972 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.



     Well, brethren, the Lord is just pouring out revelation on us. He is just pouring it out. And I am very excited at the message today, which is -- well, let me start this way. OK. This is more or less a continuation of issues that were raised in part 2 of -- what did I call the message that we -- that I preached?


          "The Righteous Nefesh."


     "The Righteous Nefesh." Yes. It was part 2 of the "The Righteous Nefesh." And we found out that there is actually a -- well, we found out that Abel, when he is dead, becomes Leviathan, and that is another element of the household of the serpent and/or another element of the household of God, depending on how you are looking at it. I would have to say the household of God. In our attempts to understand what is happening to us, OK, basically, we know that Jesus Christ is reproducing his life in us. And then he intends to attach himself to his life in us, so that we can be attached to the Father like he is attached to the Father and be restored to the immortality of innocence. That is basically what is happening to us. In order for this to happen, our sin nature has to be dealt with, and Cain has to die.


     So we have spent years here, doing our best to study and hear from the Lord as to the members of the household of God and the members of the household of the serpent. For example, if you are new to my teaching, the household of the serpent is Satan, OK, Leviathan and Cain. OK. And they are the household of the serpent in the earth. We are told, in the Book of Revelation, that old serpent called Satan and the devil. And of course, the devil is Leviathan joined to the human personality. So that is the household of the enemy.


     And the household of God in the earth is basically Christ. And I have gone back and forth between saying he is Christ, he is Christ Jesus, and the Lord Jesus is going to join with Christ Jesus, and the Lord Jesus is joined with the mother. We are waiting for this union of the Lord Jesus, who was the clothing for the mother, which is the inner dimension of Jehovah. She is -- excuse me. She is actually -- when she is together with the Son, they are Elohim and very much involved in the creation.


     So there is a mother. I hope that does not upset you if you are new to my teaching, but all I can do is tell you the truth. There -- God -- you know, God is both male and female. He has many names in the Old Testament. We know that El Shaddai is the breasted one. So there is a mother aspect of the God head of the household of God.


     And we learned about Cain and Abel, so I guess I have to review that whole thing. Why do I not just review that whole thing? So Adam -- OK, Adam is the creation of God. The aspect of the creator that is actually doing the work of forming Adam in the world is the mother. The Kabbalists call her the supernal mother; I call her the inner dimension of Jehovah. I do not know that all the Kabbalists would agree with me, but that is what I call her. And I am hoping that Christians can follow this and not be too upset over there being a mother in the household of God.


     So Adam, the woman, OK, the female side of Adam -- the woman is the female side of Adam. Well, the whole Adam was told not to eat of the tree in the midst of the garden. And we found out, in part 2 of "The Righteous Nefesh," that that tree in the midst of the garden is actually a wormhole or a Stargate or an entranceway to the fifth -- to another dimension called the fifth day of creation. There is only one creation that is being made, but it is being created in layers. OK. In the spiritual, in the highest spiritual planes, everything is all mixed up together. But down here in this world, the creation is coming together in layers. And that is in the spiritual world, just above where we are now. You cannot see the layers in this world unless you have spiritual eyes.


     So the fifth day that -- the creatures that were created on the fifth day of creation are in a particular dimension. And when Elohim said, "Let us make man in our image," on the sixth day, he was actually speaking into existence another dimension or another layer of the creation. Adam is the only element of the creation that Jehovah ever spoke to. So Jehovah said to Adam, who is the most vulnerable of all the creatures created -- because all of the creatures created have instincts; they have instinctual wisdom. They have ability to defend themselves, although there was no hostility in the creation at the beginning. But they had -- they were functioning by instinct. Adam was very helpless when he was created because his wisdom is -- he is designed for his wisdom to come from God. So as long as Adam was in submission to Elohim, who was flowing through him like a river, he was OK, and he was immortal.


     There was just one condition for him to maintain his immortality, and that was that he should not communicate with the creatures of the fifth dimension, namely the reptilians and the avians, but primarily the reptilians. But the female side of Adam ventured into that Stargate or that wormhole and had a conversation with the serpent. And so a very interesting way of looking at it came forth in this message because the s- -- the creation is good. The serpent was not evil. The reptilians were not evil before the fall. The whole creation was good. Elohim said the creation was good.


     So what went wrong? Well, what went wrong, brethren, was that the serpent had no firsthand communication with Elohim. And he or she or it -- OK, we do not even know what -- we have no idea what the reptilians knew about the creation or the degree to which they were aware of it or what they thought about it. We know that their thoughts were not the thoughts of God. They were the thoughts of the soul realm, which is the exact opposite of God.


     So just for the fun of it, you know, just to explore, I put forth some questions on Sunday. And I said, well, what about this? What about this? There were the reptilians on the -- in their dimension, the fifth day of creation, and they were good. The Scripture said they were good. And all of a sudden, the female side of Adam appears.


     We see that, in the Scripture, Dinah went out in the field by herself, and she was raped by Shechem, OK, the prince of one of the tribes that occupied the land. And he just did what was acceptable behavior in that country. He was not an evil man. He did what was acceptable behavior in that country.


     You may recall, a year or so ago, I told you that I found out that it was common practice -- I do not know what country it was, but I think it was an African country -- I am not sure, brethren; please forgive me, my memory -- where, if a woman walked out on the road, any man could -- who would be riding horseback or not riding horseback -- could just drive by and pick her up, put her on his horse and take her to his tent. And that was it; she was his wife. I told you about a movie that I saw where they were trying to make it illegal in modern-day Africa, whatever that nation was. So people of different countries and different areas just have different customs.


     See, Shechem was not an evil man. He saw that -- what was she doing out there by herself? What was Dinah doing out there by herself? Well, she was a -- that was an outplaying of the spiritual reality of the female side of Adam entering into that Stargate that he was clearly -- she was clearly warned to stay out of. So I have to assume that Dinah was clearly warned to stay, to not go out by herself, because this account of Dinah is the actual outplaying of the incident in the garden. So Dinah -- she just appeared. The female side of Adam just appeared in the fifth dimension.


     And now the reptilian was good. OK. Elohim said he was good. So what might have happened? Well, maybe he said to her, wow, I am so glad that someone from the sixth dimension has come here, or the sixth day of creation, so that I can ask you what is going on here because Elohim never talks to me. And we only know the rumors that we hear that seep down from the sixth dimension. Is it true that Elohim said that you should not come in here and talk to us? Maybe that is all that it was, brethren. And the female side of Adam said, hmm, did Elohim really say that?


     And as soon as she had a thought other than the thought of God, the connection with the Shekinah -- and I am -- sometimes I am -- I think I have some new words here, so I get confused myself with all of the different ways I am describing things. But I can either say the mother or the supernal mother. I can say Binah; I can say Understanding, the third degree of power. I know that I had a new understanding of the Shekinah, and I do not recall what it was. So please bear with me and roll with the punches. OK.


     As soon as she received the suggestion from the serpent or from the reptilian, her connection with the mother, with Understanding, with the third -- with the upper triad broke. And the whole Adam lost their immortality. And the Scripture says that her husband, who was with her, ate also because there was -- there is no separation. So why did he not stop her? Because -- I had an answer to that at one point. Why did he not stop her? It was not that kind of a husband. They were just male and female there together. They were equal, initially, and she went. I guess he had no way to stop her. They were very -- it was an immature model of the creation. OK.


     So that spiritual connection with the reptilian, the Scripture tells us, is likened to spiritual sexual intercourse. And if you look at what happened to Dinah, she was raped. We -- did she produce a child? We do not know. I do not know. Now if what happened to Dinah is an outplaying of what happened on the highest spiritual realm, where creation was taking place, then she had a child, although we do not hear anything about it in the Scripture. You know, but that does not mean it did not happen.


     And that does not mean that there is not some other Hebrew book that talks about Dinah having a child. I do not have access to all the Hebrew books, and if I did have access to them, who has time to read them all? Right now, I am trying to get through the Book of Jasher, which has some interesting tidbits that may or may not be true, interesting things to think about and pray about with regard to the Scripture.


     So there was an act of adultery, and there was a child that was born. The child that was born was Cain. And we read about that playout, OK, in the further chapters of the Book of Genesis, where the woman says, "The Lord has given me another seed," and she conceived. Cain was conceived, and Cain was born into another layer of creation because, as soon as Cain was born, an environment for his existence had to come into existence. Cain was a new creature. He was born of the union of -- actually, the union of the whole Adam. The female Adam is Adam's female parts. So the whole man -- OK, the whole man, which -- I know this is confusing, but the whole man had female parts, OK, because he was made male and female.


     So there was a birth that resulted from the whole, from the female parts of the whole man. So it was actually Adam himself that gave birth to Cain, to an offspring, an illegitimate offspring. And a new layer of creation that we are calling dimensions -- a new dimension came into existence, not this world yet, OK, but to the -- excuse me -- the spiritual world that is just above this one. A new layer or a new dimension of creation came into existence to be the environment for this illegitimate birth, which is part reptilian and part mankind or part human. Part reptilian, part human.


     And then the Scripture says -- this is a review, brethren. And then the Scripture says that Cain was conceived and born, and then she bare again. The woman bare again, and Abel was born. But Abel was not conceived. So what does that mean? Cain was conceived, and then he was born into the new dimension, the environment that came into existence to accommodate him. And then Abel was not conceived because he already existed. Who was Abel? He was the male side of Adam. Adam was male and female, and they were functioning as one. But when the woman committed adultery with the reptilian, they became two. They were bisected. We have had so much teaching on that. Adam was bisected, and they became two, male and female.


     So the woman now, the female side of Adam, is attached to the reptilian or the snake. OK. And they bare a child, Cain, and they are all attached. OK. And they -- because, in the spiritual world, the child stays with you. You become a molecule, a family. So the spiritual world are molecules attached. And then Abel, which is the male side of Adam, passed into that same environment. He was not conceived, because he already existed, but he was born into that new environment. And initially, Abel, the male side of Adam, was still attached to Jehovah. The female side of Adam was broken away from the supernal mother. She was broken away from Elohim, see? But the male side of Adam was still attached to Jehovah.


     And then we have the parable of Jehovah -- of Cain and Abel, and Abel bringing the right sacrifice, meaning Abel was in right relationship with Jehovah. And then Cain brought the wrong sacrifice. Why did Cain bring the wrong sacrifice? Because he was no longer attached to the supernal mother. He was attached to the serpent, the reptilian. There was no way he could have brought the right offering. What does an offering mean, brethren? An offering is something that you bring to God, to a god, OK, to be attached to that god, to receive interchange with that god, to receive benefits from that god through an exchange. So Jehovah would not have an exchange with Cain, who was attached to the reptilian. There was nothing he possibly could have brought.


     But Jehovah spoke to him. Jehovah spoke to him and said, "Just do the right thing. Stay on this side of the door. Submit yourself to Abel." OK. Submit yourself to Abel. Stay on this side of the door, and do not go on the other side of the door, and -- or do not go into the other dimension. Stay in the sixth day of creation. Do not go into the fifth day of creation. Do not become a citizen of that other dimension. Stay here, even though you used to be equal to the man, but now you are no longer equal to him. And you cannot have the relationship with me that you would like because you are unclean. But stay on this side of the door. Stay in the sixth day. I am going to let you stay in the sixth day. But if you pass through that door and you make your residence in the fifth day of creation, I will cut you off completely.


     And Cain was very upset because Cain, for all intents and purposes, was the female side of Adam and her offspring. They were one, see? The Kabbalah calls this the diminishing of the moon. The male and female were equal. They were equal.


     So -- and then we see Jehovah trying to shore up the creation, but of course, through his union with Abel, which -- Abel being the bisected Adam, the male side of Adam. OK. And then Cain was not happy with the relationship. He did not want to do what Jehovah said. He wanted to stay in the sixth day of the creation because he wanted the benefits of the day of the sixth day of creation, but he was not happy to lose his equality. See?


     This is going to go into, like, social commentary now, Lord. Brethren, we see this playing out in this world today. Believe it or not, all you women out there, you are supposed to be -- we are supposed to be equal to the men, even in a marriage. We are supposed to be equal with different functions. We are supposed to be equal as human beings, with respect to our relationship with God, with respect to -- respect as human beings in this world. It is not that way, but that is because this is a fallen world. We are supposed to be equal, each partner, even in a marriage, recognizing, understanding and respecting the function of the other partner. That is the way it is supposed to be.


     So the two sides of Adam were equal but different functions. Obviously, the female side had the reproductive ability, and the male side was directly connected to Jehovah. OK. We do not hear anything about Elohim speaking to the female, although she was attached to the female because Spirit is attached to spirit. The communication was coming through Jehovah to the male side of the creation to the female. But I do not have any reason to believe that male Adam had any authority to restrain her or punish her or -- it is not supposed to be that way, brethren. Even with our children, we are supposed to tell them what they need to hear that is right, how to live and behave. And they are supposed to say yes, ma'am, and yes, sir, and do it and be safe. But we are fallen. See?


     So I do not have any reason to believe there was any provision for Adam to stop her. She just did what she wanted to do. And the results were that she was removed from her position of equality. OK. It is just like me or any of you having an issue with anyone that you have authority over saying, look, do not do this or do, do this. Do, do this. I am counting on you. And you do not show up, and you do not do it. Well, now, the next time, I do not trust you to do it. So she was told, do not do that, and she did it. And now she is not trusted to do it. So she is put into a restrictive state.


     And Jehovah tells her, "You are right on the borderline. If you do something again, you are going to move permanently into the fifth day of creation. You are going to become -- your lifestyle will become reptilian," which is exactly what happened. And then Abel was born into the reptilian dimension to continue his role as the male. I have had -- I have heard revelation over the years that Adam, which is seen as Christ, followed her to save her. Maybe that is true. Maybe he followed her to save her. Or maybe that was just the progression of the creation; the two needed to be together.


     So Abel had the relationship with Jehovah. And Cain -- well, Cain had a relationship with Je- -- well, Cain did not have a relationship with Jehovah, but Jehovah spoke to him. Jehovah spoke to him and said -- and warned him and rejected him. And actually, I remember, in one of my messages, in one of the passages that I translated, it came out that Jehovah spoke to Cain through Abel. So Jehovah did not speak directly to Cain. He spoke to her through Abel. OK. And one day, Cain got very angry, could not take it anymore, and rose up and slew Abel. And Abel died.


     I also -- it also came out -- we have had so much revelation. I have listened to my own messages one and two times. I need to listen to them again. I think I should write everything down. It is just so much coming forth. And when I am listening, I do not really want to stop and write it down. Maybe that is what I should do the next time, all of this new revelation.


     So for all intents and purposes, you know, we can say that Abel and Cain were not brothers. The words used in the Scripture, brother, can mean any relative. And I think I said previously that Abel was actually Cain's mother, that he killed his mother. He killed his authority. I have to revisit that now. For some reason, in what I preached, I said that he killed his mother. Maybe it was a Scripture that I found.


     I am really -- I really apologize to you. I am not up on all of this revelation myself. I -- my heart's desire was to have these transcripts transcribed, and it just does not seem to be practical. We are going to do it anyway. These messages that are not that -- they are really not that Kabbalistically termed. We really need to get them transcribed, like, the last five messages at least, you know, so I could look through it and pull things out of it. You know.


     So I had reason for saying that Abel was Cain's mother. I must have found a Scripture that indicated that. But in any event, Abel was Cain's authority, OK, either his mother or his father or -- oh, I know how it came out. OK. Abel was his mother. Cain was the offspring of the female side of Adam and the reptilian. So he was in a different generation than Abel. Does anyone remember why I said Cain was the -- that Abel was Cain's mother? I do not know why I said that. But he would be his uncle, OK, his uncle.


     Let me not get into this now. That is not the whole message I have to- -- brethren, I think I have a message for you today. Please forgive me, and just flow with this, please. I have to look that up.


     So -- but they were not equal. They were not two brothers that were just -- that were jealous of each other. Abel was the authority, and Cain was another generation, OK, and did not want that authority, and he killed Abel. When Abel died, he became Leviathan. And the human s- -- and the female side of Adam that married the reptilian became Satan.


     And I gave a whole exhortation on this: how a human mother and father program their child, how their hopes and desires for the child program the unconscious part of the mind and how them teaching the child how to live in this world programs their subconscious mind. So actually, for all intents and purposes, Abel and -- excuse me. Abel and the reptilian, who was actually joined to the female side of Adam, became the subconscious and unconscious part of the carnal mind of fallen Adam. And Cain is the conscious part of the mind.


     So I hope that my reiteration was not too confusing for you. The only issue that I cannot recall is why I said that Abel was the mother. And I will have to look that up because maybe it is not even correct. [INAUDIBLE]


     But in any event, Abel was in a higher world. Abel became the subconscious mind or -- the subconscious mind and the conscience of the mind of Cain, Cain being the conscious mind, Cain being a many-membered conscious mind. Cain is inside of all of us. Cain is the nefesh in the bone marrow, OK, and Cain has many personalities. Each one of us is Cain. Our individual personality is Cain. But Satan is not divided -- well, I do not know if it is Satan. I think -- I do not believe Satan is divided. She is in everybody's unconscious mind. There is a collective unconscious, and Abel is the collective subconscious, but he functions in the individuals. As far as you are concerned, he is your unconscious mind and your subconscious mind. But on a higher spiritual level, we are all one. That is how we feel each other's feelings and know each other's thoughts.


     I have just come out of three days of hell to find out that someone that I am close to is very upset and having a really hard time. And I went through three days of hell, just praying, not knowing what was wrong. OK. So that is our condition because the unconscious and the subconscious are collective but personality is different. I did not have to accept it. I did not have to accept those bad feelings, and I resisted that. So the Lord revealed what it was, and both of us got helped.


     So the next element of the message of "The Righteous Nefesh" was Israel. It was Jehovah gathering together a nation, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, OK, and forming the nation of Israel. And what did Jehovah do? Because Abel was dead, Cain died. Cain was -- Cain -- well, the female side of Adam died when she married the reptilian. So the female side of Adam was joined to the reptilian and her reptilian offspring. And Abel died and became Leviathan.


     So what did Jehovah do? He gave to national Israel -- he gave them a new seed. It was the seed that he gave to Abraham. It was Abraham's seed. And I know that I recently mentioned to you that, the way the revelation was coming down, what it looked like is that the Abraham's seed is actually Binah joined to Christ, the mother joined to the Son, the third degree of power, OK, adjoined to the Son, which are the six -- they called it the Medot, the sixth Sefirot of the Son. That is what Abraham's seed is. Abraham's seed is the supernal mother, Binah, Understanding, whatever you want to call her. Binah is the Hebrew word for understanding, joined to the sixth Sefirot of the Son. That is what Abraham's seed is.


     So what do we have? And this was -- actually, I got this revelation through Susan's questions. Your questions are more than welcome. As long as they are good questions, I learn from your questions. The answers -- what I have to do to answer your question, if I do not know the answer, usually moves us along because we are on this pathway, brethren. We get -- the Lord is giving us revelation. At some point, we are going to have enough revelation that the Lord is just going to appear in us because there is going to be no difference. We are going to have enough -- of course, there has to be a difference, but we will have enough of his mind for him to appear in us. When we think enough of his thoughts, he will actually appear in us, and we will be his flesh.




     So this was the issue. So what did Jehovah do? He gave the promised seed. It was the p- -- the seed that he promised Abraham. He went to a people; he made them a nation that had a dead Abel, which became Leviathan. They did not have an Abel. They had Leviathan, Satan and Cain. That is who these people were. And Jehovah came along, and he said, "I am going to give to you, OK, the equivalent of Abel, who is attached to me, Abel, that I have a relationship with. I am going to put it in the Abel that I have a relationship with, and my breath, the breath of Jehovah, which is the Shekinah."


     And I am going to call it the Shekinah because I do not -- I am not sure about the -- what the name is. The female breath, OK, which is attached to the mother, the third degree of power -- see, both Jehovah and Binah are on the third degree of power, the lowest level of the upper triad. The Shekinah is the inner dimension; she is Spirit. She -- I am sorry. She is not Spirit. Oh, God, help me, please. She is the inner dimension of Jehovah, which is the name of God. OK. The inner dimension is Spirit. She is attached -- when she is attached to the Son, they become Elohim. She is a different grade of Spirit than Jehovah is. I get into these really -- these details. I really do not want to get into these details because this is all a review. And I do have a message for you today.


     So that is what the men of Israel received. The Satan, Leviathan and Cain remained in them because, though Satan, Leviathan and Cain were removed from them, what changed into Abel and the human spirit and a righteous personality, their bodies would have ceased to exist because it is Cain. This body is formed by Cain. This body is the physical house that this fallen soul, this fallen Adam, dwells in. So in order for them not to die and not to start the process all over again, Jehovah let the fallen mind of carnal Adam continue to exist and, in addition, gave them a new seed, which was the equivalent of Abel and the -- not even Abel but of the -- of Adam, both the male and female side of Adam, OK, that were joined to Jehovah and Elohim.


     Let me say that again. So the men of national Israel -- and as far as I know, it was just the men of national Israel. In order to not wipe them out -- OK, they would be -- Jehovah is trying to save humanity, brethren. So it is the mind of the -- well, humanity is fallen Adam. It is the mind of fallen Adam, called the carnal mind, that actually forms this body. So if Jehovah came to these men and just changed that carnal mind into the mind of righteous Adam, the humanity would cease to exist. And then the process would start all over again.


     Jehovah chose not to do that, so he did not change anything. He kept Leviathan, Satan and Cain, the individual personalities of Israel, and gave them, in addition, another seed, which was actually righteous Adam, like he was before the fall of Adam, that was both male and female, that had a relationship with both Jehovah and Elohim. And his female side had a relationship with Elohim, with the female aspect of Jehovah, and the male had a relationship with Jehovah. The male side had a relationship with Jehovah. OK.


     So what did national Israel have? They were a supernatural people. They went to war, and no one was hurt. No one was killed; no one was wounded. Their shoes did not wear out in the wilderness. They were supernatural, this nation. What did they have? What -- how would I translate it to what they had today? OK. They had -- today, if I were to describe it to you, it would be the Lord Jesus Christ, OK, who is Adam, joined to the mother, the third degree of power, OK, attached to a reflection of itself in the individual males.


     When Jehovah gave that seed, which -- when Jehovah gave -- it was more than a seed. When Jehovah gave that new start, OK, righteous Adam was one. His feet were in the men of national Israel, and his head was in the world, in the higher world. And then Jehovah was in the world above the Son, and they were all connected. Jehovah, who is in the upper triad -- the Son, who is in the middle triad, was connected to the feet of righteous Adam in the lower triad, which is in the -- was in the form of humanity. And they were in the same condition that Adam was in before the fall. They were immortal but capable of dying if they sinned. They were immortal, and they could have lived forever, but they were still capable of sin. And if they sinned, they would lose their immortality.


     Am I doing OK? OK. So what happened? Well, we all know that Israel sinned. And what happened when they sinned? What happened when they sinned was that the supernal mother broke her tie with the human spirit, OK, and Jehovah broke his tie with Adam. OK. And some residue of that relationship remained in the human body, humanity, whose main soul, the soul that keeps the body alive, is called the carnal mind. It is fallen Adam.


     The main soul of Israel, brethren -- even when they were supernatural, the soul that kept their body alive was fallen Adam. Then they had an additional soul, OK, which connected them to Jehovah and Elohim. And the soul that connected them to Jehovah and Elohim died because, when -- and it was not even that Jehovah and Elohim withdrew from them. The soul, the two souls in national Israel -- national Israel had a dual soul. It had a dual soul. It had two souls: the soul of fallen Adam and the soul of the regenerated Adam. James tells us that we are a double-minded man. If you have Christ in you today, you have two souls. You are a double-minded man. OK. So Israel had the soul of the fall- -- of the first Adam and the soul of the second Adam. But they were not separate; they were joined, like this. OK. And only one -- you could only see the face of one at a time. It was more like this, I guess.


     So the power of the regenerated Adam was greater than the power of the first Adam because the second Adam was joined to Jehovah and Elohim. So they were covering over -- and, probably, it was completely covering them over -- the mind of the first Adam. He was covered over. Brethren, that is what we are waiting for now. We are waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ to complete us and completely seal off the first Adam so that we do not sin anymore. Do you remember that teaching? Just a few weeks ago, I gave you that teaching. That is what happened to national Israel. They had two souls, but they were attached. OK. And it was possible for the soul of God, the soul of righteous Adam -- it was possible for the situation to be turned around and the soul of the second Adam to put the soul of the second Adam underfoot. They were a double-minded man, brethren. They were a double-minded man. The men of Israel were a double-minded man.


     So as long as the men of national Israel were faithful to Jehovah, the second Adam constrained the soul of the first Adam, which we know as the carnal mind. And they were a supernatural people. But that soul of the first Adam was not dead; it was just restrained. It was overshadowed. It was crushed underfoot. I hope for this every day, that the first Adam in me should be crushed underfoot. But it was not dead. And Satan, something in Satan, OK, which was actually the female side of Adam that went through that wormhole and went into the fifth dimension -- she went slumming and had sex with that reptile. OK. It awakened.


     Well, what would make it awaken? Well, national Israel, they came into the land where the indigenous people of the land were worshipping pagan gods, which actually came from the fifth day of dim- -- fifth day of creation. And that part of the female side of Adam that was still joined to the reptilian, even though they were buried under the authority of the second Adam, the reptilian, OK, that the female side of Adam was joined to, was responding to the worship of the pagan gods, which were his own people. And the female side of Adam that was attached to the reptilian that -- whatever attracted her -- she went through the wormhole in the first place; she was attracted to reptilians. They were all one: the serpent, the reptilian, the female side of Adam and Cain. They were attracted to the worship of the gods of the fifth dimension.


     And it did not take much; it just took one little response. And what happened? Their face turned. OK. They turned. The second Adam was on top of the first Adam, and the second Adam just -- like, was just responding. Brethren, that spirit was over the land of Canaan. Those pagan gods -- they were over the whole land of Canaan. It woke up the human -- the female side of Adam, who was attached to the reptilian, who was attached to Cain. It woke them up, just like Christ Jesus is in this world trying to wake up the sleeping Christ in the true Israel that -- we do not know who they are because their identifying mark is fast asleep. They went into a land covered by the spirit of pagan gods, and it woke up. They were one: the reptilian, the female side of Adam and Cain. It woke them up, and they were attracted to that spirit. And there just had to be one little interaction, and, boom, they turned. And they put the righteous Adam, the second Adam, underfoot. OK. When the second Adam went underfoot, it broke the communication with Elohim and Jehovah. It broke.


     So when we read about the Gadarene demoniac in the Scripture, that is who Adam is. When we did that deep study on the Gadarene demoniac, we found out that there was an entity that we called Adam that was buried inside of that Pharisee, that was released when Jesus challenged him. When Jesus challenged the Pharisee and cast out -- the demons cast out the unholy influence of the first Adam. When that happened, Jesus was able to communicate with the residue of that holy seed that remained, OK, after the first Adam overshadowed the second Adam, breaking the tie of the second Adam with Elohim and Jehovah.


     We are told in the Book of Isaiah that, as Adam fell down to hell, those denizens that were underneath, in the underworld, said, "Look at you now. You have become as weak as we." That is what happened to national Israel when they were cut off from Jehovah and Elohim, and they were existing as the second Adam. OK. They fell down to the lower dimension, where the first Adam was buried under their authority. And those denizens of hell, you know, looked at them and said, "Not only are you as weak as we, but you are even weaker than we are." And they climbed up on top of him and took authority over the whole man, including the outer shell, the outer beast shell that they [?lived in?].


     So that residue -- there was a residue of the second Adam. But you cannot really call him the second Adam anymore because he was cut off from the Shekinah and Jehovah. But something of that righteous mind remained in the genome of Israel, and that was what was released. That was what Jesus released in the Gadarene demoniacs. And that is what I have been calling the root all of this time that I am preaching it, but I did not fully understand what it was. That is what was raised in Jesus on the third day, that root. It is in the genome. Anyone that has it is a descendant of Israel. You are true Israel. You are a true Israelite.


     That was what awoke in me. When I spent every Saturday in an anointed synagogue for a whole year, it woke up in me: the root of righteous Adam, the root of the second Adam, some residue, some root [?system?]. At one point, I called it Abel. At this point, I do not know what the name is. We need to be able to flow. I can call it Abel; I can call it Christ, the root.


     So where are we today? What do we have today? Well, this is what it looks like to me. If you are listening to me and you are enjoying these messages, you are national Israel. You have the root. Brethren, there are so few of us. What is the problem? The message is delicious. The church does not want it. Either they do not want it or they cannot understand it, or the church has become antichrist to the Christ that is rising in us. What is the situation? What do we have here?


     We have the beginning of Ezekiel 37. I think this is 37. "Can these bones live again?" It is a bone, a single bone, a spiritual bone of the second Adam that you have inherited. You were born with it. And he has woken up in you, and he has woken up in me. Why are there so few of us? Because this is the way the Lord moves. The one that woke it up in me -- Adam, righteous Adam, who woke up the root in me, as I understand it, is not going to thousands and millions of people and waking up the root in them. He does not work that way. He picked one person. He picked one person. He developed that root in me. He woke it up; he developed in me. He started giving me this message.


     And when he started giving me this message and I responded to him and started working the work and doing -- digging it out, I remember the day he said to me, "Sheila, pray for them," because I was all alone. And so I am saying, Lord, what is this message that nobody else knows about? He said, "Pray for faithful people." And he sent me three people -- actually, four. I guess I have to count Rosie. He sent me four people that stayed with me for years while I worked up this doctrine. And then eventually, a few other people in New York were added. And then another handful of people from Minnesota came in, and then two people came in through the internet. Tony and Rose, both in Florida at the time, came in through the internet. And that is it.


     So what is the problem? We are not st- -- Christ is not s- -- the second Adam is not strong enough here yet to wake up other people. The one that wake -- woke me up is not going all over the world waking up people. It has to come through here. It has to come through what he is doing here.


     So what do we have here? What do you have? What do I have? That is what I had to ask the Lord this morning. What do we have? We have the root. OK. The Lord Jesus Christ is one with the Father and the mother, is one with Jehovah and the Shekinah. OK. And he is the one that has been speaking to me and teaching the root in me. I will say Christ, teaching the Christ in me, OK, building up the Christ in me. We are waiting for the union. We are waiting.


     And in the message that I have for you today, in the Alternate Translation, I have some really interesting -- two very interesting Alternate Translations, only one verse each. And these -- it says that, if you have the Spirit of truth, you know, you have the whole -- that the Spirit of truth is the hundredfold. The Spirit of truth is the hundredfold. So I said, well, Lord, do I not have the Spirit of truth? How could I not have the Spirit of truth, preaching all this? And how could I have the hundredfold? I am still attacked, three days of my life, OK, attacked. Not really -- well, not completely wasted, but not good days. OK. Still being attacked with infirmity. OK. I had the miracle with my tooth. Thank you for it. I do not mean to be ungrateful, Lord. What about my eyes? OK. What about my eyes? What about the high blood pressure? What -- how could I have the Spirit of truth if that is the one hundredfold?


     And the answer that I got was that it is not a permanent union, that the Lord Jesus Christ has been teaching me, but it is not -- but the marriage did not take place yet. The root of what existed in national Israel is highly developed in me. The Lord Jesus Christ teaches him. But what we have is the -- for those of you that have been here for a while, you may recall the Kabbalistic teaching on the Sabbath. There are two kinds of Sabbath. The first Sabbath is of the son and daughter. That is what I have: the Sabbath of the son and the daughter. We come together on the weekend and separate for the weekdays. So he is here now. OK. But the husband of the root in me, OK, is here now. We are joined now, and we are joined to you too. OK. And then, after this meeting is over, he is going to lift off. OK. So it is the Sabbath of the son and the daughter, intermittent connection. The Sabbath of the father and the mother are permanent, according to my recollection of Rabbi Luria. That is a permanent union.


     So there is a permanent union coming. Jesus has become the father, and I guess that the root in us is the mother. Do not hang on these words. OK. Just understand the principles. That is the marriage of the lamb. The lamb has made herself ready. Well, who is the lamb? The resurrected or the awakened Christ in the indiv- -- in the animal. OK. The awakened Christ in the animal is the lamb. The Sabbath union or the marriage has to go from the union of the son and the daughter to the union of the father and the wife, the father and the mother. That is what we are waiting for.


     And how? When? What will be the sign of that? That permanent union will be the burying of the first Adam under the second Adam. He has to be buried. He has to be sealed off. But that will not kill him, see? But that is what Adam had before he died. That is what national Israel had, and he died. And that is the next step that we are waiting for, which should result in our being healed of everything and should result in our being raised up to a higher spiritual dimension so that we are not afflicted by the sins of other people.


     Brethren, when people get upset, that is -- you need to understand that is sin. Everything that is not of Christ is sin. So if somebody is walking around all upset and depressed, it is literally -- the equivalent of it is like me being in a hurricane. Every area -- and it is not just me. This is how you will experience it, when you do. It is like being physically in a hurricane. Every aspect of your life that you have control over, and you are doing well, and you are disciplined, and you are doing everything you are supposed to be doing -- and all of a sudden, it is just so hard, and you cannot do it, and you do not want to it, and you do not want to study.


     And you do not want -- I could not believe it. In all of my years in this ministry, I did not want to preach. I am saying, look, what in the world is wrong with me. I used to -- I mean, I love to preach. What is this? I do not want to preach. What is going on with me? Someone else's mind was overshadowing me. Were they trying to hurt me? Of course not. But they were -- it was a person that was spiritually strong going through their own crisis. And that crisis was like a storm in my life.


     And when a storm comes into my life, what it does is it breaks my discipline. It breaks all -- whatever discipline I had. I was supposed to be back on my diet; I was off my diet for three days. Could not bring myself to study; could not bring myself to settle down. The one thing that I did keep up was that I walked my three miles, so thank God for that. There is a storm just blowing on you, trying to stop you from everything that you, yourself, want to do. It is a spirit that breaks your power, and nobody is trying to hurt you. See?


     So that is what we go through as we become -- as we ascend in the spiritual world. So I am believing that, when the union with the other world is permanent, when we are connected to the -- well, we would be connected to the middle triad, called the Medot, which is connected to the upper triad. So we will be connected to the upper triad, but not directly. We will be connected to the mediator, a permanent connection. I am hoping and believing that we will be too strong to be afflicted by these storms. We may not even experience the storms. Remember when the disciples were on the lake, and they were experiencing that storm that was terrifying them, and Jesus just came walking on the water. I mean, that is the parable. The storm was not even touching him. On the contrary, he said, "Storm, be still," because he was connected to a higher world. It is the issue of having authority over these spiritual storms.


     If you have a 2-year-old child and they are having a tantrum, well, some women may not be able to take care of their kids. A 2-year-old kid is having a tantrum. I do not know. But you should be able to deal with a 2-year-old having a tantrum. You should be able to deal with that, even if you have to pick them up and carry them away. So we will have a spiritual strength that we do not have now, that we will not be shut down because of the storms that exist in the spiritual world.


     I exist in the spiritual world on a spiritual level. I have a presence. Part of me exists in another spiritual world where, if another person that exists in the same spiritual world is upset, it manifests as a storm in my life. And it is not just me; it is whoever is up there. So I am up in that higher place, but I am not strengthened from above yet. It is not a permanent connection.


     But thank God I woke up this morning. This is the second message. This is the second message. It was Sunday and today that I did not have a message to preach. But the Lord was faithful. I woke up in the morning both times, Sunday and today, and he gave me not only a message but an excellent message. He came in, and he overshadowed the first Adam in me and pushed him down and had his way with me, which is likened to spiritual sexual intercourse. He had his way. He entered into the house. The second Adam entered into the house. OK. I am sorry. The Lord Jesus -- he would be the last Adam -- entered into the house, covered over the first Adam, and the second Adam came back into existence in me. And I received revelation, if you can hear what I am saying.


     It is really interesting, the way I got this message. I was really trying this morning. I woke up; I read the Scripture. Then I opened the New Testament, a copy of our new -- of our Alternate New Testament. And I read a couple of chapters, and this whole message emerged out of that. And of course, I saw a couple of corrections that I have to make that just came to my mind right now.


     So that is where we are, brethren. OK. The root in us -- OK, it is different than Abel. It is different than the human spirit. It is another element. OK. We have the f- -- we are the first Adam, which is responsible for this body. And the carnal mind of the first Adam is basically our human spirit, who is manifesting as Satan, Abel, who became Leviathan, and the human -- Satan is also the harlot of Revelation, you know. And Cain is our fallen personality that is always lusting and never satisfied.


     And then, if you are Israel -- if you are here, most likely, you have a root in you, a residue of what existed -- I was going to say in your ancestors, but a residue that is clinging to the soul, which you are, brethren. OK. In other words, you have a soul, which is your personality, in the marrow of your bones. But that residue of what God did in Israel a couple of thousand years ago, OK, maybe 5,000 years ago, 4,000 or 5,000 years ago, is manifesting as a higher grade of soul in you that can be awakened and have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is complete.


     The Lord Jesus Christ is complete. You are not complete. You have a residue, which is manifesting as a higher soul, a neshamah. OK. That is what you have. You have a Neshamah, a spiritual, intellectual soul that is capable of having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is complete. He has all five grades of soul. He is attached to the upper triad. He is the garment that covers them. He is the name of God, you know.


     I wanted to go over that with you again. I do not know if this is really the right place or not. I do not think I will do that here. He is the mediator. He is the one that connects us to full power. Everything that we need to survive and function and -- lots of times, when I pray, I say, Lord, let me fulfill my function in this world. Help me. Give me the power I need to fulfill my function in this world because everything you try to do, it is like walking upstream or like climbing a mountain because the first Adam is pressing down on you. OK.


     So I gave you this whole review to get to the beginning of my notes for you, OK, which are a review of this. And then we will go on from there. And I have -- like I said, I have two interesting Alternate Translations for you. So let us take a look at these notes. And let us -- does anybody have a question about what I said so far? And of course, we did not go into it very much in "The Righteous Nefesh," but if you -- the people out there, if you do not have the root, then you are not Israel.


     The root, the residue -- we are told in the -- and the question is asked in the Book of Job. Well, in the Book of Job, it says the [?watchers?] came down and cut down the tree, and they were instructed to leave the root or leave the stump in the ground. And the question is: Can this tree live again? Yes, if the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] water comes to it, it can live again. Water that is the water from the holy -- from the Shekinah, who is above. She is sweet water; Satan is salt water. I can live again.


     We were told, in Ezekiel 37, "Prophesy to those bones." You know, well, that is the esoteric doctrine. You have to hear esoteric doctrine, see? You have to hear esoteric doctrine. First they have to wake up, and then they have to hear the esoteric doctrine. So the people out there, the human beings that do not have the root, they can receive the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the branch of the tree. They can receive the whole seed that we are getting.


     The Abraham's seed is the Shekinah, OK, the female, the mother, joined to the Son, which is actually Elohim. The mother joined to the Son is Abraham. That is Abraham's seed. That is the whole thing. That is everything you need. But it has to graft to you. So it is not everything you need if you do not have something that it can latch onto. But that whole seed is capable of completely reproducing the second Adam in you, the mother and the Son. That is what is coming from Jesus. That is what Abraham's seed is: not the root, OK, the seed that is both male and female, the mother and the Son, coming from the third degree of power of the upper triad.


     So you can receive that through faith in Jesus Christ. You can read or you can listen to me. You can read the Bible. You can believe what you read, and you can receive that from the Lord Jesus Christ. And it will prosper for a season. And we have the parable of the soils explaining how there is only this -- only when that seed falls on the good ground does it produce fruit. And the good ground is the ground that has the root in it.


     So what about the rest of humanity, Sheila? Well, first of all, there has to be more than us. But they are sleeping. And it appears to me, at this point, that we will not have the strength to wake them up until the marriage. I have told you many times, all of the promises of the Scripture in this covenant is o- -- are fulfilled one man at a time. Under the old covenant, it was a national experience. Whatever happened to Israel happened to all the Israelites, but not in the new covenant. It is one man at a time.


     So we are waiting. You know, we are waiting for the marriage of the lamb in at least one person, to start with. My understanding, from John 2, is that it is going to touch the whole ministry. It will not be just me. It may not touch us all in the same way. But wherever you are, you should at least go up to the next level. That is my understanding. I cannot promise you anything. I cannot promise myself anything. But that is my understanding.


     So we are waiting for righteous Adam to appear in this dimension. That is what we are waiting for.




     He is coming down. He is coming down, and he is going to latch onto his feet, which are already here.


          Jesus. Amen. Amen.


     And the way he comes down is through prophecy. "Prophesy to those bones." He is prophesying this doctrine. And when this doctrine that we -- and there is a set amount. Brethren, the esoteric doctrine is infinite. There is a set amount of doctrine that is written somewhere. I do not know where it is written, and I do not know what it is yet. But it is written somewhere by God that a certain measure of doctrine, a certain message -- when there is a message for this age, there is a message for this moment that the Lord Jesus Christ is supposed to be delivering to this world today.


     When that message is fully understood, there will be no difference between Jesus above and Jesus below. And when there is no longer any difference between Jesus above and Jesus below, it will flow together, and the separation will end, and he will be grounded in the earth. And at that point, the vibration will go forth that will be waking up Christ in many people. Well, maybe -- a lot of Jews, a lot of Hindus, a lot of Buddhists. Brethren, Israel is 12 tribes, brethren. They are 12 tribes, and they are going to be waking up all over. We do not have -- I do not have any idea how this is going to play out.


     But it is definitely connected to what is happening politically. The whole world is in danger of being toppled by these insane people. And one of the things that I learned at the conference a couple of weeks ago was -- well, it is either I did not know it or I was in denial. I -- we heard a message called "The Terminal Generation." It is -- I think Susan sent out the link, if you want to listen to it, "The Terminal Generation." What is happening out there, brethren, is that these crazy people -- they are really trying to put an end to humanity. They are creating super people or supermen, and they do not have any room in their world for us.


     Brethren, humans are very weak. We break easily. We require a lot of care. We have to eat. We need a house to live in. We need to wash ourselves. We -- you know, we just need a lot of care. And then we get old and we die. They do not want to be bothered with us. So they are using science and magical arts to develop a new superhuman, and they do not particularly want anything to do with us.


     But the Bible says that God, the Lord, will cut it short, or there would be no flesh saved. So they are killing us. They are polluting the air; they are polluting the food; they are polluting the water. They are -- I believe they are putting pollutants in the inoculations. I do not want to -- you have to decide what you are going to do, brethren. But in my opinion, the -- all levels of governmental authority are not to be trusted today. Depending on your relationship with Jesus Christ, you have to do what you have to do. OK.


     They are trying to kill us. And if the Lord does not cut their program short, there will be no human beings left. And if there are no human beings left, then he has to wipe out everything and start all over again. So he is not going to let that happen. He will cut it short, see? The question is how, what, when and where, but I do not see how it could be much longer.


     And my feeling is that there is just such an -- it is an excitement. It is more than a pressure. It is -- I would have to call it an excitement, an anticipation. So the crazy people that want to kill all humanity so that the sixth root race can come into existence -- and I talked about that in another message. They are very anxious for that to happen. And the Lord Jesus is very anxious, too, for his feet to land on the Mount of Olives in my brain so that he could be established in the earth to cut it all short.




     I do not see how it could be much longer, really, maybe a few months, not even a year. I do not even see how it could be a year.




     So that is what is happening. So I sort of lost my place a little. But I think I have given you the understanding of what we have. What we have is manifesting as the Neshamah, the spiritual, intellectual mind. The people that do not have it can get it. You know, they can get it. They can get the branch of the tree first. They can get Abraham's seed first.


     But then they have to submit themselves to the purification of their soul, which is the exposure and the destruction of the first Adam. They have to accept the fact of who they are and then submit to the eso- -- the instruction of the esoteric doctrine until this Abraham's seed that they received grafts to their spiritual existence. The grafting is through the esoteric doctrine. The grafting is the replication of the mind and the personage, the holy personage from above, being joined to the spiritual aspect of your humanity. That is what the grafting is.


     Let me say it again. The grafting is the consciousness, the mind and the nature of the holiness from above, actually becoming one with what we are down here. And the glue that grafts you is the esoteric doctrine, the word of God. It is the word of God descending into our world and, in particular, our vessel. And what grafts it to us, so that he will never leave us or forsake us -- what grafts him to us, so that that promise becomes true for us, is that our mind agrees with the word of God that is trying to graft to us. If we deny this word, we deny him. Brethren, if you deny his word, if you deny the Spirit of truth, you deny him. If you deny him, he cannot be grafted to you. If he is not grafted to you, at some point, you will die.


     So everybody understands who you are and what you have got. If you are listening to me online and you do not have Abraham's seed, you can have Abraham's seed. OK. You have to recognize the first Adam. You have to reject the first Adam in favor of the second Adam and do the work. You have to deal with your sin nature and accept the esoteric teaching, and you can have it to. The message of this age is: "Whosoever will, let him come." OK.


     So our job -- once Christ Jesus lands here, our job is to get this message out. The Lord will have to make a way for us to get this message out, both that we should preach it in an understandable way, which -- that itself is going to be a miracle. And that he has to open the hearts of the people to understand it. Everybody will not understand it, but many will. Every- -- not many will desire it, I mean, but many will. So that is our assignment: to get the message out. That is the assignment.


     So let us see what I wrote down in these notes here. I started out just reviewing what I have just told you. So that is what it is going to sound like for the first page. Jehovah's breath, the human spirit in the first Adam, is Satan and the harlot of Revelation. Adam, born into the lower world, is Abel, the -- Adam, the male side of Adam. I guess I should say that: the male side of Adam, born into the lower world. The lower world, which is the environment for Cain, is Abel. The dead Abel becomes Leviathan. Leviathan is, brethren, what the world calls the Christ consciousness.


     Now there is not too much New Age teaching out there anymore. I found that I was calling a lot of doctrines that I heard New Age, but I do not think there is really very much New Age doctrine out there anymore. There is a lot of Gnosticism that is surfacing and some New Age. So what I -- everything that I heard that sounded Christian, that preaching coming from the Bible but yet had a wrong spirit or false doctrine in it -- I was calling all of that New Age. But I do not think many people call it New Age anymore. There is a lot of Gnosticism out there and maybe other philosophies that -- I do not even know what to call them. But that is my point, anyway.


     Leviathan, in the New Age, with New Age doctrine, they talk about the Christ consciousness. And I do not know what people call themselves these days, but I go online; I go on YouTube. There are many people, in the church, out of the church, saying Christ -- well, this is these two men that are preaching this Gnosticism. They are preaching a very powerful message, and I guess that is where I am coming from. And they are saying you are -- we are the Christ. The Bible is false, and it started out good, but it was corrupted, and it lies to you. And you think it is just one man, but no. No, you are the Christ. You are the Christ. We are the Christ. And years ago, they called it the New Age doctrine.


     Any doctrine, whatever they call themselves, that is saying you are the hero of the Bible, you are the Christ -- and now that is confusing because I tell you the same thing. Yes, it is Christ in us. But the Christ that they are talking about is another Christ. Paul talks about another Jesus. Well, there is another Christ. And the Christ that they are talking about is Leviathan, who was A- -- who is Abel that became -- that he flipped. He is Abel. He was Abel, righteous Abel. We are told, in the Book of Hebrews, righteous Abel. But he flipped. He became Darth Vader. And he is the one; he is also the false prophet that is prophesying, that is spiritually knowledgeable.


     You should hear this guy preach. You should hear this guy preach; he is just really amazing, and he says a lot of true things. I cannot find a Christian preacher out there preaching like that. And then he goes into his false doctrine, very anointed. You can actually enjoy his message until he goes off. I listened to him for a whole hour, enjoying his message. It could have been a Christian preaching.


     So that is who the Christ consciousness is, and it is in the church. This is the message behind that church in California. This poor man, he hates me. I met him once briefly. I gave him one of my books. He was in Florida at the time. And I am told that he tried to preach from it, and he could not, and the Lord shut down that church. He went to California and opened another big church. And two people that knew me, that knew him, said to me, we are going to California; we want to give him your books. Can we do it? And I said, sure, why not? They took my books. I do not know exactly what they said to him or how it went. But after exposure to my books, the Lord shut down his second church.


     Then years later, I saw him here on Long Island. He was preaching [UNINTELLIGIBLE] on Long Island. I went over to say hello to him. And I just -- brethren, I spoke to him for one minute in his church in Florida, when I handed him my book. I never had any interaction with him at all. I went up to him and said, hi, I am Sheila Vitale. He looked absolutely horrified and just turned around, did not say another word. He walked away from me. Two churches shut down after he was exposed to my material.


     And this man preached, whatever thought comes into your mind, that is God, the Christ consciousness. You are a believer, and every thought that comes into your mind is Christ. That is a lie. That is blasphemy. That is the man of sin, sinning in your head, calling himself God, sitting in the temple of God, calling himself God. So that is a very important principle, brethren. You need to know that.


     And also, I will tell you right now, I have been spending a lot of time on the internet, brethren. And apparently, it is being said that the evil forces -- I do not know. It may even be our government. I guess it was our government. At least it started out with our government -- that they have a technology that can make you hear a voice in your head. And the article that I read said that they actually did it in -- actually used it in Desert Storm. And they projected that voice into these religious Muslims' minds and told them to lay down their arms. They thought it was God in their head. They laid down their arms and were destroyed.


     So it already exists: the technology to project a voice into your mind, in addition to the technology to show you holograms of Jesus descending. Brethren, the Christians that cannot tell the difference between their own carnal mind and the Christ in them, the true Christ in them, will not stand a chance. They are going to be sitting ducks.


     So the promised seed is Binah attached to Elias, the Son. Well, that was true for Jesus. In our case, it is Binah, the supernal mother, attached to Jesus. The second Adam becomes Elohim, but in Jesus' case, it was Binah attached to Elias that formed the second Adam that was Abraham's seed. And that, when they are together, Binah and the Son becomes Elohim. That was what entered into Jesus and gave him his experience. So that unity, Binah plus the Spirit of Elias joined to the personality -- I am sorry -- joined to the -- oh, I left out a major part of the doctrine. Oh, so sorry. So sorry.


     Getting back to our introduction here. So you have the root. OK. The seed of Abraham is Binah attached to the Son. In Jesus' case, the Son was Elias, the Spirit of Elias. In our case, the Son is Jesus. And then what happens after the marriage? OK. The second Adam comes into existence in us. So we will be in the same condition that Adam was in, but he already died twice. He died in the garden, and then he died in national Israel.


     What is the process that will prevent him from dying again? And that which will prevent him from dying again is that the second Adam must give birth to the man-child. When the second Adam gives birth to the man-child, that man-child will destroy Cain. Cain is the man- -- Cain is the female child. Cain is the female child that was born from the first Adam. When the second Adam gives birth to the male child, the male offspring of the elements of the creation, Cain will -- he will kill -- the male child will kill Cain, thus releasing the human spirit and the residue of the -- how am I going to say this, brethren? I am just being attacked in my mind. So sorry.


     That whole carnal mind that is in the first Adam, that whole -- they are all stuck together. The human spirit, the breath of Jehovah that became Satan and the harlot of Revelation, OK, it started out as the female side of Adam, the reptilian and their offspring, Cain. When Cain dies -- they were all stuck together. When Cain dies, it will separate the human spirit and the reptilian. OK. The reptilian will be, I believe, destroyed, and the human spirit will be reconnected to the -- to Elohim. She will be purified and reconnected to Elohim. And Leviathan, that is in there also, will be purified in the Lake of Fire. And these purified elements will be -- because they will be similar now, they will be joined to the -- to Abraham's seed that is functioning as the second Adam within the person. But we have to give -- the second Adam has to give birth to the male child, or we will fall again. Adam will fall again if he does not give birth to that male child.


     So I am telling you, the man-child is the hybrid. The man-child is a hybrid born of the Spirit of God or born of the Son of God and the -- not -- I am sorry -- born of the Spirit of God and Adam, the soul. Adam, the living soul, and the Spirit of God produces the hybrid, which is -- that is what Messiah is. He is the hybrid child. He is not -- it is not true to say he is both God and man. He is not God, and he is not man. He is a whole new creature. He is something the world has never seen before. Well, we see Jesus. But aside from that, the world has never seen him. He is not God; he is not man; he is not all God and all man. He is a whole new creature. He is a hybrid.


     Israel had generated the second Adam. Israel had regenerated the second Adam because Christ joined to Elohim. Israel regenerated -- oh, this is what Israel had. They had to regenerated second Adam, which is Christ joined to Elohim, but they did not birth the man-child. Satan joined to Binah, that Binah being the Lake of Fire, brethren. Satan joined to Binah, and repentant Leviathan returns to righteous Abel, who has been purified in the Lake of Fire. I just explained that. If the Lord carries this process to its full end, if the Lord carries this process of the purification of the first Adam, of the elements of the first Adam, to its full end, Cain would die, and this world would die, and all of humanity would die. I explained that to you earlier.


     So that is why the Lord is coming in with another seed, an additional seed, and we are a double-minded person. We have two faces. Did you ever see that symbol of -- the Chinese symbol of the black and white? And it is a circle, you know, and there is a wavy line in the middle. That is what we are, two faces. And we can go to either side. OK. We can go to either side until our soul produces the male child, which is fully righteous, and that will be the end of our duality. OK.


     This condition -- not permanent until righteous Abel, which is the second Adam, gives birth to the man-child, who replaces Cain, thus saving humanity. So we have talked about that already. When Israel sinned, the regenerated Adam, the second Adam, turned to his righteous side. No. When Israel -- oh, this is what happened to Israel when Israel sinned. The regenerated Adam, which is the second Adam, turned to his other side, which is Leviathan. And the result was that Binah separated from them, and the human spirit became Satan again.


     Well, this -- I s- -- I told you I sort of updated this. What it says here is: When Israel sinned, the regenerated Adam or the second Adam turned to his other side, which is Leviathan, and Binah separated from them. And the human spirit became Satan again. And Christ, Abel, turned inside-out and went to sleep after Binah left. That is not exactly true. Satan was always there but buried under the authority of the second Adam. But the way I expressed it or the way it was given to me, as I wrote this down, was that dual soul, the first Adam and the second Adam. The first Adam was buried under the second Adam. Then when Israel sinned, it -- what happened was that the root of that carnal mind of the first Adam that was buried under the second Adam responded to the pagan gods in the atmosphere of Canaan land. They woke up. That root woke up and responded to the pagan gods, which cut the second Adam off from Jehovah and Elohim. And the mind of the first Adam underneath, or the first Adam underneath, overturned the second Adam, OK, and made him a captive, that captive that Jesus is coming to liberate, the example of which we see in the account of the Gadarene demoniac. OK.


     The sleeping righteous Abel or Christ, the other side of Leviathan, is the root that terrifi- -- that identifies Israel. The sleeping righteous Abel or righteous Christ, OK, the other side of Leviathan, is the root that identifies Israel. This is the root that Jesus joined to the mother and that formed Abraham's seed. The root joined to the mother -- is that right? This is the root that Jesus joined to the mother, the sleeping righteous Abel, the second Adam. I do not know if that is right. The sleeping righteous Abel or Christ, the other side of Leviathan, is the root that identifies Israel.


     This is the root that Jesus joined to the mother. Well, it is the mother and the Spirit of Elias. The sleeping righteous Abel, the second Adam, was joined to the Spirit of Elias, who was joined to the mother. Abraham's seed is Elohim, Elohim being Binah, the supernal mother, joined -- or in the case of Jesus, the Spirit of Elias, or in our case, the Spirit of Christ -- joined to the Son. The mother joined to the Son is Elohim. That is Abraham's seed, the mother joined to the Son. What Israel -- what sleeping Israel has today is a residue of that previous configuration. Every other human has Satan, the human spirit and Leviathan, which is the dead Abel and Cain.


     Non-Israelites do not have another side to turn to. They do have a memory, or they may have a memory of righteousness through the human spirit. And we talked about this recently, how indigenous tribes have a sense of law and order. And people that never heard the name of Christ have law and order and follow God's laws very frequently. Their human spirit has a cellular memory of righteousness, even though she is joined to the reptilian. But Abel is dead, so there is nothing for Abraham's seed to graft to.


     Jesus joined to Binah, Abraham's seed. I keep leaving that out. Jesus joined to Binah, joined to the Spirit of Elias. Abraham's seed can abide in the soul of a non-Israelite. Oh, I see what I am saying here. This is the glorified Jesus I am talking about here. It should say the glorified Jesus. The glorified Jesus joined to Binah is Abraham's seed, can abide in the soul of a non-Israelite for a season as the branch of the tree. But if a new root is not added to the person for the branch to join to, the tree of life, which is actually the man-child -- the tree of life is the man-child -- will not be born in them. And they will die like men, no matter how anointed they were in that Holy Spirit.


     Now this starts the new stuff that you have not heard from me yet. The sleeping Christ is the remnant. There is -- the Scripture does prophesy a remnant. And we recently had a conference here in Hauppauge. And I had some contact with the church, whatever is left of it. And they are using -- the preachers that are out there are using this term, the remnant church. The rem- -- so there is a remnant. Isiah 1:9 tells us: "Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.


     Jeremiah 40:11: "Likewise, when all the Jews that went -- that were in Moab and among the Ammonites and in Edom, and that were in all the countries, heard of the King of Babylon -- heard the King of Babylon had left a remnant of Judah, and that he had set over them Gedaliah, the son of Ahik-" -- I cannot read, brethren -- "Akiham" -- I am sorry; I cannot read it -- "the son of Shaphan."


     So I gave you these two verses to point out to you that the people in the church that I met that are using the term the remnant church -- they are talking about what we read about in Jeremiah 40:11, where there is a spiritual remnant. Isaiah 1:9 was talking about the spiritual remnant, and that spiritual remnant is the residue of the whole Adam that was left when the second Adam died in national Israel.


     Isiah 1:9: "Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant" -- actually 10 percent, brethren -- "we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah." That is not talking about human people. OK. That is talking about the residue of the second Adam that existed in national Israel.


     Jeremiah 40:11 is talking about a small group of people. So it cannot be true, if the Lord had left a few people -- if it was not that the Lord left a few people, it would have been -- Israel would have been like Sodom and Gomorrah because the issue between Abraham and Jehovah, brethren, was a righteous person, OK, were 10 righteous. OK. So to say that this remnant that -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] does it say that? Or that the King of Babylon had left a remnant of Judah -- that remnant of people that the King of Babylon did not kill but let remain in Judah, that is not the remnant church.


     So these people that -- the church today, these people that I met in Hauppauge, you know, that are talking about the remnant church -- they are talking about a group of people that say they are the church, but they are not the church because, if they were the church, they would have received the doctrine that came from God. OK. So they are not the church. And I guess that is all that I am going to say about that.


     They are the kind of remnant that we read about in Jeremiah 40:11. They are a human remnant of people that call themselves the church, but nobody knows who anybody is. Even the rabbi said to me, "Nobody knows who the real Jews are." That is what the rabbi said to me. "We will not know until Messiah comes." Why? Because we are not -- we are all seeds, brethren. We have not been born yet. And Paul clearly said, "That which is sown is not that which is reaped." What is going to be born is not going to look like the seed. We will not be able to recognize the true church by their physical body. We will only be able to recognize them by their spiritual body, which basically is what comes out of their mouth. Not even the signs and wonders -- what comes out of their mouth, see?


     So there is a spiritual remnant, that remnant. The Lord left a remnant from national Israel, or they would have been like Sodom and Gomorrah because they are -- what does that mean? It means that there was no righteous one found. Where Jehovah wiped out Israel, when he sent Rome to wipe out Israel and destroy the temple, there was no righteous man found there. No, not one righteous one. So who was the remnant? The remnant actually was Jesus. And then he was glorified. That is the remnant, that seed that was glorified in Jesus. Otherwise, they would have been like Sodom and Gomorrah.


     So Christ in you is the remnant. That is the bone, OK, the bones that Ezekiel -- that God spoke to us through Ezekiel, saying, "Prophesy to those bones, and those bones live again." There is only one man. His name is righteous Adam. Can he live again? Can righteous Adam live again? Yes, he can. Will he be virile? Will he be able to produce that male child? Yes, he will. Yes, he is.


     Ezekiel 14:19-23: "'Or if I send a pestilence into the land and pour out my fury upon it in blood and cut off from it man and beast, though Noah, Daniel and Job were in it, as I live,' says the Lord God, 'they shall deliver neither son nor daughter. They shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness.' For thus said the Lord God, 'How much more when I send my four sore judgments upon Jerusalem, the sword and the famine and the noisome beast and the pestilence, to cut off from it man and beast? Yet, behold, therein shall be left a remnant that shall be brought forth, both sons and daughters. Behold, they shall come forth unto you, and you shall see their way and their doings. And ye shall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, even concerning all that I have brought upon it. And they shall comfort you, when you see their ways and their doings. And ye shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done in it,' said the Lord God."


     So verse 22: "Behold, therein shall be left a remnant that shall be brought forth." That is that remnant seed that shall be brought forth. It shall wake up. It shall wake up both in sons and daughters. "Behold, they shall come forth unto you" or in you. And you shall recognize these -- and you shall recognize this remnant by their lifestyle and by the things -- and that word, doings, it means exploits. It was going to be miracles, signs and wonders. But they are not just the signs and wonders, brethren. Their lifestyle has to be a holy lifestyle. "And you shall be comforted" -- and that is, of course, the Spirit of truth -- "concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem." When you hear the truth about why I did it, OK, you will be -- you will not be -- you will understand. You will not be upset, "even concerning all that I have brought upon it."


     Now I translated verse 21 because I looked at all of these verses in the interlinear text, brethren, and I could not resist translating verse 21 because it means something completely different. So verse 21, in the King James, says: "For thus said the Lord God, 'How much more when I send my four sore punishments upon Jerusalem, the sword and the famine and the noisome beast and the pestilence, to cut off them off from man and beast?'" So it sounds like Ezekiel is saying that Jehovah is going to really rip Israel to pieces, going to send four sword judgments upon them. But yet, even though -- in verse -- even though -- verse 22: "There will be a remnant left."


     So I had to translate this verse 21 for you. It was a very difficult translation. And almost every English word was an inaccurate rendering of the Hebrew, as you can see if you follow along with me. The word Lord is a translation of Adonai, and that means it is -- that was Christ in -- that was the anointing in Ezekiel speaking in conjunction with Jehovah. OK.


     The word four, the English word my -- actually, the words in parentheses are the words in the King James. The English word my actually means four, F-O-U-R. The English word in verse 21 that says "send sore" actually means "legal sentence." The word four -- there is another four there, I guess -- Strong's 7451, means evil. I hope I did not do this wrong. Four -- yes. "Four sore punishments." Yeah. Four means evil. Seven -- and I gave you a number. If ever I give you a number, it means I have seen that same word twice. The word four, 7451, means "immoral evil." That word appears twice. It can mean "immoral evil" or "natural evil," like disease. It can mean either one. So the word appears twice. The first time, I am translating it "immoral evil," and the second time, disease.


     Jerusalem -- believe it or not, the word Jerusalem, "judgments upon Jerusalem," that word is 2719, and it does not mean Jerusalem. It means "cutting instrument." The English word sword means hunger. The English word "noisome famine," that Hebrew word is chaya, which is the Spirit of life. "Noisome famine" is chaya, the Spirit of life. The word the, T-H-E, Strong's 7451, translated four in another place, means -- I never changed that. OK. It can mean immoral evil, but the second time, we will translate it natural evil.


     The word, English word, beast means "destroying disease" or "deadly disease." The English words "when it" -- "when I" is -- or "when I" means "to send away." The English word judgment means "motion towards or near." And then we see Jerusalem again, and this means Jerusalem; it is Strong's 3389. The English word pestilence means "to cut off," or it could mean a covenant, so it could mean circumcision. The English word it is Strong's 120, which means mankind. And the word man is actually the Hebrew word behema, like in behemoth, which means "mute, dumb beasts." That is talking about these exterior bodies, that if we did not have the soul that comes from God, we would be just like the rest of the mammals. That is what this body is.


     So is that not interesting? Almost every word.




     So if you want to take the time to see how I worked it out, you can do that. But I -- my final translation, after working on it, down at the bottom of page 3, is Ezekiel 40:21, Alternate Translation: "Thus says Adonai Jehovah, 'Despite the four legal sentences against Jerusalem'" -- and that means legitimate legal sentences against Jerusalem -- "'the Spirit of life shall nevertheless circumcise Satan, the immoral evil, or cut away Satan, the immoral evil.'" Cut away from whom? Cut -- actually, cut him away from the human spirit. I should really put that in.


     "Thus says Adonai Jehovah, 'Despite the four legal sentences against Jerusalem, the Spirit of life shall'" -- well, I will do this when you are not waiting for me -- "'shall cut away Satan from the human spirit or cut away the human spirit from'" -- I would say -- would have to say "'cut away the human spirit from that reptilian, the immoral evil that causes them to sin against me. And the word of God shall satisfy their hunger. And righteous Abel shall remove the natural evil of deadly disease that is near them by cutting off Cain, the part of mankind that is a mute, dumb beast.'"


     So we see that this is actually a very exciting prophecy. I wonder if I could put it in there. Verse 19: "For if I send a pestilence to that land or pour out my fury upon it in blood, to cut off from it man and beast."


     Now this is verse 20, brethren. I have wondered about this for a long time. I did not understand what it meant. Listen, verse 20: "'Though Noah, Daniel and Job were in it, as I live,' saith the Lord God, 'they shall deliver neither son nor daughter. They shall but deliver their own souls by their own righteousness.'"


     Why can they not deliver their sons or their daughters? Because these three men were righteous, because the second Adam was raised in them, but they did not produce the man-child. When you give -- when the second Adam gives birth to the man-child, you will be in a position to really do something for people. So that is what this verse means. Does anyone not understand what I just said? It is a very mysterious verse. So the second Adam was raised in these three men, and they were righteous in God's eyes. But they did not produce the man-child, so they could not help anybody else.


     And verse 21 -- well, let me read you the whole thing: "'And if I send a pestilence into the land and pour out my fury upon it in blood, to cut it off from man and beast, even though Noah, Daniel and Job were in it, as I live,' says the Lord, 'they were -- they did not have the spiritual strength to deliver neither son nor daughter. They shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness.'"


     "Thus says Adonai Jehovah, 'Nevertheless, despite the four legal sentences against Jerusalem, the Spirit'" -- in other words, they deserve to be cut off and destroyed, but nevertheless -- "'the Spirit of life shall circumcise the human spirit away from that reptilian, the immoral evil that causes them to sin against me. And the word of God shall satisfy their hunger. And righteous Abel shall remove the natural evil of deadly disease that is near them by cutting off Cain, that part of mankind that is a mute, dumb beast.'"


     "Yet, behold, there shall be a remnant." So I guess verse 22 should go before 21. "Yet, behold, there shall be a remnant that shall be brought forth."


     Let me try it again. "'For if I send a pestilence into that land and pour out my fury upon it in blood, to cut it off from man and beast, though Noah, Daniel and Job were in it, as I live,' saith the Lord, 'they shall deliver neither son nor daughter. They shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness.'"


     "'Yet, behold, therein shall -- even though there shall be left a remnant'" -- I am sorry. "'Yet, behold, therein shall be left a remnant that shall be brought forth, both sons and daughters.'" That remnant will be in both sons and daughters, not just men. "'Behold, they shall come forth unto you,'" from within you, "'and you shall see their lifestyles. And you shall see their exploits that they do. And you shall be comforted by the Spirit of truth that will tell you the truth about the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, even concerning all that I have brought upon it.' And thus saith Adonai Jehovah." And the reason this is going to work out that way is: "Thus saith Adonai Jehovah, 'Because, despite the four legal sentences against Jerusalem, I will send the Spirit of life to circumcise the human spirit away from that reptilian, the immoral evil that causes them to sin against me. And the word of God shall satisfy their hunger. And righteous Abel shall remove the natural evil of deadly disease that is near them by cutting off Cain, that part of mankind that is a mute, dumb beast.'"


     "'And they shall comfort you.'" OK. They are going to be raised up. They are going to have the power to comfort you. They are going to be able to do what Job and the others could not do. They shall have the power to comfort you. "'When you see their lifestyle and their exploits, you shall know that I have not done without a cause all that I have done in it,' saith the Lord." Because what I have done is produced these people with supernatural power to help the rest of you.




     Is that not exciting?


          Yes. [INAUDIBLE]


     And actually, the way that I got into -- we are just going to make it by 2:30 here. The way I got into this whole message was that I opened up the Alternate New Testament. And I wound up looking at Matthew, I think, chapter 13, which is the account of the soils. And I looked at the Alternate Translation of the soils. And I knew that there was a change coming. And that was the beginning that led me to the whole other study. So at the bottom of page 4 is my reiteration of those final verses of the soils. And this is what it says. And this is at the whole -- this is the end of the account of the soils, where it tells you 30, 60 and 100.


     "Understanding the 10 subrings of Binah, the third ring of the higher world, which are 30, and the six rings of Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God -- between man and God, the 10 subrings of which are 60, which 60 descend into [UNINTELLIGIBLE] or Malchut, the other female ring of the higher world, who receives" -- now this is what I added in. This is what I am saying. This is talking about the upper world. This is the world of emanation.


     "Understanding the 10 subrings of Binah, the third ring of the higher world, which are 30, and the six rings" -- now we are in the Medot, in the middle; this is the Son" -- "the six rings of Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, the 10 subrings of which are 60." So we are talking about Atzilut now, the upper triad and the middle triad, which together makes 90 Sefirot, which descend into -- "and these 60 descend into Malchut, the other female." Now we talked about the upper triad; that is three. We talked about the Son; that is six. Now there is only one Sefirot left, Malchut. So the 60 Sefirot of the Son descend into Malchut. "The other female ring" -- that is the 10th female ring -- "of the higher world, who receives the 90 rings" -- 30 from the mother, 60 from the Son -- "which 90 rings impose the DNA of the higher world upon" -- now this is all amplified in. You can see the bracket. "The other female ring of the higher world, who receives the 90 rings, which impose the DNA of the higher world upon the root of Israel in the lower world." That is the residue that we have. It must be worth -- it must have 10 rings to it. OK. "The root of Israel in the lower world, which is 10 rings" -- so we have 30 from the mother, 60 from the Son and 10 rings of the root that is in us; that is one tenth; that is your remnant, one tenth -- "is indeed or altogether is indeed the hundredfold Spirit of truth in the lower world."




     Can you see that?


          Oh, yes.


     Let me read it again. "Understanding the 10 subrings of Binah, the third ring of the higher world, which is 30, and the six rings of Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, which 10 subrings make 60" -- that is 90 subrings, OK -- "which descend into Malchut of Atzilut," OK, "the other female ring of the higher world, which now Malchut of the higher world receives all 90 rings, which contain the DNA of the higher world." OK. And then the Malchut of the higher world descends into the lower world and touches "the root of Israel in the lower world, which is 10 rings" -- so you have 30, 60 and 10 -- "is indeed or together are indeed the hundredfold Spirit of truth in the lower world." So that is the Lord Jesus Christ joined to this residue or this root in us, is the Spirit of truth in the lower world.




     And that is what we have here. We have this truth.




     In the lower world, it is not a permanent union yet. We just have the Sabbath of the son and the daughter, and that is why we do not have enough strength to help other people yet. But that is the call in our life. We are waiting for the permanent Sabbath of the Father, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, to the root in us, if I have that right. We are waiting for that permanent union of the hundredfold, which is the Spirit of truth, which is permanently joined or securely joined to the world above. And the Spirit of truth will have the strength to go out and awaken Christ in all of the people where he is sleeping. So that is the mystery of the 30, 60 and hundredfold. OK. That is the truth about why Job and Daniel and -- who was the third one that could not save themselves? Job and Daniel and --




     Noah. OK.


          Verse 20.


     And also, I learned something about Jerusalem that I would like to share with you. I gave you a definition of Jerusalem. When I looked up Jerusalem -- because I found -- it was twice in the English anyway, that rendition. The definition of Jerusalem -- the Hebrew word for Jerusalem is Yerushalayim, and the I-M is the plural. I guess I always knew it, but I never really thought about it. I-M is the plural ending in Hebrew. So why would Jerusalem be plural? And that just came to my attention in something else that I was reading somewhere just recently, that Jerusalem is plural. And I wondered why it would be plural.


     So then I thought, well, I know Jerusalem is the city of God. So our soul is Jerusalem, that Jerusalem is a many-membered soul, the soul, the righteous soul that the L- -- that Jehovah and the other aspects of God will dwell in, that other names of God will dwell in. But today, I looked it up. And this is what we found.


     Yerushalayim: a dual -- that means two -- in allusion to its two main hills. So Jerusalem apparently has two main hills. The true pointing, at least of the former reading, seems to be that, probably from a [?passive part?] -- so the problem or the issue is that Jerusalem has two hills. And I suggest to you that those two hills, spiritually speaking, are the two Jerusalems. There are two Jerusalems. One is the soul of the first Adam, and the other is the soul of the second Adam. There are two Jerusalems. Only one is holy. And the Jehovah -- Jerusalem is coming down from heaven, for those that do not have the root, the holy Jerusalem. So we can even say that this root that we have is Jerusalem. That is the soul, the holy s- -- the root of the holy soul. So the holy soul is coming down from heaven, the holy Jerusalem.


     For those that do have the root and those that do not have the root, the holy Jerusalem, which is the Lord Jesus Christ -- he has the whole thing. His seed, the seed of Abraham, is the whole holy Jerusalem, OK, coming down. And either it is going to join itself to the root of the old Jerusalem that failed, OK, in national Israel, or it will abide in your spiritual universe for the rest of -- you know, for as long as you feed it. It will abide for as long as you feed it, until you accomplish the work necessary to find the -- to graft it to your soul, which is esoteric doctrine.


     Any questions on this message? I would -- I want for you to -- if you are not -- usually, I keep you till 2:30, so I would like to add something to this. I would like to go over the name of God with you.


     It is -- the Lord gave this to me at least a week ago. And it is a short teaching, so I did not know where I would work it in. I sort of dumped it on you at the end of Sunday's message, but I do not think that you got it. It was too fast. So let me try to explain it to you again. This is what the Lord is talking about, the name of God, because that was confusing me.


     I actually -- if you recall, Gino Jennings was saying that the name of God was the Lord Jesus Christ. I did a message on him. I said, well, no, the name of God is Adam. That which identifies God is his creation, is Adam. And so I reviewed my notes of that message recently, and it is -- what I told you is not wrong, but what Gino Jennings said is not wrong either because Adam is the name of God, and Adam himself is the inner man. Adam has many names. I am Sheila Adam. All of you, whatever your first name is, Adam. Whether it is the fallen Adam or the -- or righteous Adam, whether it is the first Adam or the second Adam, I am Sheila Adam. So it is not wrong to say that.


     So -- and Jesus -- OK, Jesus was Jesus Adam. So the name of God is Adam. And the particular Adam that God is dealing with these days is the name Jesus, OK, the nefesh soul of Jesus of Nazareth. OK. Now the one that was Cain died, but the nefesh male child, the male child that was born, the hybrid, took the same name, Jesus. Took the same name as Jesus, the soul, the nefesh soul that died. The man-child that was born from the second Adam in Jesus took the same name, Jesus. So the name of God is Adam, but there are many Adams. So the name of God is Adam Jesus.


     And that does not really sound very good to the ear, Adam Jesus. The name of God is Adam Jesus. So the Lord just dropped the middle name, if you can -- I hope you can follow what I am saying. Instead of saying Adam Jesus is the name of God, Adam Sheila is the name of God, Adam June is the name of God, it is like he dropped the middle name. So Jesus, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the name of God. Not Jesus of Nazareth, OK, not Jesus of Nazareth but Adam, the particular Adam called Jesus that is now glorified became the name of God. And is everybody following me? You are? OK.


     Now -- so this name of God is not something that you can write on a piece of paper. It is not the name, Jesus, that you write on a piece of paper. It is talking about a whole man. OK. And right now -- how am I going to do -- please help me to get this out, Lord. It is talking about the whole man. So the Scripture says that whoever calls upon the name of God shall be saved. Or if you call upon the name of God, I will hear you. I am sorry I did not have time to look up all the Scriptures for you. I was going to look up a list of Scriptures about calling on the name of God.


     What does that mean? This is what it means, brethren. God is not out there on the clouds. He is not out there flying around in outer space. God is in his creation. God is Elohim. Remember I told you, just in a recent message, Elohim is creating. The creation that Elohim is creating is in reflection of himself. He is making a reflection of himself, and then he is going to get inside of the reflection. So Elohim, the creator, is inside the creation. Well, he is both inside and outside of the creation.


     But as far as we are concerned, he is relating to us from inside. He wants to relate to us from inside. He is not talking to the creation from out there, sitting on a cloud somewhere. He is talking to any human being that calls on his name. He will talk to you from the human being that he is resident in. God will talk to you from the human being that he is resident in.


     Why do so many people call on Jesus? They say the name. They say the word Jesus, and they never get an answer. Or if they do get an answer, they do not recognize it. But they -- many people say, well, I called and I called and I called and he did not answer. Because the plan, the blueprints for the creation, is that God should answer you from inside of a human being. That is the plan. He is outside of the creation, and he is inside of the creation. Either we cannot hear him outside of the creation or it is just not in the blueprint. Most likely, there is no way we could hear him from outside of the creation.


     So when it says, "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord, I shall hear you," a name is a person. It is any person, any human being, that God is inside of. God is inside of you. If you are in this ministry, God is inside of you. So when I go to -- if I go to one of you and ask you for prayer, if any one of you asks for prayer, you are calling upon the name of -- when you recognize -- Lord, please help me to explain it to them.


     When you recognize that there is a human being that you know that speaks the words of God, that has the wisdom of God, that might -- that God might heal you through that person -- OK. Anyone that you know to be a person of God, that is a name of God. That is the name of God. When you call on the name of God, OK, the Adam -- when you find an Adam that God is in the midst of, OK, that person is the name of God because Adam is the name of God.


     So if you call me for prayer, with some hope that I might be able to help you because you know that God speaks through me, that he is in me, OK, you are calling upon Adam Sheila, the name of God. Not that you think that I have any power, but that you recognize that God is in me. That makes me the name of God. That makes me an Adam who is the name of God. Am I making any sense?




     So this is very different than what we have been -- thought that it means. Call upon -- call -- that is why so many people do not get their prayers answered. They do not know anybody that God is in. Or if they do know somebody that God is in, they do not give them the respect of knowing that God is in them. Or maybe they really do not know that God is in them. They cannot discern the body of Christ inside of that person, so they do not call upon that person.


     Brethren, I -- you know, I go through periods where I pray multiple times. And I just cry out to God and say, Lord, there are so many people that I could help, people that I know, people that are in my life, people that I meet, wherever I meet them. I could be so much help. I could help them, but they do not acknowledge that I could help them, or they do not recognize that I could help them, and they do not ask. You have to call on the name of God to get the help. You have to ask.


     So I could go to you. At one point -- it has not happened lately. But at one point, it turned out that it was an issue of pride with me that, if someone needed prayer and they did not ask me for it, I would not go to them. And then the Lord told me that it was pride, and I shared this with you. It was a couple of years ago. So I -- at that time, I was saying, well, if I see someone really needs prayer and they are too proud to come to me, I am going to go to them. So the Lord broke my pride in that area.


     And I just realize now, as I am talking to you, that, somewhere along the line, I stopped doing that. So this is what seems -- this is my understanding of what happened. I would not go to the person because I knew that they needed prayer and they would not ask me. So that was my pride, which was sin. So the Lord broke that pride in me, and I started going to the people that needed help. But as soon as that pride in me was broken, I stopped going to people that did not come to me, but it was not a conscious thing. Do you understand what I am saying? I will say it. Let me say it again.


     It used to be obvious to me that people needed prayer and they were too proud to come to me. And I said, they are not doing it the right way; they are supposed to come to me, and I will not go to them. That was sin in me. So I went through a period where the Lord had me -- if I saw that you needed prayer, I would go over and offer to pray for you. And then I was not aware of it until right now, but that stopped happening. I stopped going to you when I see that you need prayer.


     So what changed? What changed is that it has not really -- I do not -- cannot think of any situation where I saw that you needed prayer and were too proud to come to me. So what does that mean? It could mean that the Lord blinded me to the fact that you need prayer but you are too proud to come to me. Why? Because now the Lord is dealing with you. I will try it again. I will try it again.


     The truth is that, if you need prayer, you are supposed to ask for it. If you cannot ask for it, if I have to go to you -- you know, like, there used to be someone in this ministry. I bring her up so much. She is my posterchild for doing the wrong thing. She would need prayer. She would never ask me for prayer. She would just drop it like a little hint that she needed some prayer. She would never ask for prayer. And it was the Lo- -- and I would recognize that she needed prayer and say, I am not going to pray. You do not ask; I am not going to pray for you. I got broken of that. I got delivered from that. So we were two people that were in sin: the person that would not ask for the prayer and me, who would not offer because you would not ask. The both of us were in sin. I got delivered. I said, OK, Lord, every time I see someone that needs prayer, I am going to offer them. I got delivered. I passed my test.


     And then somewhere along the line, I stopped recognizing people -- or maybe it has not even happening anymore. Let me lead it this way. I stopped recognizing people that needed prayer but would not ask for it. So why would the Lord blind me to that, if someone needed prayer and was not asking for it? Because now it is their turn to get delivered. But as long as I was in pride, recognizing that sin and saying, I will not ask you for -- I will not offer because you are in sin. Once I got broken of that, the Lord blinded me. So now it is up to you all, or whoever you are, if you need prayer, to ask me for it. And if you do not ask me for it, I am not guilty of not giving it to you because I do not see it. So now it is your turn to get to it.




     That is really interesting because that is the account. It is in the Talmud. There are good things in the Talmud, but as a whole, I must reject the book. That account that I happen to really love about Elijah and Jephthah -- or Jephthah, the man who said, the first thing that he laid his eyes on after he comes home from the battle, he would dedicate to the Lord. And it turned out to be his daughter. And there is an account. Rabbi Mendy tells me it is in the Talmud. I read it somewhere a long time ago, and it never left me. That Elijah -- actually, his ministry started going down at that point because Jephthah could have gone to Elijah, and Elijah would have had the authority to break that vow that Jephthah made, and he could have kept his daughter at home with him. But Jephthah either did not know or was too proud to go. But Elijah knew that he could have broken that vow for Jephthah. And Elijah refused to go to Jephthah because he was saying Jephthah should come to him.


     So I do not know whether that really happened with Elijah or not, but a lot of these rabbis have a lot of wisdom that comes from God, and they lock it up. They lock this wisdom up in parables, you know. And that is -- I actually experienced that. I am -- who am I? I am a man of God that is in training, and I experience that very conflict. So whether or not that happened to Elijah, we do not know; I do not know. But it is a conflict that people who are growing up as authorities in God have to face at some point. You have to face your own pride in dealing with the members of your congregation.


     So I hope you all understand now that the name of God is a whole man. And if God dwells in you, you are a name of God. You are a name of God. And if anybody can recognize that you are a name of God, anyone can recognize that God is in you, that there is -- that if they reach you, there is hope that God might hear them, OK, that is where he is. And if you are a person that needs help, that you are still a young Christian and you cannot pray for yourself, or you are a mature Christian and you need additional help, OK, you should call upon the name of God, and you will get additional assistance. You have to pick the person, which is the name or the house that God dwells in, and your prayers will be answered.




     So any questions? Comments? Yes.


          There is a question online from Rita. OK, so, like, "When you go to the synagogue and are around the people there, the Spirit and seed of Christ may pass into them, right?" Question mark. Is that possible, I guess?


     I do not know. I do not -- I mean, just being around them? Just standing there? I do not have any reason to believe that. No, the seed of -- the Abraham's seed is delivered by esoteric doctrine. The seed is delivered by esoteric doctrine. It does not just pass into them. Anybody else? [?Louise?].


          Oh, the same thing. Would the branch be something that could come from you with the -- with --


     The branch is Abraham's seed. Abraham's seed is Elohim, Elohim being the union of Binah and -- the union of the mother of the Son is Elohim. That is Abraham's seed: the union of the mother and the Son.


          I thought it was the Holy Spirit that will direct you. They -- is it possible for you to be with somebody and then stimulate the residue to turn to Christ? Being around people in the synagogue and not ministering to them but your Spirit touching them to turn them to Christ.


     Well, it has not happened yet. I think I have been going there 10 years.


          Right, right. Yeah.


     So I do not think that just being around them will do it, that there has to be an interaction.




     There has to be an interaction, and that interaction is through the word of God.




     The word is delivered by the foolishness of preaching.


          So if we are not talking -- maybe I am not -- if we are not talking about synagogue people, we are talking about people who do not have the root.


     You have to ask for it.




     I mean, I have never heard of it, someone just hanging out with someone, and then all of a sudden -- you do not talk about God. You do not discuss God. They are not asking you any questions. And then they just get the Holy Spirit. I have personally never heard of that.




     They have to be interested. There has to be that interaction. There has to be that spiritual intercourse.


          Yeah. So the people that are going to be turned to God when the second Adam is revealed through you -- and then you said many people are going to be turned. These people would be people that -- like you were saying, Hindus and stuff. Would they be people that have the root somehow?


     I was talking about the people that have the root. Yes.


          So a Hindu, back in his line, has a root. But he is not, you know, practicing [?Judaism?].


     Right. But then he has to get to Jesus.




     And he has to get --


          I understand.


     But I think maybe what you are talking about here is that -- when I preach like this, there is a vibration that is going out in the spiritual plane. OK. And it is possible that this vibration is going to touch people that do not even know me. It will touch -- the root in them will wake up, and then that root will sort of guide them to a book or a website or something like that. But to just be standing next to somebody or -- I mean, Rita, if you are thinking about your mother or your parents, just because you talk to them, I do not see how they can get anything from you. It has to be a spiritual conversation. It has to be a spiritual --




     -- relationship, not just from, like, standing near them. I do not see -- I could be wrong, but I do not see how.


          Amen. Amen.


     I mean, especially if they do not believe your doctrine or if they think that you are in a false church or the doctrine is false, to think that it is going to jump on them, I do not think is likely at all. But what might happen is, when the Spirit gets stronger here and that Spirit touches you, if they have the root, it might touch them on a subconscious level. And then they would ask you a question. I guess that is what I am trying to say.


     So let us say the spiritual Sabbath comes into existence here, and the vibration from the preaching gets a lot stronger, and that vibration is on you. If the person has the root, it might touch them on a spiritual level. But if it does touch them on a spiritual level -- whether they have the root or they do not have the root, if it touches them on a spiritual level, but they hear the doctrine and reject the doctrine, decide that it is wrong and reject the doctrine, then that is the end of it. That root is not going to survive with them rejecting the doctrine. I hope I answered your question.


          There is a response. "No, I was not talking about my mother, but I was speaking about when you had said you shook someone's hand or took -- looked into their eyes, and something of the Spirit of Christ passed into them."


     Yes. That man that that happened with -- I believe his mother had been praying very heavily for him. And I honestly -- that account was a stranger that I met in the diner, and I never saw him again. So I do not know whether he was praying himself or -- I have no idea if there was something inside of him that was crying out for help, and then it passed. Something did pass from me to him. I do not know exactly what passed. Let me see if I have a better answer for you. Give me a minute.


     So -- OK. Let us say. I do not know for sure, but let us say he was -- that man was tormented from his experiences in Vietnam. And I know his mother was praying heavily for him. So let us say what passed from me was the seed of Christ. OK. If the root was in him, it could have awakened the root in him. If the root was not in him, the seed could have landed as the Holy Spirit. Yes. But if he did not follow up on it, then it did not survive.


     So if that seed -- if God decided to give him a miracle, that was not a typical experience. That was a miraculous exchange that he received the seed through -- from my -- from an eye-to-eye situation. And then once -- but he did not know that he got it. It is the -- how am I going to say this? Just give me another second. Let me finish one thought first. He did not know how he got it. So if that seed that he received was not strong enough to prompt him to pursue God, or if the seed was strong and he heard the esoteric doctrine and rejected it, then the seed died.


     You know, so it is the same principle, what I am trying to say. It is the same principle as people I have met over the years some -- I am sorry -- immature Christians that -- they are having a problem with somebody. Actually, I saw this from a pastor in the church. He did not want to lose the members of the congregation, but there was a problem in the church, so he was praying silently. They did not know he was praying, you know. And I do not think it helped at all because the people needed to hear the communication.


     The ideal transmission of the seed is manifested through a human communication, verbal, a human verbal communication. That is the best chance of the seed being delivered and surviving because you need to understand that the delivery of the seed is just the beginning. It has to grow. It has to be nurtured and fed and watered and grow. So if the person does not even know that they received it, what are the chances of it growing? Although when the Lord did it for that one man in that one situation, he must have had a plan for that man. But that is not the way God typically moves because, if they do not know the seed is there, it is going to die. So that is the best way that I can explain.


     And the Lord [INAUDIBLE] -- I did minister to him. What I said to him was, did you know that you could speak to Jesus directly? And he said, "No, I did not know that." So he got -- I preached the word of God to him in addition to him receiving the seed. And maybe that started him speaking to God. So it was not just eye to eye. I did preach to him also. That is the best I can do.


          She says, "I understand now. Thank you. Yes, I agree. Thank you for explaining."


     You are welcome.




     OK, brethren. God bless you.


11/22/18 - Transcribed by VerbalFusion

11/27/18 – 1st Edit CAS

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