The King James translators personalized these two words, Abaddown and Apolluon to support their incorrect translation of verse 11, which names them as the angel of the bottomless pit.
It appears to me that your dream is for me. The Lord has healed me of so many things that I am having a difficult time accepting that I have high blood pressure and need a doctor. My doctor retired and I have a new doctor who I am not getting on with too well. I gave my testimony on Sunday. If you want to hear it, it is on the CCK YouTube channel. The name of the message is: “The Beast and the Beast System.” It is about 1 hour long.
DREAM: I was fastening some kind of a cabinet to a wall.
Pastor Vitale: Jesus Is The Wall
The wall was very high and I was on a platform holding the cabinet up against the wall.
Pastor Vitale: The Cabinet Is The Cabinet Of President-Elect Donald J. Trump
Someone was fastening the cabinet to the tall wall as I was holding it tight against the wall.
Pastor Vitale: The Lord Is Involved In President Donald J. Trump’s Choice Of His Cabinet
John, the Baptist and John, the Apostle were two different, separate people
The salvation of the soul/personality requires a knowledge/understanding of esoteric doctrine/the doctrine of Christ
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