the male aspect. Jesus is the female aspect. Brethren, I just hear the church screaming, What do you mean Jesus is the female aspect? Brethren, I am just telling you what the Lord is telling me, I completely believe it, you just have to pray about it if it is bothering you at all, Elijah ascended higher than Jesus, Elijah ascended higher than Jesus, they are both an aspect of Adam Kadmon. Adam Kadmon, the primordial Adam, He is the one that was given the commission to bring forth humanity, and He has ten Sefirot, He consists of ten Sefirot, and He is the one that is creating us, Adam Kadmon, and two of His parts okay, now have personification. Adam Kadmon is the creator, and the male part of Himself is now personified as Elijah and the female part of Himself is personified as Jesus. The life of God is appearing through both of them, they are both Partzufim, they are personifications, they are personalities through which God reveals Himself.


God is the one who is commissioning creation, and if you remember my teaching about what the Sefirot are, the Sefirot are vessels through which the life of God reveals Himself to humans because we could not comprehend Him, if He just came to us as a light or He would scare us half to death or for whatever reason, this is the plan. The Ayn Sof is so high that He has prepared a series of vessels called Sefirot through which contain His life.


It is not the Sefirot, it is the life of God in the Sefirot. Can you hear this? The vessels are not God, it is the life of God inside the vessel that is God. It is the life of the Father inside Jesus, that is God, is the life of the Father that is inside Elijah, that is God. Elijah personifies the male aspect of Adam Kadmon, and Jesus, they are like Sefirot, that contain the life of God. Jesus said, The Father is within me, it is not me, it is the Father.


This is Elijah’s, actually it is Elijah, when it is Elijah, Adam Kadmon’s Yesod, produce the seed called Christ which contains the genome of Joseph the firstborn.


The reason I am saying Joseph the firstborn is that Reuben, the firstborn of Jacob was rejected, he was rejected as the son that had the right of the firstborn, so it went to Joseph, so Reuben was the firstborn of Leah, Jacob’s first wife and Reuben was rejected. The right of the firstborn went to the firstborn of Rachel which was Joseph. This seed, this seed called


Christ, it has the genome, the genetic heritage of Joseph, the right of the firstborn, Judah, the one who brings forth Messiah, enforces the law and executes judgment, with military force and of course we have a whole series of messages on that, explaining that brethren, and Levi, the authority of the priesthood which offers sacrifices to God on behalf of mankind, that is the forgiveness of sins. In this seed of Christ, we know it has the forgiveness of sins, but we never knew why, we now know why because in that seed is the genome of Levi the authority of the priesthood which offers sacrifices to God on behalf of mankind. That is the forgiveness of sin, the sacrifices offered.


Because of the genetic heritage of Levi in the seed of Christ, that is the detail of the forgiveness of sins. You say, Well forgiveness in the blood of Jesus, well what is the blood of Jesus? It is His genome, it’s His genetic heritage, but now we understand why He has the power to forgive sins because He is a manifestation of the priesthood to us. When He is grafted to us, we have a perpetual sacrifice being offered before the Lord, and that sacrifice that is being offered to the Lord perpetually is our sin nature.


Jesus said, I did not come to destroy the law, I came to fulfill the law, so that means it has to be a fulfillment of a perpetual sacrifice going forth, but only the Levite priest can perform the sacrifice. If the sacrifices are Leviathan, who is going to perform it? It is Christ who is grafted to us, who has as a part of His genome, the authority of the Levitical priesthood. When Christ wars against Leviathan in us, that becomes a holy war, when Christ rises up in us and rebukes Leviathan and takes out a piece of him, that piece of Leviathan has been offered to the Father legally and legitimately according to God’s law, by the Levitical heritage within Christ. Is that not interesting?


Also in the seed of Christ is the right of the firstborn which means power, the right of the firstborn is power, material wealth, spiritual wealth, all of the strength of the Father is in us through Joseph and the genetic heritage of Judah, which is the authority to enforce the law, because we do have authority in Christ, and to execute righteous judgment and to manifest military force, that is the warfare that we wage.


We see that to whatever degree it is left, we saw that manifesting in the natural, as United States being the policeman of the world. I do not know what is happening now, but I guess we still have that title, but we have been slain brethren, we have to stand up and get healed. On the individual level, if it is the seed of Christ in you doing it, it cannot be your carnal mind doing it, you can have the seed of Christ, and if your carnal mind was strong enough to try and steal the authority of Christ, well then you are in sin.


If it is Christ in you that is judging righteous judgment and that is executing judgment, or using military force, what kind of military force? Well here, if I put someone out of the ministry, which I do not like to do, it has happened twice in 21 years, that is a form of military force, authority.


#52. The Nephesh or the soul of a man is purified through union with Christ. The animal soul which is in the blood, is purified through union with Christ. When He grafts to us, He is our ability to offer continuous sacrifice that purifies us.


#53. Christ awakens and regenerates the fallen male and female Adam of Beriah, the world of creation in man. We see then when Adam is fully rectified in us, the world of creation is restoring us. Here again I am telling you that the Lord Jesus is building counterparts of the worlds above in us. We are going to eventually have all of the worlds in us, Asiyah, we will have a righteous world of formation, world of creation, the world of Atzilut which is near to God, it is going to be in us. It will a sister world to the actual spiritual worlds. We are supposed to be a reflection of the world above.


#54. Chokhmah of Adam Kadmon is the light of the Ayn Sof that is at the innermost point of Jesus. Chokhmah of Adam Kadmon, Chokhmah, that is wisdom, that is the Father, Chokhmah is the Father, and His attribute is wisdom of Adam Kadmon, is the light of the Ayn Sof that is at the innermost point of Jesus. It is the Father. The highest point of Adam Kadmon, the closest Sefirot to the Ayn Sof is inside of us. When the Father is inside of us, with the wisdom of God, we have inside of us the light of the Sefirah that is closest to the Ayn Sof, and that is where our immortality comes from.


This is the incredible mystery, we are inside of a force that is infinite. We are inside of Him, and He is inside of us. The whole of Him which you cannot even say the whole of Him because He is infinite, is outside of us, but a stream of His essence is inside of us. He is both inside of us and outside of us, which is our immortality.


#55. Chokhmah of Adam Kadmon is the Father.


#56. The Father marries us when we penetrate into Jesus’ center, where He waits for us. This, I gave this whole explanation on Sunday, and I am going to do my best to replicate it, but I cannot get out the drawing now because I am passing out. Let me read this again and I will try to explain it. The Father marries us when we penetrate into Jesus’ center. Remember Jesus is in us, or Christ is in us, it should really be Christ is in us. You may recall the teaching about our consciousness being in the cerebellum, the lower part of the brain that is in the back of the neck, and there are two points I would like to review for you there. Adam is regenerated in the cerebellum, in the back of our neck and the lower part of the brain is completely covered over by the forebrain and the midbrain and this represents Leviathan and the Serpent. He is back here, and the brainstem ascends into our throat over here and the two olives are right here in the brainstem which are in our throat, and in order for us spiritually to be reconnected to the higher worlds which is the ultimate salvation for us, when we are reconnected to the higher worlds, our spiritual circulatory system will kick in and we will be recipients of eternal life, being continuously renewed by the power or the energy of God which we know is the blood of Jesus that would be flowing through us continuously. The line of light coming from the Father, coming into our very center, the line of light that I have been talking to you about, it is, let me put it this way, it is lined up with our spinal column. This may not be accurate brethren, but I think that I can help you to understand it by saying it this way, think of the line of light of the Ayn Sof coming into the crown energy center of our head, and its designed to line right up with our spinal column in our brainstem that is coming up in our throat right here, but there is a break, because the line of light is coming in, but Adam that has to click into it, it back here in the back of our neck in the cerebellum covered over by Cain. Adam in the cerebellum has to move forward to get into position to line up with this line of light that is coming into the crown energy center.


Remember this is not accurate, I am doing the best I can to help you to understand it, it is not spiritually accurate, because the light is coming from within, not from without. Adam in the cerebellum has to step across from the back of the neck to the brainstem which is really the throat so that he can line up with the line of light from the Ayn Sof. He knows the exact space that he has to step on because there are two olives in our brainstem by our throat. Adam has to cross over from the cerebellum in the neck to the two olives in the throat and step on those two olives and then the re-connection of the line of light from immortality into this body which will quicken this body and make it alive will take place.


In order to get from the cerebellum into the brainstem, first Adam has to throw off Cain who is wrapped around him like a Serpent, and then he has to walk across or transverse the fourth ventricle of the brain which is filled with spinal fluid, and that is the red sea. That is our personal experience of the red sea that Adam has to cross and has to stand on these two olives in his brainstem which is right about the throat.


What I told to you on Sunday which I will repeat now is that when the Lord first gave me this understanding, there was a contradiction in my mind, and I told you many times and I tell you again, there is nothing with perceiving a contradiction in what God is telling you all in your understanding. This is how He teaches us, He wants us to be a thinking people, that is, I think 99% of how I learned what I learned, He will teach me something and then I will see that it contradicts something else and when I ask the question, I get the answer. If I do not ask the question I do not get the answer. He wants us to look at what He is telling us, if we see something wrong, or something that appears to be wrong, I say, Lord resolve the problem, something with my understanding is not right.


I am not upset about it, God is not insulted, I am not upset about it, something is wrong, nothing wrong with you Lord, something is wrong with my understanding, give me understanding. My question was this, for years I taught that Adam was in the heart center, that Adam was standing in the heart center above Satan’s sea and that the heart center was the ariel center where he was waiting for the, whatever was coming from above. How do I reconcile that with this whole teaching about Adam being in the cerebellum and having to cross over the fourth ventricle? This is what the Lord told me, because there must be somebody that is asking the same question.


This is what the Lord told me, just as creation is in two parts, the immortal part and the parts below which are called creation, the mortal part is the world of Adam Kadmon, and the world of Atzilut which emerges from Adam Kadmon. Those worlds are not created, they are called divine, the Kabbalists call them divine, they are not created, they are too close to the Ayn Sof to be created, they called divine. The three worlds that come forth of the world of Atzilut, the world of creation, the world of formation, and the world of action, those three worlds are created, so there is a divide between the three created worlds of action, formation, and creation and the worlds that are close enough to the Ayn Sof to be called divine, the worlds of Adam Kadmon in Atzilut. There is a divide between Adam Kadmon and Atzilut, and creation, formation, and action.


In the worlds of creation, formation, and action, are a reflection of the divine worlds. Adam Kadmon, and the world of Atzilut are divine, and the three worlds below reflect divinity or are, another way to say it, how do you say reflect divinity, what does that mean? Are in the image of divinity. In the same manner, our head, the head of the human body is likened to the world of Adam Kadmon and the world of Atzilut, divinity, and the worlds below, the balance of our spinal column, from the neck down, from the below the neck down are the reflection of the spiritual life that is in our head.


Let me say that again, the human, well first of all, the reality of the human body is the nervous system, everything else is just hanging there, everything else, our arms, our legs is just hanging there for the use of our mind. We are our nervous system, which is the brain and the spinal column, and the spinal column turns into the brainstem which is pretty much where the throat is. That is our existence, everything else is just for our use. I am saying that from the head and the brainstem is likened to the world of Adam Kadmon, we will say the head is likened unto the world of Adam Kadmon and the brainstem which is in the throat is likened unto the world of Atzilut, those two worlds are not created, they are divine, and then the worlds below which is the whole spinal column below, represents the created worlds, the world of creation, the world of formation, and the world of action.


We see that from below the neck, the spinal column from below the neck is a reflection of the head and the brainstem. When we see Adam departing from the cerebellum and crossing over into the neck center, there is going to be something like that, happening in his counterpart in the world below, so we have a counterpart, we have an Adam here in the cerebellum and a reflective, Adam in the lower world.


Just like we have Adam Kadmon in the higher world, and then the male and the female Adam in the world of creation. The male and the female Adam in the world of creation are a reflection or a counterpart of Adam in the higher world. Do you understand that at all? Our head, the head of the human body is likened to Adam Kadmon, the neck or the brainstem is likened to the world of Atzilut, and then the whole spinal column below is a reflection of the head and the brainstem. We have an Adam in the cerebellum, which is likened to Adam Kadmon, and we have an Adam in the heart center which is likened to Adam in the world of creation.


Everything that happens above, happens below. We see that we are having a double experience, an experience of the higher world in our brain, and an experience of the lower world in our emotions. Everything that happens in our brain has to be reflected in our emotions.


Our brain has to be rectified to God, our emotions have to be rectified to God. If that question occurred to me, that is the answer to that question. I know we started an hour late today. I am just going to preach a little more and then we are just going to call it quits for today.


#56. The Father marries us when we penetrate into Christ’s center where He waits for us, I should really say when we penetrate into the, well the center of Christ is in the brainstem, so that is what I just described to you, that Adam from the cerebellum has to penetrate into the center of the brainstem and in the center of our brainstem, the light of the Ayn Sof where all of the worlds of creation are being formed, and the light of the Ayn Sof is penetrating through Adam Kadmon, that is where the Father is waiting for us. When Adam crosses the sea of spinal fluid and enters and steps on those olives and gets into the innermost point of Christ within us, the Father will be there and that is the union called the marriage.


#57. When the marriage is accomplished, the wisdom of God which is the highest degree of Adam Kadmon, the wisdom of God called the Father is the highest degree of Adam Kadmon, and you could see that in the drawing that I have reproduced from the book, what letter is that? F, exhibit F, you can see that Keter is the highest point of Adam Kadmon.


You might be asking me, Well what about the Keter of Adam Kadmon, because there is one Sefirah higher than Chokhmah, and that is, there is a difference of opinion amongst the Rabbis, I do not have an opinion, some Rabbis says that yes the Keter of Adam Kadmon is the highest, but most of the Rabbis say, that the Keter of Adam Kadmon which is the really Sefirah that the direct light of the Ayn Sof enters into, this powerful glorious infinite light enters into the highest point of Adam Kadmon, and that, that Keter of Adam Kadmon is so close to the Ayn Sof that they consider it more a part of the Ayn Sof than they do a part of Adam Kadmon.


I guess I pretty much go along with it, I have no personal word, but I pretty much go along with that. If we say that the Keter of Adam Kadmon is really a part of the Ayn Sof, in the highest Sefirah of Adam Kadmon, it is the Chokhmah of Adam Kadmon, which is the Father, which is the wisdom of God, and it is that wisdom, the highest Sefirah, the closest Sefirah to God, and the life that is in it, the life of God that is in it, the name of God associated, I believe it is Jah, Jah is the name of God associated with it. What does that mean the name of God associated with wisdom?


Remember the Sefirah Chokhmah, is just that, it is a vessel, it is a vessel, it is the life of God inside the vessel that is God, so when we say the name of God associated with a particular Sefirah, we are talking about the very essence of God that is present in that container.


The name of God associated with wisdom is Jah, I think it only appears in the Old Testament twice, Jah. From that high, high unimaginable place, so high we cannot even imagine it, it is actually coming close to us through that needle, what exhibit is that over there, the one with the needle? A, that needle in your exhibit A, that needle is Adam Kadmon standing upright, that is the Primordial Adam standing upright, and Adam is appearing in us, as Christ Jesus, and in the midst of him, the light of the infinite one is actually passing into us down here in this vile world, at our innermost point is the glory of immortality, and we have to get to it, but not out there, we have to get to it in here, and we get to it in here, by seeking Him, by speaking His language, by studying the Scripture, by desiring righteousness. That is how we get to it. Jesus said, Do not look to the east or the west, behold, the kingdom of God is within you, do not go looking out there, do not go running here or running there, go in, go in. If the Lord gives you an assignment to go running here or there, you go, but most Christians, all that they know to do is to go and give out tracks and try to do out there. That is not bad, but that is all you know, or if God has assigned you, but brethren, that is not where it is at, that is what you do, that is for the babies, and there is nothing wrong with being a baby when you are a baby.


You have to build up the ability to go in. Going inward means spending more and more time with God. You cannot do that at the beginning. I could spend five, six, seven, eight hours with the Lord, you all cannot do that, your mind would probably fry. Usually when I come out of it, my mind is frying, I stop when I cannot take anymore.


You go out and you give out tracks and you help people and you give out food and clothing until you grow up, until you build up a tolerance for spending more and more time because brethren the more time you spend with the Lord, the deeper in you penetrate. As you spend time with Him, quality time where you are really deep into meditation of His word, brethren, we have to build up our ability to spend time with God, and the more time we can stay in the study, the deeper you penetrate, and the more powerful His presence.


Until, you know if you can only do an hour, and you have more time then go and give out the tracks, but you need to know that is not your goal, our goal is to be able to spend long periods of time with Him, because that is how we penetrate into the center, and then once we make the connection and the marriage takes place, then my understanding is we can come in and out as we please, but we have the power.


Our goal is that the marriage should take place, that the manchild, this is our goal, that the manchild in us should ascend to His throne, that is Revelation 12, and the manchild was born and was carried up to His throne, that means a part of us is being restored to the world of creation which is beyond the astral plane, and our enemy is the astral plane, the astral plane covers us over with a cloud of darkness and oppresses Christ in us. When the manchild is born, unless he pierces through the astral plane, and is re-established in the world of Beriah, and now we have a permanent presence in the world of creation, we are just higher than the enemy world.


I will close with this, the astral plane is the enemy world. We are down here under the enemy world, so as hard as we fight, as hard as we try, that oppression is always coming down on us, because the truth is it has authority over us.


We are fighting in uphill battle. Once the manchild in us is caught up to His throne, in the world above the astral plane, now that our child, the manchild that is born from us, now has authority over the astral plane, that is the catching up brethren, it is not a running away, it is a catching up to a level of authority that is higher than the authority that is keeping us dead. I am going to say it again, this is the catching up brethren, it is the catching up of a part of us, something that is attached to us, the manchild to the world above the world that is keeping us in jail which is death. That is our goal. Once at least one person has this experience, that a part of them is now re-colonizing and re-established in Beriah, the world of creation, the influence of the power, listen to this, the power that is associated with the world of Beriah, will start to penetrate down into the astral plane and start to influence the evil entities in the astral plane, because what happens down here is a reflection of what is happening in the astral plane. Once Christ Jesus is re-established in Beriah, not only in position, but in a position to exercise the power of that world which is the king world, that is where the king is.


He is the king of all of the worlds below, Adam is the king of the world of creation, the astral plane, the world of Yetzirah, and the world of action. There is no one in Beriah right now, it is a wasteland, the king is down here, he fell down, and he is in the process of being born again. Once that manchild which is the Adam which is re-established on his throne in the world of creation, he will start exercising his authority over the world below which is the astral plane, he will start influencing all of the evil entities of that world and whatever influence he has on them, will eventually be reflected down here in this world, and of course the influence will be one of righteousness. Exactly how it will work, how fast it will happen, how long it will take, I do not know, let’s just get somebody up there please, let us just let it happen. Are there any questions before I go, any questions? I guess if the Lord lets me continue with this Sunday, I will, otherwise I preach whatever He gives me. We will see, anybody? It is just so powerful brethren, I really do not think we have that long to go, I just really, really do not.


Let me just say this, we will pick up with #57, if the Lord lets me. The race that is going on because I know, who knows, maybe there are people on the other side of the world doing the same thing, I do not know, but I know that the people here are really working at this, and it is being reflected in this world. Our power is still minimal, but we see that the nation, many people are rising up against their righteousness in this nation, so that is a sign that whatever degree, to whatever degree there is power we are exerting from down here from underneath, that is being manifested in this world, but once Christ Jesus ascends, it will be very different.


There was one thing that I wanted to say, that Ben Nelson, he should be ashamed of himself, he is the Senator of I believe it is Nebraska if I am not mistaken, yes Nebraska. He was the last holdout, his vote would have killed the latest degree of progress on this abominable health care bill that they are trying to pass which is really not a health care bill at all, it is a grab for power, and he held out on moral grounds, having to do with abortion and then finally he completely capitulated for $100,000,000, I know if it was million or billion dollars package for his state, he literally sold out on the moral issue for money, and his whole state has turned against him. The Governor of Nebraska has turned against him and renounced what he did, and like 60% of the Nebraskan people are ashamed of him and would not vote for him.


Of course he is not up for election for another 3 years, but there is a lot of pressure on this man. What he did was disgraceful, and brethren, remember, those of you that are following our government at all, Ben Nelson, what he voted for just pushed the bill one step forward, the bill is not in law yet, there is no guarantee that he has to vote for the reconciled bill. What is happening now is that the Senate has one bill and the house has another bill and they have to reconcile the two bills and come forth with one bill and then the house has to vote on the reconciled bill, then the Senate has to vote on it.


He is not in any way, I mean he could change his mind, he could not vote for the reconciled bill, apparently the guy has no scruples at all. It all depends on how much pressure is going to be put on him, from the federal side, how much pressure is going to be put on him from the state side, how much pressure God would put on him if God puts any pressure on him at all, I do not know.


My point, what I want to close with is to tell you that he made his deal, and his deal closed that segment of the process and pushed the bill forward to the next stage, but the bill is now law yet. He could change his mind, he could change his vote, he is under a lot of condemnation to the point that he took out a paid ad to defend himself. That is how unhappy his state is with him. He is a disgrace. The battle is raging, it is raging, and of course what happens in America is instrumental to the whole world, we are the policeman of the world.


Do you know that it is very serious, I told you at the beginning, Al Quaida has now taken up a base in Yemen, brethren, they are just ready to come in and make us into a Muslim country, I hope you all know that. Do not say it could never happen here because ten years ago people would have said it could never have gone this far. I am going to call it quits for tonight. I will see you all on Sunday.


03/20/10 Transcribed by RLR


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