"The Woman You Gave Me" is a new video by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale. Pastor Vitale speaks about the Second Adam, the unification of Jesus Christ, Salvation, the laws of the spiritual world plus many other fascinating topics.
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Pastor Sheila R. Vitale presents an interesting topic on current events including: Treason of Obama, George W. Bush, Etc; Executive Order on Child Trafficking; Obama & Clinton Wealth Seized; Shadow Government; Q-Anon Clearance; Fake News; Corrupt Judges; CIA Exposed; Marine Core; Eliminate Fear.
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In Pastor Sheila R. Vitale's most recent video, A Body He Hath Prepared For Me, she discusses such topics as: Sacrifice; Suffer the Loss of the Body; First Adam Had Died; Soul Personality; Jehovah Attached to Earth; Second Adam is King; Purified Soul; Conscience; Ransom; Jesus Purified; Lake of Fire; Carnal Mind Burned Up; Secret Place; Idolatry.
View the video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-kSYC7A8C0&list=PLoiWBP9W4k9nxpf8qtvHbziBPPRlGNvDs
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale has a fascinating new video called "A Little Bit About Reincarnation" which discusses the topics: Nullify Ego; Deny Self; Pride; Seed of Jesus; Bound to Empty Space; Mighty Man Speaking Righteousness; Spiritual Discernment; Bound to Lord Jesus Christ; Experience Scripture; Knowledge of the Law; Luciferians; Reincarnation; Artifical Intelligence
View this fascinating video on YouTube:
Continuing in her series of videos on the topic of "The Search For Sophia," Pastor Sheila R. Vitale discusses such topics as: 6th Sefirot; 7th Sefirot; Corrective Moral Light; Seed; Similar to Adam; Enlightened is Day; Ignorant is Night; Roaring Lion; Luminous Bodies; Family Authority; Adult Children; Dumb Animal; Stand Upright.
View the video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZEik62Zngo&list=PLoiWBP9W4k9lC8rEYh3NMnxWcFH5aUAuY
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