I heard 2 Sam 21:1-6 passage expounded upon today, and I realized that it supports my teaching that we should ask the Lord to reveal the cause of a bad event in our life. Then, hopefully, we can SATISFY the violation, which will release us from the judgment that is upon us.
Question: After going through prior videos and yesterday's message again, I think I have a pretty good understanding now about the eggs and the chromosomes. Here are some last questions/thoughts:
1. I want to make sure this part is right... when the two columns are blended completely into the middle column and we are ready for the Lord Jesus Christ to join with our Y (after the burning of the X, or fallen nature), will the YY that is formed from that union be a brand new creation? (We do not know what we will be like, but we see Jesus.) Is this correct?
Question/Comment: I have a few questions about yesterday's CCK message #897-The Sprouted Seed. You talked about the male and female chromosomes of the creation, and that we, humanity, are the female, but that spiritually we have a male and female chromosome, but they are dead.
In human genetics a female has XX and a male has XY. Does this have any effect on the fact that all of humanity is (spiritually) XY spiritually, though considered one whole female?
A call has gone out to all witches to pray mass witchcraft attack against President Trump, starting midnight this Friday, and every night of the waning moon. I will be praying the Psalms against this attack.
The Lord told me that the Man of Sin is appearing right now through the people who are trying to overthrow the Constitution of the United States by frightening the Electors of the Electoral College into not voting according to the results of the popular vote of their State.
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