695 - Part 7

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise the Lord everybody. As it is not usual, the Lord has dropped a message on me this morning. I’m really not prepared to preach, but I will preach it Lord willing. I don’t know how closely we will follow your notes. I just gave them to you because this is what I was working on when He dropped it on me.


What is really interesting is that I was working out on the patio this morning, and as the main revelation that is going to come down here, at least what I think is going to be the main revelation, started to come forth as some birds starting making a loud noise.


I don’t know whether it was a woodpecker or what, but there was something overhead that seemed to be on the roof that was just banging, banging, banging. It was not a person, so that’s very interesting.


I am going to start by reviewing with you what our major assignment is right now. I would be surprised if anyone has this answer. Surprise me. What is our major assignment right now in this ministry? Does anybody have a clue?


COMMENT:  To get Christ formed in us to bring forth the Kingdom of God


PASTOR VITALE:  Well, it is close. It is not really the answer, but it is close.


COMMENT:  (INAUDIBLE) on a mission.


PASTOR VITALE:  When I said to Xxxxx, it is close that means you should be building on what Xxxxx said. If you are saying something completely different than what Xxxxx said…




PASTOR VITALE:  Brethren, right now, the immediate important revelation is who Jesus is because when we see Him, as He is, we shall be like Him. Millions of Christians across the world are clamoring, banging on Heaven’s doors, for the Lord Jesus to appear and put down all wrong power and principalities. That is what He is coming to do, right?


He is coming to put down all wrong power and principalities of this ungodly world system under His authority. Then whatever your personal problem is, it will work out. We have personal problems because we live in a world that is ruled by wickedness in high places and the ruling principalities are throughout the whole spiritual universe, physical universe, and they are also in our mind.


When the Lord Jesus comes and puts all rule, power, and principalities under His feet, that victory will trickle down into our individual selves. This is just one explanation, although certainly not the whole thing, of Jesus saying we need to sacrifice our own personal needs. Our job is to reveal who the Lord Jesus Christ is. The Lord gave us the revelation, I believe a couple of years ago, that He is not God.


But you see, we cannot go out to the Church and tell them He is not God without telling them who He is. For those Jews who are following us who know that a man cannot be God, we have moved closer to a place where they can embrace the teaching. For the Church, we have become heretics.


The Jews think we are heretics because we believe Jesus is Messiah, and the Christians think we are heretics because we believe that Jesus is not God. Millions of Christians are beating on Heaven’s doors for the Lord Jesus to appear and do what He said He was going to when He appears. The Lord is moving as powerfully as He can without killing us. His power is infinite.


His whole problem is the finite vessels He resides in, and whom He is bringing His plan through. He is moving as rapidly as He can to reveal to us who He is without causing insanity in the minds of the people that He is dealing with. I believe at this point, namely me, so all kinds of problems happen to me and all kinds of interference and harassment happen because if the human vessel shuts down then the Glorified Jesus Christ is limited.


If the vessel of expression shuts down, the Word cannot come forth. It is the same as if you have a message recorder or a CD player and your speakers do not work. What good is it? Everybody really should be doing the best that they can to not aggravate me or cause problems for me because the main purpose of this ministry is to bring forth revelation.


We are greatly honored to have this and there are legitimate reasons to come to me as a Pastor, and when those legitimate reasons come to an end, you need to not cause me grief because it interferes with the major purpose of this ministry. Then you go under some kind of judgment for it. We are revealing who the Lord Jesus Christ is. I had been struggling with this.


Unless the Lord is going to change my mind, it is going to be a part of the third edition of The Crime of the Calf. It is coming forth as a whole teaching by itself. I think the Lord is going to let me leave it there as an introduction to the Crime of the Calf, but is a whole teaching in and of itself.


We come up against this scripture in the Book of Revelation that says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” The Lord has been working with me to teach me what these three different names mean because whenever a different name is used it has a different meaning, no matter how subtle the nuance is. A nuance means a subtlety. If there are two words or three phrases used, then it means that there is a difference between those names.


In part 6 of this message, I was doing an exhortation on Revelation chapter 1. We stopped in Verse 11; however, in verse 8, it says,


Revelation 1:8

8. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending (it does not say the First and the Last. The) Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. KJV


We know that cannot be Jesus speaking because He is not God. Then in verse 11, we see this voice that sounds like a trumpet saying,


Revelation 1:11

11. I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. KJV


I think there is another scripture where He says all three. In Revelation 22:13, in your notes, He says all three. He is the…


Revelation 22:13

13. Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. KJV


I have really struggled with these definitions and I had a big break through. It started to come yesterday. I had a lot of interference in my studies yesterday. I think that I pretty much have it down pat.


I thought I was working on the book this morning because I thought I had an easy message today, that I would just go on with the exhortation of Revelation chapter 1 but as I worked it, these definitions:  Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, first and the last, the Lord led me into a revelation in the New Testament that is unique in a way.


When I give it to you it will be the first time in twenty five years of preaching that I will be doing something that the Jews would call a Midrashic exhortation. I am going to explain to you what that is. The Hebrew word is Midrash. It is like an exposition, an explanation of the Scripture, but it is an explanation that has absolutely no base in the written Word, even in the Greek.


There is absolutely no base in the written Word. The whole exhortation, which is esoteric, meaning it is the Sod, the fourth level of understanding, and it is very deep. That esoteric explanation comes out of the spirit. It is the Spirit of God. It is the Word of God, the spiritual Word of God saying this scripture over here is related to that scripture over there.


Do not even try to prove it in the Word because you cannot prove it in the Word. Either you get the witness from the Spirit of God in you or you do not get the witness from the Spirit of God in you. If you do not have the spirit of revelation or you are a person who is bound to the letter of the Word, you are going to say where did she get that from? This is common amongst the Jews.


When I gave the Rabbi, who I take a course with, a copy of the first edition of The Crime of the Calf, I think I was half expecting him to say something like Wow, great revelation, but he never did. He acknowledged that I had a Jewish soul. That was all he did and he did it with a smile. He did it with a positive statement. When I sought the Lord about it, the Lord reminded me that the Jewish people have had sages and even modern day rabbis that give esoteric explanations of the Scripture every day.


There are multiple websites that you can go onto and they have the Torah portion of the week and you have all kinds of rabbis giving you esoteric explanations of the Scripture. For the Christian church, these alternate translations that come forth are something unique, but for the Jews, what I call alternate translation, is not unique. It is merely a Midrashic explanation.


Does anybody not understand what I just said? Again, the Rabbi who teaches the class that I take, which I was so grateful for…That class has given me a whole new perspective on the Scripture. That Jewish perspective is awesome. It is beyond anything that I have seen in the Church and it was beyond the Doctrine of Christ.


It has gotten inside of me and now the Christ in me brings forth understanding which is influenced by that perspective because it is a wonderful perspective. It is a wonderful way of looking at it. It is a perspective that comes out of the male mind because the Jews have the regenerated Adam. They have an aspect of the male mind.


There is not just a male mind. There are different grades of the male mind so they have that aspect of the male mind that lets them see the Scripture from an esoteric perspective that is just spiritually delicious. Remember the Word of God is our food, so I didn’t do anything unusual. The Rabbi made the announcement that there are 70 different explanations of every word in the Torah.


Of course that is just a round number, meaning the kind of alternate translations that I do fits right in with the Jewish mind. It is just the church world that tells me I am a heretic and that you cannot change any word in the King James Translation or you are going to hell. They are just wrong.


What we are going to read about today is something that I have not done before. What I have done so far is based upon the Hebrew Scripture. I have gone into the interlinear text and I have looked at the alternate translations. I have brought forth an esoteric understanding, hopefully, of the whole chapter based upon alternate translations of the Hebrew word.


What we are going to do today, I have never done before. The revelation just dropped on me. What was happening in the New Testament has a whole other understanding because we are looking at the letter of the word. There is a whole other esoteric or Sod explanation of it for which there is no foundation in the New Testament at all. It is a spiritual explanation.


That has to do with Jesus and the crippled man, the impotent man at the Pool of Bethesda. We are going to talk about that when I get to it. I’m just trying to hear from the Lord as to how to proceed so I think that we will go into the beginning of these notes. At the very beginning of the notes, I give you some definitions.


The Alpha and the Omega on page 2; this is the Word of God. The supernal, infinite Word of God. The Kabbalists tell us the Ein Sof, the eternal one, wanted to bring forth a finite creation. Brethren, this is the mystery of the creation. We have mentioned it in the previous part of this message.


Infinity is in the midst of the finite world. Infinity is clothed with finite clothing, spiritual clothing. Humanity is the clothing that is the spiritual clothing, that is clothing that which is infinite. That is the mystery of creation. It is impossible because infinity is changeless; yet, that which is finite changes.


The Ein Sof put a point or a drop of his infinite self inside of an empty space in which change could take place. This is the great mystery. The Kabbalists will tell us this empty space came into existence when the Ein Sof withdrew all of His light from the empty space.


One of the mysteries is that there is no vacuum in existence, so even though the Scripture says the Ein Sof withdrew all of his light from the empty space, there still had to be something left because it is impossible to have emptiness anywhere in creation and that all there is, is the light of the Ein Sof. That which was left was a grade of light which is so diminished that it is called darkness.


This is why you need a male mind to understand this otherwise you would go running out of here saying this woman is just crazy. With the Jews, they do not let physical women study Kabbalah. Some rabbi somewhere got the revelation that women cannot study Kabbalah, but it is not physical women that cannot study Kabbalah. It is the female mind that cannot study Kabbalah.


A lot of Kabbalistic principles sound like a contradiction like the space is empty, empty of the light of God; yet, there is something left in there, a reshimo, a shadow, a residue and what is left in there is so diminished because all that is, is the light of God. What is left is so diminished that you cannot even call if light anymore so we call it darkness, but it is still the light of God because that is all there is. Someone else would just say that is crazy, turn off the CD, and go home.


Then this message is not for you. In this empty space which is filled with darkness, and although I have not read this in any Kabbalistic literature, I believe that darkness has a personal name and it is called a Serpent. This is to the extent of what I have studied. There are studies I have not even touched on yet, but based my readings the first thing that was found in the empty space.


They are not acknowledging the darkness that was there. The darkness that was there, in some philosophical circles, call it an ether or some kind of background. In this world we have an invisible background. It is gravity. It is air. We do not exist in a vacuum. I am waving my hand, but the air is here, light is here. An invisible something that the objects we can see exist in. It is a medium. Is everybody okay with that?


Some kind of medium. That is what the darkness was. The Kabbalists will tell you that the first things that appeared or things that were in the empty space are the letter of the Torah, the Hebrew alphabet. The Kabbalists tell us that Hebrew is the language of God and that very well may be the case. I have no problem with that.


The Hebrew letters that existed in the empty space are not the written letters of the Hebrew alphabet that we read in a book today. They were spiritual entities. Each letter in and of itself is a spiritual entity. There were 22 of them. There were 22 letters in the Hebrew language. The Hebrew letters that we read today are representations in this fallen world.


They are symbols that represent the 22 grades of energy that each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet represented. They represented 22 grades of energy designed to be missed and matched. They were designed to be joined together to form words and then the words were designed to be put together to form sentences and paragraphs. The result of it is the Torah; the first 5 books of Moses. That is what the Torah is. The Torah, we are told, existed in infinity.


They call it the supernal Torah. The depth of the understanding of the Torah, not the letter of it, always existed as a part of the Ein Sof. The Torah is spiritual truth. What we read, when we read the books Genesis, Leviticus, Numbers, etc., we are reading a garment; a garment that covers a spiritual truth that we cannot access. It is locked up and we, who are fallen, in outer darkness, who are dead and unable to find life again because we cannot access what we need to live. What do we need to live? Let us look at a physical example. What do our physical bodies need to live?


COMMENT:  Water, food.


PASTOR VITALE:  Food, food and water.




PASTOR VITALE:  Spiritually speaking, if we want to return to life, we must begin to ingest spiritual food, water, and air. All of that encompassed together is encompassed in the term manna. The spiritual food that will restore us to life and spiritual food brethren comes in the form of wisdom. Wisdom is the attribute that is associated with the father who is the second of the ten sefirot.


Each sefirot are vehicles called firmaments which contain the life of God and act as filters so the life of God can be imparted to us in a variety of grades and experiences. It is the same God, the same spirit of God in each of the ten sefirot, but the sefirot are firmaments. The scripture calls them firmaments and they are filters that filter and restrict the light of God.


They impart that light of God to us in different ways, all to the one purpose that we should feed, that we should become equipped. We are told in the New Testament the five-fold ministry was given to equip the saints. Equip us for what, brethren? Most preachers would tell you to equip us to fight the enemy, but that is just the beginning. We need to be equipped to understand the wisdom of God because we need to eat that wisdom of God to return to life.


I was telling you that the first thing we see in the empty space is the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, but that is just a way of expressing it in a way we can understand. Rabbi Luria would say that is a way to tickle our ears to understand it. These were 22 grades of primal spiritual power in their most raw state. What does that mean? The most raw state?


It means the closest that they could be to the very Ein Sof, who is outside of the empty space, who is completely unlimited. This is what the Torah is and the Torah is the Word of God. Brethren, now Jesus did not exist at this point in creation. Jesus of Nazareth was born only a little more than 2000 years ago. We need to understand this mystery because when we understand it, we will see Him and when we see Him, we will be like him.


When we are like Him we are going to be the vessels through which he puts down and rule, power, and principality of this whole world system. All the church and humanity will be rescued and He is going to appear initially in the people who can see. The people who can see him are the people who can eat the manna which is spiritual wisdom. Eating it means it is not an intellectual understanding.


Eating it means it will become flesh on your bones and the word was made flesh. There is a spiritual man that is being made flesh inside of me. Right then and there, we know that the Word of God was not Jesus of Nazareth if the Scripture says and the Word of God became flesh. The Word of God existed before the flesh that is covering it today. The great mystery that confuses everybody, including me, I am telling you I have been struggling with this for weeks now.


I keep telling you the third edition will be ready tomorrow and then I sit down to review and I say this isn’t right. The great mystery is that there is a part of the creation which is a garment for the one who came to us from infinity. The one who came to us from infinity we call Primordial Adam. He is the stream of light of the Ein Sof; the stream of the Ein Sof’s light that entered into the empty space, which was so devoid of his light that the little bit of light left was called darkness.


Jesus talks about that. Did he not? He says Brethren if your light be darkness. Did he not say if your light be darkness, how dark you are. What darkness you are in. How serious this is if the light of God in you is darkness. If the light of God that is in you is Satan and Leviathan, you are in trouble. You are dead. That is what He was saying.


The mystery of the Lord Jesus Christ is that He is the garment that covers what was originally the drop of the Ein Sof that entered into the empty space, but the great mystery is that the infinite inside the empty space whose name is Primordial Adam is so fused to Jesus Christ today who is the first saved man.


Jesus Christ is the first saved man; the first cell of Adam who died to be raised from the dead. This first saved man is so fused to the one that is infinity inside the empty space that the two are as good as one. Their name is the Lord Jesus Christ because Primordial Adam has no name. It says it right here…


Revelation 19:12

12. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. KJV


Adam did not know the name. Even though Adam was himself, Adam does not know the name of the Word of God. The Church and the average Jews, except those that study Kabbalah, do not know that the Word of God, that the name of the Word of God, is Primordial Adam.


So that is the English translations; no one knows the name but Himself. What it is really saying is no man, man is Adam, and Adam does not know he is the name of Primordial Adam. He does not know the name Primordial Adam and man does not know he is the garment with a name that identifies Primordial Adam to other men who could not possibly understand this exhortation that I just gave you.


To the carnal mind, this is a big confusion and the result of the confusion is that people in the church think the Lord Jesus Christ, they will tell you, that He existed or He was the Creator. They impute everything that God has done to the first saved man. They give no glory to the one who saved Him.


They cannot see the one who saved Him. The Creator that we read about in Genesis chapter 1 is not Jehovah. It is Elohim. That is Elohim from a very high spiritual place which emerged out of Primordial Adam. Primordial Adam is infinity. You cannot even say He is the beginning. That is why now I understand something the Kabbalists teach that I never understood.


I have been studying Kabbalah for over ten years. I never really understood why they will tell you although the alphabet of 22 letters begins with the letter a, which in Hebrew is Alef for purposes of their studies and purposes of the creation, the creation began to be created with the letter b, or the letter Bet in Hebrew.


I never understood it and I never understood what the Alef stood for and why the creation started with…Now remember these 22 letters are grades of energy that the Creator is putting together to bring forth the creation. We are talking about spiritual alchemy. The creation is spiritual alchemy.


It is the result of the combining of and the recombining of the 22 fundamental grades of energy represented by the 22 Hebrew letters. The Kabbalists will tell you the Creator began with the letter Bet. B means Bereshith in Hebrew; the Beginning. The Beginning started with the letter Bet. What about the letter Alef.


I just accepted it, but I have not understood it for ten years. Now, I understand it. The Alef is the infinite Adam Kadmon. He is not the beginning. Beginning means that you are created. He is infinite. He is the infinite light of the Ein Sof inside the empty space. You may recall recently we had some teachings in which this principle came forth in our alternate translation of Exodus 32, which we are still working out of.


It came forth in other areas also; that God creates by starting with a point. The point must expand into a line then the line expands into an area. You may remember:  point, line, area. Point is Christ in us. The line is when Christ stands up and produces additional sefirot. The area, that comes forth, is the human being.


We can apply this principle in many different ways. If we want to apply this principle to an already existing human being that is being created by God, we would say the point is the seed. The line that comes forth from the seed is what we would call the anointing. That which is recognizable, if the person is able to recognize it…We may not be able to recognize if a particular person has received the female seed, but when that anointing starts flowing we recognize there must have been a seed. We cannot see the seed, but we see the anointing.




Now brethren I just want to interject this here because we have had this here before. Sometimes I have cursed flies and I have seen them drop right from the sky. Sometimes they present themselves to be killed. You know how hard it is to kill a fly. That is why you need a fly swatter where you can hit it really quickly. That fly was just sitting there waiting to be killed. That is a lesser degree of power. Why did the fly not drop from the sky? I do not know but it definitely presented itself for execution and that is not the first time I have seen that happen.


As far we go because creation is coming forth inside of us. Again, this is the stumbling block for both the Jew and the Gentile. Brethren before God starts to work with us, we are likened to the trees in the forest. We are the clay; we are the behemoth; we are the animal; we are the exterior.


But we have the potential to be so fuse to the Lord Jesus Christ who is so fused to infinity that we receive and participate in all the benefits of immortality. We have to understand at the beginning or we will never get there. We are the exterior. Everybody listening to me is beyond that already, but we need to understand that we were the exterior and we are still the exterior.


Except, we are being joined to immortality and at some point our exterior, our bodies, no matter what problem, will be healed as we move into immortality and as the fusion with immortality goes deeper and deeper. Initially, we are the clay. We are the earth. That is who we are.


We are the earth. As we begin to be created, as the first day of creation comes to us with the light, the Scripture says let there be light, someone just had to say one word to us because the seed is carried in the word. If it finds place, if we are good ground, if our soul and our mind is open to it, that is the beginning of creation for us and it starts with a point which is a seed. When that seed sprouts, it is an anointing.


It becomes a line. What is a line? A line is something that goes forth. If you have an anointing, it goes forth. Even for people that cannot recognize it, they will be affected by it. When that seed becomes activated, it goes forth and becomes a line. It extends from the point. Then the next step is area. Area is ministry.


Every single one of us is destined to have a ministry. Everybody may not have a public ministry. That does not mean you all are going to be going what I am doing, but if that line in you or when that line in you begins to mature because it is a growth process, you will see the beginnings of ministry in your life.


What is the beginning of ministry? The Lord may have you speak to other people. Your ministry may be here. Maybe you will have a word of knowledge or word of revelation here. Brethren, transcribing is a ministry. Xxxx is the Office Manager. She is in fulltime ministry here. How you say that Sheila? Her job is secular.


Because she is under an anointing which gives her wisdom to do what needs to be done here. It is beyond how intelligent she is. It is an anointing that works through her own skills that helps her to do the job here. Ministry does not have to mean that you are teaching, but it could very well mean your involvement with the ministry that you are in.


Transcribing, editing, anything like that is ministry and that grows. We are trying to give the understanding of who the Lord Jesus Christ is. He is the first saved man. He is the fulfillment of prophecy. Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy. What does that mean? That drove me crazy for years.


Brethren, the translation is not adequate. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of prophecy. That which was prophesied about Messiah was fulfilled in the man Jesus Christ who is now a Glorified Man who has ascended out of this world of death. The prophecy is not complete yet. He is just the head. He is the fulfillment of prophecy, but the prophecy is not fully fulfilled yet.


Until we are born into his image and come up to where He is and the whole creation is delivered out of death, the prophecy is not fully fulfilled. The most important part of it was fulfilled in the man Jesus of Nazareth who does not exist anymore. Jesus of Nazareth does not exist anymore. He has matured into a Glorified Man just as the worldly Sheila. I do not exist anymore.


I am not just talking about my position when I worked for lawyers in the world and now I am here. I am not talking about that. I am talking about my nature (who I am, how I think, how I relate to people, how I reason). I am a new person because there is a new man in inside of me and He is in the process all rule and principality and powers inside of me under His feet.


Now, he has not succeeded yet, but He is in the process of doing it. What does that mean? I am in the process of being the fulfillment of prophecy, of the Scripture, because we know there really is no Old Testament. I use that term to distinguish between what came forth as a result of the emergence of Jesus of Nazareth.


That term really irritates the Jews, but that is the way it keeps coming out of my mouth. There really is only one Scripture. What we call the New Testament is the story of the fulfillment of prophecy. It is the story of fulfillment of prophecy and the reiteration, the repeating…Did you know that Deuteronomy means the retelling?


It is the Deuteronomy of basic, or many of the basic, principles found in the Scripture that are reiterated, or retold, in the New Testament in a simpler form. It is known and was known when that word came forth in a written form, that many if not the majority of people reading it will have no Old Testament background.


Not only do they not have a male mind, but they do not have any Old Testament background. Maybe they know the letter of the Old Testament, but they know nothing of esoteric doctrine. The esoteric doctrine that is in the New Testament is clothed, hidden, veiled in words the most simple person could understand on that veiled level.


Who is this man Jesus? Who is the Glorified Man Jesus Christ? This is the mystery. That is the name of the fulfillment of prophecy. That is the name of the man who God is using to mediate between this world of darkness and the world of light, but he is more than a Glorified Jesus.


He is fused to the infinite man or Primordial Man. We are challenged to understand the Lord Jesus Christ is not God, but that the man which a point and a line which emerged from the Ein Sof himself is God. Anything that is infinite is God. Jesus is the clothing of God. The two are one and they go by the name the Lord Jesus Christ.


If you call the Lord Jesus Christ God, not only is that idolatry, but you are not going to be able to enter into the fulfillment of prophecy because you cannot do that believing a man is God. Jesus Christ is a man. The Lord Jesus Christ in human beings today takes the name Christ Jesus, the man Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man. There is nowhere in the Scripture that says Jesus is God.


It is the error and the heresy of the Trinity that makes him God. The Trinity says God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, but that is not what the Scripture teaches. One God, one God, brethren.


Deut 6:4

4. Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD. KJV


Not three gods. One God. There is God, then there is the son of God and the son of God is a man. The son of God is immortality inside a finite garment. How are you a son of God? You are a human being in who dwells the light of the infinite one. The Son of God is a spiritual being. The son of God is not this flesh. The son of God is inside of me.


He is talking to you now, but He is so fused to me that He is using my vocal chords and He is flowing through my mind. He is also flowing through my emotions because there is animation is the way I speak to you. So I can say I am the son of God because the son of God is appearing in me, but Sheila alone is not the son of God.


I am only the son of God when I am under the influence or the control of the son of God, but I am never God. See, Jesus is the son of God because He is the garment, He is vehicle, He is the visible image through which God is speaking to fallen mankind. He is not God, but He speaks for God. He communicates with us on God’s behalf, and He receives out petitions on God’s behalf.


Something I stumbled on when I first received this revelation was how do I pray? In my heart, I talk to Jesus and I say O God, Jesus help me. Well, am I called Jesus God? As long as I know the truth, the two are one…Father, in the name of Jesus. I am not confused that Jesus is God. I know that He is my contact. See, it is confusing.


The way we will be delivered from this confusion is through the understand that He is not God, He is fused to God, and that God communicates to us through His image, through His nature, through His Word, the Word that he speaks to us which is the Word of God, which is infinite. The Word of God is infinite. Jesus had a beginning.


He was born. This why He says He is three things because it is one voice coming out, but it is multiple entities speaking with a single voice. It is my vocal chords. I mentioned to you recently that years ago I had an experience where Jesus Christ in the midst of me spoke out of me in the first person and I was alarmed. I was in old order deliverance at the time.


I just thought it was a demon. That woman that He spoke to has been on my mind lately. I do not know what the story is with her. She never really got fully involved in the church and as far as I know, all these years has led a carnal life, but God spoke to her. Whether it was inside of her, God spoke to her in the first person.


He said Fear not, I am He. Scared me half to death. I don’t even know what that meant to her. Maybe she was afraid to come closer. I was in GR at the time. I do not know, but that is what He said to her Fear not, I am He, and when the Lord started this ministry, there was a person in that ministry calling me a witch who turned out to be a witch herself as far as I know.


The woman to whom God spoke through me saying Fear not, I am He and I do not even know what that was about, she never bought it when that other woman was spreading the rumor that I was a witch. She never bought it. She told me herself. She said I told him. Yes, I see spiritual power on that woman, on me. But if it is the power of God, how do you call her a witch?


So I do not know what her role is in God’s Kingdom or if we will hear from her because she has been in my mind lately, but anyway, that is the only time that ever happened. That was the one inside of me speaking in the first person, and that is one of the experiences that a prophet had.


Not the gift, not a person with the gift of prophecy, but that is the sign of a true prophet. Prophesy is anything that comes out of the mouth of the Son of God in a person. If the Son of God tells me something and then I come to you in my human mind, and explain it to you out of my human mind, that is not prophecy.


At this point, I am so fused to the Son of God inside of me that my explanations are a union or a fusion of the Son of God and my human ability to explain it. Therefore, we can say that what I say to you is prophecy. Even though, the next week, I might make a change.


It is a growing prophecy in me that again is a mystery because Christ Jesus in me is fusing with my human ability to understand and relate you what I understand, and even though there is infinity in that word and it truly is prophecy, it is a growing prophecy. That is as big a mystery as the finite Adam inside of a human garment. It is a mystery. Infinity mixed with time, infinity and time. It is an impossibility. It is an anomaly.


It is a contradiction. It is an oxymoron. Does not make any sense, should not be, but it is. So brethren, this is who Jesus is, and then when the Scripture goes on to talk about the first and the last, the beginning and the end. These are stages of the development of the infinite light in the realm of time, a contradiction.


Infinity has no beginning and no end, but a point that became a line in the midst of time, a world where time rules, exists, has a beginning. That which is infinite which has no beginning, has a beginning when it enters into the realm of time. If you are not shutting of the CD or the message screaming the woman is insane, then you have a mind that is prepare to receive this message.


If you cannot bear it, you are not ready for it. Infinity in the form of the point of infinity, we are not told, is a cell of the Ein Sof, we are told is a point. Who knows what the Ein Sof is? Who can comprehend the infinity of the Ein Sof? We are told a point, a drop. Even the seed that comes down, the Kabbalists do not call it a seed. They call it a drop. The white drop is the male drop.


The red drop is the female and who knows if that is accurate. A point of infinite one entered into the empty space and expanded itself and became a line, and that which is infinite is the beginning of the area that is about to come into existence, so that which infinite did not become finite.


It is just featuring in a finite world, makes no sense. I guess we would have to say that which is infinite became finite because it is changing, and the definition of infinity is no change, so that which in infinite became finite under the control of the Ein Sof, not under the control of evil, with an assignment to bring forth an area or a region that would revealed to the creatures, entities not God, that is us, we are creatures brethren, that God is the King of all the earth. The invisible God is the King of all of the earth. We are not subjects of nature. That too is an anomaly. I spoke to a couple of the brethren yesterday that told me they are being overrun by mosquitoes. We are not subject to nature. I spoke to that fly and it presented itself for execution. If you have not been able to, even with my prayers, to get control over the mosquitoes, it is an anomaly.


We are supposed to have an authority over nature, but if it is not manifesting at this time, it is an anomaly. It is something that should not be happening because we are in this sphere of time where the creation is still being created, and it is not all working the way it is supposed to work.


We need to know that we have authority over nature, and if we are overcome by nature or afflicted by nature, if we are sick in our bodies, if flies are in our house flying around while I am preaching, if we are overrun by mosquitoes, we need to know in our mind that this cannot continue, that this is not acceptable to God, that this is an anomaly. It is wrong. It is wrong order. That is how it starts.


You need to know it in your mind, that pestilence has no place in the area that God has given His people. You have to believe that they have no business being there. You do not just curse them. You need to know they have no authority to be there. Do not stop commanding them to leave. It is important that we know who we are, to activate whatever power God is willing to give us.


I was overrun by flying ants last year and I broke all the curse and I could not get rid of them. I had to have an exterminator in. They came in with some heavy curses, but I still know they had no right to be here, and just by recognizing that as a curse was acknowledging that they had no right to be here. Brethren some of you are still carnal in this area. Listen to what I am telling you.


When I was overrun by flying, if I took the position that well I live out here in the country and it is summertime and I have a home with flying ants and that is just the way it is. Then any hope of getting rid of them with spiritual power would have never happened.


Who knows, even with the exterminator, they might have lasted much longer than they did. Who knows? By acknowledging that was a curse that brought in that pestilence, I got the best deliverance that was available at the time. I needed an exterminator and it was gone in a few days.


We are not subject to nature. We are not subject to the stars. Astrology, there is a lot of truth in astrology. We are no subject to astrology. We are not subject to the powers or the predictive powers of this world. We are under another star. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, that which stands in front of the infinite one, who entered into the realm of time, the Creator, we are subject directly to the subject of the Creator.


We are not like the nations or the other people, human beings, who are subject to family line curses and the negative influences of the zodiac. They are real. The forces of the zodiac are real. We are not subject to that. The beginning and the end are stages of the development of the infinite light in the realm of time. We just discussed the beginning. Adam Kadmon, a point and a line in the empty space, and He is being developed.


He is being merged with another side of himself, which is called a man face creature, which we will to in a minute. The end of Him, the end of this light, this infinite light that entered into the empty space is that very same, unchanged infinite light clothed with the man face creature. All of this processing is not changing the nature or the powers of infinity.


That is what we read about in John 1:1 and the spirit entered into this world, and it was not swallowed up by the darkness of this world. The Lord Jesus Christ is here and He is not swallowed up by the powers of this world. He is swallowing up Satan, so a greater one has entered in. So the beginning is Adam Kadmon, Primordial Adam, who began as a point and extended into a line, which is now bringing forth the area, a region, a spread out region, a visible region.


The end of Him is a perfected region of humanity called the age to come. The end of Him is the bringing into infinity of the human garment, of the finite human garment that covers Him at the beginning. At the beginning, He was covered by a finite garment. The end of Him is that the finite garment becomes infinite. He influences the finite world. The finite world has not made Him finite, but the He has made the finite world infinite.


That is the beginning and the end. The first and the last is taking about the man faced creature, which I believe I started talking to you about this last week, that there are two Hebrew words translated man in the Scripture. The first word is Strong’s #120 which really means the undifferentiated clay. There are no individuals in that Strong’s #120.


It is human clay that which individuals will be formed, and Strong’s #121 is the word Adam, the man Adam, the first individual formed out of the clay, and we are all in his image. The first man; we are all the first man, who is fallen, who are all dead. There are really three stages even though it just says the first and the last. There are really three stages of the formation of this man faced creature.


The first, the last and the in-between; it is an in-between stage. The first Adam is the Adam that was made of the dust, formed from the dust that Jehovah breathed the breath of life into, and the last Adam has to do with the spiritual man Adam who exists today in the world of Yetzirah. He is inside of us. He is a spiritual man. I think I said that wrong. I am sorry. The last Adam is the Lord from heaven.


We are told the last Adam is the Lord from Heaven, that is the Glorified Jesus Christ, and in between is the spiritual man Adam, or Christ in you. The first Adam is the carnal man, the last Adam is the man from Heaven, who is the Glorified Jesus Christ, and in the in-between stage is Christ in you. The first man:  a living soul, the man in the middle:  a living spirit, that is Christ in you, and the last Adam:  the Lord from heaven. Why does the Scripture not say there is a man in the middle?


I do not know, but there is a man in the middle. If you do not have this revelation, what you read in the New Testament gets confusing, first Adam, second Adam, and last Adam. That is the answer. At the beginning, Adam was made out of the dust. He was carnal. At the end, the last Adam, he is the Lord from Heaven, and there was an in-between stage, in which He is a spiritual man living inside of the earthen man. I was just working on the book.


I have been working on the book for weeks now, on the third edition of the book, and how did I get into that now? I was working on Primordial Adam A-Z. He is the Word of God, the Hebrew letters, and how did I get to it? I was working on Primordial Adam being the Hebrew letters and say at one point the above Scriptures speak about Primordial Adam. If they were talking about Jesus,


He would have surely known His own name, and we talked about that already. The mystery of the Primordial Adam is this point of the light of the eternal that has increased into a line or a stream of light when it entered in the field of creation, and after that it increased into an area or a region which became a many membered place for its glory.


 So Jesus is the head of the region. Jesus is a new region; a new region that is coming into existence where the Lord will rest because the first region, where the spirit of God was, died. That is the first man of the earth. He died, so there is a new region coming forth and as I worked on that, the thought of a New Testament scripture came to my mind. Maybe I need to expand on that first.


Hebrews 3:  5-6

5. And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after.


Moses was a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after. Moses a testimony; he was a servant in the house of the first Adam, and his ministry was a testimony for those things which were to come to pass. Moses wrote the Torah. Verse 6


6. But Christ (I am taking about Jesus now, talking about Christ within the man Jesus) as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. KJV


There is a new house coming forth brethren. Moses and all of his greatness was a servant in the household. He was a cell, he was a point, he was a drop, he was an area, a region that came forth from the first Adam who died, but there is a new house. His name is Christ, a new seed, brethren, a new seed. A new female seed, His name is Christ, the anointed of God. He is not a servant in the house of the first Adam who died. He is a whole new region, a region for what?


He is a whole new region for God to inhabit and express himself through, and you may have this understanding from previous teachings, but whenever we talk about a region, there are also many little regions in the midst of it. Each one of us is a region. The church of Living Epistles/ Christ-Centered Kabbalah is a region.


The Church is a region. The Israel of God is a region. The world is a region. The universe is a region. Regions within regions within regions. Christ, now not Jesus, Christ is a new region. He is a new region that came forth from a new line that came forth from a new point, a new female seed, and in some points is rising, is given on Mount Sinai, but the new seed that came forth is coming from the Glorified Jesus Christ.


In His glorification, Christ is not separated from the man Jesus. They became one. Who is Christ? Christ is inner man that was in Jesus of Nazareth, and I think I am getting the explanation from the Lord on how I am supposed to say this to you. This is my problem. I am thinking I have told you that Christ is the female seed, if Christ is the female seed, how do I differentiate between the Christ that is coming forth in the Jews who have this viable seed that has survived everything since they received it on Mount Zion, and the Christians who are receiving the new female seed from the Glorified Jesus Christ.


What is the difference? The difference is that the seed that is coming from the Lord Jesus Christ has a male aspect to it and the seed that was given on Mount Zion, the male aspect of that seed died, How did the male aspect of that seed die? That seed that came forth from Mount Sinai produced an area.


It produced national Israel, and the ultimate glory of Solomon’s kingdom, and it dies. So the seed brought forth, it is used up. Now it is a great mystery, and God only knows I do not understand all things, it is a great mystery that even the seed brought forth, and then died, so it is used up, just like an ovum, meaning a woman’s body once it brings forth a child, whether the child lives or dies, the seed is used up.


God forbid the child dies, you have to get another seed, see, that seed is dead, but yet somehow even though the area produced by that seed that when forth on Mount Sinai died, somehow the female aspect it has survived. We have had a lot of teaching on that. The female aspect died because it is rooted and grounded in the genes.


Here I am telling you I do not know what it is, but the Lord is reminding me that I do know what it is. The female aspect of the seed is rooted in the genes in the descendants of Jacob in Israel, but the female aspect came forth by faith, and when Solomon’s kingdom died, faith was gone, and the female seed regressed and went into dormancy in the people.


The Kabbalists explained it by saying The Shekinah, the female presence of God, goes into captivity with Israel. That is how Kabbalists explain it, so the part of the seed that is rooted in the genes, which is the inheritance of Jacob, is present today in Jewish people, but the male part of the seed is not part of their inheritance.


The female seed has to mature and attract the male, which is rooted above, because the whole purpose of the male and the female is the joining of heaven and earth. So the female seed is rooted in the genes of the descendants of Jacob, and when it rises, being stimulated by study of the Scripture or any other legitimate stimulation, when that female seed stand up and starts to become active in Jewish people, it does indeed attract the male seed.


The male seed is in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ, but when the female seed rejects the male seed because she cannot understand or recognize what is happening then she can go no further, and she cannot bring forth, that female cannot bring forth area.


So we have Jews all over the world especially since Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, who I believe was a great man and brought a great regeneration to Israel after the Holocaust, we all these millions of Jews praying for the restoration of national Israel. We have a national Israel over there in the Middle East, but it has not yet become what it is supposed to be.


It is a secular state over there and it is certainly not the restored kingdom at the very least. The king is not there because they do not even acknowledge Jesus. They are waiting for a human king, but that is another issue. They do not acknowledge Jesus so the king is not there at least formally He is not there.


We have all of these Jews studying the Scripture, deep into Kabbalah, and the female seed is standing upright, and as Rabbi Luria explained it, sending forth the signals to the male, come, come…I am sorry brethren. That is this message. It is a highly sexual message. I am sorry. When all of the Jews praying and studying Kabbalah, doing what they are doing, they are sending a message to the male:  come make love to me and impregnate me so that I can bring forth a child, and the male comes and they reject him.


They are all waiting and waiting and waiting, and it is not happening because they are lacking this understanding and I think, what came to me the other day is that even if they understood it, they would still reject it for the same reason they rejected him 2000 years ago. They are not willing to give up their privileged position. National Israel was a privileged nation.


They were different than the Gentiles. They were different, but today through the Lord Jesus Christ, the potential for everyone to be a Son of God, all of humanity, is there. I believe that the Lord showed me that these Jews, they are not going to give their privileged position up easily. They do not want to believe it. They want to believe that they, for lack of a better world, are better than the rest of the world and the enforcers of God’s law over the nations.


We are talking about Jesus, we are talking about Christ, Christ the Son of God, so the reason I got stuck was I am thinking well how could Christ be a Son over his own house? If I were teaching that, if I was not reading it in the Scripture, I would say Christ Jesus, and maybe is says Christ Jesus, I have not looked in the interlinear text. To say that Christ is a Son over his own house, there has to be a male seed.


Maybe on the break I will say it. Even if it does not say Christ Jesus in the text, I do not know why it says just Christ, but I will tell you without using a particular name that Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, I have to use that name, He is the Son over His own house. Christ Jesus is the Son of God, Okay, why it just says Christ here at the moment, I do not have the explanation for you, but a new region came into existence. Jesus of Nazareth, the first saved man, was saved out of humanity which was the region of the first Adam.


Jesus was the only, the Scripture says He is the first begotten of the dead, I think there is a Scripture that says He is the begotten one of the Father. Does anybody got that? Can anybody confirm that? They only begotten of the Father. What does that mean? He is the only man that was saved out of all of the cells that came into existence of the first Adam who died.


He is the only begotten of the Father, the only one that was saved out of the region that produced fallen humanity, and now he has become the Son, because he is fused to the Christ in him, so now the Lord Jesus Christ who is fused to the Christ that was saved, the only begotten of the Father was inside of the man Jesus, and therefore, the whole man Jesus became the first begotten of the dead.


I am going to say this again. The only begotten of the Father, the only man of the first Adam that was saved from death, but he is the first begotten of the dead because everyone that is going to be saved from death that comes after him will be saved from his region and not from the region of the first Adam. I am going to say it again.


New revelation brethren, I have never heard this before. The difference between the only begotten of the Father and the first begotten of the dead. There is a region in which humanity exists which is the expansion of the point and the line that came out of the first Adam, the man of dust, that became the living soul that manifested itself through national Israel.


He is the only begotten of the Father, he is the only man of all the human beings that emerged out of the first man, the living soul, no one else is going to be saved out of that living soul, and this first man that was saved, the only begotten of the Father, that means the Father sent another male seed. Brethren, all of humanity, we are born of fallen Adam.


Whether we are Israel and we have the female seed or not, before Jesus was glorified, there was no male seed. The Father produced another male seed, he sent it through Elijah we know, and he gave it to one man out of all fallen humanity, out of all of Israel and the High Priest, out of every guy, out of Moses, Elijah, only one man that was ever born out of the living soul received a seed of the Father which enabled Him to produce the man child after the fall.


There was only one man that birthed the man child after the fall. His name Jesus of Nazareth and he birthed the man child and he experience the whole process of salvation and ascended on high, and became the garment that covers Primordial or infinite Adam and the two are one, and he is the only man that has had or will ever had that experience.


Therefore, no matter to what degree to which we ascend, he will always have the preeminence over us. He is the only begotten of the Father, but he is the first begotten of the dead, so no one else from fallen Adam is going to receive a male se, but the rest of fallen Adam is going to be saved from death, but not through the house of fallen Adam.


In order to be saved from death, they have to transfer into the new region. There was a point and a line and it produced a region, a new house, a household. This one man that was the only begotten of the Father, he became the Father’s son, and produced a new region. Behold, I go to prepare a place for you.


There is a new region, but to enter into my household, now the only way to be saved from death is to enter into my household, God the Father is not saving anyone else out of fallen Adam and that includes all of natural Israel. All you Jews out there with your black hats and your curls and your black coats, the only way you can enter in is through Jesus because the door to the house that you are a part of, the door to the house that generated you is closed and sealed and dead.


No one will be saved from that household, and if you do not come out of your stubbornness, you will die in your sins. See, ye are gods because Adam is raised in you, but you will die like men. Today you are dying like men, today because of your stubbornness. All the signs are there for you and you refuse to see them. All the signs are there for you and you refuse to see them.


This Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, he was the beginning of leading you into what we call the new covenant. He showed you the direction of love, to come out from under the law, and all the signs are there but you will not buy it, and that teacher of the Bible class said the other day, he said Rabbi Schneerson was a High Priest in Israel.


I went to that class and he gave a class, and gave all of this information about Aaron the High Priest, how he loved the people, how he had mercy on the people, how he helped the people. Is that true? Maybe it is true. It is not in the Torah. Maybe is it true, but it is not in the Torah. Based on that definition of Aaron’s kindness and goodness and ministry to the people, well the Lord just told me it is in the esoteric doctrine that he went out of his way to help the people in the wilderness when they sinned.


So there is an esoteric foundation for it. On that basis, you have pronounced Rabbi Schneerson a High Priest of his generation, but the Torah says you have to be a Levite. He is a Jew.


You have pronounced a Jew, someone from the tribe of Judah, a High Priest over his generation, but the only thing the Torah says that the High Priest, once a year, enters into the most Holy place and makes intercession for Israel by slaying a goat, and he is not a Levite, and there is no temple, and there no goat slaying.


How do you pronounce him a High Priest? Well maybe he was a high Priest. I have no problem with that, but you are a hypocrite. I have no problem with it because the Levitical Priesthood is dead. So despite this powerful sign given to you by God, you are still focused on going back to Israel and rebuilding the Temple, and doing the sacrifices again.


You are so stubborn and so set upon your own power that you do not even see the power of God, and you preached on this Tuesday night, how the people of God do not even read the signs, and it is right there in the Book of Isaiah. The signs are right there and you do not see them. God is moving you despite yourself and your eyes will be opened, and many will be saved through the house of the Son of God, the Glorified Jesus Christ, but many will not.


Hebrews 3:5-6

5. And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after.

6. But Christ, as a son over his own house (or his own region. He is producing a new kind of man) whose house are we (we are the house of Christ). KJV


We are the house brethren, the house that He lives in. Christ, the Son of God, He lives in us, and when we acknowledge we are the house, we enter into his inheritance and the benefits of his life, but as soon as we forget that He is the Son of God and we are the house, we will lose what we have.


So there is a whole new house, and I was bringing forth this revelation and this is what the Lord dropped on me. Better that He dropped it than I add it in later. So He dropped it on me, I am back on


John 14:1-4

1. Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

2. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

4. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. KJV


So Jesus, he is saying, had to be glorified, for this new region to come to pass, and He said I am going to come again because the only way you can become a member of my household is if my spiritual life is growing inside of you. I am going to be prepared to be the male seed that will come back to give you the man child whose house you will be.


And as I studied that, the Lord dropped this on me. I saw that word ‘troubled’ and the Lord directed me to


John 5:  2-16

2. Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.

3. In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.

4. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water (It is the same Greek word, brethren, same Greek word troubled. The water, let your heart not be troubled, the water, and what it means is that agitation of a pool of water. So we see it used correctly in John 5, but it is not really used correctly in John 14 because it means the stirring up of the water.)

4. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

5. And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

6. When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?

7. The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.

8. Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

9. And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.

10. The Jews therefore said unto him that was cured, It is the sabbath day: it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed.

11. He answered them, He that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed, and walk.

12. Then asked they him, What man is that which said unto thee, Take up thy bed, and walk?

13. And he that was healed wist not who it was: for Jesus had conveyed himself away, a multitude being in that place.

14. Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.

15. The man departed, and told the Jews that it was Jesus, which had made him whole.

16. And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day. KJV


God willing I will give you an esoteric exposition on John 5 verses 2-16 that will link it to John 14:1-4, but the only Scriptural basis for it being the Greek word troubled. This will be a Midrashic explanation. I will be giving you a Midrash.


The noun is Midrash, an exhortation or an exposition, and what is called a Midrashic exhortation or a Midrashic explanation, something that comes downs by the spirit of revelation, that there is little or no actual word or basis for it in the written text. Brethren, I looked up the definition of Siloam. That is the name of the pool for those you who were not following me. Let me make it clearer to you. We are in John 5 which talks about a pool, name was Bethesda. I wonder if I picked up a different account of this.


Does anyone see the name of Siloam in this account in John 5? I have just had it in my heart that it was the Pool of Siloam so this account may appear in two different places because I do not see the word Siloam here. It just says in verse 4.


John 5:4

4. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water…KJV


Well anyway there has to be a reason that I looked it up. It is called the Pool of Bethesda and the word means sent, the pool of the sent one. The Greek word is Strongs 7975 and the word means sent, and it is from a Hebrew word Strongs 7…


It is a pool and tower near the Temple in Jerusalem as called the Pool of Shiroah by the king’s gate. According to Josephus, Bethesda was a pool at the mouth of the Tyropoeon Valley about 60 yards west of the southern point of Ophel, Jerusalem. It is probable that there was a pool dug by King Hezekiah, that this was a pool dug by King Hezekiah.


It was to the Pool of Bethesda that Levite was sent with a golden pitcher on the last day of the great feast, on that last day of the great feast of Tabernacles. To this Jesus alluded and standing in the Temple he cried If any man thirst let him come up to me and drink. To this pool the blind man was sent to wash and return seeing


John 9:  7-11

7. And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.

8. The neighbours therefore, and they which before had seen him that he was blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged?

9. Some said, This is he: others said, He is like him:  but he said, I am he.

10. Therefore said they unto him, How were thine eyes opened?

11. He answered and said, A man that is called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight. KJV


The tower of Siloam which killed 18 men in its fall, Luke 13:4, was nearby, and it means to be sent.


Luke 13:4

4.Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? KJV


I picked out one prophecy from Isaiah that uses that word which is significant.


Isaiah 8:6-9

6. Forasmuch as this people refuseth the waters of Shiloah that go softly, and rejoice (so we are talking about spiritual waters here brethren. That is the suggestion, talking about spiritual waters) forasmuch as this people refuseth the waters of Shiloah that go softly, and rejoice in Rezin and Remaliah's son;

7. Now therefore, behold, the Lord bringeth (because they are refusing these waters) the Lord bringeth up upon them the waters of the river, strong and many, even the king of Assyria, and all his glory: and he shall come up over all his channels, and go over all his banks:

8. And he shall pass through Judah; he shall overflow and go over, he shall reach even to the neck; (which I would say the neck energy center) and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel.

9. Associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces (in other words, associate yourself with false gods brethren and) ye shall be broken in pieces and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken. (Gird yourself to fend yourself against God and you shall be broken in pieces) KJV


We see this word Siloam is associated with judgment. Let us take a look, I will try to give you an esoteric run down on the scriptures in John 5:2-16, then we will try to relate it to John 14:1-4. First of all, let me start by telling you this. I believe this happened in the natural. I believe there was a Pool of Bethesda and this probably happened, I don’t know maybe it happened maybe it did not, but we know the Pool was real.


If it did happen in the natural, what we have here is the outplaying of a spiritual principle. I will tell you upfront that this concept of troubling the water, agitating the waters, it is talking about spiritual realms, ok, the higher we climb in the spiritual realms, the faster the waters move. This is a water world.


The air that we breathe is laced with water. Our whole world, here, this world of Asyiah, we are the lowest realm of the world of Asyiah. Remember, every world, every realm is multi-graded, is very slow moving. Even the blood in our veins scientists will tell us, is light moving as a snail’s pace, moving very slowly. Everything in this world moves, but it is moving so slowly that is appears to be solid.


This table is made up of atoms that vibrate. That is the principle of alchemy; the person who has the spiritual power to access any inanimate object and to reduce it to its component parts can rearrange those parts and build something. The principle of alchemy is to make gold out of a base metal, so the concept is if you have spiritual power, you can remold anything.


You can make an arm grow out when there is no arm, and you can put an eye where there is no eye. You can take elements from anything in the atmosphere, trees, brushes, chairs, anything, and remake them, break them down to their most component part and reform them into whatever is needed. That is how Jesus provided food for the 5000. He did not just pull it out of the air.


He laid hold of some aspect of this world and broke it down to its component, subatomic parts, and rearranged them. That is what Jacob did when he controlled how the cattle were born. He dealt with the events and manifestations and the fixture of this world from a very high spiritual plane where they were not solid. You see, everything that appears in this world has a root.


You may not be able to see the root, but everything that appears including us has a root that attaches it to a higher world, and the root out of which is emerges is attached to the higher world, depending on whether it came from God or not. I mean furniture and things like this probably come out of Yetzirah.


So if you have the spiritual authority to ascend into a high place in Yetzirah, now remember Yetzirah has multiple grades, so let us say this table right here, the root of it is coming out of Yetzirah, let us say the middle, the 5th of the 10th grade. If you have the spiritual authority to ascend into the 6th grade of Yetzirah, you could remake this table. This table is the product of an ascended mind.


This whole world is the product of the Serpent, everything that appears here comes out of the Serpent or out of the mind of fallen Adam. The reason little before the Lord comes to us, the reason we have no power over this world is because we were generated by the Serpent. Our fallen bodies and our fallen mind were generated by the Serpent. The whole principle is that the mind of Christ and the whole new man Christ Jesus that is being built in us, he was not, is not generated by the Serpent.


He is generated from a different region. Christ in you, Christ Jesus in you is generated from a region that is higher than Yetzirah. His roots are in a world or a universe that is higher than Yetzirah, so maybe now for a brief moment in time, the powers of this world have authority over Christ in you because He is still very young. He has the potential to grow up and when He grows up to the point where He ascends above the world of Yetzirah, because he is growing up towards the roots that founded Him.


He has to pass through Yetzirah and enter into Beriah and Atzilut, and when He gets up, when He makes contact with his source, that which is in you will have power over everything in this world, including your body. This is what we see in the people who have a healing anointing in Pentecost. It is a gift.


That means that a spirit that resides in a world higher than the world that generated your body, a spirit that resides in a world that is higher than the principality that said “I own your body and put cancer there.” There is a spirit in a world that is higher than that says, “Uh uh, I do not agree. No cancer.” It is the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is in Atzilut and He puts His spirit upon the people who have the gift of healing.


It is a gift, brethren. They received it without repentance, and without a particular call on their life. It was given to them for whatever reason. Well, it was given to them for the purposes of blessing God’s people. Why they were chosen, I do not know, but they were given this gift of power, a spirit that is higher than Satan, a spirit that is higher than the authority to give you cancer, and it interferes with that spirit and chases it.


That spirit is Satan itself looks to you as a point, cancer starts with one cell and it extends itself into a line. The organ in you that is cancerous and seeks to extend to the region of your whole body until the cancer consumes your life. Point, line, area. So a spirit from a higher universe comes in and says I do not agree with what you are doing and blasts that spirit out of your body. But the only reason the person can do it is that spirit that is from a higher world has overshadowed them.


This what I am trying to tell you, that the concept of the Greek word troubled, meaning to agitate the water, is talking about a higher spiritual universe. Again this just dropped on me this morning. If I had time, I would have looked to see if I could have related the word to the word in the Book of Revelation where Jesus is saying if you are neither hot nor warm, I am going to spew you out of my mouth.


I did a study on that once and basically what is means is that He wants you boiling water, rapidly boiling water. If you are not rapidly boiling, I am going to spew you of my mouth. What does that mean? You need to be ascended into the spiritual realm where rapid movement is the norm.


For those of you who are Star Trek fans, there was an episode in the original Star Trek where visitors from a higher dimension where on the Enterprise, and they were perceived, these visitors were perceived as a sound of a bee by the staff that was running the ship. It was an entity that was moving so rapidly in relation to the vibration to this world that they were invisible to the people of this world.


So I am suggesting to you that this concept of troubling the waters, rapid movement of a spiritual universe was coming down into this world for the purpose of healing. This concept typifies what the national Israelite of those days was hoping for. There was a revelation that they needed to be healed from a higher realm of consciousness, from a higher universe. The Jews know that they are cut off. They know that they are cut off from their source,


And they knew it in Jesus’ day that they were cut off from the source of power that had made national Israel great. They knew all about it. They knew that there was physical healing that source and they knew that there was permanent healing or resurrection from the dead in that source.


So if in fact this was a pool where people were actually sitting around waiting for an angel to come down and stir up the physical waters, if it was true, this was only an outplaying of this spiritual principle, that in order to be healed ,or in order to be returned to power, or in order to overcome death, Israel, and at the time it was all about Israel, Israel need to ascend into a higher spiritual universe where the waters of that world were vibrating more rapidly that the waters of this world. Water is referring to which attribute? You will be healed by the “blank” of the waters. What is the word? Does anybody know that scripture? You will healed by the “blank” of the water? What is the word?


COMMENT:  Living?


PASTOR VITALE:  No, no you will be washed, healed, delivered by the “blank” of the water of the word.


COMMENT:  Cleansing


PASTOR VITALE:  You will be cleansed by the “blank” of the water of the word. The what?


COMMENT:  It has got to be cleansing.


PASTOR VITALE:  No, you will be cleansed by the “blank” of the water of the word.




PASTOR VITALE:  No, anybody on the computer know?




COMMENT:  preaching.


PASTOR VITALE:  No, the water of the wisdom of the word. Wisdom, wisdom, ok. Wisdom, the way the power of the higher world is transferred to us, brethren, is through wisdom, and that was pretty much to way I opened this message, that there are millions of Christian praying that Jesus appear and save the world, and save Israel, and save us, and save America, Christian that do not have at this moment the ability to acquire the wisdom that literally builds Christ Jesus in the midst in them and all power is in Him.


All power is the Son. I also mentioned earlier that the Church is being equipped, and I said what is the church being equipped for? The Church is being equipped to be able to hear and acquire this wisdom to that Christ Jesus can be built in us because there is no other way to get Him. You do not get Christ Jesus by the laying on of hands. I am suggesting to you that this man that we are told was at the Pool of Bethesda, he was impotent.


Now there is Jerusalem, and Jerusalem is a spiritual city, we are cities for God, and now there is Jerusalem by the sheep market and we are sheep. The spiritual city of Jerusalem which is in the sheep of God, the human beings that His spirit is present in, there was a pool. There was a source of spiritual water or a source of wisdom which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches, how about five sefirot, the number of ministry.


How about five sefirot meaning the female calf? How about this being a place or spiritual place where people had in them the female Adam regenerated to the point of five sefirot of her female aspect? If you remember the teaching that is as far as the female Adam can go. The next step is for the 6th sefirot to be added to her man hood through the male seed from above. How about that? I did not look up the word Bethesda, but how about that? Let us go with that.


We are working by revelation here, brethren. So that is spiritual Jerusalem, the people who are the city for God, the people who contain the life of God, that were sheep. Jesus said my people are sheep. Within them and now there is a marketplace, a sheep market. Jesus referred to His people as being the marketplace, following after someone that was blowing his flute, so the sheep are in the marketplace were being bought and sold all the time by higher principalities over who is going to take our energy.


The energy of God’s people is being bartered, and bought and sold continuously by ungodly power proving who is strong enough to make us sin so they can take our energy from us. This place is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda. I did not look that word up, but it has five porches so we are talking about a group of Israelites that have gone as far as they can go at regenerating the female Adam.


They have actually produced the first five sefirot of their male aspect and they are waiting for the male seed to complete them, to complete their male aspect and give them power with God. In this place lay a great multitude of impotent folk, so we see that Israelites that were spiritually blind, they could not walk, their arms or their mind was withered, and they were waiting for the agitation of the water. They were waiting for the male seed that vibrates at a more rapid pace than their female aspect. Sound okay, brethren?


John 5:4

4. For an angel¸ a messenger of God, “went down at a certain season into the pool.” KJV


At one point, somewhere in old order deliverance, it was being taught that this was an ungodly angel, but I am going to stay with it being an angel of God. At some point, an angel of God descended from the higher world. At what point? I just read you something about…it was at the Pool of Bethesda that a Levite was sent with a golden pitcher on the last day, that great day of the feast of Tabernacle, and to this Jesus alluded when standing in the Temple, He cried if any man thirst let him come to me, because you cannot get it from the guy with the golden pitcher.


So here are all these people at this place hoping to get a drink from this golden pitcher, from a Levite priest who no longer  had any power, and Jesus showed up, maybe He was in the natural, maybe He was teaching them, maybe there really were people at some pool, but the spiritual understanding is that Jesus showed up.


He said to these people you cannot get any life or healing from a physical golden pitcher held by a physical Levite because the Levite priesthood is over and if they do not move along with God, He is just going to knock down the whole Temple, then you will know for sure that it is over. Unless you are so stubborn that you will not give it up for 2,000 years.


So an angel came down to the people. It says for a certain season, a season. That does not mean like here we have summer, winter, fall. A spiritual season could last for years. When I came out of the hospital, after I was in the hospital for three months, I did not understand it at the time, but the Lord said to me, I heard in an audible voice, the winter is over.


Years later, just recently I found out that this spiritual winter time is the time that you are really on your own. It is the time where you are still very carnal and you have to do everything you can in the flesh until Christ is formed in you, so the Lord was telling me that I passed the test. I did whatever I had to do and Christ was formed in me, and that is why I did not die because if Christ was not in me I probably would have died.


God did not save me from the outside. God did not save my life by sending someone with the gift of healing, to lay hands on me and heal me. He did not do that. That is why I was sick for 13 years after I went into the Church and then I was still sick, but He saved my life at 13 years because in those 13 years I did all that I had to do and Christ was formed in me, and therefore my life was saved.


I had a Savior. I had an advocate that was going to work with me and help me. That is what He meant when He said the winter was over, but I did not find that out until just very recently. The help that God promised Adam had been imparted to me in the person of Christ, and now things would begin to get easier, would begin to get easier. So an angel went down in a certain season and this pool, whether it was in the natural or not, whether this was happening in the natural or not, was also happening in the spiritual.


 We are giving a Midrashic interpretation of the spiritual understanding of this. There is a spiritual pool called the Pool of Bethesda. It is just like this is the 42nd generation, and it that pool existed inside of Israelites in many different geographical locations. It was every Israelite that was in this spiritual place called the Pool of Bethesda, and an angel had come, an angel from the Lord just like the angel delivered food to Elijah when he was down.


The angel would come down trying to make contact with Israelites to give them the wisdom that would result in the male seed joining with them that Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, could reconnect them to the heavenly realms. God kept sending angels down to try to help them, but they could not lay hold of it. The angel did not come down and trouble the water down there, the angel that dwelt in the spiritual realm of more rapidly moving water would descend into this place and whoever then first after the troubling of the waters stepped in, was made whole.


All of the people who were able to communicate with this angel who came down, who was moving more rapidly, at a more rapid pace than the mind of the people of this world. The mind of Christ, the mind of God would come down and try to communicate with the people who had a carnal mind, and some people were able to lay hold of it, some people that are studying the Scriptures and then Adam, the female Adam, was raised in them, were able to lay hold of that higher vibration and get healed.


We are told some of them were blind, maybe they were physically blind, and maybe they were spiritually blind. Whatever I just described to you, whatever I did for all of those 13 years. What did I do? I studied. The Lord told me to study. I studied and I was actually preaching already out of a spirit of revelation, for 13 years in God and it was all on my own.


God would direct me, but my efforts were all on my own because Christ was not in me yet. The fruit of that effort raised up Christ in me in time to save my life, and then He continued to grow and now the help was with me, so these people that were in this spiritual place called the Pool of Bethesda, some of them succeeded in raising Christ in them, some of the succeeded in going to the next level.


Their efforts produced the help in them, the promised help, and they were healed. If they were spiritually blind, they got spiritual sight. If they could not walk, if there were family line curse and they were so afflicted that they were not succeeding in life, life was destroying them, they received the power to overcome the destructive forces. We are told…let me look at this again.


Some of them were blind, some of them could not walk, some of them had withered hands to they could not work, maybe hand meaning mind, maybe their mind was so damaged that they could not work, so their mind was healed. They got all of this healing, those of them that were able to benefit from the angel that descended from above, but not the angel that was growing up in the midst of them.


See, we need the help of the angel that is joined to us. I keep seeing it as an old fish and merry-go-round, where they had these rings and you had to try and catch the golden ring. The Jews who had the power that they were born, maybe they were very smart and everybody was not very smart. I keep telling you that you do not have to be very smart to learn the doctrine of Christ. All you need is Christ in you, just submit yourself to the teaching that Christ be formed in you when He will be your new mind that can understand this message. I have been preaching that for a long time.


Just by way of example some of the people who were hoping to make contact with the higher plane of consciousness, they were very smart and they were born with great intelligence and they were understand the Scripture to the degree that let them lay a hold of that angel, so some of them who were equipped in their own humanity to go further. They know this. Does anybody know that this is not true?


Some people are more equipped in their humanity than others, but we know that Christ Jesus is the great equalizer. He makes you equal when Christ comes forth in you, so for Christ to come forth in you, you have to die to everything you are, and humanity including, if you have it, your limited intelligence. When you die to everything you have and Christ comes forth in you, you who were limited in intelligence have the potential to be a genius.


Now, God is not doing that right now in any great measure, but that is the promise. Once He stands up in full stature in the earth, this is what we are going to be seeing, mentally retarded people becoming geniuses because we are the spiritual man in the midst of us. That is who we are. Everybody ok?


So the angel when down in a certain spiritual season, to the pool, this level of spirituality that national Israel was at. He was an angel that came from a spiritual realm where the water was boiling rapidly, and whoever then was able…Well is says here Whosoever then first, after the troubling of the waters stepped in…Well I do not know what it says in the interlinear text, but whoever was able to lay hold of that higher realm of consciousness was made whole of whatever disease he had because healing is in wisdom.


I was delivered from premature death and a large measure of healing through the wisdom of Kabbalah.  God’s mercy kept me hanging on all of those years. I had surgery and the whole thing to keep me alive until the five-fold ministry equipped me to the point that Christ was formed in me, to the point that Christ could start feeding on the spiritual food of Kabbalah, and when Christ started feeding on the spiritual food of Kabbalah within me, then I started to receive permanent healing.


Up until that point, I was just literally being kept alive by the mercy of God. Let me say this again. For the first 13 years that I first served God, I survived because of His mercy because of a power that came outside of myself that kept me alive when I should have been dead. The result of what I did for those 13 years, in obedience to God, I was in church every time the door opened. In those days it was four-five nights a week I was in church. When I was not in church, I was studying.


Then I was in the ministry. I would work for my pastor for two years editing his books. I served God every way that I could and at the end of 13 years, I came to the end of my days. Satan was taking my life. I was going to die, but the fruit of those 13 years was that Christ was formed in and just in time. God is never late.


He was formed in me just in time that He kept my body alive and I survived. Now, the potential for healing was inside of me. Even after that, maybe it was another ten years after that, then the five years after that, that the Lord introduced me to Kabbalah.


I did not really start to heal until Christ in me started feeding on the wisdom of Kabbalah, which wisdom matured Him and gave Him more power to deal with more problems of my physical body. Today, I lead a normal life. I have some issues, but I lead a normal life, and I work Xxxx to death. What I mean is I am not in bed half a day. I put in a full work day. I sleep about five hours. That is all I sleep and I wake. God wakes me up.


John 5:4-5

4. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in (or made contact with this angel from a higher spiritual plane that was boiling at a more rapid rate, moving at a more rapid rate) was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

5. And a certain man was there (that means an indefinite man, that means just like John Doe, meaning that this John Doe represents a lot of people) And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. KJV


We do not know what his infirmity was. Maybe his intelligence was not very great, maybe he was crippled, maybe his arm was broken, maybe he was a cripple, or maybe it was in his mind, maybe he was there for all of these years and he could not understand the wisdom that would bring the angel close enough to him for him to partake of the water. It could be any of these things, brethren.


So there was a certain John Doe there, and he had an infirmity. He was either blind, lame, or his arms, his mind, were withered. For 30 and 8 years. I do not know what the significance of those numbers are right now. 30 and 8 years, and Jesus saw him. Do you remember Jesus said to one of His disciples I saw you under the fig tree. Remember Jesus said behold an Israelite in whom there is no gile.


Now the guy said how do you know all about my life, and Jesus said I saw you under the fig tree. What does that mean I saw you under the fig tree? It means He saw him in the spirit. When He looked into the spirit and he saw who was a true Israelite because everyone born of an Israelite is not an Israelite, remember?


Everyone that is circumcised is not Jewish. You have to have the inherited Shekinah that comes down through the genes of a descendent of Jacob. There has been a lot of intermarriage. Everyone born of a Jewish woman, which is your designation as a Jew, is not born with that seed if there was intermarriage way back, and there was intermarriage all over the place. Jesus said I looked into the spirit.


Another way that the Scripture says it is, I looked in a window, was Jezebel looked in a window. Jezebel looked into a spiritual window. She used magic to see what was going on in the spiritual plane, and then in another place, we seen that it was either Pharaoh or Abimelech, I think it was Abimelech, he saw, I think it was Isaac.


I may have the wrong patriarch. The Scripture says sporting with his wife. Did this king actually see Isaac having sex with his wife? No, he was a magician. These rulers were powerful sorcerers in those days. I have news for you, there are powerful sorcerers today. Anybody that has spiritual power today is a magician.


I do not want to call them sorcerers. They are wielders of spiritual power. He looked in to the spirit and he saw this group of people. When I was getting this revelation, there was a bird out there. I think I told you it was going crazy. Banging something. So Jesus saw this category of people. At one point, Jesus said I have sheep of another fold. Maybe this is who He was talking about.


He went out and healed the natural people. I believe that He did that, that He healed physical bodies of people that had the faith to be healed, and maybe this was another category of people. He saw them in the spirit and He met them in the spiritual plane. Brethren, when the Scripture says that Jesus was walking on the water, and the disciples were all upset that He was not there, that they were sinking and Christ was sleeping in the bottom of the boat.


That was in the spiritual plane. The disciples entered into some kind of spiritual experience, probably through meditation, and they were being attacked by Satan, the spiritual storm because when you ascend spiritually and you start seeing in the spirit and getting revelation and fighting the wars of God in the spirit, you come against all kinds of opposition, and Christ sleeping in the bottom of the boat means that Christ in the disciples was not rising to defend them so they cried and Jesus came to save them.


When Jesus saw him lying down, brethren lying down is a spiritual principle, just like standing up is a spiritual principle, Abel in us is lying down under Cain. When Abel in us stands up, he becomes the head of the corner. He comes and stands at a right angle to the rest of this fallen person who is lying down.


Cain is lying down. Satan is lying down. Leviathan is lying down. They are in a horizontal world. This world is a horizontal world. Abel stands up. That means he starts to ascend spiritually. Brethren, this whole world is in the wilderness. The Church, the national Israel, the Israel of God, they are in the wilderness. They are going round and round and round and round, and the only way up is through the Lord Jesus Christ.


They can stand up a little bit. When fallen Adam stands up in you, it can stand up a little bit. To stand up means you have vision and authority of all four worlds. It means you have to ascend to Atzilut and the only way to do that is through the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus saw all of these people, faithful to God, these Israelites, but they were lying down, and He knew that He had been now a long time. All these Israelites have been in this state a long time.


The Scripture says about 450 years when Jesus appeared, there had been no Prophet in Israel, and there was a vassal state of Rome. They had lost their sovereignty and actually they lost their power in the spiritual plane. They lost their power when Jehovah took the kingdom away from Solomon, then Solomon died and the kingdom was divided when Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, took over.


What happened in the spirit at that time, and then Israel just continued to lose power over all the subsequent years, so Jesus knew that Israel had been a long time lying down. He said unto John Doe, unto this class action of people, will you be made whole. Is that what you want? Now, He did not say do you want to be healed? He did not say do you want your withered arm to grow out?


He did not say do you want to be healed of blindness. He said will you be made whole? That is what I have been trying to tell you all for years. Now if you have an immediate need, of course you pray for healing for your immediate need, but you need to understand that the most important driving force of your life in God should be to do whatever is required to have Christ formed in you because once Christ is formed in you, and then once Christ Jesus is formed in you, He will meet all of your needs.


He will be your doctor. He will be your lawyer. He will be your psychiatrist. He will be your counselor. He will meet your every need. The full force of your effort should be to have Christ Jesus formed in you. You have one goal, when that one goal is formed in you, He will meet all of your needs. He is wisdom unto you.


This man Christ Jesus is made unto us wisdom of how to go about getting your needs met because no matter how many needs you have, no matter how many or few needs you have, if you are going after have them met the wrong way, you are just spinning your wheels. He will direct you. If He does not meet your needs directly, He will direct you to the place where your needs will be met.


You need Christ Jesus formed in you, and then you need to turn to Him and take His counsel, and stop looking for a fix from outside of yourself. Then if He sends you outside of yourself it is ok, but you need to go to Him first because if He is in you and you are not turning to Him, but you are turning to someone outside of Him, you are guilty of idolatry, and He is going to die. If He is there and you do not take advantage of His counsel, He is going to die.


John 5:7

7. The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, (man is just another word for Adam. Adam is not raise in me, sir. Not even the female Adam. Adam is not present in me. I am just an empty vessel. I have no man. Adam is not in the midst of me) when the water is troubled (when the angel from the higher realm descends, the angel that has the power to put me in the pool, the angel that has the power to raise me up into that more rapidly moving water of that higher realm) KJV


When he offers to do this for me and I am rising as best I can to me, another person steps down in front of me. That word before can be translated personality. The earthen man of my personality steps in, and the name of that other man?




PASTOR VITALE:  Well, you are close.




PASTOR VITALE:  It could be Cain. It is Leviathan. It could be Cain though. Actually I am confused myself as to when to use…In this instance, I am not sure whether it is Cain or Leviathan. That other personality that is not in God gets in the way. Every time I see the angel, he is so close to me I could touch him, and my carnal mind comes in and destroys my opportunity. Right? You can relate to that right?


John 5:8

8. Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. KJV


Jesus said I have the authority to put Cain and Leviathan, and I guess Satan, all three of them, I am not afraid of them, and they have no power over me, and I pronounce you healed. That healing still came outside of the man. We do not really know what that means. Rise, take up thy bed, now listen, the bed, that term bed, it is a symbol for Malchut.


Now let me remind you that this man was empty. He said Adam was not in him, so Malchut would be the first sefirot of the resurrected Adam. What did Jesus say to this man? The man said Adam is not in me and Leviathan, Cain, and Satan get in my way. They block me. So Jesus spoke to Abel in the man and said rise up Abel, rise up. Let your bed rise up. Let Malchut of the resurrected Adam rise up. That is the martial bed you see.


The male can do nothing if there is no bed so you are just the shell, just the vessel. You are the horse. The ten sefirot of the female Adam are not there, so Abel you rise up. You who are the bed, you who are the martial that will receive the angel that is coming down from above, rise up and let this man start walking, doing what he needs to do to have Christ formed in him so that the next time the angel come down, he can overcome that which is blocking him.


Jesus did not heal him. He gave him the means to be healed and I have been telling you all this here for years because it is hard for you to come in from Pentecost. I came in from Pentecost where I had supernatural healings in Pentecost, and then Pentecost starts to die because the fruit starts to come forth.


When the fruit starts to come forth, the healing comes from within you and it could be a long time that Christ is not powerful enough to heal you so we live with our diseases and our conditions for a long time. We are supposed to be serving God even though the healing is not coming, but the information, the understanding, and the knowledge is valuable to know that God does not abandoning you.


That instant healing that healed you only healed you temporarily even if that condition does not come back you get something else because that root that produces sickness has not been touched. When Christ rises in you, He begins to deal with the root of your old man that is producing the physical illness, the mental illness, or the emotional illness, and then you have to bear with God. You have to live with it. You have to walk with it and do not let it stop you from serving Him because at some point, Christ Jesus will be formed in you and become strong enough to heal your condition.


John 5:9

9. And immediately the man was made whole (He was made whole. He was not healed. What is whole? He became male and female. The female Adam stood up in him and Jesus imparted the male seed to him. He became whole.) and took up his bed, (Malchut of the female Adam stood up in him, and he began to walk. Whatever his problem was in life that he could not cope with, he started to cope and walk towards God, to do what he had to do to go on with God) and on the same day was the sabbath. KJV


Now the following verses say that the Pharisees made a big deal over Jesus healing on the Sabbath, but that is a significant statement “and the same day was the Sabbath day.” What is the spiritual Sabbath day? Who remember what the significance of the spiritual Sabbath day? What happens that makes it a spiritual Sabbath day inside of us?




PASTOR VITALE:  What happens to us that we describe as the spiritual Sabbath day in us?


COMMENT:  Union or drawing to.


PASTOR VITALE:  Is it the union of who?




PASTOR VITALE:  The union of who? The union of the female Adam and…?


COMMENT:  The male Adam.


PASTOR VITALE:  The male Adam, the union of the male and the female, so I said that under a spirit of revelation, that Jesus imparted the male seed, but now I see that that is what it says there if you can hear it is esoteric language. Jesus said to the Abel in the man stand up and rise. The female stood up and Jesus imparted the male seed, and that man experienced the Sabbath day.


John 5:10

10. The Jews therefore said unto him that was cured, It is the sabbath day: it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed.


Well how about the Pharisees saying to Jesus who do you think you are teaching these unschooled people Kabbalah? Who do you think you are teaching women Kabbalah? Who do you think you are teaching Christian Kabbalah? Who do you think you are? How about that? Somebody said to me recently I have no right to be doing what I do with Kabbalah, that it is a Holy word and it was around long before Christ and I have no right to change it.


I am not really changing it, but that is what they said to me, that I have no right to be doing that. Well sorry about that, but you do not own Kabbalah and national Israel does not own Kabbalah. God owns Kabbalah and He can give it to whoever He wants, and if you think it is not God doing this in me then you let God deal with me and you mind your own business.


10. The Jews therefore said unto him that was cured, It is the sabbath day: it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed. KJV


It is not lawful for you, for the female Adam, to stand up in you. It is not lawful for you to experience the Sabbath. That is just for the Sanhedrin, that is just for the priests.


John 5:12

12. Then asked they him, What man is that which said unto thee, (let the female Adam rise in you and start walking with the male Adam. Who had the nerve to tell you that?

13. And he that was healed wist not who it was: for Jesus had conveyed himself away, a multitude being in that place. (I did not look up these words, but I wonder if it means that Jesus had approached him in the spirit and he really did not know who it was. Maybe it all happened in his mind and even thought he imagined it except that he started to get better.)

14. Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: (you are now male and female.) sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. KJV


What was the man doing? What the man doing that was so bad that Jesus had to say to him sin no more or a worse thing will come upon you? What was he doing? He was trying to reach God. Maybe Jesus said to him now you are not the same person. The Sabbath is in you, Adam is standing in you, the male Adam is joined unto him and you cannot do what you used to do or judgment is going to fall on you, and you could lose your mind or lose your life because you cannot play with this high wisdom.


Once this wisdom starts coming into you, once Adam stand up in you, once you become the Sabbath, you have to serve God. Be careful because every sin is going to be magnified. Sins that you did before that you got away with, you cannot do now because now you have become a Holy person.


Also, do not share this teaching with anybody unless the Lord leads you. Remember the story of Pardes. You cannot ascend in God and be the person that you were, so if you feel jealous towards somebody, you better put it before God, and you better learn how to relate to other people in a Godly manner because ungodly communication is sin.


John 5:15-16

15. The man departed, and told the Jews that it was Jesus…(see, he did not know it was Jesus until Jesus came to him in the flesh. I think the man had a spiritual experience. I think Jesus went to him in the spirit.)

16. And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things…KJV


What things? He did not heal him. He made him whole. He raised the female Adam in him, gave him the male seed, and brought the Sabbath day. He brought Christ Jesus into existence in this man, and this man, what did he do? The Pharisees said that you worked on the Sabbath day, but what were they really made at?


I want to suggest to Jesus made this man, who had no authority in Israel, he made this man and many others spiritually equal to the Pharisees. He made them spiritually equal or higher than the Pharisees. Let us see if we can relate this to John 14:1-4. Jesus is talking, and Jesus has already been revealed. I do not think this was after He rose from the dead. I do not know. I think this was after He rose from the dead. If anybody knows, please tell me. King James says


John 14:1-2

  1. Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
  1. In my Father's house are many mansions…KJV


We know how, unfortunately, Christians think God has a mansion for them in Heaven. It is unbelievable, but it is being preached from the pulpit. The main problem here is this teaching in the spirit filled church. I do not know Lutherans or Methodists teach, but I really just know the spirit filled church. The whole emphasis is on the individual. You are the most important thing. God needs you. God is filling you. God is you.


You are a miracle, you, you, you. Brethren, we are not it. God is it, and His High Priest is it, and Primordial Adam is it, and the Glorified Jesus is it, and we are the guy on the Jericho road that is being saved. We are just the vessel made of clay that the only reason we are being saved is that God needs us.


Yes, He loves us, but the main thing is, He needs us to complete the creation of God because the fulfillment of prophecy, Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and the fulfillment of the spirit of prophecy is Jesus, the head and His body, the Sons of God, the man-faced creature surrounding the infinite Adam Kadmon, moving in the realm of infinity. I think I said that wrong. Not moving in the realm of infinity.


This is a miracle, remaining in the realm of time, remaining in the empty space, infinity existing in the empty space, not just for Primordial Adam but for the man-faced creature. So that which was mortal is to become immortal and we have one core man formed from the infinity, the Alpha and Omega, of Adam Kadmon, the word of God surrounded by a man-faced creature that started out being formed from the dust living forever living inside the realm of time.


There will always, I believe, I think, always be in the empty space because we are  going to be something in the midst of the Ein Sof that is different, and the Ein Sof cannot change. This is my understanding. We have to remain in the empty space, but the empty space will become a different kind of time or a different kind of infinity, a whole new thing, see, a whole new thing.


Brethren, we are not inheriting mansions. We are the vessel. We are the horse. God is everything. His High Priest comes next and we are just recipients of His mercy. We have absolutely nothing to offer. If we do not do what we are told, He will just go get somebody else.


John 14:1-2

2. In my Father's house are many mansions: (a very poor translation ) if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.


Now, I started to do an alternate translation of that. This is not a complete alternate translation but it is what I did.


1  Don’t let your faith in God [diminish because the angel who] troubles/agitates the waters [that cover] your heart center [has not stepped down into you], but believe me [when I tell you that]


2  There is room for many [brethren, to reside in my father’s house that I am lord over], and I would not tell you that if it were not [true],


3  I am going away because I am being prepared to be a place [house] for you, so I will [surely] come again to.  AT


John 14:1

  1. Do not let your faith in God diminish because the angel that troubles or agitates the waters that cover your heart center has not stepped down into you. AT


Do not be discouraged because I am leaving and you have not experienced what the other guy experienced. You have not been made whole. I have not stood up female Adam in you or I have stood up the female Adam in you, but the seed of the male has not attached to you, you are not experiencing the Sabbath.


Do not be upset about it because me going away, my going away, is not the end of the matter because I am the beginning of a new region that is coming forth from Primordial Adam. I am the only begotten of the father. I am the only human being every born, or ever will be born, from fallen Adam who brought forth the man child. No one did it before me because we know that Israel brought forth wind.


They did not bring forth that which was expected and no one is going to do it after me from the house hold of fallen Adam. I am the only begotten of the father, but I cannot stay here like this. I have to ascend because I am being prepared. I am being converted into another form from which the region of the son of God will come forth, a whole new region, a whole new soul, a whole new many membered soul is coming forth that will be receive immortality, that will not be dead, that will be alive.


I am just the first one. I am the Son. All of it is coming out of me so do not be upset that you did not get it. I am going away, but I am coming back for you and you will have the opportunity to enter into my region, my world, my household. You will have the opportunity to transfer from the fallen Adam into Christ Jesus, another region which is alive because the region you are in now is dead.


So do not let your faith in God be diminished because the angel that troubles the water that is on your own heart center, we have a whole book here which is a transcript of the message Water on the Heart Center, that is a whole principle, a whole doctrine of the Doctrine of Christ that I taught for years, that Satan is the water that covers your heart center. When Adam comes, He dries it up.


So do not let your faith in God be diminished because I am gone. That angel that raises up the waters in your heart center to a higher vibration, the angel that will boil the waters of your heart center and convert those waters from Satan to the spirit of Christ has not stepped down into you,


John 14:1-2


  1. …but believe me [when I tell you that]
  1. There is room for many [brethren, to reside in my father’s house that I am Lord over], AT


There is another house coming forth and I would not be telling you this if it was not true. I am going away because I am being prepared to be a place or a house for you, so I will surely come back to you. Let us look at the King James again.


John 14:3

  1. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. KJV


I will surely come back to you so you should be there also, because that is the whole purpose, not only of my going away, but that is the whole purpose of the father begetting me from the dead. That is the whole purpose of the father impregnating me and helping me to bring the man child to term, to bring forth a new region, a new household, for you to transfer into.


Surely I will come back for you that you may be there also. Now that I am going away, verse 4, you know why. Now that you know why. He says in another place occupy until I come. Occupy what? Let Christ in you occupy your mind and your vessel. Do not commit adultery with the other side. Serve God. Exciting message today, brethren. So now we have a few more minutes. I will just review the Alpha, the Omega, the first and the last, and the beginning and the end, then we will call it quits for today.


Alpha Omega, the supernal or the infinity word of God, He is the beginning and He is the end. The difference between…I am sorry He is not the beginning and the end, He is the Alpha and the Omega. The difference between the Alpha and the Omega is that the word of God, when He is Alpha is unclothed, and the word of God when He is Omega, He is clothed and one with the man face creature.


Whether He is Alpha or the Omega, those words consist of all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, either unclothed or clothed. That is the Alpha and the Omega. Next it says the beginning and the end. These are the stages of the development of the infinite light in the realm of time, so in the beginning He is unclothed and at the end He is clothed, not only clothed but the end of Him is that He is clothed in a many memebered household of the cells of the body of the Glorified Jesus Christ.


It sounds very similar, the Alpha and the Omega, the end of the Omega is that He is clothed. The Omega means He is clothed. The word end, you could say well Sheila you are saying the same thing, He is clothed. No, the word end tells us what He is clothed with. The Alpha and the Omega says He is infinity in a infinite world, that is the Alpha and the Omega saying He is infinity clothed.


The beginning and the end talk about the beginning of the infinite light being clothed with the man face creature. That beginning is the breath of life being breathed into the man. I have more on that that I have not even written up yet, but that is all we have time for today. The beginning is the breath, Jehovah’s breath, which is really the breath that comes from Adam Kadmon, Primordial Adam, being breathed into the man face creature, that infinite light in the form of breath.


I do have information on how it goes from light to breath, but that is not today’s message and we do not have time. That is the beginning, the breath of Jehovah being breathed into the clay, into the earth, and the end of it is the fullness of the Lord Jesus Christ, head and body, all of us in one agreement of mind each in our own creative place, but coming from the same spiritual root raised up into immortality.


That is the end of Him. The first and the last has to do with the development of the man face creature. At the beginning, he is made from the dust of the earth, that is what earth earthy means, the word earthy means dust. He is made from the dust of the earth, and at the end, he has become the Lord from Heaven which is the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ was an earthen man.


If you believe He was born God, you have to get over that if you want to go on God. If you want to inherit the promises, you have to get over that lie. He was born a natural man just like you and me. Although he had something we did not have. He had Elijah incarnate in him, but he was a human boy born from Mary and Joseph, from a male and female human seed.


That was his beginning and his end was that he was the Glorified Jesus Christ, the Lord from heaven, the last Adam, the Lord from heaven. In the middle, in between, was the spiritual man, the spirit man, the quickening spirit, the living spirit which is what we are experiencing now, Christ in you, the hope of glory, the life giving spirit in you, the hope of glory. Actually that is not really accurate.


That in between stage is life in you. We do not have life in us yet. Life is the fourth grade of soul. We have nefesh, ruach, neshemah, the intellectual spiritual soul. That is why our bodies are still dying because we do not have life in us yet. We are waiting for the next level of soul, chayah, to be imparted to us, and the reason I just said “oh” was that I suppose to tell you that I made a mistake.


This is part 7. I made a mistake on part 6. I do not know where I was flying, but I said nefesh instead of neshemah. I said nefesh, the plural of nefesh which is the lowest level of soul that is in your blood, it is the soul of fallen Adam. Plural for nefesh is nefesha, maybe it sounded the same to you so you did not realize I made a mistake, but for some reason I said nefesh and nefesha instead of neshemah and neshemat, I do not know, neshemat I guess.


I am not sure. I am glad the Lord reminded me to tell you that. It is so confusing that even when I try to give it back to you, you want to say the Alpha and the Omega is the beginning and the end, but the beginning and the end is different from the Alpha and the Omega. The Alpha and the Omega is strictly the infinite aspect of God which is called Primordial Adam, the Alpha and the Omega, either He is unclothed or He is clothed.


The beginning and the end is a form of the infinite one in the form of the breath of Jehovah, and His end is the Glorified Jesus Christ. The first and the last is the man face creature that is joined to the infinite light which is the Alpha and the Omega. Got that? Any questions, comments, complaints?


COMMENT:  I can see it now that (INADUIBLE) a hard time that Jesus is not God




COMMENT:  Like you always said, you know, the Jews…


PASTOR VITALE:  The Jews cannot believe that they are not the only ones, that now the Christians and the nations have the ability to be equal to them, and the Christians want to believe Jesus is…It is a mess. It is a complete mess, so our hope is that there is a small handful of people who God has equipped because we could not be doing this if we were not selected by Him.


A small handful of people who mind and heart is open to receive the truth and to make the changes, and it is in that handful of people that He will stand up in full stature. We hope that when He stand up in full stature, in all of His power in the earth, that He will make it easier for them to do it.


My understanding, though, is that there are going to have to be signs in us. Will they be healing and deliverance or more than that? I do not know, but they are going to have to see the miracles. Both the Jews and the Christians are going to have to see the miracles to be able to make the changes. Even then, everybody will not make the change, but it is that carnal mind.


I also wanted to clarify what that exhortation that I gave to the Jews when I called them hypocrites, I do not know if I made it clear to you. I love these people, ok, I love them, but they are our enemy for the sake of the Gospel and they are not making any sense, at least this one rabbi.


But I believe he is preaching the standard jargon of his movement, which is Hull Chabad. They are keeping the law. They keeping the little detail of the law, please God help me to say this without mocking them. It is not my intention to mock them or criticize them. To me it is just ridiculous that they will not turn a light switch, but they pay someone to turn a light switch.


They will not use a sponge, but they will use a paper towel to wipe up. If you want to live like that, it is ok. Believe it or not, I am trying to help you with this. They are keeping these little tidbits of the law and they will not deviate from it, and it is preached because we are told to do it so you just obey. Then he is telling me, and I do not think it is just him. He teaches out of a book.


Then they are telling us that their leader, who I acknowledge was a great man, but a Judean was a High Priest when he was not a Levite. That is why I call them hypocrites. Either you keep the law or you do not keep the law. I have no problem believing he was a High Priest in his day, had millions of Jews who not only followed but the way it was explained in the class the other night was that after Hitler Jewry was just devastated, and that this Rabbi was a great man.


He gave life to many that were just devastated after the Holocaust. I have no problem believing he was a High Priest as revealed of Aaron in the esoteric understanding of Exodus 32, but you cannot have it both ways. If he is going to be High Priest, he has to be the whole High Priest including entering into the most Holy place and pronouncing the name of Jehovah, which we do not know what the correct pronunciation is, and making intercession for the sins of the people.


You cannot take half of the characteristics of the High Priest and declare him High Priest when he is from another tribe. That is hypocrisy. Does anybody not understand that? You can call him a great leader, but how can you call him a High Priest if you are not acknowledging, ok maybe I did not say it completely.


How could you call him a High Priest without acknowledging that the law of the Levite is dead? So you are going to pronounce him a High Priest in the Diaspora, and head back to Israel to rebuild the Temple, and reinstitute the priesthood, and then what do you do? Erase him from the history books?


That he was not a High Priest or that he was a High Priest in the wilderness? No, either you are a High Priest or you are not a High Priest. Give him another name. Great leader, see. For anybody hearing this, I have no problem with Rabbi Schneerson being called a High Priest because Rabbi Schneerson was moving in the new covenant. He just did not go so far as recognizing Jesus, and who knows whether he did or not.


He did not tell anybody if he did. He was moving in the new covenant. He encouraged his people to move into kindness, generosity, good deeds, and forgiveness of sins. You know, I have never heard that in Jewry. He was an innovator. He did something new in Jewry, but they fell short of acknowledging Jesus and giving up the law, but it was a big step in the right direction.


These people are prepared, however God is going to do it. They are more prepared than the rest of Jewry to receive Jesus. But you cannot have it both ways. All the signs are there that God has gotten rid of the old way. Ok, brethren. Any questions, comments, complaints?


COMMENT:  This morning I felt the Lord say to me put a crown on your head. And I forgot all about it, and it came back to me in this session several, several times. That means the mind of Christ (INAUDIBLE) does that mean (INAUDIBLE) that is what I am getting at.


PASTOR VITALE:  Well to be honest with you I am tired. It is significant. I will try to have the answer for you at the next meeting. I do not want to say the wrong thing, and for some reason this took a lot out of me, preaching this today okay.


07/12/12 Transcribed by BP


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