Pastor Sheila R. Vitale has an engrossing discussion of current national and world events in her latest video, Trump, The Deep State & Aliens.
View the video on YouTube:
In her latest video, From Under The Law To Personal Conviction, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale provides a fascinating discussion about being under the law and the 613 laws of the Old Testament.
View the video on YouTube:
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale's fascinating book, The Woman In The Well, has been translated into Spanish. The book, La Mujer En El Pozo, is available on
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale continues in her exploration of the Book of Ephesians. In this video, she discusses Chapter 5: The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 5 - Alternate Translation.
Please join Pastor Vitale for a fascinating look at this subject.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale has created a new video entitled, The Book Of Ephesians, Chapter 4, Alternate Translation." This video contains exciting and deeply spiritually moving information. This message will bless your life.
View the video on YouTube.
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