681 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.



We have a lot of work to do today, I have a very interesting message for you, I pray the Lord can help me to bring it forth, it is interesting but it is difficult. I do not know, I may never go back to the Passover message. As I told you multiple times, the Lord just, either I am very slow in preaching it, or the Lord makes His point, He gives me a whole big message and He makes His point, and then He moves us on, because we have a lot of work to do. This is not just a ministry where we are hearing doctrine that tickles our ears, this is the spiritual food that is building and maturing Christ Jesus in us, it is a very serious work that we have to do here.


We also have ministry to other than to the Christ within ourselves, we also have ministry to the body of Christ and to the Jew, which together are the Israel of God. I want to repeat this because I find out that no matter how many times I say it, some people do not hear it, so I will just have to keep on saying it. One of the ministries that God has given us is to reveal the doctrine of Christ in Jewish literature.


When we study Jewish literature, whether it is the Zohar today it is all the Zohar, or we study some of the Jewish philosophers, it is for a purpose, it is to reveal the doctrine of Christ in these writings, because it is there, the doctrine of Christ is there but it is hidden. What we are doing today is an additional message including the Jewish practice and the Catholic practice of worshipping the dead or seeking out the dead as mediators or intercessors between the people of this world, I could all them living, the Zohar calls them living, but we know we are not all alive unless Christ Jesus is grafted to us. I do not want to get that technical, for this conversation we will say the living are the people who are in this world and the dead are the people who no longer have a bodily presence in this world.


We have done quite a few messages on the Jewish practice of going to the gravesite of their dead sages and praying asking their dead sages to intercede for them, I have some firsthand information, I have spoken to a Rabbi about it, he claims they are not praying to a dead sage, but they are praying to the soul of the person who died. The teaching is, let me refresh your memory, that the soul hovers over the gravesite because it cannot ascend any higher, but it also attached to the higher soul which is in the supernal world. The Jewish practice is to go to the gravesite of who they consider holy men, and we have one right here in Long Island, if you go to that gravesite, people go everyday there are people there throwing pieces of paper with their prayers written on it onto the gravesite.


We have had quite a few messages talking about we, the Christ-Centered Kabbalah, and the Doctrine Of Christ does not believe that this is an accurate understanding of the Scripture. The message today is from a different point of view. I remember telling you all that I had asked the Rabbi, is not the Levitical priesthood a mediator type, is not the Levitical priesthood a mediator between God and man? His answer was no, the Levitical priesthood actually burns or offers the sacrifice for the people, so they are just lending the energy of their authority that goes forth, he said no that is not a mediator. At the time I said there has to be a mediator. I know that Moses was a mediator, there has to be a principle of a mediator in their literature somewhere, because the day, well they may read our transcripts, they may listen to our messages, but the day is coming that anyone of us might have the opportunity to speak to a Jewish person who believes this. Even if you meet a Jewish person sitting next to you on a plane or something like that, you are not to bring up the issue unless you are sure it is the Lord and most likely it would be in a direct response to a question from the other person. You have to wait for the Lord to open the door. We are being prepared to have the answers to these questions.


I find out more and more as I study the Zohar that the Catholic Church or Catholic doctrine appears to me to be taken right out of the Zohar, and out of the Scripture. The Pope is dressed very similarly to the dress of the high priest. This understanding, it is an understanding of the letter of the Scripture that somehow are the dead ancestors of the Jewish people have access to God and can mediate before us and can impart strength to us.


Today we are going to reveal the mediator. I am suggesting to you that the mediator of the Jewish doctrine is the collective ancestry of Israel, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I am not saying this is true I am saying this is what Jewish doctrine teaches. They may not call them mediators, but everything that I found about them that I have in these notes for you indicates that they are treated as mediators and the word intercessors I believe it actually appears in one of the Zoharic paragraphs. I do not know why the Jewish Rabbis that I have spoken to deny that they have a mediator, I do not understand it, but the principle of mediatorship is definitely in the Old Testament, and today we are going to talk about this principle that some of the great men of God in the past, such as Caleb have gone to the cave where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are buried to seek their mediatorship and to seek strength and encouragement from these dead ancestors.


Of course the belief is that the body is dead, but that the soul and the personality continues on. Even if it is true, we are not going to deal with the question today of whether or not the soul and personality of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob exists, we are going to assume that, that is true for the purposes of this study. If in fact the personalities as well as the souls of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob continue to exist, can they mediate between living people and God, the one who imparts power to those of us who are still in this world. That is the question. Does anyone not understand what I just said? We are going to have a hypothesis for the purpose of this study, why? Because we want to respond to what the Jewish people believe and the Catholic people believe, okay, we are going to go along with what they are saying that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the soul and the personality of them do exist and they can be contacted by going to the location which they are buried.


I am not saying it is true, we going from this jumping off point so that we can respond from Christ Centered Kabbalah to what they are saying. There is no way we are going to cover all of this material today, and I never know how many parts the Lord is going to allow me before He moves me on. I have given you an exhibit, I do not think I will read it to you but it is for your edification, it is an article that is entitled What Was Miriam’s Husband’s Name, and this woman Kinah Wiseburg, she says that Miriam was married to Caleb, you can read that in your own time if you like, but the main point for which I printed out this article is the part that is highlighted which says, as soon as Caleb, Caleb was one of the spies that went into Canaan, as soon as he reached Canaan, he headed for the Cave of Machpelah where the Patriarchs and Matriarchs are interred and pleaded with them to intercede with God to give him the necessary courage and strength to remain faithful to his mission. If that is not a mediator, I do not know what is a mediator. I do not know why the Jewish people deny that they have mediators, it is beyond me.


This is what we are going to address today, the name of the message is the Cave Of Machpelah. There is a whole chapter in the book of Genesis referring to Abraham purchasing this cave, it is Genesis 23, and then we will take a look at some further passes in the Zohar, and I will respond out of Christ Centered Kabbalah. I am going to start by showing you the passage in the Zohar that gave rise to this whole message. I found a passage in the Zohar that at initial sight, I could not break it down and it was clearly saying that the dead intercede for the living.


I sought the Lord and I said, Lord you have to give me the true spiritual understanding of this passage because I at the level that I am reading it right now have no answer for it, and it is clearly stating that the dead intercede for the living, and the Lord did do that. The first thing that we are going to do is to go through the passage that gave rise to this whole study and I am going to read it to you and then I am going to show you the principles in it as I see them relating to Christ Centered Kabbalah, and we will take it from there.


Our goal is not so much to disprove what the Jewish people and the Catholic people believe, but to add something to their doctrine, because I believe that the reason for this error at least as the source, you know, within both places, the reason for their error is that they are lacking information. It is true that our ancestors can intercede with God for us, it is true. What is the question, it is true that our ancestors can and do intercede between the people living in this world and God. What is the question, it is true that our ancestors, what is the question, who? It is the true that our ancestors intercede, what is the question? Who? Who are our ancestors or who is our ancestor? What form exists that we have been studying in the doctrine of Christ for all of these years, what form of the heavenly family, the family of God is available to us, that encompasses all of, that is our ancestor, let us make it simple, who is our ancestor? Jesus is the high priest of Jehovah, He is a glorified man, who is our ancestor you are on the right track, whose name sounds like that? Christ Jesus, the offspring, the spiritual child of the Lord Jesus Christ and fallen Adam, the spiritual child.


Adam is the son of God, so Christ Jesus if He is growing in you is the son of God to you and to me, Christ Jesus encompasses all of our ancestors, He is the offspring of fallen Adam, and fallen Adam has manifested himself as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as well as the regenerated Adam has manifested himself as human beings to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


I have a very interesting point for you, and we are going to go full circle, this is not exactly to do with this message but it is really important because we found out that Jesus, the Lord Jesus, the glorified Jesus is not God, we found out that He is high priest, that He stands in front of Jehovah and that He has all of the power of Jehovah, He is just not higher than Jehovah. There was always a question and irritation in the back of my mind you know, about God with you, and this is what the Lord told me this morning, I do not know whether, I think my brain goes faster than my mouth but this has been happening to me a lot lately, I have to slow down, I am starting to stumble over my words because I am in a bottle neck here there is so much in my head.


What I am trying to tell you is that the Lord Jesus Christ, He is the personification of the Malkhut of Atzilut, He is female, the Lord Jesus Christ is female. Do you know that the Hebrew word for Yeshua, salvation is female. If anybody ever doubted that I could be, ever questioned me saying that the Lord Jesus is female, here is your witness, the word Yeshua if female. Salvation is female, salvation is the regenerate female Adam that regenerates out of Abel in you.


We are all born with a dead Abel and when he is regenerated he becomes the female Adam, the one who is capable of being impregnated with the son of God which is male, our spiritual manhood, Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus, the whole Adam, He is both the male and the female Adam, the son of God, and the son of God has the Father within Him. That is who is God to us. Can anybody not hear the distinction? Let me say it again. The Lord Jesus Christ is a glorified man, he has received the male seed from, He is the Malkhut of Atzilut and He has received the male seed from the son, from the Zeir Anpin from Atzilut and He is passing it to us to impregnate the female Adam within us and the offspring of the Lord Jesus Christ who carries the seed, you see He is not male, but carries the male seed and gives it to the female in us who gives birth to a male child. That male child is the son of God. The glorified Jesus Christ is high priest who transmits the seed that produces the child that is the son of God. God and his son are one.


If you are looking for God, He is in the manchild. Jesus is the high priest, if you are looking for God, He is in the manchild, God in the midst of you, Emmanuel, God in the midst of you, it is the male manchild, it is not the female Lord Jesus Christ who transfers the seed. Is everybody okay, are you okay? Yes, I will say it again. The Lord Jesus Christ is the personification of the Malkhut of Atzilut, He is female, I have been telling you that for a long time, He carries the seed that is passed to Him, we had a recent series of messages called unification in which I told you that Zeir Anpin which is the male or the son of Atzilut rotates upward, he receives the male seed from his mother Binah, who receives it from Chokhmah her husband, she transmits the male seed to the son Zeir Anpin of Atzilut, he rotates downward, passes that male seed to the female which is the Lord Jesus, the Lord Jesus sows that male seed into humanity, where it joins with the regenerate female Adam, and that union of the male seed and the female Adam produces an offspring which is the son of God called Christ Jesus, and He is God. The son of God is God.


The son of God is God within humanity. It is the same spirit, it is the same God in a different location. The son of God is a spiritual son, He is the son of God inside flesh. Are you okay? Okay. That really excited me because I think it takes us full circle. It is hard to be telling people that Jesus is not God, He is high priest. Where is God? Where is Emmanuel in the midst of us? He is in the manchild, He is in offspring of the high priest. We might say that the high priest, Jesus is the glorified female, so Jesus, the Lord Jesus is the example of the extent to which the female Adam when regenerated can attain to. The female Adam within us, the mother of Christ Jesus, if you can hear it, has to the potential to attain to glorification, and the Lord Jesus is the female that passes the seed, the male seed to the female Adam within us, and that is why He is the only mediator between God and man, that is why all of the Jews or anyone else in the world that somehow happens to experience a regenerate female Adam through reading the Scripture, it can happen to anyone you know, you do not have to be a practicing Christian or a practicing Jew, if it is the will of God or if you are spiritually equipped for it, anyone that picks up the Bible and reads it with a right heart has the potential to be contacted by or to contact the Spirit that wrote the Bible.


If they believe, if the Lord quickens them with revelation in the Scripture and they believe it is possible for them to receive the male seed. That is the only mediator between God and man, is the man Christ Jesus. It does not say the only mediator between God and man is the Lord Jesus Christ, that is not what the Scripture says. The only mediator between God and man is the man Christ Jesus, the God man is not the Lord Jesus, it is Christ Jesus in you and He has to be born in you to fulfill the Scripture Emmanuel God with you, your salvation and your passport to immortality.


I am saying that the mediator is Christ Jesus and the Jewish doctrine that we find in the Zohar, I do not know what the sages knew when they wrote this book, and so on, I do not know what the Rabbi knew when he wrote the book, but I know what is written is a parable, what is written is a metaphor and the same principle applies to reading the Scripture.


You can read, I can read the letter of the word in the King James translation, and if the Lord shows me the depth of the revelation while I am reading the King James, it says one thing to me which is different, than what the very same words say to somebody reading the same words that do not have the depth of revelation. That is what I am suggesting to you is happening with this principle that seems to have just taken up the imagination and the resources of the Jewish community people truly seeking God believing and flying in from all over the world to get to the grave of this Rabbi Menachem Schneerson who died in Brooklyn about ten years ago, he died. They fly in from all over the world to get to his grave, people are looking for God, and it is the job of the church to point them to and direct them to God.


We see that this Jewish community has been caught up in a misunderstanding of the Scripture, I do not even want to call it an error, it is a misunderstanding of the Scripture that has also touched the Catholic Church and only God knows how many people in the Protestant church.


I for one know that about 15 years ago, I do not know what is going today, I do not really get out to the other ministries very much, but there was a whole group of ministries in North Carolina, Xxxx and I attended one of their conferences that were preaching it and I believe are still preaching it that we as Christians can speak to our brethren who have passed on because they were saved, and then when their bodies died, they just passed to the other side but they are not dead, so we can talk to them because they are not dead they have just passed to the other side.


This concept of the living, communicating with the dead legally according to God’s law is gripping the entire church and I am here today to tell you that the problem is a lack of understanding of who the mediator is. The mediator is inside of us, His name is Christ Jesus, He is the male offspring, He is the manchild, He is not your friend, your mother, your father or your brother who happened to be saved, and if they were saved, it was a female salvation, if this were to be true that is now existing on the other side.


The only one who can talk to the other side is Christ Jesus, the man Christ Jesus, not your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your friend or your pastor, or your rabbi who had a regenerate female Adam in them.


This is the path that we are going to take today, not to show anybody up, but to bring the additional revelation that will set people free and deliver them from the shackles and the bondages that they are in. This concept of Jewish people going to the Cave of Machpelah where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the matriarchs, their wives, Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel, and Adam and Eve, four couples, eight people, I just had an interesting thought, eight people buried in the Cave of Machpelah has become to the Jew a place, a physical location in the earth where they can go to access a mediator who will intercede for them with God.


I am here today to tell you and anybody who will hear these thoughts forms that are going forth or hear the message or read the transcript, that the only living ancestor is one child, a male child that has within Him the spiritual genetic essence of all of those named, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve did not materialize as human beings in this world although they began as light beings in a higher world. All of their genetic, spiritual genetic material today is in fact available in the form of the manchild Christ Jesus. He is not in a single location in Hebron in Israel, you have to find the person in whom He is living, He is in the sons of God. He is all over, actually He is sitting on a throne in Beriah, in the world of Beriah and He is reaching down from Beriah and existing in the spiritual reproductive parts of some of the Israel of God today.


He is existing as a single person in the world of Beriah which is the world of creation. You do not have to go to the Cave of Machpelah. Can you understand what I am saying? The concept of the mediator is in the Zohar and it is written in a parable form that if you do not have a revelation of Christ Jesus the only mediator between God and man, you interpret it a different way. The message is in the Zohar, and the sages that deal with the Zohar took it as far as they could take it.


They need an additional layer of information which will straighten out the problem which is causing Jews and Catholics and some Protestants to go astray in their doctrine believing that the dead can intercede for the living. Does anybody have a question right now before we go on? My notes are in several parts I would like to start off by reading and interpreting for you, oh you have a question, okay yes.


COMMENT:  (inaudible).


PASTOR VITALE:  The Lord Jesus Christ is the glorified man who was in the days of his flesh Jesus of Nazareth, that is the glorified Jesus Christ. The manchild is His offspring. The manchild is growing, the Lord Jesus Christ is now in heavenly places, He is in the world of Atzilut, that is the level of Malkhut, the female level, that is where He abides. His job is high priest, he has two functions that I know of at this time, He passes the male seed from the higher partsufim from the higher sefirot of Himself, He passes it to humanity and He offers the sacrifices. He, His main job is to sacrifice Leviathan in the people. He is the one who sacrifices Leviathan, and as He sacrifices Leviathan He regenerates the female Adam and the female Adam and impregnates the female Adam and brings forth His son Christ Jesus which is both man and God in the individual. He Himself is not God, He transfers the seed.


COMMENT:  Is He our ancestor?


PASTOR VITALE:  No, the ancestor is Christ Jesus, the ancestry comes from the male seed that comes from Chokhmah, the male seed is Adam, but Adam is growing in us, He is a part of us, just like your heart is a part of you, that is the whole concept of the only mediator between God and man. We are lacking something, humanity is lacking something. That is why Adam failed, that is why Jehovah said to Him, I am going to give you a help that will prevent you from failing in the future.


COMMENT:  I thought Jesus received that, I thought that He was (inaudible), got that, and then the offspring was thereafter, so what made Him alive thereafter, what does the glorification mean?


PASTOR VITALE:  What does the glorification mean? It means that He is living spiritual man, that His soul survived, His personality survived and His body survived and was translated so that He could exist in the high spiritual planes, He was translated. And yes He did have the manchild, the manchild did come forth in Him, and that is a good question so, no, no, the manchild is God, He is not God, the manchild is God.


We are going to start with the passage in the Zohar that stymied me, I found it last week and then I found again yesterday and yesterday the Lord gave me the understanding, so we are going to do that now and then I also would like to read to you the passages from the King James like this, I want to relate this to the Scripture so I will read you Genesis 23, and a couple of other Scriptures.


To be honest with you, I have read those Scriptures many times and I have wondered why there was such a big deal about this Cave of Machpelah, it had to be very important, so we will also try to discover what was so important about it and how it was to proceed the manchild who is now universally appearing in human beings everywhere. In other words, what appeared in that cave is now available through Christ Jesus in people all over the world.


There was something real, is it still there now, I honestly do not know, that cave still exists but it is covered over by a mosque right now. Is there any power left in there? I do not know. I wonder about these things, maybe the Lord will tell us, is there any, is there special power in Israel? We all know about the devil’s triangle where people disappear and boats disappear, there are time warps and there are, it is very possible that there are certain areas of the earth where there is a door to spiritual realms, it is very possible. It is very possible that, that is true about the land of Israel, it is called in some places the center of the earth.


Maybe there are spiritual doors there where tremendous power pours through, maybe there is tremendous power pouring through into the Cave of Machpelah, the issue is God wants to take that power and impart it to human beings. I know when the Lord first took me out of the church that raised me up with GR as you all know, and that was an incredible church, the pastor had told me that of all of the years that he was in the church, he had never seen a ministry where there was that kind of outpouring of power every time we met, it was incredible, we had healing, we had deliverance, we had anointed messages and then the Lord took me out of that church. I was really upset. When I sought the Lord, He told me Sheila, everything that was in that church, all of the glory that you experienced when you went to church, it is now inside of you.


I did not understand what He meant because I did not feel good like I felt when I walked into that church, but I had a seed inside of me that had to grow.


Even when it did grow, and I do not think it is fully grown yet, but the glory that glory that was outside of me that is now inside of me, it is manifesting in a different way. It is the same principle as me telling you, those of you who are not married and suffering with the travails of not being married, there are certain travails of being married, and other travails of not being married, God is not going to satisfy your emotional and physical needs in the same manner that a wife or husband would, but it is a parallel satisfaction. It is a different but it does, ultimately when it is mature it accomplishes the same goal. It satisfies you so that you are not lacking anything.


This is the same principle, the power to whatever degree the power is there in Israel, to whatever degree there is power and anointing there in the Cave of Machpelah, that there was power or there is power, now the issue is that whether it was there or it is not there now, or it is there now, God has taken that same power and He is giving it to human beings and it is a parallel form of satisfaction. It is different than traveling to a geographical location and walking into a cave and having a spiritual experience.


I have no problem believing that if it be the will of God that He could take me to a cave where I could have a spiritual experience and does anybody think that, that could not happen, that you could walk into a cave and the Lord could pour out an anointing on you?


Brethren when you go to a church and God pours out an anointing on you and gives you a spiritual experience, you may as well be in a cave, you have entered into a place and He has poured out a spiritual experience on you. I found out that I was addicted, you have heard my testimony. I was offended when the Lord first told me that I was addicted to the services in that church. The music made me feel good; it lifted up my emotions, the whole anointing affected my soul and made me feel good. That was just a taste, that was just a beginning of what God wanted to do, it was always His intention to plant His seed in me, and produce a spiritual offspring which would be a parallel satisfaction to that which I experienced in that cave called GR. Can anybody not hear what I am saying? I went to a cave and I met my ancestors there, and the anointing. I prayed and intercession went forth from me and healing went forth from me. Who can say when Caleb and others went to that Cave of Machpelah, if they actually experienced what we read about in the Zohar. Did Abraham actually see an image of Adam in that cave or is this a metaphor, is that just a story that is written down to explain spiritual things.


Brethren it is next to impossible to explain spiritual experiences. What God does is He wraps them in the garment of words to the best of His ability, in a parable, in a metaphor, and He puts it down in a book, and unless you have the spirit of revelation working through you as you read those metaphors, you will not understand. Brethren, I could be preaching to you for the next hundred years, you will not fully understand anything that I tell you until you experience it. You need to experience it.


My words are inadequate, words are inadequate. The whole purpose of the words are that when you have the experience, you will remember ah, this is that which Sheila was talking about, and if that is what Peter said on the day of Pentecost, as the apostles stood up there and spoke and people of all languages heard what they were saying, Peter said this is that which was spoken about by the prophet Joel.


The people did not recognize that, that was the fulfillment of prophecy. Why? Because they read the book, the book of Job but they could still not conceptualize how that spiritual promise or that spiritual event would play out amongst human beings in this world. If you think you will recall that I talk to you that way lots of times, I talk about spiritual principles, and I say, but I do not know how it is going to play out in this world. It is a challenge to us to recognize that outplaying of spiritual principles and spiritual events that we are anticipating.


Jesus appeared and so few Jews recognized that He was that which was prophesied. Here we are today, do you know that the Jewish sages or the Rabbis today, they know that it is prophesied that a new level of revelation is coming forth. Revelation has not come forth to the Jews in I would say about 2500 years. They know there is another layer of revelation coming and here it is, and they cannot recognize it. I sent my books to a Jewish publishing house, they packed it up and sent it right back to me. Nobody wants it, they cannot see that this is that which is prophesied. That is all that I can do for you, or for anyone is to preach so that it is in your consciousness so that when you have an experience, when God gives you an experience, He can bring to your consciousness that this that you are experiencing, is that which Sheila was talking about, and it is safe for you to embrace it, it is of me.


Any questions before we go on? Okay, let us try this. I have given you the key code here just in case you have forgotten, we have text from the Zohar, it is in aqua, referenced text is black, blue, I do have one alternate translation in there, green is Pastor Vitale’s comments, and the text in red is the King James translation. The issue, do the dead intercede for the living? Jewish theology, Kabbalah says yes, the Catholic Church says yes, Christ Centered Kabbalah says no. 2. Primary Zoharic text, here it is, this is what raised this whole issue for me. Starting at the top of page 2, those aqua bars, those are the references to the pages in the Zohar if you have the Zohar. Brethren you should not be reading the Zohar other than the passages from, you should not be going forward on your own. We have had a couple of brethren in the ministry that have tried that and it has not turned out too well for them. You should stay with the passages that I am interpreting for you. If you read the other passages and you do not have the spirit of revelation, your carnal mind is going to get in there and interpret it and you are going to start ascending on the other side, so you should stay away from that. Rabbi Judah Bar Shalom was once walking together with Rabbi Abba, they arrived at a place where they decided to spend the night. After taking a meal, they laid down to sleep, putting their heads on some raised ground under which was a grave.


Before falling asleep, they heard a voice from the grave crying, Twelve years have I been sleeping here and only now do I wake, for I now see the image of my son. Rabbi Judah asked who he was, and he said, I am a Jew, and lie under a ban, not being able to enter the higher regions because of the sorrows of my son who was stolen by a heathen when he was very young and is sorely now treated.


Said Rabbi Judah to him, Do the dead know of the sufferings of the living. He replied, If it were not for us, the dead, who intercede before the angel of the grave for the living, they would remain alive for a half a day. I have awakened now for I was told that my son would come here, but I know not whether alive or dead.


Then Rabbi Judah asked him, What do you do in that other world? The grave shook and a voice was heard saying, Go away for at this moment my son is being beaten. They ran from there for about a half a mile and sat down until the morning. When they rose to go they saw a man running with blood streaming from his shoulders. We will get back to that reference when I expound. Top of page 3, they stopped him and he told them what had happened to him. They asked him his name and he said, Lahma, the son of Levi, why said they, that is the son of the dead man. They were afraid to converse with him, neither did they return to the place of the grave. Said Rabbi Abba, that the prayers of the dead protect the living we learn from Caleb, who went to Hebron to beg for the intercession of the patriarchs. Rabbi Judah said, The holy one gave two promises to Jacob, one that He Himself would go down and stay with him in exile, and the second, that he would let him come out of his grave to behold the joy of the holy host of celestial beings who would dwell with his children in their captivity. As it is written, I will go down with thee into Egypt and I will surely bring thee up again, I will cause you to come up out of your graves whither the tribes go up.


Let me give you my understanding that the Lord showed me back to the top of page 2 please. Rabbi Judah Bar Shalom was once walking together with Rabbi Abba, they arrive at a place where they decided to spend the night. After taking a meal they laid down to sleep putting their heads on some raised ground under which was a grave. Brethren do you really think that someone is going to lay down and sleep on a grave? You have to understand that this is a metaphor. They were taking a journey, they were studying Scripture together. Either they were meditating and going into a trance or they were studying and seeking a spirit of revelation.


They decided to spend the night, they were in their carnal minds. After taking a meal, after ingesting spiritual doctrine, they laid down to sleep. Did they physically sleep or did their carnal mind go to sleep, and now the imputed Christ mind was up. The regenerate Adam has an imputed Christ mind, they can understand doctrine if God pours it out on them.


First they were in the night, they were in their carnal mind, then they ate spiritual food and they were enlightened and their carnal mind laid down to sleep and they put their heads on some raised ground under which was a grave. Brethren, the raised ground is us, our bodies are made from the ground, we are made from the earth, but we stand upright. We are the earth standing up out of the water one of the earliest messages, we are the raised ground. They were in their carnal mind, it was night and then they ate spiritual food, and then they ate that meal and their carnal mind laid down to sleep, and they put their heads which are now manifesting the imputed Christ mind on some raised ground, they recognized some raised ground, or they became a raised ground with the mind of Christ, and they realized that they were a grave.


Do you know that when Jesus called the Pharisees walking sepulchers, that, that Greek word sepulcher is grave? Do you know that we are all graves? We are all graves, we are dead, we are the walking dead. After they had their spiritual doctrine, and their head became the mind of Christ, or became the, I should not say Christ for the Old Testament, righteous Adam was resurrected in them, they recognized that they were a soul that was inside of a grave. That is who we are depending on where our consciousness is we could be in darkness, our consciousness if we are living out of our flesh, but we are also a soul. If you are here today if you are listening to me, today, tomorrow or whenever you get this message, if you are listening to me, at this moment, you are not your body, neither are you a personality, you are a soul, your personality has clave unto the soul that comes from God within you. Why do I say that?


Because it cannot just be your soul, your personality has to agree to bring you here to listen to this. Your personality had to bring your body here and your personality would only do that if your personality is in submission to and reflecting the will of the soul of God within you.


Right now you are not a body, you are not sowing to the needs of your body, you are not doing anything that glorifies your body, you are not eating, you are not drinking, you are not exercising, you are not, you should not be engaged in any kind of sexual activity, although I have been in churches which is unbelievable to me, a couple sitting there with the man’s arm wrapped around the woman rubbing her back, it is disgusting, somebody should tell them to stop it but nobody does. You are not supposed to be doing that in church, you should not be doing it in public anywhere. You use to get arrested for doing that in public, do you know that, in the days where this country was moral.


You would get arrested for doing that in public. Anyway, you are here and your mind, your Christ mind is being exercised, so you are a soul. You are a soul that comes from God that is being fed. They put their heads on some raised ground or their heads recognized that they were a raised ground which is a sepulcher, we are walking sepulchers. Jesus said to the Pharisees, you are walking over dead men’s bones, you are sepulchers and you walk over dead Abel, you are raised, you are the sepulcher that is raised up over Abel who is dead and you are living out of the consciousness of your carnal mind or your body so you are dead.


You are not living out of Abel in you who has the potential to be awakened. That is what Jesus was telling them. The dead men’s bones they were walking on are the bones of the dead Adam. You may recall years ago we did some teaching on the fact that Abel in each of us is a bone, one bone of the fallen Adam. He died, he broke into many pieces, and each bone of him is buried in a human heap which is you and me. Before falling asleep, they laid down to sleep but before falling asleep, they heard a voice from the grave crying, they heard a voice. Who is the voice in the grave? Abel awakened and was talking to them.


They studied spiritual doctrine, maybe they went into some kind of a trance, this is a parable, it is a metaphor; there is no pat answer. Did they go into a trance where they studied spiritual doctrine? How did they hear this voice? The only thing that we know is that they were spiritually activated. Somehow some imputed mind of the regenerated Adam rose up and was Abel to hear Abel crying out. Abel cries out day and night. The Scripture says that his blood cries out from the ground, it does not cry out two hours a day or five hours a day or ten hours a day, it is a continuous spiritual crying out of the blood of righteous Abel. You see they went into some kind a trance. Somehow their consciousness was raised and they heard the voice.


This is what Abel was and is now saying, twelve years have I been sleeping here, and only now do I wake for I now see the image of my son. In a recent message the Lord revealed what the term twelve years would mean, twelve years, does anybody remember what it means? It is a period of spiritual time as opposed to chronological time, seven days of the week or 52 weeks of the year along the horizontal path of the earth, time marches on and a certain set of time that it takes the earth to revolve around the sun, that is one year, that is not what this is talking about, that is chronological time. Spiritual time is time that means as long as it takes to accomplish a goal. Some of you have studied sonship, you might be familiar with the term the 42nd generation, the 42nd generation is a generation that is already spanning 2,000 years, the 42nd generation consists of people who are having a similar spiritual experience. Twelve years, the number 12 refers to God’s government, it refers to a judicial decree that will take as long as it takes for that judicial decree for that judgment to accomplish its purpose. It will take as long of chronological time as necessary to accomplish the purpose of the judicial decree, and a judicial decree is always to accomplish some form of resurrection to the glory of God.


This is Abel, righteous Abel who was murdered by Cain who was the residue of fallen Adam, he is fallen Adam’s hope of resurrection, and he is crying out from under the ground saying I have been here twelve years, of course the tense is wrong because he is still there. He will be there until ever single bone of fallen Adam is resurrected and rejoined to righteous Adam in his, righteous complete Adam, male and female, in his glorified condition. Anybody have a problem with this, any questions? Okay.


Rabbi Judah and Rabbi Abba, they heard the voice, they heard the internal spiritual voice of their hope of salvation, they heard the voice of their hope of glorification. They heard the voice of their hope of life.


Twelve years have I been sleeping here and only now do I wake for I now see the image of my son. What does that mean? Who and where, what is the image of the son that sleeping Abel saw? These two Rabbis, whatever they did, they went into a trance, they meditated, whatever they did, this message applies to anybody that it can apply to, it is not just two rabbis, one person will have to meditate for the mind of Christ to come up in them, or for the regenerate Adam to come up in them, another person would read the Scripture, another person would play music, whatever a human being has to do to catapult his consciousness into a place where he can hear his inner voice, that is what that means. That is what they did, it is not just two people, everybody, whatever godly thing you have to do to catapult your mind, your consciousness into a place where you can hear your inner voice, if it is the Spirit of God doing it for you, this is what you will hear.


I have been sleeping here for twelve years, I am under a judicial decree until my murderer, until my murderer is vindicated, until Cain dies. In order for Abel to be resurrected, Cain must die. Only one can live and the other must die. The reason that Cain killed Abel was a power play, they were both alive, Abel was the high priest of Jehovah at the time, and he was giving life to Cain because Abel stood between Jehovah and Cain and gave Cain life, but Cain, the animal nature the ignorance of the animal nature wanted to be on top, so he therefore we say bit his nose of despite his face, he killed the mediator because he wanted to be boss, not understanding that Jehovah would not relate to him as mediator, and Cain died as well as Abel because he killed the mediator because of his love for power. When Abel becomes mediator again, both Cain and Abel live.


How did he see the image of his son? He said I am awakened here, he said only now do I awake for I now see the image of my son. What did he see? He saw the regenerate Adam, the mind of Christ. These two rabbis had a consciousness raising experience, they recognized that they were walking sepulchers, they heard the voice of their inner man and they could only do that in the consciousness of the mind of the resurrected Adam we call the mind of Christ.


Abel who was sleeping saw the image of his son. There was a communication between the two people who had a consciousness raising experience, and which awakened Abel and when Abel awakened he saw the nature of God. It was a mutual recognition, only the two rabbis did not understand what they were experiencing. That truth comes forth in this parable form, I honestly do not know, maybe someday the Lord will tell me I do not know, I do not think for where we are now it is really that important, we have so much to learn brethren, we have so much work to do I do not really think it is that important to know at this time what is not important, some of these details of whether he was meditating or not. Does anybody have a question? That is the end of that basic principle.


COMMENT:  (inaudible)


PASTOR VITALE:  It could be a thousand years, it is an… you may be right but I will ask the Lord about it, offhand I do not know but it a time period, it is an unmarked chronological time period, we do not know how long it is going to take until the goal is accomplished, it could be a thousand years, it is possible.


Rabbi Judah asked him who he was and he said, I am a Jew and lie under a ban. This is Abel talking, I am an Israelite, he might be saying, and I lie under a ban, I am being prevented from doing something. I am not able to enter into the higher regions because of the sorrows of my son.


Do we not know that Moshiach is a man of sorrows, is that not what the Scripture says? I did not print out that reference for you but that is what it says. Messiah, He is a man of sorrows. Abel is saying, I am not able to enter the higher regions, I cannot get back to the supernal realms because of the sorrows of my son. What does that mean? The son is Christ Jesus, the offspring of the supernal high priest the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is in sorrow which means He is not functioning, He is not connecting me to the supernal realms, so I am under a ban, I cannot get back up into the high spiritual places where there is life because the son who is supposed to connect me is in sorrow.


When you read Genesis where the curse is being pronounced upon Eve and it says that she will bring forth children in sorrow, that Hebrew word sorrow can mean to give birth from an animal body. Before the fall and even a long time after the fall, mankind did not reproduce, mankind was not homosapien, he was not in an animal body. There are different forms of reproduction, so part of the curse was that you will now reproduce though human, through animal type reproduction which is painful for the woman. If we want to use that definition of the word sorrows there, he is saying I cannot enter into the higher regions because my son has not been born yet.


If you want to change that word sorrows to birth, my son has not been born yet, Christ Jesus has not been born in me yet, the mediator has been born in me yet. Then he goes on to say, my son who was stolen by a heathen when he was very young and is sorely now treated. Remember this is a parable, the son was stolen by a heathen, that is interesting because over the years of our studies we found in the parable form this concept of Binah’s eggs being stolen. Each one of us is an egg that has been kidnapped, who have we been kidnapped by? We have been kidnapped by the serpent who has filled us with his household, Satan, Leviathan, and Cain.


We are shells, our humanity, our physical body and our personality and our fallen soul is a shell, is a house that is made to contain a soul that comes from God, and actually the manchild, the soul that comes from God and joins with us and produces the manchild. We are now being occupied by the one who kidnapped us which is Cain, or Cain killed Abel and capture the whole thing. Cain may be wrong, Cain, Satan, Leviathan, I have to think about that, who it might be, but it is the serpent’s household.


He is like speaking for himself. This is Abel speaking for himself. I cannot enter into the higher regions because my son has not been born yet, because of the sorrows of my son who was stolen by a heathen, that was Cain was the heathen or the serpent is the heathen, when he was very young, Abel was very young and Adam was very young when he fell, and is sorely now treated. Abel is sorely now treated, wherever he tries to open his eyes or wake up, Cain comes and slaps him down.


Even in those of us where he has succeeded in awakening, we all have heavy trials and tribulations because the powers of this world, Cain’s mother and father, Satan and Leviathan are doing everything they can to put Abel back to sleep, or to hurt the houses of the physical people that he dwells in. They would kill us if they could. He is sorely mistreated and we who are his host, we are sorely mistreated with him. Said Rabbi Judah to him, Do the dead know of the sufferings of the living? He replied, If it were not for us the dead who intercede before the angel of the grave for the living, they would not remain alive for half a day.


Brethren I want to tell you the one who is dead is Abel, Abel is the dead one, actually it is Adam, Abel is his bones, Adam is the one who died, in Adam all die, all are dead. In Christ we are made alive, but we are dead. Do the dead know the sufferings of the living? Do you think that the dead Adam within you, do you think Abel knows the sufferings of the living? I think the answer is yes, I think every part of us suffers. Every part of our humanity suffers and Abel is a part of our humanity, he is the breath of life, he is the human soul in us, he suffers, he is in our blood, he is the breath of life, he suffers with us, he feel our pains.


Do the dead know the sufferings of the living? They certainly do, on whatever level, you have to expand your mind, is Abel in the form of the kind of consciousness that you have, is there is something inside of you that is aware like you are of the suffering of the whole, or is it just cellular consciousness in the cells of your blood? I do not know what the answer to that is but there is a cellular consciousness. The blood suffers, there are blood diseases; the blood is infested with all kinds of spiritual vermin.


They know, on what level I do not know the dead, Adam knows that we are suffering but he knows because he is suffering with us. He is a part of us and we are a part of him. He replied, If it were not for us the dead Adam, and Abel his parts who intercede before the angel of the grave for the living, they would not remain alive for half a day. What does that mean? Brethren the whole reason the Lord does not wipe us out completely is because Abel is in us, Abel our potential to produce the son of God. That is why Jehovah does not wipe us out completely.


Can you translate that, can your understanding translate that to understand that because Jehovah will not wipe us out because of our potential to produce His son that, that is the dead interceding for the living? If it were not for us the dead who intercede before the angel of the grave; who is the angel of the grave? It must be Cain. This is the grave; we are in the grave, who is the angel of the grave? It is either Cain or Abel depending on which one is manifested, those are the two angels, and Abel is the angel of life and Cain is the angel of the grave, he rules over the grave, he rules over this body. Cain is not alone, he has a mother and a father, they are all one, Satan, Leviathan, and Cain; they are the angel of the fallen person. That is why when Christ Jesus is conceived in us and begins to mature; it is all of that warfare because there is a new angel in the house. Who is going to rule this house? Will it be the household of the serpent or the household of God? That is the war, and we are all caught in it.


It is a spiritual war that we the physical part of the spiritual world, it caught up in, or caught up in.


If it were not for us the dead Adam manifesting as Abel in the individual, who intercedes before the angel of the grave for the living, before in front of, in other words despite the angel of the grave of the living, they would not remain alive for half a day, it means if Abel was not here, Jehovah would have no interest in us and we would not remain alive for even half a day. I have awakened now, Abel speaking, I have awakened now for I was told that my son would come here. Brethren this is a parable, it is for all time, that could be Abel in you saying I have awakened now because I have heard the message, I have heard the preaching that the manchild Christ Jesus is going to come forth in you the person I am communicating with and that is why I am awakened, I am waiting for this saving event.


I was told that my son would come here but I know whither alive or dead. He does not have any more information than that, he is awakened and when his consciousness awakens, he receives that understanding that the son, the manchild, the only mediator between God and man is about to be born here, but he has no more information, he does not know whether he will be alive or dead, he just knows that he is going to be here.


With all of this great revelation from the Jewish sages, they are lacking the crucial piece of information, and that is why the Lord tells us that all of this tremendous body of knowledge that the Jews have, it is a book that is locked up. The revelation is delicious but they cannot activate it, they cannot make it work for them, they cannot use it to be restored to the supernal realms, they are lacking the key. The key is Christ Centered Kabbalah, but they cannot recognize it and they do not want it. We faithfully preach this message, thought forms going on into the heavenlies, at some point in the Lord’s perfect timing, there will be a big breakthrough and people will begin to understand, the scales will fall off of their eyes and they will understand.


Then Rabbi Judah asked him, what do you do in that other world? The grave shook and the voice was heard saying, go away for at this moment my son is being beaten. What that means is we have to be careful not to ask questions out of order. I have told you things similar to that, this is the what the Lord is teaching us now, do not put your mind on an issue that is coming in the next thousand years, we need all of our mental and spiritual and emotional resources to learn what the Lord is teaching us now. This Rabbi said, what is life like in the other world? That is your carnal mind interfering and trying to change the subject.


We have not had that here in a long time but it use to happen a lot, that people would either have comments or questions that if I would follow it, if I would yield to it would take us way off of the point of what the Lord is teaching here today. You say to yourself, well that is a really dramatic way of demonstrating that principle. The grave shook, that means the human being that is the walking sepulcher shook and a voice was heard saying, go away for at this moment my son is being beaten. Christ Jesus is being beaten, Abel is being beaten down. Why are you wondering about something that is none of your business? Brethren look at the dramatic way in which that is expressed. Would you say, I would say, now this is very clear, this is what this sentence means; it means a question of the carnal mind rose up which if the teacher would allow it would take the whole class off point.


Why would it be stated in such a dramatic way, can you see how dramatically it is stated compared to what I just told you? You need to look at that and recognize that the other spiritual principles that I am revealing through these sentences indicate that the parable is very overly dramatized, it is very overly dramatized. I do not know why that is, maybe it is to keep our attention or to make it sound interesting, I do not know.


What am I telling you? When you experience these things, it is not going to be nearly exciting as it sounds in the parable. It is going to be a part of your everyday life. In other words, if you are looking the reality of these sentences and you are looking for something as exciting as the ground shaking, you are going to miss it, it is subtle, it is hard to see here in the world of human beings, very hard to see. If you are looking for the exaggerated expression of it, you will surely miss the subtle reality of it.


They ran from there about a half a mile and sat down until the morning. When they rose to go they saw a man running with blood streaming from his shoulders. They were frightened, they did not understand this. They ran a mile and they sat down, sitting down usually refers to being spiritually married so they sat down until the morning. In another place we are told until the morning star arises.


They ran from there about a half a mile and they sat down waiting for the morning, waiting for Christ Jesus to arise in them. When they rose to go, they saw a man running with blood streaming from his shoulders. They sat down waiting for the morning, they rose to go, that means the morning had arrived. The morning had arrived, Christ Jesus had arrived, and as soon as Christ Jesus arrived, as soon as the male mind arose, what did they see? They saw a man running with blood coming down from his shoulders. Isaiah 9:6;


Isaiah 9:6


  1. 6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the prince of peace. KJV



The parable says it is in the form of a man, they saw a man running, but we know it is a spiritual man and he is running, he is not walking, it means he is moving rapidly and blood is streaming down from his government. What is the blood? The blood of Jesus is the forgiveness of sins. The government that sits between his shoulders is the sowing and reaping judgment. The blood of Jesus is given to save us from the righteous sowing and reaping judgment.


As soon as the morning rose in them, they recognized or at least it was shown to them, I do not know whether they recognized it or not, they were shown the symbol, I do not know whether they recognized it or not. It was this Scripture I gave you the revelation that I started the message off with, because the word wonderful means miracle, the prince of peace is obviously Messiah and the mighty God. This is what throws Christians off, I do not know about the Jews, but it throws Christians off, it is wonderful, they see Jesus and that He is wonderful; He is counselor; He is mighty God; so they think the Jesus is God.


It is not Jesus, it is Christ Jesus, the offspring, the man God is Christ Jesus, offspring. …the everlasting Father, the prince of peace, He is both, He is the Father and the son, we are told in the Scripture, I believe it was John, one of the epistles of John; he who has the Father has the son also. He who has the son has the Father, they are one.


They stopped him and he told them what happened to him, they stopped him. It does not say who stopped him, they stopped the man who was running, they stopped him and he told them what had happened to him. They asked his name and he said, Lahma the son of Levi, Levi that means he is a priest, Messiah is a Levite, the priest, he said Lahma the son of Levi. Why they said, that is the son of the dead man.


It does not tell you what happened to him, it says he told them what happened to him but it does not tell us here what he said. They asked him his name and they found out that he was a priest and why the two Rabbis said that is the son of the dead man, he is the offspring of the dead Abel in human beings.


This is a parable that tells us the dead man in the midst of us, Abel in the midst of us, his destiny is to become a full grown man with the power to run, that is a spiritual running, that means power and authority, that the government will be on his shoulders and then he will manifest to the world the blood of Jesus which will put an end to the sowing and reaping judgment, the forgiveness of sins.


Brethren there is no way you could know that but by the spirit of revelation unless you are a student of the New Testament and the doctrine of Christ. We have brilliant Jewish sages, brilliant men that do not, I believe that do not have a revelation of the inner man. That was Paul’s message, the inner man. They think the one that is being fixed is themselves; they think they are being fixed. They are being caught up, they do not have a revelation that something must be added to them and it is the son of God that must be added to them because they do not believe they are lacking.


Human brilliance has nothing to do with revelation that comes from God, and this is how God can stymie all kinds of men, the most brilliant men with the greatest IQ do not know or that man would not know what you are hearing today and what you are understanding today, because the mind of Christ is ascended in you. That has nothing to do with human intelligence. I think it helps somewhat if you are intelligent but you do not have to be intelligent, I believe that the Lord can minister this message to a retarded person, I believe that will happen in its time.


What are we talking about here, we are talking about the awakening of Abel; and the ability of Abel to hear and receive knowledge and wisdom and understanding from his father, which overcome retardation or human lack of intelligence; this is a parallel intelligence. The mind of Christ is a parallel intelligence, if you have intelligence in your carnal mind, I think that it will help you but it is not necessary. It is a parallel intelligence, and when this parallel intelligence arises in you, or in a person, it will eventually overcome a lack of intelligence on the human side. I do not see the Lord doing that now but I am absolutely convinced that it will happen.


Christ Jesus is the great equalizer. When He is ascended in a person fully mature, every error or their human person will be corrected because He, Christ Jesus will be ruling through the person, everything will be fixed. What the Lord is doing right now is raising up the teachers of this doctrine. Jesus was the firstfruits, He was the first one that experienced the manchild and we are a part of His company, we are part of His generation, those of us that are experiencing it today, we will complete His generation and then we will go to the next generation with teaching and the ability to impart Christ Jesus and at that time we will be seeing everybody that turns to God, no matter what their condition will be taken, they will receive the mind of Christ, which will eventually mature into Christ Jesus, which will heal every problem, genetic or otherwise in their physical bodies because they will have become the house of the glory of God. What is the glory of God? It is the reflection of God; Christ Jesus is the reflection of God in a man. It is going to be something to see brethren.


They were afraid to converse with him, neither did they return to the place of the grave. Said Rabbi Abba, that the prayers of the dead protect the living, so this is their conclusion, the prayers of the dead protect the living, we learn from Caleb who went to Hebron to beg for the intercession of the patriarchs at the Cave of Machpelah. This is how we get into the Cave of Machpelah.


We now know that the dead who protect the living are not persons or personalities that we know whose bodies have died or passed on to the other side. The dead is the dead Adam our ancestor, Adam is our ancestor, the dead Adam who died, whose bones are buried in humanity, that is the dead who intercede for us, and that intercession, that is a parable to say it is intercession because the reality is that their very existence within us gives us life because Jehovah is not willing to kill us because that bone of the dead Adam in us is present, so it comes forth in the parable that it is an intercession, and that is not really wrong that it is an intercession except that I think that if it were me, it would completely throw me off as to what this really meant. The word intercession makes it sound like there is a dead person there that is talking to God on my behalf, but that is not true. The dead person there is beloved of God; who intends to raise him from the dead, and for that reason, Jehovah spares our life and that is the form of the intercession, it is not a traditional form of intercession, but an intercession it is. Without the spirit of revelation, all of these people, all of these Jews, all of these Catholics, all of these Protestants who are hearing this and they are walking around with this error in their minds and in their soul, that at the very least of the damage is that it is blocking them from the truth; and what further damage it is doing, that is not today’s message, I am not even going to think about it, or I might start to shake and say this is not time to talk about that. Nobody is laughing, that is what it said further back.


Here we see our introduction to the Cave of Machpelah, this is the witness in the text, the basic text at the end, Rabbi Abba said the prayers, we have now drawn the conclusion, the incorrect conclusion that the prayers of the dead, the definition is who are the dead, the question is who is the dead? You have to get these definitions brethren, who is the dead, who are the dead? Are they the personalities that you knew, your mother, your father, your brother, your sister, your uncle, your friend whose body died and they passed to the other side, or is the dead the dead Adam?


You have to understand the doctrine of Christ, and Christ Centered Kabbalah which teaches us that these physical bodies and personalities are the leaves on the dead tree that only last for a season. The personality is not preserved unless at some point it begins to be preserved, but in the average person, the personality dies with the body and the dead soul that incarnated us, the soul of fallen Adam goes back into the spiritual sea of Yetzirah until it incarnates again.


These personalities and bodies are never seen again. We cannot be the dead that is interceding because the personalities and the bodies cannot be the dead that are interceding because they dissolve, never to be seen again. It is the soul of the dead Adam who is trying to get back. Even though it has become evil it is still trying to get back to God. Here is the witness that launched us into this cave of Machpelah. The prayers of the dead protect the living we learn from Caleb. They are saying, ah we have a Scriptural proof of what we just taught here that the dead protect the living. Here is Caleb who went to Hebron which is where the cave is to beg for the intercession of the patriarchs.


Brethren that is not in the Scripture; what is in the Scripture and we will read about it soon is that Caleb, he was one of the spies that went into Canaan. There is a whole section of Scripture which is called Scriptural exegesis that build out the Scripture. I have told you before the Scripture is abbreviated, it is abbreviated. Even in the New Testament alone we were told if everything that Jesus did was written in a book, there would not be books enough to contain it. The Scripture is abbreviated, and a deeper understanding can come forth by the spirit of revelation.


This is what we are dealing with, we are dealing with rabbis who have meditated on the word of God, and are filling in with greater, in other words, what did Caleb do when he went into Canaan land? The Scripture does not say, it does not say what he did not do and it does not say what he did do.


Do I know whether this rabbi had a revelation that came from God that Caleb went to the cave of Machpelah, did he go? I do not know. We are dealing with spiritual principles here, do not get hung up on the point. Maybe he went, maybe he did not go, but what we know is that right now we have a situation where this revelation, this teaching, this doctrinal teaching that the dead intercede for the living is entrenched in the people, it is entrenched, it is going to have to be dug out with a crowbar. Let us just stay on point; this is the witness that the Zohar gives.


It may be he went there, maybe he did not, maybe the rabbi that had this revelation, maybe he really believed that Caleb went to the cave of Machpelah, and maybe he did not, maybe he was just looking for a witness that would fit because in his heart he had a revelation that the dead intercede for the living. So he said, ah, that is probably what happened with Caleb, and there is a whole justification for this belief, I do not know if we will get to it or not, again I do not know how many parts of this the Lord is going to let me do, but I did a lot more research than I even have in your notes and just to give you an idea of what I am talking about, the justification goes like this.


When Moses appointed the spies to go into Canaan land, he prayed for Joshua, Joshua was the only one that Moses prayed for, and therefore Joshua stood, there were only ten other spies came out from Canaan and said, we cannot take the land. Joshua and Caleb were the two spies that said yes we can do it. The rabbi was getting the revelation says, well Moses prayed for Joshua, so Joshua was protected, he abode in the truth, how did it happen that Caleb abode in the truth also? Moses did not pray for him, how did it happen that Caleb abode in the truth also. Caleb must have had some kind of spiritual protection for him to abide in the truth also.


How would Caleb get some spiritual protection, he did not have Moses’ prayer, he did not fail, he stayed in the truth, there must be another answer. Ah, I got it, when he entered into Canaan land, he must have gone to Hebron to enter into the cave of Machpelah to get his protection from the patriarchs. That is what we are talking about. This kind of reasoning is accepted and very common in the Jewish literature and it is accepted as truth.


Here is the principle. It does not really matter whether Caleb went to Hebron and the cave of Machpelah when he got into Canaan land, what we know is that Caleb survived the lie and abode in the truth. There has to be some reason he abode in the truth. Some spiritual power had to be imparted to him for him to not be overcome by the lie. That is the key; that is the spiritual reality. Caleb survived the lie of the enemy, some spiritual power was imparted to him somehow, someway, so why not the cave of Machpelah. That is the reasoning, but it is not out of the blue, these are Bible scholars, these are men who are before God day and night studying the Scripture praying and meditating, it does not just come out of the blue, so it very well may have been a spirit of revelation, maybe it is true. Is anybody not following me?


This is very, very hard for Christians who are stuck on the King James translation, this is like impossible for Christians who are stuck on the King James translation, it is easy for me at this point, it was not easy at the beginning, but what made it possible for me, is that the Lord started me on the alternate translations that I do, which people who are stuck on the King James translation look at my alternate translations and they say, where in the world did you get that from? The answer is that is what the Lord told me. I submitted myself to Him, I studied for hours, I prayed, I meditated, and that is what He told me.


I can understand that the Jewish sages had some kind of a similar experience with God and at this point in my growth, I am depending on the spirit that gave me the alternate translations, I am believing on Christ Jesus in me who is taking me on this incredible journey of understanding in the Scripture that is just so satisfying and marvelous and exciting and doing such wonderful things in my life because when we believe these things it brings a greater degree of power into your life, it just affects your whole life. I trust Him to tell me if what I am reading is wrong.


I want to tell you something else, that he does not, it is not His habit or His practice to come to me and tell me something is wrong, it is His practice to come to me and say, well this is what it really means. He does not just come and say that is wrong, he says that is what it really means, they did not go deep enough, they did not go deep enough. I want to tell you that, I told you that I found this portion in the Zohar, I just read the Zohar, it is very edifying for me, and every once in a while the Lord shows me, I always wind up on something, on a passage that He wants me to preach. I found this before the last week, yesterday we just got back from the conference and I knew I had to prepare for the message and I was not sure what I was going to preach.


The way I start is that I pick up the Zohar because that catapults me into a spiritual consciousness and then I can hear what the Lord wants me to do. I opened to that page of this passage that we are working on now, and I remembered that last week I had said to the Lord, Lord you have got to show me the truth of this because it says right there as clear as day that the dead intercede for the living.


I was studying in Panera, my second office, and what is my habit is I just focus on it, just focus on it, just focus on the words, just focusing on it saying, Lord what does this mean, what does this mean? I started to get sleepy, I got the revelation, and right after I got the revelation I started to get so sleepy I had to go home and I passed out and I slept for four hours in the middle of the day, I slept for the whole afternoon, a beautiful day, what does that mean? Apparently I had to go so deep to hear what the Lord was saying that it just knocked me out.


Last paragraph; Rabbi Judah said, the holy one gave two promises to Jacob, this really is not that pertinent but I just felt to leave it in, the holy one gave, it is not pertinent to what we are doing today, everything is pertinent. The holy one gave two promises or vows to Jacob, one that he himself would go down and stay with him in exile, and second that he would let him come out of his grave to behold the joy of the holy hosts of celestial beings. In other words, the promise was that Jacob would come out of this criminal prison house of this physical body, and experience or perceive the celestial beings who would dwell with his children in their captivity. That is just another way of saying the Lord will never leave us or forsake us, He never leaves us alone no matter what our condition is brethren, sick, dying, happy, healthy, in the hospital, in jail, on a desert island, we do not have to get to the cave of Machpelah, we just have to humble ourselves before God, confess our sins, admit that we cannot do anything for ourselves and He will speak to us and deliver us from the internalized son that He has placed in us and birthed in us.


It is an absolute miracle by the grace of God, our own personal savior. It is taught in the church that we have a personal savior. You think it is someone that you can talk to directly, well that is true but it is more than that, it is more than someone that you talk to directly, He is a part of you, when He is there, when Christ Jesus is there, that is the intention of God, that He should dwell in the midst of you through His Son, because the Father and the Son are one. If the Son is dwelling in you the Father is there also. As it is written; and he quotes some references, I will go down with you to Egypt and I will surely bring you up again.


Brethren, if you go under judgment because the Lord is preparing you to birth his Son, the judgment is necessary, if you go down to a low place where you experience hard times, remember He has promised to bring you up again. He has promised to bring Jacob up again and Jacob is in you. If you are going under judgment so that His Son can be birthed in you, all of the patriarchs are in you, you have the whole heritage of Adam, it was Adam who incarnated as Abraham. It was Adam who incarnated as Isaac. I was Adam who incarnated as Jacob, and the matriarchs, Sarah, Rebecca, and Rachel, they are all in you because these are all incarnations of Adam and Adam is being regenerated in you, every experience that Adam has had in any one of these lifetimes of these patriarchs, he brings to you through His Son. All of the experiences that you do not have, he is able to teach you everything you need to know because he has experienced them already and he has overcome already through multiple, through a multiplicity of incarnations, who? Adam, the regenerate Adam, he even incarnated in the man Jesus of Nazareth and he acquired that man’s personality and physical body, He is Adam, Jesus said, I am the last Adam, He is Adam your husband is Adam. Christ Jesus in you, He is Adam, all of the patriarchs, they are inside of you if you have the manchild. The promises to Jacob are the promises to you. He said I am going to bring you down to Egypt because you have to go under judgment to burn away your carnal mind, but I promise you I am going to bring you out again.


When you are in the depths of maybe the worse trial you have ever experienced in your life, you need to remember this promise. Everything comes from God, God controls everything; all judgment comes from God, either from the sowing and reaping judgment or from the white throne judgment. If you are in a low place, He put you there and if you are focused on the Lord, if your faith is in Him, He has promised to bring you out and He will. Then they quote Ezekiel 37:12;




  1. 12. I will cause you to come up out of your graves. KJV



That is a promise to all of spiritual Israel, it is a promise; we will come up out of these physical graves. …whither the tribes go up, that is from the Psalms, the tribes will go up, the tribes of Israel, they are coming up out of their graves. Israel came out of Babylon, and we are coming up out of these graves, first the natural, and then the spiritual, that is the promise. No matter how bad things get, you need to hold on to the promises. There is a new section here, I will just read the King James and then we will break then before I start expounding. I am going to read Genesis 23, this is for two reasons, I wanted to introduce the Scripture into this study, because the Scripture is very important, you cannot just stay with the esoteric doctrine, and then following that I have some information from some of the Bible dictionaries about Machpelah. I do not know about you but I never really thought that this was very important that Abraham bought a burying place in Machpelah, I never thought it was very important, so this is an outstanding revelation to me, I really am enjoying it, I hope you are enjoying it also. Genesis 23;




  1. 1. And Sarah was an hundred and seven and twenty years old: these were the years of the life of Sarah.
  2. 2. And Sarah died in Kirjatharba; the same is Hebron in the land of Canaan: and Abraham came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her.
  3. 3. And Abraham stood up from before his dead, and spake unto the sons of Heth, saying,
  4. 4. I am a stranger and a sojourner with you: give me a possession of a burying place with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight.
  5. 5. And the children of Heth answered Abraham, saying unto him,
  6. 6. Hear us, my lord: thou art a mighty prince among us: in the choice of our sepulchers bury thy dead; none of us shall withhold from thee his sepulcher, but that thou mayest bury thy dead.
  7. 7. And Abraham stood up, and bowed himself to the people of the land, even to the children of Heth.
  8. 8. And he communed with them, saying, If it be your mind that I should bury my dead out of my sight; hear me, and entreat for me to Ephron the son of Zohar,
  9. 9. That he may give me the cave of Machpelah, which he hath, which is in the end of his field; for as much money as it is worth he shall give it me for a possession of a burying place amongst you.
  10. 10. And Ephron dwelt among the children of Heth: and Ephron the Hittite answered Abraham in the audience of the children of Heth, even of all that went in at the gate of his city, saying,
  11. 11. Nay, my lord, hear me: the field give I thee, and the cave that is therein, I give it thee; in the presence of the sons of my people give I it thee: bury thy dead.
  12. 12. And Abraham bowed down himself before the people of the land.
  13. 13. And he spake unto Ephron in the audience of the people of the land, saying, But if thou wilt give it, I pray thee, hear me: I will give thee money for the field; take it of me, and I will bury my dead there.
  14. 14. And Ephron answered Abraham, saying unto him,
  15. 15. My lord, hearken unto me: the land is worth four hundred shekels of silver; what is that betwixt me and thee? bury therefore thy dead.
  16. 16. And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron; and Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver, which he had named in the audience of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, current money with the merchant.
  17. 17. And the field of Ephron, which was in Machpelah, which was before Mamre, the field, and the cave which was therein, and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all the borders round about, were made sure,
  18. 18. Unto Abraham for a possession in the presence of the children of Heth, before all that went in at the gate of his city.
  19. 19. And after this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah before Mamre: the same is Hebron in the land of Canaan. (that is where David ruled from when he first became king of Judah in Hebron, and I believe his palace was built very near to this cave, I read that somewhere).
  20. 20. And the field, and the cave that is therein, were made sure unto Abraham for a possession of a burying place by the sons of Heth. KJV



GENESIS 49:1-2


  1. 1. And Jacob called unto his sons and said, Gather yourselves together that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.
  2. 2. Gather yourselves together and hear ye sons of Jacob and hearken unto Israel your father.



Verses 28:33


  1. 28. All these are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is that their father spake unto them and blessed them, every one according to his blessing he blessed them.
  2. 29. And he charged them and said to them, I am to be (this is Jacob is speaking), gathered unto my people, bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite.
  3. 30. In the cave that is in the field of Machpelah, which his before Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field of Ephron the Hittite for a possession of a burying place.
  4. 31. There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife, there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife, and there I buried Leah.
  5. 32. The purchase of the field and of the cave that is therein was from the children of Heth.
  6. 33. And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people. KJV



Brethren it is obvious from this that the patriarchs thought, Jacob at least thought that it was important that he was buried in this cave. It was not just that it was a family burying place, he had his bones transferred from Egypt, it was a whole big thing, all of the elders of Egypt, when a whole big caravan of people went to take his bones to this cave of Machpelah. What is so special about this cave of Machpelah? As I told you at the beginning of the message, I have no problem believing that it is a place of great energy, a source of great energy. It is just like Jerusalem it is supposed to be geographical location of great energy, but no matter how great that energy is or may be, or use to be, or still is, it is still just a type of the energy and power that God wants to place in the individual through His indwelling Son, Christ Jesus.


The power of God cannot be bound to a geographical location, the ultimate end of it cannot be bound to a single geographical location, he intends to be all over the world in a multitude of people, millions, billions, trillions of people, whatever the number is, I do not know. He cannot be bound to a geographical location anymore. He is not going to be bound to a temple, anymore and He is not going to be bound to a cave.


These patriarchs, they were powerful men of God and they experienced longevity, they lived long years, I have no problem believing that there was great energy flowing through them, and they were not sick before they died. What we see in this country today, people getting sick and dying, that is abnormal. You are not supposed to get sick and suffer and then die, you are supposed to just go to sleep and not wake up.


Moses was powerful and his eyes were not dim until the day that he died.


I just, in my preparation for this message, I think it was Caleb, I think it was Caleb, at 85 years old, 85 years old, he went to war to take Hebron. Hebron was the piece of land that was designated to Caleb. You may recall that as Israel entered into Canaan, Moses divided up the land and he assigned certain pieces of the land in certain cities to different tribes and Hebron was assigned to Caleb, but when Moses or when God says to you that land is yours, then you have to go take it. All that, that means is if you go to war to take it, He will be with you. We do not do that anymore, we do not go into battle to take a piece of land, but if the Lord tells you I am giving you that building, I am giving you that church, I am giving you that house, whatever He says I am giving you, that means you have to go and do everything that you need to do know how to do, even though you do not any money for example, you have to go forward because the Lord said it is yours.


That means He will open up doors for you and you will get it. That is the equivalent of what is happening today. My point is that Caleb was 85 years old when he waged a military battle against the people who were presently inhabiting Hebron. He had to oust them to take possession of the land at 85 years old. What I am trying to tell you is that these men were powerful men, they were powerful people of God with great power of God flowing through them and they did not get sick and die. When you get sick before you die, your energy drains out. What I am telling you is that when they ceased, when their souls departed from their physical bodies, they was still great energy flowing through their physical bodies, because that energy was not sapped up through sickness, that is my whole point, is anybody not following me?


Where the bodies were abandoned, and because the souls departed, I have no problem believing that there came into that place an extraordinary manifestation of energy, just like when a meteorite falls into the earth and it burns for a long time. I have no problem believing that. When I was talking about this earlier and I said I just had an interesting thought but I never brought it forth, I will bring it forth now; the New Testament says that concerning Noah, there were eight souls saved by water, and that has been a mystery to me, I thought that I had the answer, I preached on it a couple of times, but I know I do not have the answer. There are eight souls buried in the cave of Machpelah, there are eight patriarchs, I am wondering if that New Testament Scripture that says eight souls saved by water is not saying that these eight patriarchs were incarnate in the world on the other side of the flood and that they, it was these eight patriarchs that carried over to the other side of the flood through the human being called Noah, those were the eight souls that were saved. They were incarnate, I do not know what Noah looked like; he was not a homosapien. Anyway, I think that is what the Lord told me, does anybody not understand that. That has nothing to do with this message but I just got that by revelation so that is exciting to me.


I have some information from Bible dictionaries about the cave of Machpelah. As I read through them to you, if I come to a sentence that is being repetitive I am just going to go past it. We are starting with the new Unger’s Bible Dictionary. It is a field containing the cave bought by Abraham for a burial place and where he buried Sarah. Abraham himself was buried there, along with Isaac and Rebekah his wife, and Leah, the wife of Jacob, and later Jacob also. This is the last Biblical mention of the cave of Machpelah, and there is no reason to believe that any building was erected on the spot before the captivity. The cave was in Hebron, and it now marked by a Muslim Mosque in which are shown the so called tombs. Muslims and Christians, the reason it says so called tombs is that there is no tomb, the building the mosque is built over the cave, the cave is underneath; so he says so called tombs because they are not really the tombs. Muslim and Christians have together held this sanctuary for 600 years, and that means the Catholic Church. Much of the structure as it stand today, dates to the reign of Herod’s grave.


Here is Easton’s Bible dictionary, the word Machpelah means double cave, the cave which Abraham bought together with the field in which it stood from Ephron the Hittite for a family burying place. It is one of those Bible localities about the identification of which there can be no doubt. It was on the slope of a hill on the east of Hebron before Mamre. Here were laid the bodies of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Leah. Over the cave an ancient Christian church was erected, probably in the time of Justinian the Roman Emperor. This church has been converted into a Mohammedan mosque. The whole is surrounded by the el-Haram, i.e. “the sacred enclosure” about 200 feet long, 115 feet broad and of an average height about 50 feet. This building from the immense size of some of its stones and the manner in which they are fitted together is supposed by some to have been erected in the days of David or of Solomon, while others ascribe it to the time of Herod. It is looked upon as the most ancient and finest relics of Jewish architecture.


On the floor of the mosque are erected six large cenotaphs, as monuments to the dead who are buried in the cave beneath. Between the cenotaphs of Isaac and Rebekah, there is a circular opening in the floor into the cavern below, the cave of Machpelah. Here it may be that the body of Jacob which was embalmed in Egypt is still preserved; much older embalmed bodies have recently been found in the cave of Deir el-Bahari in Egypt. (Jacob was the only one that was embalmed, so they are saying if they could get to the body, it might, that would be interesting if it was preserved). Though those of the others there buried may have long ago moldered into dust. The interior of the mosque was visited by the Prince of Wale in 1862, by a special favor of the Mohammedan authorities. An interesting account of this visit is given to in Dean Stanley’s lectures on the Jewish church.


It was also visited in 1866 by the Marquis of Bute, and in 1869 by the late emperor Fredrick of Germany, then the Crown Prince of Prussia. In 1881 it was visited by the two sons of the Prince of Wales accompanied by Sir C. Wilson and others.


Here is Fausset’s Bible Dictionary, The tract containing the field and cave in the end of Ephron's field, which Abraham bought as his burying ground from Ephron and the sons of Heth; his only possession in the land of promise. All ancient versions translated Machpelah "the double cave," from ‎kaphal‎, to divide or double. Either there were two entrances or two receptacles for bodies. Gesenius derives it from a root, "portion." A mosque now covers it. (I think it may say it another place, but I will say it here, they say it may mean a double portion, or it might mean that both physical and spiritual, there are two sides to it which could mean that there is a spiritual or there was at some time a spiritual presence there). The sacred precinct harem is enclosed by a wall, the oldest in Palestine. The masonry is more antique than the S.W. wall of the haram at Jerusalem; one stone is 38 ft. long, 3 ¼ ft. deep. The beveling is shallow, and at latest belongs to the age of Solomon; Jewish ancient tradition ascribes it to David. It lay near Hebron. The sepulchers of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, and Leah are shown on the mosque floor; but the real sepulchers are in the cave below the floor; the cave opens to the south, and the bodies were laid with their heads to the north.


Here is Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary, a field, a cave, and the surrounding land purchased by Abraham as a burial place for his wife Sarah. The cave was to the east of Mamre, or Hebron At an earlier time, Abraham pitched his tent "by the terebinth trees of Mamre" and received three visitors who spoke of a child of promise to be born to Sarah. (this is interesting, this cave is right in the place where the three angels appeared to Abraham). Abraham purchased the field of Machpelah from Ephron the Hittite. Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, and Leah were all buried here. Today the modern city of el-Khalil (Hebron) is built up around the site of Machpelah. The site of the cave was once covered by a Christian church but is now marked by a Moslem mosque. The Moslems held this site so sacred that for centuries Christians were forbidden to enter the ancient shrine. It is open to the public today.


That first paragraph is very interesting that where those three angels appeared to Abraham; that is where he purchased the cave, there is something about that geographical area. Whether or not it is still valid today, I do not know but at the very least it is a type of a concentrated power appearing in a physical location. That is the natural, and it has to be fulfilled in the spiritual. We are going to take a break and then when I come back, we will start expounding on some of these passages from the Zohar and if you look ahead you will see that sometimes I got so excited about the witness to New Testament Scriptures that I have some New Testament and Old Testament Scripture like on page 10 for example and I even, I went into like a little side study there because it was just so obvious and we even got one alternate translation in there, so we will see how much we can get done today.


Praise the Lord everybody, we are starting on page 8 of our notes, this is section 5, Zoharic witnesses and refutation of Christ Centered Kabbalah. These are witnesses to the teachings that the dead intercede for the living and the refutation of Christ Centered Kabbalah, saying we do not agree with that.


But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, that is quotation from Number 14:24, that is the Scripture, But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and has followed me fully. Another spirit signifies that Caleb separated himself from the other spies and went alone to Hebron in order to prostrate himself at the cave of Machpelah before the graves of the patriarchs. And Hebron was allotted to him as his inheritance as it is written, to him will I give the land that he hath trodden upon. Deuteronomy 1:36, and why was Hebron given to Caleb? There is an esoteric reason for this, the same which underlies David’s connection with Hebron. For we find that when Saul died and David inquired of the Lord shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah?


The answer was that he should go up into Hebron, 2 Samuel 11:1. Since Saul was dead and David already the rightful king, why did he not at once proclaim his rule over the whole land? Why was it necessary for him to go to Hebron and there become anointed as king over Judah only for seven years, not being declared monarch over the whole of Israel until after the death of ish-Bosheth? Truly the holy one blessed be his name had a deep purpose in this, the holy kingdom cannot be fully established without first attaching itself to the patriarchs in Hebron. I should have emphasized that for you. The holy kingdom, that means the whole twelve tribes, David was just king over Judah at first, ish-Bosheth was of the descendant of Saul who the king over Israel the ten tribes. Judah did not become monarch of the whole united Israel until after ish-Bosheth died, and he was assassinated.


The holy kingdom meaning the whole twelve tribes; could not be fully established without first attaching itself to the patriarchs in Hebron. In other words, David did not have enough spiritual strength to take authority over the whole twelve tribes. The writer of the Zohar is saying, in order to get that strength, David had to attach himself to the patriarchs.


We know that he had to attach himself to the regenerated Adam that David had an imputed regenerated Adam in him, he had an imputed, I am not sure whether it would be a regenerated female Adam only, or an imputed manchild, to be honest with you at the moment I am not sure. Let us continue.


We are told here that he had to first attach himself to the patriarchs in Hebron. When that contact was established the kingdom was firmly erected with support from the world above whose symbol in David’s case was seven years, seven being the number of perfection because it contains all. So it is said of the temple and he built it seven years, the same perfection is suggested. David desired to build the perfect kingdom here below as a counterpart of the kingdom above. Before he could achieve his desire, he had to acquire power that should be emphasized too, he had to acquire power for the task by attaching himself to the patriarchs for seven years. Thus only was he enabled to establish his kingdom in perfection in the fashion of the kingdom of supernal light, a kingdom never to be shaken, and guided by a similar inspiration, in order to accomplish that, Caleb also went to Hebron.


As we discussed when I first opened the meeting, this revelation of the necessity of adding power to oneself or adding power to the kingdom was recognized by the Jewish sages. The mystery however of how that power would be imparted eluded them, because that information is only in the mind of Christ, and apparently it was not recognized by the sages so they had to fill in with something, they did the best they could and what they filled in with was, the revelation of the natural impartation of power. To what degree that power came from the cave, as I have been telling you all morning, it is no problem for me to believe that God said to them, by the Spirit I will meet you at the cave of Machpelah and pour out power upon you. Did not the Lord say that in the New Testament? He said, I will see you at Jerusalem, wait there until power is poured out upon you. Maybe He said I will meet you at the cave of Machpelah and I will pour out power upon you. God could pour out power wherever He wants to.


What we are dealing with here is the principle of the necessity of the addition of power. It is not a question of just fixing the fallen man, the fallen man when he fell, he lost power. We needed impartation of the power of God, and in order to receive the fullness of the power of God, we must be divested of that which is already filling us up, we are already filled up, we are filled up with the sin nature.


That principle is not recognized here either, the principle of an impartation is recognized, but no recognition of an emptying out that I have seen so far, although they definitely do acknowledge that, the sages definitely do acknowledge that there is a sin nature that has to be dealt with. The Lord just corrected me, actually I did not see it in the Zohar exactly as I just expressed it now, but I did come across a passage that recognizes that Satan is attached to humanity and that all of humanity has to be divested of him, but that will not happen until the very end, which is the truth.


Let us just look at this again and see if there is anything else we can zero in on. But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit, so Caleb definitely had something different than the other spies; so whoever it was that received the revelation that what he had that was different than the other spies was something that he picked up at the cave of Machpelah, you know he had something and we do not, the Scripture, the straight Scripture does not tell us where he received it from.


Another spirit signifies that Caleb separated himself from the other spies, and went alone to Hebron in order to prostrate himself at the cave of Machpelah before the graves of the patriarchs, eight of them, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Adam, and their wives, Eve, Sarah, Rebekah, and Leah, in order to prostrate himself at the cave of Machpelah, before the graves of the patriarchs and Hebron was allotted to him as his inheritance. As it is written, to him will I give the land that he hath trodden upon, and why was Hebron given to Caleb? There is an esoteric reason for this, the same which also underlies David’s connection with Hebron.


We find that when Saul died and David inquired of the Lord, Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah? The answer was that he should go up into Hebron. Since Saul was dead and David already the rightful king, why did he not at once proclaim his rule over the whole land? He did not have the power to do it. We can apply that to what God is doing here right now. This message wherever it is appearing, I do not know if it is appearing anywhere else, if it is I do not know about it, it is the most mature message in the whole of the Israel of God. Why is it not being proclaimed everywhere? Based on what I just read does anybody know why? We do not have the power. We are lacking the power. We are waiting for the power.


It says here to get the power; David had to attach himself to the patriarchs. We are waiting for the fullness of Christ Jesus to appear in our flesh. That is what we are waiting for. I have been saying that for a long time. Why was it necessary for him to go to Hebron and there become anointed as the king over Judah only for seven years? Of course it has been more than seven years here, but that is a spiritual seven years meaning the completion of the time period that it takes however long it takes to mature Christ Jesus to the point that the power that we need to expand will be imparted. Not being declared monarch over the whole of Israel until after the death of ish-Bosheth. That is really interesting because David was not declared monarch over the united Israel until the death of the descendant of Saul that was sitting on the throne, and that Saul that is sitting on the throne are the pastor and the rabbis that will not let go of their false doctrine.


I am not prophesying their physical death, but they must be removed out of the way before the true message or the message of hour can be delivered to the people, and it is going to be delivered by the ministry that is bringing it forth. Before the ministry that is bringing it forth can expand itself or extend itself to the rest of the Israel of God, the pastors and the rabbis that are now pastoring those flocks have to be removed, however the Lord sees to remove them, one ministry at a time.


Truly the holy one, blessed be his name had a deep purpose in this, the holy kingdom could not be fully established without first attaching itself to the patriarchs in Hebron, true, but what is not stated is that the patriarchs in Hebron today are manifested in the person of Christ Jesus in the individual son.


When that contact was established, the kingdom was firmly erected with support from the world above, whose symbol in David’s case was seven years. We need to be firmly established from the world above. All of the power is in the supernal realms. We need the connection fully established between the manchild in us and the supernal realms. He is the mediator, He is growing out of us, and He is our connection to the immortal worlds. …seven being the number of perfection because it contains all. When it is said of the temple and he built seven years, the same perfection is suggested. In other words, it might have taken a lot more than seven years, it was a spiritual number, it took as it took to complete the temple and that is expressed by the spiritual term seven years.


David desired to build a perfect kingdom here below as a counterpart of the kingdom above. Brethren this world below, the church, the Israel of God, we are supposed to be an accurate reflection of the kingdom of God above. We are a reflection. Everything that is down here is a reflection of what is up there. It is not an accurate reflection right now; we are largely a reflection of the serpent. That is the work that is being built by bringing forth Christ Jesus in us, and swallowing up the serpent’s household, this world will ultimately come into the place of being a perfect reflection of the world above, the whole world and all of the people in it, and each world at a time, each one of us is a world, so each one of us, one person at a time will reflect the world above and then eventually the whole physical world will reflect the world above, and that will be the end of sin and the end of death.


Before he could achieve his desire, see you desire to be perfect, I am sure everybody here desires to be a perfect reflection of the Lord Jesus Christ who is our example, we all desire it, but before we can achieve this desire, we must acquire the power to do so for the task by attaching ourselves to the patriarchs in the form of Christ Jesus for the spiritual period of seven years, in other words however long it takes.


Thus only was he enabled to establish his kingdom in perfection in the fashion of the kingdom of supernal light, a kingdom never to be shaken, that is what we are promised, a kingdom never to be shaken, and built on the foundation of Christ Jesus, and guided by a similar inspiration Caleb also went to Hebron looking to be strengthened by the patriarchs in a geographical location, which as far as I am concerned may very well have happened.


It says, and these are all individual passages, and these aqua bars that you see there, they are just the references of where I have taken the passage from. It says and Isaac went out to mediate in the field, Genesis 24:63, why in the field? Did he not have a house or any other place in which to pray? The truth is that, that field was actually the very one which Abraham bought from the sons of Heth, that field which was near the cave of Machpelah. When Isaac passed it, the Shekinah was present there and the field emitted holy heavenly aromas, and Isaac recognizing the presence made it a regular place of prayer.


There was power in and near that cave and Isaac who was a spiritual man recognized that presence of the Shekinah, but we are also told that the field emitted a heavenly, a holy heavenly aroma, whatever that means, you know, I do not really believe it was an actual physical smell, there was some spiritual perception. There is a particular spiritual place; it is a very high spiritual place where we smell in the spirit. All of the senses that we have exist in the spirit also, so there is such a thing as a spiritual smell, so Isaac was very high, that is very high in the spirit.


On occasion, you may have heard my testimony, at least one time anyway, I was asked to pray for somebody who in the church where I was a disciple, they would not tell me what the problem was, they would just say they wanted deliverance from witchcraft, and I did not know what to pray, and then I smelled a strong odor of alcohol, and I said to the woman, is your problem alcohol? She just looked shocked at me, and then I rebuked it and she got delivered. Apparently she was sent there and the Lord wanted to deliver that night.


I do not have that ability to smell in the spirit; that was a gift that the Lord did, He pressed the particular center of my brain so that I could smell that because He intended to deliver that woman. I do not practice that, I do not experience that on a regular basis. I think I am not that spiritually high, but Isaac was spiritually high, he smelled in the spirit, he smelled the aroma of a field and he recognized the presence of the Shekinah, the Shekinah is the Malkhut of Atzilut. The Lord Jesus is now the personification of the Shekinah, the Malkhut of Atzilut.


We see that there was power emanating from that cave and it attracted Isaac to go there and pray. Brethren the day is coming, and it may be now is, that a spiritual aroma of this message that is being preached will be projected into the spirit and whoever is spiritually high enough to smell it will go looking for the source of it. I guess we can apply that to Xxxx, that was how he found us. He came into our website, it had to be prayer that directed him to our website four or five years ago, and when he entered in he recognized the anointing, that it was the same anointing that had been on their teacher who had just died. You might say that he smelled it, it was a spiritual perception.


Next, he said that when Israel went into exile, all of the souls of their progenitors gathered in the cave of Machpelah and cried. This is talking about Jacob, he said that when Israel went into exile, all of the souls of their progenitors gathered in the cave of Machpelah and cried, old man, I am sure, I do not know if that is Jacob, I should have put the name in there but I did not; old man, the afflictions of thy children, I guess they are calling out to Jacob, whoever this was talking about. Old man, the afflictions of thy children are terrible, they have to do the work of slaves, and a heathen nation makes their lives unbearable.


Immediately the spirit of Jacob was awakened, he asked permission to go to Egypt, and he went. Then the holy one summoned all of his celestial hosts and their leaders and they all accompanied Jacob and his sons. The tribes went down to Egypt with their father, when they were alive and again when they were dead. I did not write down who was having this experience, but apparently he went to the cave of Machpelah, and cried out because the Hebrew children were being enslaved and the spirit of Jacob awakened, but we should know that it was the spirit of Jacob manifesting through Abel, it was Abel. Brethren, whoever it was that went to the cave of Machpelah, went because he needed power. He walked into the cave and it was not a spirit out there in the cave that awakened, it was Abel in the person who went to the cave. For power to be imparted, it has to arise from within us, so when he entered into the cave, whatever was working there, okay, caused Abel in him to awaken, but his perception was for a lack of understanding that the power came from out there, but the power comes from within. Being exposed to that power awakened Abel in him, the spirit of Jacob. It is wrong that it was the spirit of Jacob? No, because Abel in us is the regenerated Adam, and Adam is all things to all men. Adam is the root of every incarnation known to man. It is not wrong to say the spirit of Jacob arose.


Immediately the spirit of Jacob was awakened, he asked permission to go to Egypt, and he went. Then the holy one summoned all of his celestial hosts and their leaders and they accompanied, they are saying that the anointing accompanied Jacob and his sons to Egypt. The tribes went down to Egypt with their father when they were alive and again when they were dead.


They are saying that the dead, all of the dead, all of the tribes that were dead accompanied Jacob to Israel. It was all of the tribes but it was not all of the tribes, it was the regenerated Adam and all of the personalities of the forefathers in Israel that he had incarnated as that accompanied the living ones to Egypt. That is the mystery that we are trying to impart to the Jews, that is not dead persons that they knew, but it is the dead Adam, who now is manifesting and has within himself everything that he has learned from all of the incarnations that he has experienced. Whatever experience Adam needs to pull up from within himself to help whoever is calling for help, he just, in his consciousness, just lays hold of whatever he learned in his incarnation of so and so or as an incarnation of so and so, and he calls down those experiences, like it is from a computer and then that spirit manifests towards the person.


It is the same thing with Christ Jesus, He has all knowledge, He knows everything, we have a particular need for a particular kind of experience, Christ Jesus draws because Christ Jesus is last Adam, He is the offspring of the Lord Jesus who is the last Adam, so Christ Jesus in you just calls upon the experience He had as the Lord Jesus, as Paul, as Caleb, as anybody and He channels that experience into your consciousness and imparts it to you and makes you very wise.


That is one of the things that we can expect in Christ Jesus to receive wisdom, understanding, and knowledge without studying to speak languages that we have never heard of before without studying. It is right out of the Matrix, when Trinity got instructions to fly the helicopter. It is a truth, it is a reality but we have to ascend to the place in the regenerated female Adam in order to receive the male seed that will impart these abilities to us, we have to be prepared to receive the male seed. In due season, if our physical bodies survive long enough for the process and the birth to completed; we will experience all of these things; thus the need for longevity.


Longevity is a spirit that God will give to us, there will be a spirit. It may have already started, I do not know, but there will be a spirit that will enter into us, just like the spirit entered into Sarah and made her capable of pregnancy at her age, 90 years old; and Abraham, a spirit entered into him and made him capable of having a child at that age. There is a spirit, I believe already entering in to us, it is a spirit of longevity, it is already working in us to extend our physical life to give us that extra time that it will take for Christ Jesus to be fully mature in us, which will fully attach us to the supernal realms and we will have access to all knowledge, all wisdom, all abilities, and certainly immortality. We are living in a very exciting age, very exciting brethren.


Again the end of that passage the writer of the Zohar quotes, as a father pitieth his children, Psalms 103:13. He has saying, well God is going to do this for us because He has pity. This is not human pity, it means He cares for His children; He has compassion for His children. He is going to deliver us from spiritual Egypt. Some of us will be delivered from spiritual Egypt, but brethren some of the sons of God coming in will be delivered from a manifestation of physical Egypt, there are people that are in physical bondage today, living in countries where they are starving or they do not have enough clothes or shelter and there are people from those countries that are being called to be sons of God.


This last exodus is going to be both spiritual and physical, first spiritual, spiritual and physical; because the spiritual child that is born will deliver that person from their physical bondage, including legs that do not work, all kinds of physical bondages.


Rabbi Judah said, Abraham recognized the cave of Machpelah by a certain mark, that is a spiritual mark brethren, you know we talk about the mark of the beast, it is not a tattoo, there is a mark of God, the mark of God is the mind of Christ and the witness to the mind of Christ is what comes out of your mouth.


Abraham recognized the cave of Machpelah by a certain mark and he had long set his mind and heart on it, for he had once entered that cave and seen Adam and Eve buried there. He knew that they were Adam and Eve because he saw the form of a man, and whilst he was gazing a door opened into the Garden of Eden. Brethren this is all spiritual. Even if it were true that Adam and Eve were buried there, this had to be a spiritual perception of Abraham to know it. Were they buried there, who knows, I do not know. He knew that they were Adam and Eve because he saw the form of a man, and whilst he was gazing a door opened into the Garden of Eden. That is a spiritual garden. If I saw the form of man I do not know that I would think that it was Adam, all of this was a spiritual revelation that was given to him.


He perceived the same form standing near the door. Whoever looks at the form of Adam cannot escape death, for when a man is about to pass out of the world, he catches sight of Adam and at that moment he dies. That is just the way is parable is couched brethren, and it is relating Adam to death. I have quoted 1 Corinthians 15:21-23;


1 CORINTHIANS 15:21-23


  1. 21. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
  2. 22. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
  3. 23. But every man in his own order, Christ the firstfruits, afterwards they that are Christ’s at His coming. KJV



The relationship between Adam and death is that Adam is dead, and here it says whoever looks at the form of Adam cannot escape death. I do not know why it came out that way, the writer of the Zohar perceived it that way, to me knowing 1 Corinthians 15:21-23, it does not make any sense to say whoever looks at the form of Adam cannot escape death, whoever is born of Adam cannot escape death, whoever’s root is Adam cannot escape death, not whoever looks at the form of Adam. It sounds like well I am alive and if I look at you, I am going to die, it sounds like a science fiction movie. It all depends on what look means, maybe look means incarnate, maybe whoever seeks to appear in this world through Adam dies. It could mean any of those things; you have to take the whole parable.


For when a man is about to pass out of the world, he catches sight of Adam and at that moment he dies. What just came to my mind is Paul saying, I was alive once, but then the law came, remember that? I was alive once and then the law came and revealed my sin and I died. That just came by word of knowledge to me. Let us take a look at this again.


He perceived the same form standing there, now whoever looks at the form of Adam cannot escape death. Paul was saying, I was alive once, and then the law came and death cannot be escaped because there is no way to hide our sins, once the Lord shines the light on us which is looking at the form of Adam, well you know what that just means, whoever looks at the form of regenerated Adam, whoever looks at the form of righteous Adam, cannot escape death. Jesus is the last Adam, when we look at Him in His righteousness, we must admit that we are dead.


If for no other reason that He is alive and we will die if He does not move on us and impart longevity and ultimately life to us, we will die. When we look at the glorified Adam, the last Adam, when we look at the last Adam, we die. That is what he is talking about here.


Whoever looks at the form of righteous Adam cannot escape that they are dead, not cannot escape death, but cannot escape that they are dead, you cannot deny it. For when a man is about to pass out of the world, he catches sight of righteous Adam, immortal Adam, and at that moment he dies. Well I do not know about when he is about to pass out of this world, you cannot get hung up on every word brethren, it is a parable, but that is what the Lord revealed to us just now by revelation, when he looked at the form of righteous Adam.


Top of page 10; Abraham however did look at him; Abraham did look at righteous Adam and saw his form and yet survived. That is what is happening to us. Abraham did look at righteous Adam and saw His form, he saw His righteousness and yet Abraham survived, how did Abraham survive? He must have had the regenerated; he must have had the manchild in him.


Let me repeat it again. Whoever looks at righteous Adam must be forced to recognize that they are going to die, you see your sins and you die. Paul said I was alive once but then the law came and revealed my sins and I died. Abraham looked at righteous Adam and he did not die. Abraham was a man of like passions, he had sins, but he had the manchild, his sins were covered and he could look at righteous Adam and not die.


This is what Jesus does for us. First it is imputed through the Lord Jesus Christ, and then it is imparted through the son, Christ Jesus within us. Is everybody okay?


He saw moreover a shining light, so Abraham however did look at Adam and saw his form and yet survived, he saw moreover a shining light that illumined the cave. He not only saw the form of the righteous Adam but he saw a shining light that illumined the cave and lamp burning. Abraham then coveted that cave for his burial place and his mind and heart was set upon it. Abraham had a spiritual experience when he went into that cave that made him desire to purchase it for a burial place; he had a revelation from God to choose that sight.


Remember the green is my comment; that is the next sentence. Abraham saw the Shekinah which is Malkhut of Atzilut, and he also saw the son of God, righteous Adam of Beriah. Proverbs 4:18;




  1. 18. But the path of just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. KJV



The just one or the justified one is the shining light that Abraham saw, the justified one. The Lord Jesus Christ is the justified one. He is the one who is made righteous. Of course this is the Old Testament, so I guess the justified one is Messiah. Isaiah 4:5;




  1. 5. And the Lord will create upon ever dwelling place of Mount Zion and upon her assemblies a cloud of smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night, for upon all of the glory shall be a defense. KJV



What I am doing here brethren is I am establishing for you what Abraham saw in that cave, and I am trying to tell you, suggest to you that he saw the Shekinah which is the female anointing, and he saw the righteous Adam which is the male anointing, that is what he perceived in that cave. He saw the power of the combined or the unified male and female anointing and he said, I want to come back to this place, there is power here, and I want to be, there is power from God here, and I want to be a part of it. When I study, when I brought forth these Scriptures and studied it, I found out, I looked up these words and I found out that the Hebrew word translated cloud is a masculine word and it means Zeir Anpin of Atzilut.


We know Him today to be Christ Jesus; the son of the world of Atzilut is the masculine cloud. The Hebrew word shining, translated shining means radiance and brightness, that is a feminine word, and I suggest to you that it is the Malkhut of Atzilut, it was the Lord Jesus, that is who Abraham saw in the cave. The personification of the Shekinah is the Lord Jesus, and that is the Malkhut, the female of Atzilut of Atzilut, the God world. He also saw the male of the God world, Zeir Anpin; that is who He saw, the shining, bright shining is the female and the lamp is the male. John 5:35-36;


JOHN 5:35-36


  1. 35. He was a burning and a shining light, and you were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.
  2. 36. But I have a greater witness than that of John, (Jesus speaking), for the works which the Father hath give me to finish, the same works that I do bear witness of me that the Father has sent me. KJV



John the Baptist had the shining light, he had the female spirituality, and he also had a burning, I do not think I looked that word up but what is coming to me is that he had imputed male anointing. What we are seeking is the combined male and female anointing, that is where the power is. John had an imputed burning, the female anointing plus the imputed male anointing, I am thinking that is what it meant, I should have looked up the word burning, but I did not.


Whatever John had, Jesus said I had a greater anointing. Jesus had the imparted unified anointing, which John called the lamb, the spiritual lamb. Jesus said the works that I do, bear witness that the Father sent me. What works did Jesus do? The degree to which they are being done in the church today, they are just being done as gifts and you do not even see today anymore, but you use to see healing, you use to see deliverance, you use to see miracles take place, these were just gifts, they were imputed, they were signs of the imputed male anointing that were placed in the church to give the people an encouragement of what was to come. The miracles that Jesus did came out of righteousness that was in His inward parts. The miracles that Jesus did came out of His own nature. The miracles and the gifts in the church do not come out of righteous nature, speaking in tongues does not indicate a righteous nature, interpreting prophesy that the gift of prophecy does not indicate a righteous nature. They were just gifts, they were a taste of the world to come and that is why these gifts are drying up in the church. What is coming next is a righteous nature appearing in human beings in the church, a righteous nature out of which these manifestations come the works that Jesus did, healing, deliverance, the forgiveness of sins.


To cast a demon out of somebody, does not forgive their sins because the demon could come back. When you forgive their sins, the demon cannot come back, that is what happened with the adulterous woman. Jesus said, Go and sin no more. He had the ability not only to cast that adultery out of her, and it may not even have been a demon, it may have just been a weakness or a sore in her soul. He healed her. When He said, Go and sin no more, that means He removed that potential, that root or whatever it was that was causing that sin in her life. Isaiah 4:5;




  1. 5. And the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion and upon her assemblies a cloud of smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night, for upon all of the glory shall be a defense. KJV



These are all witnesses to what Abraham saw in that cave. The world cloud is masculine. I am down at the bottom of that page, page 11. The spiritual female brings righteousness, peace, and joy, that is Romans 14:17, that is the description of the Holy Spirit, it brings righteousness, peace, and joy. The work of the spiritual female is conviction of sin and to witness to the male anointing through the gifts. The gifts of the Spirit are a taste of the male anointing. Healing, deliverance, and miracles, are the work of the manchild, the male anointing; and when those manifestations of the spiritual manhood appear, they will not be alone, they will be with them, the seed the holy seed that will impregnate the person that is delivered or healed with the manchild so that the sin does not return to them.


You might say, the gifts of the Spirit that brought forth healing and deliverance and miracles through the Holy Spirit, that is you might say a barren seminal fluid; seminal fluid that cannot produce a male. It did the healing, it did the deliverance, but it did not heal the root that produced the need for healing or deliverance. Many, many people that had a lot of deliverance, we all know a lot of people in GR that had all kinds of deliverance and they were just as big sinners, they are just as big sinners today as they were then. Some of us have had a change of nature. The reason we had a change of nature is that the seed of the male was grafted as well as the casting out of the demon. The casting out of the demon gives it immediate relief to a serious problem; the impartation of the seed is the healing of the soul.


The problem that the soul has is that it is female, and it needs a husband to impart righteousness and protection to it and that is the seed that produces the manchild. If you have the seed, if you receive the seed that produces the manchild, eventually the manchild growing in you will force the demon, if there are any demons in you, will force them out. The old order deliverance that we experienced in GR was an emergency measure, the manchild may not have been conceived yet or he was conceived and he was just a very young fetus, he might have had, the person would have had to awake 10 or 20 years until the manchild became mature enough to cast the demon out. The old order deliverance was an emergency method.


The ultimate deliverance comes with the manchild matures in us. Genesis 15:17-18;


GENESIS 15:17-18


  1. 17. And it came to pass when the sun went down, and it as dark, behold a smoky furnace and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces.
  2. 18. In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abraham saying, Unto thy seed have I give this land from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euprhrates. KJV



I looked up the word furnace for you, it signifies judgment that matures and makes immortal. What I found interesting about that Hebrew word Strong’s #8574, is that one of its definitions is an oven for baking brick. We recently preached a series called Passover, where we found out that the Hebrew children that were delivered through the exodus, they themselves were the bricks that were not baked in the oven. The Hebrew word translated bricks in that account of the exodus, indicates bricks that were not baked in the oven, that means they could break up and crumble and fall apart, they had physical and very mortal human bodies.


This word furnace is talking about a brick that has been baked in the oven and it becomes like stone, it is very hard to break. That is the person in whom the last Adam is dwelling or the righteous Adam is dwelling. The Hebrew word translated smoke is that which is produced from the burning. Smoke is a vaporous matter with suspended particles of carbon in it arising from something burning. That which is burning is Leviathan in you. That which is burning is your sin nature. I found this word smoke very interesting because the Scripture in the New Testament in the book of Hebrews which speaks about a cloud of witnesses never made any sense to me so I deviated a little bit here to make that point. Smoke is a vaporous matter with suspended particles of carbon in it arising from something burning.


When our sin nature is burned, a vapor goes up or a spiritual cloud goes up and the carbon particles, human beings are made from carbon, our flesh is made from carbon, we are the, if you watch Star Trek we are the carbon based creation (chuckle). The vision that I saw when I looked this up is that the how we could be a cloud of witnesses, is that the cloud is the collective Spirit of Christ.


Like I tell you all of the time right here in this room right now, there is an anointing, a single anointing, the vapor, see in order for us to be listening to and appreciating this message in any way, Leviathan has to be consumed, he is in the process of being consumed, Christ Jesus in each of you, for you to be sitting here with any manifestation nobody is manifesting, I would know if you were, Christ Jesus is sitting on top of Leviathan and sacrificing him.


In other words, he is cutting off the ability of Leviathan to manifest in any way, and that is likened to say that Leviathan is burning and because Leviathan is burning the vapor, the spirit that is within Leviathan that really belongs to God is rising to the surface. Remember Leviathan and Satan came into existence because Adam fell, and married the serpent and fell. This creation is the product of righteous Adam who married the serpent and is in a fallen state. Within righteous Adam is the breath of Jehovah’s life. That vapor that is coming up is the breath of Jehovah’s life being released from Leviathan.


The carbon specks in the middle of the cloud are you and me. There is a big cloud in this room, you are all sitting on Leviathan in yourself, he is burning, the Spirit of God that exists in your carnal mind is being released and joining with the Spirit of Christ for a big cloud and we are the carbon specks in the midst of it. The book of Hebrews talks about a great cloud of witnesses, what it is talking about, that is exactly what it is talking about. All of the people who are sacrificing Leviathan and releasing the breath of Jehovah to form one, Christ is not divided; one singular cloud of the Spirit of Christ.


I gave you that reference of page 12. Hebrew 12:1;




  1. 1. Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. KJV



That cloud exists here today, and we are exhorted to run the race, go forward and do everything that we have to do to expose our sins and divest ourselves of them through confession and repentance. Let us not just be a cloud of witnesses but let us complete the race that is set before us. Isaiah 62:1;




  1. 1. For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. KJV



Remember what we are doing here is we are trying to find out what it was that Abraham saw in that cave and that is what all of these witnesses are, witnesses to the fact that it is the male and female Adam and the power that their union generates. The Hebrew word translated brightness is a feminine word, it means blazing illumination or the Holy Spirit, revelation of God. Salvation is also feminine word, it means deliverance, health, victory, prosperity, and it regenerates the female Adam, I guess that should be a d, the regenerated female Adam.


The Hebrew word translated lamp is male, and it means a fiery light that consumes and I added in Leviathan. And according to this word, this Hebrew word translated lamp, it is that fiery light that comes out of the eyes of a spiritual being. I wrote in here it is the fiery light that comes from the eyes from Zeir Anpin. Some of you may recall that it is the light of the eyes that comes out of Adam Kadmon, I may have my names wrong here, I do not know whether it is Zeir Anpin or Adam Kadmon and I did not have time to pray it through but we have studied the light that comes out of the eyes, I have preached it as Adam Kadmon, and it is that light that forms the vessels; it forms the vessels, we are the vessels that are being formed to contain the light of God. That light that comes out of the eyes of the superior being is actually bringing us under judgment and shaping us and molding us to come its state of high character that we can survive being the household of God without being destroyed by the sowing and reaping judgment.


Here is a witness that was given actually in the lexicon concerning the eyes of the lamp, the fire that comes out of the eyes. Daniel 10:5-6;


DANIEL 10:5-6


  1. 5. Then I lifted up mine eyes and looked and behold a certain man clothed in linen whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz. (again it is either Adam Kadmon or Zeir Anpin)
  2. 6. His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning and his eyes as the lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude. KJV



I am having some thoughts but this is not today’s message so I am just going to go on, obviously the lexicon is saying that this word translated lamp can also be translated as the fire that appears in the eyes of a spiritual man. In green, now remember the green are my comments. To produce the vessels being formed, that is what I just told you there is fire in the eyes of Adam Kadmon produces the vessels being formed. The word righteousness is a male word, the word translated righteousness is a male word, and it talks about the ethical or legal standard which I suggest to you is Christ Jesus in you, He is our righteousness, an ethical or legal standard. There is no ethical or legal standard that comes with the female spirituality of the Holy Spirit, they are gifts, they do not they are gifts that enlighten us but do not produce righteousness. The righteousness comes from the male.


This is a whole new passage now in the Zohar; Rabbi Eleazar said, Abraham came to enter the cave in this way, he was running after that calf of which we read; and Abraham ran unto the herd and fetched a calf. That is after the three angels appeared to him. The tendency of the unenlightened mind which sometimes is me was to laugh at that, you know, really that is just way out to say where did this calf come from that we read in the book of Genesis that the three angels appeared and Abraham went to get a calf so that he could feed the three angels, you are telling me that he went chasing after that calf and he wound up in the cave of Machpelah? It is a parable brethren, it is a parable. There was some spiritual experience that Abraham had that led him to the cave of Machpelah, maybe he was chasing a calf and maybe he was not, but this being written in the Zohar means Abraham had a spiritual experience, something happened that resulted, something natural happened that resulted in his spiritual experience. There is always something natural that leads us to the spiritual experience.


If I tell you that God spoke to me and gave me this whole message here, how did that happen? It happened because I opened up, because I said, Lord I need a message for Sunday, and I opened up a book called the Zohar and I started to read, that was what I did that was natural, and the rest was spiritual. Maybe Abraham did follow the calf into the cave I do not know, I do not know, but he did something natural that resulted in a revelation and an acknowledgement of this cave of Machpelah. We are all spiritual here right?


The calf ran until it entered a cave, and then Abraham entered after it and saw what we have described. That is simply saying that Abraham had no idea that he was being led to the cave of Machpelah, however he got there, he was doing something natural and he wound up this spiritual experience, winding up in this cave, somehow God brought him to this cave so that he could have this spiritual experience, and you could fill in whatever you want, but he got there, that is all that matters is that he got to this cave and he recognized the spiritual presence of the male anointing and the female anointing and he recognized that God was telling him to do something that he would need a place for burial, it was more than a place for burial, it was a place for the accumulation of the anointing that had been on these eight highly anointed people.


What happens to the anointing brethren, did you ever stop to think about that, if you or me, we are all anointed in Christ Jesus, I will not even talk about us, somebody that is anointed in Christ Jesus and they died, what happened to the anointing? I have told you Christ Jesus in that person dies with them, but the spiritual parts of us do not die right away, the physical body is laid in the grave, how long does it take the personality to dissolve? How long does it take the soul to dissolve, how long does it take Christ Jesus to die, how long? Maybe that Christ Jesus fetus, maybe it survived a thousand years, I do not know, but what I am telling you is that you can have a dead body and a powerful anointing present because Christ Jesus that was in the body when it was alive is not dead yet.


Tradition says that it takes a fallen soul about 6 months to die, the fallen soul is active over the gravesite for about 6 months, how long is Christ Jesus active over the gravesite? Is it 6 months, a year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years; 100 years? And you have eight souls of powerful spiritual people, that anointing could have been kept alive for a long time.


God was ordaining Abraham to find a place of burial, not so much for a place of burial, but for a place of preservation of the anointing that was on these patriarchs as long as possible. By having eight people in the same cave, they all strengthened each other, who knows how long it continued.


Further, Abraham used to offer up his prayer daily, and in so doing used to proceed as far as that field which emitted heavenly odors, spiritual heavenly odors brethren. While there, he saw a light issuing from the cave, spiritual light brethren, so that he prayed on that spot, he saw something that he recognized as an instruction or a symbol that he should pray on that spot. On that spot the holy one communed with him. Do you remember the Lord said I will meet you between the cherubim? God meets us in a particular place. On that account Abraham now asked for it having always longed for it since then. Why did he not ask for it before that time? Ask for what? Does anybody know what he was asking for? While there he saw a light issuing from the cave, so he prayed on that spot, and on that spot the holy one communed with him.


On that account Abraham now asked for it, I guess he asked for the cave, having always longed for it since then. Why did he not ask for it before that time? Abraham recognized that cave, he was drawn to it, he liked it he wanted it but he did not ask for it until now? Why? The answer is because the people would not have listened to him. Remember he went and asked the sons of Heth for this cave and he had a reason, this is really important he had a reason for asking them, Sarah had died.


He wanted the cave before Sarah died, he just wanted that cave, he saw the anointing on it and he wanted that cave, so if he just went to the sons of Heth and said, Look, I want that cave, and I will buy it from you, they might have said no, but now that Sarah died, he had a reason, can I have that cave for a burying place?


We will read further on that Ephron had no idea of the spiritual value of the cave, and that had he known of the spiritual value of the cave he might not have sold it. If Abraham went before he had a reason, the sons of Heth would have been suspicious and might have even suspected that the cave was valuable.


Everybody was spiritual in those days brethren, these Canaanites were spiritual, they might have wanted the cave for themselves. Abraham waited, he was wise, he waited until he had a legitimate reason which was not the true reason, then he went to the sons of Heth and he said; I need to bury my wife; would you sell me the cave? Who is going to say no? That was not his real reason for buying the cave.


He could have buried Sarah anywhere. Why did he not ask for it before that time? Because the people would not have listened to him, as he had no obvious need for it. Now that he needed it, he thought it was time to demand it. Observe that had Ephron seen inside the cave what Abraham saw, he would never have sold it to him. He never saw anything, since such things that Abraham saw, the light of the Shekinah and the burning lamp, since such things are never revealed except to their rightful owner.


They are never revealed except to their rightful owner. It was thus revealed to Abraham and not to Ephron to Abraham who was its rightful owner. That cave Abraham was the rightful owner of the cave. God does blind people to things that he has set aside for His sons. Genesis 18:1, 2, and 7.


GENESIS 18:1, 2, AND 7


  1. 1. And the Lord appeared unto Abraham in the planes of Mamre, and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day.
  2. 2. And he lift up his eyes and looked and lo three men stood by him, and when he saw them he ran to meet them from the tent door and bowed himself toward the ground.
  3. 7. And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetched a calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young man and he hasted to dress it. KJV



We see God performing spiritual activities, multiple spiritual activities in the same place, the angels appeared there, the cave appeared there with the people buried there, the Lord is accumulating spiritual power in a particular location, first in the natural, then in the spiritual, we are the cave of Machpelah. You and I, we are the cave of Machpelah, and through Christ Jesus, the eight souls that were saved by water through Noah’s ark, and all of the heritage of the Adam the son of God is present in you if you have conceived the male child Christ Jesus. He will grow in to the fullness of His person and reconnect you to the life of the immortal world. That is the plan of God for you, but you must confess your sins, you must confess your sins. If Christ Jesus progresses far enough in you and you are not confessing your sins, I do not know, He may burn you without, He may burn your sin nature without your permission, and I do not know how you would experience that.


I really think you are much better off confessing you sins and going the easy way rather than the hard way, and then there is always the possibility that, I do not want to threaten anybody but I am just improvising here, what would happen if you do not confess your sins and you have Christ Jesus growing in you? I would think one of two things, either the judgment of your sin nature would be forced on you, maybe it would kill you, I do not know, why do you not just confess your sins everybody, it is not worth it, not worth it, it is not.


We are at the bottom of page 13; who had no portion in it and who therefore only saw darkness in it and for that reason he sold it. We are talking about Ephron. Let me go back to the beginning of the sentence. It was thus revealed to Abraham and not to Ephron, to Abraham who was its rightful owner, but not to Ephron who had no part or portion in it, it means he was not entitled to it, and therefore only saw darkness in it, he looked into the cave and he just saw darkness, he did not see anything there. For that reason he sold it. He even sold him more than he had mentioned in his original request. Abraham only said that he may give me the cave of Machpelah which he hath for the food price, let him give it to me. Whereas Ephron said, the field I give you and the cave that is therein, and he felt indifferent to the whole thing not realizing the value of it.


Observe that when Abraham entered the cave for the first time, he saw there a bright light, and as he advanced the ground lifted revealing to him two graves. Brethren, do you really think the physical ground lifted, do you believe that as well as you believe a building a new Jerusalem is coming down out of the sky? The physical ground did not lift up; he saw through the ground, he was able to see what was underneath the ground. The ground lifted revealing to him two graves, Adam then arose in his true form, righteous Adam arose in his true form, the male Adam including the female, saw Abraham and smiled at him. Did Abraham see an image of a man smiling at him? Maybe he did, I do not know, maybe it was a spiritual perception, I do not know. Abraham thereby knew that there he was destined to be buried. Abraham had this revelation that he would be buried there and that a great amount of power would be amassed there. Abraham then said to him, Could you tell me is there not a tent for me close to you? Adam replied. The holy one buried me here and from that time until now I have been lying hid like a corn seed in the ground until thou camest into the world, but from now there is salvation from me and for the world for thy sake.


Let us go over that. Abraham then said to Adam, could you tell me, is there not a tent, is there not a physical body for me close to you, like unto the body that you had? When Adam and Eve first appeared in the earth; that was after many generations of being spiritual beings, as they continued to fall, eventually they appeared in physical bodies and when they first appeared in physical bodies, they were very powerful beings. These physical bodies are vile, we are in the third stage of the fall, so Adam must have had a glorious physical body, whatever he looked like because we did not look like this until this side of the flood. Whatever kind of a body he had, Abraham who existed on this side of the flood and had a vile body was saying to Adam, can I get a body like you have?


I did not look it up but I think Adam lived close to a thousand years; he lived a long time before he died. He lived hundreds of years, so Abraham was talking about his new body, his spiritual body, saying, can I get a body like you, so that this body will not die. Here he is in a cave that is purchased for his burial, and he is saying to Adam, how do I get a body that will survive more than a hundred, I think Abraham lived a hundred and seventy five years, something like that. Could you tell me is there not a tent for me close to you, or close to the body that you have?


Adam replied, the holy one buried me here and from that time until now, I have been hid like a corn seed in the ground until you came into the world. What kind of an answer is that? The question is, can you tell me is there not a physical body like you had, or a material body like you had, is there not a body available to me close to the body that you had? That is the question. Adam answers him, the holy one buried me here, and from that time until now I have been lying hid like a corn seed in the ground until you came into the world. What kind of an answer is that?


The answer is yes, I have a body like unto the one that I had for you, I have a body for you like unto the one that I had, but it is not coming from outside of you, it is coming from inside of you and I am the seed Adam said, I am the seed that will produce that body that will give you longevity and ultimately eternal life.


The regenerate Adam, the righteous Adam comprising both the male and the female said, I am the seed, the male seed, which includes the female which will be implanted in you and in your descendants that will produce who we now know today to be Christ Jesus, the regenerate righteous Adam and that is where you will get your immortal body, it is not coming from outside of you, it is the man Christ Jesus on the inside of you renewing your physical body day by day until it becomes capable of longevity and then eventually immortality, a continuous transitional period being impacted by the internalized regenerated righteous combined male and female Adam within you. The body that we need, the healing that we need comes from the inner man. Brethren, you all know I was dying, my body started to heal when the Lord started me on Kabbalah, so somehow when He started me on Kabbalah, the internal Christ Jesus started to was either imparted to me or started to grow in me, up until that point, and I had been with the Lord for like probably at least twenty years and I was just holding on, not dying, I was not really getting any better, I was just not dying, and when He started me studying and teaching Kabbalah, I started to heal.


That means that either the seed of Christ Jesus was added to me through Kabbalah or it where there the whole time but it did not have the food that it needed to grow. As a matter of fact I think I would go for that one; that I had the seed for a long time, but it did not have the food that it needed to grow. Why did it take the Lord so long to start me on Kabbalah? It is because I was not ready for it. You have to be prepared to study Kabbalah. If you are not prepared for it, you could lose your mind. This is a very serious business, you could go insane or you could become deathly ill or die. If you study Kabbalah and you are not dealing with your sins.


Maybe you think that I am a stickler on tithes, I do not know what you think about me, but I am telling you, you cannot sit in these meetings not tithe, tithe properly, you will have repercussions in your life, I am not doing anything to you, I am telling you, this is a holy word, you cannot sit here and not do the right thing with your money or your life or any other part of your life. You cannot sit in these meetings and fornicate, you cannot; you are endangering yourselves.


The holy one buried me here and from that time until now I have been lying like a corn seed in the ground. He was buried in me brethren, lying there until that time, until Christ Jesus, until he came into Christ Jesus. It says here until you came into the world, but from now there is salvation for me and for the world for your sake. Adam is saying there is now salvation for me, there is now a man who qualifies for the maturation of Christ Jesus, of the regenerated Adam, both male and female Adam, the unified Adam to come forth in, you have to be a prepared vessel, or that unified Adam coming forth in you can result in your death.


Adam is saying I have been laying here in the ground all of this time since I died and there has not been a human being qualified for me to regenerate in until Abraham came into the world. That is because Abraham was declared righteous, he was the friend of God and he was declared righteous, God made a covenant with him and imparted righteousness to him and imputed a covering to him that qualified him physically to survive the process of birthing Christ Jesus. Now that Abraham came into the world, Adam has the first opportunity to incarnate in the creation in this fallen condition. Abraham was the first homosapien that the unified Adam incarnated in or regenerated in.


We are vile, brethren these bodies are vile. God had to prepare a man and stabilize him spiritually defend him before Adam could regenerate in him. He had regenerated in previous ages; he was there in Lamech who repented. Wherever you see repentance that is where the righteous Adam is. Lamech repented, Adam was present there but in homosapien, on this side of the flood, the first man that we see righteous Adam, unified Adam regenerating in is Abraham.


He says, but from now there is salvation for me, Adam speaking, he is going to be saved because there is no salvation for Adam apart from appearing in a human being. We need him and he needs us because together we make the creation. The creation is the spiritual son of God and the animal nature, and the animal covering. He needs us and we need him. That is what he is saying right here. From now there is salvation for me Adam and for the world, and you are a world, each one of you is a world, there is salvation for me Adam and for the world that I am attached to because Abraham, because for your sake, because Abraham was found righteous by Jehovah. Each one of us is a world, for each individual world and for the world as a whole. John 12:23-24;


JOHN 12:23-24


  1. 23. And Jesus answered them saying, the hour has come that the son of man should be glorified.
  2. 24. Verily, verily I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. KJV



That is what Jesus was talking about and this is what Adam was talking about. I did an alternate translation on that verse, John 12:24 alternate translation; let me read it first in the King James again.


JOHN 12:24


  1. 24. Verily, verily I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, (which is what Adam is telling us he did), it abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. KJV



Here is clarification through the alternate translation Bible;


  1. 24. I am telling you that it is very true that the female Adam the corn of wheat that fell into the ground when Adam married the serpent will remain alone without a spiritual child unless the sin nature dies. But if the sin nature dies, the regenerated female Adam within you will bring forth the fruit of Christ Jesus, and eternal life. ATB



We are back in the Zohar; Hence it is written, and the field and the cave that is therein arose, that is there was literally an arising before the presence of Abraham. When the regenerated Adam implanted itself in Abraham, there was a raising of consciousness. The earth that was Abraham, the whole world, brethren the consciousness of the whole world was raised. Brethren when Christ Jesus stands up in whoever He is going to stand up in, we are all hoping it is going to be very soon, maybe this year, that Christ Jesus will stand up, it will affect the consciousness of the whole world, it will affect the consciousness of the church, the Jew, the Israel of God, and the whole world.


Brethren, look at what is going on in the world today, especially in the west but it is reaching out everywhere, the decline of moral consciousness. Consciousness can be raised up or lowered down and it all starts with a spirit, it starts with some unseen spiritual influence, it starts in one small little place and it spreads like a plague to the whole of humanity and it always starts with Christianity, because today the power of God is in Christianity. That is the first area in which corruption targets. Where did all of this corruption come from in this country and in the western world? Look at how far we have fallen? It is going to reverse the same way.


Righteousness will begin as a seed and it will stand up in the man Christ Jesus and it will spread and it will reverse that which is descended and will start to raise it up again as soon as Christ Jesus appears in the flesh in His fullness. He is appearing now but only in doctrine. He has to be doing more than that for this society to be healed.


Hence it is written, and the field and the cave that therein arose, that is, and you know each one of us is a field; each one of us is an electric field, in case you did not know that. The cave is the part of us that is inside of us, the outside of us is an electric field, we have an aura around us; everybody has an aura around them.


The field and the cave that is therein arose, that is there was literally an arising before the presence of Abraham, arising of consciousness, arising of morality, as up to that time, nothing there had been invisible, but now that which had been hidden rose up. What was hidden that rose up? Abel within Abraham that was just lying there fallow, rose up when Adam, the unified male Adam or the corn of wheat that was the unified male Adam spoke to him and got inside of him, and joined or married Abel within Abraham.


His consciousness was raised; he was spiritually raised up because he had conceived the manchild. Up to that time nothing there had been visible. Abel who was there waiting to be awakened, had not been visible. Maybe Abraham did not even know he was there, but now what had been hidden, Abel rose up and thus the whole spot was devoted to its lawful purpose. What whole spot, what whole spot? That whole empty womb inside of Abraham.


Each one of us is walking empty womb unless we are pregnant with Christ Jesus, because the fetus from the other side does not count, the womb is empty and we are barren if we are not pregnant with Christ Jesus. This is the spiritual experience that Abraham had.


And thus the whole spot was devoted to its lawful purpose. We are made for the purpose of bearing the manchild brethren. The whole church has to hear this message and there is going to be great moaning and crying and wailing, but the truth is you are not made to get married to another human being, that is not why you are here, you are not here to get married, you are not here to raise children, you are not here to do any of the carnal acts that you do, you are here to be married to God. You are here to be married to God and to be a midwife to bring forth the Christ child from your inward parts. Half the church emptied out when they found out about Christmas, how many do you think are going to empty out when they hear this one? How many do you think about going to be left after they hear this one? They will not give up Christmas and Easter. God help us brethren, God help us, there is going to be very few, very few, you know. When I first started preaching, I did not want to believe that. I was looking for an alternate translation of the way is straight and narrow and few can enter in, for the majority it is broad and a few are going to enter into through the straight gate. I am looking up all of these words in my lexicon saying that cannot be, that cannot be because I had just come out of the teaching of ultimate reconciliation.


The church that I came out of which did a great job of teaching me about deliverance and the sons of God, that preacher had started preaching ultimate reconciliation and the Lord had not revealed to me that, that doctrine is error.


For about the first six months of the existence of this ministry I was still under that mindset of ultimate reconciliation, everybody that has ever lived; this is what ultimate reconciliation teaches, every human being that has ever lived will saved, their bodies will be dug up out of the ground or whatever and everybody will live. I was saying, no it cannot be, there is going to be very few, straight is the gate and narrow is the way and very few will find it, no it cannot be.


You watch how many there is going to be brethren. The thought of how many there are going to be is really quite distressing, very few, very, very few will find the way. What is going to happen to the rest of the world? They are going to die off. They are going to lead a natural life, some of them will killed from earthquakes and tornadoes, and some of them will die a natural death, and a whole new generation is going to arise that will receive the truth of God. I am telling you the truth.


Hence it is written, and the field and the cave that is therein arose, that is there was literally an arising before the presence of Abraham, Christ Jesus started to arise, the unified regenerate Adam started to rise. As up to that time, nothing there had been visible, but now what had been hidden Abel, rose up, he was awakened and thus the whole spot of the spiritual womb within Abraham was devoted to its lawful purpose. Rabbi Simeon said, When Abraham brought Sarah in there for burial, Adam and Eve arose and refused to receive her. When Abraham brought Sarah into that cave for burial, Adam and Eve arose and refused to receive her. There was some hindering force, like the angels with the flaming sword, he is saying it was Adam and Eve, maybe it was, maybe it was not, I cannot be bothered with worrying about that detail, what we are being told is that there was a force that hindered Abraham from bringing Sarah into the cave. That is all you need to focus on at this stage of where we are. Is everybody okay?


They said, Is not our shame, Adam and Eve talking, is not our shame already great enough before the holy one in the other world on account of our sin which brought death into the world, that ye should come to shame us further with your good deeds? What this is saying is that Adam and Eve rose up or their souls rose up in the cave of Machpelah and said you cannot bring Sarah in here because she is too righteous, the word is not righteous, her deeds are too good, your deeds are too good, you are going to shame us, we acknowledge that we brought death upon the world, you are going to shame us by bringing such a good person into this cave.


Abraham’s answer is, I am already destined to make atonement before the almighty for you, so that you may never more be ashamed before him. We see that Abraham was, actually it was not even Abraham talking to him, it must have been the regenerated unified Adam speaking through Abraham saying, in so many words, I am destined to bring forth forgiveness of sins; you do not have to be ashamed anymore. It is a foretaste of the savior.


Just like when Jesus said before Abraham was I am, which it does not even, I looked up the alternate translation, it does not even mean that, but for the purposes of this exhortation, when Jesus said before Abraham was I am, Jesus was not saying I Jesus of Nazareth existed before Abraham, it was Adam within Jesus saying to the Pharisees, I have been around longer than you have ever been around, why? It was because the Pharisees were denying the inner man. Brethren, we are the inner man, you see, our reality is the inner man. This physical body is a garment for the inner man. We are not this body; we are this personality only as long as we resist reflecting the soul that is within ourselves.


It was not Abraham that said that, I am destined to make atonement for your sins, what did he say? I am destined to make an atonement before the almighty for you. That was the unified Adam, the young Adam we call him Christ Jesus, the manchild that Abraham was now pregnant with spoke out to the souls of Adam and Eve or maybe this is just for the purpose, maybe this is just a metaphor for the purpose of presenting this principle that there is a savior coming in a human body who will make atonement or will provide the atonement, or the atonement that he provides is his son in you.


The atonement is the blood on your doorposts. Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth and the Lord Jesus is not your atonement brethren, there were two sacrifices, the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ made a way, gave you a path for it to go before the throne of God. He gave you a passport to go before the throne of God, before that there was no direct access to God. That is what the Lord Jesus is, He is our access our right to pray to the Father.


The way He imparts that right to us is by impregnating us with his son. The second sacrifice is the sacrifice of our sin nature. You need to sacrifices to go before the Lord, you need permission to have access to the throne, that is the Lord Jesus, and you have to go with a sacrifice in your hand, which means Christ Jesus in you has to be sitting on Leviathan, and shutting his mouth.


You cannot communicate with God brethren if your carnal mind, if you are talking to Him through Leviathan, He is not listening to you. God does not have an audience with Leviathan. There are two sacrifices, permission to talk, the Lord Jesus, the covering over of your sin nature, Christ Jesus in the midst of you. Short of that, you have no direct access to God. He is not listening to you.


We see that the unified regenerate Adam, in another study we were calling him the young Adam likened to what we know to be Christ Jesus the manchild, He is already speaking through Abraham because there was an arising you see. He rose up and he was speaking through Abraham and he said; I am already destined to make atonement before the almighty for you; this is the last Adam speaking or the son of the last Adam. So you Adam and Eve, you do not ever have to be ashamed again. There is forgiveness of sins in the atonement of the regenerate unified Adam, either called young Adam from the Old Testament or Christ Jesus or the manchild in the New Testament, Christ in you the hope of glory, Emmanuel God is with you in the midst of you, the atonement for sin.


The Lord Jesus Christ alone is no atonement for sin. It is amazing anybody is listening to me with what I am preaching here, the Lord Jesus is not the atonement of sin, it is the blood on your doorpost, His son in you grafted is your atonement for sin. Brethren, why do people die? Why do Christians die? Why do baptized Christians die? Why do people with the Holy Spirit die? The atonement is not in place, the angel of death did not pass over them.


Every one of us that finds that we have entered into longevity, you will know that the angel of death passed over you. The Lord just said to me, I personally have experienced a form of longevity. I almost died, God only knows how many times I almost died, three or four times, each one of those times, the angel of death passed over me, but my body can still die. The longevity that we are hoping for will enable our physical body to survive long enough for Christ Jesus to be fully matured in us so that we will be reconnected the supernal worlds and enter into immortality. We must be reconnected to the supernal worlds and enter into immortality before our body gives out. It takes times, it is a process.


It is not just an event; it involves instruction, this kind of instruction and then experiences to test us to find out if the instruction has become a part of us. It really cannot be rushed, maybe one person will go a little faster than the other but it takes, it is experience you have to grow. We cannot have these experiences more than we are able to cope with.


That is the reason for longevity and that is the reason God saved my life all of these times, because I have this job to do. Right now in this hour He is not saving people’s lives. Maybe you will have an act of mercy there or an act of mercy there, but He is not saving many people 4 or 5 times, God only knows how many times He saved my life. The last He saved me it was only a year ago. I am still shaking over that one.


The young Adam or Christ Jesus or the manchild in Abraham speaks through him and says to the souls of Adam and Eve which typify all of humanity brethren, because the dead Adam and Eve are in all of humanity.


The female Adam who married the serpent and died was both male and female and that is who Adam and Eve are; the female Adam who is both male and female that died. Their soul, the young Adam or Christ Jesus or the manchild or whatever you want to call Him that was regenerated in Abraham spoke to the soul of fallen Adam that is in all of us. They were just two witnesses representing all of humanity. That manchild in Abraham spoke to them; spoke to the subconscious mind of all of humanity and said, God has made a provision for the forgiveness of sin, you do not have to be ashamed anymore.


It is all there, brethren, if they will just hear it, it is all there. Forthwith Abraham, after this buried Sarah his wife to wit, after Abraham had taken upon himself this obligation, the Zohar is saying it is Abraham. Either the revelation is not there that it was the manchild in Abraham or the revelation was there but the writer of the Zohar did not make it clear. Rabbi Eleazar asked his father Rabbi Simeon for an explanation of the term Machpelah, literally meaning twofold or folded.


How is it he said that first it is written the cave of Machpelah, and subsequently the cave of the field of Machpelah, implying that the field and not the cave was Machpelah or that the field and not the cave was doubled? Rabbi Simeon replied, the term Macheplah belongs properly neither to the cave nor to the field, but to something else with which both were connected. The cave belongs to the field and the field to something else; for the whole of the land of Israel and of Jerusalem is folded underneath it, since it exists both above and below in the same way as there is a Jerusalem above and below, both of the same pattern.


The Jerusalem above has a twofold attachment above and below, similarly the Jerusalem below is linked to two sides, higher and lower, hence it is folded in two, and that field partakes of the same character, seeing that it is therein situated. The same reference is contained in the passage as the smell of a field which the Lord has blessed. Let us take a look at this. How is it he said that first it is written the cave of Machpelah subsequently the cave of the field of Machpelah, implying that the field and not the cave was doubled? Rabbi Simeon replied the term Machpelah belongs properly neither to the cave nor the field but to something else which both were connected to. Brethren what we have to ask is what is the definition and what is the definition of field. The cave belongs to the field and the field to something else.


We are the field, the electric field, each one of us is an electric field in which there is a cave inside of us and the cave is that empty place where the manchild is supposed to be gestating; and underneath us in our innermost parts is a spiritual location. The cave belongs to the field, the cave that part that is inside of us belongs to the electronic field which is the whole world which we are. The whole of the land of Israel and of Jerusalem is folded up underneath it. We are an electric field, we have a cave in the midst of us, an empty womb so to speak in the midst of us and underneath that we are told the whole of Jerusalem and the land of Israel is folded up beneath it.


What is the world does that mean? First of all folded up implies something that needs to be activated or opened. What that is talking about brethren is the kingdom of God, it is the New Jerusalem in the midst of you, it is the kingdom of God, it is the mind of Christ; it is the whole land of spiritual Israel in the midst of you. Underneath the physical person, there is a spiritual city called Jerusalem, a spiritual land called Israel, the whole kingdom of God in the midst of us and it will come into existence as the mind of Christ develops in us. It is the whole new man; that is what it is; it is the whole new man. The land of Israel is the new man and the spiritual Jerusalem in the midst of him is the city that God dwells in, and it is underneath our humanity. It is all folded up in the form of Abel, it is in there, all that is potential in Abel when he is touched by that unified male seed that both male and female seed, that seed of Christ.


For the whole of the land of Israel and of Jerusalem is folded up underneath this field and this cave since it exists both above and below. In the same way as there is a Jerusalem both above and below, both of the same pattern, one in the spiritual world, one of the invisible world, and the other in the visible world. The Jerusalem above has a twofold attachment above and below, visible and invisible. Similarly, the Jerusalem below, the visible Jerusalem is linked to two sides higher and lower, hence it is folded in two. That field partakes of the same character seeing that it is therein situated.


That which is visible should take the same character to that which is invisible, and that is the intention of God that every part of us will be an accurate reflection of the righteous image of which we reflect that is above in the invisible world.


The same reference is contained in the passage as the smell of the field which the Lord has blessed to wit, both above and below. Hence its name the field of folding but not folded field. Further the esoteric implication of the term Machpelah relates to the divine name in which the letter He, that is the name of the Hebrew letter He, what it is saying here is the esoteric implication of that term Machpelah relates to the divine, and the divine name is talking about the Tetragrammaton, YHVH, the King James translation took that word with four consonants, four letters that are not vowels, a letter is either a vowel or a consonant, and pronounced it Jehovah in the King James translation, but the truth is that nobody knows the correct pronouncing of the name, the holy name YHVH, the name of God. They have the consonants but nobody knows the correct vowels. In Bible days the high priest was the only who knew the correct pronunciation of that name.


I have talked to you about the names of God before. I do not understand, I understand the concept of it but somehow I do not think I have it right, there I something that is lacking in my understanding because it supposedly, when the high priest pronounced that name, let us say Jehovah was the correct pronunciation, he would say Jehovah and the anointing would fall down to forgive the sins of Israel, a powerful anointing would fall down just by saying Jehovah. I have never experienced anything like that and I know there are people who practice magic who pronounce the names of God and that is what they believe, they use the names of God or they use the names of demons and they pronounce them and the demon is supposed to appear.


Maybe in the old covenant, you know in the Old Testament when that name was sounded the power of God appeared, but that is not experience. I abide in the power of God, the power of God I exist in a cloud of the power of God, it goes before me, it is above me, it is underneath me, it is behind me, it is in my mind, it is outside of me, it is all around me, like that song, it is all over me, right, it is all over me and it is here all of the time.


It is here all of the time, I do not have to say Jesus and expect power to fall, He is, I have a relationship with Him, He is my husband, not Jesus, not the glorified Jesus, it is His son that is in me that I am married to, you see, and He is here all of the time. I cannot really relate to being without an anointing and having to go through a whole big ritual and name the name of God and see the power fall to the point that the Jews are afraid to name the name; but they do not even know the name anymore. I just feel there is something in my understanding missing there but it is not really important for today, it is not that pertinent for today, I really want to finish up this message.


The term Machpelah relates to the divine name in which the letter He is doubled, the Hebrew letters of that divine name, we just know the consonants now, YHVH, there are two Hs, the first H refers to the Sefirah Binah, and the last He refers to Malkhut, mother and daughter, both He’s are female. What he is saying here that this term Machpelah refers to the divine name in which the letter He is doubled, two He’s, though both are as one, why? It is because it is mother and daughter; the mother imparts her power to the daughter.


It is indeed true that the cave was a twofold one, a cave within a cave; you might say a black hole within a black hole, because we are all black holes. Yet the name of the field of Machpelah has a different connotation as already explained. Abraham on his part who knew its true character in speaking to the children of Heth, simply called it cave of Machpelah as if to merely imply double cave, cave for two graves, which it also was in fact. It was a cave big enough to accommodate two.


Scripture however describes it as the cave of the field of Machpelah; this being its true description, for the holy one has disposed all things in such a way that everything in this world should be a replica of something in the world above. Everything, a blade of grass out there, everything is a replica of something in the supernal world, and that the two should be united, so that His glory should be spread above and below.


In other words the energy in a blade of grass exists because that blade of grass is supposedly joined to that which it is reflecting in the world above; that is what they are saying here. I do not know that, that is true in this fallen world. I do not think it is true in this fallen world, that is why the grass dies, but that is what God is intending to bring to this world.


Happy is the portion of the righteous in whom the holy one finds pleasure both in this world and in the world to come. Brethren, the Lord is finding pleasure in you today, He finds pleasure in communion with you. If you are one who submits himself to communion with the Lord, if you study the word, you are in communion with God and you are bringing His Spirit down to the earth and He takes pleasure in you. He takes pleasure in you when you confess your sins and you burn Leviathan, and you Leviathan on the altar; that is the sweet smelling savor that gives Him pleasure that you are burning your sin nature.


This is the last paragraph; let us take a look at it. Little do men know how God extends His mercy to them at all times and seasons, three times a day a spirit enters the cave of Machpelah and breathes on the graves of the patriarchs, bringing them healing and strength. We are the graves of the patriarchs, we are the graves and the patriarchs are in us in the form of whom? The answer is Christ Jesus, in the form of Christ Jesus. Three times a day the spirit enters the cave of Machpelah, each one of us is a cave of Machpelah and breaths on these graves which we are, in which Christ Jesus is present or the young Adam, or the manchild, bringing Him healing and strength. That spirit distils dew from on high from the head of the king. Adam in Beriah, the restored righteous Adam in Beriah, he is the king, he is male and female. …that dew from the head of the king, the place of the supernal fathers, when it reaches the lower patriarchs, they awake. When this dew that comes from Christ Jesus who exists in the world of Beriah, He is the son of God, He exists as a single entity in the world of creation which is Beriah, and He extends His Spirit down here to inhabit men, and He is in the process of waking up Abel in the men. These are the lower patriarchs that awake; they are in the form of Abel in the individual today.


The dew as we have learned comes down by degrees till it reaches the lower Garden of Eden and becomes impregnated with its perfumes. Then a spirit containing, well those perfumes, sometimes I refer to a message as delicious, sometimes I review these messages and I say, that message was just delicious, that is what it is talking about, it is the anointing, impregnating us with its perfumes, the anointing.


Then a spirit containing two other spirits arises and traverses the spice bed that enters the door of the cave. Then the patriarchs awake, that is the awakening of Abel; they and their spouses, the regenerated female and the male coming in; and supplicate on behalf of their descendants. We are the descendants.


Christ Jesus is supplicating or interceding for us and for the fallen Adam, actually they are the descendants of the fallen Adam. If the world is in distress on account of fallen Adam’s sins, and the patriarchs sleep, the dew not descending from on high then the remedy is take out the scroll of the law. The dew that comes down that impregnates us with Christ Jesus is to impregnate us with the mercy of God but if he does not awake, if Christ Jesus does not awake in the people, the sowing and reaping judgment takes over and they turn to the scroll of the law.


Then the soul tells the spirit and the spirit tells the higher soul which is the Neshamah, and the higher soul tells God. God then takes His seat on the throne of mercy and there issues from the ancient holy one a stream of dew of bdellium, which flows to the head of the king so that the fathers are blessed. Then the dew flows to those sleepers and all are blessed together and God has mercy on the world. We have learned that God does not show mercy to the world till He has informed the patriarchs and for their sakes the world is blessed. I am going to make this fast. What this is talking about is that if we do not have the power within us like we have not been able to raise up the power right here to extend this message to the rest of spiritual Israel, we do not have the power to do it, so we are crying out to God, God is going to hear our cry and is going to bring down more power from a higher source, the bottom line He is going to do it, He is going to extend His life certainly to the Israel of God and eventually to the whole world, not every human being that has ever lived on the face of the earth, that is ultimate reconciliation, but every human being on the face of the earth at the time that Christ Jesus is strong enough to extend himself to everyone in the earth, and they will have the opportunity to enter into eternal life, but they have to go through the process, they have to confess their sins, etc., etc.


The dew flows to all those sleepers, that is sleeping Abel in us and all are blessed together and God has mercy on the world through Christ Jesus. We have learned that God does not show mercy to the world until He has informed His patriarchs. He does not show mercy on the world until Christ Jesus is formed in us, and for their sakes, for the sake of Christ Jesus, the world will be blessed because Christ Jesus needs us to complete Him. We are all blessed for the sake of the son of God, we are getting the secondary blessings, we the personalities and the physical bodies, I am sorry we are not that, we are not number one, the son of God is number one, we only exist for the sake of the son. That means if you are living a lifestyle that works against the life of the son or that hinders the work of the son, you are in danger of being cast out and ultimately losing your life. Are there any questions or comments? God bless you everybody.


07/14/11 Transcribed by RLR


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