648 - Part 7

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise the Lord everybody, this is part 7 of Unveiling The Tree Of Life, we are still working on the notes that I sent you under the title message #658 - Part 6, and we are up to #70. These are the notes that were originally brought forth in part 3 of this message, and we are still trying to get through them. I have one correction to make for you, during part 6, I showed you the exhibit F, for those of you that still have your exhibits, going all of the way back to the beginning of this series, and what I told you in part 6, part 6 was a correction to a previous statement that each of the five worlds, remember there are five worlds, the world of emanation which comes down directly from Adam Kadmon, and then the world of creation, and the world of Yetzirah which is the astral plane, and then the world of action which is this world.


I had told you that each world emerged out of the previous world. I corrected that on part 6, and looking at your exhibit F, I showed that all of that, well I broke up the five worlds into what the Kabbalists call the divine worlds and creation. The Kabbalists tell us that the world of Adam Kadmon and the world of emanation are divine, that they are not created, and that the three worlds below, creation, formation which is Yetzirah, the astral plane and the world of action are created.


We see the three created worlds are a reflection of the two higher worlds. These three worlds below are a reflection of the two upper worlds. The three lower worlds, creation, formation, and action, are the created worlds. I corrected something that I had told you, it is not true that each of the worlds of creation emerge out of the world above, in other words, the world of Yetzirah does not emerge out of the world of creation. The three created worlds, creation, formation and action, the Hebrew names are Beriah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah, those three worlds all emerge out of the world of emanation up over here, and you can see on your exhibit F, that the world of creation comes forth from Binah, or the personal name of Binah is mother, Imma, she brings forth the world below into the world of creation, and Zeir Anpin, the son of the world of emanation brings forth the world of formation, and the female of the world of emanation brings forth the world of action, our world down here.


That is still correct, what had confused me briefly was what I am going to tell you now, that each of the worlds are connected to each other, the way they are connected to each other, is that the Malkhut of the world above, becomes the Keter of the world below and that is how they are connected to each other. The Malkhut of the world above, I am pointing right now to the world of Adam Kadmon, descends into the lower world and becomes the lowest part of the world of Adam Kadmon becomes the highest Sefirah of the world below, and they are really the same, the lowest Sefirah of the world of Adam Kadmon is also the highest Sefirah of the world below, which is the world of emanation. That is how the two worlds are attached to each other. The lower Sefirah of the world of Adam Kadmon extends itself into the world below, becomes the head of, or the top or the head Sefirah of the world below, and that head Sefirah brings forth the ten Sefirot of the world below.


When I told you that one world emerges out of the world of the other world, I had confused that with the Sefirah. I know I have not gotten through to you yet so I am just going to repeat myself until I get through to you. We are talking about the development or the emergence of the worlds and then there is another issue, the development or the emergence of the ten Sefirot within each world. The way the worlds came into existence was that Adam Kadmon put forth and we described it as his arm last week, he put forth his arm, he put forth a world very close to himself called the world of emanation, and the three worlds below, all were brought into existence from the different aspects of the world of emanation, but when it comes to each world individually, each world starts out with one Sefirah, with the top Sefirah, the Keter which is the same as the lowest Sefirah from the world above, becomes the head of the world below and then that Keter brings forth, the Chokhmah, and the Chokhmah brings forth the Binah.


What I had originally told you was that each world emerged from the prior world, I had it wrong, it was each Sefirah emerges from the Sefirah below. I do not think you are following me, so I am going to have to put it on the board, let me put it on the board for you. Somebody is not following me. This is what I was trying to tell you, I was trying to talk about, I was trying to discuss the difference between how the lower worlds emerge from the higher world and how each Sefirah emerges from the higher Sefirah, that is the comparison, so we have five worlds, this drawing does not show you the fifth world, does not show you the first world which is the highest. It starts with the world of emanation, I am on the left side of the board now, I am showing you the world of emanation and the partzufim or the personalities of the world of emanation, the father, the mother, the male, the son and the female. This world of emanation, this is the world that emerged directly out of Primordial Adam, that most ancient, it was as if he put his arm out. It was as if he put out an aspect of himself that was responsible for producing the lower worlds.


That is what the world of emanation is. The way these worlds, and I also told you that the lower worlds were a reflection of the higher worlds, so these three worlds here, Beriah, the world of creation, Yetzirah, the world of formation or the astral plane, and Asiyah, the world of action where we are, these three worlds are a reflection of the two worlds above. The highest world I do not have on this drawing, the highest world is Adam Kadmon, and here is the world of emanation. The Kabbalists tell us that the world of Adam Kadmon and the world of emanation are divine, and that the worlds below are created. I have some questions about that which I think we will discuss today after I make this point to you.


Here is the point that I am trying to make, that the world of creation emerged, it did not emerge out of the lowest portion of the world above, it emerged from Imma, mother, the mother of the world of emanation brought forth the world of creation. The world of creation did not emerge out of the lowest point of the world above, did not. Is anybody not understanding that? Okay.


The world of formation which is below the world of creation, did not emerge out of the world above, the world of formation here did not emerge out of the world above. The world of formation emerged out of the male or the son of the world of emanation. The lowest world where we are, the world of action or Asiyah did not emerge out of the world above which would be the astral plane.


We came into existence from the lowest Sefirah of the world emanation. This is according to Rabbi Isaac Luria. Is everybody okay with this so far? Okay. Now on this side of the board I am showing you the Sefirot. The Sefirot emerge or come into existence according to a different law. The lowest Sefirah emerges out of the higher one, the highest Sefirah is Keter, and the Chokhmah emerges forth or is born out of the Keter, the next one down, the Binah emerges out of Chokhmah, Chesed emerges out of Binah and so forth and so forth.


What I am trying to do here is bring a correction because I have become confused and I had told you at some point if you are following all of these messages that each world emerged out of the higher world, but it did not, it does not. On Thursday’s message I corrected the situation about the worlds, showing you how they emerge forth and today I am confirming to you that the Sefirah do emerge forth, the lower one from the higher one, all of the way down.


Let me try and find what God wants me to do today. For some reason there has been some opposition to this meeting, more opposition, I left my glasses inside. I break these curses in Jesus name. I break these curses in Jesus name. We are up to #70, in our points here, which reads:  When the Father marries Adam within us, the light of the Ayn Sof will shine through the Father, Elijah, Jesus, and Adam who is within us, down to the lowest aspect of Asiyah, the world of action, to illuminate all levels of Asiyah.


When the Father marries Adam within us, all of these Sefirot are within us. I guess I have to do another drawing. The light of the Ayn Sof will shine through the Father, Elijah, Jesus and Adam who is within us. Okay brethren, what I am showing you on this board is what is called a Kabbalistic drawing according to Rabbi Luria. You should all have some remembrance of what I taught about the empty space, the Ayn Sof is the Hebrew word for the unlimited one, or the infinite one, there is nothing outside of Him, and He is everything, all of creation comes forth within Him because nobody can get to the outside of Him, He is infinite, there is no outside of Him, and that is a difficult concept, but we have to believe it by faith.


To be honest with you it boggles my mind, but I believe it by faith, and we are told in the book of Acts, In Him we live and move and have our being, everything is inside of this great one, all of the universes, our whole universe is just the universe of Malkhut, the lower Sefirot. There are other universes beyond our universe. This is the empty space that came forth in the midst of infinity or in the midst of the infinite one called the Ayn Sof, and this empty space came into existence we are told because he contracted Himself. In other words, within the midst of Himself or it is not even a Him, in the midst of itself, He withdrew His own light from an aspect of Himself, and this area that is absent the light of Ayn Sof came into existence.


It was not empty, it was just empty of the Ayn Sof. As I have explained to in previous messages, when He extracted that light from an area of Himself, He left a shadow or a residue of Himself. There is no vacuum, there is no vacuum in nature anywhere. If there is an empty space, something will fill it. What filled it was one of the lowest, lowest aspects of a shadow of the Ayn Sof. That is how the evil came into existence. God clearly says in the Scripture that He created the evil and the evil is just the exact opposite of Him, the residue of the shadow of Himself. What is a shadow? A shadow is the exact opposite of ourselves.


A shadow of the Ayn Sof, a residue, a reflection, or an echo, some people say of the Ayn Sof filled the empty space when the Ayn Sof withdrew Himself from it. After this empty space came into existence, the Ayn Sof from the outside, entered into the empty space, and this is the blue, this is the light of the Ayn Sof entering into the empty space, and actually, a thin thread of his light came in and created this line, this is called the line, this is Rabbi Luria’s revelation now of the beginning of everything, this line entered in, and after the line came, the light of the Ayn Sof from the outside entered in and followed this line for a certain distance and then it stopped.


We see creation now taking place in the midst of this circle. There is a line there, something in us, there is, this is the line and the plummet, this is the line by which it is possible for the light of the Ayn Sof to enter into the depth of us and fill us, but for the time being, it did not go all of the way, the light did not go all of the way, the line went all of the way, but the light which would be the guideline for the light did not follow the guideline all of the way down to its lowest point which is us.


The empty space is us. Brethren, everything in the Bible, everything that the Kabbalists could teach us, everything that is true about creation, is about us. Why are we so important? Because we are the house of the Lord. The light of the Ayn Sof, the infinite one, the originator, the first cause, he is called the first cause, He wants to dwell in us, as incredible as that sounds, this is the reality. Everything that is going on in creation, and everything that is going on with us is to prepare us for the light, this powerful light of the Ayn Sof to dwell in us without destroying us. The Ayn Sof, the infinite one, He wants to be revealed in a visible way, so He is bringing forth a creation that is the exact opposite of Himself so that He can be revealed by contrast.


The whole problem is that He is infinite and indestructible, so that exact opposite of Him is finite and, if the concept of the infinite one is that He is infinite and indestructible, the opposite of Him would be finite and destructible. We are destructible. This is the great problem, that an infinite light, that nothing can touch, think of a car knocking down a human being, there is no way that human being can dent the car. Flesh and blood has no chance against metal plowing it down.


How will this enormous energy dwell inside of us without destroying us? That is the problem. Jesus talked about that, He made it very simple, He said, You cannot put new wine into an old wineskin because the wineskin will break. We, humanity, we have had a period of time of dwelling on the earth without, empty, we have been dwelling on the earth empty, our true purpose in life being a house for this glorious infinite one has not been realized by us, and now all of a sudden, we have been living in our own dark world. This bright life wants to enter into us without destroying us.


We have to be prepared; we have to be emptied out. We have to be emptied out of what? Of our sin, we have to be emptied out of sin, absolutely, and we have to be insulated. Rabbi Luria describes it as circles, concentric circles being drawn within us or layers of insulation, and those layers, are described to us in a parable form. Elijah is within us, Moses is within us, Jesus is within us, and they are all, as far as we are concerned, circles of soul dwelling in our spiritual being. The ultimate goal, and the most important part of us is our nervous system, our brain, and our spinal column, that is where our spiritual life is, in our brain, and in our spinal column, and the brain and the spinal column are reflective worlds.


Do you remember what I showed you on the previous drawing, I said the two higher worlds, the world of Adam Kadmon and the world of emanation, are the reality, they are close to the Ayn Sof, and the three worlds below are created, creation, formation and Asiyah are the reflection of the higher worlds. Remember I put that on the board for you just before this. In the same manner, the brain of the human being is the place where deity dwells and the worlds below reflected by the spinal column are the worlds of creation. That is where the reflective worlds dwell.


We have an Adam in our heart center, and then we have Adam of creation in the world of creation, we have an Adam, a high Adam in our brain that is coming into our brain, and the lower Adam that is in our heart center. Adam is being regenerated in our heart center. That is what I have been teaching you for years. We need to get the grafted seed, the food, His food is the doctrine of Christ, Adam is being regenerated in our heart center, and there is also an Adam in our brain, this is all review brethren, there is also an Adam in our brain, He is in the cerebellum, which is under the authority of the main brain of the cerebrum which is overshadowing Him completely, and He is going to step out, this Adam that is in our brain is going to step out and step into the, He is going to step into our brainstem, I will have to fix that. He is going to step into our brainstem, stand on the olives and be right in line for the wisdom that is coming from the Father which is the Lord Jesus Christ, to marry Him.


This is the marriage, this is the marriage. Is anybody following me? There is a real problem here today, is it somebody here or is it from outside, is somebody having a problem following me? Is it just me, I feel like I am pushing up against a ten ton truck. Let me fix this, I drew the line in the wrong way. In the brainstem, Adam is going to appear in the brainstem, over here, and there is a spiritual being coming from outside of us, He is the Lord Jesus Christ representing the Father to us, and He is going to be entering in through our brain, through this intellectual study, He is coming into our brain, and He is seeking to connect to Adam in the brainstem.


This connection is called the spiritual marriage that we read about in the book of Revelation, and it will give us access to eternity because this line that I have drawn over here, it is the line of the light of the Ayn Sof, the infinite one, is going to be entering into our being and when He enters into our being, He will be marrying the regenerated Adam within us. We know that the regenerated Adam is Christ Jesus in this dispensation, He is called Christ Jesus, and we saw on the Mount of Transfiguration that Elijah was present with Jesus, and Moses was present with Jesus, Moses representing what? Moses representing the nurturing power of Christ Jesus to bring us out of Egypt into the wilderness to give us faith to teach us how to worship God, how to survive. Moses gave the law, but even more than the law, he gave the Hebrew children the faith to come out of Egypt. Elijah is the supernatural power of God, and all of these forces are resident in Christ Jesus. When we receive the grafted seed of the glorified Jesus Christ. I hope I explained that. Something is really wrong here today, but we will go forward anyway.


We are on #70, and I am saying, When the Father marries Adam, there is that line right there, it is coming from the highest world, that blue line that is coming down, it is coming from the highest world, it is coming from the world of Adam Kadmon, and it is coming from a place this high, this high, it is coming from the light of the Ayn Sof, the wisdom of the world of Adam Kadmon is right here almost to the line that separates the Ayn Sof from the empty space. It is coming from a very high place to marry Adam in us and the whole purpose of this marriage, is that this line should connect to us so that the light of the Ayn Sof can flow into us and dwell in us. This is us. The light of the Ayn Sof, the light of the infinite one wants to dwell in us, and He wants to shine His light through us, He does not want us to be crushed, but He wants us to be a reflection of His nature. Everything of the animal nature that is in us, has to be either done away with or raised up to the point that it glorifies God.


Our skills, our talents, our creativity can be raised up to glorify God, but all sin, and negative thinking and all of the qualities and tendencies of our animal nature, must die. There is a part of us that must die so that we can enter into life. When the Father marries Adam within us, and the Father is wisdom, He is our wisdom, so we see that we have access to the Father through this deep spiritual study. When He marries Adam within us, the light of the Ayn Sof will shine through the Father, will shine through Elijah within us, because if you have Christ Jesus, you have Elijah, you have Jesus, you have Moses which I do not have written down here, and you also have Adam. You have all of these elements of the creation are within us, we are the creation of God in a very basic stage, in a very beginning stage.


Jesus said after He was glorified. He said, I am the beginning of the creation of God, in His glorified state, and Paul said, We do not know what we are going to be, but we see Jesus in His glorified state. He is the beginning of the creation of God, and that beginning of the creation of God is coming back as the Father to dwell in us to complete the creation. We are the wood, we are the trees that were cut down out of the forest, and we are just raw material, that is what we are. The day that the infinite one comes to us, that is day one of creation for us. We are different, we are different than the rest of the world, why? Because creation has begun in us, and everybody else, all of the other people are the trees of the forest. That is the reality of our existence.


The light of the Ayn Sof will shine through the Father and the Father to us is the Lord Jesus Christ, why? Because the light of the infinite one is in Jesus Christ, He is bringing the light to us.


Jesus Christ is a container you might say for the light of the Father, and Jesus is bringing the light to us, so that it can shine through us, and He is bringing the light to us in a contained form that will not destroy us. The light is inside of Jesus, inside of Elijah, inside of Moses, He is bringing us a power cord that is fully insulated so that it will not destroy us when it lights up. This light of the Ayn Sof, this light of the infinite one will shine through the Father, through Elijah, through Jesus, and Adam who are within us down into the lowest aspect of Asiyah, this world of action. The reason for that, is to illuminate all levels of Asiyah, that is us. We are Asiyah, the world of action, and this is a spiritual principle, if anybody listening to me or watching me cannot understand this, you have to pray about it because your mind has to be developed to start to comprehend spiritual principles. This whole world is Asiyah. The whole universe, all of the galaxies in the universe are Asiyah, the world of action. This planet is the world of action, you are the world of action, I am the world of action, it is the same thing on multiple levels, the principle is that an apple seed has everything that exists in the apple, they look completely different, if you do not know an apple, if you would not be able to recognize an apple seed, you would not know what it is, but that apple seed has the potential to reproduce not only the apple, but the whole tree that brought forth the apple. From that point of view, that is the best way I can explain it to you, we are all the world of action, the whole universe, the galaxy, the planet, you and me, we are the world of action, and creation is going on today in the world of action, the beginning of creation, and the plan is to restore us to the world of creation, but we fell down into this place, we fell down so the Lord is working with us here.


We read about in the book of Daniel that Nebuchadnezzar, the statue, which is the image of the serpent that is filling humanity today. We are this empty space and I did not tell you that, but Rabbi Luria says that, that line going down the middle, that is the image of God. The circles, and there are concentric circles within, that is our outer part, that is the tree which we represent so to speak, it is the animal nature, the animal nature is not the image of God is supposed to be entering into the animal nature and ruling over it. There has to be an animal nature because we are the darkness that will give form to the, that will provide the medium for the nature of God or for the light of God to shine through and reveal Himself. We are the dark part of the negative.


The circles are represented by our humanity, and the image of God is the nature of God that is being imparted to us through the Lord Jesus Christ.


In this symbolic expression of what I just told you, that thin line going down the middle is the nature, is the image of God, but the circles are the likeness of God. We have people saying in the church that mankind is both in the image and likeness of God, well some of us are in the image of God, well none of us are in the image of God completely yet except Jesus, we are in the likeness of God, we are in the likeness of God, we are being prepared to express His nature. To be in the image of God has to do with character, who we are, and that thin line coming down has begun. If you have relationship with Jesus Christ, the work has begun in you, the line has come into you.


Remember, I know that drawing is not all that clear, but first the line came in, and then the light of the infinite one came in following the line. The line that came in is Christ, the line that came into us is Jesus, if you have a relationship with Jesus, He is preparing the way, preparing us for the light to follow Him, He is the line, and the light of the infinite one will follow Him and enter into us. Am I making myself clear at all, everybody okay? Okay.


That light is going to shine down to the lowest aspect of the world of action, Asiyah. That means into the depths of our unconscious mind, the place from where sinful thoughts are generated. Brethren, the Lord loves us, He knows our condition. There is nothing we can do about generating sin, because we are possessed today we are occupied by the darkness. The darkness is completely filling us, and now that darkness has to be emptied out so that the light can come in and rule over the darkness. We have to have an inner man, we cannot exist without an inner man, and our inner man is born of the darkness. Our inner man is Leviathan, He is the inner man. Sin is generated from the unconscious part of our mind which is Satan.


The Lord says to us, Resist, He says, Resist, with the strength that I give you resist, but He knows that we sin all of the time. Even if we do not recognize it, it is in the unconscious part of our mind, our reactions, our very reactions are sin. Are you all perfect? Am I the only one that gets annoyed once in a while? Who said yes, (laughing), Xxxx said yes (laughing). That is sin, if you get annoyed at somebody, even if they do something so outrageous that anybody would get annoyed, it is still sin. Jesus does not get annoyed. He promises us calm delight. That is the peace that we are promised, the peace that passes all understanding that no matter what goes on out there, we will have a godly reaction to it. We are not capable of it at this time.


This light of the Father is entering into our lowest point.


According to the image of Daniel 4, where we see the image of Nebuchadnezzar, where we are told that God is coming to bring down that image, that is our old man. We already have an image in us and it is an image of God, but it is not the image of the God, it is the image of a false god, called our old man, and that image is made up of Leviathan, Satan, Cain, and to some degree, the Serpent, depending on who you are, and what your relationship is with the spiritual worlds. That image has to come down so that the image of God can be built in us. You can only have two images for a season, one will get stronger and destroy the other, it has to be that way.


In the Book of Daniel, we see this image of Nebuchadnezzar and it has feet, it toes of both iron and clay, and a rock was broken out of the mountain without hand, that means supernaturally and smote the image on its feet. The infinite one who wants to possess us because we are His property has to divest us of our old man, represented by Nebuchadnezzar’s statue.


There is no vacuum in nature, and we are not going to go into that in this message now, we came into existence empty, we came into existence unoccupied and nature filled in with an ungodly image, and that is why mankind is in the condition that he is in, because our nature is the image of the darkness, it is not the image of the light. There is a spiritual war coming, and it is actually already in play, and that war is going to be a supernatural war that is not going to smite the head of the image, it is not going to smite the serpent, not going to smite the chest, not going to smite Leviathan, not going to smite Satan, initially, He is going to smite the toes.


What does that mean Sheila, I thought that we were at war with Satan, I thought we were boiling Satan and consuming Leviathan and doing all of that stuff, yes. Satan and Leviathan down here in Asiyah, but the statue, the image encompasses all of the worlds. The image that is not of God, the old man is headed in a spiritual, in a circular spiritual world that is comparable to Adam Kadmon and his breast, or I may not have the analogy right, but the parts of his body are in all of the worlds, in a world likened to Adam Kadmon, in a world, a parallel world to the world of creation, a parallel world to the world of formation.


It is a parallel world inside of us, we are the world of Asiyah, there is no parallel world to Asiyah, we are the container, this world is the container. We contain all of the spiritual worlds. The Lord Jesus Christ you carrying the light of the infinite one wants to become the image of God in us. He wants to dwell in us so that we can say we are in the image of God, but there is already an image set in place, and it is ungodly image and it has to die, so there is a spiritual warfare in place.


Remember, each world has within it all of the other worlds. The world of action which is this world has within it, a world of emanation of the world of action, a world of formation of the world of action, a world of action of the world of action. There are four worlds. I do not believe there is an Adam Kadmon in the sub-worlds, but there are four worlds in each of the worlds.


The Satan and Leviathan that we are at war with are the Satan and Leviathan of the world of action, but this image goes beyond the world of action, it is also in the world of formation which is the astral plane. This image of the old man. It also exists in the world of creation, it is a parallel world to the image of God, and we are all filled up with it, we are all filled up with ourselves, because that is ourselves. The warfare is starting in the feet which is us down here in the lowest world. The power of God is coming in through the Lord Jesus Christ to take down the whole old man who extends through all of the worlds. It is not just here in this world, but this old man, that is possessing us, he is in a parallel universe of all of the worlds. Those spiritual worlds are influencing us down here. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming in and the warfare is in the feet of that image of that old man and we are the feet, the warfare is here.


The light of the Ayn Sof is shining into us through the Lord Jesus Christ, we are being insulated so that the light does not destroy us, and it is illuminating all levels of Asiyah. It may go down to our physical feet, but I really do not think that is what it means, I think it is illuminating all aspects of our consciousness, our unconscious mind, our subconscious mind, and our conscious mind. The light of the infinite one is illuminating our emotions.


We read in John 1:1, that the light came into this world and it was not consumed. I do not recall if that is the word in the King James, but whatever word is in the King James, if you look up the Hebrew word that is translated there, that is what it means, a great light came into this world, into this universe of Malkhut, into your universe and my universe, so universes exists on the greater level called the macrocosm and on the smaller level called the microcosm, we are the microcosm, each of us is the microcosm. The macrocosm is the whole of the universe and the same thing is happening in the whole of the universe that is happening in you, and happening in me, and that light is coming in and it is not being consumed, the darkness in you and in me Lord willing is not consuming that light that came in and is coming in, and that light is at war with the darkness and that is largely, it is not the whole reason that the whole world out there, the whole physical world out there is erupting because it is just a reflection of what is happening in the spiritual world. The spiritual world inside of you, inside of me, the war is raging, Christ is divesting the serpent’s household from humanity, and it just has to happen in one person.


It already happened in one person, Jesus of Nazareth, and the whole world changed, and now it is going to happen again, it is going to happen, it is going to start with one person, and it is going to happen in many people, and the spiritual internal work is causing chaos in the outer world. There is a major war going on spiritually and the whole world is waiting to see whether or not the world is going to erupt into world war 3.


What we are teaching here brethren is that, that does not have to happen. We are teaching that, that does not have to happen, that we are believing that Christ Jesus will stand up, what does that mean? It means the regenerated Adam is going to be married by the light of the infinite one through the Lord Jesus Christ and be re-established in Beriah, the world of creation.


Once Adam is nailed to the world of creation and his throne is set up and he abides there permanently because he is strengthened and more or less hanging there by the power of the world above, as soon as that happens he will rule over, he will begin to rule and reign over the three worlds that are under his authority.


Once Adam is re-established in the world of creation which is Beriah and he is fully established there, he will rule over that world, he will rule over the astral plane and he will rule over this world, and as his influence filters down, into this world, we are promised world peace, the true world peace, not the world peace of the progressives, that want to bring world peace to pass by Leviathan, which would be a failure anyway.


We do not believe the world is going to be destroyed. I believe this is what the Lord has given me to teach, that if Christ Jesus does not stand up, if Christ Jesus is not re-established in the world of Beriah, and does not start to propel His influence down into the lower world, the world would blow up, but we believe that He is going to do it, because man is self-destructive.


There is no way that corruption can bring forth incorruption. Brethren this world if founded on corruption and it can only produce corruption, in and of itself, it can only produce corruption and it will self-destruct, and I do not know, I cannot be repeating everything that I preached, but I feel to go over this with you, I do not know whether there are questions here or the Lord just wants me to do it. Brethren, this is our state of being, Jehovah is not punishing us, Jesus is not punishing us, whoever you think it might be, God is not punishing us, that is not the way it is, this is the way it is, there are two spiritual beings that are in a death battle, and we are calling them Cain and Abel for the purposes of this exhortation, if you can understand this with different names, do not worry about the names, these are spiritual principles, down here in this world, there is division down here, there are millions of people in this world, but in the higher spiritual worlds, when you get up to the higher spiritual world, there are only two people, Cain and Abel, and as Cain and Abel appears in the lower worlds, they become more and more divided.


Down here in this world, there are only two people down here in this world, and every human being is a cell of the body of either Cain or Abel. If Christ is living through you, you are a member of the body of Abel, if not, you are a member of the body of Cain. There is a war going on as to whether or not Cain or Abel will dwell in, possess and rule through humanity, that is us. It will not continue indefinitely that there are some people who would be possessed by Cain, and others who will be possessed by Abel, this is only a temporary situation.


The battle is going on and it is a battle of the minds. Some people know they are involved with this battle, and other people do not even know that they are involved in this battle, it is going forth from the unconscious part of their mind. What is going on the world today, and what is going on in this country today is that our government and all of these progressives and many of the people have been received into rejecting the God of the Bible, and when we reject the God of the Bible, there cannot be a vacuum, we become filled up with the other guy.


It is Abel in us that is the agent of the God of the Bible in humanity, in unregenerate humanity. When someone starts to become regenerated, Christ becomes the agent of the God of the Bible in humanity. For every human being where Abel or Christ is not embracing the concept of the God of the Bible and honoring Him, the other guy is. Cain receives power by default. In every Christian, in every human being that was raised a Christian, or raised a Jew, to be honest with you, it is the two, together we are both Israel. Everyone that is not pursuing their, what they were raised in, if you were born into a Christian family, or a Jewish family, and you are not pursuing the God of the Bible in any way, you are member of the Cain body, you are Cain. But I am not doing anything evil, you say.


What is your definition of evil? Do you believe in an ideology and a philosophy that is opposing the will of God. Do you believe in progressivism? Then you are a member of Cain. This is a great evil that is going on in this country, all of these progressives that think they are doing good, they are moving using witchcraft and deception and seduction to control the people of this nation, believing the whole time that they are smarter than we are, and that what they are doing is righteous, you are a member of the Cain body.


What is happening as this nation and Christendom wherever it is happening, but as I told you earlier on the exhortation this morning, United States is the focal point of the warfare between Cain and Abel because God abides in the nation that has the government that welcomes Him. The nation that manifests the government that works in tandem with God, that does not oppose the God of the Bible, that is His main location, He is, the God of the Bible is wherever someone is that worships Him. Wherever you are, in whatever part of the world, if you worship Him, He is in you, but you may one out of a million people, so He is limited as to what He can do, because He works through people.


This is the reality brethren, the warfare is between Cain and Abel, over who is going to rule over humanity, and as the government of the nation that has been the headquarters of the God of the Bible turns away from Him, they are embracing Cain. They would probably deny it but it is true anyhow. Cain is becoming strong in the nation that has been the headquarters of the kingdom of God for all of these years, and that spiritual reality is being manifested by everything that is happening that is tearing down and being destructive in this nation.


In addition, this nation which has been the headquarters of the kingdom of God for all of these years, has influenced the negative aspect of the whole world, has been a deterrent to keep nations from engaging in criminal and national criminal behavior, and as we shrink, as this country shrinks in power, the evil in the world is rising up because there is no vacuum. The battle is between Cain and Abel.


All of the floods and the earthquakes and everything that is happening, it is all reflection of the battle and Cain taking over, the attribute of Christ is peace, the attribute of Cain is chaos. It is not only the fight between the two brothers, but Cain is a tyrant. We see tyranny rising. As I explained it in a recent message, it is all the principle of causality, it is cause an effect, as the number of people honoring Jesus Christ shrinks, the number of people honoring what is not Jesus Christ, whatever name you want to put on it, it is negative, increases.


That negative entity which I call Cain, is a tyrant, and he is anti-Christ, he is anti-everything that Abel or Christ is. Christ is for liberty, prosperity, peace, love, happiness, joy. The anti-Christ, just by his, just being in power brings forth the exact opposite, tyranny, destruction, tears. All of this is causality. God is not up there throwing down lightning bolts at the bad people, God loves everybody. He knows that everybody is not going to be saved, but He loves everybody, and it is His will that all should be saved, but He knows that all will not, because the heart of man is desperately wicked, who could know it.


What is happening in the earth today is, it is happening according to the principle of causality, cause and effect. The only thing that is going to stop the path of destruction that the whole world is on, because brethren we are headed for destruction, anybody who is brave enough to look at it, and knows anything about history knows that we are headed for destruction.


There is nothing new under the sun, but it is not the God of the Bible doing this to us as a punishment, it is causality. As we depart from the living God, death courts us. On the contrary, in the event that we are all hoping for, because our hope is who? Our hope is Christ, Christ in you, the hope of glory, He is our hope.


Our hope is that since the plan of salvation for humanity has progressed as far as it has, that the work that was done on the cross through Jesus Christ that there is now a new man available to replace our old man. We are filled with the image of an evil one. The answer is to be filled the image of the righteous one. Now the righteous one is available to inhabit us. The hardest part has been done.


The new man is available, he just has to bomb the old man out, and how does he bomb the old man out? We have to embrace and desire the new man. The warfare is within us, but people have to hear the message, but that is another issue. This is the issue that our hope is that the new man will appear in at least one human being and many after Him. He will appear, He will have this experience, the regenerated Adam will fully regenerate in us and marry the light of the infinite one that will enter in to us through the Lord Jesus Christ and Adam will be re-established in the world of creation which today is a wasteland, because of the Adam who died there. He will be re-established and from that high place, He will be ruling and reigning over the whole world of creation, the whole world of Yetzirah, the astral plane, and this whole world, He will be sitting up there propelling the influence of His righteousness into the lower worlds, and there will be great upheavals, not destruction and disaster for punishment, but great upheavals as the righteousness of Christ Jesus defeats Cain and the armies of the dragon, and the serpent.


Whoever’s consciousness is in the company of the dragon, you will be at the end of the warfare, you will be at the unhappy end of the warfare of Christ Jesus, there will be destruction, but the end of it, the only reason will be destruction, is that because there will be many men who will fight Christ, is that not what the Bible says, they are going to shake their fists at Him. They probably will not understand who or what He is, but God is a righteous God, He knows that for 2,000 years He has been inviting men to welcome them into their hearts.


This is what it is, we are the prize, humanity is the prize. We are the prize brethren, and it is our inner man that is fighting, we have two husbands. If you have Christ, you have two husbands, and they are fighting over you. If you have tribulation in your life, it is because, most likely it is because of the conflict of your inner principles, which always manifest in your outer life.


My point is that God is not up there punishing anybody, nobody is being punished because they rejected Jesus or because they rejected you, or because they rejected the doctrine of Christ, nobody is being punished from that point of view, but they are reaping the consequence of what they sowed. What do you mean? If you offer the doctrine of Christ and you reject it, Satan is going after you to make sure that you do not have a second thought.


If it is your time and you are offered the doctrine of Christ and you reject it, then there is an empty space in you that needs to be filled. For the doctrine of Christ to be offered to you, you have to be prepared for it. Something was cleared out in you to make a way for it, and when you reject it, you become filled up with some aspect of the serpent’s household, and the serpent will punish you, for even having been exposed to the doctrine of Christ.


God is not punishing you because you said no, that is what happens when you reject righteousness, unrighteousness claims you, and unrighteousness rewards you with punishment. When you reject righteousness, you would think that unrighteousness would say, Well welcome home. Unrighteousness says, Welcome home, whack, do not ever do that again. Causality, causality, God is good, He is righteous, He is fair, He is good, if you want to be safe, get on the right side of His warfare because the war is raging and He is going to take what is His, and what is His is us.


I hope you can all see that, because obviously to the carnal mind, it does look like punishment. Look at what is going on out there, floods, earthquakes, people suffering terribly, people suffering terribly because they happened to the houses of the evil forces. Someone might say, They do not know any better. I just know that God is righteous brethren, I know that He is righteous.


Let us see what else we can do today. We are still on #70 here. We are told that the light is entering into us and it is going down to the lowest levels, including the levels called hell, those are levels of consciousness. They are going to be indwelt by the light of the infinite one, He is going to permeate every aspect of our being, unconscious, subconscious, physical, at the completion of this process, we will be completely healed of every physical disorder and be restored to longevity. Our bodies will be changed because there was a genetic change in humanity when we passed from the other side of the flood to this side of the flood, there was a genetic change in us. I do not have any idea what we looked like on the other side of the flood, I do not believe that we were in these animal bodies on the other side of the flood.


As we return to longevity, first aging will slow down, death will slow down, come to a halt, reverse, we will be youthful again and then at some point, we will receive a body that will last even longer than that. I do not know exactly how it will happen but that is the general idea, everything is being reversed. This light of the Ayn Sof is entering into us and is going to permeate every aspect of our consciousness.


#71. The manchild is reborn, the whole Adam who was caught up to the throne of God, which is Beriah, the world of creation. That is a correction to something that I had been preaching. This whole series that we have been going through for this last couple of months, actually it is three series that the messages of which were all interpenetrated, I think, A Son Is Given, The Unveiling Of The Tree Of Life, and there was another message, do you remember what it was? Jacob’s pillar, yes, I was going back and forth with those messages, if you want to follow the teaching, you need to go by the dates not by the numbers or the messages.


The Lord is bringing forth this deep message and He is correcting doctrine and giving us a more accurate understanding of what has happened and this is one of the things that was corrected, I had been teaching you that the Lord Jesus Christ was marrying the regenerated Adam in us and the manchild would be born as a result of that, but today I understand that the manchild is the reborn Adam, that when the light of the infinite one through Jesus Christ, marries the regenerated Adam in us, and Adam is re-established in Beriah, the world of creation, He is reborn in the world of Creation, Adam will be reborn in the world of creation and that is the manchild, the reborn Adam is the manchild.


#72. Adam is considered to be reborn when the Father marries Him and He is re-established in His kingdom which is Beriah, the world of creation, I just told you that without reading it.


#73. Before the Father can marry Adam in a man, Adam has to smite Jordan, which is the spinal fluid in the 4th ventricle, cross from the cerebellum, dry shod, that means his carnal mind, without Satan’s water. How do I explain that? This is the spiritual reality of crossing the Red sea. I say smiting Jordan, I do not know why I said smite Jordan. We both know that Elijah and Elisha smote Jordan with their mantle.


For the longest time I thought their mantle was a piece of clothing it made no sense to me at all, until we did a series on Saturn and we found out that there is a section of the innermost core of an atom or a planet, I think both, that the scientists have called the mantle, a mantle. It is just amazing to me how the scientists have cooperated with God, and the scientists have named two places in the brainstem olives, how the cerebellum looks just like a tree of life, and one scientist actually called it a tree of life, and now we see that there is a section of the internal core of a planet called the mantle.


I believe that is also true of our internal being, because we are worlds, each of us is a spiritual world. That means that there is an internal part of us called the mantle. Elijah and Elisha did not smite Jordan with a piece of clothing, they smote Jordan with an aspect of their mind, and I do not know, I wish I knew everything, but I do not know everything brethren, that there is an aspect of our mind that can be likened to that inner core of the planet called the mantle.


There is a corresponding aspect of our mind, it is an internal aspect of our mind that smote the river Jordan and dried it up. Of course I do not believe that, that inner aspect of our mind which my guess would be the unconscious part of the mind of the new man, the unconscious part of the mind of Christ Jesus. What did it smite? I do not believe it smote the physical river.


Now based on the recent teachings, I believe that the spiritual reality upon which the account of crossing the Red Sea is based or crossing the Jordan river is based, the parallel spiritual reality is crossing over from the cerebellum, crossing over that 4th ventricle and getting pass that spinal fluid to stand on the places described by scientists as the two olives in the brainstem.


We are talking about a spiritual being within us. We have an inner man. There are spiritual beings that dwell in us brethren. Adam is a spiritual man and He dwells in us. Abel is a spiritual being, Cain is a spiritual being. They take up no space in us, they are spiritual beings, but they are in us, they dwell in us, and there are aspects of consciousness, but they are beings that dwell in us. They are captive inside of our physical bodies.


There was a movie made once that they called the incredible shrinking woman if I am not mistaken, and she had all of these experiences inside, she got inside of somebody’s body and she was, it was a very interesting movie and they showed you how the blood was like a tsunami for this very tiny person. There are spiritual beings that captive, they are in jail inside of these bodies. The way out is to meet that blue line that is descending, but in order to meet that blue line so that we can, so that our consciousness can escape, you see, our consciousness has to escape. When our consciousness escapes, the prison house of this body then will be liberated in this realm. Our bodies will be changed and will no longer be prison houses for us.


We have to get to the place where we are going to meet that blue line. The blue line is coming into us, into our brain, entering in through this kind of deep study. The part of us that has been regenerated which is Adam, has to get to a place where it is going to hook up with that blue line and that place is in our brainstem, and it is like it is the throat energy center.


Adam right now is in the neck, He is back here. When we first started getting into all of these energy centers, I asked the Lord, how come the Hindus say the throat energy center, and the Kabbalists say the neck. I wanted to know why, there had to be a reason why. I think today, my understanding today is that the Kabbalists says the neck, because Adam is captured back here in the back of the brainstem, in the cerebellum. The Hindus know that their connection to the higher world is from the throat where the two olives are. Is anybody not following me? The gods that the Hindus worship are not the captured Adam, the gods that the Hindus worship, they worship multiple gods, they are not worshiping the captured Adam who is back here in the neck in the cerebellum, the Hindus are worshiping pagan gods who is in her own home turf in this body, and that pagan god or gods have access to these olives so that they can meet the serpent who is descending from above. Did I make that clear, is everybody okay, did you follow what I said?


So the Hindus deal with the throat center because the gods that they worship have no restriction and they can access that place where they can meet the gods from the world above. Adam is held captive by all of the powers that control who we are. What a story huh? It is amazing. Before the Father can marry Adam in a man, Adam has to do this, He has to migrate from the cerebellum, He has to smite the Jordan, the spinal fluid in the 4th ventricle of the brain. To be honest with you, I do not know why I said the Jordan instead of the Red Sea, I do not know why I did that, but I will ask the Lord why I did that, there has to be a reason.


As far as the general principle goes, for us right here today, it should not make any difference, Adam has to escape from the influence of the forebrain that is covering over the cerebellum and He has to cross over that spinal fluid in the 4th ventricle whether that represents Jordan or the Red Sea, at this moment, for this conversation really is not pertinent.


We have to cross over from the cerebellum dry shod, the feet signify the carnal mind, and the concept of being dry means without the influence of Satan, He has to throw off Satan. Satan is the water, the spiritual aspect of the being of our being, that dogs us wherever we go. We know we have had many messages here, how we are boiling Satan every time we resist sin, every time we take the victory over an imagination that Satan sends us to do something wrong or to think something wrong about somebody, every time we take a victory, Satan is being boiled and the concept is that as she is boiled, she is being separated into water vapor and the sediment which is the sin, and the water vapor is being swallowed up by the aspect of Christ in us.


To say that Adam has to cross over dry shod means that He has to have overcome the powers of Satan, or the waters of Satan. Of course, having overcome the influence of Satan really makes Him eligible to cross over to the other side. What is the other side? Let us bring it into our parable that we are using to understand all of these things. The other side is Christ, He has to get into Christ. The Lord Jesus is descending into Christ in us. This is a simple way of understanding. The Lord Jesus is descending into Christ in us. Anybody that wants to contact the Lord Jesus who is in the ark, saying, Come on everybody, get in the ark because the flood is coming, if you want to contact the Lord Jesus and get into that ark, you have to be in Christ because He is not descending into your carnal mind. That is the simple way, that is the parable way of saying it.


Even this whole story about the brain is really a parable but I think it is more accurate than the concept of Jesus and the ten virgins, five were ready and five were not ready. Five got into the ark and five did not.


We are told in the parable, five had oil and five did not have oil, five had the anointing and five did not have the anointing. What would He mean they did not have the anointing? There was nothing in them that Jesus could latch onto. There has to be union. There has to be a union between the Lord Jesus who is descending into us and the regenerated Christ in us. The regenerated Christ is the anointing.


So the five virgins did not have the anointing, there was nothing for Jesus to latch onto. We have to be prepared to be rescued. Did you ever see a movie about somebody drowning and a helicopter is hovering above or even a ship comes close. What do they do? They throw out the life preserver. They say, Come on, put it over you, put the life preserver over you, or grab hold, put your arm through the life preserver, and we will haul you up. You have to do something.


After he crosses that spinal fluid, he has to stand on the olives in the brainstem from where Adam is, that is the place where Adam will be aligned to the descending Jesus who carries within Him the light of the infinite one, or the Father, who is descended from the center of creation which is the world of Adam Kadmon. This is what it is all about brethren, we need to be reconnected to immortality, we need to be reconnected to the infinite one, who has the power to sustain us infinitely.


The reason that we die is that the image that indwells us that we call the old man does not have the resources to keep us alive. Even our old man which is the serpent’s household would prefer it if we did not die. They would like to just feed off of us indefinitely. The reason that they want us to die is because when we die, they get all of our energy, and then they go the next person. They would prefer it, the serpent’s household would prefer it, if we would be an eternal source of food to them, and they did not have to bother incarnating or reincarnating.


This whole reincarnation process is because they eat us up. They consume us, and they have to recycle us so that they can get more food. They do not want us to die. We die because the serpent’s household feeds on us, but the household of God feeds us. The household of God feeds us, and gives us life. The serpent’s household feeds off of us, takes our life and we die. This message is not for the weak hearted. Mankind is actually re-harvested in the same manner as we raise cattle in this world to feed ourselves. The regenerated Adam after He divest Himself from Satan and crosses over the sea of spinal fluid, stands on the olives in the brainstem, as Jesus descends, that Adam has to enter into Jesus because Jesus is coming forth in our innermost point, that is the unconscious part, our unconscious part.


Jesus is descending into us carrying within Him the infinite light of the Ayn Sof, which is the true immortality and we have to connect with Him. This is what Jesus meant when He talked about going through the eye of the needle, we have to get to our innermost point, that means we have to get past all of our sinful desires, all of our fears, all of our attachments to this world, we have to want Jesus more than anything in this world, to get to that innermost point, where He is waiting for us to join with us.


That concept of the eye of the needle, that Jesus talks about, He did not mean it in terms of passing through the eye of the needle, He meant it in terms of entering into the eye of the storm. In the greatest hurricane, if you can get into the eye of the storm, it is quiet in the eye of the storm, that is the context in which He meant it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Why? Is there anything wrong with having money? No, there is nothing wrong with having money, I believe Jesus wants us all to infinitely wealthy, but He will not let us, He will not give us that, if that wealth will turn us away from Him, and the more carnal we are, the more we are likely to turn away and pursue the wealth then pursue Him.


Money is a trap, it is a trap. We should have enough to live on, we should have shelter and clothing and food to eat, He will see to it that we have everything that we need, but He will not give us one penny more if there is the slightest chance that it will turn us away from pursuing Him. Anyone that has truly been apprehended by Him, will find that out. If you cannot believe it as I preach it, you will find out. If there is nothing you can do, once the Lord really takes you, what do I mean the Lord takes you? It is a spiritual state of being, those words, that the Lord has taken you, describes a particular degree of intimacy, a particular degree of connection between a person and the Lord.


Once He has taken you, there is nothing you can do, nothing will prosper that He does not agree with. You are just wasting your time, spinning your wheels, wasting your time, there is nothing you can do that will prosper if He has not approved it to be in your life.


I think I said everything, the last letter is D, Enter into Jesus’ eye or His innermost point where the Father is waiting to marry Him and catch Him up to Beriah the world of creation. I have a witness here on what I told you about the mantle. 2 Kings 2:8;


2 KINGS 2:8


  1. 8. And Elijah took his mantle and wrapped it together and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither, so that they went over on dry ground. KJV



The first verse was Elijah, now here is Elisha.




2 KINGS 2:14


  1. 14. And Elisha took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? And when also had smitten the waters they parted hither and thither, and Elisha went over. KJV



We will do one more. #74. It would be nice if we could finish this, but it all depends upon how much I have to say, let us see if we can finish this. #74. After the marriage of Adam who is the Neshamah level soul to the man that Adam was regenerated in, there is no way I am going to be able to do all of these tonight, okay, we will just do #74. After the marriage of Adam, Adam, our inner man, Adam, He is the Neshamah level of soul to us. Remember there are five levels of soul, the Nephesh, is the level of life that is in the flesh, that is in your blood, the Nephesh keeps your physical body alive, and Ruach is the oxygen that flows through your body, so the two lower levels of soul support the life of your physical body. The Neshamah is the intellectual spiritual soul that we receive from God. That is the part of us that comes from God and that reincarnates for God.


After the marriage of Adam, who is the Neshamah level of soul. He is our ability to comprehend this doctrine. He is the Neshamah level of soul to the man that Adam was regenerated in, after the marriage of Adam to the Father, the experience of that man’s Neshamah will be reflected upon the man’s Nephesh which is the animal level of his soul, which is the blood of the physical man.


What this is saying is that the experiences that we have through the aspect of soul that we receive from God through the aspect of soul that has a relationship with the Father above, that relationship will be reflected on the lower levels of soul as in healing. You all know I was dying when I came to the Lord, I have had a slow but sure healing because, I have a Neshamah, I have a soul that comes from God, and the relationship between my Neshamah and the Lord, has reflected in the healing of my body. I am no longer dying.


It does not only have to be physical, the relationship, the soul that we have that comes from God, the soul from God which is called our Neshamah, the relationship that, that aspect of soul has with the Lord Jesus is reflected in our lives, and the Lord is working through that relationship to prepare us to be fully inhabited by Him, to be fully possessed by Him. If there are things that we do not have at this time, and brethren there are things that I do not have at this time, you know, if there are things that we do not have at this time, there is a reason for it, because His priorities are not our priorities, His top priority is to build us in Christ and prepare us, so that when the ark appears, we are one of the virgins that have the oil, and that get on the ark.


God loves us, He is not depriving us of anything that we need or that would make us happy unless it is interfering with His plans for our life, and thank God for it, thank God for it. Paul tells us, He admonishes us to be content with what we have. That does not mean you cannot go before the Lord and ask for something more, especially if you have a reason for it, we are still waiting for our house here. I have people coming from out the country from other states and they are sleeping on my couch, I do not have a room or a bed for them to sleep in, does that sound legitimate that I should want a house? It is very legitimate, but He has His reasons. He has everything under control, He knows exactly what He is doing, and when the time comes, the ministry will have a house so that our guests will have a bed and some privacy when they sleep. Is He depriving us, is He punishing us or me? No, absolutely not, He has everything under control. Paul admonishes us, be content with what you have, let the Lord know what you would like, but be content with what you have.


We are saying that the relationship of our Neshamah is reflected in our Nephesh or in the life that the Nephesh projects which is the life of this world. Let me start reading from the beginning. After the marriage of Adam to the Father, the experience of that man’s Neshamah will be reflected upon that man’s Nephesh which is occupying the heart center associated with the spinal column of that physical man. That is very interesting because the Kabbalists tell us that the Nephesh level of soul is associated with the liver, and some of you might know that there is a Scripture that says, the king of Babylon was what? Does anybody know that Scripture? He looked into the liver. I have known for a long time that that meant that he was doing some kind of prognostication which is witchcraft, some kind of fortune telling.


There used to be a woman around here that used to scramble eggs and read your eggs, remember? She use to scramble eggs and read your fortune from looking into the eggs, or reading tea leaves, or anything like that, it is all coming out of the mind, what the person looks at, what the prognosticator looks at is just a reflection of what is in the mind, or a form of communication from the spirit that is giving her this information to her consciousness.


What this is saying here is that Adam is ascended into the heart center, but the wisdom of this world is that the soul, the Nephesh level of soul is in our liver, but we see that Nephesh is being ascended to the heart center. I am having trouble getting this out, let me try again, if, depending on the degree of our union of our Neshamah with the Lord Jesus, in direct relationship to that, the soul of our humanity, the Nephesh is being raised up from the liver into the heart center. That is just another way of saying as we migrate to longevity and eventual immortality, our soul will be elevated into our heart rather than our liver.


Jesus when He appeared after His resurrection, He said, Look, I have flesh and bone, He had no blood, He said, I am flesh and bone, there was no blood, He was elevated out, that level of His consciousness was elevated from the liver into the heart center, he was beyond blood, beyond the human blood, His Nephesh was elevated to the level of the heart center.


I am going to read this one more time and we are going to close today. After the marriage of Adam to the Father, the experience of that man’s Neshamah will be reflected upon that man’s Nephesh which is occupying the heart center associated with the spinal column of that physical man. The reason I say the heart center associated with the spinal column of that physical man is that there is no energy center in our physical body, the energy centers are in our spiritual body which exists in the astral plane, and that spiritual body permeates our physical body, completely permeates it on all levels. There is no energy center in our spinal column, but there is a spiritual body that I am told looks just like our physical body that permeates our physical body and the actual energy center is in the spiritual body. That is why some people who have surgery are healed and other are not, it depends on the forces in the astral plane. It is possible. There are accounts of phantom limbs, someone has their arm or leg cut off and they still feel the pain, because their physical leg was cut off but the source of the pain still exists in the astral body.


This whole physical world is a reflection of the spiritual world. People prosper from surgery because the forces in the world above allow it, I do not know all of the rules. They do not have to be a Christian, Hindus have surgery and prevail and Moslems has surgeries and prevail, there are laws that govern this world, the major law is the sowing and reaping judgment, so people are here. They are here and they are sowing and reaping, and they are the fruit of previous generations, they have surgeries and they live, I do not have all of the answers. What I do know is that the Lord Jesus Christ has the authority to override anything that Satan is doing.


If someone needs a surgery for example and the law of sowing and reaping is ready to take that person’s life, that they will not prevail, they will not survive that surgery, the Lord Jesus Christ has the authority to go in and tell Satan, no you cannot take the person’s life now and that is what happened to me, you cannot take that person’s life now, they are under my protection.


Do not kid yourself, if Satan has legal ground to take your life, and the Lord Jesus Christ intercedes, you are not your own, He has purchased you. He has purchased me and this is what happened to me, however it happened to me. My head is still swimming, that I am who I am today. He saved my life and I became His. If you are crying out for the Lord to save your life, do not be deceived, He is going to take you and He is going to bend you and push you and prod you until He has you all fixed up and most likely you will be in the ministry, at some point in your life. He does not save you and turn you loose, he does not save you from death, you know, when it is a done deal and you are supposed to die.


When He took me, I did not even know which end was up, I had that dream, I was on this big long line, it was this very high, it was pulpit, it was a judge’s desk, it was so high, I could not barely see to the top of it, there was a judge in a judicial robe sitting at the top of it, but I could not see his face, and the line of people filing before him seemed to be endless, and I came before him and I was told that I was going to live, and I lived, and here I am. The spirit world is very real brethren, and we have fools ruling this country today and wherever anyone in rulership, anyone in authority that does not understand that this world is fully under the authority of the spiritual world, they are just, I do not care how educated they are, or how smart they are, they are just fools, and due season, very soon, very soon, we are going to see great, great signs and wonders. This conflict that I told you about between Cain and Abel, will be won by Abel who will be assisted or who is being assisted by the Lord Jesus Christ and Cain will be put down, and the conflict is going to come into a great uproar and then followed by great peace.


Brethren, let us be on the right side, please let us be on the right side, let us be on God’s side in all things and let us ask Him to control our lives and to help us to do what He would have us to do and to lay aside all sin brethren, and be His servant, be an object for good, be a weapon for good in this world. Any questions or comments before we stop? God bless you all.


COMMENT:  I know you have talked about the resurrection of damnation, will they exist for quite some time in that situation, there would be torment in that situation and everything, they would be resurrected in the timeline of the serpent. Will Jesus just destroy the whole person or will He take that spiritual substance in that person and redeem it or will they, and how long will they exist in that condition?


PASTOR VITALE:  That is a good question, I do not have all of the answers, but what I do believe is that, I really do not know the answers to most of what you said, In the Old Testament the Philistines have been resurrected to either damnation or very close to it, and Jehovah sent the Israelites in to kill them all, and that was why when Jehovah sent the Israelite armies in to kill certain nations, they had to kill the cattle as well, because when evil spirits are occupying a nation, they occupy the animals also, the question is, if somebody is as far gone in evil as the Philistines were, can Christ save them. I know the Holy Spirit cannot. The question is will Christ be able to convert them, and I do not know the answer to that. To the part of your question that says, How long will they stay in that condition? I just honestly do not know, but I do believe this, that when I said that it is our hope that Christ Jesus will stand up and be re-established in Beriah and He will start sending forth His influence for righteousness into the lower world, I just cannot see that happening overnight. I do not see any spiritual thing happening overnight.


That means that we can have tribulation for a long time. Some people say, the books say three and a half years, what does three and a half years mean? Is it three and a half three hundred and sixty five day years? We do not know what a year means, do you understand what I am saying? The Scripture says the world was created in six days, was it really six twenty four hour days? No, no way, so I do not know how long the tribulation will last, I think it is possible that the whole world will not be in tribulation at the same time. Brethren the people in Haiti are in tribulation right now.


Spiritual things are never that simple, they are just never that simple, so I just do not know, but I do believe that Cain will be adopted, I do not know what the requirement, whether Cain in one person will be adopted and Cain in another person not be adopted. Based on what I know, Cain will be adopted in the people who repent. Cain is being adopted in all of us who repent, but everybody will not repent.


There will be people dying, and some people could be so given over to evil that they will not repent and they will be destroyed. That is what I think, but I do not know. I would like to believe that Christ will ascend into Beriah and He will sit down and the whole world will suddenly be good and the lion will lie down with the lamb, and all fighting will just cease, I hope that happens, but if it does it will be an outstanding miracle because I do not see that happening like that anywhere in the Scripture, that suddenly everything became good. Does anybody, you can disagree with me if you want, does anybody see it any other way? Things just do not happen suddenly, but of course, Christ is going to ascend to a place where we have not seen, we have not seen him nailed to Beriah. We do not know what it is going to be like when He is established in Beriah, so maybe I am wrong, maybe I am wrong.


Maybe He is going to sit down on His throne and everybody will forget their animosity and it will be like a dream, I hope that is true, but I am not expecting it. If it happens, it will be a miracle and I will be grateful for it, but things happen gradually.


COMMENT:  I have also wondered if it was going to be similar to when the resurrection in Christ happens and the resurrection of damnation, to the highlander, the evil immortal fighting against the righteous immortal, you know that is what it made me think of (chuckle).


PASTOR VITALE:  I have actually preached that, let me just explain what Xxxx was talking about, Xxxx was talking about a TV show called The Highlander that I refer to from time to time, and I have had the perception that there will be a warfare between the human beings in whom Christ stands up and human beings in whom the serpent stands up. Revelation 12 clearly says that Michael and his angels and the dragon and his angels, or the serpent, does anybody remember what it says, does anybody remember what it says in Revelation 12? Okay, it says Michael and his angel fought and the dragon or the serpent or the devil and his angels fought, and that warfare to a degree is going on now, but it will change. The higher we ascend, the more it changes, so I just do not know. We will not know until it happens to us. I am having experiences today that I never had before, and I know that I am ascending and everything changes, everything changes, you see things differently, you read the Scripture differently, you see people differently, things change, so even if I could tell you, even if I could answer your question, and say such and such is going to happen, it would not be true for everybody.


What God does is the same, God never changes, it is the people who receive His influence that are in a variety of different states of mind. They perceive what God does differently. The perfect example is that when He stands up, to those of us that are in Christ, it is going to be glory, and to those that are not, it is going to be death and destruction and wars. It will not even be the same for everybody. Does that make any sense to you? That is the best I could do. Anybody else before we go? Praise the Lord everybody.


08/14/10 Transcribed by RLR


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