Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 1:22 PM
To: 'Pastor S.Vitale'
Dear Pastor Vitale, I have listened to the latest unfolding revelation of Jesus Christ, and I receive it. My question is when you say “the Lord told me” etc, talking about your personal interaction and relationship with the Lord, would that “Lord” be Jesus Christ or Adam Kadmon or Jehovah God?
I haven’t listened to everything (all the current messages) so I may have missed it.
Love, XXX
Pastor Vitale's response:
This is a good question.
We have no access to Adam Kadmon, but through the Lord Jesus, our high priest.
Jehovah is the name of God associated with Ima/Mother of the World of Atzilut.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the whole world of Atzilut, which is the rectified world of points.
Therefore, Ima/Mother/Jehovah are an aspect of the Lord Jesus.
Since Jesus said, pray to the Father (Chochmah of AK) in my Name, we should pray to the glorified Jesus, which is what I do, and he is the Lord that I refer to.
Thank you.
God bless you.
Sheila R. Vitale,
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
Living Epistles Ministries
Christ-Centered Kabbalah