The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.
We are starting a new message today. Again we are back in the book called the Gate of Reward; that is the book. It is written by Nachmanides, whose nickname is Ramban. The Jewish people make it a little difficult for those who are not familiar with the way they name things, but they have multiple names for their teachers. If you look at the book it says Ramban and in parenthesis it says Nachmanides.
We have already had one message called embodied or bodiless in the world to come, which was taken from the end of this book, called the Gate of Rewards. We are now starting, we started at the end. We are now to the beginning and the first few pages or the first section of this book is about what the Jewish sages called reward and punishment. The sections are not, if you should decide to buy the books, the sections are not clearly delineated, this is reward and punishment and if the Lord lets me, a message on Gehenna and the message on the Garden of Eden.
If the Lord lets me be as thorough as I usually like to be which He does not always let me be, we will probably go past page 7, but this is all that I was up to today and I probably will not finish that today because as the Lord leads me I would like to factor into this teaching that comes out of the book, factor in somewhere in between page, there is no page 1, it starts with page 2, somewhere between page 2 and 7, I like to factor in a passage from the Zohar which fits in and that is where your notes come in.
The first part of your notes brethren; are the Scriptures that Nachmanides refers to. In the pages two through seven, there are footnotes at the bottom of the pages, but he just gives the reference, and I thought since the message is really complicated that it would be edifying to you all to have the whole Scripture, so I printed out all of the Scripture references that he refers to in his footnotes on pages 2-7, and then when you get past the Scriptures starting on page 3 of your notes, I have the passages from the Zohar with regard to the resurrection of the dead that fits right in with the subject of pages 2-7 of the book.
As the Lord leads me, I will be integrating to the two teachings. Is everybody okay? Basically the subjects that the Hebrew sages study are all the same. We have seen Nachmanides talking about the resurrection of the dead, at the beginning of his book, and the message in which we are calling the 3 judgments and it just so happens when I thought I was just relaxing last night, I really just wanted to read the Zohar because that is how I relax and it turns out that the pages that I read fit in with today’s message. That is usually the way that it works.
Your guess is as good as mine which way this message is going to go, but basically this is the topic, the 3 judgments, I would like to give you a general overview before we start looking at page 2, we will be starting with page 2, Lord willing as the Lord turns it around backwards. There is a book where the Living Epistles book called Adam And The Two Judgments and it is very interesting because several days ago, I do not think much more than a week ago, I had a Christian radio station on and I heard someone preaching, it was a Christian preacher preaching about the three judgments. I said, Oh wow, Lord, I did not know there were three judgments, but I had tuned in at the end of the message and I never got any information on it. I did not get enough to get any understanding of it; and here I am teaching about the three judgments.
I now understand that there are three judgments. I do not know what this Christian preacher was saying, he was talking about the Great White Throne judgment, the judgment seat of Christ and then I think he saw a third judgment in the book of Revelation, but as I am telling you, I do not really know where he was coming from. I do see three judgments in Nachmanides teachings and the three judgments are this, the judgment that refers or that deals with the personality here and now in this world, and this judgment is called Rosh Hashanah, it means that when, well Rosh Hashanah is a spiritual day, but it is on the calendar as a two day period.
The teaching that at that time a book is opened and it is written what your next year will be, will you live or will you die. Basically those are the two options, will you live or will you die. However Nachmanides teaches and I believe it, that the definition of the word death in this context is not necessarily physical death but a negative judgment that can mean disease or any kind of pain or torment in your life.
Either you are given over to death okay because it is a spirit of death that makes you sick, and it is a spirit of death that causes you distress in your life. Death may not fulfill itself to the point that it takes your physical life, but torment and disease is an aspect of death, so that the reasoning of the sages. If you are turned over to death it means trouble for you, it could mean physical death, in the very least it means trouble in your life, pain and torment in your life or you are given a year of life which means obviously that you will be safe from physical death and hopefully have many blessings in your life. That does not mean you will not have any trouble in your life, it means the overall aspect of the year to come will be positive if you are given over to life, but if you are given over to death the overall aspect of your life will be negative, you can have good moments in your life.
That is the first judgment, I will relate that, a factory in the doctrine of Christ, I relate this judgment to the personality because it is the personality that we are dealing with in this lifetime. We are all personalities. We are not looking forward to our soul’s future in the year to come. Are we looking forward to the future of our soul but not our personality? No, we are looking forward to the personality, to the future to the personality. This judgment called Rosh Hashanah is the judgment of the personality. I have given you my testimony already, it is a spiritual event that materializes as a two day period on the Jewish calendar, it is between the holiday called Rosh Hashanah which is a two day period and Yom Kippur which is the day of atonement which is ten days later, I believe it is ten days later, seven or ten days later, I think it is ten days; that is when the judgment is final. It is a judgment for the year to come. It is for the personality. The second judgment is the judgment that occurs when the physical body dies and this is the judgment upon the soul.
Whenever anybody or the Zohar is any sage says the soul, you have to ask which aspect of soul. There are five aspects of soul. There is the Nephesh, that is the life that is in your blood, that is the life of this flesh, the Ruach, that is the oxygen in the blood of this flesh and then you have the Neshamah which is the intellectual soul that comes from God which is really an aspect of the dead Adam, it is really a root of the dead Adam. Then you have Chayah which is the Spirit of life. Chayah is the Hebrew word for life, and it is also the Hebrew letter 18 which means life. This is what we are all hoping for. When the Spirit of life is attached to whatever is the whole. We are a creation in process.
To whatever degree our soul is built up at this time. Maybe you have a Neshamah and maybe you do not. The Neshamah, everything enters into us slowly. Maybe the Neshamah is attached to you, but it is not completely entered into you, whatever level we are at in this place, in this world, at this time in the church, we are all hoping for the penetration of the Chayah which is the Spirit of life. We are hoping for that penetration to our being as it exists now, Nephesh, Ruach, and whatever degree of the Neshamah that we have, we are hoping to be penetrated by the Chayah because that Spirit of life, that is the Spirit that will quicken our mortal body. That is the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead.
We are all hoping for longevity here, longevity is being preached. What is longevity? Longevity is the spiritual condition that existed on the other side of the flood. We do not know an awful lot about that. I am convinced that mankind on the other side of the flood was not in an animal body like this. I am convinced and I believe the Scriptures bear out that mankind on the other side of the flood was able to live 5, 6, 7, 8, 900 years. These bodies cannot live 900 years so there had to be a different body that was enveloping mankind on the other side of the flood.
We have no reason to believe that mankind on the other side of the flood ate meat because the provision to eat meat only appeared after Noah and his sons appeared in this world which is the third stage of the fall. We just do not know, we just do not know what mankind was like on the other side of the flood. What I do know is that they were in some kind of form, because the soul which mankind is, mankind is Adam, he is a soul, he was a living soul and he died, he became a dead soul.
The body is just the clothing of the soul. This physical body is the clothing of the dead Adam’s soul right here in this world today. It is the same soul, the same actually 600,000 souls that the collective Adam who was righteous broke into, righteous Adam when he died broke into 600,000 souls.
They had some kind of a garment on the other side of the flood that was able to endure for up to 950 years. I do not know what it looked like, but that is what we are going back to. Will we have the same kind of garment that mankind had before this third stage of the fall which landed us here? I do not know, very possibly not, I do not know. what is important and what we do know and what I believe the promise is and what is being preached here is that the doorway, the doorway for our soul, the soul that incarnated us to pass into a state of being or a condition which will produce a garment our personality to endure for up to 950 years.
It is our soul that is immortal. The personality dies when the body dies. The body dies and the personality dies, the soul goes on. When our soul changes position, it has to affect the physical body and the personality that has grown out of it. The soul is like a tree. I do not know which is which right now, but the branches that grow out of the tree, let us say the leaves that grow out of the tree, are the physical body and the personality. The leaves fall off and die but the tree endures. It is the personality and the physical body that die after a season, but the soul goes on, it reincarnates on the circle of the earth, it goes into the closest relative, we spent a lot of time talking about that. This is what my understanding of longevity is; it is a change of position of the soul. Remember I have mentioned to you recently and this is something new that I am teaching, that either hell or heaven is a spiritual position, it is not place that you go to, it is a state of being that is manifested as an experience.
It is a condition that comes upon the soul and depending on that spiritual condition which is actually a judgment from God that says, soul you are in heaven; or soul you are in hell. Then that soul experiences what the judgment says it is. Do you have that? Longevity is a judgment that the Lord Jesus Christ says to the soul that is presently reincarnating on the circle of the earth, if the Lord Jesus Christ is going to say to that soul, the door is open for some of the roots that you are manifesting to enter into a changed position. It is not the whole soul that is going to longevity, the soul is made up, now 600,000, unlimited roots which means and unlimited sparks. I believe the sparks are the personality. I believe those unlimited sparks are the personality and Margaret asked a question in the last meeting, how is this unlimited number of sparks accounted for if there are only 9 billion people on the earth or so?
The answer is that the sparks are not eternal. They are unlimited but they die. They keep being produced just like leaves on the tree. That is how we can have unlimited sparks because they live for a season and they die. The Nephesh which is the generic or the foundational soul that is producing the personalities and the bodies, that is only that one root whatever it is, that continuously every season an unlimited number of personalities and souls, they live and they die.
That is how we can have unlimited sparks. In the same manner, the 600,000 souls that Adam broke into produce an unlimited number of roots. It is just like a tree putting out new roots. I have a tree over here, the roots are breaking up my whole patio, I have to cut off the roots of the tree, but that is not going to kill the tree. All those unlimited roots mean is that the generic soul which would be the tree had the ability to continue to produce roots for an unlimited amount of time, but that statement does not tell us what happens to the roots. Some of those roots live and some of those roots die.
Unlimited roots does not mean that the roots will live forever. I think that is what we were all thinking. I think at one point in a recent message I was saying instead of unlimited, I was saying infinite, and I think that was a mistake, so I want to take that back.
Unlimited number of roots, and to answer Margaret’s question, I can account for an unlimited number of roots because they are not eternal, an unlimited number, but each root is not eternal. The foundational generic root which is likened to the tree; which is one of the 600,000 souls that Adam broke into has the ability to continuously produce new roots, an unlimited number of roots, some of which live and some of which die. That is how they are unlimited.
Back to my point, this is my perception of longevity at the moment; it is a condition, it is a state of being that produces an experience, it is a judgment. The Lord Jesus says right now, soul or root, let us talk about roots, root, one of the unlimited roots, you are about to change position, because right now your position root is that you have the ability to produce bodies and personalities that live from anywhere from zero, because the baby could be born dead or die at birth, anywhere from zero to about 90 years old, some people live to 100, maybe 105, but that is highly unusual. That is what these roots that are in the earth have the power to do at this time, why? It is because the roots, all of these unlimited roots that are coming out of one of the 600,000 souls that Adam broke into are under a judgment from a high spiritual world, that judgment is called death.
Death appears in different degrees. The roots that are appearing in this world today are under a judgment of death or an aspect of the judgment because it is an ongoing judgment, that says, these are your limitations, you still have the ability to produce sparks, to produce physical bodies and souls, but you only have the strength for them to live up to 100 or 105 years. The day is coming that the Lord Jesus is saying, and I believe He has already said it, it just has not materialized yet, you root over there or you root over there, I am changing the judgment on you.
The judgment now is that you have been given the ability to produce bodies and personalities that will endure for 950 or so years. I am changing your condition. The judge just sent down an order, all of these roots producing sparks, the sparks of the physical bodies and personalities in this world, your judgment, only on some of you now, the judgment has been rescinded, you are still on parole, your term has been shortened, not only that but you have been forgiven, and you can now begin the way back to immortality.
The ultimate judgment is death. The next stage without the interference of the Lord Jesus Christ is that people should start dying sooner. You might say 50 or 100 years ago people did not live as long and they are living today. That is true but is it God keeping us alive? Is it God that has extended the life span? No, it is man who has extended the life span. That only continues until the next stage of the fall is pronounced upon the roots manifesting in this world. What is the next stage of the fall? Your medical solutions that have increased the life span of humanity shall fail.
Is that not what we are talking about happening in the country and in the world? The Lord showed this to me a long time ago. The genius of man apart from God has brought forth healing and great, great inventions, and then they cannot carry it through. They cannot afford to pay for it; they cannot afford to make it available to all of the people.
Whatever man causes to be raised up, it reaches a point when mankind cannot sustain it. When mankind loses the strength, the energy to continue to promote it and it fails. The only thing that endures forever is what God raises up. Is anybody not following me? Mankind fell from the other side of the flood where he had the potential to live to just under a thousand years, he fell down into this condition. The average man lives, very few even make it to 100 with any quality of life. There is another stage of the fall that people live less and less and less. It appears that just before that happens the stage appears to be set for the judge to say, okay, it is time for you to return. Why would that be? It is because salvation has been set in place.
The only hope of return is through the Lord Jesus Christ possessing us. That is our only hope of return. Those of you who have matured to that position, it is not just a confession of mind, it is a state of being, those of you in whom Christ is grafted and I do not know what the condition, I do not know how to describe the condition to you, those of you who are eligible. I know at the very least Christ has to be grafted to you, at the very least.
Those of you who are eligible, the generic soul that has raised up these physical bodies and personalities are about to change position. You have been released from a maximum security prison to a minimum, what do they call it, do some of you know about jails here? LOL. Your sentence has been lessened at least partially, so you have been moved from a maximum security or from death row to a minimum security prison and in this minimum security prison, it is a spiritual condition, the move is not physical, it is your soul we are talking about, the move is a change of condition.
One could say, I was sick yesterday, I may have been coming down with pneumonia, I have a weakness in my lungs until it goes away completely. I prayed as the Lord has showed me to pray. I have more strength for myself than I do for you. I prayed as the Lord showed me, I always say, Lord, do I need a doctor? I got no answer. I prayed as He always taught me to pray, and I was really not feeling well, I was lying down, I slept in the afternoon; that is a very bad sign for me. I got up and I was healed within minutes after I prayed the way He taught me to pray for myself. I will pray that way for you if He wants me to do it, but that is an event at a time.
My position changed. This is what I am trying to tell you. How do I know my spiritual position changed? How do I know? I know that my spiritual position changed because my physical position changed. I am sorry I should have said it another way. I moved. How do I know that I moved to another place? It is because my condition changed. The move from being ill to being well was not a physical move. It was not even a mental move, it was a spiritual move manifested as a change of condition from illness to health. The door that is opening or at least the commandment has gone forth to open the door for longevity. How do I know that? The Lord brought it forth here I think it is at least two years ago. The minute He says it, all of heaven starts moving to make it a reality. Down here in the physical world, in the material world, it is the last place that reality materializes. It is already a reality in a higher spiritual plane.
We see that a change of position manifests as a change of condition. Do you have it? This is really important. Nothing moves; it is that your condition changes. A judgment has gone forth to the soul realm, not to the personalities, it is like the judgment going to your husband instead of to the wife, the generic soul that has generated us, a judgment went forth, change of position.
How will we know in that change of position is from this third stage of the fall where people live to 100, not many live to 100, that is just the truth, not many live to 90, 93, 94, 95, already you are getting in there, I want to say 100, I will be generous. Generic soul that has generated all of us; it has been decreed that your position shall be changed, you are moving from the condition of humanity on this side of the flood to the condition that humanity was in on the other side of the flood.
How do we know? What is the sign that this change of position has occurred, what is the sign, how do we know? What is the sign of longevity? You have the answer you are just not saying it right. What is the recognizable sign that our spiritual position has changed? What is going to happen to us? Health is just one aspect of it, we will stop aging, exactly, that is what Xxxx just said, you had the right answer, you just did not say it right when you said longevity. The whole thing is we are defining longevity now, so therefore that was not the answer, but in your heart you knew the right answer.
I believe that everybody who the Lord has permitted to study the glorious message that is being preached here, if He has permitted you to continue on and to be part of this, then you have received, your soul has received the instruction and the commandment. Your position has changed, so what are we waiting for? We are waiting for it to materialize as a condition. Our position has already changed. It was at least two or more years ago when the Lord first told me about longevity.
Our position has already changed because the order went forth, the command went forth, but the condition which is the manifestation of the change of position has not materialized yet in anybody that I know of. Is there anybody that does not understand what I am saying?
I never expected to go this direction today so let me try and get back to where I was, we were talking about, does anybody have any questions on this issue right now because I am going back to the three judgments.
The first judgment which is Rosh Hashanah which is a natural, a time in the material world and it is also a spiritual time, and I have given you my testimony several times, how I personally experience Rosh Hashanah before I knew what it was. To be honest with you I do not have a date written down so I do not know whether my experience lined up with an actual day that was the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashanah or not, but I had this dream that I was on this long line that is described in the Zohar, long endless line filing pass the judge who was very high, and I went before the judge, and I heard a voice say, you will live, and I woke up.
I experienced Rosh Hashanah. Again that is the judgment that determines whether life or death will be imputed to you for the next year, death meaning a negative experience, which may or may not include physical death. The second judgment is the judgment that the soul experiences when the physical body dies. Rosh Hashanah is the judgment for the personality, and when the physical body dies the judgment that the soul goes under is called the judgment of the world to come.
The world to come has two sides to it, who remembers the two sides of the world to come? Where are the two places that you can go? It is Gehenna or the Garden of Eden, the positive experience of the judgment of the soul which is analogous to saying life is imputed to the personality, when the physical body dies, the analogous experience is the soul goes to the Garden of Eden, or if on Rosh Hashanah what is imputed to you is death, the analogous experience for the soul upon the death of the body is Gehenna. That is the judgment of the soul. The ultimate end, we will see as the Lord works this in, you do not, you can get out, it is possible to be released from Gehenna or there is a time when the soul dies. It is possible for the soul to die. That soul is the Nephesh, the life that is in this blood, that is a, how do I say this Lord? Let me just leave it at this for now, the soul that is judged, remember we have unlimited roots, unlimited roots, each soul produces unlimited roots. It is a root in you and it is a root in me, a root in you and a root in me. I think I have that right, if not I will fix it later. That soul is judged after the physical body dies. That soul is capable of dying. Does not the Scriptures say, the soul that sins shall die?
This soul, this Nephesh that is in our blood, one of many unlimited souls can die. That is how we can have unlimited souls. We see the first judgment is of the personality, the second judgment is of the soul, the Nephesh, and both of these judgments basically are temporary. I think I jumped the gun by saying the soul can die, the soul can die, but not at this point, I jumped the gun about that. The first judgment is of the personality, the second judgment is of the soul. The personality dies when the physical body dies. The soul goes to Gehenna or the Garden of Eden and reincarnates. Then the third judgment, both of these judgments are temporary, that is my point, I did not get that out, both of these judgments are temporary, the personality dies but the personality is just a leaf that comes up on the tree. It is the soul that either goes to the Garden of Eden or Gehenna. That is a temporary judgment. Why is it is temporary judgment? It is because that soul or that root only had enough energy to produce a body and a personality for what we call a human lifetime. Then it reincarnates. The soul reincarnates, produces a new body and a new personality. That experience in Gehenna, I just got hit with confusion brethren; I am going to try and pull it together again. I do not know what I said a couple of minutes ago.
The judgment of the personality can produce physical death, the judgment of the soul, there is no death at this point, when the physical body dies, you either go the Garden of Eden or you go to Gehenna, and the soul reincarnates. This is what the Lord taught me this morning about the soul that is judged after physical death. The position that the soul finds itself in upon the death of the body is beyond time. There is no time it is in a spiritual plane where there is no time. The soul experiences, that judgment that occurs when the body dies is what condition the soul will be in, in this timeless place? That is why the judgment occurs immediately upon physical death, it must be determined whether the soul will be given over to life in the Garden of Eden or death which can be torment, it does not mean the destruction of the soul, in that it is a condition. What does the soul experience?
We read about the Garden of Eden and I know Lord, maybe, I am calling you lords again, that means I am speaking to Christ in you for those who do not understand what I just said. God only knows I do not have all of the answers but this is my understanding right now. The physical body dies and the soul instantly finds itself in a spiritual plane which is timeless. So for an invisible soul to find itself in a spiritual plane that is timeless, it has to be in one state of being or another, it has to be in life or in heaven, or it has to be in hell and torment. It is in a condition, it is not in a place. The soul has to find itself in a condition instantly after the body dies; it is in a spiritual plane in a particular condition.
I now have an understanding of why there is such a desperate press of which I have perceive for disembodied souls to incarnate. I even asked that question in front of you all, what is so wonderful about incarnation that it is so desirable from disembodied souls? I now understand it, it is that desirable; that urgency to reincarnate comes from the disembodied souls that are in Gehenna. The disembodied souls that are in the Garden of Eden, they experience peace. Whether or not they experience what I have read in some places that they have an experience similar to this one and they go into school and they study in the presence of the Lord all day; whether or not that is true or it is a fantasy, I do not know. I do not think so at this point, but I could easily be wrong. However it is determined, or how or when and where the souls in the Garden of Eden reincarnate, there is no immediate urgency because they are at peace.
The souls that are in a state of being that is torment, they are desperate to reincarnate because the only way out of that disembodied Gehenna, because Gehenna exists on two planes; it exists in a spiritual plane where it is a state of being, and that soul that is in that state of being has the ability to incarnate and then Gehenna is expressed as experienced in this world in the flesh.
That soul that is in Gehenna that is in torment can materialize and then he experiences Gehenna in the flesh. The intense desire and need to incarnate is that the only way out of Gehenna is through the flesh. As long as you are in Gehenna in disembodied form only, there is no way out. You are in continuous torment, I can only guess as to what that torment is like, that it is similar to what people experience down here, mental torment, emotional torment, depressive states. My guess is that since you have no body if you are in Gehenna in the spiritual plane, it cannot be physical pain; it has to be emotional and spiritual pain. For those who have not experienced depression or emotional pain, maybe you cannot comprehend it.
People who are mentally ill and people who experience depression, they will tell you it is more painful than physical pain. Most people that I know would prefer physical pain to depression. Whether or not the condition; Gehenna is a condition, it is a state of being. Whether or not that state of being for the disembodied soul is similar to a form of insanity, it is probably something like that. How would it be decided whether that soul in Gehenna is in a state that can be likened to paranoid schizophrenia or can be in a state we can liken to a mere neurosis which is not serious compared paranoid schizophrenia; everything brethren is based on the sowing and reaping judgment and the righteous law of Jehovah which judges every crime according to the spiritual root of that law that we read about in the Scripture.
I started to teach on this, but this is only the second message that I am teaching about it. It was a week or so ago, it may be the message called Revelation 11, I think it was Revelation 11, where I introduced this concept or the Lord introduced this concept which is an answer to my prayer, saying how is the sowing and reaping judgment determined? Two people steal, one person winds up in jail and another person just gives it back and gets away with it or one gets two taps on his hands and another gets five taps on his hand; how is it determined? The Lord is teaching us that it is based upon the spiritual understanding of the law that is written in the Torah which is the first five books of Moses. It is written in the book of the law. We are not under the law that Israel was under, that is a written rigid law, but the spiritual law that produced the written law of national Israel is viable, just as the Ten Commandments are viable. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not commit murder. That has not been annulled, that law has not been annulled.
That law is expressed in the spiritual understanding of the law that we read in Leviticus, some of it came forth in Exodus. It is repeated through the first five books. Every judgment that falls on somebody is understandable if we have just learned enough to understand it. It is not haphazard. Everything is methodical, everything is logical, every judgment that falls is righteous in its place, considering all of the circumstances. That soul that is in Gehenna, whatever degree of Gehenna he is experiencing, his only way out of that torment is through incarnation, because all judgment is in the flesh, that what read about in one of the books of Peter. All judgment is in the flesh so that we should learn to resist the flesh and live after the Spirit of Life. Your only hope of getting out of this torment, the disembodied soul, the only hope it has of getting out of this torment is incarnation where it would have an opportunity to cry out to God. How does one incarnate? When one is in Gehenna, a disembodied soul in Gehenna, one can cry out, a soul in that condition can cry out to God, and when God has mercy on them, they incarnate and they have the opportunity to serve God and do right, or right whatever wrongs they have done. We have just started this study.
I know very little. Brethren the Scripture says we are to be judges. We are to judge angels, that means we are to judge the spiritual man in people; the righteousness of the situation. I never want to tell you, you have to do something, what I am trying to tell you is if you, to whatever degree we can understand God’s law, the greater the opportunity to minister justice to God’s people. Justice, the ministration of justice is liberating to the person that you minister it to. Brethren, if you see somebody, if you were walking the earth like in the days that Jesus walked the earth and you saw that man by the pool of Siloam and you saw a leper, Jesus did not just say, although that is what the abbreviated Scripture says, He did not just say, okay you are free.
The reason Jesus had the power to say to the man, get up and walk or you are healed or however he helped the man at the pool of Siloam is that Jesus recognized the source of the affliction and dealt with it. That is what we do here, but on a much minor level. Sometimes it takes me a very long time, it has taken me years of being in a relationship with you before the Lord could open my eyes to the spiritual root of the problem that is causing you the problems that you have. It has taken me years. For the people who can hear me when the Lord reveals it to me and I tell you, those who can hear me get delivered and get well. Those who cannot hear me stay the same. Jesus who obviously had more strength than I do, he had the ability to look at that man, or anybody that he healed, he looked right into the root of the spiritual sin that had produced the judgment that put them in that condition.
I do not know what he said to those people. The book is an abbreviation. What we are talking about now is a mystery. In order to be delivered from bondages in this world, permanently delivered, the spiritual root that produced the bondage, the sin in your soul that are probably not even aware of is there, has to be exposed to you so that you can be given the opportunity to renounce it and go in a different direction.
The Scripture says, well Jesus saw somebody had the faith to be healed and he said, be healed, and they were healed. Did it really happen like that? The adulterous woman that he said, go and sin no more; did that commandment over her life materialize in five minutes, or when Jesus said that to her, now go and sin no more, did she now go forth pursuing the same lifestyle that she was pursuing when the Pharisees dragged her to want to stone her but yet with an additional dimension of the Spirit of God moving in her life to teach her and correct her and convict her of her sins and change her. How many years was it until Jesus’ commandment materialized in her life?
The man that he said, pick up your bed and walk, the man was crippled, he picked up his bed and he started walking, was that the end of it? He had the physical miracle first, was all that he got that physical miracle or was there imparted to him a seed that began to correct him and deal with the root that has produced that paralysis that changed his life forever over the next ten or fifteen years? Do you hear what I am saying? This is what has happened in Pentecost. Many people received healing that they lost or they just got sick with something else. Why? It is because of a root of sin that produced the destruction called death. All destruction is unto death.
What good is just healing somebody’s body? You need to get the seed with the healing that will change your soul. Our soul changes when we are convicted of sin. We do not know what happened to the people that Jesus healed. They could have been under judgment for the next 20 years. They got their physical healing and the judgment of their personality and the judgment of their soul that produced the disease began with the physical healing. The physical infirmity is just a condition which is the materialization of your spiritual position.
I think we have we have made Rosh Hashanah pretty clear. The judgment of the soul after physical death, that is a little more complicated. Are there any questions on this issue, the judgment of the soul that produced the physical body and the personality? When the physical body dies, the personality dies unless it is kept alive by the Spirit of Life, we are talking about the average person.
The third judgment is the true judgment. I told you the first two are temporary, the personality dies because the soul will just generate another personality. The soul is under judgment because the soul is eternal, eternal for this age; some of those souls will die. Some of the unlimited number of roots will die. The 600,000 souls that Adam broke into when he died, they are eternal. You can think of those 600,000 souls as trees, every root that a tree produces is not eternal, I told you. You can chop up these roots that are breaking up my patio, the tree will not die, the roots are not eternal, and they are unlimited as long as the life of the tree produces more, but the roots, the unlimited roots can die.
That is the soul, and unlimited sparks can die. I am not sure if the spark is the personality and the body or not, I am not sure of that right now but that is what, unless the Lord shows me something different that is what it is looking like, that the spark has two sides to it, two sides, the palm of my hand, and the back of my hand, the physical body, the personality, if hear something else I will tell you about that.
They are both temporary. The personality dies, the soul changes, may change position but it does not have to. If the personality, if the soul is in a condition of wickedness, what does that mean? The personality and physical body that he is manifested as is an evil person. That means that soul is wicked and manifesting his wickedness through the personality, then the chances are excellent, and we are going to talk more about this, how this works, that at the moment of physical death, the condition that he finds himself in is the same wicked condition, it is the same wickedness, has that condition who is producing a wicked personality, does that not make sense?
The person who is doing good in this life that was overall by the conditions of this world a good person in this world, doing good deeds, helping other people, it is really, you know you can really reduce this to absolutes, the selfish person is an evil person, the generous person is a good person. Then there are all degrees of this. Selfishness means that you turn inward and the more inward that you turn in, the harder and the crueler you are to other people.
There are two foundational conditions and many, many degrees of each of them. Evil manifests as selfishness, self-love, and good manifests as selflessness, a sacrificial life, that is what Jesus taught us about, he said, do good. Is your eternal salvation based upon your good deeds? No, our eternal salvation is based upon our relationship and union with the Lord Jesus Christ. What happens in this life to the personality and what happens to the soul which generated you which is an aspect of yourself of course, after physical death is based upon doing good or doing evil, and the balance of the two? Those are the first two judgments.
What we are going to find out is that the variety of doctrines that are preached, they are all true, in their place, even eternal torment, in its place is true. There is a place for it. Where is the place for eternal torment? Eternal torment is condition, it is a condition that a soul may enter into until the third judgment. The third judgment is that great day that the prophets talk about. That great and mighty, that fearsome day of the Lord, that is the judgment that determines whether or not you go into the world to come, or this soul is annihilated.
The first two judgments are temporary because the great judgment that determines whether or not we enter into the world to come which is at the time of the resurrection, until the time of the resurrection there has to be justice. God is a God of laws, this world is a world of laws. Until the great judgment which is at the time of the resurrection of the dead. There has to be a temporary judgment of the personality and of the soul root that is generating you. When that great day comes at the time of the resurrection of the dead, when it is determined who will enter in to the world to come and who will not, at that time, the soul that does not enter in and the personality that does not enter in dies.
Up until that point, when we are talking about Gehenna or the Garden of Eden, there is eternal torment. This is eternal torment. The soul that continues to reincarnate and have pain in this life, this is eternal torment, it is a temporary condition. Can you hear this, it is eternal torment in a state of potential. I am going to tell you about something that I do not have the answer to, maybe the answer will come. What happens after the resurrection of the dead and every soul, every root, all of the 600,000 souls of Adam will be rectified one way or another. All of the unlimited roots that he produced will either go with him and be rectified or die. Those are the unlimited roots, the 600,000 souls will all be rectified. There are two thoughts crossing in my mind. The reason they will be rectified, the reason the 600,000 souls have to be rectified is because this 600,000 souls, they are really Adam who was a collective consciousness. The name Adam is a collective consciousness just like all of the cells of my body are under the authority of my brain. The 600,000 souls that Adam broke into were the cells of his body, but when his brain failed he lost the level of consciousness that by which he ruled over his whole body. It is like someone who becomes quadriplegic. The brain and the whole nervous system which includes the spinal column loses its power to rule over its garment. When Adam sinned, he lost the power to rule over his whole self. His whole self, consisted of 600,000 souls which then each took on an individual existence because he could not hold them together. Those 600,000 souls must be rectified because they are Adam. For Adam to be raised from the dead, all 600,000 souls have to be rectified. All of the roots sent forth by those souls do not have to be rectified. Is everybody okay?
At the third judgment it will be determined which roots and their personalities will go on into the world to come, and eternal life. Those who do not qualify to go on to eternal life in the world to come, those roots will die. As far as the personality goes, it is only the personality that exists at the time that the root is granted permission to enter into the world to come that survives. All of the other personalities die like leaves on a tree, only the last personality enters in. Our true reality is the soul that we are, but we are so carnal that we do not see that. We think we are the personality, but we are not, we are very carnal, that is all that we are.
To get back to, I stopped, my train of thought to explain to you that Adam’s collective consciousness; that is why I asked the Lord to help me to get back to where I was, where was I? I was saying that, I do not know, but basically I was talking about the third judgment, oh yes we were talking about eternal torment. Here is the question that I have before the Lord. Eternal torment, this is what I know so far; eternal torment is a condition, it is not a place that you can travel to, it is a condition that the soul can experience. Is everybody okay? What happens after the world to come comes to the earth, because the world to come exists in the high realm of the spirit. What is happening is it is coming to the earth. It is coming to the earth, the place to which Adam has fallen.
All of the roots that are in the, of the souls of Adam’s 600,000 souls are here in the earth, and either they are going to go into the world to come which is a state of being, it is a condition, the world to come is a condition of soul that will materialize as an experience for the soul and as a particular outer garment for the soul. At the time of the great judgment, every root that is now reincarnating on the circle of the earth will either experience a change of spiritual position into the world to come which will result in a change of experience from death unto life, and all of the souls or roots, I should not say souls, all of the other roots will die. What will happen to eternal torment? If all of the roots that do not make it die, and all of the other roots are in the world to come, what happens to eternal torment? Here is my question, does it cease to exist or does it remain forever as a potential state.
I have heard it taught, I think years ago I heard it taught that Gehenna, and of course this is from a deliverance stance, from a Christian deliverance point of view, Gehenna means the fire that burns, and it burns up sin. When there is no more sin, the fire goes out. Does eternal torment go out? Does it cease to exist? All of the roots that are in the earth are either in the world to come or dead, and we are told that the one that is saving us, the one that is responsible for all of the roots being rectified is a part of the rectified Adam, that he can never die again, so once we are a part of him that means we can never die again. I do not want to be naïve brethren, I do not know. Even Paul said, we do not know what we are going to be doing or what our existence will be like or what the plans of the Ayn Sof are after Adam appears in the state of being that he was intended to be in from the beginning. I do not know. I have no idea, God is infinite. Adam Kadmon is infinite.
Will he produce another child? We are all the sons of God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Will he have another child? I do not know. Will eternal torment cease to exist as a potential, or will it shut down and fade away. Will is shut down and fade away and never rise again? Will is shut down and fade away with the potential to rise up again when sin appears? I do not know, but it is a good exercise to think about all of these things. I do not possibly know without at least having a clue as to what the Ayn Sof’s potential for us, what His plans for us to be after we become rectified as a part of the collective consciousness of Adam. What will be Adam’s experience? All I know is he is supposed to rule over all of the worlds. What does that mean for me? I do not know. If you do not ask questions, you do not get any answers, and it is just a good exercise for your brain.
I have introduced you all to the three judgments and we are pretty much finding that every doctrine that I have heard preached in the church is valid in its place, but the tendency of the preaching that I have heard is to make the doctrine that any one particular preacher perceives in his mind, it is preached as if that is the only doctrine, eternal torment, that is the end of everything. Harold Camping is preaching a total annihilation for the whole world; that is the end of everybody if you are not raptured. There is an annihilation of the roots that are not translated into the world to come at the time of the resurrection of the dead.
There is an eternal torment for the souls that are experiencing judgment in that temporary state before the resurrection of the dead. From now on every time we hear something that does not sound familiar or does not sound right, we really should be asking the Lord, is that true, is that true from a perspective or from a point in time that I cannot relate to right now. Maybe it is true in a different state of being, a different condition. We are not moving, our state of being changes, and our state of being produces an experience and an environment in which we live and exist.
The most profound change of position available to men today is a position of being cut off from God, to a position of being attached to God. Only He can attach Himself to us so there is nothing we can do, but when He attaches Himself to us we change. Our condition changes, our position changes, because now He is attached to us and everything changes. We have natural examples in life. Marriage is the most significant one, you are single, you are young when you get married, you are living with your parents, maybe they are spoiling you rotten, and you get married, the happiest day in your life, and then all of a sudden you face life. You have to get along with another person, pregnancy, financial problems, everything, you are completely changed, your life has completely changed, only in this world you move, you move out of your parent’s house, well at least most of the time, you move into your own home and you start your own life.
Spiritually speaking when our husband comes and joins Himself to us, in this world we are in the same body, sometimes He moves our position to another part of the world but that is only one of the changes which is an outgrowth of our change of position. The initial or original change of position is in our state of being. We are single, and then we are married, and the materialization, the expression of our spiritual condition can materialize in a variety of ways. I did not materially move, I moved here because my parents died and I had to do something with the house and the Lord told me to move in, but that would have happened, nothing would have happened if I was not with the Lord, but basically, I mean He did not send me to the other side of the world, I am right where I was. My spiritual position has changed and it has materialized as a change, a radical change of mind, a radical change in my personality and a radical change of my physical health which was about to kick off, I was about to leave this world.
What changed is my spiritual position through that union. I guess this was my introduction, these are the three judgments. Are there any questions about the three judgments, does anybody not understand the three judgments, generally what they are?
Brethren, we are going to be starting with the Zohar rather than Gate of Rewards. This is page three of your notes, not page three from the book but page three from your notes. I copied the whole passage for you, but the first couple of sentences, we will not be commenting on the first couple of sentences but rather than pick up in the middle of an idea, I copied the whole passage, so I will read those first couple of sentences to you.
Rabbi Isaac discoursed on the verse and the dust returneth to the earth as it was, and the spirit returneth unto God who gave it, and that is Ecclesiastes 12:7, and those Scriptures I do not have for you, I just copied the Scriptures from the book not from the Zohar. And the spirit returneth, I did not think I would be doing this today, and the spirit returneth unto God who gave it, that is Ecclesiastes 12:7, if you would like to check out that Scripture. He said, when the holy one blessed be He created Adam, He took his dust from the side of the temple, and built his body out of the four corners of the world, all of which contributed to his formation. After that He poured over him the spirit of life, as it says, He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, Genesis 2:7. This is where our study begins. Adam then arose and realized that he was both heaven and earth. Brethren that is the whole source of the human problem, that Adam was heaven and earth and the earth and the nature of the earth overtook the nature, his heavenly nature, Adam’s earthen nature overtook his heavenly nature, and when our earthen nature overtakes our heavenly nature, only disaster can come from it.
The earthen nature is stronger than the heavenly nature, therefore the Lord does everything He can to instruct us to strengthen our heavenly nature, but more often than not, I cannot say all of the time, but more often than not, the instruction that strengthens our heavenly nature, is not strong enough to give us dominion, to give us a continuing dominion over our earthen nature. Therefore the Lord punishes our earthen nature, so that we can live in the third and final judgment. Therefore we see, and I do not think we will get to it today, the mystery of the wicked prospering in this world, and it is this principle that Nachmanides addresses in the passages of his book, the Gate of Rewards that we will be dealing with today.
Actually I struggled over whether or not to name the message the three judgments or the mystery of the prosperous wicked, I may even change it, I do not know, but for now it is the three judgments. This is the root of our problem, and this brethren is the root of God’s motive for judgment; to punish our earthen side so that we should live out of our heavenly side. Let me say it again, I wish, I wish, I wish, that instruction to our righteous side would be enough to make us righteous, but it is not, we must use our righteous side to punish our earthen side, and if we are not strong enough to do it or if we choose not to do it, or if we are ignorant and do not know that we are supposed to do it, do what? We are to police and punish our earthen side. Our Father in heaven will punish our earthen side so that our heavenly side can live in the world to come. This is the Genesis of all punishment. The Jewish sages teach that God is only dealing with Israel, but we know today that, that is not true. Messiah has been resurrected, the resurrected life of the Lord Jesus Christ is fully able to possess a member of any nation, not only an Israelite and this is what is happening, the Lord Jesus Christ representing the Primordial Adam to us, the Adam to whom was commanded to go forth and multiply, the Lord Jesus Christ is fully equipped to possess any and all human beings on the face of the earth, He is capable of doing it, and this is what salvation is, it is possession by the righteous Spirit of God through the Lord Jesus Christ, it is complete possession, that is what it is. We know today about the Israel of God. we know that the Lord Jesus Christ is fully equipped to possess all human beings, Israelites or not Israelites, we also know I hope that all human beings will not respond to the invitation of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be married to Him, and therefore the roots of some souls will die, roots will die and personalities will die, but the original 600,000 souls that Adam when he was righteous was holding together under his dominion and authority, under the dominion and authority of the righteous mind within him, broke their bands. We read about that in the Psalms, Why do the heathen rage? They broke their control the righteous spirit of Adam had over them, and therefore he broke into 600,000 pieces because he lost his authority.
I have been telling you for years, I know that everyone including me, they really cannot understand things unless they experience them, but I am telling you so that when it happens to you, maybe you will think of this; when God gives you authority, you better not give it away, because once you give it away, it is hell getting it back, and the people, and it is people brethren, people that maybe they do not know they are doing anything wrong, but it is all about people, conscious, subconscious, unconscious, whatever, when you have God given authority, and their fallen nature pummels you and you give that authority away, whether they know what they are doing or not, whoever it is that you have yielded to will take authority over you in an ungodly way and you will find yourself in a hellish ungodly soul tie until the Lord delivers you.
Once God gives you authority, do not give it away, or you will pay the price getting it back, and if you do not get it back, you will pay the price, you will be in bondage, not only to that person, there will be no place for you to run, if you run from that person who is exercising an ungodly authority over you, wherever you go you will find someone with the same spirit victimizing you.
I am telling you the truth. Adam the first man, he had a righteous consciousness from God and he was commanded to rule over his earthen part which consisted of many consciousnesses, 600,000. Is that a round number? His mind, the strength of the spirit of righteousness in him lost control over the 600,000 parts that were created and intended to be ruled over. We will call them spiritual women and spiritual children in comparison to the whole consciousness which are the consciousness of the whole man. When these 600,000 parts were liberated from the consciousness of the whole, they started to rule and they were unequipped to rule, and that is why the Scripture says woe is the people that are ruled by women and children, because disaster and destruction comes upon you.
This was Adam’s condition, and it is our condition. The only difference between Adam who fell which is the female Adam who fell and us is the female Adam, he was righteous, it was not a she it was a he, but it was a materialization of Adam that was female to the higher expression who was male. You should all know what that means.
The Adam who fell was male to us, is male to us but female to the principalities above him. The only difference between his condition and our condition which is a serious difference is that he fell from righteousness. He had imputed righteousness. When the creator put him in the garden, when Jehovah put him in the garden, he had dominion. He came into being. Adam woke up, the Zohar says he woke up and he found himself, just like a new born baby being born, he woke up and found himself in full control over the 600,000 parts of himself, that were clamoring at him to not rule over them. The Lord said rule and he failed, he was seduced and of course the Scripture says the woman was seduced because in his female mind he fell down.
The difference is that he started out standing up, he started out with dominion over his earthen side, and we are born under the dominion of our earthen side. We have natural parents who are supposed to be teaching us, at least how to live righteously in this world, but we all know here I think that everybody’s parents do not always do the right thing. Some of us go up more equipped to cope with the world than others, but relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is the great equalizer, He will help us, and if we are willing to learn, He will help us greatly. He will only help us to the extent of our willingness to learn, that is just the truth. This is our condition.
Jehovah poured over him the spirit of life and it says and He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Adam then arose, he stood up and he realized that he was both of heaven and earth, and so he initially made the right choice, he united himself to the divine and was endowed with mystic wisdom. We see that Adam initially ruled over his earthen side, he succeeded because his first choice was to unite himself with the divine.
It was when he listened to the call of the Serpent, he did not realize that as he turned towards the Serpent, he departed from the divine. Brethren we are in the same state, mankind will not believe it but it is the truth. Either you are joined to the Lord Jesus or you are joined to the god of this world. We do not exist without a god. We are just the outer shell, we are the horse, and we are the ox. Everybody has a god, whether they recognize him or not, everybody has a god within, and the one that you are joined to determines which side of you rules your life.
The ignorance of fallen man just never ceases to amaze me, it should not amaze me anymore but it just does. All of the people in this country today that think they are going to lay hold of the prosperity that was given to the United States of America by the Lord Jesus Christ and they think they are going to give it to other nations that worship idols. Brethren it will be air in their hand. You cannot take the prosperity of this nation which was given by God and give it to people who do not honor God. It cannot be done.
Where do they think this prosperity came from? I do not think they are thinking, they are just jealous! It makes no sense except that they are ignorant. Worship the one true God and you will have it too. Although this prosperity today has come after generations of serving the one true God, but even so start now, it makes no sense. Cain and the Serpent’s household is irrational.
This is the human condition brethren, we are good and evil, we are heaven and earth and we must choose who we will be married to, the divine consciousness through the Lord Jesus Christ or the earthen consciousness through the principalities of this world, the gods of this world. It says here that Adam knew what he was doing, he understood his choice and he chose the divine. Each son of man is after the same model, a composite of the heavenly and the earthly. All of those who know how to sanctify themselves in the right manner in this world when they begat a son, cause the Holy Spirit to be drawn upon him from the region where all sanctities emerge. What that means is that when we have a child, the soul that comes into the child can come from either the heavenly side or the earthly side.
What it means is those who know how to sanctify themselves according to the Zohar, you have to be Jewish and it is according to the law. We know that we are sanctified by the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not really the message today, this is working up to the message today but I will just comment on it briefly, that illegitimate birth, conception outside of marriage automatically draws down a soul from the earthen side. What does that mean? It means the child could be born with rebellion or you know some children are no trouble at all, and other children are troublesome for their parents. It depends on where their soul comes from. Anyway that is what it means but it is not today’s message.
Such are called the children of the holy one and as their bodies were formed in sanctity so were they given a spirit from the supernal holy region. Actually what I think the Zohar is saying here is that getting back to our studies on the soul brethren is that if you are in right relationship, I am going to put it from this point of view of the Lord Jesus, if you are in right relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and the act of intercourse that produces the child is in a godly acceptable manner to the Lord, you can be forcing your wife, a man cannot be forcing his wife; I do not care if you are married if you force your wife, the conditions are not optimal for the best possible opportunity for your child to be born with the best possible soul if that is the right word or condition for birth.
It is not just a manner of being married, it is the whole emotional situation that sanctifies the whole act. I do not know that I could find it in the Scripture but I know the Jewish laws and I know that I had it my heart before I ever heard this is that even if you are married, the man has to woo his wife. She is not your prostitute, your wife is not your prostitute.
A lot of men think they are married and that everything is theirs, and they do not have to be kind to their wives, this is completely incorrect. Sexual intercourse with your wife when you are forcing her or making her feel obligated and she really does not want it, is not acceptable to God. You have to treat your wife in a manner that results in her desiring you. It is no different than before you got married, you are supposed to make her desire you by the way you treat her. Your husband finally learned that lesson after how many years? Some men take a long time to learn, some men never learn. Blessed is the young man that hears this before he gets married when he is still a youth, a youthful husband.
What it is really saying here is that when they begat a son, cause the Holy Spirit to be drawn upon him from the region where all sanctities emerge, that means that, that conception will be a spark of the rectified Adam, that conception will result in a transmigration, not a reincarnation. Just to review for your, reincarnation will be a child born from a male and a female seed, let me start another way. In order to have a human conception, you need to have a spiritual conception, and the spiritual conception is between a spark of the fallen Adam or now I would have to say a root from the fallen Adam, I may have that mixed up right now but I think you have the general idea. I may have my words not right at this point. I am going to say a root of the fallen Adam having a spiritual marriage with the soul; that is with the Nephesh that is in the earth. That is the ideal conception that we want for our offspring.
If we do not have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ or if you are a natural Jew practicing the law and you happen to be hearing this message, if you are natural Jew and you are practicing the law, I do not know what to say about that, but I guess you hope and I would hope with you that the spiritual intercourse, the act of spiritual intercourse that is coexisting if that is the right word, or that takes place simultaneously, that is the word, with your physical intercourse with draw down a spirit or soul from the region when all sanctities emerge, that the fetus or the zygote that comes forth will not be the result of that which is incarnating on the circle of the earth only.
Remember that, that which is incarnating on the circle of the earth is the Nephesh and the Ruach, which is female, but they were also roots of the fallen Adam. There are two categories of sparks or the word may be root, the root or spark, I think I taught it as sparks but I think the word should be roots, there are two categories of roots of Adam that are incarnating right now. Does anybody remember what those categories are? One category are the roots coming from the rectified which is the Lord Jesus Christ, the other category of roots, I have said sparks in previous messages, I now believe it is a root, the other category of roots is from the fallen Adam.
We see the fallen Adam is trying to incarnate, and impregnate spiritual offspring that will born as human offspring and the rectified Adam is doing the same thing. The first Adam and the last Adam are both bringing forth human beings into the earth. Are you all okay, are you following me? We see the fallen Adam and the rectified Adam are both incarnating in the earth. Ideally we will have a root from the rectified Adam joining with our genetic potential to reproduce the transmigrating, I guess I should continue to say sparks, that is what I have said in previous messages, the transmigrating sparks coming from the supernal worlds entering into the sperm and the egg that are joining so that you are producing a spiritual child, but it does not have to be that way.
Some people who are born just because; there are four different reasons that people are born; sometimes people just have sex and they get pregnant, sometimes people want a baby and they just have sex, sometimes and then the woman becomes pregnant, and sometimes the conception is desired by the Lord Jesus Christ and sometimes the conception is desired by a principality from a higher realm that is not rectified. There are four different reasons that a woman can conceive.
The category of conceptions that take place because either they are planned and it is just the two carnal people that decided to have a baby, not that there is anything wrong with that you understand, two people that do not have a relationship with God, two carnal people, you could have a relationship with God but you just do it on your own, you plan to have a baby and you get pregnant, or sometimes you just have sex and you get pregnant, that Nephesh that is coming from the union of the egg and the sperm, there has to be a spiritual male seed there for the baby to come forth and for a soul and a personality to be produced there.
You cannot just take the male sperm and the female egg, there has to be a spiritual dimension for the child to come forth. The reality is that this male spark, this male spark, I have not preached this in a while and I just want to tell you something that I left out, the Nephesh and the Ruach which come from the female egg and the male sperm, these are elements of Malkhut the female. The transmigrating spark are male to the Nephesh and the Ruach. Do you have that? We see the Scripture in Genesis where the sons of God looked upon the daughters of men and took wives of many of them. I cannot repeat all of the teaching but basically what I am trying to remind you of is that there are many male sparks that are trapped down here on the circle of the earth because the transmigrating sparks that are not anchored in the higher realms, you see Jesus is our anchor. When a spark from the Lord Jesus Christ transmigrates, he is anchored, whether he transmigrates in a fetus or whether he is joining himself by ibur to one of us because we are all ibur, he is grafted to us after we were born. The Lord Jesus is our anchor in the supernal realms. What does that mean? It means that the male that has joined himself to us is supposed to be pulling us out of this hole that we are in, but if you have a male in you that is not anchored in the supernal realms, the gravity down here will swallow up the male and capture him.
We see the spiritual element of this world that is reincarnating on the circle of the earth contains many sparks of the fallen Adam that were captured by the female that they entered into because they misjudged the strength of the gravity of the female and they were not anchored in the supernal realms because they were fallen, so they fell down into the female which is likened to black hole.
We have travelling around the circle of the earth, the Nephesh which is the blood and the Ruach which is the oxygen in the blood, and we also have male sparks. Those three elements can produce a child without the male spark transmigrating from above because it is already trapped down here, it is a fallen spark, a spark of the fallen Adam that was trapped down here. The sons of God looked upon the daughters of men and took of them as many wives as they chose, and got trapped down here, just like Samson got trapped by Delilah which is just an analogy.
We see travelling in the spiritual sphere that is next to the earth are many sparks of the fallen Adam that are unrectified, they are not attached to the supernal realms, and they are down here, they are stuck down here with the female because they tried to transmigrate, they tried to join themselves to the female and the female overtook them.
It is like a man who married a woman determined or a male who married a woman determined to rule righteously over his family and he was overtaken by his wife. Brethren that is not uncommon in our society today. I just witnessed it the other day, it is not pretty to behold. What am I saying? It is possible for two people to have sexual intercourse and produce a child without a transmigrating spark from a higher world entering into that union of the sperm and the egg. What I am saying is the union or the sperm and an egg cannot produce a child alone, there has to be a spiritual dimension called soul. That spiritual dimension is supposed to come from a transmigrating spark coming from a higher spiritual world, but that only happens, a transmigrating spark only joins with the sperm and the egg to form a complete fetus including a soul, a human body, a personality and a soul, that only happens when a transmigrating spark chooses to join with that union of the egg and the sperm, it has to be a simultaneous spiritual and physical event.
Look at it this way, if it is the Lord Jesus Christ calling forth a human being in to the earth which would always be for His own purposes, he would have a transmigrating spark, a spark of Himself, a rectified spark that is anchored in the supernal worlds that cannot be pulled down, that cannot be overtaken by the Nephesh and the Ruach that, that spark is entering into, He will move upon the husband and wife to enter into the act, because it will be generated, it will be initiated through the spiritual realms by the Lord Jesus Christ who has a spark of his own rectified soul ready to enter into that union of that sperm and egg so that it would be, so that the soul of that child would be from the rectified Adam which is the glorified Lord Jesus Christ. In that event it always would be the Lord Jesus that initiates the act that lays it upon the heart of the man and woman to make love.
On the other hand, we have a body of unrectified sparks of the fallen Adam, of sparks of the fallen Adam that have not been rectified yet that are not trapped in this world, they exists somewhere in the supernal realms but they are not anchored in the supernal worlds because they are fallen. That is the definition of fallen, you are cut off from the supernal realms. These sparks are evil, the sparks of the fallen Adam that are not rectified are evil; they are evil principalities.
We heard a testimony, I know it was here in the ministry, it was available for everybody, I think actually Xxxx and I were the only watched this DVD about a man, he was a practicing witch, a very high witch, who had repented and he had a deliverance ministry and this was his testimony, he now has a Christian deliverance ministry and I believe that he is of God, but his ministry is to witches. This is his testimony that he was a boy, he went out on Halloween one night trick or treating, and he was taken by some high principality and it was a whole testimony, and that was how he began to be initiated into witchcraft and he went pretty high. He was exercising a lot of spiritual power as a witch when the Lord saved him.
How did that happen, he went out on Halloween, and I do not have time to repeat the testimony, I have the DVDs here, if you want to listen to it, talk me about it, I do not recommend it. The reason that I do not recommend it is that the level of spirituality in Christ that we are manifesting out of this ministry, I think what happened to me was, I only listened to the first DVD because I felt it was pulling me down and I never listened to the rest of them.
When you are in deliverance, when you are on that level, what level are you when you are in deliverance? Christ is not grafted to you yet. Old order deliverance is a manifestation or is a ministry that God gives to men that have the Holy Spirit, and then you can listen to something like that, because you are being delivered from that, but somehow once Christ was grafted to me, listening to a testimony like that… I do not recommend that you listen to the DVD because the level we are preaching at to Christ through Christ, I think it would tear you down, I do not recommend that you listen to anything that is involved with witchcraft. Does anybody not know what I am talking about? You are all just looking at me. When I was in old order deliverance or even in the early years of preaching here I could listen to a message like that, I cannot listen to it today, it hurts Christ in me.
You can become, this is what I told you so far, to conceive a child you need a male sperm and a female egg, that produces the body, the physical body of the baby, but you need a spiritual dimension which produces the soul of the body, and the soul joins with the physical body and produces the personality. The question is where does the baby’s soul come from, does it come from the rectified Jesus Christ, if it does He has initiated this act of sexual intercourse between the husband and wife. It could also come from a fallen spark, from a spark of the fallen Adam that is doing the same thing that the rectified Adam is doing. They are both doing the same thing, they are both the sons of God descending in to the earth, and looking upon the daughters of men, and taking all that they choose. What does that mean? They are joining into the zygote that is coming from acts of sexual intercourse between men and women. My whole point of telling you about this preacher being initiated on Halloween, for him to be taken like that, I guess I did not make my point, for him to be taken like that, he had to in my opinion had to have been the product, this young man had to have been the product of a transmigrating spark of the fallen Adam, who succeeded in penetrating into that zygote, the zygote which is the union between the egg and the sperm becomes a zygote, and for the baby to be born whole, you need a spiritual dimension.
Maybe that is what autism, well there are all different degrees of autism, some babies cannot relate to you at all, they are like lost, it is like they have no soul. Maybe they have no soul; maybe that is what happens, either a soul did not enter in or it was a corrupt transmigrating spark. To have a healthy normal child, you need a male seed and a female seed in the natural, from a man and a woman, and you need a spiritual seed which produces the soul of the child. There are three options that you have, the Lord Jesus Christ can provide His transmigrating seed, and you have great potential for your child because that soul comes out of this, this is what it says here, the region drawn down from the region from whence all sanctities emerge, that spark from above that is going to produce the soul in your child, comes from the Lord Jesus Christ, or there can be a spark, and that soul is anchored in the supernal realms, what does that mean? It will not be overcome by the earth, the earth will not swallow it up in the black hole because it has a line, hanging from the line that anchored in Adam Kadmon, and it can always be pulled out.
Or, the soul from your child can come from a spark of the unrectified Adam which is not anchored in the supernal realms. This is what I believe happened to that man, he was an incarnation of one of those sparks that came looking for him and took him as a young man, that Halloween, and made a great witch out of him, a powerful witch and vampire, he was actually drinking human blood. Or, the third option is, that, that which supplies the soul to your child is a spark of the fallen Adam which has been captured, which has been previously captured from a previously attempted incarnation, somewhere in the past, a spark of the unrectified Adam joined himself to this realm in an attempt to incarnate and instead of ruling over the female personality and body, this male spark because it was not anchored in the supernal realms was overtaken by the body and the personality and failed to raise the personality that it was born as a part of into the higher supernal realms.
The desire and the intention of a transmigrating spark is to raise the personality and the body up into the higher realms. Listen, this transmigrating spark is taking on a garment, the baby that is being born in you is a garment; it is a disembodied soul that wants a garment. His intention is to give eternal life to his body and his personality. The transmigrating spark of the fallen Adam that is not anchored in the higher realms was not strong enough to pull the personality and the body up out of this realm. How do you pull it up out of this realm? You give them eternal life. The transmigrating spark failed to impart eternal life to the body and the personality that was born and he was trapped, that spark was trapped down here on the reincarnation of the circle of the earth because he could not get back up again.
The soul of your child that is being born can come from one of those sparks of the fallen Adam that is trapped down here. A baby that is born because people who have sex and the woman gets pregnant and it is not intended, or the child that is conceived and born because a man and a woman, even if they intend to get pregnant if it is not the will of either the Lord Jesus Christ who is sending a spark of His soul to be the soul of the baby, or unless it is a spark of the fallen Adam who is sending a spark of his soul to create a witch, then it is one of the male souls, one of the sparks of fallen Adam that is already trapped down here that is the spiritual dimension of your child. Is everybody okay? There are three possibilities of who is providing the soul of your child. Are there any questions?
That is what the Zohar means when it says; those who know how to sanctify themselves. If you are under the law, you are sanctified by the law, but if you are not under the law but you are in submission to the Lord Jesus, you are sanctified by the Lord Jesus. I do not think Christ has to be grafted to you to satisfy this, because even if you have, well I do not want to get into that now, I do not know if that is even true, I should not have said that, I am getting in way over my head. I am not getting in over my head, but I have not even entered into the message yet, and all of this is review so you can know what I am talking about.
I think that I have to, let me just clarify what I just said because initially it was not correct. I was saying I do not even think Christ needs to be grafted to you for this to manifest in your life, but I think He does have to be grafted to you because to say that the soul will be drawn from the region where all sanctities emerge, well what is the region from where all sanctities emerge? It is Christ in you, it is Christ in you involved in that act of conception.
If Christ in you moved upon the couple, and a conception takes place, your soul comes from Christ in you. If Christ is not in you and, there are some people that have an evil child. We are pregnant with Christ, there are people in this world that have a spiritual child that is not Christ. That is how the soul of the fallen Adam is given to your child, if you have a spiritual child that is not Christ, an active spiritual child ruling in your life or influencing your life.
The third option, is that you do not have either child, and it is some fallen soul which is weak, a fallen spark that is travelling in your genes that is weak, spiritually weak. If your child, if the soul of your child comes from Christ in you, He is going to have signs of spirituality, strong spirituality at a young age. If the soul of your child comes from an evil child within you he will probably be much more spiritual than the Christ child was at a very young age, because the powers of this world are stronger, and if the soul of your child is provided by a captured spark of the fallen Adam that is captured down here in your genes, that it is not coming from a spiritual child within you, your child will probably be weak spiritually because the soul is generated by a spark that is in slavery.
Those who know how to sanctify themselves in the right manner in the world, when they begat a son, see this is what threw me off, caused the holy spirit, this is not the Holy Spirit that is in the church, this is what we would call the spirit of Christ, when they begat a son cause the holy or the Spirit of Christ to be drawn upon him, from Christ in you, the region where all sanctities emerge.
Christ in you is the region where all sanctities emerge. If you are a practicing Jew, if you are keeping the law, you have an imputed Christ in you, and that is the place from where all sanctities emerge. Such are called the children of the holy one. That is talking about the soul, the soul that is imparted to your child, is one the children of the holy one; and their bodies, their physical bodies were formed in sanctity so they are given a spirit from the supernal holy region.
I am really not prepared to go into the difference between the spirit and the soul right now, in this context. Observe that the day on which a man is about to, although the Lord just said it is basically the same thing that I just spent a half an hour reviewing and explaining to you, both the soul and the spirit will come, the spirit being the breath will come from the Christ within you or from the evil child within you, or from and overcome the spark within you, it will produce a spiritually weak child.
Observe that the day on which a man is about to, okay this is where we start getting into what this message is about, observe that the day on which a man is about to depart from this world as a day of reckoning when the body and the soul in combination have to give an account of their works. That is talking about the second judgment. This body and this soul gives an account of their works and it’s determined whether they will go to the Garden of Eden or to Gehenna.
What the Zohar is talking about here, remember that all of Jewish writings when they talk about the body, they are not just talking about the physical body, they are talking about the physical body, they are talking about the personality, they are talking about the force within the body which is Satan, and all of the principalities which include Leviathan and Cain within the body.
When the Jewish writings talk about the body they are talking about that whole package. There is a soul that goes with the body, and it is a Nephesh, but this soul when it says the soul will have to give an account, the soul and the body, they are talking about the holy soul or the additional soul that was given to the child. That is interesting, I did not understand it that way. Let me just tell you what the Lord just told me.
When the soul comes from Christ within you; that is additional soul. Let me start again. The male and female seed almost always includes a fallen spark that is in slavery, a fallen spark of Adam that descended into this world to take a wife of a human being but was captured by the gravity down here. In the current state of the fall, just about every child that is conceived has that soul which is the Nephesh which is in a state of slavery. When you have the Christ in you, the child receives the additional soul which we call the Neshamah, and then you have a spiritual child because they are born with a Neshamah in addition to the life of the flesh that is in the blood which is the fallen spark that is enslaved. Are you okay, are you following me?
When a man physically dies, and the same thing, if there is an evil child in the parent, then that child that is being born receives an additional soul on the evil side, and is born with evils powers. We are beginning to see it in our world. The state of our government is the fruit of evil powers in human beings.
When the physical body dies, the body has to give an account of its deeds, and that body includes the Nephesh and the Ruach, and the personality and if it has a Neshamah from the evil side that is all considered the body. Then the additional soul, this Zohar is assuming that every Jew has received an additional soul; that is what it is assuming; so the soul is judged and the body is judged. It is just another way of saying it, the Nephesh is judged and the Neshamah is judged.
What I told you earlier in this message is that the 600,000 souls that Adam broke down into, they will all be rectified because they are him; so to say that Adam’s is raised from the dead, merely implies that all 600,000 parts of him will be restored. It is the unlimited number of roots that those parts of him generated when he was fallen that may or may not be restored. Let me say that again. All 600,000 parts of Adam that Adam broke into when the collective consciousness broke up, all of those 600,000 parts must be rectified, because the Scripture says Adam will be raised from the dead, that means all of his parts have to be restored, but while he was fallen, these 600,000 souls, these 600,000 parts of Adam produced illegitimate children, they produced an unlimited number of roots, many if not all of which were illegal, and many of which were evil, maybe some good and some evil.
Why am I telling you this now, you all tell me that you are getting this but I feel like I’m not getting through, I do not know whether it is you or it is me, or it is something outside of me, this is why I keep going over and over this, I feel I am not getting through to you, and I just got hit in my mind. Does anybody remember what I was talking about? You do not recall? Let me see if I can get this back. I am just going to go on because it is completely gone from my mind.
We are saying that observe the day on which a man is about to depart from the world as a day of reckoning when the body and the soul in combination had to give an account of their works. That is talking about the additional soul, what was I telling you about the roots? That is the body and the additional soul combined as one will have to give an account of their works.
In other words, the body of its evil or good works and the soul of its evil or good works. In other words, if you had an additional soul from God, did you serve God with it, etc., etc. The soul afterwards leaves him and the body returns to the earth, both thus returning to their original source. This is saying that the soul, this would be the additional soul leaves him and goes back to the supernal realms. This is written by a Jewish sage assuming that the Jewish soul is attached to the supernal worlds above. The soul goes back and the body returns to the earth. That is the same thing as saying, the Nephesh and the Ruach reincarnate on the circle of the earth. You have a union here of a transmigrating spark which comes from above and a body and personality that comes from the circle of the earth, and they become one person. When the physical body dies, the Neshamah that comes from above goes back up above, and all of the parts of the body that I just described, the Nephesh, the Ruach, and the transmigrating spark that is trapped here go back to the pool of the circle of the earth that going to reproduce itself again.
…both returning to their original source where they will remain until the time when the holy one bring the dead to life again, where they will remain until the time when the holy one will bring the dead to life again. What this is saying here and I do not know that I agree with it, I do not know that I disagree with it, but it is saying that once there has been an incarnation that there is no more reincarnation, that it is just the soul only is resurrected. That is what it is saying. What am I up against today, are you all understanding me, is it just me? Is it something else hitting me?
What this Zohar is saying, they returned to their original source, the Neshamah goes above, and the Nephesh and the Ruach goes into the pool of the Serpent that is going to reincarnate again, but it does not mean incarnate again until it is time for the resurrection of the dead. That is not my understanding. My understanding is that there are multiple reincarnations of the same root.
Then God will cause the identical body and the identical soul to return to the world and there form a state, death and reincarnations in death because the purpose of perfection of the soul cannot be accomplished until we are joined or anchored to the heavenlies, to the supernal realms. Once the Lord Jesus Christ joins Himself to us through His son, Christ and Christ Jesus in His maturity, once that happens, then reincarnation that provides the opportunities to overcome our sin nature and do righteousness instead of sin, that no longer is a fruitless effort because now we are anchored in the heavenlies through the Lord Jesus Christ and our sins are forgiven. Then we go into working out our own salvation through overcoming our sin nature and doing good deeds. I had to explain what I just said.
Back to the Zohar here, which has turned out to be a very deep passage here, according to the Zohar, after the child is born, and the soul is imparted; now according to the Zohar the soul is imparted from what we would call Christ in you from that holy place when the physical body dies the soul is judged and the body is judged and they both go to their own places until the time of the resurrection of the dead. What does that mean? The body goes to Gehenna because that is evil and the soul which is the Neshamah goes to the Garden of Eden. Rabbi Luria, and Rabbi Luria’s teachings are all based in the Zohar, so just like when I factor the doctrine of Christ into this Zoharic teaching, we are expanding the teaching of the Zohar.
This is what Rabbi Luria did, and said, well yes it is true, if this is the first time that the soul lived and when it is judged if it is found, well he does not even say that, he says if this is the first time the soul lived and it has overcome its sin nature, which means that it is found righteous then there is no reason for it to incarnate again until the resurrection. I said to you, yes that must be true because I believe that Moses took his personality with him because we see Moses on the Mount of Transfiguration so we know that Moses’ personality survived, and then I believe that he did not or that it was not necessary for him to reincarnate, that Samuel’s personality appeared at the call of Endor, when Saul was looking for him, and the teachings are that the holy prophets did not have to reincarnate again for the purpose of perfecting their soul, they just had to wait for the resurrection. In Christ Jesus who is now a glorified man who is sending forth aspects of Himself to save all of humanity, in that glorified state we see Moses reincarnating, not to perfect himself, Moses is not reincarnated to perfect himself but to be a participant with the Lord Jesus and of course Elijah is in there also to save all of mankind.
We see Moses going forth, and the Lord Jesus, and Elijah all going forth, reincarnating for the purpose of the salvation of mankind, they are all part of the name Jesus. I did a lot of teaching on the name, all of these holy men, they are a part of the man Jesus that is going forth in the person of Christ Jesus, Christ in you the hope of glory, but they are no longer incarnating for their own sins, they are now incarnating as saviors. Their soul is a part, the soul of Moses is a part of the glorified soul that is reproducing itself by planting and bringing forth Christ Jesus in individuals.
Do you have that, did I make that clear? I am still on the first sentence. They give account of their works, and it does not say it here but we have to take little bits from each teaching, it says they give an account of their works and it does not tell you what happens but in the book that we are studying now, the Gate of Rewards, we understand that they go either to the Garden of Eden or to Gehenna. The soul afterward leaves him and the body returns to the earth, that is what we have been talking about, the reincarnation of the Nephesh, and the Ruach on the circle of the earth, and both thus returning to their original source, and the soul that comes from God or the additional soul goes to the Garden of Eden. …where they will remain until the time when the holy one will bring the dead to life again. That is pretty much saying what I just told you that this is a temporary judgment, the judgment of the personality is definitely temporary, that is just for the next year, and the judgment of the soul is temporary for the purpose of ministering justice while we are waiting for the resurrection of the dead. We are saying the same thing just expressing it in a different way.
Then God will cause, now this is tricky, then God will cause the identical body and the identical soul to return to the world in their former state, and this is where I think this teaching this Jewish teaching is in the synagogues today that the physical body is going to be resurrected in the exact same form that it was in when it died. The Rabbi that I have a relationship with right now, the way he expressed it to me was, at the time of the resurrection the soul that had been in that body goes looking for it and raises it from the dead.
I prayed about this because I know in my heart that it is not correct. This is what the Lord gave me, an explanation of this sentence. Let me read the sentence to you again that I believe has set the Jewish doctrine on the wrong course. This is a sentence in the Zohar. Remember this Zohar is a translation, but of course the Rabbis study it in the Hebrew, so it must say something like this in the Hebrew because I see this teaching in this synagogues in the Jewish doctrine, but brethren we do not know what Rabbi Akiba who wrote the Zohar, what he had in his heart when he wrote this, it is possible that Rabbi Akiba had an error in his mind, or it is possible that the way he wrote it, the modern day Jewish scholars are just not understanding what he intended. I completely tell you with all my heart this cannot be true and we have preached a lot on it in the message Reincarnation and Transmigration. The physical body is not being resurrected exactly in the form that it was like when it appeared on this earth. That is not what is happening.
I am going to read you this sentence from the Zohar and then I am going to tell you what the Lord or the answer that the Lord gave me for it. Then will God to cause the identical body which is now dust, and the identical soul to return to the world in their former state as it is written, thy dead shall live, and my dead body shall arise. Isaiah 26:19. This is what the Lord told me. Identical body, identical soul does not mean identical physical body. Anything that encompasses, any element of creation that encompasses something else, is its body. Rabbi Luria clearly teaches this in the Palace of Adam Kadmon, that which is outside is the body that which is inside is called the brain, in the Kabbalistic teaching. Identical body, identical soul does not mean identical physical body, one must ask which grade of soul is the Zohar talking about, the Neshamah of course, the Neshamah rests within the Nephesh, which is its body, and the Nephesh rests within the physical material body, the Nephesh is the blood brethren, the blood is inside of this encasing of skin, and inside the blood which is the Nephesh is the Neshamah.
The Zohar is not talking about the physical body. Rabbi Akiba who wrote the Zohar, did he think it was the physical body? Maybe he received a revelation from God and he just said the body, maybe he thought it was the physical body too, I do not know, but it does not say physical body, there is more than one body, and there is more than one aspect of soul, and there no modifying word, that means it is open to interpretation, and brethren this is the situation with the whole Hebrew language. The original Hebrew is written without vowels, the Hebrew language is a liquid language.
The understanding of what you are reading is in the eyes and the heart and the mind of the reader. The Jews will tell you, you all know that I am taking a Bible class at the synagogue, I heard the Rabbi say that himself, it is all in the eyes and the heart and the mind of the reader, as you can understand it at that point in your life. Maybe Rabbi Akiba thought it was the physical body, maybe he did not, maybe he just wrote body.
The current wisdom that is in the synagogues today, is that it is the physical body. I am convinced that cannot possibly be true, I do not believe it because it contradicts everything that the Lord has taught us. Again this is what the Lord told me, I wrote it up. Identical body, identical soul, does not mean identical physical body, the soul that is being spoken about is the Neshamah, and that is the spark of Adam that comes from above.
The Neshamah rests within the Nephesh which is its body. The passage is talking about the generic Nephesh, the Nephesh that produces bodies and personalities over and over again. That is what it is talking about. That soul that separates from the body when the body dies, that soul that incarnates again in another body, in another personality, that is what it is talking about, not the physical body. The Nephesh rests within the Nephesh which is its body.
This passage is talking about the generic Nephesh that produces a number, an unlimited number of physical bodies and personalities which are its sparks, the number of which is unlimited; unlimited sparks, unlimited bodies, unlimited personalities, unlimited Nephesha, that is the plural of Nephesh, and that is why humanity is increasing, unlimited number of Nephesha, unlimited number of personalities, we would go on indefinitely.
The dead shall live, and my dead body shall arise, that phrase is speaking about the dead Adam who shall live again and the 600,000 Nephesha that he broke into when he fell into the earth, that is what that is talking about. This is such a subtlety brethren, I tell you all the time, if I am wrong it is the height of arrogance, but I do not believe I am wrong that this woman who does not keep the law who has no standing, I have no standing in the Jewish religion, I have nothing that would make them give me any credence at all. I have no degrees from the secular institutions, I am anointed of God. If you can hear you can hear it. I have no man given authority over me and I am correcting established Jewish doctrine that is embraced by millions of Jews across the world and it is wrong, it is wrong. That is the case.
God will cause the identical body and the identical soul to return to the world in their former state, there will be a reunion between the Neshamah that has returned to the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Nephesh that produced the body and personality, that, that Neshamah had an experience for a human lifetime, the Nephesh the root that produced my physical body and my personality, if I do not go into longevity which I believe I will, but if I do not go into longevity, at the time of the final resurrection, this Neshamah that is in me that is preaching all of this incredible doctrine to you will come looking for the soul, I would not even know how to identify it, that produced this body and this personality, the same soul that probably produced the bodies and personalities of my sisters, of my mother, of my father, however else it is spread throughout my natural family, that generic soul that has produced only God knows how many bodies and personalities, that is what the Neshamah, the one that is preaching in me, that is what he is coming looking for if I die.
That is the reason the Lord Jesus came looking for me thirty some odd years ago, scared me half to death in my car, spoke to me, an invisible voice speaking to me and told me that I would serve Him. What was special about me? I have been asking the Lord for years; what is it about me? I now know, the soul that generated me has already served the holy one that came looking for me. I am just the current personality and body of a soul that has already preached like this through another personality and body. That is me, that is why He came looking for me, nothing that this personality did, nothing that this body did, but the generic soul that produced me.
Why did He not go looking for my father or my mother or my sisters? I do not know. It was not time, I was the perfect mix of all of the spiritual and natural genes? I do not know. Or, the soul that generated me finally got it right? I do not know, something like that. I think you all got that, I think we are doing a lot better.
The same soul is meanwhile stored up by the holy one thus returning to its original place, stored up by the holy one, so basically what the Zohar is saying is that the spark of the rectified. I am talking in terms of the doctrine of Christ here when I say the rectified Lord Jesus Christ. The Jewish doctrine is coming from a place where they do not acknowledge the fall, they just acknowledging the exclusivity of the Jew and the Jews relationship with Jehovah and they are assuming that every Jew has this additional soul coming out of Jehovah, if they have any revelation of the fallen Adam or whatever, I have not seen it in the literature. That does not mean that it is not the oral tradition, but the teaching that the Lord is requiring me to give here, I can only do it from the perspective of the doctrine of Christ because I do not see the foundation of it in the Jewish teaching. It may not be there, this may be a new level of teaching for the Jew or it may orally and being passed from Rabbi to student, I do not know.
That is why I am preaching from the perspective of the doctrine of Christ because I do not have enough knowledge or there is not enough here to preach this from a perspective of the Jew. The same soul is meanwhile stored up by the holy one; that would be the transmigrating spark that returns to the Lord Jesus when the body dies, thus returning to its original place, as it is written, and the spirit returns to God who gave it, and that is Ecclesiastes 12:7. And at the time when the holy one will raise the dead to life, now remember that is the dead Adam that is being raised to life, and the dead Adam has 600,000 parts to him that all have to be raised from the dead. At the moment that is beyond my comprehension because each of those 600,000 sparks of all of these years has generated an unlimited number of roots. I am talking to you about a root that produced me and my sisters and my father and my mother and I do not know how many mothers, there is an unlimited number of roots that are produced that produced an unlimited number of personalities and bodies.
I can deal with the unlimited number of personalities and bodies because they die after a season, but my understanding right now is that the unlimited number of roots, unless I am mistaken, my understanding is that the unlimited number of roots are judged only in the final judgment when it is determined whether they will live and become a part of the rectified Adam or die. This goes back to Xxxx’s question the other day. As I said I can deal with the unlimited personalities and bodies because they die after a human lifetime; so either, I am waiting for the Lord to answer this question, either the unlimited sparks that can produce a whole family or a whole tribe of people, we have talked about me going to England and seeing so many people looking alike, you have a whole nation from one root. Either I do not understand how that could be, how there could be an unlimited, either I have got it wrong and roots can die, they can die after the judgment that happens after physical death, I said previously that is a temporary judgment, that either puts a soul in the garden of Eden or Gehenna, but he judgment of the death of a root can only happen in the third judgment at the time of the resurrection of the dead. Either I am wrong about that, or I do not think I am wrong about it, the Lord just gave me the answer. The term unlimited number of roots, how do I say this, the Lord just gave me the answer, unlimited number of roots means that, that soul can continue to generate new roots indefinitely and has not the human race been increasing? They have because the fallen Adam and his 600,000 parts have been producing more and more roots, I have this in my head, just give me a minute. That means that this would continue and humanity would continue to expand until such time as the resurrection of the dead takes place because the resurrection of the dead will kill off all of the roots that are not called to be a part of the rectified Adam. Xxxx’s question was, I think her question was faulty, her question was, that is nothing personal against Xxxx, I hope you all understand that, I think your question was faulty Xxxx, in that, if there is unlimited number of roots, this was her question, how do you explain that there are only, I think she said 9 billion people on the earth?
The term unlimited was not defined. Does unlimited mean 900 million people, does it mean 9 trillion people, does unlimited mean 900,000 people? All that unlimited means is that the soul, the 600,000 souls have the ability to continue to reproduce or to reproduce roots of itself without any limit; that is all that, that means. Who is to say that because there is already 900 million people on the earth, that, that is fact, that there is 900 or 9 million people on the earth, that, that fact contradicts the teaching that the soul can put forth an unlimited roots. How does one contradict the other? Unlimited number of roots is not set at any number. All that it means is the reproduction is ongoing.
Let me just finish this up, it has been very hard. And at the time when the holy one will raise the dead to life and the dead is the 600,000 souls that the collective consciousness of Adam broke into, and some of their roots will be taken, and some of their roots will not be taken, and only the sparks which are the body and the personality that exists at the time that a particular root is taken will be taken. I am going to say that again. Only the personality and body that exists at the time that a particular root is integrating into the rectified Adam, that is the only personality and body that will go into the world to come, that will go into immortality. The personality and body out of let us say a million personalities and bodies that, that root has produced, the only personality and body that is going into the world to come is the personality and body that exists at the time that the root that generated it is given permission to enter in that world. It is not determined how many of all of the roots of God only knows how many unlimited number of roots are in the earth right now, it is not set in stone which ones will be integrated into the rectified Adam who is the world to come, and which ones will die. My understanding is, the opportunity is available for every root to turn to the Lord Jesus and be incorporated into the world to come, but all will not, because some of these roots are just evil, and they just will not.
I want to clarify something now as we are closing up here. The eternal torment that we talk about or that the church talks about, the eternal torment is not in the final judgment, eternal torment is in the second judgment, it is the judgment of the soul after the body dies and that is a sowing and reaping judgment, it is not because you reject Jesus or because you do any one thing, that judgment is based upon the balance or the measurement of your good actions against your evil actions. We are going to talk more about this, how that is perceived by God, in future parts of this message. Eternal torment is a temporary condition, eternal torment is a state of being. It is the torment of the eternal realm. It is the torment of this age. It is the torment that is available in this age, but there is an escape from it.
This condition, this state of being is eternal, but we can escape from it, the torment, the condition exists eternally. We do not know the answer to the question of whether it only exist until the end of this age, of it will always exists potentially, because we do not know what God is doing in the future. Do you remember we talked about that an hour or so ago. Eternal torment is a state of being, it is a spiritual position, if you want to call it the lake of fire, I do not really think it is the lake of fire but maybe it is the lake of fire, if you need something like that to understand what I am talking about, it is a position, it is not a place, it is a spiritual position that materializes as a spiritual condition which the soul experiences and which the soul may escape from.
The church teaches that you go into the lake of fire and I think the New Testament says where there will be, forever and ever, I think that is what the book of Revelation says, that is where the problem comes in; they will be there forever and ever. My understanding of that is that the lake of fire is the purging fires of Binah, which does not mean you die, it means that you stay in the purging fires of Binah which burns up your sin nature and enables you to be righteous. What I just said to you is contradicting the thought in my mind, so either the Lord will give me the explanation now or I will have to talk to you about it the next time we meet. What is on my heart to say to you is that this eternal torment is a state of being, if you want to call it the lake of fire, you call it the lake of fire, and it is possible to be delivered from the lake of fire. The Jewish teachings are that when you cry out to God, you are delivered from the lake of fire. I have to look this up in the book of Revelation. What just came to me is, yes the lake of fire burneth forever and ever, which answers our question, the lake of fire, this spiritual position called eternal torment will exists forever and ever, but that does not mean we will be in it forever and ever. The devil which is the fallen man and the false prophet, which is all us, will be tossed into the lake of fire for purification, the fire that burneth forever and ever, but that does not mean we will be in it forever and ever.
Brethren, we have to think, you need a logical mind or your carnal mind gets a hold of that Scripture and makes a horror out of it. The fire burns forever and ever because the fire is Binah, she is eternal. When we cry out to God like Nebuchadnezzar did, in the early part of the book of Daniel, I think it was chapter 4, we are told Nebuchadnezzar, his hair grew long, his nails grew long, he lived like an animal, and he would be in that condition until he acknowledged that God rules in the earth as He rules in heaven, and that is all of us, and that is of course, that is Adam who fell and that is all of us. We stay in our mess until we come to the conclusion that God rules in every little detail of our lives, every little detail! He is in there wanting us and trying to help us be righteous, in every thought, in every action that we take. The lake of fire burneth forever and ever. It is the fires of Binah, the purifying fires of Binah, but we are not in there forever. When we cry out to God as we are told in Daniel, I believe it is chapter 4, Nebuchadnezzar, we will be there until we come to that conclusion that God is boss, and we get out. God help us, God help us brethren. This false nonsense that is in the church, the judgments can be very severe brethren, but the bottom line is that God loves humanity and the end of us will be deliverance from the lake of fire and return to our original state, the end of us will be deliverance from the lake of fire and the return to our original estate.
That is talking about the root of us, the root that brought us forth, that is talking about that the soul that brought forth the root that brought us forth, the soul. We are at the end of the vine, we are a flower in a long line that is extended all of the way into the supernal realms. The part of the vine that is in the supernal realms will be fully restored. All of the 600,000 souls that Adam broke into will be restored, every root will not be restored, and only the sparks within the personalities and bodies that exist at the time a particular root is given entrance to the world to come will go on. Our root will fulfill the call which is the first Adam. It is possible for us to partake of this glory if we go with Him.
Let me just read this last sentence here. And at that time when the holy one will raise the dead to life, he will cause dew to descend upon them from his head, his head is Adam Kadmon, by means of that dew all will rise from the dust. I believe that is talking about the seed that is coming out of the Lord Jesus Christ, he is calling it dew because we do not know what dew means. that is the life essence, the substance of the Lord Jesus Christ that He is passing to us that we have been calling His spiritual seed, is that accurate, dew, spiritual seed, what, I do not know, it is the life essence of the Lord Jesus Christ that is coming out of the head of Adam Kadmon, coming out of the manhood of Adam Kadmon.
By means of that dew will rise from the dust as it says, for they do is as the dew of thy lights; these being the supernal lights through which the almighty will in the future pour forth life upon the world. Jesus is sprinkling His life upon the whole world. That is just a fancy way of saying it, and we will rise from the dust. We will rise from the dust our true root. Who is rising from the dust? The sparks of Adam that got trapped down here, the sons of God that came looking for the daughters of men and took wives of all they chose and got trapped down here. We preach it several ways, this was the female Adam that looked down in to the astral plane, in to Yetzirah, thinking that he had authority over that world, and he did have authority over that world until he was cut off from the one who gave him the authority and then he was captured by the beings in this world, in Yetzirah and materialized here in this world in the flesh.
We preached it from several vantage points, it is the same message. This is all exercises for our mind, we ascend with our mind through logical thinking and understanding and through the development of our mind, and we ascend with our mind brethren. We have to rise up with our mind. Even if you do not understand a word that I said, just submit yourselves to it, the Lord is working, the Lord is working. Christ is being formed in you, He will mature into Christ Jesus and He is doing the work, we just have to submit ourselves and do our part, we have to be faithful about doing our part, and it is the Father, He does the work.
We did not get much done, I see this is going to be a multiple part message brethren. Are there any questions or comments. Lord willing we will pick up with part 2, this will go on with the Zohar before we even get to the Gate of Rewards. My note here is the dew will descend from Adam Kadmon, the head of the holy one who is Zeir Anpin, and the whole will rise from the dust, the whole 600,000 souls of Adam will rise from the dust. This is the compound soul of the Lord Jesus. Let me just say this in closing, I did not make this point. Let me just make my point. I think that what I have taught you is that there are two groups of sparks of Adam transmigrating, the rectified Adam and the fallen Adam. Before the Lord Jesus Christ was resurrected and ascended on high, the only sparks that existed and they are really roots, I just do not want to, I call them sparks in all of the other messages, but I am finding out now that they are really roots, so I will probably be saying both to try to avoid confusing you. Before the Lord Jesus Christ was resurrected and ascended on high, was only roots, sparks or roots of the fallen Adam that had ascended down or fallen into the water of the world of Yetzirah that were attempting to join themselves to the female world which is supposed to be what they are doing, except that the female world swallowed them up because they were cut off from above, so what I was not saying to you and maybe I did not quite grasp it myself was that all of the roots, all of the souls, I am not even sure, all of the fallen Adam, Adam completely fell down into this world. I guess all of the 600,000 souls of him plus all of his roots and sparks are down here trapped in the female world, and it is only the Lord Jesus Christ that is sending forth rectified sparks to bring forth the additional soul in his people.
I have told you that there are three options for a soul to be imparted to your fetus, one from the rectified Adam which is the Lord Jesus to bring forth Christ in your child, the other from an unholy soul and the other from a more, less castrated spark that has been overtaken by the earth. I guess I do not really understand, I have to think about it and I know you all want to go. Where I am stuck, this is where I am stuck, is that, the Lord told me to tell you that all of Adam fell down into this world, all 600,000 parts of him, and all of those roots and sparks, they are all down here except for the ones that the Lord Jesus Christ is raising up. The resurrection began. The final judgment is at the time of the resurrection of the dead, and the resurrection of the dead has begun. It began with the Lord Jesus Christ, the first begotten of the dead.
The resurrection of the dead, the final judgment is at hand. I lost my point, what was I trying to say, it has been very hard for me to preach tonight, what was my point? I am glad that I got that out, that the resurrection of the dead began 2,000 years ago, and it is going to be, I believe He is starting at the bottom so it is going to be one root at a time, one root at a time, is going to be judged, and either given permission to go into the world to come or it will lose its ability to reproduce, and I think that is what the death of that root would mean; not that any human being right here is going to drop dead like that because the Lord judged him, but the judgment of death will be to a root that you cannot reproduce anymore, and that particular personality and person will live out their life and the root will not reproduce anymore.
All of Adam fell down into the earth. In some instances in the areas where there is a lot of witchcraft, in some of the nations where there is a lot of witchcraft, there do exist people with an evil spiritual child, and I do not have any details right now as to how that would come to pass. I am seeing a contradiction in my mind and you are all looking at me because you do not see the contradiction. Please give me five minutes to get this out so that I can feel I told you what the Lord wanted me to tell you. Previously I told you, there are three ways your fetus can receive a soul. You can receive a transmigrating spark from the Lord Jesus or you can receive the transmigrating spark from the fallen Adam, that is not trapped down here, that is what I told you, or you can get a soul from a fallen spark or a fallen root that is trapped down here. What the Lord is telling me now is that all of the roots of fallen Adam fell down here, there are no fallen roots of Adam in a higher spiritual realm that is trying to incarnate, they are all already in the earth, but some of them are strong and some of them are weak, and I am sure that there is more for me to learn about that, I just, it is not for today, I just want to get this overall idea out to you, everything that fell, fell, it is in the earth, but there are roots that are stronger and roots that are weaker, and there are stronger fallen roots that are producing spiritual children in the areas where there is a lot of witchcraft.
It is still true that there are three sources of soul for your unborn child. There is a source of a soul for your unborn from the Christ in either the man or the woman, I do not know if that makes a difference, there is a source of a soul from the person that has an ungodly spiritual child, it is not that, that spark is out there somewhere, it is all in the earth, that was the error that I made. I thought that there were sparks of the fallen Adam that were beyond the earth that were trying to incarnate. The Lord said no, all of the sparks of fallen Adam are in the earth, the only sparks or roots that out above the earth are the Lord Jesus Christ and whoever is in the Lord Jesus Christ. Those are the only sparks or roots that are above the earth. In the earth, in areas where witchcraft is very thick, we find people with ungodly spiritual children which can produce souls to be imputed into the fetus that would make that child spiritually powerful. There are still three options where your child’s soul can some from, the Lord Jesus, which is the Christ in you, an ungodly spiritual child because of generations of practicing witchcraft, the child can receive a spiritually powerful soul from the other side or your child can receive a soul that is spiritually weak, which is better than having an ungodly, a soul from an ungodly source, because some of the roots in the earth have been weakened from the point that they have been overtaken by the earth and these people are not spiritual at all. I think we all know that there are people out there that are not spiritual at all. Brethren, I hope that I explained that to you, I see Xxxx has a question, I am going to answer your question in just a minute. If I confused you I am sorry, It was very difficult preaching today, I do not know whether it had anything to do with that issue with my neighbor last night that I told you about, I do not know, but I think I got it out, I review the message which I always do, I think I got it, it was just very difficult to preach. I really recommend you listen to the message again if you can find the time, and if you do not understand it, please bring your questions because one message builds upon the one before it. We will see what Xxxx has to say here.
COMMENT: What about the verse that says all judgment is in the flesh, how does that reconcile with the saying that the soul is judged by going to Gehenna after death outside of the flesh?
PASTOR VITALE: I did address that but I will tell you again, I know that it is very hard to hold on to all that I am talking about. I discussed that issue when I explained to you a couple of hours ago that when the physical body dies, the soul is judged instantly because when the physical body dies the soul finds itself in a place beyond time. There is no time in the realm of the soul, the only thing that counts is spiritual position, and spiritual position has to do with whatever God says it is, either He says, you are in a position of life or you are in a position of death, and the position of death is called Gehenna. That position that we are in, any position that we are in materializes to our consciousness as a condition or a state of being and it materializes further as an experience. The soul and Gehenna exists on two levels, Gehenna exists in the bodiless realm or the world of souls which his Gehenna, and it also the negative side of the world of souls is Gehenna, and Gehenna also exists in the flesh. This material world is chameleon depending on who you are, you can be in a position where you are experiencing Gehenna or you are experiencing the Garden of Eden. We have been experiencing the Garden of Eden today, we have been eating in the Garden of Eden today. The soul that is in a position of Gehenna, which is materializing as a condition for that soul which is further materializing as an experience can be extended to an incarnation. As I said earlier, that I found out this is the reason why there is such an urgency on the part of disembodied souls to incarnate, because our only hope of deliverance from Gehenna is to incarnate from a bodiless of Gehenna which is torment, into an embodied or a born human experience of Gehenna, and that is where the judgment is, that is the judgment that is in the flesh, and that judgment that is in the flesh painful though it might be is our opportunity to be delivered from Gehenna. That is how, I think I answered your question. What about the verse that says all judgment is in the flesh. I think explained that to you just now, how does that reconcile with the saying that the soul is judged by going to Gehenna? Gehenna is in the soul realm and it materializes in the flesh, as I just explained, and that the soul is judged by going to Gehenna after death outside the flesh. I think I just explained that, did I explain that? Okay. I would appreciate it if you would say yes Xxxx.
PASTOR VITALE: Okay, Lord willing we will continue this on Sunday.
08/11/13 Transcribed by RLR