971 - Part 1

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The CCK Transcribing & Editing Team.


     The message that I started a week or so ago was Gog, the land of Magog, it was revealed to us that the descendants of Japheth, which is Armenia, which actually means Christianity, is bound to see the appearance of Christ Jesus, that he is coming forth primarily in that area. He can come forth in other places because he is coming forth in many people, see, but primarily it is going to be in the European nations.

     And then the Lord gave me another message, where I only preached one part of it, where -- which is called "The Sins of Saddam," where he was -- he revealed that the sins of Saddam that are manifesting in this country today -- and they are sins of the mind as well as sins of behavior. They are the sins of mind and attitude, the wrong thinking that produces the evil behavior that will ultimately bring the judgment of God down, and that that judgment comes in in the two stages. OK. And the first stage is that the people who are representative of the people who are being abused stand up and bring judgment. And the second stage is that divine judgment comes, which is complete destruction of the city with only the Lot company saved, the Lot company being the relatives of Abraham, which are the Christians today.

     But I do not believe it will come to the destruction of the world or the destruction of this country. I believe Christ Jesus will stand up and overthrow the evil, the counterpart of Lucifer, the people trying to destroy the country and the world, which -- or they want to take over the whole world, brethren. They want to rule the world. OK.

     These people -- there is something -- in my opinion, there is something wrong with you. How much money do you need? Do you need to be a trillionaire? I -- it is really -- maybe I am being naive, but it is beyond my comprehension that you would want to cause torment to millions of people and make them poor and not have a lifestyle that makes life pleasant to them so that you could be a trillionaire. I just -- it is beyond my comprehension. It really is. I -- it really is beyond my comprehension; you know? I really -- it really is just beyond my comprehension, you know. I thank God it is beyond my comprehension.

     But what kind of a person is that that they want that kind of power? Well, there are people -- it is -- I know that it is out there. I know there are people that I have met in my lifetime that want power over other people. So they are not in Washington; they are not globalists. They are not the Rothschilds, which I think are the only trillionaires today.

     But it is the nature of fallen Adam. It is Cain's nature. It is the nature of Cain to want to dominate other people. So I should be able to comprehend it. I have no problem seeing witchcraft in people that want to dominate or control other people. I grew up with that, see? So I guess, when that same nature of Cain appears in someone that is also smart enough and intelligent enough to get the education or whatever they need to go to rise to governmental power, it is just amplified that much more. So that is the answer. It is the nature of Cain, and I am just really glad that it is not in my nature to desire to control anybody. May it never be that way.

     So -- but it is present. That potential is present in all of humanity because we are Cain. Humanity, the physical vessels, the physical people that you see -- we are twofold. OK. On the outside, we are what we call a human vessel, made of clay, made of spiritual clay, which is flesh. And on the inside, we have the personality of Cain, and Cain has a mind. And the mind of Cain is Satan in the unconscious part of that mind, and in the subconscious part of his mind is Leviathan, which is pride, amplified to the point of destruction. And that is who we are, right? So technically, we are the outer vessel. OK. And Cain, the nefesh personality, the soul of Cain, personal soul, that -- technically speaking, we are the outer vessel. Me, this body, is the outer vessel.

     And this body does have a mind and a will of its own. It is an animal nature, and it manifests in our lives as lust. And then in the b- -- in the marrow of our bones is the -- Cain is in the marrow of our bones, OK, and he is our soul. Actually, it is a she -- is our soul. OK. And she is the -- and Cain manifests in -- gives -- in each person that she is manifested in, she appears as an individual. Just as there are many children of one -- of two parents that could have many children, Cain manifests as a personal soul in each vessel. And that is our intelligence. That is the intelligence that -- by which we can live above that animal nature of lust. And lust is not just sex. Lust is -- lust wants to possess anything that you see. You know, so we need a mind that is higher than the animal's to do whatever is necessary to feed ourselves and give us what would make us comfortable in this world. And then the personality of Cain has an unconscious and a consciou- -- and a subconscious part to it, which are powers are principalities that originate in higher spiritual realms. OK.

     So what we have today -- the message that we have today, and a lot -- and the reason I made it a separate message is because -- let me say this over. What -- the message that we have today, I believe, is going to tell us, give us a better idea, of who Japheth is and what God is doing through Japheth, which is back to the message of Gog and -- what is it? Magog, the land of Gog, the land of Magog. Yeah.

     But I made it a separate message because of the way the Lord laid it out. He did not just give me a simple sentence to tell you. He gave us what is in large part a review of things that I have taught before about the soul and who the soul is and about the fall. And he corrected a couple of things or refined a couple of things that I have said previously. And then he laid out the next step, which I think -- when he told it to me, I said, well, I should have known that. But I -- you see, God teaches us. He teaches us in pieces. We learn this doctrine; we learn that doctrine; we learn this doctrine. So I knew this doctrine, but I did not put it together with the whole puzzle, until the Lord just gave it to me this morning, of what the next step is.

     So we are all waiting for the Lord Jesus to join with Christ Jesus, but I did not have it exactly -- my understanding of how that is going to happen was not complete. I hope it is complete now, but at the very least, it is the next step in what is happening. I think it is complete now, but who knows? The Lord tells me that he is about to appear very, very, very soon. OK. And I believe he is going to appear in me, you know.

     And I am very conflicted over this. I told the Lord I am very conflicted over this, but if it is about to happen and I have to deal with it, that it is about to happen. OK. And when it happens to me, there will be an effect on you. Eventually, it is to happen to everybody. Eventually, it is to happen to all of humanity that is consciously in the flesh at the time.

     We have a Scripture that says that, in the Book of Corinthians, that when every enemy is destroyed, even the last enemy, which is death -- and death is associated with Cain. That means Cain has to be completely purged from the creation. Jesus will offer up the creation to the father, and God will be all in all. That means we will be equal. All of humanity will be, or at least our souls will be, equal to Jesus one day. We will all be part of the garment that covers the God head. And that is what the Scripture says. It says that in the King James translation. That is what it says.

     But this is happening in stages. And the first time the Lord does something, he does it in very small amounts. And he called Abraham alone. OK. It happened to Jesus alo- -- what happened to Jesus happened to Jesus alone. What happened to Elijah happened to Elijah alone. But then it spreads out. And eventually, the eventual plan is that everyone will be a part of the image, which is the garment, of the creator. But we have to accept who we are at the stage that God is developing all this. And unfortunately, what happens when -- and right now, the Lord Jesus is doing the work with the creation as it stands right now. When he -- when the next step -- or when the next step is revealed, and it is only one person or a small group of people, the rest of the people attack. You know, attack, deny the truth and accuse, et cetera, et cetera.

     So my problem is pride. OK. I want to be one of those people. I saw a video on YouTube, OK, about a man that said he is Messiah. And I think he was in India. He has thousands of people following him. He has a -- I do not know whether he calls it a commune or not. He had a community where people lived. And they came out, and he would talk to them. And they revered him, and he was -- he called himself Christ. He said he was Christ. And he was a very wealthy man. I saw him interviewed, and he was asked, "Well, do you really think that -- you are taking all this money from these people -- that that is what Christ would do?" And he was an Asian man. I do not know what country. And his -- he was either Indian or Asian. I am not sure. Sorry that I could not tell the difference. And he said, "Well, yeah, God wants us all to be wealthy. You know, and if you reporters do not like it, it is too bad. I mean, I am not doing anything illegal. These people are all here of their own accord." Then they went and they interviewed another man who said he was the Christ, and he was in poverty. He said nobody recognized him, and he was in poverty, but he was still the Christ.

     So I do not want to be a freak, you know, but there is nothing I can do about it. I do not want to be one of these people that say that I am something in God that many people are going to rise up and call me a phony or a fake. So that is my pride manifesting, and that is what my problem is. I do not want to experience that. Well, it is too bad now because, for some reason, the Lord picked me. Whatever his reason was, only God knows. I tell you frequently that I was amongst the weakest, and so he picked me. I do not know. Something like that.

     So, brethren, I woke up yesterday morning, prepared to translate the last few verses of Ezekiel 38. And the Lord hit me with a Spirit of revelation, the like of which has not been on me in quite a while. So the first thing that I do is that I try to write it down. I write it down, and when I first write it down, it is sketchy. It is usually wrong the first -- I get pieces of it, and it is usually wrong. And then I go over it and over it and over it in my mind and refine it. That is why you have two sets of notes.

     The second set of notes, which Susan and my instructions has called -- has labeled the A notes, message, the A note -- that is the s- -- my -- that was my second attempt to write up just a series of principles that the Lord gave me, which we will go over together. And then I went back into the second set of notes, which were actually my first set of notes, to try to refine them and patch up all the areas that the Lord had clarified, but I did not have time to do it all. So that is why the second set of notes says that I have not had time to review all of them.

     Up to two exciting pieces of revelation came out of this study, questions that I have asked -- I have not been obsessive about them, but two questions that have been on the table for a very long time. The number one: Why did Joseph want his bones moved from Egypt to the Cave of Machpelah, which is where Abraham is buried? So we have an incredible answer to that.

     And the second: There is a very cryptic passage in the Book of Kings, which says that Elijah died, and he -- Elisha. Sorry. Elisha died, and he was buried. And there was this band of people that were -- this company of people that they were just burying somebody. And for some unknown reason, they threw him in Elisha's grave, which -- right away, that does not make any sense at all. Like, they were just walking along, and they threw him in Elisha's grave. And as soon as the man hit Elisha's bones -- so they dug up Elisha's bones? No, it has to be spiritual. As soon as the man touched Elisha's bones, he stood up and lived again. I did not ask for that. Now that is really -- pricked my imagination. Even more than Joseph's bones -- and they happened to be talking about -- basically talking -- we are talking about the same thing. OK.

     So the bottom line is this. I will tell you in advance that Joseph's bones -- Joseph was embalmed, you know. And embalming removes all of the blood from the body, but the blood that is still in the marrow of the bones remains. They do not touch the bones. Brethren, you might really, seriously -- if you have not already done it, seriously consider not having yourself cremated. And I know that that has been my opinion all along for those who have asked me. But now I am telling you again, you might really want to seriously consider not doing it. Save your money for a grave. Save your money if you are going to die. Maybe you are not going to die because we are at the door of longevity, opening it.

     So the mar- -- the soul is in the marrow of the bones, brethren. The soul is -- well, I guess it is in the blood that flows through your veins also, but when the body dies and they extract the blood from the veins, the soul must congeal into the marrow of the bones. See? The soul is in the marrow. So Joseph was embalmed, and his soul was in the marrow of his bones. The Egyptian embalming is not like the embalming that happens in America today. The Egyptian embalming was ritualistic, with prayers and rituals done to preserve the soul in the marrow of the bones, and I never knew this until today. I did not really understand it completely, what they did with their rituals. So Joseph's soul was preserved in the marrow of his bones, and he wanted -- he left a commandment to bring those bones to the cave, to the -- to [UNINTELLIGIBLE] and to -- in particular, to the Cave of Machpelah, where Abraham was buried.

     And also, although I did not get it in your notes -- I did not get it in, but a message that -- a Scripture that I heard recently that -- I have heard it many times, but that really pricked my imagination recently, put a question in my mind, desiring an answer -- is Jehovah -- I do not think it was Jehovah. I think it was -- I do not know. I am not sure. It was one of the names of God that spoke to Moses through that burning bush. You know, said to him, "I am not the God of the dead. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am the God of the living." So you are saying they are alive. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are alive. And this was just within the past few months that that Scripture that I have heard many times was amplified to me.

     What does that mean? Well, brethren, based on the teaching that the Lord has given me that -- in these notes, which I will expand upon shortly. Apparently, Abraham was alive. Not his physical body, brethren -- not his physical body, you see, but apparently, from what I see at this point -- and you know, everything that I share with you is not fully developed. I -- sometimes I have to change it and tell you that I was wrong. Sometimes the Lord just refines it. I do not have the whole thing, OK, but this is my understanding now. Abraham's body was not there, but his soul was present, either in that cave or that Cave of Machpelah. And who was buried there? Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives. I do not know if there was -- I think -- I do not know if there was anyone else. And then Joseph was deposited there. So either their soul was still alive in that -- in the -- in his bones, or that Cave of Machpelah was a Stargate, some might say today, was an opening to another dimension where Abraham's soul was conscious. This really blew me away. OK.

     And I believe the encounter of the man being thrown on Elisha's bones standing up again -- I think it came out -- I mean, it does not make any sense. I have known that for a long time. It is sort of like the account of the Tower of Babel. If you really look where the account of the Tower of Babel appears in the Book of Genesis, it is just stuck in there. If you read the Scriptures leading up to it and the Scriptures after it, it does not fit. It was just, like, stuck in there. This account of this man, this unknown man, being thrown into Elisha's grave and re- -- and standing up alive is just stuck in there. It is just stuck there. And I actually think it is the spiritual understanding of why Joseph wanted his bones taken into the promised land and to be deposited in the Cave of Machpelah because I think that Joseph's soul was raised from the dead when he touched Abraham's bones. So it is -- that is what I think it means.

     So what are we doing here? OK. We are finding out that it is true that we are this outer vessel and that our person -- this is -- that is the animal part of us, and that our personal soul is Cain. And he is in our bones, OK, and he is separate from us. He is separate from us that you can draw distinction between our personal soul, which is Cain, and this outer vessel, which is basically our animal instincts. We have a lust to eat and the functions of the body. So I tell you that. I tell you that, that we are basically this outer vessel and that Cain is different from us because it is true, and we need to understand that to bring a legitimate humbling to us.

     But then you can look at us as one aga- -- from -- when you are looking at it from another perspective, trying to accomplish something different in us, I can say, well, we and -- we, the animal and Cain, we are one. Technically, we are married. Cain is our husband. We are married to Cain, and we are one flesh. Cain is a spirit, ruach, you know, and he is a higher soul, probably a neshamah. And we are nefesh. And the truth of -- and the -- I am sorry. Cain is nefesh, OK, and Cain is married to us. So from that point of view, we are all one. See?

     And we read, in the Book of Daniel, that the Lord is going to bring down that statue, Nebuchadnezzar's statue, because Nebuchadnezzar's statue typifies humanity as we stand now. And he is going -- that statue, humanity as it stands now, which is Cain -- excuse me -- is going to be brought down from the feet, from the lowest part of the statue. So the lowest part of the statue, for us, is the human body, those of us who are the human body, who are married to Cain. The Lord Jesus Christ is going to bring down that statue through us [?or?] the point of view that we are one flesh, one soul with Cain. We are the outside, and he is the inside.

     So, yes, we are the animal element of humanity. We are also Cain because we are married to him, and you cannot separate us. Cain is the offspring -- well, let me tell you this first.

     This is a very interesting instruction that the Lord gave me. I always thought that Cain and Abel were equal, as I think most of you would think that Cain and Abel were equal. They were twins; they were brothers. We are told that they were brothers in the Scripture. And Jehovah said to Cain, "Where is your brother?" Well, the Pharisees called Abraham their father. So it is common, in the Old Testament, to call your relative by an office even though there are generations between you. Abraham was not the father of the Pharisees. He was not even the grandfather of the Pharisees. He was not even the great-grandfather of the Pharisees. There were many generations between them, but they called Abraham their father. So this Scripture calls Abel and Cain brothers, and that word, that Hebrew word, simply means relatives. They were relatives. But as far as we understand brother today, they were not brothers. OK. They were not brothers.

     And another Scripture that has always caught my curiosity is a Scripture in Genesis that says, "And the woman conceived, and she bare Cain, and then she bare Abel." But she did not conceive Abel; she just conceived Cain, and then she gave birth to him. Abel was not conceived. She gave birth to him. So what does that mean? It means that an element of the creation that already existed was born into that world that the woman gave birth to. An element that already existed was birthed into another spiritual plane of consciousness. But Cain was a new thing. Cain was a new thing. OK. He was conceived at this level, at that dimension, in the -- for -- at that dimension and specifically for that dimension. Cain was conceived and born into the world as it existed at that time. Cain did not exist in the dimension that Abel came from.

     So what we have here is -- going all the way back to the beginning, as we understand it -- well, not the beginning, but the formation of the man, OK, when Jehovah formed the man. When Jehovah formed the man, he formed already existing elements. He formed already existing elements of the creation. He formed a soul, the soul that was not yet alive, but it wa- -- it existed, and a soul that was together -- because soul is typified by water -- was together with some form of earth or clay. He formed the outer shell of the soul.

     A soul has an inside and an outside. If you study with Rabbi Luria, which we have not really studied his work in a long time, but the language of Lurian Kabbalah is everything has an inside and an outside, everything. So the outside -- this is our outside, what you can see right now. And the inside of me is not my heart or my lungs. All of the organs in my body is considered -- are considered the outside. The inside is Cain. So there was an outside and an inside of the man that was formed. And he was formed from the dust, so the outside was the dust. But on the inside was a soul, see, and the name of the soul was Adam. And the name of the form of the dust was Adam. They had the same name.

     And then Jehovah breathed a breath of life into the man, and that breath was the Shekinah. Jehovah breathed the breath of life, which was the Shekinah. He breathed the Shekinah into the man. And the Shekinah is attached to Jehovah, see, and Jehovah is attached to the higher dimensions above him. So Jehovah entered into the man through the Shekinah, and that was the formation of Elohim because Elohim is the Shekinah joined to the Son, which is the soul. So that was Elohim in the man, Adam.

     And I have, in these notes, an alteration, a clarification of my most recent teaching about the seduction, where I have taught it was that drop of Elohim that was inside of the creation. And the Lord told me to tell you that is not wrong, but there is a better way to clarify it. Brethren, Elohim is the creator. When Elohim brought the creation into existence in six days, he literally brought a creation into existence that reflected himself. He brought himself into existence. He made the creation out of himself. So the creation is Elohim, if you can hear that.

     Let me say it again. Elohim, the creator, created a creation out of himself. He made a reflection of himself. He took his own substance or his own essence and formed a creation. So from that point of view, if you can hear this, the creation is Elohim. Now we do not look like Elohim right now because there was an accident, see, but the creation is Elohim.

     So to say that it was a drop of Elohim that was inside the creation, as opposed to Elohim that was outside of the creation, that was the snake that seduced the woman. OK. If Elohim is the creation, and the creation is Elohim, we can say -- instead of the drop of Elohim that was inside the creation, we can say the creation that was inside of the creation, or an earlier or deeper dimension of the creation that existed before the man was formed that was inside of the creation, which are the reptiles and the avians, the insects and the birds of the first day of creation. They are -- they were not evil, brethren, at the beginning. They were not evil. The Scripture says that Elohim said they were good. So the reptiles and the avians are -- were good, OK, and they were a deeper dimension of the creation than Adam because the creation is moving. It is having layer upon layer added to it so that it eventually becomes something visible.

     So just like Cain is below the surface that you see me sitting here, and the only way you can recognize Cain, that is -- who is in my bones, is by -- well, I hope you cannot recognize him in me at all. But if I manifest, you will see Cain, but my principle is whether it is Cain or Abel. Or how am I going to -- I am getting ahead of myself. I am trying to express this in a way where the truth is something that I have not taught you yet, so let me put it this way. The only time you will see Cain in me is when he comes out of my mouth, when an ungodly word comes out of my mouth, or an ungodly thought vibrates in my heart. If you have spiritual sight, that is when you will see Cain. See?

     So in the same manner, the man that was formed had, in an unseen place, unseen and unmentioned -- do you hear me talking about Cain? Do you hear me? No. You do not see -- hear me talking about my personality other than myself. So the reptilians and the avians, who were in a deeper dimension or in a deeper layer of the creation -- that is made in layers. All those six days were layering upon each other.

     That was where the seduction came from. It came from an angel or a group of angels or reptilians or -- each were a race. The reptilians were a race, and there are multiple races of reptilians. We have to understand how great the creation was. Multiple races, and they all existed. I think that they might have all existed in some kind of recognizable form at some point, but I am not sure. But it was a member of the -- of one of the races of the fifth day of creation that spoke to the man, OK, who was the new guy on the block. And he spoke in particular to the Shekinah, right, spoke in particular to Shekinah because they were both spirit. The man is the soul. Adam is the soul. The reptilians and the avians are spirit, and the Shekinah is spirit. So they spoke to the spirit. And they were joined because Jehovah did not just breathe the Shekinah into the surface of the man, but the Shekinah, which is inside, went inside, is the human spirit, penetrated the entire creation. So they were all in there together. It was before time began. They were all in there together, see?

     So the seduction was, or the error was, that the Shekinah and the Shekinah inside of the creation, OK, listened to the voice of another layer rather than to the voice of Jehovah. You know, Jehovah -- the man is the only layer of the creation that Jehovah spoke to. He did not speak to the reptilians. He did not speak to the avians. He did not -- I mean, other than to say to the sea, you know, do not go any further, you know, and let the water be separated. Those were the words of creation, but he did not actually address the elements of creation. I do not see anything that tells me he actually addressed the reptilians or the insects or the intelligent insects or the intelligent birds. He just addressed Adam.

     And what he said to Adam was, "You can eat" -- meaning you can take information from, because there was no physical eating there. Your mind eats. "You can acquire information from all of the elements of the creation that are in the garden, but do not eat of the tree in the midst." Well, who was in the midst? The earlier day -- in other words, you can learn everything you can from the sixth day of creation, the trees that are in the garden, all of the entities that came forth on the sixth day of creation. But do not be talking to the entities that I made on the fifth day of creation because, if you do, you will die.

     Now what does that mean? Jehovah was saying, you can interact with -- you can exchange thoughts with -- you see, brethren, an exchange of thoughts is a form of spiritual intercourse, and it produces birth. It produces an offspring. That is why we have to be very careful who we listen to and who we openly exchange thoughts with. Now it is one thing if God sends you out on an assignment and you are talking to somebody that you know is not godly.

     I mean, let us bring it into the political realm, just to help you to understand it. I listen to the other side as much as I can, until the evil spirit on them is so obvious that I cannot bear it anymore. But I will listen to the thoughts of the other side, holding onto my -- if you can follow me saying it this way, holding onto the spiritual virginity of my mind in that interaction. I can talk to that -- I can talk to them; I can listen on the TV; I can talk to a person about it. But I do not give myself to that thought. I do not give myself to another -- to the thoughts of another person without first believing that the thoughts of the other person are godly thoughts because I know that, when I have an exchange of ideas with another person, it is my hope that I will produce offspring. It is my hope that either you will tell me something that I did not know before -- and new knowledge that is actually a part of me will be born in me because we [?cannot?] have knowledge just floating around in there; that does not do any good; we want it to be a part of our personality, a part of our existence. So either a new growth will be born in me -- a positive growth will be born in me, you know, or if that is not the case, if you do not have anything to teach me -- although I was open to it, if the Lord showed me that you had something to teach me, that maybe I had something positive to give to you.

     Paul says that. We read about that in our recent translations of the Book of Ephesians, where he says, "It is my hope. I have come to you because it is my hope to make a deposit in you." Hopefully, I can deposit something in you that will produce growth in you, which enhances me. If I can be resp- -- if my mind or my words to you can be responsible for producing the growth of the godly aspect in you, then I grow too because the way spiritual things work is, as I build you up spiritually, our relationship on that spiritual level increases. You know, I become richer because of you in my life. I become enriched because I know you. I become enriched because, even if you go away and I do not see you again for another year or two years, I am in your thought. I am in your memory. I am inside of you that I have had a positive impact on your life.

     So I hope that you are understanding what I am saying. This is how -- this is the reality of our existence. You need as many people thinking good thoughts about you, having good memories of you, as possible because we actually exist in more than this body. We exist -- we have a spiritual body. Our soul exists in the vessel of everyone that we have a relationship with, if you can hear that. OK.

     So the people in the new age will talk about an aura, someone with a powerful aura lasting -- existing as much as 10 miles away from you. Well, what that really is, that aura, that measurement, is the extent that your soul exists in other people, not in any ungodly way. In their experience, you -- they had an experience with you, and it changed them. Every time I talk to you, it changes me. We are continuously growing from each other. So that is the reality of the aura, if you can hear that.

     So I deviated to tell you something. Now where was I? So -- where was I, Lord? So I was telling you -- yes. I was telling you that -- about the seduction, that the tree in the midst of the garden was the doorway or the Stargate, if you will, to the entities of the fifth dimension. It was the doorway to the fifth dimension.

     Jehovah said, "Stay in your own dimension. Do not go talking to people that have ideas that you will not be defensed against, that you will not have the strength to hold onto your spiritual virginity in that exchange, until you make a decision." I will give up my spiritual virginity in that exchange. I like what you had to say. I think what you had to say came from the Spirit of God. I think what you had to say is valid. I want to seriously consider it or believe it, and I open myself to you. There is a spiritual intercourse, and something is born in me, or the potential for something to be born is born in me. So Jehovah said, "Do not go having conversations with entities that you are not capable of protecting your spiritual virginity from. Do not get involved."

     And, brethren, this is good advice for this world. Do not go getting involved with people that are much more sophisticated than you are because, if they are not godly people, you can be destroyed. And if they are godly people, you could still get into trouble because you cannot process what they are telling you. So since we are fallen, other factors of our mind would come in and lay hold of that information. And you cannot process adequately and twist it in your mind so that you misunderstand it and misuse it and then become abused by it.

     And that is exactly what happened to Adam. He disobeyed. OK. He had a conversation -- I am simplifying this. He had a conversation with the representative of the reptilians, and he was not capable of holding onto his spiritual virginity. So he listened to it, and he was not able to hold onto his spiritual virginity, so he opened his soul to consider it. See? You need to listen to the thought from the person, and then decide whether or not you want to consider keeping that thought. He had no defense against that tree, so he considered the thought. And, brethren, consideration of another thought is spiritual intercourse. That is the adultery, you see?

     And what happened as a result of that adultery, see? What happened as a result of that adultery was that Adam became pregnant. Brethren, the reproductive part of us is our soul. Not the spirit, the soul is the reproductive part of us. And it is the spirit that impregnates the soul. The spirit is male to the soul. So a reptilian that the Bible calls the snake -- the King James says the serpent, but the word is actually a snake -- impregnated the soul man called Adam. And Adam gave birth. And the name of the entity that he gave birth to was Cain.

     Now the way it works is that the mother and the father, or the spirit of the soul that conceived the child, take up residence in the child after the child is born. So the snake, OK, became the unconscious part of the mind of Cain. And Adam himself, who gave birth to the child, being the mother, became the subconscious part of the mind of Cain. But when Adam gave birth to the serpent's child or to the snake's child, it cut off his relationship with the Shekinah because it was the Shekinah that was supposed to -- Jehovah's breath that was supposed to impregnate him.

     But Jehovah's breath was holding off because the Adam was not ready for it. The Shekinah was waiting for Jehovah's instruction to impregnate the soul. So just like in some cultures -- I believe India and China, not necessarily today but in past years -- they believed in child marriage. And the girl would go live in the man's house from 10, 11 years old. And she would live with him until they consummated the marriage, possibly not for five years.

     So the Shekinah's Spirit, the breath of Jehovah, and the soul -- Adam, the soul -- were living together, but they had not yet consummated the marriage. So when Adam, the soul, consummated the marriage with a fifth-day reptilian called the snake and gave birth to his child, it broke the relationship with the Shekinah that was outside. The Shekinah that was inside of the man, OK, as the human spirit, was the same Shekinah that was outside. And Elohim was that Shekinah plus the Son. That is who -- that is how Elohim was inside of the creation.

     So when Cain was born, the connection between the Shekinah inside the man and the connection out- -- and the Shekinah outside of the man, which is Jehovah, broke. And Adam, the living soul, ceased to exist in that form. And he was now existing as the one that he birthed, which was Cain. And his name changed because, when your condition changes, your name changes. His name changed from Adam to Abel. And he passed into the vessel called Cain by being birthed into it, but he was not conceived because he existed before he was birthed into that vessel. He in fact was the mother of that vessel. So Adam, his name changed to Abel, became the subconscious mind of the one that was born from him. And the snake passed into that vessel as the unconscious part of the mind.

     Now if you want to think about it, if that sounds crazy to you, that is exactly what happens to human birth. A woman gives birth to an infant; that infant is a vessel. It is the outer vessel. It is pure lust, screaming and yelling. OK. Feed me, clean me. Feed me, clean me, hold me because I am scared. That is all that baby has. OK. And then the parents, the human parents, have aspirations for that child. They are that child's unconscious mind, or rather they are engraving that child's unconscious mind with the power of their thoughts. Oh, my son; he will be a great man. Maybe he will be the President of the United States. What shall we name him? We will name him after a great man. Hopefully, he is going to be a great man. Hopefully, he will be a righteous man. Hopefully, he will be just. Hopefully, he will be very intelligent. Now thinking those thoughts and having those hopes toward that child are engraving his unconscious mind.

     And then they start to train him up. As soon as he gets a little older, they start telling him, do not do that, you know. And someone gave you something? Say thank you. Oh, you gave that to me? Oh, you are welcome. Uh-huh. Oh, what you just did in your pants -- you see this toilet bowl over here? That is where you are supposed to do it, on the toilet bowl. So they start engraving his subconscious mind. The parents -- they start engraving your subconscious mind as to what is right and what is wrong. And for a period of the child's life, he has no opinion of his own. You see some of these children in the political campaigns, waving their little flags, you know, 7 years old, 8 years old. Who are you for? I am for President Trump. Oh, really? You think President Trump is a good president? Yes. How come? Well, your parents think he is a good president. See?

     So you program your children's subconscious mind, and you are supposed to do that. The Scripture says, if you train a child up in the right way, when he gets old, he will not depart from what you taught him. He may have a deviation. He may go off -- OK. He may go off and do something the exact opposite. What? When? When his own personality is born. But if you train him up in the way of the Lord, even if he is making a mistake, trying to find himself and develop his own thoughts and his own personality -- if you have trained him up in the things of God, he is going to find out, after he takes his life journey, not that you are right but that God is right, that God is the right way. See? When he figures it all out -- hopefully, he can figure it all out without winding up in jail. Hopefully, he can figure it all out without being a drug addict. Hopefully, he can figure it out without impregnating some girl and being forced into a loveless marriage.

     Well, that is just a type of what happened in the Spirit. So Satan in the unconscious part of the mind is actually the Shekinah, who was inside of the creation that God cut off from her mother after the adultery. And she passed into her own child, Cain, OK, and -- I did not tell you this. Cain is the nefesh. So the Satan is -- the unconscious part of the mind is likened to the neshamah. And the subconscious part of the mind, which is actually Adam in a fallen state, OK, called Abel -- OK, he is the -- I may have this backwards -- is the -- one of them is the ruach, and the other is the neshamah. So I guess the human spirit is -- I guess Satan is the -- I may have this backwards, but -- or it is backwards in this world. It is opposite in this world.

     vSo Satan is the ruach, the spirit, if that is -- if I have that correct. And that Abel, the subconscious part of the mind, OK, would be the neshamah, if I have it right. So the neshamah and the ruach had intercourse, and the child that was born was the nefesh. So both the snake and Abel -- they come from a previous world. They were not born. I mean, they were birthed into this realm, but they existed before they were born here. They reincar- -- they incarnated in this realm. Cain did not incarnate; Cain was born. And this whole world came into existence as the environment that he was born into.

     The problem is that being cut off from Jehovah, through the cutting off of the Shekinah because the Shekinah is the inside of Jehovah -- or backwards. I may have it backwards. One is on the inside; the other is on the outside. OK. They were cut off from the mother. The Shekinah is the mother. The Jews call her the supernal mother. The Zohar calls her the supernal mother. The Shekinah is the mother that is raising up Adam, see? So the Shekinah, that part of the offspring, OK -- Adam being the immature state of the creation, he was not finished yet. And he needed to be attached to his mother to know what was right and what was wrong and to survive. See? But he was cut off.

     So the reptilian was never attached to the mother. The Shekinah, who was attached to the mother, was cut off. And the soul, Adam, the soul, was cut off from the mother. And now they are subject to the wisdom of the snake. Why was the snake not attached to the mother? The snake has its own wisdom. Why did the Lord make the creation that way? I do not know. But the snake has its own wisdom. But the man, the soul -- he does not have any wisdom. His wisdom comes from God.

     So we see that typified in our world today that all of the animals do not need God to survive. You know, they survive in the winter or the summer. No matter what the weather is, they survive. They have their babies without going to a doctor. They do not have any anesthesia. They know that they are supposed to nurse their offspring. The offspring stand up almost immediately, and they know how to nurse. They do not need -- do you know that human babies do not know how to nurse? They have an instinct that sucks, but if the mother does not lead the child to the breast, they will starve to death. Well, baby cats and dogs and other animals they know to go looking for that breast.

     So the animal world, the animal life in this world, is more equipped to survive than the humans. Why? Because we need God to survive. And that is a type of the fifth-day creation having a form of wisdom. It is not the same wisdom as God. It is a form of wisdom that -- the Lord just told me this is likened to the instinctual wisdom of the animal world. So maybe the Lord will tell me more about that in the future because he just told me that it is not an influence.

     We need the wisdom of God. We need to be covered. We need clothing. We need a house. Why? Because that part of the creation which is the weakest, which we are, will become the strongest when we are permanently joined to God. We will become stronger than the fifth-day creation, which is -- which has the wisdom that is likened to the instinctual wisdom of the animal world. And they are the animal world.

     So this is our condition. OK. Cain, who is our husband, who we are -- Cain is the other side of us because you cannot separate a wife from her husband. So Cain, who we are born -- we are an illegitimate birth, and our father is the snake. And our mother is Adam, who is actually female. The soul is female. And both our father and our mother are inside of us as a part of the personal soul that we are. And Cain is our personality. Cain is the personal soul, our personality, and Cain is both good and evil. He can go either way.

     So the salvation plan of Jehovah is to -- is never -- the plan of Jehovah has never changed. What was the plan of Jehovah? That the soul, that the living soul, Adam, the soul, should birth a Son for Jehovah. And this soul that Jehovah formed can only birth one child. You can liken it to a single ovarian egg. He can only birth one child. So Adam birthed Cain. And the result of the birth was that the visible creation came into existence prematurely. So what is Jehovah going to do? He decided not to destroy us, although we are a perversion. The very best of us are a perversion in light of what God intended us to be. So he visits us. He visits who? He visits his soul that he made, and he visits his Shekinah. Right? But he does not have anything to do with Cain.

     So -- well, first of all, I have to tell you this. The human spirit became Satan in our vessels. I told you that. This is a new revelation for me: that Abel, who is Adam in his state of separation -- you might say his fallen state, but it is his state of separation from Jehovah, OK -- became Leviathan. For the longest time, I could not get it straight whether the difference was between the human spirit and Abel, and I was completely blinded to this reality that Abel became Leviathan. Adam, who was designed to be humble before God and worship God, became Abel, who actually brought the right sacrifice, so he was humble before Jehovah. But when he was cut off from the Shekinah, his mother, and the positive influence of Jehovah and the Shekinah, he came under the influence of his father, the snake. It was not his father. His husb- -- I am sorry. His husband, the snake, you know. And under that influence, became Leviathan, the exact opposite of the humble one that was born to worship God.

     Brethren, Adam is born to worship God. He is intended to be the Son of God and to worship and honor his father by being a reflection of his father's nature in the creation. So when cut off from his father, he became the exact opposite, Leviathan. That is who Leviathan is.

     So what is Jehovah going to do? The plan is to do something that is impossible in this world, and that is to take that which is already born and died -- OK, it is dead. Adam died. The Cain that he brought forth is dead. The whole creation is dead. But Jehovah says, "I -- nothing is impossible for me. I am going to raise that which is dead from the dead." And that which died is Adam and became Abel, and Abel became Leviathan.

     So the plan is to lay hold of Leviathan, the pride of man, see, not Cain. I have preached in the past that Cain is going to be adopted. Cain is not going to be adopted. Cain is a murderer. Cain has to die. See, when Cain murdered Abel, he did not murder his brother. I have been asking for the longest time. The Scripture says they were talking in the field, and Cain rose up and killed Abel. What were they talking about? Abel, the mother of Cain -- the word translated brother simply means relative. It was his mother. The mother of Cain said, "You should not be doing that. It is wrong." OK. And Cain rose up and slew her. See? He killed his mother, and that cut the creation off from Jehovah completely.

     So the plan, that I did not know until the Lord just recently taught me yesterday and this morning, is to raise Abel from the dead. And when Abel is raised from the dead, he becomes Adam again. And for Adam to have a second birth -- I have been telling you for a long time that it is Adam that needs to be born again, but I did not understand it properly. I knew that sentence was true: "Adam must be born again," that the Scripture that says "You must be born again" was not talking to my physical body. And when Jesus said it, the Israelite that answered him said, "How can I go back into my mother's womb?" So apparently they were very carnal people. Apparently, Israel were a very carnal people when Jesus appeared. It was also -- when Jesus said, "You must eat my flesh and drink my blood," they left him. They thought he meant cannibalism. So they were a very carnal people.

     So it is Adam that must be born again so that he can have another child. Adam must be raised from the dead. Abel must be raised from the dead and born ag- -- and Adam must be born again and born again as Adam. He must be raised from the dead and born again as Adam so that he can give birth to the righteous nefesh because -- and that is the name of this message, "The Righteous Nefesh," because Cain is the unrighteous nefesh. And it is the nefesh grade of soul that is closest to the physical form. See? It is the nefesh grade of soul that is the personal soul that is attached to the form.

     So Adam has to be raised from the dead. But he died, and he became Leviathan. And we are told, in the Book of Job, that he cannot go near Leviathan. He cannot even touch him. His scales are stuck together. He is deadly. He is a deadly serpent. So we see that Adam, the female, was completely overcome by the nature of the snake and himself became a reptilian. Adam, who became Abel, became a reptilian, made in the image of his husband. And you know, that is what they used to say. I do not know today, with the modern marriages today, brethren. But it used to be, if you wanted to know what a man was like, take a look at his wife and his kids, but mostly his wife. Just like the parents engrave the unconscious and the subconscious part of the mind of their children, it used to be that a man engraved his wife. In other words, how he treated her was a major factor in who she was. How he treated her and what kind of a man he was, what his thoughts were.

     So that is the plan, and this is what I did not understand until today: that Leviathan, first of all, has to be purified. And that is what happened. The Lord sent -- he sent Jesus first. He did it with Jesus. Then he sent the Holy Spirit. It is Jesus' Holy Spirit -- comes to us and begins to convict us of our sins. The Holy Spirit will convict us of our sins. And in the cases where Leviathan begins to be purified, Leviathan is the subconscious part of the mind. He has to start reaching decisions to disagree with the unconscious part of his mind, which is Satan, which is the reptilian that fathered us in the creation.

     So when these so-called aliens come and tell us that they created us, it is not really a lie. They fathered this race, except they did not come from some other planet out there. They came from another dimension in a creation that -- we do not even know what it was like, but it was in a very high spiritual place -- and that their fathering of us is illegal, was illegal and is illegal, and that Cain is a murderer. He is guilty of matricide. He killed his mother, and he must die. And he will die by the hand of his brother, who will be born from the resurrected or the re- -- who -- from his brother, who will be born from Adam, who will be born again. Adam must be born again and give birth to another offspring that will indeed be the brother of Cain, half-brother. Same mother, different father. This I did not understand before today. Does anyone not understand me? Is this not exciting? Is it not really exciting to hear?

     So I talk a lot about the second Adam. I was trying to figure out the second Adam, the second Adam. Are we Christ? Am I? I am talking about myself; you will be talking about yourself. Am I Christ? Am I Christ Jesus? Who -- you know, and I could not get it straight. I could not get it straight, you know. Jesus is going to join with Christ. When does he become Christ Jesus? I was leaving out this whole step. Christ is the resurrected Adam, actually joined to the Shekinah. When the Scripture says that Christ is Abraham's seed, it actually means the resurrected Adam joined to the Shekinah. So if Christ is awake in you, and he has not been rejoined to the Shekinah, he is not really fully yet Abraham's seed.

     So Christ in you -- well, I will call him Christ because I do not know what else to call him right now. The resurrected Abel in you, when he is joined to the Shekinah -- and it is the Lord Jesus Christ that clothes the Shekinah these days. She has taken on a name. So the next step that we are waiting for is for the Lord Jesus Christ to join with the awakened Christ in us. OK. That union will actually bring the seed of Abraham into existence because it is the resurrected Adam -- OK, it was called Christ in this generation -- joined to the Shekinah, brings us back to the immortality of innocence, to the state that Adam was in before the accident happened. But the condition of Adam before the accident happened was that he was still a virgin. He had not given birth to Jehovah's Son yet. He was indeed the Son of God. Adam was the Son of God, but he also, as Jesus declared, he was to be the Son of man.

     What is the Son of man? The Son of man is that consciousness which is born from the soul because the Son of man -- man means Adam, mankind. It is Adam. So the Son of man is that which is born of the union of Adam and the Shekinah, who is joined to Jehovah. So he has not been born yet.

     So what I have been calling the second Adam is actually the resurrected Abel. The second Adam -- and it is in the Scripture. The second Adam is actually the resurrected Abel. We are told the first Adam is of the earth. He is the earth man. And he -- OK. I am not going to say that right now. And the second Adam is the Lord from heaven. So actually, what that does not say -- I did not want to say it because I was not sure it was the Lord saying it to me. But the first Adam, who was of the earth -- we just established that he is Abel, who was Adam in his separated state. He became Leviathan. So following this reasoning, we are saying that Leviathan is the first Adam.

     Now in the past, I have probably said something like -- I do not know that I said that. But that -- this is where we are -- this is where this logic is taking us: that the first Adam, or the first Adam that reproduced, OK, is now Leviathan. And the second Adam is the purified Leviathan who is -- was resurrected as Adam. First, Leviathan has to be purified; he becomes Abel again, and then Abel is raised from the dead. So before Abel can be raised from the dead, he has to be cleansed because he is in an impure state. And in that impure state, he is known as Leviathan, overtaken by pride. Adam, overtaken by pride. So first he has to repent and be cleansed.

     How are you cleansed? He needs to be instructed and take on the thinking of the righteousness of God. And that whole process of cleansing him and imparting a new way of thinking to him is actually the resurrection process because he is -- you are not resurrecting in one moment. It is a process. Nothing spiritual is in one moment. So the resurrection of Adam is actually the cleansing and the purifying of Leviathan, who, when he is purified, is revealed to be -- if you get rid of all the dirt, he is revealed to be -- oh, Abel. Was that you the whole time? That which Adam became when he was cut off from the Shekinah, after he gave birth to the snake's child. So that is who the second Adam is. He is the Lord from heaven, righteous Adam. He is the Lord from heaven before he was dirtied and sullied and became Leviathan under the influence of the snake.

     Now this second Adam -- he is powerful. He has a relationship, at least in this -- I do not have all the answers, brethren, yet. He has a relationship, at least in this dispensation, because of the whole story of the resurrection of -- the whole story of Messiah. He has a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, so he is being instructed. There is no point in raising -- there is no point in purifying Leviathan and raising Abel from the dead, which purification raises him from the dead, if instruction is not available to him because then he is just going to just turn right back under the influence of the snake.

     And, brethren, that is what happened to national Israel. When they started worshipping other gods, they disconnected from the Shekinah, who was instructing them in righteousness, and they came under the influence of the snake and completely became Leviathan again. And the reason that they worshipped other gods was that Satan was in competition with the resurrected Abel in them and at some point overtook the influence of the Shekinah because the Shekinah was outside of them.

     OK, and Satan -- now who was Satan? This is really hard. I hope I can explain this to you without showing it to you. OK. Satan is the Shekinah on the -- is the human spirit. OK. She initially was the Shekinah on the inside of the creation, but she was overtaken by the reptilian and became Satan. So in national Israel, the Spirit of God got in there, raised -- and raised and purified Israel from Leviathan by the law and raised Abel from the dead. But Satan was still intact.

     Jehovah dealt with the soul of national Israel. He did not deal with the spirit of national Israel. So even though national Israel -- Abel was resurrected in them, and they were -- they had supernatural power, they still had another influence. They still had another influence, which was the influence of the snake, which eventually got to them so that they worshipped the [UNINTELLIGIBLE], at which point that worship destroyed their connection. Sorry. That worship among -- I -- again, this -- I do not have this in my notes. This is new. That worship must have overtaken the resurrected Abel and -- who became Leviathan again.

     So it is not enough to resurrect Abel. OK. Satan -- the human spirit has to be purged of her filth because the Scripture talks about the filthiness of the flesh and the spirit. I remember I spent five or seven years in -- I lose track -- five or seven years in deliverance ministry. I will never forget there was one particular pastor telling me, "You cannot -- the spirit cannot be dirty." I do not know. My Bible says "the filthiness of the flesh and the spirit," and that filthiness is in the union with the snake, which -- in and of itself, the snake was good. The fifth day of creation was good. But the disti- -- but the marriage of the two, the mixed marriage of the two distinct days of creation, bringing forth a hybrid, is not good and called filthy, at least in the King James translation. Why is it filthy? It corrupts God's original plan.

     So the Satan has to be purified from her filth. And when the S- -- when Satan is purified, she becomes the human spirit, which is the Shekinah, on the inside of the person. So that did not happen with national Israel. Just Abel was raised from the dead, and eventually, the voice of the snake overtook them. Either they thought that they could get away with it, or they were seduced or whatever. And as soon as they started worshipping the [UNINTELLIGIBLE], which is the -- that is what it is called in the Scripture. They worship the [UNINTELLIGIBLE], whatever that means.

     We see that there is a sleeping Abel. How many, 600,000? I do not know. Some say 600,000. God never told me that. Whatever, however many, when are they going to wake up? I am preaching this message with varying degrees of strength for 30 years, and I only have here the few people, and I thank God for every one of you that the Lord sent to me. Otherwise, I would be here all by myself. So he raised up -- he awoke Abel in a number of people, in his own choice, and brought you here to be members of his ministry. But this preaching is supposed to be waking up the other sleeping Abels all over the world. Why is it not waking them up? Because the second Adam in me is not strong enough. It will take the birth of the Son of man to wake them up. So the Son of man is about to be born in me, the Lord said, very, very, very soon, whatever that means.

     So Israel is about to stand up again. They are not going to look like national Israel. They will not be national Israel. They will be from many nations. They will be a spiritual nation connected by the spiritual blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will recognize each other by the Spirit. Paul said, "I no longer know any man by the flesh. I only know who you are by the Spirit that is manifesting itself through you." But what about the rest of humanity, brethren? The rest of humanity will have their turn.

     Now if you are a human being and you are listening to me, and you say, well, I only have another few years to live, you need to understand that I am not talking about the clay formation of you. The clay formation of you will pass out of this world after you live a normal life. But the subconscious part of your mind, which is Leviathan, the dirty Abel, who has been sullied, and Satan, which is your human spirit, which has been sullied, OK, will at some future point incarnate again and have an opportunity, through connection with someone who has already been rescued, to be rescued. And the formation is -- that they are existing in at that time will be the formation of the soul that will have that experience. I hope that you understand what I just said.

     Eventually, every aspect of Leviathan, who is the fallen Adam, so to speak, will be restored and give birth to the Son of man, like he was supposed to, and be preserved and experience eternal life in a completely different realm of consciousness. This whole world as we know it will disappear because this is the world of Cain, including the universe and the planets out there. So whatever your belief is about aliens and people living on other planets, it does not really matter. They will only exist as long as this world exists. And, brethren, it can take a long time. I have no idea how long this is going to take. It could all be accomplished in the next 1,000 years, in the seventh millennium. I have enough trouble keeping up with what God is teaching me in this millennium.

     The Lord has no respect for persons. He has every intention of saving every drop, every iota, of his breath and every drop and iota of the soul that he made. And the clay that encompasses it, he will just continue to reform until it comes into its final stage. And that is the reality of it.

     So I think that I got most of it, although I would like to go over the statements with you from my notes because I am sure I forgot something. And then on the second set of notes, it went into Shem, Ham and Japheth and who they represented. And Noah -- and I have a deeper understanding of Noah now, actually. This is just amazing how I got into this whole study.

     But anyway, I think that we should take a break. And then when we come back, I will pick up the notes for part A, and we will go through it to see if there is anything that I left out or to reiterate what I just told you off the top of my head.

     OK, brethren. I am looking at the notes. I know I really confused poor Susan this morning. I confuse her every day. So the notes that are not fully reviewed are part B. OK. I only got through page 2. OK. The notes that are fully reviewed are part A. So I did it to her again this morning. I knew it when I was telling her.

     What happened once again is that, when the Lord drops revelation on me, it comes out very botchy and, lots of times, you know, certainly not as refined as it is at the end. I have to go over it two and three times. And the Lord gives it to me; it gets clearer and clearer what he is saying. So the first thing I dr- -- what you have there in notes B, OK, that was the beginning of what he dropped on me. And then I meditate on it all day, and then he gave it to me again. I wrote up a second article, which is A. So this -- that which is second is first. OK.

     And then I went back to the notes from the morning, or from yesterday actually, because he is always correcting my understanding to correct them. So your notes B, which are B, second, actually are the notes that came forth first in an imperfect state. And when I went back to go over them to correct my current understanding, I did not have time to go through all of the pages. I only got through page 2. So that means you might find something in these notes that contradict what you heard me say. I do not know whether there will be a part 2 to this or not. We definitely have enough time to go through notes A. Whether or not we will go through B or not, we will see. It is not likely that we are going to have a part 2 to this message.

     So I should have given you all of this. Everything here, I should have given you. But I may have missed something, or it will just be a review; you will just be hearing it a second time. Believe me; you need to hear it more than once. OK. And maybe the Lord will make some corrections to my understanding as we go through these statements that I just put down.

     Adam was the latest layer or the most recent layer of the creation. He was made on the sixth day. He was the only aspect of the creation that Jehovah spoke to directly, and the instruction was, "Do not interact with the other elements of the creation." The snake was an early element of the creation that wanted -- or an earlier state; let us say earlier, not early, because the fifth day is not early -- an earlier element of the creation that wanted to take authority over Adam and was indeed smarter than Adam. Adam's wisdom was of the Lord.

     And what is not written here is what the Lord told me while I was preaching to you, which I think is so interesting: that the serpent's wisdom is an instinctual form of wisdom. I do not know what that means, but it is different than the wisdom that comes from God. Well, what is instinct? What does instinct mean? Because, when that came forth by revelation, as I was preaching to you earlier, that was the example that the Lord gave me. The animals survive by instinct. They do not think. They do not reason. They just know, instinctively, what they need to do to eat, to s- -- they need -- they understand they have to eat to survive. They nurse their young, et cetera, et cetera. They do it instinctively, not because they think it is the right thing to do. See? So the creation, the fifth day of creation, the reptilians and the avians and the intelligent insects, their wisdom is an instinctual type of wisdom. It is -- so let us say it is not a wisdom that arises out of righteousness.

     God's wisdom arises out of righteousness. What is righteousness? A degree of morality that does no harm. Righteousness is a morality that causes no harm to another person. Now that may be a conflict to some of you that do not understand that punishment, given even to your own children from the right motive, does not do harm. They may be screaming their heads off, saying, you hit me. You know, but if your motive was to save their lives, and if your motive was to raise them up to be godly people that will prosper and be safe in this world, the hurt that they are experiencing does not count as hurt in God's eyes. Everything has a motive, see?

     So God's wisdom is a wisdom that rises out of a morality that does no harm to anyone. The reptilian wisdom rises out of their instinct to survive. The Lord just added that. OK. See, the morality of God does not -- is not a morality that reveres survival. Jesus submitted himself to the crucifixion, even the crucifixion of the cross or the d- -- to the death -- even the death of the cross. So the wisdom of the fifth day of creation is -- arises out of the instinct to survive, which means they will cut your throat or do anything to you, harmful or otherwise, to survive.

     The breath that Jehovah breathed into Adam was the Shekinah. I told you that. The tree in the midst of the garden are the intelligent beings of the fifth day of creation. I told you that. Humanity are the product of the union of the early intelligence. Humanity are the product or the offspring -- I should really say offspring -- of the union of the early intelligence, which is the fifth day of creation, which became the unconscious part of the mind, and Adam, who became the subconscious part of the mind of Cain. So technically, the so-called aliens are our ancestors and did create us, albeit illegally.

     The intelligences in the unconscious part of the mind -- that is, the depths of the creation -- oh, that is interesting, the depths of the creation. You know, there are Scriptures that say everyone will praise the Lord, including those in the depths of the creation. Or I am going to have to look that up. There is something about the depths of the creation, and I never knew what it meant. But now, what came out by the Spirit is that the depths of the creation is talking about the earlier days of creation, which includes the other intelligences, earlier days of creation. Well, I had a revelation today.

     So the intelligences in the unconscious part of the mind, which is the depths of the creation or the earlier days of the creation, are actually the projection of Elohim, who created them. And I have told you that, if you recall, the creation is -- was made out of the substance of Elohim. And therefore, even though they do not look anything -- the creation does not look anything like him, OK, they are a reflection of Elohim, Elohim being the union of the Shekinah and Adam, the soul that God made. But of course, there was an accident, and we do not look like Adam or the Shekinah or Jehovah. We look like the snake. That is what we look like in our soul, in our mind, in our emotions and in our motives. We are formed like the snake.

     So I will read from the beginning. The intelligences in the unconscious part of the mind, which is the depths of the creation, are actually the projection of Elohim, who created them. So it is not wrong to say a drop of Elohim, but it is more accurate to say that the intelligences in the midst of the garden, the field of creation, spoke to Adam independently of Elohim, their creator. The drop of my latest teachings, that phrase that I used in my latest teachings, the drop, are the intelligences or -- not of -- or the angels of the fifth day of creation: the intelligent reptilians, the intelligent birds and the intelligent insects. You can say they are a drop of Elohim because they are the reflection of Elohim.

     Cain and Abel are not twins. That is a really important revelation. I am just so excited to receive this revelation and to understand why Cain killed Abel. Cain and Abel are not twins. Cain was conceived and then born. Abel was not conceived; he passed -- he was born into this world. He was a preexisting consciousness or a preexisting intelligence that was born into this world.

     And here is the Scripture for you, Genesis 4:1-2: "And Adam knew Eve, his wife. And she conceived and bare Cain and said, 'I have gotten a man from the Lord.' And she bare again his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of the sheep, and Cain was a tiller of the ground." So Abel was a protector, a guarder, of the crea- -- who guarded the creation, which is us. But Cain worked the ground. He wanted to bring forth the consciousness of the earth, which we -- which came forth in my exhortation. The consciousness of the earth is actually Leviathan. So Cain worked to bring forth Leviathan, and Abel worked to protect the creatures that were brought into existence, which is us.

     Abel was born without being conceived. This means he existed before he was born into the element of the creation identified by the birth of Cain. This -- whatever the -- I do not know if I could say that, if I could say he was born into this world, because I do not know if this world is still considered the sa- -- it is not the same world that Cain was born into. That was the world on the other side of the flood.

     So Abel is the consciousness of Adam, occupying him. Abel was born without being conceived. This means he existed before he was born into the element of the creation identified by the birth of Cain, which is the other side of the flood. Abel is the consciousness of Adam, occupying his own son as his subconscious mind. Abel is the subconscious mind of the Cain element of creation. Cain is the nefesh, the conscious mind. So we now know that the nefesh is born. The soul was created and formed. The human spirit was breathed into the man. But the nefesh, which is the personal soul, is born. And if we are born, that means we have a mother and a father. And this present nefesh -- his name is Cain, and the snake is his father, and Leviathan is his mother.

     Cain, the offspring of an angel that became his conscious and unconscious mind, and Adam, who was attached to the Shekinah, who became Cain's subconscious mind, killed his subconscious mind, that is, his mother. Adam attached to the Shekinah, that is, his mother. He chose to disregard his mother's training and thus purged himself of her influence, i.e., he murdered her. And she is buried under the earth of humanity -- under the earth of Leviathan, actually; let us change that to the earth of Leviathan -- as the human spirit, to this very day. [INAUDIBLE] Satan. As the human spirit, who became Satan, to this very day.

     So we now know that Cain and Abel -- we know what they were arguing about. Abel, the voice of the Shekinah, was instructing Cain in God's morality, which came -- oh, which Cain -- my voice software spelled that wrong -- which Cain rejected in favor of the counsel of the angel in the unconscious part of this mind. And now we can say that Cain rejected the wisdom of the Shekinah, OK, in favor of the instinctual drive to survive, which was imparted to him by the angel called reptilian -- the reptilian angel in the unconscious part of his mind.

     You know, it is interesting, brethren, what is going on politically right now. This wickedness that is manifesting through the Democrats -- it is the instinctual drive to survive because they are about to be destroyed. They are about to be destroyed as possessors of legitimate power in America, and their Luciferian god, for lack of a better word, is about to be destroyed by the Son of man, whose name is Jesus.

     Abel separated from She- -- from the Shekinah, continued to be the subconscious part of his mind as Leviathan. So the Shekinah trapped in -- so the Shekinah -- that should be capital there -- trapped in the dimension of the creation called Cain, became the harlot of revelation. And Abel, who she is still attached to, who was actually Leviathan, became the beast called Leviathan. So we know now who the beast is, see? The beast is Abel, who became Leviathan, and then this whole culture is being reformed into Leviathan: pride that reaches in extreme, which becomes totally destructive. Some pride is healthy. Pride, to an extreme, that becomes destructive for all.  These two are the object of salvation, the Shekinah and Abel, the mother and her son, who are cut off from Jehovah, the father, and became Satan and Leviathan.

     See, brethren, when you hear a message like this, you can understand why the Lord -- he is not destroying the beast. The beast is Adam. The one who is being destroyed is Cain, see? So Cain is not thrown into the Lake of Fire. OK. The beast is thrown into the Lake of Fire to purify him. And that is Adam -- that is Abel, in his fallen s- -- in Adam's fallen state. The false prophet, which is Satan, OK, is falling -- is being thrown into the Lake of Fire to purify her. The Lake of Fire is purification. Cain is to be executed. The Lake of Fire and all of the judgments of the Book of Revelation are not directed towards the general world. They are connected towards Leviathan, who is Abel, who is Adam in a fallen state, and Satan, who is the human spirit in a fallen state. All of these judgments are purification. They are all purification. Cain will die. He will be destroyed when the Son of man is birthed. The two cannot exist. The two cannot coexist.

     The angels that impregnated Adam exist as the unconscious part of the mind for the newborn nefesh of the Cain layer of creation. "The angel(s) that impregnated Adam" -- and I put S, the S, in parentheses because I do not know whether it was one angel or multiple angels. I do not really have any revelation on that. I know that Adam was a many-membered entity, so that is -- this is very interesting. Let us say Adam was in 100 aspects. Does that mean that 100 reptilians rose up and seduced 100 aspects of Adam? Or does it means that, in some high place, Adam was a singularity, and the reptilians were a singularity? You know. Or does it mean, in a place where Adam was in multiple aspects and the angel and the reptilians were in multiple aspects, one random angel seduced one aspect of Adam, and, because one aspect of Adam was seduced, it spread through the whole soul like a plague? I do not know which of those is true. Brethren, you need to learn to be content with unanswered questions. You need to learn to be content with unanswered questions.

     The angels that impregnated Adam exist as the unconscious part of the mind for the newborn nefesh of the Cain layer of creation. The angels -- I do not know how many angels -- that impregnated Adam -- I do not know how many Adams -- exist as the unconscious part of the mind of the newborn nefesh of the Cain layer of creation, which is our husband. That is what is inside of us. That is our other side. Either it is the palm of the hand or the back of the hand.

     The nefesh is born of a spiritual source, either the Shekinah or an angel, and Adam, which is soul. The nefesh is the offspring of the union of spirit and soul. And the nefesh is the personal soul that we each have, a personal soul that does not go on. It does not go on unless it is preserved. And I used to say this soul or the soul of Cain needed to be adopted or preserved. No, this soul has to die, OK, but the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind that produced it will produce a legitimate heir. And that legitimate heir will take the same name as your Cain consciousness. I hope you understand that. OK.

     My personal soul right now is Cain. That soul has to die. He is illegitimate, and he is a perversion because his father is a reptilian. So he has to die. But before he dies, OK, the soul that produced him is being resurrected, OK, and made righteous again. He is going to be converted back into the Lord from heaven, righteous Adam that lives by the laws of God, and he will produce a son that will have the same name as the Cain name, Sheila. My Cain name is Sheila. My name as the Son of God, as a Son of God, will be Sheila. And when the process is fully fulfilled, so that the Son of God will survive, there will be two of me. OK. The son or the offspring known as Cain will die, at some point, will die. And I do not have the details of that. We are having enough trouble understanding what is happening now. OK. Maybe you are not, but I am. But this is really exciting revelation today.

     So the clay, which a part of the nefesh aspect of soul, is formed into an outer shell, a vessel that contains the consciousnesses, plural, of the angel -- that is the spirit, which is the unc- -- I am sorry -- the unconscious part of the mind -- and Adam, the soul, which is the subconscious part of the mind that is inside of both the nefesh, their offspring, and the clay vessel that the nefesh dwells in.

     If you think about it, the parents of a human child form him by both their unspoken desires for his future, which writes the programming of his unconscious mind, and the instructions that they give him over the years, which become the subconscious programming of the child. The consciousness of the adult that the child becomes is born from the hope of the parents -- that is the unconscious -- and the instruction -- that is the subconscious. The consciousness is the newborn nefesh of a new individual, which is actually the product of the parents. Now I think I went over that pretty well earlier.

     The human race is Cain. Brethren, we are Cain. We are reptilian. And that reptile is in our mind, in the unconscious part of our mind, in our motives and in the pride by which we survive in this world. And it sometimes gets out of control and causes us to sin and acquire this -- and we sin when we acquire the solutions of our father, who is Satan. Our pride causes us pain. Our pride makes us ill equipped to deal with certain situations in life. Our pride causes us pain, and then we deal with the pain by acquiring or accepting the solutions of our father, who is Satan, the reptilian that overshadowed and is dominating the human spirit to this day.

     The human race is Cain, the offspring of the union of the fifth day of creation -- that is the angel -- and Adam is the sixth day of creation, when the soul was created. Abel is the harlot of revelation, who fornicates with the nefeshah; that is the plural of nefesh. And the Scripture says she fornicates with the kings of the earth. Well, who are the kings of the earth? The kings of the earth are the nefeshah: Cain in you, Cain in me, Cain in all of us. She fornicates with Cain. And she fornicates -- it is incestuous. Cain is her offspring, so she fornicates with her own offspring. And by the way, that is what the demons are. They are the product of Cain's fornication with his mother. They are products of incest.

     What does that mean? At some point, brethren, I gave you a whole exhortation on spiritual intercourse, that it is an exchange of thoughts. When our conscious mind agrees with ungodly motives and ungodly solutions -- let us say, ungodly solutions or ungodly motives that would lead to ungodly behaviors -- it produces fruit in us. As I explained to you, every interaction produces fruit. If we open our -- what is the word? Security belt? Virginity belt?

     Chastity belt.

     Chastity belt. If we open our chastity belt of our -- that is on our mind and let it in, every interaction produces fruit, some kind of fruit. You know, if we do not receive information from the other person that can be transmitted to us, but we give information to the other person, OK, and that other person experiences growth, that growth exists in both places because, wherever we have that interaction, our soul is expanded. Our soul actually exists in the mind and heart of everyone that knows us and has had a relationship with us, has been affected by us in any way. We exist in that person's mind. And so our soul is expanded to many, many people.

     When I used to be in Old Order Deliverance, and someone came for help because they had an ungodly drive in them that actually was a demon, we would call back their soul from -- we would call back all the pieces of their scattered soul. So if -- you need to know this, brethren. If you are having any kind of a problem, if you cannot forgive somebody, if you had an interaction with someone, if somebody hurt you, they are in your soul. They are in your soul, and your soul is your mind. You know, but you can break that ungodly soul tie. If you are willing to forgive them, you know, you can break that ungodly soul tie and break their evil influence over you or the evil influence of that memory, of that bad experience, over you, which is what is so wrong with having a bad memory, because it influences you to have bad thoughts toward that person, which are a sin. You know, and then sometimes those thoughts actually become behavior or words, hurtful words, and then you just damage yourself.

     So Abel is the harlot of revelation, who fornicates with the kings. That is the personali- -- the personal souls. That is our personalities. She fornicates with us, the kings of humanity, and the angels that sinned -- now listen to this. She fornicates with the -- with her offspring, which is us, and the angels that sinned by impregnating Adam, which angels are trapped in the hell of their own making, which is the physical body. So we are told that Jesus went to visit the angels that are in hell that sinned. The angels that sinned -- what was their sin? They impregnated the soul, illegally, called Adam. They impregnated the soul, called Adam, illegally. And the result of that sin was that Cain was born, and this world came into existence, and that very angel that impregnated that soul illegally is trapped in this -- as the unconscious part of the mind of this physical body.

     So when Jesus came to visit the angels in hell, he came to visit the unconscious part of the mind of humanity. Jesus came to speak to the unconscious part of the mind of humanity, the angels that are there, and he came to speak the subconscious mind of humanity, and he came to speak to Cain. But there is no salvation for Cain. The objects of salvation are the human spirit that became -- that committed adultery with the angel and became Satan, and Abel, who produced the illegitimate child of the snake, and became Leviathan. Those are the objects of salvation: your unconscious and the subconscious part of your mind. This body and this fallen personality are not objects of salvation.

     So if you want to survive this life, you need to repent of your sins, OK, get your soul cleaned up and resurrected or awakened, depending on whether you are Israel or not, and hopefully produce the Son of man because your identity as the Son of Adam, the Son of man, which is the Son of Adam, will survive this life. This Cain identity will not survive this life. I am sorry, brethren, if you think your mothers, your brothers, your husbands, your sisters and your dogs and cats are in heaven. You have received a lie. It is not true. Cain is a murderer. He is guilty of matricide, and he must die. He dies with the body. He may survive a few months after the body, but he eventually dies.

     So Abel is the harlot of revelation, who fornicates with the kings of humanity, which are the personalities of Cain, and the angels that sinned by impregnating Adam, which angels are trapped in the hell of their own making, which is the physical body, this solid, physical body -- we are not supposed to be in a solid, physical body, OK -- and are the inadequate parents. These angels are the inadequate parents, who accuse -- I should say the inadequate fathers -- who accuse, condemn and punish Cain, their offspring, to the point of death of their own offspring.

     Cain is a perverse birth that must die. He is not being adopted. OK. He is not being adopted. He adoption is of the Son of man. The adoption is of the offspring of the resurrected Abel, who did not -- who is not being born through the nor- -- brethren, do you want to know what the adoption is? The adoption is the resurrection of Abel, so that he can give birth to the true Son of man. That is what the adoption is. The adoption is of Abel, which is no longer Adam. Abel is the Son of God. He became Abel. He became another entity. He became Abel, who became Leviathan. The adoption actually is of Leviathan, if you can hear that, but that he cannot continue to be Leviathan.

     So more realistically, the adoption is of Abel, which is the residue of Adam after he died. The adoption is of Abel. And he is adopted, or he is saved, through his son. Abel, the soul, when he is impregnated by the Shekinah who carries Jehovah's seed and gives birth to the Son of man, Abel is saved. And he is adopted because the end result of everything that happened to Abel, that he gave -- that he gives birth to the Son of man, is the same result that God intended at the beginning: that Adam, before the fall, should give birth to the Son of man. So everything that happened in between does not matter. God forgets it. He has forgotten all about it.

     Sometimes when there is a problem -- maybe it an office problem, or maybe it is a spiritual problem. Sometimes I sort of cut you off when you are trying to talk. And I say, look, none of that matters. None of that matters. Just fix it. Can you fix it? Just fix it. Do not make a big deal out of that. Just fix it. Just accomplish the original goal. You made a mistake? Do not feel bad that you made a mistake. Just do the right thing. It is good that you are apologizing for making the mistake. That is good. Thank you for it, and you should do that. But do not beat yourself up. Just go forward and accomplish the goal.

     So all of this is going to be forgotten by God. Like the Scripture says, he will never even remember it. But he wants his Son. You have to give him his Son. And his Son is the offspring of the Shekinah and the resurrected Abel. So as long as he gets his Son, that is the adoption. There is no difference between the Son that would have been born from Adam, if there was no accident, or the Son that was born of Abel, who was the residue of Adam after the fall. That is the adoption. For years, I thought Cain was being adopted. Cain is not being adopted. Cain is the murderer, guilty of matricide. He must die.

     So Cain is a perverse birth. He must die. He is not being adopted. Jehovah did not add anything to Abraham. Now this issue with Abraham's seed -- OK, I have sought, over the years, to understand Abraham's seed. And I have given you teachings about Jehovah giving a new seed. I have preached to you that Adam, in his initial form, gave birth to Cain, and that seed is no good anymore. It -- that seed has brought forth, and that is the end of it. So Jehovah gave a new seed to Israel.

     And I have -- I stand corrected on that doctrine. OK. Jehovah did not give a new seed. He just ro- -- raised from the dead that which functioned in an inappropriate manner. He restored it to its original -- he restored it to the factory defaults. He restored Abel to the factory defaults. He made an Abel to produce again, even though that is impossible. He did an impossibility. He did the impossible.

     So Jehovah did not add anything to Israel. He did not add anything to Abraham. What he did to Abraham -- what Jehovah did for Abraham was that he raised Abel from the dead in Abraham. And in order to do that, Abraham had to repent. He had to be cleansed to the point that he ceased from being Leviathan and became the resurrected Abel.

     Abel's death was the death of the consciousness of righteous Adam within the illegally born Cain element of creation. He raised Abel from the dead. OK. Abel's death was the death of the consciousness of righteous Adam within the illegally born Cain element of creation. Jehovah resurrected Abel, which is Adam within humanity or the fallen Adam, and joined the Shekinah, Jehovah's female dimension, to him through a covenant. Jehovah joined the Shekinah to the resurrected Abel in Abraham. I do not re- -- I do not have any reason to believe, at this point, that the human spirit of Abraham was rescued by being separated from the reptilian. That happened both in Elijah, Abraham's descendant, and then it happened also in Jesus, who also gave birth to the Son of man.

     Abraham's seed -- which is, we are told -- Paul tells us Abraham's seed is Christ -- is the resurrected Abel, the consciousness of righteous Adam, joined to the Shekinah, his mother, or rejoined to the Shekinah, his mother, which is the return to the immortality of innocence. We are told that Abraham is still alive. That means he must be joined to the Shekinah. Not Abraham, the man, not the physical man, and not Abraham, the Cain personality of Abraham, but the resurrected Abel joined to the Shekinah, is alive. That is what the Scripture says.

     Abraham's genetic descendants are born with a potential to have Abel resurrected and restored to God consciousness. But all were not reattached to the Shekinah. I do not think any of them were reattached to the Shekinah. That is what came out when I was preaching it, so I am going to cross out "all" and put "They were not reattached to the Shekinah." Well, that is not what came out. I will have to correct that. Abraham's genetic descendants are born with a potential to have Abel resurrected and restored to God consciousness. But all -- no, that "all" should be there. "But all were not reattached to the Shekinah." What I am saying is that, in some instances, Abel is resurrected and reattached to the Shekinah, while the human spirit remains attached to the angel and is Satan.

     And that is what happened to Abraham's genetic descendants -- are born with a potential to have Abel resurrected and restored to God consciousness. But all of his descendants were not reattached to the Shekinah. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David and Elisha had this experience, as far as I know, of Abel being awakened -- it should say "resurrected" -- of Abel being resurrected and reconnected to the Shekinah, and that resurrected Abel, reconnected to the Shekinah.

     The awakened Abel within Elisha and Jesus were connecting to Elijah. Both Elisha and Jesus were reconnected to the Shekinah through a mediator, and that is Elijah. Elijah actually revealed himself through Elisha, just as Jesus is revealing himself through us. Hopefully, he is revealing himself through you or through me. They had a mediator. So actually, Elijah is the mediator. That is interesting.

     The Shekinah within Jesus impregnated Abel. The Shekinah within Jesus impregnated Abel, who gave birth to a righteous nefesh named Jesus, same name as the Cain personality. Cain, the illegitimate offspring of Adam, was born again. No, Cain was not born again. I will just say that -- I will say, not Cain, the offspring of Adam, no name -- the offspring of Adam was born again. The offspring of Adam, which originally was born as Cain -- it is not Cain that is born again, but the offspring of Adam was born again as a righteous nefesh within Jesus.

     Adam actually is an egg. And we found out that many, if not all, of the fairy tales and nursery rhymes are based on deep spiritual truth, which actually fascinates me, how this actually came to pass. But Humpty Dumpty, who sat on a wall, and Humpty Dumpty, who had a great fall, you know, actually is the history of Adam. And all of the king's horses, the king being Malchut and the horses being the vessels that she dwelled in, and all of the king's men being the nefeshah, OK, could not put him back together again. He had a great fall, and this physical, visible creation that came into existence -- all of the king's horses, OK, the outer man, and all of the king's men, the inner man called Cain, could not put him back together again. They put together a Frankenstein, where people suffer and are tortured and die, some more than others.

     Abel was resurrect- -- did I do that? Adam is an egg that can produce only one chick. His reproductive force was used up, so to speak, with the birth of Cain. So Cain, who we are -- no. Cain -- no. I said this wrong. His reproductive force was used up, so to speak, with the birth of Cain -- so not Cain, but Adam's offspring, who we are. Let us say Adam's offspring, who we are, must be born again, with a different father, as a righteous nefesh. When the righteous nefesh appears, Cain must die. If Cain dies before the righteous nefesh appears, the personality which we are ceases to exist, or this personality which we are dies. And Adam will produce new personalities over the years, but for this personality, by which your name identifies you, to survive, you must produce -- Abel must be resurrected in you, or awakened in you if you are Israel, and must produce the Son of man so that your identity can transfer into the other Son, the righteous heir, the legitimate heir of Adam and the Shekinah.

     Abel was resurrected, rejoined to the Shekinah in the men of national Israel. But Cain was not born and can- -- but not Cain. But Adam's offspring was not born again as a righteous nefesh. So eventually, they sent -- not sent. That is my voice software. They sinned. Abel was resurrected and rejoined to the Shekinah in the men of national Israel, but Adam's offspring was not born again as a righteous nefesh. So eventually, they sinned. Abel did not die again but only went to sleep in national Israel because the connection to the Shekinah was severed. But Jehovah did not cancel the covenant, despite the unfaithfulness of Abraham's descendants. So the Shekinah, although the connection with Abel was severed, she never left this world. I do not know if that is -- I do not know if it is accurate to say it that way. She never stopped reaching for us in this world based upon the covenant that God made with Abraham.

     You know, I never, until recently, really realized the importance of government and the continuation of government. You see, in this country, we have a continuation of government. If, God forbid, something happens to the president, the vice president takes over. If something happens to the vice president, the speaker of the house takes over. If something happens to the speaker of the house, I do not know who is next in line. But we have continuation of government. Also, after four years and, if they are reelected, an eight-year term, we elect another king, because our president is our king. We have a continuation of government. And that next king is elected before the term of the existing president is up. We have continuation of government.

     I just got finished watching two very fascinating series on the history of Russia and, actually, Catherine the Great, two TV programs that was actually produced by Russia about Catherine. It was Catherine I and Catherine II. I watched them both. And it just -- what really struck me was the importance of the continuity of government. I know something about history. I know the wars that were fought over who would be put on the throne, and that there would be rebellions, and there were -- and a certain group of people would put their favorite on the throne.

     I have known about that, but I did not realize it, until I saw this series about Catherine the Great, how important it is that government continues, that -- this was why it was so important that the king had to have an heir. It had to be established. It had to be known, throughout the land, who would take over when the king died because, if it was not an established fact, and if there was not a legitimate succession -- OK. I did not understand that that succession was actually grounded in law. I guess that is what I am trying to say. I never understood that the succession of the king was grounded in law. It was the law of the land that the king had an heir; he would be the king when the king died. And anyone else trying to seize the throne was a usurper. If there was no heir, if there was no legitimate heir, the office of king, of running the government, was up for grabs. And different factions would start fighting with each other and killing each other.

     So it was absolutely essential that, number one, there was a law, OK, that said this is how government will continue, and that it was very important that that law was adhered to, or the people would actually uprise over it. If an illegitimate heir was put on the throne, on certain occasions, the people uprose. That -- it was that important to them that who they knew to be the heir of the throne was overthrown or put in jail or exiled. They would go to war over that.

     So that is something that I learned recently: how important it is that there is a law that underlies and controls the continuation of government because, if we do not have a government, we have chaos, brethren. And that is true in a country, in a nation state. That is true in a city or a -- this is a country made up of states. It is true of this -- of the federal government. It is true of the nation government. It is true of the local governments. If you do not have laws that guide the people that are implementing the laws, it results in chaos.

     And the same thing exists in your family. There has to be an underlying law that controls the family, to prevent the family from spiraling down into chaos. And that law is established by Jehovah in the commandments that he gave to Moses and the book that he gave to Moses, which is the law for the Judeo and the Christian families. And that law says that the physical male is the head of the woman and the head of the children. You start to violate that law and upend it, and you bring down chaos on the family. And if it spreads throughout the culture, you bring chaos into the culture. For whatever it is worth, I just told you the truth.

     The Lord Jesus Christ, the righteous nefesh that is attached to the Shekinah, returned to the earth after his resurrection in the form of tongues of fire that entered into the apostles on the day of Pentecost, thus reattaching the Abels who were resurrected in the apostles during Jesus' lifetime to the Shekinah. The disciples of Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, his disciples -- OK. Because of his spiritual maturity, his disciples had Abel resurrected in him. I believe Abel is resurrected in all of you, or you would not be sitting here. Why is he resurrected? Because Jesus did it, because you are called to do what you are doing right now. But Abel in them was not reconnected to the Shekinah. Jesus returned, in Spirit form, as -- described as tongues of fire. And maybe they were visible tongues of fire that came down on the apostles on the day of Pentecost. And that was the Shekinah, who is dressed in the garment of Jesus right now, who attached the resurrected Abel in his disciples to the Shekinah and giving them supernatural power.

     So what do we have today? Though many of us have Abel -- I do not know how many there are -- have Abel awakened in us, I personally think that, anybody that is in this ministry that is understanding this message right now, I believe that Abel in you must be -- must have existed in Israel. So that means he was sleeping in you. I do not believe anyone here has an Abel that was resurrected from the dead. It is too hard to raise him from the dead. You have to be people that -- whose souls were in Israel, and Abel was sleeping. Much easier to wake up a sleeping person than resurrecting the dead.

     But the Shekinah is not attached to him, unless he is attached to me. I really do not know. I have this incredible message. I am really not 100 percent sure of what my condition is. He may be attached to Abel in me. I am honestly not sure. He may be. What I am waiting for -- so let us say the Shekinah is attached to Abel in me. What I am waiting for is for that attachment -- let us say that attachment has impregnated me. I am waiting for the birth of the Son of man. So maybe the Shekinah is attached to me.

     I was praying about this yesterday. This message -- it started early in the morning. It was with me the whole day. I was asking the Lord about it. You know, how did I get to be in this condition? And who am I? And you all know my testimony. You know, God came to me as a voice out of the air, while I was driving my car, and said, "I am the Lord, your God, who has brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, and you shall serve me." And then it took me years to figure out. I often wonder why he just said that to me, and he did not ask me or -- you know, he just said that to me. Well, it was because, when my daughter was six years old, he made a covenant with me. You know, I cried out to him and said, I cannot control my 6-year-old daughter. Believe it or not, I could not control her. She was making a scene, and I simply could not control her. And he made a covenant with me that he would help her if I would serve him.

     But then I had to ask myself, well, I think a lot of people cry out to God and say, I cannot control my kids, or I cannot control this habit. Or -- why me? Maybe I am a -- maybe he was a gilgul in me. You know, maybe there was a soul that w- -- incarnated in me from birth. I do not really know for sure, but I know that I am different than everybody else. I know that. So maybe he -- the Shekinah is attached to me, and maybe I am pregnant, because this message is definitely getting deeper and deeper. And the event that the Lord has prophesied to me yesterday is the birth of the righteous nefesh, which will make me the Son of Man. So we are going to find out, right? Whatever the Lord is -- I am all yours, Lord. I am not my own, brethren. I am definitely not my own.

     Abel was resurrected and reattached to the Shekinah in many during the lifetimes of the apostles. They were attached -- what I am saying here is that many of the people -- the apostles went about starting fellowships everywhere. So many -- and they all visited the Israelites, except Paul of course -- that many of the people that followed after the apostles or had Abel resurrected in them or awakened in them, depending on whether -- many people had Abel awakened in them. I am getting tired, brethren. They either had Abel awakened in them or resurrected. This was not an easy message to preach. Please bear with me. They either had Abel resurrected in them or awakened in them.

     And they had the Shekinah attached to them through the apostles, who were mediator to them. The apostles was -- were the mediator, OK, through whom the Shekinah was attached to them, just like, whatever anointing I have, it is touching you because you are attach- -- it is -- you are attached to me. It goes through me to you. OK. And this is true of any teacher, any legitimate teacher in God.

     But when the apostles died, OK, there were no longer any mediators in the flesh that could attach human followers of Jesus to the Shekinah. But the anointing that was in the people, in the resurrected Abel in the people, that anointing that was on him, continued to spread laterally, meaning on the circle of the earth. And that is what the Holy Spirit is.

     I did not get it from -- well, I do not know about me. I do not know. Let us not talk about me. You did not get the Holy -- well, if you have the Holy Spirit. Everybody here does not have it. If you have the Holy Spirit, it did not come down from above. You got it because somebody laid hands on you. So the Holy Spirit is being transferred laterally on the circle of the earth. That means there is nobody in the earth at this time, that I know of, who has a resurrected Abel that is attached to the Shekinah except, possibly, me. That is what I am saying right here.

     So Abel was resurrected and reattached to the Shekinah in many during the lifetimes of the apostles. But these -- those connections were severed when the apostles died, in the same manner that Shem, Ham and Japheth were cut off from the Shekinah when Noah sinned and was removed from office. They were cut off from the mediator.

     Today it is possible to receive the Holy Spirit from another man. That is the Spirit that entered into the apostles but is no longer attached to the Shekinah. It is called the Holy Spirit of promise because it carries with it the promise that Abel will be resurrected and reattached to the Shekinah again. It does not do the work, but it is the promise; it is the beginning.

     The attribute of the resurrected Abel, which is the second Adam -- the resurrected Abel is the second Adam. The first Adam was revealed, during my exhortation, as actually Leviathan. The first Adam is Leviathan. The Adam that is in the earth is Leviathan. And the second Adam, we are told, is the Lord from heaven. So that is the resurrected, righteous Adam that is connected to the Shekinah.

     So the attribute of the resurrected Abel, which is the second Adam, is repentance. If you are looking for the resurrected Abel, if you are looking for the second Adam, this is what you look for: a person who is repentant and in submission to the Shekinah, his mother, who is appearing to us today as the Lord Jesus Christ, in submission to the righteousness of God.

     And, brethren, we have a whole church world filled with people that -- they may have a general repentance, but they are filled with rebellion and pride. They are totally the product of Leviathan. Brethren, they are totally the product of Leviathan, which means that Adam is not resurrected in them because Leviathan is Adam that was sullied by the snake. So to be manifesting pride, brethren -- and everybody has some pride. But to be a proud person or a prideful person is the sign that Adam -- there is no way Adam could be resurrected in you. You may have the Holy Spirit, and you may have the gifts of the Spirit, but there is no way Adam is resurrected in you. A prideful personality -- and the church is filled with pride, prideful personalities.

     What does that mean? Judgment is coming. Does that mean they are going to be bombed to smithereens? No, correction. Corrective judgment is coming, however God brings it. However God brings it, it will come in a form that will not destroy you but a form that will convict you of your sins and will result in your spiritual cleansing. So that means experiences that will probably be painful, depending on how much correction you need. It could be pain through a relationship; it could be pain through sickness, but something that is designed to return you -- ultimately return you to God and to righteousness, in preparation for future immortality.

     So Jesus said to Paul, "Do not push against the pricks." See? Do not resist the judgment in your life because it just gets worse, because it will not stop until God's purpose in it is accomplished. If you are miserable in your job, pray for victory over the issues in your job. If you pray for a new job, you are likely to get something worse. If there are issues in your marriage that are making you very unhappy, ask the Lord to improve your marriage. Ask him to make you a better person so that the other party to your marriage will not be able to resist what God is doing in your life. Well, you say, I know a lot of people that were married a second time, and they are really happy. Well, maybe they are. But it affects your children's lives, brethren. It really does.

     Take the victory where you are. If the victory is impossible, although God is the God of the impossible, then he will remove you. You must trust him. You must trust him to show you the most -- the path that he would have you to take in the crisis. You must trust him and ask him. You pray to ask him to show you where the victory is. Where is the victory in the crisis? Running away is never the victory. It is never the victory.

     Sometimes a separation is necessary for a season. But running away is never the victory. And if the other party is not saved, you know, it may be a permanent separation. But God has to do it. Do not pray for it. Ask him for the victory right where you are. Marriage is for life, brethren. It is for life. That is what the Scripture says. Do not go running around looking for another -- a better partner, brethren. There is a -- someone will pay the price. Either you or your children will pay the price.

     So the second Adam is the purified Leviathan. That is Leviathan, repentant and in submission to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is merging with Abel, wherever he is awake, through agreement of mind, which agreement is based upon an understanding of the word of God, which can only come from the Shekinah, the mother of Adam. The Lord Jesus Christ is merging through agreement of doctrine with the resurrected Abel in you. And the ultimate result of that merging is the passing -- the full passing of the Shekinah into a spiritual universe, which impregnates the resurrected Abel in you and the birth of the Son of man. It is only through doctrine. It is not through the music. That is a lie. It is through the doctrine.

     So the true understanding of the word of God indicates a relationship with the Shekinah or with someone who has a relationship with the Shekinah. I have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is merging with the awakened Christ within me. At some point very soon, the Shekinah, through the Lord Jesus Christ, will join directly with the awakened Christ, with the awakened Abel within me.

     This connection will be a conception, which will ultimately birth a righteous nefesh. The righteous nefesh is called the Son of man or the Son of Adam, the true heir to the vessel -- that is this body -- and the world, which is its environment. The righteous nefesh, the Son of God -- I am sorry -- the Son of man is the heir to all of the vessels and the whole world and universe that these vessels live in and are a part of. Adam is the Son of God, the righteous nefesh of the Son. Is -- Adam is the Son of God, the right- -- and -- that should be "and." Adam is the Son of God, and his offspring is the Son of man or the Son of Adam.

     So the resurrected Adam, the second Adam, is the Son of God. And the righteous nefesh, born of the second Adam, is the Son of man. Jesus said, "I am the Son of man, and I am the Son of God." Abel, who is sleeping because he was originally resurrected in national Israel and then just went to sleep, will respond to the call of the righteous nefesh first. Abel in the rest of humanity, which is in the form of Leviathan, will have to be actually resurrected by an experience with the Shekinah, which is the judgment of Leviathan. The judgment of Leviathan is the actual resurrection or the process which will result in the resurrection of righteous Abel.

     So do not push against the pricks. Dig in. If you are having a tough experience, ask the Lord to show you the victory right there where you are. The righteous nefesh, wherever he is appearing, is an Israelite. So eventually, the whole human race will be Israel.

     Well, brethren, I do not think -- I guess we are going to end a little early today, unless the Lord gives me something else. I really do not think I want to start this second set of notes. I do intend to finish reviewing them. And I will ask Susan to email them to you. I do not really feel up to doing this right now, unless the Lord wants me to.

     Well, let us take a look. The Lord, at this point, started relating this to Shem, Ham and Japheth. As a matter of fact, when this revelation first started coming down, remember, this -- what is part B was what I first heard from the Lord. And I was so all over the place yesterday. I was telling the Lord, I do not know how this is going to be a message. I do not know what you want me to preach. And then I woke up this morning and started writing up the second set of notes, which is what I have just preached to you from.

     When it started yesterday, of course, Japheth was on my mind because I was doing the message, "Gog, the Land of Magog." And it reminded me of my book, the second edition of "The Noah Chronicles." I have never finished that book because I know that I do not have the revelation. The book, it is really -- the second edition is an excellent book. But towards the end of the book, I just knew it was still a mystery to me how Japheth would be in the tents of Shem. I did not understand how that would materialize as human beings. And I knew that, also, when I was talking about the incarnation and the fall of Nimrod, that I did not have it right.

     But when this revelation started coming down on me yesterday, I actually opened that book and took a look at the -- went to the -- it is the end of the book; it is, like, the last quarter of the book -- and started to take a look at it. And I saw that this revelation that was coming down may very well be all that I need to finish up that book, which is really just a few pages. You know, but I have to understand what I am writing about.

     So it went from that. And I s- -- the notes that I had started writing had to do with Shem, Ham and Japheth because that is where my mind was at the beginning of this visitation from the Lord. And this is what I was receiving: that Shem, the -- brethren, Shem, Ham and Japheth were not human like we are human. They were not Homo sapiens. OK. They were not Homo sapiens. I do not know whether I put it down here or not, but I got some very interesting thoughts about that. I do not know if I could bring it forth without notes, but let me see what I wrote down here.

     So when the Scripture says that Shem will exist inside of -- that Japheth will exist inside of the tents of Shem, this is what I was receiving: that Shem is the human spirit that is attached to the soul that is attached to the -- to this flesh. The human spirit is attached to this flesh. So when the Scripture says Japheth will be -- will exist inside of the tents of Shem, he was saying that Shem will become the human spirit, which became Satan, which is a part of this whole existence, and that Japheth would be the spiritual plant, the root of Adam -- because Abel is a spiritual plant, brethren -- the root of Adam, the living soul that died when he was cut off from the Shekinah. But he can be regenerated into the whole Adam.

     And Ham is Christ Jesus, the mediator between Japheth, who is the Christ in his resurrected state, and Noah, who is the glorified Jesus Christ. Noah was in the same position that, actually, Christ Jesus is in now. That is what I am saying. So these three men, they were not hu- -- they were not Homo sapiens. They were types. They were types of the various elements of the creation that are interacting with each other, and that is the state that they were in at that time.

     So Jehovah did not give a new seed plant to national Israel. He did not give them a new Abel. He did not give them a new Abel. He resurrected Abel that died to his righteousness and became Leviathan. He raised the dead Christ, which is Japheth, according to this other scenario. He raised the dead Christ from the dead.

     And then I asked a question: What is the difference between Christ, who is Abel, the sole root of righteous Adam that remained after he was severed from the Shekinah, and the Christ that was raised in Israel but went back to sleep? What is the difference between Christ, who is Abel, the sole root of righteous Adam that remained after he was severed from the Shekinah, and Christ that was raised in Israel but went back to sleep?

     Well, now I think we know the answer. What is the difference between Abel, the sole root of righteous Adam that remained after he was deliv- -- severed from the She- -- he became Leviathan. He became Leviathan, and he is completely dead in sin. And the Christ that was raised in Israel but went back to sleep is the difference, basically, between someone being sleeping -- that it is easier to wake them up than it is to resurrect someone from the dead.

     Jehovah made a covenant with a portion of Adam's limbs. Now when Adam died, he broke apart. The Kabbalists say he -- his limbs fell off of him. So he broke into many parts. Jehovah made a covenant with a portion of Adam's limbs called -- we will call them Abels. Then he formed into a nation called Israel for the purpose of raising up Messiah, who would be the source of salvation for the remainder of Adam's limbs. So Jesus is not incarnate right now because he gave up that privilege to save his brethren. He is moving, by his Spirit, to save the rest of us, starting with Israel and eventually everybody born of a woman. Not every human being that ever lived, but every one of Adam's limbs that fell off.

     So the spiritual plant called Abel, who was buried under the ground of the carnal mind, is genetically the same spiritual plant that Jehovah made a covenant with, except that Jehovah made a covenant with a handful of them at the beginning, which is the beginning of the regeneration of all. So there is really no difference between them. They are just in different stages of salvation.

     That is how it is possible for non-Israelites to have an innate knowledge of right and wrong. Abel has remain- -- has retained memories of the righteousness he knew before the fall. That is how we go into unc- -- even so-called uncivilized portions of the world, where we find indigenous Indians, you know, living in monogamous relationships and taking care of their children and punishing the murderers.

     I heard that testimony from someone very recently. I think it was at a conference that I just attended. He said he spent a lot of time in Asia, and I do not know whether it was Vietnam. I am not sure which country it was, but it was Asia. And he said he knew the people that worked in the rice paddies. And he said he was really amazed they had never even heard of Jesus Christ. When he was there at that time, they had no idea who Jesus was. They never heard of him. Yet they respected their parents. They punished murderers and thieves. They raised their children, and they were very civilized. Never heard of Jesus Christ, never heard his name, but they had an Abel in them that had a memory of righteousness that minimized the Leviathan in them.

     The -- to understand that the lives that they were living, however the culture came into that existence, where the culture was in order, where there was a head of the household, where everybody was in submission and did what was necessary to preserve the family and the civilization, that -- if you -- if this is even accurate, or I will just say it as a parable -- that Leviathan was not a full Leviathan. You know.

     Right now they are talking about we have the red states and the blue states, one Republican and one Democrat. The ones that are shifting, OK, that were Re- -- were red but becoming blue or were blue and becoming red, they are now calling them purple states. OK.

     So there is a culture that never heard of Jesus, but they are so in order that they are not 100 percent Leviathan, and they are following the laws of God that somehow filtered through from Abel, who must be at least partially awake. And God honors their survival. Maybe it is the wisdom of the serpent. Maybe it is the instinctive drive for survival that remembered the laws of God.

     Now the next paragraph, I crossed it out because it was wrong. I did not want to delete it, but I crossed it out because the Lord had changed it as I -- as the revelation emerged in my mind over the two days. Every Abel has the potential to regenerate as Adam through a relationship with Jehovah and Jesus. Every Abel has a potential to regenerate as Adam, or righteous Abel, through a relationship with -- it should really be Jesus and Jehovah, or Jehovah and Jesus, his Messiah. But only those Abels who were participants in the covenant, when they honor the covenant through male circumcision, receive the potential to understand spiritual truth through academic study.

     Now, brethren, this may have come out because I was just reviewing Romans 1, 2 and 3 over this past weekend, which we are probably going to make two books out of. Probably Romans 1 will be a single book, and Romans 2 and 3, which are really one chap- -- one subject, will be a second book. And maybe this just came through because it was so in my spirit that it is the ritual of circumcision. OK.

     The covenant that Jehovah made with Abraham, which was confirmed by male circumcision -- what is the good of male circumcision? It is a promise. It is a sign that you enter into the covenant. And you do that, and what does God do? God says that, if you circumcise your sons when they reach 13 years of age, if you follow the law and go through all of the -- and train them up and teach them about God, that they will have the potential to be very smart and study that Scripture that you introduce them to, which will introduce them to God, which will give them an experience with God. That your sons -- when you yourself keep the law and you raise up your children according to the law, when your sons reach 13 years of age and they do what you have taught them to do, to seek God through the Scriptures, they will, somewhere along the line, experience -- have an experience with God. That is what -- so that is the message of Romans; I think it is chapter 2. It might be chapter 3. OK. So that sort of bled through into my revelation, and that is what I am talking about here.

     Every Abel has the potential to regenerate as an Adam through a relationship with Jehovah and Jesus, his Messiah. But only those Abels who are participants in the covenant, when they honor the covenant through the male circumcision, receive the potential to understand spiritual truth through academic study. So I think that was Romans 3. And the whole message in Romans 3 is that, yes, that is Israel. OK. Whoever is Israel -- well, today the only recognizable tribe of Israel are the people that call themselves Jews. Actually, they are converts. OK. And not all of them, but many of them who do study receive incredibly knowledge and wisdom through their study of the Torah and, unfortunately, though the Talmud because I do not think very much of the Talmud. There are good parts to the Talmud; there are bad parts in it too.

     So this is the covenant that Jehovah made with Israel. OK. But there is a new covenant today, you know, and the new covenant is Christ in you, the hope of glorification. So now that is the whole message of Romans 3: that, the people that are in a covenant with Jehovah through Jesus today, they do not have to do that. They do not have to pore over books and study and learn all about the law.

     So Paul asked the question: Well, then, if we now, as a result of a covenant made with the Lord Jesus, with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, which gives us the moral conviction of the character of God, the internalized moral conviction of the character of God, is there any reason to study like we do here? Is there any more reason to do that? And the answer from Paul is yes, absolutely. There is a reason to do it. There is a reason to receive the privilege, to receive the opportu- -- what does that mean, to receive the opportunity? It means that you have the ability to do it.

     Brethren, everybody does not have the ability to do what I do. Everybody does not have the ability to -- that you have to sit here for all of these hours. OK. And I cannot even let you go early one day if I want to. OK. The Lord wants me to finish this with you. Everybody cannot do that. It is a privilege that you have the ability to do it if you apply yourself, if you submit to what God is calling to and you submit to the time and the study that you have the ability to understand. That is a privilege that came under the old covenant, which means that you are probably all Israel. It is just another witness that we are all Israel here.

     But the people that are entering into a covenant with Jehovah through Jesus right now do not have to do that because they have the moral conviction in their heart of knowing what is right and wrong. They do not have to study the law to find out what is right and wrong. They have the moral conviction of God in their heart. So why study like this? Well, because it is -- Paul says -- he draws the conclusion: No, you should not stop studying like this. The people that are anointed to do it, OK, the people that are spiritual Israel that have the ability to do this, you should do it because it helps you to clarify the -- clarify and be a witness to the moral conviction that is in your heart and clear up any possible errors that are coming from a moral conviction only.

     The two together -- the two are given to work together. You are supposed to, ideally, have both. Or our leaders are supposed to, ideally, have both the moral conviction of the righteousness of God in our heart and the academic study that explains the moral conviction, so that you can pass it on to other people that do not have what you have. So somehow, that got in there.

     Today we understand that Jehovah is honoring his covenant with Abraham through Abraham's seed, which is Christ. But it is really more than Christ. Abraham's seed is really -- Abraham is really Christ, which is the resurrected Abel joined to the Shekinah. His seed is actually the resurrected Abel joined to the Shekinah. So if you have a resurrected Abel and he is not joined to the Shekinah, you do not have the fullness of his seed. You have the beginning of his seed.

     Why? What does that mean? Because, brethren, the whole idea is that Jehovah promised Abraham a son. The whole idea is that God promised Abraham a son. So if you have a resurrected Abel but you do not have -- but he is not connected to the Shekinah, there is no hope of you being impregnated with the Son of man. Brethren, the son that God promised Abraham, who was -- either he was barren or his wife was barren. We do not know which it was. That -- this -- the promised son is not Isaac. The promised son is a spiritual Son. The promised son that Abraham was promised is the righteous nefesh.

     Jehovah was speaking to Abraham as a soul man. He was actually speaking to Adam or the resurrected Abel in Abraham. He was not talking to the physical man, Abraham, which is actually Cain. He was not talking to Cain. He was talk- -- and the covenant that he made was not with Cain. The covenant that Jehovah made was with the resurrected Abel, which was in Adam's stead. It was, for all intents and purposes, the resurrected Adam. Jehovah's covenant was with his son, Adam. Jehovah's covenant with Abraham was with Jehovah's son, Adam, in Abraham.

     He said, "I promise you a son. He will be greater than the sands of the sea and the stars of the sky." Who? Was he talking about physical offspring? No, he was not talking about physical offspring. He was talking about the righteous Son of Adam that would come forth and the righteous human spirit that would come forth, the stars of the sky. That is what he was talking about.

     Abraham, I am starting with you. I am starting with you as a man. You are going -- your soul, OK, Abel in you, is going to produce the Son of man. And I am starting with you. And he is going to resurrect Abel in all of the members of humanity, and they are all going to be rejoined to the Shekinah at some point. Not every physical manifestation of them, but at some point, every Abel will be resurrected and give birth to the Son of man. And so also will the human spirit, the Shekinah in captivity, be liberated from the reptilian, and she will appear along with the Son of man as the stars of heaven.

     That was what Jehovah meant when he spoke to Abraham, and Abraham could not understand it. At least, at one point, he did not. That is what Jehovah was talking about. So the Lord started with one man, Abraham. And the intention is to rescue, to resurrect, every limb of Adam that fell off, and every manifestation or expression of the Shekinah in captivity, and to birth them into a new creation called the kingdom of God, which includes worlds and the universe and to whatever degree those spheres out there are real. I do not want to get into that now. A whole new universe, a whole new world as we know it, which includes the universe -- the kingdom of God. OK.

     Now the kingdom of God starts as the kingdom of God in you. It starts as the kingdom of God in me. The beginning of the kingdom of God is the birth of the Son of man. The Son of man lives in the kingdom of God. And then after the birth of the Son of man, it expands to his physical body, which should be perfect health, a perfectly sound mind. And it expands. And it eventually changes the entire world, including the physical image of the world.

     Everything corrupts, brethren. I have a chair like this at home, and the -- well, it is not real leather, I guess. It is plastic. It is just -- it is like there is a big tear right here, and you can see the stuffing underneath. Everything corrupts. This is the kingdom of darkness. This is the kingdom of death. Everything dies. Everything corrupts. Nothing lasts forever, including our bodies. Only that which came down from heaven can go back up to heaven, and that is the human spirit, which is the Shekinah in captivity, who is manifesting as Satan and the harlot of revelation right now, completely humiliated. And Leviathan, or what came down as Adam in his broken form as Abel, who is totally humiliated as Leviathan right now -- that which came down is going back up, fully restored. Cain never came down from heaven. He was birthed initially into this world, and he is not going back up. And he must die because he is guilty of matricide.

     Now these great plans, they will -- in order for them to be accomplished, will go beyond the lifetime of those of us listening to my message. So some of us will go into longevity, hopefully all of us. But we have to find satisfaction in this life because we are human in this life. We need to feel good every day. We need to be happy every day, so we need to find satisfaction in this life. And the satisfaction that God has given us, brethren, believe it or not, is helping others. That is the satisfaction he has given us.

     But we also have minor satisfactions. I hope you appreciate the ability to take a hot shower in the morning. My grandfather went to a bathhouse to take a shower. They did not have bathrooms in the houses, in the apartments where they lived. So we have small pleasures today. But, brethren, the more your vision of the greatness of God and his intentions towards us, the more you comprehend these things, the little things of this world, certainly the little irritations, just mean nothing. So we must be happy every day with our little comforts. And the Lord knows that, for those who are faithful to him, he will meet our every need. That is the promise. He will meet our every need, including to be able to tolerate the difficulties of this life.

     So today we understand that Jehovah is honoring his covenant with Abraham through Abraham's seed, which is Christ, or actually is the resurrected Abel joined to the Shekinah. Jehovah promised Abraham that the dead Abel within him would produce a son, and that son was the righteous nefesh called Jesus. He has had the same name as the unrighteous nefesh. Jesus had an unrighteous nefesh. You cannot have a body like this and not have Cain. This is a house of Cain.

     So we are to believe that this Abel, that was actually the righteous nefesh soul of Abraham, traveled from physical body to physical body of Abraham's descendants until it was restored to a righteous relationship with the Shekinah in the man Jesus of Nazareth. I believe that is what the Lord is challenging us to believe. Let me read it again.

     So we are to believe that this Abel, that was actually the righteous nefesh soul of Abraham, traveled from physical body to physical body of Abraham's descendants until it was restored to a righteous relationship with the Shekinah in the man Jesus. Well, that was before Jesus had happened in Elijah. So we are to believe that this Abel was actually the righteous nefesh soul of Abraham, traveled from physical body to physical body.

     No, I do not think that. You see, these notes are not right. Traveled from physical body to physical body of Abraham's descendants until it was restored to a righ- -- no, no. That is not true. It was the covenant that God made with Abraham. He kept resurrecting Abel in the descendants of Abraham. It is not true that the -- I am probably not even going to take the time to rewrite these notes, brethren. It is going to take me too long. So I do not know. If I rewrite them, you will get them from Susan. But I probably will not rewrite them.

     No, it was not the resurrected Abel in Abraham that traveled from generation to generation as a genome. No, what traveled from generation to generation was the faithfulness of Jehovah, which went to not every descendant of Abraham but to specific descendants of Abraham: Isaac and Jacob and Joseph and David and Elijah and Elisha. Although Elijah and Elisha -- somebody is going to say that they were not descendants of David. And I am not going to give you that whole teaching right now. So I -- forget that I said Elijah and Elisha. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David. OK. He went to them. Jehovah went to them to continue the fulfillment or to continue -- I just thought of my exhortation on the continuing government.

     You see, when Jehovah makes a -- when God makes a covenant with you, it is a legal covenant. That means it is a continuing covenant. So if your body, if your exterior, dies, that does not end the covenant because his covenant is not with your body, and his covenant is not with Cain. His covenant is with the resurrected Abel in you. And the resurrected Abel is the same, whether it is the resurrected Abel in me or the resurrected Abel in you or the resurrected Abel in my daughter. OK. The resurrected Abel is the resurrected Abel.

     If this body dies, OK, if this body dies, God forbid -- I hope to go into longevity -- and the resurrected Abel in me does not survive the death of this body, it is just one cell of a spiritual body that exists. So my daughter has an Abel. All of your children have an Abel. It may be in the form of Leviathan right now, but if you exist as a human being, Abel is in you. So Jehovah goes to the Abel that is the closest relative to you to continue the legal -- what is the word? The legal continuation of the covenant.

     So Jehovah went to Isaac. Although we are told in the Zohar that it was Elohim that went to him, that is -- that detail does not really apply to this message today. OK. So Abraham died. OK. Jehovah went to his descendant, Isaac, and resurrected Abel and Isaac. And then Isaac had the authority, apparently, to res- -- either resurrect the Abel in his oldest son or be a mediator between -- which would channel the Shekinah to that resurrected Abel in his oldest son. And the Shekinah that Isaac had a relationship with -- we are told about it in the Zohar. He had an experience with God, and the Shekinah was connected to the resurrected Abel in Isaac. And the Shekinah told him, no, not Esau; do not give your blessing to Esau. Do not put me -- do not connect me with that profane man. And the Shekinah told him, and the Shekinah told him, and the Shekinah told him, and he spoke back and said, well, you cannot be the Shekinah. You cannot be the Shekinah because the firstborn is supposed to get the whole blessing.

     So the Shekinah went to Jacob. Either he went -- either she went directly to Jacob, or she spoke to Jacob. Either she went directly to Jacob and, the Scripture says, Rebecca spoke to him, or she went to his mother, manifested through his mother, had his mother speak to him. And we all know the rest of the story. Jacob deceived his father at the instructions of the Shekinah. OK. And we do read that. It is in a hidden way, but we do read that in the Scripture. The Lord will have her way. The Shekinah will have her way, in one way or another.

     So what have we got here? What have we got here? And not only Christ Abel but the human spirit also is liberated in the man Joseph, the shepherd of Israel. I am not sure why I put that in. Not only Christ Abel but the human spirit also is liberated. That means that the human spirit -- that means that Satan was purged out of the human spirit in Joseph. That may be true. Brethren, I am really tired. I do not know why I wrote that. I will make a question mark for myself. Maybe it came forth by revelation. I do not know.

     What I find interesting is that I recently came across a Scripture that said -- that noted the envy of Ephraim. And it just stuck with me for some reason, the envy of Ephraim. And I did not know what it meant. But what it means to me today is that envy comes from Satan. So if Ephraim was envy, that means, for sure, the human spirit was not liberated in Ephraim. Satan was alive and well in Ephraim because envy is Satan; Satan is envy. I do not know why I said this about Joseph, his father. I do not know.

     So there were two Messiahs, both of which have already come. In Joseph, the res- -- Joseph -- the Jews will tell you there are two Messiahs: the Messiah, son of Joseph, and the Messiah, son of David. So I suggest to you that Messiah already came in Joseph, the resurrection of Abel and the liberation of the Shekinah through reattachment to her mother. The liberation of the human spirit, which is the Shekinah in captivity, was reattached to the Shekinah. I do not know why I said that. So the Lord gave it to me. At the moment, I am not remembering why I am writing that down.

     Then, in Jesus, the resurrection of Abel, the liberation of the Shekinah and the birth of the righteous nefesh. I am saying that it was in Joseph, but I think it was in -- it was not in Joseph. It was in Elijah. I gave you that revelation earlier, that both Elijah's -- Abel was resurrected in Elijah, and his human spirit was cleansed, the Shekinah. The human spirit is the Shekinah in captivity, who was penetrated by the reptilian. That was the actual adultery. So that is the end of the adultery, the transgression. We are told in Daniel 7: "The transgression must end." And the transgression is the separation of the human spirit from the reptilian. So that happened to Elijah.

     So maybe I just had a misunderstanding here. I thought it was in Joseph, but it was in Elijah. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Is anyone sane? I do not know that I am still sane after this message. We are going to end soon. Lord, I always end at 5:30. You know I always end at 5:30, Lord. Let me just finish this page. I do not know how much more we can take, really.

     Then, in Jesus, the resurrection of Abel, the liberation of the Shekinah and the birth of the righteous nefesh. That is why Joseph insisted on his bones being removed from Egypt and taken to Canaan, the promised land. The liberated human spirit had to be joined to the resurrected Abel of Abraham in the Cave of M- -- I really have to stop, brethren, because it may -- this may be accurate, but I just cannot do it anymore. So I really -- my brain cannot take it anymore right now. So I do not intend to do a second part to this, but you never know; the Lord may have me finish this up. We will see what will happen.

     So are there any questions? Are there any questions? OK, brethren. This has been a monumental day, a very important day. The Lord has announced an event. I do not know how it will affect me or us or you or -- but get ready for changes. Get ready for changes, brethren. OK. God bless you all. If you would like to, stay tuned for the comments and -- for the ending comments section of this message.

12/11/18 - Transcribed by VerbalFusion 
12/11/18 - 1st Edit CAS


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