Meaning of "Ibur"
XXX: Can you tell me the meaning of the Hebrew word "ibur" ?
Pastor Vitale: “ibur” is one of 2 forms of incarnation: “gilgul” is incarnation through birth from the womb” and “ibur” is “incarnation by grafting into an existing person.”
There are 2 kinds of ibur that I know of.
The glorified Jesus incarnated by entering into Paul’s physical body and becoming the primary soul that lived through and ruled over that physical body. Today, Jesus is appearing (incarnating) again by grafting His spiritual seed to existing human beings, which then become hosts for Jesus’ Son.
Paul was an incarnation of the glorified Jesus, and the believers who receive Jesus’ seed are incarnations of Jesus’ Son, the second generation of Jesus Christ.
This is “ibur.”
Sincerely in Christ,
Sheila R. Vitale,
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
Christ-Centered Kabbalah
Living Epistles Ministries
XXX: You said above:
The glorified Jesus incarnated by entering into Paul’s physical body and becoming the primary soul that lived through and ruled over that physical body. Today, Jesus is appearing (incarnating) again by grafting His spiritual seed to existing human beings, which then become hosts for Jesus’ Son.
If the glorified Jesus was the primary soul in Paul, when wouldn't that cause him to go into immortality?
Pastor Vitale: Immortality requires a complete cutting away of the old nature (carnal mind). This is called “circumcision of the fallen soul.” Circumcision cannot take place until Christ Jesus, the “New Man,” is strong enough and integrated with the personality enough to sustain the life functions of the physical man, after circumcision.
XXX: You said:
Paul was an incarnation of the glorified Jesus, and the believers who receive Jesus’ seed are incarnations of Jesus’ Son, the second generation of Jesus Christ.
Also here if he was an incarnation of Jesus, why wouldn't that make him immortal?
Pastor Vitale: I answered this above.
Sincerely in Christ,
Sheila R. Vitale,
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
Christ-Centered Kabbalah
Living Epistles Ministries