

Translations (12)

Sunday, 02 November 2014 13:42

Gate of Reincarnations Section 2


Chapter Two, Section 2:

Different Levels Of Rectification

Alternate Translation ® 
& Comments 
Sheila R. Vitale
 Pastor, Teacher & Founder


          The translations on this page are derived from an English translation of the Hebrew Text. The copyright authority of the Hebrew to English Translator restrains me from using the Names Jesus or Christ in my translations. Accordingly, I have used the word Messiah in place of the Name Jesus, the words the resurrected Adam, in place of the Name Christ , and the words the resurrected Adam of Atzilut in place of Christ Jesus.

          Christ is the Adam of Yetzirah, who rises out of the regenerated Abel, the First Adam’s root system,

          Christ Jesus  is Christ  ascended into Beriah, from where He marries the personality (Abel) within the individual.

          Christ Jesus of Atzilut, YKVK’s Holy One is the resurrected Adam of Atzilut

          Elijah’s Nefesh was incarnated in John, the Baptist, by gilgul, from birth (Lk 1:44, Lk 1:17), and imparted to the mortal man, Jesus of Nazareth, by Ibur at Jesus’ baptism (Mk 1:10).

          The glorified Jesus Christ is the personality (Abel) of the mortal man, Jesus of Nazareth, who married Elijah, His father (Jn 5:19, Mk 15:35), whose Ruach incarnated with Jesus by Gilgul, at birth (Matt 2:11).

          Jesus of Nazareth received Elijah’s Neshamah by Ibur after Elijah’s Nefesh and Ruach were joined at Jesus’ baptism (Matt 3:16), and Elijah’s Chayah and Yechida after Jesus arose out of His physical body (Jn 20:17).


            If a person rectified his Nefesh, and came back to receive and complete his Ruach, but during that gilgul he sinned, then hisNefesh will not be affected in such a way that it would be forced to come back by itself to become rectified once again.

            Rather, because he now has a Ruach, the sin will only damage the Ruach, and only this will need rectification.

            Therefore, if an additional reincarnation is necessary to rectify the Ruach, then both the (rectified) Nefesh and the (blemished)Ruach will come back again together. This will continue until the Ruach is rectified, after which he will have to die in order for the rectified Nefesh and Ruach to reincarnate with the Neshama. If he has accomplished this and then sins, then it will only damage theNeshama, just as we explained with respect to the tikun of Ruach

            It can also happen that the Nefesh becomes rectified and purified to such a great extent that it need not come back again with the Ruach for the rectification of the Ruach. Rather, the Nefesh remains Above in a place fitting for it, "bound up with the Bundle of Life."

            In such a case, the Ruach would have to come back alone to rectify itself. However, this is not possible

            Therefore, it reincarnates with the Nefesh of a convert, as it says in (Zohar) Sabba d'Mishpatim. They will reincarnate together until the Ruach is rectified.

            Once that is achieved, then the person dies and the first Nefesh comes back to join with it (the Ruach) in order to receive and rectify the Neshama.

            Or, the Ruach may come back by itself with the Neshama until the Neshama is rectified, after which time the three of them no longer need to return and are instead "bound up with the Bundle of Life," as is fitting for them.

            The Nefesh of the convert that was joined to the Ruach has helped it to perform good deeds in this world, and has been a vehicle for it in this world; through their union the Ruach was able to achieve its tikun. This Nefesh of the convert will also become elevated with the original Nefesh of this particular Ruach. The two of them will be on the same level in the World to Come, like "neighbors," and they will never part from one another.

English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale


1.Nefesh –

          a. The soul/personality the convert is born with
          b. The Nefesh of the glorified Jesus Christ (Holy Spirit/Shekinah)

2. Ruach –

          a. The human spirit of the convert
          b. Abel, Adam’s root system, the dead, male seed of mortal humanity
          c. Christ, the immortal, virile Seed of the glorified Jesus Christ.
          d. The Spirit of the resurrected Adam/1 that enters a convert's mind from "the hallway," and weaves together with the imputed Christ/2 and Abel within that convert, thus seeding that convert with Christ.

3. Neshamah –

          a. The Christ Mind within the believer which arises from the weaving together of  

              (A) Christ, the immortal, virile seed sown by a teacher, 
              (B) The imputed Christ (the Holy Spirit that matured into Fruit within the convert), the female seed of the glorified Jesus Christ, and 
              (C) Abel, Adam’s root system, the dead, male seed of the First Adam within the believer.             

          b. The whole New Man – The Mind of Christ woven together with the personality (End of Comment).

English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

            If [the Spirit of Elijah] made [Messiah of Nazareth], his personality,/3 righteous, and [then, after Messiah of Nazareth was glorified], Messiah came back [to this world] to give His [living, male] seed to [Abel, Adam’s root system, the First Adam’s dead, male seed within mortal humanity, so that they], too, [might receive [the living, male seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], which completes them; but if [a convert that the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam, is incarnating with] sins while [Abel, the First Adam’s dead, male seed within mortal humanity], is being resurrected [within that convert, . . .

            [In that event, the Holy Spirit], the [female] personality [of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], will not be affected in any way which would force [Messiah] to be born [as a mortal man a second time],/4 to rectify [Abel, the First Adam’s dead, male seed within mortal humanity] again./5

            Rather, because [the glorified Messiah’s living, male] seed is now within the convert, the sin [of that convert] will only damage [Abel,/6 the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam within the convert that sinned. It will not damage the married,/7 living seed of the Spirit of the[glorified] resurrected Adam [within the teacher] that is penetrating that convert],

            So, only [Abel, the dead, male seed of the First Adam within that convert], will need to be resurrected [again].

          COMMENT: The Spirit of Christ is the spiritual seminal fluid of the glorified Jesus Christ, which consists of: (1) The Holy Spirit (the upper and lower female waters), and (2) the virile, male seed of the glorified Jesus Christ, within the convert.

The male seed of Christ within the teacher, which can resurrect Abel, the unmarried, dead seed of the First Adam within the convert, will not be damaged

          QUESTION: Does reincarnation always produce a new physical body?
          ANSWER: No.

          It is the female soul of the First Adam that is reincarnating. Each mortal man is a fragment or, as Kabbalah says, a spark, of the First (female) Adam, who broke apart when she died.
The female side of the First Adam is both male and female, with the female aspect predominating. 
          The natural state of the First Adam’s female side is to be predominantly female. That is why the females of this fallen world are frequently emotionally and spiritually stronger than the males. It is also the reason why the males of this world frequently capitulate to female attempts to feminize them. This is also the reason why it is not uncommon to see physical males (male aspects of the First Adam's female side) brutalizing women (the female aspect of the First Adam's female side). Physical men are born with a subconscious fear of being castrated by women, because they have already experienced castration by the female aspect of the First Adam's female side in the Garden.
          The male aspect of the First Adam died at the hand of the female aspect, when the female aspect of the (female) First Adam joined with the Snake, and become strong enough to overthrow her own male aspect.
          This event is called "the breaking of the vessels" by the Kabbalists, who teach that the lower Sefirot of the World of Points broke up because of a lack of communication. Indeed, there was a lack of communication between the male side of Adam and the male aspect of Adam’s female side, which are destined to join together to dominate the female aspect of the female First Adam.
          Mortal humanity is the manifestation of the female side of Adam (the First Adam). Mortal men who live out of their Carnal Mind are the manifestation of the female aspect of the First (female side of) Adam, and mortal men who live act of their Christ Mind, are the male aspect of the First (female side of) Adam.

          The glorified Jesus Christ is the Last (male side) of Adam, the creation of God, which includes The First (female side of) Adam. The glorified Jesus Christ is the perfect expression of the spiritual Sabbath, i.e., Zeir Anpin permanently married to Nukva, and ascended to the position of ancient of days of Atzilut.
          The First Adam, Adam's female side, broke into pieces and fell down into this present, corrupt world in the form of six Kings, five female and one male (Hadar). So we see, that when Adam’s female side comes to power in this fallen world there are five women to one-man. We see also, that the proportionate female strength of Adam's female side is 5 to 1 in favor of the female.
          That is why Jehovah joins himself to the physical males who submit to him, to at least level the playing field, by giving the physical males of mortal humanity the opportunity to rule over their own female side. Jehovah does not join with physical women because He will not clothe Himself with a female persona.
          The glorified Jesus, on the other hand, is equipped to join himself to both the physical males and the physical females of this fallen world, because all of mortal humanity, both physical males and physical females, are spiritually female. Jesus, in the days of His flesh, was a redeemed (spiritually female), fallen man, who was born with the Spirit of Elijah (Christ) as an ibur. Jesus was a mature spiritual man, as was Moses and Elijah in the days of their flesh. Jesus, the Son of Man, eventually married Elijah, the spiritual man that incarnated with Him, and ascended to a spiritual place where He is now so woven together with God that He is God.

          The Magi did not bow to or worship a human infant. They bowed to and worshiped (showed respect to) the glorified Elijah. (See, also, Michael, p. 13, ¶3.) Jesus, in His glorified state, is equipped to join with both the female and male aspects of the First, female side of Adam (mortal humanity), which union makes the convert spiritually and emotionally male. 
          However, it is not acceptable for physical males and physical females to change their physical gender. In Christ Jesus, only our nature changes. When the nature of a physical female becomes emotionally and spiritually male, that female ascends into a spiritual marriage with the glorified Jesus Christ, and is no longer eligible for the physical marriage of this world. When the nature of a physical male becomes emotionally and spiritually male, that physical male can marry, but will cease to engage in physical intercourse at such time when he is caught up together with the glorified Jesus Christ in spiritual marriage.
          Reincarnation is the repetitious and hopeless attempt of the fallen First Adam to permanently incarnate the spiritual fragments of the First Adam as individual (divided) personalities, and to produce and maintain permanent physical bodies for those fragments, which are still in rebellion against the male side of the creation.
          The male aspect of the First (female) Adam was resurrected in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, who became an example to mortal humanity of how to escape from this Fallen world, which exists under the spiritual Earth, and return to the spiritual life of God on the surface.
          The Lord Jesus Christ represents the male aspect of the female side of Adam, who is now joined in Spirit and Mind to the male side of Adam. This regenerated Adam, who is the Union of Adam’s male and female sides, is called the Last Adam, because Adam's male and female sides in Christ Jesus will never be separated again.




          The female side of the glorified Jesus Christ is reincarnating by ibur, as the faithful female aspect of the female side of Adam (Holy Spirit), and the male side of the glorified Jesus Christ is reincarnating by gilgul and ibur, as the male aspect of the female side of Adam. The Lord Jesus Christ, in His glorified state, is both the male and the female sides of Adam. The glorified Jesus Christ is God, our Father, and He is also Christ Jesus, the internalized spiritual husband of mortal humanity, His female side.

          The glorified Jesus is God (Spirit) and He is also the Name of God (Spirit incarnated), and the two are one and the same.

          Wherefore, the reincarnation of the glorified Jesus Christ is actually the resurrection of Abel, the male (spiritual) aspect of the female side of Adam, who died when his wife agreed with the thoughts of her earthen nature, called the Snake, rather than the thoughts of Abel, who is Christ.

          The self-reincarnation of the female-dominated First (female) Adam, without the male side of Adam, her husband, is illegal and condemned to extinction (End of Comment

English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

            Therefore, if an additional reincarnation [by the glorified Elijah] is necessary to resurrect [Abel, the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam within mortal humanity], then, both [Abel], the righteous seed [of the First Adam, and Cain], the blemished personality [of the First Adam], will be joined together again [in the right moral order, within that convert],

            [As the living, male seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], continues [to reincarnate with the converts who are the descendants of the many-membered First Adam], until [Abel, the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam] is resurrected, after which [Cain] will have to die [to her marriage to Leviathan] in order for the [purified Abel, the resurrected, male] seed [of the First Adam], and the corrected [Cain, his unrighteous wife], to be born again with the Mind of the resurrected Adam.

            If [the living, male seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam] succeeds in [regenerating Abel and Cain], and resurrecting the Mind of the resurrected Adam within a convert], and that convert sins, then [that sin] will only damage the Mind of the resurrected Adam [which emerged when the Fruit of the Holy Spirit, the female seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam within the convert, joined with Abel, the resurrected, male seed of the First Adam within that convert, and the living, male seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], in the same way [that only] the resurrected [Abel, the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam within that convert would be blemished], just like we explained with respect to the rectification of [Abel, the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam within the convert].

          COMMENT: The Holy Spirit (nefesh of the glorified Jesus Christ) and the grafted Christ (Yesod of the glorified Jesus Christ) will remain intact and continue to abide within the convert, but their union with Abel, the resurrected, male seed of the First (female) Adam, which formed the Mind of Christ (also called, the three-fold cord and the Bundle of life within the convert), will dissolve (End of Comment).


English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

            It can also happen that [the Abel side of] the personality [of a convert] is purified, and [the Cain side of the personality of that convert] is corrected, to such a great extent, that [the teacher] need not come back [to the convert to expose her sins] any more, [so that Abel, the First Adam’s dead, male] seed [within the convert] can be resurrected.

            In that event, [Cain and Abel, the whole] personality [of the convert], which, [because of purification and rectification], now fits/8 into [the Body of the resurrected Adam], the place [that the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam] prepared/9 for it, [and] is woven together with [the Mind of the resurrected Adam], that Bundle of Life/10 which is above [the Carnal Mind that reigns through the descendants of the First Adam, who died].

          COMMENT : The Holy Spirit, Jesus’ single, female seed (Nefesh/Malchut), enters a convert when Abel, the First Adam’s dead, male seed within the convert, is too blemished to bond with Jesus’ righteous, living male seed (Yesod/Ruach). Jesus’ female seed (Nefesh/Holy Spirit) is permanently married to the glorified Jesus’ living, male seed (Yesod/Ruach).

          The glorified Jesus’ Malchut (Nefesh level of soul), the single Holy Spirit, and the glorified Jesus’ Yesod (Ruach level of soul), the glorified Jesus’ living, male seed, are a permanentlymarried couple. The two, the glorified Jesus’ Nefesh and Ruach, are known, collectively, as The Spirit of Christ. When the Spirit of Christ from a teacher enters a convert where Abel is too blemished to receive the glorified Jesus’ Yesod, Jesus’ Yesod remains above, while the glorified Jesus’ Nefesh stays with the convert, as the single Holy Spirit.

          Some converts receive the married seed without ever experiencing the single Holy Spirit, which is given to converts who need to be convicted of and purified from sin. It is also given to converts who need spiritual power to overcome spiritual problems.

          If a convert is living in behavioral righteousness, Abel, the dead, male seed of the First Adam within her may be clean enough to receive Jesus’ married seed (Yesod/Ruach/Spirit of Christ) from a teacher, which qualifies that convert to go directly to the study of the Doctrine of Christ (End of Comment).

English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

            In such a case, [where Abel within the convert is purified and has corrected Cain, his wife], only the Spirit of the resurrected Adam would have to enter [that convert] to resurrect Abel, [the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam within that convert], even though that convert does not have the Holy Spirit, the female seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam, because the Spirit of the glorified resurrected Adam consists of both the Holy Spirit, the female seed, and the living, male seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam].

            However, it is not possible [for Abel, the dead, male seed of the First Adam within the convert, to resurrect himself],

          COMMENT : Abel’s blemish, is the Carnal Mind of the animal/sin nature. Cain dominates Abel in all mortal men, except those who have turned their world upside down, either by the physical observation of the moral law of God, as evidenced by the 10 commandments, or by the indwelling power of the risen Christ, as evidenced by a changed nature.

          The Holy Spirit strengthens the convert, who is convicted of sin and now reads her Bible. This is the strengthening of Abel, our dead righteousness, who is eventually purified enough to receive his male identity from the male seed (ruach) of the Spirit of Christ (ruach) that is washing over him.

          If the convert is exposed to other men who have only the Holy Spirit, the single, female seed of the glorified Jesus Christ, Abel cannot rise within that convert, even though the Holy Spirit within that convert has increased into the spiritual fruit called the imputed Christ, because the imputed Christ (which is the mature Holy Spirit) is still only the mature female seed of the glorified Jesus Christ, and even the mature female seed cannot resurrect (rectify) Abel, who is also spiritually female. Only the living male seed of the glorified Jesus Christ can resurrect Abel.

          Abel is spiritually female, but was given male authority over Cain by Jehovah, to function as the male aspect of Adam’s dual female side.

          The Holy Spirit is the righteous woman of Proverbs. Her yesod is vulnerable to subjection by her nefesh because she is the female side of Adam, but, despite this, she is still faithful to the male side of Adam, because her yesod is joined to the male side of Adam, and rules over her nefesh.

          Cain and Abel are the unfaithful woman of Proverbs, the whore, because Cain, the female aspect of the First (female) Adam, has castrated Abel, her husband, and is committing adultery with Leviathan, the spiritual sexual male organ of the Snake, rather than being faithful to her male aspect and the male side of Adam.

          So, the faithful woman is faithful because her male aspect rules over her female aspect through obedience to the male Adam.

          The unfaithful woman must be overthrown by her husband, the only one who can force her into submission, but the faithful woman fights and wins her own internal battle over the Serpent, which is her own female aspect (End of Comment).

English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

            And this is why the Holy Spirit, [the female seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], is reincarnating with the converts [who are the mortal descendants of] the First Adam.

            As it says in the Zohar, The Holy Spirit, [the female seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam, and the living, male seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], will reincarnate together [with the converts, who are the mortal descendants of the many-membered First Adam], until [Abel, the First Adam’s dead, male] seed [within the converts], is resurrected.

            Once [the resurrection of Messiah of Nazareth] is achieved, [The living, male] seed [of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], revives [Abel, the male aspect of the female] personality of the First [Adam, and] joins with him, so that [the convert] can receive the Mind of the resurrected Adam, which corrects [the Carnal Mind],

            And, then, [Cain, the female aspect of the female] personality of [the female side of] the First Adam, dies.

            Or, [Abel, the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam], may [begin] to revive on its own when he is exposed to the Mind of the resurrected Adam [in a teacher, who continues to feed him] until the Mind of the resurrected Adam [in that convert] is resurrected,

            After which the three,/11 [the Holy Spirit, the female seed, and the resurrected Adam, the male seed, of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam, and Abel, the resurrected, male seed of the First Adam within the individual], will no longer unravel, and [Abel, the resurrected, male seed of the First Adam within the individual], need never return [to male prostitution again].

            But, instead, [Abel, the resurrected, male seed of the First Adam within the individual], will be [woven together] with [the Mind of the resurrected Adam], the Bundle of Life that is bound to the World to Come, [which is] the appropriate [help/12 that YHVH promised the First, female side of Adam, who died].

          COMMENT: During the transition, the mind of the convert vacillates between the Carnal Mind and the Christ Mind. This is the double-minded man of James 1:8./13 (End of Comment).

English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

            The personality [of Messiah of Nazareth], the convert that was joined to the Spirit of Elijah,/14 has helped [the Spirit of Elijah] to perform good deeds/15 in this world, and has been a vehicle for [the Spirit of Elijah] in this world;

            And through His union with the Spirit of Elijah, Messiah of Nazareth was able to achieve glorification,

            Wherefore, the [glorified] personality of the convert, [Messiah of Nazareth, will join with Moses], the original personality of [Michael], this particular [incarnating] Spirit, and become elevated [in the World to Come] also,

            And the two of them, [Michael, and Moses, Elijah and Messiah, the three-fold personality that clothes Him], will be on the same level in the World to Come, like neighbors/16[who, together, have mercy on mortal humanity], and [Michael, and Moses, Elijah and Messiah, the three-fold personality that clothes Him], will never part from one another.       

Alternate Translation ®©

Gate of Reincarnations
Chapter 2, Section 2


          If [the Spirit of Elijah] made [Messiah of Nazareth], his personality, righteous, and [then, after Messiah of Nazareth was glorified], Messiah came back [to this world] to give His [living, male] seed to [Abel, Adam’s root system, the First Adam’s dead, male seed within mortal humanity, so that they], too, [might receive [the living, male seed of Messiah, the resurrected Adam], which completes them; but [a convert that the glorified Messiah Christ is incarnating with] sins while [Abel, the First Adam’s dead, male seed within mortal humanity], is being resurrected [within that convert].

            [In that event, the Holy Spirit], the [female] personality [of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], will not be affected in any way which would force [Messiah] to be born [as a mortal man a second time], to rectify [Abel, the First Adam’s dead, male seed within mortal humanity] again.

            Rather, because [the glorified Messiah’s living, male] seed is now within the convert, the sin [of that convert] will only damage [Abel, the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam within the convert that sinned. It will not damage the married, living seed of the Spirit of the resurrected Adam [within the teacher] that is penetrating that convert],

            So, only [Abel, the dead, male seed of the First Adam within that convert], will need to be resurrected [again].

            Therefore, if an additional reincarnation [by the glorified Elijah] is necessary to resurrect [Abel, the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam within mortal humanity], then, both [Abel], the righteous  seed [of the First Adam, and Cain], the blemished personality [of the First Adam], will be joined together again [in the right moral order, within that convert],

            [As the living, male seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], continues [to reincarnate with the converts who are the descendants of the many-membered First Adam], until [Abel, the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam] is resurrected, after which [Cain] will have to die [to her marriage to Leviathan] in order for the [purified Abel, the resurrected, male] seed [of the First Adam], and the corrected [Cain, his unrighteous wife], to be born again with the Mind of Christ.

            If [the living, male seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], succeeds in [regenerating Abel and Cain] and resurrecting the Mind of the resurrected Adam within a convert], and that convert sins, then [that sin] will only damage the Mind of the resurrected Adam [which emerged when the Fruit of the Holy Spirit, the female seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam within the convert, joined with Abel, the resurrected, male seed of the First Adam within that convert, and the living, male seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], in the same way [that only] the resurrected [Abel, the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam within that convert would be blemished], just like we explained with respect to the rectification of [Abel, the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam within the convert].

            It can also happen that [the Abel side of] the personality [of a convert] is purified, and [the Cain side of the personality of that convert] is corrected, to such a great extent, that [the teacher] need not come back [to the convert to expose her sins] any more, [so that Abel, the First Adam’s dead, male] seed [within the convert] can be resurrected.

            In that event, [Cain and Abel, the whole] personality [of the convert], which, [because of purification and rectification], now fits/1 into [the Body of the resurrected Adam], the place [that the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], prepared/2 for it, [and] is woven together with [the Mind of the resurrected Adam], that Bundle of Life/3 which is above [the Carnal Mind that reigns through the descendants of the First Adam, who died].

            In such a case, [where Abel within the convert is purified and has corrected Cain, his wife], only the Spirit of the resurrected Adam would have to enter [that convert] to resurrect [Abel, the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam within that convert], even though that convert does not have the Holy Spirit, the female seed of the glorified Messiah, the first Adam, because the Spirit of the glorified resurrected Adam consists of both the Holy Spirit, the female seed, and the living, male seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam].

            However, it is not possible [for Abel, the dead, male seed of the First Adam within the convert, to resurrect himself],

            And this is why the Holy Spirit, [the female seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], is reincarnating with the converts [who are the mortal descendants of] the First Adam.

            As it says in the Zohar, The Holy Spirit, [the female seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam, and the living, male seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], will reincarnate together [with the converts, who are the mortal descendants of the many-membered First Adam], until [Abel, the First Adam’s dead, male] seed [within the converts], is resurrected.

            Once [the resurrection of Messiah of Nazareth] is achieved, [the living, male] seed [of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], revives [Abel, the male aspect of the female] personality of the First [Adam, and] joins with him, so that [the convert] can receive the Mind of the resurrected Adam, which corrects [the Carnal Mind],

            And, then, [Cain, the female aspect of the female] personality of [the First (female side of)] Adam, dies.

            Or, [Abel, the dead, male] seed [of the First Adam], may [begin] to revive on its own when he is exposed to the Mind of the resurrected Adam [in a teacher, who continues to feed him] until the Mind of the resurrected Adam [in that convert] is resurrected,

            After which the three, [the Holy Spirit, the female seed, and the resurrected Adam, the male seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam, and Abel, the resurrected, male seed of the First Adam within the individual], will no longer unravel, and [Abel, the resurrected, male seed of the First Adam within the individual], need never return [to prostitution again].

            But, instead, [Abel, the resurrected, male seed of the First Adam within the individual], will be [woven together] with [the Mind of the resurrected Adam, the Bundle of Life that is bound to the World to Come, [which is] the appropriate [help that YHVH promised the First, female side of Adam, who died].

            The personality [of Messiah of Nazareth], the convert that was joined to the Spirit of Elijah, has helped [the Spirit of Elijah] to perform good deeds in this world, and has been a vehicle for [the Spirit of Elijah] in this world,

            And through His union with the Spirit of Elijah, Messiah of Nazareth was able to achieve glorification,

            Wherefore, the [glorified] personality of the convert, [Messiah of Nazareth, will join with Moses], the original personality of [Michael], this particular [incarnating] Spirit, and become elevated [in the World to Come] also,

            And the two of them, [Michael, and Moses, Elijah and Messiah, the three-fold personality that clothes Michael], will be on the same level in the World to Come, like neighbors [who, together, have mercy on mortal humanity], and [Michael, and Moses, Elijah and Messiah, the three-fold personality that clothes Michael], will never part from one another.


Alternate Translation ® 
& Comments 
Sheila R. Vitale
 Pastor, Teacher & Founder



  The Spirit of Christ is the glorified Jesus’ spiritual sperm, which

consists of:

              (i) the spiritual Waters of Binah, 
              (ii) the Nefesh (Holy Spirit) of the glorified Jesus Christ, and

  (B) Christ, the immortal, virile Seed (the Yesod of the glorified Jesus Christ), which three spiritual elements (Binah’s Waters, the Holy Spirit and Christ) are permanently unified as the spiritual seminal fluid of the glorified Jesus Christ.

  Binah, who is permanently joined to Chokhmah, is the spiritual glue which permanently binds the Nefesh of the glorified Jesus Christ (the Holy Spirit) together with the Yesod of the glorified JesusChrist (the immortal, virile Seed). This lower union is called the Sabbath, by the Kabbalists, who say that the Sabbath is an impermanent union, after which the husband and wife separate during the weekdays. But, this marriage is made permanent in Christ Jesus.


  The female Holy Spirit can mature into Fruit within the convert, in which event the Holy Spirit manifests some aspects of the male nature of Christ (Ruach). Even though the Holy Spirit matures, however, she is still the female seed of the glorified Jesus Christ, which lacks the male seed’s ability to penetrate and weave together with Abel, the First Adam’s root system within the convert.


  Mark 15:34-35

               34 And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

               35 And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias. KJV


         Elijah incarnated as Jesus and John.

   Matt 17:11-12

               11        And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.

               12        But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. KJV

   Rom 6:9-10

               9          Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.

                           10        For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. KJV


              Heb 6:5-6

                5        If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. KJV

                6        If they were to fall away again, would have to repent and experience the shame of having their carnal mind exposed and recrucified to the Son of God [all over again]. (Alternate Translation Bible)

6 The glorified Jesus’ living seed revives Abel, and, eventually,

completely regenerates him (Matt 19:28). The damage that Abel suffers when the convert sins, is that he descends into the sleep of death (Gen 2:21), and lost his God Consciousness (1 Cor 15:34) again.

7 The Spirit of Christ consists of the Holy Spirit, the female

seed, and Christ, the virile male seed, of the glorified Jesus Christ. These two seeds represent the spiritual Shabat, which comes into existence when Ze’ir Anpin’s Yesod marries His Malchut (Nukva).

8 Eph 4:16, From whom the whole body fitly joined together

and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. KJV

9 John 14:2-3

                       2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

                      3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. KJV

10            Eph 2:21-22

              21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:

              22 In whom ye also are builded together KJV


                        Eccl 4:12, And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and

 a threefold cord is not quickly broken. KJV      


                          Gen 2:18

               18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.


              James 1:8, A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.


14            Matt 17:11-12

                      11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.

                     12 But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. KJV


          Acts 10:38, How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. KJV

16          Luke 10:36-37

                   36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

                   37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise. KJV

1 Eph 4:16, From whom the whole body fitly joined together

 and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. KJV

2 John 14:2-3

                           2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were

 not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

                           3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. KJV

3 Eph 2:21-22

                        21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:

                        22 In whom ye also are builded together KJV

Sunday, 02 November 2014 13:41

Gate Of Reincarnations Section 1


Chapter Two, Section 1

The Personality, The Seed of The Resurrected Adam & 
The Mind of the resurrected Adam

Alternate Translation ® 
& Comments 

Sheila R. Vitale
 Pastor, Teacher & Founder


            The translations on this page are derived from an English translation of the Hebrew Text. The copyright authority of the Hebrew to English Translator restrains me from using the Names Jesus or Christ in my translations. Accordingly, I have used the word Messiah in place of the Name Jesus, the words the resurrected Adam  in place of the Name Christ , and the words the resurrected Adam of Atzilut in place of Christ Jesus.

          Christ is the Adam of Yetzirah, who rises out of the regenerated Abel, the First Adam’s root system,

          Christ Jesus  is Christ  ascended into Beriah, from where He marries the personality (Abel) within the individual.

          Christ Jesus of Atzilut, YKVK’s Holy One is the resurrected Adam of Atzilut

          Elijah’s Nefesh was incarnated in John, the Baptist, by gilgul, from birth (Lk 1:44, Lk 1:17), and imparted to the mortal man, Jesus of Nazareth, by Ibur at Jesus’ baptism (Mk 1:10).

          The glorified Jesus Christ is the personality (Abel) of the mortal man, Jesus of Nazareth, who married Elijah, His father (Jn 5:19, Mk 15:35), whose Ruach incarnated with Jesus by Gilgul, at birth (Matt 2:11).

          Jesus of Nazareth received Elijah’s Neshamah by Ibur after Elijah’s Nefesh and Ruach were joined at Jesus’ baptism (Matt 3:16), and Elijah’s Chayah and Yechida after Jesus arose out of His physical body (Jn 20:17).


When a person is born, his Nefesh enters him. If he is adequately rectified through his actions, his Ruach will enter him at the end of his thirteenth year when he becomes a "completed person." His Neshama will enter him only when he completes his twentieth year, as it says in the Zohar (Mishpatim 94b).

            However, if he does not completely rectify his Ruach, then the Neshama will not enter him and he will remain with only his Nefesh andRuach. Likewise, if he doesn't completely rectify his Nefesh, then he will remain with only his Nefesh, lacking both his Ruach and Neshama. The Ruach and Neshama will remain in a place known to The Holy One, Blessed is He, and there a place will be prepared for each one.

            Now, if a person does not completely rectify his Nefesh the first time and dies, then his Nefesh will have to reincarnate, perhaps even many times, until it is sufficiently rectified. However, since he only achieved tikun through a gilgul, even after complete rectification is achieved his Ruach will not enter (unless there is a pressing need, as will be explained, G-d willing).

            He will have to die and return in order to receive the Ruach. Furthermore, once the Ruach is sufficiently rectified, then he will also have to reincarnate before receiving a Neshama, as was the case with the Ruach.

            If the Ruach is not sufficiently rectified, then the Nefesh and the Ruach will have to come back again, perhaps many times, until theRuach is rectified. Once rectification is achieved, then the person will die and his Nefesh and Ruach will come back with the proper Neshamauntil all three are rectified. Once this is done, there is no need for any further gilgulim. When his Neshama is completed, he has become a complete person.

English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

When the Holy Spirit, the Personality [of the glorified Messiah], enters a person, [the Shekinah] is born again [in that person]. If [the Spirit of Elijah], which perfected [the personality of Messiah of Nazareth] through [Messiah of Nazareth’s] adequate\1 actions\2 enters [a personality], the seed of the resurrected Adam will marry [the Shekinah]\3 at the end of the thirteenth year, but the Mind of the resurrected Adam will only emerge within the completed [personality] after the twentieth year.


            COMMENT: This is talking about the new birth (of Christ)\4 in the individual, mortal (fallen) man:

          1. The entry of the Holy Spirit (the Nefesh of the glorified Jesus Christ) into a mortal (fallen) man.

          2. The entry of the seed of Christ (the Ruach [Yesod]) of the glorified Jesus Christ) into a mortal (fallen) man,

          3. The entry of the Mind of Christ (the Neshamah of the glorified Jesus Christ) into a mortal (fallen) man:

          The First Adam would have received a Nefesh, Ruach and Neshamah without dying (in one gilgul/incarnation) if he had not sinned.

          Gilgul is the reincarnation of a soul, or an aspect of a soul (Nefesh, Ruach, or Neshamah) from birth.

          Ibur is the reincarnation after birth, as demonstrated by the grafting of the seed\5 of the glorified Jesus Christ to a mortal man.

          The First Adam died to his immortality and was subjected to the curse associated with disobedience, as well as the dark laws of the Snake’s world system (administered by Satan\6).  Reincarnation is not God's Will. It is the rule of the underworld that the First Adam and his descendants fell into.\7 (End of Comment)


English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

However, if the seed of the resurrected Adam does not completely rectify [Abel, the First Adam’s root system within the personality (and the personality’s potential to develop the moral nature of the resurrected Adam)], then the Mind of the resurrected Adam will not be formed in [that personality], and [that member of the First Adam] will remain a personality [which lacks the holy resurrected Adamic nature], having only [Abel], the [dead, male] seed of [that holy] resurrected Adamic [nature].

            Likewise, if [the seed of the resurrected Adam] does not completely conform [Abel, the First Adam’s root system within] the personality, to [the nature of the resurrected Adam], then [Abel, the First Adam’s potential to develop the moral nature of the resurrected Adam within the personality], will lack both [the moral nature of] the resurrected Adam, and the Mind of the resurrected Adam, and [that personality] will remain [a mortal, unmarried female] personality.

            And [Abel], the seed of the resurrected Adamic [nature], will remain [as an atrophied dimension of] the Mind of the resurrected Adam, the place\8 that [resurrected Adam of Atzilut], the Holy One who is blessed [by God], will prepare for Himself within each mortal man [who is] known to Him,\9

          COMMENT: The hidden parts of the soul are the seven curled up dimensions revealed by string theory and M-theory (modern physics) (End of Comment)

English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

[Abel, the male] seed [of the female aspect of the First Adam], did not completely conform [the female seed of] the First [Adam’s] personality [to His own righteous nature, so the First Adam] died, and now [the First Adam’s many-membered, fallen] personality, [which we, the mortal descendants of the First Adam are], have to reincarnate many times, even until the sufficiency of [the resurrected Abel within us] is perfected.


            COMMENT: This is true of the First Adam who died, and is now, by his descendants (which we are) trapped in an endless cycle of births and deaths (reincarnation).

          Mortal humanity is, indeed, the many-membered residue of the First Adam's righteous nefesh, but, multiple reincarnations have failed to sufficiently restore us (rectify) to the righteousness that the First Adam enjoyed before he sinned, or even to the righteousness that Israel enjoyed when he was keeping his covenant with Jehovah.

          We, the descendants of the First Adam, are restored to the righteousness of the First Adam when we receive the Holy Spirit, the glorified Nefesh of the Lord Jesus Christ (the Shekinah), which reconciles us to the Lord Jesus (the first stage of the New Birth).

          Mortal man must begin to die to his Carnal Mind with non-specific repentance, in order to receive the Nefesh (Holy Spirit) of the Lord Jesus Christ.

          He must die to his Carnal Mind concerning its lies about (1) himself and his motives, (2) reality in general, (3) doctrine, and (4) what is right and what is wrong, in order to receive the seed of the glorified Jesus Christ, his Ruach.

          Reincarnation will not restore us to righteousness. Without the assistance of the Saviour, the spiritual root of our personality (the fiery serpent/Cain and Abel) starts each lifetime over with a new personality, and gets nowhere (End of Comment).

  English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

However, since [Messiah of Nazareth] achieved perfection\10 only through the reincarnation [of Elijah],\11 the seed [of Messiah, the resurrected Adam],\12 will not enter [the other members of the First Adam’s fallen personality] until after [Messiah, the resurrected Adam], is glorified, (unless there is a pressing need\13)

          COMMENT: The pressing need is that the scientists of mortal humanity, who are working tirelessly to unify the forces of nature which will place the awesome power that was present at the Big Bang in the hands of fallen man, are rebuilding the Tower of Babel!

English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

 [Messiah of Nazareth] had to die [to His existence in this world system] and return [in a glorified form]\14 in order for [the rest of the members of the fallen First Adam] to receive the seed [of Messiah’s glorified life]. Furthermore, once the sufficiency of the seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam rectifies [Abel, the part of the personality that is the First Adam’s root system], then [Abel, the First Adam’s potential to be restored to righteousness in the many members of mortal humanity], will have to be born again (reincarnate) before [the many members of mortal humanity] can receive the Mind of the resurrected Adam, in the same manner that [Abel, the First Adam’s root system within Messiah of Nazareth, was born again,\15  because] the seed of the resurrected Adam [from Elijah, incarnated with Him].


          COMMENT: The Ruach (the Spirit of Christ),  enters the unconscious (Satan) and subconscious (Leviathan) parts of the mind from the Hallway (collective unconscious of mortal man), washes over Satan and Leviathan, and weaves Himself over and through them, until they are powerless.

          This event is revealed in Gen 1:6-10.\16  Elohim commands an Earthen part of the creation to be formed and to flow together with the waters of life, which forms the conscious earth (the Snake). \17

          The mixing of the spiritual waters with the particles of spiritual earth is called the seas. This is the conscious earth that comes into existence when the dead, dry earth (mortal man) is exposed to the Spirit of Christ. The Snake is called the seas, a spiritually fluid being with an animal nature.

          In the Garden, the Snake reversed roles with the First Adam, who was to rule over it, and became the dominant force over the First Adam, which is the female side of the creation.

          When the Spirit of Christ from within a teaching Son flows over the Carnal Mind of a mortal man, He strengthens Abel to take back the authority that was stolen by the Snake, and overcome the unholy powers ruling over the fallen, female side of Adam (End of Comment)..

English to English Translation
by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

 If the seed of the resurrected Adam does not sufficiently perfect [Abel, the First Adam’s root system], then the [personality] will have to be seeded [again],\18 perhaps many times, until the seed of the resurrected Adam perfects [Abel, the First Adam’s potential to be restored to righteousness]. Then, when the seed of the resurrected Adam succeeds in perfecting [Abel, Adam’s root system within the personality, the Carnal Mind] of that personality will die, and all three, the Holy Spirit], the seed of the resurrected Adam and [Abel, the First Adam’s root system within the personality, will weave together and] re-appear as the proper Mind of the resurrected Adam. [Then], the mature Mind of the resurrected Adam completes [the personality, which] is [now] a completed person.\19


          COMMENT: When we receive the Holy Spirit (Nefesh), the seed of Christ (Ruach), and the mind of Christ (Neshamah), the New Man within us wars against the Carnal Mind until He overthrows it, and possesses our personality and physical body. This accomplishment by the Christ within us imparts immortality to the personality (soul) and, eventually, to the physical body (End of Comment)..


Alternate Translation ®©

Gate of Reincarnations
Chapter 2, Section 2

The Personality, the Seed of the Resurrected Adam &

The Mind of the Resurrected Adam

When the Holy Spirit, the personality [of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam], enters a person, [the Shekinah] is born again [in that person]. If [the Spirit of Elijah], which perfected [the personality of Messiah of Nazareth] through [Messiah of Nazareth’s] adequate actions enters [a personality], the seed of the resurrected Adam will marry [the Shekinah] at the end of the thirteenth year, but the Mind of the resurrected Adam will emerge within the completed [personality] only after the twentieth year.

            However, if the seed of the resurrected Adam does not completely rectify [Abel, the First Adam’s root system within the personality (and the First Adam’s potential to develop the moral nature of the resurrected Adam)], then the Mind of the resurrected Adam will not be formed in [that personality], and [the First Adam] will remain a personality [which lacks the holy, resurrected Adamic nature], having only [Abel], the [dead] seed of [that holy] resurrected Adamic [nature].

            Likewise, if [the seed of the resurrected Adam] does not completely conform [Abel, the First Adam’s root system within] the personality, to [the nature of the resurrected Adam], then [Abel, the First Adam’s potential to develop the moral nature of the resurrected Adam within the personality], will lack both [the moral nature of] the resurrected Adam, and the Mind of the resurrected Adam. [In this event, the personality] will remain [a mortal (fallen), unmarried female] personality, and [Abel], the seed of the resurrected Adamic [nature] will remain [as an atrophied dimension of] the Mind of the resurrected Adam, the place that [the resurrected Adam of Atzilut], the Holy One who is blessed [by God], will prepare for Himself, within each mortal man [who is] known to Him.

            [Abel, the male] seed [of the female aspect of the First Adam], did not completely conform [the female seed of] the First [Adam’s] personality [to His own righteous nature, so the First Adam] died, and now [the First Adam’s many-membered, fallen] personality, [which we, the mortal descendants of the First Adam are], must reincarnate many times, even until the sufficiency of [the resurrected Abel within us] is perfected.

            However, since [Messiah of Nazareth] achieved perfection only through the reincarnation [of Elijah], the seed [of Jesus, the resurrected Adam], will not enter [the other members of the First Adam’s fallen personality] until after [Messiah, the resurrected Adam], is glorified, (unless there is a pressing need, as will be explained, God willing).

            [Messiah of Nazareth] had to die [to His existence in this world system] and return [in a glorified form] in order for [the rest of the members of the fallen First Adam] to receive the seed [of Messiah’s glorified life]. Furthermore, once the sufficiency of the seed of the glorified Messiah, the resurrected Adam, rectifies [Abel, the part of the personality that is the First Adam’s root system], then [Abel, the First Adam’s potential to be restored to righteousness in the many members of mortal humanity], will have to be born again before [the many members of mortal humanity] can receive the Mind of the resurrected Adam, in the same manner that [Abel, the First Adam’s root system within Messiah of Nazareth, was born again, because] the seed of the resurrected Adam [from Elijah, incarnated with Him].

            If the seed of the resurrected Adam does not sufficiently perfect [Abel, the First Adam’s root system], then the [personality] will have to be seeded [again] perhaps many times, until the seed of the resurrected Adam perfects [Abel, the First Adam’s potential to be restored to righteousness]. Then, when the seed of the resurrected Adam succeeds in perfecting [Abel, the First Adam’s root system within the personality, the Carnal Mind] of that personality will die, and all three, the Holy Spirit], the seed of the resurrected Adam and [Abel, the First Adam’s root system within the personality, will weave together and] re-appear as the proper Mind of the resurrected Adam. [Then], the mature Mind of the resurrected Adam completes [the personality, which] is [now] a completed person.     



1 2 Cor 3:5, Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; KJV

2 Cor 9:8, And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work KJV

2 Cor 12:9, And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. KJV

2           Heb 5:8, Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;

                                9, And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; KJV

3 Rom 8:11, But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. KJV

4           Col 3:9, Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man [the First Adam] with his deeds;
                                10, And have put on the new man [Christ, the Last Adam], which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: KJV

5 James 1:21, Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.KJV

6 Eph 6:12, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. KJV

7 Isa 14:9-10

                          9, Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.

                          10, All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us? KJV

8 John 14:2, In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place [within] you. KJV

9           Matt 7:22, Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

                                  23, And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. KJV

10            Heb 5:9, And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; KJV

11          Matt 17:11, And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things. [This statement refers to Jesus]

                                   12, But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. [This statement refers to John, the Baptist],

                                        Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. [This statement refers to Jesus] KJV

            Note: Elijah reincarnated in both Jesus and John.
                    John had the Spirit/energy/power of Elijah (the branch of the Tree of Life), and
                    Jesus had the holy nature of the glorified Elijah (the root of the Tree of Life).
                    The two aspects of Elijah’s life were joined within Jesus of Nazareth when John baptized Him.

12            Gal 3:16, Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. KJV

13            Matt 10:1, And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. KJV

14            Acts 2:3, And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. KJV

15            Rom 1:4, And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: KJV

  Note: Jesus became the Son of God when the power of the Spirit of Holiness that was born with Him, raised Abel, Adam’s root system within Him, from the dead.

16          Gen 1:6-10

                                      6, And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
                                     7, And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
                                     8, And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
                                     9, And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
                                     10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. KJV

17          Rom 7:9, For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.                         10 And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death.
                                11 For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me. KJV

18          Heb 6:4-8,

                                     4, For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

                                     5, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,

                                     6, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

                                     7, For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:

                                     8, But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned KJV

Alternate Translation, Heb. 6: 4-8,

                                         4, For those who were once weak, but who also experienced the illumination of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

                                         5, And experienced the good Word of God , and the powers of the world to come,

                                         6, If they were to fall away again, would have to repent and experience the shame of having their carnal mind exposed and recrucified to the Son of God [all over again],

                                         7, Because the earth[en personality] that exposes itself to the rain [of the Holy Spirit] frequently, brings forth the appropriate [spiritual] food which causes [Christ], the one who plows [the personality, to expose and remove sins], to appear, [so that we] may receive blessings from God,

                                         8, But [the personality] that gives birth to piercing demons, and an obstructionist [personality that] rejects and curses [God], is [married to Leviathan], whose end is to be burned [in the Lake of Fire] (Alternate Translation Bible).

19            Col 2:10, And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: KJV

Sunday, 26 October 2014 16:31

Genesis 14 and 15

Genesis. 14:1-24 
and  Genesis. 15:1-4

In the Visible World

            1.         And it came to pass in the days of Amraphel, King of Babylon, Arioch, King of Ellasar, [in Asia], Chedorlaomer, King of the land occupied by the descendants of Shem, and the formidable Tidal, [the mouthpiece of Leviathan], King of the nations,

In the Spiritual World

            2.         That [the Serpent] made war with Shinab, the King of the Earth, the father [of humanity] who turned to his other, [earthen], side, which altered [his offspring],

In the Visible World

 Bera, the King of Sodom, [the beneficiary of] the burnt [offering that atones for the sins of the people], and the wicked Birsha, the King of Gomorrah, who was chastised [by Satan, the enforcer of the Sowing and Reaping Judgment], and the illustrious Shemeber, the King of Tsebo'iym, the [spiritual] gazelle who has the Mind  of God, and the King of Bela, which is Zoar, who was brought very low [so that Satan within him] could be swallowed up,

In the Spiritual World

            3.         And [Satan], the witchcraft [that exists] in the flat land [that Leviathan] rolled out in [the midst of] the black hole [that the First Adam fell into], had dissolved all these [descendants of the First Adam] in [Satan’s spiritual] sea,

            4.         And [this is how the offspring of the First Adam came] to serve Chedorlaomer, [the unconscious part of the Carnal Mind], but in the thirteenth year, [the illustrious Shemeber, the King of Tsebo'iym, the spiritual gazelle who has the Mind  of God], achieved [spiritual] man[hood], and rebelled [against Satan, the unconscious part of the Carnal Mind,

            6.         But [Satan], who originally dwelt in the cave [of the second energy center, married Leviathan] the strong support [that dwells in the throat energy center], the high place that [Leviathan] speaks [from],

            7.         But [the illustrious Shemeber, the King of Tsebo'iym, the spiritual gazelle who has the Mind  of God because he dwells under] the palm tree, returned from the desert, and [righteous] judgment came forth [from the illustrious Shemeber, the King of Tsebo'iym, the spiritual gazelle who had the Mind  of God], and he smote the whole country of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites,

In the Visible World

            5.         And in the 14th year, [after Shemeber the King of Tsebo'iym, the spiritual gazelle who has the Mind  of God], fell upon Chedorlaomer, he smote the Rephaims that were near to the [other] kings, [even] the giants that were cured when they were sown together with Ashteroth, and the Zuzims, one of the original tribes of Ham, a region of Palestine, and the Emins, the Canaanitish tribe that tried to [acquire] the double portion, by building a city [with a tower that would reach into heaven],

In the Spiritual World

            8a.       And afterward, the King of the Earth, [the father of humanity who turned to his other, earthen side, which altered] the King of Sodom, and the King of Gomorrah, and [the illustrious Shemeber], the King of Tsebo'iym [who has the mind of God], and the King of Bela (which is Zoar), escaped [from Satan, the unconscious part of their Carnal Mind also], and joined in the battle

Alternate Translation ®©
Sheila R. Vitale
 Pastor, Teacher & Founder
 PO Box 562
 Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776

Sunday, 26 October 2014 16:30

Psalms 110


YHVH’s Promise

         1a        YHVH said to Adonay, marry my right hand, and

            2a        I will send forth the strong Mind [that comes from] the high place [of My Spirit,

            1b        And, by that Mind], I will force Satan, your adversary, as far down as [necessary for the kings of the earth] to stand guard over her,

            2b        So that [the kings of the earth] can rule over [Cain], the adversary in the midst of themselves,

            3          And  in the Day that the light rain of the Holy Spirit breaks forth from [the spiritual] womb [of the kings of the earth], the people [that] belong to Me shall [submit to] Michael’s magnificent [male] strength.

Melchizadek is Not A Man

            4          YHVH has completed [Abel], and will not change His Mind. Ze’ir Anpim joined to Malchut [is] Melchizedek, [King of Righteousness], a priest of [Binah], the female eternal world [from] above,      

The Female Will Participate In The Liberation Of Abel

            5          But, in the Day [that YHVH acts upon] His passion for [Malchut, His wife], Adonay [will join with Michael, YHVH’s male] right hand, to break [Cain within] the kings [of the earth], apart [from Leviathan],

            6          [And Michael] shall judge the [kings of] the earthen nations. He shall wound the heads of [Leviathan], and fill the dead bodies [of the many members of mortal humanity] with [His glorious life],

            7,         [And Abel] shall drink the energy [of Elijah and Michael, because of the righteous] lifestyle of [Messiah], the head [Abel, and Michael] shall rise up [within the many members of mortal humanity, and] set them upright, from above.


Alternate Translation ®©
Sheila R. Vitale
 Pastor, Teacher & Founder
 PO Box 562
 Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776

Sunday, 26 October 2014 16:28

Tohu and Bohu


(A Spiritual View Of The Human Personality)


The personalities of mortal mankind are mentally and emotionally confused, as we have explained. The earth spoken about here represents the spiritually male members of mortal humanity who are called enlightened, but who have no light of their own. They did have light in previous ages when they were under the authority of the male Adam, but are now mentally and emotionally confused, because they have diminished their own energy and mass [by feeding off of themselves, instead of the male Adam].


Tohu , the mental confusion of mankind’s mortal mind; bohu, the emotional instability of mortal mankind; Satan, the dark, shameful side of fallen adam; and YKVK’sbreath of life within the human personality, are the four spiritual elements which form mortal man,  the emotional animal that Adam became when he fell down into this present world.


Hence, the earthen human personality is not mentally or intellectually formed in the image of God, is emotionally confused as to what will comfort it in a manner which will enure to its benefit, [rather than its destruction], and is, therefore, dominated by the mental and intellectual darkness of [Leviathan, the pride of mortal man, which calls its human expressions] the enlightened ones, and by Satan, the dark spirit that dominates  the unconscious part of the Carnal Mind of fallen adam.   

Copyright © 2006, Sheila R. Vitale.  
All rights reserved


          NOW THE EARTH WAS FORMLESS AND VOID, as we have explained. “The earth” here is the upper earth, which has no light of its own. It “was” at first in its proper state, but now “void and without form”, having diminished itself and its light.

            Tohu (formlessness)bohu (void), “darkness”, and “spirit” were the four elements of the world which were comprised in it. Hence, “the earth was formless and void and darkness and spirit”. (ZOHAR)


           NOW Malchut, the personalities of mortal mankind (THE EARTH) WAS mentally confused (FORMLESS) AND emotionally confused (VOID), as we have explained. “The earth” here is the upper earth,(Yesod of Malchut) which has no light of its own. It “was” at first in its proper state, but now emotionally confused {“void ) and [mentally] without form”, having diminished itself and its light.

            Mental confusion (Tohu) (formlessness), (emotional confusion) bohu (void), “darkness”, and “spirit” were the four elements of the world which were comprised in it. Hence, “the earth was mentally not formed (formless) and emotionally confused (void) and darkness and spirit”. (ZOHAR)

Sheila R. Vitale
 Pastor, Teacher & Founder
 PO Box 562
 Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776

Sunday, 26 October 2014 16:27

Isaiah Chapter 53


But He is the way of escape for the transgressors [of the law], the contrite ones, and those who have been warned about [Satan], the moral evil [within themselves]; He is the peace, prosperity and health that comes from above to those who belong to Him, who, through Him, are delivered from [Satan], the [spiritual] lash [that executes the Sowing and Reaping Judgment]. (Is 53:3). (ATB)

Copyright © 2005 Sheila R. Vitale. All rights reserved.

King James Translation

Isa 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. KJV


*** Words in parentheses () appear in the King James Version.

*** Words in square brackets [] are the translator’s amplifications

But He is the way of escape (wounded=opening wedge) for the transgressors [of the law], the contrite (bruised) ones, and those who have been warned about [Satan], the moral evil (iniquities) [within themselves]; He is the peace, prosperity and health that comes from above (upon) to those who belong to Him (untranslated word), who, through Him, are delivered (healed) from [Satan], the lash (stripes) [that executes the Sowing and Reaping Judgment].

Copyright © 2005 Sheila R. Vitale. All rights reserved.

Sheila R. Vitale
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
PO Box 562
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776

Sunday, 26 October 2014 16:25

Malachi, Chapter 1


 (Malachi, Chapter 1)

Thursday, July 03, 2008



1.         [This is] YKVK=s Message to Israel [that] weighs heavily upon Malachi=s mind,

2-3,     I have loved you says YKVK, [but] Cain, the animal nature nailed to Elohim [in my people], says, YKVK loves Jacob, Esau=s brother, and this is why Jacob, himself, hates Esau, and intends to ruin the female [side of] the energy centers [of Adam=s] inheritance, and drive [Leviathan], who speaks for [the Serpent], that female jackal, out to pasture,

4          Whereas, thus says YKVK, [the Name of God that] battles [Leviathan], to Edom, [the descendants of Esau, who] say, we [who] are beaten down [and] nailed to [Leviathan], the fish [who speaks for the Serpent], shall return to the starting point [and rebuild the [female side of Adam=s energy centers, which YKVK] dried up

                        But [says YKVK], I will pull down [everything] they build,.R [and] they shall call out to [Satan], the morally wrong  female nailed to the [lower] window [of creation, who] is twisted [together with Leviathan, who] they belong to, [and with Cain], the land [that] encloses [them], and the rage [of the Serpent=s whole household] shall bubble up out of the mouths of the people towards YKVK, [who exists from this world] to the point of eternity,

R Gen 11:5, 9

5.         Nevertheless, [the people] who are nailed to the Kingdom of God shall see meR and say, twist together with us.        

                                     RRev 1:7

6.         Now, a son bears the responsibilities of his father['s household], but a servant is under the control of an authority;R if I am your father, [then], where [is the evidence that] you are bearing the weight [of my household]? And if I am your master, where [is the evidence] that you are afraid of me? Says YKVK to the army of priests who belong to him, but despise his nature; but, you say, how have we despised your nature within ourselves?

R Jn 8:35

7.         You [priests] join [Adam], the altar from above, to [Leviathan, Cain's] sin-stained mind, [and] to the [sin-]stained doctrine of [Satan, Leviathan=s] house[hold],Rwhich says [that] the Holy Spirit is the Mind [of God, and that] the revealed Word of YKVK should be  scorned,

                                                                                                            R Rev 20:20

8.         But, the sacrifice that you offer to draw near to me is inedible R -1 [because Satan] has erased [my nature that I engraved upon my priests] who offer an inedible [sacrifice] to draw near to me; and now [that Leviathan] has blinded youR - 2 [to my righteous thoughts, the representatives of] your [civil] government [who] seek me [concerning matters of State] cannot communicate with me [anymore either],

R -1  Rev 3:16
R - 2 2 Cor 4:4; Jer 49:16, Obad 3

 9.        [So], now, at this time, [that] the personality of [my nature that I engraved upon my priests to enable them to offer sacrificesR to draw near to me] has been erased, the Spirit of God=s [right] hand is graciously lifting up [Abel], the [good] part of the [fallen] personalities [of my] army [of priests], says YKVK,

R  1 Pet 2:5

10.       Who will gather you from among [the household of] Satan, the swinging door [that] Cain belongs to,R - 1 [and my] army [of priests] shall voluntarily offer up [Leviathan, when] the Son of My [right] hand, the luminous altar which does not accrue additional debt [when it judges sin],R - 2 satisfies the debt [that] Satan owes [to me], says YKVK.

                                                                R -1 Gen 4:7
R -2 1 Cor 4:5

12.        But you become ineffective [teaching priests] when you disrespect [the resurrected Adam], the fruit [of your spiritual womb], by defiling my Word, [which is my spiritual] food,R says YKVK,

                                                                                                           R Ex 16:4; Jn 6:41

13.        And you ask me to understand how hard it is [for you] to comprehend [My Word] says YKVK [to His] army [of priests, when you cannot understand because Leviathan] has erased [my holy nature that] I breathed into you;R -1 [And then] you come to [me] with a bloodless offering in Cain=s [fallen] nature, [rather than in my holy natureR-2 which] satisfies the debt [that Cain] accrued when] she stole [Abel=s life,R - 3 and you expect your inadequate offering] to be received by my right-hand of blessing, [rather than by my left hand of judgment]? R - 4

                                                                                                        R - 1 Gen 2:7, Jn 20:22 R - 2 Rom 5:11, 2 Pet 1:4 
R - 3
 Gen 4:8
 R - 4 Gen 4:11-12

 14.        [Nay, says YKVK], I have cursed [Cain, R -1 who] promised [Leviathan that] she would sacrifice the dead, widowed, but awakened Abel R -2 [to Satan], to deprive [Abel] of the right to bring his male world into existence, [wherefore, my right hand will not receive your bloodless offering].R - 3  

[Nevertheless, I [AM ] a great King R - 4  says YKVK to His army [of priests], and to the Gentiles [of] the household of [Leviathan, who] fear my Name,

                                                                                                    R - 1 Gen 2:7, Jn 20:22 
R - 2 1 Cor 15:34, Rom 13:11, Eph 5:14 
R - 3
 Gen 4:5
 R - 4 Rev 17:14, 19:16

11.        [Wherefore, as a demonstration of my Greatness, I shall send] R - 1 the Sun [of Righteousness to you]; He shall arise and go forth out of the eternal world to lie with [and impregnate the spiritual] Woman,R - 2  and [His male offspring] R - 3  shall complete R - 4  the female spiritual world, [and] the sweet fragrance [of repentance] shall exude from YKVK=s army [of priests], and they shall offer [Leviathan] as a sacrificial offering [to YKVK], and they shall be purified R - 5  in the Lake of Fire; R - 6 and [they shall preach my Word to the Nations,R - 6  and] my Name shall be great among the Gentiles, [as well as among my people, Israel].

                                                                                                                               R - 1 Jn 8:42
 R - 2 Rev 12:1-2
 R - 3 Rev 12:5
R - 4 Col 2:10
R - 5
 Tit 2:14, Jas 4:8
R - 6 Matt 24:19, 24, Mk 13:10, Lk 24:47 

Copyright © 2008 Sheila R. Vitale. All rights reserved.

Sheila R. Vitale
 Pastor, Teacher & Founder
 PO Box 562
 Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776

Sunday, 26 October 2014 16:22

Exodus, Chapter 3

Message 624 - Part 7-8
(Exodus, Chapter 3)

EXODUS 3:1-22


1. Now, it came to pass that Moses ruled over the animal nature of Jethro, his father-in-law, the high priest of Midian, and drove that animal nature under the authority of the desert [lifestyleR-1 of YKVK], and [Moses] came to the Sefirot of God, [which] were dried upR-2 [within himself],

R-1 Matt 3:1, 3
R-2 Jerm 23:10

2. And [Moses] saw the Angel of the Lord crucify [Abel,R-1 the good side of the Seraph],R-2 the fiery serpent [which] was near to him, [and] sever [Cain, the evil side of the Seraph, from Leviathan; and then Moses] saw [Adam rise up and] consume Leviathan,R-3 [and after Adam consumed Leviathan, Moses] understood [why the Angel of the Lord] had crucified [Abel, the good side of the Seraph], the fiery [serpent in the midst of mortal man],R-4

R-1 Gal 2:20
R-2 Is 6:2
R-3 1Ki 18:38
R-3 Mk 9:44,46,48

3. And Moses said [to himself], now that I have seen [and understand] this great visionR-1 of Elohim crucifying [Abel] and [Adam] consuming Leviathan, I shall turn back R-2 [to YKVK],

R-1 Dan 8:16
R-2 Deut 30:1-3

4. And when YKVK saw that Moses understood [the vision] and had turned back [from worshiping the Midianite gods], Elohim called to [Abel],the soul of Moses,R-1 whom he had crucified, saying, Moses, and [Abel within Moses] said, here I am,R-2

R-1 Ps 42:11
R-2 1Sam 3:6,10

5. And Elohim said, Cain, the one who is presently occupying you, cannot approach this place where you are standing, [because it is] the holy Sefirah, [Tiferet, the high place from where you can] overthrow Cain, and refuse to marryR [Leviathan, who rules] over [her],

R Rom 7:4

6. In addition, I [Am], the God of your father, says [that Cain, your animal] personality, is afraid [when] the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, [is] near [enough] to look intently at [her],R

R Acts 10:4;

7. Because, YKVK said, I have seen Cain browbeating R-1 my people in Egypt, and I have seen [Abel], the obedient [part of their] personality, shrieking in anguish,R-2 because he is experiencing [Cain=s evil deeds],R-2

R-1 Ex 32:1
R-2 Gen 4:10

8. And I am come down to deliver [Abel], the good part of Malkhut’s earth, from [Pharaoh], the power of the Egyptians, by raising [Adam] up to [Tiferet], the land [of the heart center] which is near to every direction, [and is also the place where Adam] stands up above the Canaanite Sefirot, [even] Chesed (Hittites), Gevruah (Amorites), Netzach/Hod (Perizzites), Malchut (Hivites), and Tiferet (Jebusites) of the other side, [when] Chokhmah], the Wisdom the Father, draws near to [him],

9. Because, I have seen the shrieks of [Abel], the root system of [Adam, the hope] of Israel,R coming towards me, and I have seen the pressure that [Cain, who] assembles [together with Leviathan, the king of] Egypt, presses upon them,

R Jer 14:8,
Ac 28:20

10. Now, therefore, walk [with me]R and I shall send you to Pharaoh [so that I might] appear to my people and bring [Abel], the root system of [Adam, the hope] of Israel, out of Egypt,

R Am 3:3

11. And Moses said to Elohim, [should not] Binah and Malkhut [be the ones who] go to Pharaoh to bring [Abel, the root system of Adam, the hope] of Israel, out of Egypt?

12. And Elohim said, you are up to the task because you belong to I AM, who has made [Abel within you] the slave/bond servant of [Binah], the high mountain [of the holy Sefirot, and YKVK] has engraved [Abel within you] with His nature,R and sent you to bring [His] people out of Egypt,

R Ez 9:3-4

13. And Moses said to Elohim, do I understand you [correctly]? That I am to go to [Abel, the root system of Adam, the hope] of Israel, and say, the God of your fathers has sent me to tell you that you belong to Him? [But], they shall [surely say that the Holy Spirit, [who is] near to them [and] speaks [to them, is] the mark of Elohim’s nature.R

R Num 12:1-2; 

14. And Elohim said to Moses, [you are to go to Abel], the root system [of Adam, the hope] of Israel, and say, Ehyeh has sent me [to tell you that] Ehyeh [is] the self-existent One, [not the Holy Spirit],

15. And Elohim said to Moses, you shall also say this to [Abel], the root system [of Adam, the hope] of Israel, YKVK, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent this [Adam] to remind you of His eternal Name [and the intimacy that you had with Him in the previous] age, [and to prepare you to be intimate with Him again in] the age to come,R

R Rom 5:6 (AT);
1Pet 3:18 (AT)

16. [So], go and gather the elders of Israel together with [Adam within] yourself and say to them, YKVK, the God of your fathers, appeared to me,R-1 the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, saying, I have deposited [my Holy Seed with this Adam called Moses, who] belongs to [me, to execute] the punishment that I would do to [Pharaoh, the high mountain who is appearing in] Egypt,R-2

R-1 Ex 3:6
R-2 Ex 6:1, 6

17. And, [as] I told you,R [when] you ascend into [Tiferet of the Holy] Sefirot, the wisdom of [Chokhmah] will flow into [Abel], the root system [of Adam, the hope of Israel within you], to enable you [to overcome] the misery of [Leviathan, the king of] Egypt, [who is] joined to the Sefirot of the Canaanites, [even] Chesed (Hittites), and Gevurah (Amorites) and Netzach/Hod (Perizzites), and Malchut (Hivites) and Tiferet (Jebusites) [of the other side],

R Vs 8

18. And [the elders of Israel shall listen to the voice of the widowed [Abel within themselves], and you, and the elders of Israel [who are] nailed to [Leviathan], the king of Egypt, shall go [to Pharaoh], and you shall say to him, YKVK, the God of the Hebrews, has descended upon us at this time, to sacrifice [Leviathan], the fishR [that the Serpent] nailed us to after she kidnapped us, and to bring us into the desert lifestyle of the third day of YKVK, our God,

R Mk 1:17;
Jn 21:3

19. [And] I, [Elohim, the one who is] nailed to [YKVK], assure you that Leviathan, the king of Egypt, shall release [Cain, the one who] belongs to him, and, [then, Abel] shall depart from the house[hold] of [Leviathan, Pharaoh’s] violent mind,

20. [And Adam], the mind [that is] nailed to [Elohim], shall go forth and strike [Leviathan, his other] self, [and] the whole house[hold] of Leviathan, [the king of] Egypt, shall separate from the ox [that] I made, [and Adam’s left] hand [of judgment], shall send [Leviathan, his other] self away,[and] I shall set [Elohim], the unconscious [part of Adam’s] mind, uprightR-1 in the center of the house,R-2

R-1  Matt 19:28
R-2 Is 30:20-21

21. And I shall give [my Son, Adam], who envisions [and calls into existence],R-1 the world [to come,R-2 to be] the husband R=3 [of] my people,[and the world that Leviathan, the king of] Egypt, called into existence,R-4 shall disappear,R-5 but you shall not be left emptyR-6 [after Leviathan] departs,

R-1 Ro 4:17
R-2 Lk 18:30; Heb 6:5
R-3 Joel 2:16; Matt 9:15
R-4 Gen 14:3 (AT)
R-5 Is 34:4; Rv 6:14
R-6 Ex 11:2

22. Because you shall demand [that] the spirit of the woman, [even] the spirit of [Cain], the fellow citizen [that you are] nailed to, humble herself [before the elders of Adam’s] house[hold who] fear [YKVK,R-1 and] turn aside from [following after Leviathan’s] lifestyle;R-2 and because [the elders of Israel, Adam’s] weapons, shall judge [Cain],R-3 the house[hold of Leviathan, who] lusts after [the things of this world,R-4 and because YKVK] has anointed [the elders of Israel Adam’s] weapons, with the oil [of His Spirit,R-5 and] put [Adam], His mantle,R-6 above [Abel], the female [part of Adam’s household], to defend Abel, [Adam’s root system, against Leviathan who is] above [Cain], and snatch [Cain] away from [Leviathan, the king of] Egypt, [so that] she may escape [from the lusts of this fallen world also].

R-1 Mal 4:2 
R-2 Mk 1:15; Acts 17:30
R-3 1 Co 6:3
R-4 Mk 4:19; 1Jn 2:16
 Is 61:3; Ac 10:38
R-6 2Ki 2:13-14

Sheila R. Vitale
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
PO Box 562
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776

Sunday, 26 October 2014 16:21

Israel & The Nations


ROMANS 11:7, 11-26

7. What, then, Israel has not obtained what he craves, but the election has obtained [spiritual experiences through the Spirit of God], and the rest were blinded.11, I am saying, then, [that] it is absolutely not true [that Israel] failed to overcome [their pride so that Christ] could come into existence [within] themselves. On the contrary, [Leviathan], their other self, side-stepped [preaching] salvation to the Gentiles [because it] would have stirred up [the spirit of] the [Gentiles, who would, then], compete [with] them.

12a, Now, if [Leviathan], their other self, moved them to side-step [preaching salvation to the Gentiles about] the abundance of the world [of the one who rose from the dead], and the deterioration of the abundance [of the existing world of] the Gentiles,R how much more . . .

R Jn 3:33

15, . . . (If it’s true [that Leviathan, their] other self, [caused] them to reject exchanging [their spiritual] world [for the world of the one] who rose from the dead, [and is, thus, able] to admit [them to] life) . . .12b, . . . Will [Leviathan], their other self, [move them] R-1 to side-step preaching to the Gentiles about] their completion? R-2

R-1 Rom 7:5
R-2 Col 2:10

13, Nevertheless, I am telling you [that Israel doesn’t have to be concerned about the spiritual strength of] the Gentiles, [because Israel’s spiritual strength] is much greater; and that is why I AM [and] Adonay [have made me] their ambassador, to render my services to the Gentiles [as a preacher of the message of Goodness by the Destruction of the Sin Nature, so that I AM and Adonay may be] increased [in mortal humanity],

14, If, somehow, coming near to [Christ Jesus], the flesh [of the spiritual male organ of the Lord Jesus within me], might stir up the spirit of the Gentiles, so that I might save some of them.

16, Moreover, if [Elijah],R the root of the Holy [One which is in Jesus], the first [man] to sacrifice [Leviathan to] the Holy [One, sanctifies] the whole [earthen] mass of humanity, then, [that same root] also [sanctifies] the branches that are broken off [because the branches that broke off fell into and were swallowed up by Adam’s earthen part],

R Matt 17:3

16, Moreover, if [Elijah],R the root of the Holy [One which is in Jesus], the first [man] to sacrifice [Leviathan to] the Holy [One, sanctifies] the whole [earthen] mass of humanity, then, [Elijah, that same root] also [sanctifies] the branches that are broken off, [because the branches that broke off fell into and were swallowed up by Adam’s earthen part],

R Matt 17:3

15, Because [Christ Jesus], the one new man made from [the resurrected Abel in Jesus, and Elijah (incarnate in Jesus)], who is at peace [with YHVH], the wall [of salvation], has pierced through [Cain], the enmity in our flesh that surrounds [Abel] and hedges [him in].

R Gal 2:30

17, Also, if some of your branches are broken off, and [the branches of] a wild olive tree are grafted in amongst yourselves, and [both the wild and the cultivated branches] become co-partakers of [Elijah], the root and [Jesus, the fruit]/oiliness of the olive tree that came into existence [in the Garden of Eden],

18, Then, the branches that are broken off should not exalt themselves against [the branches which are to be grafted in]; but, if [they are so inclined] to exalt themselves, [they should remember that the branches] do not support the root [of the worlds below it], but, [on the contrary], the root [that formed the worlds] is the source of their [existence].

19, So, the branches that are broken off will appear again because I AM will [rescue them from their earthen grave and] graft them in.

20, But, honestly, [the branches] were broken off [because] they did not believe [the truth about their sin nature, and] they did not highly esteem the mind [of God which reveals that truth]; but you are standing [because] you exercise the high mind [of God, which] disposes you to revere and to be in awe of [God, and His] moral conviction of the truth [about your sin nature],

22, You should know, therefore, [about] the kindness and the severity of God: [His] severity towards them which descend [from the mind of God because they do not believe the truth about their sin nature, and do not highly esteem the mind of God which reveals that truth], but the kindness of God towards [those who exercise the high mind of God, which disposes you to revere and to be in awe of God and His moral conviction of the truth about your sin nature], if you continue [to abide] in His morally excellent mind, or you will be cut off also,

23, So, [the Israelites] who continue in disbelief will be grafted in also, unless they continue to [deny the truth about their sin nature and disesteem the mind of God which reveals that truth], because God is able to graft them in again,

24, Because, if you who were cut out of the nature of an uncultivated olive tree and, contrary to nature, were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more [should] these branches [whose sin] nature was cast downR [by the Law, hope] to be grafted into their own olive tree?

R Rev. 4:10

25, And this is why I do not want you to be in denial of this mystery, brethren, [that] the hearts of the [female] side of Israel [who are still under the Law] were blinded because [they were not convicted by the moral excellence of the mind of God, but, rather, chose to believe] the wisdom of their own [mind; nevertheless], they shall be satisfied in the end time [also, when the man, Christ Jesus], enters into the multitude,

26, And this is how all Israel shall be saved according to the way it is written [in prophecy]: A Deliverer shall come out of Zion, [and] He shall turn Jacob away from [the wisdom of his own mind, and from disesteeming the mind of God which reveals the truth about his sin nature].

Sheila R. Vitale
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
PO Box 562
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776

Sunday, 26 October 2014 16:19

Song of Solomon, Chapter 2

Message # 643
(10 Parts)

(Song Of Solomon, Chapter 2)



2        [Satan] pierced into the midst of [I AM’s] daughters [in] the same place where [Solomon], the companion [of the female Adam, Jehovah=s] spiritual, perennial plant, was standing upright, and [stirred up Leviathan], the thornbush

1        In the valley [that is opposite the mount of Olives, to seduce Solomon], the flower of I[AM=s] perennial plant,

3        [Who was destined to bring forth I AM’s] sweet-tasting fruit, but Michael], the seed of the apple tree [of wisdom in Jehovah=s] beloved spiritual household, [which was standing] upright in the midst of the trees of [the spiritual] forest [that] is married to the household of the shadow of lust and passionate desire, 

4        Identified [Solomon as a member of] the house[hold of Judah, one of] the tribes [that Jehovah] made a covenant with, [so the male Adam] gathered [Solomon] into [his spiritual] winepress,

5a.     And [Michael], the seed of the apple tree [of wisdom, that begets the male] fruit [of the whole Adam, and who] is the permanent resident of [Jerusalem, the city that] I AM is intimate with, [sought] to hold up

6        [My] head [which was] under [the water of Jehovah’s] left hand [of judgment], by impregnating me with the son [of wisdom, Jehovah=s] right hand [of mercy],

5b.     [Who] would have sustained me, [but] I was [too] sick [to survive the judgment].      


7.       [So], take an oath you daughters of Jerusalem [who are destined to marry Adam], the male gazelle  [who is] heir to a glorious, [immortal]  earthen body, [but] who [still experience] the cravings of the female deer of the field [of creation], that you do not make a covenant with Satan [to satisfy your cravings, because, if you do], Satan will arouse Leviathan, her mate, to be intimate with [Abel within you, and] when Abel is satisfied, [he does not resist Cain, and, then, Satan and Leviathan will control you],


8        [Wherefore], watch out for the speech of [Leviathan], that unjust lover [who] descends [by] leaps from the [Serpent’s] higher energy centers, to cut you off from

9        [Adam], the male gazelle, [your true] lover who resembles [Jehovah, the one who] shows you your sins [because] he desires [to engrave you with the nature of] a young male deer that longs for God: Look, this [other lover] remains [stealthily] motionless behind [the conscious part of your mind], gazing at [you, secretly] through the bars of the [protective, spiritual] barrier [that] surrounds [Adam’s end] of the [worm]hole [that connects Adam and Leviathan’s two worlds], observing [you] intently, [because he is determined that] pride should blossom forth [in your mind and emotions],

10      [Then, after the sin of pride has been revealed in you, Leviathan] speaks [from within you], saying, I have replaced the lover you [used] to belong to, [the one who] judged your sins, [and now] you belong [to me], my beautiful, female companion, [so] come [along and accept your new] lifestyle.

11      Look, the rain of destruction has, indeed, passed away, [because the spiritual] excrement [that] you belong to has crossed over [to the other side, and now that I am no longer judging your sins],

13      Judah’s male figs are ripening, and the male grapes blossoming [on Judah’s] grape-bearing vines give off a [good] odor, [so] rise up [and] walk [with me my] beautiful female companion, walk [with the one you] belong to,

12      [Because it is] time for the flowers, [the human personalities of the female Adam] in the earth, to hear and obey the turtle’s [primeval] impulse to experience a [spiritual] sexual connection [with the Serpent’s] vibration.

14      [Wherefore], it is appropriate [for you] to let [the Queen of Sheba] see the concealed place [from where] the soul that serves Jehovah wages [spiritual] warfare [against Satan and Leviathan, and] the secret place [from where Adam] ascends into [the higher worlds, and] to hear the sweet sound of the supernatural visions [which are] the voice [of Jehovah, and Adam], his mate.


16      [Resist Leviathan’s lies, Solomon, and believe the truth that] you belong to Ani, [the Shekinah, and that] you belong to [the female] Adam, [Jehovah’s] perennial plant, the lover [who] is intertwined with your [spiritual] house, [and that you belong to the male Adam, the one who] cares for you by judging [your sins],

17      [Because the Dragon] will [continue] to puff [at you, Solomon], until [you, Solomon], the beautiful flower [of Jehovah’ perennial plant], repent, [and until the female Adam], the [spiritual] Day [within you], escapes [from Leviathan], the [Serpent’s] shadow, [and until Adam], the male gazelle, [your true] lover [who] resembles [Jehovah, the one who] shows you your sins [because] he desires [to engrave you with the nature of] a young male deer thatlongs for God, [once again], cuts off [Leviathan’s] energy centers [within you], through judgment.

15      [Wherefore, Solomon, help the male Adam who] you belong to, to seize [Leviathan within you, and] possess [the female Adam within you again, because, when] the animal nature [of Cain, that wicked one within you, is joined to Abel within you, Abel acquires] the animal nature of the Serpent’s insignificant household, [and agrees with Cain] to destroy [you, because your] spiritual vineyard [out of all] the vineyards [that Jehovah planted] is blossoming.


NOTE: A referenced version of this Alternate Translation, with some footnotes, will be posted to this page at some time in the future.

Sheila R. Vitale,
Pastor, Teacher, Founder
PO Box 562
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776



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